#yoi regency week
otayuriweek23 · 2 years
Do you happen to know of any victuuri weeks going on this year?
There is no Victuuri-specific week that I know of unfortunately! However, there are some other events: - Yuuri Week (@yuuriweek here on tumblr, yuuriweek on twitter) which will run November 24-30, 2022 -Victor Week (twitter only) which will run December 25-31, 2022 -YOI Regency Week usually has some Victuuri-themed content (it runs in May) (@yoiregencyweek on tumblr, yoiregencyweek on twitter) -YOI Spooky Week also usually has some Victuuri content (unclear if it's running again this year, but if it does, it will be in October) (@yoispookyweek on tumblr, yoispookyweek on twitter) If anyone knows of a Victuuri Week, let us know! We love to see more content in the YOI Fandom :)
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raedear · 4 years
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Victorian, Inspired by Moulin Rouge!, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I am once again asking you to trust me, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, YOI Regency Week 2020, Love at First Sight Summary:
Viktor Nikiforov was in Paris all of three days before he found his way to the Moulin Rouge.
Newly arrived in Paris, Viktor Nikiforov looks for inspiration in the Bohemian revolution. Instead, he finds the world is not quite so simple as 'freedom, beauty, truth, and love' would suggest.
All Eros wants is to fly far, far away from the Moulin Rouge.
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dreamingbrownie · 4 years
Listen, I know that the YoI Regency week has been over for a few months now, but I was injured and now I’m better, so I come bearing historical angst in your times of need. General Viktor Nikiforov, freshly returned from kicking the French out of Russia, attends the New Year’s eve ball of 1812 where he gets to know a curious, beautiful man from Japan by the name of Yuuri Katsuki... Gifted to @linisen because she’s amazing, she organized the whole thing and did a marvelous job of it. Stay safe, people.
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rosereleasestheart · 3 years
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Late last year I took part in the Vampire Telephone game that @impatvish ran for their Vampire AU! This was my piece. :3c
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vityamins · 5 years
Title: Close as lovers are
Author: Vityamins
Rating: Explicit/Mature
Tags: Scent marking, Heat, Implied mpreg, Historical, Omegaverse, Omega Yuuri, Alpha Viktor
Parties were meant for dancing, and socialising with the ton. They were certainly not intended to facilitate the clandestine meetings of young lovers. But you only have to follow the rules if you get caught.
Word count: 876
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crisdrawsandcries · 2 years
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YOI Regency Week - Day 7: FREE DAY!
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victuuria · 2 years
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YOI Regency Week - Day 4: Keyword ‘Music’
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yoiregencyweek · 2 years
Phichit Chulanont’s guide to courting in the Victorian and Regency era!
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Be introduced by a mutual friend before conversing
Send flowers the day after meeting (but never gifts or letters)
​​Pay a visit upon the family during their “at home” hours
Go for a stroll in one of the walking parks
Go riding on horseback or in an open carriage
Always keep a chaperone close at hand!
Do not forget to vote for our prompts for the YOI Regency week 2022 May 9th to May 15th!
Victorian era courtship
Regency era courtship
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linisen · 2 years
Phichitmetti - regency selfie addition!
 For day 1 of YOI Regency Week 2022 - Portrait - Arranged Marriage. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38889006
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unforth · 3 years
One Day Only Ko-Fi Commissions
Hey ya’ll! So, you may have seen me discussing my Super Secret Project. It’s fandom related (I hope to have an official announcement including other ways to support us - cause it’s not just me involved - in the next couple weeks), and it’s going to cost a fair amount of money to launch (not in the cosmic scheme, it’s actually pretty cheap, but compared to how much money I actually HAVE...yeah...) and as such, I’ll be taking ko-fi commissions periodically to start helping me raise the funds. 
My Ko-Fi is Here.
Pricing is:
$3 (one ko-fi) = 100 words on the nose (drabble)
$6 (two ko-fis) = 500 words, more or less
$9 (three ko-fis) = 1000 words, more or less
I am not accepting commissions for longer works at this time - the idea of this is, I open it on days when I feel capable, and after the day, it’s closed, so everything has to be short. 
