#yoon se heon
itsallaboutbl · 6 months
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scorbleeo · 4 months
Drama Gossip: Jazz for Two
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Source: Google Images
Han Tae Yi lost his will to live after the death of his older brother, who was a genius jazz pianist. To Tae Yi, transfer student Yoon Se Heon is truly an uninvited guest. Se Heon has been playing jazz that reminds Tae Yi of his brother since the first day he transferred to school and gets on Tae Yi’s nerves.
Se Heon also suspects that Tae Yi has a suspicious relationship with his friend Seo Do Yoon. Se Heon, who longs to play jazz freely and escape the eyes of his strict classical music professor father and Tae Yi, who wants to give up everything, was assigned to the same group for joint performance evaluation.
As they practice together, they find themselves developing complex emotions for one another. However, just as their relationship begins to deepen, Song Joo Ha, a senior student who was suspended from school, returns to school, and his presence begins to stir up things between Tae Yi and Se Heon.
Source: MyDramaList (2024)
Takes the Throne for Glossing Over Everything
Tell me why this show couldn't have done an hour per episode or give Jazz for Two more episodes? Is it due to budgeting? Because boy did this drama fall short thanks to how rushed it feels.
I actually enjoyed this drama. I really did. Unfortunately, I needed more.
For example, we really glossed over Doyoon and Juha's relationship. Juha saved Doyoon from some bullies. Okay, but why? Especially if dude's a bully himself too? Juha started bullying Doyoon. Okay, but why? Was it internalised homophobia? Something he was not aware he had until Doyoon made his move? That whole part where Juha practically called Doyoon disgusting was self-explanatory. However, Juha started feeling lost because Doyoon ignored his existence and he just do a 180 flip? The locker scene touched parts of my heart but Juha rationalising his previous actions was hella weak. And for Doyoon to immediately fall back into Juha's arms? Don't get me wrong, I freaking love the both of them. I just couldn't take how half-assed their story felt.
Unfortunately, the main couple's story felt glossed over at times too. Seheon's relationship with his father? The fact that his father was so strict with him yet when Seheon blew up and let it be known that he liked jazz over classical music, the father though strict, let Seheon do what he wanted. And then his father was never talked about again.
Also, Taeyi and his trauma? Or the final episode, that whole festival subplot.
Jazz for Two could have been a five-star watch if glossing over shit was not a strategy used constantly in the show...
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3.5/5)
More BL productions from South Korea here: Love for Love's Sake | Love Tractor
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nozunhinged · 6 months
I absolutely, wholeheartedly love, love, love Yoon Se heons relationship with the piano in jazz for two. He's not letting his dads harsh words (that border on bullying imho), his strict schedule, the homeschooling or anything else ruin his very own way in loving to play this instrument.
My heart sang when he opened his laptop to watch jazz videos, I was so ready to watch him go on how he only plays because he has to. It's such a lovely fresh breath of air, how this familial -expectations-trope does not go the usual route of developing resentment towards the craft. Instead, in this suffocating family environment he found his happy little corner of the jazz piano. His deep, raw love for this instrument is so apparent and I love watching it so, so much.
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bl-bam-beyond · 6 months
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Episode 5
Dreaming of his late older brother Han Tae Yi (JI HO GEUN) awakens to Yoon Se Heon (KIM JIN KWON)
Tae Yi coldness to Se Heon seems to relate to the former interests in jazz which reminds him of his older brother.
However an attraction or a fascination makes Tae Yi's feel uncomfortable around Se Heon. Or is he fighting feelings of a more romantic nature.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kingofthereblog-boysloveed
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bengiyo · 6 months
Jazz for Two Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
Back with another BL that I think the Omega X boys are in. This time it's a music BL in collaboration with a Thai team (I think).
Episode 1: Summer Time
Oh lord we got a sad boy in the rain.
Ah yes. Yoon Se-heon is not a talented pianist in a family of talented pianists, and the dad is a hard ass about it..
Oh ho! It's probably not that he isn't talented. It's that he doesn't like classical music.
Of course the big brother knows about the jazz music. He also avoided the question about whether the study abroad program was going well.
I didn't have time to read this broody boy's shirt, but it looked melancholy.
Suddenly A Shoulder To Cry On cameo.
