#you can really tell which groups i care about mroe than others
infodump about my unit swap AU!! mainly how the units formed :>
the idol group: Shizuku (leader), Ena, Tsukasa, Minori
Ena's photos on social media led to her being scouted by the same modelling agency that Shizuku worked for. they become good friends and both end up as idols at Cheerful Days. Shizuku quits earlier though, because Ena saw how the other members were treating her and almost immediately was like "err no, i'm not having that" and they both left, believing that their idol days were over
meanwhile, Tsukasa has decided to take a different path to stardom, aspiring to be a world-famous idol instead of an actor, somewhat inspired by his childhood friend. however, he isn't as successful, and similarly to Minori, many of his applications have been rejected. after Shizuku left Cheerful Days, learning of his bad luck, she tries to cheer him up by suggesting he join an unofficial group with herself and Ena. he accepts reluctantly, though insists it is temporary and that he will make it to a "real" idol group one day
Shizuku begins her second year of high school like Haruka in canon, going as a normal student. one day, she finds Minori on the rooftop practicing and is reminded of the most fun parts of being an idol. she offers to help Minori improve, and- having been missing Ena and Tsukasa since the two, while still friends, weren't able to talk as much once school started- contacts them to see if they'd like to help Minori out. Minori and Tsukasa, with their similar ambition and upbeat personalities, get along instantly and Minori is now the fourth member of their group
the online indie group: Kanade (leader), Saki, Ichika, Nene
the same circumstances led to Kanade starting to compose. one day, while bored and surfing the internet in hospital, Saki came across her music and started to write lyrics for it since it has resonated with her. she eventually decided to send her lyrics to this K person, who, to her surprise, responded, and even offered that Saki join her as a lyricist
once well enough to start high school, Saki excitedly tells Ichika all about her new hobby. Ichika still longs to bring their band from their childhood back together, but with little luck talking to Honami and Shiho, eventually joins Saki and Kanade's little group. she uses her guitar to add to Kanade's music and sometimes sings Saki's lyrics
Nene was still very much affected by what had happened in her middle school performance. yet, her desire to sing remained, even though she felt she could never face an audience again. one day, as she was listening to random music while gaming, a piece from K's group turned up. she stopped what she was doing and tried singing along to it- it fit her voice perfectly, as if it was made for her. with some encouragement from Rui, she made up her mind and asked if she could be a singer for their group. the other three, impressed by her clear skill, accepted
the theatre troupe: Emu (leader), Rui, Mizuki, Airi
Emu and Rui's meeting goes similarly to canon. desperately searching for cast members, Emu catches one of his illegal shows at PXL. she sees the park security before he does as he's distracted with his performance and whisks him away to the Wonder Stage, where she asks him to join her troupe. of course, he has no reason to refuse- and in addition, he has another possible member in mind. his old friend Mizuki, who would be great help with costumes, making the stage "cuter"- and something tells Rui that they'd make for a good actress too
the next rare occasion he sees them at school, he asks them to join. hearing of the state of the stage, as well as wanting to repay Rui for his company back then, Mizuki instantly agrees
meanwhile, Emu is on the hunt for more members at her own school. Airi, having quit her old work at this point, runs into Emu at one point. Emu recognises her from TV and excitedly tells the older girl that if she joins her troupe, she'll get the chance to make many people smile and spread hope. although it isn't exactly the idol future she wished for, Airi is convinced by Emu and becomes the main singer of the troupe whenever they do musicals
the street musicians: An, Akito, Haruka, Shiho
once An and Akito found out they had the same goal, they teamed up from the start and became a duo, so An didn't try to find a singing partner and Akito never ran into Toya singing, though i think they would still be decent friends through school, but not as close as canon
Haruka went through the same situation with Mai that led to her quitting as an idol. one day, wanting a change of scenery, she decided to meet up with An at Weekend Garage and when she arrived, she was greeted with her and Akito bickering over how they should sing lines in song. Haruka stepped in with her suggestions and the pair took a liking to her singing voice and asked if she wanted to join them. for a few days, Haruka was reluctant, but eventually gave into An's pleas and started singing with them on Vivid Street
while headed to the Miyajou music room to practice her bass, Shiho walked in on Haruka practicing her singing and was impressed by her work ethic. for a few weeks, they would practice songs together, Haruka singing along to the music Shiho played on the bass. eventually, after talking to An and Akito, Haruka invited Shiho to their group
Shiho was sceptical at first, and a bit put off by An and Akito's personalities when she first met them, but once she saw how serious they were about their goal, she felt she could relate to them a little with how driven they all were. Akito, inspired by Shiho's ability to both sing and play an instrument, decided to start learning the guitar
the band: Honami, Mafuyu, Kohane, Toya
Honami, even though she feels like it's a bit pointless since Saki, Ichika and Shiho have found different music groups, as well as not having the confidence to reach out to them all again, still continues to practice her drumming, even though she doesn't really know what her aim is
Mafuyu, not having ever come across K's music, hears Honami play one day as she walks past the school's music room. she senses a fellow person who doesn't really know what they're doing with their life and wordlessly enters and begins playing the piano in the room along with the drumming. Honami is surprised but doesn't stop. that is their routine for a while, simply playing the same song together without exchanging many words, but there's a silent understanding between them
Kohane did run into An's group practicing at Weekend Garage, but didn't return after running away the first time. however, her newfound interest in music remained and she visited the music room one day as Honami and Mafuyu were playing. she recognised the song and absentmindedly started to sing it as she stood by the doorway, accidentally catching their attention. however, Honami quickly stopped her from walking away and asked her if she'd like to continue singing along to their music
the three of them eventually became a band, but it did feel like something was missing. i'm going to say that in this AU, Mafuyu and Toya's parents are friends, so they know of each other. although Toya didn't particularly want to continue with classical music, he figured playing with people he could potentially befriend was much better than complete strangers, so when Mafuyu offers him a place in their group, he accepts. he becomes best friends with Kohane and agrees to become the violinist for their band. they often play at the Aoyagi house since it's got the most space
cross unit relationships
Rui and Nene: as childhood friends and neighbours, they are still extremely close despite not being in the same group. Rui is often in the background when Nene's on Nightcord calls. they share ideas with each other- though Nene does feel slightly down when she hears about everything Rui gets up to in his new theatre troupe as she somewhat wishes she was still able to join one
An and Kohane: never fear, Anhane will still occur despite them being in different units. Toya and Kohane head to Weekend Garage one day because Toya heard that their coffee was good and Kohane gets the opportunity to actually speak to An. they agree to stay in touch
Shizuku and Airi: they briefly met while they were both in the idol industry and remained good friends. Shizuku takes Airi's advice regarding being an idol and Airi is often inviting Shizuku to come see their shows. however, Shizuku always ends up lost, especially with the Wonder Stage in such an obscure location, so Airi has to send Rui to go looking for her- since he often plays the villain, he tends not to appear in performances until a bit later, giving him the time to go searching even when the show's due to begin
there are others but i am soooooooooo tired. this ended up well longer than expected
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
The dilemma I’m 34 and have been in a close friendship group with four other women since university. Our relationship has been a constant comfort, but during the past year I’ve found it incredibly difficult to connect with them as all four have had babies. Suddenly our WhatsApp group looks more like Mumsnet – and I just can’t relate. I don’t know if I want kids or not. My husband puts no pressure on me, but this is bringing out the worst in me. I feel left behind, confused and judgmental as these friends enter motherhood. I feel isolated and incapable of contributing, and when I do I feel disingenuous. I try to widen the conversation, but it always reverts back to babies. I don’t want to lose these people, but I feel marginalised, as if I’m fundamentally missing out on some intensely female purpose. How do I step back without being overly dramatic?
I think this is an interesting topic, and it goes way beyond just kids. This, and other variations of this, will affect your 20s, 30s and beyond. We all experience life milestones differently the older we get, as our lives all go separate ways and we make different choices. You might start off imagining that you and your friends will always be going out all the time, forever, but these things tend to become more difficult with time. And that’s OK. I like the suggestions given in the comments section that the letter writer should see their friends alone, so that the conversation doesn’t default to babies; that’s very practical, and it’s much easier to plan meetups with less people. I also think it’s rpagmatic to accept that these conversations will dominate things sometimes, but that they can also perhaps tell their friends they’d like to change the topic sometimes. I’m quite saddened by people who write that their friends stopped caring aobut them after they had kids, or that they just got new friends when their old ones had kids, because I really can’t see friends as disposable.  This person feels left behind, but I hope it’s true, as many people have said, that their new-parent friends will reconnect when they’ve gotten over that initial new baby all-encompassing panic.
I wonder how much of it stems from the letter writer’s own struggles to understand and articulate their feelings about whether they want to have children. It’s OK to be conflicted. In some ways, it reminds me of how some of my friends struggle to process their feelings when confronted with their seemingly happily married friends with kids. They really want to be happy like that, too, and their feelings of envy are human. Deep down, they fear they will never find that kind of happiness, and it makes it hard to be around others. 
I find it sad that a lot of the comments advise her to give up on her friends. I think it’s always sensible to make more friends; you’ll gain something different from socialising with people from different stages of your life. And life brings surprises; you never know who you will drift from, and who you will be really close to; I certainly couldn’t have predicted it.  But that shouldn’t have to mean ‘giving up’ old friends; there’s no reason they can’t still be a part of their friends lives. Having different interests or priorities doesn’t mean you have to give up entirely, even if it does mean you won’t always be quite as close. But friendships often subtly drift apart for lots of reasons, and ultimately, it’s part of human relationships we need to accept. We won’t be as close to any set of friends as we were when we occupied a classroom, or a dorm, or a workspace etc. As we move on, and spend time with other people, things change. I don’t have a lot of friends who have kids, even though I’m in my 30s; even though I know a lot of women. It’s probably because I came from a school of overachievers and then went on to medicine. Medical women seem to settle down later. So I haven’t had this situation happen to me; I’m not sure I mind because I’ve done my time in paeds and I find kids pretty entertaining. I love when colleagues talk about their kids.  Some of my single, childfree friends report that their friends with kids have disappeared, and that it can be hard to socialise with them because their lives are dictated by their children. I think that’s understandable, but I think we can still all work on maintaining a life.The guy I’m seeing has quite a few friends with kids, and they maintain an active social life as a friendship group, even though not all of them have kids, which is lovely. I find that pretty inspiring because they get to have a family but also still enjoy their hobbies and hanging out with their friends; that’s always been a life goal. They all still go on holiday as a group, toddlers in tow! He does point out, though, that socialising has changed a lot in subtle ways now that half his friends have other important priorities. I think that’s understandable, but it’s definitely better than when commenters suggest you abandon your friends who have kids because they can’t do the same stuff you all did 10 years ago. I just feel incredibly sad at the thought of irreperably losing friends. Even when things fade, it’s still worth catching up when you can, and reminiscing about old times. But I don’t think this is all about having children. The truth is, friends can drift a little bit for all sorts of reasons, not just children. Our lives evolve as we go through different experiences, and that changes us and how we interact. For example, My conversations aren’t the same as they were when I was at school; I’ll never be quite as silly as I was as a teen (though my gaming group would probably contest that!). When you’re in uni, a lot revolves around the fun (and trials) of uni. When we graduated, our conversation became focused on work. Medicine is pretty all-consuming. That doesn’t stop us from talking about books and games and the state of the world etc, but it’s definitely true that what we talk about evolves. Only a few of my friends have kids, but if it was more of them, I’m sure that would change, too. I think it’s no different than when you have to deal with a friend gushing about a new love of her life, who can’t help disappearing a little bit because they can’t keep their hands off each other. You can understand why they need to prioritise that time to get to know someone special. Or when a friend has relationship problems and every conversation is about the struggling or dying relationship. Commenters have pointed out that having a baby is a huge life event, no less preoccupying and emotionally massive than divorce or bereavement. When people have their first child, they have to come to terms with having someone’s life in their hands, and it is terrifying and all-consuming.