Commissions are open on 1/23/2021 (today) from roughly 10 AM EST until roughly 5 PM EST. Anything after that, I appreciate your contribution but I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to write you a fic. All fics will be written today (unless I get swamped, which I seriously doubt).
For each commission, please pick ONE ship and ONE trope/kink/AU from the following list:
Ships (Pick One):
SPN: Destiel, DCJ, Destiny, Denny, Sabriel, Saileen
MCU: Stucky, All Caps, WinterFalcon, WW3some, Thorki
MDZS/The Untamed: Wangxian, Sangcheng, Xicheng, Chengqing, Songxiao, Ningxian, Wangningxian
SVSSS: Bingqiu, Liushen, Bingliushen
YoI: Viktuuri
CP: Zimbits
Star Wars: Stormpilot, Jedistormpilot, Jedistorm
Prompts (Pick One):
Settings: Regency AU, fantasy AU, science fiction AU, 19th century US AU, steampunk AU, cyberpunk AU, celebrity AU, drag AU, coffeeshop AU
Tropes: there was only one bed, OMG they were roommates, hurt/comfort, meet cute, friends to lovers, trapped together
Kinks: DP, BDSM, pegging, bondage, creature character (feel free to pick a creature, or you can let me), A/B/O
Reminder: Pick ONLY ONE from the Ships list and ONLY ONE from the Prompts list. Anything more than that, I can’t promise to be able to fit into prompts this short, and even if you know I write something - the above is what I feel like writing today, but it will be different other days, and I’ll definitely be doing this more than once, and you if you’re really desperate you can drop me an ask and I’ll let you know if I’m willing to do what you’re asking for today.
If something is really important to you, that you think will be relevant/might come up, please tell me that too. (ie, triggers, squicks, who tops and bottoms, specific dom/sub dynamics, specific A/B/O designations)
You can either include your prompt in your ko-fi comment, drop it to me in an ask, or DM me (here or on Discord is fine). I am happy to keep your fill anonymous, but I ask that you send it to me not-anonymously so that I can correlate your request with the ko-fi purchase.
Fills will be posted on Tumblr and on AO3.
Feel free to drop me an ask if you have any questions!
Thanks in advance, everyone! Signal boosts appreciated. <3
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justrae2010 · 3 years
Summary: When Victor Nikiforov's parents hold a ball to help him find a bride, Victor had no idea that his gardener was in love with him.
He had even less of an idea that said gardener would sneak into the party in a dress for one last chance to dance with him.
YOI Regency Week Day 1 - Dance/Ball. Keyword: Gloves.
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quagmiremarch · 3 years
The Lies We Tell to Find Our Truth, Part 2/3
[This is for Day 2 of YOI Regency Week ( @yoiregencyweek) -Forbidden Love. And yes, I know it’s Day 4. Life happened. Cross-posted to AO3. ]
Mr. Victor Nikiforov tapped his tight pensively as his carriage wove the long path to Yu-Topia Katsuki, the inn apparently run by the parents of one Mari Katsuki. And also, Victor had discovered in his inquiries about the young lady, of a son, Yuuri Katsuki, a fact that had Victor most confounded, and if he were so bold as to admit such, hopeful.
It had long been at issue that Victor’s station came with a series of obligations, most notably those to marry and produce heirs. Truly, such expectations should not have bore so heavily upon his shoulders as they did, for they were reasonable accommodations to meet.
Were it not for Victor’s disinclination towards those of the feminine sort. He bore no ill-will for women, of course. Many were perfectly delightful company. He simply found himself lacking in any romantic notions in their direction. A truth that would prove most scandalous in society were it to be known, but one he bore no ability to change.
Mari Katsuki. He’d seen the woman looking perplexed at the table and simply sought to aid her in navigating the unfamiliar societal currents. He had known, of course, of her essentially common status, the honorary title granted her family hardly sufficient for her attendance at the ball. The gossip of her invitation had therefore spread like a blaze through the event, marking her something of a curiosity, and lamentably, a target, for the less gentlemanly of nobles.
