cherrysoulth · 8 months
ᴍᴀᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2: ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ʙʀᴇᴇᴢᴇ
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💕Pairings: Female reader X Daechwita! King AgustD-1 // Female reader X Daechwita! AgustD-2
📝Summary: When the sound of Daechwita vibrates in the internal battle between the royal family twins. A king and a lover. Lust, Love and Betrayal are on rampage. You need to make a choice- Love or saving the trust. And your choices will have consequences...
✏️Genre: angst and fluff 
✏️Rating: PG-18
📝Word count: 3493
⚠️Warnings: Mentions of sex, violence, cheating/affairs
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Hii! Welcome to my work. I'm new in this platform but been posting my writing for four years now in AO3. English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
Big thanks to @moonleeai 💚
<<<𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3>>>
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The hot breeze makes its way through again as you fan yourself, and you take a shallow breath, already done with the weather. Although the shade of the trees next to the lake protects you from the sun's merciless rays, the heat is in the air like a furnace. Inside the palace's walls, the rooms are more chill and there's barely anyone outside who knows any better but you find yourself coming here every day, today too, regardless of the temperature, looking at the water's reflection mirage. The same your memories have seemed to turn into.
One of your ladies-in-waiting comes over with a servant to take the task, apologetically, having missed your leave, now that you can roam around almost freely. She's genuine, new, but growing fond of you by the day. The other ladies, full grown women, and some already married, seem to find her endearing, although they scold her into learning the manners of her status. You know the oldest, the prime minister's wife, has to have sent her after you when she went to the sewing room without you.
A little scrunch marks your nose as you give her a naughty expression and she looks at you with her doe eyes. She definitely takes after her brother and you can't avoid smiling at the thought. Far too early to tell but you are sure she'll have lots of suitors when she comes of age. Boys already look at her, taken by her beauty.
Unable to stand the heat any longer, despite the servant's efforts to make wind around you, you stand, startling the youngster slightly. The image of the water had her captivated as much as it did you; just for very different reasons.
You motherly caress your slightly swollen tummy over the white and red hanbok again, uneasy now that you are on your feet. But it's starting to become a common thing as the days go by. This pregnancy feels different, you feel like your belly has started to swell too early. Everything feels odd around it but you can't really place why.
The walk back to the centre of the palace is quiet, as servants surround you to cover your head with an umbrella and fan you from different directions. You enter the rectangular patio leading to the throne room and walk inside as the guards on sight open the door for you.
Yoonsuk raises his eyes from the scripts and stands at your sight, your two boys run to you from their place next to him where they are being taught some of their ancestor's history by their tutor. Although you know they are smart, Yoonguk, who is only three, is probably not learning much in this class. However, Yoonhyung, at the age of six is already able to write in Hangul the simplicity of thoughts he can have at his age. You are proud of them, such good and well-behaved kids deserve it.
"How is the little one behaving?" Yoonsuk wonders, approaching as you do, leaving your ladies at the other side of the open door, as they to the kong. "Ladies, you may retire, thank you. Kim Namjoon-nim, you shall continue the lessons in the library. The Queen and I have matters to attend." he orders as you stand from hugging your sons and the tutor politely bows to the both of you before leaving with the two beautiful boys. The guards close the door and you hear the metallic sound of their spears as they get in front of it.
The King hugs you from behind, breathing on your neck. "I've been sweating a little bit, dear husband. You may not wish to do that," you warn him, caressing his hands over your stomach.
"Nonsense," he says, kissing at the crook of your neck, leaving a soft bite that makes you turn around. "Guards! Make sure we are not disturbed!" he orders before pushing you by the same shoulder down; a nonverbal order you know way too well now. He seems to get off on the fact that you do it in this room, somehow. You reach into his pants to free his shaft, stroking him when it springs out. "I don't fancy you doing that now, get on your back," he says, grabbing your wrist and not letting it go as he gets on his knees, kissing you as you obey.
His hand sneaks under the hem of your skirt until he places it over your stomach, able to see the little swelling on your belly. He caresses the area that he can only watch with pride. "This is the last time I'll ask you to do this here. It has been fun but I owe you the comfort of our bed now that you carry for me again," he says as he lowers the fabric creating a cushioned form covering your stomach before his thumb circles on your bud. "You've been so obedient these last couple of months … Being my beloved wife, my queen… my lover… my concubine… So obedient, yes." The rubbing is the only one to blame for the way you start to get wet since the words only imply his ratification of his ownership over you. "My love," he whispers as he leans over, fingers working into sliding slowly into your depths.
