#you and your best friend get isekaid into genshin impact
starshinesama · 1 year
✦ In such a lonely world, how I wished to see you again. ✦
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Your pleas were heard.
Authors note: this takes place after any regular sagau fic, (probably imposter au). Reader is Gender-Neutral but B/N is an implied she/her :]
༄ CW: loneliness, cultish themes, angst (with comfort)
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Part 1 | Part 3
- POV: after being so lonely in Tervat, - you meet someone from your world, - stranded, like you.
"...so let me get this straight. We got isekaid into Genshin impact. And all the playable characters think your a god, because of how much you played the game??"
"Yeah that's pretty much it"
...No way in hell. As if you'd actually say that! I mean seriously? You've already been through enough confusion, can't you have some peace and quite with your best friend, for one moment?
Alas, that moment would soon come to an end
. ⁺ . ✦ 
Zhongli soon caught up with you, he was already struggling to catch his breath due to his old peepaw body and it looked like he just about had a heart attack from the shock of seeing you suddenly tackling B/N down in a hug like that.
"Your grac- [Name].."
Zhongli's eyes widened with confusion as he looks at the two of you awkwardly standing over the unconscious guard.
You awkwardly glance over at B/N for support, and she probably would have noticed, that is if she wasn't busy Staring at the gorgeous Geo Archon, you could even see the stars sparkling in her eyes as the the tall Geo Archon stand before her (you could have sworn you almost saw her drool too)
"Who is this?" Zhongli interrupts, burning holes into your skull as you avert your eyes from his piercing gaze Well shi- "well uhm!"
Unfortunately before you could finish that statement you too were cut off
"Oh wow, just wow. sorry, I just can't help but get distracted- bcs damnn you are hot- i mean is it hot in here? are you hot? i mean you are hot-“
…woww that girl is thirsty
B/N paused before continuing her sentence
“Mr. Zhongli? if you would consider my offer.. please come home with me instead of serving [Name] 🥰✨” (B/N said all this with a straight face)
you look over at Zhongli to see him freeze in his tracks, absolutely gob smacked from the initial shock
“oh.. ah, thank you miss..” phew! good job B/N, she distracted him!
You give a thumbs up to B/N as you sigh in relief
Phew, well that was close-
"As I was saying"
You sweat as you fumbled trying to explain
"OH, WELL! "Youseeactuallysouhtherearemorepeoplewhereicomefromandthisthisismybestftiendwe'veknowneachotherforseveralyearssouhihopeyouwelcomeherasyoudidme!!" ⊹
..you fucked that up didn't you.
You fidgeted nervously, awaiting the Archon's response
"Ah..I see, and this poor guard unconscious on the floor-?"
Zhongli paused before continuing whatever nagging he was gonna berate you with after noticing you fidgeting with your clothes
"..ok then, so I'm assuming that you two have a history together then, yes?" he picked his words carefully, not wanting to further upset the two friends infront of him (not that it seemed anything could possibly ruin B/N's day at this point )
Wow! He actually managed to decode your rambling! ‧₊˚
You breath out a sigh of relief as a smile slowly creeps up on your face
"Mhm! I guess it's time I properly intruduce you two huh?"
"Zhongli, this is my best friend B/N! she's er, from my world, and I'm guessing she got here the same way I did?" you glance at B/N questioningly,
but you know there are better times to talk about that.
"And B/N this is-" "i know."
Oh right, B/N was as much of a genshin addict as you were
you sigh smiling slightly at Zhongli's baffled expression ⌒ .
Was he..jealous?
Whatever expression he was making quickly dissipated though as soon as you brought up that B/N might be another "god" like you.
Wait, another voice "playing" with them? Oh, right he remembers now, how could he forget?
"Ah, I see, welcome then, B/N" Zhongli greeted her, smiling ever so slightly, though this was enough to gain an admiring sigh from B/N
"Well..I kind of just.. fell from the sky?"
You were trying to get an explanation of how B/N got here in a curious attempt to try and find out if you can even go home, but so far it seemed like it was still hopeless
You sigh under your breath, leaving B/N concerned
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"No no, it's nothing, I just"
Oh who were you kidding, your scrambled emotions right now were way more than just "nothing"
Tears threatened to escape your eyes again and they were starting to prickle your eyes
"Oh.. are you ok-?"
B/N Sighed
"C'mon [Name], cheer up!! We'll definitely find a way to go back... so forget your worries and let's take full advantage and enjoy this Real Life! genshin experience"
B/N Smiled excitedly at you, beaming with excitement, patting your shoulder.
B/N offers you a hug that you gladly accept with open arms
Your tears soon stop trying to escape your eyes, as you think.. "I'm so glad..I'm not alone anymore" that brought a smile to your face. ₊ ˚ ⁺ ◌ ‧
"Anyways Zhongli is so much hotter in person like Damn!"
