#yohan will not have gaon worrying over you
fr-wiwiw · 5 months
I made a poll on twitter on which Gahan fanarts I should done first between sfw & nsfw. It ended up with 50/50 results lmao
So here's the sfw done first <3 Zoom in for their small details! You won't regret it hehe.. sketches context are down below the image
I'll be sketching the nsfw later, I have commission progress to do
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black colored sketches:
top left - yohan smooching gaon's cheek based on a black & white dove pic from oomf twitter post
top middle - yohan is pissed that someone (you) is stalking & taking pictures of them on their date, gaon is oblivious and wondering why yohan looks annoyed at the fishes. yohan is thinking how to dispose you without gaon noticing
top right - gahan talking about their likings in sex after post coital session. gaon likes when yohan ties his wrists. yohan likes/ doesn't mind gaon's nails scratching deep on his back or shoulder. there's also finger marks on gaon's thighs with how hard yohan was handling him. their toes touching and wiggling, can't get enough of skin contact. they're both clingy for each other
pink colored sketch:
gahan is taking a stroll when gaon notices something & pulls yohan's sweater for attention
orange colored sketch:
yohan leans his head on gaon's shoulder to take a nap after gaon bought a cup hot drink. gaon is surprised bcs yohan rarely leans on him physically in general
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clawbehavior · 6 months
snippet from a modern gahan AU that focuses on yohan and elijah:
‘elijah,’ yohan says with a light knock on her open door. 'can i come in?'
she nods, dropping her phone on the mattress beside her. yohan shuts the door behind him, turning to find his niece curling against the white headboard. 
'did you eat?' he asks, coming over to sit down at the edge of the bed. it's warm and cozy in her room, with fairy lights turned low and an incense machine pumping out faint citrus tones. 
'oppa packed stir fried pork belly for me. i ate between classes.' she has her arms folded over her chest, knees up under the sky blue duvet but her posture isn't hostile. wary, maybe. 'it was tasty.'
'good,' yohan tells her in quiet happiness. he was proud of her, of her thriving school and social life, of her stubborn and unflinching personality, her painting, her piano playing, her swimming. seeing her thrive made him feel content. 
‘i know what this is about,’ elijah says. she picks at a loose thread on the quilt. 'you and oppa want to have a baby. i heard you both talking.'
yohan carefully takes in the cramped set of her shoulders and the fact that she's not making eye contact. her voice is complex. she's not opposed to the idea, he susses out, but uncertain. 
'you're right. we want to make our family bigger,' he replies. elijah's expression doesn't change. 'what do you want? could you want to be a big sister to somebody?'
she visibly startles before remembering herself. 'what if i said no?' she asks, lifting her chin defiantly. she had isaac's features except for her chin, round and pointy like an admonishing finger. that was heejin's. she had used it on yohan all the time to wrangle him into behaving. all the ways the people yohan loved returned to him. 
'then gaon and i will be happy with the three of us,' yohan tells his niece smilingly. 
‘what if he wants a baby badly, like really badly?’ elijah pushes. ‘so he leaves?'
‘gaon’s not going to leave,’ yohan says with complete certainty. those fears belonged in the hands of gaon alone.
‘but what if he does?’ elijah insists.
‘then it’ll be you and me,’ yohan tells his niece gently. 'like we were before.' 
it's the wrong thing to say. elijah's body turns inwards while her face crumples, before she buries it in her knees.
'elijah,' says yohan in surprise. he reaches for her but stops short of touching, hands hovering in the air. 'tell me what's worrying you so i can help.'
he waits her out, listens to her breathing softly and wetly. 
'i feel like your baby will make you really happy,' she finally sniffles into her arms, 'and seeing me will make you sad. because i remind you of appa.' 
'my precious child,' yohan says, resting his hands on her hair, cupping her head tenderly until she looks up. she's brave despite her fear and he loves her very much. 
'i look at you and see joy,' yohan tells her with complete sincerity. 'only joy.' he knows she believes it in the way she throws her arms around him to hug him tightly--with relief. 
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amethystina · 3 months
i have a question. One which may point out my slight lack of media literacy, but I must ask. It's clear from reading the snippet of who holds the devil chapter from Yohans pov that he is more than willing to wait. currently, in chapter 41, he seems to have given up. Has he actually given up or is some part of him still trying to give gaon time?
This is a little tricky since the answer is both yes and no. Or maybe I should call it a third, secret option? xD
Yo Han hasn't given up on waiting as a concept — even if three months have passed within the story since that chapter I wrote from his POV — but he's been forced to admit that he might have been waiting for the wrong thing. Like, if it was just a matter of waiting for Ga On to get used to his feelings and attraction to Yo Han, he could wait a lot longer than this. He's patient and in no rush whatsoever. He can give Ga On as much time as he needs to get over his internalised homophobia.
The problem is that given what has happened lately — and everything Ga On has been saying and doing — Yo Han is, understandably, under the impression that Ga On is still in love with Soo Hyun. Ga On might be attracted to Yo Han but that's not the same as being in love with him. I elaborated a bit on that subject in another ask which you can find here.
In chapters 38 and 39, Ga On flat out said that he loves Soo Hyun, but never specified what kind of love. He didn't explain that he now suspects that it's more platonic than he first thought. But Yo Han of course assumes its romantic love since why wouldn't he? And Yo Han knows it's pointless to wait for Ga On to fall out of love with Soo Hyun. Sure, it might happen eventually, but how long would that take? And is Yo Han truly willing to submit himself to that? To wait for months — maybe even years — on the off-chance that he can become Ga On's grief rebound?
He's got too much pride for that.
Essentially, there's a pretty big difference between "I think this boy is in love with me and while he doesn't want to admit it right now, I can wait until he's ready" and "this boy I thought was in love with me is actually in love with someone else and waiting for him to maybe fall in love with me instead is going to take a while and will probably be excruciating for me."
The first he can do without problem, but not the second.
So while it looks like he's given up and is no longer waiting, that's only because he's under the impression that he's misread the situation and has been waiting for the wrong thing. But if Ga On were to explain to him that the first option is back on the table? That Ga On does want to be with Yo Han after all because he's a little gayer than initially advertised but he's also a bit scared to admit it?
Yo Han would be sceptical — and understandably wary — but he'd also be willing to give waiting another try. Because as long as he knows that he's waiting for something that's actually possible and worth the wait, he'll do it.
I mean, he would also make Ga On jump through a couple of hoops and drag it out a bit just to soothe his own bruised ego — payback, if you will — but he's willing to wait for as long as it takes if it's for the right thing.
And, deep down, he hasn't really given up. He's telling himself that he has, which is why he's acting all distant and trying to put so much distance between them but, even now, some part of him still feels a tiny bit of hope. He's hoping that he's wrong. And that Ga On will come back to him and say that it's all a big mistake.
Yo Han is too in love to give up this easily.
But that hope will eventually dwindle, especially since Yo Han is going to become more and more convinced that Ga On can't love a monster like him. Yo Han already has a list of reasons why it would be foolish — or even outright dangerous — for Ga On to love him and, unfortunately, it's only going to keep growing. But we're talking months down the line, so Ga On still has time, don't worry.
