#yo this album is literally me when i jack a man
xoivy · 1 year
the new jack harlow album is surprisingly good honestly. all jokes abt it sounding like drake aside, it really sounds good, genuine and like he put proper effort into it and i'm really pleasantly surprised by it ngl
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konstantya · 3 years
For the fic ask: 12, 13, 14, and 15 (or your pick of them, many good asks and not easy to decide!)
(End of the year asks.)
12. Favorite character to write about this year:
That’s a tough one, because I really found them all enjoyable in their own ways!  I guess, if you twisted my arm, I might lean slightly towards Jack Delafield (AKA: Red) from The Love Pawn?  And again, this might just be New Fic Syndrome talking, but Jesus, he really is a weird dude when it comes down to it.  Like, the poster boy for the saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  (All he wants is justice for the way his dad got swindled out of his last bit of cash following the 1929 stock market crash, and it’s like, okay, I’m with you.  He tries the legal route to no avail, so then decides he needs to take matters into his own hands, and, okay, still with you.  But then he (more or less) becomes obsessed with this gal as a means to an end and engages in some severe stalking, culminating in his outright kidnapping her at gunpoint and basically forcing her to become his accomplice in a bank robbery scheme.  To say nothing of his weird bit of voyeurism later where he literally hides in a bush and watches said gal make out with another man.  At that point it’s just like, Jack.  JACK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING.  He really is his own special kind of disaster.  And let’s be honest, my favorite male characters do tend to be disasters in one way or another, pfft.)
13. Favorite writing song/artist/album of this year:
None?  Believe it or not, I don’t really write to music.  (I used to, but find it a distraction more often than not these days.)  About the closest I probably came was the way Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Have My Money” was running through my head the whole time I was writing Each Cloud Contains.  (Sidebar:  Oh, if only I had video editing skills--I would totally make a TGFH fanvid set to that song, lololol.)
14. A fic you didn’t expect to write:
At this point in my fic writing I have come to expect the unexpected, as it were.  I mean, when you find yourself writing fics for obscure pulp short stories from the 1920s and ’30s (stories that not only don’t have a fandom, but that no one else has even heard about, let alone read), can you ever be surprised by your inspiration/output again?
15. Something you learned this year:
Again, a tough one!  I honestly don’t really know that I learned anything this year...  Maybe (related to my last answer) this year’s writing just reinforced the idea that I really don’t give a damn about whether a fandom is popular or whether a fic is liable to get me attention/feedback; writers gonna write, yo.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (That said, I am extremely appreciative of what little attention/feedback I have gotten for those obscure fics.  Y’all know who you are!  <3)
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enchantred · 4 years
folklore reactions
the 1: i totally called the tone of this album. I also love how all the album is in lowercase. this is such a sweet song! melancholy but beautiful. however, joe???? is she good? are they good? um hello I need to do some research about who this is about bc its beautiful but also sad. God I love Taylor Swift. She truly is the greatest songwriter of this century. 
cardigan: I’m really excited about this one tbh. nice into? YESS LANA VIBES. dark edgy rep mood and im here. how is this album already better than lover? also is she okay again? like i need to know about my girl. if this album doesnt win a grammy im going to riot. I love how poetic this album is. I didn’t really understand the black and white but I think I understand it now. 
the last great american dynasty: from the title im hoping also lana vibes but lets see. okay halsey 929 vibes in the beginning.  love the storytelling. I love this album so far. is this about the kennedys? is this about her past relationships? wait it totally is! marvelous? rhode island? or wait this is tiwwchnt? is this a reflection on her friendships? i’m so curious. Love the background instrumentals. wait no i’m wrong this is about her house? or the lucky one? i too had a marvelous time ruining everything also this is a mood
exile: I’m not the biggest fan of bon iver so i’m not too excited about this one, but i’m open to it, I guess. This is very The Last Time of her and I love that song so. oh no sad again. you were my crown now im in exile! no no please taylor be happy im going to straight up cry. I really hope she’s doing okay, but this song is beautiful. okay some quick research and taylor and joe are still together and apparantly he wrote things which makes sense 
my tears ricochet: very its nice to have a friend of her. okay i def hear the jack antonoff in this song. another sad song. :(  Wait yes here comes the orchestra why is this speak now x 1989? im here for this part of the song for sure.  florence inspo for sure.  
mirrorball: wait this is very fearless era is it not lmao? like the vocals are floaty and seem younger. okay this is sweet. yes begin again vibes I love it!!! yes empowerment and happiness!!!!! this is my favorite so far. This is what Me! wishes it was. hush! this is so relaxing. tbh i did think she said “im still on my toilet” instead of “tallest” so lets see if anyone else makes this mistake.  wait THIS IS THE LUCKY ONE PART 2. beautiful 10/10
seven: this is about the lover album going to call it. okay why does this literally not sound like her at all? wait im so wrong. like this is fairies in the field and she sounds like an irish folk singer from the 90s. this is cute. cottagecore lesbians on tiktok are going to use this sound for sure lmao. who does she sound like? ok i am not a fan of this song just going to put that out here now its kinda boring. 
