#you could have 31 banana wallpapers right now
mildmayfoxe · 2 years
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✨ pixel night wallpapers ✨
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justisco · 6 years
Rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
Name: Polly
Gender: Female
⭐️ sign: Libra
Height: 5′7
Sexuality: Straight
What images do you have set as your desktop/ cellphone wallpaper:
My desktop screensaver is the boys when we won la liga at malaga last season and then my background is a picture of me and my friends nearly 3 years ago! And my phone is two ucl 2017 winner pics, I posted them a while back.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
There were three buff teachers at my school, we were blessed.
Where do you 👀 yourself in 10 years:
I’ll be 31, hopefully pushing my children to play for Real Madrid.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be:
New York.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I dressed as a zombie a couple of years back, that was chill.
What’s your favorite 90s show:
Friends, fresh prince, that 70s show.
Who was your last 😘:
My friend when drunk.
Have you ever been stood up:
Have you ever been to Las Vegas:
Nah don’t see the hype tbh.
Favorite pair of shoes:
I have like 1000 pairs of vans but my classic white suede ones are probs my fave.
Favorite fruit:
I only like, like four fruits so bananas probably.
Favorite books:
The Song of Achilles, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I’m the worlds slowest reader.
Stupidest thing you have ever done?
Became a football fan.
TAGGING - @mccleans, @saystheheart, @zizou, @asensihoe, @borjitamayoral, @crstianos, @iscomadrid, @potatonicloss, @iscomorata, @ithcos YOU AINT GOTTA DO IT.
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lav-skam-blog · 6 years
thank you @fxckxxp for tagging me in this little tumblr tag game :)
rules: tag ten followers you want to get know better.
name: L....
gender: Female
star sign: Aquarius
height: 174
age: 31
sexuality: happily married to a dude ;)
house: dr. house (lol sorry I missed out on all of Harry Potter)
what image do you have as your wallpaper? sunset over the baltic see in winter with lots of snow and an old lighthouse + my & hubby
have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No not really, but I had some really cool teachers, and maybe a crush on a teachers assistent like in university ;)
where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully more or less right where I am at right now. just living on the countryside in my own house, growing vegetables. ;)
if you could be anywhere else right now, where? Costa Rica, beach, drinking hot chocolate out of a coconut. been there done that, would do it again. (just the total opposite to the snow chaos and freezing temperatures still outside)
what was your coolest halloween costume? I went as a “black widow” in the 5th grade, my mom put on too much make up in my face and a had a little bag with toxic powders to “kill more rich husband” lol. that was pretty rad for 5th grade. last time I dressed up I coloured my hair red and went as Pippi Långstrump, which was awesome.
what was your favourite 90′s show? Second Fresh Prince, but also Buffy the vampire slayer :D
last kiss? :D this morning
have you ever been stood up? Not really that I remember, but I never did the date thing so seriously. but during relationships, yeah probably happened though.
have you ever been to las vegas? No, and why would I?
favourite pair of shoes? my puma sneakers back in the days
favourite fruit? banana and strawberry
favourite book? Hmmm I agree this is hard, havent read much more than fanfics recently ;) (which are all awesome!), and scientific books for school. Trainspotting is still a classic, although I read it like 15 years ago. Also Illuminati trilogy, and Mars trilogy (i heard the audio book, like 80 hours!).
the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? hard one, it all depends on the definition right ;) well as a teenager I told my boyfriend I cheated on him. should have probably just shut up ;)
all-time favourite tv shows: SKAM, obviously. Buffy, That 70′s Show, Futurama, Simpsons, IT crowd - the last three I can almost quote in their entirety.
the last movie you saw at the theatre: Gods own country :D Right after Call my by your name
Okay I’m going to tag @julian-dahl, @confusedisak, @gaspardette @berlinisak, @skamremakesfromhell, @evaks, @branstark, @skamskada, @skamtrash, @skam-germany
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
1. Do you ever wonder what things would be like if you had made a different choice? Of course. I wonder that all the time about everything.
2. What is the wallpaper on your phone? My home screen is a photo of my dog, Brandie, who passed away this past December. My lock screen is Alexander Skarsgard.
3. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? I leave ‘em on.
4. Would you ever date somebody that was the same sex as you? No.
5. Is there someone you used to talk to everyday that you don’t talk to at all now? Yes.
6. Do you think you’re a good person? I don’t think too highly of myself.
7. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I don’t know if I’m relevant enough for that.
8. What’s your favourite fruit? Bananas.
9. Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive.
10. Can men and women be “just friends”? Yes...
11. Would you live with someone without being married to them? Yes.
12. Last board game you played? Life.
13. When’s the last time you went swimming? Like four years ago.
14. How often do you wake up to having unread texts? Not often at all. Pretty rare, actually. If I do have one, it’s likely from my dad sending me a reminder text to pay his bill due that day (I handle all that stuff for him online cause my dad isn’t tech savvy).
15. Is there anyone you wish you could be spending your time with right now? No.
16. Does someone text you and say goodnight every night? No.
17. Would you rather go back a week or forward? Stay right here.
18. Is anyone ignoring you right now? I don’t think so.
19. Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you? Yes.
20. Do you like country music? Yeah, some.
21. Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at? *shrug*
22. Did you make any new friends since the school year started? I’m no longer in school.
23. What was the last thing you watched on the TV? KUWTK.
24. Is there snow on the ground where you are? Pfft no. It’s supposed to be 110 here today. UGHHHHHHH. Plus, it doesn’t snow here.
25. Can you watch scary movies? Some.
26. Do you say sorry first? Yes.
27. Has someone ever made you a promise and broken it? Yep. Tis’ life.
28. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? I think so. When I’m ready for one.
