#yoonseok flower shop
stacywaters · 1 year
Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH8 - Soft Rain
(WARNING: Some angst stay positive y'all :])
(Your POV)
You stumbled out of bed, alarm blaring. A fuzzy light filtered through the blinds and into your messy apartment. After the last few days, normally you would've stayed home again. But the cafe was already closed yesterday while you were out with Yeongsun, and you can't keep it closed for much longer. 
You figured it'd be good, get your mind off things. So you had breakfast, got dressed, and walked to the cafe. 
The morning air was cold, morning dew fresh and your footsteps echoing through the empty streets. You sighed as you opened the door to the cafe. The flower shop next door wasn't open yet, and most people weren't out. The day had barely even started, but when you have to make everyone else's coffee you have to be up before them.
Because when you're busy saving everyone else, who is left to save you?
You drank your coffee black and bitter this morning. It seems silly, being so heartbroken from something that hardly even started. Maybe what you missed was just the excitement of something new and different. But old is okay. The usual is comfortable. The very reason you've stopped reaching out and messaging friends and meeting new people. Someone has to forget to respond first. Someone has to care less. Someone has to move on. And it's never you.
The glass panes reflect the empty cafe, but your imagination finds something else in them. The image of Yoongi and Minsoo together. Laughing together, being together. Why is it that you've never been on a date? Why has no one asked you? Maybe everyone else is just busy. Maybe there was an odd number of soulmates and you were left. Maybe plans don't always go according to plan and you just have to be happy for everyone else who is.
Ring! Ring!
You look up at the bell that just rang as someone walks into the cafe.
(Yoongi POV)
Hoseok barges into my room at 5:30.
"C'mon... It's too early..."
"No, Yoongi! You don't get to do this. You don't get to give up all hope and hide away from everyone. I'm not letting you go there again"
I sigh, "She loves someone else, Hoba. You saw them together. She's just a nice person who was kind to me once  and I'm the fool to try and build something on such a small act"
"Then fall in love with someone else! At least get out of bed. Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to make you feel any better, huh?"
As Hoseok leaves, I shrug the covers off and drag myself out of bed. He's right, and the shop needs us. I can't drop everything just because of a girl. Though I'd do it for her.
We arrive at the shop a while later. I start to set things up for the day.
"I'm gonna go grab us some coffee, 'kay?" Hoseok said.
I nodded in response, watching as he walks out the door and into the cafe. Her cafe. 
Memories flash back of her and him,.. what was his name, Yeongsun? She seemed so shy with him, like he made her nervous. Was it because she liked him so much? Why can't she like me that much? Maybe it's because I do stuff like this. Dwell over those I hardly knew. She might as well be an angel, there's no way a girl like her would fall for someone like me. She deserves better.
"Good news!" Hoseok yells as he runs back into the cafe.
(Your POV)
You look up at the bell that just rang as someone walks into the cafe.
"Hi Y/N!" Hoseok calls as he walks over to the counter.
You start preparing his usual, "Hey"
"So... how'd the date go yesterday?" He asks.
You groan, "Ugh.. terrible. It- Here's the thing, it wasn't even supposed to be a date!"
"What?" He asks, leaning forward. You guys had your fair share of gossip, so this was nothing new. 
"Yeah! We used to be neighbors, so he just came to drop something off from my mom. He suggested we go out and have lunch together, so I agreed. Then he was like, flirting the whole time?"
"Yes. And it was only supposed to be lunch, but he was dragging me around to all these other places and would keep telling people we're dating"
"Gee, I'm sorry Y/N! That's awful. What did you end up doing?"
"I told him he was too much, he insulted me a bit, I walked away and cried at my apartment" You chuckled bitterly, "but it's fine. Gotta keep the shop runnin', am I right?"
He nods, "Yeah, that's what I had to tell Yoongi this morning"
You focus in at the sound of his name, "Yoongi? What about him?"
"Oh, he..." Hoseok fumbles.
"He was here a few days back with Minsoo... did they fight and break up or something?"
"No, they weren't actually dating either," He assures, "He's never been good friends with Minsoo, it's just that she's so persistant, y'know?"
"Ah..." You mumble, deep in thought.
"I think you might want to see Yoongi, I feel like there was some confusion?" He questions.
"y-yeah! Do you know if he's free later?"
"Oh, he's free right now"
(Yoongi POV)
"Good news!" Hoseok yells as he runs into the cafe.
"She can tell you herself!" He says as Y/N shyly walks in behind him, two coffees in her hands.
She hands me one, "Can uh, can we um.."
"Let's go in the back" I suggest.
She follows behind. We sit next to each other, avoiding eye contact.
"So," She starts, "You aren't dating Minsoo?"
"NO! No, god no. She is.."
"Yeah, that's probably for the best" She laughs. I smile at her.
"But uh, you were with-"
"No, I'm not with Yeongsun. That was a mistake"
"Oh" I look down, trying to hide my grin, "w-what happened? If you don't mind me asking,"
She sighs, "He's just a neighbor, it wasn't even supposed to be a date. He just suggested it as lunch, since I thought we were friends" 
She told the rest of the story as we drank our drinks.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. That sounds really upsetting"
"Yeah, I just-" She pauses to look at the rain that started pouring out the window, "I don't know why relationships have to be so hard. I feel like..."
"like you distance yourself from people, and the second you meet someone new you become attached?" I finish before I can even think about the truth I was spilling.
She looks at me, a faint smile growing on her face, "yeah"
"I know how that feels"
We stay quiet for a few seconds. Or minutes. Or however long. We drank our coffee, looking out the window at the stormy day outside.
"listen, Yoongi, I-" She stops to look down at her watch, "Shoot! I gotta go! The cafe opens in just a few minutes!" She quickly grabs her coat and begins rushing out of the room.
"Wait-" I call out. She turns around, "Uh, I..." Is now really the time to tell her how I feel? Just because she doesn't love him doesn't mean she likes me. I don't want to get the signals wrong again, "Let me walk you back"
"Yoongi, I'm just going next door"
I smile at my name in her mouth, "Well, yeah. But it's raining"
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biaswreckmepls · 6 years
supermarket flowers
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14134761
Author: lilcrickee
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Min Yoongi/Jung Hoseok
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (4864 words)
Tags: Flower Shop AU
Supermarket flower stations are a joke. They’re always staffed by people who wouldn’t know the different meanings of an orange lily from a tiger lily. Yoongi also hates them on principle.
the one where yoongi is a sensitive, feisty flower shop owner, and hoseok owns the supermarket a couple blocks down the street
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14134761
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bangtanficrec · 7 years
Flower Boy
Pairing: Yoonseok Author: jimins_dongsaeng Rating: T Genre: flower shop!au, trans!hoseok, fluff Summary: Yoongi lives across the street from the flower shop, and every day, he catches himself staring at the beautiful boy that works there, marveling at how he seems to make the flowers look brighter. Yoongi has lived on the second story of the building across the way since before the flower shop was there, always wanting the cute boy below to notice him. But he swears there used to be another kid that worked there...a girl…
Link: AO3
--Admin VIA
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kithtaehyung · 3 years
i don't really have much in terms of visual content but here is my graphics tag 4 headers✨pls teach me your ways graphic queen ryen
RANI!! omg my sweet, i love you so much. and i miss you :(( sending you some kisses and hugs, but here's a little bit of love under the cut<33
Update: WAIT all of these are so PRETTY?? hold on, i'm just.. let me just stare at your pretty blog really quick.
1) okay, so this vmin header that you did for eva? i love how you incorporated all those textures together with their muster (?) photos. magic shop? something. but!! the point is that everything is so soft and cohesive. ugh, i melt.
2) UMMMM this banner that you did for spring?! DANG. i am absolutely digging the use of the flowers in the back because i didn't even notice until i looked closer! and the use of only a few colors makes everything stand out, too. especially that demon of a kook. i am upset at both of you for choosing that one LOL
3) so this banner that you did for nita is making me nostalgic for something but.. i don't know what. :'(( the color scheme and the backs facing us and the light snow fall.. all of it combined just makes for a really somber image and i love it. so much.
4) YEAHHH so are we not gonna talk about how lethal this yoonseok banner is? much less YOONSEOK?? holy hell the images you used combined with the texture and overlay.. yes, i'll need some life force back after witnessing this. >:(( you better pay up!!
5) i'm ending it with my favorite of yours :'))) this one for sweet soph. ugh, the way you captured joonie's comfort in a banner with the background/falling petals. it almost makes me tear up a bit. i just love him so much and you did him so much justice.. ugh. i love it and i love you.
in conclusion: rani, you talented angel. what am i supposed to teach you?! you clearly know your way around graphics making! i adore all of your banners and the way your writing is just as emotional and impactful as your gfx says loads. multi-talented queen and that's final!!!
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carmeminnie · 5 years
Highschool - BTS AU Headcanons
(Established Vminkook, Namjin, and Yoonseok.)
Jock ™. He's on the football and wrestling team.
Always had a girlfriend so he never really thought much about his sexuality. Had a major sexual identity crisis after meeting Jimin and Taehyung. (He's decided not to officially label himself for now, but is leaning towards "bisexual".)
Currently being scouted out by, like, twenty seven different sport colleges.
Tik tok famous. (His hyungs constantly tease him about it, calling him an e boy.) He has a few tik toks with Jimin and Tae in them, causing his followers to fight over which one Jungkook is dating. (Suprise! It's both.)
Has his drivers license but continues to skateboard everywhere.
One of the chorus teachers accidentally overheard him sing and has been trying to convince him to join the choir ever since.
His locker is filled with pictures of Jimin and Taehyung.
In the art club, acting club, and in the school band. (He plays the saxophone, of course.)
His arms and hands get progressively more and more covered in pen doodles as he gets bored in most of his classes.
Works at a coffee shop after school.
Loves to act in school plays, but always gets stage fright before performing. Once they found out about this, Jungkook and Jimin always make sure to smother Tae with love and encouragement before a show. (They also never fail to show up to his shows with armfuls of flowers.)
Paints other people's calculators and phone cases for five dollars.
Has a sketchbook solely filled with drawings of his boyfriends.
A massive broadway fan and makes his boyfriends watch them with him. Jimin doesn't mind them , especially the ones with the dance numbers, but Jungkook is mainly just confused the whole time.
Vapes in the middle of class.
On the dance and cheer team. (The only male cheerleader in the school.)
Takes really pretty notes.
Taehyung sometimes comes to his dance practices to do pose and anatomy sketches. (Even if he usually ends up getting distracted midway and just winds up admiring how pretty Jimin looks when he twirls.)
Leaves cute notes in his boyfriend's lockers/bags.
Steals everyone's hoodies. (As well as Jungkook's varsity jacket, Namjoon's aesthetic glasses, etc.)
Rebelled against the school's "boy's can't have piercings" ban by showing up with three ear piercings the next day. (Similar to how he dyed his hair pink the same day the principal declared that no one can have unnaturally colored hair.)
Brings a bottle of tea to school everyday.
In the library 25/8.
Always offers to tutor the others before a test.
Student body president.
Reads a new book every week. (Or, when he can't find a book that gathers his interest, he winds up rereading the entire Harry Potter franchise and talks about for the next few weeks.)
All of his teachers adore him. (Something that he can use to his advantage because, while Namjoon doesn't like to get into trouble, his friends are another case and probably would've been kicked out years ago if it weren't for the fact that he's the principal's favorite.)
Jin brings him lunch because he always gets caught up in school work and forgets to eat.
If he's stressed about a test, you know that nobody else passed.
On exam days, he shows up in his pajamas, a blanket, and a cup of black coffee.
On the dance team.
Works at a coffee shop after school with Taehyung. (They've almost been fired at least three times for the silliest reasons, like purposefully misspelling names and switching nametags.)
The type of friend to run over to your house in the middle of the night to deliver a bag of chips.
Makes sure that nobody sits alone at lunch.
Accidentally had an edible once when someone forgot to tell him it had weed in it. (Ended with him standing on a cafeteria table, professing his undying love for Yoongi, whom was completely red as he struggled to pull his boyfriend off the table.)
Passes all of his classes without much effort. (Drives the others crazy.)
Popular without trying.
On the basketball team. (The others love to embarrass him by cheering his name the loudest during games.)
Gets into fights, but for chaotically good reasons. (For example, the time he sucker punched a guy that said Jimin was pansy for being a cheerleader.)
Brings coffee to school.
Something that not many people know is that Yoongi secretly posts raps on soundcloud under his alias, "Suga".
Constantly pulls all nighters.
Flips off people in the hallway as a way of saying hello. (Mainly to Jin, who obviously responds by obnoxiously winking and blowing kisses.)
Denies everyone's claims that he's lowkey a softy, despite the fact that he always gushes over how great Tae's art is and let's Jimin paint his nails. (Let's not even begin to talk about how mushy this boy becomes when around his sunshine boyfriend.)
That one person that everyone has a crush on.
Head of the culinary club and is a member of the acting club. (Him and Taehyung have a friendly rivalry when it comes to getting the lead in the next school play.)
Famous on Instagram. (His posts are all either of him, his boyfriend, or food.)
Considered very cool by his classmates. (Something that annoys Yoongi to no end because half of the group chat is filled with Jin's lame puns and dad jokes, and literally nobody believes him.)
Takes selfies during class.
Always brings homemade food to school for his friends. (Muffins, cookies, etc.)
Loves to show up at Namjoon's work and flirt as if they're strangers. ("I know we just met and all, but has anyone ever told you that your dimples are adorable?" "Yeah, my boyfriend does all the time." "I can't say I blame him.")
Loves Shakespeare.
