growling · 1 month
the way this website treats disabled people is actually horrendous
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seth-burroughs · 2 months
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Yomi Hellsmile. You agree. Rebolg
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strophaia · 2 months
ep5 rewatch
these shacks look fucking miserable to live in god bless. i do not trust that landlord but also i feel like i could take him in a fight
THE KEY he's remembering that fucked up hell bird that shook him around on flights every day and nearly dropped him several times. where he was raised in hell and strophaia didn't quite get human husbandry that much so he just fed him crack and asbestos and just patted his head and purred soothingly whenever he got a traumatic injury with his brain slime bits sticking out. but he did his best with what he had and for that he should be admired
shingo and mephisto were so fucking mean back then for no reason. they didnt even let him see his darling pogchamp during weekends.... or even just christmas......... fucked up
ichiro when anything ever happens: O_O
"i guess ill ask that guy" help. #fatherlessbychoice #unrequitedparentallove
his voice... i heard his voice........ im pregant by the sound alone. aouuughhh god i love strophaia so much if only there was a way to ever meet him in this- oh god fucking damn it are you kidding. stop fucking crunching why is that everything he ever does is to flap around out of sight and fucking crunch some leftover shit in the flesh halls. now that i think about it the Blood Void Flesh Labirynth walls kinda resemble the hell dimension from akuma kun but if it were the backrooms.... hmmmm....... food for thought
im never gonna think about a fictional character that much ever again the risk is too high. the risk is too fucking high
nvm pregnagt again. the circle is here. strophaia rapidly approaching
is this what attraction feels like. or cuteness aggression. i want to kill him so bad i need to squeeze his adorable little throat so hard ill crush his windpipe and i think ill delete that paragraph on second thought
he finally got that phone call <3
majestic thank u. pleaseee show up at my house this night ill take you over the Entities that want to jumpscare me so bad anytime i open my eyes at night. he can kill me too if he wants
aeshma <3 also theres a type of dragonflies called "aeshna" pretty similiar huh just thought ill point this out. yes i am aware of the other meaning of aeshma i just needed to point the dragonflies out
shingo felt that shit. sensed a disturbance "not that fucking freak again" .
whys he so cunty whys he so cunty whys he so cunty whys he so cunty whys he so cunty whys he so cunty
"how've you been" see he cares .
NOT THAT FUCKING HUG. I know what you are. Im gonna be sick. I'm gonna be SICK. i am going into active labor
ill let him save me anytime 100% out of my way ichiro your fucking loss
whys he so girlypop....
what is he onto . im not listening nor arguing with a being of that caliber whatever you say goregerous <3 can we mary pleaseeee
outstanding performance king slayyyy. my watered are cropped
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alfiely-art · 7 months
I fucking hate Makoto Kagutsuchi. I know what you’re thinking, this is some kind of funny joke, but no. Makoto Kagutsuchi is a piece of shit. A damn homunculus got picked over actual humans at Amaterasu and he’s supposed to be a hero? And I can’t even tell you how many damn times I’ve seen a great parking space only to turn the corner and realise Makoto Kagutsuchi is already parked there in his stupid little fucking convertible. He took my right hand man and my whip and my house and my job. I swear to fucking god, I’m going to kill myself and take that goddamn masked freak to hell with me. Makoto Kagutsuchi has ruined my found family. Last summer, I approached the miserable balloon boy in the street, and asked him for his autograph, because my hitman is a huge fan. The fucking homunculus gave me the autograph and told me to burn in hell. Later, when I gave my hitman the autograph he started crying and said he hated me. Turns out the maskfucker didnt write his autograph, no, he wrote “you’re a piece of shit, and i fucked your beloved right hand”. I’m now divorced, and planning a huge class-action lawsuit against the white devil that ruined my life. Your time is almost over, Makoto. All the people you’ve wronged will rise against you.
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crowdsourcedloner · 10 months
in an attempt to work out a timeline, here's a vague series of events surrounding the squad prior to (and very early into) arr
(~60 years before present) Verre is born, raised, and trained in the Skatay Range as a scout.
(~30 years before present) Verre finds a strange device that leads Garlean invaders to her home village, destroying it in the process. In her grief she resolves to wander as an exile, seeking new technology in an attempt to curb her rampant curiosity and crushing guilt.
(~26 years before present) A hrothgar queen-to-be leaves her home village in an attempt to claim absolute freedom, though she is unknowingly pregnant at the time. She gives birth to a daughter during her travels.
