#you and your weird ass glass of milk
anasnasnas · 3 months
Stop it weirdo.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
baby, I'm yours |older!dilf!eddie munson x pregnant!reader|
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prompt: the older!dilf!eddie pregnancy smut you've been waiting for.
older!eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple go say thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
contains: pregnancy, age gap relationship, reader is thirty, Eddie is forty-six, mentions of lactation play, pregnancy sex, oral fem receiving, p in v sex, 18+, MINORS DNI
Eddie fumbled around the kitchen, timer on the stove blaring as he jammed his fingers into the random buttons on the screen. He looked down his nose, eyes squinting to desperately make out the letters, but without his glasses (the ones he refused to wear because you teased him) he couldn't see anything. Wayne was right, once you hit forty-five, everything goes to shit.
A manicured finger snaked around him, hitting the button with a resounding 'beep!', ending the incessant chirping of the stove. Eddie huffed, looking at you with an irritated glare. "I told you I had it." He crossed his arms looking down at you. "You are supposed to be in the living room, relaxing."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you went to peek in the oven, Eddie's inked hand slapping over the stove before you could see. "Eddie, I'm bored." You whined, rubbing your neck. "And I'm starving. We are starving." Your hand moved down to your growing stomach, twenty-eight weeks now and already huge.
The pregnancy hadn't been an easier one. Your mom told you it was because you were having a girl, and "girls take all your beauty, steal it for themselves". She'd told you that at the gender reveal before you'd even actually revealed the gender, during a game about old wive's tales- you were nauseous, sore, tired, and didn't have the 'glow' everyone seemed to drone on about. As the weeks progressed, it only got worse.
The morning sickness dried up around your fifth month, just in time for everything to swell. For you to have hot flashes, mood swing, and acne like you hadn't had since junior high. Plus, on top of it all, Eddie couldn't keep his hands off you.
Under any other circumstances, you would have loved the extra attention. How he was constantly was pressing up against you, tender and possessive, hands on your belly, thighs, ass, anywhere really. It would have been paradise.
If you weren't so uncomfortable in your own body.
Skin that stretched uncomfortably and foreign around your own body, accommodating for the little miracle you were growing inside you. Breasts so swollen and sore where your milk was coming in. If Eddie even looked at your nippled the wrong way they pulsed, aching and sore already- you couldn't imagine how breast feeding would go, that was still up in the air if you'd do it. Ankles doubled in size, fingers too. Your back ached, low and deep in your spine.
And you were so fucking horny.
But you couldn't let Eddie know. You were sure he wouldn't ever get out of you if he knew. You'd been this way the last few weeks, whenever the morning sickness left you, and insatiable need took over you. You'd been able to use your vibrator for a while, but now with the ever growing and protruding bump, it was proving to be very difficult.
The last time you and Eddie had sex was a little over two weeks ago, and you'd still been hesitant. Your thirtieth birthday, and Eddie spent it spoiling you. Your birthday and you were carrying his baby? He went all out. Well, as much as you would let him.
"It's almost done, bunny, I promise." Eddie sighed peeking into the oven carefully. "I have a snack in the fridge. It's carrots and that weird tazinini-
"Right that." Eddie huffed with a small eye roll. Brielle had been on him about eating healthier now that he was older. Wayne's recent heart scare had terrified her, and she was on a giant health kick- much against both of their wills.
Eddie moved to the fridge, opening it slowly and rummaging through it. "You want that? Or I could get you some of your cravings. Is Pickles wanting anything special?"
You giggled at the nickname. 'Pickles' is what you took to calling baby girl Munson for now, until you agreed on a name. You grew tired of calling her 'it' before you knew the gender, upset and emotional with how impersonal it was, so you and Eddie settled on calling her your number one pregnancy craving- Pickles.
"The carrots and dip is fine, baby, thank you." You grinned, sitting at the island. You knew Eddie would tell you to anyways, so cautious about you standing for too long.
You watched him as he made dinner, cooking and stirring, while chatting with you about his day. Things at the shop, how he went to check up on Wayne, when he talked to Brielle and when she was coming to visit, potential baby names.
You watched the way his sweat pants hung low, curly tendrils pulled back into a low pony tail with your spiraled hair tie, his salt and pepper slicks of hair by his hair line and on his temples. The sag of his sweat pants, low on his hip, soft, inked skin peeking out from his old faded t-shirt when he bent down to pick something up. Your name tatted on his rib cage, your signature with his last name.
You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, mouth salivating at the sight of him. Your thighs clenched together, rubbing them softly, mind wandering back to just a few weeks ago. How filthy the two of you had been. When he sucked on your tits, teasing and flicking you, until he sucked a little too hard and your milk came in. It was debaucherous, filthy; you'd cum almost instantly from the shock and sensation of it alone.
"God, you must really be hungry." Eddie chuckled, snapping you out of your haze. You looked up at him, wide eyed and confused. He put the plated food in front of you with a grin. "Eyeing that food like you were gonna snatch it out of my hand." He teased, smacking a kiss to your cheek, hand rubbing over your belly. "Baby girl must be hungry, hm?"
You swallowed thickly, looking down at the food. It did look delicious. You were actually hungry, too. "She's starved." You grinned, moaning slightly at the warm food heating you from the inside out. "But she's so happy Daddy's taking care of us, aren't you?" You cooed down at your bump, voice lilting and rubbing a hand down your swollen abdomen.
You groaned slightly, face pinching in pain as she kicked your bladder. Somehow it was worse than the ribs she was favoring a few days ago. "She kicking?" Eddie asked, sitting next to you with his own plate.
Your face scrunched, rubbing to attempt to soothe the spot she was nailing repeatedly. "Yeah," You huffed. "I feel like this is your fault." You pouted dramatically at him.
"Me?" Eddie scoffed with a playful laugh. "What did I do? Takes two to tango, bunny."
You rolled your eyes, spearing your chicken with your fork. "I mean the kicking." You gave him an unamused glare. "Seems like a very Munson trait." 
"Well, you're very Munson last I checked." Eddie teased, ticking your side gently, making you squirm. "But, you might be right." He admitted, taking a swig of his drink. "Brielle did the same thing."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Shocking." You smirked.
The dinner had continued on, small chatting, gentle touches and stolen kisses. So domestic and intimate, everything you ever dreamed of. While you watched Eddie clean up, because he insisted you sit, one hand lazily tucked away under your chin, you stared dreamily at him.
You applied your cocoa butter and bio oil mix to your stomach and back- your mom had insisted it was the best remedy for stretching skin- rolling your neck and kneading the tense skin. Eddie sat propped against the headboard when you emerged out of the bathroom, in just his boxers, reading his phone, glasses perched on his nose.
His hair was wild, unruly like it always was before bed because he'd brush out the tangles of the day. His skin on his belly was soft, tattoos faded some fresh with ink, his stubble was more outgrown these days- he'd been working more between days at the shop, taking care of Wayne, and helping you nest. You drooled at the sight of him, eyes focusing on the bulge in his faded, green briefs. He wasn't hard, but you could still see the outline of his cock, resting against his thigh, lazily.
"Hey, bunny, did you see what Brie sent?" Eddie wasn't looking up from his phone as you padded closer. "She said 'bffr'? What does that- oof!" Eddie grunted softly, surprised when you climbed into his lap, straddling his hips with your thighs.
Your swollen bump pressed up against his soft tummy, your heated core over his bulge, grinding down in slow, circles. Eddie's eyes lit up, hands on your waist as he tossed his phone, ripping off his glasses and throwing them on his bedside table. "Really? Yeah?" He asked eagerly. "You want to? Really?"
You huffed, heat flickering and building between your legs as you felt him harden, nails gripping his shoulders. "Just... Just shut up before I change my mind." You gasped, leaning down to kiss him.
His lips met yours, scruff rubbing over your face, surely leaving you red and raw. You moaned, hand on the back of his curly head, gripping and pressing him deeper and deeper into you, tongues swirling and exploring each other.
You whimpered when Eddie started kissing down your jaw, neck, sucking the spot below your ear that had you crying out, eyes rolled back. Everything was heightened with the pregnancy- cravings, pains, but most importantly, sensitivities of every kind. Eddie swore up and down that's why he couldn't keep his hands off you, because you were so sensitive, so reactive to his touch.
Eddie's hands worked quickly, pushing down the straps of your cotton, maternity, sleep tank, your breasts presented to him, his hands cupping them firmly, mouth watering at the sight. Swollen and full, he squeezed then lightly.
“Careful, Ed, easy.” You whined, high pitched and breathy. “They're sensitive."
Eddie nodded, but you were sure he didn’t heart you, eyes glued on your nipples, already hardened, rolling the pads of his thumbs over them. “Jesus fuck, bunny.” Eddie groaned. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked so perfect.”
You scoffed, grinding down into his touch for friction. “I’m huge.” You rolled your eyes. “I can’t even shave my legs, my vagina, anymore.”
Eddie scoffed, nearly offended, looking up at you. “Like I give a shit.” He cocked his head to the side, hands moving down your ribs to your hips, which had widened as the baby started to grow more and more, filled out and full.
"I think you've never looked better." Eddie pressed a kiss into your jaw, scruff of his beard nuzzling into the nape of your neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin.
Eddie shifted, moving you carefully, laying you down on to the turned down pillows, his hands gripping the fat of your hips, soft and subtle flesh kneading between his fingers. Eddie took his time kissing down your neck, sloppy smooches wet and peppering every inch of your exposed skin. One hand pushing down your pajama shorts, flinging them onto the floor next to your discarded top.
You whined, shifting as your stomach settled, flat against the mattress. "Ed, wait," You sighed, pushing up on your forearms. "I can't." You shook your head, watching his face fall. His eyes were filled with concern, rounding carefully to look from you to your bump.
"No, I mean," You huffed, grabbing his pillows and piling them against the headboard, shimmying up the bed so you rested against the headboard, sighing with relief at the relieved pressure off your abdomen.
"Is that better?" Eddie asked, groaning as he sat on his knees, leaning over you to adjust the pillows. "That comfortable?"
You nodded, grinning widely before cupping your hand against his cheek, wedding bands cool on his stubble and flesh, pulling him back in to you, lips tangling to his. Eddie groaned into your mouth, shifting himself between your legs. His hands went to your neck, hands tangled in your hair.
He made his way down your body, lips ghosting over your stretched skin, peppering every inch of you with a sloppy kiss until you were covered, skin hot and sticky, squirming against the pillows, hands in his hair.
Eddie dipped closer to your core, kissing the delicate inner parts of your thighs, arm nudging your thighs apart encouragingly. You blushed slightly under his gaze. You really hadn't been able to shave. You'd been meaning to book a waxing appointment, just some sort of maintenance, but it had fallen on the back burner, too wrapped up with names, nesting, maternity leave, and the million others things that were hurdled at you every single day.
Eddie's eyes were trained on your core, peering at him from over your bump. You felt exposed, in a way you hadn't felt since the two of you had first started dating- when everything was still new.
"I told you I hadn't shaved." You giggled nervously, legs squirming to move up further on the pillows, closing your legs.
Eddie's eyes flicked up to you, brow furrowed, deep creases itching into his features. "Bunny, I-" He shook his head with a laugh. Your back arched slightly, strangled gasp leaving your throat when he swiped your slick heat without warning, circling your sopping hole, thumb lightly pressing into your clit.
He pulled his hand back and you burned, flesh molting and hot at the absences of his touch and your slick coating his fingers. He pressed his index and thumb together, a vulgar clicking sound filling the quiet space when he separated them.
"You think I give a shit about you shaving, when I've got this?" Eddie's mouth watered, wicked grin on his face when he looked at you. You bit your lip, clenching around nothing. Eddie scoffed, swiping his fingers in you again, leaving you grabbling for purchase on the sheets.
Eddie's fingers teased you, one finger pushing into your drooling hole without warning, smirking when you clamped around the digit. "You're so wet, baby." He grinned, pulling his finger out.
His eyes were on you, brown eyes dark and salacious. He didn't look away, didn't blink, putting his index finger in his mouth. A filthy moan tore from the back of his throat, eyes rolling back when he removed his finger.
"Fuck, and so sweet." Eddie moved closer to you. He put this thumb on your bottom lip, finger still coated in your arousal. "Taste, bunny. Taste how fuckin' good you are." He pressed his thumb past your mouth, dick twitching when you swirled your tongue around the finger obediently.
Eddie's head was spinning, searing heat pooling in his belly, cock pressed uncomfortably against the fabric of his boxers. He pulled his spit soaked fingers from you, your eyes on him when he did, round and obedient, waiting for his sweet, syrupy praise you knew would follow.
Eddie grinned, lopsided and smug. "Good girl, bunny. Very good." His chest swelled with obnoxious pride when you blistered under his words, biting back a little smile that had him throbbing.
"Oh!" Gasping cry caught in your throat when Eddie pushed you lightly back into the pillows, climbing back down to your spread legs.
Your eyes clenched, hips grinding down onto Eddie's face, his lips latching onto your sensitive bud, suckling on it lightly, just enough pressure to have your eyes rolling back, grabbing onto his hair, pulling him closer and closer into your heat until he was suffocating. Eddie was more than happy with it, nose smushed against your coarse hair, drowning in your tangy scent. He'd happily let his lungs give out, more than content to go out smothered in your delicious pussy.
Your head was thrown back onto the headboard, thighs clenching and tightening. You were close with just Eddie's tongue alone. That was the beauty of pregnancy, so sensitive and reactive he could have you coming undone with the slightest touch, unraveling and hazy in no time.
Eddie's chin was sopping, scruff wet and sticky against his skin. His tongue swirled your clit, kitten licks lapping against the sensitive bundles of nerves, scruff tickling and scraping it haphazardly.