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peaches-and-hoshi · 5 years
2018/2019 FIC REC [7]
PART 2 (part 1)
(F stands for Fluff, S for Smut) (the first letter in brackets is ao3′s rating)
what rhymes with pug me by seqoiasem [NAMGI, T&up, F/light angst, growing together, namgi share a sweater from debut to now, that’s it that’s the plot, extreme softness, i cried] ♥
kissin’ in the rain by sequoiasem [NAMGI, G, F, yoongi thinks kissing in the rain look uncomfortable, so they make a bet] ♥
the song of the heart by sequoiasem [NAMGIMIN, F/light angst, yoongi promised jimin a birthday song, joon helps, they figure stuff out along the way] ♥
flowers for the camera by sequoiasem [NAMGI, G, fluff, joon and yongi walking hand in hand through a field of fowers as a “penalty”] 
tired as fuck by sequoiasem [G, F, yoongi lost his favorite pillow and cannot sleep on his long flight, his colleague joon finds a solution] ♥
came with my cool (i dropped it) by sequoiasem [T&up, F, yoon works in a tiny nonprofit organisation and joon’s internship there is about to be over, they’re both awkward about it, it’s hilarious, i love this fic so much] ♥♥
careful, you’re extremely hot by sequoiasem [G, F, barista!yoongi, hoseok meddles in and writes a pick-up line on joon’s cup, they make it a habit from here] ♥
Fleece Navidad (From the Baa-tom of My Heart) by roebling [G, F, joon tries to take up knitting and crochet and gets a crush on the very cute guy at the yarn shop] ♥
odds and ends, ways and means by pearl_o [T&up, F, ficlet collection, slice of life, contains a yoonseok story too]
Who’s That Boy? by raviolijouster [T&up, fluff/humor, vaguely new girl!au, yoongi pretends to be straight because jimin set him up to it, creating hilarious conversations with hoseok, their new extremely attractive friend]
On Ice by roebling [T&up, F, 2seok go on a date, bad puns ensue]
So Close (So Close and Yet So Far) by CheekyBrunette [T&up, F/humor, jin is taking part in the annual local beauty pageant, and needs help for a dance performance, his friends shove hoseok in there, pining, hobi is gorgeous and everyone knows it] ♥
Mission: Rescue by thatbangtanhoe [T&up, F, warning for almost drowning, hobi and kook are rival lifeguards, seeing who can save the most people, until one of them is in trouble]
sweet like candy by vastlyunknown [T&up, F, pining, and they were roommates, tae calls yoongi babe by accident, it becomes a Thing] ♥
The Hairy Truth by roebling [T&up, F/humor, bartender!Tae is sick for people paying attention to him because of his pretty face, and decides to grow a beard, feat. awkward and pining yoongi] ♥
when i’m not telling you, i’m showing it by clumsy_taegi [T&up, F, jungkook gets sick, yoongi nurses him back to health, and tae wants to be taken care of too]
something tells me we’ll be alright by czar [T&up, F, pining, tae and joon are archeologists in the same expedition, which would be fine except for their petty feud] ♥
permanence by vminism [M, angst/F/S, soulmate!au, people get a soulmark when they fall in love, jimin keeps falling in love with strangers and fate plays a trick on him]
things we turn away from by themarmalade [M, F/light angst, smut, idol!jimin feels lonely and cold, his massage therapist!joon is here to fix it]
Counter Intuitive by roebling [T&up, F, meet-cute, jimin works in a make-up store and joon keeps coming back for “advice”]
the firefly effect by czar [T&up, angst/F, !major character death!, jimin runs an inn between life and what comes after, and only sees dead people, until a very much alive kook steps in (you Will cry your eyes out)] ♥
The Comfort of You by withoutthespace [T&up, F/humor, warning for mention of homophobia, jin is jungkook’s manager and he keeps cleaning after his dating scandals, until it’s his fault] ♥
if it’s true looks could kill (you’d be the first to make me mad) by raviolijouster [T&up, F/lightA, college!au, seokjin finds jungkook infuriating] ♥ (prequel of the namseokmin fic at the end of the fic rec)
slowly drifting to you by sharpa [T&up, fluff/angst, long distance, rapline have been travelling together for years, yoongi runs a blog where he posts pictures of cats they come across and rates them, jungkook sends him an e-mail to complain about his ratings] [feat. ace!kook which made me so happy] ♥
love like war (we go together or we don’t go down at all) by notyoongs [E, ANGST/S/F, idol!kook and band member!yoongs, bitter exes forced to work together, kilos of angst, lovely] ♥
everything is sound by sharpa [T&up, angst/F, they’re oblivious idiots in love, a whole lot of pining, hilarious] ♥
objects in motion by mediest [T&up, S, jimin gets a little lost while giving a “massage”]
a feel so sweet by ameliabedelias [NAMGIKOOK, M, FLUFF, the world isn’t fit for throuples, but they’re in Love and ready to power through it, so much fluff]
Immortal Beloved(s) by fatsymeow [TAEGIKOOK, T&up, angst/F, tae has been living with yoongi, his vampire roommate, who forgot to mention he had a vampire boyfriend roaming the globe, things get bad and then Better] ♥
i’d be lying if i said (i wanna be your friend) by raviolijouster [NAMSEOKMIN,T&up, F/lightA, pining, college!au, joon signs up for a free trial of a dance class, jimin tags alongs, hobi is their hot professor, everyone loves joon] ♥ (set in the same universe as x)
With sudden fall, it trails a thunderous ruin by monbon [NAMJINSEOK, G, fluff/humor, the hot dad au, seokjin fights the others at PTA meetings, hilarious] ♥
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sickjoonie · 5 years
fic recs for each ship
i love every ship and read fics for each ship... so i made a masterlist of my favorite fics for every ship lol. also i apologize in advance because i read really long fics
Precisely When Somebody Shows You to the Ocean - 21k - M
The longer Yoongi hangs around the tank in the aquarium, the more he thinks that Seokjin is, in fact, a real mermaid.
“You’re really real,” he says, keeping his voice neutral. “You’re not acting, are you?”
Seokjin smiles, yet it’s the saddest Yoongi has seen him. “I am acting, though. I’m pretending to pretend to be a mermaid.”
(we love a chaotic but soft duo)
hashtag trashbag - 15k - T
Hoseok plays video games for a living. Also, he's gay. Like, so deep in the gay, dicks in his mouth kinda gay.
(this one is fucking hilarious. i love reading it)
cotton candies and sugar addicts - 6k - T
In a final, desperate attempt to get Seokjin to notice him, Namjoon dyes his hair pink. However, Seokjin avoids him more than ever and Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong.
(namjoon is an angsty overgrown teen but it’s okay jin loves him anyways)
The Golden Rule of Love Curses - 16k - G
A comprehensive list of things Seokjin expected when he took a job at the library:
a decent paycheck to mitigate his growing student loan debt
time to catch up on his reading
and by "reading" he means his DS. He's going to play video games.
admittedly this is bordering on ironic seeing as he's a librarian but a chef's life isn't all about food, so he figures a librarian can enjoy other pursuits.
his would be, though. If he was a chef, it would be all food, all the time.
An incomprehensive list of things Seokjin did not expect when he took a job at the library:
a talking seagull.
did he mention the talking seagull, because he feels like no one is properly panicking about a talking seagull?
oh, and also a wizard places him under a curse.
sorry, correction, a wizard places him under a spell. There is obviously a very significant difference, apologies Jimin. A spell is so much better than a curse.
(put the two sassiest members together and you get this)
i put the EEL in fEELings - 11k - T
"Average person expresses 3 genuine feelings a day" factoid actually just statistical error. Average person expresses 10 genuine feelings per day. Spiders Seokjin, who lives in a dorm and expresses -10,000 feelings each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
(Wherein Taehyung woos Seokjin with flowers, cooking, RJ heads, and a potato, and Seokjin... totally doesn't have a meltdown. Ever.)
(ao3 tag seokjin is bad at feelings but taehyung is a good boy)
Fake Sugar - 87k - E
Hedge Fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional Competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A trope and a half.
(this is so long but so funny but also so sad. love it. seokjin eats a lot)
could roses bloom - 5k - NR
Yoongi looks up and finds himself staring at a gorgeous stranger with dyed brown hair and dark circles under his eyes. He startles a bit and watches as this other man sets a glass of lukewarm water in front of him.
"In case you get thirsty," the man smiles and it's like a fragment from a dream.
(this one is kind of like a sickfic and i think that’s mainly why it’s my fav lmao)
what rhymes with pug me - 62k - T
namjoon and yoongi share a sweater (and also some feelings)
You’re a Flame In My Heart - 29k - T
Yoongi is a permanently exhausted part-timer in a flower shop who hates flowers, and Jimin is a dancer that is allergic to pollen and needs a better boyfriend. Yoongi thinks Jimin might be his favorite flower, and he's biologically human, what the fuck.
(yoonmin often has yoongi as this cold, edgy guy. this fic accurately portrays them. also some soft, caring yoongi heals the soul)
my heart flutters from the sugar high - 5k - M
Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.
(also fucking hilarious. they’re oblivious)
let the light in - 65k - T
There is magic in the world, but for years Jungkook has shied away from his gift. (It's intrusive, unwelcome, dangerous.) Now, he's in New York City, battling loneliness and a college course he hates. Until on one particularly bad day, he turns down a side street in East Village and his life changes forever.
(you think you won’t cry but you will. you WILL.)
tadhana - 32k - E
The site was in English, and Namjoon really should've checked it over before Hoseok booked the room, but there's nothing to be done about it now.
They've got a ten day honeymoon package on a beautiful island, and they're going to make the most of it. Even if it means pretending they're newlyweds to win extra prizes from the resort.
(probs the least angsty fake dating au. i feel like this is the most accurate portrayal of them)
out of the blue and into my world, you could be the making of me - 23k - E
jimin and hoseok are spies who are deep undercover. everyone thinks they're happily married and at some point, the two just stopped pretending.
(wholesome soft husbands. also there are kittens, that’s important)
Vortex of Death - 16k - M
Jung Hoseok is mortally afraid of roller-coasters and water-slides. He’s also fatally attracted to the boy who works as a lifeguard at the theme park’s greatest attraction: the Vortex of Death.
(hoseok gay panicking for 16k words)
Jeongguk thinks Hoseok likes him. Hoseok thinks Jeongguk does not like him.
They are both wrong and get yelled at by Yoongi.
(character developement....chef’s kiss)
of dogs & men - 20k - T
I work at a vet clinic and you work for the mafia. You started coming in to get patched up and threatened me to not to turn you into the police. Little do you know that I remember you as my high school crush, and you have no need to threaten me, because I'm still charmed by you
(an ACCURATE mafia au. mafias aren’t sexy and this depicts what it is actually like. namjoon isn’t too deep involved, just as a spoiler)
i see the sun in your ocean eyes - 14k - T
Taehyung is a selkie who wants to live in the human world; Namjoon is a boy who doesn't know how to. They figure it out together on an island off the coast of Jeju.
(this is soft and sad. good for rainy days)
bees, knees, and emotional crises - 20k - T
Jungkook and Namjoon meet at the weekly farmer's market where Namjoon sells honey that he makes himself, and Jungkook has a crush the size of Pangea and also cries about bees a few times because they're important, damn it
(bees. bees! BEES!)
we feel the same within our veins - 12k - T
the au where taehyung wakes up glowing, jimin is probably his soulmate, and everyone is reasonably concerned
oh boy (will you awaken the hidden me?) - 6k - T
Jimin thinks he's lucid dreaming and kisses Jeongguk.
(shy jungkook is my aesthetic. they do some smooching)
Cinnamon Crisp - 21k - M
Jungkook needs his daily dose of cuddles and Taehyung likes to wear Jungkook's clothes. They don't care that alphas and omegas aren't supposed to be best friends.
(if you want non traditional/toxic abo fic... with soft taekook cuddles.... and soft warm fuzzy love...this is it)
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𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘
ever since the break up, yoongi's days all look the same. rainy. gloomy. painful.
비가 오는 짙은 색 서울 그 위에 거긴 아름답지 못한 내가 날 보고 있어
-yoongi centric drabble -angst, unhealthy coping mechanisms, post break-up -basically just a day in the life of min yoongi 921 words
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢
what stories were left unheard and we'd be able to bring to everyone's attention if only walls could talk? we might never know, but that won't stop Taehyung from wondering.
-mild angst, mentions of terminal illness and hiv, original characters -tae moves into a new apartment and thinks about all of the things that happened in there and he'll never know of 477 words
恋の予感 𝔨𝔬𝔦 𝔫𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔨𝔞𝔫
恋の予感 (Koi No Yokan): The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall into love.
-vmin -not so loosely inspired by true events -long distance relationship, happy ending, fluff 850 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰
ring noun a small circular band, typically of precious metal and often set with one or more gemstones, worn on a finger as an ornament or a token of marriage, engagement, or authority.
[Nobody really knows Namjoon and Yoongi are dating until one drops to one knee in front of them.]
-namgi -a very self indulgent proposal fic 704 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰
mindless adjective acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences.
[Hoseok and Jimin have known each other for what feels like a lifetime, and they have always been deeply, wholly, and carelessly in love with one another.]
-jihope -childhood friends to lovers, heavy angst, homophobia, mcd, terminal illness and hiv, i cried a lot writing this 832 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔟𝔞𝔦𝔱
bait noun food placed on a hook or in a net, trap, or fishing area to entice fish or other animals as prey.
[Yoongi and Seokjin have always been very close, but the never had anything in common until Seokjin organises a fishing trip for the two of them.]
-yoonjin - "platonic" date, they go fishing, extremely self indulgent and fluffy as fuck 740 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔷𝔢
freeze verb -be so cold that one feels near death (often used hyperbolically). -become suddenly motionless or paralysed with fear or shock.
[Whenever Jungkook is cold he always goes to Hoseok for warmth.]
-hopekook -kook is cold so hoseok cuddles with him. that's literally the plot. -fluff 716 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔟𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔡
build verb -construct (something) by putting parts or material together. -make or become stronger or more intense.
[Taehyung and Jungkook have always built each other back up, but what happens when that isn't enough anymore? How far can you bend something before it breaks? How many times can you put something back together before it's destroyed for good?]
-taekook -angst. -ambiguous relationship status, possible cheating, substance abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms 762 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔥𝔲𝔰𝔨𝔶
husky adjective (of a voice or utterance) sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.
[Jimin fell in love with Yoongi's voice before they even knew each other.]
-yoonmin -college au, strangers to friends to lovers -fluff 825 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡
enchanted adjective -placed under a spell; bewitched. -filled with delight; charmed.
[Seokjin is a practicing witch, but living in a world were people don't believe in his craft makes it hard for him to talk about it even with those he loves the most.]
-platonic taejinmin -modern witchcraft, fluff, self indulgent as always 723 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔩
frail adjective (of a person) weak and delicate.
[Jimin has a problem with food. Jungkook notices, but it's fine. Until it isn't.]
-jikook -heavy angst, eating disorders 885 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔰𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤 
swing noun -a seat suspended by ropes or chains, on which someone may sit and swing back and forth. -a style of jazz or dance music with a flowing but vigorous rhythm.
[The razzle dazzle of jazz is fascinating, but sometimes it makes people do careless things and not knowing why something is wrong doesn't make it any better in other people's eyes. Taehyung and Jimin learn that at their own expense. They also learn that things change with time and that family isn't defined by blood.]
-vmin -past setting, period typical homophobia, jazz clubs and gay bars, drag queens -angst and a bit of fluff 2039 words 
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔭𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫
pattern noun a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens.
[Jungkook is the younger brother Namjoon never had. Or so he thinks.]
-namkook -childhood friends au -slight tention, fluff with a happy ending 1845 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔰𝔫𝔬𝔴
snow noun -atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer. verb -mislead or charm (someone) with elaborate and insincere words.
[Jung Hoseok is in love with Min Yoongi. The feeling is not quite mutual.]
-yoonseok -unrequited love, friends with benefits dynamics, deception, angst with no happy ending 483 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫
dragon noun a mythical monster like a giant reptile. In European tradition the dragon is typically fire-breathing and tends to symbolize chaos or evil, whereas in East Asia it is usually a beneficent symbol of fertility, associated with water and the heavens.
[A story of a dragon tattoo and a family not bound by blood, but choice.]
-yoongi centric, platonic ot7 -tattoo artists au -everyone is lgbt+, includes trans characters -lots of fluff 1513 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔞𝔰𝔥
ash noun the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.
[Taehyung has been the most powerful person in all of Daegu for years now. All it takes to make him falter is a baby-faced journalist named Min Yoongi.]
-taegi -kind of a banana fish au (ash lynx!tae, eiji okamura!yoongi) -organised crime au, violence, guns, all that great stuff -angst, but this has a happy ending -some fluff here and there 1941 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫
overgrown adjective grown too large or beyond its normal size.
[Jungkook finds it hard to leave his feelings for Yoongi in the past. When he decides to stop trying to push them down he finds his chest is exploding with all the roses he had kept from blooming for years.]
-yoonkook -childhood friends, unrequited love-it gets better and then so much worse, i'm sorry 1292 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔩𝔢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡
legend noun a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.
[Jimin is a fox in a city where people think they can get away with anything if they have enough money. Little do they know that no one stands a chance against the fox. No one except for Kim Seokjin.]
-jinmin -roughly inspired by Sharleena 's UKIYO -gumiho!jimin, brothels, mentions of murder and police corruption 2950 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔡
wild noun a natural state or uncultivated or uninhabited region.
