nikatoon · 2 years
the art / the artist
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beskarfrog · 11 months
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family meditation session
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ludwigofthemacabre · 1 year
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Thanks Star Lords for The Mandalorian and Grogu, because I’m one of many The Last of Us orphans.. 
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kick-girl · 1 year
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I did indeed draw many Star Wars arts for Star Wars Day this year!
Selling these one of a kind original art pieces at AZCAF (an AZ Free Comic Book Day store event on Saturday!) And anything that doesn’t sell on Sat, I’ll have with me for Phoenix Fan Fusion in June! 😎👍
I hope you like them!!! May the 4th be with you, always!
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usagi-peachs · 2 years
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Morning workout.
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critterdroppings · 1 year
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"I want to tell you about someone you remind me of a great deal. His name was Yoda. He was small like you, but his heart was huge, and the Force was strong in him. He once said to me, "Size matters not." That's how he talked. He would speak in riddles."
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skywalker-swift · 1 year
okay so are the Mando fans who got mad at Luke for having the training droid shoot tiny lasers that probably stung a little bit at Grogu gonna apologize now that we see Din pushing Grogu to train with a kid four times his size and who looked like he was about to punt him? Are we gonna realize that Luke didn’t do anything to Grogu that Din hasn’t already encouraged? Crying and whining about abusing a kid that would snap your neck in second because you looked at his dad wrong. Din ‘I Had Help’ Djarin is training a mandalorian, not some rando frog eating big ear kid. Just say you hate Luke and go.
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To Give Back
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Chapter 2: Safe Place
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Authors note: Hello! Here it is. Thank you guys so much for liking my last chapter and even reblogging! :> Stay tune for the next one next week!
Summary: You set off to find the Mandalorian after finding his kid wandering by himself.
Warnings: violence, blood, some angst, it's all i can think about but let me know if i miss anything.
Words: 2,184 (Much longer, I like.)
Chapter 1: A Spruce Blue Plush
2 hours earlier...
The town was quite a calming one in the mornings until the afternoon. The air quite chilly and colors of light blues and darks filled the place. Light fogs from afar would later reveal what's up ahead if you go further into town.
The sun is up and barely covered from the clouds so you would get a certain amount of heat which makes the place a little more pleasant and make the scenery more enjoyable.
In one of the small restaurants, Din Djarin and the child has settled sitting in one of the outside tables for a quick meal break and as usual warm soup for the child while none for the Mandalorian.
The child was delighted to have the plushy and clearly doesn't plan to part with it. Even when he slurps the soup, Din had to watch him to make sure he doesn't spill on himself since the little one decides to tuck his plush under his left arm as he slurp. Din later became a bit amused to see that he hasn't spill a single drop.
The child sighed, satisfied as he set the bowl on the table before looking at his new plushy. He looked up at Din with a smile, lifting his plush for him to see, gurgling with delight.
Din chuckled, "I know kid... That lady was nice enough to let you have it. It was the only color left." He wipes away what's left on the child's cheek from his soup.
"... So, you better take good care of it."
It was clear to him that you wanted the plushy for yourself but you decided to give it to the child instead. There was this sort of look in your eyes when you looked at the child. The smile on your face says another thing but in your eyes, there's longing. When you turn to leave, he was about to say something but decided not to.
What also makes you interesting is that you can speak mando'a which he has never heard any non Mandalorian speak before. Also, calling him 'beautiful' out of all things? He found you quite odd and there was even no sign of fear you've given just as others would have. He wasn't sure why he didn't confronted you about it but he had to just let it go.
Every once in a while, he would notice you walk by from a distance, noticing a pattern of you deciding whether or not you want to purchase anything from one of the stalls. Coming back to them to make the final decision before setting off again.
And every once in a while, the child would point at you with an 'eh' and looking up at Din. You still being unaware that they were there.
Din happened to find the whole situation funny with the way the child would always seem to say 'oh look she's back again!' with his ears perking up and his eyes would follow you, but Din kept it to himself. 
After quite some time, Din decided to stay a little bit more before his shoulders would relaxed back and later, he stood up from his seat.
