#yoroizuka saw paing imagine
Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing...
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This boy is your own worst nightmare.
Ever since you first met, as children, playing around the village, he has taken a liking to you.
He’s that sort of dumbass child who only wants to play around from before sunrise, to absolute midnight.
You can’t just play all day, of course - You’re the daughter of the village healers, so, unlike Saw Paing, you are actually busy!
And not empty-headed.
To this day, you still have no idea what exactly possessed him to like you so much, as you haven’t even properly talked before...
But for the next 15 years, Saw Paing asked you out.
Every. Single. Day.
And every single time, you declined him.
Though he was exasperating, especially when he appeared out of nowhere, sometime even hanging upside down from the roof and facing him as soon as you opened the door to the outside, just to grin widely and SHRIEK good morning or whatever.
If you weren’t already the healer’s daughter, you’d have had him pay the bill for your hearing problem appointments.
Despite how incredibly persistent Saw Paing is, like a cockroach thriving through the radiations of Chernobyl, he’s still your best and only friend.
The best part of him is when he’s cooking.
Although you claim to cook ‘together’, it’s always him who ends up doing everything.
And his cooking is out of this world good.
Not only that, it’s also the only time, except for sleeping, when Saw Paing isn’t yelling from the top of his lungs.
He’s actually adorable.
You also appreciated how sweet he always was with you, being perfectly fine with being just best friends, and when you get a boyfriend, he doesn’t ask you out, but instead, asks you if you’re happy.
He also gives you the best hugs in the world.
Saw Paing isn’t good at giving proper advice most of the time, but he’s good at shading other people.
Despite how overly optimistic and positive this man is, if you want to gossip, he’s your guy.
He also makes you laugh big time, and there’s never a sad day with him by your side.
After 15 whole years and hearing 5478 times ‘May I court you?’ you finally agree.
He yells so loudly out of happiness that you’re pretty sure Gaolang heard him, all the way from Thailand.
Speaking of Gaolang - You hate him.
Not literally, no - But Saw Paing speaks of him CONSTANTLY, to the point that you can’t stand hearing the name of this Muay Thai fighter without imagining what kind of menace he is.
A friend of Saw Paing must be as obnoxious as him, if he can stand his guts, right?
For 5 whole years, you were doomed to hear of Gaolang Wongsawat, the fighter who defeated Saw Paing... But finally, after all these years, the Burmese is sooooo happy that you’re dating, that he ends up dragging you all the way to Thailand, to Gaolang’s apartment no less, and end up breaking in, despite the heavy security.
He also brought cake to celebrate with his best friend and girlfriend.
Hours after you awkwardly sit on the chair in the kitchen - And then he finally arrives - And he’s completely different from what you expected.
Apathetic, laid-back, silent, and he has a soft voice - Basically, the complete opposite of Saw Paing.
“What. The hell. Are you doing here.” the poor man dropped his grocery bags to the ground, only to cringe as he heard his name with screeched. “GAOLAAAAAAANG, MY ETERNAL RIVAAAAAAAL!” Saw was jumping up and down from pure glee. “Yell louder, I think my mum didn’t hear you, all the way from the village.” you groan, rubbing your ears. “Gaolang! Gaolang! Listen - This is my girlfriend, Y/N! Isn’t she the best?!” his eyes widened even more, hearing that name. “I see. Good for you, Saw Paing. But that doesn’t answer my question.” the Thai tried, in vain, to hold the obnoxious man down. “Yoroizuka Saw Paing, sit down right now.” like an obedient puppy, Saw uttered a small ‘yes’ and sat down on the chair next to you. Sighing, you got up and extended your hand to the owner of the apartment. “I’m not sure if I should introduce myself first, or ask my forgiveness in his stead - But it’s great finally meeting you... After so many years of hearing about you.” The poor man looked down at you, a bewildered expression on his face - He wasn’t sure if the fact that Saw Paing listened to you without a single complaint, or that you were the complete opposite of your boyfriend - You were actually normal! “I can say the same, Miss Y/N.” “GAOLANG! I’M SO HAPPY AND HYPED UP! LET’S FIGHT!” both you and Gaolang glared at the man and said a firm ‘no’. He quieted down.
You and Gaolang became instant best friends, and he takes notes on how to successfully make Saw get the hell away from him and stop stalking him even inside the shower, just to challenge him to a fight.
Though you both get easily annoyed with the Burmese, you had tons of lovely stories to tell about him.
Whenever Saw was too busy with underground fights to protect your village, you’d hang out with Gaolang and have a picnic in the beautiful gardens of the King’s Palace.
“When I was five years old, I wanted to play around with the others, but they didn’t really want me - I was never really athletic, being always busy with helping my parents with healing people - Saw noticed I was lonely by the side while everyone was playing, so he took the ball and got me away from the others. Said I don’t need them, and taught me how to play football and volleyball. He always went super easy on me and let me win. It was... Really cute.” Gaolang smiled, seeing the cute blush on your face - His friend was lucky to have someone love him as much as you do.
“My parents always trusted Saw to take care of me, so he let us go out at night to watch the stars. Saw tried to flex his star-knowledge, but he was wrong more often than not. He didn’t get mad when I corrected him and told him the facts, or when I’d show him constellations, or tell him trivia about planets. I’d actually hear him boasting about how smart I am, and how cool the stars are... Even though most people couldn’t care less about unimportant things like the celestial bodies.” if only he knew the fondness with which you spoke of him, Gaolang was sure Saw Paing would propel himself to the moon with happiness.
“I’m actually pretty bad at cooking, despite making revolutionary potions, concoctions and ointments - Pretty pathetic, I know, it’s actually kinda funny - But Saw was always so patient with me, and he’d teach me how to cook; And when I’d be too tired from work, he’d just come over and cook me a ton of warm meals - Of course, he’d cook so much that he’d need to stay over and help me finish everything.” though you’d only been together for a few years, your stories made you sound like the most lovely married couple.
“I had a boyfriend once - A real jerk that one, been together only a month - He got so jealous at my friendship with Saw that he tried to hit me for allegedly cheating on him. I’ve never seen Saw so angry, he almost killed that guy - He deserved it though. He got very protective after that. I always feel safe with him. Don’t tell him that though, it’ll only get to his head, and he’s loud enough as it is.” your laugh signified a subtle joke, and Gaolang was sure Saw Paing was already well aware of all the things you’ve told him so far.
“I was really scared of leaving the village, though I really wanted to see the big cities, learn more about the modern life and what not, but I was too much of a coward. The unknown scares me. It was Saw who always took me with him to all of his fights, and we’d go together to explore around. Somehow, we never got lost, even if we were in a country that spoke a different language. He saw how much I liked everything around, so he got us a cute house with a garden. Home is still home, but we also like to see new things.” you were so head over heels in love with this man.
You always loved going to karaoke and hear the soft love ballads that Saw would dedicate you... Though Gaolang singing the Thai Anthem was always hilarious.
Though still a little energetic and childish, Saw Paing was always incredibly mature and romantic, despite rarely showing it - It was very endearing.
He’d get you flowers from the forest every day and gift them to you - A beautiful day for a beautiful lady must begin with a beautiful flower!
You were always there to encourage him in his lethwei journey - Especially as you were the one to always tend to him, and worried about his health and well being - And you knew about his father, and later, his brother and their death while working for Sanemitsu.
Somehow, Saw remained optimistic, and you were there by his side through everything; Even if he claimed to be a man, and the one supposed to take care of you, you’d simply shut him up with a kiss. 
He was a fool in love.
When the Kengan Tournament began, he was more than eager to take you with him on the luxurious cruise ship, and though he was dressed in shorts and a classic hawaiian colourful short-sleeved shirt for dads on vacation, he had bought you a shit ton of super pretty clothes that you liked.
He always loves having you all happy and confident, and all dolled up, right next to him.
You were very happy to see Gaolang there also, so the three of you stuck like glue throughout the tournament.
You knew your fair share about fighting stuff from Saw, but seeing everything unfold in the ring, you were not only able to learn more theory, but witness styles that you’ve never even heard of before.
You pulled Saw in a long kiss when his first fight came by, and of course, you were sure he was gonna win - And he did, with great style!
Speak about hard-headed.
Of course, the Thai God of War also won, so the first night and the next day were filled with good times...
Until the second round came by, and they both lost - It was most devastating.
Unlike Gaolang, who became more motivated to get better and better, Saw was completely demoralised and wanted to completely give up fighting and eventually dig a hole and bury himself alive.
“You disgust me, Saw Paing! This isn’t the man who kept asking me out every day, for over five thousand times, fifteen years! You are a fighter - Get the hell up and fight!” you yelled at him, but he kept his head down. “Gaolang’s famous right fist is shattered - He can’t even feel it! But you know what? He’s still reaching for the skies, and he’s going to succeed! Why aren’t you the same?! Weren’t you always the one preaching about hard-work and positivity?! Where has all that gone?”
When he continued keeping his silence, you scoffed at him. “Don’t come sleep in our room until you’ve learnt your lesson.”  “I don’t deserve you, Y/N.” you hear him mutter. “I wanted to ask you to marry me once I’ve won the competition and secured our Village. I failed you both.” “You’re pathetic. I don’t want to see you again. Not like this. Stay away from both myself and Y/N.” came Gaolang’s equally harsh comment, which made Saw whimper slightly.
Until the coup d’etat, Saw didn’t look for either you or Gaolang - But of course, he had to protect you and make sure his friend doesn’t destroy his right fist and becomes unable to fight and protect His Majesty, King Rama.
All the fighters of his Village were there to support Katahara and the organisation, and with a new thirst for life and need to protect those that he cherishes so much, he made his way outside of the coup halls and in search of you two.
When he saw you, he pulled you in a strong bear-hug and started crying, asking for your forgiveness and hoping you’ll want to marry him, even if he’s a loser and a dead-beat that can’t win a tournament.
It goes without saying, all three of you make up, and Gaolang becomes the Best Man at your wedding.
Along with Karo, you and Saw were Gaolang’s biggest supporters at the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, and biggest cheerleaders once you saw the dirty way in which he lost - By a ring out.
Though his win against Cos was fantastic, you were upset for him that he lost against that dumbass Rihito, or later on, against Mokichi the Vicar.
Still, you were happy that he was able to finally defeat Seki after so many tries.
Your boy was improving so fast, and you were so proud of him!
Not only that, but he was also so positive all the time, and didn’t allow himself to stump down to such unexpected lows.
Wherever you go, Saw is going to show you off like you’re some kind of movie star, and shout that you’re his perfect wife and what not.
Would make sure there’s always flowers in the vase on the table.
And he’s still the master chef of the house.
Is also incredibly fascinated about gardening, so will tend to your garden.
Every time you go out, he’s going to come home with a new garden ornament.
Biggest travel enthusiast there is, but loves to stay in the nature, especially the forest, the most.
Despite how energetic he is, he’d urge you to join him in meditating by the waterfall.
Would also love to bride your hair.
He’s very passionate when it comes to your intimate life, and will make sure you know how much he loves you.
Be it compliments, confessions or touches.
When you’re making love also, though he’s not as talkative, he will make sure you’re feeling comfortable and relaxed; He’d crack jokes or playfully kiss you or move you around, tickle or pinch you, only to hear you giggling.
Saw might need some looking after and a solid emotional support, but he’s a fantastic partner on whom you can rely on, and will always make sure you know how much he cherishes you with his entire heart.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
Headcanons for my Kengan Ashura hotties😍 - The type of father they’d be🍼
Raian Kure👹: he’s the dad that literally lets his kid get away with murder…until his S/O finds out then he tries to be a strict dad…he is definitely not😂
Kanoh Agito😁: he’s attentive and very involved in his child’s life, he’s at every parent/teacher conference and sits on those little chairs while listening attentively on how his little one is doing.
Kaolan Wongsawat🥊: he’s the calm but strict dad, he knows when it’s time to be playful and when to not be.
Kiryu Setsuna🥰: he’s been reading a lot of books on how to be a good father ever since they were expecting. He’s very sensitive towards his child and if they cry, he’s crying too.
Adam Dudley😬: he’s the dad that always cracks jokes and makes his kids laugh at absolutely nothing, he’s just as childish as they are.
Hatsumi Sen😍: he’s the relaxed dad but there are times when he needs to be strict every now and then…very rarely though.
Sekibayashi Jun🤼‍♂️: best dad ever! He always is there for his kids no matter what and loves spending time with them.
Hassad❤️‍🩹: he’s strict when he needs to be but otherwise he’s a big softy for his kids.
Himuro Ryo🤍: he’s a strict dad but he does have a soft spot for them when he gets puppy eyes, he just cracks.
Inaba Ryo🖤: he’s a loving dad that loves being around his child and to a point smothers his child but he just can’t help it.
Kiozan Takeru🤼‍♂️: he’s the parent that never sees anything wrong that their kid does even if it was the worst thing imaginable and then they’re at the mercy of his S/O.
Muteba Gizenga🪖: he’s strict with his kids even though he usually isn’t that way, he wants the best for them and for them to be good people too.
Nikaido Ren🤩: he’s the gentle parent that lets his kid get away with everything and this gets him in trouble with his S/O.
Sawada Keizaburo💅: he’s a dotting parent to his kid that always brags about them. He’s definitely a helicopter parent though.
Yoroizuka Saw Paing😜: he’s literally the reason his kid is getting in trouble, he always trying to get his kid to be adventurous and do crazy stuff which usually gets both of them in trouble with his S/O.
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sawpaingsheadband · 2 months
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My descent into blorbo madneess is absolute.
Anyway. Have some music, this is for my beautiful himbo currently ruling my hyperfixations.
Although this mix had me like this:
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I was literally out of thoughts for this one. I am once again thanking Spotify for the suggestions and also someone called Fidus on Youtube for having top notch taste in music. Oh, and tangentially also Teen Wolf (2011) soundtrack.
Living Legend - Club Danger
Get through this - Art of Dying
love Runs Out - OneRepublic
Zitti e buoni - Maneskin
Unstoppable - Foxy Shazam
Nothing stands in our way - Lacuna coil
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Aim to lose - Hotstreets
Blue Orchid - White stripes
Let it roll - Divide the day
We up (Let's go) - Easy Mccoy, King Flexx
This is gonna hurt - Sixx:A.M.
Unstoppable - Rakefire
Centuries - FOB
Smack Down - Thousand Foot Krutch
Listen on:
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badboysdoitbetter · 4 years
hey dude idk if you remember me but can i please request a regular matchup ? im a female capricorn + INTJ. some of my hobbies are reading, writing, cooking, + making recipes. i’m a GYM + FITNESS BRAT. i love studying astrology + looking @ the stars. i dislike loud people, hypocrites, uncleanliness, + complainers. i like someone who is laid back, loyal, intelligent, + driven. someone who shares some of my interests but also someone who can teach me + introduce me to new things. thank you !!
i normally only do one fandom for a regular matchup, but since this lovely lady helped me out so much with my writing skills, i decided to make an exception for her!
Hunter x Hunter : I ship you with...
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he became interested when he first saw you in the library, sitting alone at a table littered with books.
you were reading, paying no attention to him, but he was enamored with the way your eyes glided through the pages, absorbing everything the book had to offer.
the next time he saw you, he sat down at your table and observed you. he said it was because you were ‘coincidentally’ holding a book that he wanted to read, but from the way he was looking at you, you knew better.
the two of you would spend hours comparing book choices, with him asking you about your pick of the week and telling you about his favorite bible verses.
he wouldn’t understand why he liked spending time with you so much, but one day, when he was telling you about Corinthians, that’s when he realized that what he was feeling for you was love.
love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
when he finally asked you out, he took you to the beach right as dusk was falling, under the pretense that he wanted to learn about different constellations.
he actually saw you reading a book about astrology and wanted to see your face light up at the stars, the same way it had in the library a few weeks prior.
he’d try to avoid it, but since he knows how much you love to learn new things, he’d eventually teach you all about Nen.
the two of you would spend hours practicing, and i think he’d fall in love with the way you get so passionate about the things you want to get better at.
when he introduces you to the troop, you’re a little bit shy, but they don’t seem to mind you. to this day, you have no idea if they were just tolerating you or if they actually liked you.
honestly, they saw how much their boss cared for you, and decided that if he liked and trusted you, so could they.
with how little people Chrollo has in his life, you can sleep peacefully knowing he’s always looking out for you.
Kengan Ashura : I ship you with...
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this edit is by @aloetech !! she has some really cool content on her page that you should check out sometime !!
i can really see the two of you meeting at the gym. you were kickboxing, while he was taking a break near the weight rack.
with his water bottle to his lips, he observed the room with those beautiful caramel-colored eyes, and even though your back was turned towards him, he could tell that your form was a little bit off.
he came up to and offered his help, and while you were skeptical of his motives at first, once you saw that he was a genuinely nice guy you started opening up to him a little bit more.
the relationship progressed slower than average, just because he’d be off at Kengan matches while you were unable to with him. at the same time, albeit, you both appreciated the time to get to know each other before jumping into anything serious.
you’d send him baked goods in the mail, and he’d smile every time he saw the cute little notes you left with them. (you were definitely more brazen on paper than in person...)
Gao, i can’t believe you’re Ken-gone again, but know i’m thinking about you and your goodies ;) while you aren’t here physically, your love is all i knead
while you’re both very driven people, he knows that he can come home to you and you’ll be there to hang out on the couch and relax after a grueling day.
he appreciates that the two of you are both logical, and wouldn’t hesitate to use it to his advantage when he needs help coming up with strategies in fights.
he knows that, while you’re definitely an independent person, you like to learn about his life. the place he draws the line, however, is that he refuses to introduce you to his ‘friends’, no matter how much you ask.
Saw-Paing would 100% come through the window of your shared apartment, only to find the two of you having sex cooking together.
“LET’S FIGHT GAOLAN—oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, i’m definitely interrupting something, right? i feel like i should go...”
“um, hello—”
“don’t indulge him, (Y/N).”
* signifies the character i think would look the best with you.
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Roleswap au where Saw Paing is prince Rama’s super-loud overly-excited bodyguard who came from Myanmar and no one’s super sure how he got hired, but he’s good at protecting the prince and hasn’t once failed to defend his position. Meanwhile Gaolang is a stoic and emotionless boxer/muy thai expert who declared himself Saw Paing’s rival 15 years ago, breaks into his apartment, and calmly demands their fight to the death. He almost always gets a rough version of this: ‘SORRY, I’M WAY BUSY TODAY, BUT WE CAN MAKE SOUP AFTER I GET BACK IF YOU WANT’ ‘i am here to fight you to the death’ ‘SSSSOOOOUUUUPPP KAYBYYYYEEEE GGGAAAOOOOLLAAANNGGG SEE YAAAAAAA!’
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chocolatetakoyakis · 5 years
Hi there ❤️ can I request you some Headcanons for Ohma, Raian, Gaolang ans Saw from Kengan Ashura ! they are near the swimming pool and they noticed their crush coming in a very beautiful/ sexy Bikini. thanks !! ❤️
Iuhcduhefuhucheihiebd writing about sexy Fighters is 100% OKAY 🤤
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- well he isn’t really emotional in public, like damn the only time we saw him smile was when he was fighting or eating
- and when he saw you with this beautiful F/c bikini at the swimming pool, trust me he was definitely felling something.
- as you approach him to say hello, he will stare at you without any emotion but his brain is trying to analyse what his feelings are saying.
- Kaede is the first who is complimented you, followed by Lihito and our Ashura is still staring at you with piercing eyes.
- even when Lihito is starting to flirt with you he is not even pissed too focused on assembling the informations your awesome body was giving to his poor brain.
- “ this color looks good on you”
- still with his neutral face but now he is staring at your eyes like he is gonna eat your soul.
- I’m afraid this man doesn’t know how to flirt but you got it right.
- your Adorable “ thank you Ohma” made his day but he didn’t reply to you thinking the conversation was over.
- still watch you while you are talking with Kaede about coming to the Spa together
- he isn’t aware that he is staring at your chest, which made you a little uncomfortable but oddly you know that he isn’t a pervert.
- Lihito telling him discreetly to stop staring because it’s rude.
- now you’re all alone with him because Kaede went to her room to take her VIP card for the Spa you two are going to do and Lihito being Lihito accompanied her
- you are both silent while looking at each other
- you started the conversation by suggesting to go next to the beach waiting for them to come back ( because you were not comfortable with our Ashura’ gaze on you )
- before you walk back, he aggressively took your hands while pronouncing your name.
- INTENSE EYE CONTACT ( you’re dying inside )
- “ Y/n you look really Ho.....
- OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ! ( bruh you know who it is)
- you being push in the water by Karla Kure ( damn she has a lot of strength for a teenager ) who is now stuck on Ohma’ Abs.
- him not realizing what happened started to freak out when he saw Karla’s lips next to his and ran away as fast as he can.
- he was not here anymore when you get out the water but oddly you felt really happy about what he almost said before YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT OR WHO push you on the water lol
⭐️ If you’re his crush and he doesn’t really knows you, he is gonna stare at you without any comment or shame in hope that you will notice him I guess. And then turn his head when he’ll get caught. Like a 10 y old boy basically
RAIAN KURE : my fav
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- oh fuck
- Sorry.
- basically like “ This bitch is showing off” “ she is not that pretty hmph”
- he is gonna feel many emotions when he’ll see you sunbathing alone on a long chair.
- First he is gonna mentally insult you I guess like why do you have to be so pretty and all, tries to convince himself that you are just doing it for attention ( DONT TRY TO UNDERSTANT ITS RAIAN )
- is glaring at you like a Mad dog
- Second, while glaring at you he’ll analyze your look and how your hairstyle, skin and bikini fit perfectly
- his gaze softened a bit as you take your sunglasses off, so he can see your beautiful eyes.
- after this 20 long minutes at staring at you and trust me having those dark eyes glaring at you during almost half an hour is SUPER LONG AND SCARY. he finally accepts the fact that you are hot and he is attracted to you ( I mean probably only sexually ) he will finally see you as a prey or as a trophy if he noticed that other men were looking at you.
- will go to see you ( more bother you because Raian is fucking Raian )
- the rest of his family being like : WTF IS THIS KID DOING AGAIN
- the whole swimming pool froze as he started walking toward you. ( this man almost killed a man remember )
- you greeted him with a normal but awesome smile “ Good Afternoon Raian. What’s up ?
- your cool attitude pissed him even more because you’re not afraid or anxious about him being next to you.
- is gonna make mean or childish comments about you and your relaxing position.
- you responding normally because you’re used to the Devil’s manners.
- Him getting even more pissed because you’re not loosing your cool
- showing off his Abs for SUUUUUUUURE
- Raian wouls smirk at every boys that were looking at you while talking to you to make them jealous, inferior and frustrated ( you can’t see him because you’re basically almost sleeping )
- threatens you to throw you into the cold water ( and will fucking do it )
- really don’t try him
- Shit.. too late you are in the swimming pool completely wet.
- he jumped with you in his arms so he is also in the swimming pool with you but doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold water
- if you can swin you’re gonna look at him like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM ?! Before laughing I guess
- if you cannot swim you are gonna hug Raian very hard because your afraid I suppose. ( + him being proud because your boobs are stick to him )
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is gonna have the same reaction but will not come to you directly. He is gonna try to make you noticing him first so he can catch you and do a famous SEXY SMIRK + SHOWING ABS at you.
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- awww it’s your turn pretty FacePalm guy
- probably at the swimming pool with Saw Paing and some other fighters
- noticed you immediately but didn’t stare because he knows it’s rude
- expects his crush to see him and doesn’t do anything
- finally understand that his Crush saw him but is too intimidated by his group of friends so she is not gonna come to say hello to him ( Bruh they’re so tAll and could kill you a simple flick )
- Gaolang going to the bar alone so you can go to him without being annoyed by his friends
- “ hi there Gaolang”
- is a little surprised by your presence at first but greeted you with a very warm smile
- invite you to take a drink with him ( it’s free for both of you because you’re VIP however he would have paid for you )
- interesting conversation
- talking about Japan in general because both of you are foreigners here ( if you are not then he’ll ask you many thing about Japanese cultures )
- is gonna talk about Thailand and ask about your country too
- you don’t even see the time passes because you two are enjoying yourself at the bar
- probably being interrupted by Saw Paing screaming somewhere so Gaolang has to go to stop his friend
- before leaving you he’ll give you a small cute smile meaning I’m coming back
- after stopping Saw Paing from terrorizing everyone he would come back to you and offer you to walk next to the sea while chatting
- You’re not crazy and you ACCEPTED IT OF COURSE
- after a long walk full of laught ( and romantical tension ) he would just says : I found you very pretty Y/n.
- you didn’t expected that ans you didn’t respond right now which made him feel anxious poor baby
- is finally reassured when you thanked him and is probably blushing
- will make sure you’re back to your hotel room safe and may even ask you for another date later in the week.
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is the type that would observe you from afar before maybe I said maybe try to talk to you if he got the occasion.
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- do I really have to make this one ?
- Screams the second he saw you
- you being scared at first but once you noticed that it was Saw Paing you felt reassured in a way.
- SHOWER OF COMPLIMENTS your ego is fucking boosted to the level 100 easily
- has no shame
- will drag you to the beach with him because a lot of people were glaring at you two and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
- take your hands h24 to drag you somewhere
- you two planned to surf, I mean you wanted him to teach you a little ( sounds like a Date Bruh just imagine )
- really want to help you and is very tender in a way with you like he helps you with your position and all by gently touching you.
- in his head he really wanna get close to you only by helping you and not really By hitting on you like others guys ( what a cutie )
- cute nicknames game between you two
- sees you as the perfect teammate
- compliments, compliments, compliments and ALSO COMPLIMENTS
- your Surf class will end up with you two playing in the water like children
- he is very energetic but doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you so he is more calm in a way but still SCREAMING
- “ I Really Had Fun Today Y/n lets doit again !”
- him wanting you to meet Gaolang for sure ( or if you two met because of him, I’ll like the three of you to spend more time together )
- secretly stare at your Ass and legs sometimes
- May threaten you to throw you into the ocean if you don’t give him little kiss for the lesson maybe
- having many fighters shipping you two together
- probably you two eating snack together at the end of the day
- he is clearly proud to be seen with you for some reason
⭐️ If he didn’t know you and just saw you at the swimming pool, I feel like he would compliment you from afar but SAW PAING BEING SAW PAING you would notice him immediately because he is so fuckin loud and give him a cute smile.
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lilham18 · 5 years
Kengan Spoilers
So following my last post here is the "maybe" for Part 2 of Kengan Ashura. Starting with Match #8 Sekibayashi Jun vs. Kiozan Takeru. I'd imagine from part 1, Netflix will make each match an episode each.
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If you loved this airheaded, directionally challenged lady...forget it. Sad to say it's a character that can be skipped like some others I've noticed.
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As for others scenes/characters that can be skipped for Kiozan' s background. Netflix will probably not use Kiozan's personal training or his brothers because his character can be simplified as a young rebellious hot-tempered sumo wrestler. Also a short scene of Koizan's "sumo" history. Not saying Kiozan was not an important character but Sekibayashi is popular and will have more focus on his background.
