#you Have to listen to some pop even if you're still in a post punk mood because you cant get stuck to one thing
shakestheclown · 9 months
whats the opposite of hyperfixating cause i do that tbh. if i get really into something i force myself to do something else because i dont wanna focus my energy on One Thing, it has to be Many Things In Different Intervals or else im not winning. do you know what i mean
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btdemaru · 1 year
hi could you do the obey me characters reaction to like a male mc with long hair/piercings and is just really into like goth/mallgoth type fashion/makeup/music in general?
Obey me! Brothers X M!Goth reader
Note : idk much about this style/fashion so please i apologize if it's not correct! I tried doing alot of research of what the style looks like tho
Warnings : -
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🖤 Lucifer
Would love your style alot, i like to think that he'd love to match with you from time to time. And will be intrigued to see your piercings, even perhaps asking to see it up close or touch it.
He loves every goth style that you choose and will not question you and no matter what part of the style you prefer.
Lucifer does listen to the music you play and sometimes would ask if he can join in or share headphones/airpods (ykwim).
If you do your makeup, he'd secretly glances at you from his desk. Probably trying to be subtle too 😭
💛 Mammon
Will swoon. Will be lovestruck. Will be in awe. Mams in LOVE.
of course this mf wouldn't show it (it's obvious though). Would ask alot of question like your color palette or why you like this style and basically just loves to hear you talk about it.
He doesn't mind metal/dark music and is open to listening to the playlist you have or even the one you made for him!
If you try to get him going to the cemetery or basically doing some scary stuff like even going to a so called 'haunted house' or a scary escape room it'll be a huge no no for him, even if he did go mams wouldn't be much help as he'll only be loud.
Will try to do your eyeliner (if you wear) or eye shadow but fails miserably making your face look all bad and messy makeup everywhere.
💙 Leviathan
He wouldn't mind, not big on it but he doesn't judge or hate it. Will let you do your thing, he doesn't know much about it so he'll ask you a few things to cure his curiosity.
Doesn't really listen to the music you do but isn't opposed to trying, turns out he actually does like ot after playing a song or two.
If you have a tongue piercing he'll zone out while staring at it. Totally not thinking about you using it on hi-
💚 Satan
We all know he likes to read, so when you walked in the room he's already analyzing your style all the way back from the first originated in the '80s following the punk subculture of the '70s.
Compliments you from your hair to piercings to makeup and clothes or even your boots.
I dont think Satan really listens to music but he does like to write/read and literature generally so maybe dark poems are things you guys can do.
man probably can't stop looking at you and would buy you jewelry or matching silver rings.
🩷 Asmodeus
Literature isn't really his thing but probably watches and admires you while you're doing it.
Will try matching you clothes with his own color palette and asks your opinion on it.
Asmo thinks you're hot. Definitely. 100%.
He's the type to bring you bouquet of black or red roses (whatever you prefer really), or even do your hair
Feel free to do his hair in return or putting your style of makeup on him, he'll take alot of pictures and posts it with the caption that you did the makeup.
Music? Yes. Listens to any music you play if he's in the mood he'd even asked for a a little makeout
🧡 Beelzebub
He doesn't mind it tbh, since i like to think that his twin also has a similar style.
50/50 on the music, he prefers pop punk but open to any music genres you exposed him to.
Would ask if you could do his eyeliner. (He moves alot) so you practically have to do it again and again for it to match so it's not lopsided.
Beel still loves you no matter what style you wear or what you do/listen to.
🩵 Belphegor
DING DING DING. love at first sight.
Belphie always asked you to dress him up or pick his clothes jusy cause he's too lazy to do it himself 💀.
Blasts music together while he just lays there like a dead person while you do your makeup/hair
Would always crawl to your lap whenever you're doing literature or writing about some gruesome poems he'll be there just deep asleep.
Doesn't really bother to go to those creepy dark places unless you're the one carrying him.
Would fiddle with some of your piercings if it doesn't hurt you.
Again im so sorry if there's a mistake i did about goth styles while writing this.
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vampire-meta-knight · 7 months
I swear, some of these "goth is whatever you want it to be" people act like telling them they're not goth means the Federal Bureau of Goths is going to break down their door and confiscate all their black clothes.
Loves, no one is gatekeeping what you wear. No one is even gatekeeping goth events! You can still go to goth clubs as a non-goth--you just may not enjoy it as much if you don't like the music. All we ask is that you not use the label, which is shorthand for "fan of goth music," to describe yourself if you are not, in fact, a fan of goth music.
We love seeing your cool outfits and gorgeous makeup and flawlessly-dyed hair, and we love sharing aspects of our subculture! But the second you try to redefine it and take away the ONE requirement, we get protective. Darkly-inclined is a wonderful label--use it! Use alternative! Don't use goth, emo, punk, or grunge if you aren't fans of the corresponding music genres. Can you imagine if I, who's never listened to K-pop, only heard of two K-pop bands, and couldn't name a single member of BTS called myself a K-pop stan? (Punk is probably the only one here that's a little more flexible, since it's also rooted in a political movement and protesting, but it still found its birthplace in the music--music which then led to post-punk and goth rock, might I add).
Subcultures have to have a barrier of entry to be a subculture. There has to be a way to set apart the people who are in it and those who aren't. Saying someone isn't goth is not an insult! We don't look down upon you. We get annoyed with poseurs, but not someone who's just into the fashion and makeup aspect and doesn't try to redefine what a goth is. I guarantee there's probably a spooky, black-clad non-goth that I've followed a makeup or DIY tutorial from, and I think that's wonderful. I love that we have this shared interest, even if we have different taste in music.
We're not trying to be mean when we enforce the one rule to be a goth (there is a second unspoken rule, to not be a bigot, but that's a rule that goes without saying for most groups--please know that when you see a so-called "goth" spewing racist bullshit or other kinds of hatred, the rest of us are NOT in agreement with them and want them evicted from our subculture). We love welcoming new people in, and we love seeing the goth scene thriving. It's just that our subculture means a lot to us, and although fashion is a big part of it, it has always truly been about the music. The music came first (watch old videos of 80's goth clubs--hardly anyone there looks recognizable as a goth today!), and it's the backbone of goth. When you call yourself goth, you're telling fellow goths "we like the same kinds of music." I want to get music recommendations from you, dang it, and share some of mine! I've had so many people insult the music I like and tell me my taste is shit, so it's nice to find someone who likes the same sounds and connects with the same lyrics, you know? Music is the strong glue that holds us together and unites us all. It brought us together in the 80's and has kept us together up until now. So when you try to take that away, to mold the goth label into whatever it takes to fit you because you didn't fit it, that's when we've got a problem.