Oh no, a Korean bully. I'm not ready. At least we learned that our broody boy is named Han Tae-yi. Why the bully needed to touch him suggestively while mentioning his sister I don't want to know.
This boy really put that paper back on the floor. That's not leaving a place cleaner than you found it, sir.
Why is everyone in this school so rude? Let the boy play the piano! Shit!
Ah, Tae-yi is grieving a brother. I'll let him slide for now.
Ah, a classic. They're in the same class.
Episode 2: My Foolish Heart
I respect this kid for being so determined to practice jazz that he snuck into school early to do so.
Darkening the screen when he thought about the piano room being haunted was a neat effect.
Hey! I played trumpet as a kid!
Don't you let me down Do-yoon. I've been let down by blue-haired characters before.
What's the deal with Ju-hee and her crush on Tae-yi? He's clearly not interested, and the brother seems pressed about it.
Tae-yi, you are too much, dude.
Well...you can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy...
This bully dude has the worst sister complex I think we've seen from K-BL.
Se-heon's brother really said, "Don't have friends. They get in the way of practice," like that was entirely normal and acceptable behavior. Goddamn.
Ah, back to the weak dribbling skills in QL.
Do Korean schools not have air conditioning?
Now he wants Se-heon to play? Bro, make up your mind!
Well, that was rude! Lie to God, don't lie to me! You loved his playing.
Ew, the bully is putting hands on Se-heon.
Idk about this one. The vibes are off. Maybe it's me being less keen on bullies, and also not being a huge fan of enemies to lovers.
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mikuni14 · 6 months
Jazz For Two - Ep 1-6
Tall, dark, tortured seme and sunshine, gullible, but also strong and confident uke - how could I not fall in love with Jazz For Two 💖
I like Jazz For Two for so many things, it also has a very similar vibe to The Eighth Sense, even seme characters have the same brooding, aloof and detached aura and the same gloomy eyes and they also stare in the same way 😍
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The story is interesting and romantic, there are a lot of classically romantic scenes (there's even a kabedon! yay!), the main couple has a lot of scenes together, they touch each other a lot, they bump into each other, there is a lot of staring (yes!), both main characters are clearly very interested in each other.
I really like the character of Han Tae Yi, he is such a classic seme 😍 He is angry and jealous when he sees his crush in the company of another guy, he is protective and caring, he's helpful, but has terrible communication skills which makes him look like a dick. CLASSIC 👌 He feels remorse when he sees that he has physically hurt his crush (a very nice scene when he looks at Se Heon's bandaged hand). In addition, he has trouble sleeping (cured by the presence of his crush HELL YEAH) and a tragic event in his life, which affects him and his decisions in an interesting way (fortunately not in an annoying way, which is so common). Again - CLASSIC 👌
Yoon Se Heon is so wonderful: he is sweet, lovable, a little naive and gullible, but he has his dreams and goals and is determined to achieve them. I love how strong he is, how he fights with his handsome bully, and doesn't give up when he hears criticism from others or is abused by his father (I also like the fact that the series doesn't focus on this conflict and that Yoon Se Heon's life doesn't revolve around his dad and pleasing him). Like Ji Hyun in The Eight Sense, he too is more active and is the driving force in the relationship. I've always liked this kind of couple dynamic.
The second couple is also nice, but I must admit that I'm most interested in Seo Do Yoon, because he is both nice as a love interest and as a good friend. And he is cool and strong.
I like that the series shows characters' thoughts, that we have insight into their thought process.
I'm super happy watching Jazz For Two, because since the end of DFF I'm not particularly interested in anything airing now, I'm not thinking about any series. Now my thoughts keep coming back to my favorite scenes in this series. JFT also made me watch The Eight Sense again 🥺
Since last year, Korea has been giving me really interesting series and best couples, BUT I have to write about the distribution method, this is something I can't comprehend, how Korea works. There are two episodes of JFT on Gaga, there are 6 of them on IQIYI, I watched them normally yesterday, today they are no longer available in my location 🤷‍♀️ wtf Korea?
But other than that, I'm very pleased 🥰 Pleasant romanticism and music soothes my soul, and a hint of angst only adds to its charm 👌
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The Return of High School Gangster - Kdrama Review
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Hi everyone! I just finished this very short 8 episodes web drama called The Return of High School Gangster and wanted to share my thoughts.