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As for this charismatic tree-trunk I hope Netflix does his background perfectly, including both role models in pro-wrestling. However if Netflix had to summarize it, they'd probably use Kurachi Karugo to define pro-wrestling.
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As for what will happen on the sidelines during the match, you can count on Wakatsuki (that handsome veteran) to commentary the fight. Sadly for the whole season, Adam will not be Cosmo's nurse. And as for Cosmo's manager telling him to learn from the fight, maybe?
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Kono Haruo being Sekibayashi student will happen because it shows how awesome and strong he is before the match.
Sorry this did not include fight scenes, I want to keep this unspoiled as possible. This will pretty much what my other reviews will be before release. Next match #9 Yoroizuka Saw Paing vs. Karo Yoshinari
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Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat...
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🥇It took Gaolang exactly 2.3 seconds of looking away from the King, when on a leisure trip through the kingdom - And King Rama was already chatting with some girl who seemed to be fangirling over him and how pretty he was.
🥇No doubt, a foreigner.
🥇This girl had a friend, who looked completely horrified at her friend's action, calling her rude and trying to drag her away (and failing), all while apologising profusely, to the point that she might drop to the floor and beg forgiveness.
🥇The duality of two friends.
🥇At least they didn't seem to have any kind of hostility... Unless you count the girl's thirstiness a hostility, in which case, he'll have to act.
🥇But King Rama seemed to be amused by their antics, and even looked at Gaolang and pointed out how they compliment each other in a similar way he and Saw Paing do.
🥇Gaolang cringed all the way across the globe.
🥇Worse - The fangirl proposed a double date, and although both you and Gaolang simultaneously yelled 'No!', the King agreed, for multiple reasons.
🥇One of them, the pretext that he wanted to show the two of you the Thai culture.
🥇The other... That Gaolang should go out and date more.
🥇Your friend agreed and said the same thing about you.
🥇You and Gaolang were silently sulking the entire time, completely unaware of what to even say. It wasn't that either of you was anti-social, but the situation as a whole was so rushed and uncomfortable, that all became a blur.
🥇Not that it was a problem for either the King or your friend who chatted up a storm.
🥇But then, something from the two's conversation catches the attention of the bodyguard, which although surprises him, also makes him smile.
"Y/N recognised him! She's obsessed with that MMA shit, of course she'd know the most famous karate fighter--"
"BOXING!" you corrected her harshly, only to realise you were in from of two strangers and you slapped a hand over your face in embarrassment and quickly apologised.
But your flustered and apologetic expression was so cute that Gaolang's heart melted and he started a conversation about your hobbies and what aspects of fighting sports do you like - Conversation that eclipsed the other two's easily, and made the time flash so fast that you didn't feel the hours passing by.
That night, you didn't sleep at the hotel, but at the King's palace, much to your dismay. You were pretty sure Rama and your friend had a hot night though, good for her.
You, however, didn't want to go sleep, so you wandered around the fantastic gardens - So many flowers, so many different trees, and the artisan fountain - Everything could be described with superlative words.
"Are you searching for my training spot?" the familiar voice of the boxer scared you half to death.
"G-Gaolang. Hi. Uh... N-No." you took a deep breath to get over your startling. "I... Didn't feel comfortable sleeping in a palace. It's beautiful and grand and all... But it's not for some ordinary person like me. And since this place has such a beautiful garden, I thought I'd explore and admire the place. It's not every day you get the opportunity to travel..." you found yourself letting out and amused breath. "Let alone being invited in a palace by the King himself... And meeting the Thai God of War himself."
"You flatter me." he muttered, seeing that you weren't being serious.
"Sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable... I mean, more than I did with this whole situation. I tried to stop her from approaching, but she's surprisingly much stronger than I gave her credit." he let out a small chuckle, guiding you forward.
"It's fine. I can show you around the garden if you want." of course, you agreed.
The first place he took you to was his training ground - It was mostly empty, save for a pole. He told you that he mostly comes here to meditate and clear his mind, and only occasionally works out here. He loves the nature and finds himself connected with it to the point of achieving a certain kind of peace that he can't find anywhere else.
Hearing that, you got excited, as you were the same - You always tried to find some time to take a walk through the forest around your home, or at least to the park - Though, going to the mountains or by the sea, in a place with as few people as possible, and just listening to the music of the world made you feel tranquil as nothing else.
The whole night, the two of you spent it on the grass, watching the stars and chatting about thing - Mainly, he'd tell you things about Thai culture, and in turn, you'd tell him of your own country. You haven't had such lovely company before, and it was surprising that you felt so at ease and comfortable with a complete stranger.
Though you must have nodded off a little at some point, he made sure your head was resting on his shoulder, and you were leaning on him comfortably.
The next day, though a bit tired, the two of you went to have some breakfast and a stroll through the city - Here and there, Gaolang would tell you little tid bits about every little store, and every random thing that he knows of decorations, statues and what not.
But as much as you enjoyed his company so much for days, you soon had to return to your home, which made your heart shatter. Though you were a bit homesick, you wanted to hangout with Gaolang more.
You thought this was the last time you'd see him - Only for him to ask for your phone number - It was a promise of reunion.
"Text me when you get home safe."
Your heart melted.
"Spending time with you was a great experience. I hope we'll see each other again."
Attached to that was a PDF with two plane tickets and two VIP tickets for the whole boxing championship WBC that was being held, coincidentally, in Bangkok.
🥇You were so excited that you could barely hold your excitement - You and your friend took a holiday from work and flew over... Though your friend would eventually remain with the King in the palace.
🥇Gaolang gave you the option of staying at his apartment for the duration of your stay, so that you wouldn't spend so much money on accommodation - All that while also apologising for sounding ungentlemanly - But you agreed, of course.
🥇No money wasted, and more, you get to spend day in and day out with your new favourite person? How could you refuse?
🥇He came to pick you and your friend from the airport, and first let your friend by the palace, then showed you his apartment, in this incredibly tall sky-scraper glass building.
"This -- This is beautiful! Did you get it like this, or did you decorate it yourself?" Gaolang smiled at you, seeing as you like his apartment. It was minimalistic, with soothing tones of white and light blue, but here and there, some Traditional Thai trinkets, statuettes and paintings were gracing the place.
"It's all my style. I had it done from the scratch." he informed, carrying your luggage in your room, watching from the corner of his eye as you danced around the place and admired every piece of decoration.
"You have fantastic taste. My home is a lot smaller than this, but it has similar colour scheme. Thought it's not white 'cause it gets dirty so easily and it turns yellow... I don't really have the time to clean everything every day. And instead of light blue, I have a specific shade of aquamarine." he could see how much you love your home by the way you talked about it. "Oh! Look at this - It's so beautiful... These colours are out of this world." Gaolang looked back to see what had captivated you so much - And it was a traditional painting of a peacock, that had gold used as paint for parts of the feathers.
"I have a peacock painting back home too. It's almost as big as the wall it's put on. But its colours are more... Watercolour based. They're very soft. But... This is the opposite, with bold, vivid colours, and it still maintains its beauty and grace."
"It represents beauty, wisdom, openness and purity in our culture. We generally value rich colours. The blue is a peacock's main colour - In Buddhism, it represents knowledge, as well as love, kindness and peace." Gaolang was happy to see someone genuinely interested in random tidbits - And he loves speaking of his country and culture more than anything in this world.
"Oh, really? Blue is my favourite colour. It feels so calm and peaceful. No wonder it has such lovely symbolism." he hummed in agreement. "Actually - I was wondering. Since you're so into symbolism, do the colours of your outfits when fighting mean something? I always see you in yellow and black and ---..." you suddenly stopped, slapping a hand over your mouth. "And I sound like a stalker fangirl again, please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"Don't worry, you're not. Nobody asked me that before - People usually don't care about things like that, they just focus on the fighting, and I can't blame them for that. That's why they go to a match, after all." he invited you to the living room and came over with a beautiful coffee set and poured so elegantly that it almost fascinated you. "Yellow is a colour that transforms Pride into wisdom and uniformity. It reminds me not to get vain, despite the power of my right fist with which the Gods have blessed me with. That's why I generally gave up on public sports and became King Rama's bodyguard." though you might not have noticed it yourself,
Gaolang saw the sparkles in your eyes, pure admiration, at the way he was speaking so humbly. He was gratified and honoured. "Black has more meanings. One of them is that it brings a certain power when contrasting the gold, and it's used to show the unmatched power of deities... But it is also used to transform hatred and ignorance into clarity and truth."
"I've never heard of these meanings for colours, I'm fascinated. I could listen to you speaking all day and not get tired." that smile of yours was so genuine and sweet, that it encouraged him to speak more - That is until a weird guy spidered his way for tens of floors... Outside... And he was glued to the window.
🥇Gaolang's day was ruined. He wanted to let that dumbass fall to his death... To end this idiocy forever...
🥇But ultimately, he got up and opened the window, allow the idiot to get inside... And screech his name so hard that he feared the glass might shatter... For the whole building. It also startled you enough to flinch - This weirdo, with his weirdo grin and excessively loud voice was challenging the Thai to a fight.
🥇The look on Gaolang's face screamed murder. It was actually hilarious to watch them interact - And now you realised what the King meant when he mentioned his friend and how different he was. This must be Saw Paing, the eternal rival... And pain in the ass.
🥇From that day forward, Saw Paing would appear randomly, out of nowhere, and end up trailing behind you and Gaolang like a lost puppy, much to the boxer's complete dismay.
🥇Even on a date, he can't get rid of this guy - He almost expected him to appear from inside the soup!
🥇You even spotted him barging into the bathroom while Gaolang was showering - That was uncanny to watch.
🥇That is how you ended up gathering the courage to come up with different excuses to drive him away, when you wanted to spend time with your favourite person.
🥇Gaolang is at the Palace. Gaolang is running an errand. Gaolang is doing groceries. Gaolang is taking piloting lessons. Gaolang is praying at the temple.
🥇Gaolang is balancing the TV antenna on top of the building to get some signal.
🥇No matter how ridiculous it was, it somehow made Saw Paing calm down immediately leave the apartment, much to your relief. And Gaolang's too, as he was hiding.
🥇You started teasing the poor man, but quickly stopped when you saw how miserable it made him.
🥇The King made fun of Gaolang for adopting a puppy with his new lover - It was a painful joke to hear.
"So... Not to sound shallow, but I always had this... Maybe not criticism, but maybe... Curiosity." you sit on a comfortable chair near the railing from where you were watching the Boxing finale with Gaolang. "I like watching public sports... But I don't like the restraints. I get why they're important, but I want to see something with no rules, just an all-in fight until someone gets knocked out. I first started watching Boxing with dad when I was little. It was really fascinating... Eventually, I started watching compilations on Youtube, and... Of course, Muhammad Ali is a God, even compared to people now. Actually - I'd have liked to see you fight him." you smiled at him - And he nodded.
"It would have been an honour to face the great Muhammad Ali in a boxing ring, I agree." he acknowledges the match up with a smile.
"So, in a real fight, where anything goes... Won't Boxing be at a slight disadvantage? So - I found out about Muay Thai. Punches, elbows, knees, feet - It looked like a style where anything went... But soon, I realised, that this style is focusing a lot of the kicks, and not enough on the punches, right? So, my idea was - What if you combine these two styles? Will you get the ultimate fighting style?" Gaolang looked at you in surprise. Though his thinking was slightly backwards, having started as a Muay Thai champion and only then focusing on Boxing, the main idea was the same.
"Was that how you found out about me?" you nodded.
"Sort of. It's not difficult to stumble upon the name of world-renowned champions in any kind of subject. The internet is filled with that. I didn't actively search you. Instead, I was looking up some details about the WBC streaming, and a picture of you came up - Gaolang Wongsawat, the Thai God of War - Or something like that. It got me curious if you had any experience in your own country's national sport." you explained lightly.
"And I did." he nodded.
"You must be a beast when it comes to real fighting, considering you've combined these two styles and perfected them. I'd love to watch you fight." Gaolang blushed slightly - He agreed with that notion - Real fighting, like a real warrior, as opposed to an entertainer for a TV-streamed public sport. He didn't look down on the UFC champions and what not... But the real deal fighting always happened in the underground.
"If the opportunity arises, I'll have you cheering for me."
🥇And he did, as soon as he entered in the Kengan Tournament.
🥇You'd cling to his arm the whole time, listening to his fighting commentary through every match - It was fascinating how much knowledge he had, even of styles that he wasn't into.
🥇But you weren't a newbie either, so you surprised him with your own trivia and proper knowledge, which impressed him.
🥇You'd massage his shoulders and neck before a fight, and though it flustered him a bit, feeling your hands touching and trailing against his bare skin, he ultimately appreciated it... And wanted more.
🥇You also helped him put on his boxing coat - And he realised that he wanted you there for him for every Boxing match he had.
🥇And bring him water.
🥇And literally just stay there and look up at him with that angelic face of yours, and encourage him, even though he didn't need it.
🥇His fight against Kaneda gave him a revelation, and a proper friendship with that guy, and he started hanging out with the two of you quite often.
🥇Would also often speak to you of Kaneda's wisdom and drive to become stronger, something that everyone should aspire to become.
🥇It was also a reminder for him not to step into the succumbing darkness of vanity in which he'd often find himself in, when he automatically underestimates his opponent and thinks him lesser.
🥇He got humbled quickly in his fight against the Fang though - It was, by far, the most fascinating match from the whole tournament to that point, and even though Gaolang lost, you were grateful to have been a witness to it.
🥇You comforted and congratulated him for his fight, and though he was ashamed for his loss... He was clearly pumped up and proud of himself - He had a completely positive outlook on the situation.
🥇Even though you were freaking out when you tried to massage his right hand and realised that he wasn't feeling it at all, and it was very much shattered.
🥇You were so visibly afraid that he wouldn't be able to fight as he wished anymore, that he used that limp hand of his to cup your face, and he pulled you into a sweet kiss, smiling so tenderly at you that you froze and got flustered.
🥇But then he placed his forehead against yours, holding your face dearly, and thanking you for caring so much about him, his well-being and his feelings.
🥇It was easier to get through all the difficult times, if you were there, by his side, holding his hand and smiling at him so lovingly.
🥇You were also there to calm his anger down after his fight and complete disappointment at Saw Paing's giving up discourse.
🥇How DARE he give up? Pathetic.
🥇You're there with him during the coup d'etat, and you're afraid because every enemy has weapons and wants to kill the weaponless fighters - But your fear is that Gaolang's hand might really be put out of function if he tries to fight.
🥇So when the spear-guy leapt forward to fight the Thai who was the self-appointed protector of you, Kaneda and Cosmo - You took advantage of the enemy's attention being set on the boxer and grabbed the spear's long, wood handle and hit it hard against your knee, breaking it and taking the blade-half into your hand, threatening the enemy with a smug expression on your face.
🥇The greatest challenge is met when you underestimate your opponent - Or if you don't even consider them an opponent to begin with.
🥇Thankfully, the Chairman's bodyguards and whatever other assassin bunch he had came by to defeat the other enemies, so Gaolang's right hand was saved!
🥇It was also then that you confessed to him that you actually did know some martial arts, more or less because you wanted to find a fun way to workout, and kick-boxing videos were super cool to follow - Especially with music blasting in your ears.
🥇Also, because you were so interested in different kinds of fighting styles that you studied techniques and tried to apply them in real world - Punches, kicks, jabs... Though there wasn't much you could do without a proper instructor and a poor victim to practice on.
🥇Impressed, Gaolang said he'd teach you, although he wouldn't actually do anything to hurt you - He knows his power, so not even as a joke would he tried to even throw a feint at you.
🥇You can practice on him all you want, he doesn't mind - In fact, he probably won't even feel your hits.
🥇He's incredibly encouraging of you, and he wants to help you have a healthy life style (even if you already have one) - By this point, you may or may not have moved in together already, so it's much easier to do things together, like going grocery shopping (and watching him haggle with the sellers) and even better - Watching him cook.
🥇If you thought he was beautiful fighting, he was even more beautiful doing domestic things, cooking being your favourite probably.
🥇He also randomly finds himself humming or singing under his breath... It's usually his national anthem, or traditional songs, but his voice is beautiful, so you don't mind - The mere fact that you can hear him sing is enough to make you happy.
🥇But when you go to karaoke together, his friends all groan when it's his turn and he sings the Anthem. Again. For the hundredth time.
🥇Moving in with Gaolang also means moving in with Saw Paing, unfortunately.
🥇Yes, he becomes a good friend of yours, and at least he actually agrees to properly fight you so you can train -
🥇But he ended up barging in on the two of you trying to get intimate. Multiple times.
🥇At this point, you're surprised the Burmese is still alive.
🥇You, yourself, ended up leaping on him and strangling him, more than one time, when he scared you after getting out of the bathroom, after having taken a bath and walking out in a bathrobe only.
🥇You asked Gaolang if Saw Paing was secretly a ninja, otherwise you can't explain how he ends up in your house like that.
🥇But when you actually do get to be intimate with Gaolang, everything is beyond perfect.
🥇He's the perfect man.
🥇Imagine - Dim lights and soothing fragrances from candles, soft, romantic songs playing in the background, flowers, a romantic dinner and sooo many compliments.
🥇Small, sweet kisses that gradually turn more passionate, lingering caresses, embraces, confessions and so much worship.
🥇Everything he does to you, and especially the closeness of your bodies flushed against each other, suffocates you with the most tender love there is.
🥇Your intimate nights together aren't often, as you're both very busy people, and usually, cuddling together until you fall asleep is the most satisfying way of ending a tiresome day.
🥇He's a fantastic listener and an even better advice-giver, so if you ever need to vent out or you have a problem, he'll hug you and say "We'll solve it together."
🥇He took you with him to the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament and had you watching from the fighter's room - But immediately regretted it when you had to witness the complete shit show that all the others made, 'trying' to choose who'd go first.
🥇It was you who looked at him and convinced him to go, sure that he'd win and boost the morale and confidence of your side.
🥇He put his forehead to his - Your special, intimate gesture - You needn't say anything, as it was the only 'I love you' you both needed.
🥇Through his whole fight he heard only his name being chanted by your sweet, angel voice... And shockingly enough, Saw Paing's gritting one also.
🥇What the hell possessed him to bring a large flag with his name printed on it, and just wag it around?! The fisherman also had a flag... What a shit show.
🥇Gaolang was happy.
🥇He was motivated even more to win, and he dominated the whole second half of his match, and when he delivered the finishing blow to his legendary opponent---
🥇He lost by ring-out.
🥇He wanted to bash his head against the nearest wall to the point he wouldn't wake up anymore from the shame and disappointment he was feeling.
🥇Not only once, but twice now, he lost in a Kengan match.
🥇This wasn't only a humbling experience, but a humiliating and soul-shattering one, to the point that not even your embrace or comforting could stop him from hiding his face by keeping a towel in his head.
🥇Even though Tokita and Kano praised him for being the true winner, it meant nothing.
"HA! ALL THAT FAME - AND FOR WHAT?! THAT GUY IS THE SHITTIEST FIGHTER I'VE EVER SEEN! THIS IS THE UNDERGROUND, NOT SOME WEAK-ASS TV SPORT! YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE BITCH!" though it was the side of Kengan that had to choose first who to send for the next match, a Purgatory jerk was already in the ring, shaming the poor boxer.
🥇In a split second, you were dressed in shorts and a crop top, your cute dress discarded on the ground, and the Kengan fighters watched in disbelief as you punched Lihito out of your way and nonchalantly walked towards the ring, all whilst putting on Gaolang's boxer coat.
🥇Your name being screamed with distress fell on deaf ears, as well as any mock or taunt from your cocky opponent.
🥇Gaolang stared with wide eyes and sheer horror at the fight happening before his eyes - But he also wondered, how the actual F U C K could you fight so well?!
🥇Never mind, he recognises some of that Burmese idiot's moves - God damn it, Yoroizuka Saw Paing, you're dead.
🥇He jolted to his feet immediately once he heard you speak in the ring, after you delivered your first countdown worthy punch.
"You dare tarnish Gaolang's legacy and speak ill of his strength, yet you were knocked to the ground by a woman who has nothing to do with fighting. If anything, you're, by far, Purgatory's biggest pathetic disappointment." since when were you so shady?! And what's with that harsh, cold glare?!
🥇You were the sweetest, softest, most tender angel - His beloved sweet girlfriend...
🥇Ngl he was kinda turned on, especially as you must have been truly angry that someone insulted him, to the point that you went headstrong into a fight like that. Reckless! As! Hell! But so hot.
🥇The whole place either remained breathless or erupted into loud cheer as you finished the match by delivering Gaolang's own Flash and uppercut the idiot right in the chin, knocking him out.
"You made fun of Gaolang and his right fist... Yet in the end... You were defeated by someone dressed as him, using his most famous move, performed with a right fist." you glared down at your fallen opponent, wiping the blood from your face with your forearm, making Gaolang's head spin. "If all Purgatory fighters are like you... No wonder you need to rely on ring-outs and countdowns. You're fucked." you scoffed, walking back to the Kengan fighters - With that cocky fighter smirk on your face.
You don't even get to hear those guys praising your clean win as you're pulled into a deep kiss by the Thai boxer who didn't want to let go of you.
"Don't do that again, please. You scared me into an early grave." your only flashed him that sweet, innocent smile of his.
Marry me.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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Chapter 23 - The Connector
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"Ohhh, that's so awesome! Really?" Ohma's eyes widened a little, watching his wife, upside down on the couch, her long hair sweeping the floor as she giggled on the phone. "Even the Russian Mafia joined? No way! Ha, that's so cool!" it must have been Inaba she was talking to, otherwise she wouldn't be giggling and gossiping like that. "And you've got the Brazilians too? The Portuguese? The Yakuza also? And a lot of cults and political factions too? The Worm's gonna get annihilated in no time, amazing!" she's been talking on the phone for at least an hour - On face cam, no less. Ohma couldn't hear anything they were saying on the TV. "Oh, okay, okay - Go say Hi to Uri from me! See ya, Sadako-chan!" finally, Kisara closed the phone after nicknaming the Black Phantom after the ghost girl from The Ring. Very smart.
"You talked through the entirety of the film. Film that YOU wanted me to see." Ohma grumbled, playfully glaring at her. "Well, yeah, I did - But! Inaba told be about their meeting with the big powers and how their Anti-Worm alliance went. I have to call Raian and see what he knows also, but all in due time. The Kure clan is pretty busy lately." the man rolled his eyes, snatching Kisara into his arms and taking the phone away from her. "Shut up and replay the movie from the beginning." the girl giggled, doing just that before relaxing in his embrace. "Say, have you heart anything of Koga lately?" Ohma hummed in affirmation. "Yeah, he's with Kano and Rolon, training. On a trip with the Purgatory chairman or something." "Oh, is that so? Maybe we should go on vacation soon, how's that sound?" Kisara grinned up at him. "We just returned two days ago, you disaster woman." he ruffled her hair, amused. "Nothing's to say we can't have fun whenever we want. Not like there's anything holding us back, anyway."
True, there was nothing holding them back, except a lowkey duty to destroy the Worm, if the time arose. With a well-planned scheme and lots of people involved, Inaba and Himuro found Xia Ji, the one who brought Ohma's cloned heart to save him, and tried to subdue him; They failed. With the aid of Medicine Man's tracking device, Akoya and Ryuki found him and tried to take him down - They, too, failed, but Ohma was there to make a deal with the Chinese leader. If he doesn't run away, he won't hurt him - Otherwise, he won't be able to move ever again. Tokita guided Xia Ji to a warehouse, where not only those who tracked him down were waiting, but the Heavenly Wolves also, but Kisara and, of course, the main fighter, Narushima Koga who was waiting for his rematch after what happened months ago when Ji and his gang almost killed him and Yamashita Kazuo. Were it not for Ohma and Raian, they'd have been minced meat.
If Ji wins, he gets to walk away without anyone trailing him. This was Koga's closure, and Xia Ji seemed to want to fight him also, under who knows what pretext. He looked desperate enough, and bloody and bruised to the core - Yet his pride, most of all, was destroyed. Just as expected, the enemy pulled out weapons, but it took no time for the youngster to beat punch him away, throwing away any said blade. Punch after punch, Koga kept beating the feral man down, until he god up, more desperate than ever, and like a spiky wolverine, he began attacking with a ridiculous amount of force, almost reminding Kisara of Wakatsuki's punched. Hold up - With how easily he gets up, and his weirdly ferocious punches... Could he also have a milder Superman Syndrome? What a joke. Every word out of his mouth is a lie, and every deed is an act, yet in all honesty, Kisara and Ohma agreed to one thing, watching the fight - He's stronger than Koga is at the moment. Those martial art skills were truly wasted on that rat man.
Every time Koga knocked him out, Xia Ji got angrier, spewing shit about being the ruler of the underworld and that he'll destroy everything - Was he connected to the head of the Worm, then? Did he have all his power taken away from him? That wasn't the behaviour of a leader, he was far too emotional and distraught, not to mention, a complete and pathetic failure. He appeared dangerous, practicing some techniques from Chinese Wushu schools, turning his whole body into a whip, concentrating his strength into his fingers so that he may inflict the maximum amount on damage at a rapid pace - Even so, Koga had the upper hand, chopping at his wind pipe, punching away the weapon he tried to use as a trump card, and using his Crescent Moon Kick as a finisher, Xia Ji was on the ground, groveling pathetically, begging for mercy though contradicting himself - Saying he won't kill anyone, but in the same breath, denying the worth of the dead.
Finally, Ohma stepped in, stopping Koga from killing Ji, and letting him go - A debt, repaid in full. A mercy undeserved. But if he ever shows his face again, Ohma will kill him himself. Nikaido Ren mentioned that, although they had orders to eliminate Xia Ji, they have been revoked - Ji was no longer affiliated with the Worm, he has no power anymore - Still, they will continue monitoring him every so often.
Since then, Koga continued to train with Ohma and the others, preparing for the Berserker Bowl that will be taking place soon enough. They've got some big names getting to fight in the Kengan x Purgatory joint project tournament, including Cosmo and Saw Paing, but also, some of the so-called supernovas. As soon as Kisara heard Rihito's going to enter the tournament, she cringed, calling Yamashita Kazuo about entering. She would rather die than allow that idiot the chance of winning. He had enough luck to get the easiest matches and find his way to the top. She was gonna crush that hope.
"You're kidding." Ohma looked at her, incredulous. "I never knew you were so petty." "That's an understatement, love." Kisara's smile was poisoned like Snow White's apple. "I've been hating that guy even more with each time he hit on me like the disgusting pervert that he is." Ohma huffed, amused. "Alright, Your Majesty. Go win that crown."
Though she entered that tournament, she hadn't told anyone, so it was a huge surprise for everyone upon seeing the Queen of the Kengan Matches in one of the eight pools. She only fought twice - A win and a loss, both in high-stakes tournaments - Yet both fights were at least two years apart, it was as though she had retired. Not only that, but she was still the CEO of the Hasashi Company.