You remembered that was exactly how you conceived the new crown prince or princess. Just like this, he leaned with his body over yours pulling out his fingers and pushing himself slowly in, as he had the habit of. It was never a warranty of him being soft or gentle, just that he didn't want to hurt you.
When he slid in, you wrapped your legs around his waist raising your hips as he thrust in you carefully, you felt his weight and warmth. That time he leaned over your body completely, now he’s careful and uses his elbows to make sure he doesn’t crush you. He feels good inside of you and although you had been stepping away from him emotionally before your affair was broken, now you feel even more conflicted than before.
He ignored you for the length of seven weeks, or mostly so since he would still sit down to eat with you. The bedroom was your prison, feeling the coldness of the bedsheets as he wouldn’t even step foot inside the four walls.
He spoke to you in short sentences and didn’t share any information with you as he used to. You felt for the first time, despite how he had been so sexually inactive months before, how it must have felt to be in an arranged marriage in which your husband didn’t want you. Missing the comfort of Yoongi’s words and love, drove you insane. You had never felt so lonely, even with the company of your ladies.
After that period, when the doctor corroborated that there was no pregnancy since you had bled twice. He had shooed your ladies out of the room, he had ripped your clothes and fed with your body his lust.
He made you moan and cry in all the ways he had learnt to love you for the previous seven years. All, while muttering all the changes that would be made in your lives to sort whatever had been breaking your marriage in the first place. Followed by a death threat on any chance you could take to have a lover again, right after he had spurted his seed inside of you, with the first lights of the sun turning the sky purple.
Since then, and without chances to know if Yoongi was alright or even breathing, you adapted and assumed your destiny. Yoonsuk is right, you are the perfect wife, even if you miss Yoongi. Even on the nights, you don’t share a bed with your husband, you cry in silence for the sorrow of losing him.
“Your Majesty!” shouts one of the servants at the other side of the door when Yoonsuk tries to angle better and starts hitting your sweet spot, making you moan against his collarbone, at the same time eliciting a grunt from him.
“How do you dare to disturb me!” growls Yoonsuk, before rising on his thighs and putting your knees against his chest, closing your legs and angling in a way that makes you have to muffle your sounds with your sleeve.
“Your Majesty, it’s important!” says the servant with a cracked voice.
“Speak!” Yoonsuk growls as you get closer to your orgasm. He forgets your knees raising you by the hips, still thrusting, raising your lower back from the floor.
“Your Majesty. There’s a group of bandits making their way down to the capital… But… But they-” the servant doubts to speak.
“They- what?” he growls once more giving the last thrust that sends you over the edge with the muffled sound of a scream against his palm.
“They are raising a rebellion, Your Majesty…” the man says and you can hear the tremble of his voice through the sense of your own body shattering, making it stop suddenly.
You feel Yoonsuk start to soften while he clenches his jaw, eyes locked on the door. He lets you down carefully and arranges your skirt before putting his wet member back inside his slacks. He stands and helps you up gently before holding you in a hug, kissing your forehead and you surround his well-formed abdomen with your arms.
"Tell the councillors to come here. We'll discuss this," orders Yoonsuk. "Take a seat with me, my queen," he offers, pointing with his hand to his throne where there's another one slightly lower for you.
You walk your way to it while correcting your hanbok, and as you sit down you feel your own drip staining the inner layer of it. Which makes you shift in your seat a second enough for Yoonsuk to guess why and smirk at you as he sits too.
“I’m not done-” he says facing the other extreme of the room but side eyeing you.
“I know. After this, in my room?” you question, tilting your head his way, but then he tilts his to look at you.
“My room. Tonight,” he says and you suddenly feel a weight lift from your chest, although you hadn’t realised it was there at all.
Being truthful to yourself and stopping to excuse his behaviour, he’s been truly using you when it comes to that matter. He has been taking you anywhere, any time, for the last three months, like a haunt does a bitch and you have let him. Yoonsuk is a generous lover and sleeping with him isn't a sacrifice, but the humiliation of being treated like that has probably been something you’ve taken for the sake of repaying for his damaged pride. Maybe because you know the consequences of your transgressions, your betrayal, should have ended with your two sons being motherless. Instead, your husband whom everyone, including you, thought crazy; gave you a second chance and has used your body to show you where you belong; at his side, like it always was. You feel like even if your inner self has wanted to tell him otherwise at the beginning, your acceptance has made things easier for everyone.
