#yoshiyuki taira
geegers22 · 17 days
My favorite moment from the Beck anime is during “I’ve Got a Feeling” when Taira takes his shirt off before playing and throws it into the audience, then the camera just shows the shirt on the ground in the rain soaking in a puddle.
I love it because it’s super realistic, but also, that shit was so fucking funny.
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bienbuenobuen · 2 years
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July 20: Happy Birthday Yoshiyuki Taira (Prince of Tennis)!!!!
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shinobulaughs · 11 months
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sadblu3g1rl · 2 years
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───※ ·Minami Siblings· ※───
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incorrectpot · 2 years
Tetsuya: Who the- Kenya: That’s a switch he usually says “what the.” Yoshiyuki: I guess he’s in more of a “who the” mood today. (Source Green Acres.)
Chitose don’t ask I just know it
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tokyoshrine · 10 months
The Japan that no one knows. Death by a plot, a military commander who became a vengeful spirit at the age of 27.
Tokyo Shrine Nitta Shrine with photos of Japanese people 100 years ago.
A sanctuary of serenity. I was even more surprised by the eerie quietness of this shrine, as I had expected a shrine dedicated to a vengeful spirit, something like the Kanda Myojin shrine dedicated to Taira no Masakado.
It is assumed that the area around this shrine was riverside when Lord Nitta Yoshinori died. The Tama River moves like a snake, but I guess it has not meandered like a flowing mound since it enshrined Lord Yoshiyuki.
This place is a place of consolation. And in the Edo period (1603-1867), this is the place where Gennai Hiraga created a spectacular stage for his works that touched the tender heartstrings of the Japanese people.
It is a place where you can touch the heart of the Japanese people.
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leiandroid · 2 years
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screencap ‘redraw’ 🐸 i rly loved the photo reel in the last ep and had to do my own take on one of them.
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ryusukeswife · 2 years
hi!! i love your beck stories sm I was wondering if you can do the reader having a bad, locking themselves in their room, not answering/replying to their phone, and Taira (from beck) is worried about them and sneaks into their room to comfort them with cuddles just something cute🥹🥰🥰
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pairings. yoshiyuki taira x gn! reader
contents. talks of burnouts / teachers are on the reader’s ass / untouched, missing assignments / mild language / established relationship between reader & taira / hurt & comfort
summary. finals sucked — but so did the pressure from your teachers that would belittle you for missing assignments. academic denouncing was something you wouldn’t frequently get, but lately, you started to go through a heavy burnout. today, it was too much for you to handle. luckily, your boyfriend taira had gotten the hint.
authors note. hello, anon !! thank you for the request & support, i greatly enjoy writing beck content for you all. it sucks because it’s such a dead fandom and deserves way more recognition. you’re so sweet!! also — may i just say, you have great taste. taira is such an overlooked character.
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BURNOUTS were a violent, heavy storm that would make the clouds of your life gray. It would fill you with so much misery ; oftentimes leaving to dreary mornings when you would struggle to get out of bed — long nights of pushing yourself to get missing assignments in that piled up the more you couldn’t bring yourself to do them.
On nights when you would attempt to power through and complete various worksheets, you were always met with a message from your boyfriend, Taira.
— [ 8:23 P.M. , Mon 12th ]
How much are we going to bet that y/n is pulling an all nighter?
You would laugh at the message from him, replying back with :
— [ 8:25 P.M. , Mon 12th ]
And how much are we going to bet that Yoshiyuki is going to get the damn wits smacked out of him?
Playful banter from Taira — that seemed to be the only thing you would look forward to on the nights that you would stay up to get assignments done. At times, he would come over and climb through your window ( following the method you gave him when it came to opening the sill when your relationship got serious ), helping you with some assignments you would struggle with.
Those nights weren’t enough, for so many pessimistic things ran wild in your brain. It would pull you down and chain you to your bedroom, only freeing you from its grasp when you would wake up to go to school. Even then, doubt would stick to you like a soul without a body.