29. Was the last message you received on your phone from a male or female? Male.
30. If the internet was not available right now, what would you do instead? Watch TV.
31. Do you study a lot? I’m not in school.
32. Who was the first person you talked to today? My mom.
33. Who else is in the room with you? My puppy.
34. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I wouldn’t.
35. What are you looking forward to? SUMMER BEING OVER.
36. When was the last time something bothered you? Everyday.
37. What is in your pocket? No pockets on these pj pants, but I don’t use pockets anyway.
38. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? From JCP.
39. Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? Yes.
40. Would you rather grow old with someone or be single forever? Grow old with the right person.
41. Are you happy with the way things are going? No.
42. How far away is the last person you kissed? I don’t know where he’s at.
43. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? No.
44. Do long distance relationships work? They can.
45. Who were you with the last time you wen to the movies? My mom and aunt.
46. Wha are you doing after this? Possibly another survey.
47. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Yes.
48. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? Yeah?
49. When were you last in a vehicle? This past Friday.
50. Moving on, do you wish summer could come just about now? It’s been here and I’ve been ready for it to be OVER.
51. Are you teenaged years most definitely the hardest years to go through? They can be because they’re critical years in your life when you’re changing and trying to figure out things.
52. Are you nervous about anything? Yes.
53. Have you ever stayed the night at your school? Closest thing was grad night after I graduated high school where the school put on this fun overnight thing, well until like 5AM, for us to do to promote sobriety and have a fun, safe celebration.
54. Do you hate the last guy/girl you dated? No.
55. Has anyone you’ve known changed recently? Yeah.
56. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? I don’t know if I would.
57. In the past five days, would you go back and change something if you could? Yes.
58. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Not romantically, no.
59. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? I talked to my mom this morning.
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Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @rlc19 (Thank you Buddy!)
Warning: This is very long. Enjoy or scroll past at your leisure
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
My laptop has the TARDIS in space and my phone has a quote for my lock screen “Always be yourself unless you can be Felicity Smoak then always be Felicity Smoak”, and my home screen is Stephen Amell shirtless because why not?
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? 
3) What was your last text message? 
“Thank you” with a bunch of emojis
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 year
I’m an English major that doesn’t want to teach so probably nothing fun
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? 
Home with Buddy
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I’m pretty generic when it comes to costumes but when I was little I was Aurora and I was really excited because she was extremely rare then.
7) What was your favorite 90′s show?
It’s a tie between Friends and Buffy?
8) Who was your last kiss?
Never been kissed (and no I’ve never seen that movie)
9) Have you ever been stood up?
No, but to be fair I don’t date. If I did I’m guessing probably all the time.
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood, but coffee or chocolate.
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
Lots of times but interestingly enough not since I turn 21
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
My black slip on Vans
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Never had anyone to cheat on
14) What is your favorite fruit?
Apples (red not green)
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
Hell if I know. I have issues.
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
Talk/write it out to myself. My journal is not a happy place.
19) Do you believe in God? 
As a physical being no.
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
I’m not in love with anyone so there’s nothing to know
21) Favorite position?
Curled up with coffee and a good book.
22) What’s your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
Failing and hurting the people I love.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
A cat and a dog
25) What never fails to turn you on?
Middle-aged actors
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
I actually do warm up the longer you know me.
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
Spending the night alone.
29) What store do you shop at most often?
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
I’m a virgin so I have no idea
31) Do you believe in karma?
32) Are you single?
So single. So so single.
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
I think you should buy something specific to the person you’re apologizing to. For me that’s books.
34) Are you a good swimmer?
35) Coffee or tea?
I like both. Dark roast for coffee and green tea for tea
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
Depends. Since moving to a city I shop online a lot. Outside is too people-y.
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
Younger as long as I can retain my current knowledge otherwise…I guess still younger. Give myself another shot to not suck.
38) Cats or Dogs?
I have both and I love both.
39) Are you a competitive person? Depends but not usually
40) Do you believe in aliens?
41) Do you like dancing?
With and/or around others? No. Alone? Yes.
42) What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to basically everything. I’ve been into soundtracks lately (Thank you Hamilton) Yay Hamlet!
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
Elsa from Frozen
44) Where are you from?
Arizona, but I was born in California. I don’t remember that though.
45) Eat at home or eat out?
Home. I can’t eat when there’s too many people around me.
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?
A little. I don’t morph into a socialite or anything but it dampens my anxiety to the point I don’t feel the need to die.
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
I’m a student without a job.
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
Who knows. I’m a horrible human.
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
As much as possible. It’s death, without the commitment.
50) What worries you most about the future?
Everything. Literally everything.
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
I don’t know. I am a doormat so it’s possible I’d be friends with them until they got bored and found a new punching bag.
52) Are you happy with yourself?
No, not in the least.
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
I could stand to forget some family stories I’ve heard over the years.
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?
Be honest. Avoiding things doesn’t make them go away. It makes you forget and then you’re lost in the dark abyss unaware of how you got there or how to get out.
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
Does the Bunker from Supernatural count? What’s not to love about a Bunker with a library? You’d have to wheel my corpse out on a stretcher to get me to leave that place.
56) What’s your favorite website?
Tie between Tumblr and YouTube
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
I’m pretty much a walking collection of habits that need to be broken.
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?
I’m pretty sure it was in October when I went to Palm Springs.
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
I don’t know.
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
An appetizer assortment mostly. I love eggrolls and rangoons.
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
My authority over subjects is limited so…something fiction/fandom related.
63) Favorite kind of chips?
Banana chips.
64) Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey with Brie and spicy mustard.
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Proud to say, no I have not. I live in fear though so *knocks on wood*
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?
Used to be weightlifting but my anxiety and my bank account don’t allow that anymore so I’m sad about it.
68) Are you afraid of heights?
