#yo dream !
nae-vm · 1 month
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yo-dreamzone · 1 year
Como seria seu valentino dos sonhos? Desafio vapt-vupt #dreamiesvalentines 💘
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O Dia de São Valentim é um pouquinho diferente do nosso Dia dos Namorados, e não é só a data que muda!
Enquanto aqui no Brasil nosso 12 de Junho é relacionado apenas a namoro, o Dia de São Valentim é ligado ao amor de uma maneira mais geral, seja a sua pessoa amada, sejam seus familiares, amigos, etc. Se quiser saber um pouco mais das diferenças, dá uma olhadinha aqui.
E é inspirado no Dia de São Valentim (hoje!) que faremos nosso primeiro desafio vapt-vupt! O melhor de tudo: é aberto e qualquer um pode participar, mesmo se não fizer parte da equipe do dreamzone! (Mas que tal ser parte desse squad muito surtado pelos dreamies? Clica aqui.)
As regrinhas? Coisa básica! Espia:
Seguir as regras do site, claro!
A história deve ter entre 100 e 1.000 palavras!
Ser protagonizada por ao menos 1 membro do NCT Dream e se encaixar na temática de Dia de São Valentim, ou Valentine’s Day pra quem curte um inglês.
Ser postada entre os dias 14/02 e 28/02 (prorrogado para 03/03), nem antes e nem depois!
E, por último, utilizar a tag #dreamiesvalentines.
ps: se passar só um pouquinho, tipo umas 200 palavrinhas ou algo assim, do limite máximo, a gente finge que não viu ;)
Postou uma fic seguindo todas as regrinhas? Assim que a gente conseguir ler para averiguar que tá tudo certinho e surtar muito com sua história, vamos colocar ela na lista de leitura especial do nosso desafio vapt-vupt.
Não tem nenhum plot? A gente dá uma dica: imagina qual seria o seu valentino dos sonhos e vai na vibe!
Se restarem dúvidas, é só chamar que a gente responde!
E mimos para a @mixyl por esse banner maravilhoso, claro!
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rensitos · 2 years
headers by me
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like & reblog if use :)
i accept requests!
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babyblizzard27 · 1 year
Finally!! The response he was looking for, he is so happy.
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daeguzen · 1 year
Hi everyone! Hope you've all been well.
Yall heard about the nct dream concert AHHHH I'm totally not going crazy LOL
Anywho,,,I want to sell my ticket bcuz I'm thinking of getting another seat instead due to my foot. (22 and already in pain)
It's for Prudential Center, Newark. It's a general admissions.
I'd be happy to give you more info, dm me and I will provide screenshots. Ticket will be transferred by Ticketmaster.
:) 💚yo dream
ps. I know I haven't updated...im so sorry. This college i transferred to takes so much out of me. I just want to graduate in PEACE. I havent even been writing bcuz of the course load. Im tired but the dream concert has really made me happy to look forward to something. And yeah...Jisungs fic is still in my wip. :( it'll happen...it'll be uploaded but I won't promise a due date bcuz ik I say I will upload it and never do 😞
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allu-23 · 1 year
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ladychlo · 5 months
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Motaz Azaiza interviewed by Ajstream after fleeing Gaza, please do watch the whole interview...
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ponytailzuko · 3 months
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[ID copied from alt text: Two drawings of Zuko from the live action series. In the first drawing, he's posing, smiling with one hand on his hip and another putting up a peace sign. The text next to him says "just got back from trying to kill defenseless people cowering on the ground again. #justzukothings." In the second drawing, he's sitting proper with his hands in his lap with a wide grin on his face. The text next to him says "watching a 12 year old fall to his death when i break his glider." End ID]
rewatched the live action series with some friends a bit ago. now i know what happens i've been able to focus more on characterization and zuko cracks me up. i can't tell if they were trying to make him more or less sympathetic. ep 1 he shares that hes banished and dad doesn't love him etc etc but also he tries to fry sokka immediately. he doesn't burn down kyoshi island but he's about to fry katara. there was a moment in ep 1 where aang is falling from his glider and it just kept cutting to zuko widely smiling as he plummets - literally cannot tell if he's aiming to capture or kill aang. the dissonance its so funny to me.
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hotdogct · 2 years
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angelicdewdrop · 1 year
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recent hair inspo
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yo-dreamzone · 1 year
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Olá dreamzens! Como vocês estão? Então, hoje eu e a maddie estamos estreando com vocês o início das ações do squad! Nós resolvemos fazer tudo aos poucos para que tudo seja bem planejado.
Depois de um bom tempo que o squad abriu as portas, a gente ficou paradas por um tempo, mas agora podemos dizer que estamos voltando, mesmo que aos poucos. E em comemoração, eu (sisi), resolvi fazer icons dos dream em especial ao squad!
Logo, logo estaremos recrutando todo mundo que quis participar, ou tá querendo. Estamos ansiosas para dar entrada com histórias no squad e com ainda mais ações!
— Vocês podem acessar mais icons personalizados, bem aqui [AQUI] <3. Como a boa dreamzen que sou, posso dizer o quanto estou animada para surtar pelos meninos, Vejo vocês em breve!
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satania-2035 · 3 months
Si nunca has tenido nada, finges que todo te pertenece.
• Satania •
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babyblizzard27 · 2 years
They finally responded to Haechan's 'Yo Dream', he's so happy 😭
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bleue-flora · 7 months
“There are some snakes that just bite. Pure evil. But they weren’t always that way. You made them that way by treating them like that’s what they always were.” — Dream —
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After, I don’t know how many hours, I would like to present what post-prison c!Dream basically looks like in my mind.
things you may not have noticed:
- His hair is cc!Dream’s color with grey roots from malnutrition, white streaks from the revive book testing, and a red tinge because the blood from months of torture dyed his hair due to only having hot water to clean it and the malnutrition making his hair more porous.
- The mask is literally the smile from his profile and the green is the same shade as his Minecraft skin.
- His armor and weapon colors are also actually taken from Minecraft enchanted netherite.
- His armor is a bit mismatched and ragged because this is not his nice shiny Nightmare gear, but the no doubt less OP and more hastily thrown together set after prison.
- You may notice he has a more almost feminine frame. This is because given his frequent twerking I imagine he was rather curvy before being starved in prison.
{things you can’t see but in my mind are there: his eyes are of course green behind the mask and I was going to put one of his dead parrot’s feathers in his hair but it didn’t look right, so just imagine it’s there.}
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valcaine · 1 year
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tmw when the weird bird dude that tried to kill you like, a bit ago starts geeking about piglin research and how little there is of it and you are just terrified of being strangled by talons again
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ponytailzuko · 4 months
aang reading zukos diary like a gossip mag and 10 years later after theyre friends he is still pulling out secret info about zuko no one knew. aang randomly mentions "oh yeah zukos been to this port before he liked the chicken at this one restaurant" and zukos like ? i never told you that. and aangs like um. it was revealed to me in a dream.
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