I’m friends with people from different stages of my life; I still talk to my bestie from primary school regularly. I Talk to school friends. I have friends from both degrees; my gaming group fit in this pile. I have friends from my foundation years. And friends that don’t fit in any of these categories. But that hasn’t been without breakups, and without people just drifting away from all stages of life. I still remember what it was like when my friends all went off to uni, and I was stuck on a gap year I hadn’t wanted; I felt left behind. Add to that geography; everyone went their own way, enjoying exciting new unis and making lots of new friends. Given that a lot of them also moved town, we didn’t always see each other often, but we kept in touch, and our friendships remained string through university. Most recently, some of my school friends have drifted a little since they got married and had to split their time between two sets of friends, but also that also became when they needed to play a bigger part in family and cultural/spiritual life in their communities. And whilst I love them, I understand that this is a part of their life I will never be able to share, and that their priorities may now be a bit different; though we still care for each other and see each other sometimes. Some of my uni friends drifted after some of us got into medicine and some didn’t, and I can see why it was a bit awkward after that, and not helped by us all moving around to different places. I wish I’d made mroe of an effort to keep up with some of my friends, but when you multiply that over several sets of friends, it’s just hard to keep  in touch. A lot of the time, geographical distance also makes a difference; it’s common for friends to spread out, particularly if they settle down with a partner.  My school friends have done that, and so have my university friends. My friends and I would love to meet more often, if we weren’t scattered around the outskirts of London. I have friends who live in Scotland, and friends who live even further away; in Australia. I check-in with my distant friends pretty often; some of my closest friends are ones I might not even see that often physically. I’m pretty envious of the guy I’m seeing because his friends mostly live fairly locally, I’d kill to be able to see my friends as often as he sees his. But I’m at peace with how things are; we do the best we can, and I value the time we can spend together, even though it does mean all of us playing life-tetris. I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about this more, as the long-term marrieds start to get more serious about having kids, and the single people I know have gotten more serious about dating. No doubt, things will change.  If more of us have kids, I don’t even know what it’s going to be like. But life finds a way.
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Hello! Can I get a self ship, please? I ship myself with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black (preferably in a polyamorous relationship). If you still have my description from my matchup request, you can just use that. If you need more details, please let me know. Thank you so much!!!
Interests- writing poetry, doing my makeup, listening to show tunes, hanging out with friends, reading fanfiction, making up stories in my head watching movies and tv shows
 Likes- being dramatic, correcting people, being right, learning new things, being able to bitch with certain people, making people smile, music, alone time, being the center of attention with certain people, shiny/sparkly things, wearing black, wearing dark makeup 
 Dislikes- being told to stop being dramatic, homophobic people/comments, being wrong, people who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, being crowded, being alone with people who I don’t know, being in large social situations, being alone for a prolonged period of time 
 What you look for in someone- as a person with severe anxiety and depression, I look for someone who will be patient and understanding with me; willing to learn how to help me through anxiety attacks and long bouts of depression. I also look for someone who is dominant. I need someone who can take charge of a situation and make decisions. I need someone who will take care of me when I can’t take care of myself. I want someone who is passionate, protective, and sincere. I also look for someone who will understand my love languages, which are quality time and receiving gifts. I am a very shy, quiet person. I don’t really talk that much and don’t like to socialize. Once I’m comfortable around you, you’ll learn I’m also dramatic, creative, analytical, loyal, honest, protective, and a bit of a bitch at times. I tend to be drawn to the people that others are scared of. I always look for the good in people, and am not quick to judge. Although I’m a very kind person, I’m not quick to trust. And once you’ve broken my trust, it’s extremely hard to earn it back. In addition to my general anxiety, I also have social anxiety. I can’t be in a group of people without someone I know and trust. It doesn’t matter what kind of social situation it is; if someone I know and trust isn’t there, I’ll be very uncomfortable and might have a panic attack. If I’m alone in a large group of people, I feel like everyone is looking at me, talking about me, judging me, crowding me, suffocating me. It sucks. I generally don’t like talking to people I don’t know. The only exceptions to this are if they start talking about a fandom I like, or if they start spewing incorrect facts about one of my fandoms. I get made fun of a lot for being quite, which really annoys me. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, I’m just scared of making a fool out of myself and I freeze up. That, or I don’t feel like I have anything to add to the conversation and choose to remain quiet, which makes people think I’m weird.
I love writing OT3 requests! Hope you like this and that it brings you some comfort and/or smiles. As specified in a DM - they’re dating you but not each other, set during the Marauder Era! 
- Okay omg your hobbies are right up their streets! I headcanon that Sirius is heavily into Broadway so he knows all the lyrics and will spontaneously break out into song and dance, no matter where you all are. If he feels like dancing and singing, he will. Remus tends to face-palm but he can’t help but smile when he sees you enjoying yourself, especially if you join in with Sirius. When you’re in your own head daydreaming, the boys tend to leave you there… Or, Remus does. Because he’s studying. Whereas Sirius is the type to throw himself - and I mean, launch himself at you from the other side of the time kinda throw - into your lap and beg for your attention. On quieter days later on in Hogwarts, he’ll curl up beside you as Padfoot, instead.
- Yes ohmygoodness okay bitching is one of Sirius’ favourite things to do. He engages in all the gossip around Hogwarts and is usually the caue of it all, if we’re being honest, and he makes sure that you and Remus are caught up on it too.
“Hey, Remus, did you know about Marl -”
*Sigh* “Yes, Sirius, we know, that’s the fifth time today!”
“Hey, Erika, do you know - “
Not only that, but the three of you, being in an openly poly relationship, tend to be the centre of gossip. Sirius and Remus couldn’t care less, they’re two of the four Marauders (six if you count the two honourary members; you and Lily), but if it ever got to you, they’d be there with withering glares and snapped comments that effectively roast the poor sod who dared to try to offend you.
- As you all get older and James spends more time with Lily and Peter mysteriously disappears for long hours at a time, you’re all left to your own devices so you’d become their entire world. Both are quite possessive - one’s a werewolf, one’s a dog - so it’s almost built into them but they do their best to never fight about you in front of you because that’s the last thing you’d ever need to see. If one started to monopolise you, a quick glance would make them step back and let the balance be restored, as it were, but generally they’re at the friendship stage of not knowing who’s clean underwear is whose, so there’s rarely a problem.
- You would be their biggest shared priority, even for Remus who typically prefers to study. You’re his girlfriend and Sirius is his best friend so really, what more could he ask for? if either you or Sirius are unhappy, Remus is right there to do what he can or either or both of you. If Remus is unhappy then naturally you and Sirius are there for him too. There’s so much balance and love in this poly, it’s unreal.
- They’d never let anyone, including each other, say something homophobic or generally rude to you. Woe betide anyone who tries because like I said, they’d be roasted and probably Cursed into next month. They’d also be sure that one of them is always with you at any given time unless you specify that you want to be alone or if they’re both busy with detentions or lessons. If they’re in detentions it’s almost guaranteed that you are too, even if you have to deliberately get detention rather than get caught for what they did or didn’t do.
- Both boys know anxiety and depression because they both have it, Sirius because of his family and Remus because of his furry little problem so you’re always well-looked after, all three of you. You all know each other’s triggers and you all know how to comfort each other, so there’s never any need to hide (looking at you, Remus). You had to learn but the boys already knew and they were happy to show you what they both needed in any given situation.
- Both boys can and will take charge of you when they need to. Remus tends to be more subtle - “Erika, please eat something. For me?” and he’d hold out a huge chunk of chocolate, smiling at you kindly in a way that only gives a hint of him doing it as a professor, and Sirius tends to be mroe obvious about it - “why aren’t you eating?” *adds more toast to your breakfast plate* Both are passionate so woo boi, any NSFW stuff you all do is heaaaaaavy asf! ;) 
- Sirius tends to spoil you bothwith gifts and you and Remus prefer to share chocolate and spend time together. They love how you are when you’re comfortable and when you’re in a social situation one of them stays by your side at all times to make sure you’re comfortable and if you need to get out, they’ll take you straight out, no questions asked. If Sirius whines, Remus glares and you all go.
- People tend to avoid Sirius because of his last name and the affliations it has but Remus is well-known and loved. Neither can tell you just how much they appreciate how you got to know them for who they are not what people tell you they are and for that, you see sides to them that no one else will ever get to see. 
- Remus likes to kiss your cheek and hug you from behind but Sirius loves giving and receiving neck kisses and hugging you from the front so sometimes you’re the filling of a Marauder Hug Sandwich, especially if James comes from behind one of you and attaches himself to the three of you, mock-crying about being left out of the group hug. It really is just such a loving, fulfilling and supportive relationship and the boys can’t imagine their lives without you.