Theoretically yes. I have dreams all the time about being afraid of heights and when I think about it I’m afraid but if I go stand on something tall I’m fine.
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
British Lit.
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
Tropical smoothie.
71) Do you like guacamole?
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
73) What/who are you thinking about right now?
Buddy because he said he’s been in a physical fight and I did not know that so now I am retroactively worrying.
74) Do you like cuddling?
No. Don’t touch me.
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
Yes. All the yes. All the things. Just—so many.
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?
No, but I face it every semester when I sure I’m going to fail.
77) Favorite city you’ve been to?
Not a fan of cities in general. I didn’t hate Munich or Seattle though.
78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
My whole life is an embarrassing moment.
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
I believe people need to rationally and intelligently be able to speak to one another in order to find common ground and make the world a better place but considering the news I don’t think that’s ever going to happen so my belief does nothing I’m afraid.
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I can’t think of anything. I have a high pain tolerance and have never broken anything.
82) Favorite day of the week?
The day I don’t have to go anywhere. This semester happens to be Friday.
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
84) How do you feel about porn?
Indifferent. Don’t care to watch it, don’t care that others do.
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?
I don’t know. I feel like that’s not a fair question because for me to know them they’d have to know me and that’s kinda mean.
86) Who was your hottest ex?
I don’t have any ex’s to consider hot. I’m generally an ignored human.
87) Do you want/have kids?
No. The world is a shitty place why would I do that to an innocent?
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
Haha no.
89) Do you get easily distracted?
Yeah kinda
90) Ass or titties?
91) What is your favorite word?
Kerfuffle. <-- yes. Thank you Buddy
92) How do you feel about tattoos?
I like them. I have one.
93) Do you have any pets?
94) How tall are you?
95) How old are you?
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
My eyes. That’s it.
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about? Fiction
98) Do you have trust issues?
99) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not even a little.
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
I don’t know if they’re specific words, but I just try to remember to look inward and not outward because if you’re looking for something, chances are you’re not going to get it from someone else. You have to be ok with you before you can add other people to the mix. For better or worse, at the end of the day you’re all you have.
Alright, that was fun. I’m tagging anyone who sees this and wants to. It’s really fun I highly recommend it. I was quite upset and this made me feel way better :)
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trowelfrog4-blog · 5 years
Colony @ Eco City tour!
Hello everyone!
So the launch of Colony @ Eco City has come and gone (two weeks ago) and I’m finally getting around to blogging about it! T____T  I haven’t really been writing much about it so this post is gonna be it ok hold on to your seats wtf.
We’ve been working on this since last December so it’s been like 7 months in the coming!
This project was quite different from our first one, when honestly I had no idea what I was doing.  I thought this would be easier, having gone through it once before.  As usual I was wrong. Lol.
The first Colony used to be a serviced office before we took it over.  All we had to do really, was renovate and furnish it.  Sure, we added facilities and equipment, upgraded the Internet and things like that, but everything was mostly set up already.
For Eco City, we had a completely blank space.  Only concrete walls and floor and exposed piping.  So we got to work.  We first submitted our plans for approval from DBKL and Bomba (City Council and Fire Department)… but first I had to go talk to engineers too for drawing up the plans.  My first time dealing with anything like this, but the engineer was so nice he walked me through the entire process, step by step.  I understood then, but my sieve-like memory has forgotten some of it now. -_-
After that came the electrical drawings, the plumbing drawings, fire safety drawings, data points, airconditioning, flooring, furnishing….
All these came from our awesome design team ok.  I merely nodded and trusted Buddha WTF.
Then came the fun part – design.
When we first secured the space, we were ecstatic – huge floor to ceiling windows, tons of natural light, nice spacious square shape.  It even faced a hill which had a river running towards us. #goodfengshui  It’s also bigger than our KLCC location and Fatty and I imagined it would be our flagship location.
So since it’s Colony… what theme would be better than a (British) Colonial theme?  I have no idea how other designers work but for me, it really helps if I have a strong theme in mind to allude to.  Because I like a lot of things wtf and I don’t want to stray off track hahaha.  A theme helps remind me and keep me focused I guess.
I usually try to strike a balance between ‘homey’ and ‘comfortable’ and ‘luxurious’ for Colony so I felt this theme matched the purpose as well.  Colonial style decoration would be grand enough, yet toned down enough for people to relax in it.
This was our first artist’s impression.
*poker face*
It’s nice! But it looks like The Majestic.  Or Fullerton in Singapore.  When I thought colonial, I totally forgot that it’s a popular theme for hotels in this region hahaha.
I thought it needed a bit more character, or something to change it up a bit.  Working on Colony, I learned that I like contrasts in design, and this design was too straight in getting to its destination.  Does that make sense?
I asked, how about adding some unexpected colors?  Like pink?
*more poker face*
*puts saline drops in eyes*
I removed the fuchsia and replaced it with pastel pink.  And eliminated the Buncho yellow.
Results were much better!  We also added a whole bunch of elements traditionally associated with colonial style: a lot of greenery in the form of big leafed plants like banana and palm, blue and white Chinese porcelain, brass fixtures, beautiful old books, and rattan.
And here’s the final result! 🙂
Here’s the cafe area.  The cafe in Eco City is run by The Embassy, who have an outlet in Starling Mall too.
We chose a gorgeous dull mint color for the cafe which contrasts so well with the pink!  ID was skeptical about too many colors but I love itttttt.
We did marble topped tables for the old school charm and rattan backed chairs.
The lounge area where people can chill, have discussions or hot desk.
The day beds on the right are my pride and joy. T___T I kept thinking in the initial design drafts that the ‘colonialism’ wasn’t coming out strong enough.  I’m so glad I saw these canopy beds on Pinterest hahahaha. Cos they really make the space! This pic was taken before the canopies arrived so I might update this later.