Your hips rose, belly shifting on your chest. "Fuck, Ed, 'm- holy fucking shit- I'm so fucking close, don't stop." You babbled, vision blurring as you felt the pressure deep in your belly, in your core teeter close and closer towards the edge of blinding, overwhelming pleasure.
Eddie's hand smoothed gently up your skin, over the swell of your belly in a feather light touch until he found your breasts, rolling your pebbled nipples between his calloused fingers, mouth still attached to your core.
Hands smacking his head, a little harder than you meant to, gripping his hair in tight fists around the curly, thick strands of hair, pulling them at the scalp. You cried out, so overwhelmed with pleasure and sensation you were sure you'd burst in ecstasy...and you did, in a way, gushing around Eddie's mouth and chin, soaking him in your wake while he licked you up. Cleaning your drenched pussy with his tongue, like the true gentleman he was.
Eddie's beard glistened, wet with the sticky release of you on his mouth. He wore it like a prize, grinning and shining in the low light of the room.
"You ready, bunny?" Eddie asked, nuzzling his nose into your cheek, pulling himself out of his boxers. You could see the weeping, angry tip of his cock from his fist, watching his pre-cum dribble down his veiny shaft. Your mouth salivated, eyes dreamy and fixated on his delicious cock.
Eddie smirked, hand cupping your face gently, a little squeeze to bring your attention back to him. Your eyes lifted, distant and wanton, rounded in anticipation. "How you wanna do this?" He asked, running the pad of his thumb over your bottom lips.
"Hm?" You hummed, foggy minded and still reeling from his tongue on your aching core.
Eddie laughed. "You wanna be on top?" Eddie snorted at your snarling expression. "How about all fours? I'll get you on your hands and knees, how's that sound?"
You nodded slowly, accepting his help off your cloud of pillows, crawling towards the other end of the bed. Eddie's eyes fixated on you with an intense glare, taking in every curve and arch of your body. He took his cock lazily in his hand, pumping himself, thumb gliding over the sensitive tip when you dropped onto your forearms. Back arched, legs apart so your glistening pussy peeked out, enticing him deliciously, your bump hanging low.
"Ed, can you hand me a pillow to put under me, please?" Eddie wasn't sure why you ever bothered to say please. To even ask him. He'd walk through fire for you if you asked, especially now that you were carrying his baby. Pregnant, sacrificing and embracing every change that came with your body, good or bad- for him.
Eddie pushed the pillow under your bump, body folding on top of yours, curls ticking your shoulder blades, leaving feather light kisses in your wake. "You ready?" He asked, breath tickling the shell of your ear. He laughed, darkly when you wiggled your ass, pressing it against his pelvis desperately. "You'll let me know if I hurt you?"
You nodded, dropping down into a deeper, further arch. "I will, promise." You sighed, pressing your face into the mattress, sneaking a glance at him.
Eddie sunk into you easily, audible, loud groan filling the room when he bottomed out. You were soaked, clenching and wetting his cock in the most delicious way. "Goddamit, bunny." Eddie groaned, one hand gripping your hip.
His eyes were trained on the recoil of your ass and hips, meaty and filled out like the rest of you, jumping with ever snap of his hips on you. "You- fuck- I swear, I'd keep you pregnant for the rest of my life if I could." Eddie rasped, free hand circling around you to cup your belly, fingers splayed out protectively over the swell of your abdomen that grew your baby.
You cried out with a particularly hard snap of his hips, feeling Eddie hesitate behind you slightly. He knew he had to be careful with how deep he went, especially this far along. He watched you for a moment, eyes scanning for any signs of displeasure or discomfort.
Eddie found his pace, steady and deep enough to have you drooling, cock stretching you out in the most delicious way, walls burning and adjusting against his thickness. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" Eddie growled. "Like it if I kept you pregnant like this? Keep you filled up, and- oh, fuck bunny- and sensitive like this. Would you let me, huh? Let me keep you barefoot and pregnant."
You were too fucked out, eyes glazed and mind spacey, drooling and dumb on his cock. "Mmm." You drooled into he duvet.
"Yeah? Would you?" Eddie grit his teeth, grip on your hip tightening with every thrust building closer and closer to his own release. He looked down at his cock, watching the creamy spend coat his base thickly.
He took a sharp breath, head tilting back to try and contain himself, keep himself from slamming into you, finishing by pounding you out hard until you were a puddle in the mattress. "You'd let me keep you like this forever, wouldn't you, bunny?" Eddie shuddered out, hand around your belly moving down to your puffy lips, finding your slit easily.
You squealed and cried out, clenching around him tightly, white knuckled grasp on the duvet, gushing over his cock that relentlessly pounded you. Eddie felt himself twitch deep within you. "Say it." Eddie growled. "Say you're gonna be my little pregnant wife. Just my little woman that lets me breed this pussy over and over and- fuck!" Eddie's strangled breath caught in his throat, tearing through a low groan and a cry.
Hot, thick ropes of his release filling you. He finished deep inside of you, bottoming out, hips against your ass, bumping into your gently with every squeeze of your walls around him, milking his cock.
Eddie's bangs were sweaty and puffy when they fell against your shoulder, breath hot against your sticky, flushed skin. He could feel you slack against the bed, bump protected by the pillows, but hips still lifted to keep the extra weight off.
You could feel his spend spill out of you when he pulled out, his own fingers catching it before it hit the pillow, pushing it back inside of you. You whined at the feeling, too sensitive and overwhelmed with sensation. "Ed, please." You whined.
Eddie's eyes stayed trained on your leaking cunt, spilling out his creamy release slowly down your mound towards the blankets. Eddie's breathing heaved, shoulders rounding and slouching, fixated on the vision in front of him.
"Can you get a washcloth please?" You whimpered, looking back over your shoulder at him. "I don't want to stain the covers again."
Eddie didn't move, eyes still trained on the trail of cum that was trickling through your hair, down your slit, out as you pulsated with the aftershocks of your orgasms.
"Eddie," You sighed, pushing up, flat palms in the mattress. You shifted carefully, trying to keep from spilling out and onto the bed.  His eyes were distant, glazed when they met yours, wide and awaiting. "Please. Get something to clean me up, baby, my back is starting to hurt." You pouted.
Eddie worked quickly, warm cloth between your legs, cleaning you up delicately and sweetly, soft nuzzles into your cheek, hand petting your damp hair. He adjusted the bed, fixing it back for you, helping you back into your pajamas before pulling on a fresh pair of boxers.
You didn't have to ask for your pillow, he placed it between your legs when you turned on your side, adjusting it so you rocked your hips in the feeling of relief on your lower back. Eddie's body contorted into yours, pulling you close into him so you fused together- one body, one mold, the same.
His large, inked hand splayed over your tummy, rubbing it gently in soft, soothing circles. "I can't wait for the baby to get here." Eddie whispered to you, eyes closed and breath tickling your ear. "You're gonna be the best mama."
You blushed under his praise, lashes fluttering, snuggling further into his hold, your hand folding on top of his, holding him closely against your swollen belly.
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maxislvt · 1 year
how about milf!wanda seeing another milf neighbor staring at r’s bulge while they’re working in her garden
warnings: amab!r, dom!Wanda, anal play, brief spanking, I'm rambling
this more of a rant than anything but-
Wanda swears she's not possessive and doesn't really care if the other neighbors try flirting with you. Most of them were flirting with you before you got with Wanda and it clearly didn't work out so she doesn't bother wasting energy. It certainly helps you describe these interactions as "___ was being weird today" most of the time you talk to her about them.
However, some of them are really persistent and get under Wanda's skin without even really trying. You'll be working out front trying to tend to her garden and suddenly they come up asking you a million questions. They play nice and offer you a glass of water or try hiring you to do their garden, but you always decline — Wanda keeps you on a tight water schedule and you only do her yardwork because it's fine and the flowers are pretty.
The only thing she hates more is the way they stare at you. They just gawk at you like you're a piece of meat and they haven't eaten in months. It boils her blood to no end. Dottie's the worst about it. She is always conveniently mowing the lawn when you walk out and trying to start conversations with you from across the street. Wanda's final straw is when Dottie comes out of her house in nothing but a bikini and sunbathes in her front yard.
Wanda calls you back into the house and pounces on you the second the door closes. You can tell something is wrong because Wanda gets so rough when she's jealous. She practically rips off your shorts and starts groping your bulge. "Is that slutty little brain of yours only focused on putting in a show for everyone? Do you like knowing all the neighbors can see you rock hard?"
You've only ever heard Wanda praise you but you find yourself really turned on. There's no point in responding to her because she's already made up in her mind what she wants to do to you. She spends hours teasing your tip and degrading before finally taking you all the way in her mouth. Wanda's tongue moves up and down your shaft so slowly before pulling away entirely just to ruin your orgasm.
Wanda's obsessed with watching how your cum leaks out and drips everywhere instead of shooting out like it normally does. It doesn't matter how much you whimper or beg, Wanda keeps going until she's satisfied. Maybe if you're good she rewards you by letting you cum in her mouth, but you have to do a lot of work for it.
At one point she just starts milking you. Wanda slowly stretches out your ass and tries to get as much cum out of you as she possibly can. At this point it's more about seeing you helpless and needy. She spanks you just enough to leave a handprint and maybe even leave a few bite marks behind just to make sure you're limping and don't forget the next morning 🥰
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
hi i was wondering if you could maybe write a clarisse la rue x reader fluff and the reader uses they/them pronouns?
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Soft!Clarisse incoming!!! 🦦
‘Ow…’ you groaned as you accidentally moved in a way that didn’t agree with your plethora of injuries as you tried to relax in the medbay. ‘That didn’t go exactly to plan did it?’
Clarisse raised her brows, ‘you think?’ She said incredulously as she gestured to your state as though the answer was blatantly obvious. ‘You almost got yourself skewered out there if I weren’t there to step in.’
‘My hero, always there to save her damsel in distress.’ You laughed lightly but immediately came to regret it when your midsection began to ache and flare up with pain. Clarisse snorted as she reached for the glass of ambrosia from the bedside table, adjusting the straw so that it would be easier for you to take sips from as strawberries, chocolate milk and warm sticky toffee pudding filled your sense. ‘More like pain in my ass who actively tries to test the fates by getting themselves killed.’
‘Isn’t that just the regular demi-god experience?’ You asked, trying to make the situation more lighthearted, but all you could think was how Lilly you were for Clarisse being there when you needed her most. You didn’t like to think of what would’ve happened had you been completely and utterly separated from her and Silena Beauregard; it scared you too much to imagine it and you preferred not to even bother enticing the dark thought. ‘But thank you, for saving me and all…I-‘
‘Don’t.’ Clarisse cut you off.
‘I said don’t.’ She said more firmly as she stared at you with eyes filled with fury and worry. ‘Don’t you even think it, say it or otherwise. You’re here and you’re safe and that’s all that should matter, understand?’ You smiled sadly at her and reached for her hand, wiggling your fingers at her to take your hand and audibly sighed in relief when she did, her thumb providing you some comfort by caressing the back of your hand; It was weird for a child of ares to be so uncharacteristically soft and gentle but you loved the fact that you were possibly the only person that Clarisse felt comfortable with in seeing her this way.
After all you and Clarisse has this weird will they, won’t they thing going off ever since you bested her in training once on a whim.
‘I understand.’ You said softly, squeezing her hand to reassure her that you were real, that you were with her, that she did arrive in time to stop the killing blow and finished the fight with a rage and absolute ruthlessness of which you have never seen before until then. It was frightening but at the end of the day she was still your Clarisse.
‘Good.’ Clarisse grunts, looking away from you to scratch the brim of her nose, a habit you’ve noticed in recent days that she only did when she was nervous. Really nervous. ‘Good.’ She reiterated, squeezing your hand for good measure. ‘Now get some rest.’ You must’ve looked as though you were about to have a panic attack at the thought of being left alone because Clarisse then added. ‘I’m not going anywhere, you just look exhausted and besides,’ she smiled, ‘I have to keep my damsel in distress safe as they slumber after all.’
You smiled back at her and fell into a relaxed enough state to fall asleep but before you did, you muttered sleepily. ‘My knight in shining armour.’
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privitivium · 5 months
a rich touchy guy who looks like a nerd cuz of glasses but is otherwise perceived as an "idiot jock"
yanderem x mreader, nsfw
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he knew all about your weird fascination with relatively big guys... i mean, you leave your fucking tabs open for anyone to see!! well, in the comfort of your own room, living alone.. but still! like, what are some of these titles? surfing on your computer while you're gone - leaving your door unlocked ( he has a key. ) big busty male gets milked like the cow he is. what are you even... what... you were just a relatively goofy guy, but... What are these videos of you putting your dick in orbeez with your friends laughing in the background.??*?... copying it and sending it to himself just to jerk off to the image of your dick.... needy ass.
doesnt even have it in him to hold it together, oftentimes bursting out in soft laughter behind his hand everytime he looks at you merely doing your work, studying... this fucking guy... takes advatange of the fact that he's a stocky guy with big soft pecs as you seemed to prefer.. playing dumb as he touches on you mindlessly while laughing at a particularly stupid joke you told him - trying to impress.. fleeting touches that his dick gets wet from. ahem hrm. anyway. totally kidnaps you against your will after seducing you with his chest. knocking you out, rudely, stuffing you in his car and trying to make sure you're laying comfortably. tying you to a velvety "renaissance" throne chair he got at an auction afrer bringing you home, in an empty room in one of the lower levels of his fancy ass mansion,,, wrists tied to the fancy wooden arms, legs spread and tied to the legs of the chair.. staring lecherously at your groin and your pretty sleeping face as he patiently awaits your awakening..
immediately makes fun of you when you do wake up. "did you think.. that i didn't know how to use these?" he questions incredulously, tilting his head at you - your pitiful, squirming figure - trying oh so hard to be free!!! squeezing his pecs together with his biceps, wide innocent eyes leering behind glasses,,. "i got you soo good, huh?" he remarks smugly, arms loosening from squeezing his tits together. snickering, as he lazily saunters around your frame, of course; tied to a chair. comfortable and cushioned, no less... pulls out a remote, clicks a few buttons before a television began ascending from the floor in front of you,,, then fucking pulls up the fucking pornography you fancied yourself watching. big dudes, soft tummies getting fucking wrecked. standing, leaning his elbow nonchalantly on your chair with a dick straining against his pants while he stares down at you, while you stare in horror while hard yourself at the television displaying naked bodies. sadistic kinda guy, wants to embarrass you, but also wants to be embarrassed ,,, what a cruel guy. leaving you bound, drooling and tearful as you you stare up at him bouncing on your dick and ever so slightly grinding into you - tugging at your restraints just to feel the plush flesh of his assㅡso cruelly leaving his shirt on just so you couldn't see his tits bounce,,, ugh
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fetish4juggalos · 1 year
Bed time with Gotham villans
I haven’t posted anything recently and thought in light of 2023 coming to a start I’d post something for the new year even though we’re 6 months into it :3
I apologize in advance for both grammatical errors and spelling errors:)
Oswald Cobblepot
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I can imagine oswald being a very wild sleeper. Like the kind that can go to sleep on the opposite side of the bed and end up with their leg over you with their arms wrapped around you
Probably has alot of night terrors specially about his mom and dad. Loud random screams in the middle of the night will be a common occurrence for you
Goes to sleep in a full pajama set with night cap and slippers:)
Blanket hog all the way, constantly kicking you in the back, cuddling into you, ect.