Pool A: Furusaki Jinsei, Leonardo Silva, Hong Xiaohu, Albert Hiruma Poo B: Sakuragawa Arata, Yurikawa Taiju, Tsukamoto Seishiro, Imai Cosmo Pool C: Ilyukhin Asimov, Death Crow Jr. , Yuge Tsuyoshi, Rihito Pool D: Mark Myers, Pitali Klitschijo, Kim Jang-Gi, Onoda Ikkai Pool E: Kim Seung-Yuop, Aki Saito, Narushima Koga, Funayama Yoshiki Pool F: Kono Haruo, Himuro Ryo, Luca Tyrant, Adam Dudley Pool G: Hasashi Kisara, Nam Nhat, Sawada Keizaburo, Yoroizuka Saw-Paing Pool H: Gaoh Ryuki, Ushiroda Takero, Chiba Takayuki, Tokeshi Kota
Each entrant will fight one match every two weeks, so a minimum of four weeks to determine which single person from each pool moves on to the championship. What a pain in the ass, Ohma agreed with Kisara's statement. They were used to fighting everything, all at once - This was far too lax a schedule.  Unfortunately, each Pool had fights in different cities, so it was rather a drag. In spite of that, Kisara convinced Ohma to go support Koga, whereas Yamashita Kazuo was in Hokkaido with Ryuki. She was fine with Tsuki-san as her supporter. Her first fight was against Sawada, the fighter using dancing at his core. The red head smirked, knowing she will get an easy win. Coincidentally, just after getting Ohma back, she started taking dancing lessons. Why? Because she noticed her lack of grace, caused by all those manly fighting styles she was using, and how in the world could she be a pretty princess dancing gracefully the bride and groom dance, huh? Clearly, she needed some practice, and what better than to learn those pretty Chinese dances she saw in the Imperial Dramas, alongside with some Wushu schools, to add the cherry on top?
Now, now, Sawada didn't have to see her going all out fighting, he wasn't worth her time, unfortunately, so might as well have a little fun, yes? She fought much scarier opponents before, so this should be a piece of cake.  Confident, Kisara initiated the fight, baiting the opponent with a low palm strike, before dodging a chop with her forearm, followed by a kick attempt. Sawada tried to hit her with some roundhouse kicks, but she easily evaded them, before kicking him in the ankle, to make him lose his balance a little. Just as he tried to lunge at her, she went in for a diaphragm kick, an uppercut, ended by an elbow to the back of the head, and a knee in the face, making him fall backwards painfully. Quickly, he got up, jump-leaping at her with a heel strike, but Kisara ducked, swiftly following close behind and kicking him in the butt; As he was down, she hit his head down to the ground with her heel. Not giving him any time to breathe, she grabbed him up, gracefully twirling with two strikes to his vitals, and another palm to his jaw, and another barrage of well aimed strikes. Finally, Keizaburo used his whirlwind strike, which made the fox girl smirk - As he was rotating her way, she swooped to the ground at the single leg supporting him. As he stumbled, Kisara jump-kicked him to the ground, before doing a backflip, hitting him in the head weird her feet - With a graceful pirouette in the air, she landed gracefully on his head, stomping him into the ground into a perfect K.O., as she did a pretty courtesy for the audience.
Hasashi Kisara won.
As expected.
Still, it almost amused her how they still referred to her by her maiden name. Not that it matter, she was still the one and only Kitsune Queen.
Kisara grinned, jumping up and down like a child in front of Takeshi, gleaming with cheerfulness. "Was I cool, Tsuki-san? Was I? Was I?" The man pat her head, humming in amusement. "Of course you were. I told you, you had a real career as a fighter - Not that it's any of your priorities." he said. "Were you so bored that you entered this low-stakes competition? It's not like you." Kisara's smile turned into a mischievous smirk. "I just didn't want to let that blond idiot, Rihito, win." Takeshi's eyes bulged open in shock, only to start laughing.  "You're ridiculous." he shook his head at her.
The outcome of the first match was as follows: In Pool A, Leonardo Silva and Hong Xiaohu won. In Pool B, Sakuragawa and Cosmo won. Pool C, Rihito won, unfortunately, and the Russian guy too. Pool D, Myers and Kim won. Pool E, Koga and Aki Saito won. Pool F, of course, Adam won, and unfortunately, Haruo won against Himuro, only to forfeit because of an injury - What a pity.  Pool G, Kisara won against Sawada, and Saw won against Nam Nhat. At this rate, she's going to have to fight that hard-headed dumbass puppy. Awful odds for her. Lastly, in Pool H, not only did Chiba win, but shockingly, Ryuki lost.
Two weeks passed by past, and Kisara now had to face none other than Saw Paing - And honestly, what a drag! That guy was as though as it gets, and even crazier than the craziest weirdo in the world! Who the hell could break the ground with their head, anyway? Should she use speed, like Rei? Should she use Aikido? No, most of her Aikido moves involve throwing and head or face hits, that's not going to work on his ironman. Agito's style, maybe? But she'd rather not show everyone her Dragon Shot again, just like in the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament. After two years, people might have forgotten she even knows the Fang's fighting style, so better to use that in the later rounds, and keep diverting now - But Saw was not a person worthy of underestimating, he was incredibly strong, and Kisara feared him. She was sure punching a brick wall hurt less than punching him.
"Haha, sorry, Kisara! Can't believe the first time we meet after your wedding is in the fighting ring!" he laughed, pumped up for the fight. "Forgive me but I'll go all-in with our fight!" "And I promise I'll do the same, Saw!" the girl promised him as they both took their stances.
Saw took his usual Muay Thai stance, whilst Kisara got in a basic Kenpo low stance, hoping she was capable of learning enough Wushu techniques to beat him. Saw charged in, delivering two alternative punches before doing a roundhouse kick to her head and a knee to her jaw, as the height difference permitted, and a kick to her ankle - Though it hurt, Kisara managed to block all attacks, using Indestructible. In retaliation, she got in a crouch, sweeping at his feet and charged with a butterfly twirl kick, only to block again two punches coming her way swiftly. Damn, this man is hella strong, she tsk'ed, aiming a jab move similar to Gaolang's, though she knew very well he knew how to counter it.  She couldn't continue blocking his hits, she would soon get too injured to carry on - She had to get on the aggressive at once. 
She quickly did a high kick, followed by a few feint jabs at his jaw, an elbow to the diaphragm, and a fast donkey kick with both feet, driving him further behind. She rolled to the ground, jumping up and uppercutting him, continuing with a chop to his wind pipe and a quick fall to the ground, scissoring his feet into stumbling away. As he got up, she jumped and heel-kicked him twice before hooking her foot to the back of his neck and slamming him into the ground - She followed by grabbing his wrist and elbow similarly to what Hatsumi taught her, and falling to the ground, she destroyed his joint so he'd have less use in his right arm.
Facing again, Saw continued using even that injured arm, fighting through the pain, and they hit each other with new techniques, either blocking them or baring through the brunt of the jab - Either way, Kisara knew she must not allow him the chance of using the Hammer of Burma, or she was dead meat. She had to hit his windpipe somehow and knock him out, and fast, otherwise she doubts she can win with her force.
In a quick sequence of movements, Saw managed to score a punch to her abdomen, knocking her backwards, following with a few more well aimed hits towards her head, a shin kick and an uppercut with all connected, leaving the woman gritting through the pain. "Damn it, Saw." she wiped the blood from her chin, jumping up, only for the Burmese to spring at her immediately with high kicks and an attempt at grabbing, which thankfully failed - Her Aikido was always going to save her, it seems. She quickly grabbed Saw's wrist, rotating with him to change the flow of the motion before pushing him away so she can get going and finish this quickly. 
Kisara got in a low eagle stance, spring up with two strong palm his to the diaphragm - As she was rotating, she grabbed his other wrist, using her elbow to hit him hard, which she repeated as she faced him again, with an uppercut. Still holding onto his wrist, she dove behind him low, kneeing at his lower spine, swiping back at his feet, dragging him to face her, kicking him in the abdomen and palm-striking him away. Instead of falling back, Saw grabbed tightly onto her arm - He was ready to use the headbutt on him, but he didn't have a good enough grip on her. Before he could charge, Kisara held on his forearm, tripping him and getting to his side before instantly karate chopping at his windpipe, making him fall to the ground - To make sure he would get up, she quickly kicked him in the ribs to roll him on his belly and slammed her knees onto his back, immobilizing his joints again.
Oh, thank fuck, Kisara breathed out in relief, shakily getting up to her feet. Somehow, that fight was worse than the one in the Purgatory. Maybe. Whatever.  She stumbled slightly walking back to Wakatsuki once again, who gently put a towel on her head, wiping away the sweat and blood. "I never want to fight that monster ever again. How did Gaolang keep up with him all these years, anyway?" Kisara groaned dramatically. "Nah, well, I suppose Gaolang is Gaolang. I doubt I could do that every again though. I'm just glad Hatsumi taught me well enough to do cheap, dirty tricks like that." "A win is a win, don't think too much of it. It was a great fight." he handed her back the phone. "And I filmed everything, as promised." "Sweet! I can't wait until Ohma starts picking apart every mistake I made!" she laughed mirthfully, evidently joking. "Hey, Tsuki, let's go grab Cos and go for a drink, yeah?" "Sounds like a plan." the man smiled simply, waiting for her to get showered, get the medical attention required and change to her civilian clothes before leaving the arena.
From Pool A, Leonardo Silva won. Pool B, of course, Cosmo won with no problem. From Pool C, annoyingly enough, Rihito won. In Pool D, only Mark Myers remained to advance further into the competition. Pool E was easily won by Koga and Funayama. The brawl between Himuro and Adam in Pool F was won by the American who trained hard with Kureishi and Cos. Kisara won and advanced further into the competition from Pool G. And Pool H, well... Ryuki won against Chiba after almost assassinating him. Poor man, he might not be a brilliant fighter, but he's doing well enough for himself. They had to do something about Ryuki before he does something irreversible.
Late into the evening when Kisara finally arrived home, Ohma was already there. He seemed pretty content - Had he just finished a sparring session, maybe? Regardless, she made a beeline to change in her sleepingwear and let herself fall on top of him, exhausted after such a long day. "So, what did you think about my fight? Worth writing in the book of records?" "Hell no." Ohma chuckled. "But considering who your opponent was, you did pretty damn well." he praised her.  "Ha! You're getting mellow. It's almost like we're married!" Kisara grinned, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. "So, three more fights, huh?" Ohma hummed. "You really want to win, don't you?" "Oh, I don't care about winning - But losing means getting beaten up to a pulp and getting knocked out. I don't want a reminder of what happened in my fight with Takeshi, y'know? So - By default, I gotta win to avoid pain. That's enough of a motivator for me." Ohma actually chuckled at her hilarious resolve. "That, and I get a rush of dopamine when I beat Rihito." "You're a menace."  "You won't be coming to the drawing ceremony, will you?" she asked, raising her head to kiss him. "Nope." he smirked. "I and Yasuo are gonna watch from the comfort of our home, stuffing our faces with a ton of food." "Yeah, that does sound like you, alright. You're such men, it's unreal." she laughed softly. "Don't worry, I'll write my autograph on your forehead after I win this." "And Her Majesty's ego is bursting through the roof again." Ohma rolled above his wife, trapping her face between his hands.  "Not only that, but this Queen deserves a little bit of royal treatment, don't you think?" she smirked, her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him down into a deep kiss. "So demanding." 
With the tournament beginning, Kisara dressed in her most beautiful green hanfu dress, flowing around her as if she was a Spring Nymph, with her hair filled with flowers. She might not be Chinese, but considering the amount of things she learnt from that culture, from fighting style, dancing, history and what not, to the time she spent learning from Agito in the years they were away; There was nothing more beautiful than the awakening of one's soul and the happiness achieved through enlightening. Or whatever Buddha Gautama said - He's the top guy, he knows best.  Might as well become a princess! Buddha might have renounced his titles and luxuries, but she was far too shallow to let go of her hard-earned possessions. And she liked being pretty! Though she'll have to wipe off her make up before her fight, she wouldn't want to look like a Kiss member after a concert, or a wet, trashy raccoon.
"It's time to begin the draw for the Main Tournament!" Sayaka called out from the stage, next to Alisa. "And now, introducing the Eight Berserkers vying for the top!"
One by one, the champion of each pool walked forward on the stage. Pool A: Leonardo Silva Pool B: Imai Cosmo Pool C: Rihito Pool D: Mark Myers Pool E: Narushima Koga Pool F: Adam Dudley Pool G: Hasashi Kisara Pool H: Gaoh Ryuki Everyone was dressed their best, all of them beautiful and shining - Of course, Kisara, the single woman there, was the most glamorous. If people thought the only woman fighter might have stood out the most, they were wrong. Koga, dressed like a fucking pimp, was the single sore spot on the roster. Poor boy truly needed some female influence in his life. With the draws done, the matches were as followed:
Match 1: Imai Cosmo vs Hasashi Kisara Match 2: Mark Myers vs Rihito Match 3: Narushima Koga vs Leonardo Silva Match 4: Gaoh Ryuki vs Adam Dudley
Finally, everyone could relax and enjoy the banquet at their leisure, for on the morrow, the tournament will be taking place.  Regardless, Kisara had a lot of fun with Cosmo and Adam, taking their sweet time laughing and gossiping, catching up and what not. Koga was at the table with all his other supernova friends, Rihito was flirting as always - But Ryuki was all alone, in a corner. Kisara felt like she should try and comfort him in some way, or maybe encourage him, yet she had no idea what to do, so she continued her own fun. After enough pictures taken to commemorate a lovely evening spent, and a flooded social media, they returned home to rest until the tournament.
The Tournament was taking place in the Purgatory-Owned Coliseum, called "The Core", a hundred meters underground. Unfortunately, Nogi wanted to add the pathetic Ringout rule, so Kisara had to pay extra attention to what she was doing. Before the first match could take place, Kisara quickly paid a visit to the manager who was watching from one of the best stands up in the audience. "Hey, hey!" Kisara smiled brightly, flinging around her arms to play with her long sleeves. Though she couldn't wear a pretty dress anymore, there was nothing to say she can't continue wearing her pretty haori or hanfu coats over her equally pretty gym clothes. Gotta be a fashion icon even while sweating to hell! "Oh, Yamashita Kazuo, you've got a friend! You are so sociable, I envy you!" she grinned, turning her gaze to the man who was drinking canned beer with the old man - He was tall and well built, just like a fighter. He had a calm yet almost apathetic or bored look on his face, and he had his messy blond hair kept in a tail. "My name is Hasashi Kisara - Oh, actually, I suppose Tokita Kisara, considering I got officially married recently." The man looked her straight in the eyes for a few seconds, almost making her feel uncomfortable, before he spoke. "Jackie Lee." he said his name. "It's lovely meeting you, Miss Kisara. Your match is coming up soon, isn't it?" Kisara smiled, as if she was sparkling. "Are you Chinese?" she asked. "Oh? How did you know I am a foreigner?" Jackie tilted his head a little in surprise. "Yamashita-san also guessed well. Is it my accent?" "I'm not sure! It's just - I've gotten acquainted with the language over the past five years or so, and I think it has a certain melodicity that Japanese doesn't have. It's like... Like a honeyed mead caressing your soul. Does that make sense? No, of course it doesn't, that was stupid, forgive me." Jackie smiled at the woman, shaking his head. "Don't apologise. I'll take that as a compliment." he said. "I actually think it's remarkable how you picked it up so easily." "O-Oh, I'm glad you think so!" Kisara smiled cutely, bending a little to his level, only for her eyes to widen a little. "Oh, you have such beautiful eyes! I've never seen anyone with Polycoria before! And your shade is truly unique!" "Ahh, you flatter me, Miss." he smiled friendly. "Can I treat you to anything? I wanted to go get more beer for the two of us." the man asked gracefully. "Oh, no, I couldn't ask that of you!" she stammered quickly, not wanting to inconvenience. "Besides, I have to rush to my match. I hope I'll live up to expectations!" Jackie look at her again, almost as if he was analysing every inch of her body, before he smiled again. "Don't worry, it's on me. Good luck with your match, Miss Kisara." "Xièxiè!" Kisara attempted to thank him in his own language, offering a peace sign before rushing back down to the arena so that she can begin her fight. 
To think, out of all the possible fighters, she had to be pitted against the one she was most afraid of! Well, Adam was rather fearsome also, not to mention, they both trained with Kureishi. But Kisara was good at taking down huge guys like Adam. But people her size, specialised in grappling? She was screwed. Her joints and limbs were weak, and she has a low pain tolerance. If she lets him grapple her and gets a solid hold on her, she's as good as done for.
"Pity the two of us have to fight, huh? Frankly, you're the one who scared me the most - Such luck I get, huh?" Kisara chuckled softly, looking at the confident Cosmo in front of her. "I thought the same, Nee-san." Cos rose his hand for her to shake. "Remember years ago, when you saw my first fight? Remember how I said I wanted to spar with you one day?" "Your dream came true, Cos." she chuckled, shaking his hand. "Let's have fun, yeah?" "Hell yes!"
The two stepped away from each other and took their stances - For the first time, Kisara actually did a stance - Cos saw her fight before, there's no use bothering to play the stanceless non-fighter card anymore... At least, not against him. Kisara was the first to throw a lazy feint kick, getting him on high alert before stepping away. Just like in a UFC fight, they assessed each other's every twitch of the body, only for Cos to quickly need to block a fast kick to his head, followed by a feint jab to his chest. "Damn, you're fast, sis!" Kisara attempted another blow, only for Cos to duck and grab her arm, pulling her towards him so he could side-step behind her and punch the side of her face.  "Not faster than you, it seems." Kisara had a pained smile on her face, stepping away from him and keeping her feet first as Cos kicked at her ankle, but couldn't make her stumble. They had an equal exchange of quick jabs to the face before the boy feinted a jab to her diaphragm before crouching for a low-grab, his hands trying to grip tightly on the back of her thighs, but his had got hold in between her arm and ribs and managed to wrestle him away, leaping backwards. Cos might not be an enemy she's used to, but it was the first time she fights someone close in weight with her - She couldn't believe she could actually fight him, what a revelation. Still, her master plan was to throw him out of the ring - There was no other way around it, and with her Aikido, she might just make that happen.
As Cosmo was doing his footwork, he rushed right in front of her, aiming two straights to her face - Unbeknownst to him, as he was attempting a grab, Kisara fell low to the ground, her arms around his thighs, going for a similar grab as him previously, and as he tried to get out of her grip, she used her weight to throw him to the ground, on his back like a turtle on his shell. She was on her feet, between his legs, trying to land a strike but also guard against his kicks - What a fucking standard UFC moment, she thought, remembering all the fights she saw with Ohma when he taught her how to fight against grappling, her biggest weakness on Earth. She landed a sweeping kick to his thighs, looking down at him, before scaring him with a fake attempt at jumping down on him, as though she was Seki doing a fascinating Pro-Wrestling move. As if!
She jumped again, one leg carefully in front of her so her knee and thigh would get caught between his legs and she could hold all her weight concentrated on her knee, down on his abdomen, while she landed a nice punch to his face, and rolling away to safety. She watched the boy pant, evening his breath, his back slightly hunched on the ground and his legs up - She remembers a Baki episode, when Yujiro Hanma proposed that the invincible move.  But she had the perfect counter.
Kisara waited for Cosmo to kick his legs in retaliation to a feint from her, so she did a cart wheel, grabbing his legs and rolling him with her - But she couldn't get on top of him, for he wrestled away perfectly. Damn grappler king, his reputation preceded him. "I hate grapplers." Kisara breathed out, making the boy grin and jump to his feet, lunging at her with another few strikes - Once again, Kisara forced another grab by kneeling and grabbing at his thighs and waist from the side, similarly to what Agito was doing, and managed to get him on his back again, her torso against hier crossed shins, and she tried to punch him somehow, but he grabbed her arms and hand. They were in a tight lock and struggling for domination by holding tightly onto the joints.  "Where'd you learn to grappler so well?" Cosmo gritted through his teeth as the woman managed to slip from his grip - That sweat was making her slippery. "I have a husband, you know." she grinned at the implication. "The least Ohma can do to be useful is to be a good practice dummy." somehow, she managed to get up and grabbed at his ankle, dragging him around a little, as if to play and taunt him. She was subtly dragging him closer to the edge, whilst also making her unnervingly close. What a gamble. She only bet on people, not on situations like this.
She allowed Cosmo to get up, not wanting to deal with that annoying ground grappling anymore, only to block a few punches with her arm, using Indestructible - But her thigh didn't work as well for that blocking. When he aimed a kick, she grabbed his ankle, throwing herself to the ground, but Cosmo grabbed her head, aiming a hard punch, getting each other in a tight lock and standing up. He landed a painful knee to her diaphragm and a jab to her face, making her gasp, breathless, and be forced to retreat immediately. That hurt like hell. She had to end it immediately.  
With a few steps took forward as if to scare him, Cosmo stepped back before grounding himself steadily on his feet. Cosmo lunged and attempted a punch to her face, but just like before, Kisara ducked and grabbed at his knees, trying to wrestle him down - She got her head in a suffocating headlock and Cosmo kicked her feet, making her fall down to the ground. Immediately he got behind her, his arms around her waist, getting her up, holding her so tight that she feared losing her breath altogether. Her nails were digging desperately into his hands, trying to break free in some way - The line was so fucking close, if only she could... If only...
As she was stumbling around on her feet, feeling her vision blur rapidly, she fell to her knees, her forehead planted on the ground with Cosmo still holding her, kneeling just next to her. This was it. It was do or die - Whether she wins or loses, it's in this last move.  With her last strength, from that uncomfortable position, she got up, clawing at his hand so hard that she managed to snap away the grip of his intertwined hands, and grabbing his wrist, she dove under his arm, tripping him forward and throwing the both of them to the ground, rolling with him like two children and making Cosmo touch outside of the ring.
Cosmo's eyes shot wide open, and he looked down at the bloody grin of the woman underneath him. "Sorry, Cos. It was the only way I could win against you." "I can't believe I forgot about the Ringout. How annoying." despite the disappointment, Cos smiled and offered his hand to help her up. "Five years ago, you ran away from Senpai after getting him to the ground. To think you'd trick me like that - What a Kitsune!" "That's the only thing I'm good at, after all." she chuckled, getting up and hugging the boy.  "You better with this, okay, sis?" they fist bumped, making a promise. "You've got it, Cos!"
She left for the showers and was ready to look for her darling, but for some reason, she found herself returning to the manager. Why, she wasn't quite sure - On the other hand, she knew that multiple rounds were definitely not her thing... Not in fighting, at least. For other things, well - It's not like she's the one doing most of the work to begin with.
By the time she got up the stands, she saw that Koga's uncle, Joji, also joined them in drinking. Those three seemed to be having lots of fun and were getting along well. "Hi, again." she gave a brief wave of her hand, and the trio, as if sharing a single braincell, waved back in unison. Jackie, who was towards the edge, patted the empty seat next to him for the girl to join, before handing her a can of coke. "You fought well. Thought you might need some energy to keep you going." Kisara smiled gratefully at Jackie, sitting next to him and enjoying the cold beverage.  "Thank you, Jackie, you're very sweet. I hope we hang around again someday!" she said. "Somehow, everyone becomes friends with Yamashita Kazuo. It's really cool, right?" Jackie nodded in agreement, handing her a plate of sweets. "Enjoy." "Hey, that's too much! You've already got me so many things, I can't --" but the casual look on his face showed her he wouldn't accept a negative answer, and to leave the formalities. "Fine, fine. I'll treat you to something later then." she said, munching on e pocky stick. Coincidentally, Joji and Jackie did the same thing, at the same time. Were they kindred souls?
She took out her phone, taking a winking selfie with the pocky between her lips and sending it to Ohma, texting him about random things as she listened to the old man telling them that Myers was a serial killer pardoned by Idemitsu from his 3000 year prison sentence. He won over two hundred matches with his physical abilities alone, and just in his third year in Purgatory, did he start learning martial arts. "Oh, come on, I don't want to fight a serial killer. I've had it with that." Kisara groaned, leaning back on her seat. "If I knew Rihito would get the short end of the stick and face off against that guy, I wouldn't have bothered entering the competition." she ruffled her crimson hair, pouting in annoyance. "You seem pretty confident that he's going to win." Jackie pointed out. "Yeah, well - I don't give two cents on Rihito. I firmly believe he's the biggest shame of Kengan." she shrugged, bored, looking at his stupid coat with << I'M A SUPERMAN >> embroidered in the leopard patterned material on his back. "The only reason I entered the tournament was to make sure he doesn't win. I couldn't live with the idea of the biggest loser in the world winning out of sheer, dumb luck." "Fascinating resolve." Jackie looked at her with wide, surprised eyes. "You must mean - Ridiculous. Petty. Stupid." she chuckled playfully. "I know, I know. But what can I do? I guess I was a little bored, that's all." "I don't think that matters. As long as you're having fun and enjoying yourself, I think that's all." Kisara looked at the man and smiled, happy that someone was so understanding of her weirdness. "That's a positive outlook, I love it! Thanks!" she hummed, leaning on the side to clink her coke can to his own beer can.
That Myers guy pumped his muscles up with Indestructible and engaged in a barrage of punches, but nothing he received seemed to affect him. There was no way Rihito's finger slicer were going to affect this though guy, Kisara thought, and the two men next to her were munching aggressively on the chocolate glazed sticks. Rihito seemed to be doing well dodging all hits. He must have realised already that the Indestructible, especially used by a newby, was heavily flawed a technique - The sturdier he was, the more rigid - Rihito was attacking his knees until Myers gave out - And he slashed at his face - Uh, mask - With his Razor's Edge technique, making him bleed heavily, and fall to the ground, needing a medic urgently.
"You canNOT be serious! That was ridiculous!" Kisara groaned, slapping her forehead.  "Look at the bright side. You'll get to defeat him in the semifinal." Jackie pointed out. "Well... Yeah, true, but..." she muttered softly. "But Ohma got a scar from him, you know? It's pretty bad, and it still hurts him, with the change of the weather. I'm a girl, I don't like scars. That guy's a menace to fight." "If you know where to strike, you won't need to worry about that." Jackie said. "You've got a good handle on Aikido and Wushu. Grab his wrist after he tries to slash you and knock him out with a good hit to the face." "Glabella, philtrum and chin." Kisara gasped in realisation, earning a nod from the man. "Jackie, you're a genius! If you're not a fighter already, you should be! You'd be the new star of Kengan!" she grinned, newfound vitality energizing her again. "I'm not that good." he dismissed her claim. "But I'm glad I give off that impression."
Next was Koga's fight against Leonardo Silva, and as expected, Silva lunged first ready for a low grapple, only to miss and get  a hard punch to his face. Instead of stopping him, Silva continued him torso-grapple, throwing him to the ground - Only for him to be forced to let go of the clutch. Good work, Koga. Your Redirection Kata worked wonders. Your hard work and dedication bore fruit, after so long.  Koga tried to punch his with the Ironbreaker, but got redirected, thus had to engage in a rush of hits with his opponent. Parry and counter, parry and counter, until Silva found his hand aching like hell trying to hit Koga's forearm. Once Leonardo stopped countering and began ducking, it was Koga's time to realise that his Adamantine technique expired, and his fist was twitching - He got distracted, allowing himself to get tackled to the ground. The two grappled and wrestled, his head kept in a tight rear naked choke.
