#yo ichi means 4-1
fyeahbachisagi · 30 days
Just remembered that today is Isagi's birthday
And no, this is not an April Fools joke
Happy birthday, Yoichi!
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 416 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 コミックス40巻4月4日発売‼︎ コミックス40かん4がつ4かはつばい‼︎ KOMIKKUSU 40kan 4gatsu 4ka hatsubai!! Volume 40 release on April 4th!!
tagline 2 No.416 こじ開けろ!緑谷出久‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー416 こじあけろ!みどりやいずく‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 416  kojiakero! Midoriya Izuku!!  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 416 Pry it open! Izuku Midoriya!! Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 待テ まテ maTE "Wait."
2 デクさん… DEKU-san... "Deku-san..."
3 助けないと…‼︎ たすけないと…‼︎ tasukenai to...!! "I have to help...!!"
4 アソコマデ何百キロモアルンダヨ アソコマデなんびゃっキロモアルンダヨ ASOKO MADE nanbya KIRO MO ARUNDA YO "That place is hundreds of kilometers [away]."
5 乗ってきたノで戻れば…! のってきたノでもどれば…! notte kita NO de modoreba...! "We rode here, so if I go back...!"
6 荼毘ヤマキアソシテAFO… だびヤマキアソシテオール・フォー・ワン… Dabi YA Makia SOSHITE OORU FOO WAN... "Dabi and Machia, and then All For One..."
7 想定以上ニ戦闘規模ガ広ガリ避難システムニモ影響ガ及ンデイル そうていいじょうニせんとうきぼガひろガリひなんシステムニモえいきょうガおよンデイル soutei ijou NI sentou kibo GA hiroGARII hinan SHISUTEMU NI MO eikyou GA oyoNDE IRU "The scale of the battle spread more than expected, and the effect is reaching the evacuation system."
8 今ハ動カセナイ いまハうごカセナイ ima WA ugoKASENAI "We can't move it now."
9 でも…! demo...! "But...!"
10 ソレニ… SORE NI... "Additionally..."
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1 「巻キ戻シ」エネルギーモ 「まキもどシ」エネルギーモ 「maKImodoSHI」 ENERUGII MO "the Rewind energy"
2 マダ溜マッテナイダロウ マダたマッテナイダロウ MADA taMATTENAI DAROU "hasn't accumulated yet, right?"
3 …行ケタトシテモソレデハ殆ド意味ガ無イ …イケタトシテモソレデハホトンドイミガナイ ...IKETA TO SHITEMO SORE DE WA HOTONDO IMI GA NAI "...Even if you could go, there would almost be no meaning."
4 イレイザーノ時ニワカッタダロウ イレイザーノときニワカッタダロウ IREIZAA NO toki NI WAKATTA DAROU "You understood when [you were with] Eraser, right?"
5 ちょうとダンプカーにひかれたけど相澤先生 元気ダヨ ちょうとダンプカーにひかれたけどあいざわせんせい げんきダヨ chouto DANPUKAA ni hikareta kedo Aizawa-sensei genki DARO Aizawa-sensei was run over by a dump truck, but he's fine.
6 気持ハ痛イ程ワカルガ きもちハいたイほどワカルガ kimochi WA itaI hodo WAKARU GA "I understand the feeling is painful, but"
7 我々ハ信ジルシカナインダヨ われわれハしんジルシカナインダヨ wareware WA shinJIRU SHIKA NAINDARO "there is nothing we can do but believe."
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1 エリちゃんの夢!⁉︎ エリちゃんのゆめ!⁉︎ ERI-chan no yume!!? Eri-chan's dream!!?
2 じゃあ jaa Then,
3 僕も尚更頑張らなくちゃ! ぼくもなおさらがんばらなくちゃ! boku mo naosara ganbaranakucha! I have to do my best even more!
4 緑谷兄ちゃんは みどりやにいちゃんは Midoriya-niichan wa "Midoriya-niichan,*" (*Note: This word means "big brother" or is an honorific for a young boy/man a younger person looks up to.)
5 すぐ泣きべソかくんだよ… すぐなきべソかくんだよ… sugu nakibeSO kakunda yo... "his face [looks like] it's about to cry, so he's hiding it..."
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1 こうたくん… Kouta-kun... "Kouta-kun..."
2 僕も泣き虫だから…! ぼくもなきむしだから…! boku mo nakumushi dakara...! "[I can tell] because I'm a crybaby too...!"
3 兄ちゃんが頑張ってるとね にいちゃんががんばってるとね niichan ga ganbatteru to ne "Big brother (niichan) is doing his best."
4 何かしなきゃって思うんだ なにかしなきゃっておもうんだ nani ka shinakya tte omounda "That's why it feels like we have to do something."
5 おまえがここで休んだら おまえがここでやすんだら omae ga koko de yasundara If you rest here,
6 俺たち元の暮らしに戻るのかよ? おれたちもとのくらしにもどるのかよ? ore-tachi moto no kurashi ni modoru no ka yo? will we go back to our old lives?
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1 皆がいてくれるから みんながいてくれるから minna ga ite kureru kara Because everyone is here [with me],
2-3 全部取り戻します ぜんぶとりもどします zenbu torimodoshimasu we'll get it all back.
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1 物間っ!しっかり‼︎ ものまっ!しっかり‼︎ Monoma! shikkari!! "Monoma! Hang in there!!"
2 緑谷さん…また黒いお姿に…! みどりやさん…またくろいおすがたに…! Midoriya-san...mata kuroi osugata ni...! (literal) "Midoriya-san...[his] black form again...!" (contextual) "Midoriya-san...[he's turning into] his dark form again...!"
3 ねえヤオモモ nee YAOMOMO "Hey, Yaomomo."
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1 コミックで KOMIKKU de "In comics,"
2 よくあるじゃんね… yoku aru jan ne... "[there's this thing that] happens often..."
3-4 「俺はあいつを信じてる!」ってさ 「おれはあいつをしんじてる!」ってさ 「ore wa aitsu wo shinjiteru!」 tte sa "'I believe in that guy!'"
4 俺とか切島くらいの立ち位置の奴が言うの… おれとかきりしまくらいのたちいちのやつがいうの… ore toka Kirishima kurai no tachi ichi no yatsu ga iu no... "It's something some guy in a role like mine or Kirishima's says."
5 そのような作品にはまだ出逢えてなくて… そのようなさくひ���にはまだであえてなくて… sono you na sakuhin ni wa mada deaete nakute... "I haven't come across any works like that yet..."
6 少年系読まんもんね… しょうねんけいよまんもんね… shounen-kei yoman mon ne... "You don't read the shounen genre..."
7 緑谷さ…多分今世界で一番強ェのに… みどりやさ…たぶんいませかいでいちばんつえェのに… Midoriya sa...tabun ima sekai de ichiban tsueE noni... "You see, Midoriya...is probably the strongest person in the world right now, but..."
8 何でだろうなあ… なんでだろうなあ… nande darou naa... "I wonder why..."
9-10 オールマイトみたく"もう大丈夫"って…思えねェんだよなあ… オールマイトみたく"もうだいじょうぶ"って…おもえねェんだよなあ… OORU MAITO mitaku "mou daijoubu" tte...omoeneEnda yo naa... "I can't imagine...that 'it's all right now' like what All Might says..."
11 ヤオモモ…… YAOMOMO...... "Yaomomo......"
12 心配すんのは信用してねェってことになんのかなあ? しんぱいすんのはしんようしてねェってことになんのかなあ? shinpai sun no wa shinyou shite neE tte koto ni nan no ka naa? "Does my worrying mean I don't believe in him?"
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1 そう‼︎予断を許さない負傷者から! そう‼︎よだんをゆるさないふしょうしゃから! sou!! yodan wo yurusanai fushousha kara! "Yes!! From an unpredictable injured person!"
2 雄英の子‼︎グラビティみたいな名前の…わかんない!とりあえず すぐ着くから‼︎ ゆうえいのこ‼︎グラビティみたいななまえの…わかんない!とりあえず すぐつくから‼︎ yuuei no ko!! GURABITI mitai na namae no...wakannai! toriaezu sugu tsuku kara!! "A UA kid!! The one with a name like Gravity...I don't know! Anyways, [we'll] be there soon!!"
3 雄英ロボが向かっているそうです ゆうえいロボがむかっているそうです yuuei ROBO ga mukatte iru sou desu "It looks like the UA robots are on their way."
4 グラビティって子が危ないみたい グラビティってこがあぶないみたい GURABITI tte ko ga abunai mitai "It looks like the Gravity kid is in danger."
5 あ a "Ah!"
6 おい oi "Hey!"
7 緑谷の映像来てるぞ何じゃコリャ みどりやのえいぞうきてるぞなんじゃコリャ Midoriya no eizou kiteru zo nan ja KORYA "The video of Midoriya is coming, what the hell is this?"
8 今はいいので早く! いまはいいのではやく! ima wa ii node hayaku! "It's fine now, so hurry!"
9 ウラビティ…… URABITI...... Uravity......
10 あの子だ…… あのこだ…… ano ko da...... It's that kid......
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1 もしも moshimo If
2-3 もしも全員が少しだけ"みんな"のことを思えたなら もしもぜんいんがすこしだけ"みんな"のことをおもえたなら moshimo zen'in ga sukoshi dake "minna" no koto wo omoeta nara If all of us could think of "everyone," just a little bit
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1 何で私が緑谷についたか なんでわたしがみどりやについたか nande watashi ga Midoriya ni tsuita ka "Why did I head for Midoriya?"
2 あいつは aitsu wa "Because that guy"
3 心をこじ開けるんだ こころをこじあけるんだ kokoro wo kojiakerunda "pries open hearts."
small text 1 レディ・ナガン REDI ・ NAGAN Lady Nagant
small text 2 元・ヒーロー敵 もと・ヒーローヴィラン moto ・ HIIROO VIRAN Former Hero/Villain
small text 1 プロヒーロー・ロックロック PURO HIIROO ・ ROKKU ROKKU Pro Hero Rock Lock
4 悪人にとって あくにんにとって akunin ni totte "For the bad guys,"
5-6 一番嫌な事をしてくるんだよ いちばんいやなことをしてくるんだよ ichiban iya na koto wo shite kurunda yo "he's come to do what they can't stand the most."
7 まァ maA "Well,"
8 敵退治はいかに早く戦意喪失させるかだからな ヴィラン(たいじ*)はいかにはやくせんいそうしつさせるかだからな VIRAN taiji wa ikani hayaku sen'i soushitsu saseru ka dakara na "the key to eliminating villains is how quickly you make them lose the will to fight, that's why." (Note: This line was originally spoken by Fatgum in chapter 134.)
9 多分 たぶん tabun "Perhaps"
10 今もそうなんだ いまもそうなんだ ima mo sou nanda "now is also like that."
11 勧善懲悪を徹しきれない かんぜんちょうあくをてっしきれない kanzenchouaku wo tesshi kirenai "It's not enough to devote himself to rewarding good and punishing evil."
12 茨の道に夢を見てる いばらのみちにゆめをみてる ibara no michi ni yume wo miteru "He's dreaming on a path of thorns."
13 その面があまりに必死なもんだからーーー そのつらがあまりにひっしなもんだからーーー sono tsura ga amari ni hisshi na mon dakara--- "That aspect of him is so desperate* that---" (*Note: This word in Japanese means that this aspect of Izuku is something that he does "desperately, frantically, with all his might.")
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1 ついつい応援したくなっちまう ついついおうえんしたくなっちまう tsuitsui ouen shitaku nacchimau "against my better judgment, I want to root for him."
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
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1 来るなあ くるなあ kuru naa (literal) "Don't come!" (contextual) "Stay back!"
2 やめろ yamero "Stop,"
3 転弧 てんこ Tenko "Tenko!"
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tagline デクの前に現れたのは⁉︎ デクのまえにあらわれたのは⁉︎ DEKU no mae ni arawareta no wa!? What has appeared in front of Deku!?
1-3 あの家から連なる全ての崩壊だ あのいえからつらなるすべてのほうかいだ ano ie kara tsuranaru subete no houkai da The decay of everything extending from that house.
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drstonetrivia · 6 months
I compiled what I found to be the most character-relevant and/or funny reasons for everyone's birthdays, however unless Inagaki Sensei confirms the reasoning behind them, these are all assumptions!
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Senku - 1/4 - A pun on Ishigami, as 1-4 can be read as i-shi, meaning stone. If you've forgotten about this, then I recommend rereading chapter 56!
Luna - 1/30 - Anniversary of Orville Wright (of the Wright brothers)'s death. This may also be another pun, as 3-0 can be read as mi-zero, and the kanji for charm is 魅 (=mi) which could mean Luna has "zero charm". Another option is reading it as 1-3-0, i-mi-zero, or "zero meaning", which hopefully isn't a hint of how useful this birthday-meaning endeavor is…
Related, Luna didn't seem to be born under a full moon either so that's not the reason behind her birthday.
Yo - 1/31 - This is a big logic leap, however: 1 can be read as "ichi", or 位置 meaning position. Putting the 3+1 into context, we have Yo mentioning the "big 3" + himself as the Four Heavenly Kings, giving us Yo as the 4th in a position of power.
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I couldn't find any way of making the date fit an exclamation like "Yo!" or "Uei!", but the "ue" (上) part of his name means "up" which fits the theme of positioning.
Chrome - 2/4 - The element chromium has the atomic number 24. I'm pretty confident this was the inspiration, however it's also a month after Senku's birthday!
Kaseki - 2/9 - Another logic jump: copper's atomic number is 29. The era after the Stone Age is the Chalcolithic, or Copper Age. Since Kaseki is the village's most skilled craftsman, it could be implying that Kaseki brought them out of the Stone Age into the next era.
Amaryllis - 2/14 - Valentine's Day. It's also chocolate day in Japan, which suits the sweet seductress that she is :)
Homura - 3/3 - Can be read as "san-san", which means brilliant or bright. As the name Homura means flame, this is fitting.
Ibara - 3/23 - I couldn't find anything of interest, even when checking the blossoming of thorny plants (Ibara means thorn after all). A little disappointing honestly :(
Yuzuriha - 3/31 - The end of the fiscal year in Japan and sometimes the last day of school. Had she been born 2 days later she'd be in a different grade to Senku and Taiju!
It's also the International Transgender Day of Visibility.
Gen - 4/1 - April Fool's Day, as well as the day Senku, Xeno, and probably several other Americans broke out of petrification after 3,700+ years. An inversion of Senku's birthday (1/4 and 4/1).
Great job to everyone who guessed the date before it was officially revealed!
