#ANYWAY enjoy these nice lil skies!!
mildmayfoxe · 2 years
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✨ pixel night wallpapers ✨
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bowbowcherry · 8 months
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Toji making you squirt in your panties at a picnic.
Uh idk I had to write it down. Testing stuff out ig alot of my writeing is inspiredby my favorite fanfic writers n such anyways I wrote half on coffee n half not so probly a lil Wonkie. But make sure to like n reblog! Ty!!
Warning: smoking, sexual public stuff, squirting ofc, pantie kink?, tojis 30, overstim?, degradation, praise, fingering
1,517 words
Sitting between toji thighs, him leaning on his hands, legs stretched out as you eat your perfectly cut diagonal sandwich. Your little woven basket and red and white picnic blanket on perfectly trimmed grass and we can't forget the clear sunny skies with a nice flow of wind. Some other people ways away doing the same picnic things. Pretty little white sun dress ridden up your thighs were toji been eyeing.
Last night you were cuddled up with toji. Him spooning you from Behind on his mattress floor bed. Watching old romance movies and when you saw the picnic, eyes sparkling and wide, clenching the blanket more hard. as the actor sitting there her long dress around her. Picking out the food from the basket. While her suited lover looked at her with heavy love eyes. You could almost see hearts.
Toji already passed out behind, snoring. Your to caught up in the pretty romantic scene to notice. After that day you could not get it out of your head so you made up your mind and begged and whined to toji about it. He said no immediately the first time. But after a week of whining to him about the "corny" picnic he finally gives in.
So here you are all happy and shining eating away at your sandwich you take your 3rd big glub of juice. Toji swats a fly away from him, grumbling"Fucking bugs." The sun beaming down on him making him sweat. "God it's fucking hot!" He airs out the front of his shirt." Toji stop complaining, it's not even that hot out." He rolls his eyes, swatting more flies away.
He goes to reach for his stress reliever pulling the lung killers out but of course you grab onto his big hand. "Toji! This is supposed to be a picnic! No smoking allowed!" You scold him. He breathes in, clenching a little too hard on the smokes. He can just alomost feel a vain starting form on his head. He puts them away, grumbling.
You lean over getting a new one, turning around between his thighs being careful with the sandwich in your hand. You hold it up to his cracked lips. "Open up~" you coo with a smile on your face. He can't say he doesn't love that smile and will do anything to see it. The little crinkles in your eyes your glossed lips stretched upwards. your beautiful teeth, too the light makeup you wear. He can't help himself for it to go straight to his dick.
It starts to twitch alive, as he stares you down deep with his intense eyes as he takes a deep sinful bite into the made slice, breaking the perfect and untouch. In the corner of his vision he can see your thighs clench. "Toji.. " You breathlessly. A redness coming to your face. He chews and swallows the food. "Pretty good sandwich." He says to the corny interaction.
You turn over fast, almost falling with nerves. Starring to eat the rest of the slice. His big hands finds your fluffy soft thighs. You squeeze them together, your squirming as he leans down into your ear. "Wearing this little dress on purpose huh?~"He squeezes the skin then slides his hand up fingers fighting to get between those soft squishy thighs. Sandwich in your hand long forgotten, squeezing it. Your other hand on his thigh, clenching the thick muscle.
Warmth and nerves run up your legs and spine, You shiver squirming into his chest, Feeling your legs start to go jelly they mindlessly start to open for his fingers. "Good girl…" His fingers slowly trace up your thigh. "Doing this all in public, so nasty and gross huh? You wanna get caught with me playing with sloppy pussy?.absolutely shameful." He pulls your dress up more flashing your pretty panties. "T…toji. J-just touch my pussy already!" You whine your hip thrusts upwards you drop your sandwich grabbing onto his biceps.
That whine and begging going straight to hiscock it throbs trying to bob in his pants, his balls clenching up feeling a little heavier. He's fucking acheing to feel your tight warm gooy walls wrappedaround him. He slides a finger through your tight cover panties pussy. He leans down a little to see the wet spot he is spreading. He can see the fat outline of your lips, your clit starting to show as he circles the hardening clit. "She's getting all fat and swollen with need huh baby?" He circles it slowly around the chub. He dips his finger down rubbing your hole through the panties, making his way back up to the main attraction. Nipples hard and poking through your thin bra.
Your squirming and moaning softy to his slow torture of your oh so poor clit. The need and ache becoming so strong you need that pain pill. That finger to just rub that pain away. Your hips thrust mindless up against his finger trying to get some relief.
He taps your clit with his finger, your hips reacting to it by bucking up. "P- please j-just fucking rub my clit!"stuttering, out of breath from the aching torture. Blood rushing places, acheing driving you crazy your pussy clenching and pusleing for need. Getting all ready, wet and slick and swollen pussy feeling heavy. Your whole body slug against him.
"All out in public you know…what if someone walks by~.Your such a little freak huh." He reminds you. Leaning down to kiss your cheek moving to your ear and biteing softy. Your eyes roll in your head being in public adding to everything.
He starts to rub faster on your fat swollen chub. "You gonn' mess these panties up for me? Make it all nice and messy for me?" His pupils wide, eyes lidded. Everytime you flash him your panties being a little tease in public especially when you know he can't do anything like the brat you are. Fats lips outline by the pretty underwear you wear for him. He loves when you let him rub his cock between the coverd folds.
He rubs faster on your hard clit. Now using two fingers your moans getting louder your legs quivering. "Ah! Hah! Daddy!" Oh you're getting so close for him. His fat cock constantly throbbing and pulsating for that relief. "Baby reach around and squeeze my cock for daddy.." the arm on his biceps, wobbling and clumsy squeezing between you guys body to squeeze at his cloth dick.
He sighs in relief going faster on your chub"daddy! I-im gonna pee!!" His eyes roll back, fuck your gonna kill him. "Yeah? Wet these fucking panties. Hah.. fuck baby yeah you gonna squirt and make it all messy?" Your pussy clenching endlessly, his other hand coming to push down on your bladder. It's all to much your high peaking, on the edge. Then it all floods, letting out a loud moan your whole body going stiff. "Oooh!!! Tojiiii!!!" Nails dipping into thigh like claws. On cloud nine as he rubs really fast on your hard clit the squirt watering your thighs, panties ruined with wet juices. Your legs quivering and shaking. The wet warmth adding to the pleasure.
He stops pulling his hand away from your over sensitive pussy when the juices stop flowing from your pussy.
Your arm back on his other thigh for more grip. You hazly bring your eyes down from where your head was resting to the mess you made everywhere still on cloud nine. Cunt pulsing and clenching with the aftershock, legs shaking and jelly. Dark stains of your sin at the bottom of your dress and the blanket. Your whole panties soaked. All warm and sticky.
You can hear toji breathing heavily "so hot baby.. your so hot baby. Good job…" He mindlessly says starting at the mess.. he bites onto your neck his wet hand moving back down for another attack. He moves your now getting cold panties. You squeek when he dips his finger into, rubbing on your now sensitive shocked gummy walls. He sticks another in.
"O-ooh..t-toji..hah" you hazly breathe deeply. Your walls clench and grab at his fingers, sucking them in. His eyes rolls back. Slick slick slick comes from the slow deep fingering. He pushes a spot that makes you go crazy. Your eyes roll,your head throws back against his shoulder.
The slick gets louder and faster as he drives that spot, sending crazy pleasure through your body. " I know you have some more…" He's breathless. Watching, waiting for more juice. Then it comes faster this time from the over sensitive pussy. He spreads your legs wider, hitting that spot hard as he can, your pussy pushing and clenching around them. Your body shaking and flexing. You spray straight out that clear liquid. Wetting the blanket in a line, droplets getting places. He moves his other hand over your mouth as you scream. "Holy fuck.." He can't keep his eyes off it.
You in your own world as he takes his fingers from your clenching pussy. "Did such a good job little freak."
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Dating Steven Stone in college! headcanons
zoinks! crawling out of the hell hole that is college to post some cute stuff about college (well mostly about stevie but anyways)
no warnings, just cute slice of life stuff :)
Ah yes
Steven Stone
The somewhat eccentric, very handsome geology major, profficent battler and Devon heir
And you
His cute, frazzled, always fretting over assignments, s. o.
You two have a very sweet relationship
It’s actually Steven’s first – and he is so earnest and soft about it
Meeting up for coffee after class
Missing your next one since you’re enjoying each other’s company so much
Spending late nights working on assignments
Or singing your hearts out at karaoke night at the student’s bar
Sitting quietly next to each other in the library, studying away
Holding hands under the table <3
He doesn’t live in the dorms
Instead he stays just off campus, in a quaint apartment he shares with Wallace
(At least his room is, Wallace is a whole other story haha)
But Steven, as you learn, is far less austencacious and showy than his elite peers
He dresses better than 99% of the professors
You know it’s getting cold when he cracks out the sweater vests
(Which he wears all of three days since Hoenn is so tepid lol)
Often, you find yourselves just blabbering on about cool things you learn/do in your classes, while the other listens patiently, absolutely in love
Literally you’ve given each other powerpoint presentations on yout favourite topics
His notes are immacula
Even if you share 0 classes, you love reading over his notes since they are so aesthetically pleasing
He uses gel pens!!! The sparkly ones!!!
The typical student, my man lives off pot noodles and take-out
I mean, he can afford the fancy, actually good-for-you take-out, but my point still stands
He’ll never let you go hungry, that’s for sure
Not only is he a member of the sailing club
He's the captain
Don’t worry if you haven’t before – he’s a great teacher
Or battling, which is quite a common activity on campus
You think his Metang is pretty close to evolving!
Steven is always buying things for you
Textbooks, lunch, clothes, cute stationary, whatever
You, are broke
But you still do your best to give thanks to him
Like making him food, helping him study, getting him snacks
You got him a littleplush Drillbur keyring for his bag and he loves it!
He likes to give it lil squeezes
Is there a break coming up? Classes cancelled on Monday?
Steven’s offering to take you somewhere amazing!
Whether it’s his father’s mansion
Or somewhere more exotic!