You came home that day exhausted. Your parents greeted you in the living room when the front door had opened, but you had already gone upstairs to your room. You locked the door behind you and pushed you back up against the surface, sliding down to your knees with a heavy sigh.
It took you a few moments to pick yourself up from the floor, but it gave you plenty of time to fully process what took place.
You had multiple meetings with teachers that day. Some of them were lenient with their concerns for your grades, but a few belittled you for “slacking off” and “not caring about your future” ; things you’ve heard many times before.
You got so caught up in your misery that the texts from Taira completely slipped past you :
— [ 6:03 P.M. , Tues 13th ]
Uhm, are you okay? You didn’t answer my call just now.
— [ 7: 24 P.M. , Tues 13th ]
Babe, are you mad at me or something?
It was only two unread messages, but that was enough for Taira to grow concerned for you wellbeing.
You sat at your bed, tapping your pen against the binder you used to keep the half-finished worksheet pressed down firmly, your eyes staring over every single word. All of this made absolutely no sense.
You heard a tap on your window’s glass, and you whipped your head anxiously towards the wall, only to be met with Taira staring back at you from the other side.
You walked over and opened the latch, pushing the top of the opening upwards to allow him inside. “Yoshi, are you —“ you stopped midway through your sentence when Taira pulled you into a tight embrace.
“So, are you okay?” He asked, his jaw rested against your shoulder as his hands snaked around your torso.
“Hm…” you murmured, reciprocating the affection, leaning your head into his chest. You didn’t give him a clear answer, but it was enough for Taira to get the hint.
“Bad day? You aren’t just mad at me for whatever reason?” He complacently smiled as you pulled away from his arms.
“Isn’t it obvious? Finals are next week and I don’t think I’m ready at all,” you took a seat on your bed, Taira immediately sitting beside you, only to wrap his arm around your shoulder, “…Yoshi, be honest with me. Am I stupid?”
Though a bit taken aback by the question, Taira leaned his head onto your shoulder, dropping his hand onto the mattress. “Nah, you’re just tired. When someone’s tired, they should rest. Isn’t that an interesting fact, y/n?” Even when you would be so brooding, Taira would always give you such a smart yet sarcastic remark. Surprisingly, you would take his words very well — even seeking humor in some of them.
“I can’t really rest when I have all of these assignments I need to finish,” you replied, falling back to rest your head against the pillows of your bed, “my teachers are going to be on my ass tomorrow if I don’t make progress.”
“You could finish up some things before classes tomorrow,” Taira suggested, laying beside you, his eyes staring at your face as you two lied beside each other, “why don’t you just sleep on it tonight? We’ll worry about the important things tomorrow.”
You pondered your boyfriend’s inquiry for a split second, but you knew that — as much as Taira gave you choices — this one was, in fact, not a choice. It was your health ; which he cared very deeply about.
“Perhaps you’re right,” you laughed, “for once.”
Taira moved his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his body — so close that you could almost hear his heart racing from the inside of his chest. “As much as you hate admitting it, I’m always right, aren’t I?”
“Oh shut your damn mouth, Yoshi.”
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ickymichi · 3 years
“we’ll wish this never ends”- ryusuke minami. x
(i’m so proud of this pls just skim through it<3)
laying on ryusukes chest, the rhythmic beat of his heart that vibrates as he sings to you, his guitar that was being played not to long ago cast aside so you could rest comfortably. his arm rubbing soothing patterns up and down your arm as yours did the same on his bare chest.
“hello there, the angel from my nightmare”
you always thought his voice was beautiful, he never listened when you complimented it though. you swear he never listens like you do. every chord he plays, lyric he sings and complaint he speaks you listen. you feel that man only listens when your covered in a layer of sweat above him.
“the shadow in the background of the morgue, the unsuspecting victim”
you did everything and anything for ryusuke. going to nearly every show-no matter if it’s down the street or across the world-, giving him lends of money when he needs it, prying bottles of alcohol out of his hand with tears blurring your vision, lying on his behalf to make sure he doesn’t get his ass handed to him, even following him to new york when he felt it was all to much. people would say the most ryusuke has done for you is actually remember your birthday this year.
