#you are my resident edelgard expert
iturbide · 2 years
I think theres been a misunderstanding ,I dont disagree with that as edelgards goal,im saying conquest is her ultimate goal specifically because she wants to enact her own changes across all fodlan.
She does not want to stop at adrestia , she wants it done across the whole continent and she believes it must be her making those reforms. Even if Dimitri and Claude want similar changes (and we actually see Dimitri making reforms) she still believes it needs to be *her* at the head. And that means conquering the Kingdom and Alliance to return the "superior" Adrestian Empire back to its former glory with *her* holding the reigns.
that's why she will not stop even if Rhea is dead , even if the central church is gone, and even if she already made her reforms in Adrestia and has control over the southern church . its the " raze it all to the ground and rebuild it from the ashes" mentality.
Oh and Im glad you mentioned the branches of the church because she... doesn't actually care about them.
On claudes route she tells claude that as long as his people don't follow the central church she does not care who they follow , so they're free to follow the eastern church over her own southern church.
The branches appear to be largely Independent from the central church. Thats why the western church is able to get away with xenophobia and their multiple attempts to kill Rhea. That's also why edelgard is able to revive the Southern church and control it herself with no interference from Rhea.
Edelgards reforms are in regards to the nobility and system of inheriting titles, not necessarily the faith itself. Thats why she focuses solely on the central church while largely ignoring the other churches. as you said, it's because she believes the "monstrous beast" that leads the central church is the reason for everything she condemns (fodlan being divided , the system of nobility and inheritance, the obsession with crests, etc.)
Tldr: im not disagreeing with you. My point was that all conquerors make similar justifications for their wars. even if they believe their cause is righteous, the end result is the same.
I still feel like you're unfairly boiling down Edelgard to a 2-dimensional figure, though. As I said, I can't comment on Three Hopes, and I don't personally consider it canon, so I am not speaking in regards to anything from that game -- but in Three Houses, it's not just rote imperialism that drives her.
It's true that she believes that she needs to be at the head of change -- but this, in Three Houses, stems from the fact that by her own admission, she believes that Claude and Dimitri are on Rhea's side. She says as much after her class escapes from Garreg Mach after the attack on the Holy Tomb:
The Church of Seiros has great influence and power. Their control over the lords of the Kingdom and the Alliance is nearly absolute.
Again, she is wrong about this. This is not an accurate assessment of the situation -- in truth, several noble heirs from the Kingdom have every reason to hate either the Crest System or the Church itself (including Ashe and Sylvain), while there are prominent nobles in the Alliance who basically pay lip service to the Church because they feel it's expected of their station, including Lorenz:
The truth is, I am not a particularly devoted believer either. But it would be unbecoming for a noble like me to neglect his prayers, wouldn't it?
But Edelgard lives in a situation where trust is dangerous. She doesn't remember her time in Faerghus as a child, and therefore doesn't remember Dimitri; all she has to go off of are the close historic ties between the Kingdom and the Church (a belief undoubtedly strengthened by Dimitri taking Rhea in after the fall of the monastery in Crimson Flower). And Claude is widely regarded as an untrustworthy schemer, not just by Edelgard but by Garreg Mach at large, so there's nothing he could say to win her over.
So no, Edelgard does feel like she has to be the one heading change -- because she can't open up enough to trust anyone else to do it. Again, this does not make her a bad character. This is part of what makes her as a character interesting and compelling. Again, I don't think it's fair to boil Edelgard's character down to Lady Walhart, which is what it feels like you're doing in these messages. She's not: she set out to do this because she saw a legitimate problem, and unfortunately her solution involves brute forcing a solution.