And if you're into the fashion but don't like goth music now, do not despair, because that doesn't mean you'll never be a goth! Give it a listen. Check out different subgenres and bands. You might like what you hear. Synth and EBM were what bridged the gap for me. I started off being super into the fashion, but would be hard-pressed to name a goth band other than Bauhaus or Siouxsie and the Banshees. I was listening to Halloween Vocaloid songs and Lady Gaga, for the most part. I tried a few goth rock songs and didn't like them. And then I found The Birthday Massacre, and suddenly, those goth rock songs didn't sound so bad anymore. They sounded beautiful, atmospheric, ethereal, melancholy in a way you can still dance to. It wasn't long before I was devouring every subgenre of goth music I could get my hands on and making an ever-growing list of bands to check out and songs I liked. I was digging goth music like a grave, and all it took was a band that fit somewhere in the middle of the upbeat, techno dance-worthy music I was used to, the spooky lyrics I liked, and a gothy sound that got me craving more. Sometimes that's all it takes. Goth music is noticeably different from other genres, and hearing the unfamiliar sometimes results in dislike. It's an acquired taste for some, kind of like coffee, but once you get into it, you'll wonder how you even hated it at all in the first place.
Goth is my home, my family, and although I welcome all who show an interest, there's a difference between someone who actually wants to get involved in the subculture and those who wear a mask so they can pretend to be because they like the sound of the label, the allure, how cool it makes them feel, and insist they must be goth and all who tell them otherwise are just elitists. We call those people "poseurs," friend--don't be like them. If goth music just isn't for you, but you love the fashion, that's cool. Just don't call yourself "goth" if you're not a fan of goth music, since that's what the word means in the first place.
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assigning each of the bad kids a taylor swift era because i am feeling deprived of tswift content now that she's on break from the eras tour
Kristen: Fearless. I can't even explain why, but to me that album is just so sunny and in my mind it fits Kristen perfectly. I think maybe it's because Fearless was one of the first album I ever really loved, then when I was older the rerecording is what got me back into tswift and I can totally see Kristen going through a similar journey with it where maybe she loves it as a kid but then stops listening to it as she distances herself from her childhood/family, only to fall in love with it again later on. Also I feel like the country vibes fit her well. (She would also LOVE betty but she would pretend it's a lesbian anthem)
Gorgug: Ok this feels controversial but he's a Lover stan. I just fully belive that to his core Gorgug is a lover not a hater and he would un ironically love Lover. Like to me that album is all about having gone through some bad shit and choosing to only carry forward the best of it? And that fits with my perception of Gorgug. ALSO the end of afterglow 'I want to be defined by the things that I love, not the things that I hate, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night' just feels very Gorgug coded to me dont ask me why. However if you've seen any of my other posts about music and the bad kids you know that I wholeheartedly believe Gorgug loves all music so I think he'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite album.
Riz: Midnights. And not just because this kid never sleeps. Bassically I really couldn't decide which album he would listen to because none of them really fit, but then I started thinking about specific lyrics and I think Midnights has the most that he could relate to. I mean 'no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since' is about him. You can't change my mind. I do think though that Riz is definitely more invested in all the easter eggs and firguring out which album is coming next over actually listening to her music. Like he would for sure be among the first to figure out all her clues.
Fabian: 1989 and Folklore. I fully to the bottom of my heart belive that until his sophmore year Fabian would exclusivly be listening to pop music, sea shanties, and weird elven music. So obviously he would love the greatest pop album ever made. He wouldn't listen to Folklore until post sophmore character development. Also he would For Sure learn the choreography for the dance in the background of Dress on the Rep tour and recreat it perfectly using his sheet.
Fig: Speak Now. I mean do I even need to explain this? It's the perfect album for Fig. It's the kind of thing she would have loved when she was in her Preppy Cheerleader phase, but it has just enough of that pop punk influence that I feel like she could still appreciate it when she's older. I feel like she would definitly take issue with some of the misogynistic lyrics used in some of the songs, and would be all for the lyric change in Better Than Revenge. Also as I've mentioned many times before, Fig would love Paramore, and would LOVE Castles Crumbling. Like you're going to sit here and tell me that lines like 'They used to cheer when they saw my face, Now I fear I have fallen from grace' + 'Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far, I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart' + 'Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off, And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret' + 'People look at me like I'm a monster, Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, Now they're screaming that they hate me, Never wanted you to hate me' weren't written by Figueroth Faeth? I also just think songs like Never Grow Up and Long Live would perfectly fit with her not so secret sentimental streak.
Adaine: Evermore and Folklore. I think theres just a sort of elegence to these albums that really reminds me of Adaine. I also think theres so much vulnerability in them and a lot of the songs touch on feelings of not being good enough for others (mirrorball, tolerate it, this is me trying, right where you left me) that I think she could relate to not from a romantic relationship standpoint but from all the expectations placed on her by her parents. I also think that although these are probably the most low key of tswifts albums, they have some good angry songs (no body no crime, illicit affairs, mad woman) that she would definitly love. But yeah this is mostly based on aesthetics. Evermore and Folklore were albums written with a quill and Adaine is the kind of girl to appreciate this.
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runthepockets · 1 month
I agree with all of your points and white tumblr users are super annoying about rap the only thing i wanted to say is that (but i might have interpretated that wrong if you didnt mean that so sorry in advance i misread) is that like My Chemical Romance (and lots of other bands ppl say are emo) isnt emo and that most tumblr users never listened to a actual emo song, much more likely pop punk/some other alternative genre. Even the "emo aesthetic" is a watered down version of past goth/metalhead/punk fashion + the racism that was prevalent among those other subculture's styles. The actual genre itself idnt rely much on appearence until the meaning of it shifted in the 2000s to be boring(er)
Dw, I'm pretty particular about genres too.
I get you and I think you're right. There are some "emo" Metalcore bands that I really fuck with (Emmure, that first Seeyouspacecowboy album, Callous Daoboys) and for as much shit as I give Post Hardcore, I do be bumping Pierce the Veil (another contemporary "emo" act, yes, but one of the better ones by far especially because their frontman isn't white), Combatwoundedveteran, Portrayal of Guilt, and Portraits of Past when I'm feeling particularly gloomy.
I still think the subculture is rather commercial, especially compared to a lot of Metal, Hardcore, and Goth acts from around that same time, but I absolutely do agree most Tumblr users would probably explode if they listened to any emo song made before 2005, heavier than your average Fall Out Boy track.
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leathermouthproxies · 4 months
Helloo, your fic is bonkers bananarammadingdong bootiful
I started drawing the OC I came up with to read as, rather than a self insert, and am v e r y tempted to draw the boys, thoughts??? Started making a fake spotify wrapped for her and was wondering what your headcanons for their favorite bands or songs were if you're down for some questionable fanart lol
Also here's my child, she's on a bullet train to hell but so am I
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WOW ok first of all, LOVE your art style, its such a perfect mix of realism while still having a distinct style omg. Second of all PLS DRAW THE BOYS! I simply can not get enough of art of those GUYS.
Also as for music headcanons I haven't really thought about it very much, but I can tell you what I have thought about and honestly I have no explanations. I am going completely off of vibes.
Tim we know is into like new wave post-punk. Joy Division, Devo, ect. Idk I don't listen to him when he talks. Going more into head canon realm I would also include like new wave gothic. The cure, siouxsie and the banshees, like 70-90's type alt. Huge music snob.