Taiju - 4/2 - Likely the oldest one in Senku's school year because of Japan's birthday/grade division. 4-2 can also be read as "shi-ni" meaning "death", which could be related to everyone closest to Taiju dying at some point (both his parents are dead, Senku's died once, Taiju himself was likely dead and Yuzuriha wasn't looking too great in Corn City). If we want to push further though, "death" in Latin is "mori", and "mori" means forest in Japanese, tying in to Taiju's tree theme.
With Yuzuriha, Gen, and Taiju all having their birthdays right after one another, it seems like all of Senku's closest friends have their birthdays together.
Ginro - 4/7 - The element silver has the atomic number 47, similar to Chrome's birthday being the atomic number for chromium.
Ruri - 4/14 - Potentially another ishi/stone reference because of the 14, but it's also the Takayama/Sanno festival wishing for a good harvest. A more modern celebration is Orange Day, where romantic partners from Valentine's and White Day trade orange-colored gifts.
Ironically, orange blossoms are meant to represent prosperity and luck in marriage in flower language… Poor Ruri haha
Kokuyo - 4/19 - Another pun using numbers: 4-1-9 or "shi-i-ku", meaning breeding. Breeding Day is a day to celebrate the work of zookeepers and get people interested in zoos.
The other celebration on this day is the Furukawa festival, one of the three naked festivals. Men in loincloths (fundoshi) fight for the prime location near the central drum being paraded through town. The parade lasts the whole night.
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Moz - 5/5 - Children's Day, also part of Golden Week. It's a day to celebrate children's happiness and their personalities. Before 1948, it was also used to recognize fathers, which is ironic given Moz attempted to kill his father when he was 7.
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Carlos - 5/30 - Anniversary of Wilbur Wright (of the Wright brothers)'s death, matching Luna. Similarly, the numbers also spell something out: 5-3-0 is "go-mi-zero", or "zero garbage". Whether this means that Carlos is garbage and a zero, or that he's /not/ garbage, I can't tell.
This is also a proper day of celebration in Japan for cleaning up waste.
Ukyo - 6/5 - World Environment Day. (I have recommendations for when Ukyo's birthday should have been instead: 3/3 sounds like "mi-mi", meaning "ear", = his sonar skills. The other date is 9/8, read as "ku-ya", as the kanji for bow (弓) can be read as "ku" and arrow (矢) is "ya".)
Joel - 6/10 - Anniversary of Time. It commemorates the first time-keeping water clock in Japan, open to the public.
Minami - 6/21 - The day after Riichiro Inagaki's birthday, as well as the summer solstice. It's also Refrigerator Day in Japan, a day to check your fridges before the hot summer arrives. Or in Minami's case, to check on Tsukasa…
Max - 6/30 - Asteroid Day, for global awareness about the risks of asteroid impacts. 6-3 can also be read as "mu-mi", which means "tasteless" (無味). Not sure how the zero fits in though…
Luna, Max, and Carlos also all have birthdays that fall on the 30th of the month. What the significance of that is is unclear, apart from the fact that their dates can all create words.
Kirisame - 7/7 - The Tanabata festival, a celebration for two star-crossed lovers, generally celebrated by writing wishes on paper and hanging them from a bamboo tree. It's also World Chocolate Day!
Kinro - 7/9 - The element gold has the atomic number 79, similar to Chrome's and Ginro's birthdays being their atomic numbers.
Kohaku - 8/8 - A day full of puns, as 8-8 can be read as either "ha-ha" or "ba-ba", meaning father and grandmother respectively, but "ha" also means teeth and "hachi" (=another way of reading 8) means "bee"… The list goes on.
It's also World Cat Day! :3
Magma - 8/22 - The kanji for 8 looks like a volcano (八) which is probably the logic behind choosing August. 2 can also be read as "fu", and "fufu" is the equivalent of "hehe" laughter in English. In rare cases, 2 can also be read as "ha", which could be referencing Magma's "muhaha!" It's also the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief…
Nikki - 8/31 - 831 is shorthand for "I Love You", as it has 8 letters, 3 words, and 1 meaning. It's also good for hiding your embarrassment if you struggle to say (or type, or send via Morse code) the words themselves…
Stanley - 9/1 - The anniversary of the establishment of the US's Air Force Space Command, which is now part of the United States Space Force, the American military counterpart to NASA.
Suika - 9/9 - Chrysanthemum Day, an ancient festival in Japan, also known as the Festival of Happiness. It's also First Aid Day, the Katakai fireworks festival, and the day Kiku No.1 was launched by NASDA (now JAXA). The latter is interesting because it's quite round, like Suika!
Matsukaze - 9/15 - Respect For The Aged Day. Sometimes the date varies, but as Matsukaze is a man who follows the Bushido code, this seems fitting.
Xeno - 10/1 - NASA's first day of operations, as well as NASDA's day of establishment, then later JAXA's. An all-around good day for national space agencies. Also falls on International Coffee Day, I wonder if they're connected…
Byakuya - 10/8 - Byakuya's literal name. The kanji for "byaku" (百) is 100, and 8 can be read as "ya", creating 108, or 10/8.
Tsukasa - 10/10 - World Mental Health Day, as well as World Day against the Death Penalty. Ironic given the plot of Stone wars. It's also Public Bath Day and Fishing Day.
Ryusui - 11/11 - Desiring the best of everything, Ryusui's birthday is obviously #1…111. It's also Pocky Day, I wonder if he uses that fact to flirt with people/play the pocky game?
Hyoga - 11/30 - Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare. (RIP Gozan, Yuki, Ren, Akashi, Kyoichiro, and Morito.) It could also be a way of "drawing" his kuda yari in action: 一一三〇
Chelsea - 12/20 - Anniversary of Sacagawea's death (maybe). She was a young girl who helped the Lewis and Clark expedition explore central America. 12°N 20°E is also a location in Chad.
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Mirai - 12/31 - New Year's Eve, a day for looking towards the future. As Mirai's name means future, it's no surprise that this is her birthday!
Feel free to reply with any other discoveries about their birthdays you find! This is by no means a complete list, especially since any Japanese puns are mostly lost on me haha!
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nenekobasu · 6 months
yoichi 世一 literally “world’s first” his name is a pun meaning first in the world and his birthday is 4/1 in kanji 四一 “yo” “ichi” his name is a pun meaning april fools. if ever isagi reaches number 1 (and at the end of ubers he explicitly did) then rest assured it can be nothing but a joke and a prank because blue lock loves to fill people with hate
“hiori yō” phonetically isagi and hiori’s names are meant to sound the same. isagi and hiori, yoichi and yō they’re mirrors they’re the same person “it’ll be like there are two isagi-kuns on pitch”
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lyrictranslates · 3 years
イカサマダンス / まふまふ
Ikasama Dance / mafumafu
Kan/Rom/Eng Translation
Ichi ni san yon
Wasureta mono na no ka
Omoidasu hodo demo nai mono ka
Kidzukeba boku wa mada
Karappo no yume bakari
Migi hidari
Migi ni onaji
意気込め 空タンク
擬態 ノンスケールで大正解
Ikigome kara tanku
Gitai nonsukeeru de daiseikai
Dou demo ii kedo sa
Anaboko de kokoro ga afuremashita
脳内アンテナ 思い込みのメモリ
Zenmai shikake de chikyuu wa ikkaiten
Nounai antena omoi komi no memori
Sansei shita kara kondo wa mou hantai
Guruguru to me ga mawaru
Abekobe sa
batsuten maruten choudai
Shoumen kara mirya migi hidari
Demo boku no hou de wa hidari migi
あっちへ行けど こっちへ来れど
Acchi e yukedo kocchi e kuredo
Seigi no teki wa seigi na no sa
ほら らったったー ハッピーなふりしようぜ
Sore nara odore yo ikasama dansu
Hora rattatta happii na furi shiyou ze
Wakatten darou?
Jinsei wa ikasama no dansu
Atama paa ni shite
Sukuea na rizumu ni notte iru
Muzukashii koto wa
Oyasumi no ato ni shite
Kono yo wa aimai ni naritakatta
Dare mo ga usotsuki ni wa narenakatta
Sore kara doumo
Torikaeshi ga tsukanaku narimashita
嘘吐いても吐かれても 針千本
Kacchiri hanbun ko de kenka wa ryouseibai
Uso tsuite mo tsukarete mo harisenbon
Kitai hazure wa iu nara moumantai
Guruguru to me ga mawaru
abekobe sa
Batsuten maruten choudai
Acchi to kocchi wa uraomote
Nara doko kara omote de doko ga ura
半分にすりゃ 半分ずつに
Hanbun ni surya hanbun zutsu ni
Sorezore fueta uraomote
ほら らったったー 正解は不正解さ
Sou iu koto darou ikasama dansu
Hora rattatta seikai wa fuseikai sa
Waracchau darou?
Jinsei wa ikasama no dansu
出鱈目なステップ リズムに乗って
らったった たたたー
Detarame na suteppu rizumu ni notte
Rattatta tatataa
Te wo tatake
君の本性 素顔晒して
らったった たたたー
Kimi no honshou sugao sarashite
Rattatta tatataa
教えて頂戴 ねぇ
Oshiete choudai nee
Kikasete choudai
Konna bokura ga bokura sura
Wasurete shimau mae ni
Marui sekai de anata to dansu
Kotoba hitotsu tsuuji nakute mo
Kurai furoa de oto wo naraseba
Bokura wa nani mo kawaranai
ほら らったったー 正解は不正解さ
Sou iu koto darou ikasama dansu
Hora rattatta seikai wa fuseikai sa
Waracchau darou?
Jinsei wa ikasama no dansu
Shoumen kara mirya migi hidari
Demo boku no hou de wa hidari migi
あっちへ行けど こっちへ来れど
Acchi e yukedo kocchi e kuredo
Seigi no teki wa seigi na no sa
ほら らったったー ハッピーなふりしようぜ
Sore nara odore yo ikasama dansu
Hora rattatta happii na furi shiyou ze
Wakatten darou?
Jinsei wa ikasama no dansu
Ichi ni san yon
Ikasama no dansu
Faker's Dance
1, 2, 3, 4
Have you forgotten?
Or was it not even worth remembering?
If I notice, I’ll still be
Left with nothing but broken dreams.
Right / Left.
What they said.*
Get excited! / An empty tank
Mimicry / a nonsensical grand right answer
Anything at all’s fine, but
My heart was overflowing with holes
Like clockwork, the Earth rotates again
An antenna in my head / prejudiced memories
Since last time we approved, this time we’ll resoundly oppose
These spinning eyes are going round and round
From back to front / tell me if it’s right or wrong*
When you look from the front it’s right to left.
But from where I am it’s left to right
No matter if you’re going over there or coming over here
The enemy of justice is justice itself
If that’s the case then dance the faker’s dance
Come on, ra-ta-ta— let’s pretend to be happy.
You get it, don’t you?
Life is a faker’s dance
Let your head go empty
I’m riding along a square rhythm
Let’s leave all the hard stuff
For after we go to bed
I happened to notice
The whole world got blurry
No one was able to get used to liars
So then thank you:
What had happened can’t be undone.
We’ll divvy it up neatly in half—
But in the resulting squabble, both are punished
Whether you spit out lies or you don’t
Both who have crossed their hearts shall die
To say it’s a disappointment would be no problem
These spinning eyes are going round and round
From back to front / tell me if it’s right or wrong
Here and there are the two sides
But where is the front and where is the back?
Then if you split in half, and take both pieces,
Both the fronts and backs have multiplied!
That kind of thing is what’s called a faker’s dance
Come on, ra-ta-ta— the right answer is the wrong answer.
You laughed too, didn’t you?
All of life is a faker’s dance
A nonsensical step* / following the rhythm
Ra-tta ta-ta-ta!
Clap your hands
Your true nature / unveiling your real face*
Ra-tta ta-ta-ta!
Please tell me, hey
Let me hear you, please
Before we even
Manage to forget our very selves.
In this peaceful world, I dance with you
Even if I don’t get a single word
If the sound rang out on a darkened floor
We’ll never, ever change
That kind of thing is what’s called a faker’s dance
Come on, ra-ta-ta— the right answer is the wrong one!
You laughed too, didn’t you?
Life is a faker’s dance
When you look from the front it’s right to left.
But from where I am it’s left to right
No matter if you’re going over there or coming over here
The enemy of justice is justice itself
If that’s the case then dance the faker’s dance
Come on, ra-ta-ta— let’s pretend to be happy.
You get it, don’t you?
Life is a faker’s dance.
1, 2, 3, 4
Faker’s dance
Notes from the translator:
“イカサマ” ikasama refers to fraud, deception, counterfeit, or anything of the sort.
1* - “右に同じ” Migi ni onaji is a casual phrase showing agreement, meaning “ditto,” or “what they [the person next to me] said.”
2* - “×○” is written in the lyrics, pronounced “batsuten maruten.” These are the Japanese symbols for right and wrong. “Tell me if” is implied with the use of “頂戴” chodai meaning “please.”
3* - “A nonsensical step” where steppu is in English, referring to a dance step.
4* - “素顔晒して” surao sagashite, “unveiling your true face” is also a phrase used to mean specifically “doxxing.”
For “both who have crossed their hearts shall die,” the original Japanese refers to “針千本” harisenbon, meaning “one thousand needles.” This is part of a Japanese children’s phrase that loosely goes, “if I am lying, I will be forced to swallow 1000 needles.”
Though it isn’t conveyed here to make it more clear, the original Japanese lyrics use a very childish tone. “おやすみ” oyasumi, “半分こ” hanbunko, and “頭パー” atama paa are all children’s terms, in addition to the aforementioned phrase.
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hypmic-info · 4 years
Rio’s Kitchen Chapter 2 Translation: I Want To Meet His Expectations
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Alternative Rap Battle’s first event is here! It’s Rio’s Kitchen, featuring the 3rd liners of the 4 OG divisions. This event lasts until the 9th of April 12:59 JST. Best get hunting! This 2nd chapter throws Saburo into the mix - though... really, why is Ichiro letting his 14 year old brother hunt after an emu?
[ SABURO is walking in the forest. He comes to a halt. ]
SABURO Ha.... Ha... What's with this forest... There's even such a place in Yokohama...
[ HE SIT ]
SABURO Fu...I need to take a rest.
SABURO (Thinking) Anyways, what a strange request...
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SABURO Ichi-nii, welcome home
ICHIRO Yo. Where’s Jiro?
SABURO That guy hasn’t come back yet.
ICHIRO That so?... Actually, we did get a little request.
SABURO You should rely on me more than Jiro. I’ll definitely meet your expectations!
ICHIRO I’m glad. But...
SABURO ...Am I not strong enough?
ICHIRO No, it's not that you're not strong enough... Well, this might not be right for you, Saburo...
SABURO So, what is it?
ICHIRO Normally I’d take this, but I’ve got a lot of requests coming in.
SABURO Coming in? [1]
ICHIRO Yeah. I have a request in Shinjuku. But another request was to go catch some animal in the Yokohama Division forests.