Though he's probably not the best to sleep with hes definitely got the nicest bed. Like im talking king sized with silk pillow cases, and sheets with a ridiculous thread count
I imagine him having some long ass night routine or some weird night ritual he follows before bed
He's the last to get into bed and the first to fall asleep
Likes a warm glass of milk (or a lukewarm glass of alcohol) before bed because he's old fashioned
Refuses to go to sleep without you and will wait till the early hours of the morning and late hours of night for you to come to bed
Edward Nygma (pre-riddler)
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Ed unsurprisingly is very pleasant to sleep with
He’s not a very calm sleeper but he isn't like incredibly wild either. Maybe a arm or leg thrown over the edge of the bed but thats about it
Has the occasional night terrors but besides that is otherwise peaceful 
Sleeps in relatively normal sleep attire. Plain shirt with pajama pants mostly
Really basic white male night time routine. shower, brush teeth, wash face and head to bed
He has a decent sleep schedule with only the occasional sleep insomnia
Likes to spend a little time playing video games or solving puzzles before bed
Edward Nygma (post-riddler)
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Sleeps a lot less then pre-riddler ed
When he does sleep it’s only for a few hours and tends to have nightmares in between periods of rest
He’s not one to initiate cuddling during bed time but he won’t stop you from cuddling up next him
Will at times sleep on the couch or wherever he ends up falling asleep. Mostly up to you to make sure he gets a healthy amount of rest
Over thinks greatly before bed and ends up circling the room on a tangent or whenever an idea strikes
Sometimes breaks into your apartment just to sleep next to you or will show up and pass out on your couch
Talks and mumbles in his sleep
Victor Zsasz
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Victor rarely sleeps but will lay in bed just to be next to you for a few hours before his next job
Sleeps in mostly just boxers since he takes a shower directly before he goes to bed but on off days he’ll throw on a t-shirt and lay in bed with you
Calm sleeper surprisingly
It takes a specific type of man to be able to kill someone then come home and sleep peacefully
He’s a quiet sleeper which is also why he makes such a god assassin as noise suppression is a huge part of his job
You always fall asleep first and he likes to just stare at you for long periods of time
Half drunken water bottles and glasses on the night stand at all times
I feel like he would have some kind of lengthy skin care routine before bed
Likes cuddling especially if he’s the little spoon
Wakes up at ungodly early hours of the morning
Blanket hog but just to be annoying and so that way you’ll sleep closer to him
Only really sleeps if you’re sleeping with him as he doesn’t really sleep as much as most people and probably only rests his eyes for a few hours at a time
Jervis Tetch
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Jervis is very affectionate when it comes to bed time. He loves cuddling, holding you, kissing you ect.
I imagine his bed is incredibly comfortable with many multi-colored and textured throws, quilts, and blankets covering the bed. Probably decorative pillows as well in many colors and shapes
Full pajama sleep attire. Button up sleep shirt, pants, slippers, and a night hat similar to Oswald
He likes reading to you or being read bedtime stories. His current favorite (aside from obviously alice in wonderland) is the wizard of Oz
A warm glass of milk or tea before bed is essential and he always makes some before bed
Jervis is a bit of a wild sleeper but for the most part stays in one spot on the bed only kneeing you a few times and stirring in his sleep
He runs warm so he doesn’t take up a whole lot of blanket but during the summer he ends up drenched in sweat blanket or not
Wild bed head since his curls are hard to tame at times
Stays up late so he falls asleep first since he’s always exhausted and sleep deprived
Wokenup in a cold sweat a few times from the occasional nightmares relating to his sister but all he needs is you to pull him back into reality
Talks to you until he falls asleep to help him get some energy out and clear his mind. He talks to you about anything and everything until he begins to drift off
Jerome Valeska
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Jerome is an incredibly wild sleeper. So much so to the point where no matter what position or side of the bed he’s on he’ll end up on the opposite side in a completely different position
Throws the blanket off and on going from hogging it to throwing it on the floor
He runs hot so his sleep attire is mostly him without a shirt and a pair of tattered pajama pants or just boxers
He doesn’t really have a night time routine to speak of or a steady schedule
Normally it’s just whenever he’s tired and wherever he’s at that determine what his sleep is going to be like and how long it lasts
He’s a big cuddler at first but because he’s such a wild sleeper he’ll probably end up letting go of you and turning to the opposite side of the bed
He’ll wake up in a bad mood if he’s not sleeping with you next to him or in his arms in the morning tho even if it’s entirely his fault
He’s a brat so it takes forever to coax him into going to bed. Plus he’s stubborn so even when you get him into bed he’ll do everything in his power to annoy you or to not fall asleep
He talks a lot in his sleep normally it’s laughter or it’s him mumbling on about his mother and the trauma he received
He has nightmares but they don’t wake him up only increase his tossing and turning and sleep talk
I feel like he sleep walks at times when he’s not knocked completely out and I can image you’ve had to bring him back to bed a few times
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sweetfushi · 6 days
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synopsis. what happened to not talking to anyone until graduation? that was your plan and you had stuck to it, of course some guy you barely knew had to ruin it with his dumb questions and dumb attitude and dumb good looks.
fluff | toji fushiguro x reader, school au, reader is called "good girl" in a non-sexual way, reader is reserved, mentions of scars and perverted behaviour | word count. 1.8k ◦ taglist. @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @aluvrina @lcvemiyuki @vampiesme @alwaysfreakingout ◦ notes. comment under this post to be added to the taglist for this series.
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Watching the two coins valuing 150 yen roll into the slot of the vending machine had become a comforting routine, followed by the click and thump of a carton of strawberry milk fall out of place. You should probably control your spending habits - Mom has been warning you about it too - but you like having something to distract you every so often in class.
You stab the straw into the hole and start making your way to class before the bell finally bursts your ears. Considering you had been in this school for five years, you’d expect yourself to have some permanent friends you’d consistently meet up with. The closest thing you had were the group of girls who sat in front of you.
“Alright class, please turn to your notes from last lesson, we’ll be picking up from there,” your English teacher announces, adjusting his glasses before turning his back to the class to scribble something on the board.
Students are still walking into class as you’re flipping open your notebook and humming to yourself. As usual, the boy next to you scrapes his chair against the wooden floor with a heavy sigh before tossing himself down in his seat. You pay him no mind, him likewise. Though that itself may be a lie, considering the sneaking glances you share. He’s rarely talked to you with a genuine reason - he always starts the conversation awkwardly or sounds like he’s forcing himself to interact with you. Thus, you’re not sure whether he feels obligated to talk to you or if he actually wants to talk to you.
“Fushiguro!” One of the boys yells out and pats Fushiguro on the back. The boy named Fushiguro grunts and nods along to whatever the guy’s saying.
“Man, shut up, you’re so loud,” Fushiguro grumbles, swatting the guy’s hand away. “I’ll be there, whatever.”
The other boy snickers in approval. “You stay up try’na do your homework again?” He almost jeers, his other friend making a face of faux sympathy. “Maybe good girl over there can help ya,” he nods in your direction before finally retreating to his seat with an arrogant smirk on his face.
Fushiguro sighs again and slumps in his seat, hands on his desk and his head thrown back.
You stare at him for a moment, your lips pursed and your chest constricting with guilt. Maybe you should’ve stepped in and said something.
“You’re such an ass, Hikaru,” one of the girls in front of you - Marina - says to the smirking boy. “Leave him alone.”
Hikaru rolls his eyes.
Fushiguro glances at you following Hikaru’s comment, watching as you rest your chin on your palm with an uninterested expression. He’s noticed you before, but he’s never found a real reason to talk to you without making it seem weird or forced. He’s convinced that you’ve noticed his weird conversation starters and it makes him cringe internally every time he thinks about it. Now’s no different.
“Do you, uh, always get that?” He finally breaks his silence, motioning towards the half-empty carton of strawberry milk sitting beside your pencil case.
It takes you immense self-control to not simply stare at him in complete shock at the fact that he’s talking to you. “Um, yes?”
And that conversation ends as quickly as it started.
That was weird, you think.
That was so weird, Fushiguro also thinks.
You both mentally slap yourselves for failing to hold a conversation.
As the lesson continues, you catch him staring at you more often. Every time you do, he tenses and whips his head back to face the board, hiding part of his face in his polo collar. Sometimes, you even find yourself observing the way he taps his pen on his notebook or tries to blow bubbles with his gum only to succeed once.
When class ends, you don’t spare anyone a second glance before you’re packing your things and leaving to head to your second lesson.
After lunch, you’re waiting outside your third class of the day about fifteen minutes early - you’re not a teacher’s pet, you just want some peace and quiet to put your headphones on and scroll on your phone in peace. You have nothing against the commotion of the school’s gardens, the atmosphere actually feels comforting, but that’s not to say that you don’t want time to yourself every once in a while.
You’re sitting on the windowsill and leaning your right shoulder on the glass as you scroll through the familiar social media pages of your classmates.
“Damn it, Mom’s gonna kill me,” you hear someone hiss from behind you.
You turn your head around the corner and spot Fushiguro knocking on the classroom door and peering through the small window. It seems he doesn’t find the professor in there because he sighs and starts rubbing at his mouth.
His mouth. Brow furrowing, your eyes trail over it. There’s a small but uncomfortable looking scar slashed through the right corner of his lips. That wasn’t there before.
With one final observation of his fresh scar, you turn back to your phone. It’s none of your business and you’re not bothered to get involved in anyone’s drama. You’ve stood by that promise to yourself for the whole five years here.
“Oh, it’s you,” Fushiguro leans against the wall opposite you as he talks. As usual, his hands are deep in his pockets, though he draws one out every few seconds to rub at his lips. “Are ya’ followin’ me?”
You pull your headphones off once you realise this won’t be another quick conversation. “No. I’m here more than you are, actually,” you shove your phone in your bag and toss it on the ground below you.
He scoffs and doesn’t say anything in response.
When that happens, you contemplate putting your headphones back on, but you decide against it once you realise there’s close to only five minutes left before lunch ends and class starts.
“Did Hikaru do that to you?” You finally ask, albeit unsure as to why you do.
Fushiguro stares at you for a moment before shaking his head. “Nah, I just, uh,” he hesitates. He doesn’t usually share these things with anyone, let alone with someone he’s barely acquainted with. “One of his guys was talkin’ ‘bout bein’ gross to the girls and I just happened to overhear.” He rubs his lips again. “He started gettin’ defensive and whatever, so things just escalated from there, I guess.”
Your lips part as he goes silent again.
A big part of you knows you shouldn’t praise him for doing the objectively right thing and, essentially, bare minimum. And you won’t. It’s not what he did that surprises you, rather how quick he was to do it. He didn’t sound like he gave it another thought. Most people think twice before even calling someone out let alone engaging in physical violence.
“You feelin’ bad for me over there?” He smirks. You’ve never seen him with that expression.
“Not really.”
He tenses, before snickering. Though he winces the second he does so and grabs at his lips as if he wants to tear them off. That makes you snort and laugh.
“What are you trying to do exactly?”
“Shut up, this is more painful than it looks,” he retorts, pouting at the fact that he can barely move his mouth without wincing.
“Go to the nurse.”
“It’s just a scratch, I think I’ll survive.”
“Then stop whining about it.”
He rolls his eyes just before the bell rings.
When school ends, your head is pounding. Your walk home isn’t significantly long, but you dread it with all the pain shooting through you. Luckily, you’re not on the main road yet so you’re hoping to calm your pain before you are. The honking cars won’t help with that.
You wanted to stick around and stay in the library to catch up on some reading for class considering you had called in sick a week ago, but for once you couldn’t find the motivation to romanticise the idea enough to do it.
I hope I’m not burnt out, you think.
“Hey, milk girl,” you hear behind you, making you scowl and turn around with an evidently disgusted expression. Fushiguro shakes his head, clearly unsure of himself. “I know your name, I don’t know why the hell I called you that.”
You snort. “It’s whatever.”
When you don’t say anything else, he jogs to catch up with you until he’s walking beside you with his hands in his pockets. Fushiguro seems more delicate than you thought, though that’s likely due to the fact that you rarely see him interacting with others. In essence, he’s much like you and that’s possibly the leading reason for you to tolerate him.
“You live close by?”
He laughs shortly. “You don’t talk much, huh?”
