#yongguk portrait
astroyongie · 1 year
Solists July Reading 2023
Note: Please take it light with a grain of salt 
Career: His career s going well, not only he is able to show a more true self on camera, he is happy to be free to communicate with his fans without much pressure or rules. Woodz also has a good communication and relationship with his company and honestly he is able to decide what he wants and what he doesn’t 
Love: He is currently dating someone, and this person is the base of his self esteem. Thanks to his partner he works on himself, he tries to be a best version of himself and it honestly helped with his self esteem issues. He is happy  
Spiritual: His energy is rather very neutral, I don’t sense negativity nor positivity, he is just patient and taking whatever comes his path and his way to work with 
Career: I believe there’s a lot he doesn’t say, either to his fans and to his company. Ian keeps things to himself he doesn’t like people to know he struggles with x or x reason. I think he tries his best to portrait his idol image the best he can but Ian has troubles to show his true emotions and true self in front of the camera when it comes for work 
Love: I do believe he is in a relationship as well, but his partner I someone that his inner circle don’t approve/don’t like. However he has kept himself deaf to the comments of people and he has fought for the relationship. I also fee like communication might be hard for them and Ian sometimes feels very frustrated. 
Spiritual: I have no idea how his relationship with Mito is but at the moment I feel like the real Ian is slipping away since his energy is getting very low and it’s fading in a way to let space for something else. 
Career: When it comes to his career he is actually happy with his situation. Dawn doesn’t need to be constantly providing something, he likes to have time for himself and for his own projects. He has been kind to people who work with him and also thoughtful to their needs so he knows not to ask for too much 
Love: Love is complicated, I feel like he is still healing his inner child and he is still trying to learn to live with himself and learn all about his own needs and what makes him happy or not. 
Spiritual: There’s something that bothers me on his energy is the lies that he might spread around him about his situation, about his relationships or about his state. The fact that he isn’t being honest with people and with himself affects his energy greatly 
Park Jihoon
Career: There’s a lot going on here, when it comes to his career, his company as full authority and power over him. He cannot do anything without their approval and all projects are decided for him. he doesn’t really has his word to say on this which is kinda of sad.
Love: He is in a relationship at the moment, his relationship is rather stable and cute, things are going well for them and it’s probably the only thing he has power over. 
Spiritual: He is coming to an end of something, probably an awakening he had or to an energy he has around him. At the moment I see him more neutral, but he definitely came out of a difficult period. 
Career: Thankfully everything is going well on his career, Yongguk calls the shots, he is the one planning his things out and he has total freedom on what he does and what he wants. Thankfully his experienced has helped him choosing something that works fo this mental and physical health 
Love: He is dating as well, his partner is someone he protects so much that he makes sure he doesn’t leave any clues for anyone to know who they are. He wants them to be protected from the public eye or at least from rumors so it doesn’t stain their image either 
Spiritual: His energy is complicated, since it changes whenever he is with someone. but Yongguk still struggles a lot with self esteem and how he sees himself and his worth so whenever he is on a lower mood, it’s complicated for him to see the true 
Career: This boy is preparing something new for his fans, new music, new videos, new shows, new activities ! he is happy with where he is now, he has no regrets and Hanbin is able to grow properly and with love around him. 
Love: He is also in a relationship, a strong one and the way he loves them is quite impressive. He is also extremely loyal to his partner and his partner to him, it’s honestly a beautiful union 
Spiritual: However his energy is dark at the moment, probably because he has been dealign with unhealthy habits and a lot of non heal darkness that keeps haunting down. Hanbin struggles a lot with his mental health 
Career: in her case, her current situation isn’t making her happy, Somi feels betrayed ad abandoned by her company, she is basically doing nothing for herself and she feels that everything that she needs to do isn’t earning her anything. She feels alone and unheard by her company 
Love: She isn’t in an official relationship, but on a on and off fling with someone she has faith will become an official thing one day. Things are complicated enough that she doesn’t have time to actually enjoy a couple life 
Spiritual: At least her energy is peaceful and light, Somi works a lot on herself and on her inner self, she probably meditates a lot and works on her health too. The fact that she takes care of herself is actually helping her keeping her energy balanced and positive 
Career: She is definitely enjoying herself with people around her, with people she work with. She is very close to her coworkers and she goes out with them and has fun. Hyuna also spends a lot of money on her friends and on the company. I don’t think she has other artistic plans for now 
Love: She is healing, being resilient when it comes to love, she doesn’t want it nor does she wants to think of it for the moment. She believes she isn’t ready and that unless she heals what she needs to heal a relationship is off limit 
Spiritual: Her spiritual part is rather blocked, she doesn’t believe that much on that, and her mind is more focused on proper and material things. Like I said, Hyuna spends a lot of money on things to make herself feel better 
Kim Jaejoong 
Career: New opportunities are arising for him, Jaejoong has been talking with his company and sponsors to find new horizons and new projects to develop. I believe he wants to show his public he is a versatile artist and that he can do more things that what he has been sowing so far
Love: I believe he came out of a relationship very recently, this person simply left but so did he. It wasn’t taking them anywhere, they both didn’t had the same dreams or values and they have parted ways peacefully. They are friends just not a couple anymore 
Spiritual: His energy is soft and very balanced. Like most of them, it seems like he is able to control and process emotions and events in order not to get overwhelmed. Jaejoong is a spiritual being that has a high intuition and he uses it for his good luck. 