Designer customized the beds for seating; I imagined full on beds but these are much better cos I don’t want people to have to put their feet up when they sit down la hahaha can’t be too comfortable wtf.
Details: we put in standing louvers, painted black.  When I was Fighter’s age, I lived in my grandparents’ Colonial terrace house in Penang which had louvered windows so this is so nostalgic for me. 🙂
Our throws are cased in mostly botanical prints or animal skin prints.  For rugs we used handwoven rattan-like rugs.
Spin behind the cafe a bit.  Lockers for our Reserved Desk guests (who don’t have locked drawers for their belongings) are on the left.  Straight in front is the kids’ playroom.
The kids’ room includes a nursing room!  The cushion is so apt ok. When your nips are bleeding and you’re putting cabbage leaves on your boobs to stop the clog, remember what the cushion says wtf.
Anyway yellow armchair for momma to sit, next to it are appropriate baby supplies – diapers, wet wipes and even nursing pads thoughtfully provided by Applecrumby and Fish.  And changing table on the left!
Here’s the playroom!  Walls are done in customized wallpaper.  Picket fence is there to corrall off screaming and running lolol.
Inside we have a slide, a dolls’ house, and a city scape set up…
And a toy kitchen on the other side.  All from Taobao LOL GOOD BUYS LEH.  Sorry I don’t know where to get it cos ID got everything.
The highlight is this wtf.  There was a little bit of space under the stairs outside so we broke it in and created this little nook.  Then Katrine created a house facade around it and filled it with beds, cushions and lots of stuffed animals.  I think it’s the critters’ favorite part of Colony actually.
Back out again.  Another view of the lounge and Reserved Desks area.
Phone booths are done up in pink!  One of my favorite details here.
What a phone booth at Colony @ Eco City looks like.
Inside we have an old fashioned writing desk and chair, with a Persian style rug on hardwood floor.  We filled it with cushions, throw blankets and furry to reduce any echoing that could come from phone calls or video conferences. ^^
This nook is our Instagram corner. Hahahah.  The pink is a print we got from Shutterstock and blew up LOL.  Cos customizing a wallpaper was too expensive wtf.  #renohacks
Our conference room.  Fits 14 people!  Our meeting rooms are always named after famous explorers or trailblazers, so for this Colony, our conference room is called Battuta, for Ibn Battuta.
People who studied sejarah should know la ok hahahaha.  One other meeting room is called Murasaki for Lady Murasaki Shikibu, who was a lady in waiting in Japan, and wrote The Tale of Genji, considered the first ever novel in the world! *nerd*  And the third is called Armstrong for Neil Armstrong, who was the first man on the moon.
This is our event space.  When there are no events, this area will be used for just hanging out or hot desking.
When there are events though, the furniture can be moved around to accommodate the style of event.  I tried to choose lighter, individual pieces for easier shifting.
Ooh one of my favorite spots too!  We ordered these steamer trunk tables from China and they got lost at sea FML.  I was going crazy cos I thought we were gonna launch with no tables but luckily they came in time!  I love them so much I got two smaller ones for our bedside tables at home.
Ordered this chair cos I thought it was really unique but now I suddenly see it everywhere. -_-
Here’s the entrance to our private office suites!
Flooring is in black and white tile for a retro feel.
The pictures I chose all also got colonial theme one!  We have a lot of old maps, tropical animal portraits and vintage photos of British colonial scenes.
This is a special room, called the Jamestown Suite.  Named after one of the first British colonies, it’s a glammed up luxe version of a normal Colony office.
We outfitted it with wallpaper, hardwood floors, a Chesterfield couch, TV screen…
A Marshall speaker, and smart home capabilities.  You can basically control the curtains, music, TV and lights with Google Home. ^^ For special clients only hehehe.
Here’s Murasaki.
I added this pug which is damn random but damn cute ok hahahaha.  Apt cos Murasaki in Japanese means purple and his shades got purple there wtf.
The pantry (and a mop).
Nap room which you can book to take a quick break.
I also made a video tour!  I shot it while some of our furniture wasn’t even in yet though but just to give you a guys a sense of the place.  Also includes Fighter and Penny’s reaction to the kids’ playroom hahaha.
Source: https://fourfeetnine.com/2018/07/31/colony-eco-city-tour/
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coughscent1-blog · 5 years
Colony @ Eco City tour!
Hello everyone!
So the launch of Colony @ Eco City has come and gone (two weeks ago) and I’m finally getting around to blogging about it! T____T  I haven’t really been writing much about it so this post is gonna be it ok hold on to your seats wtf.
We’ve been working on this since last December so it’s been like 7 months in the coming!
This project was quite different from our first one, when honestly I had no idea what I was doing.  I thought this would be easier, having gone through it once before.  As usual I was wrong. Lol.
The first Colony used to be a serviced office before we took it over.  All we had to do really, was renovate and furnish it.  Sure, we added facilities and equipment, upgraded the Internet and things like that, but everything was mostly set up already.
For Eco City, we had a completely blank space.  Only concrete walls and floor and exposed piping.  So we got to work.  We first submitted our plans for approval from DBKL and Bomba (City Council and Fire Department)… but first I had to go talk to engineers too for drawing up the plans.  My first time dealing with anything like this, but the engineer was so nice he walked me through the entire process, step by step.  I understood then, but my sieve-like memory has forgotten some of it now. -_-
After that came the electrical drawings, the plumbing drawings, fire safety drawings, data points, airconditioning, flooring, furnishing….
All these came from our awesome design team ok.  I merely nodded and trusted Buddha WTF.
Then came the fun part – design.