[Taehyung and Seokjin share a summer of beautiful romance, but fall and winter aren't as kind to them.]
-taejin -summer camp au -fluff and angst, homophobia, domestic violence, alcoholism, mentions of drug use, long distance relationships 1825 words
[𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯] 𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
ornament noun a thing used or serving to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose.
[It's Jungkook's first Christmas away from his family and his hyungs want to make it special.]
-jungkook centric, platonic ot7 -christmas au, just lots of fluff 502 words
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖘
𝔦𝔱 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔟𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 (𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲)
yoongi moves to crown his dream of opening his own flower shop and makes a home in six boys he meets unexpectedly.
-flower shop and tattoo parlour au -taegikook -slow burn, a bit of angst, lots of fluff
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢 - 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔦𝔰
a beginning.
-very fluff -there’s alcool drinking, in case it makes some of y’all uncomfortable -drunken banter 3536 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬 - 𝔴𝔢'𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔪𝔢, 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔞 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔢
in which they become part of each other('s routine)
-more fluff -just,,, so much fluff -mentions of abuse -backstories explained in this chapter 2851 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 - 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
a not-so-platonic valentine's day date and a birthday party. alternatively, yoongi loves his family.
-valentine's day and a little not-so-platonic date -bogum is introduced -plus hobi's birthday -a lot of fluff -so much fluff, seriously 4220 words
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 - 𝔦 𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢���𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔢
a home, warmth, and the colour pink.
-lots of descriptions in the first half -very fluff, very domestic -ot7 get drunk, what's new -bogum is a **** 5439 words 
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melodiccounsel · 8 years
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BTS - Yoonseok - Flower Shop/Tattoo Artist AU {I decided to switch up the roles for this one, and really proud how it turned out!} Feel free to save, repost, and edit. Just give me credit!
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biaswreckmepls · 6 years
Coming Out Roses
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14346939
Author: jeonify
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Min Yoongi/Jung Hoseok
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (9430 words)
Tags: Flower Shop AU, Single Parent AU
tattooed flower boy and single dad jeon jeongguk runs a business with min yoongi, taehyung's dad.
park jimin is the kindergarten teacher that always looks out for his 5 year old daughter.
they meet.
(the tattoos & flower shop hybrid x single dads & mutual pining au nobody asked for.)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14346939
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justanotherkpopblog · 6 years
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Yoonseok | Florist Yoongi / Café Owner Hoseok
I opened a Flower Shop and you’re the cute Café owner opposite my shop who brings me coffee everyday. At some point you started drawing cute stuff on the coffees.
“I’d like a bouquet” “Hoseok please I have work to do” “Me too, that’s why I need the bouquet” You smile. You always did. I never saw you sad. I went back home that day and found you in front of my door holding the bouquet I made you. “You’re always grumpy so from now on I’ll buy you flowers everyday” “From my own flower shop?” “From your own flower shop!”
And you kept your promise. Everyday, for 6 months you came in, bought a flower and gave it to me. We grew closer. But then you had to leave. I wouldn’t see you for a year. The flowers stopped and I got grumpy again. My coffee didn’t taste the same without your hearts on it and the shop grew quiet.
I left the shop late tonight and headed home through the heavy rain. At my doorstep was a bouquet and in the dark behind me a soft voice. “Happy birthday hyung”
You were back.
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sugastorms · 6 years
Yoonjin fic rec list
>>All other ships<<
Supernatural/fantasy/soulmate stuff
you say witch like it’s a bad thing* - witch!Jin and familiar!Yoongi, 149k
The River, the Witch, and the Sun - Witch Yoongi is found in the woods by a kind Jin, 54k
cat cradle - Jin takes in a cursed cat Yoongi, 51k
take me into the scattered light - guardian angel!Jin has some trouble with Yoongi, 34k
Every Single Sparkling Thing* - witchJin, princeYoongi, 32k
Demon AU - Jin makes a contract to make Yoongi give him food, 30k
Precisely When Somebody Shows You to the Ocean* - Jin is a mermaid trapped in the aquarium, 21k
Belong Among the Wildflowers (Belong Somewhere Close to Me)* - magic flower shop au, 10k
Remembrance - X-files crossover (alien parasites yay), 10k
You Are The One I've Been Looking For - Yoongi is Death and lives alone, 7k
Now That I See You - dragon!Yoongi guards prince!Jin, 7k
College/adults/normal people
A Gilded World* - chaebol arranged marriage contract, 170k
Inc.*- office workers, crazy colleagues and grumpy Yoongs, 43k
stay a little longer - fake/pretend relationship after breaking up, 41k
(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding - unloved brat Yoongi gets Jin as caretaker, 25k 
The Perfect Japchae - grumpy neighbours slowly befriending each other, 19k
I Sought A Muse (But The Words Just Wouldn’t Come) - Jin becomes Yoongi’s photography model, 14k
don't turn over the page (we should rip it straight out) - everyone thinks Yoonjin were already dating, 9k
counselor - socially anxious Yoongi refinds his friend Jin by way of kid Jungkook, 7k
Walk with me - high school cute shy!Yoongi, 6k
you were warmer than the scent of a cafe latte - meet cute with Jin the café owner 2k
Echo Chorus - Persuasion au, Jin an idol and Yoongi a succesful producer, 95k
Bad boys
Heists and Hearts - Ocean’s 11, 95k 
Best Served Cold*** - Yoongi is mob boss’ sugarbaby who wants to murder him, 16k
Totem - Inception AU, Yoongi is Forging Jin’s lover but falls in love, 12k
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ijungkoookiereads · 6 years
Tag list
This list is constantly being updated. If you can't find what you're looking for, I don't have it seperately tagged.
Maknae line / Taeminkook
Stray Kids
Camboy au
Coffee shop au
Flower shop & tattoo parlor au
Harry Potter au
High school au
Magic au
Non au
Single parent au
Soulmate au
Sports au
Sugar daddy au
Supernatural elements ghosts, devils, etc.
University/College au
Youtube au
Porn without plot / pwp
Tooth-rotting fluff
Other tags
5+1 things
Age swap
Aged up characters
Asexual charecter(s)
Boys in love
Childhood friends
Disability characters that are mute, blind, etc.
Enemies to lovers
Enemies to friends to lovers
Established relationship
Fake/pretend relationship
Friends to lovers
Friends with benefits
Implied sexual content
Love confessions
Marriage proposals
My writing
Oral fixation
Secret admirer
Secret relationship
Slice of life
Social media
Song fic
Strangers to friends to lovers
Strangers to lovers
Tattoos people are tattoo artists or just have... tattoos
Texting fics that have some texting but also actual writing
Text fic fics that are fully text chains
Translation my own fics that have been translated to different languages, which btw thank you for that
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chansdimplesuwu · 7 years
Yoonseok/Sope - flower shop/tattoo parlor AU
Hoseok breathed in the fresh smell of roses and tulips he had been surrounded by all his life while his grandfather fixed up a boquet of crystanumums and lilies. And although Hoseok was only 14 he knew quite a bit about flowers himself. Yellow was a symbol for friendship and that was something he would remember for his entire life because of a certain person.
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The now empty tattoo parlor that sat beside the still open flower shop and used to be almost as familiar to Hoseok as the flower shop was.
A young couple were the owners of the tattoo shop and had a son just slightly older than Hoseok. Since they both spent most of their time at the family shops, running small errands from a young age, they grew up together and became close friends. When there was less orders of yellow lilies and other flowers of the same shade the young boy would travel to the next door home of his friend and the flowers would be happily accepted.
On a particularly unbusy day Hoseok continued his chores of cleaning the window display.
When Yoongi passed by Hoseok's face lit up, happy to see his dear friend, but when he saw that Yoongi was dragging his feet and staring and the ground his face quickly fell.
The bell above the door rang and instead of heading toward Hoseok the boy wandered up to the counter and handed an envelope to Hoseok's grandfather.
Curiously Hoseok followed him to the counter and attempted to examine the letter the envelope had held but he was not quite tall enough, not even on the tips of his toes, to see over the extremely tall counter.
He turned to his friend, looking for an explanation but all the dreary looking boy said was "I'm moving."
Hoseok watched a tear fall from the older boys eye but he still didn't understand.
"Moving where?" He questioned. "Oh you must be moving to the nice house down the street! It has a backyard so we can have more space to play!" Hoseok was still at that age when he wasn't aware that places outside his home town existed and was hopeful about every possibly bad situation.
"No. I'm moving to Busan." Yoongi looked up at Hoseok with tears still in his eyes. "My parents said I'm going to live with my cousin Jimin because they can't have the store anymore."
Hoseok felt his heart break. His only close friend that he saw nearly every day, that he had shared so many memories with, was moving to Busan. Hoseok had no understanding of where Busan was but he could tell from Yoongi's tears that it was far away.
After the going away party -which didn't seem like much of a party for either of the boys- they kept in contact through calling each other. As the years went on the contact became less and less.
By the time Hoseok was 14 they hadn't spoken in five years.
More years went by. Hoseok graduated high school and took over the flower shop as he had been planning to since he was a little boy. He knew he would have to anyway because he was the only relative left in the province and his grandfathers health was slowly declining. To be honest he had thought Yoongi would have taken over the tattoo parlor eventually as well. He had the creativity and it certainly fit his personality.
Yet another average day. The store was open and every once and awhile a young person would stop in to look at the tulips for their first anniversary or a high school boy would buy a boquet of roses in an attempt to swoon some girl into going to a school dance with him. Although Hoseok was a very bubbly and kind person that always wore a smile he was secretly jeleous of these people. He had gone his entire life without much of a serious relationship. In tenth grade he dated a girl for about a month but that was about it.
On one of the less busy days he had time to chat with one of the more usual costumers, Daniel who was a huge sweetheart and often stopped by to buy his husband, Seongwoo, a flower or two. They were an example of a perfect couple to Hoseok. They fit perfectly together and even had two amazing kids, Daehwi and Woojin.
When they were talking Daniel mentioned that someone was buying the place next door. He wasn't sure who but he knew it was just one person who was planning on fixing the tattoo parlor and continuing the business.
Hoseok didn't get his hopes up about this but he was glad someone would finally be moving into the place that had been collecting dust for years.
He had forgotten about this until one lazy Sunday when the door opened and in stepped a familiar blue haired man.
Hoseok's jaw dropped right open when he recognized him.
Yoongi stepped up to the corner "I knew you wouldn't forget about me." He said with a smirk.
Hoseok made a quick decision to close the shop for the day and catch up with Yoongi.
Turns out he had been planning to move back and reopen the store ever since he left but kept his plans a secret, sure they wouldn't stay the same because after all he made that plan as a seven year old.
It was Yoongi's idea to go to the park they often went to as kids if they weren't hanging out at one of the family businesses. Neither of them had been here in years, besides the one time Hoseok babysat Woojin and Daehwi and they begged to go to the park.
As now 20-something year old men they couldn't go down the slide or climb the jungle gym as they used to so the settled for sitting on the swings. They continued talking as they had all day and before they knew it the sun was setting.
They watched the sunset from the view of the swings in silence before Yoongi said something.
"There is actually another reason besides the tattoo parlor as to why I came back here."
Hoseok looked over to Yoongi, who was still staring at the darkened sky.
Hoseok chuckled "Really I would have never guessed." He replied sarcastically.
Yoongi faced him, blushing but with a serious face.
"I'm not joking when I say this. I really moved back here because of you."
Hoseok pushed his swing closer to Yoongi and grabbed on to the chain of his swing.
"Really?" Questioned Hoseok. He figured he probably missed him, but only slightly and that was maybe another factor in the move, but something told him it was more than just the curiousity of how his childhood friend was doing. After all he could just call.
Yoongi continued "I always had this huge crush on you. I didn't realize until I was nearly thirteen and I had been gone for years. Until that way I didn't think I could feel that way about another guy. Then I just realized it was only normal for me."
Hoseok paused, unsure of how to respond to this sudden confession.
Yoongi took the pause as an awkward reminder that the man next to him probably didn't - or ever had- felt the same way about him.
"I understand if you don't fe-"
"I feel exactly the same way. I had a similar story too. I didn't realize I'm bisexual until high school." Hoseok admitted. "As a kid I always looked forward to seeing you and I guess that hasn't changed much. I really still like you Yoongi. I swear."
Yoongi took ahold of Hoseok's hand and looked him in the eye with a soft expression.
Hoseok took the opportunity and leaned forward, closing the gap between their lips.
When they separated Hoseok spoke "I take that back. I love you."
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rosyjimiin-archive · 7 years
Yo my dude do you know any good like flowershop aus for namjin yoonseok or jikook that you could rec me?
@daedaegu has a flower shop au sdfghjkl
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moodring89 · 7 years
CH.4 Down the Rabbit Hole
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Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader / Side Yoonseok Chapter Rated: M / NC-17 Genre: Fantasy, Hybrid AU (Prince Bunkook. Sue me.), Royal AU, Cinderella / Labyrinth feels Summary: Yoongi’s sister buys two tickets to the Autumn ball held at the Meadows, a notorious city known for its hybrid inhabitants, where she hopes to meet a certain bunny princeling.
A/N: Hello! First of all, sorry this took so long to finish. Like, seriously, so much happened in the middle of me writing this story. I lost someone, I was sick, I had to write two difficult parts. Lost my damn house. I’m needing emergency teeth work done. Sounds like excuses, but we’re here now, right? And there was so much to squeeze into this chapter. It’s so…extended. Not sorry though. The longest process was the editing, though.    About the update chapter deletion: I did not realize that by deleting chapter 4’s update, that it would delete the comments you guys wrote. I still have what you guys said, but everyone who I replied to, probably didn’t get my responses. I’m not sure why I thought it wouldn’t delete the comments. Goddamn. A/N/N: I tried to wrap this up neatly. I’m not sure if I did or not and if I didn’t, I do have a CC account that you can feel free to ask your questions at...I hope to high hell that this story is not sappy af. I tried not to be sappy, but I cannot be objective about my own work. I can only hope that you guys enjoy it. Thank you to Melissa for looking over my story. I do believe that I’ve taken up enough of your time. Please enjoy!  
Inspiration log #4 - Sweeter than sweet
04: Down the Rabbit Hole (Happily Ever After)
Weeks would pass, until she saw the prince again.
A fairy’s vision brought her this new life, but she didn’t know whether to be grateful for it or not. She’d decided to stay for now, although the option of leaving had never come up in conversation, unless it was with Yoongi. Her pocket-sized brother, with his too large a mouth, and rude quips, so much like her inner self. He wouldn’t want to leave, either. The Meadows was a beautiful place for them to live. High up from her lavish room inside the castle, she watched as the sun started to descend over the kingdom.
At six, she would be summoned for dinner.
It was part of her new daily, royal routine. She’d been forced to change her sleep schedule to accommodate its hellish timeline. Breakfast was at six in the morning, but due to her extensive, yet ridiculous wardrobe, she had to be up at five, so that the Queen’s ladies in waiting could assist her with getting dressed, and styling her hair. She’d never cared to go beyond looking presentable, she still didn’t – until she caught a glimpse of the king’s court.
The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass her in-laws, who just so happened to rule over an entire fucking kingdom. Hybrid royals, dressed in their best fashion. Young, beautiful rabbit hybrids who would have been better suited for the prince.
“Stop,” Jimin scolded her, able to hear her thoughts, as well as feel all of her budding doubts from his spot beside her. His wings fluttered opened and closed as quick as a blink, a sign of his unnerve, like he was ready to up and take flight. “You’re wrong and I can say that definitively.”
