#you are the funniest and kindest and weirdest (in the best way)
dadralt · 2 years
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sj0228 · 4 years
astro notes for fun lol
HEY! this is my first astro observations post so don't be too hard on me lol unless u wanna then sure maybe i can improve them somehow BUTANYWAYZ this is for entertainment purposes only!! obviously these are just my own observations so if they don't resonate with you don't get offended or you're a big ol' 🅱️uss so here they are!! also SHOUTOUT TO MY AMAZING FRIENDS fyi i got sum help from them by asking them billions of questions to confirm my suspicions so uh hope that makes the observations more accurate LOL ANYWAYS HERE THEY ARE!! i'll probably make more in the future cuz i think they're super fun to make :D also if u couldnt tell uhm this isnt very professional im not professional BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT PRETTY so pls dont be bothered lol im just doing this for fun i didnt even wanna make an astro page so yea </3pretty unreliable LMAOOO
👩🏻‍🦲 the house your mars is in is what pisses you off the most!! (eg. 1st - people assuming things about you, 5th - people beating around the bush, 7th - things that disrupt the harmony of your environment, 9th - the need to hold back your opinions because others get bothered by them being "offensive")
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers are true ambiverts and i've truly never ever seen a cancer who wouldn't be both introverted and extroverted at times. they are always either social introverts or quiet extroverts lol. or both!! (somehow 0_0) they enjoy people's attention, whether it's wanting to be noticed or appreciated or generally cared for, and they need their alone time. they tend to be very productive at those times, too.
👩🏻‍🦲 ok i have a lot of notes for cancers so it's gonna be a lot lmao sorry anyways!! i've also noticed they LOVEEE breaking loose every once in a while, if not every time they're given the opportunity! thing is, it's usually only if someone else is there to convince them or do it with them. they don't like taking risks alone! they are very impressed and fond of the 'wild child' persona people because they bring out the cancer's wild side!
👩🏻‍🦲 libra moons are absolutely loved by people, it's so crazy! like, no matter what they do they always have attention on them. this can manifest badly if the moon person is actually pretty horrible, things they do tend to be overlooked and others move on pretty quickly from their mistakes, letting them do whatever they want. i wanted to give an example but uh,,,,, i shall.. refrain😳
👩🏻‍🦲 libra suns with water moons are so scary when they're angry..
👩🏻‍🦲 cancer moon is what i deem as the zodiac sign cute-ifyer lol. literally any "tough" sign like capricorn, scorpio or aquarius becomes a super cute goofball with this moon. WEIRDEST THING EVER THOUGH is that it doesn't work for cancer suns?! like if a cancer sun has a cancer moon this just makes the person very confusing but very funny. they can brighten anybody's day without trying!
👩🏻‍🦲 okay JUST SO THIS WHOLE ARIES MENTION ISN'T JUST A POINTLESS LOVE CONFESSION - i've noticed a lot of ♥aries♥ people use the laughing crying face emojis (😂,🤣) unironically and it's honestly.....the best thing ever
👩🏻‍🦲 taurus suns do this sometimes as well
👩🏻‍🦲 THE MOST UNHEALTHY PERCEPTIONS OF ZODIAC SIGNS ARE PUT ON FIRE SIGNS, NOT THE WATER SIGNS AND THIS IS COMING FROM A PISCES!!!!!!1 every stereotype is always showing fire signs as those sunshine of the group people, the baddies, and the ones with the biggest 'idgaf' attitude. and while this can totally be true sometimes, most of the time it's super different! sad fire signs break my heart pls i just wanna hug you guys T-T they have it the hardest because unlike water signs who are already expected to be emotional, they often repress their emotions for the sake of others and because of the fear of betrayal or judgement, or just generally the idea of "it's better to have fake friends than to have zero friends". YOU GUYS PLEASE. cut these people off from your life you deserve soo much better i know it can be super hard to open up for you u just need a hug omg EVERYONE PLEASE CHECK UP ON YOUR FIRE SIGN FRIENDS ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DAY N STUFF THEY WILL APPRECIATE YOU CARING FOR THEM! pls stay best and take care sweethearts ily!!!
👩🏻‍🦲 i've also noticed that some of the signs tend to show their sadness through anger - this is not just astrology though so if your friend has been jumpy lately please just check on them they are probably going thru sth😳 anyways the signs i mostly saw this in are pisces, aries and libra.
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers with feminine moons (earth and water) tend to be pretty introspective. they often think they're the ones being mistreated, and while this of course might be true, in reality it usually goes a lonnng way back lol. they often pay very little attention to others!! (masculine moon sign cancers (fire and air) can often be too focused on others more than themselves) this can be good because they don't snoop in other people's business but oh my god, guys, please pay attention to your friends, too! this WILL lead to lost friendships because, let's be real, nobody wants a one-sided friendship with someone who only cares about themselves! i don't want to target anybody here but this is just a pattern i've noticed wayyyy too often, so you might want to look into it and if you think this is you all you need is just to enlargen your perspective and it will all be okay. but please, PLEASE. think about your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 i needed to get this^ out because people often put this on leo placements but tbh i notice that leo placements are THE MOST generous of the entire zodiac and they always think of others first and that's what really makes them so popular. they very rarely are as egocentric as everybody says, they're just really loving and that makes them very lovable!
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio risings are the prettiest people i've ever seen. not even kidding bruh i could stare at them for EVER their eyes are absolutely gorgeous and their mannerisms are just perfect pls marry me
👩🏻‍🦲 gemini and taurus placements make an individual soooo chill to the point where it often makes them lazy and a biig procrastinator lol. tho i love how they make light of it by using their amazing humor!
👩🏻‍🦲 you most definitely have your IC be one of your family members' sun sign or one of their personal planets. i have a taurus ic and my sister is a taurus sun!
👩🏻‍🦲 sagittarius suns are the best huggers cause THEY REALLY NEED A HUG SO GO HUG THEM RIGHT NOW. pls guys why r u so sad..
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio mars aren't even as sexual as everybody says tbh. but they definitely do have some interesting.....interests ;)
👩🏻‍🦲 pluto aspects to personal planets are very prominent, but very hidden. if you have them, most likely you will be the only person to know about this side of you and it can be pretty dark..
👩🏻‍🦲 planets conjunct your sun will be the people you attract most in your life (venus conjunct sun - taurus and libra, jupiter - sagittarius and pisces, mars - aries and scorpio EVERYWHERE)
👩🏻‍🦲 your moon sign will be the sun sign of most of your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 if you don't quite relate to your ascendant, look at the sign you have in your 3rd house and at your mercury sign. this is how you communicate, convey your ideas etc. and will often be a major factor in people's first impressions of you :)
👩🏻‍🦲 lilith aspecting your sun may mean there's a side of you nobody knows.. 👁👁 you're also probably very convincing and people can be very drawn to you and they can't explain why. this also goes for lilith in 7th, especially in girls!