Those two sentences, what he’s said right before taking you on the floor of the room that represents his power, means he’s finally moved past your punishment and you two are one again. The image of Yoongi looking at you with his smile hits you for a moment and you have to push him away once more, not without your feelings betraying you in the form of a tear falling over your left cheek.
“Does that make you happy?” wonders Yoonsuk, tilting his head to look at you again as the guards open the door and you dry off the tear.
“Thank you,” you whisper and you feel the bile rise in your throat, from your lie. You don’t feel thankful, that's not it. Internally, you still wish you could get out and find your way back to Yoongi but there’s simply nothing you can do to change your circumstances. You see he’s raised his eyebrows in surprise and presents you a gummy smile, a second after, when you look at him from your position. Something in his smile makes your stomach bubble and you feel the butterflies of the love you thought lost.
Maybe you should really, truly, accept that this is your life now. That you can still love the man you used to, even if he’s a monster. What else is there for you to do?
When the ministers and counsellors take their places, some look at you, though just a second. You know it's a second guess to having seen you as they entered, probably surprised.
Your affair was shut down to anyone who had knowledge of what was going on that night. The fear of the king is bigger than their need to gossip. But the lack of your presence in the throne chambers and the lack of either of you visiting your sleeping ones soon raised discomfort.
What in the past was looked forward to; the king losing interest in you (in order to gain favour through their daughters becoming the king's concubines), was now feared.
Taehyung, the prime minister and long-time friend, had openly asked his wife about the matter. She dared then to translate the discomfort everyone who was highborn had with the events, but you were unable to answer. Feeling shame for the first time.
However, the king waited, not taking anyone publicly to his bed. The idea he could mortified you so much, that you dared to speak it out loud during one dinner, where you ate alone.
Aware of your appetite's lack of appearance while the matter rounded your head, the king spoke: "Is that all you are going to eat?" his eyes were on you like daggers. Four weeks into his distancing could mean this was the first sign of you carrying what he was sure would be his brother’s child, not his. Although he had slept with you too. "Not feeling your appetite I see," he mentioned taking a sip of his drink, "feeling nauseous maybe?" The vile raised in his throat as much as it did in yours.
"I have things on my mind. That is all," you said, not daring to keep your eyes on him longer than to acknowledge what he was starting at.
"And what is that then?" he questioned, placing the cup over the table with a clang. If he thought you were missing or even thinking about Yoongi his blood would boil immediately.
You dared to stare at him longer, after watching the motion and he raised an eyebrow, "what do you care?" you hissed. The solitude was finally weighing on you and your well-hidden resentment towards your husband decided to show.
"What do I care?" he chuckled humourlessly. "What about my wife, the mother of my children, who I have loved dearly, yet decided to betray me but still has her head? What about that?" he pointed, slamming his palm over the table, standing.
"How fair is that when you can go around court sleeping, unpunished, with everyone's daughters or wives?" you muttered, vile in your words. "And I, just the wife, have to look away."
His eyes were bulged and his lips parted too, then his face composed as he gripped one edge of the table. His eyes showed lust. "Is that jealousy?" he asked with what seemed like a purr, you got flustered. "So it is true. You did it because..." his eyes bulged again, "you thought I was sleeping with another," he instinctively surrounded the table when you looked away. There was a partial truth to it, just as you confesed the night you got caught, though you don't know if it was just what gave you the courage. Would you have done that if you never suspected him? Or was it truly because he was making you grow distant in the heart through his actions? Or both? He kneeled next to you and grabbed your chin for you to look at him. "As I already told you, I never did. Not once." His face was the one of the man you bowed to spend your eternity with, sincere but also hurt, staring at you, the woman he loved and a tear rolled down to soon be followed.
His lips were on yours, forgiving, loving, intense, and soon your back was against the cushions you were sitting in. He was feeling you against his body differently, unguided by lust but tenderness, yet you could feel him hard against your thigh.