You deadpan. “And you do?”
He raises his brows. “Touche.”
After allowing a moment of silence to pass, you clear your throat. “So, why are you following me?”
“Don’t say it like that,” he groans.
When you don’t crack a smile, he relents. “Remember when I knocked on Mr Yoshino’s door?” You nod. “Well, I didn’t give in last week’s assignment so he gave me until today to bring it in to him.” He pulls a folded up piece of paper from his trouser pocket and tries to smooth out the wrinkles and creases when opening it up. You know he sees your disgusted expression because he mumbles shut up under his breath despite you not saying anything.
“I’ll send you the answers, just put that thing away,” you insist, pulling your phone out to get his number.
“Oh right, you’re used to sending people answers, huh?”
You tense. That felt more like a jab at you than anything, but you’re certain he didn’t mean it that way. Even so, your somewhat relaxed demeanour hardens again until you get his number and start speed walking home. It’s obvious he doesn’t take the hint when he starts following you again.
You stop dead in your tracks and turn to him, trying to soften your tone as much as possible. “I’m tired, Fushiguro. I wanna go home. I’ll text you the answers.”
Well, she’s prompt.
He lets you start walking again, this time without him catching up to you. But, you hear his voice after only three seconds of assuming you were free to go.
“Ah, thanks. Just call me Toji, girl.”
“And you call me by my name.”
He kisses his teeth at his own tone. “Right. My bad.”
Upon hearing that, you relax slightly. He doesn’t seem as bad as you thought he was. Or maybe you’re becoming delusional from the lack of human interaction. You’re too tired to know which. With that, you head your separate ways. Once you do, your eyes widen at the realisation of his absence behind you.
He doesn’t even live in your direction, the idiot. Was he seriously planning on walking you home? That’s so creepy.
Or kinda cute, depending how your headache makes you look at it.
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sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).
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transforming · 7 months
For those requesting to see my stories from my previous tumblr account as reference for commissions, I'll be posting them here now!
To start off, here's one of my favorite stories of mine, which I wrote for Thanksgiving three years ago...
The House on Oak Street
There’s been some rumors spreading about the old grey house at the end of Oak Street. Built in the Victorian style of architecture, it’s been left in ruins for, say, 50 years? The deed to the house was never given up by the family who used to live in there, though the house has been for sale for some time. Apparently, it couldn’t be sold to anyone after what had happened to their friends, relatives, even the robbers or strangers that ever set foot inside…
Finn was tired. He’s at his breaking point. University is stressful enough, but add jocks and frats into it made it even worse. He was just walking home from class with his friends Peter and Ned, the three of them happen sharing an apartment far from campus since they couldn’t afford to stay in the dorms.They all shared the same interests - their studies, D&D, and architecture, all of them studying in the field.
The trio of friends were trying to avoid the Pi Kappa Alpha house, which was on the route they frequently took, when they passed by Oak Street that fateful day. As they passed by the line of houses, Finn stopped at one - an abandoned Victorian.
“Guys, look!” Finn said, pointing towards the empty house, intrigued.
“Finneas, it’s just an abandoned house,” Peter responded painfully, looking down at his shiny black school shoes.
“Not just any abandoned house Peter, it’s the Creepy Vic of Oak Street,” Ned added as he adjusted his thick glasses.
The three eighteen-year-olds looked at each other. According to urban legend, this very house on Oak Street had a reputation of endless trespassers, all of whom never reappeared once they entered the front door, some say having been pulled into another dimension or being eaten alive by a monster. 
“But those are just silly rumors, right? Does anyone actually believe that?” Finn asked as he took a step towards the porch.
“I do, Finneas. Do you want to disappear? And it’s just basic morals to never trespass someone else’s property,” Ned asked concerned.
Finneas nodded, and followed his friends, but something caught his eye, something he didn’t notice there before. A FOR SALE sign posted at the front of the yard. Finneas felt a connection with the house, but he couldn’t place a finger on it, so he quickly took a picture of the sign, making sure to get the realtor’s number, and sped towards Ned and Pete.
From the corner of the street, the trio could hear the speeding vroom of a sports car. 
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“Yo, ‘Lex, Chad! it’s the poor faggy nerd trio!” Leo jeered from the driver’s seat.
“Park the car, dude!” Alex said grinning, getting off and standing toe-to-toe with Finn.
“What do you want, Alex?” Ned replied angrily.
Chad pushed him to the ground. “No one talks to us like that that, lil’ pussy ass dweeb. Why’re you here, anyway? Didn’t wanna get your asses kicked?”
Peter helped Ned up and pulled Finn close to them.
“Leave us alone, don’t you guys have trainings to go to?” Peter retorted.
The jocks chuckled as they harrassed the three students, punching their faces and breaking Peter’s glasses.
“I’m bored, bro, let’s just go, they got nothing today,” Leo chuckled. The three frat jocks jumped into the Maserati and sped away, while the three nerds trudged home. They dropped their bags and headed for the kitchen, starving. Ned took out a box of corn flakes and poured milk into a bowl first.
“Milk first, Ned?” Peter asked, shocked.
“What? I’m hungry,” he replied frustrated.
“I know, but that’s just weird!”
As they argued over how to eat cereal, Finn opened his phone and stared at the picture of the sign. A weird feeling of need came over him and he felt like the house was calling to him, though obviously a house has no such power. He typed up the number of the realtor, and pressed call.
“Mike Philipps for Century 21, how may I help?”
“Uh– hi, I… I wanted to inquire about the house for sale on Oak Street?”
“1324 Oak Street, the old Victorian?” Mike asked.
“Y-yes… it says it’s for sale?”
“Well, yes… but the family hasn’t been cooperative with our previous interested buyers.”
“How come?”
“Some weird rumors spreading about it, nothing of substance, really. How would you like to arrange an appointment to see the place?”
“Sure, sir! H-how’s…” Finn fumbled as he checked his calendar and schedule. “How’s tomorrow, Mr. Philipps?”
“Perfect. I’ll inform Mr. Thomas of your interest in the place.”
After a few weeks of negotiating, and talking it out with Ned and Pete, the three friends somehow managed to buy the place at a real low price. Mr. Thomas was an odd man, for sure, and seemed interested in the boys. As the boys headed out of the tour, Alex, Leo and Chad harrassed them again, and Mr. Thomas watched silently. He may not have wanted what happened to the people in this house, but these three kids needed it.
Ned’s dad and his brother Colin came over to help renovate the place. New walls needed to be installed, new windows, new pipes (which Pete took care of with his uncle’s plumbing company), new roofing, all being supervised by Finn, who among the three was the best architect. The three painted the house and about a few months later, they moved in. 
“Can’t believe we got this place cheap,” Ned laughed as he carried his stash of comic books in. 
“Mind you, this being the Creepy Old Vic, it’s not so creepy now!” Pete added, starting the fire.
“Yeah, guys. We have a place now,” Finn said. 
Outside, the three douchebag jocks peered into the window. They’ve made some messes before, but this was gonna be the biggest prank they’ve pulled. Alex ran and switched off the house’s power. All the lights went out. The TV died. Silence and darkness, save the fire.
“Finn, what happened? I thought the electrical stuff was dealt with,” Peter shouted.
“They were-”
“Yo nerds! Need help?” shouted a voice, the sound of smug laughter coming from outside the front door.
“FUCK, it was them!” Ned whispered.
Finn cautiously unlocked and opened the door. Alex pushed him to the ground. 
“’Sup, nerd?” Alex grinned, “We wanna play!”
Ned and Pete hid, but they were pulled by the back of their t-shirts, their skinny frames revealed.
“LET US GO!” Peter screamed, trying to break free from Chad.
“What have WE ever done to YOU?” Ned squirmed in Leo’s arms.
“Oh, nothing,” Alex snapped, “Just being nerds is enough.”
As the trio of athletes tied and gagged the three trapped friends, the front door banged shut and locked itself.
“The fuck?” Chad said, running over and trying to open the door.
“We can go through the back bro,” Leo replied. He walked through the kitchen and tried to open the door as well, but it was bolted. 
“Bolted here as well?” he asked, as the curtains suddenly moved and closed. Pete spat out the cloth in his mouth.
“It’s the Creepy Old Vic. What did I tell you, Finn?!” he cried.
Finn’s eyes welled up, frightened. Ned was still moving about restlessly. As the three realized they could lose their lives, the fire died out, keeping them all in darkness. Suddenly, Chad felt a punch to the face as he fell to the floor, suddenly getting absorbed into the hardwood as if it were deep water. Leo heard Chad’s fall and ran towards the door, his phone’s torch on.
“Chad? Bro, where you…” his voice trailed off as he saw Chad’s hand sinking into the floor. Alex gasped in horror.
“Alex–” Leo replied, but he was cut off. He felt the wall grab him, pulling him in, hands gagging his mouth as they dragged him in. The four college students could only stare as Chad’s eyes drowned in the blue concrete. Alex ran and pulled out a knife from the kitchen. 
“I’m not afraid of this house!” he shouted as he walked towards the living room, only to find the nerds he tied up missing, the rope and gags strewn around the room. 
Alex looked up and saw two green eyes. He was petrified.
“NO!” he screamed as the eyes formed a mouth and swallowed him whole, the three jocks never to be seen again.
The next morning, Ned woke up lying on the floor, in front of the front door. His body ached.
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Meanwhile, Peter was in the attic experiencing the same as Ned. Muscles everywhere. 
“Woah,” he chuckled, pinching himself as if he was dreaming, but nothing. The muscle didn’t fade. 
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“I’m a handsome muscular guy?” he mumbled in his… super sexy voice. He stepped out of the tub and admired himself in the mirror. He looked so different, as if he was mixed with Leo. He certainly felt different, and was surprised when he looked down and saw his new, way heftier package.
He grinned.
The bathroom door opened, and two other handsome, well-built guys stood, hands on their hips.
“N-Ned? Peter?”
“Dude, what happened to us?” Pete flexed his arms, smirking and posing the handsome devil he was.
“I dunno, bro, Ned?” Finn replied, and realized he just said bro as if he always said it.
“I told ya it’s the house!” Ned’s voice boomed. “Didn’t you guys see when Chad and Leo were just… absorbed by the house?”
The lights turned back on. The three boys, well, men now, felt a sharp pain in their heads as knowledge of sports, fitness, working out and eating healthily, along with some knowledge of sex and a boost of confidence, filled into their minds, not completely altering who they were, but adapting them to their new physiques.
As they looked at each other, grinning with their new confidence, screams came from the basement. Pete ran down to check what was going on, when he saw a hooded figure surrounding three skinny boys, who were crying for help until the hood transformed into a blanket and covered the trio, the blanket absorbing them into the ground below.
Chad and Finn watched from behind Pete, as he closed the door.
a few days later…
“What now?” Pete asked
“We’re still the same… somewhat. Inside, at least,” Ned responed as he made his pecs dance.
“And our families and classmates?” Pete added.
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Ned had an idea. “We need to change names.”
“True,” Pete replied, smiling. “I’m… now Alex.”
“And I’m guessing Ned’s now Chad?” Finn asked, smirking.
Ned nodded.
“Cool, bro, then I’m Leo now,” Finn chuckled. 
It felt weird, but it also felt right. Like this was their destiny. Finn’s connection to the house finally made sense, but he had another idea come into his mind too.
“Why don’t we… start our own frat?” Leo beamed.
“A frat?” the two studs looked surprised.
“I mean, why not? We’re hot now, and plus, the house helped us become this,” he smiled as he demonstrated with their bodies. “We could help others just like us.”
Alex nodded, “You’ve got a point, but what would we be called?”
Chad pondered for a moment, thinking through the Greek alphabet. “How about Delta Beta Alpha?”
“Delta Beta Alpha,” Leo repeated. “The change of betas, like who we were, into Alpha men, like who we are now?”
Chad smirked and nodded.
Leo and Alex grinned as well. The house was gonna make some more changes to others like them.
Mr Thomas would be pleased if he ever knew.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
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best friend’s brother trope works for kageyama i think
i mean like, being best friends with his older sister…you’d watched him grow up, never thought much of him before. tobio used to be a little weird, seriously quiet and hyper fixated on volleyball, you’d sent your congratulations along with his sister, miwa, when he qualified for the Japan nationals team and went to Rio one summer of college. but to you he was still little tobio who stared you down whenever you entered a room and would avoid you like the plague.
so when yourself and miwa return in to your home town to celebrate your graduations you don’t expect kageyama to be so tall and broad and thick— the fabric of his shirt just barely covering the bulk of him, sweat dripping down his brow as if he’s just finished a work out. he is NOT the little brother you remember. this is a big…brother.
“what the fuck happened to tobio?” you’d laugh to miwa when you get home from clubbing as round one of your celebrations— going from talking about your shitty sex life to her younger brother as if it were normal.
neither of you know he’s listening when the elder kageyama teases you for being so flustered about his appearance. “volleyball made him big…i guess? his new team has tobio on some crazy fucking diet. he’s huge now.”
and huge, kageyama is.
you come to discover that when the volleyball player corners you in the kitchen in the middle of your late night conquest for milk. the curve of his cock slides against your ass through his sweats and your night shirt— he’s massive, and weighty and your cunt is already drooling from the thought of him. “how convenient is it that i’ve caught you ass up in the air when you’ve been talking about how dry your dick spell’s been, tonight?” kags’ words are so full of lust he almost cant catch them as they drip off his tongue. “i’ve always thought ‘bout this… yanno,”
your ass fits into tobio’s hands perfectly, slender and rough fingers spreading you so wide you’re forced to clench around nothing— and you thank the stars that you’ve ended up in this position while trying to grab a glass. you’re shaped to lay over the counter as the dark haired athlete grinds into you from behind, panting hotly into your ear about how you’ve been teasing him all these years, about how embarrassing it was to pop boners whenever his sister’s best friend came around, and about how long he spent with his dick in his fist ( even now ) jerking it off to the thought of your pretty little pussy— now just separated from his stiffy by thin layers of fabric.