When we first secured the space, we were ecstatic – huge floor to ceiling windows, tons of natural light, nice spacious square shape.  It even faced a hill which had a river running towards us. #goodfengshui  It’s also bigger than our KLCC location and Fatty and I imagined it would be our flagship location.
So since it’s Colony… what theme would be better than a (British) Colonial theme?  I have no idea how other designers work but for me, it really helps if I have a strong theme in mind to allude to.  Because I like a lot of things wtf and I don’t want to stray off track hahaha.  A theme helps remind me and keep me focused I guess.
I usually try to strike a balance between ‘homey’ and ‘comfortable’ and ‘luxurious’ for Colony so I felt this theme matched the purpose as well.  Colonial style decoration would be grand enough, yet toned down enough for people to relax in it.
This was our first artist’s impression.
*poker face*
It’s nice! But it looks like The Majestic.  Or Fullerton in Singapore.  When I thought colonial, I totally forgot that it’s a popular theme for hotels in this region hahaha.
I thought it needed a bit more character, or something to change it up a bit.  Working on Colony, I learned that I like contrasts in design, and this design was too straight in getting to its destination.  Does that make sense?
I asked, how about adding some unexpected colors?  Like pink?
*more poker face*
*puts saline drops in eyes*
I removed the fuchsia and replaced it with pastel pink.  And eliminated the Buncho yellow.
Results were much better!  We also added a whole bunch of elements traditionally associated with colonial style: a lot of greenery in the form of big leafed plants like banana and palm, blue and white Chinese porcelain, brass fixtures, beautiful old books, and rattan.
And here’s the final result! 🙂
Here’s the cafe area.  The cafe in Eco City is run by The Embassy, who have an outlet in Starling Mall too.
We chose a gorgeous dull mint color for the cafe which contrasts so well with the pink!  ID was skeptical about too many colors but I love itttttt.
We did marble topped tables for the old school charm and rattan backed chairs.
The lounge area where people can chill, have discussions or hot desk.
The day beds on the right are my pride and joy. T___T I kept thinking in the initial design drafts that the ‘colonialism’ wasn’t coming out strong enough.  I’m so glad I saw these canopy beds on Pinterest hahahaha. Cos they really make the space! This pic was taken before the canopies arrived so I might update this later.
Designer customized the beds for seating; I imagined full on beds but these are much better cos I don’t want people to have to put their feet up when they sit down la hahaha can’t be too comfortable wtf.
Details: we put in standing louvers, painted black.  When I was Fighter’s age, I lived in my grandparents’ Colonial terrace house in Penang which had louvered windows so this is so nostalgic for me. 🙂
Our throws are cased in mostly botanical prints or animal skin prints.  For rugs we used handwoven rattan-like rugs.
Spin behind the cafe a bit.  Lockers for our Reserved Desk guests (who don’t have locked drawers for their belongings) are on the left.  Straight in front is the kids’ playroom.
The kids’ room includes a nursing room!  The cushion is so apt ok. When your nips are bleeding and you’re putting cabbage leaves on your boobs to stop the clog, remember what the cushion says wtf.
Anyway yellow armchair for momma to sit, next to it are appropriate baby supplies – diapers, wet wipes and even nursing pads thoughtfully provided by Applecrumby and Fish.  And changing table on the left!
Here’s the playroom!  Walls are done in customized wallpaper.  Picket fence is there to corrall off screaming and running lolol.
Inside we have a slide, a dolls’ house, and a city scape set up…
And a toy kitchen on the other side.  All from Taobao LOL GOOD BUYS LEH.  Sorry I don’t know where to get it cos ID got everything.
The highlight is this wtf.  There was a little bit of space under the stairs outside so we broke it in and created this little nook.  Then Katrine created a house facade around it and filled it with beds, cushions and lots of stuffed animals.  I think it’s the critters’ favorite part of Colony actually.
Back out again.  Another view of the lounge and Reserved Desks area.
Phone booths are done up in pink!  One of my favorite details here.
What a phone booth at Colony @ Eco City looks like.
Inside we have an old fashioned writing desk and chair, with a Persian style rug on hardwood floor.  We filled it with cushions, throw blankets and furry to reduce any echoing that could come from phone calls or video conferences. ^^
This nook is our Instagram corner. Hahahah.  The pink is a print we got from Shutterstock and blew up LOL.  Cos customizing a wallpaper was too expensive wtf.  #renohacks
Our conference room.  Fits 14 people!  Our meeting rooms are always named after famous explorers or trailblazers, so for this Colony, our conference room is called Battuta, for Ibn Battuta.
People who studied sejarah should know la ok hahahaha.  One other meeting room is called Murasaki for Lady Murasaki Shikibu, who was a lady in waiting in Japan, and wrote The Tale of Genji, considered the first ever novel in the world! *nerd*  And the third is called Armstrong for Neil Armstrong, who was the first man on the moon.
This is our event space.  When there are no events, this area will be used for just hanging out or hot desking.
When there are events though, the furniture can be moved around to accommodate the style of event.  I tried to choose lighter, individual pieces for easier shifting.
Ooh one of my favorite spots too!  We ordered these steamer trunk tables from China and they got lost at sea FML.  I was going crazy cos I thought we were gonna launch with no tables but luckily they came in time!  I love them so much I got two smaller ones for our bedside tables at home.
Ordered this chair cos I thought it was really unique but now I suddenly see it everywhere. -_-
Here’s the entrance to our private office suites!
Flooring is in black and white tile for a retro feel.
The pictures I chose all also got colonial theme one!  We have a lot of old maps, tropical animal portraits and vintage photos of British colonial scenes.
This is a special room, called the Jamestown Suite.  Named after one of the first British colonies, it’s a glammed up luxe version of a normal Colony office.