Soon the kiss escalated and he was breathlessly trying to remove his clothes and yours, unorganised, a knot from you, then his, a naked shoulder, a raised layer of your skirt, then he seemed to look at the moon through the window and think, stopping abruptly. He then separated from you and put everything in your clothes back into place, doing the same with his before going back to his seat to eat in silence. Leaving you completely stunned. You didn't, however, dare to ask why and somewhere between hurt and horny, you stood to leave the room. He didn't say a thing or looked at you.
He kept even more distance after that and with that prospect, you were sure he would never take you back as his wife. That you had even given him the idea of taking concubines to hurt you, which froze any hopes you had to have at least some sort of comfort at his side.
Then a second period came and the doctor discreetly notified you and him that would ensure there wasn’t a baby to be expected. Yoonsuk nodded and dismissed him.
He then grabbed your head softly and planted a kiss on your forehead, "Thank the goods," he whispered and then walked out of the room. In the days following, you caught him staring at you constantly when you shared the same rooms or came across at the patios. So did the whole court, like the prime minister confided in his wife.
After that week, in the afternoon, before the sunset, your husband, the king, walked his way to your rooms with his servants at his talons. With everyone at court that day seeing it. Then you got to know and understand the truth.
He placed a hand over your belly in his bliss and pronounced, "I'm sure my seeds will flourish soon," with a smile as he looked at the moon again, almost full, and you could only stare at him. "It has worked twice," he added, kissing your forehead. Your eyes bulged as he looked at you from above. "If I had slept with you the other day, a month ago… I wouldn't have trusted anything growing in you," he muttered, sincerely.
Your new baby was indeed conceived in that moment although you hoped it didn’t. Not after the things he had muttered between growls.
"I'll kill any man who dares be less than two feet away from you."
The voices around you seem to quite abruptly and your husband's hand on your arm sends you back to reality. You realise everyone is looking at you, and meet his eyes.
"Are you feeling unwell?" he asks, worried in his tone.
"Uh? Oh, no, no, I'm all right. What were you asking?" you respond, having overheard the punishment for following the bandits should be thirty whips at the centre of the traitor's town, to make an example.
"I asked if you needed anything?" He keeps his tone low, only for you to hear and the others keep their respectful silence. "The prime minister eloquently pointed out that you look affected by the heat. Do you need something to drink or eat?"
"Just a fan and some water." he gestured for one of the servants waiting against one of the columns to approach and gave the order.
"Let's continue."
"If I may," asked Chancellor Jung Hoseok. The King nodded for him to speak. "I know maybe now won't be the best time but reducing the taxes and making things a little less tight has always worked to keep the people content and loyal… Maybe we can prom-"
"Your Majesty," interrupted the chancellor's words as Captain Kim Seokjin rushed into the room and bowed humbly.
"What is it, Seokjin-ssi?" Yoonsuk speaks with more patience than he shows to any of the others.
"I have news of who is leading the rebellion." You can automatically tell Seokjin doesn't want to say it, that it's going to anger the king.
"Go on."
"It's the traitor, Min Yoongi, Your Majesty," Seokjin says, looking at the floor instead of the monarch, probably as scared as anyone else.
The whole room gasps, including you, and you can feel the eyes of your sovereign on you.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I would really appreciate if you let me know if you liked it, either with a kudo or a comment. It encourages me to keep writing!
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kpopxdaydream · 3 years
Ikon Reaction - S/O crying on stage
Requested by @/idikonic: Hi Could you do a ikon reaction when their idol s/o becomes emotional and cries on stage for winning award?💋 Thanks
Pairing: OT7 x idol!Fem!Reader
Author’s Note: This is my first attempt at writing a reaction. I really hope you enjoy this one. You can always request reactions/imagines for other groups/idols as well.
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 He had the biggest smile on his face while he watched you and your members get your award. No one really knew except for your members but Hanbin helped a lot while writing and producing a few of the songs so it felt even more special knowing he could help you all achieve such a great award. When he saw the tears welling up in your eyes while you gave your speech, all he wanted to do was run on the stage and take you in his arms however he knew that this was something he had to wait for until everything was over.��
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Just like Hanbin, he was beyond proud of you. He was normally a quite content guy, not really showing his emotions however he just couldn’t help the smile from spreading on his lips and even though you were shedding a few tears, he still felt really happy for you. He knew you were quite emotional and you had already told him that you would probably cry if you really got this award so it wasn’t a surprise to him to see you with a few tears running down your cheeks. The fans also noticed the way he was smiling whenever you were talking or whenever you got shown on the big screen yet at this moment he didn’t really care. All he cared about was you and your success.