Oh right this was still B/N
A chuckle escapes your lips as you decide to join in and have your first "Genshin talk" in a while
"Ikr?! And omg lumine is so much prettier and buffer in person"
_˚ . ✦ ⁺ . ◌ ˚ 
It was the first time in awhile you had a chat with someone from your world, or even a casual chat like this in general, You missed being able to just have a genuine laugh with someone you could relate with, God you missed all of your appliances, and your pets.. you missed them so much but you didn't have any idea if they were ok,
You're sure B/N would have taken care of them while you were gone, but now that she was here too you just hoped someone else took good care of them, wich brought up the question in your mind.. one that you've been desperately trying to avoid, how different is the time in tervat, and earth?
"So B/N.." You gulp down a lump of saliva that was piling up in your throat as you brace yourself for the answer
"how long has it been? Since I got here, I mean"
"Oh.. it's been, hmm, I'd say a day?"
you nearly jump out of your seat and B/N nearly jumps out of her skin herself from your sudden response
"Woah?! Uhm, Is it that bad? You just disappeared today and you weren't replying to my texts so I came over to check but you weren't there.."
You stand still for a moment unmoving, scaring the poor girl even more before suddenly exclaiming
"It's been.. nearly a month. but woahh!! So those analysis's of the ratio of Tervats time contrast to earths time were right!!.. huh.." you pause as you let B/N sit you back down onto the large rocks, that the two of you turned into benches
"Woah.. a whole month?! But Uhm, Earth to [Name]?? Are you good? Gosh you almost scared the life out of me!"
"Not that you had a life to begin with"
You joked as B/N stumbled back pretending to be exaggeratedly offended
"Har har. Your one to talk"
...Well to be fair it was kinda true.
The two of you stayed silent, trying to stifle back giggles, unsuccessfully.
Eventually you snort, and that was enough for fits of laughter to erupt from you, causing a chain reaction of B/N wheezing on the ground and hitting the dirt beneath her so hard that a nearby Dendro slime popped up from the ground, startled and confused
You scream in terror from the shock of the dendro slime suddenly popping out of the ground as B/N kicks the poor slime away from her as a reflex
"fu- oops.. uh, sorry little slime" The dendro slime unfortunately does not take her apology and retreats back into the ground with (what you assume to be) tears in its eyes, poor slime :(
You look over at B/N, baffled, She stays on the ground, defeated.
you sigh as you attempt to coax the dendro slime back by patting the dirt next to it gently
"Pspspspspspspspsps dendro slime?" Somehow this does not work. suddenly an idea pops into your head, like a tiny light bulb was switched on inside your head! ☆
sigh, c'mon B/N, lets just go B/N just looks up at you confused until you whisper your plan to her, to wich she nods in agreement and gets up, pretending to leave too
"Aw man! I was really looking forward to petting that dendro slime.." the dendro slime's Leaves(?) perk up
"Mhm.. same" the two of you swiftly turn your backs on the dendro slime, giggling as you wait patiently.
You hear the swaying of leaves and the dirt below you getting pushed out of the way and-!
"OWW-!!" in a blink of an eye the dendro slime body slams into B/N's shoulder, catching her off guard You burst out laughing but not for long as the dendro slime body slams into you as well knocking you to the ground
This time it's B/N turn to giggle as you look at the grumpy slime on your stomach, your stunned but realize it's asking for pets (now that it was able to get its revenge) and you happily Oblige ⌒.
Petting the dendro Slime calms you..
You close your eyes having a moment of peace.. untill
"Ouch!" Your finger snags on a sharp rock that was on the dendro slime
You look down at your hand and see golden ichor clotting at the tip of your finger, your breath starts to pick up but you calm down
"Oops, oh well.. atleast we can heal this scratch you have now" You rub some of the golden blood leaking onto the dendro slimes damage from B/N's kick, and as the area your blood touches glows, all the slime's wounds heal like they were never there
The slime gives you a happy smile and bumps against your forehead happily before hopping back off into the wild
You sit in silence for a moment, you haven't had to see that glistening liquid for days, but the dendro slime's peaceful vibes still stick with you as you sigh, sitting up
"..wha..What just happened?!" Oh crap you almost forgot B/N was standing behind you
"O-OH, uhm.. im not really sure how to explain this-" Your about to explain before you hear a familiar voice behind you
"Your grace!~" of course you always have to be interrupted don't you.
you can never catch a break can you? ✿
Hi again! Sorry this chapter took awhile to get out, its a little long because i wanted a special guest to help me write some of the lines, it got delayed because she was busy with school but its finally heree! thanks again to my irl best friend! <3
Taglist: @madokamagicaa
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slickfordain · 1 year
fandom: Genshin Impact
Can you do one where they thought the reader would be a male but really the reader is a female. And when the reader is isekaid everyone treats her normally and then she meet childe and they fall in love. Then everyone finds out reader is the creator, and how everyone would react when they find out she is dating childe. Mostly the harbingers and the tsaritsa
 Some things might not have gone your way, I’m sorry if it isn’t to your liking
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Somewhat Yandere, leads to Childe / Tartaglia / Ajax x reader, female!reader, girly reader
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You weren’t really the one to speak during playing a game, but you were always willing to be on a call with your online best friend who you’d consider as your long lost twin. So here you are, trying to level up Keqing and Amber to level 70 in their character sheets.