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aroha-x-astro-blog · 7 years
hey guys so i’m feeling hella emotional and i’m deciding to make a post about basically every group that i stan rn bc holy CRAP i feel like crying and idk waht to do with myself
do not read unless you wanna see my trashy, emotionally unstable self at it’s peak.
ok so like right now i’m really hardcore feeling bts and just what they do to me. also i’m sorry for all the typos in advance, but like i just watched videos of them performing 2!3! and listened to a fan song MADE BY BRAZILLIAN ARMYS @THEM I LOVE YOU~~??? and like now i feel like crying. if you wanna know WHY here’s the link and watch it yourself
seriously watch this no matter who you stan because it makes you think. literally there are so many things I wish i could tell them as a fan and as someone who cares about them more than i care about myself and most other people in my life and just i wish i could tell them everything this song says and a million other things but that still wouldn’t scratch the surface of exactly what i feel when i see these boys on my dash. they make me so happy i literally almost cried watching this but i stopped myself which i kinda regret now because i feel like crying now and i don’t wanna cry but like there are tears in my eyes right now because i keep realizing how much bts means to me. they make me smile and laugh and cry and worry and feel more emotions than i can list mostly because 99.999999% of those emotions can’t be described in words because there really are no words for what they’ve done for me.
they’ve told me that it’s okay to follow my dreams and do what i want. they told me to enjoy my youth, they taught me so many more things than i could learn in a classroom in the time that i’ve been an army. they made me more hopeful and happy and they make life more worth living for me. i honestly don’t know where i would be without them. i cna’t even imagine what my life was like before i was an army because when i look back, it looks so boring; it was like i wasn’t living. they literally give me life.
i mean sure, they kill me on a daily basis and have stolen my soul enough times that it spends mroe time with them than with me, but like.... i can’t even begin to explain this. 
they gave me hope. they are the reason i’m here right now, trying to accomplish my dreams. they/re the reason i’m working so hard. they’re the reason i’m here right now. i would not be the person i am right now, crying about bts at 11:13 pm and how they have made me a better person.
there are so many things i wanna tell all of them. there are so many things i wanna show them about the good part of our fandom. i wanna show them all the posts we make on here about how they need to rest and take care of themselves. i wanna show them the posts that are made on here and everywhere else when they’re sick or injured, telling them that if we see them on stage in the next couple of days, we will drag their asses back to their bed because we want them to rest. i wanna show them all the different things that we wish we could tell them.
i wanna do so many things for them. i just want them to be happy. like if they’re happy, healthy, eating properly, sleeping every night for 8+ hours, just smiling everyday, i would be perfectly content. i would be livid. i don’t really care about the thigns that they do as much as i care about them. yes, they’re all idols but like they’re people who need to sleep and eat and rest and just have downtime to be people, not the angels, gods, stars, and the loves of our lives all the time. 
i wish i could tell them ‘thank you’. if i could only say one thing to them, it would be ‘thank you’. it wouldn’t even be ‘i love you’, it would be ‘thank you’ because i have so much to thank them for it’s insane. there are SO MANY THINGS. gOD i never thought about it before - i mean i have but like every time i do think about it, the list gets a million times longer each time i think about it.
guys.... i really love bts. like i say this all the times to my friends whenever i can but i really love them. they make me a better person and they help to complete me because before they were in my life, i don’t even know waht i was doing with it. like wow i really don’t ever wanna go back to a life where i don’t know bts. i’d rather die because i can’t imagine myself without them without them in it at this point. they mean more than the world, the stars, the sun the moons, the infinite amount of planets out in the universe, hell i care more about them than i do about myself and my own well being. if i had to give up anything so that they cold be truly happy for a second, i wouldn’t even think about it. i’d do anything for them. if they asked me to find alien life, i would build the rocket ship myself and go out and bring back an alien for them within the same hour. i would do literally anything for them.
i would let them cry on my shoulder. i would let them fall asleep with their head in my lap. i would do anything that would make their life easier because they do so much for us. they work through the night, practice their singing or rapping until their voices are hoarse, they’re up before sunrise to get ready to perform for us. they deal with the treatment that they receive from some fans that we all wish would just never happen. they do so. much. 
okay time lapse, i just spent like 3 minutes thinking about how much bts does for us. and @my followers, i promise i’m still an astro blog-
shit..... astro.. god now i’m thinking about them and everything they do for us. like.. they gave us a freaking fan song within their first year of debut can you name any other group?? no. no you cannot wow okay i’m emotional again. 
like- and this isn’t just true for astro and bts. every single freakin kpop artist does so much for us. they deal with shitty management and not recieving the recognition that their fans know they deserve. they all went through the trainee process and lost friends because of it. they lost hours of sleep and were overworking themselves to the point of being so skinny we worry about their health. they went through so much and still are going through different but more challenging trials now that they’ve debuted. 
every single kpop artist out there deserves the world. all of them. sure, there are fandom wars and some idols have done things that are seen as offensive, but they’re also people who are flawed and make mistakes and they’re under so much pressure all the time and just like there are so many things that we don’t think about when we think of the idols we cherish beyond the description of words and i don’t even know what i’m saying anymore like i’m just seriously crying my eyes out right now like my keyboard is wet with tears i love all the idols i stan so much like astro is my bias group but i love them all so much that it doesn’t even matter. i cry about them all equally and scream about them equally and worry about them equally and support them all equally. i love them all so much that i couldn’t rank them if i tried because they’re so much flippin love in my heart to compare them. it would be less futile to count out every single grain of rice in a 40 lb bag like that’s how much i love them. 
like even that isn’t even a mile near the surface it’s so much higher than that there is no amount of space that i could put between the surface of my love for these boys and girls and the emotions i’m trying to explain in words because there are no words. there literally are no. words. saying ‘i love them’ is the biggest of the freaking century because the word ‘love’ doesn’t begin to encompass all my emotions. 
ok... i am more emotional than when i started, but if i write anymore, i’m gonna lose all the followers i have so imma stop. long story short, please love all your idols with your entire hearts the way i try to do. support them. love them. care for their well being. just... idk be a good fan to them.
i really love all of you and to those who actually read my emotional break down that is STILL currently happening just not on this post, tell me what you thought about this whole thing in my inbox and if you unfollow me just like... i’d understand tbh.
i really do love all of you and i love all the idols i stan and am going to stan in the future. i have too much love please take some away from me.
anyway, thanks for being with me on this emotional rollercoaster vote for monsta x’s beautiful so that they win their first win guys~!! see you tomorrow
also if someone could send some tissues my way i would love that 
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jackstamper · 5 years
Avengers Endgame-Spoilers after the Cut!
So, I saw Avengers Endgame yesterday, and found it amazing. But, while seeing it so early means Freedom from Spoilers...it also means having no one to talk about it.
So I’m doing the next best thing. Writing about my thoughts here on Tumblr and hoping, someone finds it and argues with me.
So, last warning, behind this here cut are two Top 5 rankings with PLENTY of Spoilers. If you have seen the movies, please read and tell me your thoughts! If you haven’t and want to be spoiled: Be my guest, and I gladly answer any question you may have about it. But if you want to stay unspoiled before going into the movie: Just don’t click on read more.
...all okay? Good. LEt’s start with some criticism
Top 5 underdevelopped plotlines in Endgame
5. The Aftermath of the Resnap
So yes, first big Spoiler: The dusted people ALL come back. To be fully precise: Five years elapse from Thanos Snap to the main action of Endgame. The world lived on, which, for the heroes, is most prominent in Tony Stark fathering a child. This makes a Reset-Button very tricky to use...Stark made it clear from the beginning, that his daughter is a priority, she should not vanish. So? They make the next logical wish on the Gauntlet.
Bring everyone back. Into the now. Everyone that snaps comes back into existence, but in this very minute.
The movie then STARTS to look into it, as Hawkeyes formally dusted wife calls him, and Cap notices a few more birds than normal in the trees. But before we can look into this some more...Thanos attacks and almost kills them all again. I mean...I expected at least Hawkeye to die from being bombed by an intergalactic spaceship, but seems his Ronin-Armor is tougher than I thought.
Anyway, this tragically cuts this plotpoint back a lot. Think about it: Everyone is back in the now. Families, that moved on, suddenly have their members appear among them. If they are lucky: Dozens of buildings are abandoned, and now suddenly people appear in them, confused, as to what happened. And remember that Post-Credits scene with Fury? People dusted while driving cars or Helicopters...do they materialize on the streets? In the air? What about aliens in space, who flew in Spaceships? Is it dependent, on where their dust lies? How will they react? Chances are, this results in a major panic. So many questions are unanswered, but...well, the movie didn’t seem to have quite the time for that.
4. Captain Marvel...who?
Here’s a thing about the whole movie: It gets a hundred times better, if you say the other 20+ movies before it. Heck, they basically visit several of the old movies. But Captain Marvel, in particular, is important...or, rather: The Post-Credits Scene. Because without it, you’d be completely confused, who this glowing woman at the start was.
Captain Marvel was...an oddity in this movie. From what we can tell, she’s clearly the strongest fighter of the group (Yes, even more so than Thor and Hulk), yet she basically disappears early in the movie, and only reappears halfway through the climax. Maybe they wanted her strength to not intervene with the plot? Her in-universe explanation of needing to help all the other planets after the Snap certainly wouldn’t have prevented her from going to the past with them and...saving all those other people from the snap.
But what might be the biggest dropped ball about her is her introduction. In that: She has none. Her intro was that Post-Credits scene from her movie. The Avengers are trying to keep the Pager alive, and she’s suddenly among them, asking for Fury. First thing we see here is her dragging Iron Man and Nebula back to earth and then hang around, as if she always was a part of the group. I’m not even sure they say her name once...and I think it would have been real easy to at least have Tony ask about her or something.
3. Rescue
Many people, even before the movie came out, started talking about Rescue and her being in the movie, and...that might cause some confusion for others. Rescue was not mentioned in the movie, and she comes out of nowhere...some foreshadowing notwithstanding.
To clear the confusion up: Rescue is Pepper Potts in her own set of armor. Early in the movie, Tony makes an armor (well, we only see the helmet) for her for their anniversary, but he says, she never wears something he made. And...that’s it. That’s all we get, until the final battle scene, where Pepper suddenly appears, wearing the armor. Not much is said about this, because basically everyone else appears as well, which...further undercuts the impact this has.
She has a few scenes in the movie, a corrdinated battle with Tony, rescuing Peter Parker and the Gauntlet, supporting Captain Marvel, and of course, telling Tony he can rest after the Final Snap. But as to why she donned the armor so quickly, how Dr. Strange knew he could throw her in, how SHE knew, she can fight here...no clue, no idea. Certainly could have benefitted a bit of an explanation...how about right after the Resnap, when Tony, after starting to think, everything worked, calls Pepper and tries to say, what’s up...only for everything to explode. This would give Pepper the immediate motivation to suit up herself...and heck, who cares about magic to bring her there, she just flew, and happened to arrive at the same time. But...yeah, the movie was already mroe than 3 hours, so...
2. Loki...kinda lives?
So, Loki gets his own Netflix-Series, which kinda means, he has to survive, right? Eh...well, Vision and Black Widow both get further content as well, and...they are kinda dead, or still dead at the end of the movie. Loki as well, but...wait, is he? No, he didn’t trick his death again...during time travel shenanigans, Tony accidentally gets knocked aside by Past Hulk, and looses the Tessarect, which lands to Past-Lokis feet. Loki, confused, but quick on his feet, grabs it and escapes. In the movie, the main setback was loosing the Space Stone and needing another timeline to get it. But...that kinda glances over a lot, doesn’t it?
First of all, the obvious: Loki is freed in a timeline, and has the Space Stone to go where he wants. Which...could be the perfect segway to his show, but said show is meant to be him reacting to different time periods...does he get the Time Stone as well? No? So...does Loki exist in the main timeline now? Or only this other time line?
For a moment I also thought, him disappearing with the stone means, now one of the Infinity Stones is actually gone from the Timeline, and the Ancient One has every reason to be upset with Bruce for lying, but...I guess he stayed in the same timeline, so, at least that is clear. But what exactly happened to Loki, and what it means to our timeline has not been answered at all.
1. Professor Hulk
This...is the big one for me. And it might not be, if there wouldn’t have been so much setup, and if it wasn’t such a big plotpoint in Infinity War.