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three houses headcanons: black eagles edition
wow guys! thank you so much for the reception on my first hc post! i’m super excited to share more with all of you :D
this post is about the personalities of the gryffindors eagles--or what i think they’ll be like, which could very well be the complete opposite of canon
it’s long so it’ll be under the cut!
ferdinand looks like an edelgard groupie
he worships the very ground she walks on
believes that she, or the imperial family, can’t do anything wrong
her “rash schemes” are “brave initiatives"
offers to be there at her every beck and call
edelgard never actually calls him though bc she’d rather do the thing herself
spends at least half an hour fixing his hair every morning
takes utmost care of his appearance
seriously, one lock out of place and he’ll make a mad scramble for the nearest mirror
kind of haughty and full of himself
but one complaint from edelgard is enough for him to mope for the rest of the week
frenemies with sylvain and argues with him over the most trivial matters
mostly about whose house leader is better
it’s one-sided on his part though
sylvain doesn’t understand why he’s so incessant in picking fights
probably friends with dorothea, who’s also a bit of an edelgard fan
bernadetta keeps to herself
she holes herself up in her room to read or whatnot, snuggled under a comfy blanket
her hair is naturally like that
no matter how much work is put into it, it never calms down
constantly tired
bad with strangers
coupled with her shyness and her pessimistic tendencies
she can be a bit of a debbie downer
tries her best though
incredibly good at hiding herself
she can disappear for hours and you won’t know where she is
during that time, she takes naps in the weirdest places
between the shelves of the library’s economics section
or under the windowsill of an empty classroom
gets dragged around by edelgard when they finally find her
bonds with linhardt over their shared love for books
dorothea is an actual weeb
biggest nerd ever and geeks out over cute things
will talk to you for hours about the plot of a fantasy novel she’s recently read
is especially fond of the action scenes
collects tiny charms that she keeps in her room
there’s a whole collection and she gives them all names
also the resident fashion expert of the eagles
has at some point braided petra’s and edelgard’s hair
has also tried to do the same to bernadetta, but it didn’t end well
puts more faith into her house leader than she does into the church
her admiration for edelgard rivals ferdinand’s and she looks up to her as a role model
level-headed but sometimes prone to loud outbursts
especially if it’s something that excites her
makes an effort to become friends with everyone
of the eagles, she has the most acquaintances from the other houses
petra is a cool beauty
kind of similar to h’aanit from octopath traveler
she looks sharp and scary
acts like it too
and her replies are always curt and straight to the point
but she’s fiercely loyal and overprotective of her friends
she won’t hesitate to blacklist you if you do anything to them
keeps the house in check with hubert
assesses a situation from all angles before coming to a conclusion
a foil to edelgard, sort of, but doesn’t get in the way of her house leader’s antics (just sighs over them)
cautiously confident, intimidatingly sophisticated
has a soft spot for dorothea’s girl talk
is a willing guinea pig to her makeovers
good luck getting her to admit that out loud though
linhardt spends half of his time in the library
the other half he’s in a teacher’s office asking questions about class content
super studious and book smart
can give a rundown of fodlan’s history without making it sound dry
really good at explaining things
so he’s a popular choice to go to for homework help
hosts study sessions every week to go over anything confusing from the lectures
has it all together
super organized and knows what he’s doing
likes to debate about philosophical topics
knows a bunch of trivia about miscellaneous things
would probably get along with ignatz
serves as the eagles’ voice of reason
caspar is the type that yells "fight me" to everyone he meets
even if he knows he’ll get trashed in an instant
has the energy of a five year old on a sugar high
redirects all said energy to pranks and stupid dares
edelgard’s #1 enabler and detention buddy
or, he would be her detention buddy, if they ever actually got caught (they never do)
tells linhardt their ideas so he becomes an accomplice
linhardt doesn’t actively participate but he does help make their plans foolproof
gestures wildly with his hands
likes climbing trees
a bit hotheaded
easy to anger, easy to satisfy
he apologizes quickly when he realizes he’s in the wrong
hubert doesn’t take any bs
excuses? he won’t have them
his life motto is to take responsibility for your own actions
acts like the eagles’ dad
really wise and gives great advice and suggestions
a bit on the quiet side but he’s a good listener
too serious for his own good though
he’s the type that will do things if ordered to
so edelgard has to order him to relax
he does so by cleaning the dorm room and doing a bunch of other chores
is always on top of things and is always prepared
gets broody and melancholic sometimes, but hides his feelings well
will sit down with someone (usually petra) for a cup of tea to talk about the weather
[asks are open!]