Skiing in Kalos
Relaxing under the Alolan sun
Taking tea in Wyndon
Though you do end up studying a tiny bit on these trips
Things are rough if Mr. Rock Nerd himself is calling you a nerd!
Your favourite place is this cute cottage you stayed at in Mossdeep
It’s his favourite place too
(It’d make a nice home someday)
((Plenty of space for R O C K S))
You end up graduating together
Ready to see what the future holds!
You know you’re in Joseph’s good books, since the proudly-displayed, framed photo he has of Steven on his graduation day, has you in it too!
He’s talking about taking a gap year before he continues his education
Maybe taking on the Hoenn League?
You support him fully, knowing he'll do great
Great enough to be champion though? That's something you didn't expect
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anxietyfluffy · 11 months
For that weird headcanon ask, Tony Marconi!
What they smell like: he prob smells like the perfume he canonically wears, but i can imagine he always just smells. nice. like he doesnt smell overpowering but he doesnt smell like bo, yknow?
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): he def sleeps on his back. he tends to sleep very little, but he pushes through anyways. like, he falls asleep late and wakes up early.
What music they enjoy: jazz.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: he'd prob take a fair bit. like, hed prob want to look presentable, so hed take some time, but not too much.
Their favorite thing to collect: hmmmm. probably rollers. yknow the htings u use to roll shit out? i can imagine he has a bunch of those.
Left or right-handed: hes right handed canonically
Religion (if any): hmmm. prob catholic but not into his religion too much.
Favorite sport: he prob watches soccer/football
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): he def seems like the type who likes trying different foods.
Favorite kind of weather: hed like cooler, clear-skied days
A weird/obscure fear they have: hes afraid of chickens lmao UEWGFUWEF
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: the one where u smack the hammer onto the lil thing. always wins it.
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safyresky · 2 years
Shadowy Snippets: Lil' Jacqueline + Big Bro Jack
I thought y'all might appreciate these lil snippets from Into the Shadows ft. tiny Jacqueline and a much younger Jack lol. Fun Fact about ItS: It is seemingly becoming a tscs fix-it fic (sorta) lmao. Anyway, enjoy!
“Again? You said again, Jack,” Santa said between pants. “What do you mean?!”
“Sixteen hundred years ago, we created the Legate Law. Do you know why Santa? Do you know what prompted us to unanimously agree it needed to be done?”
“Just in case something bad happened to you guys, right?”
“Because something bad happened to us, Santa.” Jack slowed down, stopping off to the side to let the frantic kits hop by. “The Council was very different then. Roy and Asim, our Tooth Fairy and Sandman, weren’t on it yet. But I was. And I was there when it happened.”
Santa’s mouth fell open. “No.”
Jack’s face fell, uncharacteristically serious. He nodded. “Yes. I was much younger, of course,” he said thoughtfully. “Smoother face, maybe a bit of baby fat, still,” he said with a shrug. He looked off to the left, deep in thought. A soft smile crossed his face. “I was out with Jacqueline,” he said warmly. “We’d sneak off at night for practise.”
And it had been a nice night for practise. The skies were clear; stars twinkled, and in North America it was quiet and crispy—perfect conditions to practise some literal frosty shenanigans.
Jack had brought them to a forest-y area, with lots of surfaces to dust; Jacqueline had been jumping with excitement the entire way! She had just done a large spruce all by herself, jumping for joy when the tremor hit.
“Uh, Jack? What’s happening?”
The young sprite had stopped, her hands still raised mid clap as she looked down at the shaking ground. She wobbled a bit.
“Steady Jacqueline! Remember your stance.”
“Right!” she said. With a determined nod and fierce look of concentration, she steadied herself, legs out in the smallest horse stance Jack had ever seen. He stood still too, waiting for the tremor to stop; in the distance, there was a crack. It was sharp, and a little more earthy than the cracking sounds of ice he was accustomed to.
The shaking stopped, finally; Jack looked around, alert as could be. Something was not right.
“I thought we couldn’t do earth stuff?”
“We can’t.”
“But what if I did? OH! What if I’m actually like Mother Nature and I can throw ROCKS with my MIND!”
Jack looked behind him. He couldn’t help the silly grin when he saw Jacqueline jumping around in a circle, making little whoosh noises as she moved her hands about, trying to move the rocks. He let out a little laugh.  “Come now Jacqueline, quickly. Hop up,” he said, squatting a bit.
“Okay!” she said, jumping onto his back. He stood up once he felt her cold little frosted fingers around his neck. Grabbing her legs and hoisting her up, he tapped his foot. Below them, a sheet of ice spawned into existence; he slid, the ice forming in front of them as they went.
Expertly, he dodged trees and ducked branches, Jacqueline squealing on his back. It was getting brighter up ahead. Was there a clearing?
He stopped. The light was moving. Towards them. Fast. And it was very much blinding.
“Close your eyes, Jacqueline!” he shouted, spinning around quickly. The golden light washed over his back, Jacqueline’s grip tightening as the golden dust engulfed them. Jack looked at it closely; the little Z’s were unmistakable.
And they were tinged with a soft lilac.
His heart dropped.
The moment the light washed over them, he turned back around, sliding even faster now. Finally, they reached the pond they had passed earlier. He stopped, looking around them. Though the area was intact, the air was heavy with…something.
“It feels weird,” Jacqueline said, pulling herself up to sit on Jack’s shoulders, looking around. “It’s icky. But also good. But also it’s kind of sad,” she said, her voice wavering.
Jack reached up, squeezing her hands. “It’s okay, Jacqueline.”
He scanned the pools; he turned his attention to the waterfall, and gasped.
It had split. What had once been a long, albeit tiny waterfall was now split right in half in the queerest of ways. There were two streams; one still trickled down into the pool below. The other one shot off to the side, a bit of the water trailing off into the main waterfall, but the majority of it disappearing down, down, down into what looked to be a very deep, dark, tall hole.
What had happened?
“Don’t you gotta do something?” Jacqueline asked, gently tugging on his spikes.
“I am doing something! I’m investigating. Keeping my eyes peeled for anything...weird.”
She gasped suddenly. “Jack! Look! Over there! What’s that shiny thing?”
He followed her point with his gaze. Sure enough, by the base of the rocky enclosure, something glinted in the moonlight.
Jack walked towards them, carefully. He gasped.
It was a pair of goggles. A pair of very familiar googles. One of the lenses was cracked; but there was no doubt about whose they were.
They were Tooth Fairy’s.
He bent down and picked them up, carefully. The lenses glimmered; he angled them away from the moonlight. He frowned at his three reflections in the glass. They frowned back. Their Jacqueline’s looked down at him, concerned.
“You don’t see Tooth Fairy around, do you?” he asked, getting up.
Jacqueline swivelled on her perch, looking around the clearing. She looked right up, Jack putting a hand on her upper back in a nick of time. “Nerp.”
Well that probably wasn’t good.
“We’ve gotta get Mother Nature,” he decided.
He clenched the goggles tight in his fist. Turning around, he ran back in the direction they came in, Jacqueline holding on for dear life as they ran into the brush, disappearing in Jack’s customary blue sparks and snowflakes.
The moon was high in the sky. The light from the sun bounced off of it, shinning in the reflection of the pool below it, the water sparkling and splashing. Droplets from the falls hit the calm lake, the moon’s reflection distorting briefly.
She was already awake when Jack and Jacqueline barged into the Garden.
They both looked winded; Jacqueline's hair had fallen out of her plaits, all sticky outty as she held onto Jack’s neck for dear life.
“Mother Nature!” he was shouting, nearly crashing into her as they crossed paths.
“Jack dear, whatever is the matter? The two of you look a little worse for the wear. Is everything okay?”
“Absolutely not!” Jack said, almost gleefully. “I would just like to start with a quick little disclaimer. We didn’t do it! Honest! We were out practising—”
“I frosted my very first tree!!”
“Very good job Jacqueline.”
“It was amazing,” Jack said, “She knocked it out of the park! But as we were celebrating—”
“The ground asploded!”
“There was a quake; we went to investigate but before we even got to the place it originated at, we got hit with fallout. Magical fallout.”
“Sandman and Tooth Fairy.”
“Oh no.”
“We found these,” Jack said, holding out the cracked goggles.
“It felt icky!”
“Icky how?”
“You said sad,” Jack said, gently.
“Ye. Sad, but also good.”
“Heavy,” Jack added. "Bittersweet? Melancholy? Saudade?"
“Good heavens,” Mother Nature said, taking the goggles. Three Taras stared back at her, worry lining their faces.
“And I swear Grandmother, we didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! Honest! Jacqueline as my witness!”
“I believe you, Jack,” she said, touching the goggles to her chest. “Are you two okay?” she asked, checking them over for scrapes and bumps.
“I’m fine,” Jack said, grabbing Jacqueline around the waist and placing her down. “How bout you, little flurry. you okay?"
“My legs are ricey.”
“Remember what Dad taught you; shake it off, you’ll feel them again in a moment.”
“It’s what she calls pins and needles,” Jack clarified.
“Yeah! You know, ricey,” Jacqueline said, shaking her little leggies. “Like when you pour rice into a jar. Dry rice. It’s like. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—”
“I think she gets it, Jacqueline.”
“I might steal that,” she added.
“Ou! Remember what I taught you!”
“Right! I’ll need royalties, Gramma!”
“You taught her about royalties?” Mother Nature asked, amused.
Jack placed his hands on his hips. “I’m covering all my bases. All of them. You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, concern lining his features as he glanced down at Jacqueline.
“I’m okie dokie,” she said, grabbing her brother’s hand with a grin. “Can I go back up now?”
Jack nodded, picking her back up. “Anyway, Mother Nature, I think you need to come see this.”
Moments later, the trio found themselves back at the waterfall. The minute Mother Nature materialized, she gasped, nearly stumbling.
“Grandmother!” Jack rushed to her side, offering his arm.
“I’m fine, thank you, Jack. Heavy indeed; something terrible has happened here. Where did you find the goggles?”
“Jacqueline saw them first. Over here, by the base of the falls,” he said, leading the way over to where they found it.