👩🏻‍🦲 you and your friends probably have each other's sun signs as your personal planets!!
👩🏻‍🦲 the kindest person you know is probably either a virgo or an aries.. and the meanest person you know is also probably a virgo or aries LOL
👩🏻‍🦲 capricorn suns & risings are THE hardest to read!! if they don't say what they mean people will just assume and they're never going to be right it's wild 👩🏻‍🦲 also capricorns definitely have the most dad energy, while sagittariuses are more like actual dads jdbshxcvb
OKAY THAT'S ALL!!!! im sure i have more but its 2 am i have school tomorrow or actually its today now so bye uh anyways there will most likely be more so if u liked these stay tuned!! oh and let me know if they were true witchu :o thats it love u stay awesome and super cool i love u byebye!!
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets
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OK! This is my first time EVER posting an imagine on Tumblr! So please love me and don’t hate it lol. I'm also not sure how many parts there will be to this, but you can expect probably at least three. Let me know what you like and don’t! Any ideas?
Summary: For the past three years, Beth has struggled and fought against the notion that she has a soulmate. It was only when she met six other girls who were in the same predicament that she finally decided that this was her life. The only real problem? Her soulmate has no idea that she even exists. Much less that soulmates are even a thing. Will she ever get to meet her soulmate, the ever popular and beloved Kim Namjoon of BTS? Does she even want to anymore?
GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
Even now, as my feet lead me through the airport here in Seoul, I can’t quite believe that this is actually my life. Even now, three years later, the feeling of disbelief mingled with the thrill and fear of it all lingers.
To anyone here, I simply look like another tourist. Headphones in, not a care in the world except for keeping my backpack on my shoulders and taking one step at a time. I pass a group of girls loitering by the stairs, completely decked out in BTS merch. I smile at them, my action going unnoticed by my mask and hat low on my head. Am I a tourist or celebrity?
Neither. And yet, in some twisted way, both.
To my eternal horror and delight, six of my closest (and weirdest) friends await me at the baggage claim, welcome signs held up high.
All of them are from either here in South Korea or Japan, yet despite our differences we just click.
It’s something that I’m still not used to.
Their loud squeals can be heard bouncing off the walls of the airport the second I come into view, and I thank the heavens above for the mask and hat I’m wearing which shields my bright smile from the rest of the world. They would never let me hear the end of it if they knew just how excited I was to be back.
“You’re back!”
“Finally, you’ve kept us waiting long enough.”
“Wow, look at you. You look like a whole celebrity.”
“Since when did our little B grow up so much?”
I roll my eyes lovingly at them, unable to hold back as we all rush toward each other in a fit of excitement. A year was way too long.
“You’ve made it look like I’m coming back from military service or something.” I joke with my closest friends, laughing as Minsuh pokes my ribs in defense.
“It feels like it, too. You look like you’re coming out of a battle or something.”
I feign offense. “It’s called jet-lag, thank you very much. Wow, some people never change, do they?” I accept a hug from Aera, and only when I set my chin on her shoulder do I notice the two cameras trained on us.
Ah yes. That is one thing that I haven’t missed. Aera silently attaches a mic to my sweatshirt, clipping it on with a conspiratorial wink. She knows just how much I despise our ongoing documentary.
The cameramen are kind enough, shadowing us constantly in an attempt to compile enough content to someday show our soulmates. However I can’t help but feel like it’s a bit hopeless at times. I highly doubt our boys will ever watch the material, they seem busy enough. And we’re not that entertaining.
But who knows? The most famous band in the world tends to surprise me.
“Is it the balloons? It’s all the balloons, isn't’ it.” Kyung-Soon fiddles with the balloons in her hands, the mass floating above her in an attempt to block out any light from above. The sight pulls a giggle out of me, tired as I may be. I waddle over to her, one of the girls easing the backpack off of my shoulders and grunting at the weight.
I wrap her up in a hug, knowing just how much she tends to stress and over think. “The balloons look great. You know me, I just get embarrassed easily. But I love them.”
“I wonder how you would react if it was Namjoon holding the balloons instead of Soon-ah.” My head swivels to my best friend, glaring strongly. Himari only returns the look, her smirk growing. “You get embarrassed so easily, I’m just wondering what that would be like.”
The mention of my soulmate has my cheeks burning, and I offer up a silent prayer of gratitude for the mask I still have on.
The other girls take up the conversation, wondering aloud how I would react if it was my soulmate picking me up from the airport instead of his band member’s soulmates. Himari’s Japanese accent cuts clear through the rabble, making me feel right at home even as I secretly plan to embarrass her later on. Usually a well placed comment about j-hope’s latest concept photos will leave her reeling and red-faced.
The cameras edge closer, and I leap up grabbing my luggage before I can be embarrassed even more.
“Time to go!” I shout, ignoring the snickers from behind me. “Himari, since you’re so keen on helping me today would you mind bringing my backpack?”
“Yeah, got it.”
“Ha, just like you Beth. Way to avoid the conversation.” A less noticeable Japanese accent greets me, and I turn to see Ichika already by my side. I raise my eyebrows at the girl only a year my senior.
“Your Korean sounds great, Ichika!” She smiles at me, her delicate features reminding me of a flower. Ichika looked like a piece of art, which I guess made sense considering that she had a soulmate who would probably recognize that same fact immediately upon meeting her. At least, I’ve heard that Taehyung has an eye for art. Or maybe he just has an artsy personality? I can’t remember. Probably both.
“Thanks,” she replies, giving me a firm high five. “I missed you!” I breathe out a sigh of relief. It’s always been so refreshing how honest Ichika is.
“Missed ya too,” I mumble out, suddenly disoriented in the humid air as we exit the airport. By now we’ve attracted our fair share of strange looks and even a few stragglers, who follow us solely because of our small camera crew.
Once outside, Aera gently herds me in the direction of a couple of black cars. I nod to the managers the BigHit sent us as they open the car door for us and help to put our things away. I can see one eyeing the mess of balloons that Kyung-Soon still clings to, calculating how on earth to fit seven girls and seventy balloons into two small cars. (Ok, maybe not seventy, but it feels like it)
I turn to help Kyung-Soon, but find Minsuh already there. The sweet girl, only six months older than me, is always quick to help. Typically her and Aera are inseparable, but I’m glad to see that Minsuh has slowly been pushing herself to mingle with the others. It’s another thing that makes sense, seeing that Minsuh’s boy is Jungkook and Aera’s is Jimin. As far as I know, those two are pretty close as well.
Minsuh smiles shyly at me, sidling over to give me a quick hug before going back to her work. The cameraman makes sure to catch the sweet action, never one to miss a candid moment.
Was that cute enough for you? I silently ask Bang Si Hyuk. There’s no doubt that these will be reviewed and only the kindest, funniest, and cutest moments will make the cut.
Pity for Namjoon, but that means I will probably only be featured in a little bit of the documentary. Oh well, if he’s curious he can come find me himself. I’m done waiting. Or caring.