Unknowingly, the characters are well aware. For both of your best friend’s world and yours. As you can see, SAGAU works for the two of you… With every other many people. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Your best friend chooses someone’s destiny, and so do you, and you both get mistaken as the creators. It’s not false because you and your best friend would technically know “everything”.
But the thing is, the characters cannot hear your voice. They can only feel your presence and aura. So you were anonymous, even your face. Nobody would impersonate you. If someone did, they would pity the said person— while the Archons will send a light threat towards them to stop it and snap out of it, giving them a second chance to willingly change their plans. And it always works, because the imposter never has the divine blood or powers. Realistically I don’t think the characters would blindly believe an imposter anyway, because how are they supposed to believe someone, if the divine is always controlling the traveler? Exactly. The divine hasn’t gone into Teyvat. Not just yet.
And Venti would personally see this as a mock towards the divine, so most of his threats are violent, because he knew how it was to impersonate someone. But it’s different for him. He gets to slip away because he had no choice. The Archons and Celestia knew that, leaving him be and not hunting him down. They’re not that crazy.
People can change for the better, that’s why they don’t kill imposters unless the imposters go too far with it. They learned that because you like bullying some people too, much to their notice whenever they feel your anger and sarcasm— despite not hearing you…. But you can be sweet and gentle as well.
At this point they thought you were a male, because you seem rather strong and brave to go against a boss with such little leveled artifacts… Yet somehow you still won, and now you’re leveling up for the battle with Signora doesn’t know, mind you.
But that’s when things happen, with you teleporting into Teyvat in an accident, not knowing what was going on and what was happening. You just knew, you were totally screwed because you ended up in Teyvat.
And you ended up meeting Childe, being quite startled by him once he had shown up, with his hydro weapon in hand before realizing you were just an innocent bystander.
That’s where it began.
Now, you’re not quite one to trust Childe because uhm……. Yeah. But, if you show him some respect like how Yoimiya did in her voicelines, you might as well give it a try to befriend him. So that’s where it lead to, you being a listener as Childe was questioning where did you come from and why did you wear such… Weirdly unique clothing.
You lied to him. Telling you were originally from Liyue, but then got kidnapped by some crazy hoarders and mixed their clothes together to create your outfit. Childe was surprised, thrilled and told you how much of a genius you were, but you just went by being humble and told him you weren’t. Haha. He didn’t believe that bullshit, because you were an absolute genius… And to think you survived those damn hoarders.
The friendship grew out, that the news about you spread like a wildfire… Though, everyone treated you normally, while the Fatuis had no absolute care about you. They would canonly, for SAGAU of the reader hid their identity (without knowing), could care for absolutely nothing. Not even the wanderer would care for you, unless he has seen how much you’re such a genuine friend.
Yeah. That’s exactly how it ended up into… You see, when you spent your time so much in Liyue being so silent and so polite— nodding and just trying to help people out, it eventually lead every commissions (That didn’t involve fighting) to you. You were now the new “traveler” everyone could rely on.
And everyone just simply adored you, even Ying’er and those people who sold things around Liyue. Yanfei was even going to book in a house for you, pitying about your life and was horrified about how many years you’ve been stuck with a bunch of hoarders. Once she sees them, she will give them a piece of her mind in the name of the law.
This attracted other nations… And the more nations tried communicating with you, the more they realized how much pure bright aura you had spread throughout the entire Teyvat world. And much to say the least, the traveler Lumine was so grateful you existed— because she’s now becoming less tired! You’re helping her out!
Everyone was so extremely fond of you, adoring every bit of your habits and movements, gazing at you like a hawk whenever you slept around. Because you’re lazy, and weak. You’re not strong or badass, but that was quite fine with them because they didn’t expect much. Why would you want to fight anyway? You think fighting is cringe when you do it, and find yourself comfortable doing makeup and being just— cozy.
You stayed in Teyvat, thinking this was just all a sweet shifting possibility, thinking you’ll wake up by the next morning. Wheezing and laughing every-time someone tried flirting with you, but got scolded by another.. And you managed to somehow get the Archons to speak to you first. Without doing anything.
You were a peaceful lazy tired gem, who just happens to be a normal civilian in Teyvat. You just wanted to do makeup in peace.
Childe was in love, not much to your surprises… Having deeper conversations with you inside your bedroom on your bed, having a sleepover under the fairy lights, talking about deep things. It eventually lead you two to open up, for the very first time ever since you two grew to be friends.
You were still nice and kind, not saying much about yourself which made Childe just— frown. He wanted to get to know you more, and urged you to continue on. Might’ve slipped up that he was in love with you, and since you thought that this was still yourself shifting into Teyvat— you approved of his confession.
How did the entire Teyvat react to this? Hah. They didn’t know actually… The wanderer might be suspicious of how close you and Childe were but, he thought you two were just best friends— so he finds every possibility to annoy Childe whenever he hugs your waist and sticks his tongue out at Childe, because you couldn’t see due to the hug. The wanderer saw you as an important friend he could’ve ever caught on with… A friend who saw his importance.