Mother Nature climbed carefully over the stones. They had a weird film on them; she scooped some up on her finger, looking down at it. It was gold; when she rubbed the dust between her fingers, it looked like little Z’s.
“Dream sand,” she said out loud. She trailed her pointer finger on a separate rock. More sand. “It’s all over the place.”
“And if you look closely, there’s some fairy fire residue,” Jack said, pointing to the cliffs behind him.
Mother Nature made her way over, investigating the smears. Sure enough, mingled with the dream sand was the sandy residue all fairy magic left behind. A soft lilac, one that, when Mother Nature touched it, felt comforting. She was immediately reminded of her own childhood, with her dear Mother Gaia.
“It’s Terracina’s,” she confirmed. “And there’s no sign of either of them?”
Once more, Jacqueline swivelled around. Jack already had his hand in place when she leant all the way back to look up at the sky. “Nerp, still nothing,” she said, throwing herself back up, resting her chin on Jack’s head.
“Hmm.” Bending down, Mother Nature gently trailed her fingers along the ground. Her eyes widened; she shot back up.
“Jack. Bring your sister home.”
“But I don’t wanna go home—”
Sorry to cut it off so suddenly! It is, after all, a Shadowy Snippet. This is Chapter 2, scene 2 and 3, I believe. I left a bit of preamble from Jack for SOME context but the real reason we're reading this is bc, uh, TINY JACQUELINE AND YA JACK!
Fun fact #2: Jack does take Jacqueline home, and when he gets back the rest of the Council is there, and Roy has his kid with him and Jack straight up is just like, OH. SO ROY CAN BRING HIS KID, BUT MY KID HAS TO GO HOME? RUDE.
Ah. Their dynamic is EVERYTHING to me. And just think, thirty years after this is the Day of Darkness and everything falls to bits :-) What a time to be alive!
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genshinfanboy · 2 years
hey there !! may I get a romantic matchup for your 200 followers event ?? thank you <3<3
I'm a 5'0 very pale, lil chubby, black to red split-dye long hair, blue eyed transgender gay enby. I look tired almost always, and I have a resting bitchface (no idea until now lol). My MBTI is ISFP 4w5, and I'm on the gemini/cancer cusp. I love collecting things, such as plushies, rubber ducks, and knives. I know those two first things are childish but they comfort me a lot and they're just super fun to collect !! I collect knives because I think they're cool and I like showing them off. I would never use them to harm or threaten anyone, I'm not that kind of person. I also love bugs & cats, my two favorite things ever !! Bugs are my friend and I love finding them under rocks and such. I love praying mantis' and spiders especially, they have a beauty non-bug lovers don't understand bwahaha. Cats are cute lil' guys and I have two of my own, so I'm a little biased. They're like my kids and I care for them sooo much. My hobbies include drawing, writing, playing slime rancher & sims 4, listening to music, and outdoor activities. Such as going to theme parks (I love rollercoasters sm), random cool museums in my city, and hiking/skiing/those sorts of things. I'm willing to try anything once and I'm almost always down for a fun adventure like that. I like the warmth, being alone, sleeping, being useful to others, watching shows, being with animals, and just being outdoors generally. I hate HATE the cold and I hate people who forget things easily and just can't plan very well. I'm flexible with plans sometimes but I get very discouraged easily and may just cancel on spot. Now for my personality, I'd say I'm quite reserved and shy when you first meet me! I prefer to talk in body movements/motions instead of verbally, that's just how I am. However I have no problem with addressing older people for some reason. I take a while to trust people and to warm up generally, even if I like them. I have a hard time starting conversations and can cover up my awkwardness by laughing or just going "yeah". When I warm up to people though, I am very chaotic and a mess. I do almost anything to make people laugh and I love doing stupid stuff that I'll regret in a day. I never make jokes about my friends and I never insult anyone in them, I don't go too far. I love my friends and I'd never hurt their feelings like that. I'm always there to listen to them but I mainly enjoy helping them with their problems than sitting down and comforting them. I have a slight temper but I am becoming good at controlling it. I stand up for what I believe in and I'm not afraid to cut somebody off entirely if they do something that's just totally wrong. I gain emotional attachments easily and I'm very easy to scare or make cry; I'm pretty sensitive. In private I'm a very cuddly person and I adore physical affection & quality time more than anything else. PDA Isn't my thing and I prefer to be left alone in that sense, but if I'm feeling happy, I like hand holding and small kisses.
Hope that was enough! Thanks!
Hello. My apologies for taking a few longer than I would've like on these. I got sick and just recovered. Anyways I hope you enjoy and have a fantastic day or night. If you don't like your match up results please take it with a grain of salt.
Your match up would the one and Oni Itto:
Hear me out on this one tho Itto is very loud and likes being the center of attention you two would contrast very nicely with one another with your personalities. Itto likes animals and has a vast collection of different things and encourage you to continue collecting. He'd also ask you to go onikabuto hunting with him. He would be so excited for you to meet his gang. He's positive you and Shinobu would get along well too. No need to fear coming off awkward or not knowing how to start a conversation when you first get to know him. He has got you covered on that. He may act annoying at first until someone like Shinobu points out to him you are shy. That doesn't stop him from trying to do everything in his power (and maybe things out of his control) to be your friend. He would have respect for you when you stick up for what you believe in. Itto would find your high cute. He would also claim you match with the red in your hair. He may get in trouble a lot but he doesn't mean any harm. If you have to defend your beliefs he'll be your hype man and back you up. You'd be accepted into the gang and become apart of their little family. Though from what you said you'd mainly hang out with Shinobu and Itto. PDA might be a thing you have to remind him not to do a few times but once he gets it he won't slip up. If he messes up he can apologize sometimes a bit reluctant but he'll still apologize. You'll also be able to relax in knowing the fact if he or anyone else makes you cry he is the first person by your side to comfort you. He'll also try to make you laugh and make the perpetrator(s) apologize as well. Quality time with you would be one of his favorite because of the cuddly and domestic behaviors. Over all a very balanced and well intended relationship where you help each other out.
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king-finnigan · 4 years
List of my stupidest goddamn witcher headcanons
Geralt likes his eggs scrambled. Jaskier knows this. Whenever he’s mad with Geralt, he’ll make Geralt’s eggs sunny-side up. He never makes Geralt’s eggs except when he’s mad at him.
Geralt hates seafood. 
Jaskier wears anklets.
Ciri can and will Annoy on Purpose. She learned this skill from Eist. Calanthe was not happy with it, but eventually relented and taught Ciri how to Terrify on Purpose, in case Annoy on Purpose doesn’t work. Ciri always gets what she wants.
Yennefer sticks her tongue out when doing her makeup. It’s a reflex. One time Jaskier booped it and nearly lost his entire arm.
One time Jaskier woke up and saw Roach standing in the middle of his room. It was just after midnight. He thought he was having sleep paralysis and went back to sleep. In the morning she was gone, but there was some hay on the floor. He hasn’t mentioned it to Geralt.
Speaking of, Geralt’s sleep paralysis demon is Jaskier whispering words of affirmation ominously. 
Jaskier can do a split. Geralt doesn’t know why he can do this, and Jaskier refuses to tell him.
Geralt doesn’t know how to do that one trick where you make it look like you’re detaching your thumb. This makes him feel really bad despite it having no impact on his life whatsoever.
One time Ciri does it and he nearly cries.
Yennefer really likes bunnies. 
Jaskier is terrified of goats. When he first meets Lil Bleater the witchers have to band together to get the bard out of the rafters. Meanwhile Lil Bleater is just wagging her Lil Tail like :D!!!!
Yennefer’s secret talent is slam poetry. Jaskier finds out one day but she says that if he tells anyone, she’ll turn him into a frog. He says that’s fine by him. She threatens to turn him into a goat, then. He’s not so fine with that.
They hold secret slam poetry competitions in the middle of the night. They think Geralt’s asleep but he’s not. He’s Awake. He Knows. He Fears.
Eventually Lambert joins in when they’re at Kaer Morhen and Geralt has never known peace since.
Cats don’t like the Kaer Morons cause they always smell like wet dog. One time Jaskier douses Geralt in lavender perfume so he can go pet a cat for once. It’s a very emotional and sneezy scene. Geralt can’t smell anything for a week after that.
Eskel loves tea. So Much. Both the drink and the gossip kind. He takes the Drink Kinda Tea with honey and sips it Nice and Proper for like an hour to Enjoy It. One time he sees Jaskier just slam back an entire mug of unsweetened, hot tea, and he’s absolutely horrified.
Jaskier and Eskel gossip a lot, too. This leads to Jaskier learning about some very embarrassing stories about Geralt, and Geralt has to threaten him into not using those stories in his songs.
Jaskier writes those songs anyways. (But he only sings them to Yennefer - who’s mildly amused by them - and Ciri - who fucking loves them So Much)
Lambert learned how to make the medieval version of energy drinks. Each year the Kaer Morons hold a competition for who can run the most laps around the keep while hopped up on three energy drinks. It’s both glorious and horrifying.
They also hold ski competitions with broken floorboards bound to their feet. They race down the mountain and have to take the dangerous, snowed-in passes back up to the keep. The main goal is Don’t Die.
Only minutes after that competition, there’s the competition of Outrun Vesemir And His Wooden Spoon. The main goal is still Don’t Die.
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smolweeblets · 2 years
Rainy days
Luisa Madrigal x GN reader
A/n: here is fic i promised i actually didnt abandon it omg 😍😍. Okay but seriously im proud off this fic it turned out way better than expected, endings a lil eh but better than nothing hahshsah anyways ill shut up so you can enjoy.
-You first met Luisa when she was getting her door, she was about to get herself a snack when she saw you stuffing yourself with all kinds of food.
-She approached you carefully and tried to start a conversation, something about you made you approachable to her.
”Hey there-”
”Huh-?... O-oh hiya” you greeted sheepishly while wiping sk e crumbs off your face.
“Are you enjoying the party?”
“Yea, I am! You're Luisa right? The one who just got your power?”
“Yep, that's me” She beamed.
“Wow, I'd love to have your powers, I'd beat up all of the bad guys” you said enthusiastically.