So...the Hulk and Bruce Banner...kinda merged. In what is known as Professor Hulk. When we first see Bruce Banner, he is in Hulk-Form, but...retains his full intellect. And he explains, he basically made peace with the Hulk and merged Brains and Brawn.
And...it stays like that until the end.
There is one interesting insight, when the Ancient One seperates his consciousnes from his body, because suddenly, it’s the human body of Bruce Banner floating around, arguing with her...not the merged form. This might be a clue, that the persona of the Hulk is actually really gone...though personally, I hoped, that this was setting up a big reveal: At some point, I hoped, Bruce would give up arguing, and just say: “Get her”. And the Hulk suddenly tackles her. She kicked Bruce Banners Persona out, but the Hulks was still in the body, waiting for his partner to give the signal.
Sadly, this didn’t happen. Instead, the conclusion of the big “Why doesn’t the Hulk want to fight”-plot of the last movie is...completely off-screen. And all the conflict of the Hulk is gone. He even works as an actual professor...wait what? I...guess he’s not a wanted man anymore, but...that /is/ a big step. Would have been nice to see more development there, or a less wholesome state.
These things bothered me in the movie, because there were interesting points present...but they apprarently didn’t have the time to develop them properly. Which isn’t surprising, when the rest of the movie already takes 3 hours. Do they ruin the movie for me? Heck no, I love that movie! And it did take a surprising number of things and gave it the proper development and conclusion it deserved. I love this movie, and I will probably make more lists or talk more like this, and hope some people interact with me about this!
Bonus Point, that bothered me: Limited Pym Particle-Plotpoint. According to Ant-Man, they only have enough Pym Particles for each of them to take two Time Trips, after all the testing is done. One trip to the past, and one trip back. First obvious point: Get the Timestone, and you have all the Time Travel options in the world. Have Tony and Bruce take a look at the particles, get Pyms Formulas and try to synthesize more, just in case. But no, the main Problem I have with that, is: Pym Particles were not the stuff that made them time travel, it only made them shrink enough TO time travel. So...everyone can only shrink and regrow twice...really? Someone better tell Scott Lang this, since he shrinks during the Caper, and changed his size multiple times.
0 notes
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
"Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How much would auto insurance cost for a $17,000 Bentley?""
Yes, I was looking around and someone was selling a bentley for $17,000. It is a 2005 Continental GT. If I were to buy that for a 16 year old, how much would insurance be? I know it is a bentley but it is an a low price tag of $17,000. And he would be covered under my insurance which makes the price go down lower, also he has taken the test,etc. Any insight would help greatly.""
How much cheaper is a hospital visit wit health insurance?
i'm trying to decide if i should get health insurance, my job does not offer this, is it worth getting insurance?""
Temporary Car insurance fuddles? Re: excess on the owners policy?
Hi, I was looking to either rent a car for a day or borrow my sisters, now ive found a site on tempcover willing to insure me for something like 30 - 40 odd quid but the trouble is it said something about excess being in & around the 400 - 500 mark.... It also said this is the excess the car's owner has to pay.... I'm pretty certain i'll not be borrowing anyones car if its going to cost them that much - even if I offer to pay it (which I wouldnt by the way, im not an idiot lol) But does anyone know if this is like a one-off or if they mean that this is what my sisters excess will amount to once ive been put on one day insurance on her vehicle? Just im not 100% if they mean that by being insured for 1 day im gonna just basically destroy her policy for the next year lol? Sorry I know this is a bit confusing but thats why im asking ya see,, it confuses me too..... I suppose im hoping an insurance expert is out there somewhere reading this and just dying to lend their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) Ps: Shes agreed to lend me the car as long as im insured & dont crash it lol....""
What kinds of things can give you lower auto insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car in a couple months, what types of things should I look for to keep insurance as cheap as possible? I've heard two-door costs more on insurance than four-door, is that true? Does it matter if it's automative or manual? (I can drive both, so doesn't matter to me). Any other tips? Thanks!""
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice?
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice driving I will have a licensed person in the passenger seat, but i need a car just for one hour, to practice my skills and prepare for the exam this is very simple, i need a car to practice driving, i have about 15hrs, need mroe any local car rentals in Brooklyn NY? I do not care so much for the cost, as much as just simplifying the process of renting a car for a measly hour. Thanks""
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
Dental insurance ? Or medical insurance payment plans ?
Hi I'm a 20 year old and I currently am looking for a dental insurance an in California but I don't know what good company is good and not as expensive since I do live on my owns and stuff. I really need to go get my teeth checked up but I can't afford to go in a visit with no dental insurance. Someone please help. What are good entail company's that get get me approved on a good payment plan or something pease ans thank you for your time?
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
Car Insurance question?
I am 16 and in need of car insurance. I have a A-B average, and have a clean criminial and driving record. I am driving a 1993 saturn SL (4 door sedan) what would be the best insurance agency to go with? Thanks""
Best individual health insurance plan?
My husband and I just found out that his company is raising our medical insurance rates from $212 a month to $400 a month, so we are trying to shop around for the best rates. We have found some, but hardly any include maternity benefits, and we want that parachute just in case any accidents happen. Is there any plans out there cheaper than $400 with maternity, or should we just hope we don't get pregnant for a couple of years? (We plan to switch insurance in 2 years when I get a teaching job)""
Insurance for unregistered cars?
I have a few unregistered cars in a garage- one is a show car that I trailer to shows, 2 are just cars I love but I dont drive, and 1 is a race car I occaisonally race. These cars are covered by insurance when I trailer them (add-on policy to trailer insurance), and the race car is covered when i race it (Race insurance with the group I work with)... however, I realize none of them are insured while they sit in my garage against damage or theft. What kind of insurance do I get just to protect these cars while they are sitting on my property? Thanks!""
How much is goin to cost me per month if i own a peugeot 206?
im 19 and a student at uni, i want to buy a but im nt really sure how much it will cost me can someone help me. i will be travellin about 5miles per day with the car road tax servicing insurance petrol etc""
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
What is an affordable health insurance that I can apply for in Southern California?
An affordable one. I can't seem to find one. I was layed off my job but my cobra will be too expensive is there anything else out there. I tried kaiser but its like 220 a month for just me.
Cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance from personal experience, Please and thank you!!""
""Car insurance,guy hit my car,cited by police,now denied it?""
my niece was involved in a traffic accident she was hit by a guy who suddenly changed lane from her right side he was cited by the police but now he fight them saying that he didnot hit my niece car when he changed the lane our car was completely damage and our insurance already paid us and said they will claim on our behalf with his insurance we just been suponea by the police to be witness at the court and the prosecutor told us that he might not be able to convicted him because his car did not show damage on the picture and the prosecutor advise us to let him propose to them to write us a check of $500 to cover our deductible he gave us the check but we did not cash it yet can they said now that they are not responsible for the hit and our insurance cannot claim them no more which mean that our insurance will cover the accident on their own and affect our premium? the whole bill for car+doctor is less than $9000 can someone tell me what will happen now ,we are honest people ,we really do not understand why the other part try to do this,they have insurance too please advise,thank you so very much""
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
Are there any schools out there that offer their teachers affordable family insurance?
My husband is a full-time teacher. I work part-time and am a grad. student. He has great insurance for himself, but I have to pay for my own separately. To add me to his plan would cost us $650.00 a month (adding 1 to 9 people is one lump sum, $650). I can barely afford what I pay on my own ($160+) and then there's the deductible... (basically my insurance doesn't end up paying for anything... it all comes out of my pocket). I guess I just always assumed that if a person had a good full-time job that family insurance would be included or affordable... It's not even an option. Seriously, who can afford $650 a month and on a teacher's salary? Is there any school out there that has a better insurance plan? We love where we are, but we can't afford to live. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?""
Is there insurance for a person that doesn't own a car and rental company doesnt provide insurance?
I want to rent a car but the rental place close to me doesn't provide insurance. They said I would have to provide my own. Is there insurance that will cover me while I rent the rental car? And if there is who will provide that for me?
Advanced driving courses/car insurance?
Hi I am a 20 year old male, i passed 2 years ago, but since my dads insurance went up to 7000 with me as an additional driver both of us totally clean on a 1.4 astra i have been without my own transport as i had to be removed from the policy which is understandable. i've always been a sensible driver with 2 years no accidents or convictions but i have always been an additional driver to save costs on insurance but now the time has come to start building my no claims and i am struggling to find a car i can afford to insure. So long story short what i was wondering was could anybody please tell me of any advanced driving courses or any other ways to lower my insurance quotes and post links to them so i can find them easier. please help its becoming a real nightmare and i am sure if you can help me here you are helping thousands of other young drivers who are being punished because of muppets out there. Thanks for any help i would greatly appreciate it""
Does a speeding ticket raise insurance rates for new drivers?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 15 over. It's my first one and i have never gotten in trouble with the police before. But, I am only 17 and got my license only 9 months ago. If I just pay the ticket and dont go to court, how much more money will my insurance company charge me?""
What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?
1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.""
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Where can i find affordable health insurance??
I am turning 23 in feb. and i loose my dependant status because my parents are military so i need to find some health insurance.
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Would insurance on a corvette be too expensive for someone 19 years old?
I am 17 now, but in a couple years I will have enough money to buy an older corvette. I am looking at either a C5 corvette (97-04) or a C3 corvette (68-82). I am leaning more toward the C5 but since it's a newer car, I would think the insurance would be more expensive, even though the car might only cost 12 grand. The C3 would be cheaper in price, and i heard insurance is really cheap for classic cars too. So, in your opinion what do you think?""
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California?
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket.
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
Private health insurance plan needed?
I was layed off and need to enroll into a health insurance plan. My Cobra is going to be 700 just for me alone. I really need to have insurance but that's sooo expensive any hints or help is very much appreciated.
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?""
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
Help with car tax and short term car insurance?
Hi I have a nissan micra which myself and partner are insured on and I intend to sell. I have bought a peguot but the problem is that it needs taxing and to get tax I need to insure it and this is when it gets complicated - The peugot is in Brighton in my parents garage and they plan to drive it upto me in Liverpool. The question is what do I do about the tax and insurance for it as I dont want to cancel or transfer my current insurance on my micra as I need the car until my new one arrives, my dad will also need to be insured to drive it up. PLEASE HELP VERY CONFUSED""
Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?
I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
Im placed under my moms insurance- but i live with a freind. and im using there car-?
if im put under my moms car insurance - but im livving in another house hold and using someone elses car - would i still be covered(with my moms insurance) ? or you cant do that? becuase if i get in an accident in my friends car - does that cover me and them? or me? there car? someone please explain !
Help finding affordable health care for an individual 24 year old female in college part time and working.?