So, in short, Yo Han isn't actively waiting anymore, but that's only because he's misunderstood the situation and thinks he's been waiting for something that will never happen. But if they're able to clear that up?
Then he'd be back to waiting.
Hope that helps! :D
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yohangaontdj · 1 year
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 3 (Part 2)
Continuation of Part 1 which can be found here.
Kang Yohan Being Triumphant in Court Scene.
How could we forget the 'Christmas Special' Yohan had gifted us with in Youngmin's trial. And look at the way he had stared at Youngmin. Knowing very well, that his success here, it was for K too - helping him to seek revenge. Just as this was also his first huge step to getting his own too.
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And now moving onto Kim Gaon whose scenes were just as interesting too.
Kim Gaon's Opening Scene
Exactly like the sleeping beauty, Miss Ji had threatened to make him become in a later scene.
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Wandering Through the Kang Mansion Scene
A curious baby deer indeed, who despite his injuries, had gone wandering all over.
And notice how he had gone barefooted. Yohan probably not expecting Gaon to be out and about so soon.
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Don't Do Anything Scene
Look at how frustrated Gaon was - being told yet again not to do anything so as to keep safe.
And his remark to Soohyun which clearly showed the kind of relationship the two of them had.
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Gaon's Lock-Picking Scene
With just this scene, we know that Gaon had a colourful past. One that probably had to do with unlawful deeds which had him learning how to pick a lock.
And Soohyun, could she still tell Gaon not to do anything if she had seen this.
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By the way, this will be the very same pair of scissors - made in Germany - that Yohan will stab into the table while pinning Gaon to it.
And this is also the scissors Gaon would dream of Yohan using to neuter another human being with it.
Gaon Being So At Home Scene
Gaon going from wandering like a stranger through the mansion to being the master of it. Sitting in Yohan's armchair and watching the live court show on the huge projector screen. Orange juice provided.
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Gaon's Various Remarks that Made Me Want to Tell Him...
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That he will become like one of them later on. Driving Yohan's expensive cars and ordering ingredients through the AI butler - not even worried about the cost.
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That it will become his home. Living there and cooking and doing all sorts of things with Yohan and Elijah.
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But they will very soon. And with smiles on their faces too.
Gaon's Expressions that Really Set Your Imagination On Fire
These expressions, they speak for themselves. Used in fan-made videos and photos that have you imagining - all the steamy stuff happening between Gaon and Yohan.
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Have reached my limit once again so will continue on in Part 3 - final one for this episode.
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mymediacollection · 1 year
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AU where their “study session” means a full on orgy party for only the rich and famous and Yohan KNOWS this and he’s actively preventing Gaon from going to make “connections” but Gaon ends up taking the invite without him knowing and ends up seeing him getting kissed by Sunah.
Gaon, of course, misunderstands the situation, not knowing Yohan usually sits on the sidelines, surveying the situation and sipping on glass of whiskey that never seems to empty. Yohan’s eyes widen as he catches sight of Gaon, someone who wasn’t supposed to be there and pushes her away.
Amid all the tangled, sweaty bodies, skin on skin, the loud moans and musk of sex in the air, their eyes connect and Gaon’s face crumples before he turns and flees. Yohan isn’t thinking when he shoves Sunah away, persistent as she was- and blindly chases after Gaon’s back.
Gaon’s heartbeat is in his ears, gasping for breath that doesn’t come as he rips his tie from around his neck, stumbling outside and desperately hailing a taxi before Yohan grabs his wrist and gets in his face. “Gaon-ah, listen to me! It’s not what you think!” and falters at how devastated Gaon looked.
Gaon hadn’t been crying but his flushed face revealed his inner turmoil, biting his lower lip until blood came and Yohan waves away the taxi that cruises their way. He gently pulls Gaon to a dark corner and smooths his thumbs over Gaon’s cheeks and lips.
“Look at me, Gaon-ah.” There was an undeniable plea in his tone.
“It’s a misunderstanding, I swear it! I didn’t want you to come because you would be mixed up with those people and the person you saw- you’ve seen her before, yes? She’s always liked me but I’ve never returned her feelings and she forced herself on me today.” He looks up at him.
Gaon is still sniffling but he’s still listening to him and his sense of rationality had returned. Yohan’s hands are still wrapped around Gaon’s wrists and he watches Gaon’s ears flush red under his gaze. “Gaon-ah, are you okay now? Do you understand me?”
Gaon nods slowly. “Yes.”
Yohan hasn’t felt this amount of relief for anything for a while now, and when Gaon replies, he pulls Gaon towards him. “Thank you for seriously listening to me. You have no idea how worried I was when you ran out.” Yohan’s gaze over Gaon’s shoulder was dark.
“You had no idea.”
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breitweisergallery · 2 years
the sequel to the idol gaon au
5 Idols Who Were in Drug-Related Scandals
4. Bae Woo-Sung from Minotaur
Bae Woo-sung, the main vocalist of boy group Minotaur, was charged with possession, consumption, and intent to sell narcotics in March 2019, as first released to the public by a press release by FH Entertainment. According to the release, Seoul Central District Court had learned of Bae working with four other people over a 14-month span to distribute narcotics. His sentence refers to an estimated total of 729 offences in that 14-month span. 
At the time of the trial, Judge Kang Yohan sentenced him to serve fourteen years in prison, However, in a press release on October 5th, Judge Kang Yohan announced an error had been found in the paperwork relating to Bae Woo-sung’s case, and with such a clerical error, the ruling will be overturned and Bae Woo-sung will be released from prison. He will have served a total of seven years of his sentence upon release. 
Whether or not Bae will return to his group is unclear as FH Entertainment has yet to release a statement. His little brother, Bae Woo-jin of Alt-R posted a message to his SNS welcoming his brother home.
There are few things that make Kim Gaon nervous. If asked, he would say that the thought of disappointing his fans, his friends, and himself, is the only thing to make him nervous enough to need to wipe sweaty palms subtly on the thighs of his dark jeans. 
There are very few things that make him properly nervous; sitting in the silence of the private room rented for eight hours in the back of their favourite restaurant brings back the butterflies in his stomach that he thought he had managed to subdue that morning. 
Yohan had spent close to twenty minutes talking down the nerves that left Gaon unable to sleep the night before, a worried look on his face and his fingers threading gently through the dark roots and fading purple hair, touching Gaon’s cheeks lightly with his fingertips. 
Never mind the embarrassment Gaon felt at keeping Yohan awake all night with his worrying. 
They’ve been together eighteen months and it still surprises Gaon when Yohan breaks from his usual to be more human, more vulnerable. Whether it means staying awake to comfort Gaon through a panic attack or sudden tears, reading aloud to him in the quiet of the study, or pretending to put up a fight only to cave when Gaon asks him to bring home a second cat to keep Kkomi company. It surprises Gaon every time, to see the way Yohan looks boyishly young at times, shy at others, seeking comfort and affection the same way Gaon himself does. 
Yohan’s ability to calm the worst of emotions does little to help Gaon as he glances down at his phone and fidgets with the places where his case has cracked but not quite broken yet. To his side, even without looking, he knows Woojin is starting to get anxious, fidgeting as well. 