“Woah, that's a cool idea, but i have the powers… so maybe you'll be my sidekick and we'll defeat all the bad guys together.”
You let out a gasp and nodded you head excitedly. “That would be so amazing, wanna do that now?” You had stars in your eyes from how excited you were, and you looked at Luisa expectantly.
“Hell yea! follow me we can go play in my room”
-After running over and practically begging your parents for permission, you went on your way and played the night away. This was the start of your blooming friendship.
-You both more or less grew up and did everything together. You frequently helping her with tasks, and her keeping you safe from whatever situation you found yourself in again.
-Luisa was the first one to catch feelings, she noticed them when you were around 13 and she was 12.
-It was a day where you wouldnt really expect rain, where the sun was out and shining one second and the next there's rain that seems to have materialized out of nowhere. So, early on that day Luisa was tasked with doing her jobs, as she usually is.
-The weather was nice and sunny when she went out, a perfect day to work. After a few hours it began to darken, Luisa just brushed it off, not keeping track of time and continued on with her work.
-A light drizzle started and she wasn't very near much shelter, a moment of scanning her environment and she bolts off to the nearest tree.
-It wasn't until she got to the tree that she saw you, also seeking shelter from the sudden drizzle.
-You were previously attempting to climb the tree, and you would have been successful if it weren't for the rain.
“Oh! Luisa hi!”
“What are you doing here?”
-You were slightly embarrassed to answer but Luisa was your best friend so you quickly brushed the thought off.
“Eheh, i was trying to climb this tree”
“Huh? Why? I never thought you liked doing stuff like these”
“Well… some boys were being mean and said I couldn't even climb a tree so i went to prove them wrong”
“That wasn't very nice of them, who were they? I'll be sure to teach them a lesson when I see them next time” Luisa was frowning and not happy at all that people were making fun of you.
“Eh it doesn't matter, i dont remember anyways, all that matters is that theyre wrong.” You let out a little “hmph” at the end.
“I would've been successful if it weren't for this rain too”
“Hehe you're right, but man i sure hope this rain doesn't last long, i have stuff to do”
-You look at Luisa, surprised shes still thinking about working in a condition like this. Rain pouring and the skies gray. You decide to ask her why she does all this for no kind of reward in return.
“Hey Luisa, why do you have to work so much-?”
-A moment of silence, or rather a moment of hearing nothing but the rain pattering on the ground.
“Well, I guess I do it for my family and for the town…”
“Don't you ever get tired of helping everyone?” You glance at her, a serious look on your face. “Like, most times i see you now you're doing some form of work, before it was just small tasks but now doesent it get tiring?”
“I-” “well, i suppose i does but if i dont then people will get mad at me”
“Oh man well, try to get them to understand because you get tired too and they need to understand that”
“It- AHH” A large boom of thunder interrupted her answer making her jump and cling on to you.
“Oh my god- Luisa are you okay?” You ask with worry in your voice. The poor girl tries to calm down for a moment, her heart still beating quickly but your voice soothens her temporarily.
-A few seconds of her just clinging to you and trying to gather herself.
“I-im good now, i think” She breathes out as she slowly loosens her grip.
“You scared me there,” You chuckle. “I never would've thought the big and strong Luisa would be scared of some thunder, especially considering your aunts gift”
-She blushes at your teasing, eyes furrowing but her mouth in a crooked smile.
“To be honest ive never really experienced her thunder up close, and when she does its no where as loud as this”
“Huh, I didn't know that '' You shrugged. “Also im not done with the our conversation earlier, you really should take a break someday”
-She sighs defeatedly and her shoulders drop slightly.
“Alright alright, ill ask abuela if i can take a break tomorrow”
-Your mouth curls into a smile, your cheeks lifting up and your eyes twinkle. “hehe good, lets use all that time to have fun” “i say lets go search for bugs, what do you think?”
-No response, but Luisa stares at you for a moment.
-Maybe it was the rain, maybe it was because sitting under a tree huddled together is romantic, or maybe for no reason at all, Luisa stops to think for a moment. To think about you, how much you care for her and all the little things that show it. Frequntly asking her to take breaks, always worrying and always looking out for her even though she was at least ten times stronger than you. It made her heart swell.
-She didn't know why, but she felt like if she was with you she could do anything. She felt like she was even more powerful when you werer by her side.
-Luisa notices only now the extent of your beauty, how your face effortlessly looks so bright and happy, your smile that never fails to make her feel better, the stunning way you wear your hair, the little actions you do when you're feeling a certain emotion. Her gaze on you right now was one of pure love, shes never experienced this feeling before and yet it feels so right, its like from the moment she was born, she was supposed to be doing this, right now with you.
-It hit her like a truck. She was in love, and madly at that. Oh lord she thought.
I'm not ready for this. I dont know how to confess- what is I mess up? what if they only see me as a friend??? what if-
“Hey Luisa, you good? I think you've been zoned out for like 3 minutes now” You checked in as you snapped your fingers at her face.
“O-oh, yeah i'm good i've just been… thinking.”
“Yea, you've been staring at me the entire time” “you got a crush on me or something?”
“Heh as if, only crush i know is me crushing you at racing”
“I'd totally win if you didn't have your gift” Your eyes rolled playfully and you had a grin on your face.
“Know what, i'll race you tomorrow if you've asked your abuela for a break and when the ground is dry”
“Oh you're on, prepare to be beat by the amazing Luisa Madrigal!” Luisa didnt care if you didn't reciprocate her feelings, for now she only cares about being your best friend, and that's more than enough for her. One day she might think of confessing but currently, the only thing she's worrying about is whether or not she'll go easy on you in your race.
A/n .2: if u enjoyed that my reqs are still open give some please 😭🤞
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doiefy · 2 years
nct as songs! any unit or members idk you pick
oooooo okokook this is fun, thank you anon !! <333 i'll do my 127 boys then because i actually have a folder of playlists based on each member (yall hmu if you want em 😳). edit: yep. i went all out with these, couldn't help myself.
taeil: re-bye by akmu. something about taeil screams jazz. he's so classy but also just. plain weird. funky and quirky, kinda awkward but in a sweet and very loveable way. he'll trip over beats, swing notes, hit the wrong chords in an experimental way, but he'll make it sound good. late mornings and brunch at a traditional diner. bitter coffee turned sweet with copious sugar.
johnny: allergic by post malone. maybe it's because of that ig video where he dances to it, but yeah. coming of age, college movie lead in a big blockbuster. charming girls around campus, getting his heart broken all too often, but getting up and walking past like nothing happened. messy math notes, chewed up pencils, chaotic dorm, waking up in the bathtub hungover and not knowing how he got there.
taeyong: subside by eloise. was debating giving this to taeil because it'll be on the playlist for my next taeil fic, but this is totally taeyong. lowkey, soft domestic boyfriend who feeds the neighbour's cats and takes lost puppies under his wing. nothing grand, nothing over the top, just mornings in bed, drowning in the warmth of fresh laundry while the sun spreads its rays across the bedsheets. 
yuta: baka mitai by kazuma kiryu. okay LISTEN, the song fucking slaps even if the memes prevail. this was on the playlist for my vampire yuta fic, and seriously, just imagine: late night drives, city lights, the classic 80s and 90s hits on his squeaky, static-laced radio. classy, elegant, almost kind of traditional, but he brings his own style to it. 
doyoung: love scene by baekhyun. i contemplated putting a more traditional ballad for him, but he's in his e-boy phase and we take those. late nights, black clothes, edgy lil bitch but not in the sense of stealing shopping carts and going for joyrides around empty parking lots. contemplative, dark, moody, quiet. nights spent locked in his room with his mini fridge and projector.
jaehyun: feels like you by faime. he's a fucking heartthrob, that's what he is. simple guitar riff, soft falsetto, dream-like melodies. sweater vests and nice dress shirts, oversized jeans. a first date on the first day of spring: pink skies, picnics in the park, blossoming trees and dancing under the stars. gentle love and soft confessions.
jungwoo: yoru ni kakeru by yoasobi. c'mon. that's him. fun-loving, free-spirited, running wild through the night and reliving his high school days. being scared of being reckless, being scared of getting caught, but doing it all anyways. screaming bloody murder in the backseat of a car while the driver goes 40 over the speed limit.
mark: origami by unlike pluto. another movie protagonist. he's the male lead in a indie summer film that probably involves a scene where he goes cliff diving with his buddies. coming of age, going through the pain of grief and loss, throwing caution to the wind when he comes out of it; enjoying life the way he wants to.
haechan: i shot cupid by stela cole. he's in his rebellious, big boy phase okay. stomping around in combat boots and leather jackets, but you best bet you’ll find him getting all soft and trying on glittery lip gloss. hitching rides on motorcycles after spray painting a giant dick on a mailbox in the middle of the night. flashing neon lights, silver accessories, customized chrome bike accents.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/wings hc's p.2: lesser- known egos/egos i just didn’t wanna put in the last one
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ty @fancybootm for the request!
A/N: IT’S BEEN A WHOLE ASS MONTH SINCE I GOT THIS I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. school is suck. anyways. my brain convinced itself that I had to have the same amount of egos in this one as the last one so shit's long again. I had a bit of trouble but scrounged up enough of them. uhhh I don't... we don't really know a lot? about the personalities of these ones? so I just went with what I thought. for Heistiplier, I like to think Mark in AHWM and ADWM is a completely separate person from Actor. Like until we get to the Actor timeline he is a separate person altogether. Night Guard Mark is like mark from the fnaf musical because i can and fuck you. the egos are very random and from many lesser known videos so uh. you might not know all of them. I didn’t even know all of them at first. some of these fuckers annoy me to no end so I had to make them more likable for my own sanity cjfufydy. I only skimmed through after I wrote so it might suck lol. Uh rated T for cursing. Mentions of religion and mental health. Enjoy!
Y/N(reader) w/ wings headcanons p.2
Ed Edgar saw you as a profiting opportunity.
Bastard only uses you for commercials at first
Wings sell shit, don’t they? Kids are into wings these days?
One day you get pissed and just punch him
He respects you after that…
He’s very loud, of course, and your ears tend to be sensitive
He tries to quiet down when he sees you make a face
It’s difficult because that… that’s just his normal volume
He talks about his son sometimes. Not to you specifically
He gets sad… you still don’t completely understand what happened.
Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t either
You instinctively wrap your wings around him for Safety and Comfort
He is a MAN who DOES NOT CRY but goddammit, he was close 
He enjoys your company
The Silver Shepherd thought he was gonna rescue you
He’s a superhero, he HAS to save you, right?
Nah, you’re the one saving him more often than not
He tries not to be jealous, but goddamn
Your wings are just. So big. And pretty
He’ll complain to you about his girlfriend “cheating” on him
You know the bullshit he pulls, but you listen because why not
He appreciates that you at least pay a little bit of attention
He doesn’t do a whole lot of hero work, but he usually brings you along
Just for a bit of extra support
More often than not, you’re doing most of the work
You let him believe he did something, though
You boost his very low ego, and so you get along
Derek Derekson was a little bitch
Also saw you as a profiting opportunity
Yelled sometimes when you messed up
You took deep breaths and tried to stay calm the first few times
Then you snapped, calling him a variety of... words...
He stopped yelling at you, but not much else changed
You got along well with Eric, and he appreciated you for that
He does care about his only living son, at least a little
You two don’t… talk a lot
He’ll watch you from afar, occasionally
You constantly encourage him to TALK TO HIS CHILD and GO TO THERAPY
You still don’t like him, and he feels the same way
But he’s… trying
Randall Voorhees thought you were badass
He wasn’t as used to magic and weird shit as the others
You were absolutely awesome to him
He’d never seen an angel before!
Even though he didn’t really KNOW that you were an angel
He just assumed and refused to change his mind
Harder to hide you wings in crowded cities, like where he lives
You spend a lot of your time with him cooped up in his apartment
He felt bad, so he rents a mountain cabin up in Albany whenever you visit
You two ski and snowboard look me in the eyes and tell me the bitch isn’t a snowboarder
He’s a construction worker, so he’s usually busy
You visit him on his lunch break sometimes.
The other workers claim to see you, but he’ll always deny it
He buys a pizza whenever you visit and you eat it together
You two are so cute it’s sickening
Yandereplier claimed you as their new senpai
They saw you, you had wings, you were nice
And now you are Senpai
You aren’t sure why you get a weird feeling whenever they call you this
Luckily, you don’t have many friends, at least none that they could kill…
They showed you their weapon collection to impress you
You were scared and also impressed
They take you to a cherry blossom tree near their house
You talk and hang out and eat lunch
They don’t call you senpai anymore and they talk to you normally
And you no longer stare at the blood on their uniform
Night Guard Mark prayed you wouldn’t try to kill him
He might have PTSD from Freddy Fazbear’s
Those animatronics left a mark…
It took a little while for him to trust you not to harm him
When he did, HOO BOY is he a chatterbox
He has so many theories about the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Chain
Dark’s told you not to talk about the actual lore. It might break his spirit
You get very worried sometimes
He looks like that one picture of Charlie Day. You know the one.
Sometimes he gets panic attacks
You wrap him in a cocoon of your limbs and wings to ground him
He likes you for that
You hang out, playing games and watching movies. No horror. Absolutely NONE
You can handle him, and he likes you
Dr. Plier was curious about you
He wondered how you felt about… everything
He asked if you were ok one day and you broke down
He felt guilty and bought you ice cream
He sees you as a sort of… psychological experiment
Like he asks you very strange and slightly personal questions
Ok, very personal, but he’s a therapist, what can you do
He eventually stopped the interrogation and talked to you normally
You get along fine, but it’s kind of the same situation as Dr. Iplier
Chef Iplier wasn’t really all that phased
You were surprised by this because… well… wings
But he just… treats you normal, for the most part.
Sometimes he’ll pet your wings, but only if you let him
He loves how soft your feathers are
He doesn’t make that his entire perception of you
It’s a nice change of pace
He tries to cook for you sometimes, but uh. It doesn’t go well
You’re still confused as to how someone can set a glass of water on fire
You mostly just order take out
You hang out like normal people
Which neither of you are, but you’re both fine with that
Paranormal Investigator Mark is obsessed with figuring you out
Nearly had a panic attack when he first saw you
He wanted to prove the supernatural exists, but he didn’t have a lot of evidence before
And then your mystical-ass came along
Like the Jims, he tried to get pictures, and they all ended up blurry
He threw a fit over it, and you felt kinda bad
You tried to take the picture yourself but it came out the same
He gave up after a while
He info dumps about paranormal stuff to you
It can last from 5 minutes to 5 hours
You do pay attention though, and that makes him happy
He takes you on investigations sometimes
You don’t do much except break shit with those giant wings of yours
He stopped taking you on investigations
Cooliplier is not sure what to think
You have wings! Great! There’s absolutely nothing he can do about that
Not the most normal, but not the weirdest either
He tends to put on a tough-guy persona around new people
You were a lil intimidated
Then you became friends and mans did a full 180 around you
Went from “Your daughter calls me daddy too” to “I’ll have her home by 9 sir”
His personality is sort of a mix of the two
Catch you both screaming the lyrics to Mr. Brightside at 12:00 am
Took you to a mosh pit once
You got kicked out cause of the wings
He felt bad, but you had fun
He teaches you how to dance and roller skate
You also go for rides on his motorcycle
Once you just started flying while he was driving and it was the most fun shit ever
You’re “buds”, as he often tells you
Goopiplier likes you a lot
They like having another not-completely-human creature to talk to
I mean, some of the others aren’t exactly human…
But they’re not the best conversationalists…
Then again, neither is goop.
They mention the Dark Gods ONCE and suddenly no one wants to talk to them…
But you do!! Yay!!!
You mostly just hang out, do whatever
Watch movies, play games, or just talk
They like to draw you
They’re not very good, but you keep them all anyways
Sometimes they do… rituals. While you’re around
You are… a little scared, but that’s okay!
You have sleepovers and act like teenagers
You mock the others and then giggle, getting louder as you go
They’re not that funny, but you had to be there
Elder Jeremiah is terrified of you
He nearly pissed his pants when he saw you
He thought he was finally going to have to pay for his sins
He started crying, and you panicked
Why the FUCK was this 20-something-year-old well-dressed man crying at you???
He dropped his bike and fell to his fucking knees and begged for forgiveness
You felt very uncomfortable with the whole situation
You told him to get up bc he was dirtying up his pants
He eventually stopped crying and you told him you were not an angel
Also not a demon, as you said when he asked
He avoids you, mostly, still thinking you’re gonna drag him down to hell
He stopped the uh. The stealing since you came around
He will hang around/with you sometimes to see if you “reveal your true form”
You haven’t yet, and never will, BUT WHEN YOU DO, HE’LL BE THERE
He does think you’re very nice, though
Preistiplier thinks you’re an angel sent to assist him
He is doing holy work, it only makes sense that He would send a helper
He was disappointed, to say the least
He then came to the conclusion that you lost your memory of being an angel
You couldn’t exactly dispute it, since you don’t remember
So, he takes you on hunts
You don’t do much except make a bunch of fucking NOISE with your WINGS
He’d hoped you’d smite the demons
Or at least scare them, but they know you’re not an angel
He still takes you on hunts because, he’d never admit it, but he… gets scared
You promised not to tell a soul
You confess your sins to him sometimes
They’re usually not what he considers sins, but he listens anyways
He thinks you are a good person, and he enjoys conversations with you
Heistiplier was just normal around you
Well… as normal as he can be
You’d enjoy his company a lot more if he didn’t have such a god complex
You still like him a lot
He likes you too
Even if you did refuse to rob a bank with him
He’s a very… exciting person
Though you don’t really want to be around him when he gets upset
The entire world literally seems to revolve around what he does
He’s a drama queen, and completely feral
It’s worrying at times
You two are normal friends
Playing video games, watching youtube, etc. etc.
You listen to his stories and wonder how he's not dead yet
But you can admit, he's really fucking funny
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nadiineross · 3 years
so this is spiderbyte wip which i cannot be bothered to finish but i thought it would be cute n funny if sombra makes them go on a legal vacay together like they go on tripadvisor and dress up like tourists and theyre using their sick days or smth not that i think talon would give either of them sick days since its a terrorist organization.. lol ANYWAY hv fun :)
Widow has no idea how Sombra pulled it off, but she’s hardly surprised since doing unthinkable, and unthinkably stupid, things is sort of Sombra’s schtick. So, here she is, standing in a commercial airport with a neck pillow wedged around her peach-painted elbow and two 4-wheel suitcases at her hip, waiting for her girlfriend to finish taking a piss.
She is, on some level, excited for this actually legal, Talon-cleared weekend-long vacation. It’s not that she thinks she’ll get bored or hate it—after all, Sombra had organized everything and Sombra is one among maybe three people who give a fuck about what Widow thinks about things—but she wonders, sometimes, about the genuineness of her own emotions. She experiences them shallowly. Like they’re dialed down. On occasion, experiences them like a choice; a matter of whether or not she wants to expend energy on reacting to something.
Because of this, she wonders if she fakes them and does it so well, she’s fooled herself. But then what difference would that make?
Yes, she’s happy to spend time with Sombra. Always. It just doesn’t matter to her at all the how and when of it. Doesn’t feel like there’s anything significant about going to a different country with Sombra, partake in new activities with her.
To Sombra, it’s different. She’s been giddy about this for a week, constantly nudging Widow so she’ll lean over and look at whatever part of the travel plan Sombra’s putting together. Sombra feels the urge to see new places and do new things with people she likes to spend time with.
Widow’s okay with sitting in Sombra’s room, with the hip LED strip lights she sees in the “tick tocks” Sombra shows her, doing nothing in between messing around on the bed. Widow’s okay with flying to ass nowhere, Europe, to watch Sombra’s back and shoot people. That’s going somewhere new; that’s doing something new. It’s all the same to her.
But then again, Sombra wants this, so it’s automatically different.
And that’s the extent of Widow’s feelings about this.
Sombra comes bounding out the airport bathroom just as Widow considers going in to check. As soon as she spots Widow, she scowls and moves the pillow from Widow’s arm to her neck. Again.