SABURO Does that mean you’ll be going to Shinjuku?
ICHIRO Yeah, that’s right. The requester was from Yokohama. This guy’s request is pretty troublesome...
SABURO You said you had to catch animals, what kind of animals are you catching?
ICHIRO I don’t know the details, but they want you catch a bird like an emu.
SABURO AN EMU? What is an emu doing in Japan?
ICHIRO Apparently it was seen somewhere near the ports of Yokohama.
SABURO ...I see. But, what are they going to do with the emu?
ICHIRO They want to eat the emu's meat.
SABURO Another strange person huh...
ICHIRO There’s a guy who’s a chef in the Chinatown of Yokohama, but he enjoys eating rare ingredients.
SABURO If that’s the case, I’ll go catch it.
ICHIRO I’m glad but, Saburo, will you be okay?... You’re don’t seem very suited for this job.
SABURO Well... I may not be good at it, but there shouldn’t be any problem with catching just one bird! So please leave it to me!
ICHIRO Well, if you can say that, then I’ll be grateful for your help!
SABURO Yes! I’ll definitely bring back that emu.
JIRO I’m ho-
ICHIRO Oh, welcome back.
JIRO Huh? Saburo, you look real excited. What happened?
SABURO Haha! I just got a big job from Ichi-nii just now. You don't have one, and I do!
JIRO Wh-! Nii-chan, why didn’t you ask me!
ICHIRO Saburo needs to do something different from the usual, so it’s a good opportunity to help him grow.
SABURO AHAHAHAHA! Jiro, you’re useless now! Guess you’re just gonna have to wait for my triumphant return home!
JIRO Gh.... Grrr....
SABURO Ha! Looks like someone’s pissed!
JIRO B-Brat! Stop makin’ fun of me!!!
SABURO Gah! Stop it! You’re always resorting to violence!
SABURO I came out here with high spirits but... this forest is pretty deep. Finding an emu all the way out here is gonna be a pain.
SABURO I won’t find it if I stop... I should get to searching again. But I wonder if I’ll be able to find it when I don’t have a clue where I’m going. I checked before, but it seems that its call is different between male and female...
SABURO Huh? That cry just now...
SABURO There’s no mistake! That’s the sound of an emu! And it’s definitely the call of a female!
SABURO FOUND IT! Shit! Don't run away!
ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー
[1] I initially made a mistake here and was confused by a line which seemed like batting in - it was 2am when I visited this. It was more something like ‘raining in’. That’s monkey brain hours for you.
That’s the second chapter! We might hold off on the third chapter for a bit since we have to get a certain amount of event points to unlock the whole story! Please bear with us on our grind to the kitchen!
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chanoyu-to-wa · 3 years
Nampō Roku, Book 6 (21):  the Daime-kiri Without a Naka-bashira [中柱].
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21) The daime-kiri [臺目切] without a post¹.
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    The kaki-ire [書入]:
① From this [line] to the far end [of the mat], [measures] 1-shaku 6-sun 5-bu².
    Within this [space], on the far side 5-bu, and on the near side 2-sun, are yū-yo [有餘]³.  There is a ku-den [口傳]⁴.
② This is the central, highest-ranked kane⁵.
    The space between each of the yang-kane is 4-sun 9-bu 1-rin 6 mō [四寸九步一厘六毛]⁶.
③ [The] ro is 1-shaku 4-sun square⁷.
④ From [the lower edge of the ro] backwards [measures] 1-shaku 7-sun 5-bu⁸.
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◎ Because there is no [naka-]bashira, [the use of this kind of room] becomes very free and unencumbered⁹.
    This [setting] was created by [Ri]kyū; and [examples of this kind of room] are found here and there¹⁰.
¹Hashira-nashi no daime-kiri [柱ナシノ臺目切].
    This is given as the title of this entry (and the phrase is written vertically on the right side of the sketch).
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    The details described in the several kaki-ire have been included on this sketch.
²Kore yori mukō [h]e isshaku roku-sun go-bu [コレヨリ向ヘ一尺六寸五分].
    This measurement starts at the left or upper corner of the ro, and extends to the far end of the utensil mat.
³Uchi, mukō go-bu・mae ni-sun  yū-yo [内、向五分・前二寸 有餘].
    This describes the two yū-yo that are found within the part of the utensil mat between the ro and the far end of the mat, measuring 1-shaku 6-sun 5-bu:  5-bu at the far end of the mat, and 2-sun in the front of this space.
    These yū-yo are the same as usual on the daime-kiri.
⁴Ku-den [口傳].
    With respect to the ku-den [口傳], Shibayama Fugen states:  “even in a room that does not have a [naka-]bashira, [the usage] is based on the original case, where a hashira was present -- that is, one should always consider the hashira to be present*.
    “Furthermore, as was discussed in the case of the sketch [in the entry published] previous to this one, in a room with a [naka-]bashira, when dividing the kane from front to back, while one may exclude the [2-sun yū-yo] that is hidden by the pillar.  But in a room that lacks a pillar, the space [from the upper corner of the ro to the far end of the mat] must always measure 1-shaku 6-sun 5-bu.  Otherwise, it will be inconsistent [with the body of teachings and practices related to this kind of setting].” __________ *For example, when positioning the mizusashi, when a hashira is present Jōō held that the mizusashi should be placed 9-me from the heri [that adjoins the baseboard on which the sode-kabe rests]; while Rikyū allowed 11-me as well.
    In a room that lacks a naka-bashira and sode-kabe, the mizusashi should be placed 13- or 15-me from the heri -- according to what was told to me by Kanshū oshō-sama.
⁵Chū-ō kō-i no kane [中央高位ノカネ].
    Chū-ō [中央] means central, center-most.
    Kō-i [高位] means high-ranking, high dignity, of the highest order.
⁶Yō-kane hitoma-hitoma no sun yon-sun ku-bu ichi-rin roku-mō zutsu no tsumori nari [陽カネ一間〰ノ寸四寸九分一リン六毛ツヽノツモリ也].
    Hitoma-hitoma no sun [一間一間の寸] means the measurement within each space (in other words, between the yang-kane).
    4-sun 9-bu 1-rin 6-mō zutsu [四寸九分一リン六毛宛] means each (space between successive yang-kane) is 4-sun 9-bu 1-rin 6-mō.
    4-sun 9-bu 1-rin 6-mō is 14.89548 cm (or approximately 5.86").  In other words, the distance between the yang-kane (and between the end-most yang-kane and the heri) is just under 5-sun.
⁷Ro isshaku yon-sun shihō [爐一尺四寸四方].
    These are the ordinary dimensions of the ro.
⁸Kore yori ato [h]e isshaku nana-sun go-bu [コレヨリアトヘ一尺七寸五分].
    This is measured from the right or lower corner of the ro to the lower end of the daime utensil mat.
⁹Hashira nashi jiyū naru-yue [柱ナシ自由ナルユヘ].
    Jiyū [自由] means free, in the sense of being unencumbered.
    Naru-yue [成るゆえ] means “for which reason it becomes (free and unencumbered).”
    In other words, in this setting, one is free to do whatever one wishes.
¹⁰Kyū no saku-ji ni tokoro-dokoro kore ari [休ノ作事ニ所〻有之].
    Kyū no saku-ji ni [休の作事に] means “as this was created by Rikyū” -- Kyū being the usual abbreviation of his name.
    Tokoro-dokoro kore ari [所々これ有り] means “(this kind of room) exists here and there.”
    In other words, the author of this kaki-ire is saying that it is because this room was created by Rikyū that examples will be found here and there.  This can be read as a nod at Rikyū’s preeminence, another indication that it was a product of the Edo period (since, during his lifetime, his influence seems to have been limited to a small number of Jōō’s former adherents).
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autisticmight · 4 years
translating bnha 278 leaks!!!
again, i’m stealing these screenshots from @trashformha​ who i don’t even follow; i just go to their blog when i think they’ll have Useful Things To Me
spoilers, obviously, but they’re all out of order!!! i love doing this with no rhyme or reason
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panel 2:
bubble 1.1: BOSS ga okitandarou na
as you can see, “boss” is in furigana next to three kanji that definitely don’t read as “bosu.” that’s because it’s shigaraki’s name. thank you, shounen manga, for being intended for kids, and therefore being slightly easier to understand
it’s a pretty simple sentence, too. “boss ga,” boss is the subject. “okita,” casual past tense for “awaken.” “darou,” is basically “i guess,” “seems that,” or whatever. the “na” is a particle
“Guess the boss woke up, huh.”
bubble 1.2: sore igai ni koitsu ga ugoku douri ga neE
“igai” is, like, “except for,” or so the jisho says. “ugoku” is “to move/work/operate/take action,” or so the jisho says. “douri” is “reason/truth/logic,” or so the jisho says. yes, i’m using that website because i! don’t! know! japanese!
“sore” is the word for “that” which indicates something closer to the addressee (opposed to “are,” which is when the object is far away from both of them, or “kore,” which is closer to the speaker and actually means “this,” not “that”), so “sore igai” means “except for that”
the “nee” is a corruption of “nai,” i think. it uses the kanji, so i’ll go with that
“ugoku douri ga nai,” would be “operating without logic, moving without reason,” or something. “koitsu ga” indicates that the actions are being done by these guys (since it’s “koitsu” and not “soitsu”)
“Except for them, these guys are working without rationality”
only he’s being pretty rude when he’s saying that, because “koitsu” is familiar or derogatory, like how australians can call their friends the c-word. these are not dabi’s friends
bubble 2: yotei yori hayai desu
“yotei” is like “plan,” but looser, i guess? and “yori” is “than/from/on/other than,” ostjs. that’s short for “or so the jisho says” and it won’t catch on
“The plan’s going quickly”
panel 2:
bubble 1.1: orose dabi naze ore dake tsuretekita!?
“orose” is the imperative form of “orosu,” which means. a lot of things. one of them is “drop off,” like a passenger, and that one is used more commonly with that kanji. also, that kanji means “descend/fall/surrender”
“dake” is “just,” or “as much”
“tsurete” is the te form of “tsureru,” or “to take, to be accompanied by” and the “kita” just indicates it’s still ongoing
“Let me go, Dabi! Why are you taking me?”
bubble 1.2: RE-DESTRO wo omamori seneba
an “omamori” is a little protective charm. in hear the world’s keening, the students went out to get them near the end, around new years. however, i think that, in this case, it’s just a looser “mamori,” which means “defence, protection,” and still applies to the amulets, i guess
“seneba” is “must do, feel obliged to”
“(You’re?)/I’m meant to be Re-Destro’s protection!”
panel 3:
bubble 1: shizuka ni mata oretachi ni kidzuitenai
“shizuka ni,” “calmly, quietly,” or, also, an imperative “be quiet!”
“kidzuku,” “to recognise, become aware of”
“Shut up. They still haven’t noticed us.”
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panel 2: jitsu ni fuyukai!!
“jitsu,” “truth”
“fuyukai,” is just. general bad feelings
“Honestly, I’m malcontented!!”
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bubble 1: guzetaru kaihousha ni
“guze,” “salvation”
“kaihou” is “release, freedom,” while “sha” indicates that it’s a person who does that thing, so “kaihousha” would be “liberator”
bubble 2: HERO-tachi ittai nani wo shita!!?
“ittai” basically means “who/what/where/why the fuck,” and this “shita” is the past tense of “suru”
“What the hell did heroes ever do as liberators of salvation!!?” or something like that. i couldn’t understand the “taru”
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bubble 1: watashi wo yatsu no kao made
bubble 2: tsuretette!
“wo” indicates that the object being enacted upon is “watashi,” and “made” indicates going towards the other specified object, which is “yatsu no kao,” or “that dude’s face”
“I said, you’re taking me to his face!” (and thus, kamui woods gives midnight a piggyback as he yeets himself up to gigantomachia. i think that they’re being a bit too optimistic about gigantomachia’s lung capacity)
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panel 1:
bubble 1: honto...
bubble 2: fugai nai...
“Not completely ineffective...”
panel 2:
bubble 1.1: kikoeru kashira
“I wonder if you can hear me,”
bubble 1.2: CREATI!!
bubble 3: MIDNIGHT-sensei!?
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panel 2: oto no ichi kara kyori to koko he no toutatsu jikan wo!
“ichi,” “place, position.” “kyori,” “range, distance,” “toutatsu jikan,” “arrival time”
“By using the range of the sound’s position, the time they’ll arrive here-!”
panel 2: kyojin no okisa wo mokusan de ii no de otsutae kudasai!
“kyojin no ookisa,” “the giant’s size.” “mokusan,” “guesstimate.” “tsutae,” “tell.”
“The size of the giants; please estimate them and tell me!”
panel 3: “MADMAN,” anata no chikara mo okashi kudasai
“kashi” is “lend,” but “okashi” is “sweets,” and i was so confused for a moment before i remembered how dang polite yaoyorozu is
““Madman,” please lend your power!”
panel 4: minasan ugoku jyunbi wo!!!