august: if theres not an upbeat song on this album i will freak out. ugh another slow song. wait this is happy! yay! very beautiful kiss for him. why do i get like past romance vibes from this? (tom????) we love yearning. cruel summer who?also fearless vibes from this too.
this is me trying: based on the title im worried again? i almost do who???? I got wasted like all my potential ugh mood. why can’t she have the album booklet secret sentences again i sure hope she does omg. call it what you want also. 
ilicit affairs: now this has got to be about the getaway car triangle. can i be right about one thing. yearning again, but nice this time too. HIM! this is very red era and I don’t know how to feel about it. treacherous inspired this for sure. okay this is my favorite because its lowkey a diss track. dear john vibes also!
invisible string: never grow up vibes. however, I still need to know if taylor is okay like genuinely because i’m scared lmao. I hate it when people are sad esp her and like her albums define my life a bit so if shes sad im sad? bad blood lmao. aww time heals everything, this is so cute i sure hope shes happy. we love a self referencing queen. 
mad woman: the man part 2? oooh swear words. is this about k*nye? is this about k*m? wanting me dead has really brought you too together? who else? ive got to find some fan theories omg
epiphany: the 1975 vibes? i swear if this is instrumental.. okay why does this sound like a small british child singing in choir. its really beautiful though, no insult meant I just don’t really listen to music like this ever. its not really my aesthetic but I can appreciate it. 
betty: my friend freaked out about this song so from her reaction its got to be either confirmation of Kaylor/taylor being gay, the song is some weird genre thats not taylor, shes pregnant, or just really deep lyrics that hit differently? lets see. wait COUNTRY TIME? YO. oh no what did she did to betty? wait i feel uncomf. whats abigails opinion on this i need to know, were they friends? yikes friend breakup i’ve been there. is this from someone else’s perspective i gotta know. yay she goes to the party!!! wait what cardigan? whats happening im so ??
peace: interesting......this is beachy I love it? its nice to have a friend vibes again. she sounds like.. not herself? this is so different from everything she’s done before I need to sit with it and listen to it before i understand. clowns to the west. her voice sounds so beautiful here and so mature? i honestly was ready for this era after rep but not right now? idk how I feel about it. 
hoax: not s single upbeat song :(((((. faithless love??? not cute. is she going to perform any of these live i cant really imagine it. new york? aw no she’s sad my baby girl. hmm. don’t like this one. the vibes are great but I just dont like them. 
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Two
Authors note: You guyyyys, thank you so much for all the love on my first chapter, I literally didn’t expect anyone to actually read it! 😭😂 I hope you all enjoy this next one! Like before, feedback is definitely welcome & also, I just wanna say that I’m British, so if some things I write sound wrong (like in the last chapter, I kept wanting to type “revise” instead of study 😂), please let me know, as I’m trying to make this sound American, as obviously that’s where it’s set! Thanks 🖤
Warnings: Language, lil bit of drug use ooo
Tags: (I love you guys for wanted to be tagged, thank you so much) @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @fire-and-blood-got @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0
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Fall 81’
“Mads, can you turn it down?! Jesus Christ!” I yelled though the poster-clad door.
She pulled open the door & grinned, “what’s wrong, don’t you like listening to your boyfriend sing?!”
“Maddie seriously, I kissed the guy like 6 months ago to prove a point, when are you going to let it go?!” I asked, rolling my eyes. “You kiss Nikki like every other fucking weekend, & then some.”
“Shut the fuck up, Beth!” She hissed, grabbing my hand, pulling me into her bedroom & slamming the door behind me. She glared at me, arms folded across her chest. “If Daddy hears you, he’ll loose his mind & I’ll never be allowed to leave the house again!”
I laughed at her stern expression, “lighten up Mads, he’s downstairs, he didn’t hear. What times the gig tonight then?” I asked, gesturing towards the vinyl player that was still spinning the new Too Fast For Love album.
“Doors open at 7, they’re on at 8.” giggled Maddie with excitement. “I can’t wait!”
“You’ve been going to every one of their gigs for months now, how’re you not bored?”
“Nikki makes sure I’m not”, she winked at me, laughing. I scoffed, cringing at the thought of that arrogant asshole touching my baby sister.
“Please just be careful Mads, I don’t trust that guy.” I looked around her room, adorned with band posters & flyers, a lot of them advertising Mötley Crüe gigs. I looked at the small print of Nikkis face on one of them & I could swear he was smirking at me through the ink. I shook my head.
“I know, I know, he’s the devil”, she laughed, “you sound like Daddy!”
“Ha, right! I’d hate to know what Daddy would say if he knew what you were actually doing when you go & see that band!”
“You’re not going to tell him, right? He’s only just started letting me go without you chaperoning me!”
“& risk having to go to one of those depraved, shit shows with you all over again?” I scoffed, “no, I’m not going to tell him.”
Maddie smiled warmly, “you’re the best, sis. Now help me pick an outfit, I wanna look hot for Nikki.”