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autummnnaa · 6 years
Let’s chat about Yongguk.
This man is simply amazing. He posses a level of strength that is hard to comprehend. Despite his worries,stressors, or fears he keeps it 100. It always made me grimace whenever I would hear him discuss how other people viewed him... it was hurtful for him to have to say, “I’m not sad all the time, I’m a happy person”, just because we’ve been conditioned to think that if a person doesn’t plaster a smile on their face 24/7 they’re automatically upset or sad. I fully understood him and had to fight back tears when in his latest song he said, “You were the type who hugged me and said I wasn’t a cold or quiet person.” I’ve always thought that Yongguk was NOT a quiet person but a person that doesn’t have much to say and chooses to speak only when he feels it necessary to. But in the song he talks about how he felt he needed to fake smiles to get by. That’s so sad.
I remember when I first got into BAP one of the first posts I made was for people to let Yongguk be Yongguk. That man is strong, he is NOT broken, he fighting just like the rest of us and just because he doesn’t necessarily smile or appear happy doesn’t mean he isn’t okay. Just because he makes songs like “Drunkenness” doesn’t mean he’s on the verge of giving up. He is simply expressing.
Idk, ,maybe I’m reading into all this but that’s how I feel. Anyways Yongguk thank you for giving us a glimpse of your mind, I’m so thankful.
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bbangmijaee · 4 years
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There is something raw and simple about Portrait.
Portrait is a love story of someone else, of a man I do not know, with a beautiful lover of a woman I've never seen before.
As their sweet relationship progress, I feel a sense of dread.
The tone of the music changed. Previously it was soft, light, like most relationships usually are. And then slowly, the strings of the musics seems to be crying with him, along with that man I do not know.
And it aches, my heart aches.
And I felt his heartbreak.
I wanted them back, I wanted that happy couple back, to the time when the strings of the violin did not wept, when the tone is light... and it was simple.
Portrait reminds me of what is simple, what is sweet, what had crumbled into tears.
In Drunkness, he continued,
"But I still love you."
And I know he does. Because I saw it myself.
It reminds me of the life before the violin wept, when it was light... and simple.
My heartbreak towards an unknown lover that is the fantasy of what my live could have been. It wasn't real. Just like his music. It wasn't for me, I am not the man, and I had no woman.
The heartbreak was with the memory of you. 'But I still love you.'
In Darkness, I continued,
"Instead of drawing myself.
I found myself drawing you."
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de-bei · 4 years
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Some Yongguk, cause every once in a while I just have to do a fanart of him.
I miss him. I miss BAP. and I know we won´t get them back as a group. But at least they are all doing their thing and we get to enjoy their own music (except Himchan. Anyone knows what he´s been up to? he is kind of MIA for me). And Yongguk is halfway through his military service, so yay!
I don’t know why, but I really enjoy doing him in B&W.  I think he is the only one I have done like this a couple of times. And hopefully it wont be the last.
Hope everyone is doing fine. It looks like things are starting to go back to normal. Here there’s still some time left of quarantine. But yesterday was the first day I saw some shops open besides the super market. So things are starting to move.
These are really weird times. And my futrue is still uncertain. For what I’ve heard thing will go real slow in the industry for us artists. And it looks it can take a long time before they look to hire more people again. So I’m thinking of other options outside of film. Maybe try videogames.
There was this news last week that really cheered me up though. It seems they are going to be doing a tv series of Kingdom hearts. I’m a huge fan. Like, I got a tattoo related to the series kind of fan. So imagine my excitement when I read the news. I inmediatly went to linkedin and started looking for someone who could help me get some info. Didn’t have much luck, but I’ll keep an eye open for any news related. It would be like a dream come true to work on it. And if its in japan, even better. I’ve always loved the idea of living there for a year or so. And I would be able to visit korean pretty easily too.
And I think that will be it for a while. I finished mermay (it was really a challenge. but it’s done!). But I want to take a few days of relax on the drawing part. I’m still progressing with my tarot cards. And I’m working on a WIP I had of Daehyun from ages ago. But it may take me some time to finish anything digital.
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carduelis-art · 5 years
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isaalbum · 4 years
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inspired by - portrait by bang yongguk
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mariamagnolia · 5 years
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A take on Klimt
Quote by Bang Yongguk
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shrasart · 6 years
Quick sketch of Yongguk
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081098 · 5 years
portrait // bang yongguk
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krylovatanya-blog · 6 years
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stanbap · 6 years
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i found myself drawing you this is your portrait. 
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ciel1e · 6 years
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Instead of drawing myself I found myself drawing you //
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itsbap · 6 years
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anna-something · 6 years
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Instead of drawing myself I found myself drawing you This is your Portrait. | Bang Yongguk. 2018
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omgwtfbbqzftw · 6 years
Codex Gigas has the noir-jusoseo-vibe but still so different. when the beat drops dem chills x3x  I Need to Talk ( 대화가 필요해) is probably my fave, but it’s really hard to choose just one.
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