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In his head, he was already thinking about what he could cook for you after this award show. He wanted to reward you, wanting to cook all of your favourite food. “Hey, YN is crying.”, he suddenly heard Jinhwan say, Yoonhyung’s head snapping up to see you standing there with tears in your eyes. His lips formed a pout as he watched you talking to the fans. He didn’t like seeing you cry but once you made a joke about how you were such an emotional mess, crying at every little thing, he couldn’t help but laugh with everyone else in the arena. 
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He was a bit surprised to see you crying up there. You were normally as cheerful as him however he knew that this was such an important award for you and your group. You had two comebacks that didn’t work out the way you wanted to. You wanted to try something new however the fans didn’t really like it but as soon as you all went back to your original style, all your fans helped you stream your song and by the album which ended with you all standing on this stage, receiving this award.
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DK would be beyond proud of you, trying to hold back his own tears, knowing how hard you worked to get to where you were now. No one knew that you were dating hence he couldn’t show his tears nor how proud he was of you but he told himself to tell you over and over again how happy he was as soon as the two of you were alone, congratulating you with lots of hugs and kisses.
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“You see that? That’s my girlfriend!”, he whispered into one of the boys’ ears, beyond proud of what you achieved. He tried to be as calm as possible, knowing no one was allowed to find out that the two of you were dating even though there had been quite a few rumours already. However, as soon as he saw you tearing up while talking to the fans, he was as quiet as a mouse, listening to everything you had to say. The smile soon back on his lips as he saw you walking off the stage, cuddling the award.
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“Look at who’s crying.”, his members teased him, knowing how much you meant to him. They loved teasing him about you. They could easily get to him when they talked about you but he tried his best to ignore his hyungs and focus only on you, looking at you with a loving smile on his lips. Just like all the older one’s he was so proud of you, knowing you helped choreograph this masterpiece of a song. 
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kookies-n-key · 6 years
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I did One Thing because I did a What Makes You Beautiful edit before. When I counted that it was 127 BPM I was really hoping an NCT 127 song would match but nah 😂 so instead here’s some iKON - Killing Me!
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dazzlingkai · 6 years
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iKON - KILLING ME ( 2018 )
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temptaestions-blog · 6 years
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When people ask a hurt person, ‘are you okay?’, the tendency to cry even harder is stronger
So the line “if you ever witness my tears, please walk past by me”
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The most heartbreakingly beautiful lyrics in Goodbye Road by iKon
“If I knew we were going to break up I shouldn’t have loved you so much”
“Even emotionally hurting each other doesn’t seem to phase us”
“I didn’t mean to create memories to be left with pain”
“I’ve once again become strangers with someone so easily”
“After you leave me, I hope you only walk on the path with flowers”
“Forget all memories of me as you go”
“To be forgotten from those memories is more painstaking than any other brutal moment”
“I’ve loved you to death, but in the end I did not die”
“I’ll try to find someone that is alike but not quite similar to you”
“If you’re going to leave anyway, live the best possible life with no regrets”
“Goodbye, my dear love. Leave me and live happily”
“Don’t be hurt like the times you were with me”
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bobbyseyesmile · 6 years
Opposites Attract[Part I]
Starring: Koo Jun-Hoe, the rest of iKON and later on some other YG members
Plot: Read this short drabble for the plot
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“So... New Year, new possibilities!” Yoonhyung said while he starred at the huge building in front of them.
“Shut up, Yoon.” Hanbin sighed and earned a small giggle from Bobby beside him.
“What? For some of us it’s a new opportunity to gain more knowledge, to push their limits and achieving their goals and dreams!” Yoonhyung was known as a genius and of the best students every year, and that was okay, but not everyone was like that and sometimes he even felt embarrassed for his friends and their lazy asses.
June rolled his eyes and flickes his cigarette. It was the first day of the new school year and, altough it didn’t even started yet, he couldn’t wait till the afwully sounding bell finally rang for the last class of the day.
“Hey June...”
He turned his head towards Jinhwan and raised and eyebrow. “Hm?”
“You will make this year and you will graduate.”
June knew that his friend meant well, but shit he wasn’t sure about his graduation... Last year sucked and all of his grades crashed in front of him. Don’t get it wrong- he wasn’t a bad student or dumb, well okay, he wasn’t the most diligent one or seeking for extra points like Yoonhyung, but he was smart and fast in understanding.