“Everyone, prepare to move!!!”
panel 5:
bubble 1: GO- ga mou mieterushi!
i’ll be honest, i have no clue what the go- is, but the rest means “can still be seen, is still visible”
bubble 2: hayai yo jyuu-byou mo kakan nai...
i have an unfortunate feeling that this is,
“I can already see it! It won’t even take ten seconds...”
there’s a lot more, but i’m tired, and i’m too excited to want to look at more spoilers. the rest of the cast doesn’t interest me as much as izuku, though i’m thrilled that Momo Gets To Do Something
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citrussdance · 4 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 明日なんか要らないから (tomorrow is hollow meaning) ずっと観客席で見守ってくれ 冴えない僕の総攻撃を
一人二人三人 (one two three) 躱す 君がくれたシザースで爆ぜる 歓声が今
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 tomorrow is hollow meaning LOSTTIME
時計が止まる位の轟音を連れた雨も 過ぎ去って私はベランダで虹を待つ サッカーボール片手に走っていく貴方を見ていた adidasのヴィジャ・モデルよく似合っていた
i hate my life yeah だから歌うんだ
i am in the LOSTTIME
篝火華(シクラメン)と旧校舎と貴方に この応援歌(うた)を捧げよう in the LOSTTIME 今放つモノクロームよ 貴方に無回転で刺されよ
in the LOSTTIME 限りなく透明なブルー纏う私の虹(ひかり)
光れ いまロスタイム
貴方はまだ知らない 私の病名(やまい)も 余命も
貴方が生まれて私が死ぬまで 時計が止まるまで
貴方の為に歌っていたいんだよ 画面越しの罵詈雑言では 消えない愛を 蒼穹と慈愛の虹色颱風(スカイラブハリケーン)
i’m proud of my life yeah  って大きな声で
i am in the LOSTTIME
向日葵と給水器と貴方に この蹴鞠唄(うた)を捧げよう in the LOSTTIME 生と死のグラデーションの真ん中で 貴方と生きているよ
in the LOSTTIME 錆の無い人生が唯一つ放った希望(ひかり) カノープスの閃光(ひかり)
その距離も識らずに 何光年もの闇を超え 超え 超え あの星まで行きたい あと少し保てば良い
SOS ほら君の歓声(こえ) 喚声(こえ) 掛声(こえ) 声援(こえ)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 明日なんか要らないから (tomorrow is hollow meaning) ずっと観客席で見守ってくれ 冴えない僕の総攻撃を
一歩二歩三歩 (one two three) 踊るようなマルセイユ・ターンで揺れる スタジアムが いま
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 明日なんて要らないのに (tomorrow is hollow meaning)
貴方ならなれるいつか 世界一のストライカー ファンタジスタ バロンドーラー
笛 未だならないでよ 貴方にこの子守唄(うた)を捧げるの in the LOSTTIME 神様どうかあの子が虹のように朝日のように 世界に愛されますように
篝火華(シクラメン)と旧校舎と貴方に この応援歌(うた)を捧げるの in the LOSTTIME 今放つモノクロームよ 貴方に無回転で刺されよ
in the LOSTTIME 限りなく透明なブルー纏う私の虹(ひかり)
say YEAH
一人二人三人 (one two three) 躱す 君がくれたシザースで 爆ぜる 歓声が今
君がくれた歩幅以外は何も要らない ただ虹を待つ
一歩二歩三歩 (one two three) 踊るようなマルセイユ・ターンで揺れる スタジアムが いま
あの雲の向こうで見守っていて 冴えない僕の総攻撃を
* there are lyrics here that aren’t actually sung
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOMORROW IS HOLLOW MEANING zutto kankyaku seki de mimamotte kure saenai boku no soukougeki wo
ONE TWO THREE kawasu kimi ga kureta SCISSORS de hazeru kansei ga ima
tokei ga tomaru made kurai no gouon wo tsureta ame mo sugisatte watashi wa VERANDA de niji wo matsu SOCCER BALL katate ni hashitteiku anata wo miteita ADIDAS no VILLA MODEL yoku niatteita
CYCLAMEN to kyuukousha to anata ni kono uta wo sasageyou IN THE LOSTTIME ima hanatsu MONOCHROME yo anata ni mukaiten de sasare yo IN THE LOSTTIME kagiri naku toumei na BLUE matou watashi no hikari
hikare ima LOSTTIME
anata wa mada shiranai watashi no yamai mo yomei mo
anata ga umarete watashi ga shinu made tokei ga tomaru made anata no tame ni utatteitainda yo gamen-goshi no barizougon de wa kienai ai wo SKYLAB HURRICANE*
I’M PROUD OF MY LIFE YEAH tte ookina koe de
himawari to kyuusuiki to anata ni kono uta wo sasageyou IN THE LOSTTIME sei to shi no GRADATION no mannaka de anata to ikiteiru yo
sabi no nai jinsei ga tada hitotsu hanatta hikari CANOPUS no hikari
sono kyori mo shirazu ni nan-kounen no yami wo koe koe koe ano hoshi made ikitai ato sukoshi moteba ii
SOS hora kimi no koe koe koe koe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOMORROW IS HOLLOW MEANING zutto kankyaku seki de mimamotte kure saenai boku no soukougeki wo
ONE TWO THREE odoru you na MARSEILLE TURN de yureru STADIUM ga ima
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOMORROW IS HOLLOW MEANING anata nara nareru itsuka sekai-ichi no STRIKER FANTASISTA BALLON D’OR
fue mada naranaide yo anata ni kono uta wo sasageru no IN THE LOSTTIME kamisama douka ano ko ga niji no you ni asahi no you ni sekai ni aisaremasu you ni
CYCLAMEN to kyuukousha to anata ni kono uta wo sasageyou IN THE LOSTTIME ima hanatsu MONOCHROME yo anata ni mukaiten de sasare yo IN THE LOSTTIME kagiri naku toumei na BLUE matou watashi no hikari
ONE TWO THREE kawasu kimi ga kureta SCISSORS de hazeru kansei ga ima
kimi ga kureta hohaba igai wa nanimo iranai tada niji wo matsu
ONE TWO THREE odoru you na MARSEILLE TURN de yureru STADIUM ga ima
ano kumo no mukou de mimamotte ite saenai boku no soukougeki wo
note: there was too much soccer lingo to tag it all, but it should be fairly easy to search up.
* sung “tomorrow is hollow meaning” ** sung “one two three” *** a shoe **** sung “uta”, song ***** sung “hikari”, light ****** sung “skylab hurricane”, which is a fictional soccer move from the captain tsubasa franchise. ******* sung “koe”, voice
1 - written “kemari”, an ancient japanese game somewhat similar to soccer. i’ve taken some liberties in translation here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 since tomorrow is unneeded*, watch over from the spectator seats the boring “me”’s offense play
one person, two people, three people** i dodge them using the scissors you provided, they explode- the cheers, right now
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 tomorrow is hollow meaning LOSTTIME
the rain that brought roaring thunder so loud it stopped the clock has passed, and i wait for a rainbow on the veranda i saw you running with a soccer ball in one hand the adidas villa model*** looked good on you
i hate my life yeah that’s why i sing
i am in the LOSTTIME
to the cyclamen, the old school campus, and you i’ll dedicate this support song**** in the LOSTTIME monochrome that has just been fired, pierce through you with no spin in the LOSTTIME my rainbow*****, clad in an endless transparent blue
shine! right now, lost time
you don’t know yet neither the name of my illness nor how many years i have left
from when you’re born, to when i die until the clock stops
i want to keep singing for you to the barrage of insults through a computer screen,  give love that won’t disappear give the rainbow typhoon****** of azure skies and parental love
i’m proud of my life yeah  shout it out
i am in the LOSTTIME to the sunflowers and water dispensers and you, i dedicate this football song****1 in the LOSTTIME in the middle of the gradation of life and death i live with you
the single hope***** that the rust-free life released the glint***** of canopus
not caring about that distance, overcome the lightyears of darkness overcome overcome i want to go to that star i just have to hold on a little longer
SOS hey, your cheers******* cheers******* cheers******* cheers*******
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 since tomorrow is unneeded*, watch over from the spectator seats the boring “me”’s offense play
one step, two steps, three steps sway with a dance-like marseille turn******** the stadium now-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 even though tomorrow is unneeded* if it’s you, you can someday become the world’s best striker fantasista ballon d’or
i am maradona in the LOSTTIME
whistle, don’t blow yet i’m dedicating this lullaby**** to you in the LOSTTIME god, please make that child like a rainbow, like the morning sun able to be loved by the world
to the cyclamen, the old school campus, and you i’ll dedicate this support song**** in the LOSTTIME monochrome that has just been fired, pierce through you with no spin in the LOSTTIME my rainbow*****, clad in an endless transparent blue
say YEAH
one person, two people, three people** i dodge them using the scissors you provided, they explode- the cheers, right now
i don’t need anything but the pace you’ve given to me i just wait for the rainbow
one step, two steps, three steps sway with a dance-like marseille turn******** the stadium now-
watch over from beyond those clouds the boring “me”’s offensive play
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tigerintokyo · 5 years
Ohayou Ikebukuro by Buster Bros!!! (en, romaji, kanji)
English translation, romaji, and Japanese after the cut.
Legend: (by color, does not appear on mobile) Ichiro, Jiro, Saburo, Jiro & Saburo, ALL
English translation
Buster Bros' Good Morning Ikebukuro! Mornin' Bukuro!!
Once again, today, Buster Bros!!! will be delivering the best of the morning to everyone in Ikebukuro!!! Your partners are the Yamada brothers: Ichiro! Jiro! Saburo! Glad to be here with everyone!
To start off, we will be reading some emails. This one is from our listener with the radio pen name "I want to do part-time at Odd Jobs Yamada."
"Starting this spring, I'll be starting high school, and I want to enjoy a romantic relationship. What type of person do the three of you like?"
I still don't really know much about love~ I don't usually talk about that kind of thing But, thinking about it, I like a natural figure [1] I would want to have a romance with that kind of girl, yeah... I am not that interested in girls I still usually hang out with guys But, even so... if I have to say... Hm... I think I would like a kind girl I like the strong ones (That's our bro!) You know what I mean, bros? (Yeah! Yeah!) I like super strong ones that would never lose in a fight *That's* what you mean by strong?
Now for our first corner "Good Morning Battle Poetry!" [2] Going hard from the morning, as usual. This is the battle we want to spread all over the world. The three of us will make a 5-7-5 (haiku) comedic poem! [2] First is Ichi-nii!
"Oncoming car lane, I'll overtake everyone, how easy peasy!" [3]
What kind of dialect is "peasy"? [3] Not to mention the traffic violation! Okay! 5 points! Yeah, you’re right, I'm sorry... Ok, then next is Jiro ♪
"Ikebukuro, any other division will kneel down to us!"
Yeah! You're definitely not wrong! We are the strongest! Buster Bros!!! Let's keep riding this! Next is Saburo!
"Jiro-chan~ Hold my hand and let's go to... the children's center"
What did you say? Is that supposed to be a diss? It's nOT a DisS~ [4] What did you say?! OK, OK Battle over! This time the winner is Jiro!
Hey, how can keep going if you guys are fighting? (Sorry, but can you play the jingle?)
Good Morning! Everyone in Ikebukuro, how are you? Starting now, Brand New Days Buster Bros!!! Here with Bukuro's best bros, Let's go, everybody, mornin' Bukuro (This is the best!) Feeling good from the morning (Fight!) Everybody, mornin' Bukuro (I know) Even if you have days when you're down (Let's go!) Everybody, mornin' Bukuro
(You are listening to 29.6 Bukuro FM) If you're worried about something, leave it to us. We are here to support the city of Bukuro. Cheap, fast, robust, high quality, Odd Jobs Yamada ♪
Okay, let's keep going! Next is Ichi-nii’s “I can’t say that!” corner! (Yay!) In this corner, we asked for words that Ichi-nii “definitely cannot say”! Let's give it a go!
First up is from pen name "Bukuro Heads" A note from a regular listener CHECK OK then, everyone, get your ears open and LISTEN "Since it's my first time, be gentle with me." I can't say that! Absolutely cannot! Next is from pen name "Yamada Shiro" [5] OK, try to do the next hard-to-say line! "Buy me some macarons~" I can't say that either! Absolutely cannot! Next is from pen name "Morning Brothers" OK, Nii-chan, give it to us! "Jiro, Saburo, I love you." ……… I wanted to hear that! For sure! Hurry up and end this corner! Buster Bros' Good Morning Ikebukuro!
This show is also coming to an end. Today the theme was "New Lifestyle," so last but not least, to all the people who are starting off a new life today... Here's a special message from us!
For always tuning in to listen to us, really THANK YOU ! [6] Let's take a step forward, 1 step All of the haters aren't even in our sights Once again, let's start today, Brand New Days Let's go into the shining sunshine The air of this clear morning sure is nice Turning your face down [7], that's no fun! OK, are you ready? Standby OK! Dreams are always on a huge scale Take aim at that future and shoot, bang! Instead of turning around, only face forward Everyone in Bukuro, Have a nice day!
(Starting, Brand New Days) Good Morning! Everyone in Ikebukuro, how are you? Starting now, Brand New Days Buster Bros!!! Here with Bukuro's best bros, Let's go, everybody, mornin' Bukuro (This is the best!) Feeling good from the morning (Fight!) Everybody, mornin' Bukuro (I know) Even if you have days when you're down (Let's go!) Everybody, mornin' Bukuro Have a good day!
Buster Bros no ohayou Ikebukuro Oha bukuro!!
Kyou mo koko Ikebukuro kara, ore ra Buster Bros!!! ga saikou no asa o todoke!!! O aite wa Yamada kyoudai, Ichirou! Jirou! Saburou! Minna, yoroshiku!!!
Sassoku MAIL o shoukai shimasu. RADIO NAME "Yorozuya Yamada de baito shitai" san kara
"Kotoshi haru kara koukousei, renai o tanoshi mitai desu. Sannin no suki na type wa?"
Mada koi toka wakannai~ Konna koto fudan wa katannai Demo yappari shizendai Sonna josei to shitai renai, uun Betsuni onna nanka kyoumi nee Mada asobu nara otoko doushi de Demo maa, aete iu to shitara Uun, yasashi joshi ka na Ore wa tsuyoi hou ga ii (Sasuga!) Wakarudaro, kyoudai? (Un! Un!) Maji de kenka ni makenai tsuyoi ko toka ii Tsuyo itte sou yuu koto kaai?
Saisho no CORNER wa “ohayou kenka senryuu!” Aikawarazu asa kara HARD da na. Yo no naka ni kenka o uritai koto o, ore ra sannin ga go-shichi-go no senryuu ni shite iku ze.! Mazu wa Ichi-nii!
“Gyaku shasen minna de wataru zo raku jyaken!!”
“Jyaken” te nani-ben da yo! Shikamo koutsuuihan dame! Hai go-ten! Da yo na, maji gomen... Jyaa tsugi! Jirou, ikou ♪
"Ikebukuro, do no DIVISION mo hire fusu zo"
Ye-! Machigai nai ze! Ore tachi ga saikyou! Buster Bros!!! Nokkete kita yoshi! Tsugi wa Saburou!
"Jirou-chan~ o te te tsunaide jidoukan"
Nan da to DISS tten no ka yo! DISS tte mashe-n Nan da to deme! Hai hai shuuryou Kon kai wa Jirou ga yuushou!
Oi, omae ra wa kenka shite dou sun dayo? (Suimasen, JINGLE itte kudasai.)
Ohayou! Ikebukuro no minna choushi dou nano? Ima hajimaru BRAND NEW DAYS Buster Bros!!! Koko bukuro saikyou no kyoudai to LET’S GO EVERYBODY oha bukuro (Saikou) daze asa kara ii kibun (FIGHT!) EVERYBODY oha bukuro (I KNOW) Ochikomu hi mo aru kedo (Saa ikou!) EVERYBODY oha bukuro
(YOU ARE LISTENING TO 29.6 BUKURO FM) Komatta toki wa wareware ni o makase Bukuro no machi o ore ra ga sasaemasu Yasuku te, hayaku te, takumashii, HIGH QUALITY, Yorozuya Yamada
Dewa tsuzuite wa kochira! Ichi-nii no “ore konna koto iwaneeyo!” no CORNER (Ye-!) Ichi-nii ga “zettai iwana sou na kotoba” o boshou shiteru CORNER desu! Itte miyo~
Mazu wa PEN NAME “Bukuro no HEADS” Jouren-san kara no otayori CHECK Sore jya minna mimi sumashite LISTEN "Hajime te da kara yasashiku shite ne." Iwa nee! Zettai iwanee! Tsugi wa PEN NAME “Yamada Shirou”-san Sore jya iwana sou na koto itte miyou ka! "MACARON katte kite~" Kore mo iwa nee! Zettai iwa nee! Tsugi wa PEN NAME “MORNING kyoudai” Sore jya nii-chan itte choudai "Jirou, Saburou, aishiteru ze." ……… Sore wa itte moraitai! Dayone! Hayaku kono CORNER owarasero! Buster Bros no ohayou Ikebukuro!