"Okay, kid. Let's keep going." The little one would blow small raspberries in response, feeling a bit sad to go. Not really wanting to leave without seeing you one more time, but lately you haven't been around for a while, indicating that you must of went home.
Which Din would noticed the sun was getting close to set and decided that they should head back to his ship soon.
Only to tumble into trouble after some time in town.
2 hours later...
You hurried over to your ship, quickly finding a blanket and turning the heater on for the little one to stay warm and out of his wet and bloodied robes. You quickly check for any injuries and sighed in relief seeing that he came to you unharmed.  You set him on your cot, wrapping his small body and you see that he's starting to get sleepy, his finger grasping your finger.
You smiled, "Okay little one. Stay here. I'll go find your dad. He might be in trouble. Do not move, alright?" You picked up the plushy and set it inside the blanket with him. Leaving the robe in your refresher to clean up later.
The child immediately hugged the plushy, looking up at you sleepily, slowly releasing his hold on you. You slip you finger from his hand and rubbed his cheek with your thumb, giving him a quick peck on his forehead before shutting your sleeping chamber where he will stay hidden and safe.
You huffed, grabbing your staff and blaster. Your knife already on your hip. You pulled you cloak over your head since the rain has started to get heavy, just as you suspected. You rolled your shoulder back to ease the nerves before taking off and closing your ship, knowing that the little one is safe.
The sound of pouring rain is almost unbearable because you could barely see your surroundings. The atmosphere immediately changed to the strong smell of rain and the town went from a light blue to a grey blue color. Lanterns are still lit up to help you find your way around even though it's already dark out. You listened closely for any sounds that may lead you to the Mandalorian.
You hoped that he's okay but judging by how big the splotch of blood on the kid's robe. Maybe not. The nervous feeling bubbling in your stomach.
And you barely know these two so why are you helping them? Perhaps the Mandalorian is somewhat a father figure or guardian towards the little one? You're pretty sure they're not related but you do know that they have a bond. A strong one at that.
Has the little already capture your heart? Was it that you couldn't bear to see the sad look on a child's face when they find out their only parent figure is gone?
Or... Perhaps you wanted to redeem yourself after what had happened a year ago?
You shook your head, feeling the sting in your eyes. Pouring rain drops on your cheeks to disguise the stray tears. Either way, you can't let that child be left alone. No way.
Your mind was later interrupted when you hear it.
The sounds of blasters going off from your left so you scuttled and stopped at the corner part of the building and took a peek around.
And there he is. The tall metal man himself in the middle of the street as he fights off one of the last thug that went after him. You could tell he's getting tired and limping on his left leg but he's not giving up.
When the last thug fell, the Mandalorian looked around frantically and you knew immediately who he's looking for. You knew you have to reunite them.
"Mandalorian!" You yell out, slowly revealing yourself. Said man stood stiff, alerted. Your hands up to show him no harm.
You continued, "I don't know if you remember me but I was the girl from this morning? Anyways, I know where the child is, but you have to come with me!"
"Where is he?!" His hand over his blaster. His voice sounded heavy and angry. His voice being modulated adds to it. It sort of sends you off guard, almost afraid and feeling a different feeling on your chest. You gulped.
"He's safe! I'm promise!" You gently said, revealing your face despite the heavy rain, hoping he recognize you. "Your kid came to me for help and I got him to safety. I know you don't believe me right now." You didn't realize you were just a few feet away in front of him. Your hands still up.
You could feel his gaze at your face. You noticed his shoulders a little relaxed but slightly moving up and down as he breathes heavily. Something was wrong. Your face softens from being terrified to concerned. You reached out your fingers slowly at him. "You're hurt-" 
Then suddenly you heard the sounds of feet slapping onto the wet ground behind the Mandalorian. Your eyes widen and you peep out a 'look out.'
Before he could react, your legs moved to his left and your fingers already reached out to his arm, gently but firmly pushing him aside to safety but he had placed his right hand on your wrist, gripping it. You had already whipped out your staff with your other hand to swing at the thug who was about to attack him.