Sometimes life’s a bitch, that’s common, but sometimes life’s a total and complete asshole who turns your world up side down. And you can’t do anything except watching and maybe praying or hoping for the best.
“Yeah.” was all he said. Jinwhan nodded and dropped the topic, he knew that June was on the edge of losing his mind and maybe also his will to live, but he didn’t talk about it. He just remained silent. Like always.
“Okay, uhm... Books?”
“What?” Y/N looked up from her backpack and eyed her best friend and roomate.
“Just kidding.” She laughed when watching her friends angry expression. “Come on, Y/N, of course you’re perfectly prepared! You planned everything for weeks now, don’t be so nervous.”
“Ina...” Y/N sighed, she knew that her best friend was the more calm and relaxed person. She liked partying, smoking here and then some good stuff and, of course, men. “I’m nervous because I’m the NEW one! I don’t know anyone besides you and your mysterious loverboy...”
Ina giggled while putting more gloss on her already plastered lips. “And you will meet him today, so don’t be so grumpy and try to smile. It suits you.”
But Y/N knew that the day won’t be as easy as her best friend thought. First, she bet that the professors force her to introduce herself- they always do. Second, Ina would try to comfort her and remains on her side but only for the first few hours. Then she will probbaly dissapear for a quicky on the toilet. Third, Y/N was the new one. Again.
“Welcome class. It’s a new school year and I bet everyone will give their best and behave like real grown ups. Instead of Mr. Kim who already gets on my nerves by not listening to what I’m saying and flirting with the girls.”
“Huh?” Bobby turned his head and the class started laughing. The professor  shook her head and put the books down.
“It’s the same with you every year, Jiwon. Maybe you should concentrate more on the words in the books rather than the necklines of woman. You would be surprised, you could actually learn something for you and your life.”
“Yes Madam!” He jumped from his chair and saluted. Of course this brought more laughter and giggles. Like always, Bobby volunteered as the class clown.
“Yeah, yeah...” The professor mumbled and then eyed the list in her hand. “Seems like everything’s as last yea- Oh wait! There’s a new name on the list. Y/N?”
One last deep breath and she raised her hand. “Yes, it’s me, Madam.”
“Would you please come here and introduce yourself to the class?”
Of course...
“Hello, My name is Y/N and I’m 21 years old... Before I was student in New York and...”
“Which university?” The question was from Yoonhyung who looked nice.
“Uhm, at the Columbia University.”
“Isn’t that a private one?” Y/N turned her head to another student and nodded.
“Yeah... it is.”
“This one’s not.” a deep voice suddenly said and everyone turned around to face June. “And we don’t like spoiled kids from America.”
“Junhoe!” The professor scolded him and then turned to Y/N who turned red.
“It’s okay. I can handle bad mannered people, there were some in New York too.”
His dark eyes focused on her own and it felt like he pierced her with his looks.
“This year’s going to be veeeeery interesting.” Bobby mumbled and Hanbin snorted of amusement. A few other people whispered or grinned along. Except the boy called Junhoe. He didn’t looked amused nor angry. There was just nothing- no reaction in his face. Even tough he was a bitch before, Y/N couldn’t stop asking herself, what possibly could have hurt this boy so much that he lost all of his facial expressions. 
“Okay. Thank you, Y/N, we wish you a nice year here in the Seoul National University! You can sit down now.”
On the plus side, she didn’t stumbled on the way back to her seat or cried after what just happened. So the start was okay. Kinda...
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gracebang · 6 years
ikon needs more love
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♥ ♥ ♥ one Soft Boi™ ♥ ♥ ♥
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svtsucks-blog · 6 years
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pairing: bobby x reader
prompt: 26 – “you didn't have to ask.”
genre: a tiny bit of angst with a whole lot of fluff
a/n: i definitely had time but i did not proof read due to laziness, please forgive me in advance,,,
your clothes stuck to your skin with rain water dripping from your hair to your shoulders. the sensation on your chest was beginning to tighten as tears continuously roll down your cheeks. at this point, you were slowly starting to forget what exactly got you into this situation because of the numbing cold that was brought by the rainy weather.
with an attempt to keep you warm as you walked fast into the night, you ran your cold hands up and down your arms while the rain kissed your skin. incoherent words left your lips along with a puff of smoke, accentuating the cold that surrounded you.