Before I start, I want to say that I know that this is based on a BL manhwa but as we know about mainstream media in South Korea - the director had to remove the BL elements (not really tho).
I understand that people might want to boycott the drama for removing the BL plotline but I genuinely think that you should give it a chance. The drama doesn't suggest romance but two episodes in, I could tell that it was from a BL plotline. so....
Anyways, this is about Deuk Pal, a Gangster (second in ranking) who died while saving Song Yi Heon, a High School Student who was bullied in school. Song Yi Heon was bullied in school to the point he wanted to off himself. Deuk Pal's body sadly died and somehow his spirit entered the body of Song Yi Heon.
This drama is where it's at if you're in a drama slump. It's short, funny, filled with actions (duh, gangsters) and heartwarming scenes.
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Deuk Pal as a character is a caring yet a fierce gangster. I love that the moment he entered Song Yi Heon's body, he immediately vowed to protect Song Yi Heon upon realising the abuse he had endured. Throughout the 8 episodes, his focus was to set things right for Song Yi Heon. Though we know that he is sad that his life ended, he still focused on studying hard, ending the school violence and even protecting his mum so that when Song Yi Heon comes back to his body, he gets a second chance at an easier life. Truly such a selfless character and it is understandable why his loyal underlining boys were so upset when he died.
And in Song Yi Heon's body, he build relationship with his classmates, ensured that his bullies stayed in school and graduate and protected his mum from getting hurt by his dad. He was an adult, in a 19 year old boy's body.
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We also meet Choi Se Kyung, a boy that had history with Song Yi Heon (in the manhwa, he was the love interest). Choi Se Kyung is a broken boy with daddy issues yet so caring toward his friends. The chemistry between the two main characters are off the chart. Like I said, 2 episodes in, I had to check if this was BL. His eyes are always looking at Song Yi Heon (Deuk Pal) with care and concern. But he is still sassy and feisty towards those he doesn't like.
Can we please take a minute to appreciate the beauty that is Bong Jae Hyun (Golden Child). I first saw him in Twinkling Watermelon (another recommended drama!). He played the mute brother of the main character. But here, hearing his low soft voice makes me wonder why they muted him in that drama haha! He is such a good actor that I am excited to see how he will grow in the future with different roles.
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But my main MVP for this drama is Yoon Chan Young. He was able to embody an ajusshi (he is only 23!) to the point that I could see Lee Seo Jin (the actor that played Deuk Pal) in him. And his voice doesn't sound awkward saying these really deep and mature sayings.
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Ok I am rambling. But the most important part that I want to talk about is the ending. SPOILER. Song Yi Heon ended up not wanting to go back to his body and instead gave Deuk Pal a chance to live as him. I thought about it and I think I can get behind that ending.
(This is solely based on drama plotline and not the manhwa.)
Shin Se Kyung and even the repented bully Hong Jae Min really needed a proper adult guidance. With Deuk Pal remaining in Song Yi Heon's body, they will be able to remain friends (same age, not ahjusshi and young adult). He will be able to protect and guide them. And Deuk Pal will be able to live a different life this time. A second chance at life.
And I understand, why can't real Song Yi Heon get a second chance in life? The boy had a hard life, he is depressed enough to off himself. Deuk Pal may have bettered his high school life but Song Yi Heon is still Song Yi Heon. He might not be able to be better in college. Whatever Deuk Pal build is never Song Yi Heon's because they are not the same person.
Being depressed doesn't go away even if your life is all better now. He is afraid of his tomorrow than death, hence he chose death and I respect that. Like he said "He is happy to see at least see a smile on his face."
Overall, I think both Deuk Pal and Song Yi Heon have their own happy ending. And that is what's important.