We outfitted it with wallpaper, hardwood floors, a Chesterfield couch, TV screen…
A Marshall speaker, and smart home capabilities.  You can basically control the curtains, music, TV and lights with Google Home. ^^ For special clients only hehehe.
Here’s Murasaki.
I added this pug which is damn random but damn cute ok hahahaha.  Apt cos Murasaki in Japanese means purple and his shades got purple there wtf.
The pantry (and a mop).
Nap room which you can book to take a quick break.
I also made a video tour!  I shot it while some of our furniture wasn’t even in yet though but just to give you a guys a sense of the place.  Also includes Fighter and Penny’s reaction to the kids’ playroom hahaha.
Source: https://fourfeetnine.com/2018/07/31/colony-eco-city-tour/
0 notes
approximately7bees · 6 years
 1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
i just like aesthetic things so like my laptop’s background is crumpled up paper and my phone’s backgrounds are a picture of glitter and a picture of one of the golden ratio dogs lol
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
hmmmmm i feel like i have but i can’t actually remember any particular instance
3) What was your last text message?
i won’t type it all out because it’s really long but the gist of it is my friend who just turned 21 and i were talking about how we need to hang out more lol
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
so i’ll be almost 32 at that point, so i don’t know except i’m for sure going to be a proud dog mom and will hopefully be moving on up with my career
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
probably by the ocean. it’s a really nice day here but no bodies of water in sight
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
i was a genie one year when i was little and my mom made the costume, i rewore a lot of costumes because money so there isn’t a whole lot of excitement there
7) What was your favorite 90s show?
I’m gonna say Boy Meets World
8) Who was your last kiss?
lol, the gay guy I met last night who asked me to be his first hetero kiss 
9) Have you ever been stood up?
not like for a date or anything, but sometimes plans end up not working out with my friends
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
marshmallow :3
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
i have these black and blue glitter platform sandals that i like a lot
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i have not
14) What is your favorite fruit?
banana, but only freckly ones
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
no i don’t talk to people :/
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
i guess ideally i’d like long term but i’m kind of at a “take what you can get” stage
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
normally vent on social media and delete it after a little while. 
19) Do you believe in God?
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
well i’m not in love soooo
21) Favorite position?
cowgirl lol
22) What’s your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
i don’t really have tangible fears.i guess i’m afraid of information getting into the wrong hands like there is just stuff i don’t want some people to know. and i’m afraid of failing i think.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
i have 2 cats, but I would also say the pets at my parents are mine so 2 dogs and 2 more cats too
25) What never fails to turn you on?
neck kisses???
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
the person i’m with is capable of carrying a conversation, but i feel comfortable enough that i don’t actually need to worry about what to say. we go do something fun that they have prior knowledge of so i don’t have to be the one like planning stuff. idk, i don’t have one single thing that i would want to do on a first date, i’m more concerned with the social aspect lol
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
i probably wouldn’t call myself straight anymore i guess?
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
when it’s stormy in the summer and i don’t have any responsibilities at night and i can just do anything i want. preferably also a dog is there
29) What store do you shop at most often?
dillon’s lmao that’s where i get groceriessssss
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
i really like giving, receiving would be nice but i have like such low expectations :/
31) Do you believe in karma?
mmmmno i don’t think so
32) Are you single?
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
better way to apologize than what? i do think gifts can add to a verbal, authenticate apology but i think one of my main love languages is gifts
34) Are you a good swimmer?
i’m decent, i did swim team as a child/ pre-teen so i have some of those skills still
35) Coffee or Tea?
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
online shopping bc i hate people, but also it’s really hard to know if a clothing item will fit when you buy it online
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
my dude i’m fine where i am 
38) Cats or Dogs?
D: i’m going to say dogs bc i love dogs but i love cats too
39) Are you a competitive person?
situationally. a lot of the time i don’t care enough
40) Do you believe in aliens?
41) Do you like dancing?
no, i might if i was good at it but sadly i’m white
42) What kind of music to you listen to?
lots of kinds, i like folk rock a lot 
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
ummmmmmmm i might say ice bear from we bare bears
44) Where are you from?
45) Eat at home or eat out?
i love to eat out. or more accurately, i love to use the drive thru and then bring the food home
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?
oh my gosh so much more social. which i learned last night . but lowkey right now at least i feel like actually more comfortable being social after last night because like i know i have the capacity to do it? which would be cool, bc one of the reasons i was feeling worried about drinking was bc like what if i start believing i need alcohol to function socially and like whoops i have slipped into being an alcoholic bc like that’s somewhat in my family. but i think that that isn’t the case
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
i mean i bought a soda earlier but i’ll say it was a case for my mac so i can stop carrying it naked
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
well a lot of them are porn bots, and a lot of them are people who don’t use tumblr anymore. the rest i would say are here because i post a lot of different things and i have good taste ;)
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
lately it’s been real bad maybe 6 hours or less ?? but that’s because i’m kind of a mess, i usually aim for 8 hours
50) What worries you most about the future?
i’m worried for like the future of the country, the world etc but not really worried for my own future
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
actually probably a while, i have been a lot more positive about myself lately i think. and i keep doing these dumb inside jokes with myself so i feel like that would be fun (ex. lately i have been thinking about something and i’ll be like “oh yeah, that’s what we in the business call *the common name of whatever i’m thinking of*” and it’s like dumb but i’m amused by it so like me and myself are getting along swell)
52) Are you happy with yourself?
yeah i am!
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
probably stuff about my ex, like i sometimes will look at his page and find stuff out and regret it
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?
a lot of good stuff is just luck
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
probably like one of the fancy homes in gossip girl or something
56) What’s your favorite Website?
it’s probably tumblr, even after all this time
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
i don’t really have a lot of bad habits, maybe like picking at stuff or something
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?
going home for easter but that’s lame so i’ll say going to Atlanta for the ncaa tournament
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
probably just some of the nicer sweaters i’ve found
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
depends where i go but i really like getting sesame chicken, white rice, and crab rangoon at my go-to place
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
hmmmmmm i could probably teach like editing in a writing class or like basic coding
63) Favorite kind of chips?
probably like baked lays. they taste so good and they’re healthier???