“You promised,” she reminds Widow.
Widow looks at her impassively. Considers it.
She promised she would “get in the holiday spirit,” but that was before she had known about Sombra’s ridiculous definition of holiday spirit. Still, a promise is a promise. Besides, this was Widow’s gift to Sombra. Specifically, Widow had told Sombra that she gets one do-stupid-things free pass, happy anniversary, chérie, come back to bed.
One occasion where Sombra can drag Widow into something and Widow will comply without complaint, all within reason, of course. And Sombra picks a vacation.
Sombra, who has become a master at staring contests with Widow, having dated her for a year and a handful of weeks now, waits her out. Finally, Widow sighs and reaches up to button the donut pillow at her throat.
“Looks great, babe,” Sombra says brightly, and begins to wheel her suitcase towards the departure hall proper.
Widow sighs again and follows after her.
“Does this even count as a legal vacation if we are using fake documents?”
“Say it louder,” Sombra grumbles, “I don’t think airport security got that.”
Widow tries not to smile. She takes in a deep breath and, indeed, louder, says: “Does this even c—”
“I hate that you think you’re funny now,” Sombra huffs. “Dating me is such an ego boost for people.”
“People?” Widow muses. Sombra ignores that. Whatever. She changes tracks to something she’s actually curious about. “What’s the name on your passport?”
“Sombra,” says Sombra.
Widow squints at her. “Sombra what? You don’t have a last name.”
“Spider,” Sombra deadpans, “Obviously, it doesn’t say Sombra. Why the hell would I put that on my passport? That’s dumb. I’m very good at being a criminal, you know?”
“Yes, baby,” says Widow, “the best.”
Sombra rolls her eyes but the edges of her mouth twitch up before she can control it. Widow can’t help but smile herself. “It’s Jane Smith.”
“That… is so boring.” She wrinkles her nose. “And so American.”
“What? You don’t think I look exactly like a Jane Smith?” Sombra asks.
Widow stares at her.
“Whatever.” Sombra sniffs, snootily, and rubs a hand over the buzzed side of her head. It’s grown out a bit—Widow will shave it for her soon.
“You are terrible with aliases.”
Sombra had given her a fake passport earlier today, back at base. Widow’s now May Parker, a Canadian national since Sombra didn’t have faith in Widow’s fake accent skills and told her, quite condescendingly, to stick to French. The name was a reference to something, Widow’s not sure what, just thankful that Sombra hadn’t ended up printing the name of the first French historical figure that came to mind. Napoleon Bonaparte probably wouldn’t have gone over too well with airport authorities.
At check-in, the woman barely bats an eye at their too-nondescript names. It’s likely not that rare for people to come through airports with fake names in this day and age anyway. Probably, it’s quite rare to have terrorists doing it for vacation, but Widow has to admit their outfits don’t quite match up with that image.
Sombra picks their seats as Widow hauls their suitcases onto the belt. When all’s said and done, Sombra loops their arms together and pulls them towards security.
Sombra keeps glancing up at Widow’s face while they wait in line. It’s her only tell that she’s nervous and Widow can guess why. The sunscreen-like balm they’d smeared all over her, to make her look normal, should hold up for the duration of their flight. Though, she didn’t trust Talon scientists, she could trust their science, so she’s not worried about it.
Anyway, it wasn’t the 20th century. Most body mods were socially acceptable now. Sombra, in all her cyborg glory, shuffles past security with no problem.
It’s another half hour wait at their gate before they finally board. Sombra takes the middle seat, leaving Widow with the window. The aisle seat is, thankfully, empty. She’s not sure if Sombra did that on purpose, but she doesn’t particularly care either way, so she doesn’t ask.
Sombra reaches over and taps both of their mini-TV screens at the same time. A moment later, The Room (2003) begins playing on their screens simultaneously. Sombra makes a triumphant little sound and cuddles into Widow’s side.
Widow drapes her arm around Sombra and sighs.
A brief shitty movie marathon later, they’re touching down in Hokkaido, Japan, and Sombra’s tugging her gangly girlfriend out her seat. Widow’s vaguely tired and has already made Sombra promise they’re calling in a favour from Akande for a Talon plane back home after this. It takes a lot of brain power for her to keep up with Sombra sometimes, especially when it comes to silly things like enjoying bad movies.
(Sombra tells her it isn’t brain power that she is expending; rather, it’s called the emotional labour of loving someone.)
By the time they get to their lodging, Widow’s just about ready to pass out.
She pushes the first door she sees and falls into bed. Outside, she hears the rapid padding of Sombra’s footsteps as she explores every nook and cranny in the cabin.
She’s not sure how long she’s been lying down, but next she opens her eyes, the sky is dark blue and Sombra’s face is alarmingly close to hers.
Sombra grins and touches her cheeks. “Hey, you should get up.”
Widow blinks lazily at her. Then: “No.” She rolls around and closes her eyes again. “We’re on vacation.”
“We have to wipe that shit off you,” Sombra says, a note of affection colouring her tone.
She allows herself a few more seconds before she sits up with a huff and follows Sombra into the en suite. It’s a nice bathroom: a big tub, classy tiling, and there’s a big window facing a snowy mountainside, framed by gnarly trees.
note: and like i had this idea that sombra had her own agenda picking japan like mayb to hack into some mountain base but mostly i wanted to write widows skiing skin:) and they do stupid shit in the snow and eat good food and roll around in the sheets in their cozy lil cabin during a snowstorm and at the end these two who hv j been like. a pair of random tourists roll outta there in a bigass talon plane, guns equipped on the outside and everything, everyone else is alarmed, shitting themselves, but sombras j chilling in widows lap as they head back to base, blissfully unaware
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Empires on the Horizon VIII
Jason is a CEO: Part VIII
Push (should defs listen with earphones at an insane volume at 1am- i’m not talking from experience)
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
This is a helllllaaaaa long chapter y’all. I just couldn’t bear to cut it. Please enjoy.
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push it
push it
back up on me
make me believe you want me
-Enrique Iglesias and Lil Wayne
Friday arrived with bright blue skies and an icy winter wind. Jason breathed in the crisp air, letting it flow through his lungs as he slowed to a walk. He hadn’t gone on many morning runs since, well since Luke, and he missed the quiet of the streets and the fresh smells of Bakery Avenue. His anticipation for the night was lightning crackling under his skin. They had signed the contract with Harley Davids yesterday, but today he would have to call Octavian and break the news. He didn’t want to have that conversation but being the CEO of the company meant dealing with the highs and the lows. He was buttoning his shirt when his phone dinged on the side table, so he abandoned the task, letting it fall open, and opened his messages.
Zoe: open up ;)
Jason: Like emotionally?
A knocking echoed through the apartment and he raced to open the door. Zoe stood on the other side laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. She looked ethereal. A white dress hugged her figure and the gold jewellery hanging from her neck rivalled her glow. He just stood there watching her, enraptured in everything that she was. Finally she stopped giggling, taking deep breaths to calm herself, and looked up to see him staring.
“You’re gorgeous.”
She smiled at that, “And you’re hilarious.”
“What are you doing here?” He grabbed her hand and pulled them together.
“I came to visit before you rushed into work. I’m off today because your lovely assistant is taking me out before tonight. I don’t have party clothes,” She scrunched her nose.
“Oh Haze didn’t tell me she was taking today off?” He frowned.
“I think she’s playing hookie.” Amusement danced on her lips.
He laughed at that, “I don’t think you’re supposed to be tell her boss­–”  He gasped, “Your hands…”
Zoe looked up at him innocently, fingers roaming distractedly on his bare torso, “My hands are what?”
“Cold,” He breathed, “Your hands are cold.”
“You don’t seem to be that upset,” She said cheekily, looking down at his rising evidence.
“Little minx!” He wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her into the house.
Her laugh was music in his ears, a song he wanted to hear on repeat. She threaded her fingers in his hair and tugged gently so he was looking up at her.
“You’re cute.”
He buried his nose into her neck as she slowly slid down his body and onto the fleece rug of his bedroom, “You’re cuter.”
“Wanna play a game?”
He raised an eyebrow, suspicious of the gleam in her eye, “What game?”
“How late can we make you for work?”
His eyes blazed, blue becoming impossibly bright, “Let’s find out.”
And then his lips were on hers, like the beginning, middle and end. She was soft and supple and melted against him in a way he had never known. A low moan dragged from his throat as she sunk her teeth into his bottom lip, and then eased the sting with a swipe of her tongue. They explored each other languidly, relishing in the feel of whatever bloomed between them. Without breaking contact they moved towards the bed and fell onto those white sheets, smiling into each other.
Jason walked into his office building with a Cheshire grin on his face and the halo of someone who had been properly–
“Mr Grace!”
He turned around to see a girl coming towards him, sneakers squeaking incessantly against the marble.
“Yes, can I help you?”
“I’m just passing on a message from Aphrodite’s Armour. Drew and Silena would like to take you up on your offer to find them a replacement for the time they’re gone.”
“Oh of course! I’ll call them immediately. And your name Miss?”
“Lacy,” She beamed, “Nice to meet you Mr Grace. I’ve heard so much about you.”
He smiled, studying the girl, who was starting to look younger and younger with every passing second. “All good things I hope?”
“Absolutely. Drew and ‘Lena talk about you all the time. They say you’re the nicest man they’ve ever met.”
“Well thank you kindly. How do you know the ladies?”
“Oh I’m Drew’s little sister. Well half-sister on my mom’s side but you know what they say, ‘the blood of the convent is thicker than the water of the womb.’ She honestly means more to me than just a sister anyway.  I’m visiting them before school goes back next week. They’re a little busy today. Two ladies, oh they were gorgeous you know,” She nodded her head vigorously, “Anyway they came into the shop about a half hour ago and they’ve been there ever since.”
Jason had a feeling he knew who it was, and a lopsided smile crept onto his face. “Thank you very much Miss Lacy. Please tell your sister and her fiancé I will get on finding them a temp as soon as possible. Do you need a ride back to the shop?”
“Oh no thank you sir, Drew’s allowed me to explore the city for a little, while they’re busy.”