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Animal Crossing players are cosplaying Fire Emblem, Bowsette and more in New Horizons • Eurogamer.net
By far the best feature of any Animal Crossing game, in my opinion, is the game’s custom designs app – something which has already been causing carnage in New Horizons thanks to a tool allowing players to import photos into their game. But beyond the memes are some genuinely creative and adorable cosplays, which are currently being shared across the internet and (in some cases) made available for download. Yes, that means you too can eventually dress up as Bowsette in Animal Crossing. What a time to be alive.
So far one of the most popular games to cosplay, at least on Reddit, has been Fire Emblem: Three Houses – with players sharing some stunning recreations of their favourite characters. Just check out these fabulous renditions of Byleth, Dimitri, Lorenz, Hilda and Bernie, along with downloadable QR codes for the house leaders and Garreg Mach uniforms. I asked our resident tech expert Thomas Marchant to demo the Edelgard outfit, and it looks fabulous when worn with an axe.
Byleth chooses Animal crossing from r/FireEmblemHeroes
Dimitri on the beach #AnimalCrossing #ACNH pic.twitter.com/WluKcCPMfP
— Beans (@TheKeyPotato) March 21, 2020
I made a Lorenz outfit in animal crossing from r/fireemblem
#AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/nHBKIqwJWe
— Thomas Marchant ? (@hippopothomasj) March 24, 2020
Unsurprisingly, that’s not the end of the gaming-themed cosplays, with Nintendo princesses Zelda and Peach getting a fair bit of attention. Someone’s managed to complete the Bowsette look with a cheeky grin snapped mid-emote. Amongst other outfits you can find Geralt, Link and Cloud, and an attempt at recreating 2B from Nier Automata using a face mask to represent the blindfold. Someone just needs to give that Team Rocket James a rose.
Bowsette! #AnimalCrossingDesigns #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/wEvFXgKo5W
— 3/20 animal crossing zine (@twofacedharley) March 23, 2020
day 4: cosplay #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/WBZpqDcOny
— Marshmallow Amy?????? (@Mallow_Amy) March 23, 2020
Cosplay life from front left. Twitch Link Geralt Totoro Cloud Sephiroth #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/uhVQGm8KZn
— kenneth = {…} (@diverdragoon) March 23, 2020
Worked a bit on the house and made a James cosplay! #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/nkTJ9ZWZXe
— Tales of Taylor ? (@Tales_of_Taylor) March 23, 2020
Tried to make a 2B cosplay #nierautomata #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/1tuO0dSsgQ
— Ella (@Ellzababoon) March 24, 2020
Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper cosplay compilation without some anime and manga entries. I’m particularly fond of the two versions of Edward Elric’s coat from Full Metal Alchemist (complete with automail), and the use of face paint to create the crown for Sailor Pluto of Sailor Moon. An easier one for beginners is My Hero Academia’s Izuku Midoriya – if you add a couple of freckles with face paint, then you’re good to go.
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QR codes will be up in a few days! from r/AnimalCrossing
Today I was supposed to participate in my first cosplay contest ever and dressed as Sailor Pluto. The con of course didn’t happen so this’ll have to do. Thanks, Animal Crossing! from r/AnimalCrossing
Cosplay in Animal Crossing
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from r/BokuNoHeroAcademia
And although I’m trying my best to forget Rise of Skywalker, I do really appreciate this version of Rey. Relaxing on a deserted island seems like it would have been a better way to end the trilogy than, er, plonking her in a desert.
I tried to make a Rey cosplay! pic.twitter.com/V04EAnj7Jz
— RSkittless_Cosplay (@rskittless) March 24, 2020
While players are hard at work on preparing their designs, not everyone is currently able to upload them as QR codes for others to download. That’s because you first have to get the Able Sisters to set up shop on your island – a process which can take quite a few days. For those hoping to scan the QR codes that are available, however, you can read our guide on how to do it using the Nintendo Online App.
In the meantime, it’s lovely to see some in-game cosplay, particularly from real-life cosplayers who are currently unable to show off outfits at conventions due to the coronavirus outbreak. I guess we can all just live a second life in New Horizons now.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/03/animal-crossing-players-are-cosplaying-fire-emblem-bowsette-and-more-in-new-horizons-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=animal-crossing-players-are-cosplaying-fire-emblem-bowsette-and-more-in-new-horizons-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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