I am a 24 year old female in a community college (my 3rd semester) I am not full time because I am working as a waitress to survive outside of school. I have looked all over the internet and the quotes I have gotten have actually made me laugh. 520, 250, 300 a month for health insurance are you kidding? I have to pay 500 hundred dollars for health insurance a month? That is almost my rent. This is ridiculous! I really need to get a doctor and more then that I need a dentist. I grew up with a single father and I have only been able to go to the dentist once because his work did not provide health care unfortunately. I am not trying to come off as bitching but this is really frustrating to me. :o( Can someone please send a website with an affordable New York health insurance? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :o/""
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much insurance for a Mustang?
i'm 16 years old, female, and am wanting to get a 2000 year GT Mustang. My insurance company is Farmers with full coverage and they do discount for good grades.. I live in California. How much is a monthly payment for insurance on this car?""
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Car insurance question?
im planning on getting a dodge neon srt 4, im 20 i been driving since i was 16, i got my full license at 18. i have no accidents, tickets or anything(knock on wood). does anyone know how much it would be a month. im also planing on putting 4,000 down on it.""
Classic car ownership in the UK; apparantly there's an advantage over other cars such as cheaper insurance or
tax, or MOT, but I can't remember what...anyone know?""
Can we get car insurance with two different companies?
My mom and dad have their cars insured with one insurance company, we are going to get another car and wanted to have my mom as the primary driver and me as an occasional. The problem is the rates are really high for an occasional driver when you have three cars. Is it legal for my mom and me get insurance with a different company? Can my mom be insured with two companies for two different cars?""
Should i cancel my car insurance?
I have bought a new car which i get tomorrow(with 7 days free insurance). My car I am trading in the insurance policy ends in September. The insurance company want an extra 700 pounds extra to add my new car. However i have no more payments to make on the car. I do not want to cancel my policy with only 3(free) months left(which will also incurr cancellation charges). I dont want to lose my NCB. I also grudge paying the expensive rate of insurance on my new car when i know i can get it cheaper elsewhere. Can i just leave my policy running and declare my new car off the road till my policy is due for renewal and set up a new policy elsewhere?sorry for such a long ramble. Any advice would be appreciated. Ps. i only have one years NCB so i dont want to lose my second year so close to the end of the policy.. bearing in mind i have no payments to make now either. Gaving a second years NCB would save me a few hundred pounds on my next policy.
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Looking for cheap insurance because I have had to tickets for speeding.
Insurance Fraud? Help!?
A couple days ago I was driving to a doctors appointment, I was rushing and very nervous. I got to a road that was closed where I had to back up. I looked behind me and saw no cars. Then I started talking to my mother who was in the car about if the road was closed or just partly blocked off. I looked in my mirrors and started to back up, somehow I must have missed the car that was very close behind me. I barely tapped the bumper, my mom didn't even realize it happened that's how slight the tap was. The woman immediately jumped out of her car and started screaming and cussing like a maniac. The police blocking the road even noticed and had to come over to control her. There was no damage to my car or hers, however she was driving a 92 buick and it was a piece of junk. I was worried she'd try to get something out of the whole thing so I took pictures of everything. This must have made her angry and she started trying to take pictures of my mother and I as well as bird poop on my car? Today I got a call from her insurance agency, saying she claimed injuries, a cracked windshield, and a messed up bumper. I am so angry! I know I did not do any damage, much less injure her! I'm a collage student and really can't afford my rates going up because of this. I called my insurance company and sent them pictures. They are trying to investgate. Anyway, has anyone else experienced something like this? How do these things usually turn out? Is this insurance fraud on her part?""
Who hates Health Insurance?
On the infrequent occasions when I need to see a doctor, I pay cash. Which I'd have to do even if I had health insurance because of the ridiculously high deductibles. I dont even know why i have it. I pay too much money. A friend recommend me a pharmacy Online I will be trying that. They have very cheap prices. am sick of giving out my money. Do you guys think i will save money with Medicines mexico Online Pharmacy?""
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
Do I need uninsured motorists insurance on my motorcycle if I have it on my car policy?
I was just quoted motorcycle insurance by an agent - She claims that If I have uninsured motorists on my car policy, it will cover me even if I'm on my motorcycle and thus I don't need the coverage on my motorcycle policy, making it VERY cheap. Is this true? Are there any con's to doing this? The difference in price on my motorcycle policy is $280 a year without uninsured motorists, and $950 a year with uninsured motorists.""
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
i live in nevada. and if you have good grades do you get a discount i got A's and B's
Motorcycle insurance estimate after DWI?
I'm 21 and had a pretty clean driving record untill 2 years ago when I was charged with a DWI and was convicted of it 1 year ago and lost my licence for a year. I'll be able to get my licence back in 2 weeks. I just purchased a Harley that I want to insure with liability I'm wondering what other people in the same situation are paying for insurance? I'm hoping to keep it under $80 a month for liability on a motorcycle. I was paying $55 a month for 2 older vehicles with liability before the accident and motorcycle insurance is typically cheaper. Any suggestions on good high risk policies that insure motorcycles?
General Liability insurance?
How much will General liability insurance cost for my company? We have been incorporated for 2 years, with no claims against us. We are a parking revenue and security company. I have called dozens of brokers. i just need a ball park so I can tell if i am being ripped off. We have insurance now but feel it may be to high. Please advise""
Can you purchase auto insurance over the phone or online??
can you purchase auto insurance over the phone or online??
Will it make my car insurance go up?
My brother is not on my car insurance policy. He was pulled over and arrested for DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. I want to know what kind of affect that will have on my insurance.
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
How much is insurance on a lamborghini?
I'm 16 and thinking about getting this as my first car and just wondering the insurance.
What is good health insurance for me?
I'm 31, non smoker and in very good health. The only thing I worry about is paying a ton for an emergency visit or doctors visit. catastrophic insurance doesn't cover that stuff, does it? Is there an insurance policy that will cover both major hospital bills and the emergency room/doctor?""
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
What is the average cost of car insurance for teens?
Hi my name is Evelyn and Im planning on getting my car soon. It'll be an old used car. Im a girl. 16 years old. 3.5 or higher gpa. possibly 3.75. Im wondering what the cost for insurance will be when I get the car. I am also currently taking drivers ed in school but have not completed the coarse yet. Does that matter? or should I get the insurance after finishing the class for the discount?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?
Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive. My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on. He has a fully paid policy on file. Is this a situation where the family is out of luck?""
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
Do I have to make an appointment to get car insurance ??
or do i go in the car insurance building and they give me insurance that day ??
Do I need an insurance license in California?
If I work for a licensed insurance agent in California by calling present clients to see if they need more or different insurance and ask questions to get a quote do I need to be licensed? The licensed agent will give all quotes.
""Got into car accident, my fault not my insurance?""
the car and insurance was in my moms name, i was not listed as a driver, ran red light, car smashed me in side, his car somehow flipped over, will insurance pay for both cars,it was on full coverage""
I have a Mazda 6 ... whats the cheapest Car insurance I should get for it? per month?
What's the cheapest car insurance to get on a Mazda 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, ect. I am currently at 70/month... with Allstate but I wanted to know if there was a cheaper service out there.""
Is it cheaper to add a car to my insurance or get a new incurance for the 2nd car?
I have a 1989 trans-am it is modified and i was wondering if it would be cheaper to add it to my insurance company or get a second insurance company just for that car. Andy help???
Do I need health insurance for cosmetic surgery ?
Just wondering ? I have the money to pay for it, so I don't need the insurance to cover it..But the medical forms ask for that information, and I don't have health insurance yet ? Does it matter ? Can I get the surgery without it ?""
Was Obama's health care/college system comparison valid?
Tonight President Obama compared the public health care option to the public system of Universities and colleges. He said the public option will work the same way public colleges and Universities without inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and Universities. This is a fool's argument and a total apples to oranges comparison. Let me explain, first almost all private universities receive funding from the federal government. The federal government is not going to provide funding for private insurance. The second reason is it's common knowledge that the best Universities in the U.S. are private schools such as Duke, Stanford, and the Ivy League. These universities fill most of the highest paying jobs in the country. Some jobs even go as far as to require a degree from one of these schools (Stock Brokers on NYC Stock Exchange.) These highly paid graduates can donate larger amounts of money back to their respective colleges than the average Joe who graduated from a generic state funded university. No one is going to donate money to the private insurance companies. We can't even get all the people who qualify for insurance to sign up and that's the problem! Look, I have no way of knowing whether the public option will work or won't but when faulty logic is used to support it I become concerned. When most of the people supporting the public option are from California (a state where the middle class is few and far between) I become more concerned. When most of the Senators and Representatives who support the public option say they would prefer the U.S. had a single payer system (that's total government control of health care if you didn't know) I become very concerned. The reality is no one knows what the effects of public option will be. Also, the success of FedEx is not any proof that public option won't hurt private companies because an independent council regulates the mail industry. No independent council is mentioned in any of the plans in the House or Senate. yes or no""
""Can I fight an auto insurance company, to prevent my car from being declared a total loss, in California?""
Its an older car but only has a small dent. I understand that its the value of the car vs their estimate of repairs that they are basing this on, but they didn't include options like A/C, cruise control, power door locks and power mirrors and others when figuring its worth. They instead based it on an average car in my area. When doing the math the difference between fixing the dent and totaling the car came out to $18.00. Clearly the addition of the options would have covered that spread in my favor. I want to fight this because I don't want to have a salvage title. I was not at fault and the other parties insurance has already sent me a check I have not cashed nor have I signed anything. I want to know what I can do. And if I am stuck with the total loss, do I have the right to recover for re-title and re-registration charges and smog fees that are going to add up to a few hundred out of my pocket since I am keeping the car. Thanks for taking the time to read my question.""
Do I have to pay my insurance ticket if I drove an uninsured car while I owned another insured car?
Here is what happened: my mother drove my uninsured car and got a speeding ticket plus an insurance ticket. Since she owns a car with current insurance (its just this one time that she happened to drive my car) will I have to purchase insurance in order for judge to reduce her ticket? Or will the ticket get dismissed because she already had insurance (just on her car)?
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered , yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments. I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money? I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.""
Insurance settlement in Arizona?
I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?""
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
Old car insurance help?
just bought a new car and part exchanged my old one but the old one still had some months of insurance, can i get my money back for the un-used months? this ill help fund the new car's insurance""
Single input multiple quote car insurance?
looking for multiple quotes on car insurance with single information input
Drink driving & car insurance?
Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don't have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!
Where can I get affordable car insurance?
I am a female driver who has had a full licence for over 20 years, but I do not have any No Claims and I have 9 points on my licence. The points are for no insurance and having a defective tyre, nothing which reflects badly on my driving. Does anyone know of an insurance company that will not use this to increase the cost to an unaffordable amount.""
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ?
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ? I mean if someone is suffering from any critical disease for long time.
What is a good low cost health insurance plan for my family?
I am 27 and my wife is 26. I am currently a full time college student and my wife is bartending until I finish school. We have no kids but also not a lot of money. I don't mind ...show more
Car mods and insurance premiums?