“Oh,” He looked at her thoughtfully, “Well do you need a guide?”
Her eyes lit up, “Mr Grace but aren’t you so busy?”
“I am busy I’m afraid, but I was thinking of someone more your age who can show you all the cool spots.”
“Oh,” She hummed, head tilted in consideration, “Okay Mr Grace. Who is it?”
“Why don’t you come up to my office and I’ll give them a call. You can also call your sister and tell her the plan?”
“Sounds good! Do you really have candy in every office? And do you always celebrate valentine’s day by giving all your employees roses? Isn’t valentine’s day just the loveliest concept Mr Grace? A whole day dedicated to anything and everything you love. There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. George Sand. Delightful isn’t it? And did someone really bring a pinata to work to hit whenever they were stressed? And do you always wear fancy clothes? Do you like jeans Mr Grace? Oh I have so many questions.”
And before Jason could answer any of them, she was already onto the next.
“Oh wow is that a whole room just for board games? And how come this room is green and this room is red? Why do you have a wall of hand-prints? Do you celebrate Easter by hiding eggs? You know, Mr Grace, I’ve always admired you. When Drew told me you were starting a business to help communities, I immediately wanted to use you for my project at school. I’m taking economics you know?” Her brown eyes looked up at him then, and he opened his mouth to answer her, only to be led astray.
“I want to start a dance school when I’m older. I believe dance is the movement of the soul. Isn’t that the most lovey thing you’ve ever heard? When you dance your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It is to enjoy each step along the way. Wayne Dyer said that. Dancing is a bit like life isn’t it? In that funny way that it’s not about the end it’s about the moments, the journey.”
“Indeed Miss Lacy.” He nodded at her, thinking about the words.
“Wow Mr Grace,” Her eyes were wide as she took in his office, “This is beautiful. I don’t know how anyone can be unhappy when you have a view like this.”
“It’s certainly difficult,” His lips twitched as she walked around the room; dragging her fingers across the white couch and studying the bookshelf opposite with trinkets from his travels and various books, both fiction and non.
He sat down at his desk and quickly called who he needed to before handing the phone to Lacy to call Drew. When that was done, she went back to looking at his things.
“Books are mirrors; you only see in them what you already have inside you. That’s from The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafon. Do you like to read Mr Grace?”
“Yes, do you?”
She nodded, then shook her head, then scrunched her nose and flopped down on the couch. “I love the idea of reading, you know the cup of tea, and the rain, and getting lost in a completely different world, but whenever I sit down to actually do it– I just can’t seem to get past a couple sentences before my brain is thinking about something else. Silena, oh I adore her Mr Grace. She’s just the nicest lady and she’s so patient with me even when I ask her a million questions, I’m so glad I get to call her my sister-in-law. Anyway she tried to sit down with me and read but I just couldn’t do it. Even Uncle Charles has tried, and you know he has all the patience in the world, but I think after twenty minutes even he was starting to lose it. So you see I think there may be something wrong in my brain.”
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.” He gave her a small smile.
She sat up suddenly and looked directly at him, “You don’t?”
“Not at all. Some people can sit down and read for hours and some people can’t, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them.”
“Even if they’re like me and they want to read?”
“Even then,” His smile was wider now, “Have you tried audiobooks?”
“No?” Her cheeks were flushed with excitement as she hung off the edge of the couch in anticipation.
“A narrator reads the books and you just have to listen to them. Like how people told you stories when you were younger.”
“So you mean I can listen to them and do other things at the same time? Like dance? Or draw? Or schoolwork?”
“That’s exactly it. People listen to audiobooks on the train, in the car, when they’re exercising.”
“Mr Grace!” She jumped up and slammed into him, “Oh you truly are the most wonderful man! I am so glad I met you. To think if I hadn’t, I’d be suffering forevermore.”
“I’m glad I could help,” He laughed, returning her hug. “And look here are your personal tour guides now.”
In walked Jake Mason and Kayla Knowles, two of the students in a school he funded and some of the brightest kids he’d ever met.
“Oh wow, I love your hair!” Lacy exclaimed, pointing at the green streaks in Kayla’s bright red locks.
“And your shoes are to die for!” Kayla squealed, pointing at Lacy’s sneakers, decked in paint splatters and writing over every inch of the canvas.
Jake Mason, a usually shy person immediately gravitated towards Lacy’s bubbly aura and in a matter of moments the three were chattering away.
“Alright little ones, I’ve got work to do. Don’t get into too much trouble and if you need anything you call me okay.”
“Sure Mr Grace.” Came the chorus of replies and then the young teens were bounding out of his office and into their adventure.
Jason on the other hand had a less than ideal quest to complete, and traitorous Hazel had ditched him for a shopping spree. He had a good mind to hide her stash of chocolate as payback.
He took a deep breath and dialled the number to Titan Industries.
“Titan Industries, Mr O’s assistant, how can I help you?”
“Hello sir, it’s Jason Grace from Anemoi Empire. Could you put me through to him please?”
“Just a moment.”
And then he heard a click and the oily voice of Octavian crackled through the phone.
“Ah Mr Grace, I was expecting a call.”
“Octavian, I hope you are well. I’m just calling to say we won’t be contracting with you. It has been a,” He swallowed, forcing the next words out, “A pleasure, but we have found someone who better suits our interests.”
“Well,” the sharpness is a knife Jason can feel resting on his cheek, “I certainly didn’t expect this. I hope you know what you’re doing Grace.”
“Yes Octavian. Again thank you for your patience and I wish you all the best for the future.”
“Goodbye Grace.” Was the icy reply and then his phone beeped with the end dial-tone.
He rubbed a finger across his brow and took a deep, steadying breath. At least that’s over. Now to finish up some admin and get out of here. He had friends waiting for him.
“Jason!” Zoe squealed, crashing into him.
“Hello my stella,” He hugged her and then pulled her back to stare, devour.
A soft-cream satin dress draped over her, like it felt privileged to be there. It cut off at mid-thigh and left you no choice but to drag your eyes down till you were met with the ribbon straps of her matching shoes. She had taken out her braids, and her hair, tightly coiled, was now cropped closely to her head. She looked unbelievable and he told her as much.
“You ready to go?”
“Hell yes! I want to meet your friends.”
“I’m glad you’re excited. I’m sure you’re going to hear embarrassing stories about me all night.”
She grinned at him, “All the better.”
They arrived at Trepsichore, or Treps to the locals, where the lively sound of chatter and music were already weaving through the atmosphere. The gang had started coming to this place the day it opened, and they still haven’t found a better club; although they could be biased since it was owned by Connor Stoll, a good friend of theirs.
“Oh Leo, I am leaving you for Jason’s lady.” Annabeth Chase stood up from her stool and walked around to greet them.
Zoe laughed, and embraced the blonde, “Jason would it be rude if I agreed. You won’t take offence, will you?”
He feigned hurt, pouting at them and pulling Leo towards him, “I think they’re dumping us Firefly. Wanna get married? At least we won’t break each other’s hearts.”
“I’m down buddy, anything for you.” Leo cupped his cheek and brought their faces together.
“Didn’t we promise we’d never do this again?”
“Yes but that was before our girlfriends decided to leave us for each other.”
“Are we interrupting something?” Hazel Levesque giggled, as she and Frank saddled up to their table.
“Annabeth and Zoe are leaving us for each other,” Leo sighed.
“Oh yes I do agree. Frank darling you wouldn’t mind, would you?”
Frank gave her a sordid smile, “Please leave me, wouldn’t mind a bit.”
“Oh gods we’re going to be all alone because our girlfriends love each other more than us.” Jason groaned, looking between his friends.
Annabeth swung her arm over Zoe’s shoulder and grabbed Hazel’s hand, “It was inevitable; you can’t expect me to give up my chance with someone who looks like they could murder me and kiss me with the same degree of passion.”
“Hello, hello everyone!” Reyna waved, tugging Percy behind her.
“Hello babe,” Hazel kissed her cheek, and hugged her counterpart.
Everyone took their turns saying hello and just as they were settling in the last of the group made their way to the table.
“Di Angelo,” Leo spotted them first.
“Sorry we’re late everyone. School meetings ran a bit overtime.”
“Is that code for you two were fooling around in the supply closet again?” Jason teased.
Nico blushed a bright red and Will laughed.
“We aren’t teenagers anymore Grace.” Black eyes narrowed at him.
“Oh to be that young and free again,” Leo sighed, flinging a hand over his forehead.
“What on earth was going on before we got here?” Percy asked, motioning between them.
“Annabeth and Hazel are leaving us for Zoe,” Frank said, rolling his eyes teasingly.
Reyna pouted. “You guys started a girl gang without me?”
“It’s more like a cult if you ask me,” Leo mumbled.
“A sapphic group is the preferred term,” Zoe interjected.
“GAY!” Nico grinned at them.
“Well that’s not a surprise to anyone.” Annabeth laughed, “And of course you’re part of it Reyna. These boys can form their own group if they want.”
“How is it six against four and we’re still losing?” Percy mused.
“It always happens like this.” Leo flashed him a look, “Their badassery outweighs us ten to one every time.”
“And don’t you forget it Valdez.” They all chorused.
The night went much the same way, ribbing at each other, reminiscing, telling embarrassing stories. Jason couldn’t help but stare at his friends, at these people who he loved with every part of him. They all burst into laughter at something Nico said, and he felt his soul bloom, felt his lungs expand, and his heart grow to the point of pain. Besides his sister he did not have any family so to have found one, chosen one, was a feeling he wanted to immortalize in his bloodstream, let it be the magic that sparks the stardust in his veins.
“You ready to dance pretty boys?” Reyna smirked, grabbing Zoe’s hand and sashaying to the floor.
Leo’s excitement was infectious, “Coming? My Latino ass needs to move.”
Frank started saying no almost immediately and Nico firmly agreed but Will insisted they at least hang around on the side of the bar closest to the floor. Jason followed the rest of them to where the life of the club was thrumming between writhing bodies. A bass boosted version of Push by Enrique Iglesias started playing and the roar that went up was deafening. Annabeth grabbed Hazel, Zoe and Reyna and started dancing– grinding on each other and body rolling. Their hair was wild, their cheeks flushed, and their bodies moving to every beat. Jason stared at Zoe, her head thrown back as she grabbed Reyna’s ass and pulled it flush against her. He realised with jarring clarity that he was starting to fall for her, fall deeply, exhilaratingly.