The thug was sent back into the ground on his back. He groans, lifting his head, only for you to rip your hand from the Mandalorian's grip and grab your knife to fling, and land in between the thug's eyes. Now dead, you walked over, the sound of your boots hitting the wet ground, towards the thug to retrieve your knife back. 
You turned back to find the Mandalorian stare at you with his hand up before setting it over to his side.  You hurried over to him, not touching but hovering your hands on his shoulder, not wanting to cross any boundaries. "You okay?" Your eyes trail down to his leg and you gasped. "Come on, I need to bring you to my ship." 
"Is that..." He groans, limping a bit. You nodded.
"That's where he is. May I... May I touch you?" You asked, "I want you to lean on me since walking will make things worse for you. I'll also have to tend to your leg first, so let's get to shelter real quick."
You waited for his answer but before he was going to say anything, you noticed the change of his body as he gets more tired. He was about to fall over, making you rushed over to him. Wrapping your arm around his waist causing him to grunt in pain.
"Sorry." You hissed, loosening your grip. The temperature for sure has dropped due to the harsh weather but the heat radiating from his body almost made you want to lean into him more but you stopped yourself anyway.
"It's... It's fine. Just a bit bruised on my left side." 
"Okay." You took it as a sign that he's alright with you holding him so you looped his arm over your shoulders and neck, your right arm holding his waist firmly but gently as not to hurt him more.
"You can lean on me. I'll get us out of the rain first for your leg." You led him to the side of the building that has an opened area with a roof over to keep you from the rain. You set him down gently to the floor, letting him lean on the wall. Focusing on his wound now which is located on the outer side of his left leg. You check to see how deep the cut is before doing what you needed to do and got to work as quickly as you can.
Quickly cleaning the wound with the clean cloth you got from your bag and then grabbed bacta spray from your bag before spraying it over the cut.
"There. That should help. Stuff works like magic." You said, trying to lighten things up as you put your spray back in your bad. 
"You ready to keep moving? My ship's not too far from here." You finally look up, only to freeze when you realized his gaze was towards you. His chest heavily heaving as he stare at you and the sound of his voice sounded strained, making your brows furrowed with worry. 
"Are you okay? Are you sick? I'" You slowly reached over his neck, waiting for him to react which he did by grabbing your wrist. You look back at him, not even phased by his reaction. You made a small smile to reassure him. "It's okay. I'm not going to remove your helmet. I know how important that is for you. I just want to make sure you're alright."
He loosened his grip but kept his hand on your wrist. You push a bit, placing the back of your hand to feel the heat radiate through the fabric that covers his neck and you sighed, worried.
"You're a lot warmer than usual... I think you're getting a fever."
"M'fine..." You could definitely hear that he's not fine. 
You rolled your eyes, "Yea, sure. Come on then. Your kid's waiting." That seemed to give him a bit of energy, which made you smile.
When he released you, you put your hood over your head before helping him up by placing his arm around your neck again and lifted him. You haven't heard any more thugs coming by which was a relief so you started setting off again. 
After a few minutes of silence between the two of you, he finally said, "Thank you..."
You felt a smile creeping up, "Of course."
"But why would you help me...?" His voice sounded a bit shaky under that metal helmet of his. "We barely know each other." 
You thought of an answer, and came up with, "That may seem so... But I didn't want the baby to lose someone like you."
Chapter 3: Comfort under Rain
And that's the end of chapter 2. :> Hope ya like it! Reblogs, likes, even comments are always appreciated.
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the-djarin-clan · 2 years
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Thank U Pedro!
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flowerboye · 2 years
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the mandalorian season 3 headers
like or reblog if you save/use ♡
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Time is a social construct pt. 22
Mandalorian Time Travel AU
Summary: Din is trying his best, ok? But between trying to find a teacher for his magic kid and learning there were other Mandalorians who follow a different creed, Din is very confused and lost. So when he ends up on a plant that his HUD says is Manda’yaim and encounters two teens on the run from a group of dar’mandas called Death Watch, Din figures he may as well help them. He never meant to adopt them. Or become Mand’alor.