The only way for Koga to get out of that hold was to bite down on his arm while breaking it with the Ironbreaker, causing Silva to leap away - His bone was cracked and in agony. Ohma was very proud of his student. Koga used his finisher on Silva before following close behind with a flying knee, and punched his down with Ironbreaker once again.
Koga won.
"He's a wonderful fighter." Jackie said. "That's my nephew. As in, my relative." Joji spoke blankly, while Yamashita was cheering, excited. "You might just be fighting him in the finals if he continued fighting like this." Jackie turned his gaze at Kisara. "I like the confidence you have in me." she teased him. "I wonder if I can beat him. I'm already feeling as if a panzer tank ran me over... Though, I don't think he's doing much better anyway." she chuckled lightly. "Still, he's been training hard every day for the past years. I've just been dancing and traveling." she laughed leisurely. "What's life without some fun, huh?"
As Koga existed the arena, he was met with Ohma who praised his wit and craft, even going as far as to suggest teaching him another move before his match against Ryuki. Hopefully, he won't use it on Kisara though, should they meet in the finals - Though, Ohma has the feeling that his wife could easily defeat Koga, considering she is the most familiar with his Niko style and all the people that helped train the boy. That tricksy little vixen always ended up surprising, one way or another - Though, he was very proud of her ground grappling. His husbandry work was well done. How funny. 
Jackie came over with a whole bag of cans and sweets, wearing the same apathetic look on his face. "Thank you so much, Jackie! You can sure poind these back, can't you?" Yamashita was blushing with glee and a little drunk. "I'm just, how you say... Boozing and Schmoozing, you see?" how could he say that with such a straight face? "Jackie, nobody says that anymore. It's not Hip." Joji informed him seriously. Out of nowhere, Yamashita's other CEO friends, Yoshitake and Ken came over with more booze, just as hammered. "Narushima, that's pretty old-fashioned too! Hey, Kazzy! I brought us some good sake!" Ken chirped. "Oh, my word! Who's that dandy over there~?" Yoshitake flirted with Jackie, most likely. "Kenny! Mr. Yoshitake! Let me introduce you! This guy came all the way from China." Yamashita explained as Jackie bowed to them humbly, telling them his name and everyone started drinking. Only Jackie made sure Kisara had a nice and cold coke to drink, as she had to fight again soon, in the semis. Men and their drinks.
The fight between Ryuki and Adam began soon and Ryuki started swinging in a way similar to that of Agito's Formless stance, and in the blink blink of an eye, he was on the ground, attacking Adam - But unlike his past mindless brawler style from before, he was much better prepared, especially in fighting theory, and he hit with a high stick shot, and many other hits and kicks, even easily managing to evade an eye gouging attempt by throwing himself shoulder-first into Gaoh's pelvis, making him fall down. When Adam tried to kick at his fallen opponent, but Ryuki got in a handstand, kicking him away, getting his ankle caught in a tight grasp and twirling him around like he was a toy, and from the friction with the ground, his back was bleeding heavily. "Ah, damn, I know those moves. That damn Setsuna... No wonder Ryuki's so hell-bent on killing. How frightsome." "You seem to know quite a bit about this." Jackie noted. "Oh, yes, well - I got in quite a scary encounter with the man who taught him these moves, you see. Quite very scary. If it weren't for my husband, I don't know what would have happened. He was rather mentally unstable also." Kisara shuddered softly, remembering that day when Kiryu took her away, saying he wanted to save her or something. "At the end of the day, I'm still a girl, you know? I don't like fighting that much, but I like knowing I am safe even if there's no one protecting me all the time." she smiled softly. "You, men, are something else, you know? Going out of your way to get hurt, and all that, just for some adrenaline rush. It's kinda adorable." "Interesting. You say all that, yet you're going to fight again soon, under the pretext of boredom." Jackie could feel a smile tug at his mouth. "Ah, well - You won't see me fight again. I've had it with tournaments, officially." she declared. "But I can't deny, I like learning all sorts of things. And encouraging my friends. I don't like watching them lose, but I like seeing them win and be happy." "And if they die?" his question rang somber. "Jackie... I don't want to think of death." Kisara shuddered, uncomfortably. "I... My husband died in my arms. I mourned him, almost three years." she spoke softly, looking down with a sad smile. "I thought life ended for me also. Well... In a weird way, I've got someone to thank for saving him. He might be an enemy, but he brought my husband back to me. Xia Ji might be a pathetic rat man who killed hundreds of people, but for that at least, I can thank him." "Xia Ji, huh?" Jackie muttered under his breath. "You heard of him? He looks like a weirdo, and he doesn't take care of his hair. It looks like hay." she chuckled at him. "No, never heard of him." he shrugged carelessly. "At least you are happy." "Yeah, you're right." Kisara smiled at him kindly. "I am happy."
Adam continued to punch and kick Ryuki, easily tanking his hits, and even if they did hit, he wasn't all that shaken up. Adam was so used to Cosmo's speed, Ryuki was in slow-motion for him, hence why it was so easy to predict his moves and kick him to hell, following up with a rush of heavy punches to the face and even a stomp to the belly, and kicked him into rolling to the other side of the ring like a soccer ball again and again. 
Adam didn't beat down a fallen enemy - Instead, he waited until Ryuki stumbled to his feet and tried to block a hit, only for Adam to play with him like a rag doll, slamming him into the ground. When he wasn't looking, Adam got a small Setsuna-like attack on his forearm. The flower of carnage has blossomed, and Ryuki was ready to kill. Ryuki wasn't broken yet - He knew was being beaten to hell meant, he was trained by his grandpa after all, and just like Ohma, he had to almost die, to become this strong and resilient.  The young boy took more and more hits, like a Kamikaze soldier, and before he knew it, Adam's latissimus dormi muscle was completely twisted to hell my Setsuna's Rakshasa's Palm technique - It only left the hockey master lack-luster in his attacks.  Ryuki used his assassin fingers to shrike at Adam's neck, knocking him out - He was in a critical condition and needed emergency care. 
With all the drama from the last fight, the four went down to congratulate Koga on his win, and wish him good luck on the semis - Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, the two friends were in a deep argument, with Ohma hiding behind a wall, motioning for them not to interfere. There was no chance to save Ryuki while he was still under the clutches of Setsuna - Surely, Ohma realised that too, as he comforted the depressed manager.
As soon as Ohma saw Jackie however, he looked weirdly at him. "Have we met?" "No..." Jackie almost seemed to hesitate. "This is my first time talking to you." "I see. Sorry, I must've been mistaken." Ohma shrugged, unbothered. "There are a lot of lookalikes out there." as the old man pointed that out, Kisara felt a weird, uncomfortable pang in her heart, as though there was something odd, not only about Ohma and Ryuki and their cloning, but of the Worms, the Connector and all these coincidences going on. "This is Jackie Lee, Ohma. He's Yamashita Kazuo's and Joji's new friend. He's been getting us drinks and snacks all day. He's really cool!" Kisara skipped to her husband, getting on he tippy toes to steal a kiss, her arms wrapped around his torso. "He even gave me an idea on hos to defeat Rihito without getting injured at all. Girls care about scars, you know?" Ohma nodded, smiling down at his wife. "Glad to hear you're having fun." he said. "The intermission is about done. Isn't it time for your match? Why are you loitering about, you little dumbass bookworm?" "I wanted to see my stupid gym rat for a lucky charm kiss." she smiled innocently at him, before stealing another kiss and rushing towards the prep room to change in her fighting clothes.
"The first match of the Semifinals - The Trickster Kitsune, the Queen of the Kengan Matches, Hasashi Kisara! - Versus, The Superman, Rihito!" Sayaka called out loudly. "And, in the second match, The First Eye, Narushima Koga! - Versus - The Dragon King, Gaoh Ryuki!" she continued, waiting for the chanting and cheering to subside. "All four are powerful fighters, but two will be eliminated! Their chances are half and half! Who will be in, and who will be out?!"
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Chapter 13 - New Rules, New Moves
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Kisara changed into more casual clothes just as she always did whenever she knew some fighting would be involved, mainly, a pair of fashionable and slightly large high-waisted black pants, a cute crop top and her kitsune-patterned haori, with the katana attached ever-permanently at her hip. She instructed Ohma to go outside and train, while she goes to scout around the ballroom and get some food for him when she's done listening to Katahara's announcement.
As soon as she got there, she spotted Agito, of all people, chatting rather friendly with Naoya and Himuro. She couldn't help but chuckle and step over to them, finding out that they were talking about Ultraman and Zetton, the boss monster Okubo compared Agito to. But it seems like the Fang really is out of this world, for he knows just about nothing about real life.
"Agito, do you not know about video games at all?" Kisara asked, getting in front of him, next to the other MMA fighter. "What are those?" that genuine question made both the girl and Naoya gasp in disdain. "How can you not know of video games?!" they yelled in unison, as he simply shrugged. "Kisara, we must teach him about video games, some day! And soon!" she nodded vigorously, their arms crossed over their chest, as if they meant business. "If you don't know about video games... Does it mean that you're not familiar with most of the things that happen outside of Katahara's circle and general fighting?" the stupefying answer was an affirmative nod of his head. "I never needed anything else but to get stronger and protect the Chairman." what a heartbreaking life. "But would you like to experience and see the world with your own eyes, someday?" came the red head's question. "I don't know." he replied simply. "For as long as Chairman Katahara needs me, I cannot leave my spot by his side." it was a shattering explanation, but it made a lot of sense. "I understand... You're very loyal to the Chairman. I can see all the people who work for him trust and respect him a lot." she realised. "Man, but what a sad life. You need a hobby. Next thing, you'll tell us you never watched a movie before!" but the answer was negative. "That's, by far, the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life." Naoya's head was spinning, hearing the Fang being so unaware of the world outside. "Wait, hold up. Hatsumi Senpai said he was a candidate for the spot of The Fang when he was younger. I think 20 years ago, which means you weren't The Fang 20 years ago... And 20 years ago you must have still been a child, or at least, not an adult yet, so that means you weren't as indispensable to Katahara as you are now. So... What about your youth? Have you done nothing fun, or picked a hobby before that time?" Kisara pointed out, remembering the horror with which Hatsumi explained the time he went to Katahara's home after being personally picked as The Fang candidate, but got bored in about two days. "I don't remember much of my childhood, but Chairman Katahara took me in and gave me a proper education from a younger age. I guess I never thought about anything else." he was pretty unbothered by not having knowledge of the fun activities. "Alright, alright, I understand. Well - If you ever want to go travel the world, hit me up. After this tournament is over, I'm planning to go on a complete world tour." she smiled friendly at him. "Thank you for the invitation." he spoke, as formal as ever. "Naoya. Himuro. Better teach Agito about video games and movies in the meantime." the girl gave them a thumbs up, and they gave her a mock military salute, as they started showing various video games on their phones. In a way, she wanted to spend a bit more time with them - Although clueless, Agito was a nice person, and with Naoya and Himuro there, the conversation wasn't awkward in the least - Damn, extroverted, social people. On the other hand, she spotted both Gaolang and Kaneda there, having a jovial chat, and whilst she wanted to congratulate the Thai on his outstanding performance, and hopefully, convince him to teach her a few Muay Thai moves, and hype up the smaller one for inspiring people to get better and better.
"Hey, you guys, how are you after having such a fantastic match?" the girl held a large, encouraging grin on her face. "Ah... Hahaa... Miss Kisara, don't tease me, that was anything but fantastic. Gaolang beat me up without even sweating." Kaneda stuck his tongue out like an awkward little kitten. "No, no, don't say that, you were completely inspirational! If I had heard you four years ago, I'd have started crying. I really needed to hear something like that, and I think more people were moved by your words." she praised the man who grinned shyly. "You're embarrassing me, Miss Kisara, but thank you. I just... Said what I've been feeling my entire life. I was born with a weak body, and during my childhood, I've suffered tons of diseases and surgeries. Ha... I don't really like speaking about it, it's not a manly thing, admitting to your weaknesses... But the point of it all is striving to get better and stronger every day." the man with fox eyes explained, watching the girl nod her head in approval. "Yes, exactly! Four years ago, my Senpai told me the same thing. Four years ago, I was living off of coffee and a light meal per day, buried deep into studying medicine. I was tired all the time, physically, mentally, emotionally, and I always felt so weak and good for nothing. I then got introduced in this whole kengan mess, and my friend introduced me to my senpai, who taught me what it means to be strong and reach out for your dreams." Kaneda's eyes opened, beaming at the girl with wonder and awe - He had actually managed to inspire someone to become better! His heart was swelling with pride! "That's right, Kaneda, you were a true warrior in the battlefield. You, as well as your fighting style and wit, were admirable." Gaolang agreed to the praise given to his opponent. "Enough, you two, you are embarrassing me..." he chuckled, waving his hand dismissively at the two. "I was wondering... You two... Since tomorrow is a free day... But it be okay to ask you to teach me some of your simpler moves?" the girl asked, smiling a bit timidly, seeing as they were looking at her with wide eyes of surprise and mouth slightly agape. "There's a lot of things I can't do, because I don't have the body built for all this... And I'll never have it, anyway. I couldn't possibly become a pro-wrestler or grappler or brawler, you know? Aside for aikido, I don't think there's anything that I can really do, that would put me on an equal line with all of you, guys. But I've been training for four years now, and I've been picking up different moves from different styles, and I've been adapting them to my own capabilities. I want to get better for myself, so that if anything ever happens, there's no doubt I'll get out of whatever predicament I'm thrown into... And I really enjoyed your fight. And I want to start being able to do elbow and knee hits too." she grinned sheepishly, earning a hum of amusement from the Thai. "It would be my honor to teach you, Miss Kisara! Let's meet up tomorrow and practice together, yes? I think it would do you some good for your next match, yes, Gaolang?" Kaneda looked up with glee at the boxer. "Yes, that sounds good. I will need good practice against the strongest man in the underground. He's a worthy foe indeed." he spared a glance towards Agito, who was looking into Naoya's phone, still as confused as before. "I must win, for His Highness..." though Kisara had no time to thank them, for the biggest child in the world appeared like an obnoxious jump-scare out of thin air and wrapped his arms around the two fighters. "GAOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!!! KANEDA SUEKICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! THAT FIRGHT WAS SO AWESOOOOOOOOOME!!! I WAS SOOOOOOOOO MOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!" his scream resounded through the hall room, and whilst Kisara couldn't help but cringe from the ear pain, she knew Kaneda and Gaolang were doing much worse, probably even ruptured eardrums. "Damn. He found me." the Thai grumbled, exasperated. From a little behind, Sayaka cheered happily for Saw Paing, for finding his friend, and another man that sported beautiful red hair just like the fox girl's, and a long side plait that complimented the one Sayaka wore on the other side, put his jacket over her shoulders. He must be Retsudo, Katahara's child that was in charge of the bodyguards or whatever, as Gaolang pointed out. It was the first time she saw him, but he was as beautiful as his sister, despite how different they looked.
As if on cue, Katahara's face appeared on the large screen, booming his announcement with the same jovial voice as always. "Hello, everybody~♪ Are we having fun? You've all been a delight today. Now, I know this is sudden, but I'd like to announce an additional rule. Also, this video is being broadcast across the island. It would be, how you say, 'unfair' if you had information that people who didn't attend the party didn't have." the whole place was mumbling around, flustered at the idea of an additional rule. "Okay, here it goes~♪ From the second round on, you are allowed to substitute your fighter no more than once. You are free to select anyone, so long as you have their consent. The substitution can be made right up until the match begins, so give it a good think. That's all, bye-bye~♪!" the man chirped as the screen closed and everyone was left chattering amongst themselves. What an awful rule. People can scout from the winners, from the losers, from anything, anyone and whatever. Those CEOs out there might need to keep their fighters safe... And vice-versa.
"Stay safe, you guys, and I'll be seeing you tomorrow." with a smile and a peace sign, Kisara went to get a tray and put lots of food on it, before turning to leave the party and go into the forest.  Her mind was on Ohma and how people would try to scout him for being so strong. 
As soon as she found her way around to wherever Ohma was, she saw he was already pretty tired and sweating, and in front of him, a huge boulder had  pretty large craters made by his punches. They were still steaming from the impact. That's remarkable, Kisara thought, as she whistled to the man, who turned around, a frown on his face. "Hey, pretty boy, lookin' good~❤️!" the girl smiled at him, sitting on the ground and urging him to come over and eat. "Not now. Hold up a second. I'm still pissed off at how fuckin' pathetic I was, letting that greased up asshole provoke me into attacking him. Nikos' ghost showed up too and threw me the hell off. I thought that all I wanted was to kill Setsuna... So why did I challenge that son of a bitch? I don't get it... If this keeps up, I'll never..." he kept trailing on, his fists clenched in anger. "You challenged him because, as you told Setsuna, and me, and Yamashita and Kaede... You want to prove to all those arrogant bitches that it's YOU who's the strongest out there. Setsuna doesn't matter, he's just another pawn in the long run. You probably won't even get to fight him in the tournament. But if you end up winning this whole thing, that means you've already defeated him, by default, yes?" she tried to calm him down, but just as she explained that, the man turned around, his eyes wide with shock - His gaze was fixed towards a certain point into the horizon, and he started speaking by himself. Was he seeing Niko again...? "You again? ... That, huh? I guess I haven't done it in a while. Fine. I'll do it if it'll make you get the hell outta my head." he muttered, putting his fingers tips close to each other, creating a sphere-like shape. "Watch closely, Hasashi Kisara. This is Niko style Nil Kata Void. You might learn something." he took a deep breath, and in that instant, it felt as if he had transcendent into another universe and allowed the God of War to possess his body into a stance Kisara was unfamiliar with. He corrected his center of gravity and the angle of his fist, and launched a punch towards the boulder. This time, however, the impact created a crater that took half the radius of the boulder surface. "Wh-What the fuck was that?!" he gasped in complete bewilderment. "THAT WAS FANTASTIC!" Kisara jumped up to her feet, running by his side. "This is almost as big as Takeshi's craters...! Ohma, what was this move, it was amazing!"  "A...Adamantine... Kata...? Ironbreaker...?" he muttered softly, staring in disbelief at his fist - HE did that crater! "Adamantine Kata? The one that you said was lame and useless? You've managed to perfect it in an hour?" she asked, just as in awe as him. "I... Don't know." he muttered, letting his hand fall down by his side. "I saw Niko again. He told me to meditate, just now... And I got a flashback of some of my memories. I didn't even realise I was punching the rock until I actually did. He said... This was how the Adamantine Kata was supposed to go... And that I had to get back my memories to get my real self back." he raised his gaze up towards the punched boulder. "To hell with him. He's always spoken in riddles. I hate him for that." he huffed, shaking his head. "That was fantastic, what do you mean? As soon as you took that that deep breath, it was like you were a complete different person." she explained, placing her hand over his fist. "Do that again." "I see. Fine. Step back, let me try again." just as before, he took a deep breath and took a stance, yet the impact wasn't as strong as before, yet much better than the first time around. "Why didn't it work...?" "Because now, it's you from the present. The big one was made by the past-you possessing your present-you. As soon as you managed to get your past-self in tandem with your present-self, you'll get your mind and body in complete equilibrium and succeed like this." Ohma looked at the girl, and with a scoff, he flicked her forehead. "Niko didn't die for you to take his place and piss me off with those fancy words and riddles of yours." he chuckled, watching the girl clutch her forehead in pain.  "Well, if Niko was alive, he's have slapped you over the head for being a jerk to your girlfriend." she huffed, but was unable to stop the amused smile on her face. "Girlfriend, huh?" the man teased her - It was a slip of the tongue, but Ohma realised, he didn't really mind calling Kisara his girlfriend. At first, it was weird, being in a 'relationship', while he only wanted to get stronger and get revenge. Partner - He liked that. It sounded like Kisara was his partner in crime... But it wasn't as close as 'girlfriend' was. But 'girlfriend' also sounds rather shallow, and 'lover' almost sounded like she was a mistress. All the other nicknames that she uses for him in private, he loves them, but he couldn't possibly call her the same, they're too sappy. So... What is he left with? Just the best. Hasashi Kisara. Her own name. It was beautiful, just like her, and it had a certain ring to it whenever he called her that. He didn't have many people that he'd call by their full name, it was endearing, and only two people ever had that privilege. Yamashita Kazuo and Hasashi Kisara. "Sounds good to me. And does my girlfriend still want to learn that shitty technique, once I get the hang of it?" he asked, letting his arms rest on her shoulders, his face close to hers. "Of course. But first, you have to eat something, at least while it's still pretty warm. And don't rub your sweat all over me, these are good clothes." she smirked, stealing a quick kiss before ducking down from his arms and going back to the spot where she let the food plate on a smaller rock. "That's not what you say at night." he always loved teasing her. "Well, duh. You don't let many clothes stay on." she muttered, rolling her eyes and stealing the fork from his hand, that was holding a veal steak. "You want me to eat, but you steal my food. Little vixen. I'll just end up eating you." he let out a barked chuckle, getting another piece of meat. "And what a shame that would be~❤️" she let out an enigmatic giggle, looking to the side with rosy cheeks. "Still as shy as always, Hasashi Kisara." he shook his head, yet his smile spoke what words couldn't convey. "A'ight, now get up, let's get to work." he jumped up to his feet and extended his hand towards her, helping her stand. "So, what do I do?" Ohma got behind her, taking off her haori and adjusted her stance so she would be clearing out her head the same way he did when meditating. She took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles, the same as when she was meditating under a waterfall. When she felt ready, she was to prepare and punch Ohma's flexed arm. "Not bad. Go again." The point was to achieve a good punch without prior seconds lost on the meditating. "Good. Faster now." and she amped up her speed. "Harder" in detriment of speed, she managed to amplify the strength of the punch. "You got slower. You have to keep up the speed." it wasn't as easy as he always made it look, but it felt good. "Good girl. That's it. Keep it up." more and more and more, Kisara punched away at his arm until it felt sore. "Okay, that's enough for now, you got the hang of it. It's not wall-breaking punch, but it should do the trick, for now." the two let their guard down. "Oh no, now we're going to the blocking, huh?" she smiled wryly. "Don't test THIS technique on me, please. You'll kill me." "I wouldn't go that far with you. Take this stance - Yeah, like that - The point of it is the complete opposite of the meditation Kata. You have to flex up the part that you'll use to block the hit to the point that it's tougher than the hit itself." the girl's eyes bulged with horror. "Doesn't sound as appealing anymore, does it?" "No, not at all. I don't want to end up with broken bones before the tournament end - I still have like three more night to have fun." she chuckled nervously, getting in the stance instructed. "You won't die, chill out. Alright then. I know you can keep up with my speed, to the point is, flex as hard as you can just before the moment of the impact. Understood?" with a nod of understanding, Kisara got ready. "Here it goes." as promised, the punch wasn't enough to kill her, but it threw her balance off.  "Ouch, that hurt." she muttered, rubbing her arm up and down. "Never said it wouldn't. Try to stay on your feet. Let's go again." the two got in a stance, and the girl took a deep breath, readying herself. Ohma made sure to amp his strength up a bit and he punch the girl. This time, though she stumbled a bit, she was able to keep it up. "Go again." it was Kisara this time who urged her partner to go again, and as he did, she managed to plant her feet well enough that she didn't stumble. "Again." another amp up in strength and speed, and she did just as well. "You're doing good. Let's make it better. Get in the stance and flex with a twist. Stay relax, and use your reflexes to pick up when I'm going to strike. Ready?" with a nod, Kisara let her guard down and took a deep breath. "Ready." it always fascinated the man how she could just drop everything she was doing and look so incredibly focused, like a samurai facing an enemy, ready to lash out the decisive strike. Her eyes were unblinking and fixed on his stance, his shoulders, his fist, his torso and each line of his toned muscles were carefully analysed. As expected, she easily predicted the moment he wanted to hit, and stood her ground, guarding perfectly. "Again." this time, she went harder and faster, and she was able to guard again. "Again." instead of a direct hit, he did a feint first - Though the girl immediately inched back, she swung her arm up to guard only when the real hit was initiated. "Good, good. One more time. I won't coddle you. Ready?" though she gulped, Kisara nodded and got in position. Judging from his tensed up body, he wasn't going to mess around with this one. As soon as he struck her arm, she was sent flying to the ground with a grunt. "Gah, that really hurt..." she held her arm, rubbing and clutching onto it. "Maybe it hurt, but you did good. It's almost the same amount of strength I used in my fight against Inaba Ryo." it was a praise in itself hearing Ohma say he used about the same strength as when he fights professionally. "Thanks for the compliment... And the bruise. You really surprised me... But I don't think I could have done any better." she muttered, getting helped to stand. "I've been training my whole life, Hasashi Kisara. You barely have four or less. It better than most weaklings out there who think they're some real deal. Look at Rihito and Kaneda, or that annoying dancing guy with the stupid hair. You'd destroy them in a fight." and if this didn't make her feel better, the fact that he gave her a piggy-back ride back to their room definitely did the trick.
Though, that night, instead of spending the night in their usual room, Yamashita Kazuo informed them that Nogi had them move to a house, away from the center of the island and away from many other people, in fear of having Ohma scouted by the competition. It was a bit weird, and yet, their own room was much bigger than the suite from the hotel, which was amusing, but no one complained. Even the bed was bigger, though the decorum of the room was... Leaning towards a more eccentric side. The suite was much classier, and Kisara liked it a bit better. Hopefully, she won't be losing her way to this new house, just like she did with their apartment suite many times.
That night, Ohma and Kisara were laying on the bed, looking up at the awfully kitsch painted ceiling, and making jokes about this whole place and whoever was the idiot who came up with all the... Surrealistic art, but in more simple words. Though she was pretty inattentive and reveling in the peaceful relaxation of the atmosphere, the Picasso-esque ceiling, her vision was obstructed by a flock of dark seaweed tickling her face. The cocky smirk of her lover was so close to her, that if she bothered she lean up a bit, she could easily steal a kiss. "Hi." she breathed out softly. "I did a good job with your hair, huh?" she reached out her hand to caress her soft ebony hair - It was always so soft after a proper bath. "Small talk's boring, Hasashi Kisara. Why don't you tell me what you see right now?" he was resting in a position that looked very much like a low plank, his forearms on either side of her head, and his body flushed against hers. "I see the same thing that I see every day. You. Only you. All the time." she smiled tenderly at him, her other hand reaching to his back, pulling him closer to her. "I see the strongest man I've ever known. The man that will always be on top. The one who will win this tournament. How's that? Do I still have perfect sight, or do I need some glasses?" she mused, caressing his face. "Good girl." he let out a teasing breath. "Come 'ere, you little vixen." his hands went underneath her torso and he picked her up in a tight hug, his face nuzzling at her neck. His hot breath was making the girl struggle - She was so ticklish that she couldn't hold it together. She was giggling so much that she had no air left in her lungs. "Ohma. Can you promise me something?" as soon as he stopped messing around, Kisara's voice calmed down. He merely let out a grunt that signaled her to continue her question. "Promise me... You will do everything in your power not to disappear. That's all. Don't disappear on me. Go out there, be the best because you are the best... But don't... Don't disappear." her arms coiled around him in a tight hug. "Disappear? Ha. You've been doing great by yourself. You've now got a shit ton of friends. You won't have time to realize that I'm missing." he chuckled, teasing the girl. "But they're not you." she muttered lightly. "Just because I'm doing fine by myself, doesn't mean that I want to be my myself. I was always looking forward to seeing you again, as soon as you'd leave." Kisara's confession was moving, and Ohma couldn't help but lean away from her neck, getting a good look at her face. She was genuine as always.  With a hum of hilarity, he touched his forehead to her and smiled fondly. "You're abusing the fact that you know I'm into you being upfront with your feelings like that."  "That's what I've always bet on." she offered him that sweet, kitten-like smile before putting him into another loving kiss.