“you want me? i’ve always fucking wanted you.” tobio tells you through a rasp, smirking when you nod so fast, slowly inching your night shirt up and groaning heartily when you’re not wearing anything underneath. had you always been like that? bare and ripe for the taking whenever you slept over for his sister in previous years. “god…fuck.” he has to remember to keep his cursing quiet but it’s hard when he can smell how wet you are, let alone see it in the way your folds glisten and stick together. “c’mon…need a verbal answer.” it stings when kageyama’s practiced hand slaps down on the meat of your ass, but you’re still so good in nodding and mumbling a small yes. “atta girl.”
sinking into you for the first time feels so much better than any serve or set kageyama could have ever given in his entire life. you’re so warm and syrupy, juices running down his shaft even though he’s only half the way inside you. it feels so good to let go of his controlled routines, finally being able to fuck the girl of his dreams in his childhood home. you’re like a forbidden fruit in tobio’s personal garden of eve and his stormy eyes only cloud over even more when he takes a bite.
you’re his sister’s best friend, practically off limits…but neither yourself or tobio can seem to care when he’s balls deep in your clenching cunt and those very same balls are battering your clit until she’s swollen and tingling with pleasure. kageyama’s in heaven— your ass bounces back on him like a ball across the court and leaves his pelvis and lower abdomen in ruins— shining from where your arousal smears across them with every thrust deeper into your heat, churning up your insides.
kageyama can’t help but become fixated, smacking down harder and harder onto the sweet peachy globes of your ass until your skin is raw and you have to shove your own fingers into your mouth to keep your whines and mewls down as you cry. and hard. hushing your own begs “oh please oh pleash…ohmplwase!” because god forbid your childhood best friend walking in on you getting raw dogged by her little brother, your pussy frothing thick cream at the base of tobio’s dick as he stretches you on it— a mix of your arousals wasted by slinging onto the floor.
neither of you know who miwa will kill first, but what you do know is that this won’t be the last time you’re fucked a drooling mess within an inch of your life against the kitchen counter by tobio kageyama. he makes a promise of that but breeding your up till your folds are seeping with white and he has to pull out of you to see his cum dribble down your thighs.
“keep this pussy empty till i’m back after this season. dreamed about her far too long for it to be used by someone else.” kageyama groans through kisses under the shell of your ear. “this pussy is miwa’s lil brother’s now.”
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 11 - The falling of the Number One
WARNING! This chapter ends with a cliffhanger and it’s really angsty for 2 more chapters. If you are sensitive, please wait until Chapter 14 is out.
18 +, please check the warnings.
Also: The beginning is really suggestive so please keep an eye for the red warning and skip that bit until you see the green writing!
Warnings: Suggestive then… uhm… Near-death experience, description of major injuries, mentions of blood, cliffhanger. I know, funky combination.
First Chapter Master List
“I just read a fanfiction where you cheated on me with Pro Hero Shouto. What’s your opinion on that?” You look up from your phone with a grin. Izuku rolls his pretty eyes with a cheeky smile on his face and doesn’t respond for a second - probably have taken the question a bit more seriously than it was originally intended to be - as he sits on the sofa next to you in his pretty little glasses, which you can’t wait to ruin later. Well, that sounded like a threat but after the first few times you two ended up in a heated make out session while he was wearing it you decided to keep some spectacle wipes on the coffee table. It runs out as quickly as the milk in the fridge.
“Hm. While I’m quite certain I am a straight man, Kaminari said this to me once: You can’t call yourself straight unless you’ve tried both. Well, I haven’t tried both hence why there is a possibility that maybe, the fact that he’s a man wouldn’t be as much of a problem as it seems to be in my head. Although…” Izuku strokes the non-existent beard on his chin as he keeps pondering. Izuku can’t grow a beard by the way. He tried it once and ended up looking like a 14 year old. He literally had 10 little hairs on the two sides of his chin and a really thin “mustache” and that was it. Katsuki laughed his ass off that day. “Shouto is one of my best friends but if it comes to his personality, I’m not sure if I would be able to… think about him like that. I mean, can you even imagine him in bed with that face? Or kissing him and when you move away it’s just… his deadpanned face? Right in front of you? I would cry, Y/N. You know how much reassurance I need. I can’t see him clocking that there is a problem with me. He’s just… a little bit… emotionally constipated?”
“Wow. That was a really detailed response, thank you.” You gawk at your boyfriend who looks extremely happy from pleasing you. “So if you would need to choose one guy, who would you choose?”
“I would probably give Kacchan a chance.” Izuku blurts out without even thinking. Damn. “Not the old Kacchan, but this one. But I would miss being romantic and cheesy. I don’t think he does that too much. Then I have a friend, Rody, from Otheon. We got along really well while I was on a mission there. While he’s not the most honest person in the world he has a bird called Pino who’s basically connected to his soul and his real emotions are mirrored in the bird so for instance, let’s say he says something super happy but if he’s trying to hide that he’s sad, Pino will cry for him. It’s fascinating, really. But I don’t feel like I would be as happy as I am now with anyone else, to be honest. Man or a woman, it really doesn’t matter because even if you would leave me I would only look for you in everyone but there is no one in this whole wide world who would be able to be even as half as good as you are, so…” Izuku shies away from your gaze, his cheeks dusted pink. Your heart makes a somersault in your chest from his words; sometimes, it’s still unbelievable that this moment, here and now, is actually real and not just a daydream.
There is one thing weighting you down when it comes to this current situation though; the weird feeling in your stomach like everything is too good, too perfect and everything that’s this good must have an end date.
You read a lot of drama fanfictions before you actually ended up to be a main character in one and there was one recurring event in all of them; pro hero Deku dying. For you, for your country, from exhaustion, from an old, untreated injury… the list is endless but since you two got together you couldn’t even look at those stories without feeling sick. Izuku is a hero, one of the best ones at that, but being the best also means he’s the one fighting the most complicated battles, ones no one else can or no one has the guts to, depending on the situation. But it’s really hard to think about these dark, deep thoughts when Izuku slowly looks up, waiting for your response at his impromptu love confession, eyes bright and full of childish glee.
“What about you, Sweets?” Izuku asks cheekily, slowly crawling closer to you; he puts his cheek on your chest, snuggling into the soft bits, warm and content.
“Honestly? Call me a real fanatic but I never really wanted to date anyone else but you.” You admit sheepishly. “I did find Pro Hero Shouto handsome, I did like Katsuki’s bad boy vibes but… it was always you. Your kindness, your pretty little cheeks, the freckles, the curls, the way you go all shy when people ask you about love in interviews. You are so… pure, almost angelic. Even through the screen, you felt like someone I could trust with my life, not just as a hero, but as a person, a human being. You just feel… safe. Like the kinda person you want to marry and stay with forever. And now that I got to know you… I want nothing else but all of that, tenfold.”
“You want to marry me, Sweet Pea?” Izuku smiles with a tiny blush on his face as he sneakily pulls the strap of your camisole out of the way with his finger so he can pepper kisses all over your collarbones. Your whole face erupts in flames.
“Well… uhm… one day, yes, of course…” You mumble, a barely audible sigh leaving your lips as Izuku wets his own to make the seductive slide on your skin even more enjoyable.
“What else do you wanna do with me, Sweets?” Izuku sneaks further up, his kisses wet and so full of emotions your whole body trembles under him as the soft plush of his lips reaches your sensitive neck.
Warning! Cheeky
“Wh… Izu?” You try to look into Izuku’s eyes but your whole body freezes from his lustful gaze; his eyes are dark and there is something new sparkling in the depth of them, his eyelids fallen to half-mast as he gazes at your lips, soft but hungry and he takes a deep breath, tries to school his features but it’s way too late; his gaze is etched into your mind now, living there rent free for the rest of your life.
“Was that too much?” Izuku tries to pull away but you grab the back of his head, fingers clutching into the soft curls, keeping him in place and Izuku keens, a hiss leaving his mouth which ends up sounding like a moan by the end of it.
“I want… I want to go hiking with you again.” You mumble and you can barely hide your smile as Izuku looks up at you, utterly confused by the dramatic difference between your touches and your words. “I want to bathe with you in the river when no one is watching. Maybe find a secluded area, somewhere further away so we can… fool around until we have nothing to give to the other.”
Izuku’s breath hitches.
“Uhm…” Izuku tries to respond but you grab into his hair again; Izuku’s hips make a dive towards you, the touch featherlight and probably unintended but you can’t help but bite into your lips to muffle the moan that’s trying to erupt from your chest at the motion. Izuku doesn’t miss the tiny whimper though; you could cut the tension between you two right now, the air so hot and heavy you kinda want to breathe through Izuku’s mouth to soothe your stinging throat.
“I want to show you how much you mean to me in every way possible…” Your other hand snakes under Izuku’s shirt, caressing the skin on his back until the soft touch isn’t enough; you scrape the soft skin on his back with your nails and Izuku’s eyes fill with tears, but not from the pain. “I want to kiss every single freckle, every single scar, every bump and every crevice because you deserve it, Izuku. You are the sweetest, most caring person in the world and you make me happy so… whatever you want, you can have it. From a cheeky ice cream at 2AM to me pleasing you until the end of dawn, you can have all of it. You deserve all of it.”
You swear you can hear the snap of Izuku’s self-restraint, the sound loud and echoey as Izuku looses his composure and attacks you hungrily, his tongue barging into your mouth with a strong lick.
“I love you.” Izuku mumbles, his breath hot against your lips as he takes and takes and takes, until your whole world turns upside down again, the wet sound of your lips against each other the only sound in the silent room.
“Show me… how much…” You whimper, back arching from the sofa subconsciously.
“Fuck.” Izuku whimpers back, his arms snaking around your middle, pulling you flush against his growing erection and you can’t help the tiny yelp leaving your mouth as the hero takes you in his arms, bridal style, and RUNS into the bedroom with One for All crackling around his body to get there quicker, the motion making you dizzy for a few seconds.
Izuku puts you down with so much care, moving slowly as he settles on the top of you, hips flush with yours as he mutters to himself quietly, probably trying to calm himself down enough to be able to be to remember your first time for the rest of his life.
“Are you okay?” He mumbles hazily. There is a moment when everything freezes; Izuku looks deep into your eyes as though he’s trying to see what’s behind it, to see your soul, your heart, to see and experience everything that is You through one simple gaze and you can’t help but want more than that look; you find the bottom of his shirt and yank at it in a silent plea and Izuku responds by tossing the fabric to the other side of the room. His arms snake behind your back, pulling you up from the bed a little bit, manhandling you like you are weightless; he slowly rolls your top up, his movements slow and careful in case you want him to stop but needless to say there is nothing in the whole wide world that could make you stop right now; you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, it was almost excruciating in the last few days and now, Izuku is finally yours, just yours.
“You are so pretty, Sweets.” Izuku puts you back on the bed and slides his finger over your skin from your neck to your lower belly, then he stops there, playing with the hem of your shorts, as he moves his upper body up and his hips down to grind between your legs while he stares at your naked chest with lustful eyes.
“Closer.” Is all you mumble between two muffled whimpers as you pull yourself up with your hands on Izuku’s back and kiss the biggest scar on his chest. Izuku’s eyes tear up again, choking on a sob as he slowly slides your shorts down, you doing the same with his joggers, fingers slightly shaking when the soft fabric passes the tent in his underwear, his arousal loud and clear. “Izu…”
Izuku’s high tech bracelet suddenly screeches, the annoying, high pitched sound ruining the mood completely.
“No fucking way.” Izuku mutters, so fucking frustrated he’s about to yank the fucking thing out of the window. He straddles your hips as he fumbles with his phone. “Not now, not fucking now!”
He’s a few seconds away from crying. It actually breaks your heart.
“Izuku, love, it’s okay. Everything is okay. We can finish this another time. Or we can… just fool around? If you uhm… want me to help?”
“It’s… this massive case we’ve been working at.” Izuku sighs, given up. “They’ve been lurking in the shadows for several weeks now and this is their first time coming to the surface hence why I was notified. I could technically ignore, but…”
You can’t help, but smile. This is Japan’s number one hero to ya’.
“… you don’t want to. And that’s why I respect the shit out of you, pro hero Deku.” You mutter while your hands caress the sides of his hips soothingly.
“I’m sorry.” Izuku lies on top of you for a second, stealing a few more kisses before he stands up and starts getting ready. “This will probably take a while, so… don’t wait for me.”
“You know I will, anyway.” You smile, but knowing how sensitive Izuku is, you decide to continue. “I have some commissions to do, don’t worry. I’ll keep myself entertained.”
“I love you. Thank you.” Izuku gives you one last kiss before he jumps out of the window and the flat is silent again, cold an empty without his warmth.
You sigh into the cushion then take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Maybe, a cold shower would be a good idea, so that’s what you start with.
Izuku wasn’t lying; he’s been out for several hours now. You turned the TV on in case they decide to show the fight, a bad habit Izuku always begs you to stop with but you just… can’t. It might be painful sometimes, seeing your loved one getting hurt while you sit on your sofa, safe and sound, drawing stupid fanarts for a living, completely helpless in case shit hits the fan but at least you can see him this way, know where is is, what he’s up to, know he’s alive and breathing.
It’s enough to soothe your troubled soul, the fact that there is nothing in the TV, that the situation isn’t dire enough for them to interrupt the broadcast for it, so you start on your commission, the TV nothing but a quiet background noise.
It all happens really quickly, in only a second which somehow still seems to stretch on for an eternity; the broadcast is cut off with a buzz, the tv making a low pitched, humming noise, grey, black and white dots fuzzily zigzagging on the screen right before it connects to another broadcast.