The door slides open and Gaon nearly launches to his feet, head shooting up. Both he and Woojin let out identical sighs when the face that greets them is not Woosung, but rather the other person to whom the invitation had been sent out. “He’s late?” 
“You’d think prison would’ve fixed his punctuality,” Gaon snorts. 
“How’d that work for you?” Hwang Junseok, leader of Alt-R’s former brother group MAX, sinks down into a seat opposite Gaon. His feet nudge against Gaon’s and Junseok gives him a wry grin. 
“Can’t say it fixed any punctuality problems, but I get laid now.” Gaon shrugs and pretends he doesn’t catch Junseok’s jaw slackening. 
“So it’s true? You and Judge Kang?” Junseok asks. Woojin sighs, a little louder, and scrubs his hand over his face. “Shut up, Woojin-ah, no one gossips with me anymore.” 
“Should’ve admitted you stole that shit ‘stead of me. Maybe you’d have a boyfriend then,” Gaon adds on, a grin threatening to break the barrier of nerves digging its heels into his stomach. 
“Though I’d hate to have to be the one to tell Eunbi you cheated on her with Kang Yohan of all people,” Junseok says. 
“I think she’d get it. She was raving, last time she was backstage with us.” Woojin hits him, and even as Gaon rubs his chest, pouting, a softness warms his heart at the slight roll of Woojin’s eyes but the smile tugging at the corners of his lips regardless. 
It had taken time, but they’d gotten there. Many late nights spent in a practice room, talking to each other had finally solved the rift between them, with Woojin’s guilt eating away at him and Gaon’s own uncertainty as to where they stood. 
“Leave Eunbi out of this, you bastards,” Woojin says, shaking his head. “Ah, someone text him and tell him if he’s not here in ten minutes, I’m leaving.” 
“Seven years and you still haven’t learned any patience, little brother?” The door slides open and the three of them at the table stumble to their feet. 
Bae Woosung looks barely any different from the last day Gaon saw him. Hair cut short and styled spiky, tattooed freckles visible on his bare face, and a simple pair of stud earrings in his lobes. Junseok, the closest to the door, gets to him first and pulls him into a tight hug. Woojin follows after; Gaon lingers behind, giving them a moment. 
“Would’ve thought you’d’ve learned to be on time,” Woojin mutters. Woosung laughs and, barely taller than his brother, lifts up onto his tiptoes to tuck his chin onto Woojin’s head, punching his arm at the same time. 
“Absolutely not. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks and all that shit.” 
Gaon melts into the hug when Woosung gets to him, holding onto him just as tightly. It takes Gaon a moment to even remember the time he spent in jail. It’s barely a drop in water compared to the near-decade Woosung had spent, and yet Woosung looks good. Like time has barely passed. “Let’s eat, shall we?” Woosung says and, finally, they sink down into their seats and it’s like time hasn’t passed. 
“Are they letting you back into the group?” Woojin asks after close to thirty minutes have passed. Woosung takes a minute to finish chewing before he answers. 
“Unsure, still. Ray Junie’s fighting with the company about it. Gaon had it lucky, just getting his offer from a different company. Which, speaking of, are the rest of you still at Play?” 
“We all switched over to Saram about two months after hyung did,” Woojin says, shaking his head. 
“I’m still at Play,” Junseok says, tapping the table with a sigh. “We’d be a harder sell. We’re a bigger group.” 
“With one of the three ‘vocal prodigies’ of third generation,” Woosung tosses back at him with a shrug. “Yah, Woojin-ah. Pour me another drink.”
“They want us to compete in that show that’s coming up. Legacy, or whatever.” Gaon and Woojin make quiet noises of understanding. Woosung stares blankly at Junseok. 
“Hey, Hwang Junseok. I just got out of prison. Cut me some slack. Fill me in.” 
“Six surviving third generation groups compete for the title of ‘legacy group.’ They just ran it with six girl groups last year,” Gaon says. He himself had missed it, working at the courthouse. “They’re running it with boy groups this year. They contacted Play about MAX competing?” 
“They said they want us, because then they can get you,” Junseok says shortly. Gaon blinks, unable to come up with a response to that. 
It’s true, he realises after a moment. If MAX were going to compete, then Alt-R would likely follow right after them. The rivalry between the groups had been playful but strong, debuting only a year apart and in the same company. And Gaon and Junseok were known to be close. 
“If we were offered, and I re-joined the group, we’d kick both of your asses,” Woosung says through a mouthful of food. 
“Bullshit. You’re out of the game, Woosung-ah,” Gaon laughs. Junseok grins. Woosung kicks him under the table. Gaon’s tension eases the longer they spend in the room, drinking and eating and laughing. Gaon is tipsy by the time they hit the third hour, exchanging stories and sharing gossip like no time has passed, like they’re just four friends in their trainee dorms again.  
Woosung’s phone is the first to ring, a several-year-old girl group song playing cheerfully from his pocket. “Ah, fuck me, hang on,” he mutters. “Ray June-ah?”
Gaon’s phone rings seconds later, laid flat on the table so Kang Elijah can be seen. “Elij-ah?” Junseok squints, leaning across the table to look. “Who-?”
“Yohan’s niece. Elijah?” Gaon answers the phone, turning away from the table. “Is everything okay?” 
“Yohan isn’t home, and he’s not answering his phone.” Elijah’s voice is shaky, worried, and Gaon sobers immediately. 
“Did he have any meetings on the calendar?” Gaon asks. He can hear the negative in her voice before she even says a full word. “I’ll try to get a hold of him, and I’ll come home, okay? Elijah? Wait in the study for me, and don’t open the door for anyone except for K.” 
“You gotta go?” Junseok asks. Woojin pushes his chair out. 
“I haven’t had a drink. I’ll drive. Let’s go. Hyung, let’s go.” Woojin grabs Woosung’s wrist, directing him towards the door. Woosung slips into the backseat next to Junseok, while Gaon takes the passenger’s seat and directs Woojin to the house. 
It takes them almost forty minutes to get the house, an impressively short amount of time given Woojin had been careful not to speed for most of the drive, incredibly aware of having three not-sober passengers. 
Gaon rushes up the driveway, the other three following behind him. He rushes through typing the code into the door and hurries into the study, pulling Elijah into a hug immediately. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here, Elijah,” Gaon murmurs. Her body shakes against his in silent sobs, as she clings to him and cries. 
“Gaon-ah,” Woosung says. Gaon looks up. 
Woosung and Woojin are both hesitating at the doorway to the study, while Junseok cranes his head, wandering the room and looking around. 
“Make yourselves comfortable,” Gaon says quietly. “Or, if you want to go home, I won’t stop you. Woojin-ah, if you want to drive,” he gestures with one hand, still holding Elijah with the other; — “just be safe on the roads.” 
“We’ll stay with you,” Woojin says softly. Elijah sniffles. 
“Woojinie’s here with me, Elijah, if you want to meet him officially,” Gaon murmurs. Without raising her head from his shoulder, Elijah hits him in the side. “Ow- ah. Fair.” 
“I like you already, Elijah,” Woojin says, sitting down in one of the armchairs. Woosung follows his lead and, like Junseok, cranes his head to look around the room. “So this is where Kang Yohan lives, hm?” 
“Shut up,” Gaon retorts with no real heat behind his words. “Or, at least, be helpful and text the others. Elijah, have you heard from K?” She shakes her head no.