The next morning, early on, all the occupants of the lodging sans the manager woke up around late afternoong - After a wonderful breakfast prepared by one of Katahara's bodyguards, a blond with long hair and an eyepatch. His name was Yoshioka as he was assigned to do just about everything the Yamashita co. people wanted.
In the meantime, Kisara got in her light clothing and took off to meet with Gaolang and Kaneda, who were already there, having conversation. With some small talk going, the trio went deep into the forest, away from prying eyes, so they can warm up and get ready to train. The first teacher was Kaneda, and he explained the gist of his Foresight after hearing that the girl has great reflexes and speed, and though the drawback of this ability is that you need to take several blows to be able to understand the opponent's move pattern and create a complete counter-strategy. To practice this, Kaneda had Gaolang face the girl, so he would be the one pointing out what she must do - Of course, the Thai wasn't going to actually fight the girl, just help her understand how to pull the Foresight.
Much to all their surprise, as soon as Gaolang lunged to throw a punch, Kisara side stepped and grabbed him by the fist and wrist, flipping him and slamming him to the ground. "OH -- SHIT, I'M SORRY, THAT WASN'T INTENTIONAL, I'M SO SORRY GAOLANG!!!" she watched the man laying on the ground with a horrified expression, as the men's eyes were wide. The Thai was looking up at the girl with complete disbelief as she quickly crouched to his level, helping him up. "I'm so sorry for that, I really didn't mean to. It became an instinct... Whenever someone tried to hit me, I throw them away." she apologised profusely for the thousandth time. "That was a good throw. You did mention you knew some fighting techniques but I didn't imagine they'd be at this level. I am impressed." he disspelled all her worried and apologies. "Alright, I don't think Miss Kisara needs much training in the Foresight. I'm a practitioner of the Kujin style, and though it's used as a battlefield hand to hand combat style, I adapted it to my own person. What you did was similar to some of my moves, so I was thinking we could try out some of these moves." the smaller man suggested and thus, he got next to her and showed her each of the stances and postures, when and why to use them, and the physics behind them, while using Gaolang again as the opponent, though this time, he was prepared for a potential beating down, so he defended all her counters. "You're doing well. Let's move on." Gaolang nodded at the girl. "Show me your jabs" "I wouldn't say they are my forte, especially if the opponent is considerably more powerful than me. But I have pretty good speed and balance, so I guess that would work in my advantage." the girl explained, watching as the Thai walked next to her and got in his famous stance, before performing the Flash with 15 jabs, in slow motion, breaking down the technique. Kisara was absolutely fascinated, but more than anything, she was shocked that he was actually teaching her his famous signature move. "Gaolang... This is your move. You made this. You perfected this. I couldn't... I couldn't possibly..." she trailed on, only to feel a pat on her head, followed by a soft smile by the man. "Everyone already knows my move, if they wanted to, they could easily learn it themselves. But you came over to me and Kaneda and asked for help, so we're helping you. I see no reason why you would feel you shouldn't be taught these techniques." with his reassuring, Kisara flashed back a matchingly charming smile and tried to mimic his stance, and with a bit of adjusting, she got the gist of it. Little by little, step forward, step forward, a dangling forearm, followed by numerous jabs that, with each try, got faster and faster, until the master was satisfied with her progress, and had her face him. "No Aikido or other techniques. Let's just practice this. I'll go slower so you can pick up easier on the key points and body movements needed for each strike." the man instructed, and getting a few feet in front of the girl. The two got in their stances, with Kaneda watching and initiating the fight, and the first to move was the instructor.
Though he said he would go slow, he was still remarkably fast - Fortunately, he still wasn't as fast as Hatsumi, so she could follow his moves with great ease and retaliate. With her guard up, and her elbows slightly apart, just like she was taught, she looked through the small gap and made sure she blocked all strikes. Though, she left a bigger gap between her elbows on purpose, tempting the Thai to attack just below the neck - And the temptation paid off, for in that instance, she side stepped and elbowed his wrist away, combining the disruption of the fighting flow that Ohma taught her, and the elbow usage that she mastered with Gaolang's help - And she hit an uppercut to his chin, before doing multiple jabs to his abdomen and diaphragm. If she were taller, she'd have punched his face, like all real fighters do, but due to her being about 25 centimeters shorter than him, elongating her arm fully would not only slow her, but also work in her disadvantage. Keeping her arm slightly bent and quick, repeated punches in key-areas was the perfect strategy for her. "That was ruthless. I didn't expect you to pull off something so sneaky. Well done." the man smiled at her, giving the approval for her performance. "I don't have outstanding strength like all of you, so I have to make it up for my weaknesses in some way. I'm sure Kaneda gets what I mean. I already know I have great reflexes and speed, and I know a few techniques by now, I learnt how to read people's body language... So I need something that would give me the edge over anyone trying to fight me. And that is... Being tricky. My friends always called me a vixen for being playful and devious... So I have to come up with different tricks that would fool my opponents somehow. Watching you all fight in the tournament gives me a ton of ideas. If only I knew how to grapple, I would get even better. Cosmo really fascinates me, but I could never be as resilient as him, and I can't hold grips like him." the girl grinned sheepishly, explaining the reason behind her cunning. "People working hard and smart to overcome their weaknesses are the ones that will win it all, in the end. Just don't give up and keep getting better every day." Gaolang nodded in acknowledgement. "I don't know the reason behind you learning how to fight, but whatever it is, it's clearly a very strong motivator. Keep it up, Kisara. We are rooting for you." "Gaolang's right. Even if we weren't friends, I'd still be rooting for you. As someone weak who strives to be strong, I hope you'll reach the level that you want to achieve." with this encouragement from Kaneda, the trio went their own ways. It was already past lunch so Kisara really hoped there was still something left at home... If Ohma didn't eat everything.
And thankfully, there were still enough food laying around, so with her lunch in her belly now, she went to look for her messy haired boyfriend who was wet from head to toe, standing next to a lake nearby. Who knew this island even had lakes. As soon as she spotted him, she sat down by his side, and they stood like that in silence for a while. They stood like that for a while, but it was weird for them not to say anything for so long. 
"Hey, you. You're awfully silent today. Have you trained too hard?" she asked, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I was just enjoying the very few moments of silence." he teased her, putting his arm around her and pulling her to his side. "Funny as always. That means your training is going perfectly." Kisara looked up at him with a smile, and as expected, that confident smirk was gracing his features. "Is it. I should go back to it soon." he muttered under his breath.  "If I were a fighter, I'd volunteer to spar with you... But I don't think I could do you any good to improve." she let out a small chuckle, only to see the man turn to her abruptly. "Sparing with me means you'll get hurt, yet you'd still volunteer?" the girl nodded. "Why?" he asked her again. "Why, you ask? Because I want to help you win. I'm not a great fighter - No, actually, I'm not a fighter at all... But if I can help with anything, I want to do it." she declared so leisurely that it made Ohma's jaw go agape. "Who are you and what have you done to my Hasashi Kisara?" his tone was filled with disbelief. "Hey, you - Don't be mean to me! I just want to help, what's so wrong with that?" her cute pout only made him pull her into a kiss before getting her up on her feet. "I can't afford to go easy on you if I want a proper sparring." he explained, his hands squeezing her shoulders. "Are you still sure you want to help me out? I already trained with Yoshioka a lot today."  "Uhm... Not the face... Please? I still wanna be pretty?" this sheepish comment earn a chuckle and another sweet kiss before Ohma moved a few steps backwards and got into his stance. Kisara didn't. "Get in your stance." but his order was met with a simple smile as Kisara put her hands in her pants pockets. "I'm not a martial artist, Ohma. I have no stance." she was such a little vixen, always surprising people, even him, after so many years. "Fine, have it your way, Alpha Queen whatever - At the count of 5, begin. Ready?" with a leisure nod of her head, Ohma began the counting. As soon as he reached the last cipher, Ohma lunged at the girl with top speed, yet, to his surprise, the moment he blinked in her proximity, he found himself far away, laying face up on the ground, staring at the clouds. "What the hell was that?" he was absolutely bewildered. Did he slip on something? "Is your back okay, Ohma? I hope you've healed up after yesterday's fight with Ryo." she casually turned around, yet her look expressed her genuine worry for his injuries. "I'm fine." in an instant, he jumped up and went for a high grab, but just as he got about three steps away from her, she fell on all fours and tripped him with her body, making him stumble over. Still, he regained his balance quickly and went for a straight punch, but she had new surprises as always - Just as Kaneda taught her, she side-stepped and grabbed his elbow joint so he wouldn't be able to flex it, and at the same time, she glued her leg to his and threw his balance away with his own technique. Though he was able to recover quickly from it, Kisara went further with Gaolang's fast Flash to his abdomen. "How many people have you trained for so far? By the end of the tournament, you'll get techniques from every fighter." Ohma chuckled, knowing very well what she was doing, as he was very impressed by how far she's gotten, even without him. "Gaolang and Kaneda just a few hours ago." as she admitted that, she saw how Ohma tried to grab her, but instead, she placed her palm on his own, sliding it so that she could get him in an Aikido grab, before she performed Hatsumi's famous Gathering Clouds: Triple Strike on his face. Even though it was nowhere near his level, followed by a punch to his temple, it did the trick. For a split second, Ohma thought he lost consciousness, and with an uppercut to the chin, he was sent on the ground... But that was her weakness. She didn't know wrestling, grappling, tackling or anything closer. Once the opponent was on the ground, she couldn't do what Agito or Cosmo did and wrestle and grapple on the ground, fighting for dominance. She couldn't suffocate anyone. If she couldn't knock the opponent with her strikes and tricks, then she couldn't follow with anything. Even if she mounted him, like Naoya did with Agito, or Cosmo with Adam, but her weight was a feather compared to theirs. Grappling someone 30 kilograms or more heavier than her would be an instant flying away to the other part of the arena. "Why didn't you follow?" Ohma asked, getting up. "I don't know how to. I know what to do all the way until the opponent is on the ground. After that, I haven't come up with a smart way to keeping them there." she admitted. "I see. Now that I've got a hang of your moves, I know how to counter them. You're pretty unpredictable, that's good, especially for someone who's never seen you fight. Let's go." once again, Ohma lunged and was ready to punch the girl's stomach. She was unable to side step or block because of his speed and strength, so she tried to redirect the hit my pushing on his forearm. Though it did work, Ohma already knew that she would do it - It was him who taught her how to use the Redirection Kata, after all - It was Ohma who actually controlled the flow of the battle and turning her to the side, he grabbed her other arm and slammed her to the ground before mounting her.  "Shit, this is scary as hell-" she's been in this position before, and she hated it. She hated it. She hated it so much. Though, she never had anyone actually hitting at her, the position was making her heart scream away with tension and anxiety. It might have been from the adrenaline of the fight, or the fact that Ohma was being rightfully rough and merciless with her, that this old fear of her re-emerged. But she had to fight through. It was Ohma and Ohma was the sweetest man in the world. She's been intimate with him, he'd never hurt her. He'd never. Get a grip, girl, you'll get killed in a fight if you act up like this. Get strong and fight. Fight. Fight.
She kept her guard up through all this, blocking all fights just like she saw Akoya blocking Haruo's blows - But then, she remembered the pelvic thrust that Agito did to get rid of Naoya. What did he do now... He planted his feet to the ground and kept his strength and balance on her upper back and scapula. She knew he had to do sort of a corkscrew turn to the side and get enough momentum - One, two three... UP!
"Nice try, but you're not that greased up asshole, though I'm surprised you were even capable of making me bounce a bit." he praised her, carefully taking her hands away and holding them to his face, a proud look visible. "Thanks for holding back on the punches. You'd have broken my radius and ulna bones." she sighed in relief. "I did promise I wouldn't hurt your pretty face, yes?" he chuckled, leaning down to steal a kiss. "Did you learn that by just watching that bastard's fight?" the girl nodded. "Impressive. If you were a built fighter, you'd have thrown me off. Good girl. You gave me a run for my money today." "What I did won't help you against Raian. All I do is tricks and hit and runs. He's pure strength. He's a beast. He's a monster. He's brawn and brains and 100% bloodlust. I'm... Really afraid that he'll drive you to the edge so much that you'll overuse even the Advance. I want to see you snap his neck like he did to Mokichi." she confessed, squeezing his hands dearly. "Have you forgotten where I spent my whole childhood? I've killed since before I even had a name. That guy is so fucked in the head, I won't have any problem surviving and winning." Ohma chuckled at her. "Let's go again." "Before that - Tonight I'm going to a party. It's club-like, not fancy like before. I know you're not fond of loud music and dancing and all that... But I'm still asking you." Kisara asked as she was helped up an she rubbed her aching spine. "Go have fun. I'll train and sleep in the meantime. Lucky you, the tournament starts around noon, so you can sleep in." he ruffled her hair before stepping away and getting into a stance. "Okay. Let's go. No more mounting, please, that's an instant kill on me." he nodded, and on the count to three, they started sparring again. Though Ohma was dominating as always, Kisara still put a hell of a fight and by the time the moon was beginning to go down, the red head stopped sparring and went to get ready for the party. 
She called up all of her friends and got together in the club-like room. Of course, Cosmo, who never went to a club before, was the most excited to party,, though Akira was just as enthusiastic as he was to have a good drink and have fun. Wakatsuki and Hatsumi were at the table, and while Takeshi didn't drink alcohol that night, Hatsumi was really having fun and flirting around with girls all over.
Loud music, smoke, lots of fun, great songs, blinding, colourful lights, neon paint splattered all over and lots of sexy people dancing and having the time of their life on the dancefloor. Though Kisara wasn't a frequent club client, she always enjoyed her time there, if the music was good and the company was fire - And they definitely were now. Chocolate shots, fruity cocktails, lots of snacks and the whole night was spent like this. Though most of the fighters chose a reasonable hour to go sleep, considering they had to be fresh for their next fight, those who were already out, and some CEOs like Akira didn't leave, as the surfer dude said, 'I couldn't let a beautiful lady all by herself in a club', but really, he just wanted to have more fun, considering the stress this whole competition was putting on him.
By the time 5 AM struck and the Sun was beginning to rise, Akira and Kisara took a barefoot stroll by the shore, letting their feet dip in the water. Though none of them was anywhere close to wasted, they were still a bit sleepy, running on the fun and euphoria from the party. "I had lots of fun. Maybe we can do that tomorrow night too, as celebration for going to the next round." "You've got lots of confidence, don't you?" Akira chuckled at her. "Yeah, I agree. I'm sure Cosmo will win tomorrow. I want to celebrate that." "See~! Of course you've got confidence in your lil' bro. He deserves all that confidence. He's super cool, and he's so young. As his age I was too afraid to go order a coffee from Starbucks." the girl chuckled lightly, looking up at the brightly twinkling stars. The breeze of air was blowing through her fluttering summer dress and her long, now very messy crimson hair. "You? Really? Ha! Wouldn't have guessed." the man teased her, watching her carefree grin as she nodded. "Oh, yeah, totally. Just around the time we first met. I guess you always ordered for all of us when we went out, so you didn't notice, but I was so awkward. I mean, I still am, but not to that degree at least." she started stretching her limbs a bit, enjoying the cool water going up her shins. "You're funny, Red. It's fine, it happens. People are just different, but you grew out of it. You're strong and you fought your fears. But you know what? You totally trip me whenever you make me chase you around. I don't get how you do it, but you always trick me." he laughed, patting her back. "Have you forgotten, Akira? 'Tsuki-san called me a 'Kitsune'. I took that to heart and perfected my tricky skills. I'm just cool like that. I'd like to see you do better, surfer dude." she flicked his forehead, walking towards her lodging. "Do better, she says! What, you think you're cooler than me?" he mocked indignation, only to see her grin wickedly, as if she was a devious fox. "Hella." she sniggered, rushing her speed walk. "Apologise, you little vixen!" she shook her head and started running - Him, after her. "Red, apologise! Admit I'm cooler than you!" "Never~!" he might have been a tennis player and knew some martial arts, but in speed, he couldn't top her, so it was easy to fool around with him, diving under his arm, tripping him and what not.  "See! That's what I'm talking about, you sneaky little fox!" he must have danced far too much, for he stopped and put his hands on his knees, panting. "I win~" and with that, Kisara booped his nose shamelessly. "You're impossible. I can't keep up with you. Good night, Red." he laughed breathlessly, walking away towards his residence as the girl quickly disappeared inside her own temporary home, making sure she doesn't wake anyone up. 
As usual, she took a quick shower and changed into one of Ohma's weirdly comfortable Tshirts that are perfectly large on her, like her nightgowns are. Careful not to make noises, she got in bed next to her man and raising his heavy arm so it would stay over her, she cuddled into his side and let out a sigh of content, only to hear a low chuckle. "You slob. People usually wake up at this hour to work. You go sleep after a night of fun. You're incorrigible." even so, he shifted and pulled her closer to chest, resting his chin on the top of her head. "Just living the life, babe. Livin' la vida loca."
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Chapter 12 - Foxes Have Fangs And Rabies
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Leaning back on the counter of the bar, a Campari Orange in her hand, she watched the beginning of the match between the doctor and the serial killer on TV. Neither of them too any stances, not considering themselves martial artists of any kind, yet the doctor that, although just barely taller than the red head, seemed to look like a pomeranian compared to Bando, he held a smug smirk on his face, and was the first to react to his enemy's attack, poking his arm in numerous places with two of his fingers.
"That looks like a Chinese style... Is he hitting the acupuncture points?" the girl asked, sipping from the straw. "Hmmm... I think I heard of this before. Considering he's a medic, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Lingshu Chin Na is called, but it's a very old martial arts style. I think I only saw it imitated in movies or something." Hatsumi nodded his head in agreement. "I don't want to imagine you having to fight with that brute. Though Hanafusa is fast, he can't match you. Not that Bando could defeat you, but it would require a bit more effort, and that would suck." Kisara chuckled lightly. "As always, you know your Senpai the best." he laughed lightly, patting her head as he took a swing of his beer. "My guess is, he'll try to strike the cervical vertebra." he continued speaking. "Ah, yes, because the C1 and C2 vertebras, Atlas and Axis, are sort of fused together, and they create the joint that connects the skull with the spine. If that's severed, so will the nerves and nerve plexuses the person gets paralysed, and it's game over." she hummed in agreement. "You two sure know a lot about this... Ah, look, you were right, Doctor Hanafusa did strike at the cervical!" Kaede's eyes widened slightly, seeing how the two predicted with such ease the future moves. "Why are his fingers all screwed up?" Kisara leaned forward in her seat, confused as all hell, only to hear the explanation from the man himself, saying he's some kind of abnormal human, though Hanafusa himself wasn't normal either, considering he felt no kind of pain, despite it being excruciating, to say the least. "You can't build muscles at the back of your neck like that, to defend the vertebra like a shield... So what was it?" the blond doctor, answered for them, noting that Bando had an abnormal range of joint motion - Which mean that he moved his vertebra in an arch so much that he pinched his fingers between the occipital bone of the skull and the cervical vertebras. To show off, Bando bent backwards... Or forwards? With all of the joints from his neck, spine and arms, freaking out all the ones watching the match. "Is this a horror movie?" Kisara shuddered, watching with disgust the way the huge man contorted like a freak.  "This is as close to a horror movie as you can get." Wakatsuki agreed solemnly, though as they all watched the fight, Yohei was ready to hit the smaller opponent, only to get cut and start bleeding. The little freak was able to carve blades from his own femur bone... And the bone is probably one of the strongest things a sword can be made of.  "I'm both freaked out and intrigued by this shit fest." Kisara couldn't help but let out a chuckle of surprise. "I don't wanna fight either of them, it's gonna be such a drag..." Hatsumi groaned, his hands going down his face, a downcast expression on his face. "With the way Hanafusa did this augmentation of his own body, I can only imagine he must have played around with his own hypothalamus, considering he can't feel pain at all. How he was able to do either of these things... It's beyond me. If you can't feel pain, you can't feel the warnings the body gives you, which means the only way to defeat Hanafusa is to kill him - Not that Bando minds, he's a serial killer, after all." her breath was caught in her throat and she could only sip on that cocktail and watch that damn fight. Was that even considered a fight though? It was a murderfest. If those augmentations weren't enough though, once Hanafusa hit Bando's face with his heel, and it got split.
None of the augmentations, speed, agility or reflexes could save the little doctor, for once the killer took ahold of both of his arms,  and pushed down his head so hard that the back of it touched his own back, and the vertebra snapped loudly. Hanafusa fell to the ground, laying in an awkward angle, while Bando stood tall, only sliced briefly here and there. Before the doctor could hit his spine with that spear-like femur blade, he shifted it to the side, completely missing the rupture. 
"Well, I'm glad it's over, this was difficult to watch. Thank you for the drink, I'm going to find the others." Kaede left the bar. "Only two more matches already, how the time flies. Well, it was really fun today, and it's only going to get better. I'm going to see Gaolang. I've seen some of his matches online and I was really drawn to his beautiful fighting style. Toodles~!" with a characteristic peace sign, the red head jumped off the tall bar stool and skipped excitedly towards the entrance towards the area. She didn't realise it until now, but she really does have a lot of friends, considering the amount of time she spent down there, compared to how long she sat in the stadium. There was something really exciting about seeing the fights from down there, though you could see the whole spectacle much better from up there, with a panoramic view and a better angle of both competitors.
As she got down, Gaolang was already there, wearing a light robe with a hoodie, just like he did in all of his matches on TV - Black and golden, elegant as always, and his fighting trunks were golden too - Golden, gold, the spiritual colour associated with God, with Buddha, with the Holy Power -The Thai God of War - He truly deserved that name. No matter what situation, he seemed unbothered, with the same passive expression, unbothered by the world around him, almost as if he is above all the petty, mundane things, and that forehead jewellery made him beyond graceful. 
"Gaolang - I'd wish you good luck, but you won't need it." the man turned around and looked down at her, the corners of his mouth slowly turning upwards. "You really have a lot of friends, don't you?" he seemed rather amused. "And, as I said, I would like to consider you one as well." her voice was calm, as well as her smile. And Sayaka called out for the Thai God of War, Kisara's smile widened slightly. "Break his face, Gaolang." the vibrato of her tone betrayed her amusement. "I don't like overkilling." he regaled her with his comment as he turned around and stepped into the arena. Compared to him, Kaneda was a nobody, a small and skinny little kid, just like Hanafusa was around Bando. However, unlike before, Kaneda barely had anything that inspired strength or tactics, and Gaolang was a master Boxer and Muay Thai fighter.
Compared to most of these guys... An amateur mimic actor, a big oaf, some small fries who rely on weapons... For Gaolang, this was nothing more than a stupid show meant for entertainment, not a place for true warriors to fight. If someone like Kaneda could get inside the arena and fight, it spoke volumes what kind of people were participating... Or so he thought. Although right about his assumption that Kaneda was nothing less than average, there were many others that he was easily underestimating, and he will find that out sooner than expected. 
Well, none of that mattered, he was there to fight and that's what he shall be doing. For His Highness and for the Glory of his Homeland, he will crush anyone who stands before him. Thus, he took his famous Hitman style stance that he used when boxing, while Kaneda had his palms forwards, as if he was trying to mimic a karate stance. Kisara wondered if Kaneda knew that he was slowly inching backwards... And she couldn't blame him. He wasn't superhuman, and he was against someone like Gaolang, he had every right to be afraid. Maybe he was stronger than Rihito or Himuro, who knew, but that would never be enough to win the competition... Perhaps he wants some recognition, or he has something to prove?  Surely, he couldn't be like Ohma, ready to show that he is the strongest amongst the strongest... Because he definitely wasn't. Only he knew.
Gaolang didn't move in the slightest, awaiting Kaneda's incredibly slow moves, as she dragged his feet straight ahead, centimeter by centimeter, a line being drawn in the sand, until he managed to get in the boxer's territory. Before he could even realise what was going on, the Thai hit Kaneda with that lethal left jab, and it was an infinite times faster now, without the heavy boxer gloves that were hindering him. It was absolutely outstanding, watching his speed, as Kisara was also someone who greatly relied on agility, speed and reflexes. Though she will never be as strong as him, she at least hopes she can achieve his interceptable hits. But... Kaneda wasn't as screwed as she thought he would be after taking direct hits from Gaolang... So maybe... He managed to block them? "You nearly dislocated my wrists." he said... Then, yes, he managed to block Gaolang Wongsawat's famous hits, that's astonishing! Only with this, with being able to block at such speed, Kaneda was beyond the idiots he was hanging out with... More or less. That slanty-eyed tanuki, he has more than eight tricks up those large sleeves! To escape that with nothing more than a nosebleed? Unbelievable. Getting ready, Kaneda got in a stance and sprinted again, leaping to attack, but... He got hit every time. 1... 2... 3... 4... 13... 14... And more... Crescent scythe, Lever Throw... But Kaneda got ahold of the Thai's joint... But he got thrown away. He put his forearms arm to block those hits, and he got jab after jab after jab... Until he managed to get another grab on Gaolang, and he threw him to the ground, using the Overturning Heaven and Earth technique, holding onto his forearm and keeping the joint locked tightly. But he only thought he threw him to the ground, for the man kept his balance easily, all his weight balanced on his forearm like he was doing a very painful sideplank, while with his other fist he punched Kaneda's face.
The smaller one got attacked by the flash of jabs again, but he somehow seemed to be holding his own just as well, until he got punched in the face and gut, and he collapsed on the ground. As soon as he was wallowing on the ground, Gaolang turned around, ready to leave, but Kaneda somehow managed to get up, and he was pissed off.  "Don't give me this shit... Some boxing champion you are. Is this how you treat your opponents?" slowly but surely, Kaneda, panting, managed to get up on shaky feet. "Why didn't you follow up that last blow? If you had given me one more blow, you could've clinched the victory. Did you go easy on me? Just because I'm weak?" although weak, those words were speaking to Kisara on a personal level. She also always considered herself to be a weakling and she needed to get stronger, though no matter who looked at her, they underestimated her for being a petite woman. He was just like her - Small and frail. "You know... I'm a fan of yours. I've watched your matches over and over... Even before this fight was set up. No gloves, no shoes... No rules... Surely you can do better than this, now that you've been freed from all restrictions!" the man cried out, his hands on his knees to keep himself up. "Kaneda Suekichi, I'll give your due credit. I had scorned this tournament. Encountering a true warrior like yourself here was a pleasant surprise... However, there is a great wall between you and me. I do not mean to kill you..." but Gaolang was stopped by a desperate Kaneda. "THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME SERIOUSLY! I KNOW THAT I'M NOT GIFTED, BUT THIS IS ALL I HAVE, AND I'M WILLING TO LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR IT!!!" those words not only rung loudly through the arena, but they also impaled Kisara's heart like a poisoned spear. They were so painful that she thought she heard herself crying out to Hatsumi - When she got ganged up in the alley, when she let out all her frustrations and cried the whole night while shrieking her voice away up into the mountains, when she was so weak that she couldn't get up from the sickness, but her held her up and helped her strike, when she thought the whole world was against her and she was lonelier than ever, when she thought she was nothing more than a useless waste of space, someone so pathetic, that no matter how hard she worked, she couldn't get motivation, nor the results she wished for... She wasn't perfect. She wasn't a prodigy. She wasn't a big deal. But Hatsumi made her feel otherwise.