You don’t need to be a psychic to know what you are about to see on the screen; you had a feeling for a while, a terrible, dark feeling, a constant, unwelcome weight on your shoulders you tried to ignore and almost succeeded at it while Izuku held you in his arms, but once he left, deep inside, you felt something lurking in the shadows; you somehow felt like the next time he comes in through the door or the window he won’t be the same but you pushed the thought down so well it never even came to the surface during your emotional goodbye, it just kept lurking, somewhere between your heart and your soul, close to the edge but too far away for it to reach your actual brain and form words inside your head.
Maybe if you would have embraced your thoughts and followed your instincts… Izuku would have never left.
You can’t help but laugh at your own, silly thoughts; Izuku staying home because of her paranoid girlfriend instead of saving hundreds of people from a tragic death? Good joke.
But maybe… he would have been more careful. Less… self-sacrificial. Maybe, if you would have said something you wouldn’t need to watch Izuku running into an obvious trap just to save a child from the massive gang of villains. Maybe, you wouldn’t be forced to watch him fall LIVE, on TV, broadcasted through the whole country.
“The urge to save everyone and everything is what makes us heroes but that urge is also what makes us weak; one day, we might jump into our deaths to save that one person who was left behind. To be honest with you, I don’t mind dying that way.” - Deku had said in an interview a few months back. Now the words haunt you, letters jumping in front of your eyes as the battle on the screen escalates; Izuku jumps right in front of a massive explosion which was initially heading towards the small, terrified girl. Katsuki and Kirishima yells, their hero persona long forgotten as they both run as quick as they can after the the number one hero but none of them are quick enough to catch up with him before the explosion hits Deku right in the chest, his blood splattering on both of his friends as they stand frozen in one place, their faces white as a sheet.
Katsuki falls on his knees as the remaining of the building crumbles right on top of Izuku after he throws the girl towards Luna and the rest of his team, making sure the girl is safe and sound even if it costs him his own fucking life because that’s who is; an undeniable hero, the symbol of hope and peace.
His best friend is rendered broken and useless even without being physically hurt, just yelling and crying on the floor while Kirishima pats his lover’s back a few times and says something you can’t decipher from so far away; after a few seconds he makes a beeline towards the battle field, throwing massive pieces of cement into the air as he searches for his friend; the villains are nowhere in sight now, they evaporated into thin air, literally, with a massive smirk on their faces. Their plan worked. They won.
After years of constant winning, for the first time in the last 10 years, the villains have won.
Katsuki still haven’t moved from the floor. He stares at the small splotches of blood with disgust, then a loud sob emerges from inside of him. Eijirou is still searching, yelling Izuku’s first name as tears streak down his hardened face, arms working as quickly as humanly possible until he finally finds something; he sobs and yells and pats Izuku’s face a few times but he’s unconscious, arms dangling in an unnatural way, chest so bloodied its impossible to see the real damage behind it but by the constant stream of blood on the floor as Kirishima makes his way towards the first aiders is anything to go by, the situation is… dire.
Right now, in this moment, just a few hours after you two almost had your first night together, Izuku is dying in his friend’s arms and you can’t do anything but cry, useless and broken while the whole world prays for Deku with tear stained cheeks and broken hearts, rendered speechless as the Number One Hero disappears inside the first aid tent.
The whole world goes silent after that.
… Next Chapter!
IMPORTANT: GUYS! You know me. I won’t kill him. Don’t worry too much. The next 2 chapters will be angst, I’m not going to lie, and I hated every second of it but it’s already written and I can 100% tell you that :
1. Izuku will wake up in the next chapter.
2. He’ll get better eventually.
3. There is at least one scene that’s less depressing in every chapter. Or at least I tried to write it that way but @porusuniverse would probably say otherwise 😂
Thank you for your patience and if you need reassurance or feel too overwhelmed due to the topic just send me a message and I’ll tell you more about what’s gonna happen. 💜
Potato ramble:
- I hope you guys are okay! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but trust me, you need a bit of a break before this shit escalates 😂
- I got so mad at this fucking angst that I wrote 15k words while working full time and finishing late every day just to get it out of the way. 😂 please don’t hate me, I’m also hurt by my own cruelty.
- Also, if you are a Shouto fan, don’t hate me! I don’t think he’s uhm… unattractive nor uncaring. I have a Shouto x Reader one shot up on my page, I love him with my whole heart btw and he was my first MHA crush so if you wanna read it, go into my masterlist and check it out!
- I stand by what Kaminari said though. 😂 don’t judge until you’ve tried both HAHA
- I will be honest, I’m glad they were interrupted because the cheeky bit of this chapter was a little bit uhm… too hot. I think Izuku wants his first time to be a bit more mild than whatever was going on before the phone call.
- HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND, GUYS!!! I hope I haven’t ruined it too much! See you next week!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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304blur · 8 months
"a mere knock-off can never beat the real thing" they say..
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pairing: yandere!dollmaker!antiqueshopowner!scara x gn!reader
warning(s): obsessive behavior, stalker, reader gets injured i'm so sorry, weird ass copies of you he does imaginary tea parties with.. gory situation :( happy halloween, everyone.
summary: ever since you've stepped in that little antique shop in your town, you've felt like someone's watching you. you tell yourself that "oh it's fine i'm just paranoid!" but, really, you couldn't sleep without having this odd feeling that someone's spectating your daily life. you couldn't just shrug this feeling off.
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"I can't sleep."
you mumbled to yourself in your bed. Your bedroom was dark, and you can only hear your A/C blasting cold air into the area. it was one of the hottest periods of the year, and the heat was killing you. you cursed global warming for existing, and that coincidentally made your days even more hot and humid. you realize that you can't get a wink of sleep, and your eyes aren't feeling heavy yet, even though you've been watching tons of asmr videos for 2 hours. your clock shows that it's now 12:45am, and you have a dentist appointment at 7am. you're definitely gonna wake up grumpy. you stand up, feet on the ground, hoping that walking around your apartment and grabbing a glass of milk would somehow help you in this time of crisis. you open your door, the loud squeaking sound of the door irritates you, and you wonder if that woke the neighbors. you walk to your kitchen, bumping into some furniture in the process. you walk over to the fridge, hoping that milk isn't the only thing that you'll be consuming tonight. you opened the doors of your refridgerator, and inspected the inside. you only have.. juice packets, milk, cheese, wheat bread, water, an opened can of baked beans, raisins, and a box of chocolates..? it's one of the more expensive brands, neatly wrapped with a purple ribbon. you never remembered buying it, not even a fragment of a memory. but you were absentminded, and decided on the chocolate. it's better than the milk, anyways. you closed your fridge door, and sat on your kitchen counter stool. you placed the fancily packaged chocolate box onto the kitchen counter, and opened it, the chocolates were heart-shaped. how off-season. you didn't mind though, since they were cute. so, you popped one of those heart chocolates in your mouth, they tasted good, as expected of an expensive chocolate brand. but the aftertaste.. was odd.. sort of like.. a chemical taste. and before you could even begin to pick up anotber piece of chocolate, your eyes droop, and you steadily started to fall unconscious, you couldn't even move. but before you passed out completely, you felt someone catch you, and you managed to pick up their voice.
... you wake up, in a old, and dimly lit room. weird, you don't remember there being an extra room in your cramped apartment. then, before you could look around to process the situation you're in, someone got up, and ran toward your direction. your fight or flight senses awoke within you, as you tried to move out of the way, but you realize you're tied to a chair, so you only fall down, helpless, and vulnerable. You couldn't speak, because.. well. duct tape was placed on your mouth. and you can't feel your lips.
"welcome to your new room!"
you look up at the owner of the voice. a man with dark indigo hair, with a single light purple highlight in his bangs, with berry-colored irises, red eyeliner, porcelain skin as pale as the moon and a round face, but he looks to be around his 20s. he grabs the sides of the chair, and places the chair (with you taped on it) upright. your many questions were muffled by the tape on your mouth, he smiles and roughly rips the sticky plastic off your numb lips.
"what the- who- let me go!"
you only managed to yell these words at him. he smiles sinisterly, cupping your face in his hands shamelessly, as he whispered these words.
"i'm your boyfriend, silly."
boyfriend? seriously? you've been pre-determined to be single ever since you came out of your mother's womb. he strokes your chin with the back of his palm, and offered,
"you hungry? you looked so cute when you were walking around, looking for food, like a starved puppy."
yikes. that's a really weird comparison. this guy is bad news, so you shake your head no. he looked a little sad, but he smiled at you again. what a creep.
"shame. i could've shown you how good of a cook I am."
he kneels down at your eye level and holds your hands carefully, like you're a porcelain doll he wouldn't want to break. you try to look around, and assess where the hell you ended up in, but he grabs your cheeks with his one hand, and makes you face towards him, his grip on your face tightening.
"if curiousity truely killed the cat, you'd be brutally murdered, right here, right now. but, if you REALLY want to see the imperfect works of art i've made of you, then i'll let you see."
he roughly lets go of your face, and walks out of the room, putting on a leather glove. you look around to find seemingly lifeless naked corpses, but as you squint your eyes to adjust to the sight, you quickly realize that they are handmade copies, of you. dolls, that look exactly like you. not only do they look like you in aspects of the face, but the moles on the dolls are eerily accurate. it's detailed, down to the bruises you accidentaly get when you wake up, and to the shape of your fingers, and length of your fingernails. but what you see out of that door surprises you. it's the antique shop you visited.
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it's been about 4 months since you were taken from your apartment. you discover many new things about this guy, like how he runs the antique shop you dropped by, and how his mother came up with a crazy name like scaramouche. he changed your restraints from duct tape to shackles, and he feeds you, but he monitors your diet tediously, and he is very careful not to feed you anything that'll give your brain energy to think about escaping. he's starving you, but he says it's for your own good, because he's a good "boyfriend". he fed you his leftovers as a "reward", or so he says. he slobbered his saliva all over the remaining meat left on the bone of the meat, and made sure all of the things he left on the plate had some part of him you can eat unnoticed. it's quite ironic, since he beat you black and blue if you ever attempted to escape, he even watches you sleep. scaramouche was out for groceries, and the store was closed. you took this as the ultimate chance to escape. you were kneeling on the cold, damp floor of the little prison that scaramouche calls his back room, frantically trying to free themselves from your metal shackles. your right foot was aching. the metal shackles bound your foot tightly, and you were desperate to break free, despite being so tired. the room was humid, and you were sweating profusely. your own sweat acted as a sort of lubricant, as you try to squeeze your foot out. but your foot didn't fit through. then, you remembered that scaramouche left a metal pipe laying around after threatening you and to nail your feet to the floor if you kept trying to escape. you look around for it, and you reached out toward the tower of boxes it was on. the pipe fell onto the floor with a loud 'clang!' sound. and you had the craziest idea you've ever thought of.
you thought of doing it anyways, since having a crushed foot is better than staying with that psycho. you tore a piece of cloth off your shirt, and you put it in your mouth, acting as a sort of a muffler for the screams you're about to rip out of your throat. you grab the metal pipe, and with a deep breath, and a background sound check for any signs of your captor. you were on the verge of having a mental breakdown, the waves of heat radiating from the sun outside, seeping into the basement, your head spins, and it feels like the world's warping, the smell of your own body odor adds to your headache, it would be the worst thing you've ever smelled in your life. you shook your head, thinking that being in this pathetic state would be a waste of time, so you stretch your body to its' limits, without breaking any bones, so your body can still handle crawling on the floor after you shatter your foot. you sucessfully grabbed the metal pole, looking up to the wooden ceiling, praying to whoever would listen to minimize the pain of this. you inhale, exhale and bit into the dirty cloth in your mouth, prepared to hit the metal with all your might, and hit the spot in the shackles that had a gap.
it broke, and the sharp, agonizing pain that shot into your foot was incomparable to any injury you had before. you couldn't even bare to look at your injury, but you had no choice to, since you had to make sure your foot could squeeze through the newly made gap. the rusty metal had an opening now, and you could fit your foot through. you free yourself from the shackles, quickly making use of your freedom to stack boxes to the basement window. you whack the metal pipe against the lock on the window, the lock now broken, you sucessfully escape the dreadful basement, your pitiful, dirty hands gripping onto the grass and ground to lift yourself outside, you use the metal pipe to assist your weak muscles, and now you're on the ground, the smell of grass and the fresh air brought tears to your eyes, after months of only smelling the paint from the paint scaramouche stored in his basement, and your own body odor. you weakly crawled to the nearest open store you could see. a pharmacy. it seemed like the universe really was on your side the whole time. you tapped the glass door with the pipe you had in hand, then a green haired young man with glasses opened the door, looking down, to find you, a severely injured and malnourished individual, covered in bruises, and dried blood. he did not hesitate to help you, and asked for assistance from someone in his store, a little girl with purple hair. they handled you with care, the young man calling up some more help from the other shopkeepers, they carried you upstairs, to a bedroom, and they carefully laid you onto the bed. you knew that this was salvation, you didn't care if you looked like a mess, you passed out, on the soft mattress. you missed this, so, so much. you were too occupied relishing in this bliss of being saved, you never noticed that one of the people who saved you, was your captor, smiling behind a face mask, as he wrapped your injured foot with a bandage, tenderly holding your hand, whispering under his breath, as the others are busy helping eachother patch you up.
"i'm impressed."
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notes: happy halloween, everyone! a gory treat from yours truly.
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twice-inamillion · 1 year
Dahyun’s Last Pregnancy Sex
Smut (rough sex, deep penetration, pregnant sex, creampie)
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Chapter 166
Today has been a busy day, the members are at work and the kids are at Jihyo’s mom place. You in the other hand are with currently at the doctor’s with Dahyun.
Being nine months pregnant she is due at any time. Dahyun has one last check up to determine the estimated time for her due date.