I feel Masky would have a different taste, same kind of era but heavier and more industrial. Rammstein, Nine inch Nails, maybe even DC punk type shit, minor threat, black flag, dead Kennedys, decendents. Suicidal tendencies idk
Brian and hoodie honestly I don't see as big music people, brian I can see being very into like synth pop, or like... I don't know how to describe what I'm thinking. I think tiktok was calling it dream core or like goblin core or something. That's what I imagine brian listening to LMFAO. Like jack stauber, vundabar, I dont know how but the found me, maybe a sprinkle of mother mother. Tbh I literally can't imagine hoodie listening to music LOL. That guy is weird idk I think he has autism! Anyways
As for toby. Honestly. I feel like he just listens to the same exact things as me. It just feels RIGHT. Lil bit of industrial (that's the only thing he and masky can agree on), a whole bunch of Midwest emo, like the real sad kind, mccaferty, Lincoln, mom jeans, sorority noise, the front bottoms (ok not that sad but whatever), pup, la dispute (ok not Midwest but WHATEVER) actually I don't know if any of those are actually ""Midwest emo"" but like you know, bands with that Midwest emo ~vibe~. But when hes not all up in his own head he'd be into the classics. My chem, peirce the veil, sleeping with sirens, you know what I mean by classics. He'd also get into the heavier stuff from time to time, motionless in white, Lorna shore probs. Like he listens to as much music as tim he's just not a damn SNOB ABOUT IT! So he's a little more diverse.
I wrote a lot more than I thought I would.
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doggirlerin · 2 months
Got tagged by @hocuschlocus to shuffle my main playlist and post the first 10 songs. For the record, my playlist is titled "Bops, Bangers, and Breakdowns," and shuffling it is very funny sometimes because of the juxtaposition.
1. "Cowboys from Hell" by Pantera
Fucking iconic riff (even though Dimebag's tone sucks let's be real).
2. "Riders on the Storm" by The Doors
I love electric piano, and the intro to this song is, again, iconic.
3. "Feel Good Inc." by The Gorillaz
I will admit this is the only song of theirs that I know but I am such a sucker for a good bassline.
4. "Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
This riff. Like, listen, I'm into far more complex subgenres of metal and I've learned some tricky riffs in my day. This fucking riff took so much practice but I can finally play it (mostly).
5. "Still Waiting" by Sum41
Just a good, angry punk track. I am, in fact, still waiting for the world to stop hating, and I'm still pissed about it.
6. "Tits of Glass" by Trust Fund OZU
This one's a fuckin BANGER there's a lot of hyper pop I'm not super into but Faye adds prog metal influence to it (she used to be the drummer for Thank You Scientist).
7. "Contraband (featuring Courtney LaPlante)" by Make Them Suffer
This song is heavy, has a verse from my second favorite vocalist (I'm sorry but Daniel Tompkins from Tesseract is still my number one), and ends with a pretty sick breakdown 👍
8. "DA DA DANCE" by Babymetal
This one's basically a dance song played on a 9-string guitar. And it has a breakdown. I have simple tastes lol
9. "Under Pressure" by Logic
I'm not into many rappers (which I need to fix) but I really like Logic.
10. "Shout" by Tears for Fears
This song fuckin rules and I want to do a cover of it because I don't need to shout I need to scream.
@artemisstratus @chroniccr0w @chaos--themralds @chiyana I want to hear the shit you're into
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rotisseries · 2 years
uh here's some stranger things music taste headcanons, which is just varying levels of projection, vibes, and the visions I'm receiving from god. also I'm not great with genres so if I say something and you're like "that band is not fucking indie" mind your business. also this is unofficially modern au just so they have access to the full range of music
mike: synthpop king!!! so this is going off of his (semi) canon music taste from his playlist, so that would be bronski beat (obviously) depeche mode, mgmt, etc. i also feel like he'd like indie rock/alt and indie pop stuff, stuff like beach bunny, cavetown (heavy on the cavetown), arctic monkeys (he'd LOVE 505), the smiths, muse, also a little bit of bands like the front bottoms. also when I say something like indie pop what I mean here is that even though conan gray and taylor swift have similar music styles, you could convince me that he'd listen to conan gray, whereas there's no way in hell he's a swiftie. sorry. also I think he'd like lorde? this is based on vibes. he'd prefer the earlier stuff over solar power though. also, once again just based on vibes, I feel like he'd like mcr, it transed his gender a little bit. I also think he'd like a few classic rock bands like journey and queen, and this would be where his and will's music taste meshes, bc otherwise it's not usually that similar. I also think he'd really like narrative songs/albums! something tells me he really likes achilles come down
will: so he's technically got a canonical music taste and it's similar to jonathan, so that's a lot of rock. I also think there'd be a little bit of emo, just bc he likes the cure and what is the cure if not a precursor to modern emo, so he's dabbled in like, fall out boy and early paramore, anyway back to the rock, so that's the clash and the cure (obviously) along with journey, queen, david bowie, pink floyd, arcade fire, nothing more, the foo fighters, muse, etc. also, like mike, I think he'd like narrative songs and albums! which means I really think he'd love coheed and cambria, which is a band that's made comic books of a space opera based on their music. also I think he's a music snob. he's not as bad as jonathan, but he is still a little judgy. HOWEVER. I do think he'd have a guilty pleasure for a few pop songs lamenting being in love with your best friend, just bc the idea of will occasionally blasting you belong with me and it being a secret he takes to his grave is so funny to me
max: she's a pop girly through and through, a pop connoisseur, she listens to pop and all it's subgenres and shoot-offs. she's absolutely a swiftie, she stayed up for the midnights release and she cried to anti hero, which is something the cia couldn't waterboard out of her, she also thinks of lucas when she listens to willow. anyway, she loves the timeless pop girls like britney and madonna. she also likes avant garde and experimental pop, like kate bush (obviously), and she's a rina sawayama stan. she might also like some hyper pop, and she's maybe even listened to some pop punk. she also loves indie pop, and she also really likes the Sad Girl™ genre (BAD GENRE DESCRIPTOR BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN). artists I'm thinking (other than the above) are olivia rodrigo, phoebe bridgers, mitski, bishop briggs, japanese breakfast, dua lipa, billie eilish, lorde, doja cat, florence + the machine, marina, etc. also I just realized I've only listed female artists which wasn't intentional she probably listens to male pop artists too but I bet she is someone who mostly listens to female artists. also I think she's one of those people who endlessly shits on country until before he cheats by carrie underwood is on, or jolene by dolly parton. also I know this is the third time in this post I've said this but she likes kate bush! so she's probably someone who likes narrative albums/songs! I bet she loves the preacher's daughter album by ethel cain (I'm so sorry to assign you ethel cain girlie)
el: I think she's not genre picky in the slightest. for her, she likes music for the experience of listening to it, it's not so much what genre it is and more if she has fun listening to it, who she's listening to it with, or if she has a sentimental connection to it. but she was raised in a lab for years!! music is a new thing for her!! she wants to hear all of it!! however, the music she listens to the most is definitely rock and pop, by virtue of the fact the people she listens to music with most often are max, or will and jonathan. also, although she does like rock, she definitely plays up how much she likes pop to irritate her music snob brothers. she also really likes the punk/riot grrrl genres though! artists she probably likes are taylor swift, madonna, rina sawayama (she loves LUCID. I know this in my heart to be true), dolly parton, david bowie, queen, meatloaf, the cure, the runaways, bikini kill, no doubt, hole, paramore, etc. ALSO I think her and will spend time together playing that game where you play music and take turns seeing how quickly they can guess the artist and/or song and/or album
lucas: similar to el, he's not genre picky, unlike her though, it's the lyrics of a song that decides whether he likes it. I feel like he likes a lot of those yearning songs of someone going on about how much they love their lover, so he likes ricky montgomery (SHE'S A SHE'S A LADY, AND I'M JUST A BOY), mitski (but he's like. casual about it. he's not crying to class of 2013 he just likes lines like "I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right can I try again try again try again. he also likes her let's get married cover) hozier, you get the idea. i also HAVE TO assign him "kiss goodnight" by idkhow but they found me enjoyer. that is just. THEE love song. also likes sunflower by post malone. sorry king I'm projecting. anyway, he also probably just likes a lot of the music max likes, she's probably gotten him to be a casual taylor swift enjoyer if we're being completely honest. he's also definitely someone who pays attention to what someone says their favorite song is and then he listens to it and pays attention to the lyrics to figure out why they connect with it
dustin: canonically wore a weird al t shirt. this guy definitely likes parody music, nerd music, and also apparently polka. I just know he loves the star wars bad lip reading songs. so true king. bushes of love is top tier, there IS a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us. he also likes never ending story, so he probably likes soundtracks and songs from sci fi and fantasy movies/tv shows. debating on whether or not this extends to disney musical enjoyer.