Ohma, too, whenever he'd teach her those moves, and she wouldn't fall down like a trampled flower anymore, and he showed her that proud smile of his... And he told he he was proud of her and how far she's gotten, how great she's become... Cosmo too, though he hadn't really seen her fight... He caught from the side of his eye one interaction between her and Akira, when he tried to sneak up on her when she was walking around the room and explaining whatever medical things to some colleague of hers over the phone, and as soon as he lunged to grab her, she turned around and flipped him over with such ease. It made the little boy's eyes gouge out with shock, but was also amused enough to laugh his butt off. Takeshi, too - He didn't need to see anything, he knew that if one of the only men who was able to defeat him trained her, and they were so compatible, then there was no way she couldn't succeed... And when she saw how easily she messed around with those two assassins, he knew she was capable of taking care of herself, especially in such a dire environment like the underground.
She never imagined that any fighter in the Kengan association would be feeling the way she felt, but somehow, his words made her feel empowered. "Why does everybody have to put a label on me?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WEAK SEEKING TO BE THE STRONGEST?!" though it's obvious he can't be the absolute strongest, she truly appreciates Kaneda for being so genuine and doing everything in his power to achieve his dreams, despite knowing full well they will never become reality. "DON'T GO EASY ON HIM, GAOLANG! SHOW HIM SOME RESPECT! HE IS YOUR EQUAL!" Kisara shrieked out from the entrance of the arena. At the same time, Saw Paing too yelled out to his best friend.  "LET HIM HAVE IT, GAOOOLAAAAAAAAANGGGGG!!!" his voice could be heard among the whole chattering. "You don't need to tell me, you two. I apologise. I did not want to kill you... Therefore, I only exerted power on par with my boxing matches, but I was mistaken. Kisara told me once that champions of public matches are nothing compared to real fighters... That even she could defeat some so-called Kickboxing champion... And she was right, and so are you, Kaneda. You can easily stay equal with my TV Boxing Champion persona... But fighting is fighting. Fighting you at full force is a true courtesy. Whatever excuse I may give, I showed you pity, and on the battlefield, pity is nothing but humiliation. A battle must be fought on even ground. It appears that I have been reigned by arrogance, but now, I understand. I shall show my respect for you by crushing you with my full power." Kaneda thanked Gaolang for that courtesy, and sincerely speaking, Kisara was happy beyond belief. Though the small fighter will be getting the beating of a lifetime, she could see that even if you lose, people still recognise your efforts, and you're not just a forgotten loser, but you get appreciated for trying so hard. It felt wholesome how even though nobody was really betting on his, they still hoped, at least a little bit, in their heart, that he would win... Or at least feel proud of how far he's gotten, despite his weak body and the various illnesses he has.
One single punch from Gaolang could knock him out, but he was ready to fight. Because it was pretty far away, Kisara couldn't see perfectly what was going on in that incredibly speedy fight, but she could see the way Kaneda was able to dodge and parry most of the hits Gaolang tried to hit with his perfect precision... But the end was near, and predictable. One punch to the face was all it took, and Kaneda Suekichi was on the ground, with a ten-move checkmate. That, in itself, was a remarkable feat that few world-renowned fighters could achieve. As the Thai walked out of the arena, he could see Kisara still there, a serene smile on her face, though it was more directed to the man he had defeated so honorably. "He was a formidable opponent." he recognised his worth. "Yes... I agree. I never thought I would relate to a fighter so much, but his words moved me. Someone who is weak, working so hard to get over his weaknesses, the disadvantages that he was born with... Though he looked as nothing more than average for someone talented like you... For someone like me, he was sort of an inspiration, if it makes sense." her voice was now more solemn, and her words spoke truth. "I understand now. I hate myself for allowing the veil of vanity and arrogance blind me, but I must thank all of you for showing me that I shouldn't disrespect my opponent, no matter who they are, or the level of their strength." he admitted truthfully. "We, also, thank you for honouring our request and not mocking us, despite being inferior to you, fighting-wise." nodding at each other in understanding, they walked down towards the corridor. Whilst Gaolang stopped mid-way so he could take a shower and freshen himself up, Kisara went ahead - But before long, the whole stadium began to shake as if an earthquake was trembling the whole Earth down, and distant murmurs almost resembled religious chanting. What the hell was going on? This was getting kinda creepy. Sighing, she called Takeshi on the phone, wanting to figure out his location so she could go over to him, and as she was talking, she unconsciously walked and spun around without aim.
As soon as she heard him and the Akiyama sisters were ready to watch the match from one of the arena entrances, she hung up and turned abruptly - Only to bump into something solid. With a small squeak of surprise, she lost balance and stumbled on her feet, backwards - Yet thankfully, she got caught by the wrist before she could fall down. "Ahhh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Forgive me..." she raked her fingers through her hair, daring to look up at whoever that person was, apologetically. "It's fine." the owner of this low and intimidating yet incredibly alluring and velvety voice was a man definitely taller and possibly buffer than even Takeshi himself. He had a set, stern and very scary visage, dark, endless black eyes and matching black hair, slicked back carefully. Though there were many fighters who chose different outfits for their fights, this one wore something akin to a scuba full-body costume, but somehow, it was making him even scarier, and every outline of his muscles were even more defined. "Thank you for catching me." she quickly got reminded of how afraid she was of Takeshi at first, only for him to end up being her best friend. Maybe this one was just like him? Only scary on the outside, but a golden heart on the inside. "My name is Kisara, it's lovely meeting you." she extended her hand forwards, for him to shake. And he did, albeit, rather reluctantly, even going as far as to look down at her almost skeptically. And yet, he still shook her hand politely, and disclosed his name to her. "Kano Agito." her eyes widened, and she could only gaze at him with awe - Now she could understand why everyone was going crazy over him - His presence alone made him stand out among fighters - He had a special aura around him, something that she could easily pick up after all the years spent watching Kengan matches. Still, she didn't want to look like some annoying fangirl or creep him out, so she easily got over her shock and offered him a cheerful smile.  "Kano Agito - What a beautiful name! I had an inkling you were a fighter, but I didn't realise who you were. Well - Your fight is right now, so I won't keep you any longer. Thank you for your time, and good luck in your match! I'm sure it's going to be a very enjoyable fight." Kisara wished him, and though it took him a couple seconds to just stare at him, confusion swimming in his eyes, he nodded in acknowledgement and offered a courtesy "Thank you." before walking past her, towards his match.
This interaction with him only made the red head giddy - He really was nice and incredibly awkward, not different from Wakatsuki at all! What a relief! Hopefully, she will get around to befriend him, one way or another, but it wasn't going to be easy. It wasn't often when she felt no malice from a scary man, but he was definitely one of them.  Skipping towards the point her friend allocated as their meeting one, and surely enough, the trio was there, watching with shock as the stadium began chanting even louder.
"This is pretty overwhelming... All of the spectators are confident that the "Fang" will win. They've seen all the warriors that've already advanced, and yet, they're still just as fanatical. It's more like a Faith... He's definitely got the homefield advantage. He's got the upper hand before the match even begins." Kaede noted, sweating from the sheer pressure. "Advantage? I wouldn't say that necessarily. Real fighters get determined win a fight when all odds are against them. Cheering won't do Agito any good, he's far beyond something as shallow as that. The crowd is fickle, it cheers on the one who has the advantage and bashes the other, and it changes with the tide of the ocean." Kisara let out a scoff of amusement - The man she just met was definitely beyond doing something as mundane as to be concerned with the public opinion. "Right, Take-... Shi? Hey, Takeshi, are you okay?" as she turned around, she noticed the grave frown of raw anger on the man's face, and his whole body was tensed up. She knew why. The Fang was Takeshi's number one enemy... The person who managed to defeat him, to humiliate him... Something only Agito and Hatsumi managed to do... "It's been eight years... I've kept you waiting long enough. Now I have a Fang that can bite you to death." Wakatsuki threatened under his breath. But the atmosphere was far too grave, and Kisara hated seeing her best friend being so anxious and tense, so bad that he could get an aneurysm in the blink of an eye. "That's right, Takeshi, you're the Wild Tiger, and you've got huge, scary fangs that can easily defeat Agito. But - You know something? I'm a Kitsune! That's right, I have a fighter title as well! And you know what? Look at my smile - I've always had my canines a bit longer than the average person. I really look like a fox. And you know what foxes have? They have fangs, and oftentimes, they have rabies too! If you want, I'll go right in front of Agito and say - Hey! You! Big guy! Let's fight! And even though he will defeat me easily and make a nice scarf out of my fur - He will get rabies, go crazy and die, from the small bit I gave him!" the girl laughed as easy-going as Hatsumi taught her. "And then, the great, the unique, the fantastic, the strong Wild Tiger, Wakatsuki Takeshi, will be reigning over the Kengan fighters, just like the Tiger is known as the Supreme King in the Chinese culture!" with her fist clenched, she extended it towards him, for him to bump with his own. "How was that? Did it help at all?" seeing as he didn't reply at all, her smile faltered and got super awkward, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly and look away in embarrassment. Though she heard a small huff of amusement and her fist was bumped. "Thanks, Kisara, it did help. But I won't let you become a scarf. If I am to lose, then I shall become a Tiger pelt carpet... But I won't lose again. I will not lose." he was determined and sure of himself. "That's what I love to hear! Hmmm... I wonder if we have paper and crayons around. I want to make you a crown, and I'll make sure to have lots of pretty colours for the gems." she chuckled reassuringly at him - For some reason, she always hated seeing her friends being even the littlest bit upset or nervous, and knowing that rationality and cheap reassuring wouldn't work in this situation, putting a smile on his face was the next best thing. People need different things at different times, you just have to know what to choose at the right time. "That's right. Takeshi is powerful enough to rival the 'Fang'. Revenge isn't out of the question." Sakura smiled, nodding in agreement. "Nope, 'fraid it ain't happening, ladies." a foreign voice called out, and the four turned to see a large figure approaching. "Might sorry, Wakatsuki, but I'm gonna be taking the 'Fang's' head." this was Naoya, one of the member of the single braincell group... And that braincell was Kaneda's alone. "Okubo Naoya... I have one warning to give you. Don't think of the 'Fang' as human. He's more of a powerful and violent disaster." that was one way to describe a foe... Now Kisara was even more intrigued to see the fight. "Oh? So, in other words, he's like a monster? This is gonna be good. Well, time to go slay that monster!" thus, Naoya went past them, and towards the entrance towards the Arena, waiting to be introduced by Sayaka. "That man silenced all of his critics with his skills alone. He's built up a record that holds its ground even against THE Gaolang... But, we'll have to see how far it gets him against the 'Fang'." with a pensive hum, Takeshi stepped forwards to get a better look of the arena, just as Okubo got inside and bathed in the loud cheers. The man known as the 'King of Combat' against the Emperor of the Kengan... It was going to be a fight worth watching.
But now that Sayaka was ready to introduce Agito, the whole place got graveyard quiet all of a sudden, and only praises of his 157 winning streak were heard. As soon as that man's name was yelled by the announcer, all the fighters turned their heads to gaze upon his greatness, as if he was the Messiah blessing humanity. Those who were seeing him for the first time could immediately recognise his overwhelming power, whilst those who already knew him, trembled before his might.
Despite all this, Naoya wasn't afraid. He even saw himself as the Strongest Human, the one human protagonist that managed to beat the final boss, Zetton, who seemed to be Agito personified. As the referee had them take their stance, Okubo chose a basic MMA style stance, and Agito took an offensive stance with lowered guard - As soon as the fight was announced to have begun, Naoya launched himself forwards, ready to punch Agito, who held his guard up - Naoya tried to tackle his opponent, but he got pulled downwards by his shoulders, then got sent backwards by a strong knee to the nose, follower by a shin kick to his thigh, that he felt as if a cleaver chopped off his entire leg. Through the shock, Naoya dodged and blocked continuous right roundhouse punch, double push, right straight jab, another kick straight to his triceps.
Though the human tried to hit him, he got grabbed with both hands by the back of his head and brought roughly down, another knee hit into his gut, followed by another and another, and then another push on his head, continued by another knee - But before that could connect, Okubo managed to land a jab right into Agito's face, grabbing his body, and 34 seconds into the match, the Strongest Human succeeded in a takedown, followed by a painful heel hold. Who knew that someone so huge would be a master grappler, with such ease that he could rival even the Grappler King Cosmo? Though, maybe this works on Agito specifically because Naoya has raw strength and can keep Agito in a hold, unlike Cosmo who would be struggling... Though, he did real well against Adam Dudley regardless, so who could know for sure?
Agito tried to get out of the hold by using his other foot to stomp down on Naoya's chest, making him lose balance, and as he attempted to get back the hold, the Fang grabbed his wrist, holding it tightly with both hands, keeping Okubo's neck into a thigh lock. Though his other foot was still free, he attempted to free himself by trying a stomp, but it was dodged, and he got pulled down into an arm-bar hold... But no, the positions were switched again for a brief second when Okubo escaped, only to get pulled  into a scarf hold - And he escaped again. The two continued to tackle each other on the ground with no break between the ground grappling and the continuous locks they were holding onto each other, each of them holding dominance for less than a second, until Naoya managed to fully mount Agito, and he pummeled fist after fist down onto his forearm defense - He must have felt that something was weird, allowing himself to get hit, even if it was just his guard being hit - But before Okubo could realise what move the Emperor would put, he got sent flying by the famous Pelvic Thrust that was such a perfect saviour in any mounting. 
Naoya kept his distance, watching carefully as The Fang got up, and he grinned like a... Like a villain, was probably the right word. "We've seen all your blows, throws and locks. And you will never reach me." the way he was addressing himself was a bit weird. "Why is he referring to himself in plural?" Kisara asked herself, though not even Wakatsuki knew for sure. "Well, it's over. Okubo Naoya is strong. Stronger than I ever expected. I've got a lot of credit to give him for lasting this long, but now that the Fang got serious, there's nothing he can do. Okubo Naoya has reached peak human performance...  But a human can't defeat a monster. Okubo's attacks won't reach the Fang anymore." as soon as Takeshi declared that, the man in cause struck hard, hitting Agito's face and driving him backwards, before getting into a low tackling stance and launching himself forwards, aiming a roundhouse hit that got Agito in the temple, tilting his vision enough to earn Naoya a couple of precious seconds that allowed him to grab the Emperor and hit him with the famous German Suplex that was Seki's show move. Though Agito coughed blood, he was met with another face fist right in the nose, followed by more others, until finally the Fang retaliated and grabbed the human's wrist, throwing him away.  "This is fascinating. I can't keep my eyes off of them." Kisara was in awe at the intensity of the fight. Even if Naoya was driven away, he returned and delivered more blows to the face, not keeping a pattern - Or at least, so he thought. He can easily synthetise various technique and fuse them together and he outright refuses to cooperate to whatever fighting style Agito wants to force him into. From a blow to a throw, from grabbing his enemy, to slamming him into the ground, from a throw to a neck hold, and despite Agito's fantastic flexibility that allowed him to do something much more astonishing than a split in the air to hit his foot backwards into Naoya's arm and release him, and once he got released, his enemy got in a quick crouch and tackled the middle of his torso, evading the punch easily, grappling him and throwing him with another German suplex, making him bounce onto the sandy floor with a kick to his face.
Kano Agito was planted face down onto the ground, unmoving, and everyone was cheering and chanting at how amazing Naoya was for dominating the flow of the battle. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! DON'T GIVE HIM ANY BREAKS, OKUBO! THE MATCH ISN'T OVER YET! YOU'RE UP AGAINST THE BOSS OF THE MONSTERS!!! YOU CAN NEVER DROP YOUR GUARD AGAINST HIM!!!" Himuro's shout towards his friend could be heard from all over the arena. "He's... He's not dead, is he?" Kaede's voice stammered, confused at the unmoving man and why the match wasn't over yet. "... I don't think Kano Agito would be defeated by something like that. Though Naoya's fighting was spectacular... That's still the famous Fifth Fang of Metsudo we're talking about. He wouldn't be defeated so easily." Kisara stepped even closer towards the arena, barely capable of keeping herself from running out there, just to get a better sight of the match. She really wished she was a butterfly, so that she could easily watch the fight from a better angle. 
From up on the screen, as Agito got up, everyone could see that monstrous, psychopathic cheshire grin of his, wide and wicked, from ear to ear. "Th-That's not a human face!" Kaede was trembling from a distance, distraught at the sight before her. "He has evolved...!" Though Kaede's heart was beating quickly with fear, Kisara's was going a thousand miles per hour from excitement. No other fight got her as excited as this one, and seeing a fighter evolve like this... It wasn't like Ohma's Advance, when she was scared beyond belief that he would die on the spot, but it wasn't like Raian's Release either, since his screwed up personality was the same. The Agito before them now seemed like a complete different person compared to the man that fought just a little before, the same person who introduced himself to her and even thanked her for wishing him good luck on his match. This was the face of a man that was born to fight, lived to fight, and will die to fight. What a God...
As Naoya got into a stance again, ready to take him on again, the Fang, with indecipherable speed, propelled himself forwards, easily evading the Super Human's grappling, and launching a barrage of jabs that easily pushed his enemy backwards. Okubo tried to grapple him again, but he got punched in the temple with a roundhouse punch that blurred his vision - And the Fang grabbed him tightly, slamming him to the ground with a front suplex that even Seki would find worthy of praise, and his arm was up, his fist clenched tightly .....
And he stopped in that mounted position, with one hand over an unconscious Okubo's chest, and the other still in the sky, as if he froze. "Okubo Naoya, I must thank you. I have become stronger yet again, all thanks to you." thus, the man that now reverted to his old, stoic self, got up and looked at the referee. "Hattori. You should have stopped the match. Take him away." Kisara watched the man walk away towards their exit, wiping the blood from his mouth with his hand, and slipping his hair backwards, as if he was some diva model for Victoria's Secret... Or whatever the man version of that was. Everyone was cheering for The Undefeatable Fang, and as soon as he stepped inside, though Kisara wanted to congratulate him, Wakatsuki was faster than her.
The animosity was rather one sided, though the tension was thick and painful. "Kano." the Tiger called out his name in a grave tone. "Wakatsuki. It's been a long time. We've watched your match against Murobuchi Gozo. You've improved yet again." Agito spoke, the corners of his mouth going upwards into what seemed to be the confident and almost taunting ghost of a smirk. "Oh, that was nothing. I haven't even revealed my trump card yet." the ever so humble and modest Wakatsuki was so tense that he even went as far as to overpraise his own skills. "So, will you be the one to win your way through the left block? It appears that there are at least two fighters that outclass you." ...two? What was he talking about? Surely, that was a joke... And Kisara was almost sure that he wasn't referring to Ohma. Maybe it was Raian's Kure reputation? Other than that, she had no idea who else could be so overwhelming to Takeshi. "Do you really have the luxury of worrying about others? You'd better watch your own step." the usually gentle and sweet feline was nor baring his sabertooth fangs at his enemy. "Well, you two, I really enjoy your rivalry and I do hope to one day watch you two fight. It would be the most legendary fight out there." Kisara chuckled all of a sudden, unable to keep herself silent. "... You are everywhere, aren't you?" Agito's gaze was cast down towards the red head whom he remembered from a few minutes prior. "I try to be. I figured it's much more enjoyable watching matches from down here... And although Wakatsuki's fight was boring, because of his subpar opponent... You shined out there. You showed your live or die fighter side, even against an enemy that barely pushed you. I want to see what the famous Fang of Metsudo is REALLY capable of doing, against this Wild Tiger who didn't get the chance to bare his fangs yet. That won't be the same as the first match you two had, not even close. It would be the sweetest fight you will ever have in your life." she spoke with such a confident, vain smirk that she might as well be Takeshi's own salesperson, there to sell off tickets for the most Epic Fight of the Millennia. "I don't understand you. Whose side are you on?" he asked, making the girl grin even wider. "No one's! I just want to see fantastic fights, that's all! And who better to see fight, than someone like you and Takeshi? I don't know yet what the others are capable of, but this is the only truth. Oh, before I forget... Here. You still have some blood on your face." she handed him a towel that he skeptically took and wiped his face with it. "Thank you. If that fight should happen, I will be eager to see whether or not the little tiger cub finally got a fang." his taunts were fantastic. "Agito, I can assure you, Takeshi definitely has the fangs of a Sabertooth Tiger, so don't make the mistake of underestimating him... For your own good." she chuckled lightly, seeing as he let out a huff of mock amusement. "So that's where you've been the whole day. Should have known - You always enjoyed these kinds of little nice parties." that voice... Was that Ohma? Shocked, she turned around and stared with wide eyes at the confident brunet that was pointing towards himself, and he was wearing the same overconfident, cocky grin on his face. He was determined to achieve the proposition he was speaking. "Heh. Thought you'd have a better eye than that, you greased-up asshole - Cause the champion of the left block... Is gonna be ME." shit, don't provoke him like that. "Ohma... There is a time and place for a well-intended taunting, but THIS is not it." concerned, she sneered through her teeth, but Tokita tsked in annoyance at her. "I don't need your concerns, Hasashi Kisara, didn't I already tell you that?" he growled at her. "Ah, I see, so you are affiliated to the Hasashi Network." Agito nodded in acknowledgement.  "Please don't associate me with those jerks, I have nothing to do with them." Kisara spoke, looking up at the Fang with a soft glare. "Either way, if you want to fight, win your blocks and fight then. This is childish." she huffed, holding her arms over her chest. "OHMA! KANO'S JUST FINISHED HIS MATCH! DON'T PROVOKE HIM NOW!" Kaede's loud voice called out to warn Ohma, but was quickly silenced by the solemn warning of the Chairman's fighter. "Aren't you... Miss Akiyama of the Nogi Group? We don't need your concern. Because HE cannot so much as scratch us." Agito easily agitated the brunet. "That's... My concern exactly. Ohma, don't be reckless and fall for the taunts and provoking. If you want to fight Kano Agito, than win your left block, and you'll get the chance." she warned him once more, but judging from the sneer and the curse, her worries fell on deaf ears, as always. "Tokita Ohma. You are weak. That Kure is strong. No matter how you struggle against him, you do not stand a chance. And Wakatsuki here is leagues above you. Quite frankly, winning the left block would be impossible for you. Miss Kisara is warning you so she could spare your life. Better heed her caution." the Fang easily provoked Ohma, who was now in a fighting stance, ready to fight. Kaede was the only one who tried to talk him out of it, but was silenced by a signal from him. "Talk is cheap, greased-up asshole. How about I prove that I'm stronger than you, right here, right now?" he was quick with the baseless threats. "Damn it, Ohma, you'll get yourself killed!" Kisara's voice rose up an octave, knowing that Agito, as he was after that fight, could easily strike in the blink of an eye.
And so he did. Kano Agito kicked Ohma's 80 something kilograms body that was sent flying backwards down the corridor with such supreme ease that it completely humiliated him. "Utterly miserable. You should have heeded your friend's warning. We will say it once more. You are weak." though Ohma was struggling to get up, and tried to spring up once again, Katahara's two private bodyguards sneaked up from behind and got him into a chokehold to neutralise him. "Please don't be too rough on him!" Kisara ran to them, catching the man with great difficulty, as they released his unconscious self. "Thank you!" "Any fights outside of the matches are forbidden. You'd better control yourself, Kano." the one wearing a mask warned the Fang. "Fights? We were just kicking a pebble out of our way. Isn't that right, Wakatsuki?" though Takeshi remained silent, eying the two bodyguards from the corner of his eyes, Kisara couldn't but chuckle awkwardly. "Yes, Agito is right, this was just a simple misunderstanding, we didn't want to cause any problems." thankfully, her comment, along with the previous fight, were forgotten, and the bodyguards explained that all the fighters must present themselves upstairs in the grandiose dining room, in a few hours. Thankfully, it was enough to carry Ohma back to their room, with some welcomed aid. He didn't need any real medical aid anymore, just to wake up in a comfortable bed... And a shit ton of food. But all in due time.
Kisara sat on the edge of the bed, wiping the drool that was escaping his mouth, and her heart sunk. He looked awful. He was beautiful, but all battered up, and now, more reckless than ever before, just to prove that he was strong. Strong? Bullshit. As he was now, he couldn't even hold a candle to Takeshi or Agito. He needed more fights, he needed to evolve, he needed experience, he needed... He needed time. A lot of time. He needed his heart to keep on going... But at this rate, it wouldn't.
"What the hell are you crying for again, you dumbass bookworm? I thought you stopped being such a crybaby years ago. Since you got here, you've done nothing but cry, that's annoying." she didn't even realise that he woke up, but his comments were as shitty as always. What a dork. She couldn't help but shake her head and let out a small exhale of amusement. "Stupid gym rat... You don't know your own limits. Don't you get it? You haven't got up there yet. Don't rush." her voice was barely audible, and that smile was forced as she wiped away the tears she didn't noticed she shed. "You can't beat them as you are now... Is that what you're saying?" this made her snap her head towards him, eyes wide, afraid that he would get angry with her again... But he wasn't. He seemed to have understood a lesson. "I won't get mad at you for thinking that. In fact, I understand now." her jaw could be picked from the ground now - She was so beyond bewildered that he had to get up in a sitting position and reach his hand out, closing her mouth. "You look stupid - You'll catch flies like that." "What do you mean...?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you agreeing with me... When I said... You can't defeat those strong guys yet?" "Yes. Don't get smug with me now. Listen. I saw Niko, just before I got kicked. And when I was on the ground, I saw him again. He told me the same thing as you. You can't defeat him... Towards that friend of yours. And you definitely can't defeat him either... Towards the other guy. Not now, not as I am now. That just means I have to train harder. I can't die now. I have to get stronger and stronger. Only then, will I be able to defeat anyone who stands in my way." he admitted to his faults, and was ready to get better. This made the girl throw her arms around his neck, getting him into a tight embrace. "About time you agree with me, for once. Thank goodness. I didn't want you to get reckless and desperate again, only to get K.O.'ed in one punch. That won't do. You're strong, and you can do it... But just like The Fang - You evolve by fighting. You get stronger and stronger with each enemy you face. You can do it, I know you can." she held him so dearly, that Ohma's heart would have shattered if he wasn't as strong as he is. "I'll still die. Whether or not I use the Advance, it's still a matter of time - " but his mouth got covered by her palm. "Shut the fuck up with that bullshit of yours." Ohma's eyes were wide with surprise - Kisara, swearing like that? She didn't swear - She designated that area towards him. "I don't want to hear another word of you dying. I don't care. I refuse to hear it again. Even if I have to pretend that none of that will happen, I will, until the very end... S-So... YOU WON'T FUCKING DIE. I WON'T LET YOU FUCKING DIE. DO YOU GET IT, TOKITA OHMA?! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANY OF YOUR DREAMS, OR THAT STUPID HEART THAT YOU'RE OVEREXERTING, NOR THAT YOU'RE TOO DUMB TO UNDERSTAND LONG WORDS OR EVEN MY FEELINGS FOR YOU - I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANY OF THAT, DO YOU HEAR ME, DUMBASS SEA-WEED HAIR?! I WON'T LET YOU DIE - AND EVEN IF YOU DO, I WON'T ACCEPT IT! IF YOU DIE, THEN I DIE TO. WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER, FROM THE TIME I SAVED YOU, UNTIL THE LAST BREATH YOU DRAW IN THIS WORLD, SO GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS ALREADY!" his hands found themselves cupping that beautiful face of hers, and he listened to the desperate, wavering words that she screamed at him - The same at back in the bathroom, but now they were much angrier and determined. What a little dumbass. A great doctor like her, choosing her fantasy dreams over reality. Hell, he wanted to contradict her again, or even tell her that it was worthless, waiting over a man that was doomed to die soon, possibly even before this whole tournament could end... But it was something about those glimmering eyes, filled with tears, or the way she cared for him so much, that stopped him from saying anything that would make her even more upset, just like before. He hated seeing her cry, and he already broke her heart so badly earlier that day that she completely avoided him the whole day... And who knew how much longer she would have kept her distance, were it not for that unexpected meeting.