Finding her to be charmingly shy one moment and delightfully passionate the next as they moved from polite courtesies into topics of conversation familiar and fond, Victor thought, perhaps he had finally stumbled upon a match. Perhaps the exchange of a rise in station paired with a genuine enjoyment in her company might make a marriage, even if it remained chaste one, between them, something other than a chore for both parties.
That as the night lingered Victor found himself appreciating the depth of her eyes, the shape of her smile, proves a much unexpected and confusing surprise. But, not unwelcome. While heirs might be managed without a true sharing of the marriage bed, or so he’d heard whispered among the few other nobles that shared his inclinations, life would be made much enriched should such lengths prove unnecessary.
Victor felt it most prudent to act upon such good fortune and ask to call upon the young Miss Katsuki, but even as he’d attempted to gain permission to do so, the young Lord Chulanont had intruded. That he did so while addressing a ‘Yuuri’ had not, in fact, slipped Victor’s notice.
What circumstance, however, that might have led to the young Master Katsuki attending the ball, Victor could not imagine. But, he found he dearly hoped that just that had happened for it would explain much about that evening.
Regardless, in less than an hour’s time, he found himself on the steps of Katsuki Yu-Topia. The first person to greet Victor is a tiny older woman with a round face and familiar smile. It is most obvious that Mari, or perhaps it is Yuuri, inherited much in their appearance from their mother.
Victor offered a polite bow. “Good morning. My name is Victor Nikiforov. I know this to be perhaps improper given the lack of notice, but I had hoped I might call upon your daughter?”
Already large brown eyes went wide, but the woman merely nodded as she wiped her hands on a towel. “Mari is tending to the guests. Can I make you some tea to tide you over until she might be free?”
“That would be lovely, thank you.”
The woman nodded, gesturing for Victor to exchange his shoes for comfortable slippers before proceeding further inside. Victor followed quietly as she led him to a quiet room with a low table and cushions on the floor. It was a foreign style, but one Victor had seen before in his travels. He took the indicated cushion with another polite bow.
“The tea will be ready in just a moment. I apologize for the wait.” “Please,” Victor said, waving off the words, “it is I that should offer apologies for arriving without notice.”
The woman smiled kindly with a nod and bustled away, leaving Victor to enjoy the quiet of the room and the delicious smells that found their way to him from parts further in the inn. Perhaps he should take lunch while here as well. Should his marriage prospects not pan out as he hoped at least the trip would not be completely wasted.
Much sooner than he anticipated, Victor heard the scuffling of slippered feet, a sound that pulled him from his daydreams of new foods, and looking up, to fall into the depths of dearly missed vibrant brown eyes. Eyes that most definitely did not belong to a Miss Mari Katsuki, but to a lovely bespectacled young man. A most flustered and red-faced young man at that.
“Ah.” Victor said, smile bright. “Yuuri. You will come and join me, won’t you?”
Mister Katsuki went most still, hands trembling and setting the tea tray he carried to clattering softly. “I..Mister Nikiforov, I--” “Duke Nikiforov, most technically,” Victor said as he stood and took the tray from Yuuri’s hands. If he perchance happened to brush his fingers against the other man’s as he offered his aid, well, that was, of course, mere happenstance. “But, I think we have perhaps moved past such formalities, have we not, Yuuri?” He spoke the name with emphasis, tone soft and tinged with a hint of longing for the boy had been lovely in a dress and curls, but radiant here with his silken soft hair ruffled and the coat and pants of his uniform leaving little of his strong thighs and trim figure to the imagination.
Yuuri seemed to collapse inwards, head bowed and the beautiful face hidden. “I am most sorry. I never meant to cause offense or to--” Victor caught his chin in one hand, lifting the down-turned face up so that he might meet those beautiful brown eyes. “I am not angry. Simply tell me truly, it seemed some attraction had been shared between us. Was that also a ruse?”
A vibrant blush overtook Yuuri’s face, starting in the cheeks and flowing both upwards to his ears and down, past the long line of his throat. Victor found his gaze most entranced, his mind wandering quite improperly to how far the flush might extend, and in what other circumstances he might see it form.