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
no see, i think about it and then i think about it more, and that’s when the feelings make their uglie selves known, but gaon really did not want to live in a world where yohan wasn’t alive. his knee jerk reaction was to not only go stop yohan but to beg him not to die.
and see that’s so funny because before, gaon begged yohan not to be cruel, to put a stop to what he was doing. it would’ve been so easy for gaon to ask yohan not to kill the elite and himself, but instead he said he’d go with yohan. he’d go with him in death, no longer worried about the right and wrongs of what yohan was doing, about what the world was witnessing.
we’ve seen moments where gaon’s judgment had fallen to the wayside, where he let the darkness take over him before correcting himself. but in this moment, without the one person he truly cared for, nothing else mattered. gaon could’ve easily killed himself after his parents died. he could’ve given up after soohyun’s death, but it was only yohan that shook him up enough to want to give up the very essence of our existence.
i have no direction with this post except to say how profound that is. to have lost people in your life you’ve cared for, that you loved, but chose to continue going. then risking it all for one person you care deeply for because he is your world.
like how do you wrap your mind around the fact that gaon gave up his righteousness for yohan...... and why am i just now realizing the religious symbolism of this. i- that’s enough feelings for today. goodnight, fjlaskdjf.
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noisythoughts-byme · 3 years
It doesn't matter which way you look at it - platonic or romantic. Yohan loves him.
It's in the way Yohan allows him just about everything. The way Yohan saves him over and over. The way he worries about Gaon and cares for him, even though Gaon has done and said everything humanly possible that would give Yohan the right to be angry or hate him. But never, not once, has Yohan hated him.
He raised his voice, he tried hurting Gaon back, but he never hated him, never pushed him away. Even after Gaon left and hurt him terribly, Yohan still stood by his side, still let him back into his house.
Even worse, after he got Yohan arrested, Yohan wasn't angry, never asked for an apology or wanted one, just went and saved Gaon from himself without expecting anything in return.
When it comes to Gaon, Yohan gives and gives and gives, but rarely ever takes. The only thing he asked of Gaon is to stand by his side.
He also came back in the end to Korea to see Gaon again.
And Kim Gaon? He loves Kang Yohan right back. He might have been slower to realise it, what with that fucking Professor messing with his head and all, but he loves Yohan all the same.
It's in the way he was ready to blow himself up so the truth could come out, the way he didn't believe Yohan killed his brother or Soohyun right up until that moment he made the phone call from the dead gunman's phone, the way he chased after Yohan at the end.
So you see, whether you see their relationship as platonic or romantic, they love each other. Fiercely and deeply.
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headcanons for if gaon was a pianist, yohan still a judge ?
Ooo, if Gaon was a pianist and Yohan was still a judge? (Also, I apologize for not answering this yesterday, anon, but I had a day)
Since Yohan is still a judge, he has to go to all those fancy parties and mingle and make small talk with all the rich people that he isn't particularly fond of
Gaon, of course, is a pianist at these parties and most of the times he just plays his pretty little songs to give the room some ambiance and some back ground music but sometimes he gets distracted by the women at the party. And not like he stops playing and stares at them, oh no, they come over to him and stare at him until he's uncomfortable
Most of the time the women are okay and they'll just hang around the piano and make small talk, but sometimes they'll make some very...interesting comments about Gaon that makes Gaon's skin crawl and makes him feel extremely uncomfortable
He tries to ignore their comments, but then they start playing with his hair or like...explicitly flirting with him and he's so tempted to just slam his hands down on the keys and create this cacophony but thankfully a gentle hand is placed on his back
"Ladies, why don't we enjoy the music instead of harassing the musician?"
Gaon pauses (he doesn't stop playing) and glances up to see Yohan standing at his side, his hand warm on his back, acting almost like a guard dog. Gaon smiles and blushes slightly as he continues to play while the women stalk off, annoyed that their toy/prey was taken
As Gaon plays, Yohan keeps his hand on the young man's back and hums as he looks down at Gaon
"I haven't seen you before"
"I just started playing at these parties"
"You're quite talented"
Gaon just blushes and continues to play as Yohan stands guard/listens to his playing
After the party, Yohan finds that he likes Gaon, like he likes him in listening to him play. He also finds Gaon interesting and probably the best thing to come out of the parties
Anytime Yohan is invited to a fancy party now and there's piano playing, he makes a beeline for the piano because he wants to see if it's Gaon playing. When he finds that it is Gaon, Yohan basically camps next to him and doesn't leave until the night is over
If someone wants to talk to Yohan, they have to come over to him, he's not leaving Gaon's side. And because they're forced to come over and talk to Yohan, Gaon gets all the juicy gossip that he never thought he would hear but thanks to Yohan, he gets all the tea
Yohan and Gaon also talk while Gaon is playing. Like Yohan asks Gaon about himself, how he came to play piano for these fancy parties, does he like doing it, etc.
Gaon answers rather freely since he knows he's not going to see Yohan again until the next party so he doesn't really have anything to worry about and besides, Yohan is so much higher up in society than him so like...what does he have to worry about?
Yohan absorbs everything Gaon tells him because he's slowly starting to fall for the young pianist because he's nothing like all the rich snobs he has to deal with all the time. Gaon is free...in a sense. Like, he's not naive but he's also not hardened by the world like Yohan is. He still sees the good in people, unlike Yohan. And Yohan is drawn to that
One day at a party, Gaon isn't there and Yohan is disappointed because what happened to Gaon? Is he okay? Why didn't he come? Where is he? He spends the whole night worrying and wondering where Gaon is
The next time he sees Gaon at the next party, he asks casually where Gaon was and Gaon is surprised because no one pays attention to the pianist and Yohan's like "Well, I do". Gaon is a little touched by that
Instead of going home by himself that night, Yohan asks Gaon if he would like to come home with him instead, you know, for coffee or to stay the night. Gaon is a little stunned but agrees
Gaon enjoys his stay at Yohan's house and enjoys his niece, who is a little skeptical of him at first but once he plays the piano for her, she's intrigued (and even asks him to teach her)
Gaon is happy, and so is Yohan
Gaon continues to play at the fancy parties and Yohan continues to go to them, but at the end of the night, they go home together
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b612sunsets · 3 years
Yohan and Gaon acting like a married couple (with a daughter) in episode 9. It’s a long one, but I need to gush over it, there’s so many things I want to comment and this post wasn’t even half of it. Let’s go!~
After receiving an alarming call from Elijah, the dads are fast to get to the location she is and Gaon sees his best friend and daughter in danger but of course saves the daughter first and Yohan trusts him with it and relaxes a bit. Gaon punches the guy and it’s what he deserves:
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Soohyun points a gun at Yohan. Honestly, I thought she was the wrong one when she had Elijah in the car with her. She shouldn’t have get involved with dangerous things without making sure Elijah wouldn’t be seen or hurt, but alright. And Gaon gets worried sick bc his bff is pointing a gun at his bf and he’s like “STOP IT, I’M THE ONE HAVING A HEART ATTACK”:
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Some people asked what Gaon would do if none of them backs down in the future and my guess is that Gaon will choose Yohan and still try to make it work for everyone and in this episode Yohan showed twice that he takes Gaon’s feelings into consideration when it comes to Soohyun and not wanting Gaon to feel ashamed or have a bad relationship with his friend, so he probably wouldn't make him choose and would back down first again like he did now. Soohyun is more stubborn and doesn't want to give Yohan a chance. Gaon loves Soohyun of course, she's his childhood best friend but Yohan might have become his new priority like Elijah.