64) Favorite kind of sandwich?
i really like the chicken bacon ranch from subway
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
no i have not
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?
lately it’s weight lifting, like exclusively
68) Are you afraid of heights?
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
maybe my politics of women of color class
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
toaster strudels? i don’t really eat breakfast anymore
71) Do you like guacamole?
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
lol no
73) What/who are you thinking about right now?
i’m hungry 
74) Do you like cuddling?
yes, tho my back is super sensitive so there are Factors there
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
probably yeah
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?
77) Favorite city you’ve been to?
probably San Francisco, though i was only there for a day
78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
Depends on the law probably
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
my life . lol. um the thing is i’m bad at telling stories and bad at remembering things (specifically negative things, i block that shit right out) so i don’t know
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
yeah like basically all causes surrounding how people are treated
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i think when i was little i conked my head and got stitches maybe? part of being risk averse is that you don’t really get hurt, plus i’m like not clumsy
82) Favorite day of the week?
i like fridays i think
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
not particularly, but i’ll try some stuff
84) How do you feel about porn?
like ethically i know it’s wrong
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?
harry styles asd;fjas;dkfsdf
86) Who was your hottest ex?
lol uh of the whole two of them? neither
87) Do you want/have kids?
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
89) Do you get easily distracted? 
yeah sometimes
90) Ass or titties?
ass i guess, i like a booty but i’m not really the demographic for this question i think
91) What is your favorite word?
humdinger (i don’t know if this is my favorite word but that’s the word that came to mind)
92) How do you feel about tattoos?
i want one and am going to get it when i reach my goal weight (and i even have an obtainable goal, an eating plan, a work out routine, AND a scale) but like idk i feel like some people get dumbass tattoos
93) Do you have any pets?
............didn’t this questions happen earlier.. yes. 2 cats.
94) How tall are you?
95) How old are you?
21, just about 2 months until i’m feeling 22
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
my hair, my eyes, my nails (i guess)
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?
i get passionate like politically but i think in general i’m not v passionate
98) Do you have trust issues?
i probably trust too much idk
99) Do you believe in love at first sight?
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
there’s no harm in applying for things. like the worst thing that will happen is you won’t get it, and also you won’t get it if you don’t apply.
0 notes
surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. Do you ever wonder what things would be like if you had made a different choice? sometimes, i just don’t dwell on it.
2. What is the wallpaper on your phone? a generic iphone one.
3. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? off.
4. Would you ever date somebody that was the same sex as you? no, i’ve been in the same relationship for eight years lol.
5. Is there someone you used to talk to everyday that you don’t talk to at all now? yes.
6. Do you think you’re a good person? i’d like to think so.
7. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? if they do, i don’t really care.
8. What’s your favourite fruit? bananas.
9. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive.
10. Can men and women be “just friends”? yes.
11. Would you live with someone without being married to them? yes.
12. Last board game you played? yahtzee.
13. When’s the last time you went swimming? i totally forgot. last year maybe.
14. How often do you wake up to having unread texts? nearly everyday.
15. Is there anyone you wish you could be spending your time with right now? yes.
16. Does someone text you and say goodnight every night? yes.
17. Would you rather go back a week or forward? forward.
18. Is anyone ignoring you right now? no.
19. Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you? yes.
20. Do you like country music? nope.
21. Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at? my boyfriend lol.
22. Did you make any new friends since the school year started? i don’t go to school.
23. What was the last thing you watched on the TV? hell’s kitchen.
24. Is there snow on the ground where you are? no.
25. Can you watch scary movies? yeah but they don’t really interest me.
26. Do you say sorry first? it depends if i’m in the wrong.
27. Has someone ever made you a promise and broken it? no.
28. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? yes.
29. Was the last message you received on your phone from a male or female? male.
30. If the internet was not available right now, what would you do instead? read.
31. Do you study a lot? no.
32. Who was the first person you talked to today? my boyfriend.
33. Who else is in the room with you? no one.
34. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? hell no.
35. What are you looking forward to? the next couple of weekends.
36. When was the last time something bothered you? yesterday.
37. What is in your pocket? no pockets.
38. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? at the store.
39. Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? no.
40. Would you rather grow old with someone or be single forever? grow old with someone. but still be happy.
41. Are you happy with the way things are going? i guess.
42. How far away is the last person you kissed? 20 mins away.
43. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? no.
44. Do long distance relationships work? they definitely can.
45. Who were you with the last time you wen to the movies? my boyfriend and his cousins.
46. Wha are you doing after this? clean my room.
47. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? depends on the person.
48. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes.
49. When were you last in a vehicle? today.
50. Moving on, do you wish summer could come just about now? no way. 
51. Are you teenaged years most definitely the hardest years to go through? hmmm not really. the years after that are harder. becoming an adult, deciding what to do with your life etc.
52. Are you nervous about anything? everything.
53. Have you ever stayed the night at your school? no lol.
54. Do you hate the last guy/girl you dated? no.
55. Has anyone you’ve known changed recently? nah.
56. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? i wouldn’t.
57. In the past five days, would you go back and change something if you could? no.
58. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? yes.
59. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? just then.
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers? My desktop is a playful photo of Alexander Skarsgård with two dogs, my lock screen is a photo of, no surprise here, Alexander Skarsgård, and my home screen is a photo of my chocolate lab, Brandie.
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No.
3) What was your last text message? My brother asking me to open the door for him when he got home earlier.