“What are you pouting about?”
Himari’s voice drags me out of my stupor, and I shrug my shoulders in response. Her happy demeanor doesn’t falter as she looks into my eyes like she can read them. There’s an underlying seriousness that few get to know, but I’ve been lucky enough to see it several times.
“Just tired,” I bump her hip with mine before we get the ok to all pile into the car. She doesn’t press the matter, but I can count on her slipping it into the conversation again once we’re alone. Once the pressing matter of the cameras watching our every mood is lessened and I feel more comfortable.
Sliding in, I collide with another body that has already taken the far seat. Both Seohyun and I burst into laughter at the sudden collision, her eyes turning into crescent moons.
“Well hello to you too,” she manages to say between giggles. Himari slides in next to me, shaking her head at the both of us. A couple of cameras in the car automatically focus on us, but I pay them no mind.
“I like your sweatshirt,” I say, gesturing to the homage to her soulmate. Sure enough, Yoongi’s new mixtape “D2” cover is printed on her shirt. Funnily enough, out of all of us, Seohyun is one of the most showy when it comes to her soulmate. Constantly buying merch, listening to his music, and gushing about him.
I know she’ll make Yoongi very happy. If she ever gets to meet him.
If any of us ever get to meet them. Or if they’re ever informed of our existence. Not for the first time today, I curse Bang Si Hyuk again in my mind.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What is something you'll never eat again? Why? Mangoes. My grandmother always forced me to eat them when I was a kid and it made me hate fruits forever, but especially mangoes. What is currently happening that is scaring you? I have a new executive position in my org that’ll basically be me handling all external affairs – org partnerships, sponsorships, answering e-mails, etc. – and it’s a far cry from the secretarial position I held last year. I’m terrified as this is the biggest leap from my comfort zone that I’ve ever done. What would be your personal hell? If I had to spend time with the noisy fucking child who ruined mine and Gabie’s Toy Story 4 experience in the cinema. Kid was directly a row behind us and would babble every goddamn line she caught from the film and repeat it 60 times after. Also had restless hands and touched my head and hair several times throughout. Guardians didn’t seem to give a shit. I had to spend half the movie leaning forward just to tell her guardians a message, which they never seemed to get. What made the 'weird kid' at your school weird? All the ~weird kids at school seemed to share a personality – hated people, would never say a word, was into anime, can be weirdly violent, can get very aggressive, and had the strangest sense of fashion, e.g. earmuffs in tropical weather, oversized sweaters, chunky sneakers with wings on them. Also always seemed to fail classes. What is a word you personally find offensive? Personally, I don’t think there’s any. What I find offensive are those we already understand generally as being that: the n-word, the f-slur for gay people, etc.
What instantly puts you to sleep? Scrolling through Reddit or watching on YouTube. What song is in a language you don't speak, but you love it anyway? La Vie en Rose. What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? Maybe talking about surveys like it’s a normal thing? I wanna share this aspect of my life with Gabie really bad since I sincerely enjoy it and it’s helped with my mental health, and I’m sure she’ll be understanding too; I guess I just don’t know how to explain it to her without sounding like I talk to and about myself on my spare time. What's a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? Your Name. It’s stacked with beautiful imagery, a meaningful plot, and just the most breathtaking score, dialogue, and emotion I’ve seen in film. What was the most unexpected good thing that's ever happened to you? Getting into UP. Competition is tough every year; I just never thought I’d be given the opportunity as well. What is the funniest fact you know? The only thing that comes to mind is that dude from the Civil War who got shot and died immediately after he was just saying  how his group was in the best hiding place and that no one could ever spot them. It’s a little morbid and even rude to find it funny, but still. What is your biggest nightmare? Failing. Not getting the family I want. If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Take a load more surveys, watch a lot more films, drive around at midnight. What's the kindest way a stranger has treated you? Maybe the time I tripped and sprained my ankle, and everyone just stared until this guy ran up to me, helped me up, and made sure I was okay. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? Probably my boobs. What age are you afraid of turning and why? I’m not afraid of getting older. Where is your happy place? Skywalk. What makes you really angry? Animal abuse, ughhhhhhh. What's the simplest way you can be pleased? With food. What is a crossover you want to see? Paramore and The Japanese House. What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? When I’m in public and am expected to be put together, but the anxiety starts creeping in. Where do you see yourself in 1 hour? I’ll probably be making something up for breakfast. What makes someone immediately unlikable? Political opinions, and if those opinions say anything about what they think about human rights that I wouldn’t appreciate. Who's a villain you sympathize with and why? SHARPAY EVANS. Poor girl just kept getting bullied and ridiculed even though she just wanted the best for the drama club and a solo with Troy. I was pissed when she got into a small university in Albuquerque in HSM3 while the rest got into Stanford, UCLA, Yale, and all the other fancier schools. Sis needed more justice. What is something you regret to NOT have done? Ran for class positions in grade school and high school. I really feel like I would have been able to pull it off; just didn’t have a lot of trust in myself back then. What's the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? Ok so fun fact: we just got a microwave for the first time last week AND I AM STILL SO EXCITED ABOUT IT. I see it all the time in movies and vlogs and I’ve always been so envious shjshsfkjshf anyway since it’s brand-new, I still haven’t gotten the hang of it like what kind of containers I can put in it or how long I’m supposed to heat things up for. I’m really really scared of things exploding so I haven’t put anything other than food that’s meant to be microwaved. What movie changed your life for the better? Two for the Road. What book you think should be directed as a film? The Septimus Heap series. It was my favorite series growing up and I would so haul my 21 year old ass to the cinema if they decide to turn it into a movie. Of all the decades you've lived in, which one have you liked best? 2000s, mostly because I was a kid and had no worries back then. How are you doing today? I’m doing okay. I’m happy to be stuck at home but man am I huungry. What's something your relatives don't know about you? That I have a girlfriend. Some cousins and aunts and uncles know, but that’s a small speck compared to how big my family actually is. What's the worst song to strip to? Anything from One Direction, and I’m speaking as a fan. What's something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? Make me feel guilty for asking for money. What did you eat a few minutes ago? I haven’t eaten :( Have you ever found a stranger's note somewhere? If so, what did it say? I don’t think so, no. What's the most annoying thing your pet does? He’ll push his water bowl around for no reason and it gets the whole area wet. What's the biggest sum of money you've won? Not a lot lmao; a thousand bucks. I don’t really join contests. Have you ever had Pac-Man fever? Nope.
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Survey #214
“if you are dead or still alive, i don’t care.”