Heizou and Kazuha would even try sending you bouquet of (Favorite flower), telling you you are beautiful everyday. Everyone just… Seemingly saw you as their important best friend. It’s because they worshipped their God who hadn’t been… On for an odd while. They worried, feeling their hearts pounding and throbbing so quickly they felt like the need to burn their skin to melt themselves, and then kill and crush people. Why wasn’t their God back?
Please divine God come back.
You even notice how weird they acted every time they hung out with you, seeing them on their knees in front of a faceless statue… That was portioned like a male body, making you raise an eyebrow. Was this another Archon? An Archon you never knew about?
No… He must be more greater than an Archon… Why would the Archons bow down like this…? Unless, you’ve ended up into one of those weird fan fictions where there’s a divine God…
But luckily it “wasn’t” you~ And it was a male God, so you were fine, right?? You continued dating Childe who completely left the phase of praying to the divine. Oh, no, don’t get him wrong! He appreciates his God and everything…
The way he got so emotionally close to you, made him choose you over the divine. He would kill the divine if it meant to have such a loving calm quiet person like you. That’s how much Childe likes you. You’re not special, but the fuck does he care about that for? You eat, sleep, laze around, and have this weird “artifact” on your hands, but remove it whenever you pamper him with kisses as he gives you the princess treatment. He’s so whipped for you, down bad.
And the afternoon continued on like usual. You were just asleep, seated down, head on the table above your arms while Ayato and Ayaka were simply so happy going to Liyue to know you! You were such a fun person, having dark jokes— Which uh, Cyno quite loved but, other than that you were harmless, just pretty normal which was refreshing for them… And they were always loyal to their divine, no doubt, they’re just squeezing you into the loyalty because… You were just a stunning best friend they could’ve asked for.
With everyone around the table talking and chattering, with Childe sitting so close to you as well with Wanderer, glaring at one another… Xiangling and Thoma accidentally dropped the knife from the tray, hitting your skin that you barely even felt, but woke up because it felt like a bug hitting your skin. Your body slightly flinched, but you didn’t scream or cry, your tired pretty eyes gazing confused at everyone. They looked horrified until…
Something leaked out of your skin, much to your surprise when you noticed there was— not gold— but pink blood running down, trickling slowly to the floor. It was said that gold was the divine’s original blood, but if it was pink, it’s the reincarnation of the divine…
The Archons had wide eyes, their skin going pale before they all stood up with shaky and heavy breaths, their hearts clenching while the entire planet of Teyvat fell into silence.
“… Uhm, you guys oka—”
“Y-You’re the divine?! The divine was a girl?!”
The yelling of Thoma startled the living shit out of you, as you stared at him baffled. You have never seen that man yelling so much before… Before noticing him and Xiangling trembling on their knees, their tears trickling out with absolute fear and regret. Guilt.
“P-Please let us treat you our divine! Barbara!!”
Jean had called out for her sister, who immediately ran towards you but… You just took the knife out?????? As if it didn’t do absolute shit to you?????????1?1?1?1?1?1????
Barbara swore she was about to faint. The true power of the divine was so strong, that not even a knife simply destroyed your mood. But it scared everyone, with Venti crying his eyes out, bawling before he grabs your wounded area and looked like he was going to murder someone.
Everyone was speechless. Childe was speechless. After all this time, he was dating the said God he had gone away from praying… Oh… Oh if you knew that he stopped, he was scared you were going to give him some punishment, an execution. Childe wouldn’t blame you, he would never.
“Guys… I’m just tired… Also this is just a scratch real- oh, now I heal—”
You somehow activated your regeneration ability, fascinating most who has seen it with their own eyes by now. And to say the least, they weren’t going to be happy by now that you started talking to Childe, by saying….
“Oh, thank you for the napkin darling.”
“Y-Your- I— uhm… Y-You’re welcome hon…! Ahah… I… You’re… Wow…”
Childe wouldn’t… Stop stuttering around you? Darling? Hon?! What was this all about?! The table was trying to process all this information, and before they could even say anything… You had gotten up to leave.
Childe is absolutely dying.
Because when it comes to the news spreading to Snezhnaya, the Tsaritsa is angry at Childe. Enraged that he dared to date her “feminine wifey”. The doctor and the fallen Angel will work together once more to get you, as Arlecchino and Pantalone struck a deal with one another with a handshake.
They will get you. They didn’t care before and they were blind by then, so now, let them take full care of you.
Do you still think this is yourself shifting into Teyvat, [Name]?
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💉 I will test my gorey-writing skills next time
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glacialheart · 1 year
It was like, what would happen if she would get isekaid into the Genshin Impact universe rn, if canon Childe would talk to her and why and stuff
If you would like, I can do the same with your selfships <3
OHH i did stuff like that with my irl best friend too!! we have this game where we essentially develop our self-inserts via an exchange of questions and we played it all the time (in between classes, in free periods, over video calls, you name it) it was very fun <3 we're planning to do it for tears of themis when our schedules align hehe
aaaa that'd be wonderful, but aa dw about it!! don't bother yourself my love <3
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Just had a jimmy neutron brain blast-
Hear me out; modern au with xiao or childe but the reader is a videogame character (from genshin or some other game) that gets isekaid into xiao/childes world. Can be a head cannon or one shot, whatever you want to do! hope I'm not bothering you, have a nice night/day/evening!<3
Big brain moment!! Isekai is (in theory) one of my favourite genres I love the concept of just being stuck in an amazing new world. I blame that on my escapism lmao :)
Happy birthday Xiao! I might write something else for your today!