I was just finishing up with Maddies hair when Daddy knocked on her bedroom door. He opened it & recoiled slightly when he caught sight of his youngest daughter in the tight red PVC skirt, bejewelled bralette & knee high boots we’d settled on.
He shook his head, “I don’t think so Madeline.”
“Oh Daddy, come on!” Maddie whined, “It’s what everyone wears, it’s a rock show!”
“Well you’re not everyone, you’re my daughter & I raised you to have more respect for yourself. Change please Madeline!” He said sternly, raiding his eyebrow at her. “Elizabeth, are you ready to go?”
“Me? What? I’m not going,” I said, shaking my head, “I have college work to do, this semester has been killer.”
“Elizabeth, I spoke to you about this after the last gig your sister went to, when she came home drunk & thought I hadn’t noticed? I asked you to chaperone her again & keep her out of trouble.” My father said, raising his eyebrow again.
“What?! I thought you were joking! Daddy, she’s 18, she’s old enough to make her own decisions!”
“She’s not old enough to drink, which means she is being irresponsible & she needs someone to keep an eye on her.”
“Excuse me, I am here!” Huffed Maddie. “Daddy, I don’t need a babysitter, I had like one drink last time, it wasn’t a big deal. Please don’t keep treating me like I’m a child!”
“Madeline, you are my child,” my father stressed, his face softening, “I understand that I may seem unfair, but the things I say & do are to keep you safe. I know you’re not a kid any more”, he gestured to her scandalous outfit & shook his head, “but you live under my roof & you will live by my rules. Either Elizabeth accompanies you, otherwise you don’t go.” He finished, turning & opening the door. “& get changed into something more appropriate!” He muttered as he closed it swiftly behind him.
“Fuck!” Maddie yelled, stamping her heeled foot in exasperation.
“I’m sorry sis”, I said, standing up & walking towards the door. “We’ll do something fun tonight though, don’t worry.”
“What?! Beth, you’re gonna come, right?”
“Maddie, seriously? I love you, but no. I can’t stand that sorta crowd, the music gives me a headache & I do not wanna see that pompous asshole you’re fucking. Plus, I’ve got college papers stacking up, I just.. No, I’m sorry.” I trailed off. Maddie looked like she was torn between crying & throwing something at me.
“You’re kidding?! You’re not going to give up one evening to help me out here? I’m you’re little sister, we’re supposed to stick together!”
I stood in the doorway of her bedroom, shaking my head.
“Beth, please. I know it’s not your scene, I know. But you could have fun, if you just let yourself!” She tried to force a smile, but she could see it wasn’t working, so she tried the guilt tactic. “We used to do everything together after we lost mom, we were inseparable. Since you started college, all you do is sit in your room studying, I feel like I never see you anymore. Please, for me, just come out & let’s hang out like sisters again. I don’t even have to hang out with the band after, it can just be a Beth & Maddie night!”
I groaned, & she squealed with excitement, knowing she had successfully guilted me. She jumped on me & wrapped her arms around my neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”
“We are not going backstage though, I mean it. We’re watching the gig & we’re coming back home Mads.” I said seriously & she nodded her head. I sighed as I dragged myself to my bedroom go get changed, already dreading the night ahead.
Later that evening
I stood awkwardly at the front of the boisterous crowd that was jumping up & down in time to Take Me To The Top. The air was humid & sweaty & I’d been elbowed in the face at least 3 times. Vinces leather encased crotch was exactly my eye level & I could see Nikki smirking at me from off to the left. I couldn’t fucking wait to go home.
Vince crouched down as he sang the last line & planted a kiss on an all too willing blonde with huge tits that had been flashing her enhanced assests next to me throughout the whole gig. I rolled my eyes for about the 100th time that evening as they wrapped up the song &, with it, the show.
“Thank god.” I said, spinning around towards the exit.
“Woah, where do you think you’re going, Princess?” I felt my jaw clench. I closed my eyes & took a deep breath to prepare for the encounter.
“Home.” I said bluntly, turning around to face the sweaty, backcombed, mess of a man that stood with his arm draped around my little sisters shoulders, smirking at me
He ignored me. “So, you couldn’t stay away, huh? Let me guess, you’ve gotten past the too-good-for-you phase & now you’re in the looking-for-some-excitement phase?” He grinned wickedly.
“Sorry Sixx, you’re way off. I’m definitely still too good for you.” I said, smiling at him as sickeningly sweetly as I could.
“Figures. Poor Vinny will be heartbroken, he’s been dying to get into those bunched up panties of yours.” he said, flashing that infamous arrogant smile once again. He turned to Maddie, “come on doll, let’s head back stage, Tommy’s got some stuff that’ll lighten up your stiff of a sister.” He laughed. I saw Maddie elbow him & mutter something under her breath, that caused Nikkis smirk to widen.
“We can’t, I’m sorry, I promised Beth we wouldn’t stay. The show was fucking savage though, you guys killed it, as usual.” Maddie said, before kissing Nikki quickly & turning towards me, but the devil caught a hold of her hand.