“Ah...” Yuuri looked away in so much as Victor’s hold on his chin allowed. “I mean, such a thing would be most scandalous, of course, and I would never wish to besmirch such a noble name as--” Victor pressed firmed on the warm, soft skin under his palm, bringing the other man indecently close, close enough that their noses nearly touched and their breaths mingled as one. “I care not for what the gossip-mongers might say, tell me, yes or no, my Yuuri. Was it real?”
A gasping hitch of breath and a long swallow filled the silence before Yuuri managed a gentle, barely whispered, “Yes, it was real. But it’s forbidden.” More words might have followed, but Victor stole them away, pressing his lips gently to Yuuri’s own. At first, just a gentle touch, it soon grew more fervent, both men caught in the warmth and passion of the moment.
A moment most rudely broken by a rough cough from the doorway. There stood a solidly built woman with short cut hair clad not in a proper dress, but the same garb adorning Yuuri himself. “Am I to assume then, Mister Nikiforov,” the woman drawled, voice amused and dry, “that it is my brother and not myself you have come to call upon then?”
Victor felt warmth rush to his cheeks, but managed to keep his expression unaffected as he turned Yuuri in his arms, his back to Victor’s front, so they might both address the woman. “Miss Mari Katsuki, I presume? A pleasure to meet you. Tell me, how do you feel about getting married?”
Mari and Yuuri bore identical expressions of surprise at those words, and it tickled Victor to see. With a small laugh he held Yuuri ever the more tightly, and met Mari’s eyes. “I believe, Miss Katsuki, that you and I might be able to help one another, if you will listen?”
A raised eyebrow was his only response, but she did not leave, nor did she chastise them for the affection on display, which Victor took as a most hopeful sign. And so, with a deep breath, he began to lay out his plan, one he hoped would end with the beautiful man he held, forever allowed to say within his arms.
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dreamingbrownie · 3 years
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For Yuri on Ice Regency Week 2021: Part three of To your heart's desire is up. Dear reader, you did not think I would let the Regency Week slip by unnoticed, did you? The prospect of diving into the immediate consequences of Napoleon's return in 1815 was too tempting not to use. Have fun reading, and please refrain from throwing glass ware at me afterwards.
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overzealousshipper · 4 years
He Walks in Beauty, Like the Night
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In Honour of Regency Week -  @yoiregencyweek​
Author: OverzealousShipper (Satyrykal)
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: N/A
Category: M/M
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Relationship: Viktor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov
Words: 3120
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Romance, YOI Regency Week 2020, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Omega Katsuki Yuuri, Growing Up Together, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Historical, Love Letter to History, Marriage of Convenience, Courting, Marquess Viktor Nikiforov, Lord Viktor Nikiforov, Earl Viktor Nikiforov, Viktor is Catherine the Great's Illegitimate Grand Son, Childhood Sweethearts, All dogs are immortal and you can't tell me otherwise, Makkachin will live forever, What even is tagging...
As the years passed, Yuuri and Viktor became nigh inseparable – forgoing the company of others their own age to mingle instead with each other. Wherever Viktor went, his faithful shadow followed – spinning stories and adventures as they wove themselves through woods and corridors alike.
Young as they were, neither set of parents tried to discourage their amity. For the Katsukis – it was an honour to be so linked to a Great family. For the Ladies Hertford, they were beyond a care – beyond reproach and dismissive of petty rumours.
There was no discussion of propriety, for what harm could come from a boyhood friendship?
Read it now
Cheers Satyrykal
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vityamins · 6 years
Author: Vityamins
Prompt: Arranged marriage, courting 
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri’s Family, Victor Nikiforov’s Family, Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Toshiya, Katsuki Hiroko, Katsuki Mari Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Alternate Universe - Historical, Omega Katsuki Yuuri, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Gifts, YOI Omegaverse week 2018, Fluff, rating for dirty thoughts, Adorable, courting, viktuuri, Victuri, VictUuri, Vikturi, or however you want to spell it Summary:
Yuuri Katsuki is to be married.