Do you wear perfume or cologne? Very very rarely. Typically if I have to go somewhere formal or something. What was your favorite grade in elementary school? Probably 5th. Do you own a debit card? No. A credit card? No. Are you in debt? I don't pay for anything that could cause me to be in debt. When is your birthday? February 5th. What song are you listening to now? "I Don't Care" by Apocalyptica. What was the most traumatic experience of your life? The breakup with Jason. Have you ever lost a friend to drugs or alcohol? Kinda. Who was your childhood best friend? Her name was Brianna. Are you still friends now? We just drifted apart. If not, why? ^ Do you believe in Karma? Nope. What do you thinks happens to us when we die? I don't pretend to know. I hope some sort of eternal peace for those deserving, but who the hell knows. What age do you think you’ll die? Idk. 70s/80s? My grandparents lived pretty long. About how long was the last book you read? I haven't a clue. Have you ever read a play before? Yeah, in school. A play not written by Shakespeare? I don't think so. Have you ever read a play outside of school? No. Have you ever edited Wikipedia? No. Have you ever edited any other wiki? A lot... I'm one of the admins at the Silent Hill wiki, a content mod or something I don't remember on the SotC one, and I occasionally edit the meerkats wiki, which is an atrocious mess that I try to clean up where I can. Is there a website [besides social networking] that you check almost daily? A lot. Do you use your phone as an alarm? Yep. Do you listen to music while you sleep? No. Do you get scared when you know some virus or sickness is being passed? I don't get "scared," just very paranoid of germs. Are you realistic? In some ways. Do you own a romper?  No. What popular social media platforms AREN’T you on? Snapchat, and then I have a Twitter solely to like Mark's shit lmao. What does your computer’s slow-loading cursor look like? It's a spinning light blue ring. Do you prefer Microsoft Word or Pages? I've never heard of the latter, so. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? A pool, please. Do you have the same favorite colors you had when you were a kid? Pink, yes. What do you like to put in your tea? N/A What do you like to put in smoothies? I don't really drink them. Do your stuffed animals have names? Some. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? Bitch miss me with that haunted doll shit. Do you sell any products? If so, what? No. Do you know how to knit? No. Do you have an inspiration board? I have one on Pinterest of hair colors I like. Do you have a colored teddy bear? Maybe up in the attic somewhere. On what day is your local grocery store the busiest? I'm sure it's the weekend. What day do you usually go grocery shopping? Mom doesn't have a designated "day." Do you own a bobblehead? No. What do you make wishes on? Nothing. Wishes aren't magic. Well, I do on birthday candles, but that's only as a tradition sorta thing. What’s the best natural pain reliever? It depends; sometimes nothing natural works. What’s your favorite Paramore song? "That's What You Get," probably. Do you like scrambled eggs? Yes. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Have you ever done a craft that you saw in a magazine? I don't believe so. Are you bitter about anything? I am permanently and inexplicably bitter towards my former primary doctor that fucked up my entire body thanks to keeping me on a medication and her being an ignorant fuck to the side effects, apparently. What is your favorite color for cars? Burnt orange. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? *shrugs* If applicable, what’s your favorite dance costume that you’ve had? It was some sort of black dress-ish thing. I can't remember clearly. What’s your favorite flavor of mouthwash? Minty? Just ffs don't have alcohol in it. Do you drink CapriSuns? If there's nothing else to drink, sure. Do you prefer caramel or peanut butter? Peanut butter, I think. Do you like strawberry shortcake? No. Do you like butterflies? Yeah, they're my fave insect. Do you know any dances? Only the ones that literally tell you what simple move to do lmao. Did you go anywhere yesterday? No. Do you like yellow or blue more? Blue. Do you wear rings? Only one. What’s the last you got out of the freezer? French toast sticks for lunch yesterday. How often do you go for walks? Never, sadly. Walking along my road is scary with how busy it is, I CANNOT handle the heat, and for the time being, I can't walk far at all with my knee problem. Do you go on the computer or watch TV more? I say enough I don't watch TV, but I'm always on my laptop. What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Brussel sprouts. 'Cuz they're fucking disgusting. What is currently happening that is scaring you? Abortion rights being taken away/wrongly modified is pretty scary, honestly. What would be your personal hell? The Christian Hell because fuck that heat lmao. What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird? He, I shit you not, would not say a word, but if he absolutely had to speak, he kept it very very short and quiet. He was always looking down and isolated himself. I felt really bad for him; he was so obviously depressed, but I was always too unsure of how to approach him and try to be a friend. What is a word you personally find offensive? "Retarded" when used incorrectly. What instantly puts you to sleep? Instantly go to sleep??? Please teach me how. What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? Well, I don't speak German fluently, so like, a shitload of Rammstein songs. What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? Tbh cosplay sounds so fun. What’s a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? Johnny Got His Gun. It shows just how fucking disgusting war is. What was the most unexpected good thing that’s ever happened to you? Senpai Noticed Me. What is the funniest fact you know? Idk. Oh, I might be mistaken, but I think the guy who invented the segway died via driving off a cliff on a segway. Big 'ole oof. What’s the kindest way a stranger has treated you? I remember as a little kid, the people in front of us in line at McDonald's paid for our meal. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? I have this random, deep dimple on my right ass cheek like what the fuck. What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? OKAY SO when I was in the process of having my ears cleaned back when I had that wax adhered to my eardrums, one step was having warm water like pounded into my ears, and it somewhat tickled but also felt oddly good, and it was just really weird. What makes someone immediately unlikable? Acting like they're above everyone else. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? Darkiplier hunny my poor husband. I won't answer "why" because yeah spoilers. What is something you regret to NOT have done? Fuck it, I wish I'd had *complete* sex w/ Jason. I was in love with him, and I'll probably never experience genuine sex again so like- What’s the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? Idk? What movie changed your life for the better? I'm not sure. Oh, wait, I remember when I was still Christian, God's Not Dead really touched me, but we know how I am religiously now. What’s something your relatives don’t know about you? Many probably don't know I'm bi. What’s something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? Have children before marriage. Back when I wanted kids. What’s the most annoying thing your pet does? My cat is obsessed with trying to lie on me as he'd done as a kitten, but then I can't see over him to see the laptop. Teddy scratches a lot and won't listen to "stop" for anything. What’s the biggest sum of money you’ve won? Uhhhh. I have no clue. Have I ever? Idk. Have you ever smoked weed on April 20? No. Tell me about the last event that made you really, truly happy? Oh boy. Can you name three good things about your most recent ex? He's funny as fuck, super intelligent, and hard-working. Have you ever thought about how the world will end? Yeah. What object do you own that has the most sentimental value to you? The pebble I got from my partial hospitalization program. What’s the best memory you have of your father? Him teaching me to ride a bike. What was on the last sandwich you ate? Ham, cheese, and mustard. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? Silver matches more things, but I'm allergic to it. I find gold in general prettier, too. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? No. What is your favorite Thai dish? Never tried Thai food. When was the last time you made out with somebody? February. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No. When was the last time you went to a birthday party? Last month for my niece. What pet names do you use with your significant other? A whole lot. What brand is your toaster, if you have one? We don't have a toaster, but a toaster oven. I don't have the slightest clue what brand it is; it's ancient. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? No and nope. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Wal-Mart or Harris Teeter. Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland? Oh man, I don't know! I guess Scotland. Does your house have a porch/balcony? We have a decently-sized back porch. There's a front one as well, but it's tiny. What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? I watched The Shining by myself. What’s your favorite type of bread? Pumpernickel. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No. What time does the sun go down where you live at this time of the year? Like, 8:30-ish. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? If I literally had to get them done for whatever reason, I guess I'd pay. Me doing them myself would be a nightmare, especially with tremors. Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test? I haven't taken it yet. Do you have any stickers on your car? I don't have my own car. Blackberry, Droid, or iPhone? iPhones. Do you like diet soda? NO. I don't just not like the taste, but the artificial sweetener gives me crazy headaches. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? No. How old were you the first time you drank alcohol? I don't remember. WAIT shit dude, I was young. I grew up going to a Catholic church, and during that "eating the blood and body of Christ" thing (I forgot what it's called), we sipped real wine. Yes, even the kids. That shit was NOT grape juice. Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently: No one. What was the last fight you had with your parents about? Dad, I've got no clue. Mom, about her constantly shit-talking my dad and I no longer wanted to hear any of it in my presence. Does your car have a sunroof? N/A Did you ever have braces? Yes. Are you from the South? Yes. What does your last status on Facebook say? It was something about the bullshit Alabama abortion law, I believe. I barely ever ever make my own statuses. Do you tip your server when you go to a restaurant? I never can because yeah, no money, so I can't even pay for the meal. If I could, of course I would. Have you ever snuck out of your house? No. Are you friends with people on Facebook that you actually hate? No? Name your favorite Ke$ha song: I guess "Take It Off." What’s your favorite place? Ah man, the tattoo/piercing parlor I go to. What was the last comic book you read? It was one of the Silent Hill ones on the app years ago. What’s the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten into? Probably when I ran away from home in like middle school. Do you know anyone your age who has a child? A good number, but I mean I'm 23 so that's not exactly strange. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? A few. The last time you threw up, what caused it? Medicine that was known for nausea. Did you have any foreign exchange students at your high school? I don't think so? Any foods from other countries you would like to try but haven’t yet? Not off the top of my head. Do you think the world would be more peaceful without any religion? Maybe. Probably. Idk. Have you kept the same icon here for a long time? Yeah. I don't really take pictures of myself, so. Why did you choose your icon, anyway? It's the most accurate representation of how I look on the daily. And it's not horrendous. Does it hurt your feelings when people talk shit about things you love? Sometimes. It doesn't hurt my feelings, but rather it makes me deathly embarrassed because I feel stupid for liking it and like they're making fun of a part of me. Can you be friends with people with opposing political views? Yes. Are there any fandoms you used to be in, but left? I don't think I exactly "left" them, just lost big interest, like Rhett & Link/GMM. I still love the guys, but I don't watch them anymore. Warriors is another example. Do you prefer ruffly or regular potato chips? Ruffled. Do you write down your own recipes, or just commit them to memory? I don't cook. Can you do any impressions? No. What color do you want to dye your hair? Currently I want to dye it lilac, but I can't afford a professional to do that. What is a food you enjoy, but don’t have very often? Shrimp. Favorite fictional world? Wonderland. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want to. Have you ever had to use it? N/A Have you ever been kicked out of a public place? Why? No. Do you donate to any associations that care for animals? I don't have my own money. Have you ever worn those Drunk Goggles? Yes, in D.A.R.E. Can you agree to disagree, or usually get upset over conflicting views? It depends on the topic, but it's generally very easy for me to agree to disagree. Rodeos – entertaining, or cruel? Animal abuse. Who is the best female rocker? Why? Ohhhh good question. I like Lita Ford, for one; great singer and she fucking slays the guitar. She seems cool, too. Do you care what kind of toilet paper you use? Not really, no. Do you still have any decent arcades nearby? No. Bullfighters who get gored kind of had it coming, right? Yes. They fucking deserve it. Have you ever accidentally found porn when looking for something else? Thank God no. What do you like on your burger? Cheese, ketchup, mustard, a little bit of mayo is fine but not mandatory, pickles, and very little onion is okay. What do you NOT like on your burger? Lettuce and tomato. Do you like 'loose meat’ sandwiches? Like sloppy joes? Yeah. Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person? No, but that'd be pretty fucking cool. What things have people shamed you for? Besides the obvious disagreements like political subjects, I don't know. Do you always reply to private messages? (On any website) Yes, unless it's spam or advertisement. Are there any 'adult stores’ in your area? I wouldn't know. Have you been inside of them/shopped there before? No. Who was your favorite actress to play Morticia Addams? Anjelica Huston. What is the next film you want to rewatch? Idk. I don't really watch TV or movies to begin with. What is the next film you want to see for the first time? I've been wanting to see Jacob's Ladder for a very long time, but I have to find a time I actually *really* feel like it to possibly enjoy it. A movie you love even though it’s cheesy? I'm sure there's something, but idk. Share any song lyrics you misheard? When I heard "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix for the first time, I swore the lyrics were "excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "kiss the sky." What was the last song you heard for the first time and enjoyed? I both enjoy "Bad Girl" by Avril Lavigne and see it cringy as fuck at the same time. Who are some of your favorite female fictional characters, and why? Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 is up high 'cuz she's a badass, CYNDER FROM THE LEGEND OF SPYRO SERIES BECAUSE SHE'S COOL AS ALL HECKIN' HECK AND ALSO #AESTHETIC, and I've fallen more and more in love with Tyrande Whisperwind from World of Warcraft now that she's become vengeance-crazed and more interesting than she already was. Oh, and then there's Bayonetta. Why? You know why. A character (in anything) you wish hadn’t been killed off? In recent news, BRING BACK STAN THE MOTHERFUCKING WATER MAN, MARK. Have you ever had to hit up several stores in search of one item? What was it? I'm sure I have at some point. Do you have any calluses on your feet? From when I used to walk outside for hours, you have no idea- What was your last big purchase? A plane ticket. Have you ever eaten grits? I HATE THEM SO MUCH. Do you always dress right after a shower, or do you like to chill in your towel/robe for a while? I put clothes on right away. Have you ever looked up your state’s laws and read them? I don't think so. Have you ever had to talk to a lawyer? I feel like I did have to once for something...? Have you ever been in pain so bad you passed out? No. I sincerely don't know how I didn't when I had to get that cyst drained, though. I have no words for that pain. Can you have kids? Well, physically, yeah. Doesn't mean I ever will or even want to. If you could get rid of one of your allergies, which one would it be? POLLEN. Do you have any cousins that look like you? No. Who do you know who is dating someone that looks way too old for them? Idk. Have you ever gone on a Facebook deleting spree? Yeah. What's a good example of "don’t knock it till you try it"? Waffles with peanut butter spread over them with syrup. What is surprisingly painful? Hm. "Surprisingly." OH, something I say as well as many others: Getting your nose pierced is more painful than you'd think compared to other piercings. Which person shaped you the most? Probably Jason. Or Mom. Have you ever been 4-wheeling? Yes. Do you live anywhere near the woods? There's a wooded area beyond the field. Do you have any important anniversaries you celebrate? Mine and Sara's. Can you rap? I don't even have to try to say no. Do you know how to use a DSLR camera? Yes. Tell me about the sickest you’ve ever felt. Oh man... I remember in elementary school, 3rd grade I think, I had the weirdest 3-day "sickness" where I felt every single moment like I was right on the very verge of vomiting. I went to the ER on the third night, but they couldn't detect what was wrong. Next day, I woke up miraculously fine. Those days were horrifying for someone who is terrified of vomiting. Any important birthdays coming up? My nephew's isn't far off. If you could play one instrument flawlessly, what would it be? Electric guitar. Have you ever heard of Hollywood Undead? Do you like them? I love some songs, like others, don't enjoy or care about a handful, and then truly haven't heard most. Have your friends ever told you something really personal? Was it weird? Well yeah, close friends do that often. It's not weird. Has anyone ever called you a coward before? Who called you that? No. Have you ever written a whole song before? What was the title to it? No. Are you a Jeffree Star fan? Or no? Do you think he’s awesome/dumb? I loooove that funky alien man. I find his work ethic incredibly inspiring and he seems so super accepting and is just very radiant and positive. Has your grandmother ever made you anything? Not including cookies. I don't think so.