as you reached jiwon’s apartment, his face crossed your mind blissfully; he looked so peaceful and soft in your imagination that you suddenly thought of backing out at the very second so that you wouldn’t have to disturb him. jiwon was as important to you as the air you would kill to breathe; subconsciously, he was that guy who was always by your side when you were either at your worst or at your best state.
he was that guy who you never wanted to lose.
your cold knuckles tapped on jiwon’s door multiple times. the timing was unreasonable and the heat was already rushing to your cheeks even before you faced and asked him for a favor. there was a rustling sound inside his apartment before his door opened and your eyes were met by a dark pair of hooded ones.
jiwon’s eyes held so much emotion in them; confusion, worry, admiration, and a whole lot of other things unknown to you and even him. you just seemed to make jiwon feel a lot of things under any circumstance.
the two of you stood by his apartment door before he scrammed and disappeared into his bathroom. jiwon came back a minute later with a fluffy, blue towel in his hands, wrapping it tightly around you before pulling you inside his apartment.
there were a lot of questions jiwon had rehearsed over and over again inside his head, but none of them came out and he ended up just standing beside you, with his arms around your shoulders and his hands gripping at the ends of his fluffy, blue towel. you sensed his confusion but you didn’t know how to start telling him half of the things you wanted to say, so you ended up heaving a long sigh and staring straight into his eyes.
this time, jiwon’s eyes held understanding and a little twinkle of emotion that you couldn’t decode, nevertheless, it brought you a sea of tranquility. his fingers drew a few stray hairs away from your face and kept them in place behind your ear. his hand stayed a millimeter away from your cheek and you swore that you felt your heart leaped.
“can i please stay the night?”
your voice broke upon speaking, along with jiwon’s heart. your voice sounded so small and soft in his ears and it made him want to wrap you tightly in his arms, enough to mend your broken pieces and then never let you go.
“you didn’t have to ask.”
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ohwiseswami · 6 years
In the past 24 hours I’ve listened to both Shine and Love Scenario more times than I can count. And I kept wondering why Shine stands out more to me?
Objectively, Love Scenario has one of the most unique sonic profiles of kpop releases this year, every voice perfectly matches the song, the rap delivery is great, etc. and yet I couldn’t bring it in me to say that it outperforms Shine. But then I figured it out. It’s the little crescendo at the end that would normally build up to an EDM drop, as YG songs usually do. That crescendo, in that song, is a little misplaced and takes away from the charm of the simply beat and carefully placed hip-hop drops throughout. iKON sounds great, but that portion feels a little...random?
Yet, somehow without something there, the ending isn’t as memorable. It seems to work to give Bobby’s ending lines more impact. It makes me wonder how different the song would be if a different type of crescendo was used. I think that difference is what would have made iKON rank equal to Pentagon’s Shine in a songs of the year thus far list
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cats-waltz-blog · 6 years
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[ 🍥 ] ↷ ikon layouts ✎ reblog/like if you save ✧*:・
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multikpopstan4evr · 6 years
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iKON at Yonsei Uni festival [2018 아카라카를 온누리에 'YOLO'] 2018.05.19 연세대학교 노천극장 ⓒDicachooPhotoclub
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peachyberryji · 6 years
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Yoonhyung Black Mood Board
Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown. It usually has a negative connotation. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color. In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief.
For @kpopmoodboard-network | REQUESTS ARE OPEN | iKON Masterlist
Hanbin | Jinhwan | Yoonhyung | Bobby | Donghyuk | June | Chanwoo
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asillya5911 · 7 years
Taehyuyng: Hey Yoongi, dont you think ‘Do not touch’ would be one of the scariest things to read in Braille?
Yoongi: it’s 2:00 AM go the fuck to sleep.
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squishyjimbles · 7 years
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hello!! if possible, could i please get a selca ship for wanna one, stray kids, ikon, sf9, jbj, and seventeen? thank you so much in advanced!! ^^ ♡
~ Hello beautiful, of course you can and thank you for requesting^^
In Wanna One i ship you with Guanlin
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In Stray Kids i ship you with Minho
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In Ikon i ship you with YoonHyung
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In SF9 i ship you with RoWoon
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In JBJ i ship you with Donghan
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And In Seventeen i ship you with Chan
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Hope you have a nice day/night and that you like the ships!
Admin Min
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