                Nothing drastically changed in the following days, though Din didn’t know what he expected to happen. Sure, they’d had an emotional conversation, but it was more about acknowledging what was going on rather than changing behaviors. Really the only things that had changed were the kids having more physical contact with him and Jinn…
      Well, the Jedi was being weird and asking Din for what sounded like parenting advice. Din gave it- baffled as to how he’d become the go-to source for it.
      And as if the word had spread of Din’s willingness to shell out words of advice- more like state things he thought were obvious but looked to be a revelation from the Manda to the recipients- Din had found himself increasingly being approached. And not just by politicians and Jedi. Random members of the palace staff had lost any fear of him. On the occasional trip into the city, Din would find himself standing in front of a nervous New Mandalorian asking for help with their toddler’s problems or, on one memorable trip, recommendations for a self-defense weapon. Grogu was thrilled with the increase in the attention he was receiving.
      Jango sat heavily down on the bench next to Din. Din was just trying to take a second to breathe in one of the gardens in the palace. Grogu was crawling around, wreaking havoc on the fauna.
      “Jango,” Din greeted, looking at the man from the corner of his eye. Din kept most of his attention on his son. Grogu squealed in greeting before turning back to his chase. An unlucky frog was lifted into the air using the Force. Grogu turned to Din with a smile on his face. “Good job, ad’ika.”
      Jango huffed a laugh. “You’re a good buir,” he said.
      Din turned to better face Jango. “If Jinn told you to ask me more parenting advice-“
      Jango scoffed and shook his head. “I’ve been avoiding the Jetii. Though that old toa-“ Jango cut himself off, eyeing Grogu. “Uh, old Master Yoda keeps creeping up on me somehow. I can’t understand half the stuff he says.”
      “Obi-wan says that is normal,” Din said. Din had asked Obi-wan about it after Yoda had approached him and started talking about co-parenting and child support? Din wasn’t 100% he had hallucinated that conversation. “He likes to be cryptic.”
      Din didn’t say anything else, content to let Jango figure out whatever he wanted.
      “My buir dreamed of a united Mandalore,” Jango eventually said. “Probably would’ve succeeded if it wasn’t for that aruetii Montross and Death Watch. He just… inspired people. Was a great Mand’alor.” Din used his usual tactic of staying quiet. People tended to want to fill the silence, leaving Din with more information without having to dig for it. “When he died, everyone started to look to me as Mand’alor- well, I wasn’t ready. Buir’s advisors did their best to help me, but politics was never my thing. I could complete bounties easily, but beyond that-” Jango sighed. “Well, you know how that ended.”
      Din still didn’t know what Jango wanted him to say, but Jango seemed to have told his piece. They sat silently as they watched Grogu crawl around and babble to himself.
      “I don’t know much about Mandalorian politics,” Din said once he gathered his thoughts. “I hadn’t known other creeds existed until a little before all-“ Din waved a hand around-“this. But, from what I’ve seen and heard, much of it had devolved into who has the loudest voice.” Countess Wren had proven that. The louder she got, the louder the others got in attempts to dominate the conversation. Satine was barely able to prevent the conversations from breaking out into yelling. “Not exactly a good way to get anything done.”
      Was Din hitting on whatever Jango wanted to hear about? Unclear. Jango was still silent, staring out at Grogu. Din had a feeling Jango was lost in his thoughts. By the entrance to the garden, Bo-Katan walked by, Ursa Wren at her side. The two girls had made quick friends. Bo-Katan paused to wave at Din, which Din returned. Grogu squealed again, got up, and toddled quickly over to his sister (the kids had said they were fine being called Grogu’s siblings, leaving a warm feeling in Din’s chest every time he thought it). Din nodded his assent, and Bo-Katan scooped Grogu up and walked away with him. Din was getting better at letting Grogu out of sight. They weren’t being constantly hunted, so it was safe enough.
      “You don’t yell,” Jango said after another pause. “But people still listen to you.”
      Din didn’t like where this was going. “I don’t know why.”
      Jango smirked. “Well, you’re usually right, and don’t try to push your political agenda at each turn. Plus, even the Jetii listen to you. That’s better than most people here.”
      “I don’t have a political agenda,” Din pointed out. “Besides preventing my future.”