Rating: 4.75/5
-- Fary
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dramadramallama · 6 months
just finished jazz for two and honestly... not bad! the acting's really nice, even if the writing falls short at times. there were some really good moments, and the tension really worked. i was like, INVESTED.
i'm living for the longer episodes; they're only 30 minutes long, but i remember the 6-7 mins (not counting the opening+closing credits) we mostly got--and still get sometimes. i'm sensing a change and i'm all for it. now if only they could use those 30 minutes efficiently.......
the biggest flaw i think comes from the "fake-depth" of the characters. instead of intelligently suggesting/implying stuff to 1. save some time 2. let the audience interpret things on their own--they spend a lot of time on unnecessary scenes and off-screen narration (my biggest enemy in kdramas) to give the illusion of substance. it's not so much that's there too much telling, and not enough showing, it's more like there's too much showing for things that should have been told instead (and vice versa.)
all that time could have been spend on more casual scenes to show the character's personalities and their relationships. y'know, get some real depth. nothing crazy, just a few details here and there, to highlight important characteristics, and show why they act the way they do.
jun-ha was really interesting, and the dynamic he had with do-yoon's happy-go-lucky character was kinda nice. the actors did really well. but he was written like they didn't who he was at all, like they just needed an archetype to fill up an empty space. what was the deal with his sister exactly? she was so normal compared to him lmao. why was he so interested in se-heon at first? his borderline sexual harassment was way more incriminating that whatever he had going on with do-yoon, so why panic over a lil smooch? i think they both would have done it justice if their relationship had been explored more.
similarly, we mostly see tae-yi's prickly side, even when he's hanging with his (only?) friend, do-yoon. why not show why they get along so well? or why do-yoon likes him so much that he doesn't seem bothered by his moody temperament? do-yoon didn't even know he had a dead older brother lol, like... what kind of friends were they exactly? they also could have spent some more time showing exactly why and how se-heon falls for tae-yi. like even though i totally bought it (they were cute!), at least sell it to me a little? it was almost like there was no transition from the frenemies tension-filled moments and the first kiss. it's nice that they got to the top of the stairs but they missed a few steps and almost tripped lol.
but hey, they got there in the end!
Trope Tally:
new guy at school
heavy rain + umbrella sheltering and sharing
guys slamming other guys against walls
unavoidable bed sharing + bonus "i hate you" (*cuddles you when asleep*) + double combo "i sleep better around u"
slow mo falls (+bonus lying on top of each other)
past trauma (+bonus orphan)
controlling parent (+bonus RICH controlling parent)
cool uncle
everyone's kinda gay lol
the power of music AND LOVE
light hurt/comfort (and YOU get beat up, and YOU get a slight cut on your hand, and YOU get also beat up!)
noble idiocy (+bonus unnecessary break up)
jerk with a heart of gold (x2)
sunshine/tsundere pairing (... x2)
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kdramaqween · 9 months
To finish off the year, here's my TOP 23 Ships from dramas I watched in 2023
1. Kim Doo Shik ♥ Lee Mi Hyun
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2. Cha Jin Woo ♥ Jung Mo Eun
Tell Me That You Love Me
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3. Seo Do Guk ♥ Han Yi Joo
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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4. Xin Qi ♥ Min Hui
The Love You Give Me (C-Drama)
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5. Choi Kang Ho ♥ Lee Mi Joo
The Good Bad Mother
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6. Dongfang Qincang ♥ Xiao Lanhua
Love Between Fairy and Devil (C-Drama)
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7. Jung Ki Ho ♥ Seo Mok Ha
Castaway Diva
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8. Moon Jang Yeol ♥ Bong Ye Bun
Behind Your Touch
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9. Gu Won ♥ Cheon Sa Rang
King the Land
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10. Cho Yong Pil ♥ Cho Sam Dal
Welcome to Samdalri
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11. Yoo So Joon ♥ Song Ma Rin
Tomorrow With You
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12. Kang Hee Shik ♥ Kang Nam Soon
Strong Girl Namsoon
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13. Dong Go Yun ♥ Jung Da Eun
Daily Dose of Sunshine
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14. Gong Tae Gyeong ♥ Oh Yeon Doo
The Real Has Come
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15. Jang Seon Gyeol ♥ Gil Oh Sol
Clean With Passion for Now
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16. Cha Min ♥ Cho Se Yeon
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17. Heo Joon Jae ♥ Shim Cheong
Legend of the Blue Sea
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18. Kim Tae Hee ♥ Baek Dong Joo
May I Help You
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19. Jung Gu Won ♥ Do Do Hee
My Demon
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20. Nam Si Heon ♥ Han Jun Hee
A Time Called You
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21. Jang Tae Sang ♥ Yoon Chae Ok
Gyeongseong Creature
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22. Lee Kang ♥ Moon Cha Young
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23. Cha Eun Ho ♥ Kang Dan Hee
Romance is a Bonus Book
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ppeonppeonhan · 3 months
You know, I've been trying to figure out why Joo Ha and Do Yoon in Jazz for Two didn't sit well with me, and I just realized why:
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I thought Joo Ha was supposed to be what happens when an overprotective brother is also a vindictive queen.