Bangumi mo owari ni chikazuite kimashita. Kyou no te-ma wa shin seikatsu nano de, saigo wa atarashii kurashi o hajimeru hito tachi e Ore ra kara no MESSAGE!
Itsumo kiite kurete maji san kyu de-su Fumi dashite kou ONE STEP HATER tachi nante ganchuu nee Hajimaru ze kyou mo BRAND NEW DAYS Ikuzo furi sosogu SUNSHINE Sunda asa no kuuki nanka ii Shita muite tatte tsumannai Sore jya junbi dekiteru STANDBY OK! Itsudatte yume wa dekai SCALE Sono mirai ni mukete nerai ute BANG! Furimuku yori tada mae muke Bukuro no minna HAVE A NICE DAY!
(Hajimaru BRAND NEW DAYS) Ohayou Ikebukuro no minna choushi dou nano? Ima hajimaru BRAND NEW DAYS Buster Bros!!! Koko bukuro saikyou no kyoudai to LET’S GO EVERYBODY oha bukuro (Saikou) daze asa kara ii kibun (FIGHT!) EVERYBODY oha bukuro (I KNOW) Ochikomu hi mo aru kedo (Saa ikou!) EVERYBODY oha bukuro Itterushai!
Japanese (kanji)
Buster Bros!!! のおはようイケブクロ おはブクロ!! 今日もここイケブクロから、俺ら Buster Bros!!! が最高の朝をお届け "お相手は山田兄弟、一郎!二郎!三郎! みんな、よろしく!!!" 早速メールを紹介します ラジオネーム“萬屋ヤマダでバイトしたい”さんから 今年春から高校生 恋愛を楽しみたいです 三人の好きなタイプは?
まだ恋とかわかんない こんなこと普段は語んない でもやっぱり自然体 そんな女性としたい恋愛 うーん 別に女なんか興味ねー まだ遊ぶなら男同士で でもまぁ あえて言うとしたら うーん 優しい女子かな 俺は強い方がいい (さすが!) わかるだろ兄弟 (うん! うん!) まじで喧嘩に負けない強い子とかいい 強いってそういう事かーい
最初のコーナーは『おはようケンカ川柳!』 相変わらず朝からハードだな 世の中にケンカを売りたい事を、俺ら三人が五七五の川柳にしていくぜ まずは一兄! 「逆車線 みんなで渡るぞ 楽じゃけん!!」 じゃけんて何弁だよ! しかも交通違反ダメ!はい5点! だよなマジごめん…じゃあ次!二郎、行こう♪ 「イケブクロ どのディビジョンも ひれ伏すぞ」 いえー!間違いないぜ! 俺たちが最強 Buster Bros!!! 乗っけてきたよし!次はい三郎! 「二郎ちゃん お手て繋いで 児童館」 なんだと Dis ってんのかよ! Dis ってましぇ~ん なんだとテメ~! はいはい 終了 今回は二郎が優勝!
おはよう イケブクロのみんな調子どうなの? 今始まる Brand New Days Buster Bros!!! ここブクロ最強の兄弟と Let’s go Everybody おはブクロ (最高) だぜ 朝からいい気分 (ファイト!) Everybody おはブクロ (I know) 落ち込む日もあるけど (さぁ行こう) Everybody おはブクロ
You are listening to 29.6 Bukuro FM 困った時は我々にお任せ ブクロの街を俺らが支えます 安くて、早くて、たくましい、ハイクオリティー、萬屋ヤマダ♪
では続いてはこちら!『一兄の“俺こんな事言わねーよ!”』のコーナー! 一兄が“絶対言わなそうな言葉”を募集してるコーナーです! 言ってみよ~ まずはペンネームぶくろのヘッズ 常連さんからのお便り CHECK それじゃみんな耳すましてリッスン 「初めてだからやさしくしてね」 言わねー!絶対言わねー! 次はペンネーム山田四郎さん それじゃ言わなそうな事言ってみようか! 「マカロン買ってきて~」 これも言わねー!絶対言わねー! 次はペンネームモーニング兄弟 それじゃ兄ちゃん言ってちょうだい 「二郎三郎、愛してるぜ」 ……… それは言ってもらいたい! DAYONE! 早くこのコーナー終わらせろ! Buster Bros!!! のおはようイケブクロ
番組も終わりに近付いてきました 今日のテーマは新生活なので、最後は新しい暮らしを始める人たちへ 俺らからのメッセージ! いつも聞いてくれてまじ39でーす 踏み出してこう 1 step ヘイターたちなんて 眼中ねー はじまるぜ今日も Brand New Days 行くぞふり注ぐ サンシャイン 澄んだ朝の空気 なんかいい 下向いてたって つまんない それじゃ準備できてるかスタンバイ OK! いつだって夢はでかいスケール その未来に向けて狙い撃て Bang! 振り向くよりただ前向け ブクロのみんな Have a nice day!
始まる Brand New Days おはよう イケブクロのみんな調子どうなの? 今始まる Brand New Days Buster Bros!!! ここブクロ最強の兄弟と Let’s go Everybody おはブクロ (最高) だぜ 朝からいい気分 (ファイト!) Everybody おはブクロ (I know) 落ち込む日もあるけど (さぁ行こう) Everybody おはブクロ いってらっしゃい
Physical attribute: “natural body” or “natural figure”
The “poetry” is a traditional comedic haiku called “senryuu.” Yup, they’re battling with haikus.
Ichiro uses a weird ending, so Jirou asks him what kind of dialect that ending is from. I just made it into “peasy” which also isn’t really a word but slang.
Saburo is basically pronouncing it like this…
It’s using the Yamada brothers’ naming system of (number)-rou, so it’s actually 4-rou, and is pronounced “Shirou.” What a great pen name, right? A listener from my own heart…
In the original Japanese lyrics, they wrote “san kyu (thank you)" as “39,” and I thought that was interesting/clever.
More literally, the translation is “facing down.”
145 notes · View notes
idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for gathering when you’re busy. I thought I would ask for requests for Nagi-san’s “RADIO STATION ‘Twelve Hits!’”!
T: To manage the chat and check the contents, us managers will also participate this time. Please take care of us.
6: I was looking forward to everyone’s requests so I couldn’t sleep last night.
3: Didn’t you fall asleep while watching the news yesterday? Lol
6: :-))))
5: But, Nagi-kun looking forward to it was true.
4: He talked a lot about the requests.
7: Really? He didn’t talk that much with me tho…
1: That’s not true. It’s just that Nanase-san didn’t notice.
3: He emphasized it a lot tho!
7: Eeeeeh?!
2: Maybe he ignored it cuz he couldn’t notice. Not like asking us straightforwardly, it was more like including the word “request” when he spoke.
7: Ah! That reminds me, I thought it was kind of weird when he repeatedly asked me the coffee sizes at the shop...
7: “Riku, there are three sizes, S, M, and L,” he said. [T/N: What Nagi said: “Riku, esu to emu to eru, mitsu saizu ga arimasu yo.”]
8: What’s that?
9: “Request~” isn’t it? [T/N: In Japanese, “request” is “rikuesuto” so Nagi had said, “Riku, esu to” hence, the secret “Request” in there.]
10: It’s true! It said “request” huh! Amazing!
Okazaki: Is that a pun?
Anesagi: No way… He said a pun…?
100: Nagi is playful~( *´艸`)
1000: That’s a cute gag that Momo would say.
6: It’s not a gag but I’m relieved that Riku understood it.
6: I appealed as much as I could think of but he didn’t notice at all... Defeating Riku was like playing in critical mode.
4: Rikkun is the last boss huh. 
100: No matter how strong the magic, it won’t work if the enemy’s attribute doesn’t match huh~.
7: Sorry, Nagi! I’ll be ready so you can say puns anytime…!
6: Let’s play fair. I’ll develop my skill too. :-)
T: I’m also happy that Nagi was looking forward to it that much. To hype up more, I want to collect requests from everyone!
T: So then, this time I will ask from the youngest. Tamaki-san please!
4: Oooh.
4: Do a radio without using “OH!”
100: Eh! Is that okay? Isn’t going“OH!” like breathing for Nagi?!
10: Speaking without using dialect is hard to get used to huh...
1: “OH!” is a dialect…?
6: There’s no problem. Speaking in any way is my speciality.
1000: That reminds me, you were speaking Japanese at the press conference before huh.
9: He’s speaking Japanese now too. 
4: Nagicchi was suuuuuuuper cool that time right!
4: I like the energetic radios with Rikkun too but I want to see that one more tiiime.
5: It’s the radio so you would hear him, not see him, but we will be happy to know various Nagi-kuns huh.
4: So-chan you’re so nit-picky!
6: Tamaki, thank you for the wonderful request.
6: I also wanted to introduce my many charms to everyone. I’ll show you that I will catch the listener’s hearts with a different me.
T: Seems like it would be a special episode with a different Nagi-san!
T: Next is Iori-san please. 
1: From me it’s “Please let us hear stories about Northmeir.”
1: It’s a country with not many Japanese tourists, so there are probably a lot of people who want to know about it.
1: More than that, I’m really interested in what culture and nature built Rokuya Nagi as a person.
6: A wonderful request. If it’s about my beloved home country, I could talk forever.
6: Even when the moon and stars fall asleep, I won’t have run out of talking points.
1: Rokuya-san’s expression is sometimes romantic; it makes me realize you grew up overseas.
2: Certainly. It’s too embarrassing for Japanese people to say.
8: Is that so?
2: Yaotome could say any embarrassing words (lol)
8: Why is that? Nikaido too, wouldn’t it be better so say what you’re thinking without embarrassment?
6: It’s exactly as Yaotome-shi said. Even though there are a lot of shy people in Japan, Yamato should become honest too.
6: I’ll give you lessons so you can express yourself straight without embarrassment!
2: Nononono. Enough talking about me. 
2: How about we talk about Nagi-kun. 
1: Isn’t it fine? How about taking his lesson, Nikaido-san?
2: Ichi, you don’t have to say that.
6: With Iori too right?
1: I’m fine. 
1: Because my selling point as an idol is being cool.
10000: I think it’s good tho. Don’t the fans want to see Iori-kun saying romantic lines?
7: A romantic Iori! I wanna see that!
2: Me too. (lol)
3: Me too!!!
1: Manager, please move on to the next request.
T: Y-Yes! Then, Riku-san please!
7: But we weren’t done talking… We’ll talk about the lessons more later okay!
7: My request to Nagi is “An i7 drawing song”!
7: I’ll make a drawing song about the members so I want Nagi to draw while singing it.
6: Riku will compose a song? A wonderful challenge!
7: It’s not like composing! I was thinking that I’ll just come up with the lyrics, so you can make an impromptu melody…!
6: I see, an impromptu melody. That’s a bit hard huh. 
6: But I could probably draw well while singing something that goes with the melody to Kokona’s opening song…?
6:|ω・`) peek
T: I’ll check if we can get permission!
6: I’m happy to have a wonderful manager :-)))))))
7: Manager, thanks!
1000: If you’re going to draw, it would probably be nice to be able to see it somewhere.
100: There’s no images cuz it’s the radio huuuh.
5: How about uploading it to the show’s homepage?
6: NICE IDEA. If people are going to see it, it motivates me.
6: My drawing skills will burst.
Okazaki: “See more on our website” huh!
Anesagi: Young people won’t understand that reference right...
T: Riku-san, thank you for the fun request!  Next, how about asking Kujou-san?
9: From me it’s “I want to hear what you wish would be better about living in Japan.”
9: When we were on a shoot before, I asked “Teach me the places you like in Japan” right? So I wanted to try hearing the opposite. 
6: The time we went overseas for a magazine interview project huh. How nostalgic.
6: But, that’s a difficult question huh… I want summer heat to be better but that’s on a universe scale.
9: You’ve lived in another country so I think you can notice something.
10: Nagi-kun, if there’s something, please say so without holding back! I could change it a little bit.
8: You can change Japan? (lol)
10: I’ll work hard to be the first step!
6: I feel Japan is a wonderful country with beautiful culture and history, and all the women are lovely.
6: Also, both Japan and Northmeir are my country. I have nothing but happiness for the country I love and admire, where I can be with my treasured friends.
3: We also have nothing but happiness that Nagi came to Japan..!
7: That’s right, Nagi!!
6: To be able to meet everyone, Japan is the country I love more and more.
4: Nagicchiiiiiiiiiiii
5: Nagi-kun..!
1: Rokuya-san is necessary to us too.
2: Even though we don’t even need to say that (lol)
Anesagi: IDOLiSH7 is a nice group huh...
T: Yes! I can’t see my screen through my tears...
9: Um, excuse me.
9: Should I change my question?
6: That’s not necessary. Thanks to Kujou-shi’s question, I was able to verify everyone’s love. Definitely, please let me accept this request.
9: Huh...
T: S-Sorry! I’ll get back to collecting requests…!
T: Next is Nagi-san’s request for himself please.
6: My turn huh! I decided on the request when the radio project started. 
6: It’s “Challenge with Rakugo”! [T/N: Rakugo = Japanese classical storytelling]
4: Rakugo is that scary steam bun one? [T/N: He’s referring to one of the stories.]
6: “Manjyuu Kowai” is a Rakugo, but it’s not the only Rakugo. [T/N: “Manjyuu Kowai” literally translates to “scary steam bun.” It’s one of the stories.]
5: That reminds me, you were watching a TV show about Rakugo at night before this huh.
1: The time when he didn’t pass us the remote for a while huh...
6: Like anime and Rakugo, Japanese culture is full of wonderful Japanese charm!
6: I also wanted to wear a kimono and say “Teyandei”! [T/N: The old Japanese word for “damn it”]
6: I wanna pile cushions up high!
6: HEY, MITSUKI! Please bring the cushions! 
3: You’re mixing things up, Nagi! lol
2: Even though it’s close.
6: There’s just one problem. 
6: Making the soba slurping sound is a very difficult thing. 
10000: It’s characteristic for Rakugo to make sounds of eating or drinking something huh.
8: If you don’t understand how to slurp shall I teach you?
8: Definitely should eat soba while slurping. I want you to eat in the best way.
7: Yaotome-san, you like soba huh!
8: Well yeah.
8: Normally
8: I mean, I like it normally. 