(~25 years before present) Zezene "Zen" Zene arrives in Ul'dah claiming to hail from the freshly conquered Dalmasca, but no records of their life there exist. They begin to carve out a meager life as a thief and information broker.
(~25 years before present) The hrothgar woman finds an auracite shard and becomes enthralled by it, becoming increasingly paranoid and controlling of those around her. She resolves to train herself and her daughter as a weapon to combat her delusions.
(~21 years before present) Zen has fully integrated into the Ul'dahn underground, becoming a staple contact for many ne'er-do-well's. They note a group of contacts that want to get out of the life of crime and begin to formulate a plan.
(~19 years before present) The daughter has her first echo vision, earning great disapproval from her mother and losing her name in the process. She stays with her mother in an attempt to regain favor.
(~19 years before present) Zen opens a 'hunting hall' to be their base of operations - a front for their information gathering gig and a way to help people go legit should they desire it.
(~18 years before present) Zen hears rumors of a strange viera visiting the shops of Ul'dah asking for machinery. They successfully track down the mystery individual and recruit Verre to their operation as a tinker.
(~16-17 years before present) Yomi is born in an underwater raen village. She is terribly sheltered, but educated well and set up to inherit her mother's position as oracle.
(~15 years before present) In response to the Battle of Silvertear, Zen establishes ties to Clan Centurio and the adventurer's guild, despite the latter's waning popularity at the time.
(~12 years before present) The daughter is abandoned by her mother after failing to regain her favor. She namelessly wanders as a mercenary, convinced that her visions are a symptom of madness.
(~10 years before present) Verre tells Zen about her past, revealing her still-fresh grief for the first time. Zen encourages Verre to see them and their operation as a family of sorts in an attempt to soothe her.
(~5 years before present) Zen brings Garlean scrap to Verre so she can tinker with it. Verre passes along her findings to the Eorzean Alliance, namely about structural weaknesses and stress points. She also uses the scrap to build an air conditioning unit, much to Zen's confusion.
(~5 years before present) In the final leadup to the Calamity, Verre asks to fight at Cartenau alongside the Eorzean Alliance. Zen has a bad feeling and talks her out of it, sparing her from the front lines.
(~2 years before present) Yomi's mother receives an ill omen about her daughter and the danger she will associate with.
(~1 year before present) Yomi's mother tricks her into exile under the guise of pilgrimage, hoping to spare her village from impending doom. Yomi sets her sights on Eorzea, oblivious to the truth and the state of the realm at large.
(~1 year before present) Yomi arrives in Ul'dah and immediately falls for an obvious scam, only to be saved by Zen's timely interference. They offer to give her a place to stay and work to do, which she graciously accepts, meeting Verre in the process.
(~week before present) The nameless mercenary, weary and despairing after long years of wandering alone, sets her sights on Ul'dah's adventurer's guild.
(present, start of ARR) Upon arriving at the Ul'dahn adventurer's guild and being prompted to provide a name, the mercenary took the name of Nailah, though she is reluctant to introduce herself as such.
(present, start of ARR) By chance, Zen recognizes Nailah as a newcomer and decides to try and give her a place to stay, as she seemed down on her luck. In their attempt to help they learn her name and use it in conversation, causing her to become extremely defensive and leave upset.
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
continuation of my mdarc rewatch but from the ch0 ending and onwards instead because it was stressing me out too much. blissfully ignoring fzilch's entire existence anyway here comes yakou-
once again im so glad im watching this in jp dub again because i don't think i could survive if eng yakou opened his mouth and i just heard fuckinbg. dubbing dazai.
can someone tell my goddamn muscles to stOP tensing up whenever rejn kołd kanaj łard mentioned . getting the twitches again >:(
yuma peril we love to see it. also i will never stop making fun of his stupid fucking phallus haircut
i don't remember if ive said this before but japanese shinigami >>>>>>>>> english shinigami
i spot a faint trace of a seth thumbnail in the corner and start blushing and kicking my feet uncontrollably. imagining him getting his limbs ripped off
good fucking lord. oh my fucking god. jesus christ, motherfucker. my first statement aged like fucking milk i cannot take this anymore jp dub yakou has the same voice as jp dub nikolai bsd fuck my stupid baka life why do i bother. what the fuck.
huh. maybe the yomiakou mfs were onto something after all. his swagless demeanor just now has charmed me significantly.
i like how in the game his description lists his ability as "a flair for negotiation", makes him negotiate exactly once during his introduction and then he never does it again
i am not giggling at yakou furio rain code. leave me alone. i am not. IM NOT. GO AWAY. I CANNOT CONTROL MY VOICEBOX JACKASS..