jonathan: has a canonical music taste, which is rock, I feel like he's a bit more Loner™ about it than will is though. (I'm a CREEP, I'm a WEIRDO, what the hell am I doing hereeee), artists are the clash, david bowie, queen, talking heads, radiohead, tame impala, etc. he's definitely the most hardcore music snob around though. absolutely has a superiority complex about it. love that for him
nancy: so I think she likes pop, and like, mainstream rock/classic rock music. so she listens to like, blondie and cyndi lauper, florence + the machine, some taylor swift, pat benatar, and then she also listens to some more popular songs by fall out boy, paramore, meatloaf, bon jovi, billy joel, etc. sorry girl this is looking like my mom's music taste with the occasional modern artist thrown in. oh also I think she'd like early marina (an electra heart stan to her death) and, like mike, lorde! however unlike mike she actually does really like solar power. also I think her and mike would hate to find out that they have that artist in common, but luckily they don't share any of their interests with each other so they don't know that
robin: riot grrrl listener! she bonds with el over this and also being a lesbian! however I think she also likes folk indie/folk punk, and had an emo phase. (not necessarily in aesthetic, just music taste), so artists would be bikini kill, hole, the runaways, the crane wives, the amazing devil, hozier, first aid kit, mcr, fall out boy, paramore, all time low, etc. also I feel like she'd like narrative songs/albums. sorry for pulling that one out again. she's an ethel cain listener. also vibes alone I think she'd like florence + the machine
steve: so I feel like it's damn near canon that steve listens to tears for fears, abba, and wham!, and I can't really argue with that, he likes pop music. however, I think that's mostly from a lack of exposure to other stuff, not that he'd ever not love pop or that showing him rock music would make him suddenly super alt, but I feel like if you played something other than the top 40 around him he'd be willing to listen to it and maybe even find something he likes, so he's ok with the kids playing their own music in his car
eddie: has a canonical music taste obviously! but a thing I've noticed with metal fans is that they're usually metal fans for the instrumentals. they're not usually in it for lyrics or vocals, although that can be a bonus, they're in it for aesthetics and a sick guitar riff, so while he's obviously mostly a metal loyalist, he has appreciation for songs with really interesting instrumentals. I think he'd bond with max over some of the instrumentals in her experimental pop songs, he's absolutely willing to admit that rina sawayama did metallica justice with her enter sandman cover
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
☀️ "it's always sunny in Stockholm" ☀️
aka a concert report from Fryshuset Klubben, Stockholm, 1.3.2023
Travelling to our final destination (Stockholm city centre) did not go without hassle (wrong gate at the airport, delays with the commuter train to the city centre, trouble figuring out the venue etc., BC would've been proud!) but everything did work out eventually and we were in good spirits! 🥰
Speaking of the venue, I think none of us would've foreseen that listening to that one song in 2021 would lead us to hang out in the backyard of some random school in Stockholm, but that's where we were, and had good laughs there too :') <3
The venue was small intimate and not full, which to us in the audience was great (it wasn't cramped nor too hot), although for BC's sake I would've hoped there would've been a little bigger turn-up (especially considering at least half of the audience were Finnish fans 😂). They didn't seem to mind though; the show was as 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 as their shows always are
But before I talk about the show, I must once more advertise the support act! Not gonna lie, I had a minor heart attack when hours before the gig, BC posted an IG story starting with the words "due to an illness...", because them cancelling the gig would've been just the cherry on the top of the day we had had already, but it thankfully was Eyes Wide Open that had had to cancel at last minute. A band called Those Without was asked to fill in and boy am I thankful for the universe for this!! 😭🙏 They were so damn good!! I remember listening to their first song and going "huh! this ain't that bad actually" and wondering if it's just that one song, but no, all the other ones they played were great as well, which made me so happy 💖 It was a little funny when the band came on though; they just walked to the stage very unceremoniously and we weren't quite sure whether they were still doing the preperations until they started playing 😂 The singer was cute af, the bassist sang a bit, they were so chill and SO GRATEFUL to be there and just kept thanking BC for this opportunity and us the audience for being so nice to them, and all I wanted to scream was "no, thank YOU!!" because they really made my little punk pop/rock heart burst with love 🥺 If you're into early Mayday Parade / The Maine / Yellowcard -esque stuff, definitely check them out!