      “Exactly. You just want what’s best for everyone, Mandalore, and your ade. You basically ooze mandokarla” Jango looked like the tooka that got the cream. “You’re half the reason we might be able to some type of truce or treaty with the Jetii.”
      “Hmm,” Din hummed in the back of his throat. “Happy to help.”
      “Yeah.” Jango eyed him. “Have you thought about-“
      “Nu draar,” Din cut in, not even wanting to hear the words that he was sure Jango would say. “I don’t have a claim to it.”
      “Who says you need it?” Jango challenged. “There’s plenty of people that would follow you on both sides. Satine, me, Silas, even Wren seems to like you.”
      “It can’t be that easy,” Din said in desperation.
      “Oh, there will be plenty of people that try to fight against you, Kyr’tsad included. My buir was a banished Journeyman protector before he became Mand’alor. He had a vision for our people, got supporters, and they elevated him and chose him. People challenged him, but he always won. Vizsla only survived because he was a hut’uun who never properly challenged him.”
      “I’m no leader.”
      “Aren’t you?”
      They stared at each other in challenge. Din resisted the urge to reach out and shake Jango, questioning his sanity. If Din didn’t know better, he’d say that the spice was still kriffing with Jango’s brain. Jango was still smirking.
      “And what does Silas think of this?” Din finally questioned. Jango’s smirk fell, and he cleared his throat. Din felt the thrill of victory.
      “I, uh, haven’t mentioned it.” Jango rubbed the back of his neck. Jango rushed out, “But I’m sure he’d come around to it.”
      “Well,” Din said as he stood up and patted Jango’s shoulder. “Good luck with that.”
      Din wasn’t running away. It was a tactical retreat combined with Din deciding to check on what chaos Bo-Katan, Grogu, and Ursa had gotten up to. And maybe find Obi-wan and grill him on Jinn’s deal. Maybe cross some stuff off his to-do list. Do some research on how there was no way Din could actually become Mand’alor because it definitely wasn’t as easy as Jango was making it out to be.
      “Din!” Bo-Katan shouted as she ran down the hall towards him, Grogu in her arms and Ursa by her side.
      “Bo’ika,” Din greeted, shaking thoughts of Mand’alor from his mind. “Grog’ika, Ursa.”
      “Mr. Din,” Ursa greeted politely. Din was still getting used to people knowing his name. Go figure, being called Mando was confusing on a planet full of Mandalorians.
      “What are you verd’ike up to?” Din asked.
      Bo-Katan straightened up in a copy of Satine's pose when she was making proposals. “We want to go to Kih’Keldabe. You promised to take Satie and me. And we think that Satine could use a break from politics.”
      Din agreed with that sentiment. “Did you ask your buir?” Din asked Ursa. “And we’ll need to get someone more familiar with it before going.
      “Jango can come too,” Bo-Katan said, a slight blush on her cheeks. Din narrowed his eyes at her, and she shifted her feet. Din hummed suspiciously but allowed it to pass.
      “I was going to ask her after we asked you,” Ursa answered.
      “Ok. Ask your buir and let us know what she says. And Bo, if you can get Jango to agree, that works for me. Also, you have to ask your sister when she can go. Obi-wan too.”
      “Deal!” Bo-Katan said. She handed Grogu back to Din before she and Ursa rushed off. Din looked fondly down at his son. Grogu tilted his head and cooed. Din rubbed his head, much to Grogu’s delight.
      “Can you imagine me as Mand’alor?” Din muttered to his son.
      “Yeah. Me neither.”
      “Never know, what the future may hold.” Din startled and whipped around to face Master Yoda, looking smugger than Din thought a Jedi was supposed to look. “Always changing it is. With your guidance, even now, it shifts. Choose you; the Force did. A bigger role, you have.”
      With that advice(?), the old Master walked away, cane tapping along. When Din was sure the Jetii was gone, he looked back to his son. “Do me a favor, and don’t grow up to talk like that.”
      Grogu cooed in what Din hoped was agreement. Din began walking to where he thought Satine was. Maybe while waiting for Bo-Katan and Ursa to gather permissions, Din could talk to Satine about what it actually took to be Mand’alor.