Hi, I'll give quite a bit of background first. I'm an 18 year old guy and I've been driving a 1.2 clio for about a year and a half now. Paying 1600 (CHEAP & completely clean license) my next insurance premium is around the 600 mark. I'd like to upgrade my car to either a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT I'd like to make modifications to it. Body rather then performance. Does it make a difference in the premium inevitably raising if I first insure the car, drive for a few months THEN modify and contact insurance, rather then, buying, modifying and insuring it before I've driven it? Hopefully that makes sense to anyone reading it. Thanks.""
Credit scores taking a hit from homeowners insurance checks?
Hubby and I called around checking what rates would be for homeowners insurance, but I got a little ahead of myself, seeing that our closing date isn't until August! I called about 4 places, they all ran our credit and said it will be a light hit on the credit scores... Well how much of a hit will our credit scores take?? The bank wants our credit scores updated since them, since we want that late August closing date.. Anyone know how much of a hit it will be?""
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
Teen Drivers Insurance?
Ok so I am a Teen Driver and I am about to get licensed...I need Car insurance...any one know the average in TX? Thanks
How much is AAA insurance?
Well my dad has been a member of AAA for 10 to 17 years now and i wonder how much it would be if he added me on the policy right now since i only have a permit and im going to be 16 in august, and when i get my license, how much would it be to get the coverage for my car?""
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
""When changing auto insurance company, is there disadvantage?
I have an auto insurance with my honda civic si 2001. I got the quote last year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive $230 every month. Someday they called me said some mistake with my quote and change the price without permission goes up to $400per month. I want to find another insurance company I mostly got quote around $300 comprehensive per month without deductable.But don't know do i have to pay any penalty or disadvantage to change it?
Can someone help me find car insurance for my dad?
my dad is looking for a car insurance company that insures anyone who drives his car, ie. his children. is this possible? what insurance companies offer this type of insurance?""
What's the easiest way to get health insurance?
What's the easiest way to get health insurance?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
""What are some cheap first cars, and low insurance.?""
I have 3400, in my bank account and ive been searching for a used car. The most I'd like to spend is 3000, so i have some leftover to get me started on insurance and license plates..Any suggestions on a good first car to look for? Also whats a good Max Milage on a used car? Like 100k? or 150k? I have no clue.""
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
Do you need insurance to take the Texas Driving Test?
I'm gearing up to take my drivers test, but I'm not sure whether I need insurance for it along with my VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, & SSN""
""In New Jersey, does the name on your car insurance card have to match the name on your car...?
...registration? My husbands name is on the insurance and I own the car.
What life insurance policy should I get?
I have the option of variable whole life, whole life, and term life. I know term life is the best, but i am only 18 and i don't have time to go out and invest in mutual funds unless its really easy and quick. I am a college student, and I have no income. I am planning on becoming a nurse, but of course that is not guarenteed. Which one should I get and why? Please don't just say don't get whole life! it sucks yeah i know that but i need details. Also what about for my parents who are in their early 60's . Which one should they get??""
Will I have to pay sports insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old female and I will be getting a 2007 tiburon 2 door , 4 cyl car , would I have to pay sports insurance on it even though it's not 6 or 8 cyl. ?""
If i use third party Car insurance do i build up an insurance record?
Hey, i'm looking at buying a first car, however quotes for Comprehensive insurance are up over $2,000, but i want to build up an insurance record. Does using third party cover build me up an insurance record, or do i need comprehensive insurance? cheers""
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
Average beneficiary payout for a retired airforce employees life insurance policy ?
0 notes
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
"Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
BTW I actually did go to a doctor for a consultation and he deemed it medically necessary for me to have the reduction and they still said NO...any advice?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I have the insurance company replace my car?!!!?
Hello everyone. I just bought a new car five days ago. Two days ago another driver crashed into the back of my new car and sped off. The other driver was caught, but I am told that my new car is in pretty bad condition and it will probably be considered a total loss. The problem is my credit is pretty bad and I had a hard time getting such a nice car, which I traded my previous vehicle for. I'm afraid that even if the other insurance company pays off my new car, I won't be able to get another one. I have no money and nothing to trade. Even more, I really liked my new car and I want the same make and model, but I don't think I'll be able to find another one. What can I do? Would I be able to have the other company replace my car.""
Hit car and insurance?
i want mall today so when i try to park car reverse, i hit other car, but not that crush att all, guy on other car act like i crush car and he ask me for my insurance and i give, also i took his too, do u think he can do anything even thought no crush at all , i have photo too, what going happened, he can get money for that""
What kind of car insurance should I get? I am a student?
I drive a chevy tahoe that is worth about $3500. My current coverage is liability: 50/100 property damage: 50 uninsured motorist 50/100. I live in los angeles california. I pay 1000 a month for my insurance. This is not very affordable and I was wondering what I could do to pay less. I am insured by nationwide. I was thinking maybe I should drop uninsured motorist what do you guys think I should do?
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in NYC?
Currently paying way too much for my auto insurance with Geico.
My car insurance is to high! How can I lower it?
I'm 18 years old, I have been in no accidents. I have health insurance. My car is a buick 2002 century. I pay 400 and don't even have full coverage! I only work part time I don't have 400 dollars every month. Anything I can do?""
How much do you think my insurance will increase if I get my own car?
I trying to plan how much money I will need for a car. Its a 2000 truck. I am 17 and have had no accidents or tickets. I get a good student discount and took a drivers ed class. Sharing my moms car (a new SUV) made her insurance go up $70 a month. Do you have an idea of how much it would go up if I got my own car? Thanks!
Why do lots of people have no car insurance?
of course it must be cheaper to have no insurance than pay over 1000 and if you get caught you only pay a small fine (thats if you get caught)
Life insurance for 18 year old?
My daughter will be 18 this year & she wants to know if she needs life insurance. She lives at home with us,is in 6th form at school (UK) & has no responsibilites like mortgage etc.She has a Saturday job so does work. It doesn't sound like she does, but my husband & I are not sure. Any advice? Thanks.""
Am looking for perscription insurance for my low income mom (86)?
She is on med eye drops, her regence ins. costs her $116. and yet she has to pay $110 for the drops. She has about the lowest ss u can get due to being born in the year 1921. Not sure ...show more""
Higher insurance premiums for celebrities ?
Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html
Insurance rates on sporty cars ?
Would insurance be absolutly insane for a 16 yr old in a 91 toyota mr2 turbo or a 95 mitsubishi eclipse gst or a 95 mustang gt or a 91 toyota mr2 non turbo? Does anybody know about the difference in rates for these cars ir cars like acura integras. Thanks
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
I need health insurance?
but its hard to find a job that will provide it because I am in school and need the job to work around my schedule. Can anybody suggest health insurance I can buy out of my pocket ...show more
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice?
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice driving I will have a licensed person in the passenger seat, but i need a car just for one hour, to practice my skills and prepare for the exam this is very simple, i need a car to practice driving, i have about 15hrs, need mroe any local car rentals in Brooklyn NY? I do not care so much for the cost, as much as just simplifying the process of renting a car for a measly hour. Thanks""
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
What is the lowest average cost for health insurance?
Im a poor 22 year old college student, and I am looking for health insurance at a very low cost- any ideas?""
Are you going to purchase health insurance as required by law ?
Now that the public option is off the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where's the guarantee that it will become affordable ?
Can I teach Yoga in the U.S without buying insurance for my students?
I have been teaching Yoga for 10 yrs, I recently moved to the U.S and planning to start a studio.Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How can I save money on my car insurance?
I'm a young driver who's only just passed. Is it OK to put my Dad as the main driver when in reality I will be driving the car most of the time? I heard it's cheaper that way. Also I know Pass Plus can decrease it. Does putting it in a garage and having good security decrease it? What other things can I do to save - the cheapest quote so far I found is 1,600!""
""I got into a car accident with my new car before i could get insurance, help?""
I just recently bought a 66 mustang from a private seller. My mechanic took a look at it and said it was good. I went to go pick up the car from the seller, and while driving home, 15 minutes into my drive the breaks gave out. I ended up hitting a UPS truck. My passenger and i ended up going to the hospital for injuries. I did not have insurance since i was just going to drive the car home and not drive it until i got full coverage on it. The previous owner still has insurance on the car, and i have not been to the dmv to have the title officially signed over. I need help; legal advice would be great.""
Do you have to have car insurance for all of your vehicles (California- read more for details)?
I live in California and I understand that by law here you have to have car insurance; at least minimum coverage that is. But does this apply to all cars regardless of whether you even drive them on the street or not? The reason why I ask this is because I have a 1971 Chevy Camaro SS which I bought from my father about a year ago (He basically gave it to me, but I didn't want to look spoiled in front of my sister so I gave him $2,000 for it). I did have it insured for the first year thinking it probably wouldn't cost me much, but now I really regret getting it insured since it costed me nearly a fortune this year alone. And the thing that really sucks is that I've never even driven it yet since it still needs a lot of tuning up (and unfortunately I don't have enough time to fix it up since I'm usually a very busy person). Do you think it's possible to uninsure my camaro since it's not even drivable yet? I mean it's not like I'm going to hit a car or something with it since it's just sitting in my garage the whole time. I would ask my insurance agent about this, but I never really trusted them. (They were the ones that persuaded me to get it insured in the first place without even telling me whether I had to or not)""
""If I am added as an added driver to a car, how much will the insurance be? Please see details:?""
If my parents were to get a mini 2004 for example, and they both have no claims and no license points, (so their insurance is about 350 each) how much would it cost to add me (a new driver aged 17) to their car. If one of parents was to be insured, and I was added as a named driver I mean. Roughly speaking. And yes, it would be a new car that my parents hadn't driven before. I am the UK by the way, so I am talking about  not $. Thank you for all contributions!""
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
BTW I actually did go to a doctor for a consultation and he deemed it medically necessary for me to have the reduction and they still said NO...any advice?
""Can you recommend a good house insurance company for Houston, Texas?
Looking to buy a new insurance policy for my house
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
Indiana resident buy car insurance in Chicago?
I go to college in Indiana and hold an Indiana license. I'm working in Chicago this summer and thinking about buying an affordable used car here since there are way more options in the city. I'll go back to Indiana in the fall and would like to register the car as an Indiana one. Since I can't drive the car without an insurance, I wonder if I can buy insurance here in Chicago and still register it as an Indiana car? Thanks a lot.""
Can i get car insurance as a learner driver?
i am a learner driver and was wondering if i can get learner car insurance if i got a car and a qualified driver to teach me
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
Why am I getting such high auto insurance quotes?
I'm really frustrated. I wanted to finally get auto insurance next month. But the free quotes I'm getting on insurance websites (such as Progressive, AllState and Geico) is WAY too expensive! My brothers insurances were always like $160-$180 for 6 months. But I just got a quote from AllState for over $500 for 6 months and $381 for 6 months from Progressive. That's NUTS! I have a 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. And sure, it's bigger than my brothers Ford Ranger and my other brothers Ford Aerostar van, but still.....why is it THAT MUCH MORE expensive? I'm in my 30's and have never had an accident or traffic voilation of any kind within the 14 years I've been driving. I guess none of that matters. All I know is that I'll NEVER be able to afford insurance with quotes like I'm getting.""