“Come on babe,” he whined, pulling her back towards him, “it’s been a while & I’ve missed you,” he mumbled against her lips, stroking her cheek. I watched her melt against him once again, caving into his will. I could see why my little sister had been taken in by him. That sultry voice & those wicked eyes, I could see that he had a skill for manipulating & dragging people down with him, but making it all seem so appealing at the same time. The devil wasn’t a little red man with horns. The devil was Nikki Sixx & he was beautiful & dangerous & smooth as hell.
“Please Beth?” Maddie pleaded, a hint of desperation in her eyes. I knew there would be no dragging her away at this point.
“Fine, but only because I’m not leaving you alone with him.” I shot Nikki a piercing look. “& only for like 10 minutes, Daddy will kill me if I don’t get you back soon.” I said, which triggered a snigger from Nikki.
We headed backstage & into a dimly lit room. I walked through & immediately spotted the 3 lines of coke cut up neatly on a small glass table in the centre of the room, just before Tommy leaned over & snorted one up without any hesitation. Vince was sat on a dingy little couch, being straddled by the busty blonde from earlier. Mick was sat on a chair, clearly trying to stay as far away from the scene happening literally everywhere else in the room, swigging straight from a bottle of vodka & tuning his guitar.
“Yo Sixx, Maddie, vacuum this mess up!” Tommy yelled, beaming. Nikki obliged, immediately heading over to the table & expertly sniffing up the powder before picking up a bottle of Jack & chugging it down. He turned & looked expectantly at Maddie, waiting for her to rinse & repeat. She hesitated & slowly looked at me, the guilt written all over her face.
I lost it.
“You are fucking kidding me Maddie?! Fucking coke, are you mad?! Nah, that is it, we are fucking leaving.” I yelled, grabbing her hand, kicking over the little glass table, shattering the bottle of Jack & sending the remaining coke up into a powdery white cloud. Nikki strode over, blocking the doorway before I had chance to drag Maddies ass out.
“You better move out of my fucking way Sixx.”
“Beth come on, it’s fine honestly, I’ve only done it a couple of times, it’s no big deal-“ Maddie protested.
I ignored her, fixing my eyes on the devil standing in my way. “I said move.”
“Or what, Princess?” He replied, his voice deadly smooth.
“Nikki, come on man, if the girl wants to go, she wants to go. Move out the way dude.” Said Tommy, his voice sounding apologetic.
“She can go.” He replied sharply. “But you can leave my little play thing.” He purred, putting his hand under Maddies chin & tilting her head up to look at him, those green eyes flashing sinfully.
“Excuse me?!” Both she & I yelled together.
“I am not your fucking toy,” said Maddie angrily, swatting his hand from her face & shoving him away from her. “How fucking dare you?!”
Nikki laughed harshly. “Of course you are!” the coke & drink making him bolder & ruder. “You’re a groupie, a fun way to end a good show. What else did you think this was?” He asked, visibly amused.
Maddies face flushed a deep shade of pink in embarrassment, before anger visibly took over. “Fuck you, you fucking asshole!” She screamed, before pushing past him & out of the door.
I glared at Nikki with disgust. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s too fucking good for you.” I spat, barging past him & after my sister, eventually catching up with her.
“I’m so sorry Beth.. I didn’t mean.. I thought he liked me yanno.. God I’m so fucking stupid.. I’m sorry..” She managed to say between her sobs.
“Come on babe, it’s fine, let’s just get you home.” I whispered, wiping away her tears & putting my arm around her. “We’ve got some fucking posters to take down.”
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lover: first reactions
Album Length: 61 => 6 + 1 = 7 TS7 confirmed
1. I Forgot That You Existed free rent, living in my mind it isn't love, it isn't hate, it's just indifference! haha I LOVE THE LAUGHS
I love how she says indifference skgnfskj
It's all just a blur?
2. Cruel Summer is this with jack
the chorus is so effing good
OKAY. OKAY! I SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Lover 
Lover is absolutely stunning. I love the instruments. I love The lyrics. Everything is beautiful. The soft "forever and ever" in the chorus. 
4. The Man 
5. The Archer 
THE ROOM IS ON FIRE, INVISIBLE SMOKE. I love the buildup within the song itself. Beautiful vocals. Im baby.
6. I Think He Knows
7. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince 
Omg ok i like this intro
This gives me Lana vibes
the ahhhahhhhhhahhh before the pre chorus
you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
after the bridge omg back into the chorus YES
whats it about tho [edit: now I get it, it’s BRILLIANT]
8. Paper Rings 
THE LIL 1 2 1 2 3 4 I LIKE
After the bridge the way she sings the chorus!!!
9. Cornelia Street
10. Death By A Thousand Cuts
ANOTHER DRUNK! I like how she's singing.
The back vocals omg
The drums / guitar make it sound like it’s from the early 2000s 
THE BRIDGEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. London Boy 
I love her little laugh and I love sampling
Ok I like how she sings this song it's PRETTY CUTE
The beat is good too
Its so fun omg
I saw someone say it's like a country song disguised as a pop bop and THEY RIGHT WOW
12. Soon You’ll Better 
I'm already crying.
Okay now I'm sobbing.