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aeneasx · 6 years
Check rising sign 
1. Libra
Out of any sign, Libras are the kindest and most peaceful. They will never deliberately hurt you. They believe in karma so they always try and put their best foot forward. Libra’s are yes people. They will always do what is asked of them and go above and beyond without asking for anything in return. Out of any sign, they get taken for granted and taken advantage of the most. They are also the most popular of all the signs. Their social circle consists of a large group of people and any place they walk into, everyone knows them. They don’t hold grudges and always are the first to forgive someone. Even when they aren’t wrong they try and make things right.
2. Scorpio
Scorpios are the most interesting of all signs. What puts them at number 2 on the list is how much they value trust and loyalty. Once they realize they can trust you, they have your back and will always be there for you. They have a deep understanding of people and have keen ability to pick up on vibes, their understanding of things you don’t say is what makes them such beautiful people. While they have bad reps for how honest they are. If you become friends with a Scorpio you’ll have a friend for life.
3. Pisces
Pisces are the most emotional of any sign. But it’s these emotions which form deep connections with people. They are truly the most empathetic of all signs and can feel the pain you’re going through simply because of the connection you have with them. As a friend, they will go above and beyond what is asked of them and always put you first. They are the caretakers of all the signs and tend to put others basic needs before their own. If you become friends with a Pisces you’ll always have someone you can confide in without judgment.
4. Gemini
What is interesting about Gemini’s, like a Pisces they are deep thinkers and emotional. But like a Libra, they are very social and outgoing. This makes them a great friend because you can have a deep conversation with them but you can also have an awesome time when doing so. They have an ability to be two different people sometimes but out of any sign they listen the best and provide the best insight.
5. Leo
Leo’s are the calmest of all signs and down to earth of all signs. They have this ability to make everyone just fall in love with them friends included. They are the friend everyone wants because their heart is truly genuine and when they find someone they connect with it’s a just a relationship that makes your life so much better. They enjoy one on one encounters and thrive on healthy relationships. They will be the first to recognize when one isn’t. And they will be the first to pull you out of a relationship that you are settling in.
6. Sagittarius
Sags don’t have too many friends and aren’t the most social. They would rather just have a few friends they know they can count on. Their focus is very much on their work and goals which come behind relationships sometimes. They think really deeply about things and sometimes get lost in their own world even their close friends can’t get to. They are probably the most guarded out of any signs when you’ve had people hurt you the way people have them they push a lot of people away sometimes what they think is for everyone’s good. They thrive on deep connections but fail to find people who get them sometimes.
7. Aquarius
They are the weirdest of all signs but you will also have the most fun with them. They beat to their own drum and don’t really care much what people think. On a night out, they will be the first one you lose because they wander. They build up their friends so much and make you feel like you are the most beautiful liked person in the whole world. And even if they help you get your head big they really do believe it.
8. Cancer
Cancer spends a lot of time alone. It takes them a while to trust people and they push a lot of them away. They always give twice as much as they get but it takes a while to get to that point. While they have a good heart, they’ve been hurt a lot so they come across as cold sometimes. They struggle to forgive themselves for things and never give people second chances. Because they lack confidence in their relationships, they are kind of socially awkward when they first meet someone.
9. Aries
The number one quality Aries look for in friends is someone they can trust. They seem like hard asses but once you get to know them they are sensitive. They just don’t know how to show those emotions. They are short tempered and hot headed so you might find yourself in fights with them often.
10. Taurus
Taurus is the least drama-full of any sign. They are laid back and carefree and a really good and loyal friend. They maintain relationships the longest and never seem to burn bridges or have any issues with anyone at all. But they are very stubborn. Often the one making the calls it’s a little difficult to get them to do anything they don’t want to. Taurus are people of their word. If they say they’ll do something they will 100%
11. Capricorn
They are the funniest of all signs but also the most trouble. They are the first to plant really bad ideas in your head and make poor choices. While you end up always on an adventure with them you gotta be ready for it. They make it a little lower on the list because as fun as a friend they might be, they always choose relationships over friendships.
12. Virgo
Virgos are tough to be friends with because of their short temper and unforgiving nature. To put it simply they are someone you’d rather have as a friend than an enemy. So people keep them close. but not too close.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
[created by: vyvyan86]
What is something you'll never eat again? Why? I can’t have spicy food anymore (haven’t for a few years now) due to health related reasons and it really sucks because I used to be obsessed with all things spicy. I miss it.
What is currently happening that is scaring you? COVID is still very real and rampant and scary.
What would be your personal hell? Being stuck somewhere where it was summer year round and therefore always miserably and unbearably hot.
What made the 'weird kid' at your school weird? In middle school some kids deemed this new kid the weird kid because of how he looked and dressed and that he sat alone. :(
What is a word you personally find offensive? The C Word.
What instantly puts you to sleep? Nothing instantly puts me to sleep, but ASMR helps me to try and relax and get sleepy.
What song is in a language you don't speak, but you love it anyway? Hmm. There’s some I like, but I don’t have a favorite.
What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? Hmm.
What's a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? All of you go check out a movie with Alexander Skaragard, haha.
What was the most unexpected good thing that's ever happened to you? Believing in God.
What is the funniest fact you know? I couldn’t choose the funniest or even think of one right now.
What is your biggest nightmare? Losing my loved ones.
What was your 'mic drop' moment? I don’t know, man.
If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Meh, I’m really thankful for sleep. Some days already feel too long and drag on. Also, sleep is a great distraction and escape that can be much needed.
What's the kindest way a stranger has treated you? I don’t know, but strangers tend to be nice in general to me. I’m pretty sure the wheelchair has something to do with that.