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I thought all his animosity and aggression was directed at Tae Yi, because he was ignoring his clueless-but-sweet little sister, Joo Hee.
I only just now realized he only directed this femme ferocity at Tae Yi. He was only bold and confident enough to impose his desires -- however manufactured -- on Se Heon.
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He saved the masc and overtly homophobic behavior for his own romantic storyline with Do Yoon.
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Gif by save-the-data
And I know that he was using Tae Yi and Se Heon's sexuality against them -- to keep them apart and avenge his sister. I know this is weaponized and internalized homophobia.
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Gif by soobrownie
But it just felt like two completely different stories or, at the very least, a story that merits its own series, so the character has more time to develop and earn the forgiveness and reconciliation in the end.
I'd watch it.
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Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost) Kang Cheol (W: Two Worlds) Do Da-hae (The Atypical Family) Yeom Hae-sang (Revenant) Jeong Ji-an (A Shop for Killers) Shin Jae-rim (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game) Im Sol (Lovely Runner) Ryu Sun-jae (Lovely Runner) Lee Chang (Kingdom) Lee Geum, Prince Yeoning (Haechi) Gu San-yeong (Revenant)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband) Kang Sun-woo (Oh My Ghost)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears) On Eun-yoo (Twinkling Watermelon) Oh Yeon-joo (W: Two Worlds) Yoon Ji-ho (Because This Is My First Life) Nam Se-hee (Because This Is My First Life) Bok Gwi-ju (The Atypical Family) Moon Cha-min (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal, alive parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids) Baek Hyun-woo (Queen of Tears, nothing wrong with them out of the ordinary and they are in the drama a significant amount.) Ha Eun-gyeol (Twinkling Watermelon, very loving parents and the deafness and their reliance on him is not anyone's fault)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned. ***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry. Uncatagorized due to lack of clarity on parents: Soundtrack #1, Hospital Playlist, Happiness
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miss0atae · 6 months
Random thoughts about Jazz for two episode 5-6:
Everyone has already seen all episodes but since I'm still following the schedule of Gagaoolala I'm clearly falling behind. I don't mind because it gives me something to watch on Tuesday.
What I liked in these episodes:
▪️ Everything about Do Yoon: his looks, his personality, his tragic and terrible crush to Joo Ha (What a curse to fancy someone who can't like you back) and his smile. He is remaining my favorite character. I understand why people would feel close to him easily because he is effortlessly sociable. I found very endearing how he always call Se Heon as "Honey". This character deserves happiness. I'm glad he stood up himself to Joo Ha. He backed down because he had to protect himself before getting more hurt. I do believe he did enough.
▪️ Se Heon is finding the courage to go after what he really wants: playing jazz despite all the obstacles. He was bold also to add Tae Yi's name on the paper for his exams. He is still staying positive despite being told he is not good enough. I appreciate how he stays resolute to improve and keep playing jazz because he find "freedom" in this type of music. I believe he has the right set of mind to do better in the future and reach his goal.
▪️ Tae Yi is finally opening up a little bit and it was a breath of fresh air. I was a bit wary they would keep his character being cold and unfriendly. We all know he still has the trauma of losing his brother which keep him from opening up, but it's nice that Se Heon could make him to lower his walls. Behind them Tae Yi is kind of softy and very protective too.
Things I didn’t like in these two episodes:
▪️ Se Heon's father has a problem! I don't know if he just couldn't accept his wife leaving him or if it's something else but this man needs to seek a therapist because he has to know how to manage his temper. It's infuriating how he treats his son. He is always so controlling and guild-tripping him. Also, why he is so stuck on having his younger son playing classical music?! He already has a son who is doing it. Let the younger one do something he likes as long as it's music.