A marriage of convenience, blessed with love. The happy couple only wish they could give each other more.
Quickly written fluff with a side of viktuuri, written for the YOI Omegaverse week.
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Summer Loving 2019 Gift Masterlist
Thank you to everyone to participated! We were so delighted by all the Victuuri love to go around. Hope you were too!
You can browse this list or the AO3 collection.
Art Student AU  ☀️  @opemjamjar to @mysticemerald
Summer Lights  ☀️ @a-midnight-luna to @pandabomb
Dance to the Beat of My Heart ☀️ @mysticemerald to @linisen
Underneath the Stars ☀️ @silverphoenixwrites to @piecesofbrokenrecollections
Melting Point ☀️ @kingfishling to @anonbaph
Moments to Love ☀️ @anonbaph to @iwritebetterthanispeak
Stay Close to Me ☀️ @slitherisms to @tearsandice
More Than a Fever ☀️ @louciferish to @izzyisozaki
You Make Everything Better ☀️ @marialenikiforov to @tequilatia
(Viral) video entranced the radio star ☀️ @girl-in-the-library to @jelly-guiro
Victor, Simply Stated ☀️ @batmads-ao3 to @acemoppet
A Lifelong Love Letter ☀️ @v-katsuki to @viktuurishippe2
Secrets left unsaid ☀️ @ravensmores to @victuurikatsu
Nobody does it better ☀️ @everymanwillbeaking to @karmangier
these quiet days ☀️ @iwritebetterthanispeak to @belovedyuuri
here comes a thought ☀️ @crossroadswrites to @opemjamjar
Beneath the milky twilight ☀️ @obsessionality to @thewalrus-said
Around the World in 31 Days ☀️ @piecesofbrokenrecollections to @fiercyy
love is hate, twice cursed ☀️ @katzuyas to @owlishann
Run away with me ☀️ @paintingwithwords to @fallsintograce
Meeting in the fifth dimension ☀️ @fallsintograce to @gabzjones
Stuck in the middle with you ☀️ @sophiegaladheon to @teekettle
Even In This Old-Fashioned Way ☀️@rodiniaorzetalthepenguin to @slitherisms 
Victuuri Used Charm! ☀️ @lightningcatters to @chubbyskater
so move me, baby ☀️ @owlishann to @plisetskys-ass
heart(beat) ☀️ @carry-a-world to @batmads-ao3
My, my my how can I resist you? ☀️ @japansace to @v-katsuki
Countdown to Cutlet ☀️ @pandabomb to @creme13rulee
I put a spell on you ☀️ @cometbt to @crossroadswrites
I don’t mind, if it’s you ☀️ @lukesgoggles to @cometbt
Because I love him ☀️ @plisetskys-ass to @rodiniaorzetalthepenguin
you take me higher than the rest ☀️ @thewalrus-said to @lukesgoggles
darling your love is worth more than its weight in gold ☀️@linisen to @impatvish
Tech week ☀️ @fiercyy to @girl-in-the-library
My Darling ☀️ @tearsandice to @accioharo
Sweet shock [nsfw] ☀️ @and-then-yoi-happened to @duesterkitsch 
Get Dressed! ☀️ @chubbyskater to @lightningcatters
Summer heat ☀️ @littorella to @caramel-draws
Waiting for bus to pride parade ☀️ @caramel-draws to @kingfishling
Pool floats ☀️ @izzyisozaki to @mferret9
Victorian/Regency AU  ☀️ @jelly-guiro to @toonysart
Mer AU ☀️ @karmangier to @japansace
Puppy adoption ☀️ @littorella to @nksara
Celebrity/butler AU ☀️ @duesterkitsch to @a-midnight-luna
Arranged marriage ☀️ @mferret9 to @katzuyas
Home ☀️ @toonysart to @paintingwithwords
Pirate & Barkeep ☀️ @viktuurishippe2 to @everymanwillbeaking
Post-canon husbands ☀️ @impatvish to @marialenikiforov
Apart ☀️ @nksara to @obsessionality
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