During her visited Dahyun mentioned that she has random contractions that would result in slight pains. She asks the doctor if there was anything that she could do to help her with this situation.
The doctor mentioned that the pains are signs that the baby should be arriving soon and recommend some exercises that would help with speeding up the labor progress.
Dahyun and you arrive home to an empty house. It’s one of the few times that the houses is empty, it feels lonely.
As Dahyun wants into the kitchen to get a glass of chocolate milk she suddenly feels a slight but quick pain. “Ahhh… that hurts” as she places her hand against the countertop.
You hear this an rush to help her “ Dahyun are you okay?” “Yes, it… it’s just a slight contraction.”
“Can i help you some how? I don’t like seeing you in pain like this” you say. “I don’t like feeling like this either. I just want to have her already and get it over with.”
“The doctor said that you could do some exercises to help you speed up the labor process, right?” Dahyun grabs your should and says “yes, I’ve been doing some of them already. Jihyo unnie and Mina unnie told me about it.” “Oh, well… we can just trying another one maybe that might work.”
“Well… there was one thing… but I don’t know if it’s going to work. I don’t want you to thinking in desperate but at this point I will try anything.”
“What is it? I really want to help you.” Dahyun looks at you and says “well… it’s sex.” You look at her surprised and ask her to repeat what she just said, thinking you might of heard wrong. “It’s sex. You need to fuck me so I can into labor.”
“Wait… what..” you have a hard time processing this. “I knew it… you thinking I’m weird huh.”
“No it’s not that it’s just I never heard about it before. I didn’t do that with Jihyo or Mina, so it’s new to me. But like I said I’m willing to do anything to make it easier for you.
Hearing this out a smile on her face. “Really? You’ll do it for me?” “Yes, I love you and I’ll do anything to make you feel better, plus I kind of liked it when we have pregnant sex.”
“Really? You like it?” she asks. “I think I do.” “Maybe you should get me pregnant again and we can do it all the time” as she places your hand to her wet cunt.
“Dahyun, you’re wet.” “Yeah, this whole being pregnant thing has made me horny” says Dahyun. “I really want to fuck you bad, dahyun” you say. “Do you want to fuck me slut little pussy?
Hearing that is making you hard, “yeah, i really want you bad” as you give her ass a nice squeeze.
“What if i put something on for you, i know that you are going to like it” she says as feels on your hard cock. “I’d like that” you respond.
Dahyun goes to her room and as you get ready in the bathroom. When you come back out to the living room you see Dahyun walk out with her bathrobe and says “are you ready for your little gift?” “Yes, I’m ready” as she unties and drops the bathrobe.
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You see Dahyun in a creamy white lingerie that makes her look, amazing. This is the first time that you have seen Dahyun wear something like this and it is making you go crazy. “You like it?” she asks.
“Yes, i love it. I love they way it emphasizes all your good feature. I love the way it makes your tits and your ass looks, especially your belly.”
“Don’t stay it like that, you’re making me feel hot” as you notice that she is beginning to leak.
You walk up to her, grab her hand, raise it and give her a little twirl as you check her out. “Wow, just wow. You’re are really beautiful and you’re all mine” as you give her ass cheek a nice squeeze.
“If you really want me, why don’t you just take me” she teases you. No need for any comment as you pick her up and carry her to the couch and place it down. “Are you going to fuck me with those clothes on?”
You automatically take off the rest of your clothes as you are eager to take her but hear her say “why don’t we have this memory to ourselves” she says. “You don’t mean…” “Yes, lets record this moment. This might be our last time having pregnant sex in a while, so lets make it memorable.”
You run to your room in rush and look for your camera and a battery and rush back out. You come back to see Dahyun laying on the couch all comfortable.
You lay down with her and give her a passionate kiss, she responds back with some tongue action. You both explore each other’s mouths as you both dance with your tongues. This continues for a couple of minutes until Dahyun lets go to catch her breath.
You look at each other’s eyes and you see the lust in her eyes, she wants you bad. Her hormones have made her crave sex, she’s desperate for you.
You look at her neck and begin to kiss her, to eat her as you rub her breast. “Aww… my tits are sensitive.” You play with her nipple. You use your other hand to undo her bra, revealing her breast.
You move your attention to her breast and see her pink areola and inverted nipple. “Fuck you look so sexy” as you play with her left nipple. You attach your mouth the right and give it multiple licks. You feel how her nipple is blooming, revealing her small bud.
Twisting her left nipple and sucking out of the right is a beautiful mement. You begin to feel a small amount of liquid come out of her bud and hear Dahyun moan “ahh …ahh y/n, you’re milking my tits.” Hearing this makes you want to suck harder and begin to massage her tits, releasing more white liquid.
You pull out your phone and take a snap, “click” as the shutter button takes the picture. “Dang, so sexy, you’re going to be a sexy mommy.”
“You’re the reason why I’m going to be a mommy remember , you impregnated with your hot cum.” “I don’t regret it at all, imagine going to have a baby girl really soon.”
“Yes, a real mommy. A bad mommy that you’re going to fuck, but let me give you a present before you.
She stands up from the couch, walks to the speaker, grabs her phone and plays a sexual song from her playlist.
She walks towards you and begins to give you a lap dance. The way she moves around, makes you realize that she has practiced this for just this moment.
Her tits and belly bouncing as she tries to seduce you and it’s working. “Dang dahyun, hace you done this before?”
“No, you’re the only person that is watching this.” She continues her dancing and then unties the lace of her underwear and drops it to the floor.
She walks towards you and gets on top of your thigh. You feel her folds and your thigh and begins to grind. “Do you like this? Feeling my folds on your thighs?”
“Yes, i can feel that you’re so wet” as she is coating you with her love nectar. She collects a large amount her love nectar with her index finger and put it’s in her mouth. She then gets closer to use and gives you a French kiss. She twist and turns her tongue around her mouth, making sure you mouth remembers her taste.
“Mmmm… I taste good don’t I? she asks. “Yes, your nectar tastes like honey, it’s addicting. “How many a drink drink of milk to go along with it?” “I’d like that.”
She uses both hands to massage her left tit, stimulating it just before squeezing it and spraying your mouth with her milk.
The amount of milk that comes out is much different from the last time you had sex, signing that she’s ready for her child.
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You then lift her up and carry her to the large pillow and place it on it.
Watching her from that high of view is real nice. Dahyun pregnant, leaking milk and and her love nectar in sight.
Once again you pull out your phone and capture the moment before getting on knees.
She then places her arms around your neck, as you try to align your cock against her entrance.
“Before you fuck me, can I ask you something?”
“Yes, ask me anything.”
She gives you puppy dog eyes and says “you love me, right?”
“Yes, I love you.”
“You love our baby, right?”
“Of course I love the baby, she’s our child!”
“Okay, that’d good to hear. I’m just scared that you’re going to cast me aside or toss me away after the baby is born?” as she begins to have watery eyes.
“No! Of course not. I would never toss you or cast you aside.”
“It’s just that you are forming multiple relationships with everybody else and making families with them. Since I don’t have anyone else to go back to im scared to be left alone with just my child” as tears begin to flow down.
“I would never leave you or our child. I love you both the same, I will make sure you both are safe. I know that I might be in multiple partnerships and children but I love everyone alike. We are all family and I would die before abandoning any of you.”
“You promise you won’t leave us?”
“Yes, I promise. I swear on my life” you say.
“Then prove it.”
You kiss her once again to seal the deal and trace her folds with you right hand. You hear her moan two are sharing a passionate kiss.
With tears on her eyes, she understands that you will keep your promise.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, im all yours, only yours.”
You place your left hand on her tummy and jerk your cock with your right hand, ensuring that it’s completely hard.
With your cock hovering against her entrance you use her two hands to massage her creamy white puffy pussy. You make sure that her pussy is stimulated enough to take on her whole length.
Once she’s ready, you use the index and middle finger on both hands to spread her lips, releasing her love nectar and her radiating heat.
The warmth of her cunt is hot enough to keep you nice and cozy during a winter storm. Her cunt is signaling that it’s ready to take you in.
You release your hands and place it on her hips and pull her in. Her puffy pussy stretches as you impale her with your length.
Preparing her cunt was the right choice as it was able to swallow your cock in one swoop.
“Ahh…. it’s all the way inside of me, it’s so big” as she slightly rolls her eyes back from the sensation.
With her folds rubbing against your base you said “my little tofu likes looks like a bride in her outfit.”
“Yes, make sure you fuck this pregnant bride of yours” she says and with that you begin to thrust.
Your thrust start of slowly to ensure that there is no issues with her taking in your whole length, As you noticed that she is enjoying you begin to pick up the pace.
“Omg, omg, your cock, is rubbing against my walls, its hitting every bump and crevice of my womb.”
“Your womb feels so good, dahyun. It’s so warm” you say as your are enjoying your time together.
It does not take long for her to reach her climax and cum all over your cock. “Y/n… y/n, im going to cum, lets cum together” she yells.
“Me too… im going to cum” as you hold on to her hips. You pull in her as fall as you can to ensure you reach her deepest parts and say “here… take all of this cum” as your cum gushes inside of her.
Due to the ecstasy of being pumped her eyes roll back while hold on to your wrists. She finally lets go after a minute of getting used to the cum inside of her.
“How was it Dahyun?”
“It was good. I liked the feeling of your cum flowing inside of me.”
“That much?”
“Yeah, i want to go anther round.”
“Are you sure?
“Yes, i can keep going” she says enthusiastically.
She then got on top of you cow girl style and fucked her for about twenty minutes, starting off slowly and increasing the pace little by little. You also teased her just before she came, to make it more fun. “Don’t tease me, i want to cum, too.”
“Try to hold on a bit longer, it will feel much better.”
She continues to ride you while holding each other’s hands. She would stir her body in a circular motion to make sure that every spot her her womb got scraped by your cock.
She then lifts herself and gives you little to no warning that she was about to squirt as she shoots her liquid all over your chest. The overwhelming shaking of her body as she cums makes her lose a bit of balance and ask to get a bit of rest as she shaking dissipates.
“I told you it was going to feel much better.”
“You were right, it does feel much better, i really came a lot.”
“Want to go another round?”
“Yeah, i thinking i can go again.”
“Here grab my hand” as you help her get up and get her in doggy style position. She uses the couch to stabilize herself and splits her legs apart.
“Are you ready dahyun” you ask.
“Yes, while she wiggles her butt” with excitement.”
“Aww, my little tofu really wants this cock instead of her.”
“Yes, I want daddy big cock inside of me, please give me your cock” she begs.
Wanting to tease her you collect a good amount of cum that is dripping down her leg with your index finger and put in on the tip of your cock.
You grab both butt cheeks and give it a little slap, which causes a ripple. “You have such as nice ass dahyun. I really want to fuck it.”
“You like my butt that much? 
“Yes, its so soft and jiggly just like tofu. Plus your creamy white body and your hips are meant to be bred” as you giver her another slap on her butt.
“You’re making me embarrassed. I’m so happy that you like my body, I’ve been a bit self-conscious whenever i go onstage but with out im comfortable.
“I’m glad you’re comfortable with me, how about you relax and let me take over, okay?
You try to tease her a little bit by playing with her butt and want to see her reaction so you align your cock against her puckerhole and slowly press against it.
Ahh… wai… wait… that’s the wrong hole, not by ass. Don’t put your cock inside of my ass!”
You press it a bit further, just enough to get a little bit your of cock inside.
“Don… don’t put it inside… I don’t want your huge cock inside of my ass please…” as she feels her asshole begins to stretch. “Ahhhh… your going to break me… its too huge for my small butthole.
“I was just messing with you, i just wanted to see your reaction” you says as you begin to laugh.
“You’re mean… you’re a real meanie… i… i thought you were going to shove that huge thing up my butthole.”
“I’m sorry dahyun. I didn’t mean to scare you. How about this hole instead” as you slowly impale her cunt.
“Ahhh…. Fuck… its inside my womb again.. i can fill the bulge on my tummy.”
“Oh… really, let me check” as you rub her tummy, you can feel the bulge she was talking about. “Hmm… you can feel my cock on your tummy. This must be the head.”
You then begin to thrust and you can feel as your cock disappears and reappears as you thrust inside of her. “Fuck… its so huge… my legs are shaking.”
‘Let’s making you feel better, okay dahyun?”
“Wait not my clit… it’s sensitive” as she feels her clit getting pitched by your fingers. You use your fingers to play with her clit and collect her love nectar.
You continue this until you both cum with one another and make her taste her nectar mixed with your cum. “Here dahyun, try some… its good.”
She’s not able to respond as she loses her balance from all the pleasure and you need to help her back onto the couch.
“Dang dahyun, didn’t think you were going to cum again.”
“You made me like this, takes responsibility.”
“I am already taking responsibility, that’s why you’re cumming so much.”
“I thinking im going to get pregnant again with all the cum you have pumped inside of me, look” she says as the cum is leaking out her puffy pussy.
“Hahaha, don’t think you can get pregnant if you’re currently pregnant.”
“Haha yeah, i was just saying that you pumped too much that it would get me pregnant if i wasn’t.”
“I can still go another round, last one?”
“Really? You can still go on? What are you?”
“Haha, its just that I have really good stamina.” So you decide to pick up Dahyun once again and head to the large pillow. You take a seat and have her in a reverse cowgirl position while having your legs spread open.
You align you cock and Dahyun inserts herself and she begins to ride you. This continues for about twenty as you are constantly edging her.
Y/n, it feels like you’re trying to breed me again by how you are hitting my deepest parts” says Dahyun while holding on your legs.
“I’m happy that you are enjoying it, maybe I can breed you again after the baby is born, you’d like that?”
“Ahhh…. Fuck…yes I’d like that. You can breed me anytime you want” as she suddenly tightens up her walls, choking your cock.
It was at that moment when the door of the house opens and someone comes in a rushing manner “I’m going to use the bathroom” says Jeongyeon.