▪️ The first kiss under the umbrella was really cute but it just came out of nowhere. Okay, Tae Yi was friendlier but I didn't expect them to kiss at this moment. I think a hug would have been more pertinent. Especially has they never really talked about it again after it happened. The second kiss came at the right time but it's just so bad. I think the problem comes from the fact they are both idols in the same group. That's why their kisses can't look great. I guess I have to accept that at least, they had one.
▪️ Joo Ha's arc was a bit confusing for me. I think I missed the moment things got out of hand for him. I didn't understand why he was acting this way. He also has some anger management needed. I also believes he is having internalized homophobia. He acted frustrated by Do Yoon because he wasn't paying attention to him as he was used to. He lashed on Se Heon because things wouldn't go his way anymore. I think he needs help too. Most characters need a serious help in this series.
Next week, I’ll see the last episodes.
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earthshipvoice · 1 year
3s symbolism in destined with you
let's break down the symbolism of the number 3 in destined with you:
shin-yu's love confessions:
first occasion (episode 6): "it's love."
second occasion (episode 6): "apparently, i love her. i love hong-jo."
third occasion (episode 9): "i love you."
past lives concept:
the concept of past lives introduces the idea of three phases (mentioned in episode 9):
the symbolism of soulmates:
the number 3 is connected to the concept of soulmates.
the storyline involves a love triangle (3) / romantic options:
hong-jo / shin-yu / jae-gyeong
shin-yu / hong-jo / na-yeon
na-yeon / shin-yu / hyun-seo (man na-yeon has an affair with)
hong-jo / shin-yu / joong-beam ((creepy guy))
additional 3s seen in connection with characters:
shin-yu / se-heon (father) / shin-yu's older relative who he pours a drink (episode 1)
hong-jo / sae-byeol (coworker) / su-jeong (other coworker)
shin-yu / hong-jo / shrine + haunted house
shin-yu / eun-wol (shaman) / hong-jo
yoon-joo (shin-yu's mother) / se-heon(father) / kim wook (shin-yu's law firm friend)
shin-yu / mayor (na-yeon's father) / hyun-sea
na-yeon / shin-yu / gi-dong
my ending thoughts for now:
the presence of the number 3 i think is a powerful foreshadowing element, hinting ultimately, at the union of hong-jo and shin-yu as their destiny unfolds.
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
33 notes · View notes
K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
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iguessitsjustme · 6 months
Jazz for Two Ep 1 Music Thoughts:
I just finished episode one and I have some tiny music thoughts I would like to share. I'll do a whole analysis at the end probably but I don't know how long that's going to take me. I've been fighting demons. Anyway brief thoughts:
His dad might be a world class musician but he's a piss poor teacher. If he needs to have the piece memorized (for why????) then the sheet music should not be in front of him. If he's been practicing it for as long as you claim he has been, it's likely he's just using the sheet music as a crutch and doesn't really need it.
Also if you're a world class musician, you should know better than to treat your music student that way. Look at him. You sucked all the passion out of him.
I liked the way we got two little short and distinct musical themes for those two side characters (I'm guessing they'll be our side couple maybe?) but I was not a fan of how it was done. It was too abrupt and out of nowhere and no other characters got the same treatment. After watching more, I might change my mind on this, but for now, I wish it was done differently.
I'm going to be honest and say I like the idea of jazz more than the actual genre and I've been horrendously spoiled because my older brother and his friends are all jazz musicians so I have heard some good live jazz (no you don't understand I mean good jazz). And I do believe jazz needs to be performed live. Recordings just don't do the genre justice. Live recordings maybe. But I'm going to be very interested to see how this show handles jazz as a main genre of the soundtrack.
That said, I love that Yoon Se Heon found and fell in love with jazz. It is the perfect musical genre for a musician that feels stifled by his environment. Most genres have set rules to follow. Jazz musicians are exceptionally impressive because they have to have such a strong understanding of music theory to be able to break those rules and do so with other musicians. They create a kind of musical chaos but they do not overshadow one another or overpower on another. The music still sounds good even though it's quite literally deviated from the norm. So Se Heon taking his upbringing and his lack of control and finding the one music genre that lets him lose all control but still utilize the skill he's built up is amazing. He gets to let loose but still play. He gets to learn to love the piano and love music the way his dad does but in a different way and different style than his dad. His father lives and breathes classical music and forcing his passion and love for it onto his children just drove Se Heon into the waiting arms of jazz.
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