Hi 1k words of me rambling, hope it makes sense lmao
Pairing(s);  Xiao x reader
Keep reading under the cut!
You were just having tea with Morax when the feeling of falling had suddenly came over you. You try and reach out to the god before he disappears from view.
You land loudly on your feet and curse louder at the brief shooting pain through your leg. You take in the scene around you and you’re confronted by strange technologies that you go to touch the kettle like device before you hear someone trying their best to keep quiet. You take a step back from the kettle and summon your polearm.
“I can hear you, come out no” you order tapping the claymore on the floor in anticipation
“[name]?” the man questions revealing himself from the shadows of the room
“Not many know me by name mortal. So, pray do tell, how do you?” you ask staring the man down readying your polearm.
Xiao, a university student and a dance major. He’s been playing Genshin Impact casually for about two months now usually in the evenings when he’s not running through dance routines on campus. Xiao is a secluded an so his father, Zhongli, wanted to set Xiao up as comfortable as possible, if an apartment by himself was what he needed that’s surely what Xiao would get.
“I think you’re actually [name], from Liyue” he states bluntly. You nod
“Get to the point” you order pushing your claymore closer to Xiao’s face
“You’re from a game I play” he states bluntly
“Sorry, what”
It’s been a few days since you had fallen into this reality and you’ve settled in nicely into Xiao’s schedule. You had been lucky that you landed right at the start of Xiao’s holiday. He has tried to tell you about the things of this world, you haven’t understood much and the thought of so much population kind of scares you.
You feel like if Liyue was to look like this in a thousand or so years would you really feel at home there as you do now? Would a Liyue like this city need a yaksha like you? Would they need someone to protect them? You have to wonder if this was the reason why Morax gave up his mortality and godhood, perhaps he already saw a future like this...
You look to Xiao who had decided to go to the studio today as he twists into the music he’s dancing to and smile a little. Maybe being cast out from Teyvat isn’t all bad, you haven’t taken and enjoyed the company of mortals since you felt similar confines of mortality thousands of years ago.
At the other side of the studio there’s a clanging of a door being kicked open
“And who was going to tell me that my bestie has had a girl over all week?” the short man asks interrupting Xiao’s dance sequence
“It’s not like that Venti, and you know it” Xiao sighs putting his hands on his hips and staring down the friend
“Another mortal?” you ask standing up and leaning into the newcomers space
“Shit Xiao you never told me they look like [name]” he looks to the other with a laugh. You blink a few times
“I am the [name] you speak of, under normal circumstances humans don’t see me” you tell the man your brows tightly knitted together
“They’re not joking” Xiao tells the shorter man “It’s a long story that I won’t be telling you” he adds turning away from the two of you and puts the song back at the beginning
“So you’re really the yaksha [name]?” the man asks, you raise a brow at him and channel the power of anemo to shove a burst of wind in the mans face
“You think I need to prove it to you?” you ask with a chuckle “What’s your name human?” you ask looking down at the shorter man
“I’m Venti” he grins shoving a hand for you to shake, you don’t “I do music but if it’s artistic I do it” he adds. You nod.
“You know I was saved by a guy kind of like you millennia ago” you confess with a smile at the memory
“When you were overcome with nightmares right? By Barbatos?” Venti asks and you frown
“It unnerves me how much you know, and how much you freely speak about it” you confess looking to Xiao who’s restarted his dance routine. Venti giggles your words before watching Xiao again
“What’s it like there? In Liyue?” Venti asks, you chuckle at him and raise your brow
“Don’t you play the game?” you ask, Venti nods
“It’s not the same though” he argues and you sigh
You tell Venti about all your favourite places, you talk about what the Harbour is like during the lantern festival and what it’s like sitting with Morax to drink tea and your meetups with Ganyu to drag her out of burying herself in work
“Do you miss it?” Venti asks, and you laugh again and pat his shoulder
“I’m not sure your mortal brain can comprehend what I miss” you respond and walk outside.
Venti’s question weighs on your brain. Did you truly miss it? Sure you miss Morax and Ganyu, but really? The adepti are a dying breed, being here is probably better than being forgotten by Liyue, this world will never ask of you.
“Doing alright?” you hear Xiao ask from behind you, you hum in response “If Venti said something I can always beat him into shape” he adds with a chuckle at his humour. You shake your head and smile to Xiao
“Do you wanna see something cool?” you ask stepping closer to Xiao who takes a moment and then nods approving of your request. You stand behind Xiao, take his hands and with the power of anemo you start flying in the air
“This is how I get around Liyue” you tell Xiao in a hushed tone, he feels your breath brush against his ear
“Wow” he breaths, Xiao’s cheeks heat up a little as you float over the university campus. You close your eyes and continue to feel the pressure of Xiao’s body and the lightness of the anemo beneath your feet
“How do you feel?” you ask Xiao with a grin
“Is it odd to say I feel at home in the air?” he asks breathing in the air around him. He feels you shake your head behind him
“Visions are a complicated thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if people of other realities could resonate” you answer, you hold Xiao in the air for a little longer holding his presence. You notice Xiao taking in the scenery almost breathless.