Blind Channel was Blind Channel, meaning they were wonderful amazing brilliant and it was great seeing them again 💞 We were ~4th row, there were a few tall people directly in front of us but at least I ended up having a great view to the stage in the end. The stage was high enough and close enough to the audience for me to be able to see their tattoos in detail and I remember admiring Joel's heart tattoo and Olli's three swords (god bless the inventor of sleeveless shirts eh? 🥵)
Random moments I remember include Olli falling asleep/zoning out during Autopsy (he didn't look up at the "HEY!!" part, or maybe he just forgot 😂 (I have video proof lol)) and Joel doing the tiniest snake dance during Snake (it looked like he wasn't going to do it, but then he couldn't help himself, I hope someone captured this 🥺🙏) + the moments in the videos I've posted
They're all so gorgeous but Olli 😩😩😩😩😩 he's so fucking beautiful I have a scheduled meltdown about it on a normal day, but during the show it's just 💦💦💦💦💦💦 all the time 💀 he trousers he was wearing were so tight cool and the sleeveless shirt had me by the pussy swooning 🫠
Flatline is awesome live, including the silly dance, even if in the audience you can't do it as "big" as you're supposed to. No bruise on my left tiddy though, I guess it takes more than one concert for one to appear, so BC should maybe consider wearing some padding on their chests for that 😆👀
After the gig we had an "after party" in a rock bar somewhere in Stockholm (not sure which district). I think here it's relevant to mention that in the queue there was this nice Swedish metal dude standing behind us and probably unwillingly listening to us as we were speaking a merry mix of English and Finnish, and eventually he started chatting with us and ended up joining us inside the venue and even showing us the way to one of his favourite bars when we asked for recs and he also came in for a few drinks with us despite having work the next day (he had also been at the venue the day before to see Sleeping With Sirens and was still wearing the same makeup from that gig 😂👌)
At the same bar there was also Henrik from Amaranthe (who none of us would've recognized if the Swedish metal dude hadn't started fangirling about him 😂)
All in all I had such a fun time on this 24-hour trip and I'm so happy I decided to go. Some of you know how stressed out I was about it; I'm so thankful to anyone who had to listen to me rant my heart out about it. I'm happy to tell you that the experience I had was totally worth it <3
Thank you so incerdibly much to all you guys who were with me at any point of this trip, it wouldn't have been the same without you (you all know who you are <3). Sorry if I was obnoxious or laughed too loudly, but I had such a shit weekend behind me and I was just so happy to get to see my favourite band and to hang out with all of you lovely people that I couldn't contain my excitement. Being there really meant so much to me, because this band and the community we have built around it truly is one of the few lights at the end of the never-ending tunnel I often get lost in. I know this sounds silly and I'm probably being selfish but it made me so sad when BC said they won't be doing that many shows in Finland this summer. Yes, I completely understand that they're aiming for an international career and I'm fully supporting their plans to take over the world (I'm not one of those Finnish fans), and yes, I am aware that as a Finnish fan I'm immensely priviledged as it is and that I've had many more opportunities to see them than most fans living elsewhere have had. This may sound pathetic (or at least I feel pathetic about it), but I really don't have much else going on for me other than BC and everything related to it (nothing that gives me as much serotonin, that is), and if I don't get to see them next summer... I don't know what I'll do. Summers are a bit difficult for me for a variety of reasons, and last summer with all the BC shows was such a blessing, a wonderful distraction from my sad life and the fact that I'm nowhere near where I want to be, and I'm not sure if I can handle another lonely, grey summer and feeling like a failure every waking moment after having experienced all the fun last summer 💔
...so I guess I'm going on a road-trip around Europe next summer 🤔 Who's with me? 😌
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astro-break · 9 months
New hypmic anime season and I'm BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAIN (I feel like the Martha I'm coming home sweetie audio)
Thoughts on the 1st ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
New plotline lets gooooooo I like that they're straying away from the drama tracks actually, Rhyme Anima is fundamentally a different experience from the core drama tracks which gives new material for both new and old fans OP is an actual banger, Ramuda's verse is the best fight me all you want but you know i'm right Nemu!! uh spoiler chara for anyone new to the anime I guess? Like they spoil her right at the introduction and iirc they didn't really build off her mystery in the first season. Makes her impact here a bit weaker but I'm willing to let it slide since some might not catch it (Post Editing Astro here: I haven't rewatched Rhyme Anima since it finished airing and uh. Nemu definitely was a plot point there lol they dropped it after ep 11 but she was there!) Jyushi my son I love you so much you idiot I love the little stingers for each team that they did for each team, its so cute and gives so much personality The visuals have definitely improved, a big step above the last season in terms of animation i don't see an improvement with story writing though… Pacing is still all over the place and very squished/fast paced makes sense since the cast has grown by a quarter since last season but still makes me sad that there isn't much time given to each character individually I forgot how much I love the localization of Doppomine Okay so Pink hair and Green hair in the flashback are most definitely the two in the white cloaks. Theres just no subtly with this series lmaoooo Nice that they were able to incorporate everyone somehow but too many people means that too many parts to handle I'm getting deja vu, this exact same thing happened last season…. Oh. Its the same guy. Makes sense lmfao Listen bud I have minimal rap experience but that rap was just embarrassing wow. No rhyme or flow, there was only straight passion which i mean props I guess but you suck ass Look at me being so smart and predicting all of these ahead of time without looking at any materials Did Rio just contact Jyuto with his hypmic???? Samatoki have I ever said that I love your for being a bullheaded idiot? bc I do. you're so silly Damn the typography has gotten even better, its just a lot more smooth and the animation too especially during Jiro's part is just so stylish The animation has improved a lot I'm glad it got a little more love compared to last season My guess is that maybe someone from the six divisions will fall under the anger thingy that's going around, something like the stage show. My biggest guess is that they might re-incite the Samatoki and Ichiro conflict again but I hope not. Another guess is that there will be old MCD or Naughty Busters beef which seems more plausible given that this is Sasara and Kuko's anime debut but I guess we'll wait and see THE OUTFITS!!! THE STUPID OUTFITS I LOVE THEM the art style of the ED is super pop punk and has a strong sense of style which i love. its simple but stands out really well which i love Very jjk but more toned down. Feels a bit like a cleaned up croquis drawings the smear frames is just so stylish and good, very simple and a bit messy and sells the gesture drawing kind of feel of the ED Ramuda's parrot costume i love you Those hand signs just make the first letter of each word which is really fun. Not proper JSL though I guess beggars can't be choosers esp for a series like this
Overall, a really strong start. It shows how it built off the first season and where it improved and while some things (like the horrid pacing) never change, at the end of the day its still a fun and delightful watch
If anyone wanted to read my thoughts on the first season, they're all archived here
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krsonmar · 9 months
Okay you know what I don't have Spotify and I haven't found a way to post fan playlists with annotations that I like yet so guess what here this is in a text post with links like how we used to roll on Ye Olde LiveJournal
This is my OFMD S1 playlist. Loosely follows the season plot. Here we go:
1.) Come Sail Away by Styx
Because duh like why have they not used this in official promos yet but also very call-to-adventure and with vibes of midlife angst
2.) Fraud by Jonathan Coulton
Every playlist needs some JoCo because there's JoCo for every occasion. Fans debate about what this song is about--I think it's very plainly about imposter syndrome as it relates to the creative process--but here I'm applying it more generally to the feeling that everyone can tell you're faking it. In other words, very early-season Stede.
3.) Royals by Lorde
(Also I did not know until looking this link up just now that Lorde is also a Kiwi! I am out of touch.) 4.) We're Going to Be Friends by The White Stripes
This song always breaks my heart (in a good way) with its sweet tale about childhood innocence and ease of making fast friends. When I was making this playlist, this track made me think of Ed and Stede's ease of "falling into friendship"...because making a new friend who gets you really can be another kind of falling, just like romantic love, can't it?
5.) My Favorite Things by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Pirates like nice things, and they don't ask for what they want...they TAKE IT!!! This is a cover of the Sound of Music song, but made appropriate for the anarchy of a raid by this aptly-named punk rock band.
6.) You're My Best Friend by Queen
I had to get some Queen in here, and this song has always hinted at a slightly-more-than-just-two-friends dynamic to me. The French talk about all kinds of relationships as involving some type of seduction, not just sexual or romantic ones, and for me this track evokes Ed and Stede falling deeper for each other.
7.) Heathens by Twenty-One Pilots OR the cover by Boston Manor
I realized when I was constructing this list to put on my MP3 player (yes, I still have one, can't you tell by now that I'm old-school) that I don't actually own a copy of Heathens by the original band (and yes, I still buy and…ahem…otherwise own copies of the music I like). I did have access to the metal cover off of Punk Goes Pop vol 7, and I think the rawness of that version fits Ed's moment to Stede of "You were always going to find out what I am" quite well. Whichever you, the listener, prefer, I think this is an appropriate spot in the playlist for Stede to be reminded that Ed does have a history, and they are all, after all, pirates.