“Sorry,” she sighed, pulling herself away from the balcony. “Where’s Tae?”
“Slaving over your wedding present. These days, he even forgets to eat and fights me on rest.” Jimin scrunched his nose at her genuine look of worry, calming her, “I’ve been doing well with reminding him to take breaks and my wolf knows his place, so he doesn’t sass me as much as he does with others. You’re gonna love it, by the way, the present.”
The wedding present that Jimin could already see in his mind, but wouldn’t divulge. For the wedding that the Queen doesn’t stop gushing about, especially during dinner, like it was her only topic material for conversation. Bonus, she’d spent enough time with the King and Queen to do a basic comparison. Jeongguk’s outward behavior was much like his father, strong and masculine, making his presence goddamn imposing. She’d tried to find traces of his mother’s softness, but had come up short. Instead, she’d found most of their likeness in their shared bouts of shamelessness – delicate features, and simmering tempers.    
The dinner bell chimed throughout the palace and she inwardly groaned at the thought of sitting through another long wedding discussion that she couldn’t even weigh in on. The Queen seemed to be in favor of seeing to all of the arrangements herself and wasn’t interested in any outside input, not even from the bride. Perhaps it was a recreation of the wedding the Queen wished she’d had in the first place and she was now living vicariously through her son’s marriage.
Jimin helped her into her heels, offering his hand to steady her. The first few steps were always shaky, so he kept a hold of her.  
Curious was an understatement, as the next question had bubbled on the tip of her tongue for days. She didn’t want to succumb to this level of care, but, “How is his highness?”
“This is the first time that you’ve inquired,” Jimin noted with the amusement there in his tone, as they stepped out into the hallway, walking the familiar route to the dining hall. His wings fanned, contentedly, “To answer your question, the prince is doing what he does best. He’s engaged in competition, one of which he doesn’t much care to lose. I should mention that I’ve never seen the prince in an outright state of defeat. Even when he loses, Jeongguk makes sure he gains.”
She’d imagined that the prince enjoyed a variety of sports, given his physique. None of the articles had been specific about his hobbies in the past and it was something she wished to learn, even now. She readied herself, “So, like, fencing? Chess?”
Clearly, she hadn’t been prepared for the answer.
“Oh.” ‘kay then.
The dining hall was a considerably smaller, more intimate room inside the castle. It was easily to tell that it’d been meant for family and not an entire kingdom. Therefore, it was probably one of her favorite rooms, apart from her own, and the ballroom. It would have been better if Jeongguk would come to dinner. During the first week of her stay, she’d been too anxious to eat to her contentment. Jimin was the one sending food to her room each night, before the kitchen closed. However, she’d learned not to expect the prince by now.
The girl took her usual spot between the King and Queen, greeting them cheerfully out of habit, and as a legitimate attempt at easing the awkwardness. The neat, empty plate setting across from her own did not affect her anymore.
“Your father has been enjoying the royal gardens,” the king said, breaking the silence with a start at friendly conversation, which she appreciated – truly. It was probably for her sake and for that, she’d been grateful. “I gifted him with his choice of camera, so that he may capture the palace flowers in full bloom. Journalists would kill to have access to our land. Your father’s photographs will be considered a rarity, therefore of value.”
If she knew her father, he would use this opportunity to upload as much photography as possible, so that he could also promote their family’s florist shop, despite the agricultural differences between the Meadows and human kingdoms being practically endless. He would find a way to use their new circumstances for his own selfish gain. It seemed like the Jeon family already knew of this fact, thus they further enabled him to do so, assisting him with his questionable endeavors, but on their terms.
Were they trying to take caring of her father or family’s future by doing this? What an oddly warm concept for royals.
“My mother was a botanist and after she passed away, my father took over her business, and he became rather passionate about the study of flowers.” Oh, holy shit – she hadn’t said that to anyone, ever. It was seldom that she brought up her mother. What would be next? Her father’s cacti collection? There was never a proper discussion between herself and her brother, not even with her father, and yet it had come out so easily just then.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman,” the Queen offered with a smile that radiated comfort and warmth. It’s been so wholesome and kind in its delivery, which only made the girl feel more vulnerable.
“She was.”
Jeongguk’s father looked around the table, perhaps taking notice of how empty it was suddenly. He looked to the empty seat beside her, “Your brother has been skipping meals, as well. I heard that he spends most of his time at the library as of late.” He looked to his queen, pulling her into the conversation. “The boy told me that he wanted to be reacquainted with the grand piano, so I allowed him to do just that, but he played it so beautifully, it was as though they’d never departed in the first place.”
“My brother,” the girl said with a start, fully prepared to tell them all about Yoongi’s passion for hip-hop and synthesizing. How he’d poured himself into his music, but it didn’t feel like it was her place. She let it drop. “He loves music. I hope he can play something for us soon.”
The Queen turned to one of her maids, “Can you kindly ask that Hoseok call upon Yoongi for us? Thank you, dear.” She was smiling so sweetly that the girl had to wonder if the queen knew, like really knew about her brother, and the head of her royal guard – if she had, perhaps sent the fox hybrid to get Yoongi on purpose. “Now, let’s discuss cake. I was thinking of vanilla spice or sweet potato. I, myself, had a simple carrot cake for my wedding. It was stereotypical…”
The King sighed, heavily. “It’s my favorite. Why are you still upset about this? You’re going to ruin the flavor for me.”
Dinner was always in three courses, a large salad that she could never even hope to finish, followed by a protein. Hybrids were half human, so they required a healthy meat intake. It wasn’t wildly surprising and she’d been grateful, but it was obvious that they’d paid more attention to greens. Even the beverages were limited to vegetable and fruit cocktails.
She recalled the pinched look of complete and utter disgust upon Yoongi’s face, when he’d tried a lemon-ginger sparkler. The liquid fell from his slackened lips, pouring it directly back into the glass from his mouth. His face was so comically soured, as he asked Taehyung, ‘Did I just drink piss? Is this piss?’
The wolf hybrid raised a quizzical brow, ‘And how do you know what piss tastes like, hyung?’
Dessert was always interesting and was probably her favorite course. It could range anywhere from between creamy, spring blossom pudding to ironic bunny top cupcakes.
As the food was being served, the Queen settled her napkin onto her lap, and peered over at the girl, “I’ve already requested that Mimzy come at once, so that she can get started on your dress. Have you thought of what you’d like?”
This was new. “Well, I –”
“Of course you haven’t, dear,” she said, cutting the human off abruptly. “I’ve been positively obsessed with fishtail gowns as of late. A nice, lovely pink color would look best on you, I think. Standing next to our Jeonggukie with all the candles and the tulips, and oh, I just can’t stop thinking about how lovely it’s going to be.”
Right, yes, of course. How stupid of her to believe that the Queen was actually interested in her input, what with that, ‘Mother knows best’ attitude she had going for her. How did Jeongguk ever survive for this long?   
“Son,” the King greeted, as a typical fondness spread over the rabbit hybrid’s features, pleasantly surprised. Meanwhile, that single word was enough to make the girl freeze on the spot, too afraid to so much as glance in Jeongguk’s general direction. It had been nearly two weeks later that her fiancé decided to suddenly show up now, out of the blue, as though time hadn’t passed between them.  
Jeongguk’s formally bowed, before he’d addressed both his parents. He was speaking to them in a tone that was lighter than she remembered, softer somehow. In her all the memories she’d kept replaying, the hybrid’s voice was breathy and low, calling her perfect, demanding that she beg for him. Yeah, there was no way in fuck she was going to look at him. Not now. There was a hand gripping the back of her chair, the familiar spice of the Prince’s cologne hitting her senses when he’d closed her in. She inclined her head towards him, eyes focused on the carpet. The warmth of his breath hit her cheek he was so close, when he’d murmured a simple, “Princess.”
Despite it coming off as simplistic, she could hear the underlying heat practically dripping from the single word, intimate in the nature of which he’d said it, although sharing the same likeness to that of an insult. She ignored the shiver that’d run up her spine at that, resolving that her body was just a goddamn traitor. He circled the table towards his seat, where trays of food were already being set down before him. Still – she could not bear to cast her eyes at him, even while he was seated directly across from her with nothing but mere inches of table separating them. 
“Forgive me for my long absence,” Jeongguk said, doing his best to sound so sweetly apologetic. Even the bow of his head had seemed like a sincere gesture from out of her peripheral, but she knew better. He continued, “The wedding occupies my thoughts regularly. Seeing the princess is but a bitter reminder of how I must wait to have her, even whilst she is within arm’s reach.”
She could feel the weight of his eyes on her then, as though burning metaphorical holes into her skin. It was a habit, a stupid habit all the same, when her eyes finally flickered to his, unprepared to be met with the dark, doe-eyed stare that awaited her. He looked thoroughly unsettled, not quite nearly as satisfied with just staring at her – the hybrid was a visual wreck, haplessly in ruins by his own self-restraint. And yet, there was beauty to be admired, brown hair parted to perfection, sun golden skin contrasting against the rich black cotton he was wearing, coupled with a choker made of silk that was fitted around his neck.
She felt trapped, then, “I’m sorry to be the obvious cause to your displeasure, your highness.”
He wetted his plush lips with the point of his tongue, catching her attention. “Those are just pretty, ineffective words in the end. I prefer action.”
Right in front of his parents, too, that’s nice.
She tried not to roll her eyes at him, fully aware of how rude it would be in the presence at a time such as this one. If they’d been alone, however, she would have let him have it. Changing the subject, she smiled with faux innocence, “Surely seeing each other more often would quell your sorrows. Please come to dinner from now on, my prince.”
The King clasped his hands together, the smack resounding in the quiet space. “How can my son possibly refuse such an offer? She’s so delightful.”
If only Yoongi were here to throw in some dry humor, perhaps try his hand at easing the tension growing in the room. Hell, she’d settled for anything. He could say something vaguely crass towards the Queen – anything, anything but this – this moment. Which reminded her, Hoseok was sure taking his sweet ass time.
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Yoongi removed the book from his face, having used it to block out the light in the royal library, while he took his evening nap. It was Seokjin’s fault that he practically lived there now, waking up to the smell of hardcover, and taking in as much hybrid literature as one human could possibly withstand. The doctor casually dropped that there were books on hybrids of all breeds, but there was such little on foxes. The small bits and pieces he found were sacred to him, mentally bookmarked, and cataloged. He’d spent so much time reading, while successfully avoiding Hoseok in the process, knowing that he’d only suffer otherwise. The fox was terrifying, well and truly. So, instead of taking his inquiries directly to Hoseok himself, he’d spent long afternoons engaged in conversation with the Queen about the fox hybrid. What does the head of the Queen’s guard do? How did Hoseok come to fall into such a position? What drastic measures had Hoseok taken in order to protect her? Yoongi was entertained by these thoughts, in his own obvious interest that was being cradled safely inside the Queen’s palm, as she answered his every question. She wasn’t lacking in detail, either, as she described close calls, as well as candid examples of Hoseok’s many acts of heroism.    Now that Yoongi knew more, he could safely admit to himself that it wasn’t enough. Somehow he knew that it would never be enough and it was with that knowledge in mind that, he decided that touching Hoseok wouldn’t be in his best interest. Thusly, he’d chose to ignore the redheaded enigma, practically diving out of the hybrid’s line of sight, as though one look would strike him down – hell, it probably would. He had that level of faith and confidence in Jung Hoseok. The blonde sat up from his spot on the table with a tired yawn, ruffling his hair out of his face. He’d heard the dinner bell when it had gone off, but he’d been too lazy to move at the time. Actually, he’d been too damn lazy to do much of anything recently. The last productive thing he could recall doing was locking the door to the ballroom, so that he could bend his fingers across the keys of the grand piano without being interrupted. Again. He placed the book down and made to hop down, when a loose thread of his sweater caught onto a piece of splintered wood. The tables in the library were ancient, despite appearing so finely polished, and in mint condition. He pulled on the hem of his shirt, watching as the stitching continued to unravel with every unwise tug. “Oh, for the love of Luna,” Yoongi cursed, as he wrapped the string around his finger, intending to pull it free, when a hand suddenly closed around his wrist, both startling and stopping him. He hadn’t even heard the doors being opened, let alone any steps advancing towards him. What the fuck?   “I wouldn’t,” warned an amused voice, or the voice, rather. Yoongi immediately knew its source, whom it belonged to, and that it was Hoseok standing there next to him, being close, too fucking close in Yoongi’s opinion, skin to skin in a gentle touch that could do just as much to light him aflame. The fox’s tail curled slightly, as he concentrated on the thread going from the table to bottom of Yoongi’s sweater. “Hold still for me, hyung.” Hold still, when Yoongi couldn’t even breathe properly. The hybrid drew a thin, delicate throwing dagger from one of the leather satchels on his belt – steadying Yoongi’s wrist, as he carefully sliced through the thread from beneath where it was cutting into the blonde’s finger. The hybrid then casually tucked the weapon away, before tying the string still attached to the blonde’s sweater as close as he could get it to the stitching, knotting it firmly. “It’ll probably be ruined next wash,” Hoseok said, tsking at the damage. The hybrid stared down at the elder, dark eyes cutting. “What?” “The Queen said that you’re even better with a bow.” And why the hell did that just pour from his mouth? He blinked away at the shock, trying to recover himself. “I mean, she’d said in passing that you sometimes represent her in the Archery Leagues, and that you win too often.” ‘Too often’ was supposed to elicit some kind of reaction from Hoseok, perhaps a laugh, a smile – even a modest reply would have done nicely, but all Yoongi was met with was an eerie quiet.   