13. False God 
False God has a nice beat. 
They all warned us to when you're lead by
It's like… Yes.
Second chorus oooo
Is this the dress / SIG of this album omg
14. You Need To Calm Down 
15. Afterglow
Blue is another common word
Is that autotune (in my "head"?)
16. ME!
ME! Is so fun
17. It’s Nice To Have A Friend
I like that steelpan!!!
A cute simple love story developing oh my gosh
18. Daylight
I once believed love would be burning red
But it's golden, like daylight.
Omg the ending… I'm crying I love these things.
I wanna be defined by the things that I love
Not the things I hate
Not the things I'm afraid of- I'm afraid of
Not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night
I- I just think that…
You are what you love.
What a beautiful ending to this magical album. It literally felt so complete and like a ride through all the ups and downs of love.
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empty-dream · 7 years
Me Watching Fate/Apocrypha Ep 5
Eaten by a dragon is a new type of nightmare
Sieg be like “I just died, then had a dream of being eaten by a dragon and died again, and then a famous saint who is so damn beautiful holds my hand wtf”
Jeanne I honestly love you way more than Astolfo but pushing him like that it’s a bit uncalled for, no?
It’s like everybody is trying to make them love rival when there is a mythical battle royale with fucking wish granting machine reward ahead sigh
Sieg: I have Siegfried’s heart? Astolfo: Don’t sweat the detail! Sieg: I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SWEAT THE DETAIL
Imagine if A-1 decides to go with novel version, they had to explain he ate Siegfried’s heart
That’d be awkward right
Jeanne Alter as Jeanne’s lil sis? Do you fucking forget Astolfo they have practically the same hairstyle
Bring the court to the middle of forest instead of the castle
Did you just ask who is this servant?? Even tho Gordes tried to get her to your faction?? Are you actually dumber than Gordes???
Everybody’s looking down at Gordes. While grumbling of his stupidity. Literally.
Avicebron: I want him. Darnic: Give him. Astolfo & Jeanne: Fuck No
"He hasn’t become a servant” HOOO BOY
It doesn’t matter if Sieg lives a life of a homunculus, a human or a servant. Avicebron literally just sees him as a material. And that’s fucking creepy.
Yddgmillennia is just a bunch of asshole aside from Fiore and Caules.
Yeah nice comeback Jeanne!
I do like that in this version, everybody keeps talking about Siegfried. They barely do so in the original novel :(
Vlad when did the last time you sleep? That’s some horrible panda eyes
Look at that tiny eyes is this DEEN?
Jeanne swearing upon everything that’s good and holy in this world when she really means “Nobody touch ma boi, geddit bitch”
I love seeing Caules and Chiron whispering to each other trust me they will do that very often
Can’t be called traitor when you did nothing wrong :p
Celenike’s screen time consists of licking, grunting, and torturing what is her purpose exactly?
For a bloodthirsty prince/king, Vlad is incredibly wise and you can’t tell me otherwise
I see they try to bring Jeanne and Vlad debating but it ain’t a debate and it ain’t hold a candle to the novel version
“Live so that Siegfried and I didn’t fight for nothing!” MY HEART HURTS
Holy shit I’m laughing the Red faction shot literally looks like they are about to drop the biggest hit album this year
“Red faction” more like “Sass and Class”
Ah this is the first appearance of AKA team I’m so happy
They like hanging out together watching clouds an I will go berserk if A-1 doesn’t animate that
And the one joy Karna finds in this battlefield disappears WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM MY BABY he suffers so much already stahp
Celenike you can’t try breaking Astolfo’s heart you are too inhuman to do that
Proffessor Chiron you will regret those words his reasoning is not said to be evaporating for nothing
If you don’t know already, Jeanne actually thinks Astolfo is a girl and that’s the most hilarious shit ever
Wowowowowowo waitwait what is this foreseeing I never know anything about this what
I would totally call her Holy Maiden actually.
Jeanne being very humble is one of the reasons why I love her so much.
There is a good reason why she doesn’t think of herself as a saint, it is very logical, and I love her even more so.
Food? FOOD? How did you materialize food?!!
Ah some shoujo moment of eating together in the middle of brutal battle royale
Vlad sure looks more like a dad proud of his son sticking to his ideal than a king punishing a traitor
Jack and Reika ready to kill some motherfuckers and eat their hearts
Where is the face
Aw man, it’s a waste A-1 doesn’t try to illustrate more that they are occupying a house after killing the owners inside
Their role is basically being cute but psycho don’t hide the psycho gdi
Nice dramatic speech at some cliff minutes before dawn
It doesn’t happen in the novel but I have to admit it’s beautiful.
I have some concern but I will keep it in the last comments
A burn so hot Gordes literally stops functioning HAHAHA
Caules just concludes what is wrong with all these unhealthy servant-master relationship props to Caules
Look at Fran and Caules they are so cuteeeeeeeeeee
Ooo the rad bone fax machine makes an appearance again!
Aw why they don’t stay together at Serge’s house I want the scenes from Serge’s house Gimme scenes from Serge’s house
Sieg trying to smile and failing horribly is relatable 100%
Doesn’t this Jeanne act way too carefree for a character described as ‘bad with men’??