8.) The Ship Song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
I love how we all, as a fandom, seem to have discovered this song independently of each other but because of this fandom. And what a fantastic, devastating song it is! It's not just about a relationship that crashes and burns, it's about your own ideals, dearly-held illusions, and self-respect going right along with it. And how it grows to be predictable. I don't really understand the concept of "a good cry", but if I did, I think this song would do it for me.
9.) I Crush Everything by Jonathan Coulton
The second requisite JoCo song of the playlist. This one is literally about a giant squid that hates itself, but I defy you not to be smacked viciously about the head with the Kraken vibes of it.
10.) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away by The Beatles
We've all been there. The fake-it-til-you-make-it "I definitely am doing better now :'-)" phase of a heartbreak. This is Ed's floral nightgown being hidden away and replaced by black eyeliner and kohl; this is Stede's determination to grit his teeth and return to the life he hated and now no longer can even fake his way through. The Beatles always knew what they were doing. (That said, as a note, this is about to be four kinda downer songs in a row on this playlist, and the order does matter, so since the next and last heart-wringer is about to roll up, if the tear-jerkers are getting to be too much for you by this point of the playlist, I suggest omitting this one. The Fab Four will understand.)
11.) Samson by Matthew Luke Sandoval
This is a cover I found on YouTube of the Regina Spektor song, sung with such beauty, emotionality, and earnestness by a male vocalist with an angelic voice. The cover is over 10 years old at this point, and it looks like this guy suffered an apartment fire a little while after uploading this video and ended up not getting his singing career off the ground like he would have if this world knew any sense of justice. I tracked a copy of this song down to a mostly-defunct MySpace page and if my Google-fu is accurate, Mr. Sandoval still lives in NYC and is now an accountant or CPA of some type. I hope he hasn't truly given up on his singing dreams, but sometimes doing so makes life more liveable, so I get it if he has.
That said, this song about the bittersweet regret of knowing a relationship just wasn't going to work although it was magic while it lasted seemed appropriate, especially those famous, poetic lines about "the history books forgot about us". Apply that to a fictional reimagining of a man who history knows more as legend than as flesh-and-blood fact, and his protegee, a starry-eyed would-be adventurer, and how they both went down in flames along with a golden age of rebellion against a vicious status quo, and this tender dirge for a love that couldn't be, sung with a masculine vulnerability, gains a new layer.
Yes, I am very proud of this selection.
12.) Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin
Okay, time to scrape you up off the floor and wipe your nose. Here's a blanket and a cup of something warm. This is, AFAIK, the original version in English of this song (although it was originally written in French), and it has the right musical and lyrical cautious optimism to not only ease you up out of that Pit Of Despair I just put you in, but also to suggest the wistful hopefulness of knowing you'll see your lover again soon, it's just a matter of waiting until the tides and currents and the sea winds align to bring you back to each other. I compiled this playlist earlier this year, and as of this writing we are 10 days away from season 2 premiering, so I am of course conjecturing and self-soothing somewhat here. That said, it's a romance, we know they'll get back together!!
13.) My Favorite Things by Sarah Vaughan
I call this The "Maybe The Nice Things We Wanted Were Actually Feelings and Relationships All Along" Reprise. Another gentle healing song, one that makes me think of cautious but eager reunions and teary-eyed reconciliations.
14.) Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
This show loves to use purple imagery to show when Ed is falling more in love with Stede, and while the show creators have said they're thinking more along the lines of Prince (and I declare, right now, before all maybe four of you reading this, that I want to bet actual real-world student-loan-paying money on Blackbonnet's canon reunion scene being set to Purple Rain, you saw it here, mark my words, etc.) if the very last scene of the show doesn't have our boys sailing off into the sunset set to the most famous misheard lyric in rock history, what are we all even doing here?
Would love your thoughts or reactions, I haven't shared a fan playlist before, so I'd love any and all thoughts including things like YOU HEARTLESS BITCH NOW I HAVE TO REAPPLY MY MASCARA or anything else you please! :-) ❤
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useramor · 1 year
your fall out buck post is awesome do you have any other thoughts on what music you think buck would listen to ?
for some reason my mind interpreted this as eddie not buck and by the time i noticed when you meant i had already compiled a list for eddie so you get both! under the cut because, as usual, this got pretty long.
also here is my fall out buck post if you haven't seen it :)
i think aside from fall out boy, he was very into green day up through his early twenties. he was 21 in 2013, so there's no way he didn't also go through an arctic monkeys moment, blasting flourescent adolescent in his earbuds all the time.
"flicking through a little book of sex tips / remember when the boys were all electric" was a lyric that'd get stuck in his head constantly as he bartended
also, the chance of buck not being an imagine dragons fan is zero.
i definitely also headcanon he had his white boy rap phase. i mean, c'mon, the guy was 26 in 2018. between 2016 (24) to 2018 (26) we had blond, coloring book, the life of pablo, starboy, damn, flower boy, astro world...you get it. and buck in LA during this time, going through the academy in southern california? yeah, he listened to drake.
i think he has his soft pop favs now. i think he's mostly past the rap, still listens to his pop punk music but more in a nostalgic sense. i do think current buck is a big fan of noah kahan, walk the moon (specifically what if nothing, though he found them through shut up and dance), some hozier, a good bit of sufjan stevens and phoebe bridgers on a sad song playlist he has set to private.
he's definitely the type to listen to one song on repeat for days, and i think that happened with some of the songs off melodrama by lorde to the point that they were his top songs on his spotify wrapped, even if she wasn't one of his top artists.
something about buck listening to supercut as he drives around LA late at night you know?
"cause in my head (in my head i do everything right) / when you call (when you call, i'll forgive and not fight)"
"i'll be your quiet afternoon crush / be your violent overnight rush / make you crazy over my touch / but it's just a supercut of us"
when he's pining for eddie??? come onnnnnn
eddie listens to classic rock, country music, and has a spanish songs playlist sophia made titled "canciones favoritas" that he has downloaded on his spotify.
he loves pink floyd, i think he's a big eagles fan, no doubt in my mind he listened to a LOT of the beatles growing up, and if you think he doesn't know every word to rumours by fleetwood mac, you've got another thing coming. eddie hums rhiannon under his breath as he cooks, a gentle rhythm that fills up his kitchen.
(buck's a little bit in love with his voice, always tries to bug him into singing out loud, and usually ends with them duetting queen loud enough for christopher to complain from his bedroom.)
but he's also from texas! he's got his classic country faves, privately listened to dolly parton whenever the house was empty. definitely a big george strait, willie nelson, rascal flatts fan. loves a good carrie underwood song, and he'll say it's because of his sisters until the day he dies.
(it's really not. there's just something about female country that eddie loves.)
his favorite song, though, now that he's older and in love and a huge sap is still the one by shania twain.