10: Every Japanese person likes it huh!
9: Soba aside, it seems like radio and Rakugo would go together well, so I think it’s a good request. 
Anesagi: The conversation has piled up huh! Takanashi-san, how about going to the next one?
T: Right! Then, can we go from Sougo-san next?
5: Yes. My request is “I want Nagi-kun to talk about the things he likes as much as he wants.” 
5: I like the Nagi-kun when he’s talking about what he likes in a lively manner.
5: Maybe because I'm the same as Nagi-kun, I could be absorbed in what I like. I can feel Nagi-kun’s feelings of love so it makes me feel like I’m having fun too.
6: It’s a nice Sougo-ish request!
T: Nagi-san’s talks are always filled with love huh!
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
*T: Really, probably your talks about Kokona-chan!
6: I can’t talk enough in just the request corner. Not without the entire radio show being a Kokona corner.
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
5: Thanks, Nagi-kun. I hope my request will be chosen.
2: Ahh, sorry. Stop for a bit.
2: Tama flipped instant soba into kitchen sink.
T: Did he get burnt?!
5: He’s not hurt. Just, Tamaki-kun is really depressed...
3: Because Nagi was saying he wants to practice slurping soba, so Tamaki was making it for Nagi while also making his own.
4: Nagicchi, I’m really sorry...
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
6: Tamaki...
6: You don’t have to apologize. I was touched by Tamaki’s kindness. Tamaki’s mistake is my mistake.
6: Let’s clean the sink soba together.
6: And, let’s pour hot water into new soba together.
4: [Crying Kinako Stamp]
100: You’re going to pour together? Into one instant soba? Won’t you flip it again?!
1000: Teaming up huh. Shall we do it too, Momo?
100: I see…?! If it that then we won’t lose. (っ`・ω・´)っ)))
T: So then, how about we have a lunch break? T: After time has passed, I’ll talk to you again.
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
T: I want you to talk about IDOLiSH7!
6: That IDOLiSH7 is the best idol group, I’ll spread it all over the world.
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
T: Like, what are you into it lately…?
6: I’m always into Tsumugi ;-)
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
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pikahlua · 3 months
MHA Chapter 412 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 迫る崩壊にデクは⁉︎ せまるほうかいにデクは⁉︎ semaru houkai ni DEKU wa!? Deku [faces] the approaching decay!?
1 内側 うちがわ uchigawa Inside [his body],
2 防御に徹して身動きが取れなかった間 ぼうぎょにてっしてみうごきがとれなかったあいだ bougyo ni tesshite miugoki ga torenakatta aida while he was completely unable to move himself in defense,
3 「黒鞭」で無理矢理筋肉を伸縮させ続けた 「5TH」でむりやりきんにくをしんしゅくさせつづけた 「5TH (kanji: kuro muchi)」 de muriyari kinniku wo shinshuku sase tsudzuketa he was able to continue to force his muscles expand and contract with the 5th (read as: Black Whip).
4 筋力限界蓄積「発勁」 きんりょくげんかいちくせき「3RD」 kinryoku genkai chikuseki 「3RD (kanji: hakkei)」 Muscle strength accumulation limit of the 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)
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1 による ni yoru And by doing that...
2-3 風圧発散 ふうあつはっさん fuuatsu Wind Pressure Emanation
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1 デラウェア DERAUEA Delaware
2 スマッシュ SUMASSHU Smash
tagline No.412 史上の最狂のヒーロー 堀越耕平 ナンバー412 しじょうさいきょうのヒーロー ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 412  shijou saikyou no HIIROO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 412 History's Craziest Hero  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 ハハッ HAHA "Haha!"
2 極致だな緑谷‼︎ きょくちだなみどりや‼︎ kyokuchi da na Midoriya!! "That's peak*, Midoriya!" *(Note: The word Tomura uses here to describe Izuku's use of his quirks means "ultimate, extreme, pinnacle, acme.")
3 「崩壊」の予測範囲ごと 「ほうかい」のよそ���はんいごと 「houkai」 no yosoku han'i goto The entire predicted area of Decay
4 風圧で抉り飛ばしやがった ふうあつでえぐりとばしやがった fuuatsu de eguri tobashiyagatta he gouged out with wind pressure.
5 伝播の媒体自体を減らして でんぱのばいたいじたいをへらして denpa no baitai jitai wo herashite By reducing the medium of transmission itself,
6 進行を限りなく弱体化…! しんこうをかぎりなくじゃくたいか…! shinkou wo kagiri naku jakutaika...! the progress [of Decay] will weaken without limit...!
7 ーーだが --daga "--But"
8 その場凌ぎ! そのばしのぎ! sono bashinogi! "[that's only] a stopgap measure!"
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1 何度でも触れてやるよ なんどでもふれてやるよ nando demo furete yaru yo I'll touch you however many times!
2 土煙が つちけむりが tsuchi kemuri ga The dust cloud
3 散っていかない ちっていかない chitte ikanai isn't dispersing.
4 なるほど‼︎ naruhodo!! "I see!!"
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1 「煙幕」に「変速」"一速"を付与!滞留させる! 「6TH」に「2ND」"ロー"をふよ!たいりゅうさせる! 「6TH (kanji: enmaku)」 ni 「2ND (kanji: hensoku)」 "ROO" wo fuyo! tairyuu saseru! Confer the 2nd's (read as: Gear Shift's) low gear to the 6th (read as: Smokescreen)!
2 視界を遮断して「煙幕」を展開 しかいをしゃだんして「6TH」をてんかい shikai wo shadan shite 「6TH」 wo tenkai To block his vision, deploy the 6th (read as Smokescreen).
3 死柄木の「危機感知」を鳴らし続ける しがらきの「4TH」をならしつづける Shigaraki no 「4TH」 wo narashi tsudzukeru Keep sounding [the alarm] of Shigaraki's 4th (read as: Danger Sense).
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1 その間にーー‼︎ そのあいだにーー‼︎ sono aida ni--!! And in the meantime--!
2 「危機感知」に頼るリスクはよく知ってる! 「4TH」にたよるリスクはよくしってる! 「4TH」 ni tayoru RISUKU wa yoku shitteru! I understand well the risks of relying on the 4th (read as: Danger Sense).
3 "溜め"を作る為にここまで…! "ため"をつくるためにここまで…! "tame" wo tsukuru tame ni koko made...! "All of this to create a stockpile...!"
4 けど…9代目‼︎ けど…9だいめ‼︎ kedo...9daime!! "But...Ninth!!"
5 死柄木は しがらきは Shigaraki wa Shigaraki
6 「サーチ」でこっちがーー‼︎ 「SAACHI」 de kocchi ga--!! [can see you] over here with Search--!!
7 ぐあっ gua "Gwah!"
8 見えてんだけど? みえてんだけど? mietenda kedo? "But I can see you?"
9 位置も いちも ichi mo "Your location, too."
10 弱点も じゃくてんも jakuten mo "And your weaknesses."
11 この目で見た人の情報100人まで丸わかり! この目でみたひとのじょうほう100にんまでまるわかり! kono me de mita hito no jouhou 100nin made maru wakari! I completely know information about up to 100 people I see with these eyes!
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1 おまえ息できてないだろ おまえいきできてないだろ omae iki dekitenai daro "You aren't able to breathe, right?"
2 "変速"の反動‼︎切れた! "へんそく"のはんどう‼︎きれた! "hensoku" no handou!! kireta! "Gear Shift's recoil!! It cut off!"
3 さっきの"溜め攻撃"も さっきの"ためこうげき"も sakki no "tame kougeki" mo "That stockpile attack from before also"
4 そう乱発できるモンじゃないな そうらんぱつできるモンじゃないな sou ranpatsu dekiru MON ja nai na "isn't something you can fire over and over."
5 腱や筋肉を内から直接補強… けんやきんにくをうちからちょくせつほきょう… ken ya kinniku wo uchi kara chokusetsu hokyou... "Direct reinforcement of your tendons and muscles from within..."
6 肌から透けて見える黒鞭が物語ってる はだからすけてみえるそれがものがたってる hada kara sukete mieru sore (kanji: kuro muchi) ga monogatatteru "That (read as: Black Whip) that's transparently visible through your skin tells the story."
7 まともにくらえばさすがに俺も無事ではなかったかもな まともにくらえばさすがにおれもぶじではなかったかもな matomo ni kuraeba sasuga ni ore mo buji de wa nakatta kamo na "If I had taken that [hit] normally, maybe even I wouldn't have been all right."
8 守るもんが多くて大変だなァ緑谷 まもるもんがおおくてたいへんだなァみどりや mamoru mon ga ookute taihen da naA Midoriya "It's tough when there are so many things to protect, right, Midoriya?"
9 …だからって… ...dakara tte... "...I said that's why..."
10 泣いていたあの少年を…諦めはしない…! ないていたあのしょうねんを…あきらめはしない…! naite ita ano shounen wo...akirame wa shinai...! "I won't give up...on that boy who was crying...!"
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1 人は狭い窓から世界を解釈しようとする… ひとはせまいまどからせかいをかいしゃくしようとする… hito wa semai mado kara sekai wo kaishaku shiyou to suru... "People try to interpret the world through a narrow window..."
2 どうなった⁉︎ dou natta!? "What happened!?"
3 見えない みえない mienai "I can't see."
4 遠くに行っちゃった とおくにいっちゃった tooku ni icchatta "They went off far away."
5 理解のできない物事に理由をつくって楽になろうとする りかいのできないものごとにりゆうをつくってらくになろうとする rikai no dekinai monogoto ni riyuu wo tsukutte raku ni narou to suru "They try to make things easier by making up reasons for the things they don't understand."
6-7 おまえは自分の狭い解釈に俺を落とし込みたいだけだ おまえはじぶんのせまいかいしゃくにおれをおとしこみたいだけだ omae wa jibun no semai kaishaku ni "You just want to fit me into your own narrow interpretation."
8 見えてんだろ みえてんだろ mietendaro "You can see it, right?"
9 俺に"幽霊ども"が見えてるように…OFAを通じて俺の中が… おれに"ゆうれいども"がみえてるように…ワン・フォー・オールをつうじておれのなかが… ore ni "yuurei-domo" ga mieteru you ni...WAN FOO OORU wo tsuujite ore no naka ga... "It's like you ghosts can see me...[see] inside me through One For All..."
10 だから煙の中おまえも俺を捕捉できた… だからけむりのなかおまえもおれをほそくできた… dakara kemuri no naka omae mo ore wo hosoku dekita... "That's why you even were able to catch me in the smoke..."
11 しっかり見ろ しっかりみろ shikkari miro "Look carefully."
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1 泣いていた少年はもうとっくに乗り超えた ないていたしょうねんはもうとっくにのりこえた naite ita shounen wa mou tokku ni norikoeta "The boy who was crying already got over it long ago."
2 どこまでも解釈を拡大し どこまでもかいしゃくをかくだいし doko made mo kaishaku wo kakudai shi "I expanded my interpretation without end,"
3 少年は死柄木弔になった! おれはおれになった! ore (kanji: shounen) wa ore (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) ni natta! "and I (read as: the boy) became me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)!"
4 俺ぁ何も困っちゃいないんだよ! おれぁなにもこまっちゃいないんだよ! orea nani mo komacchainainda yo! "I am not in any kind of trouble!" (Note: Tomura means he's not a person who needs to be saved from anything.)
5-6 僕はあの子を救けたい ぼくはあのこをたすけたい boku wa ano ko wo tasuketai (kanji: sukuetai) I want to save that kid!
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1 諦めろ あきらめろ akiramero "Give up."
2-3 救いようの無い人間はいるんだよ出久くん すくいようのないにんげんはいるんだよいずくくん sukuiyou no nai ningen wa irunda yo Izuku-kun "There are people who cannot be saved, Izuku-kun."
4 君の掲げたヒーロー観にとって きみのかかげたヒーローかんにとって kimi no kakageta HIIROO kan ni totte When it comes to your views on heroes,
5 こいつは最大の壁であり こいつはさいだいのかべであり koitsu wa saidai no kabe de ari this guy is the biggest wall.
6 超えなくていい壁だ こえなくていいかべだ koenakute ii kabe da It's a wall you don't have to climb over.
7 一撃で跡形もなく消すしかない いちげきであとかたもなくけすしかない ichigeki de atokata mo naku kesu shika nai "There's no choice but to erase him with one blow until no trace remains."
8 堪えろ出久くん! こらえろいずくくん! koraero Izuku-kun! "Bear with it, Izuku-kun!"
9 溜めろ‼︎さっき以上に! ためろ‼︎さっきいじょうに! tamero!! sakki ijou ni! "[Gather a] stockpile!! Even more than before!"
10 嫌だ… いやだ… iya da... "No..."
11-12 じゃあ何であんな寂しい過去を…心に据えてたんだよ…‼︎ じゃあなんであんなさびしいかこを…こころにすえてたんだよ…‼︎ jaa nande anna sabishii kako wo...kokoro ni suetetanda yo...!! "So then, why [did you fix*] such a lonely past...into your heart...!!" (Note: By "fix" here, Izuku means "place, lay as a foundation." Essentially: "Why is such a lonely past in such a foundational position inside your heart?")
13 蓋を…しただけだろーが… ふたを…しただけだろーが… futa wo...shita dake daroo ga... Literally "A lid...you just put one on, didn't you..." Contextually "You just...covered it all up, didn't you..."
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1 守れなかったモンを見ないフリして まもれなかったモンをみないフリして mamorenakatta MON wo minai FURI shite You pretend not to see those you couldn't protect,
2 傷んだ上から蓋をして いたんだうえからふたをして itanda ue kara futa wo shite and covered up their pain from above. (Note: The official translation of the above two lines is: "You pretended not to see those you couldn't protect and swept their pain under the rug.")
3 その蓋ブッ壊れるまで そのふたブッこわれるまで sono futa BUkkowareru made "Until that cover breaks,"
4 殴るのを止めない なぐるのをやめない naguru no wo yamenai (kanji: tomenai) "I won't stop striking at it."
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1 だから dakara "That's why"
2 反対していたんだ はんたいしていたんだ hantai shite itanda "I reversed [my stance]."
3-4 "宿敵を救けたい"なんてイカレた幻想に俺たちの歩みを委ねるのか? "しゅくてきをたすけたい"なんてイカレたげんそうにおれたちのあゆみをゆだねるのか? "shukuteki wo tasuketai (kanji: sukuetai)" nante IKAREta gensou ni ore-tachi no ayumi wo yudaneru no ka? We’re gonna entrust our footsteps to this crazy fantasy of ‘I want to save our nemesis’?
5 平和ボケした傲慢な考えだと へいわボケしたごうまんなかんがえだと heiwa BOKE shita gouman na kangae da to "It's the arrogant idea of a peace-loving fool."