Michigan Auto Insurance Premium almost twice as much as quote!?
I'll do my best to summarize my situation, and am using estimates for days and amounts... I received a quote for auto insurance for $590 for a 6 month period from an independent auto agent. When I received my insurance policy and premium price it way nearly double (over $1,100). I cancelled the policy within a week after receiving the huge increase in premiums. Because of the time it took for me to receive my new premium and the 5-7 days for me to cancel, I received a bill for an amount due of roughly $40.00. I previously had auto insurance through the company/agent but it was for a different vehicle and paid a month in advance. My question is, why am I responsible, and how am I responsible for the premium that is so much higher than what I was quoted? I didn't sign any paperwork, I called over the phone and had the agent switch the policy based on the new quote. Auto insurance played a huge factor in budgeting for the vehicle and I feel that I was ripped off. I should be getting a credit for the 10 days that I did not use, not having to pay more for the days I did use. Thanks for any advice you're able to provide!""
New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?
Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?
Auto Insurance Increase-Is this too much?
I backed into a tree that was in my blind spot 2 nights ago and got an estimate today of $2446.00 damage. My deductible is $250. My insurance agent quoted me a 75% increase in my monthly insurance cost. 75%!!!! This is ridiculous to me considering I have no other points on my insurance or any history. In the end after paying this increase over 3 years (plus deductible), it will cost me $2410. Shouldn't insurance save you money? Isn't there anything I can do (other than pay to fix my car out of pocket)?""
Will my insurance go up a lot?
I got into a fender bender in the parking lot at the mall yesterday I reverse parked and i was pulling out and I couldn't really see because a huge hummer was parked next to me I drove up a little bit to see, and a big van that was driving fast just hit me I don't exactly know whose fault it was, but I'm only 16 and I got my license a week ago And I drive a 2012 Honda civic Will my insurance go up a lot? I didn't get a ticket but I have a huge dent that's the size of a basketball on the front corner of my car And my hood is bent a little""
I cant get car insurance because I have bad credit?
please help! I have just passed my driving test and having a problem getting car insurance im 22 and i got bad credit from catalogs loans and overdrawn i dont own anything like a ...show more
How expensive is taxi insurance?
I am thinking of running a taxi for the first time. How much more expensive is it to insure a taxi than a family car. I have full no claims bonus and a standard 5 seater car. I pay about 400 for a peugeot 406 as my family car
Help! which is cheaper of 2 cars on insurance?
which has cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda 3 touring hatchback 2009 (median level trim and automatic) 2. Volvo C30 T5 hatchback (base trim and automatic) ??? which one??? cuz my dad is worrying about the insurance for me. im 19 and going be 20 soon!
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
""Cheap car insurance, I'm 21 had my license 2months?""
Hi I'm in the uk, I'm male, 21, had my license 2months and I need cheap car insurance please.""
How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?
I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .""
My 18 year old daughter needs cheap car insurance.?
My 18 year old daughter passed her driving test today and is struggling to find reasonably cheap insurance. She has tried all of the main players and has gone through the various comparison sites but hasn't found anything below 1700 and if she asks for monthly payments then the price goes up by 50%. Does anyone know of any companies who specialise in young new drivers, maybe who provide insurance on a three or six monthly basis? Grateful for any and all suggestions. Thank you.""
Do I have to have a job that offers dental insurance to get it?
how do I find an easy and affordable dental insurace that will aceept people that are self-employed?
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
What is the best car insurance company? out there?
I'm with all state but is there any insurance company better than all state?
Cost of health insurance for children in houston?
Hi, can anyone advise what is the average cost of health insurance to buy for children, and what factors might affect the cost. Thanks.""
Paying to transfer insurance?
I brought a car a few years ago and I'm still not sure how state farm insurance works. Do you have to pay to have your insurance transfer over? I'm under my mothers policy still and our bill is combined. Can someone please help me? I'm buying a new car tomorrow and want to be prepared before. Thank you Only reason I'm asking is because when I first brought a car earlier this year state farm wanted 350 bucks on the spot while I was at the dealer ship. I don't want that to happen again. 28 minutes ago
New health insurance law I'm so confused?
My husband is half Indian so he can go to the Indian clinic whenever he wants and it's free. Does that mean he still needs insurance?
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
BTW I actually did go to a doctor for a consultation and he deemed it medically necessary for me to have the reduction and they still said NO...any advice?
Would I still have insurance?
Hey. I'm 19 now and I started college. However, I quit going in September. Would I technically still have insurance until the end of the school year? I had surgery over the summer when I was 18 and they had me show them my application papers for college. I would like to get braces before I get too old and I was wondering if I would still be able to get them until the end of the school year.""
Need to start paying for own insurance. help?
So, im 19 almost 20 and im going to be graduating from college this semester, so naturally i have loans that will be due, but i also know that i will have to start paying my own insurances and all that because my parents wont be able to claim me anymore. my question is, how much roughly (average) would it be for health, car, and possibly life insurance?monthly,yearly, however it gets paid. i dont make a whole lot of money so i would like to know about how much it will be, so can figure out if ill be able to afford it all and to make a budget. i dont get any of those benifits at work right now, but i plan to become an apprenctice electrician next fall or spring, which im sure will handle the insurance costs but untill then im some what limited with money. thanks, any and all good help is appreciated""
Insurance companies (health insurance)....need help?
hello, anyone know anything about insurance companies? meaning how do they make their money? to to setup? for example a health insurance company.... what does it exactly do? how hard is it to setup? tried searching the net on how to setup a health insurance company, no help...thanks""
What is the cost for courier insurance?
I am looking into the idea of starting a local courier business, just me with no employees (at least to start with). I'm just trying to get an idea of what some of the start up costs would be, one of which is courier insurance, without having to talk to an insurance agent. I would only be delivering small packages and letters/paperwork in Green Bay WI and the surrounding areas.""
Not continuously insured? Car insurance?
I sold my car two weeks ago and canceled both the insurance and revoked the registration for the new person. I just bought a new car and tried to get insurance and the company is saying they can't do it because I haven't been continuously insured. How am I supposed to be continuously insured if I didn't own ANY vehicle for two weeks? This makes no sense to me. Now they refuse to give me a quote.
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
Is an international student considered a 'resident' (for car insurance purposes in the UK)?
Every car insurance comparison website and company seems to insist that I be a UK resident in order to obtain a car insurance quote. What does 'resident' in this context mean? As far as I know I've never applied for residency. I am a foreign student in the UK, studying in a UK university on a student visa which expires at the end of my course. is that considered a resident? if not how does a non-resident get their car insured? I'd really appreciate any helpful answers""
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
Is it true you dont need a license or insurance to drive a scooter?
Im interested in buying a scooter because i have heard you dont need a license or insurance to drive one. I need a way to get to work easier (right now i take the bus) and i cant afford any kind of insurance right now. I dont have a car and i dont have a drivers license. Plus from what i have seen scooters are way cheaper then cars. why dont you need a license for a scooter and what is the difference between a scooter and a moped? I think i read you DO need a license for a moped but not a scooter.
What insurance company is everyone with?
Im looking to get home insurance but every companys reviews i look up are really bad! Does anyone know of a good one to go with?
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
Can you get car insurance scams? 80 insurance?
im 20 years old and looking for car insurance for the first time on my first car. I have a friend who knows someone working at diamond who has quoted me a really cheap amount for both me and my brother. it comes to 994 a year for me and my brother both and a monthly payment of 80, however he is asking for a personal fee of 650 for doing it so cheap. is this trust worthy? im so baffled please help!""
Car insurance for under 3k?
Hi, im 18 and im trying to find car insurance for under 3k and pay it off monthly. Im getting quotes like 5-6 grand, the comparison sites are a load of rubbish as their saying way ...show more""
Running costs for first time driver?
Hey, on average how much do you think running costs (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) will be for me to drive a car per month? I'm planning to start learning to drive soon (I'm 20 and live in the suburbs- Essex/close to London) the car I'm looking to get would be one from insurance group 1 and I'll probably be doing about 12,000 miles a year, just driving to and from work and socially every now and then. Thanks for any help :)""
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
Insurance help!!!!???
hi i'm an 18 yo living by myself in seattle, wa, just wondering how much insurance do i have to pay, because i'm interested in a 1986 lincoln town car., i live in downtown, and i know prices are higher if you are in the city, i only want to have a car to drive it on weekends an whenever buses are not available. so if you can give me an idea gow much is it, i'll be greatful with your help. thanks bye xoxo""
Is getting renter's insurance a good idea? How about with Balboa insurance?
I'm considering getting this but have no idea how renter's insurance works or anything.
Car insurance after a DUI?
I know everything I have to get with SR22 Interlock, etc... I'm just wondering if I should look into more popular car insurance companies like progressive, allstate,..... Or if local ones will be better/cheaper? Any advice or help is appreciated thank you!""
How much will my insurance be?
I only have 90 bucks on me, im buying a 1985 mazda for 700... Im going to go on my parents insurance and my older sister is also on their insure, so they're insurance will be covering 4 cars including mine... Will my insurance be under 90? Any extra payments?""
Can you haggle auto insurance?
I currently have Allstate for my auto insurance and have a local office and agent. I like having a local office but I recently got a quote from Geico that was over $150 less for 6 months than what I currently pay for the same coverage from Allstate. My question is, if I walk into my local Allstate office and show my agent the lower quote I got will he be able to give me a comparable rate with the same coverage to keep me as a customer or does he not have it in his power to do that? I have never had an accident or even a ticket and always pay my bills on time. I also have excellent credit. I'm just looking to lower my insurance rates.""
Apartment Insurance?
I live in the basement of a house. Am I covered on my landlords insurance policy, or should I invest in renters insurance?""
""25 years old new driver, no cheap insurance :(?
newly qualified driver but cant find any cheap car insurance for 1998 nissan micra :( no less than 3000 per annum. any suggestion. uk
Does the car appearance affect insurance?
Does the car appearance (good or bad) affect how much we pay for car insurance. I know insurance companies always ask What condition is your car?..any dents, etc does saying its in good condition make the rates go up or down?""
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
BTW I actually did go to a doctor for a consultation and he deemed it medically necessary for me to have the reduction and they still said NO...any advice?
Car insurance write off?
Ok so wanting a slightly clearer answer for how exactly car insurance write offs work? I have a 92 Toyota lexcen market value on my policy is up to 2125, I have a damaged bonnet, bumper and headlight also my horn sounds really wrong now! Not sure if there's other damage, I was not at fault in the accident. Basically wondering how they decide whether to write it off or not and how much I could maybe expect to get back? Car was in decent condition low ks, although it's not the first accident it's been in""
""Car has MOT, Tax but no Insurance?
Getting a new car today but still have the old one. I'm waiting for it to be collected by a car scrap collection company which could be up a few days. I want to swap my insurance from my old car to my new. My old car would still be taxed and mot but then will have no insurance. Is that legal? Just to keep it parked up for a few days without insurance?
Auto Insurance Rates...Own Vs. Lease?