It was unphantomable, how much a single person could... Love him. He always found it endearing, how she was so genuine and upfront with her emotions and her words, even at the very beginning. She was always so bold, despite how calm and collected she was... Even when she was fooling around with that 'air-head' cheery facade of hers that she picked up from that annoying jackass that took his place as a fighter. At core, she was still the same Kisara that saved him from bleeding out in the alley... The same Kisara that couldn't look him in the eye even now, the same Kisara that was afraid of sleeping alone in the house, the same Kisara who had trouble going anywhere by herself in fear of being awkward, the same Kisara who was scared to order a coffee from the barista, the same Kisara who was always so patient with his dumbass and taught him so many things, even though he claims he couldn't remember shit... It was the same Kisara who showed him how great 'self-care' felt, and how 'healing' embraces were, and that he didn't have to stray away from love, just because Niko taught him to just hit on any pretty girl, and he was completely appalled by that. It was all her - Only her, who showed him, who taught him, who guided him, who loved him - So patiently, so dearly, so eagerly, so intensely, so beautifully. 
It was her. It is her. And it will always be her.
Ohma pulled the gorgeous red haired woman into a sweet kiss, as loving and gentle as she always kissed him when he had a bad day, and he caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers, before reaching out to her hand, intertwining their fingers together and kissing the inside of her wrist, putting her delicate palm over his face and leaning into it. "Whatever you want, Hasashi Kisara. Whatever you want." he gave her that confident smile of his, but it was the old one, the cocky, endearing, super sexy smirk that he had during his fights with Rihito and the Medicine Man... Not the reckless one from when he challenged Agito. It was the old Ohma. "Ohma. I want you to teach me the Adamantine Kata. And any other moves that you think I could use." swallowing the lump in her throat that formed from crying, her fawn eyes seemed to regain some strength in them. "Huh? Adamantine? That's not something you can do - Even I can't do that. Why the hell would you want to do that?" his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Because I can't take hits." she explained simply. "My Aikido is solely based on deflecting big enemies and attacking here and there, but if I get hit, I'm done for. There's only so much shock dispersing I can do, before that's it. I'm not a punching bag. But after so many fights out there, I realised... I still have some stuff to learn, to make sure I'm safe, if anything happens. It's easy to evade and escape, and even in a small fight, maybe, considering you taught me the basics of how to divert the flow of a fight... But I need more of these deceiving techniques, and I need an alternative too. You never know, do you?" she explained plainly, and Ohma realised, she now resembled an enigmatic vixen more than anything. "Ha. Hear her. Now you have so little faith in me, that you don't need my protecting anymore. Very well, Your Majesty, I'll do just that. I wanted to go training anyway. But I'm hungry. We should go grab something." he muttered, yet before he got up, he slid his hand to the back of her head, and pulled her forwards, so that their foreheads touched. "Whether you like it or not though, as long as I'm around, Your Majesty is protected by me, got it?" there she went again, looking down, all embarrassed, when he said cute words like that - And her cheeks almost looked the same hue as her hair. She was absolutely beautiful. He upset her enough for a single day. At night, he was going to revert all that and make her happy. "Alright, Ohma. Protect me." her kitten smile was the cutest smile he's ever seen in his life. "It's great that you're hungry though. The Chairman asked for all the fighters to be present for the banquet. You can go train somewhere, and I'll go listen to what he has to say and grab some food, and after that, you teach me something new. How's that for a deal?" that smile turned into a wider grin as she grabbed his wrists and dragged him up. "Perfect deal. I never liked fancy parties anyway."
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Chapter 11 - Am I Wrong?
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As soon as Kisara found her way to their room, she noticed Ohma was slumped down on the ground, against the wall. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully, though why in the world was he on the ground to begin with? Shouldn't he be staying on the comfortable bed, though? Should she even awake him? He looked so beautiful like this though.  She didn't even realise she held a tender smile on her face as she reached out her hand and brushed away the fringe from his face - So beautiful and calm... Only sleeping can he relax. How was she so lucky to be dating such a wonderful man?
Kisara wanted to move his arm away and cuddle up to him, but just as she tried to, the door to their room was opened, and she jolted backwards immediately. Yamashita Kazuo and Akiyama Kaede walked inside, surprised to see the red head already there. "He's fast asleep? Really?!" the manager was surprised, while the secretary mocked him for falling asleep like that. "Now's our chance to prank Ohma! Come on, let's try -" Yamashita tried, but was quickly stopped by the doctor who shook her head. "He's tired, please don't wake him up." she explained, an empathetic expression on her face. "Ah, you're right, you're right... What a shame." the manager muttered, his arm falling down by his body.
Looking at each other, they came to a consensus to leave the place and allow the fighter to rest, but before Kisara could get up, a hellish roar resounded through the room, making the girl fall down on the ground from the shock. Everyone was looking with wide eyes at Ohma, while Ohma was just as surprised, panting from whatever nightmare he had. He looked distraught.
"O-Ohma...? Are you alright...?" Kaede was the first to voice her concerns. "...? Hasashi Kisara? Yamashita Kazuo? Kaede? What're you doing, Yamashita Kazuo?" the poor man was trembling from head to though, in a rather awkward and uncomfortable position. "Ohma, did you have a nightmare?" Kisara asked, furrowing her brows in worry as she extended her hand to hold his own. "Yeah, 'course I am. You're blowing this way outta -" Ohma got up, bringing the girl up with him, but before he could finish his sentence, his nose began bleeding heavily.  "How's that for a dramatic exaggeration?!" Kisara asked, quickly taking a blouse from her bag and raising it to his nose. "That's too much for just a nosebleed! You might have damaged your internal organs!" the manager cried out in fear. "We should really take you to the doctor's office, Ohma!" Kaede continued, only for the man to throw the shirt away and stop his bleeding by applying stasis on his nose blood vessels, his forearm pressing on it sideways.  "Don't ruin your clothes for nothing, Hasashi Kisara. Yamashita Kazuo, take them back to their seats. I'm gonna wash my face - I guess my wounds just opened up a little. It's really no big deal, guys." Ohma said, exiting the room and going towards the bathroom. "Well, he seems fine, I guess." Yamashita concluded, earning a nod of approval from the blonde. "I don't think there's anything to worry about. I'm sure it was just the rising temperature that opened up his wounds." "I hope you're right." but Kisara kept quiet through all this, merely looking depressed at the discarded bloody shirt, picking it up and clutching it tightly.
Luckily, she knew the path to the toilet, so as soon as the two were gone, she dashed to where Ohma was, in the men's bathroom. There was nobody, though at the stalls, only one was closed, and the painful sound of repeated coughs was heard. Her heart sank with fear and she ripped the door open, revealing a hunched over man, coughing way his lungs... And maybe all his organ too. "Ohma..." her voice was worried, yet pitiful as well, and she held onto him for as long as he coughed. By the time he was done, he turned around and fell down to seat on the toilet, panting for air, exhausted after wheezing so much. "Oh my God... Ohma, your eyes, your nose, your mouth... They're all bleeding." though her breathing was ragged, trying not to breakdown and cry at the horror movie style image in front of her.  "I don't get it. This never happened before." he confessed, confused out of his mind, barely realising that the girl was wiping away the blood from his face. "It's from the Advance. It's affecting your heart every time you use it. Please... God, Ohma, please, don't use the Advance anymore. You're strong enough, honey. Your Niko style is fantastic... No, not your Niko style... Your Ohma style. It's yours now. It's fantastic. You're getting better and better with every fight you're having. You don't need the Advance. Please... You need your health. Don't throw it down the drain. Please." Ohma's dark eyes were fixated on the glimmer of the green ones below him. He hasn't seen her so emotional before, especially not in front of him... Or because of him.  He didn't want to admit it, but he hated seeing her like that. And more, he hated that he was the cause of her tears. Unfortunately for her, he was much to angry, recalling his nightmare, to be rational. "Hasahi Kisara... I thought you were already aware of this. I don't give a shit what happens to me." he growled, getting up and walking past her, out of the stall. "I just need to last long enough to kill that cocksucker. That's all that matters to me. Nothing more, nothing less." he spoke, leaning on the sink and washing his face. "... Since when?" she asked, flushing the bloody toilet and standing next to him. "How about - Wanting to prove everyone that you are the strongest from the strongest?" Kisara's voice was struggling to be heard, to be clear. "What about your promise to me? What about us? What about me?" though her eyes were stinging and her throat was getting raw, she didn't realise that her face was already streaming with tears. "I promised I was going to be there for you, and cheer on you and support you, all the way to the top. Through everything. Through thick and thin. And you - You promised you'd be there to hold my hand and guide me, and be by my side - Because I always get lost, and I need you. Did you say you'd be by my side and light my path? What about all that? Was it all just lies?" her bottom lip was trembling and the puffiness and pink of her eyes and face was beginning to be highlighted by her already bright red hair.  Ohma could only look at her, afraid now, as he was when Karla was clinging onto him. How was he supposed to react? He had no idea how to reply. He was stunned by her tears and the distraught she was showing. Her words were severing his already damaged heartstrings, and he felt his mind going crazy. He never should have let himself self-indulge... Now he has one more problem in this world - Hurting the most dear person to him, because of his own selfishness. "Don't delude yourself, Hasashi Kisara. A dead man can't do any of that. If I have to die to achieve my goal, then that's that. If you want to continue staying by my side, fine. If not... It's your choice. That spot will always be open for you alone. But don't delude yourself into thinking that I ever lied to you. You should know better." his voice was low and serious, his hand reaching out to touch her shoulder, but she pushed it away. "I know you're not a liar... But I have every right to be concerned for your health. You are the only person I ever had feelings for. You're the only person I ever loved. If you start bleeding all of a sudden and your health is compromised, do you expect me to encourage you to kill yourself? Just because you're a fighter? I hope not. Because I never will. There's no one I care more than you... And I will continue to cheer and support you fighting... But not killing yourself." she spoke, stepping away from him, her head hung. "I never asked you to care for me. I don't need you protecting me and I don't need your tears either. You're not a fighter, you don't have any damaging goals, you wouldn't get it. You can't cheer me fighting, but not killing myself. Everyone out there is fighting with their life on the line - Whether it's my disease, or the result of a fight, it's the same thing." though true in some way, his words felt so harsh and painful, almost as if he was pushing her away. "... And you will never get what I'm feeling either." she muttered, rushing out of the bathroom, somewhere. She was aimless, and not only was she tragic with her direction, she was blinded by tears. Where was a safe place to go to, anyway? She didn't want anyone to see her crying, that would be stupid as hell, but at least that long hair of hers was enough to hide her face, at least as she was speed walking to hell knows where.
"Hey there, red death, where you running away without even saying hi to your senpai?" shit, Hatsumi. She knew she couldn't hide anything from him. He was the only person who knew her better than she knew herself - After all, he was her senpai. It was him who taught her how to vent out, how to cry out your frustrations and problems...
In fact, the first step to agreeing to teach her aikido was to get her hiking to the top of a mountain, and there, he made her scream until her lungs collapsed, her throat was burning and she had no more voice. It was the best stress relief and emotional eraser she's ever had. She felt so calm and in control the next day, as if she wasn't feeling the weight of the whole world on her shoulders anymore. She wanted to go in the mountains again, and run straight into the falling waters of a cascade and let the freezing water numb her from head to toe at that rapid pace. She wanted to feel numb again, to feel cold - To stop the burning feeling that was taking over. 
"Heeeey, Earth to Kisara~♪ You awake?" he asked again, turning her around and snapping his fingers in front of her face, only to see her snapping her head up to him and see the awfully tragic face of hers. She wasn't that upset even when she was betrayed by her parents, so the only thing that could have upset her this much must have been that stupid substitute boy. Ah, to be young, and in love, and actually be a normal and down to earth person who knows what she wants, and has hopes for the future and so much love to give. He admired her for being able to be so mature and caring, but she also pitied her. "Oh, darling, come here. There, there, angel, it's alright, it's alright." he held her tightly in his arms, caressing her hair. "Come over, I bet you don't want anyone to see you like that." he muttered, bringing her to his room and letting her stay on the edge of the bed - Her tears were still falling, but she wasn't saying anything. He even offered her a cigarette and a glass of whiskey, and though she took them, she didn't utter a single sound - Her soft sobs and sniffles were the only thing echoing. "Kisara. Talk to me, please." he tried again, kneeling in front of her. She looked so broken and conflicted. "... Was I wrong...?" she whispered, not realising that her hand was trembling as she brought the cigarette over to her lips.  "About what, angel?" the man reached out to put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Ohma. He... He is sick. That technique of his... It's affecting his heart. The more he uses it, the more damaged his heart is. I found him sleeping... And when he woke up, he got a massive nosebleed. He then started coughing blood, and even his eyes were bleeding. I-I got so freaked out, I thought he was going to collapse in front of me." she managed to stumble over her words. "I... I asked him... I begged him... Not to use it again. I begged him not to ruin his health any more. He can do it with his own power... The Advance isn't his power. It's not him. It's killing him." she continued, her grip on the glass tightening with frustration. "HOW CAN I NOT FUCKING WORRY WHEN THE LOVE OF MY FUCKING LIFE IS KILLING HIMSELF IN FRONT OF ME, DAMN IT?!" Kisara cried out, barely keeping herself from throwing the glass into the wall. "I CARE FOR HIM! FUCK - I REALLY CARE FOR HIM! I CARE FOR SOMEONE! ME! THE HEARTLESS BITCH, HASASHI KISARA, THE ICE QUEEN - SHE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT SOMEONE! SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING HAS FEELINGS! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?!" she gulped down the whiskey, passing the glass onto the bed, not risking it shattering. "I care for you, Hatsumi. I care for Takeshi - And for Cosmo. For Akira, and Seki... I care for you so much - Without you, guys, I'd have never been brave enough to be who I am now. You guys taught me so much, and you cared for me so dearly, as if we are family. And I care for all of you so much as well - But him... He's something else." she muttered the last bit, her free hand raking through her hair. "Bleeding like that, he tell me - He says he doesn't care what happens to him, as long as he kills Kiryu Setsuna. He just needs to live long enough to kill him, and that's that. Can you believe that? What the fuck was I supposed to say? What the fuck was I supposed to feel? Yeah, Ohma, go ahead, kill yourself!" she threw her hands up in frustration. "And he tells me -- He has the AUDACITY to tell ME --... I never asked you to care for me... How -... How can you say that -... How can you even think about saying that... That you don't need my protection or tears... What the fuck... Then what did you need? Some idiot to buy you food and cheer for you every time you won?" as she said that she suddenly looked around and turned on the TV. "I promised Saw Paing I would be there to cheer on him... And now, I'm keeping you away from watching the fights... I'm sorry... You don't need this before your fight. You should be there, chilling out and relaxing, getting in the mood for a fight... Well, you've got an easy fight. But still. It's important to analyse your competition."  looking up at the screen, she bit her lip hard enough to feel the taste of blood on her tongue. The fight was beautiful, and everyone was supposed to be focusing on it, yet here she was, holding down the person whom she trusts the most. How awful. "Kisara. Deep breath. Look at me." Hatsumi reached out her hands and cupped the girl's face making her face him. "That guy is a dumbass. I get where he's coming from - And I know that you do too - But that's no way to speak to your girlfriend. You have every right to be upset. But I think... Don't put it to heart too much. He's just stressed out now. Maybe he got freaked out too, but didn't want to scare you to death. Don't be too mad on him. This competition is rough, he needs an angel like you to care for him, if he's stupid enough to drive himself into the grave. Pull him up, breathe life into him, slap him a few times, and he's good to go. He's a monster, I don't think he'd die that easily." with his pointer and middle finger he reached and tapped her forehead. "I don't mind if he dies in a fight, y'know... How many women before had their loved ones die in battle, anyway? I know... It's life or death. And... That applies for all of you. I'd be distraught if either of you were to die in a match, but I'd also be very proud to have known you, and that you died doing what you loved the most. But... Dying in a match, and pushing your health until you die like that... I can't see him damaging himself like that. It really hurts... Seeing someone you care so much for... So uncaring about his own future and health, his own life... It really sucks." she sighed, taking a deep breath. "Don't give up, Kisara. Get up and smile. We're men, we're jerks, you know that. We never say anything. But trust me when I say it... Your support is appreciated. For all of us. You said you promised that loud, obnoxious guy you'd be cheering on him, yes? Look, he won. Go out there and congratulate him. But... If you don't come see me before my fight, I won't forgive you." he offered that lazy smile, getting up to his feet and extending his hand for her to take. With a weak chuckle, Kisara slapped both her palms down hard on his own hands and jumped to her feet. "I'm your #1 fan, Hatsumi Senpai~♪ Not even Miss Shion can best me... Ah, speaking of Miss Shion... What the hell were you thinking, cheating on her? She's... She's a... VERY good catch. Dumbass." laughing, she started marching ahead, out of the messy room, and towards the stands. "Oh, come on, not that again! Kisara! You're not supposed to be such a jerk to your Senpai -- Hey, Kisara, don't ignore me! Angeeeeeee~l! Red death! Vixen! Fox girl! Darling! Sweety! Honey! Cutie! Ahhh... Come on, don't be so merciless on your best friend, I just comforted you! ... Gosh, women are so ruthless..." Hatsumi sighed, watching the red haired girl laugh carefree and skip down the hall. And he smiled. That was the Kisara he liked to see. If he wasn't capable of making his life happy, or taking care of the people he loves, then at least her. Be happy for him too.
By the time the red head reached Gaolang's seat again, Saw Paing was already dressed, as energetic as always, sitting on a chair next to Sayaka. Though the Thai looked at her and gave her a questioning look - She must still have puffy eyes and traces of heavy crying - She simply smiled and shook her head, asking about the match and what happened, apologising for not watching it in its entirety. Though the match was fantastic, what was equally interesting was that, during the time it took to leave Hatsumi's bedroom and get to the stands, another match had already finished, and Mikazuchi Rei finished it in a single hit. Absolutely fantastic.
The next match, however, was Rihito's, and Kisara couldn't help herself, and she laughed mockingly. Though Gaolang was not aware, she explained how much of a weakling he was, and that the fight wasn't even worth watching, for it will be boring. The opponent, however, he was radiating a calm kind of power. It was scary. Fantastic. He is definitely one of the scariest opponents out there. "You are young. You are arrogant, you are foolish, and above all, you are weak." Rihito had the audacity to try Razor's Edge on his opponent before the match even began - But Kuroki was as calm as ever. It was fascinating, watching the fight as soon as it started. The blond dumbass was trying to hit, but every time, he got flipped over, blocked, and in less than a minute, he got 'killed' four times. "I, Kuroki, refuse to use my fists against weaklings. You'd best surrender, young fighter. There's no shame in admitting the power gap between us." he was roasting Rihito so painfully - But he needed that wake up slap sooner or later.
The most Rihito managed to do was create a shallow skin wound on Kuroki's chest, but other than that, all his hits were easily blocked. "You are so far beyond comical, I nearly feel pity for you. Did you seriously think that you could defeat me? I was simply showing you my respect by playing with you on your terms. Can you not even see the power gap between us? That is why you are weak. Out of my sight... Weakling." it was true. If a fighter can't see their own short-comings and act upon bettering himself, he will never progress. Superman Rihito had a blind confidence that was absolutely baseless. So far, Kuroki Gensai is probably one of the most intimidating and experienced fighters out there, next to Wakatsuki and Hatsumi... There's just Kano Agito to watch, and that should conclude the power bracket... Though, the Mikazuchi guy finishing a match so quickly... It was insane.
The last fight of Block C was that of Ohma's rival... It would prove to be quite the interesting fight. His opponent was some pretty face over whom most women were fawning over... No, actually, they were cheering for both of them. Is this a beauty contest or what? How ridiculous. Still, it didn't take Nikaido long to flaunt his moves, for Setsuna was already pulling scary moves. Not only was Setsuna barely touched, but Nikaido fell to his knees all of a sudden, coughing and spitting blood desperately. His shoulder was completely screwed, and now, so was his chest. He was still a weirdo though, and it looked as if he fell into some kind of trance, going on and on about sinning and what not... Though what made Kisara jolt up in her seat was watching Kiryu use one of Ohma's moves with ease. Was it Niko style? If yes, how did he knew it?! Was it from long before, when they were children and Ohma's master was killed? "That fiend..." Gaolang looked down at him, appalled at his tactics. "He's not right in the head." the girl hummed in agreement. "Well - We're getting to Block D now. Gaolang, your fight is coming up soon. Are you ready?" she smiled at him. "Of course." he nodded, as neutral as always. "Great. I'm sure you'll win. Anyway - Senpai's match is coming up, so I've got to cheer on him. See you!" she got up, her dress twirling around her ankles. "You sure have a lot of friends." the Thai noticed. "And I'd like to think you are one of them." with a peace sign, she rushed down to the arena. By the time she got there, Kaede was already there, with Hatsumi. "Can I tie your hair, Senpai? For good luck." "As long as you don't put another ribbon on it this time." the man chuckled, happy that the girl was looking much brighter now than a little ago. "What do you think, Kaede? Did I do a good job?" the secretary looked at them weirdly, and she nodded her head. Whatever the answer she'd give, Hatsumi was sure to be flirting with her. Much to her shock, he didn't. He was much too focused on the fight to be thinking about flirting. It was a great thing for Nogi group. "How long?" the man asked, cracking his knuckles. "Less than a minute. Depends how lazy you are, I'd say, less than half a minute." in that instant, the rain let down, and Sayaka threw the rain coat away, calling out to the crowd that Block D will be starting to fight.
"He's the Strongest Flake in Kengan match history - Fickle enough to make any employer cry, but with sure strength to match it. The Hatsumi-Style Aikido is back in the ring! Standing 178 cm tall, weighing in at 84 kg, with a kengan match record of 39 wins and 15 losses, total assets acquired at 1.440.182.800 trillion - Representative of Nogi Group, The Floating Cloud - SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN HAAAAAAATSUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" well, Kaede was wrong - Though he didn't flirt with her, he sure was eager to flirt with Mr. Katahara's daughter.
By the time Hatsumi was already inside the arena, Takeshi and Kaede's sister came by to watch the match as well - Well, Wakatsuki more, Sakura simply got lost, so she started following her friend. "Your Senpai has polished up well. Very good." the man smiled proudly, patting Kisara's shoulder. "And so have I!" the girl was, as well, very proud of Hatsumi, though of different reasons. She was happy that she had such a great teacher, while Wakatsuki wanted to be having a glorious rematch with the man who managed to best him in fight. Either way, admiration was given his way.
As Sayaka introduced the fighter for Yoshitake Real Estates... Kisara remembered this guy was the one who hired Rihito. Their new fighter is sure to be some weakling as well. Still, an old man walked in the arena, using a cane as he trembled from all his joint. As soon as the pretty girls around the arena was ready to call the bodyguards and escort the old man out, he transformed into the opponent, a tall and built man in his prime. Chiba was a weird man. The exchange of words didn't seem to phase Hatsumi at first - He was confident and delivering all sorts of witty one liners... Until Chiba's face morphed into Gaolang's, creeping everyone out. He even copied his boxing style! Next, it was Naoya's tackle... Before morphing back. He called himself an Underground Actor of sorts. A chimera. Someone that can perfectly copy any fighting style there is. A complete copy cat. Hatsumi better not be falling for this, this is stupid.
As the referee told them to take their stances, Chiba did some Street Fighter kind of move. "DON'T FALL FOR HIS LIES, SENPAI! FUCK HIM UP! AN ACTOR IS JUST AN ACTOR, NOT A FIGHTER!" though Chiba was smirking confidently, Hatsumi was getting worked up... For just a second. Kisara was right, there was no need to get worked up from the first round. Preserve your energy and finish quickly. Only in fights, not in the bedroom too.
It was only a matter of seconds, and the fight was already over. Kisara counted the seconds - 26 freaking seconds, and Chiba was bleeding on the ground, unconscious. In that mean time, she could only recall Bruce Lee's style... But the last one, it was an Aikido move. How stupid can you be to pull an aikido move on the greatest aikido master? Hatsumi overpowered him with such ease, it was laughable. Complete domination. She wondered if Mikazuchi finished as quickly as him. Still - Hatusmi had a small wound on his forehead, how ridiculous. 
"It was obvious he was nothing more than an actor. You can't be pulling cheap aikido moves on an aikido master. Even I could defeat that guy." saying that, Wakatsuki agreed. "His overconfidence and misjudgment were his undoing. Just a single opening can cost you everything. That's what kengan matches are like." Takeshi continued the explanation, watching as Sen was flirting with all the arena girls. "Well... That was impressive." Kaede muttered, still bewildered at the abysmally short fight. "Yes, I agree. I hope I'll be watching Takeshi fight him some day. Now that - Will be an epic rematch." she smirked, watching Chiba get taken away to the hospital wing, while Hatsumi was walking towards them - He high fived the red head and pulled all the girls into his arms, inviting them and his old friend for a well deserved drink. It was time to watch the matches on Tv, with a good drink!
Hopefully, the next matches will be just as interesting... But surely, the last one... The Fang's fight... Kano Agito... She wanted to meet him so bad. To see what he's all about, why he's so faimous, so strong, so feared and revered... Such a legend. Her curiosity and thirst for knowledge could only be quenched by 'accidentally' getting to befriend that big guy... And maybe another whiskey, who knows.
Either way, Block D was definitely going to be fantastic to watch, and Kisara was eager to see what everyone was capable of doing, especially with two fantastic fighters by her side, commenting the matches, and a knowledgeable secretary who knew all the statistics.
