#you bet. you bet im gonna be reccomending this lol
magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
its so odd to me that psychiatry would much rather prescribe a million medications than psychedelics..... yea they make money, theyre regulated etc etc etc. but. its a huge missed opportunity. and while its good that as of late there have been many studies, and a push twoards using psychedelics for therapeutic purposes, it comes late, and there are still only few places which allow research or usage (one of them being my college town lol).
like. all these damn medications ive been on and tried, which are so addictive and have a million side effects and withdrawl, and are known to kinda fuck up your brain in the long term.... is this really safer? there is absolutely a risk with psychedelics. but there is a risk with medication too....... at the same time as prescribing me meds lol, ive had one of the heads of stanford psychiatry tell me to my face that yes, it is very likely that if i had consistent access to psychedelics i would not need medications at all.
idk im one of the believers in what i dont consider at all to be a crackpot theory, that human conciousness developed alongside psychedelic use. theres a fair amount of evidence for this. it is also basically undeniable that african tribes before migrations did psychedelics (starting around the age of 18, seen as an enterence into adulthood), and many groups of humans after as well. they are a part of us, a part of our history, a part of our psychology........ i dont think i would be alive without them. i dont think i could have gotten over my severe eating disorders, my bpd, my obsessions, my insanity, without them... but with them? i did it without any therapy....... and theres so many who say. when all else has failed. therapy. every medication. they are the one thing that has saved them... i swear, if there is a god, they are one of the gifts left to us
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
basically,,,how do you deal w executive function? Especially since you’re unmedicated? Just like…how do you prioritize ur time like “ok now I’m gonna do this, then this, etc”…how do you push yourself to get started on an assignment and if you have, power through the whole thing without getting distracted? Im medicated but I still struggle to hell and back to do any work at all and barely hand in assignments, let alone on time. I’ve gone whole semesters without submitting or participating in a single thing and failing classes bc of this, and almost got kicked out of uni bc my gpa was so low but, I’ve gotten As at the same exact time so it’s not like I’m bad at this? ik I can do the work well, it’s just impossible to force myself sometimes, and I’m trying to get help and deal w it so it doesn’t keep happening but it’s EXHAUSTING and i feel like the mental effort put in vs the outcome just isn’t..productive at all. I just end up daydreaming endlessly and nothing happens 😭 do you have any tips/routines/methods that help you?
okay!! so. i actually have advice for this and it might not be what u wanna hear but this has changed my life and it's what i tell other people all the time. the number one thing for me?
do not go against your nature because you will lose.
i mean this. read it once, and then again, and keep reading it until its plastered in your brain. im gonna bet since you have adhd, you probably deal with severe feelings of failure and have tried tirelessly to become the perfect and productive person. i can guarantee it.
but you have got to stop going against the fundamentals of who you are as a person by trying to do things the way neurotypical people do them. you are not like them and you won't ever be and that's okay!! but do not try to fight yourself on things you simply cannot do. it's okay. nothing is wrong with doing things differently
i compare myself to a little pet all the time. my brain needs enrichment to function and survive. work with your needs instead of trying to work around them and cut yourself some slack somedays.
ill give u a tldr bc u u might not wanna read all of this LOL. here's what i do that i highly reccomend if u can't be bothered to read the whole post (i get it lmao)
a. change your environment. i go on campus 3 days a week, 3 hours a day - about 9 hours total. top floor, dead silent library.
a.1. noise cancelling headphones changed my life.
b. have every single thing in you need to do right infront of your face. buy post it notes and stick to them to the thing you look at most. as soon as you get an assignment, make it an alarm on your phone. repeat it everyday.
it needs to stress you out a little. creating a sense of urgency matters.
c. no idea about your medication but i drink a lot of caffiene. about 240mg for the three days im on campus + brown noise (NO MUSIC FOR ME) unless im doing something that doesn't require me to think like math
d. force yourself to make a game out of things. it helps.
i need caffeine to focus bc im unmedicated and ill probably need it after im medicated. it happens
now here is the more indepth advice
1. your work will not always reflect how much effort you put in. get comfortable with this and understand it has nothing to do with you. people with adhd do not feel rewarded by completing tasks the way NT people do and you have to understand that you will not garner satisfaction. treat your responsibilities like standing your phone up for a photo - it's fucking annoying to keep doing, but doing it will give you the best results.
2. it is 100% neccesary to trick your brain into doing something. force yourself to make it interesting if you can. instead of trying to study for a test, figure out the best way to cheat. why? because you'll inadvertently learn the content when finding out how. need to read something for a class discussion? read in a fucked up voice or accent that you do when you repeat shit to yourself. make a rap out of it. have an essay that needs to get written? use an ugly font to write the rough draft, and only let yourself use the nice font after you hit a word count. your brain needs dopamine and to produce dopamine you need to make shit interesting.
i use the forest app when im struggling. i get to plant a tree if i focus the whole time in deep focus mode and i feel guilty if a tree dies. it's not stupid if it works. sometimes that doesn't work and that's okay.