Cute as fuck tho will protect till death 100/10
Don’t worry Jeanne you will meet him again in the battlefield.
Opened the path you yearn for? What path? Does Jeanne ever yearn of any path? What what what
Well that’s a giant shift from the novel
Jeanne foresees his fate >> Leads Sieg to safety >> Leaves him >> Wishes to defy his fate
I can’t really say if it’s a bad thing or not.....
On one hand, the novel’s problem is that Jeanne feels inclined to protect Sieg out of nowhere and it’s solved this way in the anime
Yet it sure sounds like typical pairing now.
And I might be wrong, but as out-of-nowhere as her relationship in the novel is, I feel like she remains wish-less and I love it, instead of what is implied with ‘path I yearn for’
Tho I think in the novel she respects Sieg’s wish to free his comrades instead of leading him away
Ugh I feel very complicated
Now that ending song fits her so much. Even tho I love it when she has nothing to do with the content of the song :///
Y’all so busy with this Jeanne-Sieg shipping and Astolfo being tortured and WELCOME ME, YAMI MARIK SHIROU KOTOMINE BEING SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK
Yo A-1 Deen’s calling they want their QUALITY back
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nodamageafterall · 7 years
The Get Down Watch Party
The Get Down Part 1 – Ep 1 Where There Is Ruin There Is Hope For Treasure
• Daveed Diggs • I used to find Zeke’s voice weird, but now I’m used to it • Still not sure how to feel about Leon • Sometimes I forget that Mylene has a sister • The Kipling Family • Ra Ra geeking about Star Wars #relatable • “That’s so stupid” “You’re stupid” #roasted • OMG Ra Ra and his suitcase • Regina is so sassy, hope we see more of that side of her • “Hey, You”, my favorite song because it makes me think of  Thizzee • Shaolin, everybody thinks he’s some type of badass legend, but soon they find out he is just a dorky • “Ciao for now”, why is Dizzee so extra? • I’m learning more about history while watching TGD that I learned in school • I’m so glad Francisco is one of the good guys • Boo Boo plaining the next move like the true mastermind he is, he is like Dizzee’s management • Savage Warlords, oh Napoleon • Francisco saves the day! • Ra Ra is so happy for Zeke • Ms Green is the true queen • Ra Ra and his references, he is like Tumblr in the 70’s • I assume all this burning buildings are CGI, I think most of the budget went on the background only • Zeke reciting the poem, what is that sound? Oh, right, it’s just my heart breaking • It looks like Regina and Yolanda are trying to seduce Mylene rather than give her boy’s advice • Ra Ra dancing, pls, no • Shaolin and Zeke’s meeting was just like it happen in romances • They focus on Napoleon, the foreshowing • “Wars on Mars” why you gotta do me like that Dizz? • That gay joke, Winston has no idea • Dizz and Boo aka partners in crime, everyone needs a little bro like Boo • Ra Ra’s advices are like really good and really bad at the same time • The girls looked so good • “Hey, You” • Can we delete Fat Annie existence? • It weird seeing how happy and pure they were until everything turns to shit • Poor Shaolin, I can’t handle that nasty woman using him like that • Cadillac, it’s really hard to hate on him when you are too busy laughing at his nonsense • Why aren’t we more weirded out with this grown men lusting after teen girls? • Zeke is too good, too pure for this world • Mylene knows her stuff, no man will play her • Is that Jesus Superstar playing on the club? • Shaolin and his karate shit, it’s like he is trying to scary Zeke off so they don’t have to fight, because he wouldn’t know how • Zeke bites Shaolin, that’s love • Zeke is so dramatic, willing to die for that record • Shaolin talking about the heat while wearing that leather jacket is quite ironic • “Which one?” “The beautiful one” classic • So upsetting that Malibu is dead, his lines were gold • Zeke’s fake accent, I’m offended and I don’t even speak spanish • Zeke needs to man up • Cadillac owns the dance floor • RIP Fat Annie’s Birthday Cake, gone too soon (I still would eat that tho) • I wish we could have more of Mylene and Cadillac dancing, just because their chemistry is really great, but I don’t ship them in anyway • Jack, I love him, but I’m afraid he will screw things over • Mylene broke Zeke’s heart and I feel for him, but he really needed that reality check • Never saw someone reading the bible so angrily • Ramon is the worst for beating Mylene like that, triggerwarning 1:10 to1:12 • Zeke, people died, you just got dumped • “I don’t understand all the crying over a female”, yeah, that’s ‘cause you are gay • Shaolin is so over the top, he and Zeke are perfect for each other • If it’s a secret underground how did him expect them to know about it? • I would expect people to be more traumatized after being in a shooting, but I guess  not • Shaolin is a fanboy, look at him fanboying over Grandmaster Flash • Zeke is wasted • Plot twist: Boo Boo is the true ladykiller romantic • I’m not saying Francisco is Mylene’s dad, but… he is • I cringed so hard the first time I saw that scene, it was clear that Zeke would fail the first try • Shaolin jumping in (literally) to save the day • Whenever older Zeke’s voiceover comes in I cry • Zeke and Shaolin are already bff and they literally just met • Shaolin isn’t just a dork, he is a nerd, he got his albums in alphabetic order • Ra Ra is a little jealous of Zeke’s friendship with Shaolin • Boo Boo is the king of comebacks • The name of the episode on the train it’s like when the character says the name of the show in the show • “You are a natural everything”, Zeke is flirting • Such a Moulin Rouge vibe of that Mylene bit, I hope nothing bad happens to her • Daveed Diggs!