“Xiao! [name]! We going for dinner or not?” Venti yells up to the both of you. Xiao jumps a little since he was so zoned out just floating in the air
“Dinner?” you ask as you descend
“Mm, Venti breaks into my apartment if I don’t eat dinner with him at least once a week” Xiao grumbles as you lower him onto the ground. You nod
“Goldet, the boss of the Inn I used to stay at would come up with almond tofu” you reply with a smile “I never liked it much but a close friend said it reminded him of eating dreams, it was my way of keeping close to him” you confess with a soft smile
“Almond Tofu is my favourite” Xiao informs you walking over to Venti
“He never shuts up about the Almond Tofu” Venti jokes patting Xiao on his shoulder, Xiao glares at the former. You smile at them and their friendship.
Dinner was nice, Venti recommended something for you to eat and you more than liked it. After dinner Venti parts ways with you and Xiao takes the both of you back to the apartment.
The two of you lounge on the couch, the telly plays some ridiculous late night tv show as the both of you sit. You find yourself leaning your head on Xiao’s shoulder a yawn escaping you. You don’t notice Xiao smile at you and close his eyes to relax with you. You close your eyes another yawn escaping you.
It isn’t often you have to sleep considering your immortal adepti status but sometimes, especially when extremely comfortable and relaxed, you find yourself dozing off.
Your dreams, when not getting infected with darkness, are filled with hopes of this new world you’ve found yourself and the new mortal companion beside you.
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starshinesama · 9 months
✦ In such a lonely world, how I wished to see you again. ✦
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Your pleas were heard.
Authors note: this takes place after any regular sagau fic, (definitely imposter au). Reader is Gender-Neutral but B/N is an implied she/her :]
༄ CW: CHAOS,Fluff episode,cringy red liners
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- POV: after being so lonely in Tervat, - you meet someone from your world, - stranded, like you.
How odd, you feel like your feeling a sense of deja Vu.. hmm, must just be from rewatching the Liyue lantern rite cutscenes over and over!
previously ...
"O-OH, uhm.. im not really sure how to explain this-"
Your about to explain before you hear a familiar voice behind you-
"Your grace~ there you are! Oh? Who's that friend of yours over there?"
no… please not right now..
ugh, not NOW
“your grace?”
no. you are not dealing with Yae Miko today. you’ve had your fair share of chaos already.
you’d rather escape right now right here than have Yae miko spilling your secret to B/N, you've decided, your going to tell her yourself.
You grab B/N’s hand and book it for the nearest Teleport Waypoint!
. ⁺ . ✦
"hufff huff.." You pant furiously as you finally get teleported somewhere else in inazuma..
Probably somewhere in Chinju forest, considering the glowing flowers and trees everywhere
wow, you hadn’t abused your legs that much since the other timeline!
you don't know why you overreacted really.. you finally catch your breath. But hey! It worked out-
“uhm.. WTF IS HAPPENING?!??? and did she just call you your grace?! What was that about??"
oh right.. you avoid B/Ns gaze as u twiddle ur thumbs for comfort
“well.. uhm, do I really need to explain this?”
...You literally bled gold earlier.
“YES! yes please, can you explain everything? i have no clue how we even got here! are we dead? is this the afterlife? were we reborn- ARE WE IN HEL-!?"
“Hey! slow down girl, ok I can explain everything..” you sigh, this was gonna take awhile to explain, even you had a tough time coming to terms with the fact you were here now
“you might wanna sit down for this one” B/N still shocked and tired from all the running, lets you sit her down on a nearby rock, and thus you begin to explain
"So I was playing Genshin when.."
˓𓄹 ࣪˖
"-and then I saw you! So that's how we're both technically gods now" :D
You pretty much told her everything, wellll almost everything
You still haven't told her about your.. "welcome"
But you’d rather not think about irrelevant things right now
You gulp and nervously await B/N’s reaction..
“[Name].. that-that is…so…”
here it comes..
*You prepare to comfort a shocked B/N, and when she finally opens her mouth..-!!*
“OK I KNOW THIS IS ALOT BU- WAIT YOUR COOL ABOUT THIS?!?” You say surprised, You almost shouted out your words from shock!
“Well.. I do have this theory about our powers"
B/N inched closer hanging on go your every word "come on tell me!"
Her eyes sparkled with excitement they were so bright you were kinda scared you were gonna go blind 😨
You chuckle slightly at B/N's amazed expression and continue.. "well I was thinking that since we're the 6th Descenders that we would have some sort of connection to the elements and Celestia, like the traveler-!"
B/N smiled as you continued to rant about your theorys...
. ⁺ . ✦
“woah, So technically.. we're Indestructible like the traveler now?” she glances at a nearby cliff
"NO!! 😨⊹ ermm first of all the Traveler isn't indestructible, they just respawn- tho I'm not sure if it's the same here.. and I haven’t really tested if I was indestructible so..”