"he managed to turn away the peacekeepers, so he must be in high standing" hahahaha. hahahaha. no sorry yuma i think thats just pretty privilege on his part. once again shinigami ends up being 100% correct somehow
aaaah i still really like yuma's jpn voice especially when he's stressed or screaming. makes me want to throw him down the stairs
its so pretty in here why would anyone want to leave anyway lol. when all the remaining nations explode each other kanai ward will be the only city still standing and we will flourish and thrive. also in the station(?) theres a poster with a rainbow on it so obviously its gay paradise too what more do yall fucking want
detectivephobia mention counter: 1
thats all for today i fear op is not strong enough for rhis shit,
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
[rain code fan voice] I hate Yomi because he wrongfully imprisons executes and tortures people, which is bad and wrong to happen to them. Which is why i think he should be punished severely for this, via naturally being imprisoned tortured and then executed brutally, which is good and right because unlike those other people he's a Bad person that actually deserves it this time and the prison system is great actually and the death penalty is necessary sometimes and it's ok if it's happening to Bad people the reason why Yomi torturing people was bad is because it's implied most of them were innocent or their crimes weren't severe enough if he just stuck to actual evil criminals then it would be fine hey where are you going you didn't hear my rant on how getting state sanctioned prison raped would fix him yet
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
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Realized I didn't even do anything gay this pride month since I was so out of it. Ah well disability wrath month is next up and I do have a few posts planned for that at least. Anyway free Yomi icons, flags from top to bottom: aromantic, aplatonic, loveless aro. I don't give a fuck👍👍 Love Loses
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
rain code nation... is there like, anything - whether a characterisation detail or a widely held opinion - currently in the fandom, that is just completely objectively Wrong, that is not either "yuma/makoto minor-coding", "yomi sending his hitman on that train mission was a testament of him wanting fzilch obliterated" or "martina is actually a helpless victim that had zero agency", since I already know about all of these (and even preparing a post about the third for some time already)? Like. Are these all of the current Fandom Inaccuracy Sins or did you see like, more. Of that type. If you did then can you complain about it real quick I need. Material
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growling · 7 days
oh wait i forgor. tribe nine beta lol
Zero my angel I'd recognize that voice maybe not anywhere but like in some places
"kuronaka got 10 gold" *EAR BLASTING 9 HOUR LONG FANFARE*
hmmmmmmmmmm.. not saying anything but narrowing my eyes thoughtfully
they're trying to fnaf pizzeria simulator my ass, unfortunately for them I am an incredibly clever smart intelligent wise boy (looked at the art on tweeter)
they put kuronaka in the generic rpg torture dungeons💔💔💔 get well soon
shut the fuck up boyyyy look at the claypot. loook at my claypot boy
jesus stop jumpscaring me if i die my grandma will sue
im calling it now. lady goddess is just zero (and if so: gender win)
if it does end up being zero it will be so fucking funny. please. let this manifest. me when i put some random dude in the generic rpg torture dungeons and make him look at claypots forever as form of foreplay also i pretend to be a statue
its that blue hair motherfucker from the promos or whatever
this is so fucking funny im tearing up. im tearing up. also they just implied that i was right. this is so fucking funny. vidio game brainwash yaoi. zero you silly man i desire you carnally
"well its not unusual for this man to do this kind of thing" please tell me more about zero's crimes against humanity .
forgot to mention this earlier but of course the protag has amnesia. not a proper kodaka game without an amnesiac protagonist. this is not a complaint
this is so funny. this is so funny.
redguy yellowguy leave that poor fucker alone. blueguy grayguy why are you just staring tell them to leave that poor fucker alone this is probably not how you approach a dude with amnesia who has been stuck in the generic rpg brainwash torture dungeon for an unspecified period of time
3d time. fuck that boy up guards induce a panic attack in this man
and the torture dungeons were just some random medium sized platform..... help me thats so embarrassing for kuronaka!!