The tip of Hoseok’s tongue wet the surface of his bottom lip, “Interesting conversation that you’ve scored with me. A better conversation would be why you’ve hidden yourself from my sight, avoiding me as though you’re good at it, hyung.” Yoongi wasn’t very good at lying, but he liked exercising his rights, “I haven’t been.” “Oh, but you have, and I have theories,” Hoseok said, using his nearness to press Yoongi against the table, the wood digging into the back of the elder’s thighs. “All of this reading up on fox hybrids…” He tapped his finger down on the book Yoongi had been rifling through for the emphasis. “And you’ve learned nothing, have you, hyung? Well, allow me clue you in, then. All of my senses are heightened and sensitive. So, I can smell you, before I even see you.” The blonde swallowed hard at the implication that Hoseok had known of his whereabouts the entire time, which would mean all of his efforts had been in vain. Yoongi’s heart was racing at a speed that he was not used to dealing with, willing himself to calm down. There was no such luck with the way Hoseok was closing him in, the fox’s hands flat against the table at the sides of Yoongi’s waist. He’d felt helplessly trapped, but in a way that he preferred to be, wanting Hoseok, yet fearing him all at once. “Apart from smelling you, I can also hear you, hyung.” Yoongi closed his eyes against the low, dark tone the fox had taken on, shuddering pleasantly, because fuck – he wanted to be devoured, right here and now. The only thing stopping him from sitting on the table, all open and willing, was because he wanted Hoseok to be the one to place him there. “I had to dismiss my guards from your door the other night to give you privacy. You were being so very loud and you smelled so fucking good…” The other night, when the Queen had given Yoongi his fill of information, satisfying his every curiosity with the promise of more the following day. He’d been three fingers deep, envisioning Hoseok fucking into him ruthlessly with his wrists pinned to his back, as the other went to the front of his throat. Because when Yoongi thought of Hoseok, all he could think of was predator. “My theory, hyung, is that you want me. You want me so badly that you’re fisting your cock every night, whining into your pillow, pretending that it’s me. I heard you say it…” Hoseok’s hips met his own, allowing the blonde to feel his arousal, already so hard through the layers of their clothing. “You said my name. You said, ‘Hoseok, please fuck me…’ and it was the loveliest, yet the filthiest thing I’d ever heard, and I want to hear it again.” Hoseok was chasing him, crowding the human, angling his face with every overwhelmed turn of Yoongi’s, inching closer still. The blonde had no other choice but to be honest then, the guilt evident and thick in his voice, “I’m fucking obsessed with you.” The slow forming smirk that grew upon Hoseok’s face was goddamn indecent then and it took everything in Yoongi not to – ah, fuck it. He drew the hybrid in closer to his height, fingers digging into the back of Hoseok’s neck, desperate almost. Yoongi expelled the air from his lungs in a long, shaky exhale. He was trembling, so ready to break beneath the younger, should the fox deem it necessary. One look was all Hoseok needed in order to know, to truly understand that the human was too far gone – that they made a mess of one another with such minimal contact, that avoiding it for too much longer would only make it worse. He brought his hands to the small of Yoongi’s waist, placing him on top of the table. It was automatic, the way his legs so readily parted around Hoseok’s hips, pulling him in closer. The hand on the back of Hoseok’s neck grew more insistent, blunt nails digging into soft golden skin. Yoongi needed – his lips falling open, waiting with bated breath. “If I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop. I already know it,” Hoseok confessed, touching the tips of his fingers to the curve of Yoongi’s jawline, angling the elder’s face up to meet his own. The hybrid’s eyes darkened, “Instinct tells me to claim you, hyung.” He wore a mask of complete calm, as though the blood housed within his veins wasn’t boiling or itching to finally leave marks across Yoongi’s smooth, pale skin. “It says to fuck you and breed you like you’re one of my own, but I don’t want to chance hurting you.” “But that’s what I want,” Yoongi said, bringing his other hand to Hoseok’s wrist, guiding the hybrid’s fingers down to the slender line of his throat. “Humans aren’t fragile, Hoseok – most especially, me. I want it to hurt, need it to hurt. I wanna be able to feel you – for days, weeks. I want it to last.” In the next moment, Yoongi had willingly dug his own grave, hammered each nail into his coffin, using the same breathy tone as the night before, saying the lovely filthy line to rile the hybrid up, “Please, Hoseok-ah, fuck me.” The redhead could feel Yoongi’s pulse within his hand, the way his breathing hitched when he’d applied more pressure. His fox ear twitched, picking up on guards changing shifts just outside the library doors. The situation wasn’t ideal and despite Hoseok’s better judgment, he’d found himself leaning down to taste Yoongi’s lips, groaning into him the moment they’d made contact, confirming his belief that no – he wouldn’t be able to stop. Yoongi was deliciously receptive to him, mouth eagerly parting around Hoseok’s tongue. And honestly, it shouldn’t have felt this fucking good. The fox could almost concede that each kiss and every touch was like fire, slowly burning him through, searing him in ways that would surely leave a scar. He could feel Yoongi’s length with every slight rock of his hips, seeking friction against Hoseok solid frame. This really wasn’t the right place to be stripping Yoongi down, yet Hoseok found himself twisting the button free on the elder’s dark slacks. The zipper fell on its own when he’d dug his fingers beneath the waistband of Yoongi’s briefs. It really wasn’t the right place at all. And it was difficult for Hoseok to use his heightened senses, while he was being thoroughly distracted by his human. The hybrid sucked in a sharp breath, as a pleasurable chill ran down his spine, feeling the soft pads of Yoongi’s thumbs caressing the sensitive skin of each fox ear. He rebutted by wrapping his long fingers around the blonde’s leaking cock, tugging at Yoongi’s mouth with his sharp teeth, receiving a broken whimper in response. It was apparent that the human enjoyed the sting of pain and Hoseok was more than willing to give it, as he stroked Yoongi dry within his palm – leaning down to leave bruises against the elder’s skin. The firm, strong swirls over Yoongi’s pulse had him moaning aloud, too loudly – Hoseok determined, as he withdrew long enough to remove the sweater from Yoongi’s body. He wore a simple thin, black t-shirt beneath it. The dark shade complimented how pale he was, delicate veins standing out against skin so translucent. Hoseok enjoyed the way he flushed so easily for him, panting heavily in the quiet of the library, already so affected. He slowly released Yoongi from his grasp, trailing his fingers teasingly across his cock to grab the hem of his shirt and connected it at the collar, pulling them tightly together. Hoseok’s eyes gleamed mischievously, when he touched the fabric to Yoongi’s mouth. The blonde raised a brow in question, but allowed Hoseok to ease the material past his lips, and found that it only aroused him further – he fisted at the front of Hoseok’s uniform, bringing him as close as possible. “You look so pretty like this, hyung, but you sound even prettier,” Hoseok said, roaming his hands down the front of Yoongi’s bare chest, repeatedly skimming his thumbs over the erect, pink buds there. “But the castle is guarded by hybrids. We all have sensitive hearing. Truthfully, even with the gag, they’ll still be able to hear you. They’ll hear me, too…” He leaned in, taking Yoongi’s sensitive skin into the heat of his mouth, trapping a nipple between his teeth. The reaction was instantaneous, a jerk of Yoongi’s small hips, a muffled cry into the rough fabric of his shirt. Hoseok resumed in his torture, pressing a slow trail of wet kisses lower, “…sucking on your cute human dick, until you come.” The fuck… Yoongi groaned at the hot mixture of the hybrid’s actions and words, flushing deeply, wondering what the hell made Hoseok’s dick so fucking special. He wanted to know, but he was currently more invested in the direction of Hoseok’s hungry mouth. No – he wanted to fuck up into the fox’s mouth, wanted to feel Hoseok choke on his ‘cute human dick’. He wanted to smear his cum right across the hybrid’s stupid, grinning face after he was finished with using him. Instead, he slipped his hands away from Hoseok to grab at the edge of the table, knuckles turning bone white when he’d felt the first flick of the fox’s tongue over his heated skin. Hoseok’s movements were fast, when his hands were suddenly placed on top of Yoongi’s, pinning the elder there, while he darted the point of his tongue against the slit of his swollen cock, quick to taste the pearly precum that threatened to drip down. The hybrid was practiced, as he swallowed Yoongi’s length down in one go, humming appreciatively around him, “Mmm…” The deep sound reverberated, causing the blonde to shudder with chills. Hoseok enjoyed the familiar stretch of his mouth, breathing in and out through his nose to take his human even further to the back of his throat, before starting up a rhythm, determined to get the elder off as fast as he could, since he’d been tasked to fetch Yoongi, not to completely #wreck him. If Yoongi had been able to form a complete sentence, he’d tell Hoseok to slow the fuck down, but the more selfish part of him was all too pleased with the steady pace, the continuous lave of Hoseok’s hot tongue, how he’d paid extra attention to the head of Yoongi’s cock, swirling, and slurping lewdly. From beneath his dark lashes, Hoseok watched the elder get lost in a state of blissful enrapt, pulling off just to show Yoongi the sticky webs of saliva and precum hanging from between his cock and the fox’s swollen mouth. The redhead smirked at him, “I can’t wait to eat you up.” The way Hoseok said it, fuck – if this wasn’t eating Yoongi whole, then, what else would it be? Oh. The blonde felt a tremor rip throughout his body, the muscles in abdomen clenching. Oh. Once the fox was certain that the image had been painted all nice and vivid in the human’s mind, of Hoseok fucking him open with his sharp tongue, he wrapped his slender fingers around Yoongi’s length, and brought him back inside the warm suction of his mouth. Yoongi leaned his head back, having no other choice but to feel as his orgasm climbed way too fast. It was purposeful on the hybrid’s part and out of his control. This was what Hoseok wanted, sloppy and quick – no grace to be salvaged, when Yoongi’s eyes squeezed shut for all but a moment, reaching for the hybrid’s crimped fire red hair, more in warning than anything – Hoseok pinned his hands back down to the table, holding him. Fuck. Yoongi felt as the familiar rush swarmed him, crying out when he released into Hoseok’s mouth. Hoseok continued stroking him through each wave of pleasure, milking Yoongi of every last drop he had to offer onto his tongue. And humans, they were different. They smelled different, tasted different. Yoongi was like vanilla and spiced cinnamon, but with a human bitterness that he’d come to know and crave. He flicked his tongue across the head of Yoongi’s spent cock, before flashing him a grin. Yoongi was delicious and well worth the wait. Jimin had told the hybrid that it would be his year, his month – his forever. Hoseok was a very patient fox, but he was also voracious, and known for having an appetite. The hybrid could only hope that his cat-like human would be able to keep up with it.  He helped Yoongi back inside his boxers, buttoning, and zipping up his slacks. Then he gently and slowly, unraveled the bunched up shirt from his mouth, dark eyes staring down at the elder’s too pink lips. “The Queen sent me to come get you.” Hoseok’s dick was pulsing beneath his jeans, having yet to be relieved, aching as he watched Yoongi’s pretty mouth naturally pout at him. “We have to go now, hyung.” Yoongi wasn’t entirely convinced that Hoseok had meant the last part. With a voice like gravel, the human returned to his typically shrewd behavior, “We don’t have to go anywhere. I don’t have to do anything, especially since we just – I finally get to have you. I’d take a small nap first if I wasn’t so certain that I needed more from you right now.” “And I’m going to let you have it,” Hoseok promised, as he grabbed at the side of Yoongi’s face with enough force to pull him from off the table right to his mouth. Any kiss was dangerous at this point, steadily testing the fox’s resolve, but Hoseok wanted what Yoongi needed – he practically yearned for it. The hybrid would do anything, anything to help ease the ache, but orders come first. “You’re also mine, hyung, and I’m going to make sure that you won’t forget that fact,” he murmured, drawing lazy circles over one of the many growing bruises along the side of Yoongi’s neck with his thumb. “You might want to quickly change into something high collared...” Even if hybrids wouldn’t be able to see the marks that Hoseok left, they’d be able to smell the fox’s claim. Yoongi had done enough reading to know.
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 Jeongguk started attending dinner, but anyone in the room could tell that his attentions were solely fixated on her, making eating difficult, even long after his presence had become ritual. It was as though he were the one starving, despite having consumed a full three course meal without stopping to so much as take a breath. She wondered how often hybrids needed to scent their mates, if it was part of his apparent duress, met with the twitch and flicker of his fingers, or a long, bent rabbit ear. Perhaps Jeongguk would be the one to beg her in the end? It was still relatively early in the evening, when Jimin escorted the girl to Mimzy’s workroom. He’d been tasked with helping her find her way around the castle, watching as silks, and frills were being fitted to her body. Not that he minded all that much, since he was in good company. They’d agreed that the Queen’s fishtail idea was to be scrapped, indefinitely. The royal seamstress was all too pleased upon hearing the declaration. “The only time I design fishtail gowns is for nautical weddings. Not saying that you wouldn’t look beautiful, because you would,” Mimzy said, as she focused on pinning a piece fabric into place. “But you’re not a fish’s bride. Don’t get me wrong, they’re totally cute, but you’re a rabbit’s bride. The two styles are much, much different, that I can assure you.” Whatever the hell that obvious statement was meant for. Jimin looked over the final sketches of her gown, closing his eyes to recall the wedding day in his mind, confirming that this would be the one. Sometimes the power of his gift still amazed him. However, not all of fae’s visions were of the good kind, especially when he was unable to prevent catastrophes from happening. Meddling too much with fate could one day strip him of his sight. There’d been plenty of times where he’d been tempted to risk it. Like last winter, where he’d been forced to act oblivious, knowing that Taehyung was but moments away from fracturing his wrist. The wolf’s supernatural healing ability or not, it still sucked. ‘Fuck – did you know?’ Taehyung hissed out, his inner wolf dripping from his voice, as he cradled his injured wrist to his chest, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip to keep from crying out in pain. He snapped, angrily, ‘Jimin! I said did you know that this was going to happen?’ The fairy gave a slow nod, somewhat pitifully, the glow of his skin dimming. ‘I-I wanted to stop it, but I…’ ‘It must’ve been hard for you,’ Taehyung gasped, trying to calm his breathing when Seokjin finally administered him a painkiller, the effects almost immediate. He’d waited until the doctor was gone to look over at Jimin, voice thick with relief, and tension. Taehyung’s eyes were wet, tears falling from his bottom lashes, ‘You can’t ever interfere, you know that, right? Don’t ever sacrifice your sight for me.’ Jimin knew the day would come where he’d be faced with that decision, trapped in a moment where freeing himself would mean disregarding Taehyung’s plea, in order to do what felt right. Unless the King’s admiral decided to retire the wolf hybrid, but that was highly unlikely. Taehyung was a crucial part of the kingdom’s defense unit.   “All set,” Mimzy said, as she started helping the girl out of her many layers, comically hefting the heavy garments over towards the sewing mannequin. “I’ll be sure to have it finished by next week. That way, it’ll be too late for the Queen to object to the changes.” The fairy agreed, “That’s a wonderful idea.” He then placed down the sketches to assist the princess with her complicated attire. There were too many buttons, laces, and zippers for her to figure out. He could tell that she still wasn’t used to the clothing yet. The girl hadn’t bothered to startle, comfortable with Jimin at this point. He asked her, “Will you be alright from here? I have to go make sure Taehyung remembered to eat something.” “I’m sure that I can find my way around,” she said, before bowing her goodbyes to Mimzy, and parting ways. There were a number of times she’d been left to her own devices – most of that time had been spent alone in her room, staring out the balcony at the Meadows. She yearned to see the rest of the city, to walk among the crowds, and put her newly acquired golden card to good use, aka eating everything in sight. She enjoyed traipsing past the art leading into the Queen’s quarters, imagining seven year old Taehyung focusing intently with a paintbrush, squinting at his work. He was currently slaving over a piece to present to her at the wedding and the thought alone was enough to make her feel full with overwhelming happiness. She’d never received a handmade gift, not even from her own mother. Not on purpose, but rather she’d never learned how to paint or knit. Instead, what her mother had given to her consisted of love and knowledge.   