“Kay, we’ll catch up to you” said the other voice.
Dahyun lifts herself once more so she can impale herself back with your cock, but she lifts too much and your cock slips out.
“What the fuck are you doing to Dahyun, y/n” as you hear a voice that seems to be from Jeongyeon.
You must if lost track of time and overestimated when they would arrive. You panic but you’re holding onto Dahyun body and you’re ready to cum.
Because you got startled you lose control of your cock and shoot all the cum that was meant for dahyun’s womb out to the open, you then hear Jeongyeon scream.
You hear numerous footsteps rush into the area that you both are in and hear “what the fuck… y/n cock just shot some white stuff all over me” as she is now currently covered with cum.
You turn to see that Jeongyeon’s face and and blouse is covered with larges amount of your cum. You even see how some of it is dripping down onto their lips.
“Eww… it’s nasty… what is this?”
Then you hear a “hahaha…. Jeongyeon unnie is covered with y/n’s cum” from a voice that seems to be Chaeyoung’s.
“This is cum? It’s so disgusting! Its all cover me! Get it off!” yells Jeongyeon.
You then hear multiple laughs from the background and you know that two of them are from Momo and Jihyo.
Then you hear Tzuyu says “it’s not that bad unnie, hear taste it” as she swiped a nugget of cum with her finger and shoved it into Jeongyeon’s mouth.
“Eww… it’s disgusting” as you hear Jeongyeon begin to gag.
“It’s not nasty Jeongyeon unnie, It’s yummy” as Tzuyu collects a bit more and licks it off her finger.
“Hmm… it taste good” says Chaeyoung.
“Really? It’s yummy?”asks Momo.
“Here try some momo unnie” says Tzuyu as she collects some more and shoves it into momo’s mouth.
“It’s a bit salty but I can get used to this” says momo.
Chaeyoung then says “yah… nayeon unnie don’t you want to try some?”
“I don’t know…” says nayeon.
“Isn’t y/n your boyfriend? Are going to end up tasting it sooner or later, right? Might as well try it now, going us.”
Hear that nayeon walks up closer to Jeongyeon and scrapes cum off Jeongyeon and tastes it like everyone else.
“Why are you all like this? Why do you all like this nasty stuff” asks Jeongyeon.
“Haha you’re only saying that because you haven’t had is cock yet, but it’s good. Trust me” says sana.
The rest of the members laugh and watch as you’re holding on to dahyun’s thighs, keeping her from falling.
Sana walks towards the both of you and says “poor little one, do you miss being inside of dahyun pussy? You must be soo cold” as she brings to jerk your cock a bit, making sure it’s hard again.
She then aligns your cock to dahyun’s entrances and says “there you go little one right where you belong, nice and warm.”
At this point you can’t hold on to dahyun’s weight due to the awkward position and she drops into your cock in one swoop. “Ahhhh… fuck… I’m going to cum… don’t look at me… I’m going to cum” and Dahyun begins to convulse from the ecstasy, lifting her body up from your cock.
Suddenly she yells “no!! I can’t hold it in… I’m going to cum… it’s embarrassing… I’m going to cum if front my members” as she’s trying to keep herself sane but it’s no use as she then squirts a stream of liquid. Her steam gets some members wet but not as much as Jeongyeon.
Jeongyeon yells “no!! Why is it me!” as she is covered with both your cum and Dahyun’s love juice.
The members are in shock and silent on what just happen but Tzuyu breaks that silences and say “that looks like fun. Can I go next?”
Momo then follows as a tease “Tzuyu is right that looks hot.”
Hearing this Jihyo yells at both momo and Tzuyu “Yah!!! Don’t say that” as she hits them on their arms.
Dahyun on the other hand is completely spent with her eyes rolled back. Cum drips from her puffy cunt onto the large pillow as the rest of the members watch the mess of what’s in front of them.
Previous Chapter 165 Next Chapter 167
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 6: Rickfending Your Mort
(Justice for Churry!)
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I observe some spoilers ahead.
My Favs
“M-Morty Western Bacon Now!
Rick drunkenly demanding Morty to buy him a Western Bacon burger was kinda endearing and I loved his little laugh when Morty tossed it at him. Look at Rick making alcoholism look cute.
Bear witness to 9/11!
Dan Harmon’s gotta sneak in a 9/11 joke.
Morty licking the inside of Apeborg’s nostril
Rick is such a rascal tricking his grandson in order to win a bet.
“This is a gun…this a gun you use to shoot bad people.”
I love the whole setup and pay off to this joke. Just an absolute masterclass.
May Churry find justice for the wrong that was committed against him! Morty’s going to get his ass kicked and, frankly, he deserves it. I have no sympathy. On a side note, the Wes Anderson sequence was kinda cute and Morty looks good in a red beanie.
RIP Space Jam Rick and Morty
It was a mercy killing, really.
I held onto my tits for nothing!
Not My Fav
Hottie Snatcher
Maybe it’s a little weird to comment on the attractiveness of a teenager girl but Summer’s at least a 7, maybe 6.8 or a 6.9. Either way that rounds up to a 7. Girl was done dirty.
The only way to escape is diving to the bottom of this vat of whale sperm.
I have no doubt they were poking fun at themselves for that sperm episode that I would really like to forget exists so that’s why it’s on my not fav. As Lindsey Ellis would say, “Thanks. I hate it.”
My Thoughts
After two spicy episodes in a row, Rickfending Your Mort, was a much needed glass of milk to calm the burn on my proverbial tongue. This was the first proper anthology episode since season 4 and a great way to get back into the fun, silliness of a Rick and Morty adventure. I laughed, I giggled, I chuckled, I guffawed and I may have even chortled. Truly, I think this is the most I laughed at an episode—ever. Also, this is the first episode where we got a clip from the intro!
If you haven’t already, you should read The Hollywood Reporter interview with Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden. They talk a bit about the intense audition process they went through and their reactions to finding out they landed the roles. I hope this opens the door to so many VA roles in the future because they both seem like some really sweet guys.
Now, do we think Churry will murder Morty this season or will they wait a couple of season down the road?
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grox · 1 year
Do you ever buy a weird combination of food from a restraunt and as you eat it you're like. Diosito quiere I'm gonna eat this shit when I'M the 1000 year old shithead. I'M gonna be that nasty ass old man who gets the fried livers and whole milk or some shit and everyones gonna wanna kill me for it but they cant cause I'm too old. Heres your double burger with onions & cheese only and a glass of milk and a cookie you ragged old bitch
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Claude Frollo Out of Context Sentence Starters || Part I/?
I have a divine mission to spread the Our Claude > Canon Frollo propaganda. What better way to do so than by making various quotes of his a sentence meme?
 “What the FUCK is Bible Study & Chill?!”
 “Do you lot think the Booberry ghost is blue because he died by strangulation???
“I was absolutely high as shit last night. The Warwick Davis leprechaun himself could have started playing knick knack on my lung & I likely would not have noticed.”
 “...Why do you smell like Nesquik Strawberry Milk?” 
“The asshole you are trying to reach is not available. Please disconnect the call & do not try again.”
“Also the day you catch me living in a shack is the day to lock me up because that would mean I finally went clinical, pal."
“Quit talking about shoving things in my ass, you perverted old man/woman!” 
 “Well. You are BORING me right now. I cannot relate to your poor person problems.”
“If I could physically meet myself I would beat the shit out of him.” 
“…I am not sweet, __. Slander me again & I will take legal action.” 
“Her vagina could probably host a fucking bounce house for all of them.”
“Na fam. Delete it right now.”
“Nearly every single time you speak you bring this family great dishonour.”
 “There is only so much suffering I can endure.”
 “You would end up being spilt worse than my firewood.
“You cannot do coke, that is illegal!
 “Down to fucking kill myself.”
 “If you are so insistent on sucking my cock this often you ought get some knee pads.”
“I like snow. It is a good way to hit your enemies with glass shards before they realise what is happening.”
 “Do you want bullshit or the truth?”
 “I am seconds away from a brain aneurysm, son.”
 “You would be a wonderful addition to someone’s mantle. In an urn!”
 “Shut the fuck up, old man!”
 “I do not use Faebook. Faebook is for losers & old people.”
 *sarcastically* “I went out to the woods. Pretended to be a forest nymph for a few hours.”
“That is… Not my problem.”
 “Did the vibrating make it better or worse, son?”
“New Jersey’s state fruit is blueberry, you fucking crackhead.”
“No no. Continue squabbling, bottoms.”
“Like what the fuck like I can say hoe if I want to! I am a hoe, I have the pass!” 
“I want no part in your cockles, __.”
“That is too many babies, Miss/Mister.”
“Ugh no.”
“Pull up then, Fuckboy.”
“Actually I was thinking about that one medieval meme about the leggings.” 
“You cannot cancel me. I am a bad bitch.” 
Being Fucking For Real
“… Unless… Oh fuck… I must be having another psychotic break.
“Would not be the first goddamn time I had a hallucination…”
“Those were the last words I ever said to my own son’s face… Then I never saw him again.”
“... Tell me you love me again? Please?”
“What the hell was I supposed to say to you that would not sound fucking weird & desperate?”
“You know, wills to read & a little brother to parent…”
“… It was always you but… You deserve someone normal.”
“I will be perfectly fine alone, the way I always am.”
*wryly* “Ah yes, because everyone keeps their promises, __.”
“I am going to beat his ass. The next time. I see him.”
“God, I know I do not deserve it but I love you so fucking much.”
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
Get to know me
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great, thank you so much pal! 
Share your wallpaper: My phone background for the past six months or so has been the same Patrochilles art that I'm actually not sure if I should post here without permission from the artist lol. But I can confirm that it's the cutest, most loveliest drawing of them, and Achilles looks so baby in it and I love staring at it every time I open up my phone :')
The last song you listened to: Unbound by Asgeir
Currently Reading:  Ten Days That Shook The World by John Reed (don't ask why or how, but my autistic Special Interest of choice for the past 2-3 weeks has been the political intrigue surrounding WWI and how it fuelled the October Revolution so I've been reading any book/watching any documentary I can get my hands on about it), and I've also been listening to The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath while doing chores and stuff
Last Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once with @baejax-the-great
Craving: Travel :|
What are you wearing right now: My fluffiest house robe and my fluffy slippers and super comfy and soft socks, and yes I'm still in pyjamas 
How tall are you: 167 cm, no idea how that translates in feet and inches lol don't make me google it
Piercings: I have one piercing in each ear, I've often thought about getting more but needles be scary 
Tattoos: 6, and planning to finish my half sleeve by the end of the year
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, and I do sometimes wear contacts as well
Last drink: I am currently drinking some lukewarm coffee with oat milk :3
Last show: In the past couple years I've become so bad with starting shows and actually sticking with them lol, but I did do a rewatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion fairly recently..... OH and I watched Interview with the Vampire with @baejax-the-great a little while back which was super fun!! (because apparently I can't watch something unless I can shit talk or go feral over it with Bae LOL)
Last thing you ate: Toast with peanut butter and an apple
Favourite colour: Oooh that's such a hard question to answer!! The first colour that comes to mind is blue -- I always gravitate towards some version of blue, and currently it's deep navy blue, but I also own a lot of powder blue stuff. It's either that or baby pink or cream tbh, but I also own a good amount of gold/mustard things as well. Yellow makes me happy. I find jewel green incredibly pretty though I weirdly don't own anything of that colour (which reminds me I should perhaps make that a priority)
Current obsession: I'm guessing this is a fandom related question, so I'm going to be predictable and say that I'm, as usual, obsessed with Patrochilles and most of the other pairings I am currently writing, even though anxiety over real life stuff hasn't let me engage with them as much as I want lately. I do think about them a lot and have lots of ideas for new stories, and I'm also working my way back into catching up with fics I love, which I haven't been able to do in a while despite the joy it normally gives me. Brains can be very uncooperative at times, but what can you do about it lol. 
Unrelated Obsession: As I mentioned earlier I have been obsessed with Russian and generally European politics of the early 20th century for some weird ass reason lmao, but I've also been reading an in-depth analysis of Aeschylus' life and work I found in some corner of my library, which led me to looking up some academic papers about it, which led me to signing up for an online course about Athenian tragedy, so um?? I don't know what it is with me and going down those endless rabbit holes lately ahah. 
Any pets: I have a cat, aka a baby and a bastard and a devil spawn all wrapped in one (he is currently sleeping like an angel after attempting to tear down the curtains)
Do you have a crush on anyone: Um. Like, on a real life person? A fictional person? I do have crushes on several of my mutuals so if y'all are reading it I'm kissing you on the forehead MWAH
Favourite fictional character: I can't choose, don't make me choose!!!!!!! I can't choose between my children. But if I had to choose then maybe.... Patroclus? But also, Achilles? But also, my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus from DA? But also Shiro and Keith from VLD? But also -- SEE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE
The last place you traveled: It feels like it's been SO long since I've traveled anywhere. I went to Aegina island last summer but since then I haven't been outside the city for even a DAY and it's been driving me crazy. I just need to see some green and blue and listen to nothing but birds or waves or the wind (at this point I'll even take the rooster that woke me up EVERY DAMN MORNING when I was in Aegina lmao). I'm planning on going on a day trip to Mycenae soon though so I'm very excited about that 😄
Tagging forth to @in-arlathan, @mogwaei, @tessa1972, @aymayzing, @inquisitoracorn, @tevivinter, @elveny, @pikapeppa, @petrowriting @peggy-sue-reads-a-book @juliafied, @vimlos, @gloriesunsung, @figsandphiltatos, @gwensparlour, @glimmerofgold, @sabino-sea, and so many more of my mutuals that I'm actually too shy to tag here. But seriously if you're reading this and it looks fun please do it and tag me, I'm nosy and I want to know everything about you LOL  
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