“So.. its not off the table? 😏”
You look towards the nearby cliff, and then look at B/N, she looks back at you.
You both smirk at each other
╭╯. ˚˖ ⁰₊ ⊹ ∘ ⁖⌯
You and B/N scream incoherently like 2 possums in a cat fight as you both fall down and down getting whiplash in the progress
why did you have to jump off the cliff without testing it first..!?
You shut your eyes tightly as you wait for the pain of hitting the ground…
but it never comes ‧₊˚⊹
suddenly the screaming stopped.
B/N suddenly goes unusually quite, did she die? Oh wait your still holding on to her
B/N gasped! “[Name] look!”
you hesitantly open your eyes
and… your.. not dead! yay!
instead your 5 feet above the ground floating in thin air-
“AAAAAAAA” You latch on to B/N tighter in an attempt to not fall
“HEY!! We're actually gonna fall!!"
“Oh, sorry!"
well that was embarrassing *cough
Your eyes widen as the wind in the air swirls around you and B/N ༄
and before you know it your back on the ground ༄ ⊹﹒
You look back at B/N and you both grin
Well that was quick! You sigh in relief
before you knew it, you and B/N were back safely on the ground, sitting next to a glistening Pond
(So after the initial shock, B/N seems to be taking this god powers thing REALLY well)
(like.. concerningly well.)
well, compared to you atleast
But you really didn’t have the most warm welcome to this world
B/N: "Sooo do you think we can unlock every element?!" :D
You bring your hand to your chin as you think "hmm.. probably since we’re both not from this world, how should we test it though?"
You both sit in silence for a moment
till B/N interrupts the silence of 2 braincells brainstorming together with a question 𖥔 ✢ ?
"oh speaking of wich!" "Cant we just ask the traveler about this? since we can just pinpoint wich nation she could be in" B/N points out the waypoint on top of the cliff
you flinch from guilt, but you know Lumine's arm is doing ok.
You look down at the twinkling pond, despite being shallow it has an odd charm to it ˖ ࣪ ִֶָ
You suddenly get an idea!
"hmm.. speaking of collecting all the elements! do you think we could control hydro too? It would be so cool if we could-"
"Trying to dodge the question? 😒"
You gulp a bit
"hahaaha nope! But try to dodge this- HYDRO ATTACK!!"
A fucking waterfall crushes B/N
Pfttt- wait no-
"PLEPWLRPEKEOLEOW" the only thing you manage to hear are undistinguishable drowning sounds..
you rush to B/N in a panic (OH NO DID I KILL HER???)
The never ending waterfall finally seems to be finished and stops.
B/N starts to cough furiously, phew shes not dead
"sorry.. I didn’t know it was gonna be that strong- wait… B/N!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?" a smile creeps up on your face again as B/N finally catches her breath ⊹ 。 ゚
cough "w-what??? SORRY (cough) CANT HEAR YOU SINCE THERES WATER IN MY EARS. DUE TO A CERTAIN SOMEONEE" she managed to say through huffs and coughs ⊹ 。 ゚
SORRYY (your still guilty, how dare you)
B/N somehow managed to dry off a bit, you were still feeling guilty so you tried to summon anemo powers to dry her hair.. to no avail :[
"ugh.. i think im having a brain freeze.."
"i dont think thats how that works-"
B/N shoots you a glare you know all too well..
"uhm.." you chuckle nervously
"anyway to what I was saying!! you know what this means right?!?!"
"That you waterboarded me-… WAIT, YOU USED HYDRO?!?" :D B/N's mood finally takes a turn as her ears perk up
B/N gasped "OOOH I HOPE IM NEXT, I need to get my revenge on you" (you gulp, let’s hope she forgets about this…) she evilly laughs at your expression/j
she chuckles “haha, ok ok im just kidding, don’t worry ill go easy on you, so.. this means..!!”
You both grin from ear to ear
"ooh… OKOK so how did you do that?! i wanna try it too!"
well i kinda just-
You make a series of undistinguishable movements with your hands, and you fail at expressing whatever you were trying to say
"hm.. ok i think i’ll just figure it out myself.." B/N sighed
“Fair enough!”
well! my turn~ lemme try >:3
after hours of practicing you both figure out how to summon the elements (well, two of them anyway!)
You find out how to summon gusts of anemo like venti, and a Hydro blast like Neuvillettes, only problem is.. You cant tell HOW strong it’ll end up being.
But that'll be a problem for future you!!
For now you and B/N decide to call it a day, after all the Lantern rite festival is tonight! ✧
as you and your best friend touch the waypoint, somebody in the shadows reveals themselves.
They watch as you and B/N disappear in a flash of light
“So there's two of them now.. How annoying.”
𖥔 The balladeer, 6th of the Fatui harbingers. 𖥔
“I guess this mission wont be an entire waste of time after all. Ha, it's time to report back to the Tsarista.”
It's lantern rite time!
You and B/N have a wonderful time in liyue.