On the opposite end of the castle, away from what she’d been used to, were the King’s quarters. The Prince’s chambers were probably at the far end. She’d never so much as glimpsed in the general direction. Was she even allowed to go there? The décor changed the further she explored, purple turning into a deep red. The art on the wall was decidedly unimpressive in comparison to Taehyung’s, not that her biased opinion mattered on the topic. She’d come across her first set of guards, testing her boundaries. Neither hybrid so much as flinched when she passed them, thus green lighting the rest of her steps. It wasn’t until the cat hybrid appeared, Namjoon, Seokjin’s genius husband, stepped out into the hallway that she’d been stopped in her tracks. “Princess,” he greeted, as he closed the door behind him. He’d kept his hand on the knob and was slow to release it, puzzled by her sudden appearance. “It’s unusual seeing you here. Are you lost?” “No, Admiral,” she declined with a shake of her head, looking away. Namjoon was intimidating, dimples, or not. “I was wondering if Prince Jeongguk was in his chambers?” “He’s not, however if you’d like to wait for him, that would be fine as well.” He extended his arm out, pointing down the corridor. “His room is at the very end of the hall, the white door.” She nodded, meekly, “Very good. Thank you...” “You should inform us next time, so that we are able to make adequate arrangements on your behest. A formal visit would ensure that the prince be wherever you’re looking.” And with that, the hybrid was sauntering off, whistling a jaunty tune. What the fuck? Well, she hadn’t known that she could request such a thing. Honestly, she didn’t even think she’d be able to enter Jeongguk’s room without his permission, but you learn something new every day at the palace. She proceeded down the hallway, the white door standing out against rows of black. She stepped inside like it was the most natural thing to do, unprepared for the strong waft of floral that struck her senses. The room was covered in Bell’snaps, which was a delicate mix between snapdragons and roses, known for its unique bulbs. They were more commonly referred to as the Heaven and Hell flower, since they tended to grow along the border separating the two kingdoms. She’d learned a great deal about them, not because her parents were florists, but because she’d been presented with them year after year on her birthday without fail, since she was fifteen. Perhaps it would be premature to assume, but her heart had already confirmed it for her, that Jeongguk had been the one sending them to her, knowing who she was, that she was to be his someday, frustrated that he was unable to reveal himself. The hybrid still found a way. She gently touched a finger to one of the white petals. Of course he found a way. The rest of Jeongguk’s room was dark, almost in spite of the white glow of the Bell’snaps. The walls were painted the color of onyx, the furniture reminding her of storm clouds, or the surface of the moon – dark and bright all at once. His belongings sat atop of mirrors, cologne bottles, and silver jewelry scattered across them haphazardly. Hanging above his dresser was a selection of silk chokers, a look that he clearly took seriously. It was rude to touch without asking, but she found herself reaching for one of them. It was light pink, a color that seemed too soft for Jeongguk. She brought it around her neck and secured the ends. The cologne from Star’s End had come in an expensive bottle, not that it needed such a flashy appearance to sell its quality. The brand usually spoke for itself. Testing the fragrance out on her wrist, she’d decided that it smelled better when it was mixed with Jeongguk’s chemistry – a scent that was practically made to only be worn by him. There was framed art hanging up on the wall, one of which resembled that of Taehyung’s work. It was a depiction of what she’d imagined the Fae Realm to look like. She then wondered if Jimin had taken his wolf there, if he’d allowed Taehyung to see the fairy nests hidden within the forest – if he’d returned to the palace covered in glitter and paint. She attempted to sit on top of Jeongguk’s bed, the frills of her gown rejecting the movement. It was too high up, proving that the climb would be a task, which was simply ridiculous. Growing annoyed, she opened the door to his closet and went in search of something more ideal to wear. There was no shortage of plain button ups, so she grabbed one – a white top that was probably never worn. Beneath her dress, she wore a feeble pair of britches to combat the cold temperatures of autumn, so there was no need to steal a pair of his slacks. She huffed with each pull of her dress, untying the lace of her corset, cursing with every awkward bend of her fingers, as she tried her damndest to tear everything off. She’d have to see about more casual style clothing, something tasteful, yet less. So much less. She glared at the heap of clothing on the floor. Maybe she needed her maids more than she initially thought, as they tended to make fast work of the removal process. Jeongguk’s shirt was massive on her, the bottom of his shirt reaching mid-thigh, like a tunic. The sleeves could almost fold to her elbow. She climbed onto his bed without a problem this time, as she flopped herself onto his soft pillows, and was pleasantly assaulted by another hit of his cologne. This time it smelled more like him, diluted with his natural scent. And that was it, the pinnacle of comfort, as good as it was going to get for now: a place of belonging. With Bell’snaps at every corner of the room, the long mystery was finally over, curiosities settled. Yoongi would be happy to hear it, no longer burdened to play the role of Sherlock. She closed her eyes and pulled at the hybrid’s bed sheets, slipping beneath them, and tucking herself further into the pillows. How long had Jeongguk waited? When did he find out her name or her birthday? Why would someone as beautiful as Jeongguk even…? Why would he ever… …love someone so small…? The bed dipped beneath her – a firm tug of the sheets, soft warmth enclosing her within its arms, lights puffs of air hitting her skin. The familiar spice of Jeongguk’s cologne was stronger then, easing her into what was sure to be oblivion, but even while in her cozy, sleep induced mind, she knew that she wasn’t alone anymore. As though to solidify her belief, insistent hands were pulling her closer still. Jeon Jeongguk, a rabbit princeling with control issues. She curled herself against the wall of his chest, the movement instinctual, as their arms and legs tangled for much needed contact. “Princess,” he sighed, the lilt of his tone somewhat airy, and gentle. She swallowed hard against the feel of his fingertips teasing beneath the silk that was covering her throat. It was his choker to be exact. “It isn’t that I’m not pleased to find you in my chambers, asleep in my bed, in my clothes, but why are you here?” With sleep still muddling her thoughts, the conversation had come easily. “I was waiting for you.” “Well, that much is obvious. I have been waiting, as well.” Here it comes, the resume button being pressed from their last close encounter. Apparently, the hybrid wasn’t willing to let it go. She knew it and yet she’d expected more from him, to forget about his childish demands to enjoy the moment. He was still playing with the silk, pulling at it until it grew tight against her skin. “Do you have words for me?” “The magic words?” she asked, stalling. ‘Beg for your prince’. She’d never begged for anything. It wasn’t in her nature to do so, ask any of the Min’s. “Why must I?” “So that I know that I’m not the only one behaving so desperately. Marrying you won’t be enough to satisfy what has felt like a lifetime of my wanting you.” He pulled back far enough to look at her, dark eyes unintentionally cold. “It’s selfish of me, I know this all too well, but I need you begging for me.” She laughed, incredulously, “I’m the one who is desperate here. You reduce me down to ash beneath the burn of your gaze, as though you mean to consume me. Your presence is so great that it drowns out my own and yet–” The hybrid cut her off. “Then beg.” She bit at the side of her lip, holding back from cursing him. Submitting to him would call for setting aside her dignity. In the prince’s mind, he’d already given himself over to her forever ago, suspended in a state of longing, that she would never truly be able to understand. He wanted the same courtesy, and although it made sense on some messed up level, it was still difficult. “I’ve been curious since the first mention of there being a hybrid prince. I followed the papers, clinging to every written word, fantasizing. I even crossed kingdoms just to see you.” She had no idea as to why she was divulging all of these intimate details again. The night of the Meadow Ball, he’d known how deep her devotion for him had run. “The white Bell’snaps was your doing, wasn’t it? You gifted a flower that represented our two kingdoms, before I even knew of your existence. If anything, I’d been the one to suffer in ignorance.” He shoved his tongue against the inside of his cheek, growing impatient, “Just the same, princess.” “Please,” she whispered, the words barely audible. By the way the hybrid’s ears twitched, it was clear that he’d heard it. And yet, “What was that?” She closed her eyes, trying again, but this time louder. “Please, Jeongguk. I’m…” “You’re begging,” He informed her, gently, “…and you do it so well for me.” It would have been soothing, if not for the current situation. It was not at all a real appraisal, but condescension in its purest form. Jeongguk had the nerve to smile at her, as he demanded, “Again.” Was he joking? “You’re pushing it.” “Oh, am I?” There was sarcasm laced heavily within his tone, as he slipped his fingers into her hair, carefully pulling at the pins holding each strand into place. “I don’t really think so.” She was almost ashamed at how easy it was the second time around. “Please.” The last bobby pin was tossed to the floor. With her hair down, he combed his long fingers through it freely, comfortingly, before he closed his grip – the action abrupt, as he brought her face inches away from his own. The sharp gasp that escaped was enough to send a pleasant shiver down his spine, quite enjoying the way she sounded, eager to hear more. The hybrid stared at her lips, before he’d pressed their mouths together firmly. It was pressure on pressure at first, wanting to feel her and needing to be felt. She said it one last time between aggressive pulls of his lips, “Please.” Uncertain of how much begging would be sufficient enough to satisfy the prince, hoping that it was enough to reflect her own desperation. She roamed her hands along his back, feeling the muscles flex beneath her fingertips when she’d held on. Instinct told her to reach for his ears, intentions becoming apparent when she skimmed the nape of his neck, into his soft dark hair. It the hybrid pause, body as still as stone. He was suddenly staring down at her, eyes narrowed into slits, both dark and accusatory. If looks could kill, she’d already be dead. The white fur slipped from her hand, intrigued by how a single touch could so easily unravel him. “Your ears are just so soft,” she said, as though it would somehow justify her impulse to grab at them. The word ‘soft’ seemed to have struck a nerve, when the hybrid took hold of her wrists, and pinned them to the mattress. It was much like how their first encounter had originally went, with Jeongguk’s hips falling between her thighs with little effort. It felt like an eternity, until he spoke again. “Keep your arms down.” She nodded, wrists staying where he’d placed them, when he started to unbutton the shirt she’d borrowed from his closet, exposing new inches of skin. Wearing a bra wasn’t necessary with her gowns, an observation the hybrid had made as he worked further down. He allowed the shirt to remain shut, affording her brief moments of modesty. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I couldn’t wait to have you like this, all to myself…” How to articulate that she wanted him more than that? The bedside lamp cast a dim light over them, but it was enough to make out the hard lines of Jeongguk’s chest when he removed his shirt from off of his broad shoulders. The hybrid’s physique was a result of his time on the battlefield, a trained soldier within the Admiral’s squadron. Delicately sculpted muscles, miles of golden skin – Jeongguk was a whole meal that’d left her salivating, and starved for a taste, until she remembered herself. Touching him would mean breaking his command. He stared back, shamelessly, taking in the way she was openly admiring his body. “I was always worried that you’d find someone else. A nice, human boy,” Jeongguk confessed, a bitter smirk reaching the curve of his glossed lips. “There were tells about you, though, obvious tells of your inexperience, and that you’re untouched. You have no one to compare me to, princess.” “How fortunate for you, then, should you perform inadequately,” she teased back, her breath hitching in her throat when his eyes flashed darkly. He’d felt challenged by her. She continued to press him, enticed by the thrill of it, “You must be brimming with confidence…” Jeongguk grew quiet then, as he idly traced his fingers beneath the silk choker she was wearing, before tearing it from her neck – breaking the clasp in the process. It’d been weeks since he’d last scented her. Weeks that she’d paraded around the royal court, mingling with other hybrids, being ushered from room to room by his fae, who was usually in the presence of Taehyung. Even if she’d currently smelled like his cologne, it was not of him – not truly. Mating her would be the simplest long term way of making sure that he remained on her skin. Jeongguk wanted every hybrid within the kingdom to be aware of the fact that she’d been properly marked and not to be sought after, if anyone so bold existed.   He parted the shirt covering her breasts, drinking in all of her insecurities with one greedy look – the newly exposed inches of skin calling to be claimed, for Jeongguk to take what had always belonged to him. The hybrid pressed his palms into the mattress, hovering over her, “Your heart is racing. I can hear it…” He lowered his mouth to where her pulse was fluttering against the side of her neck, swirling his tongue over the same spot with slow repetition. It was when she’d felt the sharp pinch of his teeth, that she’d arched her hips up into his own, and could feel how hard he already was for her. Their chests met once he’d settled his full weight atop of her, allowing her to feel more of him each time rocked forward, seeking friction. She’d learned that the prince was all about slow, thorough consumption – languid strokes of his tongue and rough, seemingly practiced touches. He knew just how to hold her, splaying his fingers across the opposite side of her neck, keeping her skin to his teeth. “Jeongguk, please…” This time she’d truly meant it, able to feel an acute ache in the deepest pit of her stomach. The slick of her arousal was wet against her inner thighs, already such a mess. “I want to touch you, too.” It would only be fair, not that fairness seemed to be of high importance to the prince. He trailed the back of his unoccupied hand down the underside of her arm, teasing past the curve of her breast. “Touch me, then,” was the husky response, voice breathy and thick against her throat, before he resumed his torture, drawing his thumb back and forth over her peaked flesh – making her tremble beneath him. “Before I change my mind, princess…” She uncurled her fingers at the warning, bringing a hand to the nape of his neck, as the other clung to his back. The rabbit ears were off limits for now, as she decided to tread carefully in mapping him out. She sucked in a breath when he slid his large hand to the slope of her stomach, the hybrid’s cool fingers slipping beneath her tights. The hold she had on his back moved to the arm that was currently at work, gasping when she’d felt three of his fingers cupping her through the silk of her panties. It was impossible for her to not want to hide, so very aware of how wet she was, but not wanting him to stop.    As though able to read her thoughts, he laughed humorlessly, “You’re completely drenched for me, princess.” Oh, well, fuck – he was out to kill her. The hybrid felt along the tender flesh of her inner thighs, fingers coated with her slick. There was a lack of genuine remorse to his tone, as he continued, “You’re practically dripping all over me, begging me to stuff you full with my cock. Should I?” Jeongguk stared back with eyes as black as charcoal, the smirk touching his lips downright predatory. She wondered if he’d truly expected an answer, her skin burning the longer he searched her face for, every bit of the pleasantness wiped from his expression, and replaced with something hungry. Why the hell was she allowing him to get away with it? “Your highness…” He was quick to silence her with the firm press of his mouth, tongue parting her lips with ease. She hummed at the distraction, melting into the kiss. The hybrid moaned into her, pleased with how she fit inside his palm – his middle and index fingers bent, as he rubbed her through the silk material, easily slipping between the folds of her soaked flesh, and over her clit. It had become obvious to her that Jeongguk controlled every aspect of their coupling, like a wave that kept crashing down on her in a show of dominance, leaving her fighting for air, until the last moment when he allowed her to fill her lungs. He took slow, languid drags of her mouth, distracted by the slick warmth between his fingers. The mess had grown when he’d removed the remaining garment – webs of clear, sticky arousal hanging from between the material of her panties and her skin. He watched her through heavy lids, dark eyes having narrowed when he brought his middle finger to the center of his tongue, and made a show of licking it clean. Oh… The situation was foreign to her, intimidating – so much more than she could ever imagine, and yet she’d wanted more of it. The hand she’d placed on his arm steadily pulled him forward, encouraging him to continue. She whispered, unable to find her voice, “Please, Jeongguk. I need…” Please, please, please…Listening to herself beg was unbearable, even if it had come naturally by this point.  “You’re such a good girl for me,” he cooed, lowering his mouth back to hers, their lips parting into shaky gasps, when he curved a long finger into her. She whimpered softly at the warm pressure filling her with every thrust. His tone was almost accusatory, “You’re so perfect and all mine. All. Mine.” He pushed in slow, shallow at first, allowing her time to adjust to it, before adding a second finger. The prince continued to taunt, enjoying the way her skin flushed red, “Will you be able to handle me, princess? You might be too small for my cock.” Her walls clung onto him tightly, as though to keep him in, welcoming the stretch of each intrusion, the strokes of his long, delicate fingers exactly where she needed it. “Listen…” The loud, wet sounds of his fingers moving inside her warmth made her want to die. “So, you’re into humiliation,” she breathed, shuddering when he teased his mouth over her breasts, meticulous in his onslaught of rabbit teeth and tongue, leaving behind a trail of purple and pink marks. “I am into…” He said, placing a firm kiss just her below her navel, “…the sound your body makes while I’m fucking you with my fingers.” More kisses, this time hot and lingering – from one side of her hips to the other. The hybrid held her eyes, lips twitching, “The desperate little moans and gasps that you make whenever you hold in your breath for too long, too afraid of what I might think, when all I want is more.” She jumped at the soft touch of his ears, velvet making contact with the sensitive skin of her lower stomach, as he brought one of her legs to rest on top of his shoulder – spreading her wide and pulling her closer all in the same process. Long before they’d started, he’d been able to smell her arousal, both heady and thick, clouding his thoughts, but at this proximity, it was damn near intoxicating.   He nuzzled into her thigh, flicking his tongue out to taste her sticky skin with the flat of his tongue, humming contentedly at the sweet bitterness that he practically starved for. The hybrid met her eyes, critical of the way she suffered through her bouts desperation without verbalizing it, when she’d gasped another plea, her body trembling – hips arching to get closer to the awaiting warmth of his mouth. Fuck this. Her fingers reached for the ears that were tickling her skin, tugging on them gently, and felt as his breath stuttered upon her skin. The shiver that tore through the hybrid was satisfying for her to watch, pleased that he’d yet to pull back to reprimand her. Instead, he withdrew his fingers very slowly, dark eyes fixed on the way her walls clenched tightly around nothing, slick glistening against raw skin – Jeongguk’s hunger persisted, almost stealing the rest of his patience.  He wasted no time in opening her with his thumbs, exposing her nice and wide for him, before lashing his tongue out over her clit, growling low and appreciatively – the sound reverberating against her, and gaining her chills. It was becoming too much, too soon, even for him, as he pressed his hips firmly to the mattress in an attempt to relieve himself, however slight. The touch of her fingers on his ears left him aware of the fact that she wanted to affect him just as badly, to have even a modicum of control over the situation – his precious little human. She’d have nothing, but this, this, this. He licked a long stripe from her entrance to the swollen hood of her clit, the hand holding her leg in place tightening when she’d jolted. All it took was the next reaction, a choked sob that sounded so raw and lovely to his sensitive ears, and Jeongguk was gone. The hybrid devoured her like she was a meal, trapping her within the tight suction of his mouth, as he darted his tongue over her in a myriad of quick, unmerciful motions. The higher she climbed, the more he wanted her to fall – as he grabbed at her hips, hard enough to leave bruises, and firmly guided her against his mouth. “A-Ah, Jeongguk…” She cried out, tugging at the white fur of his ears like it was a lifeline. “I’m c-close, I’m so close…I’m…” He licked at his swollen lips when he’d pulled off, “You’re going to come for me.” The hybrid was so confident with her end, rubbing fast circles into her clit with his nose pressed into her, delving his tongue past her entrance in deep, controlled thrusts. She felt her orgasm drawing closer, until the heat unfurled at her center. He drank her in the moment she let go, sucking greedily, as he pinned her hips back down to the mattress. “Oh, my fuck…” she gasped, limbs weightless, and mind freed. The high of her release was familiar, but more intense, both mentally and physically this time. She covered her face with a hand, laughing breathlessly, “That was amazing.” She was still playing with one of his ears, soft velvet brushing between her fingers. “Tell me how to please you. I’ll do anything.” “I know you will,” he said, while he once again settled between her legs. The material of his slacks felt rough against her sensitive skin, letting her feel the hard outline of his cock with each slow grind of his hips. “Now let me show you.” Jeongguk brought her hand against his abdomen, inching her fingers down lower beneath his own, where his skin hot, and toned.    He bit at his plush bottom lip, letting go of her hand when she reached the button of his pants. She pulled it free and trailed the zipper down. The serious look of concentration on her face was endearing to him. The hybrid chuckled, “You get to expose me now, princess. Are you secretly enjoying it?” She smiled, nervously, unable to meet the weight of his stare, “I would enjoy making you feel good, too.” “An easy task for my sweet human...” The first touch of her fingers against the heated skin of cock was enough to leave him winded – throbbing and leaking within her small hand when she’d pulled from his briefs. He leaned onto the mattress, rocking forward into her closed fist, enjoying the view between their bodies. It was when she’d begun moving her wrist in tandem with him, strokes wet, and tight, he’d hissed between clenched teeth, “Yes, princess. Just like that…” She used the hand on his hybrid ear to pull him into a kiss, before sliding down to the back of his neck. He parted her lips with his tongue, licking into her mouth somewhat lazily, faltering from her touch. It was erotic, how innocent she was and how lecherous he felt, wanting to take it all away. He felt the exploration of her hand ending at the base of his spine, too close – when her fingers skimmed the pure white fluff of his tail, sending ripples of pleasure throughout his body. The kiss broke with his harsh breaths, warning her, “You must stop.” It was disarming, how beautiful the hybrid could look when he was being wrecked. She tested her limits, brushing her fingers through the fur of his tail, before giving it a hard tug at the ends. The guttural sound that followed after was almost worth the risk of continuing, finding their reversal empowering – another adventure, for another time. She’d stopped as he’d instructed, releasing him to instead lower his slacks and briefs down over his ass. It was fact that hybrids tended to mate from behind. That bit of information had been learned unwillingly, when she’d made the mistake of taking interest in whatever her brother was reading at the time, lost in the royal library. However, Jeongguk didn’t appear to be going with ritual at the present. No change in position. The hybrid took hold of his cock and started coating himself with her arousal, using the swollen head of his length to rub up and down against her.   Dark eyes measured her, carefully, “It’s going to hurt at first and you won’t be able to have it back. It’ll be mine…” He pressed himself against her entrance, the fit snug – the pressure slight, but it was enough to make her tense up with anticipation. “The whole kingdom will be able to smell my claim on you after this. They’ll know I’ve properly marked and bedded you. This is what it means to give everything to me.” And with that, he slowly eased the tip into her, pausing the moment he was met with a barrier. The discomfort was evident on her face, her skin flushed with her thighs trembling at his waist. He steadily withdrew, before snapping his hips forward – breaching past the tight resistance, as he buried himself in deeply. It was the only way in his mind, since he knew that inch by inch would have been worse for the both of them. The hybrid was quick to bring his arms up to cradle her, chest aching when he’d felt her fingers curl into his back. They were trapped in a state of perpetual overwhelm.   “You feel so good…” It took every ounce of Jeongguk’s self-restraint not to lose control, to remain still, and behave – fuck if it wasn’t difficult. “So tight and perfect for me, isn’t that right?”   She nudged at him with her nose, needing him, needing more, their lips brushing between shallow breaths. He grabbed at the side of her face, sighing into her, eager to take – slipping his tongue into her mouth in hot, warm strokes. A brave nip of her teeth drew a soft moan at the back of his throat. “Fuck,” he cursed, allowing her to kiss along the prominent curve of his jawline. The burn of being so full one moment, and then empty the next was unpleasant, when he pulled back his hips, stopping until only the head of his cock was still inside her, before he rocked forward – beginning a slow pace at first, allowing them time to adjust. Another small bite was placed at the hollow of his throat, which prompted the hybrid to act on impulse when he pinned her head down to the pillow by her hair. There was no need for words with the way he stared at her then, eyes impossibly black – the muscle in his jaw twitching. No female hybrid would ever dare and perhaps that was why he loved, rather than loathed her species. He slowly loosened his grip on the strands, his point having been made, “Show me how well you touch yourself. I want to see how you’ve done it, time and time again, while thinking of me fucking you just like this…” She winced when the encouragement made her walls clench around him, nearly killing them both. He resisted the urge to start pounding into her, gritting his teeth, “You liked that, huh, baby? Come on.” She reached down between her legs, pressing her pointer and middle finger in circles over her clit – giving a startled gasp when he brought her knees to her chest to get a better view of how she was touching herself, stretched so tight around his thick length with the mess of their arousal making it easier to drive into her. The hybrid was determined to hold off for her, slowing his hips, so that he focus on leaving marks across her skin. He wanted to devour her whole, taking in the way her nipples stood erect, sensitive against his hot tongue, her eyes brimming with tears when she stared at him. It only made him want to ruin her more. The moment he could, was the moment when pain turned into pleasure – her walls gripping around him like a pulse. Spurred on by the her small cries, the hybrid gave her more, the sensual grind of his hips turning into hard, quick thrusts – hard and deep enough to feel it within her bones, the slick sounds of their sweat covered skin meeting loud in the quiet room. The muscles in his abdomen tensed, when he moaned out, “You’re going to make me come.” He was noisier than she was, sighing and gasping at a higher frequency as her desperate, needy sounds.  “W-Wait, wait,” she cried, eyes closing tightly when he hit a spot, as though touching at her very core, exactly where she needed it, and how she needed it – leaving her breathless, lungs on fire from the suffocating tension. She threw an arm over her mouth to keep herself from screaming, trembling. “Let me turn over…” The suggestion was enough to have him slow to a stop, edging them both when he withdrew. She’d felt so very empty again, left red and raw and clenching around nothing. It was on shaky limbs that she moved onto her stomach, feeling a large hand slide down the length of her spine. He paused between her shoulder blades on his way back up, pushing her chest down to the mattress. Her hips remained poised, ass in the air with her thighs pressed tightly together. “You spoil me, princess,” the hybrid murmured, voice reverent almost when he took in the sight of her. “I thought hybrid ways would be too impersonal for our first time, especially when considering the sensitivity of humans. Overtime perhaps, but look at you behaving so well for your prince. It’s like you already know your place…” He moved his hand between her legs, two fingers trapping her clit, as he pushed his thumb into her. She whimpered, grabbing at the bedding, and holding it tightly. He smirked, dark and meaningful, “Your body is positively sinful.” He slowly withdrew his fingers, when he eased his cock back into her, watching the way she swallowed him up so greedily – the new angle allowing him to go deeper – deep enough to bottom out each time he slammed into her, hybrid instinct taking over him. It was her act of submission that had finally made him snap, dominant by nature. He grabbed hold of her hips where bruises had started to form, sending her forward with each powerful thrust. A whimper had the hybrid leaning far into her, the wall of his chest against her back to press apologetic kisses along her shoulders – skimming his fingers low across her stomach, down between her thighs, as he started rubbing her in time with his thrusts. Jeongguk was shameless, whispering filthy promises into her skin, moaning out her name – something that was now far more intimate than the usual, ‘princess’. The cool air reached the back of her neck when he scooped her hair up into a fist, drawing her head back, so that he could speak into the sensitive shell of her ear, “I want to feel as you come around my cock.” Thick tears were clinging to her bottom lashes, the pleasure overwhelming, as he continued striking over her chord, bringing her dangerously close to the edge. “Are you going to cry for me? I told you to give me everything.” She spiraled so fast – coming in spasms of heat and bliss, the tears flowing freely. The feeling was emotionally and physically intense, making her feel whole, sated and high, with her heartbeat racing. The hybrid continued pounding into her through her orgasm – teeth sinking into his bottom lip, when he released inside her, spilling so deeply without fear of consequences, knowing that there was no current risk.   He brought a hand to her stomach, keeping her still as he filled her – possessive in the way he marked her thoroughly, inside and out. The hybrid waited for the erratic pace of his heart to slow in rhythm with hers, before pulling away to situate himself beside her. They’d claimed each other’s first time, before the wedding even. He wanted to laugh at the prospect. Although, he would have had her the first night he’d formally met her, if only she’d begged for it. They stared at one another in the dim lighting, the fire waning within the oil lamps, and drawing shadows along the walls. The silence was one of contentment, where actions held more meaning, than spoken words. Damp skin, rising and falling chests. Jeongguk leaned over, capturing a tear in its path down her cheek with his mouth. The kiss was lingering, when he slipped his fingers into her hair, and pulled her so that she was settled on top of him. This high up with her wet and slick skin touching his lower stomach, she felt utterly embarrassed, and dirty.  “The white Bell’snaps,” she said, returning to the topic in hopes of distracting herself from feeling so vulnerable. He hadn't clarified earlier, even if it was obvious. She wanted his explanation. “Why?" “I really couldn’t leave you be, even while I was advised that I could risk losing you.” Jeongguk shook his head, as though finding it just as absurd now, as he did back then. “I associated the Bell’snaps with you, because it symbolized our two kingdoms, and our union. They brought me great comfort, especially during times where I’d felt frustrated, willing to cross the line, and disrupt fate just for a glimpse of you. I used to command Jimin to give me descriptions, while Taehyung attempted to put them down on canvas.” “I’m sorry,” she whispered somewhat guiltily, unable to imagine how lonely that must’ve have been. He brushed his fingers over a mark on her thigh, voice wistful, “You’re here now, princess…” Jeongguk paused to stare up at her then, time caught between them. Dark lashes against equally dark eyes, lips too pink, drawing her attention. “…and you’re all mine, finally.”  She wanted to challenge him and be defiant just for the sake of seeing him get riled up, but there was no truer statement. Instead, she placed the flat of her palms against his chest and teased, “If we are to speak as though people are possessions, then you’re the prettiest trinket that I own, your highness.” “That fucking mouth,” he murmured, before forcibly pulling her down for a slow kiss, unhurried, and thorough – a kiss that was filled with heat, stirring, as they took turns sucking, and nipping at each other’s lips. “…drives me mad.” The hybrid’s breathing was harsh between each word, when he lifted her hips, so that he could push into her warmth, still slick with their mingled cum, easily sheathing his entire length inside of her. If this was the consequence of speaking smartly to the prince, then Luna help them both, because she won’t be able to keep her mouth shut.
