solahaze · 7 years
Star Wars Rebels Shakespeare
That’s right! I’ve always wanted to do this! I’m gonna write Star Wars Rebels into a Shakespeare. Also, I’m planning on making an audio drama for it, and here are the auditions:
Here’s the script for ACT I SCENE I
Two corrupt officers pick on a poor merchant to exercise their power and instill fear within onlookers. When the officers are about to take the man to prison for not cooperating, a young street rat intervenes to save the man and tricks the officers into thinking there is an emergency in the main square. The street rat proceeds to take some of the man's fruit and run off.
(Enter Aresko, Grint, and Stormtroopers)
GRINT: Present thy identification. Thy credentials, sir.
YOFFAR: I am only trying to peddle my goods, to earn a meager copper in this harsh city. Be it of such concern?
ARESKO: Cease thy evasion, citizen! All salesmanship must be approved by the Empire, lest they be selling contraband.
YOFFAR: I doth remember the days before thine tyranny, days of yore, before thine black ships arriv'd, to rain pov'rty and ruin upon our beautiful Lothal, as thee hast upon the rest of the galaxy.
ARESKO: Thy speech bears the echo of treason, citizen. What think you of this, Mister Grint?
GRINT: Yes, Commandant Aresko. Perhaps we shall make a model of him for others outspoken...
YOFFAR: Wait, n-no! I-
ARESKO: (Commlink beep)This is LRC-01. Officer, I am bringing some local scum to detention for a ghastly charge of treason. To where shall we deliver this criminal?
STORMTROOPER: (Over commlink) Good officer, I have a cell prepar'd on the block of AA-33. Bring him immediately.
ARESKO: I thank thee, sir. (Commlink beep) Soldiers, take this wretch away. I want never to lay mine eyes upon such filth hence. Alas, such impurities stain every street in this miserable world.
(Troopers grab Yoffar.)
YOFFAR: Nay! I prithee! I beg of thee! Thou can'st be so cruel!
GRINT: Ha! O, peace, wretch! Thy cries fall upon deaf ears. What soul aids such a miserable man? (Calls out to crowd) What say you, citizens? Doth thee bolster the beggar? Doth thee wish to spare him his punishment? To take misfortune upon thine own shoulders? What say you, citizens? Ha ha, such cowards make easy a tyrannical rule! Aha ha ha ha!
(Enter Ezra.)
EZRA: Oh, pardon me, sir, but have you a jogan to spare for a starving youth?
GRINT: Begone, aroint thee, Loth-rat. I shall give thee none. Children must work for their meals. Find thyself work, if thee desires food.
EZRA: (Laying it on very thick, almost mocking) A thousand apologies, good, gracious, compassionate sir. I mean thee no inconvenience. I bade thee, good morrow. (Walks to edge of stage. aside) Fools! Let ignorant eyes be blinded, for he who possesses no competence sees no truth. I have stolen their commlink, and now I will use it to aid that poor gent, Yoffar, though he would do not the same for me.
EZRA: (Over Commlink, feigning a British accent) Officers, hark! An emerg'ncy hath arisen in the main square!
ARESKO: T'is thy hour of fortune, beggar. Troopers, skip hence.
(Exeunt Aresko, Grint, and Stormtroopers. Enter Ezra.)
EZRA: Be wary, take haste! This be an emergency, a code red! (Commlink beep. To Yoffar:) Ah, be at peace, good Yoffar. Those villains have gone.
YOFFAR: Thou art truly as clever as they come, to have saved me as you did. O, prithee, accept my thanks, orphan!
EZRA: Keep thy thanks, sir, I need them not. Thou canst don me something more precious than thy thanks: a meal. I bid thee, sir, thank you, for these jogans will feed me handsomely for the next fortnight.
YOFFAR: Thou art demanding my fruit? Cease! What be this?
EZRA: Thy thanks art to mine appreciation, but nothing compares to a meal for a starving mouth. I fare thee well.
(Exit Ezra)
YOFFAR: That child... he doth stir something in my memory. How odd a fellow, to aid me when none would. Truly he is generous, compassionate. Still, the question remains: Who is that child?
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