"looks like we made it / look how far we've come my baby / might've took the long way / we knew we'd get there someday"
"you're still the one i run to / the one that i belong to / you're still the one i want for life / you're still the one that i love / the only one i dream of"
he plays it for buck one night and they slow dance in the living room and eddie feels more love in his body than he ever thought possible, thanks.
now, the spanish song playlist. it has a truly absurd amount of selena.
so much selena.
also gloria estefan, celia cruz, and enrique inglesias' 1995 album that he used to hate as a teenager but that, admittedly, grew on him.
i've included this in a fic, but i stand by it. i think one of eddie's favorite songs is algo contigo by rita payés and elisabeth roma.
"what is missing is me telling you that I would die to have something with you / and it is that you have not given account of how much it costs me to be your friend / now I can not get close to your mouth without wanting it in a crazy way"
(^ the lyrics are in spanish but this an english translation)
also every time eddie listens to baila esta cumbia or bidi bidi bom bom he subconsciously starts dancing to it and the way he sways his hips drives buck crazy <3
okay i hope this is good!!! i've been thinking about eddie's a lot lately, i could probably do a more in depth lyric analysis like i did with my fall out buck post if anyone would be interested :)
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hey finnie!! Congrats on 1k!!! You deserve it!!!!
I wanted to see if you'd do no 9 for me cause I'm so curious as to who you'd pick. You know me p well by this point but I'll still tell you about myself as if ya didn't >:]
So hey, I'm a mexican-american living in socal, I work full time as a post production assistant transferring every old from of audio and video you can think of to digital and im very passionate about media conservation. I have immigrant parents so the connection to my culture isent that far off- but I grew up in Southern California and it shows. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was a teen but later was rediagnosed with DID, I also have depression and believe I am on the spectrum. I love to draw and watch film when i have the time but mostly i just listen to audiobooks because i can do that at work. I've always had to work a lot, whether it's night shifts at the warehouse, 50+ hour weeks or nightclub gigs after work I'm always doing *something*. The fact that I have to work so much bums me out a Lot and I want to explode the concept of capitalism but that doesnt stop me from taking an absurd amount of pride in being a hard worker, I get it from my dad. I don't sleep very much, people always find it strange but no matter what time I fall asleep I will wake up 4-5 hours later without alarms and still feel well-rested. Like I mentioned I read a LOT cause I do it on the job, my favorite books are true crime and horror (Grady Hendrix is my all time fave author) but I also get through a ton of history books- mainly medical and historys of conflict. I watch movies whenever I get the chance, I love horror!! It's comforting to me. Most of my favorite films are from the 70s. Oh I love getting tattoos and if I had the money for it id get one everyday, I love the feeling a lot. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, 80s pop and goth, old punk, 60s and 70s rock, oldies, 90s grunge and reggae, 2000s emo, rap and indie, modern industrial goth, old country as well as mariachi, corridos, reggaeton and Mexican rock. Really genuinely love most kinds of music, but my fave is anything I can sing or dance to. Like I said I have DID which is a pretty big part of me but simultaneously so small, after therapy I was able to get to a place where my alters don't really front unless there's an agreement to do so and it's mostly for comfort and healing reasons now but I live most of my life with one or more riding passenger seat if that makes sense? There's always someone I can talk to or ask for advice. My ideal night out is a night dancing at some alternative club or maybe karaoke at a dinky little bar. I also love to go on drives and like going to the beach at night to lay on the sand hearing the water until I get too cold.
I think I included way more than you needed but I'd love to hear who you'd pick and why :> 🖤
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok this was... this one was difficult because i struggled to decide between two rogues (a variant of Mad Hatter being the other option) but i hope the decision i made was the right one💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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such a noble cause that you work for! and you picked a key word, because harley is deeply attracted in every sense of the word to passion. doesn't matter what it is, if you're truly passionate about it she'll follow suit
heritage and culture is so important to harley too, and her jewish heritage is often overlooked, so she understand the connection and trying to maintain it or even strengthen it. she'd be so keen to share in someone else's culture and maybe even share hers with them
harley is a trained psychologist. she's a doctor. she has a degree. so any mental health issues she's so keen to try and help, without crossing any boundaries of course. she just wants the best for the people she loves and it's in her nature to try and talk through problems and find ways to fix things or make them hurt less
i frequently headcanon harley as someone who loves drawing as a way of relaxing or as an outlet, and i think she would employ a lot of art psychotherapy tactics. most of all, sitting with you and doodling while you draw and chat about your day would make her so happy
she gets hard work. first of all, it's not easy to study to become a psycholgist. second of all, it's not easy to work in one of the more intense asylums. and third of all, wielding a hammer while looking sexy is a herculean task believe it or not. but hey, if you hate capitalism, why not join her in villainy! or better yet, leave the crime to her and you can stay at home doing nothing all day, let her spoil you!
you would get sleep with harley around. she wouldn't be above bonking you on the head to make sure you're well-rested. 4-5 hours isn't enough, she insists on it. by that point she's only just starting to feel like she's spent enough time stroking your arm and watching you snooze, she needs at least another 2 hours on top of that.
true crime and horror are such harley vibes. she seems like she would love a horror movie marathon. the gorier the better for her though, and with some amazing kill scenes! and let's be honest, some 70s horror films have amazing death scenes in them so she can get on board with that
harley has a fair few tattoos, but nothing would make her giddier with sheer excitement and love than getting a matching tattoo (or 17) with you!!
i think harley loves dancing. she's a gymnast, it's pretty close in terms of movement. she probably has immense skills, albeit untrained, in most dance styles. so any kind of music is something she can work with. and karaoke would 100% be up her street, a cheesy love ballad that you can duet on, or the classic "girls just wanna have fun", but screaming it at an insane volume while she laughs with you
it's maybe not the same thing, but harley has harleen riding sidecar with her at all times. it's not always a good thing for her, since they don't share many of the same opinions, but you'd be a good influence on her, and maybe she'd start taking advice from harleen more often
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hexcorecore · 2 years
Singers! Jayvik au, where they used to be in a band HexTech, which later broke up into two solo artists - Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow and The Machine Herald.
Sooo i had this idea...
HexTech was a band of two young talented singers, who won the hearts of listeners with their modern light-hearted music, Steam Punk fashion, Magic meets Science idea and an image of perfect charming duo, best friends forever. There were also rumors that the energetic front man and his reticent partner are more than just friends. They were popular and loved for years and everything was just fine. Until. The band broke up for unknown reasons. Rumors spread.
Jayce came back soon enough with some new singles and more mature music. He sings about his experiences, dreams, fate, love, life crises. He have grown up since the start of his career, yet still charms his fans. He still leans more into pop and alternative rock so he continued to be popular.
Some suspect that a few of his songs are written about his ex-bandmate, so lyrics make sense and they become even more heart-breaking and it just leads to even more previously-dating rumors.
Long time after Viktor surprised everyone with his new sound and totally new image and aesthetic. From now on his music is heavier with some glimpses of electronic style. Badass even. He has changed a lot physically and that shocked both public and Jayce. Piercings, tattoos, everything. He used to be shy to be the center of attention, but with his new persona he quickly gained more listeners after a long brake and unexpected release of his first solo album "Glorious Evolution". "Herald's revenge" some might call it. Turns out he's also a pretty good showman. By the way, many fans think he wrote back about the Defender and their relationships too.