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On the day of the wedding, the streets of Meadow were lined with human and hybrid kind. Even though the girl hardly had any chances to meet with the kingdom, they’d embraced her all the same, celebrating, and leaving their gifts at the gates. The ceremony itself would be smaller and held within the heart of the castle. Garland made up of Bell’snaps decorated each room, even the hallways. It was the flower that spoke for itself. A bouquet was tied neatly with gold string, awaiting its bride. Yoongi was acting calmly, despite the circumstances. He’d always been protective over his sister, but the situation hadn’t caused him any alarm. From what he could tell, Jeongguk was woefully enslaved, even while the rabbit hybrid tried demonstrating otherwise, he’d always failed. The few, intimate conversations he’d had alone with Jeongguk were tense, for sure, but the boy hadn’t cracked under the pressure, nor had he fought against Yoongi’s shitty attitude, which made the blonde respect him all the more. “What time is the reception?” Yoongi asked, growing impatient. Hoseok was currently on security detail, ensuring the Queen’s safety – being sexy? What the fuck.   Their father was there, playing the role of anxiety personified, and was flustered about it. He took out his handkerchief to timidly clean away at his glasses for the umpteenth time, “Well, son. That usually comes after the wedding ceremony. That eager to dance, are you?” “Oh, yeah,” Yoongi snorted, lacking any real enthusiasm. “That’s totally it.” “I feel ridiculous,” she said, stepping away from the mirror. Her mother’s pearls were pale, which matched perfectly with the dress. It was one of the requests she’d handed over to Mimzy, who’d added more beads to her gown. The makeup was applied lightly to go with her usual natural and soft preference, despite the Queen’s critiques. She had her hair pinned into place, save for a couple choice strands.    Yoongi tilted his head at her, “But you look beautiful. When do we sacrifice you to King Kong?” “Better question, how do we give you away?” her father asked, placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He stepped next to her, “Your mother made a beautiful bride. Seeing you now, you make a beautiful princess.” “Damn it,” she cursed, trying her best not to cry. She fanned at her face, as if it would blow the feels away. She wasn’t, but, “I’m ready.” “Like there was any doubt,” Yoongi said, as he helped lower the netting of her veil. “I need to go be with the groom party. I’ll see you out there.” She nodded, somewhat dazedly, “Yeah.” He quickly reached in to grab her arm, leaning towards her, “Blink twice if you wanna Christian ‘Bale’ on this thing, we’ll make like fucking Batman and Robin, grapple our way out a window…” “I don’t want to bail, ever. What the…out, Yoongi. Get out.” Admittedly, Yoongi felt ready to belong to a bigger family. He knew that his sister was ready for it, as well. His father was a broken man prior to the palace life, without humor – doomed to wilt. The Meadow was a blessing for Yoongi, since it housed a certain fox hybrid. A shiver of excitement made the blonde pause for a moment, realizing that his lethargic behavior had gone away since living in the castle. Now his heart raced whenever he so much as thought about Jung Hoseok. He entered the wedding hall, making his way down the white carpet. The strong scent of Bell’snaps filled the air, and made his nose itch. The prince was at the end of the aisle with Taehyung and Jimin at his side. The wolf hybrid raised an expectant brow. “Well?” Yoongi smirked, “She’s on her way.” Jeongguk folded his gloved hands at the mention, standing tall in his dark royal attire. The hybrid exuded arrogance in Yoongi’s opinion, even if he wasn’t – hair parted with his pure white ears looking especially fluffy, and soft.  Jimin was in what was considered formal garb for the fae kind, where a majority of his back was exposed with his wings on full display. A soft sheen of glitter highlighted his golden skin – not smudged with handprints for once, which was a sign that the wolf was behaving himself, but from the way Taehyung’s fingers were curled down at his sides, Yoongi could tell that it wasn’t without effort. “Would touching me make you feel better?” Yoongi teased, as he fell into formation with his hands folded neatly. Taehyung inclined his head, “Touching you could cost us our lives, human.” He rolled his eyes at that, “You think I’m scared of Ferngully over there?” “No, not at all,” Taehyung mused with a wry smile. “The fox, however…” He turned so that he was now facing the blonde, dark eyes gleaming with interest. “I can smell him all over you, you know. Hybrids can detect when someone is spoken for and you are most definitely off-limits. And receiving, Yoongi? I didn’t peg you as the type.” Jimin leaned over, careful not to touch anything, as he murmured softly, aware of the fact the wolf doesn’t like to be scolded, “You’re embarrassing him, my love, and before you say it, I know you don’t care, but try for today.” Taehyung hated being wrong. The wolf in him practically growled, “Of course.” Yoongi snickered when the hybrid’s tail stopped wagging, “Heel boy.” ‘I’m going to crush you,’ Taehyung thought, as he stared down into the fae’s eyes, where there was no mercy to be had, not that the wolf expected there to be any. No – Jimin’s eyes were sparkling prettily – pretty enough to cause the hybrid physical pain. A pain he’d always answer to with just as much aggression, ‘The moment I get my hands on you, I won’t let go. Not until you feel broken by me. Not until you beg me to stop.’ “Until then,” Jimin said, breathily, skin flushed by the stream of thoughts coming from Taehyung, overcome by the tension building between them. “You’re going to behave and just like Yoongi said, you will heel.” The music started, which caused all the guests to stand up from their seats. The soft melody being played was not the Wedding March, but rather something that had been composed and gifted from the fae realm. Yoongi had to choose whether he wanted to perform or be a groomsman. The moment she stepped onto the carpet, he knew that he’d made the right choice. The double doors parted for her, their father’s arm linked within her own. From beside him, he swore that he could hear Jeongguk’s audible pull for breath. It only solidified Yoongi’s theory, that the hybrid was so clearly spellbound, and taken with her. Jeongguk met them a few stairs down, taking her hand away from her father’s, and pulling her to him in a fashion that was perhaps, not according to tradition. The ceremony itself was straightforward, the same procedure for every royal marriage prior, vows to be repeated with listening – lots of listening. When the time had come for it, he was more than happy to finally unveil her, watching how she’d immediately looked away from him, as a deep blush flooded her cheeks. Despite all that they’ve done, how every single night since their first coupling, they’d been inseparable – unable to sleep without one another or keep their hands to themselves. She had the nerve to act shy and to look so pure, then. As though he’d never had his way with her, countless of times, in so many ways, in so many rooms – it was disarming, leaving the hybrid with every intention of ruining her all over again.   He tucked his finger under her chin, lifting her face to meet his own. The look she received was severe and full of promise. He made no plans to release her, holding her with beneath his heavy gaze, until the priest told them to kiss. He brought his fingers from her jawline, slowly brushing her lips apart, before he claimed them in a bruising kiss, unwilling to let the current audience sway him. When the prince had finally pulled back, they were left panting.        The royal official was proud to announce them for the first time as, “Prince and Princess of the Meadows.” The room doesn’t explode like it typically does in the movies. There was no rice being thrown or loud, celebratory cheering. A royal wedding was quiet and so, so very still like a picture, save for her side of the family, who looked so out of place, yet eager to express their excitement through facial expression. Yoongi too was smiling so wide, gums and all. Her father was a blubbering mess, snapping away on his camera. A long blog post would await her in the morning. Jeongguk walked her back down the aisle, bringing her out into the hallway where the King’s Admiral was prepared to escort them to the reception hall. “Admiral,” she greeted, less intimidated by Namjoon at this point.   “Princess.” It was now a title that she could not so easily refuse, if ever again. “We’ll receive the gifts first,” Jeongguk informed her, holding her hand around his arm. They were walking at their own leisure, basking in the aftermath of the legalities. “Then there will be toasts, followed by lots of food, and then dancing. We’ll be the first to leave the hall. No one is allowed to go before we do, so we must be mindful of the time.” She nodded, “So, no partying ‘til the break of dawn? How droll.” He smirked down at her, “Your night has already been booked in advance, princess. Oh, how I intend to exhaust you.” “You’ve seen and had it all,” she said, trying not to die right there on the spot from the anticipation. “What more could you possibly want from me?” “If you haven’t noticed by now, I am insatiable.” He lowered his voice, speaking quietly despite the fact that he didn’t need to, “I’ve been thinking. Our children will be the perfect combination of bratty and stubborn. Do ask that Seokjin stops with your injections.” She flushed anew, as the heat steadily consumed her. “That’s a bit too soon, so I think the fuck not, your highness. I’ll take my nope salad with the fat-free dressing on the side.” “A discussion for later, when I have you coming undone beneath me,” the hybrid muttered with an air of nonchalance. Her ladies in waiting made quick work of removing the long extension of her dress, along with the veil, leaving her crown in place. Jeongguk helped her into her seat at the table, given her still too many layers. It was only once they were comfortably situated, that the guests were allowed to pool in. The night had proceeded exactly how Jeongguk said it would, with the presents first: There were bars of gold, precious gems, miles of land, rare silks, and exotic pets, save for the black and brown furred Pomeranian that caught Taehyung’s eye. Jimin covered his mouth, eyes scrunched up when he’d smiled big, “Our little Yeontan is here. This is him.” “Well, there was no way we were getting through this without re-gifting something,” the prince said, noticing her sad expression. He pulled her hand into his lap. “Besides, the dog’s eyebrows were very angry. Were you not satisfied with the snow leopard that we received? Let’s not be greedy.” It took two of the Queen’s guards to haul in Taehyung’s gift, setting the massive painting down on its easel. The frame was covered in a dark cloth, but she could already tell by its size that it would dominate whichever wall it would be hung up on. The wolf tugged at the cover, slowly revealing the art to the couple, eyes intense as he focused on their reaction. Taehyung was about making others happy – he lived for their expressions, to know that he’d been the one to bestow that happiness upon them. The moment he’d chose to capture, the image that he was unable to remove from his mind, was the night of the Ball, where the prince had finally met his princess. She was clumsy, yes, unbearably so, and even though he’d been engaged in conversation with Yoongi, seconds away from having to excuse himself – he saw art, and took a mental picture.   It painting showed when the prince had brought her onto her toes, their faces mere inches from touching. The rabbit hybrid was in his masquerade mask, holding her against his frame. The colors that Taehyung used were bold and exaggerated, but in a way that appeared necessary with each stroke being so precise. It was breathtaking, more than what she’d been expecting, and for a long while she’d sat there with her mouth parted, intending to speak, but nothing would come out. Jeongguk smiled at the room, “For once, the princess is speechless.” He leaned forward with her hand still held captive within his grasp. The prince nodded to the wolf hybrid, his oldest friend, “It’s a beautiful piece, Taehyung. Thank you.” “Yes, thank you,” she beamed, snapping out of her reverie. “I love it.” Seokjin was not one for long, meaningful speeches. He didn’t like to give them, not even while they were in the form of medical lectures, but those days were far behind him. Sitting through wedding toasts was just the same, bothersome, and uninteresting. Watching Namjoon struggle, however, was one of his favorite pastimes. His husband was intelligent, surprisingly good with his words, except for at this very moment, where he had to explain his poetry and metaphors to a table of confused royals. Always overdoing it… When he was finished, Namjoon took a seat next to his husband, slightly defeated. He could feel Seokjin staring at him and if he looked, he knew that there would be a smug expression waiting for him. So, he didn’t. “So smooth, my love,” Seokjin practically cooed at him, but the condescending tone was there, to which Namjoon smiled at him sweetly, dimples on display. “My humiliation is your pleasure, is it not? Just as your enjoyment, is mine.” He extended his hand out when the music filled the room. “We haven’t shared a dance in ages.” “Because you have two left feet,” Seokjin murmured, as he took the admiral’s fingers into his own, and walked with him across the floor. He winked, “It was how I tripped and fell for you in the first place.” “Your jokes,” Namjoon mused, the good mood causing his cat ears to perk. He rested a firm hand against the canine hybrid’s waist, bringing them closer together. “Really get me going.” Hoseok entered the hall during his shift change to find Yoongi sulking at a table next his father, nodding somewhat numbly to whatever was being said to him. It was adorable, because the hybrid knew, he knew where his human’s mind was, utterly lost to the foxes, drowning in loneliness. And it took no time at all, for Hoseok to close the distance, watching the way that Yoongi tensed suddenly, as if he’d realized the hybrid was there without any certain, or direct recognition. Hopeful was a look that appeared so soft upon Yoongi’s otherwise miserable face, lips turning into a deep pout, so small within that moment. That was when Hoseok knew that a fox was in love with a kitten, unable to help himself, and he didn’t particularly want to, either. He’d never felt this way, with his heart in a constant state of duress, all because of this human. “Congratulations to your household,” Hoseok said, bowing in a manner that superseded ‘polite’. The action was so easily elegant and measured. With the fox’s posture, it probably wasn’t even intentional, but natural. It still kind of pissed Yoongi off, how Hoseok tended to handle everything with perfection, and that it always seemed to come so effortlessly. Whatever stupor Yoongi had fallen into prior to Hoseok’s presence vanished almost immediately, as he quietly surveyed the hybrid’s every move. “How kind of you,” he said, icily, before his father could toss around the same words, give or take a few nervous giggles. Yoongi challenged the hybrid, somewhat miffed that he’d been left to himself the entire night, “Is that all you wanted to say, then, guard?” Oh. Hoseok arched an eyebrow at him, narrowing his eyes darkly at the blonde, “No. I have plenty more to say to you. Will you excuse us?” The redhead’s usual cheery smile was in place then, not even bothering to wait for Yoongi to get up from his seat, when he’d started walking away briskly. He knew that his human would follow after him. Once it felt as though the hybrid might snap beneath his anger, Hoseok turned sharply on his heel, coming face to face with Yoongi. The blonde was biting at his lip, anticipating the hybrid’s retaliation. The difference in their height had never seemed so daunting, as it did then. There were couples dancing around them, the two of them paused at the center of the ballroom floor. Covering, Hoseok took the human by his hands, and pulled him in. “I don’t dance,” Yoongi said, stiffly. Hoseok chuckled humorlessly at that, “Well, I’m usually not talked down to, but we all have our firsts, don’t we?” He pressed a hand to Yoongi’s back, a small whimper escaping. This was what he’d wanted, this meager bit of contact. The hybrid leaned in so that he could speak against Yoongi’s ear, “You’re trembling, baby. It’s almost as if you ran your mouth without thinking that there would be consequences.” The elder swallowed thickly, as the tension practically seeped through his skin, “And what are the consequences?” Despite not being able to dance, Hoseok knew exactly how to guide him. Each firm touch was another burn against his skin. “Of pissing me off? Oh,” Hoseok said, while purposefully brushing his mouth over the pale skin of Yoongi’s neck. “You’ll come to know them. Intimately.” Dear Satan, I should have known it was you all along. Signed, Min Yoongi   “Princess,” Jeongguk said, as he turned the girl about with ease. “I must inquire about the improvement in your steps.” She brought a hand to his shoulder, when he’d pressed himself closer, “A certain fae was offering dance lessons for free.” “And you allowed him to touch you like this?” The rabbit hybrid made a show of teasing his fingers across her skin. It was suggestive – the type of behavior that would have their parents unsettled. She quickly stole a kiss, gasping when his hands turn rough, pulling her more firmly against his chest. “Couldn’t help but notice that you have yet to deny it.” She couldn’t pass up the opportunity, “How else was I to ensure our honeymoon to the fae realm?” “Actually, I was wondering about something,” Jeongguk said, the change in his demeanor visible, growing serious. “I wanted to know if you’d like to come with me to the Isles of Lunar? I intend on making the trip regardless, but I want you there with me, since you were the one to help me realize my mistake. The night we’d formally met, when I’d revealed my truths to you, the truth about Lunar bothered me the most.” She smiled, overwhelmed by the sentiment, “Yes. I’ll go with you.” He leaned down for a kiss, but didn’t touch, waiting, until she leaned up the rest of the way to briefly seal their lips. “Also, Jimin didn’t touch me. Taehyung did.” “That wolf…” Jeongguk grumbled, pulling back far enough to stare down at her. “…is the handsiest bastard in the kingdom.”  She laughed, enjoying the way he turned petulant and jealous over it, “Trust me, I know.”
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Jimin startled from his vision with a sharp gasp, chest heaving with each painful intake of fresh air – beads of sweat collecting along his brow, orange hair damp in his eyes. Taehyung was there beside him, the young hybrid holding onto his hand, as the other picked up the book that had fallen from the fairy's loose fingers.  
The hybrid’s ears fell back, as he swished his tail from one side to another, growing impatient with worry, “Where’d you go?”
“I went ahead,” Jimin murmured, voice soft as he stared into the wolf’s curious eyes, full of new knowledge, knowing what they would eventually become. It was difficult, seeing Taehyung grown in his vision to how young he was now, a mere boy. The things that Taehyung would eventually say and do to him were enough to make his skin burn.    
The hybrid placed the book down on the bench in favor of examining the odd tint to the fairy’s complexion, speaking in awe, “You’re glowing.” The fae’s cheek was soft and warm beneath his paint covered fingertips, flecks of glitter falling to the grass with the brush of his hand.
“It happens whenever a fairy is at their happiest,” Jimin said, educating him, all the while remaining very, very still – not even his wings dared to flutter.
The words could have meant anything, but Taehyung took them in the way they were meant to be received, that he was the cause of it. He was already so smart and clever for his young age, mature. The wolf in him practically salivated whenever the fae was near, flooding the boy with impulses that left him feeling needy, and unreasonably possessive.
He wished Jimin didn’t belong to the prince.
He wished…
Taehyung continued tracing his thumb over the fairy’s cheek, watching the glitter smudge, and crack away like dust catching in the sunlight. He then leaned towards the opposite side of Jimin’s face, pressing his trembling lips to the fae’s bright skin, lingering in that position for what felt like an eternity, but couldn’t have been longer than a few seconds. The heart within the wolf’s chest was pounding so loud in his ears, he was certain any hybrid within radius would be able to hear it.
The fae’s hand twitched within the boy’s hold. He was hundreds of years older than Taehyung, but he couldn’t contain the warmth he felt for him, wings resuming to fan softly. He could tell that the boy was reluctant to release him, the evidence of his kiss in specks of glitter across his mouth, and all over his hands.
“Come with me? I need to tell the prince of what I have just seen,” Jimin offered, watching the way the wolf turned from curious to excited.  
Taehyung’s tail was going a mile a minute, whacking himself on the leg, “What did you see?”
“His princess.”
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