There’s also some opinions that Gaon is going to betray Yohan and is only pretending to be on his side... I do think it was true in the beginning of the drama and that’s what the actors meant bc they couldn’t give spoilers of the whole drama or how it ends anyway. After Gaon making his decision and the second half of the drama, I don’t agree with that theory that Gaon will betray Yohan, he betrayed Jungho and was his Judas. But who knows.
Back to the present: exchanging glances that say everything without saying anything and Gaon wanting to go with his bae and kiddo but can’t just yet:
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Gaon showing once again the power of being a couple when you know exactly what is worrying your hubby and going through his mind without the need of saying it. He gives a hint that Yohan isn’t Elijah’s only dad, nor is he single alone anymore. The three of them are hungry for affection and rely on each other:
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The jealousy was strong in this episode. Yohan noticed and seemed to enjoy jealous!Gaon (like in episode 6 when he explains to Gaon without context where he stayed the night and smiles with Gaon’s reaction) but we had jealous Yohan too:
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How Yohan is able to talk about himself and his past with Gaon for a while now, the most precious and sensitive memories to him as well as show his vulnerable side and cry in front of Gaon, and no one else:
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All the domesticity. Gaon finding out another one of Yohan and Elijah’s adorable and caring side, the fondness, Yohan postponing his appointment to get home because their daughter is hungry and Gaon won’t let them eat unless Yohan is there with them too.
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Please, he’s SO IN LOVE:
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Gaon wanting to try the thug life and Yohan’s bff being like “bro no, I got this” because we all know Gaon is awful with this type of thing. But Gaon still tries to impress his sugar daddy showing that he’s learning what he’s been taught. And impressed Yohan was, proud too:
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“Are you really MY Kim Gaon?”:
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“You bet”:
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There’s a bad cop and good cop trope. The secretary tries to challenge Gaon and K stops him “don’t you know it’s not a good idea to mess with the spouse of the mafia boss?”
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Our good cop failed. K is so disappointed “geez, you really suck at this, huh. You're lucky my bestie loves you” lmao:
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Do not worry, the bad cop comes to the rescue and not without teasing his bf a bit (Mr Yohan are you saying you know how to use every type of tool and you would show how to use them on Gaon-I mean to Gaon, too? hehe sorry, I can't control my mind sometimes):
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“That’s how it’s done, babe. Take notes”:
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Am I the only one that LOVES how they say each other’s name? It was the first time Gaon said Yohan’s name with sound and everything, I guess? The other time was muted before punching Yohan in the face. Yohan says Gaon’s name so softly too:
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Gaon is influencing Yohan a lot instead of what we first thought. Yohan wouldn’t care about Gaon being able to face Soohyun and having a murder on his hands or not, but he does after seeing Gaon cry and everything they went through. The thing is: he is Gaon’s voice of reason and safe place that keeps him grounded as much as Gaon is to Yohan. That’s what true love means, wanting what is best for your loved one and feeling inspired to bring out your best to them:
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Notice the key words here. Yohan says “if you want”. If he wanted to, Gaon couldn’t hesitate so he wouldn’t feel guilty later on. If not and he preferred to stay true to his good nature, he could back away from it. And Gaon not only backed away but showed that he listened and learned, once again influenced by Yohan and his words. This was bigger than Gaon and he could help other people’s pain too:
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Another one of Yohan’s lessons that he made Gaon experience at first hand, what a good mentor. Altought I can’t help but be scared that it can apply to them. What if this is foreshadowing that one of them or both of them will lose their minds after losing the other one in some tragedy in the future (they have so many enemies and all of them know they're each other’s Achilles' heel) or something bad like that? Because right now they already have each other. Ugh, I don’t even want to think much about it, it breaks my heart:
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The Gahan “f*ck, I’m so proud and in love with this guy, can’t believe I get to call him mine” look:
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When the girls can’t take a hint. Sunah wanting a future with Yohan and Soohyun thinking that Gaon is going to kiss her, but they’re happily taken and have to reject them for the 666th time. Bi Yohan attacks again and makes sure Sunah knows if you’re not Gaon, he will use Ariana’s song “thank you, next”:
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For the grand finale, have a socially awkward Gaon that wants to be “anywhere but here” trying to smile while seeking reassurance from his bf that he is doing good and Yohan being a mood we can all relate to with how cute he thinks Gaon is:
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highflyerwings · 3 years
Speaking of Inguk. Im curious, who do you think would make up his dream 3some?
Also whatever happened to your thoughts on Inguk/Yohan? 👀
Now WHY would you ask me such a hard question.
Kidding. Is it hard? Or is it easy to say his dream threesome would be with K and Gaon. Or maybe K and Yohan. Or K and his babyboy intern, or Jinjoo. Okay so maybe the only "easy" part is that K definitely needs to be there. He's tall and stoic and looks like he'd be gentle but also stern at the same time, and he follows orders like a champ. He's built like the world's best service top.
But what about if we toss him into the Merciless Evil Dilf pile. What if he can choose between Mujin, and Jaeho, and Dongsik, and Moonjo, and all the various babyboys. Who might he choose?
My money's on either Jaeho or Dongsik, because he likes their rakish charms and their sassy attitudes, and.....no wait, just Jaeho and Dongsik. That's who he wants. Those two. He gets to be the babyboy in that pairing.
And Inguk/Yohan, you ask? You want me to get back into tHIS? Is That what you're wanting?
You want me to talk about how Inguk has been sweating since he got into the back of Yohan's car after that dinner? You want me to talk about how he's buzzed enough to not let it overwhelm him, but he's heated. And he's thinking. And he's so far inside his head that he's starting to get annoyed at Yohan for being so calm about everything. Am I imagining this? Is this not what's happening? Am I a fucking creep?
Because Yohan slid into the backseat alongside him. He sidled up just close enough to allow the illusion of personal space, but just close enough to question the implication. Did he mean to sit that close? Does he know how close he's sitting? Does he know what this looks like?
Yohan shifts, and sighs, and slouches, just slightly, just enough to let his legs fall open, and let his hand land on the seat next to Inguk's thigh, his fingers just brushing Inguk's slacks. And Inguk wonders if Yohan realizes. He wonders what Yohan would do if he just...relaxed a little bit.
So Inguk relaxes. He releases the tension in his thighs and lets his legs fall open enough that his knee bumps Yohan's, and he feels the tips of Yohan's fingers underneath his leg. But he lets it happen. He doesn't shift or shy away. He let's the action speak for itself, and he waits for Yohan to confirm or deny the implication.
And all Yohan does is slowly slip his fingers out from under Inguk's leg, and pointedly slide them up and over his thigh until his palm is resting warm and heavy against him, his fingertips teasing the inseam of Inguk's pants.
It's that, then.
And Inguk feels himself starting to get hard.