What is the biggest design flaw of your body? There’s a lot I’d change about my body. I’m so self-conscious.
What age are you afraid of turning and why? Now that I’m in my 30s it’s scary cause 40 isn’t that far and as I age and get older, so do my loved ones and gah.
Where is your happy place? The beach.
What’s fun until it gets weird? Uhh.
What makes you really angry? People who abuse children and animals.
What's the simplest way you can be pleased? Bring me coffee, ha.
What is a crossover you want to see? *shrug*
What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? Detachment is certainly one of them.
Where do you see yourself in 1 hour? Right here in bed.
What makes someone immediately unlikable? If they come off as arrogant and cocky. <<<
Who's a villain you sympathize with and why? I found myself feeling that way at times when watching Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker. He was phenomenal in that role.
What is something you regret to NOT have done? I regret not taking better care of myself and putting off/ignoring certain things for too long.
What's the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? I haven’t put anything weird in the microwave.
What movie changed your life for the better? Movies don’t really do that for me, they’re just a source of enjoyment. <<< Yeah and even movies that do really make me think or feel some kind of way don’t have that big of an impact on me either, I just dwell on it in the moment for awhile.
What book you think should be directed as a film? It’d be cool to see some of the murder mystery and thriller books I’ve read turned into a movie.
Of all the decades you've lived in, which one have you liked best? The 90s and 2000s. 
How are you doing today? It’s only 6:26AM, so we’ll see how the day goes.
What's something your relatives don't know about you? I’ve smoked weed.
What's the worst song to strip to? I don’t know?
What's something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? I am very blessed to have the parents I have and while I don’t want to have children, if I did I would hope to be the same for them.
What did you eat a few minutes ago? Nothing.
Have you ever found a stranger's note somewhere? If so, what did it say? Yeah, but I don’t remember what it said.
What's the most annoying thing your pet does? The staring and even drooling at times while we’re eating gets annoying. What's the biggest sum of money you've won? A hundred bucks.
Have you ever had Pac-Man fever? No.
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aaaaaaaaaaa666-blog · 5 years
to Fabian
If you’re reading this it means I did it. This is the rough draft.
Fabian, I don’t know where to begin. Throughout all the years I’ve known you and been your friend you’ve done everything for me. You’re my best friend and I was yours. I could trust you with anything, and I cared more about you than anyone else in our group. German I was even willing to lose, but I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I always noticed all the little things you did for me. Don’t think that your efforts are gone to waste. You’re the most hardworking, mature, funniest, weirdest person I know. And the kindest. You have so many amazing qualities that I’m lucky to have known someone like you. I’m sorry I never reciprocated feelings towards you. It makes me feel awful knowing how much you’ve gone through all these years, and here I am, the coward I am, killing myself because I’m an idiot. If I knew things would’ve ended this way, I think I would’ve gone with you instead of letting myself get hurt by German. You have a heart of gold. I have thought about maybe getting romantically involved with you. You would make an amazing boyfriend and I think we would be really happy together, but it’s not right. You’re Germans best friend, and he’s on my mind forever. It’s not right for us to be together. But you will find someone. You’ll find a girl who’s everything you want and more, I’m not worth it. But I love you man. I can’t thank you enough for it all.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? >> I don’t know, I haven’t made any decisions like that. What is currently happening that is scaring you? >> Nothing. What would be your personal hell? >> I’m not sure. I’ve been through a lot of hellish situations, but I don’t know which one would be The Absolute Worst(tm) or anything. Maybe being trapped in a relationship with a really demanding and manipulative person. That was a particularly depressing sort of hell even when I knew damn well I didn’t have to be there, so having no choice in the matter (which is impossible but, like, I assume “personal hell” is something outside the realm of actual life) would be even worse, I guess. What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird? >> I was the weird kid and it was because I had an undiagnosed neurodivergence, and was also consistently depressed and suicidal and acted out a lot because of it. What is a word you personally find offensive? >> There are definitely words that I find socially repulsive, like racial slurs, but even then I’m not often directly offended by them. I just understand that a person who uses terms like that isn’t a person I’d want to spend time with.
What instantly puts you to sleep? >> Nothing. What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? >> Noll by kent. What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? >> I already do things whether I’m being judged for them or not. That’s not usually what that prevents me from doing things. What’s a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? >> I don’t think everyone should watch anything. What was the most unexpected good thing that’s ever happened to you? >> Most of the good things that happen to me weren’t expected. What is the funniest fact you know? >> *shrug* What is your biggest nightmare? >> I don’t know. What was your 'mic drop’ moment? >> I don’t know...? If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? >> I don’t know, I can’t imagine life like that. I mean, I sometimes wish I didn’t have to sleep, but at the same time, sleep is such an integral part of human existence that imagining that very integral piece just... disappearing... is a bit inconceivable. It’d completely change everything. (Also, is it just me that doesn’t have to sleep, or did it happen to all of humanity? Because can you imagine how drastically society would change if sleep was no longer a thing? Wild.) What’s the kindest way a stranger has treated you? >> I don’t know, I guess by giving me money or food when I was homeless. *shrug* What is the biggest design flaw of your body? >> I’m not sure. I think a lot of things about the human body are flawed, but that’s just me. What age are you afraid of turning and why? >> None. Where is your happy place? >> Inworld. What’s fun until it gets weird? Cards Against Humanity, hahahahaha. < Yeah, that’s a pretty good answer. What makes you really angry? >> There are so few things that make me actually angry (as opposed to just annoyed or inconvenienced) that I can never remember what they are when I’m asked. What’s the simplest way you can be pleased? >> Bring me a food. What is a crossover you want to see? >> I can’t think of any right now, although I know they exist. They’re just hard to remember off the top of my head with no other context. What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? >> I don’t know. Where do you see yourself in 1 hour? >> Not anywhere drastically different. Probably right here or in another part of my room, maybe eating, maybe watching something. Or maybe still on tumblr, lmao. What makes someone immediately unlikable? >> I immediately dislike people who seem to take pride in being rude or prejudiced. The “take pride” part is important because some people might not quite realise how they’re affecting others, and will make an honest attempt at change if it’s pointed out to them... but some people just really get a kick out of being “controversial” or whatever and it’s so fucking dull. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? >> It’d be easier for me to think of a villain I don’t sympathise with -- or at least greatly enjoy in a “this is a sadistic joy to watch when it’s not happening to me” sort of way. What is something you regret to NOT have done? >> I can’t think of anything that I regret not doing. What’s the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? >> I don’t put weird things in the microwave. What movie changed your life for the better? >> I’m not sure. What book you think should be directed as a film? >> *shrug* Oh, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe probably would make a good movie. Of all the decades you’ve lived in, which one have you liked best? >> *shrug* How are you doing today? >> I’m all right. What’s something your relatives don’t know about you? >> --- What’s the worst song to strip to? >> How would I know? What’s something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? >> Bar them from interacting with the things that interest them -- even if I don’t understand why they’re interested in it, or don’t like what they’re interested in. Or tell them to shut up about something that they’re really obsessed with at the time. --That’s something I wouldn’t want to do to anyone, not just a child. What did you eat a few minutes ago? >> Nothing. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? >> Not that I recall. What’s the most annoying thing your pet does? >> --- What’s the biggest sum of money you’ve won? >> --- Have you ever had Pac-Man fever? >> No. 