The Get Down Part 1 – Ep 2 Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames
• I love that idea of starting the episode with a rap about the previously one • “Yo, how did he get in here?”, Ra asking the real questions • That fucking crayon • Dizzee’s “nice”, I wonder what is on his mind • “Protect her from herself” WTF Ramon • The Get Down Brothers? More like The Get High Brothers • Francisco rant about the white models #keepitreal • “My fucking crayon” LOL • The Kipling Bros left to go eat, priorities • Shaolin’s face while Zeke’s raps/ramble • Mylene and her mother bonding, more of those pls • Shaolin and his pigeons • I really hope the pigeons weren’t there when the place got burned • Shaolin is just 17 years old, he doesn’t deserve that shit • Zeke saw the light lol • “It takes two to make a thing go right”, is that what they call subtext? • Of course Shaolin gave him a nickname • Leon is so lazy smh • Ms Green and her red glasses • Francisco is the best • Senora Lopez is the gem of that episode • *Ignores Fat Annie for my mental health* • I really had no idea so much went into djaying, it made me appreciate it more • Grandmaster Flash is a showoff • Zeke and Shaolin fanboying together is my jam • Mylene’s voice is the closest to heaven I’ll ever get • Mylene, Regina and Yolanda are squad goals • I think it was low of Mylene to go ask help from Zeke after what happened, but I don’t think she really had much of a choice • Ra Ra and his Star Wars references • “Syrups got standars”, preach it Zeke • Shaolin is nosy • Ra Ra is the voice of the reason in this group • I hope someday I have Cadillac’s self-steem • Did he get all dress up to torture this kids? • I hate that scene • 38:45 to 39:46, skip it if you can #childabuse • The Kipling Bros dancing to Shaolin’s beat is everything • The tension in that bit is too much • 41:41 to 42:26 more child abuse and that time it’s worst, blood involved • They look so happy, why you have to ruin it? • Dizzee could’ve died • Shaolin just lost everything • Dizzee carrying that turntable, my heart aches • Shaolin trying to keep it together and lashing out on Zeke, he needs a hug • I’m glad that Zeke and Mylene sorted it out in the end • Ramon is always screwing things over • The church scene is uncanny • Jack is so hangover, when isn’t he? • Mylene preteding to get the holy spirit, so wrong, so funny • That DRESS • Shit is getting down • What? No, it can’t be over
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Brits 2018: The real winners and losers
Stormzy and Dua Lipa both took home two trophies at the Brits, but there’s always more to the show than the awards.
On a night of joy and disappointment, X-rated confessions and spectacular performances, who were the real winners and losers at the O2 Arena?
Most dress – Dua Lipa
So much dress, in fact, that it took two or three people to move it around.
Dua’s baby pink tiered Giambattista Valli gown was an extravaganza of ruffles – but she wasn’t being precious about it.
“There’s a lot of it, so if it gets damaged I can pick up a piece from somewhere else.”
Best mum – Emma Bunton
Emma Bunton’s kids were disappointed they couldn’t come to the Brit Awards, so she threw them their own awards ceremony on Tuesday.
“We had orange juice, they did a little performance, and they won best male and best group.”
Biggest snub – Ed Sheeran
He might have sold 12.8 million albums last year, but Ed Sheeran was shut out of the Brits. His only prize was the global success award, which recognises commercial success, while best male, best album, best single and best video all went to other artists.
There’s certainly a sense that the industry isn’t on his side right now – he was similarly overlooked at the Grammys – but it’s hard to work out what he’s done wrong.
Perhaps voters felt his latest album, ÷, was too safe, or cynically commercial, to deserve a prize. Or maybe they just really, really hated Galway Girl.
Either way, it feels odd that the star couldn’t catch a break in his home country.
Sauciest confession – Cheryl
Photo: ITV
During the ceremony, pop couple Cheryl and Liam Payne were confronted by presenter Jack Whitehall, who had a question about Liam’s upcoming performance with Rita Ora.
“You’re performing later, you’re doing a song from the Fifty Shades of Grey movie,” he said. “Sounds pretty saucy, is there a safe word?”
Liam gallantly threw the question to Cheryl, saying: “She knows that.”
Without batting an eyelid, she leaned into the microphone and said two words. “Don’t stop”.
Stormzy’s performance was a show-stopper, and not just because it literally came at the end of the ceremony.
Still beaming after winning best album, the star showed the full range of his talents in a performance that encompassed the heartfelt gospel of Blinded By Your Grace and the tongue-twisting wordplay of Big For Your Boots.