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? I have no idea. I have to take things day by day.
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? Hmm. In a cozy cabin by the fireplace with a cup of coffee.
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume? I don’t know what I’d consider my coolest to be.
7) What was your favorite 90s show? I watched like All That, Rugrats, Doug, etc.
8) Who was your last kiss? Joseph.
9) Have you ever been stood up? Yes.
10) Favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry and birthday cake.
11) Have you been to Las Vegas? No.
12) Your favorite pair of shoes? My All Star Addidas.
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other? I’m single.
14) What is your favorite fruit? Bananas.
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible? No.
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships? No. I did the friends with benefits, fling thing. I’m almost thirty years old, I want something real.
17) Do you smoke? If so, what? I used to smoke weed sometimes.
18) What do you do to get over your anger? Mostly I cry and just sulk. Vent about it in a survey.
19) Do you believe in God? Yes.
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it? I’m not in love with anyone.
21) Favorite position? I wouldn’t know.
22) What’s your horoscope sign? Leo.
23) Your fears? Death of loved ones and myself, things just getting worse and never changing, failure, disappointment, all bugs/insects, closed spaces, heights, deep water, needles, the dentist, etc, etc.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind? I don’t have any anymore. :( For eight years we had a loving, sweet, kind, adorable, silly chocolate lab named Brandie. She passed away unexpectedly two months ago. It still hurts. I miss her everyday, she was my baby. <3
25) What never fails to turn you on? Alexander Skarsgård.
26) Your idea of a perfect first date? I always thought the beach and boardwalk thing sounded cute. Like riding the rides and play games on the boardwalk and such. Winning me a stuffed animal. Eating cotton candy and other yummy food. Something like that.
27) What is something most people don’t know about you? Hmm...
28) What makes you feel the happiest? My dog did. :(
29) What store do you shop at most often? Nowadays, the only store I go to regularly is Wal-Mart because we do our grocery shopping there. I haven’t been to the mall or did any clothes shopping in awhile. One of my friends and I used to go to the mall once a month, but then stuff happened in both of our lives and we just haven’t gone in awhile.
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving? I never have done either.
31) Do you believe in karma? No.
32) Are you single? Yes.
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize? Just apologize to me. And mean it. But also coffee and food helps.
34) Are you a good swimmer? No.
35) Coffee or Tea? Coffeeeeee.
36) Online shopping or shopping in person? In person, but I like doing some online shopping as well. I’m just too impatient and hate having to wait for it to arrive.
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age? Younger.
38) Cats or Dogs? Dogs.
39) Are you a competitive person? No.
40) Do you believe in aliens? I’m not sure where I stand, really.
41) Do you like dancing? Dancing for me is just head bobbing and maybe moving my arms a bit.
42) What kind of music to you listen to? I like variety.
43) What is your favorite cartoon character? I don’t have one.
44) Where are you from? California.
45) Eat at home or eat out? Get take out to eat at home. haha.
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk? I would a lot more talkative when drunk.
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Some makeup and food items.
48) Why do you think your followers follow you? They like surveys, I’m guessing.
49) How many hours do you sleep at night? Five, sometimes six.
50) What worries you most about the future? E v e r y t h i n g.
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends? Yikesss. We wouldn’t be.
52) Are you happy with yourself? No.
53) What do you wish you didn’t know? *shrug*
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life? Ha, I have no idea.
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? I’m watching this new show called, Big Little Lies, and it takes place in a beach town. All the characters live in gorgeous beach houses and gah that is goals.
56) What’s your favorite Website? Tumblr.
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking? I haven’t really broken any notable habits.
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? I haven’t gone anywhere outside of my city in quite awhile.
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? I’ve never gone to a garage sale, and I haven’t really gone thrift store shopping. I’ve look around, but didn’t find anything really.
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food? Chow mien, orange chicken, pot sticks, crab Rangoon, and egg rolls.
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Georgia or Virginia.
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be? English.
63) Favorite kind of chips? Spicy.
64) Favorite kind of sandwich? Either salami, turkey, bologna, or pastrami with provolone, mustard, and mayo. If I get a deli sandwich, I’ll add oil and vinegar.
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? I haven’t used either one in a long time.
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee? No.
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise? Ha. Me. Exercise. Good one.
68) Are you afraid of heights? Yes.
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken? A lot of my psychology courses.
70) What’s your favorite breakfast? Breakfast burritos.
71) Do you like guacamole? Yesss.
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight? No.
73) What/who are you thinking about right now? Right at this very moment I’m thinking about getting a cup of coffee and something sweet to eat. It’s my normal after dinner routine.
74) Do you like cuddling? Yes.
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Yes.
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears? Yes.
77) Favorite city you’ve been to? A few in my state.
78) Would you break the law to save a family member? Yes.
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment? Nahhh.
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in? Yes.
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? The one that made me a paraplegic, I’d say.
82) Favorite day of the week? I don’t have one.
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded? I have zero sexual experience, so I don’t know what I’d be comfortable with and what I wouldn’t be okay with.
84) How do you feel about porn? Not my thing.
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know? I’m sure you could guess. Coughalexanderskarsgardcough.
86) Who was your hottest ex? Joseph.
87) Do you want/have kids? I don’t know.
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you? No.
89) Do you get easily distracted? Yes, sometimes.
90) Ass or titties? A nice firm butt on a guy is nice. ha.
91) What is your favorite word? I don’t know.
92) How do you feel about tattoos? They can be cool. It all depends.
93) Do you have any pets? No.
94) How tall are you? I would have been about 5′7.
95) How old are you? Twenty-seven.
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot? My hair. That’s really it.
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about? No. :/
98) Do you have trust issues? I just have a hard time opening up and expressing myself to others.
99) Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
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