A/n: Din's to-do list now contains "prevent Jango from making me Mand'alor"
Mando'a translations:
Aruetii: traitor
Mand'alor: sole leader of Mandalore
mandokarla: having the "right stuff", showing guts and spirit, the state of being the epitome of Mando virtue
Nu draar: No way, double negative for emphasis
hut'uun: coward, worst possible insult
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juliaridulaina · 5 months
Sense gurú ni swami//Without guru or swami//Sin gurú ni swami
Quan anem a aprendre Raja Ioga a un centre de Brahma Kumaris, és molt fàcil; és com anar a una escola molt senzilla però molt profunda alhora. El coneixement que s’hi imparteix va creixent de tal forma que cada vegada s’entén millor, però és el mateix coneixement pels que fa temps que l’aprenen i també pels que fa poc que hi son. És tal meravella aquest coneixement que s’adapta automàticament a…
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ludwigofthemacabre · 1 year
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“Are you with me?” 
Season finale was a blast! I got chills during it. And had to draw these two again since I got emotional with a TLOU piece I’m working on. It’s so good how cozy The Mandalorian is and how confortable I can get while watching it..
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diapydemon · 2 months
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It had been so long since I had had any… adult attention.
I know we agreed to take our kinks to the next level, but still — I haven’t cum in months. Every time mommy walked by, my swelling member strained against my plastic pink cage. It was starting to become too much
I had tried my best to be the good baby mommy wanted, but I needed to cum! And I have been a good baby! I’ve been using my diapers without complaints, I haven’t said any bad words, and —excruciatingly— I haven’t cum or had an accident once!
Maybe that’s why mommy had so much compassion when I had my little outburst, as she had called it.
“Mommy!” I whined as I eyed her shapely figure, “Please!! I needa cum!!”
“Hmmm,” Mommy contemplated my request, “Well you have been quite a good boy recently…”
I hung on every word, desperation written all over my face.
“And I suppose it would be good for you to get some excercise in…”
“P-pwease Mommy,” I whimpered, trying to secure her decision.
“Tell you what sweetie,” she smiled down at me, “Mommy ordered you a special toy that’ll help. You just gotta wait a couple days for it to come in, and then you’ll feel all better! Can you be patient for Mommy?”
“MmmHmmm,” I moaned.
A few days past, and my sorry state of desperation had only gotten worse. But I knew if I acted out or misbehaved in any way, mommy would take my relief away to punish me for my naughtiness. For better or worse, I was committed to being her obedient baby.
Then, it arrived.
“Sweetheart, your new toy arrived! Why don’t you come out back and take a look!”
I quickly waddled outside to see whatever relief was in store for me. It… wasn’t what I was expecting. My cheeks burned scarlet as I saw my new toy.
Sitting in the backyard was a yoga ball adorned with a sattle that had a dildo, handcuffs, and ankle cuffs attached to it.
“M-mommy?” My voice quivered.
“Doesn’t it look like so much fun, princess! And we were talking about fitting some more excercise into your routine!”
“Oh don’t be shy darling,” Mommy giggled, “How about we strap you in, and you can have fun bouncing around the back yard until you make stickies in your little diaper.”
“S-stickies?” I could barely believe my ears.
“That’s right, princess!”
“D-do I get to take my cage off?”
“Ahwww baby no,” mommy giggled, “you’re gonna cum like a princess or not at all. No matter how long it takes.”
“Ah ah,” Mommy silenced me, “the only butt I want to hear about is the one that’s gonna be bouncing up and down on that big dildo, which is yours sweet pea.”
Mommy grabbed me by the wrists, and I knew better than to fuss. Before I knew it, my ankles and my wrists were tightly secured in mommy’s contraption. I immediately felt the pressure of the big pink dildlo through my diaper. This was going to be a long playtime…
“Ok sweet pea. While you play, Mommy’s going to go start on Din-din. I’ll be watching from inside.”
Hey everyone, tumblr nuked my account again, so I’m rewriting these captions to reclaim them in the hopes that my followers find me again.