3. doing a little is always better than doing nothing. never, ever let your brain give up on something because it's a surefire way to not doing anything at all. if the hardest part is starting, don't try to sit down and force yourself to start. set a 5 minute timer and push through for 5 minutes and take a break for 5 or 10. doing it again and again until you can't anymore. eventually you'll either fall into hyperfocus and get work done or you won't. do something else productive and try to build momentum if you can. forgive yourself if you can't do anything. some days it's not in the cards for you to be productive and that's okay too.
4. this last one, use with limits because hyperfocus is so real but - you have adhd, which means you lose interest in things quickly, which means if there is something you're burning to do - just do it. you losing interest in thing means it's better to get that burning desire out of the way first. if you want to play halo for 2 hours, do it. you don't need to earn it. do it and when you get bored of that, whenever that is, go try and do your work.
generally speaking, cut yourself some slack. adhd is fucking miserable and hard. don't beat yourself too much and remember that you are putting in effort even when you feel like there's nothing to show.
i love u! i hope this helps.
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carcinized · 3 years
The Antlers have a few good songs!!! I would probably reccomend the album In the Attic of the Universe!!
Jason Mraz also has some really good songs as well- A couple of my favorites are Have it All and Im Yours!!!!
ooOh the antlers, never heard of them but i like them already for the name lmao, will look them up now!!
awww i love the album art!!! it’s so sweet (assuming there’s not some dark symbolism i missed at first glance). oh my god is this intro song just a bunch of like?? recorded sounds meant to sound like you’re scrounging around an attic?? with little tiny blips of music here and there?? oh wait no there’s music now, pretty acoustic guitar i love!!! OH A MINOR CHORD I LOVE EVEN MORE- this is going to get piano or like. xylophone soon isnt it. okay this is really gorgeous??? i never listen to this type of music but i absolutely adore it, soft to loud, the dynamic is so cool. OH THERES THE PIANO I KNEW THIS WAS COMING- it almost has like,,, if cavetown were older vibes??? if you know what i mean?? it’s a similar style. (sent this to my gf cuz i thought she might like it lol)
omg the songs fade into each other this album has so many things i am a sucker for- and this is gorgeous and chill??? i could vibe to this forever. ... OMG IT CHANGED AGAIN IT- LOUD GUITAR GUITAR I LOVE IT WNABSBUSJSJSHSHS
oh it’s on the next song now!!! this album is legit cool as hell thank you for sending me it?? just checked their page and holy shit why do they not have more plays/monthly listeners this is incredible music??? OH PIANO IS BACK- there’s a similar effect in a lot of the piano parts to the one in everything i wanted by billie eilish, don’t remember what it’s called atm tho 😔 but this is really pretty, can’t wait to listen to the rest of this album later, going to check out the other songs you recommended as well as some of my other asks lol OH WAIT FUCK MORE ISNTRUMENTS CAME IN I- I DONT HAVE THE SELF CONTROL TO TURN THIS OFF FUCK- HAHA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME ANON SNDNNXNXNDND IMMACULATE MUSIC THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME IT
i skipped through the rest of the album for lack of time, but you bet i am going to listen to this again in depth (probably many times). this is such pretty rainy day music i LOVE IT
on to jason mraz, who i have heard of, but i think i’m getting him mixed up with at least two other jasons, so i have no idea what his music sounds like. (also, i thought he was an actor because there are too many celebrities named jason and i don’t keep up with celebrities lmao).
ooh this songs gonna have a good bass drop huh ... i was right lmao. OOH PRETTY PRECHORUS- this is just fun happy go lucky music huh? i should listen to that more often- this sounds almost like 2000s bruno mars to me sjdndnxnxjxj- OH DAMN THIS IS FROM 2018????? why does this keep happening to me, i keep thinking songs are from like 2006 and they’re from 2014-2019 sOb i listen to too much 2000s music huh-
i’m yours- WAIT THIS SONG ISNT BRUNO MARS????? well then. today has been educational for me- this song had better from like 2010 or i’m going to riot. 2008 THANK GOD AJSJJSJS- no wonder i thought the other song was from the 2000s, another song of this guy was lmao. ... the more i listen to this the more i realize it sounds nothing like bruno mars, wtf past me- conclusion of this guy is that it’s some solid wholesome music but not really the type of music i listen to lol.
anon, you have a 10/10 music taste ily
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