6 だが裡から見てきて だがうちからみてきて daga uchi kara mite kite But when I began to look within, (Note: It's not clear from these words if Kudou is talking about looking within Izuku or looking within himself. The imagery of the rest of the page could imply that he's looking within Izuku.)
7 わかった wakatta I understood.
8 この少年は このしょうねんは kono shounen wa This boy
9 縋っているのだと すがっているのだと sugatte iru no da to is one who clings [to others].
10 嫌悪すべき人間だろうと けんおすべきにんげんだろうと ken'o subeki ningen darou to Whether it's a person he should hate
11 無個性の人間だろうと むこせいのにんげんだろうと mukosei no ningen darou to or a person who lacks individuality*, *(Note: This word, mukosei, is the MHA world's term for "quirkless," but whenever it means "quirkless," it is written in quotes in the manga. Here the word is not in quotes, so it should mean what the word mukosei normally means in Japanese: "a lack of personality/individuality." I think here the word may be intended to refer to the other kid with the long fingers who also follows Katsuki around.)
12-13 その奥には等しく人の心があるのだと そのおくにはひとしくひとのこころがあるのだと sono oku ni wa hitoshiku hito no kokoro ga aru no da to he is one who [believes that] deep down people have the same* hearts. *(Note: This sentence is awkward to write out in English because the word "same" is actually an adverb in Japanese, like "similarly, equally." It means something like "All people are equal in that they similarly have human hearts.")
14-15 信じたいのだ しんじたいのだ shinjitai no da He is one who wants to trust*. *(Note: This word could also be translated as "wants to believe [in others].") (Update: I now believe this line should be translated as "He is one in whom I want to believe. Please see here for a bit more detail.)
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1 …… "......"
2 キレイ事は…嫌いじゃない キレイごとは…きらいじゃない KIREI goto wa...kirai ja nai "I don't hate...such idealism*." (*Note: This word in Japanese literally means "lip service." This is the same word used by All Might (in a flashback) and Mirio in chapter 367 when talking about how heroes have to talk the talk of positive thinking before making those ideals into a reality.)
3 今から俺の言う通りにしろ いまからおれのいうとおりにしろ ima kara ore no iu toori ni shiro "From now on, do as I say."
4 おまえに賭けるよ9代目 おまえにかけるよ9だいめ omae ni kakeru yo 9daime "[I'll] bet on you, Ninth."
5 OFAを手放すんだ ワン・フォー・オールをてばなすんだ WAN FOO OORU wo tebanasunda Let go of One For All.
tagline 2代目の秘策ーーーしかしそれは… 2だいめのひさくーーーしかしそれは… 2daime no hisaku---shikashi sore wa... The Second's secret plan--but that...
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ioasaya · 5 years
Translation under the cut!!
JUST DO IT… (x7)
COME ON, 1, 2, 3, 4, DIVE!
LOOK AT LOOK AT... ore wo miro
LOOK AT LOOK AT… All eyes on me
O nozomi no SHOW hajimaru
The show of your dreams has begun
LOOK AT LOOK AT... 好奇の瞳よ
LOOK AT LOOK AT… kouki no me yo
LOOK AT LOOK AT… those inquisitive eyes now
Shinchintaisha ga kappatsu na yo no AUDIENCE
The awakening that this generation’s lively AUDIENCE seeks --
Sono ryoute wo agena
We’ll hand it over with both hands
Zurusa mo PRIME
Our craftiness is also at its PRIME
Hoshii mono wo te ni ireru tame naraba
If it’s for the sake of getting what I want
悪にもタマシイ差し出し 手段は選ばねぇPOLICY
Aku ni mo tamashii zashidashi shudan wa erabanee POLICY
I’ll even offer up my soul to evil; it’s a POLICY that leaves us with no other choice
Kyouki ni michita ATTENTION (HAHA! LIKE A CRAZY)
This madness-filled ATTENTION (HAHA! LIKE A CRAZY)
Atarashii chitsujyo tsukuri dase
Will create a new world order
Saikou no shihai (DOMINATION)
Supreme domination (DOMINATION)
Sekai nurikaerunda
We’ve remade the world
美しいダイヤさえも(CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Utsukushii daiya sae mo (CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Let’s shatter even (CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Konagona ni hakai shiyou
The most beautiful diamonds into pieces
IT'S MINE! テトラルキアの(MY RULE, YA)
IT’S MINE! Tetorarukia no (MY RULE, YA)
IT’S MINE! We’ll DRIVE forward this age of (MY RULE, YA)
Jidai wo DRIVE! WE ARRIVE! Musabore
Tetrarchy! WE ARRIVE! Desire it
...Omoshiro soujyan
...Doesn’t it sound interesting?
Ichi ni tsuite FORMATION
About your position in this FORMATION
LOOK AT LOOK AT… oretachi wo
Koukotsu na kao no manma
With those ecstatic expressions on your faces
Tarinai takaburi wa
What’s missing in life is
Koufu ni mo nita kanjyo
The stimulation of emotions similar to fear
どこかで求めてる(I WANT IT)
Dokoka de motometeru (I WANT IT)
I’m seeking it somewhere (I WANT IT)
そうして何度も 歴史は巡ってんだぜ
Soushite nando mo rekishi wa meguttendaze
And history will repeat, however many times
Saa ryoute wo age na
So, I’ll hand it over with both hands
Jibun no PRICE
Name your own PRICE
Yasuku mitsumoreba namerareru dake da
If you estimate it too cheaply, you’ll only be underestimating yourself
たむろう毎日じゃ TOO BAD 脱ぎなよ ****(OH SHIT)
Tamurou mainichi jya TOO BAD nugina yo **** (OH SHIT)
Gather ‘round everyday, TOO BAD, don’t take off **** (OH SHIT)
From the ATTENTION from above (HAHA! LIKE A BOSS, OH)
Atarashii kachi wo tsukuridase
We’ll create a new sense of worth
Saikou no shihai…
Supreme domination...
Nanimo kamo wo nurikaeyou
Let’s remake everything
オマエは戻らない(NO WAY BACK)
Omae wa modoranai (NO WAY BACK)
You can no longer return (NO WAY BACK)
深い赤で飾ろう(MAKE UP! MAKE UP!)
Fukai aka de kazarou (MAKE UP! MAKE UP!)
Let’s adorn everything with (MAKE UP! MAKE UP!)
Rubii no kagayaki wo
A deep crimson like a ruby’s shine
IT’S FINE! Oretachi ni shika (MY PRIDE, OH)
出来ないLIVE! REALIZE! 叫べよ
Dekinai LIVE! REALIZE! Sakebe yo
that only we can do! Shout out loud,
Madamada koe dase
Raising your voices even higher
Motto hara no soko kara SCREAM AND SHOUT
From the bottom of your hearts, give us a more enthusiastic SCREAM AND SHOUT
Zurusa mo PRIME
Our craftiness is also at its PRIME
欲しいものを手に入れる為ならば UH... YEAH(OH, YES)
Hoshii mono wo te ni ireru tame naraba UH… YEAH (OH YES)
If it’s for the sake of getting what I want, UH… YEAH (OH YES)
Kyouki ni michita ATTENTION
This madness-filled ATTENTION
Atarashii sekai no maku ga agaru
Will raise the curtain for a new world
Saikou no shihai…
Supreme domination...
美しいダイヤさえも(CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Utsukushii daiya sae mo (CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Let’s shatter even (CUT UP! CUT UP!)
Konagona ni hakai shiyou
The most beautiful diamonds into pieces
IT'S MINE! テトラルキアの(MY RULE, YA)
IT’S MINE! Tetorarukia no (MY RULE, YA)
IT’S MINE! We’ll DRIVE forward this age of (MY RULE, YA)
Jidai wo DRIVE! WE ARRIVE! Musabore
Tetrarchy! WE ARRIVE! Desire it
...Omoshiro soujyan
...Doesn’t it sound interesting?
Ichi ni tsuite FORMATION
About your position in this FORMATION
LOOK AT LOOK AT… oretachi wo
LOOK AT LOOK AT… Only us, 
Koukotsu na kao no manma
With those ecstatic expressions on your faces
T/N: What is… the point of censoring when you curse right after??? I do not?? Understand??? But also. It’s v ZOOL-like
「オレを見ろ」= Basically a command saying “LOOK AT ME” But also I typed in LOOK AT in all caps like. 500 times. So something a little different and more localized with the same meaning
「新陳代謝」is basically a renewal/renovation (of the music world *cough*) but I thought renaissance seemed more appropriate at first but rebirth doesn’t exactly describe ZOOL so.
Why I think renewal/renaissance doesn’t work: ZOOL’s approach to their fans/as an idol group is new, at least in the i7 universe. While I guess one can say Zero didn’t give his/her fans his/er all like TGR or i7 does, he/she didn’t take the approach that ZOOL is currently taking, aka, the fans kinda… don’t matter? Idk maybe my way of thinking is just… weird.
A tetrarchy!! Is a government with 4 people at the top! *side-eye emoji*
I’m pretty sure the evil they’re selling their souls to is Tsukumo f-ing Ryou
Half this song is caps-locked english I want to fight the lyricist
「自分のPRICE」-- this stanza sorta stands out to me since… I feel like it’s semi-referencing ZOOL’s own insecurities??? Thanks for the ZOOL backstories.
“Name your own price” meaning, not like, a physical item’s price but sorta like. What YOU think YOU’RE worth.
As always, please let me know if there are any mistakes!!!
Edited 11/19/18 thanks to a kind anon who pointed out a mistake <3
Line edited:「もっと腹の底からSCREAM AND SHOUT」
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zapthecactus · 5 years
Ultimate Japanese – Lesson 3
Vowel Clusters
When two identical vowels [aa, ii, ee, uu, oo] are together, they are held for twice as long as normal.
kado [corner] vs. kaado [card]
chizu [map] vs. chiizu [cheese]
su [nest] vs. suu [number]
beru [bell] vs. beeru [veil]
hoshi [star] vs. hooshi [service]
Whereas, if there are two different vowels together, they are each pronounced for the same length of time.
ue [top, up, above]
akai [red]
aoi [blue]
baiu [rainy season]
koe [voice]
Ei is an exception and is often pronounced as ee.
keiko [practice]
eiga [movie]
Bunpoo to yoohoo
0 zero, rei
1 ichi 一
2 ni 二
3 san 三
4 yon, shi 四
5 go 五
6 roku 六
7 nana, shichi 七
8 hachi 八
9 ku, kyuu 九
10 juu 十
For 11 - 19, simply add the corresponding number behind 10.
11 juuichi [10 + 1]
12 juuni [10 + 2]
For tens, multiply it by 10.
20 nijuu [2*10] 二十
100 hyaku 百
200 nihyaku [2*100] 二百
1000 sen, issen 千
2000 nisen [2*1000] 二千
The Japanese currency is pronounced as en, rather than yen [¥].
ichien [1¥]
juuen [10¥]
hyakuen [100¥]
hyakuen desu. [It is 100¥.]
kore wa sen’en desu. [This is 1000¥.]
kore wa niseen’en desu ka. [Is this 2000¥?]
Nouns plus copula in the past affirmative
Desu ➡️ deshita
watashi wa kutsu wa tatta nisen’en deshita. [My shoes were only 2000¥.]
kasa wa sen’en deshita. [The umbrella was 1000¥.]
Desu [present affirmative] vs. ja arimasen [present negative] vs. deshita [past affirmative]
watashi wa gakusei desu. [I am a student.]
watashi wa gakuesi ja arimasen. [I’m not a student.]
watashi wa gakusei deshita. [I was a student.]
There are two types of adjectives: i- and na-.
takai [expensive]
yasui [inexpensive]
ii or yoi [good, nice, fine, okay]
warui [bad]
The final i in an i-adj. is proceded by a, i, u, o, but never e. They also change based on tense and if their affirmative or negative.
ii desu [it is good]
ookii desu [it is big]
warui desu [it is bad]
chiisai desu [it is small]
takai desu [it is expensive]
akarui desu [it is bright]
yasui desu [it is inexpensive]
kurai desu [it is dark]
shimadaya no kutsu wa yasui desu. [Shimadaya’s shoe are inexpensive]
Sometimes you can add n between the adj. and desu to mean “the fact is that...” or “indeed”.
yasui n desu [(the fact is that) it is inexpensive]
hanabishi no kutsu wa taki n desu [(indeed) Hanabishi’s shoes are expensive.]
Question Words
Nani [what] - followed by o, as nani is the direct object.
nani o shimashoo ka [what should we do?]
nani o tabemasu ka [what will you eat?]
udon o tabemasu [I will eat noodles.]
nani o kaimashoo ka [what should we buy?]
pan to jamu o kaimashoo [let’s buy bread and jam]
Doko [where] - followed by e, de, no.
doko e ikimashoo ka [where should we go?]
hanabishi e ikimashoo [let’s go to hanabishi]
ashita doko de asagohan to hirugohan o tabemasu ka [where will you have breakfast and lunch tomorrow?]
uchi de tabemasu [I will eat at home]
doko no mise desu ka [which store is it?]
shinjuku no mise desu [it is a store in shinjuku]
Dono [which, out of 3+ choices] – used before the noun.
dono sakana o tabemashoo ka [which fish should we eat?]
maguro o tabemashoo [let’s eat tuna]
dono hana o kaimashoo ka [which flowers should we buy?]
bara o kaimashoo [let’s buy roses]
dono depaato de (kaimashita ka) [at which department store?]
Dono no – indicates location
doko no deppato de [at which department store?]
Yo – implies giving new information [you know, certainly]
shimadaya no kutsu wa yasui desu yo [Shimadaya’s shoes are certainly inexpensive]
suzuki-san wa depaato e ikimashita yo [Ms. Suzuki went to the department store, you know?]
tatta sen’en deshita yo [it was only 1000¥, you know]
Kedo [but]
watashi no ketsu wa tatta nisen’en deshita kedo kookyuuhin desu [My shoes were only 2000¥, but they are high-quality merchandise]
hanabishi no kutsu wa takai desu kedo yoofuku wa yasui desu [shoes are hanabishi are expensive, but their apparel is inexpensive]
suzuki-san wa dekakemasu kedo watashi wa dekakemasen [Ms. Suzuki is going out, but I am not]
Demo [but] – a conjugation used at the beginning of a sentence.
maguro wa yasui desu kedo unagi wa takai desu [the tuna is inexpensive, but the eel is expensive]
VS. maguru wa yasui desu. demo unagi wa takai desu [the tuna is inexpensive. however, the eel is expensive]
Deletion of the direct object
doko de kutsu o kaimasu ka [where are you going to buy shoes?]
shimadaya de kaimasu [i am going to buy (them) at shimadaya]
kinoo booshi o kaimashita [i bought a hat yesterday]
watashi mo kaimashita yo [i bought (one), too]
Tango to hyoogen
mise [store]
depaato [department store]
kutsu [shoes]
booshi [hat, cap]
pan [bread]
jamu [jam]
sakana [fish]
maguro [tuna]
unagi [eel]
hana [flower]
bara [rose]
asagohan [breakfast]
hirugohan [lunch]
yoofuku [clothes]
kookyuuhin [quality goods]
shimasu [to do]
dekakemasu [to go out]
ii, yoi [good, nice, fine, okay]
warui [bad]
takai [expensive]
yasui [inexpensive]
ookii [big]
chiisai [ small]
akarui [bright]
kurai [dark]
tatta [only]
totemo [very]
tokidoki [sometimes]
demo [but]
tokoro de [by the way]
itsi ka [sometime, someday]
nani [what]
doki [where]
dono [which]
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nanbaocprison · 6 years
Oc Creation: Names
the writing took longer than I expected but I’m done with the first part all thanks goes to ayalaatreides for proofreading and editing.