He shifts self-consciously, maneuvering his hands as casually as possible until they're covering his crotch. But it must not have been casual enough because Yohan was murmuring softly, "Are you hard, Mr. Ko?"
Inguk's eyes flitted immediately to the driver's in the rearview mirror, checking to see if he was paying attention to what was happening in the backseat. He was still politely watching the road, unnoticing, or ignoring, Inguk wasn't sure which. But Yohan must have been watching him, because he gently squeezed Inguk's thigh, his hand sure, and warm, and god it's so warm. "Don't worry about him," Yohan said. "Answer the question."
Inguk sucked in a breath and nodded, "Mhmm." He acquiesced immediately. He was too turned on to deny it.
"Let me see," Yohan said.
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film-in-my-soul · 3 years
Gaon to Yohan: “Please let me take care of you.” Hurt/comfort please! Thank you!
(So many moments in the series to use this... Also, love how I said "lil" and it turned into this. I really can't stop myself sometimes...)
Ga-on's ribs hurt. There's an ache across his shoulders too, where he'd taken some sort of blunt object to the back. He doesn't let any of that stop him though hastily enters the code to the Kang’s manor and heads for the stairs taking the steps, two at a time, to get to Yo-han's room.
Soo-hyun telling him the truth once she'd rescued him, that the Chief had called her, sounding out of sorts but making it clear that Ga-on needed help, had been surprising. He’d watched her hesitate out of the corner of his eye when he'd asked how she'd known where he was and then she'd met his gaze as the car drew to a stop and told him.
Immediately worry sprang up between his ribs like tangling vines, Soo-hyun had said Yo-han sounded... off. That hadn't sat right with him. If there was one thing Yo-han was a master of it was controlling how others saw him and Ga-on was sure that the man would have never willfully shown Soo-hyun any such weakness.
Ga-on had wanted immediately to go to the Kang's, fear in his lungs, but had acquiesced when Soo-hyun urged that they, at the very least, get him cleaned up.
"What use will you be to them if you can hardly stand on your own huh?"
She'd been right of course and Ga-on was anxious, knee jumping up and down, the entire time Soo-hyun had carefully wrapped his torso with wide bandages, unable to properly meet his eyes. Ga-on could only imagine what was going on in her head. It was no secret her vehement mistrust of Kang Yo-han. Hell, Ga-on himself still isn't sure if he fully trusts the Chief. But regardless of that and where their last fight might have left them, he cares. Frankly, he’s quite sure he’s one of the only ones, Elijah excluded, who might.
Soo-hyun had barely finished taping him up, her fingers lingering on the covered bruises before Ga-on was up and reaching for a new shirt, one that wasn't covered in dust and sweat, maybe even a little blood. It's a bit heartless, he knew, after everything his childhood best friend had done for him, but the weight of something being wrong made his chest feel concave and twisted and the only way it would clear was by seeing Kang Yo-han with his own eyes.
Ga-on had turned back to her, to at least offer the courtesy of a thanks, but the heavy look Soo-hyun leveled him with only made his throat close tighter. He was hovering between two choices, two paths… Soo-hyun's eyes asked him to stay, to keep himself safe, to let her make sure of it... But Ga-on knew what the pang in his chest was telling him to do and he’d watched, eyes stinging, as Soo-hyun realize it too.
She’d offered him a wobbling smile and a shaky reminder to be careful as he rushed out the front door of his own home.
Now, as Ga-on rounds the banister of second-story landing, he hardly catches Elijah out of the corner of his eye. He stops and turns to her, catching his breath, chest heaving from taking the stairs too quickly. She looks unharmed, but there's something clearly weighing down on her shoulders, and the expression pinching her normally soft and neutral features is cloudy. She doesn't offer him a hello, just tells him where Yo-han is.
Ga-on had only been highly suspicious something was wrong but now he knows it's true and that fuels him the rest of the way to where Yo-han's room is.
He doesn't bother with politeness by announcing his entry, just pushes his way inside like he's been doing since the beginning really. The sight that greets him makes Ga-on's blood freeze, eyes going wide at Kang Yo-han, doubled over on the floor, groaning in agony, hooked up to an IV bag as the news drones from the television in front of him.
Ga-on jerks forward when Yo-han's head turns toward him. It's those eyes, fiery and pained, that snap Ga-on out of his temporary stupor.
"Chief," Ga-on chokes as he falls forward onto his knees, hands hovering, not sure where to touch first- if he even should. He settles for Yo-han's shoulders, as it seems that's where the older man is trying to grab as he shakes and gasps. The moment Ga-on’s fingers brush over the area Yo-han is practically throwing himself away from the contact.
"Don't-!" Whatever else Yo-han is trying to say gets cut off by a sharp cry when he sits up too quickly. Ga-on’s hands hang uselessly between them while his eyes wildly search for the cause of all this distress and hurt.
When he catches the sight of bandages through the deep opening of Yo-han’s robe it turns Ga-on into stone. There’s a rust-colored blot in the center of the thickest padding and Ga-on, hardly stupid, knows its blood. Unwillingly, Ga-on is dragged backward in time. The memory is of a younger, even more foolish version of himself, following a trail of curious red dots from his parent's room to the shared bathroom. They’d been the same color as the stain on Yo-han's stomach and the dread that rears up is a learned reaction.
Distantly, Ga-on knows that Yo-han is probably speaking, commanding him to leave, but his eyes are fixed on that spot and all that's in his ears is a high-pitched ringing. Gone from the Chief's side for hardly a day and this is what happens? The damned clog is back in Ga-on's throat. He looks back up to Yo-han and whatever expression he's wearing is apparently drastic enough to shut the other up, if only temporarily.
Ga-on reaches out again, more tentative, gentler, this time. Yo-han shifts, trying to inch back again, but Ga-on doesn't let him. Instead, he swallows hard and grasps the edge of Yo-han's robe, eyes falling back on the bandages. He feels childish, gripping at the fabric with a tight and trembling fist.
A silence lapses over them, the President shouting nonsense from the television, when a hand carefully drops on top of his own. Ga-on looks up again and the eyes, half-hidden behind Yo-han's hair are unusually soft, even with the traces of hurt that lingers.
"Ga-on-" Yo-han's voice is graveled and tired. Ga-on lets out a shuddering breath, close to a gasp, realizing he'd momentarily forgotten to breathe. The grip he has on Yo-han's robe tightens, tugging, silencing Yo-han.
"Please..." There's so much going on in his head right now, between what's happening in the outside world and what's happening here with Yo-han, between the two of them even, Ga-on needs a point of focus, a compass needle in the sudden storm of his life.
"Ga-on..." Yo-han says his name again with a sigh, on the verge of either saying something that effectively puts his foot in his mouth (as he often does) or dismissive and tone-deaf for the tense circumstance. Ga-on isn't going to let him.
“Please let me take care of you.”
They fall into silence again and Ga-on wonders if the widening of Yo-han's eyes is from the offer of care or how earnest, desperate, Ga-on knows he sounds. Yo-han’s expression goes blank again and there's a horrible moment, Ga-on sure that Yo-han will insult the vulnerability he’s so willing to share, as he often does, but it never comes. Instead, Yo-han seems to let his whole body go slack, swaying slightly with exhaustion from where he's sat back on his knees.