But in the middle, he did something special – a ferocious freestyle verse that took aim at the government’s response to the Grenfell fire.
“Yo, Theresa May, where’s the money for Grenfell?” he rapped. “What, you thought we forgot about Grenfell?
“You’re criminals, and you got the cheek to call us savages? You should do some jail time, you should pay some damages. We should burn your house down and see if you can manage this?”
In true Stormzy style, though, the rap wove the personal into the political, and he went on to talk about his pride in seeing other black British stars succeeding, including model Jourdan Dunn and actor Daniel Kaluuya.
“When Dan Kaluuya won the Bafta, I could have cried,” he grinned.
Speaking to the BBC afterwards, the rapper said he wanted to use his platform “to say something bigger” than “yeah, it’s the Stormzy show”.
“This isn’t about me. It’s about Grenfell, it’s about all the things I said in that lyric.”
Narrowest escape from injury – Taylor Swift
Technically this happened three years ago but we only found out about it tonight, and it’s our public duty to inform you that Taylor Swift narrowly escaped a black eye at the Brit Awards.
Mike Kerr from Royal Blood revealed the incident, while grassing up his musical partner Ben Thatcher as the culprit.
“We went into her dressing room to say hello, and Ben opened a bottle of champagne,” he recalled. “The cork nearly hit her in the face and knocked her out”.
“I get a little overexcited sometimes,” said Ben, sheepishly.
Greatest hook-up – Haim and Nile Rodgers
Out on the red carpet, we introduced disco legend Nile Rodgers to Este Haim, who essentially exploded with glee.
“You are the funkiest man I’ve ever heard,” she gushed as the Chic guitarist greeted her with a hug.
“I’m literally… I wish I was wearing a diaper right now,” she said.
When they record an album together, you can thank us.
Most outrageous robbery – Harry Styles
The video for Dua Lipa’s New Rules is unquestionably brilliant. Its message of women supporting women chimes perfectly with the times; and the iconic choreography inspired hundreds of tributes and covers.
Last week, it clocked up its one billionth play on YouTube. At 22, Dua is now the youngest female artist ever to reach that milestone.
So why wasn’t it in the running for best British video? Because the Brits opens that category up to a fan vote, which meant Dua was dumped from the longlist in favour of multiple videos by former members of One Direction.
In the end, the not-very-good video for Harry Styles’s not-very-good Sign Of The Times won. A complete travesty.
Nicest surprise – Jack Whitehall
Hosting the Brits is a poisoned chalice. The audience aren’t listening, the artists aren’t interested and the script is perennially awful.
But, amazingly, Jack Whitehall pulled it out of the bag with a series of acid-tongued one-liners. Like these ones:
On Rag ‘N’ Bone Man: “The man with the voice of an angel and the beard of a wizard”. On Sam Smith: “If you like Adele songs, but find them too upbeat, you’re in for a treat as Sam Smith will be performing!” On The Voice judges: “It’s a knight of the realm, an Oscar-winner and… Olly Murs.”
Biggest metaphor failure – Kendrick Lamar
Kendrick Lamar performed Feel, a song about how stardom left him feeling isolated, while a dancer smashed an orange Lamborghini with a baseball bat.
His intention was to make a statement about the emptiness of status symbols and the trappings of fame. But, with most viewers unable to hear his lyrics, it came off as “I’m so rich I can afford to smash up this very expensive car live on TV.”
Biggest softies – Dave Grohl and Dua Lipa
Dua Lipa brought her little brother and sister up on stage when she won best breakthrough artist, because she wants them to follow their dreams.
“I told them to believe in magic, because it’s real,” she said. “And this is the closest I’ve come to it – so I wanted them to experience it first hand.”
But she wasn’t the only one thinking about family. Dave Grohl might have picked up the Foo Fighters’ fourth Brit Award for best international group, but the highlight of his night was getting Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown to record a video message for his daughter.
“My daughter is such a huge fan of Stranger Things that she draws pictures of Millie Bobby Brown and puts them up around her bedroom,” he told BBC 5 live.
“She also shaved her head to look like Millie Bobby Brown – so when she gets home from school and sees the video I just took, it’ll be the biggest thing that ever happened.”
Best dressing gown – Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We never got an adequate explanation for Leigh-Anne’s sartorial decision. Maybe she just slept in.
Whatever happened, Little Mix were available to give us an update on their fifth album, which they’re aiming to have ready for the end of the year.
“We’ve only done a few sessions so far,” said Jade Thirlwall. “And we go back to work next week, all the way through March.”
The band will “hopefully” have a new single in time for their stadium tour this summer, she added.
“That’s the aim: To have something ready by then. But we don’t want to rush things.”
Least drunk ‘drunk woman’ – Este Haim
While Jack Whitehall was interviewing Liam and Cheryl, TV viewers spotted an “absolutely plastered” woman in the background mouthing the words “Call Me”.
Only it wasn’t a random record company executive, it was bass-playing pop phenomenon Este Haim.
“Not drunk, just living my truth,” she tweeted.
Source: BBC
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