When naming, its very self explanatory, they have to have at least a number in their name. Since numbers are the central themes, it's no surprise that's what all the characters are named after. There's a heavy use of Japanese mythology and folklore in the series. They have a pattern, it’s fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Let’s begin with the inmate side of naming: the inmates go by aliases instead of their real names, for instance in flashbacks no one referred the characters by their current names. In a post I explained cell 13’s Jyugo,Uno Nico and Rock’s names; as I said before, naming can be fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
The inmates’ names are from their id number, but it could also be something deeper. With Jyugo, “Jyugo” is the Japanese number for “15”,  his cell number. Uno is Spanish for “one” from the card game, citing his gambling habits and part of his id number “11”. Rock, when pronounced in Japanese, is “Rokku”, “ro” meaning “6”, “kuu” meaning “nine”, together mean “69”. Rock could mean as “strong as a rock”, like his inhuman strength would suggest. In Nico’s name, “ni” means “2” in the Japanese language, and “ko” is the phonetic symbol for “go” meaning “5”. Nico’s name means “second child”, his status being the youngest and most childlike out of all of his cell mates as well as his second personality that comes out later in the series. His name has different meanings attached, which are “smile” and “sunlight”, like his bright and energetic personality.
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You have to remember. you can count numbers many ways in Japanese, for example Tsukumo’s name means “99” in Japanese. In naming, take apart what's in the name, Rock’s  “rokku”, “ro” being “six”, “ku” being “nine”. When it comes to a character’s kanji look at Kusatsu and Fujisan’s names. Kusatsu’s name in kanji is taken from Kusatsu, a town known for its hot springs. “Ku” means “9”, “Sa” means “3”, “Tsu” could mean “2”. Don’t believe me? Look at the kanji. As for Fujisan, it's a play on the term “Fujisan”, another notable hot spring, “fu” comes from “futa” meaning “2”, and “ji” like Nico, “ji” is the phonetic symbol for “shi” meaning “4” and “sa” = “san” meaning “3”, fitting since they both love hot springs so much.  
Now time for the inmates from the other buildings. I’ll start with building 3, inmates Trois and Honey., “Trois” is french for “3”, his nationality being french. For Honey, the Japanese pronunciation is “hani”, “ha” from “hachi” meaning “eight”, “ni” being “two” like his cell number. Another american, like Rock whose name is in Japanese pronunciation.
In naming, look at their nationality when naming your inmates. If that's the case, then why is Musashi given a Japanese name instead of  a German name? Easy: it's to represent the building he resides in. Building 4’s theme is culture, since it has Japanese culture it’s made to reflect the theme of the building. Musashi's name is broken up into “mu” from “muttsu” meaning “6”, “sa” being “san” meaning “3”, “shi” being “4”, like his inmate id number 634. His name comes from Miyamoto Musashi, the author of the Five Rings, a renowned Japanese swordsmen.
Last but not least: building 5 inmates Upa, Liang and Qi. Their names are reflected in their nationality being Chinese. Liang’s name is Mandarin Chinese for “2”, his cell number. For Qi it’s  “seven” like part of his cell number “7” in 71. As for Upa, “pa” is read as “eight” in Chinese. Like Nico, Musashi, and Uno, he has other meanings in his name as well., Upa’s name came from isha upa yoga (a form of yoga) referring to how he first appeared meditating, and also a buddhist monk, Upagupta. Qi’s name came from “Qi”, or “the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong.” This links Liang, Upa and Qi together due to them having martial arts,qigong and medicine in their characters.
Now I’m done with the inmate side of naming; time to move on with the guards. They take another step but it’s lot of fun.
Let’s start off with the guards of building 13, Hajime Sugoroku. Hajime means “begin”, which is used in traditional martial arts such as karate,judo,aikido and kendo, matching Hajimes speciality in combat where he uses his fists for fighting. The kanji in his name means “one”, him being the number one man in Nanba prison. Sugoroku is a traditional Japanese new year’s board game. For his family, his brother Hitoshi’s name means “benevolence”, showing contrast to Hajime’s short tempered and violent temperament. Hitoshi can be spelled as “hitotsu” in different kanji meaning “one”, showing a connection to Hajime being his family.
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Next is Seitarou Tanabata. His surname comes from the tanabata legend, and Tanabata’s a star festival held in japan. “Sei” means “star”, “tarou” is used for boys in japan and could also mean “eldest son”., Iif you look closely, his name could have a number if you look at “tarou”. Yamato’s name is from a Japanese battleship, and Yamato is an ancient alternative spelling of japan. The kanji of his name Godai means “five great”, named after the japanese elements from Japanese philosophy.
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The guards of Nanbaka are named from characters in Japanese folklore and legend, like Momoko Hyakushiki, Samon Goku, Kenshirou Yozakura, Kiji Mitsuba, Mitsuru Hitokoe. Momoko, Samon, Kenshirou and Kiji are an allusion to the legend of Momotaro. Momoko being Momotarou, Samon the monkey, Kenshirou the dog, Kiji the pheasant. For their names, “momo” in her name is another way of saying “a hundred” in Japanese, and “ko” is used for girls in Japan. “Hyaku” means “a thousand”, “shiki” means “command”. As her name suggests she's a commanding presence in Nanba prison and warden of Nanba prison.
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Samon is named after a character from the Chinese novel,  Journey of the West, the Monkey. “Go” means “5” citing building 5 the building he is supervising.
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In Kenshirou, “ken” means “dog”, which is his motif in his design, “shi” means “scholarly officer” referring to his intelligent and informed personality, “rou” is a last name usually given to boys in Japan. Yozakura means “four cherry blossoms”. Taken from “yozakura”, an event that takes place after hanami, cherry blossom viewing at night, and “yo” in his surname means “4” referring the building he is supervising.
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Kenshirou’s guard dogs of building 4 are named after flowers with numbers., In Japan people use flower language to convey emotions to each other. Since building 4’s theme is culture, it talks about japanese culture which uses hanakotoba (the language of flowers) which is proxy used in japanese culture. The guards are dogs that are different breeds, and they have flowers in their names I = one Ni = two Shi = four “no” is a naming particle using “of” when writing Japanese. Their last name “hana” means “flower” in Japanese. For tThe head guard dog Genrou Byakuya, Genrou’s full name means “mysterious wolf” and “Byakuya” means a “hundred nights”.
Next is Kiji Mitsuba. “Kiji” is Japanese for “pheasant”, “mitsu” is Japanese for “three”, “ba”  meaning “leaf”, his surname together means “three leaves”, a japanese parsley which is a vegetable in Asian cultures. “mitsu” means “3”, which refers to his building that he supervises.
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The guards of building 5 are named after characters from the Journey of the West novel. Inori’s name means “wild boar”, “nori” meaning “hicklish”, his surname means “eight commandments”,  taken from zhu bajie a character from Journey of the West who shares the same personality traits as Inori. Part of Houzuki’s name means “law or buddhist”, referencing his outfit, “zuki” means “moon” and “Hou” is another way of saying “Hōshi” , “gen sanzou”. “Sanzou” is taken from “genjou sanzou”, a Chinese buddhist and the monk from Journey of the West, the wandering priest. For the Daisen brothers’ names, “dai” means “great”, “sen” means “sage”. The brothers are named after some of the characters from the Journey of the West. “Roku” means “6”, “koko” means “9”,  “you” means “8”, “riki” at the end means “power”. Rokuriki is named after the immortal of elk power, Youriki after the immortal of antelope power, and Kokoriki the immortal of tiger power, as seen again with their weapons. Ruka’s name means “flow of the river”. “Go” means “5” and “jo” means “pure clean unspoiled”. Ruka’s surname is taken from Sha Wujing, a river ogre from Journey of the West that accompanied Sanzou on his journey. Hachiman is an inmate whose name means “eight thousand”, he's named after a synthetic divinity of archery, and his power hungry nature references this. Also named after Zhu Bajie, the pig, encompassing his violent traits.
For the supervisors of other buildings: for the supervisor from building 1 Tomato Ichijou, “to” means “rabbit”, and in his kanji “ma” means “ten thousand”; “ichi” means “one” and “jou” means “streak”. “Ichi” in his name references the building he supervises. Nijimasu Nanairo means “seven colors”, his whole name together means “7 colored rainbow”. “Nana” meaning “7”, the building  he’s supervising. For Mao, a deputy supervisor, his name “mao” literally means “cat” in Chinese; his surname “ni” means “2”, “ji” means “dance”, “ma” means “under”, and “2” in his surname references the building he is working in. Mao is based on the nekomata, a cat demon with 2 tails for being from building 2. Also a reference to it his love for money, a  reference to another legend, the legend of maneki neko which is seen holding a coin.
To the staff: for Mitsuru Hitokoe, “mitsu” means “3”, “tsuru” means “crane”, “hito” means “one”, “koe” means “voice”. Mitsuru is taken from the folklore “Tsusru no Ongaeshi, the crane returns the favor”. The doctor’s name “okina” means “old man”, “o” means “drive or manage”, “to” means “ten”, “gi” means “justice, righteous”. His name’s taken from “Taketori no Okina”, the adoptive father of Kaguya Hime from The Tale of Princess Kaguya.
Kazari means “to decorate”, and Kagu 8 is an allusion to Princess Kaguya who was adopted by okina, and had many suitors wooed by her beauty. “Kagu” means “god,diety”, and “8” is another way of saying “ya”, the number 8 in Japanese.
So when naming your characters, look at the pattern from their names and how they are arranged closely: they have numbers like the title suggests.
Inmates Jyugo = 15 Uno = 11 Rock = 6,9 Nico = 2,5 Tsukumo = 99 Fujisan = 2,4,3 Kusatsu = 9,3,2 Trois = 3 Honey = 8,2 Liang = 2 Qi = 7 Upa = ba = 8 Musashi = 6,3,4
Guards For guards, they have numbers and are based on folklore
Hajime Ssugoroku = 1,2,6 Yamato Godai = 5 = Japanese battleship Yamato Seitarou Tanabata = 1 = Tanabata legend Okina Otogi = 10 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya Kazari Otogi = 10 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya Kagu 8 = 8 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya
Momoko Hyakushiki = 100,100 = Llgend of Momotaoru Samon Goku = 3,5,9 = Legend of Momotaoru = Journey of the West Kenshirou Yozakura = 4 = Legend of Momotaoru Kiji Mitsuba = 3 = Legend of Momotaoru Mitsuru Hitokoe = 3,1 = The Crane Returns the Favor
Mao Nimaijita = 2 = Nekomata,Maneki-neko
Tomato Ichijou = 10,000,1 Nijimasu Nanairo = 7
Inori Hakkai = 8 =  Journey of the West Houzuki Sanzou = 3 =  Journey of the West Ruka Gojo = 5 =  Journey of the West Kokoriki Daisen = 9 =  Journey of the West Youriki Daisen = 8 =  Journey of the West Rokuriki Daisen = 6 =  Journey of the West Hachimen = 8,10,000 =  Journey of the West
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dizzy-ravel · 6 years
Counting in Japanese 1
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UNITS  [0 to 9]
[0]     *〇   ゼロ / れい (零/例**)          (zero / rei)          
[1]      一   いち                      (ichi)      
[2]      二   に                         (ni)
[3]      三   さん                     (san)
[4]     *四   よん / し /  よ      (yon / shi / yo) 
[5]      五   ご                        (go)
[6]      六   ろく                    (roku)
[7]     *七   なな / しち          (nana / shichi)
[8]      八   はち                     (hachi)
[9]     *九   きゅう / く          (kyuu / ku) 
The symbol 〇 is not really a kanji, but you can see this symbol in some written documents and in the written prices of some traditional restaurants in Japan. zero has the kanji 零 (KUN ぜろ/ ON レイ) but in common speach is usually written with katakana, and **れい as 例 means example. 
The first two readings for the number four (よん and し)  and both readings for number seven  (なな and しち)  can be used interchangeably when counting something.
You can either say: …さん、よん、ご、ろく、なな …
or : …さん、し、ご、ろく、しち…
The third reading for the number four (よ) and the second one for the number nine (く) are used when telling the time.
For the rest of the numbers that are formulated with a four or a seven we use the readings よん  and  なな respectively.
TENS [10 to 90]
We use the counter:   十  (じゅう)
10        十   じゅう                 (juu)
20       二十   にじゅう             (nijuu)  
30       三十   さんじゅう         (sanjuu) 
40       四十   よんじゅう         (yonjuu)
50       五十   ごじゅう             (gojuu)
60       六十   ろくじゅう         (rokujuu)  
70       七十   ななじゅう         (nanajuu)
80       八十   はちじゅう         (hachijuu)
90       九十   きゅうじゅう      (kyuujuu)
23  =   二十三   =    にじゅうさん   =   nijuusan. 
67  = 六十七   =   ろくじゅうなな   =   rokujuunana.
91  = 九十一 =  きゅうじゅういち   =   kyuujuuichi.
HUNDREDS [100 to 900]
We use the counter:  百
100        百    ひゃく                 (hyaku)
200       二百    にひゃく             (nihyaku)
300       三百    さんびゃく         (sanbyaku) 
400       四百    よんひゃく         (yonhyaku)
500       五百    ごひゃく            (gohyaku) 
600       六百    ろっぴゃく        (roppyaku) 
700       七百    ななひゃく        (nanahyaku)
800       八百    はっぴゃく        (happyaku)
900       九百    きゅうひゃく    (kyuuhyaku)
Be careful with the especial pronunciations!!
348 三百四十八 さんびゃくよんじゅうはち   =   sanbyakuyonjuuhachi.
620 六百二十  ろっぴゃくにじゅう   =   roppyakunijuu.
875 八百七十五 はっぴゃくななじゅうご   =   happyakunanajuugo.
Counting in Japanese 2: HERE :))
Spanish version of this lesson: here :)
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