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simmervlogs · 3 months
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Hello Simmers, indulge your stay at Pointe Milou!  A vacation rental/home in the lovely world of Sulani, inspired by St. Barts.
Pointe Milou is a twist of brutalism and coastal architecture. It is a 3-bedroom villa in the heart of Sulani, with spectacular views. This property offers the views and spectacular sunsets Sulani is known for. The villa is walking distance of the town with its own sauna and pool. The large heated pool dominates the outdoor space which faces the private beach right in your backyard. The deck is perfect for lounging by the decadent pool or simply to enjoy the sunshine Sulani has to offer.
With floor to ceiling windows, Inside the property boasts high ceilings and has multiple skylights for the sun to radiate through. The fully-equipped kitchen offers a spacious and modern pantry, two large islands, coffee bar and state of the art TV installation. This property has three generous bedrooms each with their own private bathrooms. The dinning opens up to the outdoor kitchen and bar, perfect for a nightcap or two. Be it day or night, the Pointe Milou has built in LED light system perfect for any mood or setting.
Whether you are here for short time or planning on moving into this luxurious property, you will experience a stay you cannot forget.
Please note almost everything is CC and the items were not created by me! Please let me know if anything is missing, there were a lot of cc items! Laundry Day  (washing machines, hampers) Spa Day (sauna, meditation pouf, yoga mat), required for function.
Please do support and directly download from all the creators mentioned! I have attached the CC folders too for convenience. I have decided to share the folders via Google drive for ease of access so please let me know if you have any tips or questions xx
Do check out my Tiktok, live almost everyday building!
Please directly move all the files in CC zip folder to your Mods folder.
Please move  Tray files (Tray files folder) to your Tray folder (enable bb.moveobjects on).
Gallery ID-  SimmerVlogs (Enable CC)
TikTok- simmervlogs
Note-  I have placed this down in Sulani- 40X30 lot
Thank you once again to all CC creators!
DOWNLOAD (Patreon)
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blkdaddie · 14 days
Empregnas University: Homecoming Babes Pt. 2
Part 1 Here
By the start of the Fall semester, the campus buzzed with excitement as everyone returned from their summer adventures. But for the cheerleading squad, the excitement was tinged with a sense of apprehension. Almost the entire squad was pregnant, their swollen bellies a testament to the nights of passion they had shared. More than half had brought home “souvenirs” from spring break, and the coaches started integrating pre-natal yoga into practice sessions and sewing nursing pads into the uniforms. Bellies grew rounder and heavier, completely replacing former six-pack abs.
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As homecoming approached, the campus was abuzz with anticipation. The football team prepared for their big game, determined to bring home a victory for their school. It was going to be a tough fight with their running back benched for his third trimester, but they were up for the challenge. But as the game raged on, the excitement became too much. One by one, cheerleaders went into labor, their cries of pain mingling with the cheers of the crowd.
In the end, the football team emerged victorious, their triumph celebrated with cheers and applause. But for the pregnant student athletes and their baby daddies, there was only one destination in mind: the student health birthing center.
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After the final horn, parents scrambled from the stands to grab their sons. Soon the birth center lobby was filled to overflowing with football players, cheerleaders, parents, coaches, and friends. Charlie shouted above the din “Richard, over here!”, hoping to have the star athlete as his birth coach. Greg and Tom gasped as they realize the predicament they were in, and started calling for Richard as well. Chris would have joined the fracas but was crying out with the force of a hard contraction. The front desk receptionist chuckled “Good to see you again, Richard. How many is this now, 22?”. The quarterback’s cheeks stained red, but he couldn’t hold back a grin. It’s not unusual to see a few of his babies being carted in strollers around campus, and now he’s adding 4 more to the count. The team captain clapped once to get everyone's attention and called "Formation!" Team members snapped to attention and spread out to find cheerleaders in need of birth coaches, ensuring everyone had support.
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The nurses started sorting laboring cheerleaders into rooms and just as things started to settle down, Jackson waddled through the center doors with a duffel bag and a shy smile. “Room for one more? My water broke in the showers after the game.”  Ian approached and gave him a fistbump “Game time. You got this bro.”
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