Resigned, Ga-on's brain offers.
Eyes still closed Yo-han pats Ga-on's hand, the one still threatening to tear the delicate silk of Yo-han's robe.
"Help me up."
Ga-on does that, scrambling to his feet and then supports Yo-han to his own, letting the older man use him as a crutch, leaning heavily into his side as Ga-on lays him down on the mussed covers of the bed.
Once Yo-han's settled Ga-on hovers, unsure how to be useful now that it seems the worst of the pain has passed. When Yo-han sighs and grabs his wrist, pulling him down to sit by his thighs Ga-on goes willingly. Ga-on pretends he can’t still feel the heat of Yo-han’s hand from where it rests close to his own.
"Sit. Stay." Yo-han's eyes are shut again as he relaxes back into his pillows, the commands sounding more like light suggestions. When Ga-on doesn't speak but also doesn't leave, those eyes slide half-open. "Good boy." It's said teasingly and even though there are still questions running like off rail trains in Ga-on's head, the tone is a lifeline to pull him clear from any impending crashes. It makes Ga-on flush, but he bites off the reaction and chooses instead to scowl, sliding back into more comfortable, safe, territory for them.
Reaching for the bedside table where a bowl of cool water and a clean towel sit, Ga-on dampens the towel and leans up to drag the cloth across Yo-han's sweat-damp fringe. The other's sharp gaze tracks him but Ga-on is undeterred and Yo-han doesn't protest.
Ga-on will ask questions later, he'll probably shout and Yo-han will make light of every new horror and injustice he makes him aware of, talk in circles, and make Ga-on swallow bile and acid and all the bad feelings living in his chest, but for now... for now, Yo-han is complacent in Ga-on showing kindness and that will have to be enough.
(And a gif just for funsies)
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Beyond Evil/The Devil Judge/The Guest Ficlets Open
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moonshalf · 3 years
Sorry to bother, but hopefully you can help me with this curiosity I got, following your beautiful analysis on TDJ and how important it is in Korea to cal someone the proper way.
I have noticed that Yo Han calls Su Hyeon by name instead of prefession. Especially when she finds them next to minister Cha's body. Is he allow to? Is he somewhat his superior and so it is not a problem? is he asserting dominance? Or disrespect?
Or maybe is just Yo Han trend to call people by name in shocking situations?
Don't worry if you are busy and got to better things to do than answer
First all of, it is no bother at all. I'm always happy to discuss the Devil Judge as it was other people's thought/opinions here on Tumblr that made me appreciate the show in a way.
To answer your question, I think one part of calling someone in a proper way that I tend to glose over and that is calling someone something (a title etc) to their face as opposed to talking about them to someone else. One can assume more formality when doing the former than the latter. It may sound confusing and I understand why but it is what it is.
Yohan calling Yoon Soohyun is a result of 1) dropping the pretense that we saw him display in episode 4th 2) assuming some sort of personal superiority (he HAS that superiority by the way) 3) as a result of "spur of the moment" feelings that I explained in other meta post, mostly exhibited by Gaon.
By the way while Yohan is not directly Soohyun's superior, he holds more power as a judge, as a rich person, as a influential figure. In episode 3, for example, you can hear him say 잘 부탁합니다 when Soohyun tells him that she is responsible police officer for that particular investigation as opposed to 잘 부탁드립니다 that he'd use to someone truly superior to him. Again it might be confusing as that expression doesn't really have an English equivalent, so hard to translate, let alone differentiate between 합니다 and 드립니다 in translation/subtitles. But that alone tells you something about where they stand.
Then of course Soohyun crosses a line in that scene, trying to stop him by touching him and pleading to see Gaon. This scene is where their interactions are becoming personal and continues as a pattern until the last scene. Soohyun and Yohan do not really interact a lot but they both have (fixed) opinions about each other and they are always coming off hostile to each other. (When Elijah asks him to tell her something, Yohan says "Yoon Soohyun...must be out of her mind".) Again, no need to use her title as now their interactions are pretty much personal and anyway using titles as opposed to her name would sound off.
Hopefully it answers your question. It is certainly hard to understand the logic behind titles sometimes. Again my ask is open if you don't really wrap your head around it.
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since this is my first thing for this fandom, do i think it's particularly in character? eh
did i write this a while ago and wait to post it since i had a hunch a friend of mine (you know who you are) would want to watch the show and I shouldn't spoil it?
Read on Ao3
Pairings: gahan, can be platonic or romantic I don’t care
Warnings: migranes, sensory overload
Word Count: 1191
Gaon knows when he wakes up it’s going to be a bad day.
His migraine is awful, pressing behind his left eye with the insistence of a battering ram. Even the thin shafts of light from between the shades are too much and he whines, rolling over in bed to smother his face in a pillow. He knows he could get up, stumble to take whatever medication is supposed to help with this, but that means moving.
 Eventually, he does manage to drag himself out of bed, if only with the hope that the sooner he gets going, the sooner he can move to float about the pain or make it lessen just a little. The clothes he puts on feel too substantial, too there, but he swallows a mouthful of too-bitter coffee and goes to work.
 Work is a grind. Staring at the screens for too long makes it worse and he burns through the stash of painkillers in his desk before lunch. He’s lucky Jinjoo knows he has migraines and keeps her voice quiet, but there’s only so much she can do. Their office is made too much of glass, bouncing light around white walls and reflective floors in the middle of the hustle and bustle of busy halls. He spends too long in a quiet bathroom, his hands over his eyes, nose buried in his gray jacket just to give his senses a break.
 By the time he’s ready to leave, his body aches with the strain of clenching his jaw to avoid the pain, his head pounding exhaustion into his veins. Jinjoo gives him a worried look as he pushes open the door, catching his elbow and asking if he needs someone to help him get home. He shakes his head, saying he needs to go pick up some more medication anyway. He leaves her there and walks off.
 He wishes he had let her help.
 He doesn’t know who they are. Whether they’re would-be muggers, or punks spoiling for a fight, or more goons looking to send a message.
 It’s gotten to the point where he can no longer recognize which ones claim to follow Kang Yohan and which ones don’t.
 They don’t take anything from him, they just leave him by the corner of some building he doesn’t recognize. Now it’s bad. He can feel himself getting sloppier with each step he takes, the effort of moving almost too much. He drags himself to a bus stop and all but collapses into a seat.
 His head bumps and rattles against the window and he wishes it could jar loose the part of his brain that makes him hurt.
 Several passengers give him strange looks at how he looks, small cuts and bruises on his hands and face from where he’s been thrown into walls and onto the ground, but he focuses on hauling himself up to get off at the right stop.
 By the time he makes it to the top of the driveway and through the door, he’s dizzy with exhaustion. The thud of the door behind him makes him whimper, the noise too much, too much. This house with its echoless walls snuffs out any hope he has of hearing anything from the outside world so he stands there, dumbly soaking in the silence as his body aches.
 But then there are loud footsteps clattering down the hall and he can’t do it anymore.
 “For someone who enjoys making us eat like ‘normal people,’ you’re an impressive hypocrite.” He sounds calm, but Yohan often starts calm, and then there’s a hand around his throat or he’s being thrown into something hard. “So what reason do you have for staying out so late?”