“of darkness in the valley, we can live like Jack and Sally if we want”
moments like these were ones you cherished, ryusuke’s dream had him either on stage or in the studio. and you weren’t one to stop that dream-if anything you encouraged it-you always came over to ray’s house, you’d stay for hours on end and most days you’d sleepover. the thought of leaving being to much to bear. even though he’s not a huge help, he’d still have a go at trying to help you with your studying. moments like these were just some of the many you cherish.
“and in the night, we'll wish this never ends, we'll wish this never ends”
your favourite thing about being apart of ryusuke’s life was seeing the light in his eyes when he talked to you about a song he’s been writing made your heart fill with admiration. and when he told you the latest song he wrote was about you every butterfly that was sleeping in your stomach came to life and flew around every inch of your belly.
“I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you”
the soothing sound of ryusuke’s voice was something you could listen to forever. the first time he gave you a copy of a song he wrote for you was one you’ll never forget. it’s always been your favourite song since then-if you could get it tattooed in your brain you really would- every day you listen to the playlist he’s made full of songs for you.
“where are you? and I'm so sorry”
you would say the most ryusuke has done for you is be there when those people aren’t. like right now at 3:16 in the early morning, the stars and moon’s reflection rippling off the fishing pond outside the open door. he’s here right now when your friends aren’t. he’s here when those friends are on a vacation in a sunny beach getting day drunk, he’s there when they aren’t consoling over your upcoming exams. he’s there when they claim he’s probably off with some groupie.
“I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight”
the soothing sound of ryusuke’s voice must’ve had you zoning out for a while. his arm was still running up and down your arm and so was your hand on his chest, he was still singing and beck was still snoring outside. all was the same except your cheeks feel a bit more damp then before. bringing a hand to the area, it felt as if a puddle was on your face. ryusuke wasn’t stupid, of course not. he knows well you’ve been in a world of your own, absent tears falling from your tired eyes. he didn’t say anything, he just gently pushed your head back to his chest, keeping that hand on the crown of your head. continuing to sing as even louder sobs started shaking through your body.
“I need somebody and always, this sick, strange darkness comes creeping on, so haunting every time”
people think they know everything. always assuming your something like ray’s mother. doing and buying everything for him while he lies back and strums on a guitar. they assume that when he sees him alone in mit-chan’s bar that your at his house, washing his clothes and cleaning his floors while he waits for one of his side pieces. they assume ryusuke minami is a good for nothing piece of shit who got lucky in the world just because he can strum together some chords and call it music. they assume your too blinded by his boyish charm and looks too see how much of an ass he is.
“and as I stare, I counted, The webs from all the spiders”
you’d give everything and anything for ryusuke minami. you’d drop everything and move across the world if he told you to, youd sit for hours and play with his hair if it meant he would sleep easy that night. day in and day out you would sit and listen to him play that guitar with those 7 bullet holes that he somehow made sound like heaven. you’d stand in a crowd of sweaty bodies every night if it meant you could see him live his dreams up on those stages.
“catching things and eating their insides, like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason”
you’d give up everything and anything for ryusuke minami. and you, despite everyone and their mother telling you that he’s the worst person they’ve ever met. they tell you; he makes the girls cry, he never returns the money he borrows, that he’s just some kid that lived in america for a while and thinks he’s hot shit. you’d give it all for ryusuke minami, and you know- every bone in your body knows- that in the strum of a guitar string, ryusuke minami would give up everything and anything for you and the earth you walk on.
“will you come home and stop this pain tonight? stop this pain tonight”
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rainbowjunko · 4 years
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beck! such a good anime 
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fyeahbeckmcs · 4 years
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mina-ahavi · 4 years
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penginius · 5 years
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Yoshiyuki Taira (The Prince of Tennis)  » July 20
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incorrectpot · 2 years
Akuto: That is incorrect because according to the encyclopedia of- [On the other side of the camp.] Yoshiyuki: So I’m sitting there barbecue on my titti- Tetsuya: HAHahaaahaa!!! (Source vines.)
Canon af
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