"the village you were saying [sic] were all just drawings on the floor and on the walls!" THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING.... KURONAKA THAT'S SO EMBARASSING......
ok. ill stop being mean to him. i promise i will be nice and understanding of his situation from now on. it must be very hard and traumatizing for him.
also buy him brown contacts pls
Fucking look at him this shit looks biblical. look at him descending onto the mortals. this is fucking jesus imagery
nice robot hands. they're not attached yet but i will force him to become a cyborg no matter how many limbs i must detach from his body
i am not ready to hit unpause. but also im yearning.
wait look at his hand pose.... awww look at him i want him carnally
alright alright whatever im unpausing.......
so 24 city is just named like that because it's the 24th city and they ran out of ideas
24 city must be a shit place to live in, a strong breeze knocks you over and you fall one kilometer onto the pavement
"... but who would have thought that there is such a surreal area here, designed just like a video game?" zero. zero would have. that man is all about vidio game addiction i called it once and ill call it again
and he called him "the masked man" i fucking cant i need t. i need to take a breather okay i cant take this anymore
zero lore listen closely now this will be on the test (instead of listening starts imagining zero touching me in a bus and gets so hrard ii passkdf uout )
Kuronaka likes tea. +1 for Kuronaka I love tea
Zero the robot enjoyer
alright, Iroha is gonna return Kuronaka's smartphone next time and I'll end it here :] twas a pleasure. transcending experience
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growling · 17 days
Daily raport: I am in excruciating pain
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growling · 3 months
God I hate even attempting to draw Seth's stupid fucking rain cape I will forever just keep on finding ways to not include it. Fucking bastard. I wish I could will myself back into Kanai Ward just so I could apprehend that fucker in a back alley and rip that shit off him while screaming at him and calling him a stupid fucking piece of shit the entire time and then once I'm done throw that fuckinv shit over on the ground and stomp on it and then spit in his face and choke him until he cries so he fucking learns to just get a fucking umbrella next. Or actually nevermind that shit, this is Kanai Ward for fucks sake we rawdog that rain like real men if you're scawwed of getting your head wet then you are a failed homunculus and will never survive the winter. I hate him. I hate this stupid fucking asshole
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growling · 25 days
Me @ Gravity Falls on episode 3: Wow I can't believe people used to hate Mabel, she's legitimately the most lovable little guy in the entire show. What do you mean they hated her for her joyous whimsy? Older fandom, very strange. Nice cartoon, it pleases me tremendously
Me @ Gravity Falls on episode 19: I am overcome with unsatiable carnal desire to fuck the triangle
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seth-burroughs · 2 months
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Chief executive you aren't supposed to be here
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
Last minute pride month post. This is the last one after this I won't be gay anymore
Yomi, Fake Zilch/Aide and Halara are all loveless, aromantic and aplatonic. plus the narcissism👍
("oh but how will aide and yomi get freaky with it then if they don't love each other?? :((" you fool. you absolute buffoon. a bond between two deranged loveless aplatonic narcissists + chosen persons is unbreakable and more powerful than any other type of relationship. its like a mythic rarity homesfuck quadrant)
(Yomi's relationship/attraction hierarchy and systems are another can of worms I shall not even attempt to open in this single paragraph)
Yomi is trans but that is a surprise to no one. I mean his boobs do get progressively bigger with every art I post of him
(though he's not a binary trans man either)
Shinigami is a trans woman death gods can trans their gender too. Martina is a trans woman. Guillaume is a trans woman. Kurane is a trans woman. Waruna is a trans woman. Yuma and Makoto are trans women among all the other infinite genders. Pucci is a trans woman. Enyne is a trans woman. Yakou's dead wife is a trans woman. Nun is a trans woman. Seth is also transfem in some way but he doesn't know it yet. He'll realize it eventually. Give it like 2 months max
I am going to forcemasc Fubuki. Who said that
Vivia and Yakou are very tired trans men. Yakou also only exclusively dates other trans people he has enough lived experience to decide he can't fucking take it anymore
Kurumi is a trans boy in progress. Also a lesbian but willing to make exceptions
Melami is a trans man that uses she/her and doesn't want to "pass" she prefers to do anything she wants forever. and also making cis people's minds explode
Aphex originally considered himself a butch lesbian and then turned out to be transmasc actually. Then he considered himself a transmasc butch lesbian but then turned out to be just a little bit bi after all. Then he considered himself a transmasc butch bi lesbian however then he found out he-
Fuck who else is here. Uhh. Bi turigirl Martina. Seth likes men I guess also some flavor of aroace. Uhh. Yakou's bi. Vivia's bi. Aetheria polycule or something whatever we've all seen it
All of Kanai Ward is queer in some way because of the chemicals in the rain
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
For pride month I will do uhhhhhhh. For pride month I shall uhhhhhh. Fuck council what should I do for pride month (SERIOUS PROPOSALS ONLY. NO DICKING AROUND!!1!!!!11)
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