 He tries, he does, to open his mouth to say…what, he doesn’t know. ‘Sorry,’ probably, but there’s too much. His tongue feels like lead.
 “Nothing to say for yourself?” Now he’s angry. His head pounds as Yohan comes closer. Some hysterical part of him notes that he still hasn’t changed out of his suit. “Are you too ashamed to even look at me?”
 The force of something grabbing his chin and forcing it up is enough to draw tears to his eyes. He tries again, tries to speak, but all that tumbles out of his mouth is garbled apologies and sounds too pitiful to be described as anything other than a whine.
 He does not and has never expected tenderness from Kang Yohan.
 He expects a scoff or a scathing dismissal. He expects a casual remark about his state of dishevelment or a smirk about picking fights he can’t win. At the most, he expects to be let go without further comment or a question about who did this, what happened?
 He does not expect hands to carefully slide up to his shoulders and under the straps to his backpack, taking it off and setting it on the ground. He does not expect the same thing to happen to his coat, slid from him, and hung over a nearby hook. He does not expect to be led down the hall, one hand on his back, another around his wrist.
 And yet here he is, still dizzy with exhaustion, sitting on a couch as Yohan presses a warm cup of something into his hands. A gentler hand tips his chin up now, the light still making him wince slightly as his head changes position. Yohan’s brow is furrowed as he inspects each of the cuts on Gaon’s face.
 “You shouldn’t scar,” he says, “most of them are scabbing over already.”
 Gaon just blinks slowly.
 “Are you hurt somewhere else?” The lights are too bright. “You’re in pain.”
 “Lights,” he manages, “lights.”
 “Butler, turn down the lights.” Gaon almost whimpers in relief as the lights finally stop drilling into his head. “There, that’s better, isn’t it? Did you hit your head? Did they throw you into something?”
 Gaon wants to answer, he should answer, but he’s still shaking, trembling with the effort of keeping himself still in the waves of pain that threaten to bowl him over. Yohan must see it because suddenly there’s a blanket draped over his shoulders.
 “You’ve had a very long day,” comes a soft voice, “haven’t you, baby deer?”
 When a warm hand slides up to rub gently at the back of his neck, he can’t keep his head up. A rough exhale tears out of his throat and oh, he could cry.
 In the end, he doesn’t have much of a choice. Tears run down his face and into his lap, a few falling into the mug still clutched in trembling hands. Yohan tuts.
 “Salty tea isn’t good,” he says, taking the mug from him, slow and careful, “you should…”
 He trails off when he sees how distraught Goan looks, letting the suggestion face into silence in favor of pressing on his shoulder to lie him back against the couch. In a minute, Yohan will probably ask him if he’s hurt again, or send him off to bed, or something. But for now…for now, he’s just going to sit still and not hurt so badly for a moment.
 It’s been a long day.
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mymediacollection · 2 years
Dragon!true mates gahan AU
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BlackDragon!Yohan discarded by his family because he “can’t” fly. Only revealing that he can when Issac dies and reigns in the North. Palace officer!Gaon is sent unwillingly to appease Yohan aka sacrifice in place of the prince and Yohan takes him under his wing at first look.
At first it was because Gaon’s appearance was eerily similar to his brother but as time passed “my brother’s doppelgänger” became “Gaon” and “Gaon” became “my mate”. True mates have perks to have the same lifespan. They live as they live, die as they do. And so happily, and sometimes not, decades pass for them.
When that prince became the king and had his own children, he holds a contest as a facade to send one of them to Yohan at the rumors of Yohan wanting to come down from the mountains and kill them all. He sends his youngest, the weakest, and thinks he’ll never see him again.
Lo and behold when years later a beautiful woman appears holding his now grown son’s hand, her smile as fierce as it was elegant, fangs sparkling in her mouth as she sneers at the king’s rush to call the guards. “Foolish human, bear witness to your destruction.” The king falls.
There’s rumors of the queen being the true king, that the king was so besotted with his wife that all he did was fetch her things throughout the day, give her elaborate hairstyles and accompany her to visit her parents. And one day, those same rumored parents came to the palace.
Gaon hadn’t aged a day since he had left for Yohan’s castle, and having gotten used to the snow, he sheds layers as they are guided into the palace by curious attendants. Yohan bristles at every turn, hugging Gaon to him close in an effort to protect him from hidden dangers.
Gaon sees the queen striding towards them and smiles wide, pointy incisors glinting under the lights as he calls out, “Elijah!” he slaps a hand over his mouth as he realizes he’d overstepped etiquette- something he hadn’t had to worry about for years now. Elijah waves it off.
She drags the king behind her by his hand as he meekly greets his in-laws, Gaon pulling Elijah into a hug in the meantime as Yohan stares down at the welp who dared to capture his niece’s heart with those looks of his. “He treating you right, Elijah?” She rolls her eyes at Yohan.
“As always with the overprotection, uncle. Of course he does. I wouldn’t have gone with him otherwise, you know that.” Gaon lets out a laugh and some attendants blush at the pretty sight, Yohan snarling at the fools, wrapping his arms around Gaon’s waist and pulling Gaon to him.
Elijah nods, satisfied, and gestures to them all. “Well, let’s go.” People swear by the gods by what they heard late that evening after the laughter had died down. That they heard the flapping of wings and humongous shadows casting over the palace grounds. But dragons were myth.
&lt;<Were they not?>>
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
mmmm @zhouxus coming up with some wonderful AU ideas. this can go so many ways but based on this post,
gaon and yohan are divorced, or have just gotten to the point where it’s almost officially legal but they’re waiting for the paperwork to be processed. kang yohan the workaholic who isn’t home enough. kim gaon, the idealistic man who finds out what yohan’s been doing to win cases, who won’t talk to gaon about any of it, who has closed himself off whilst under attack by sunah and the SRF to keep his family safe.
elijah, their daughter who begs gaon to come back home despite him telling her that sometimes two people don’t always click anymore despite there being love. having to deal with the office of employees eyeing him when he has to visit yohan to turn over cases from his own district as a judge. once stumbling upon sunah too close to yohan in his office, where yohan tells him it’s not what he thinks it is but gaon’s heart hurts and says they’re not together and it’s none of his business.
yohan crestfallen and working longer hours to the point where elijah worries so much that she calls her dad and asks him to bring yohan home. she’s so alone, and gaon’s upset because in their agreement, yohan would have custody because of his means to take care of her. and the night gaon is so angry he goes to yohan’s office to talk to him about their daughter’s wellbeing, there’s a bomb that goes off. and instead of gaon being the one injured, yohan’s unconscious and taken to the hospital.
gaon’s angry when yohan wakes up, and at first yohan says he’s sorry, that Gaon should take elijah so either of them won’t get hurt, and Gaon crumbles under the weight of yohan’s defeat and says, you should’ve just let me in. just tell me why this happened, yohan. all I ever wanted was to be by your side.
and yohan realizes how much he’s fucked up by trying to keep his family safe. so yohan says the only thing he can think of in that moment: I don’t want a divorce. I never wanted to let you go. And gaon says, fuck you kang yohan for thinking I couldn’t handle all of you. And when Elijah comes to visit, brought by ms. ji, gaon tells them he’s coming home to take care of them.
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