Thankfully Zhongli was distracted discussing to Baizhu about his back pains so you were able to sneak past him and see Hu tao!! Thank archons she didn't really recognize you..
She decided to come along with you still thinking you were foreigners
The three of you walked around liyue, seeing all of your beloved characters faces light up in person was so touching, along the way you saw Xingqiu and Chongyun dining together at Xianglings restaurant, their smiles lit up the streets till Xiangling offered them a serving of stir fried Hydro slime.. (to wich they politely declined) you chuckle at the sight, soon you see Ganyu and Keqing discussing what seems to be important documents over a nice set of tea, you can imagine Ninguang in her Jade chamber with Beidou and before you know it your back at the funeral parlor just in time to watch the lanterns float up into the sky.. you hear a distant melody in the air, ah you'd recognize Xinyans guitar and Yunjins singing anywhere!
Just then you hear a loud bang from the sky followed with the crackling of other fireworks being lit
Your best friend Holds your hand excitedly ⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ 。
You smile, This year, everything will be alright.
I know this post is kinda late cus I ended up oversleeping, but I hope y'all like it nonetheless! The crossed out inner monologue of the mc is actually something I'm planning to use as foreshadowing for another fic.. but if your not really interested in that feel free to ignore them! Happy new year everyone! :) 🎉
(special thanks to my beta reader <33)
Taglist: @madokamagicaa @vianitry @scarletttcroww
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starshinesama · 1 year
✦ In such a lonely world, how I wished to see you again. ✦
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Your pleas were heard.
Authors note: this takes place after any regular sagau fic, (probably imposter au). Reader is Gender-Neutral but B/N is an implied she/her :]
༄ CW: loneliness, cultish themes, angst (with comfort)
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Part 1 | Part 2
- POV: after being so lonely in Tervat, - you meet someone from your world, - stranded, like you.
Another meaningless day.
You walked on the streets of inazuma
If you hadn't been in this world for as long as you've been, you probably would have been more excited
To see the Sakura tree's blooming, the petals falling and flowing with the wind.
To taste the local cuisine (your mouth watering specifically for the Dango and Unagi Chazuke).
And you probably would have fell to the floor in laughter, seeing the Oni Arataki Itto lose an onikabuto match to a (literal) child
It's been so long since you held that excitement in your eyes
At least it seemed so ever since that happened.
Don't get you wrong!! You still loved genshin impact, you loved the elements, the way everything seemed so alive!
But it was just so lonely
Especially with everyone around you treating you like they were below you
Your blood was gold sure, You had the power to heal living beings with your sacred blood And you just so happened to be a genshin addict that spent almost all their free time playing the game back home.
But even so..
. ⁺ . ✦ 
"-your grace?" you were brought back to reality with an unpleasant jolt
"YIKES!! You scared me half to death geez.." "ah- my apologies, your grace" ...
You sigh, you insisted that they call you by your name, but they persist on calling you by your "proper title" it just never felt right
"... are you perhaps feeling unwell- [name]?" "No, it's nothing, im fine Zhongli"
(You came to Inazuma to try and clear your mind but your acolytes insisted that you brought atleast one of them with you)
The Geo archon still seemed concerned but eventually stopped trying to nag you after a while
And you were brought back to that pit of loneliness
Well you were
Until an ear splitting screech coming from Ritou Harbor nearly makes you deaf.
Wait...t-that voice! You'd recognize that annoying screech anywhere. Against your better judgment you start sprinting towards the harbor!
You hear Zhongli panicking, trying to say something but you can't hear him, maybe that scream DID make you deaf, it's like the whole world was being muted out, the only thing you can hear being the thumping of your heart as you run.
It couldn't be.. right?
You were sure you got isekaid here all alone..
That is until
"HEY! Ugh get off me!! I WILL meet my husbando-!!"
You stop dead in your tracks
"Uagh- stop thrashing will you! your causing a ruckus!!" The Kanjou Commission guard exclaimed, trying to wrestle down the girl.
You feel tears prickling your eyes
"H-hey- [Name]?! Is that you?!"
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops
No way..
"B-B/N?! What?!?-" but your cut off with the sound of B/N falling to the ground
"Uhm a little help here?" The guard finally managed to tackle down your best friend, huffing with pride somehow still not noticing you..
"Hey you."
You can imagine the guards shock when he saw the creator, THE creator stand before him, seething with malice
Infact, He was so shocked that he fainted.
"Uhm.. do you think he's gonna be ok?" You both kinda just stand there for a moment, not knowing what to say, before you suddenly run towards B/N, knocking you both down in a hug
ah, your starting to cry again
"I- I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" you choke back a sob
B/N just looks at you confused, before eventually hugging you back, sighing
"I missed you too.. dumbass"
You both laugh, crying, ignoring the stares your getting from the people around you (their not judging though, I mean who would dare judge the almighty creator?)
Eventually you both calm down enough to have a proper conversation
"So.. how did you get here? "
looks like you'll have a lot of explaining to do.. ␥✮
Helloo! This is my first sagau fic so i hope yall like it, i might write a prequel to how Reader got here or a one shot about B/N if this goes well, comment to be tagged in the next chapter!
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