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valqin · 7 years
Day 6, 5/5/2017
dude, I don’t even know where to start but isn't life just overall awesome :D
I am so spoiled by people around me, my friends are way too emotionally available that they make me feel so mentally spoiled to the extent that I don’t even see what’s the point of having a boyfriend. Ida and Christina came all the way to Stern to see me and Ida bought me super delicious roasted chicken I literally want to cry right now. And they got me hot water and talked to all my group members. Who needs a guy where your girl friends are even better <3
Now I do think it’s all about the people I guess. School name doesn’t matter, major doesn’t matter. It’s not about what ranking NYU has, and it’s certainly not about if you go to Stern or Tisch. You can study communications, you can be a computer science nerd, I don’t care. But if we are friends, it’s all about you<3 The fact that NYU gives me the chance to meet so many wonderful and generous and kind friends, I am eternally grateful.  In the end, it’s not about if the school can give you a job, it’s about if the time you spent here with the people is worthwhile.
If i ever have a choice, I would choose here all over again I guess, because where else can you have arrogant but incredibly smart jerk Sternies and wonderfully weird Tischies and music business concert maniacs, you can’t even put a price on them. They may not have the highest SAT or best extracurricular at high school, but I promise you they are some of the kindest, funniest, weirdest, smartest and most wonderful human beings ever. They would deliver food to my apartment when I can’t walk and feed me medicine when I’m sick, come all the way to Stern to help me run the stats regression, work at grad lounge for 13 straight hours no food no rest to balance the model together, talk me up when I’m down and always ready for an awesome philosophical conversation, would like to go to Chelsea market just for a taco, go to all kinds of concerts/ music festivals/ get lit with me, and my very favorite person at school, no, at Greater New York City Area (lols) for keeping me safe at Terminal 5 when everyone’s drunk and tommy was in freaking ER. Thank you for putting me as your priority when you had four shots and all those very few LOLs we used to have, thanks for coming to Stern and registered in the same FMA class and being the smartest and weirdest person I’ve ever known. Thanks for being there on 3/4/2016. OMG I’m seriously crying :/ How am I gonna live without them after graduation :/
1. I guess “what a waste I could’ve been your friend”- cheers to my favorite guy in my lame 22 years and the fact that we’re never gonna see each other again now we’re graduating. I hope you get everything you want in the world, the best job, the best girl, the best everything (sad lols)
2. I run all the regressions by myself!! ME PROUD ME BRAGGING. Can I please have my STEM now?
3. Firefly we are officially coming YOOOOO, our experience immersing into real American cities, like I can’t even spell the state DE correctly and TripAdvisor “Things To Do” column for this city counts 41....
4. The story of getting a full refund from Sedona teaches me passive aggressive can get you things (warning: bad life lesson)
HERE IS MIKAAAAAA every song he has is so perfect and his concert has one of the best crowd performances ever - HAPPY ENDING!
But this song is more lit so everyone this is MIKA for BIG GIRL YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL! 5/4/2015 at Webster Hall.
“I feel as if I’m wasted, and I, wasting everyday” cheers to the boy who knew too much.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Tangerines because I’m allergic, oranges because they’re disgusting, and seafood because BLECH. What is currently happening that is scaring you? Pretty crazy we’re having earthquakes like this in California. I know people experience a lot worse, but we’re not used to this. Well, actually, it’s not uncommon to have small ones often that typically go unnoticed, but we’ve had two big ones lately and it’s not the end. Plus the aftershocks. There’s been some damage done. I’m not even in the area they’re happening in and I’m kind of nervous, so I can’t imagine what those actually experiencing are feeling. I’ve never experienced an earthquake or even felt aftershocks before yesterday. Such a trippy feeling.  What would be your personal hell? Drowning over and over or being in deep ocean water surrounded by killer whales, being surrounded by bugs.... not being able to escape any of the scenarios. That’s just some that I can think of. What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird? People seemed to deem someone weird based on how they dressed or look and what they were into. Those who kept to themselves.  What is a word you personally find offensive? I haaate the p and c word. I will not say either one. 
What instantly puts you to sleep? Nothing instantly does, but ASMR helps. What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? La Tortura by Shakira.  What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? I don’t know. What’s a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? All the Marvel and Star Wars movies cause they’re awesome. What was the most unexpected good thing that’s ever happened to you? Hmm. What is the funniest fact you know? *shrug* What is your biggest nightmare? Things never getting better, or even worse if they get worse, and just never amounting to anything or doing anything with my life. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? I really like the time I’m asleep and wouldn’t want to go without that. What’s the kindest way a stranger has treated you? Uhh. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? Everything. What age are you afraid of turning and why? I’m turning 30 soon and I hate it. Where is your happy place? The beach. What makes you really angry? Abuse of people, especially children, and animals.  What’s the simplest way you can be pleased? Bring me coffee. What is a crossover you want to see? *shrug* What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? Feeling the aftershocks yesterday was something strange that I felt recently. Where do you see yourself in 1 hour? Here in bed. What makes someone immediately unlikable? If they’re cocky and arrogant. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? Chucky the doll, ha. He just wanted a friend. He did those horrible things because he didn’t know any better and wasn’t taught to do right. He didn’t understand that, “I can’t stand this person, I wish they were out of my life!” didn’t mean to kill them and remove them permanently. Whoops. lol. What is something you regret to NOT have done? I regret not taking better care of myself. What’s the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? I can’t think of anything weird. I put things that meant to go in there. What movie changed your life for the better? A movie hasn’t had a profound effect on me like that. What book you think should be directed as a film? Hmm. Of all the decades you’ve lived in, which one have you liked best? 90s and the early part of the 2000s.  How are you doing today? Currently I’m hungry. What’s something your relatives don’t know about you? That I smoked weed a few times. Doesn’t sound like a big deal to some, but my family would be surprised to find that out about me. What’s the worst song to strip to? I don’t know? What’s something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? My parents did a great job raising my brother and I. I don’t blame them at all for the mess I became. What did you eat a few minutes ago? I haven’t ate, yet. I’m going to soon. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? No. What’s the most annoying thing your pet does? She still picks up random things off the floor like a piece of paper or anything that happens to fall on the floor, no matter how small, and eat it. Like she’ll spot it across the room and go for it. I’ll be like how the heck did you even find this??  No matter how many times she’s been told no, she still does stuff like that. She mostly does it when she’s in a bratty mood.  What’s the biggest sum of money you’ve won? I haven’t won any money. Have you ever had Pac-Man fever? No.
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