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Chapter 10 - Strengthening Friendship Bonds
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Though Kisara wasn't paying attention to the enemy's introduction by Sayaka, she looked up at the man that stood next to her as if he was the Empire States Buiding. And though the people out there were cheering for Gozo, as soon as Sayaka mentioned the 'Wild Tiger', the crowd went up in flames with roars of excitement. With one last encouraging word, Kisara watched her friend step forwards, inside the stadium's fighting rink. "Now, the Wild Tiger of the Kengan Matches is baring his fangs at Hercules! He's achieved no less than 306 victories, and he doesn't have the most victories in history for nothing!!! One of the most likely winners of this tournament is finally in action - With a kengan record of 306 wins and 2 losses, total assets acquired at 3,277,395 trillion yen, for Furumi Pharmaceuticals, THE WILD TIGER, WAKATSUKIIII TAKEEEEEEEESHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" shit, that's most likely more than the whole national budget, Kisara found herself bursting into laughter out loud.
The two fighters were about equal heights, and stood so close to one another, fists clenched and flexing tightly, as if asserting their domination0. It was so strong, that not even the referee could get them to listen to him, so instead, he was told by the chairman to get out of there before he got hurt. Thus, the match began with a strong punch to the face by Takeshi, who managed to easily knock a few teeth off from Gozo, and make him fall backwards - Though he didn't fly away, as Gozo initiated a Cross arm lock... Didn't this man get it the first time around? Wakatsuki is superhuman, and can lift him up with his arm alone, throwing him off with ease. As Wakatsuki rushed to hit Gozo again, he was hit in the Solar plexus, yet didn't stop or even falter, and landed his punch, possibly knocking off teeth again.
Gozo found himself choosing to use his trump card, starting with a crouch like a runner at a marathon, lunging towards Takeshi, landing a knee kick to the chin, managing to bend his torso backwards a bit, yet it was nowhere close to being enough and throw his balance off, or make him falter. Instead, Takeshi punch Gozo, letting a war cry so strong that it resounded throughout the place loudly. Gozo was painfully slammed into the concrete wall, his consciousness lost, just like his match. Meanwhile, the only damage in Takeshi's body was a simple drip of blood from his nose.
"I always love watching your fights, you know that, right?" Kisara chuckled, signaling to him to get closer. "Thank you, Kisara, you're too nice." unlike the solemn and grave disposition from before the fight, he was now much more cheerful and calm. "I'm just saying the truth. Get down here, big guy, you have a bit of blood on your lip." taking her handkerchief from her pocket, she motioned to the man to get down. Because of the great height different, he just got on his knee and let the girl cup his face and wipe the blood off. "There, there, you look as good as new!" she smiled softly, matching his relaxed visage - Only to hear a small gasp from behind. The duo looked back, revealing a surprised Kaede, her hand hiding her agape mouth. "O-Oh, I'm sorry to be disturbing you -- I-I didn't know you two were -- Congratulations, you two!" the blonde stumbled over her words, making the two blush slightly at the implication. "Miss Kaede - There's been a misunderstanding --" Takeshi quickly got up, trying to explain. "I didn't even realise how it would seem, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, Kaede - Though, I must admit, now that I think about it, I guess I would be really lucky if it were the truth." Kisara laughed lightly, making Takeshi a bit flustered. "O-Oh, I see, I'm sorry for coming to conclusions. Anyway, congratulations on your first round." the atmosphere got calmer and more friendly. Though Kisara wasn't aware of it, she quickly deduced the two were already in good terms. "Thank you, Miss Kaede. What are you doing here? Are you looking for Sakura?" he asked calmly. "No, I haven't seen her since we got off the ship." Sakura? Could that be her friend or relative? "Hehe... That's so her. Kisara, Sakura is Miss Kaede's sister. If you thought you were directionally challenged, well - You don't hold a candle to her." Takeshi chuckled lightly. "Yes, that's right... We were supposed to meet once at a restaurant in Shibuya... And she ended up calling me... She was in Siberia, of all things." Kaede smiled wryly, as if slightly embarrassed by her sister. "Well, I suppose I can feel better now, huh?" Kisara grinned, happy that she wasn't as bad as she thought anymore. "Still... Wakatsuki, you were amazing. You overwhelmed him completely. You defeated Murobuchi Gozo before he could even do a thing to you." Kaede complimented the man. "Not exactly, Miss Kaede. Murobuchi was frighteningly strong. Strong enough to make my hairs stand on end. But... I was even stronger... That's all there's to it." though he said that with such humility, his smile was saying otherwise. "Always so humble, Takeshi! It took less than two minutes for you to knock him out, so don't give me that." the red head nudged him. "Hey, is that Akira?"  "Yes, that's him. What's he doing at the Infirmary?" Takeshi muttered to himself. "Infirmary? Is Cosmo there?" the answer was negative. "Well, I guess I'll go ahead and say hi. You two go on without me. I want to see Seki's fight... And that guy's too." with a mock military salute, Kisara skipped towards the medical ward and slipped inside just as Akira was closing the door. "Akira~♪" she hummed his name, throwing a peace sign. "Yo, heey Red, 'sup!" he raised his hand up as a lazy greeting. "All good! I saw you around after Takeshi's fight, and thought I'd come say hi. Is Cos okay?" she asked, a bit worried. "Oh, yeah, yeah, he's fine, don't worry about him. In fact, he's not here. Actually, let me introduce you to my friends!" throwing his arm around her shoulders, Akira brought her inside, where a familiar voice was yelling at another for teasing him.  "Ah! You're that super cute guy who fought with Ohma! Hi, you two, lovely meeting you. I'm Hasashi Kisara, it's great seeing more of Akira's friends!" she threw another peace sign at them. "Oh, yes, I saw you with Mr. Yamashita and his fighter, but I never imagined this guy would be friends with a relative of the Hasashi CEO." the Penasonic CEO smiled friendly, teasing Akira. "Ah - Come on now, don't mention it - In fact, until yesterday, I had no idea what my parents were doing. But it's fine! One day, I'll crush them, and I'll take over the company, and prove to them that I'm not hopeless. So, please don't associate me with those guys." she chuckled awkwardly, extending her hand for them to shake. "At least my businessman intuition was right when I told you they were your parents." surfer dude laughed at her. "Not anymore!" she grinned lightly. "Anyway! Inaba, you were so cool out there! I want to know what you do to your hair, you were like this super cool onryo from movies!" the enthusiasm continued. "Hehe... Thank you, Miss Kisara, but looking like I do, I don't deserve your praise, especially from Tokita's friend. My clan has a special drug that is used to treat our hair since childhood, and we train and learn how to fight with it. It makes the assassinations easier." Ryo chuckled softly, albeit painfully - His face was swollen and he was missing a tooth. "Hey, you -- Why do you still have this picture... And as a wallpaper too?! Delete it right now! I look awful!" the CEO was behaving the same age as he was in the picture, snatching the phone from Akira's hand. "Whoa - Surfer dude, were you going through a phase or something? Ryo is the only one who was AND remained cute!" Kisara snatched Urita's phone, keeping him at arm's length by dodging around.  "I was a bit of a playboy in highschool, I guess - Unwillingly though, girls just liked me!" Akira laughed carefree. "Uri, stop bothering, you won't catch her off guard, she's too fast for you."  "Yeah I see that... Miss Kisara, please delete that picture!" Urita put his hands on his knees and panted... Obviously, he wasn't one for sports. "Nope~♪" she stuck her tongue out to him. "Akira, got more pics like this?" "Yeah, a whole folder! Look it up!" though Akira was grinning, Urita's eyes widened large like cherry pies and lunged at the girl, letting out a desperate war cry. "Let's see, what do we have here~♪" with one hand on Uri's face, and the other uncomfortably searching through the pictures, she suddenly gasped, horrified, and threw the phone in Urita's hands. "YOU TAKE IT!" "Yes, thank yo--... TAKE IT BACK, I DON'T NEED IT!" the man threw back the phone, only to have it tossed backwards immediately. "I DON'T WANT IT! I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES AND SOME MENTAL REHAB!" she cried, terrified and afraid of looking at the phone anymore. "AND YOU THINK I WANT TO SEE IT?! I WANT TO DROWN MYSELF AFTER SEEING THAT!" Urita yelled back at her. "Hey, you two, calm down, what's the matter? It's just a pic. I mean, we were in highschool, we weren't as good looking as now, but --" surfer dude, was looking confused at their reaction, only for Ryo to raise in a sitting position and use his hair to snatch the phone away, and his eyes bulged up, throwing the phone in Akira's hands. "I wish Tokita would have kept me unconscious for much longer..." Inaba grumbled, falling back down on the bed. "BYE, GUYS!" Kisara immediately sprinted away from there. The last thing she wanted was to see Nishihonji Akira's nudes, of all things. Good luck trying to explain that to all your friends now.
As soon as she got up in to take a seat, she found Gaolang and Saw Paing sitting there, so she went to join them. "Ohhh, Miss Kisara, hi! Ready to watch the next match?" the Burmese fighter offered the girl the other seat next to Gaolang, who was now flanked from both sides.  "Yes! I hope you guys talk more about the matches, I'm not familiar with all fighting styles out there." she smiled sheepishly. "Don't worry, this guy is very talkative. Too talkative, in fact." the Thai God of War spoke in disdain. "That's great~♪ Anyway, I heard there's the fight for this guy who uses ballet or something? I got trapped in the preliminaries, and he was one of the fighters. Should be interesting." she spoke, only to see Gaolang shake his head. "His company forfeited. The next fight is your parents'... No, forgive me. The Hasashi company's fight." he hesitated, remembering the fight from the previous night.  "... Forfeit? In a Kengan match? How is that possible?!" Kisara's eyes widened from shock, her gaze snapping at Gaolang. "My guess, the Toyo company has blackmailed the other's CEO, so they were forced to forfeit. It's not unheard of, considering how lax the rules are. Well, it doesn't matter to me anyway." he shrugged, completely unphased.  "It's time to introduce the next fighter! The most powerful man in the history of kickboxing, the relentless fighter, the world-renowned champion, the man who has as many epithets as awards - The legendary fighter is entering the kengan matches! Standing at 196 cm tall and weighting in at 104 kg, his kengan record is of 78 wins and no losses... For Hasashi Private Medical Network, The Gashadokuro, TANJIIIIIIIIII YOOOOOIIIIIICHIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Kisara couldn't help but grit her teeth as she got up, glaring at the man. He strutted inside the pit, flexing and smirking like a cocky bitch, thinking he's undefeatable. He never crossed punches with Wakatsuki, otherwise, he'd be a dead man. Then, the other opponent was introduced, and he came in, walking on four legs, his tongue out, looking like a maniac and breathing heavily. "That guy's not normal in the head." Saw Paing pointed out, as the other two agreed. "Still, Tanji was smart, fighting No-Gi. If he were to fight with a shirt on, he'd be an easy target for a judo practitioner like Meguro." Gaolang added, as the red head could only hum in acknowledgement. "I heard that once, at a university, the Judo team and the Wrestling team held sparring matches. The Judo team won every match that was under Gi rules... However, under the No-Gi rules, they lost every match to the wrestling team. Already, Meguro is at a disadvantage." "I see, that's very interesting." she nodded again.
Still, Meguro didn't need to grab the enemy by the shirt - Instead, he grabbed his clavicle and flipped him down on his back, mounting him - Though it was an easy enough hit to break the fall, the shock still dispersed, and the kickboxer stopped moving for a little while. Good, Kisara thought, whatever the outcome, as long as that jerk loses, it's all good. He kept getting punch after punch, and the one down was more or less able to defend - Until he got strangled.
"I thought Judo was more of a defense martial art." asked, confused at the aggressiveness displayed by the madman. "At its core, it is. At the same time, it's also renowned when it comes to ground fighting and its stability in any situation is impressive. I suppose, fighting a veteran on the ground is like challenging a shark in the middle of the ocean." Gaolang explained to the girl. He was so good at explaining, she was fascinated. "Well, this looks like it hurts. I hope that madman wins." just as she said that, however, the kickboxer stuck his finger into Meguro's eye, putting it out. "CHRIST, THEY HAVE NO LIMITS -" "There's no shame down there. If you need to retort to dirty tricks to win, you're lacking in your martial arts prowess." Gaolang shook his head in disgust. "In a death match, anything goes - I guess, some really go by that logic. But Meguro isn't letting go of Tanji's neck, that's impressive." Kisara muttered, only to see the kickboxer stick his finger into Meguro's ear, rupturing the eardrum... The semicircular canals and what not of the medial ear. Still, it seemed like the grip on his neck was only getting tighter. Not only that, but with one of those large paws of his, Meguro slammed down his hand on Tanji's face and took out both his eyes...  "I am appalled." the Thai declared, looking away - If there was no honour in fighting, he didn't like it. "Wait, Gaolang... Something's wrong. A normal person would be bleeding a heavily at having their eyes plucked out - Not to mention, they'd most likely faint from the pain. None of that happened for Tanji. It's clear that Meguro is screwed in the head, but Tanji isn't. Look at those things one the ground... Those aren't real eyes, they were prosthesis!" she declared, leaning over the railing to get a better look. "Ohhh, Miss Kisara is right! Awesome! But wait, does that mean that Tanji was always blind?" Saw Paing asked as he started hogging the railing, leaving no space for the Thai to watch the game. "Yes." Kisara spoke, before her eyes widened in realisation. "No!" she quickly turned to Gaolang. "Actually - I think he MAY have been able to see! I read an article once that the Hasashi whatever was testing an eye prosthesis so that even the blind can see. Something about creating a human eye and attaching the nerves and blood vessels with microsurgery. It's supposed to take a while to recover and be able to see, and even more to get used to the new vision, but it's supposed to be perfect vision. It's a scientific medical miracle, and if this worked... Then Tanji is the ever living proof of that." she explained, seeing as the two men were watching in shock at her words. "So that's how far the medical field has gone." Gaolang grumbled to himself. In that instant, Meguro let out an agony, blood curling shriek and jumped away from the kickboxer. His testies were squashed to hell by him. She's only seen such awful tactics in fighting anime, but all things considered, his life was on the line. Anything goes. And even after that, Meguro was standing.
Not for long though, for Tanji was somehow able to change the flow of the fight and deliver hit after hit. Judging by how easy it was for him to predict and hit his target, it was obvious that he wasn't always able to see so well, so the vision-prosthesis was an experimental success. "It seems that, despite getting a vision, Tanji was previously blind - Or blinded, and was able to get familiar to living without his sight, thus, getting his other senses more refined." Kisara spoke, amazed by the capacities a blind man can achieve. "I don't want to imagine life without my sight..." Saw Paing muttered, almost as if afraid at the thought of being blind.
Tanji started rushing Meguro, delivering more and more and more hits to his body, but the madman was still standing up, with a look of complete euphoria on his face. Blow to the side, to the skull, to the top of the head, to the temples, even crushing the windpipe, and in the end, the kickboxer grabbed Meguro's head and rotated it at such an angle that even the audience could hear the vertebra snapping - The finishing blow was another pair of fingers shoved down, inside Meguro's already pulled out eye, reaching all the way to his brain. Even he couldn't resist that, and thus Meguro Masaki fell down on the ground, with his tongue out and a huge grin on his face. Awful.
"Well, it seems that he won. Glad I won't have to fight against such disgrace." Gaolang huffed at the glorious pose that he pulled. "... No, but Seki will." Kisara groaned, falling back down on the chair. "Seki...?" Gaolang didn't get it at first. "Sekibayashi Jun! He's the best pro-wrestler out there! In fact, his match was the first one I ever saw, almost 4 years ago, and that's how I got fascinated by kengan matches and fighting in general. You see - Seki's not only a fighter, but an entertainer too, so whenever he's fighting it's always a super fun show to watch! Hey, Saw Paing, your match is right after this one, I'll come down with you, I want to congratulate Seki on his win." she grinned, completely confident in his victory. "Oh, hell yes! I want to see an awesome fight! I'm all pumped up now! GAOLANG, LET'S HAVE A WARM UP FIGHT!" Yoroizuka cried out loudly. "No. Now sit down, you're bothering the crowd." Gaolang reprimanded him immediately. "Oh. You're right. Okay then." the Burmese nodded in understanding and sat down obediently. "You really know how to tame him." Kisara chuckled softly, shaking her head at their antics.
Soon, the next fight was announced, and the first contender was some delinquent sumo brawler with a 7 to 0 kengan record, and he was wearing a yokozuna belt, though he was an exile, mocking his heritage. "And now, introducing his opponent - It's Pro Wrestling vs Sumo! The time has finally come for these two often-compared sports to settle things once and for all - Representing the Pro Wrestling Industry, is the Angel of Death sent straight from Hell, and he's chosen to enter the arena second, as if going first was beneath him! Standing 196 cm tall, weighing in at 141 kg, with a kengan record of 57 wins and 1 loss, total assets required at 555,111,250 billion yen, for Gandai, HELL'S ANGEL, SEKIBAYASHIIIIIIIIIIIII JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!" though, as soon as he stepped inside the rink, everyone marveled at his appearance. "That's a taboo backwards gingko-leaf topknot! He's mocking Takeru!" Kisara was holding down on the railing, cheering loudly for Sekibayashi.
Before the match even began, Takeru grabbed Seki by the top of his head and slammed him hard onto the ground. "Fighters shouldn't disobey the basic rules of a match. That's blatant disrespect to the art of fighting." Gaolang was getting irked at this childishness. "It's alright, he'll learn his lesson. Seki will be sure to teach him. Give him a proper discipline." Kisara smirked deviously, watching as Seki quickly got up as soon as Kiozan turned his back to him, and slammed him hard with a German Suplex. "Pro-Wrestler are fantastic actors and can take punishment like no other fighter!" though Seki accepted punch after punch, going to get the acclaiming of the audience, he'd still land enough hits on the Sumo wrestler too. He was sturdy, alright, and it wasn't easy to budge him, considering the legs are the most trained parts of a sumo fighter's body, and they are proficient in their balance.
Kiozan had Jun pressed flat to the wall, and allowed the wrestler to bend and grab him from below, around his abdomen, but he couldn't budge the sumo fighter - Instead, he got hit by a teppo slap and hit his head so hard on the wall, that the concrete shattered. He received more and more hits, only to retaliate with a backhand chop that Kisara knew was usually able to make most fighters faint... But that wasn't the case for Takeru as well. Still, despite all the punches thrown around, Kiozan still didn't get it... Seki was a Pro Wrestler, so he used the wall to jump and fall down on the enemy, making him a pancake - But that, too, was short lived, and the two were now facing each other again, yet neither giving even an inch.
Now came Seki's turn to deliver blow after blow after blow, and he wasn't stopping his backhand chops until Takeru hit him with a slap to the face. But of course, Hell's Angel was unstoppable. "Why isn't he blocking any of the fights?" Saw Paing asked. "That's all for the show - Wrestlers are expected to receive any hit they get, and that's why, Sekibayashi's endurance is through the roof. He can withstand even a missile! I'm kidding, but also not. Look, he's not backing down, and no matter how many hits he gets, Seki's still fired up. More, it's playing on Kiozan's morale - He seems easily angered, and that's going to make him lose his focus. What he's doing now, though it's a defensive move, he's not guarding. He's just standing there and taking it all. There was a story once, about 'The Standing Man', and Seki is using that stance right now. The story goes as follow - A lone traveler was offered shelter by a noble family in feudal Japan. On the same night, a group of assassins is sent to kill every member of the family in a bloody coup; the traveler attempts to flee carrying a large bell on his back, but is cornered by the bandits. They attack him, stabbing him, cutting him, beating and berating him, but the man is unmoved and stares at them aggressively. Many moments pass until the leader of the bandits realizes he has been long dead. Yet still, he stood there with the heavy bell on his back giving them the same threatening look, taking it as a sign the man has an incredible strength of spirit the bandits leave their bloody deeds done. The next morning the body of the man is found by the remaining servants of the deceased family still frozen in the same pose. It is then revealed that under the large bell he had been carrying he had hidden  the youngest heir of the family. So, you see - Sekibayashi Jun is holding The Standing Man pose, and he's standing no matter how many hits he takes!" Kisara explained, watching with amazement at his prowess.  "Sis, you sure know a lot about wrestling... BUT THAT WAS SO COOL! That guy's so manly and fights really smart!" the Burmese yelled, super hyped. "I don't like the restricted fights you see on TV. I like THESE fights. THIS is where REAL fights are highlighted!" Kisara laughed, filled with energy as she started chanting Sekibayashi's name, like the rest of the crowd.
Though Seki declared it was his turn now, he lay face first on the ground, as the sumo fighter used a kick - A kick! "Kicks in sumo? I heard about this once... That ancient sumo was allowed to use kicks too... But either that's true, or Kiozan is doing something else entirely." she looked confused and a bit concerned to her friend and the amount of brutal hits he was taking. "Yes, that's right. I heard sumo was one of the original mixed martial arts, a while ago." Gaolang nodded, confirming her suspicions, as Seki was barely keeping himself standing - Even through it all, he was still smiling. "Yo, sumo whelp - What's the point in being a sumo wrestler if you've lost your faith in sumo?" Seki asked, grabbing Takeru's wrist. "WELL?!" he roared, headbutting his nose. Seki continued to taunt and make fun of Takeru. "You've got no core. You don't love sumo, do you?" seeing how irked Kiozan was, it seemed the wrestler hit the nail on the spot. "Real sumo my ass - Turns out you're just trying to mimic MMA. I mean, gimme a fucking break! You don't have any right to deny sumo, when you haven't even made it to the top!" this lecture was enough to drive the rikishi into a mad frenzy and throw hit after hit, and headbutt Jun into oblivion - Though, saying that he got serious and will kill Seki. What a joke.
Takeru went into the lowest sumo stance possible, his fists both planted on the ground, for maximum speed - And in that moment, Kiozan vanished from the arena. No, he just propelled himself at such a speed that he was like a bullet train, ready to hit Seki, who lowered his gravity center and contracted every muscle in his body, bracing for the impact. It was the paradox of the unstoppable force hitting the immovable object, but now, only one will survive.
Though Sekibayashi was the one who fell down, he was also the one to get up - Unlike the rikishi, whose knees failed him from all the strain they endured, and was unable to continue the fight. "I see. At the moment of impact, Sekibayashi forced Kiozan's head down with his chest, delivering the impact to Kiozan's head, causing brain damage. A wrestler's defense isn't the ordinary one, but it turns an opponent's own force against him, breaking their form and redirecting the hits. The more powerful the opponent, the greater the defense." Gaolang explained for the two, though the girl was too busy grabbing Saw Paing and running down towards the arena - Though the Lethwei fighter had to stop at the preparation room, Kisara went to greet the Angel of Death, who picked her up and put her on his shoulder as soon as he saw her. Unlike all the punches he took, a light girl like her weighted nothing to him.
"HELL'S ANGEL, SEKIBAYASHI JUN, WINS AGAIN! ALL BOW DOWN TO THE GREAT SEKI, THE ANGEL OF DEATH!" Kisara dangled her legs as she applauded loudly. "Haha, the little princess is singing me sweet praises, look at her! You enjoyed that fight, didn't ya?" he laughed so boastfully, only to start coughing blood and fall to one knee. "Shit, sorry princess, hope you didn't get blood on that pretty dress of yours, it would be a shame. I guess I didn't realise the damage I took from that kid."  "Hey, now, don't apologise. Well - If I knew, I'd have taken a towel. Come on, let me help you up, and don't give me any of that wrestling excuses." Kisara frowned, looking with worry at the kneeling wrestler. It was already twice now, that men was kneeling before her, though one of them was for fun, while the other was from the damage. "E-Ex-Excuse me..." a meek voice called from behind them. "Oh, you again? You caught me at a bad time." Seki spoke, grinning as he realised it was the ex-representative of Nentendo. "Don't tell anybody about this... Pros aren't supposed to break kayfabe." he chuckled painfully. "Can I change...?" Haruo started crying waterfalls. "I'm a piece of shit. I betrayed everyone's expectations, I've hit rock bottom -- Do you think that even I can change?!" "Ha, yeah, you can change! I'm sure that you can! So stop crying all the time, alright?" Seki laughed and allowed himself to get up and be half-helped walking. After almost 7 minutes of fighting, Sekibayashi was declared the uncontested winner of the match, and thus, Block B was over. "Well, isn't that adorable. Seki became a teacher, how quaint. But you know what? MY teacher is going to be fighting soon, in Block D, and when THAT happens, you two will see who's the best teacher-student duo around!" the red haired girl grinned confidently, making the wrestler chuckle and ruffle her hair. "Yeah, princess, I'm sure we will. That guy's gonna be fun to watch, even for me. He's strong, alright, but he's still in the Block of Death, against The Fang. Now that will be a fight to behold!" as he said that, with a quick calculus, she realised that Hatsumi will be fighting The Fang in the 3rd round. If he can win that, he's sure to be the winner of the tournament. Or something. "Now that you mention it... I'm not looking forward to that. No matter how much I love seeing you guys fight, I don't like seeing you hurt, y'know? My doctor self worries about you too much!" she spoke dramatically, her hand over her heart. "And that's why you leave the fighting to us, girl!" Seki laughed confidently. "I'd rather you not have to fight. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that guy taught you well, but we are still men, and men protect princesses like you."  "Huh? This miss can fight?" Haruo looked at his new teacher stupefied. "Can fight, you ask? Ha! Hear him! She's as much of a fairy as I am, kid! She can beat your ass and you'll thank her!" though horribly amusing, the praises were too much to handle. "Come on, Seki, don't flatter me like that." she chuckled awkwardly. "R-Really?! So small and slender... Th-That's -- That's impossible!" really, if Kisara didn't know better, she'd have said the same. "Hey, princess, why don't ya show him? Go on, kid, lunge at her with all your might, see what happens." as instructed, Kisara and Haruo went a few meters apart, and the man ran and tried to grab the girl, only for her to grab his wrist and throw him over on the wall, breaking the concrete painfully, as the hall was echoing with Sekibayashi's laugh. "See, kiddo! Never underestimate your opponent, especially if she trained with the best Aikido master in the association!" the geek managed to get up and looked down at the girl with wonder and admiration. "I STRIVE TO BE AS GREAT AS YOU TWO SOMEDAY! PLEASE TEACH ME!" Kisara could only give an awkward side-smile, while Seki patted his back and agreed. "Whoaa, what's with this wall?! Did the earthquake cause it?!" Saw Paing came over, ready for his fight and he could only stare at the huge shattered wall. "Ah... Ahaha... Sorry about that... It's my fault. I hope I don't get charged for property damage. A-Anyway, Saw Paing, good luck! I'll be watching you from the seat next to Gaolang! See ya later, winner!" and thus, lightly punching his forehead, she ran back to Gaolang's seat. Though he didn't show it, he was eager to see his rival fighting, and also, secretly hoped to fight against him soon, in this tournament. The eternal rivalry between those two would hopefully be settled through a kengan match, once and for all.
Until then, however, many other matches stood in their way. Even so, Kisara was eager to watch them all unfold, and feel the myriad of emotions that the human heart can feel.
After all, she knew very well...
Tokita Ohma was going to win it all.
Speaking of Ohma - Where was he? Yamashita Kazuo was there, so why not him? He couldn't still be eating, a whole Block finished their fight... Was he sleeping? Well, now she was getting worried. Hopefully, Saw Paing would forgive her for skipping a few minutes from watching his fight live.
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