You might think they really haven't found peace and can't let it go, they are still heartbroken, injured and angry or they are doing it on purpose and it's a way to prove something to themselves and eachother, while doing it over dramatically on purpose just for the sake of it ..Yeeah, you're right, all of this. So-
This period of once inseparable musicians and supposed lovers' career started being called The Divorce Era.
[Tagging @jayvikaugust because the post apparently doesn't show up in the tag]
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halo-of-light-band · 11 months
Stuff I've been listening to: July 15th 2023
I haven't done one of these in like 3 months. Oops, had a lot going on, was a bit busy, but that just means I have more new stuff to talk about! So, in no particular order, here's the stuff I've been listening to lately.
Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume by Yves Tumor: This is a very interesting album, and it's sort of hard to pin down the themes, and even more difficult to pin down the genre of music. Sometimes it has the instrumentation and rhythm of rock music, sometimes it delves into more pop sounding vocal riffs and choruses, and throughout the whole album it an electronic, experimental sound. The imagery in all the music videos is full of horror and satanism and bondage with glamorous, high-camp outfits on top of it all. Good songs, interesting to listen to, and a good listen for anyone interested in genre-blending stuff.
Favorite tracks: God is a Circle and Echolalia
Songs About My Cats by Venetian Snares: "One of the few good things to make it out of Winnipeg" according to my friend Jamie. This is definitely on the experimental side of my music tastes. No lyrics, weird off-beat rhythms, and weird electronic sounds throughout. If that sounds up your alley, you will thoroughly enjoy this. Plus look at that album art, how can you resist an album with a cat like that on the cover?
Favorite tracks: Poor Kakarookee and Fluff Master
Sad Truth by Failstate: Debut EP from a band that I found because they posted a link to reddit. It's got a really good emo/punk rock vibe, with a vibe that's slightly more... somber? Downturned? Something like that. To me, it's proof that emo isn't dead and isn't a stagnant genre. I also really love the way they mixed their vocals, nice and crunchy, something about those distorted vocal textures always scratch a brain itch. Also, I just baught the cassette for this EP and it's a beautiful translucent purple color. If that sways anyone's opinion, lol
Favorite track: Another Ghost
Electra Heart by MARINA
It might be surprising to see top 40 pop music on a list like this, given that I'm an indie bandcamp girlie through and through. However, I do think there's a lot of merit to this album, and it does a lot of interesting things that I don't think is seen often in pop nowadays. It's a concept album about the character of Electra Heart, and centers around themes of female identity and expectations, focusing on various 'archetypes' of femininity that are pushed onto women, which the titular character embodies at various points on the album. Throughout there is a juxtaposition between self-loathing and being full of oneself, this juxtaposition often present in upbeat, emphatic music alongside lyrics of self-hatred. Most of the songs have a very pop feel to them, it's definitely got a more mainstream sound than some of Marina's other albums, so if you're not into that, maybe skip this one, but I think it's worth it for the sheer scope of the writing and theming that is present.
Favorite tracks: Fear and Loathing and Teen Idle
Christmas Island by AJJ: This album has been growing on me! I liked Knife Man and The Bible 2 a lot, so I've been going through more of AJJ's catalog. I like the more rock feel that a lot of the songs on this album have, but Sean Bonnette's vocals and guitar playing still maintain that folksy feel that the band is known for. As is typical for AJJ, there's a lot of very angsty and desperate lyrics, violent and sometimes weird imagery, and a healthy dose of screaming. I really like the Temple Grandin metaphor that was present in multiple songs, writing about how to "find a nicer way to kill it" (a sort of open ended metaphor, but one that I interpret as being both about making awful, unavoidable situations easier, and also knowing when to let something go).
Favorite tracks: Temple Grandin, Kokopelli Face Tattoo, and Temple Grandin Too
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akwardlyuncool · 7 months
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Spotify Wrapped 2023
So I'm here to talk about my hella basic year in music lol. If you're new here I got 2 Spotifys, which means I compare them every year to see which one I think is more accurate.
Basically I got my daily driver,  what I use most often and what’s signed in on my phone and then the Spotify I use for/while I’m working on projects on Akwardly Uncool. Anyway the LEFT side is the Daily Driver and the RIGHT is AkwardlyUncool.
So I'mma Start By Proudly Waving My Basic Card:
I might be wrong, but I feel like everybody who was even slightly in the Pop-Punk, Midwest Emo, Post Emo space had Hot Mulligan in their top 5, either artists or songs for 2023. It was just bound to happen and I ain't mad at it, cause have you listened to them?! Just had to acknowledge that real quick lol.
Minutes and Hours and Just Time:
15,850 minutes. About 264 hours. 11 Days.
Not gonna lie, based on some personal calculations, this was a shorter year for consuming music for me. (If you stick around for ACF 2024 I might divulge some of that reasoning, but for now I'll just say, It is what it is and I know why.) That being said I'll try to beef up my numbers again next year.
Top Artists:
Now don't get me wrong I love The Wonder Years down, however I made a collaborative playlist of The Wonder Years and Hot Mulligan with a friend and basically didn't turn it off lol (it was definitely a shower mix for sure) and that's how they ultimately won the award on my main account.
As for the "side" account, which felt like the main this year, Winnetka Bowling League is just one of those groups that's so good to put on and let run. Now of course I have my repeats, that I've been talking about for the last few years and then I added more and so whether it was going to their page and hitting play or seeking out my repeats, I totally get why they won there. They're coming out with a full album next year, so get used to me talking about them 90% of the time. And if you hop on their train, remember I'm the conductor.
As for the other artists who touched the top 5, I saw 3 of them in concert this year, so naturally their numbers are going to be higher. Also Watsky made it cause Intention is not on CD, hopefully yet.
Genre Sandwiches and Top Tracks:
It's Pop-Punk season mixed with Winnetka Bowling League and Watsky, so both sides reflect that. That being said, the main diver is where I play the majority of the R&B, Neo-Soul and the likes, so they're rarely reflected on my second. But KNOW, I am a mix of Pop-Punk and Neo-Soul, always!
Again it's Pop-Punk season or rather Hot Mulligan season and I spent a lot of time learning every word to those two tracks that won, but are too long for me to desire to type out now. "Draw and quarter a stranger to feel some blood on your fingers. You take away, robbery follow trends as a hobby, find flaws in everything else because you don't like yourself. Woe is me!"
Collector vs Alchemist:
They both say essentially the same thing which is that I make and listen to my own playlists more than anything else, but anyone who works with me could have told you that lol. Geniuses.
Winner? Winner? Chicken Dinner?
Again they basically say the same thing this year, which is that we listened to a lot of Hot Mulligan, Relient K is still my favorite band and if i see you in concert you tend to show up on my Wrapped for the year. I will say though that I'm hella surprised that this is the first year Lyfe Jennings didn't show up on my Wrapped and although that makes way for other folks, it's still a little sad lol.
Hey we made it through Spotify Wrapped Time and now must move on to the more nuanced and obviously better Akward Class Favorites 2023. If you don't know, it where I just go through my year in movies, music, online content consumption and other things of the like, so better lol. Don't have an ETA on when that will go up, but I've taken the notes, so hopefully before the end of December.
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