I'd like to know if there is a HUGE difference in monthly auto insurance rates if you Lease a car instead of buying one? Things to consider for my scenario: 1) I'm a 23 yr old male, so my rates are still higher until I turn 25 2) Will have to have full coverage considering I won't own the vehicle in either scenario (I'd have to finance if I bought). Any info would be greatly appreciated!""
Will my car Insurance rates up if my car was vandalized?
My car was vandalized and there was about $1100 in damage. I m paying the $500 deductable and my insurance is paying the rest. Will my rates go up?
Im confused about car insurance process?
Does any body know if its standard for the other person car insurance company to know the social security number of the not at fault person? Also, can they deny paying all the medical bills for the accident? Thanks for your inputs.""
CA Borders books pregnancy insurance?
I'm working at a Borders in CA and i'm part time. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to go about getting insurance. My training manager said to look online for borders insurance but I'm not finding it. Is the part time insurance worth it for pregnancy costs? I'm having a midwife and want to figure out how to get that covered.
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
Do some states require car insurance before a drivers license?
I'm 20. The reason I don't have a drivers license yet is because my mom tells me that in order to even have a drivers license, you also have to be on some kind of insurance--which is expensive. so is this true or can I acquire a license without insurance, just to have one? I live in Georgia by the way. Tried to look it up myself but couldn't really find an answer. thanks.""
Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates?
I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?""
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
Will my monthly premium for car insurance go up?
i have a brand new car 89 mi only which i damaged when i backed out of the garage. body shop and insurance co.said amount is $4300 to repair. i definitely cant afford to pay out of the pocket .i am a first time car owner and a new driver. how much do you think will my mo. premium go?i live in california by the way
If I take out home/car insurance?
But don't declare a conviction for violence from 20yrs ago (when asked do you have any convictions ) would the insurance be void or if I declare would the quote shoot up
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
Car insurance for new driver?
i'm looking to get my G2 tomorrow. i'm unsure what to do about insurance. i'm 17 and currently living with my mom, and often driving her vehicle. i'm planing on getting my own car soon though. do i have to go under her insurance? or do i have to go on my own?""
What is an average 16 year old car insurance bill?
Im am 16 years old bought a car sunday its a 96 240sx 2 door, and my mom is wondering how much my insurance would cost. And we are with allstate if that helps you guys.""
Cheap 17 Year old car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and can't find affordable car insurance. I would not be the main driver of the car as I would use it less than my parents, yet I cannot find a quote cheaper than 3000 on my 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L Petrol.""
""Female, over 25, 9 years driving experience needs CHEAP CAR INSURANCE?""
Hi, my previous insurance was less than 350.00 for third party, fire and theft (in london). My new car is similar but I am getting quotes for 800+ for third party fire and theft. This is ridiculous. I am in my late twenties and have been driving almost 10 years. I would really appreciate names of small insurance brokers. 10 points.""
Why do i need car insurnace?
give me 7 reasons why i need car insurance
Can I change my car insurance before the year is up?
I have found a cheaper quote but my insurance doesn't run out until next year
A good first car that is cheap to insure?
Hey well I am a 18 year old male and am looking at first cars but i want something that looks good cheap to run and has CHEAP insurance, can anyone surgest any motors?""
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
BTW I actually did go to a doctor for a consultation and he deemed it medically necessary for me to have the reduction and they still said NO...any advice?
0 notes
What is the point of friends and relationships?
The questionable studies of Harlow was undoubetdly cruel but elighted an important insight to human affection. Can we live without it? The reason harlow preformed hi experiments on moneky’s was because taking a human in the most natural sociolofical form would be  ‘an infant’ because they are without external influence - TV, parents, toys. 
Harlow took a group of baby monkey from birth and put them in an elaborate set up with 2 mothers, One was a wired mother, who fed and provided milk, the other was cloth who’s only ability was to provide comfort. Thehypothesis was that hough the wire mother was scary and uncomforting the monkey would show love to it because it nourished them and gave them a means to survive. Proving that human love was based off of need. but surprising Harlow was wrong. The monkeys utilised both mothers equally, further proving comfort and affectio was something needed in the psche for love and survival. 
to want to belong somewhere, to find comfort. Today we do so by first finding it in family, and then as adults in categories, it’s how we met like minded people.
Groups, set aorund drinking culture, fitness or art. Still fear change just as the Neanderthals did, maybe theire categories  it was the hunters and gathers any anything new was scary, rejected and destroyed as it posed a threat to a specific way of life. For example how your fat friends relish and secretly don’t want you get fit or how the friends who drink a lot don’t want you to stop drinking. 
  but today, it’s divided by mroe and more categories.  When we wee young we dealt with a small kind of exclusion boy against girls, when we are older it’s the Introverts and Extroverts, who liek this magazine, or this celebrity and we form gorups and within those groups cultures, when really why do the categories matter at all. We are all humn and at the heart of it little animals trying to feel out places to fit in somewhere. 
I didn’t really feel like i belonged on anywhere, in my family or in friend groups. I was outcasted though I didnt realise until I was 13. In high school a rumor would go around about me that I was a lesbian on the first day of high school casting me as ‘dont play with’ Sometimes I wonder if it was my sister who intially spread the rumor since she was always at a competition with me for attention, I never felt it. She once turned to me and said ‘you know how were always pitted against eachother’ and I never knew what she meant.
She once bribed me in the bathroom as young kids with a $2 coin to stop pulling a face that would grab my moms attention and make her laugh for a secod, for my sister attention is what gave her validation, and to stop me from getting it away from her.
And above that I was weird. And people didn’tlike me. My didn’t so why would i believe or act in away that anyone else did. A very self pittying view but at the time it was true none the less. Having friends was extremelydifficult for me because of my mom too. When I  had finally made a friend group one of them asked ‘my parents saifd your mom was a mistress’ i had no idea what that meant so i asked my mom who lost it at me
WHO SAID THAT she blarred, eventully getting the number out of me and absuing my friends parents.
Eventually even my sister friends werent allowed at our house because theyw ould leave crying. 
gossip started, but still no one stepped in or did anything. 
Friendships can seem mysteious, we talk about clicking, but there there is something at the heart of friendships that seems important to identify, vulnerability. it’s easy to assume what makes us likeable is who we are on the outside, good looks, nice car or public acclaim, strengths accoplisment and things we are porud of.. this impresses but it isnt what draws others to us.. the more we get to know someon we are able to depart from the official story  and start to reveal awkward truths.
unfortunately this can work in 2 ways, with overwhelming support and positivity for our positive traits and negative. Friends, can be a great healthy support and fulfill our very sociological need to belong somewhere. Friends can also be a great support for validating unhealthy values too.
My mother was still able to find a group of friends who validated their own alcohol addiction ad sadness together and becam a stronger support for denial rather than lifting eachother up. 
I’d always dread coming home from school and smelling the cigarette smoke and drunken laighter from the varrander. Mid day drunken senssions of sad people pissing their years away. My mom blamed my sister and I had no problme telling us that or her friend who believed her.
One weekend away I had come home from a sleepover and found one of these friends cleaning out my moms house. I had been gone the entire weekend and she had supposedly trashed eevrything. Her friend was shaking her head and calling me a digusting pig as my mom had told them I had done it. I tried to explain id been away how could I have done it, but being a child in the eyes of ‘adults’ they didnt believe and continued on the lies to keep inhibiting their digusting problems.
Soon my mom would have sex uncaring if anyone was around. On top of my christmas presents, as i cried from the top of the stairs, her fleeting relationship with a man who was just a pathetic and lonely theyd smoke weed and scream loudly un caring there was children in the house, that it was the middle of the day and how truly disturbing a child leanring about sex is by listening to unhibited parent not caring about boundaries.. only their own desires.
Soon there was naked people everywhere, cigarette smoke vodka stained carpets and a deeper denial floating around everyone who gravitated that disgusting house. Her besy friend soon became her lesbian lover would drink with her ll night laughing about how shit life was. She’d call me after my mom died and continue, she’d tell me how she removed my moms tampon and other disgusting detils of their love life i had no need to know. But she needed someoone to vent to, and someone to understand. Anyone. And that desperatess left to an unhinged release of lines being crossed, when anyone would think a responible adult should be incontrol of where they are drawn. 
None of them truly understanding how daming that is for a young girl in her formative years. Had it been openly talked about maybe it would have been differnt, but it was always loud voices behind a locked door. 
I’d learn how to pick locks becauseof this.. or be louder. I’d bury myself into my guitar and sing sond of her being sober outside her bedroom door all in a failed attempt to get throgh. to someone. 
It was agonsiing screaming for help on the floor with no one to hear me. I still feel so much pain playing guitar out of fear the songs I did play were unimportsant, unlistened to and didnt help anyone. 
We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The terminally ill person maybe pittied and empthaised with and by family and friends but only he who is truly sick can know what it is like to suffer that fate.
The lovers deserprately try to fuse with eachother in hopes of creating a destiny in a sing self transdence but do so in vain as they inevitbly die alone. Only you can experience what you are experiencing, and it is th efate of every soul to suffer in solitude.
I retracted inwards, more and had the self realisation it was Ok to be alone and feel lonely,t hat really. All I had was me in this wrold to rely on, and that was ok, which shaped my beliefs today on being lonely.
 I like the feeling. I believe being lonely can be a choice & isn’t sad at all. Many people have mixed judgements about this, some will think I am shy, others insecure.. but I am a deeply confident person these days,  I've struggled with myself, and, at the same time I often wondered -- s there something wrong with me for not forming {meaningful || intermittent} attachments?"
 For me it's come down to the fact that I'm about growth and progress and moving forward. Since I've been young, I've never really felt any particular attachment to any one thing in particular. Such as, the typical hometown-hoedown; or taking-up supporting a local team with fervor or passion. Same goes with my relationships friends or more than friends. 
It's taken a while, but I'm comfortable with this for the most part. I don't want to be stuck in any one mindset or frame of mind, nor do I want to placate or pacify myself into being stagnant. "Oh this is just okay since it's what everyone else does." It seems in 2017 It's still looked down upon to be 'alone', as if there is something wrong with you. And although I believe having social skills to carry yourself in a large groups is important, it's not the same thing. Reminds me of a Cranberries song: "Everybody else is doing it, so why don't we."is simple: "What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular." -- Do I want to be a follower, or have my own mind? Am I myself, or am I someone else? To make friends - good ones, you truly do have to enjoy your own company in order to provide the vulnerabilty of true friendship, our hidden truths and obscrities.
 I (personally) abhor parrots -- hearing the same thing over and over again from people who don't like answering pertinent questions which would impinge parrot logic (ignore that which is inconvenient is used too often by too many people, IMO). Make sense? (I see nothing wrong with this -- though it might feel wrong compared to the typical or average social perspective)-- there's really nothing wrong with it tp  fill the sociological need to belong grow with self value & respect first, you can accept the right people and let them come and go throughout all phases of it.  I fall inlove with people who aren’t afraid to say no to me, I fall in love with my friends who help me learn. 
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