Before he could think on it, Percy grabbed his hand and pulled them together. Those green eyes, bright with laughter and alcohol, looked into his as they matched each other hip for hip, step for step. That swimmer’s body rolled into him and he laughed, gripping the man’s hips and swaying them.
Percy grabbed his neck, half whispering half shouting into his skin, “You got moves, white boy.”
“Years of spending time with Leo.” His lips brushed against his dance partner’s ear.
Percy’s smile was wicked as he turned around and pressed his ass up against Jason’s front. Their friends hollered, pretending to throw money and wolf whistling as they writhed against each other. Gods Jason loved to dance. The strobe lights flashed across his vision as his eyes fluttered. The music raced through his blood, setting everything on fire. He could live in this feeling. Liminal space.
When the song transitioned to the next Zoe pulled him away and they had their own session. Mostly it involved being pushed up against the wall and devouring each other. He really shouldn’t have had this much tequila, but Hazel’s puppy-dog eyes were impossible to say no to.
“Seeing you and Percy was hot as fuck.” Zoe breathed, chest heaving.
“You enjoyed it?” He smirked, grabbing her hips and flipping their positions so she was against the rough brick. He marvelled at the difference between her and Luke. Luke who would have been angry, jealous, hateful; who would have dragged them home and lectured him about it. He banishes those thoughts. Tonight was about having fun, about celebration, about the goddess in front of him.
“Hell yes! And your friends are pretty cool.”
“I think they like you better than me.”
“Well I like you better than them,” She winked.
“Good to know,” His smirk was delicious, “Now, where were we?”
“As lovely as this is, I really need to go to the bathroom before I burst.”
He laughed into her, and let her go, watching as she murmured something to the girls before they all traipsed off.
“They seem to get on,” Nico observed, nodding as they disappeared behind the doors.
“I’m glad. I knew they would, but there’s always that little seed of doubt, you know?”
“Yea,” His friend nodded, floppy black hair falling into his eyes, “She’s great. We all love her.”
“I think me too.” He confessed.
“Really?” Nico peered at him then, trying to gage something under the streaking lights, “Since when?”
“Since a couple hours ago maybe,” He laughed, “I don’t know. It may just be the tequila talking.”
“Alcohol doesn’t create feelings, just amplifies what’s already there.”
Before he could reply a heart-stopping scream sounded from the far side of the club, near the bathrooms. He flashed a look at his friend and then they were both sprinting towards the source where a crowd was forming. He pushed his way to the front and nearly hurled as he took in the scene.
There lying on the floor in a growing pool of blood was Zoe Nightshade.
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shoshie · 3 years
hi poosie 💞🌺💘 im going w 3 nights by dominic fike; emotional by okaywil; honest by the neighborhood; devil i know by allie x; sweet disposition by the temper trap; very nice by seventeen; moonlight by dhruv; rain by ben platt; home by phillip phillips; just friends by jordy; timebomb by walk the moon; cross my heart by marianas trench; shatter me by lindsey striling; paris is burning by st vincent; arrival of the birds by the cinematic orchestra; nyc girl by the orion experience; relay by fiona apple; dnd by glaive; sympathy by vampire weekend; december 1963 by frankie valli & the four seasons; and step with me by mika.
if ur thinking ‘h what the fuck’ you & i would b thinking the same thing. i kept adding songs bc im like ‘ah shit what if they hate the one i suggested?’ so i added 2 more. and then yk . i kept adding until my spotify app weirdly refreshed and i took it as a sign from god to stfu and finish the list so !!! that’s what i have !!! i hope ur having a lovely lovely day & that u like at Least one on this list 💓❣️💘🌺💞‼️
i’m gonna tell u what i think of each song BUT i’m putting it under a read more lkdhfbf
1. 3 nights: i realized i’ve actually heard this one BUT not the whole song so it’s ok! i like it it’s v chill v vibey it sounds like streetlights reflecting off a wet road <3 (i am incapable of describing songs with adjectives)
2. emotional: the instrument in the background of this is rly cool idk it’s like. it kinda sounds like hitting spoons on a glass but more musical & almost piano like? i rly like it tho, this song sounds like bright colors & peaches :D
3. honest: this one kinda sounds like one of those ones that makes ur brain go brrrr ‼️ its like. laced w something kfjbjsbfksnv musically it’s not rly my thing but i can appreciate it as a song <3
4. devil i know: i only know one allie x song (can’t stop now) so i wasn’t sure what this would sound like but it’s kinda insane??? the background vocals r so cool i love the humming :0 v sexie nd her voice is so beautiful omg
5. sweet disposition: this feels oddly familiar. i don’t think i’ve heard it tho. it kinda reminds me of say geronimo if u know that one? it sounds like adventure kind of, like it could be used in a travel vlog (complimentary)
6. very nice: aju NICE babababdadadabbabda!!!! i’ve heard this one but i don’t mind listening to it again <3 bop banger etc. good vocals amazing horns in the chorus also if u haven’t seen the choreo i would definitely recommend it it’s so fun
7. moonlight: this is so pretty omg 🥺 i got a mental image of like. sitting on top of a car w someone u love & watching a meteor shower on a clear night. very chill his voice is so lovely
8. rain: ben platt’s voice is gorgeous. this is not the type of music i would have expected from him though??? idk he doesn’t seem like the pop music type of person. i think i prefer some of his other music (cough grow as we go cough) but this is a solid song
9.. home: ive heard this but not since i was like 10 so the nostalgia i got from it,,,, :’) home also sounds like a travel vlog song a bit! i think its the oooohhhhhohohohs in the post chorus (?). this song just reminds me of my childhood i used to hear it all the time on the radio sitting in the backseat <3
10. just friends: I HAVE ALSO HEARD THIS BUT IDK WHERE the beginning played nd i was like wait a minute. OH!! its so nice i love how simple the instrumentals are & jordy has a rly pretty voice as well!! the melody is so addictive as well
halfway done! this is fun<3
11. timebomb: bop?? this could be used in the soundtrack to a romcom tv show directed at teenagers (once again. what are adjectives) it reminds me of when shut up and dance came out nd everyone was obsessed with it.. that was a better time i think
12. cross my heart: headbanging songs > the lyrics to this one r a little basic but thats ok not every song has to have deep profound lyrics that make u feel existential. this is certainly a banger yessir. the ending is cool too i love harmonies
13. shatter me: scawy... the imagery in this is insane "i pirouette in the dark" UM?? this sounds like a movie hello. imagine WAI HISNFVNKDNV THE DROP???? THE VIOLIN?????? i litrally just had to interrupt myself that was not an exaggerated reaction. ANYWAYS i was going to say: the movie scene im imagining is like. it keeps cutting between a girl doing ballet in dark, foggy lighting & a fight scene
14. paris is burning: dark alleyways & vintage movies!!! i enjoyed this more than i expected to? im picturing a girlboss character, maybe a spy? in all black & carrying a purse walking down the street. but she has to be wearing one of those black hats w a veil in the front & a flower on the brim, an ankle-length velvety black coat, & heels that go plonk on the cobblestone
15. arrival of the birds: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! blue skies & green grass at a state park!!! i love it so much actually this went in my healing playlist <333 the way it built up in the best way.. tears
16. nyc girl: ok the guitar in the intro??? this is fuckign music truly one of the most songs ive ever heard. the bass fucks as well i rly like this one :D its so catchy im already bopping nd ik later im gonna b going "im gonna make u ma ha hine"
17. relay: the lyrics are so good???? its not a song that id probably listen to very often just bc its musically not my type of thing BUT i respect it a lot. shes obviously a super talented artist like i looked up the lyrics nd apparently she wrote the repeated line when she was 15??? i love what the song is about!
18. dnd: the production on the vocals is a lil bit strange but i like the song itself if that makes sense. its like mitam where the songs r mixed weirdly but i enjoy the songs anyway? i did think for abt a minute that the title referred to dungeons & dragons tho,, also i just looked up the artist and he is ALSO 15 what the FUCK
19. sympathy: the GUITARRRRR omg omgogmomg!! i rly love the whole intro like the first 30 seconds r just *chefs kiss*. OOH bass solo sexyyyyy i love prominent bass :D the instrumentals r really nice too & it reminds me of like. a heist? like a found family of thieves. this song would play as they were breaking into a museum or smth
20. december 1963: GROOVY! simply a fkin tune idk dude like this IS fun nd makes me think of roadtrips during the summer & also of walking along a dock in a harbor under the moonlight. very much floaty yellow dress vibes this song is just a mood booster
21. step with me: domestic. domesticity. thats it. no but the chorus is rly nice omg i like the melody!!! its so cute too the lyrics r so wholesome.. this sounds like an old couple thats been married for 50 years dancing to the radio in their kitchen <333 life goals
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snacc-noir · 4 years
Writing promptsssss: #12 L, ladynoir if possible? (just a lil side note, YOURWRITINGISAMAZING~ 💜)
12. “Are you- are you trying to seduce me right now?”
L. Adrienette joking rivalry, mutual Ladynoir in love AU
Summary: A Seducer Akuma’s beam hits the wrong hero...
Golden sand.
Warming skin and runny ice creams.
And oh look, an archaic akuma called The Enchantress flying on a cloud!
People had the most botched reasons for listening to a butterfly man and yes, in Ladybug’s long-lived experience most were fair in terms of garnering extreme amounts of negative emotion - even this one! It was just—
“Your partner won’t pay you any mind, will they?! They like ignoring don’t they!? Oh you poor, sweet girls! Not anymore!”
The powers, thereof, she had to blanch.
(Even if this one sounded like an advertisement.)
“Maybe you just didn’t have the charm,” Chat volleyed in the midst of the fight, in his suave, beautifully hilarious way. “I know my lady is never able to take her eyes off me!”
His gaze flickered to hers, that grin slipping through. Did he have to flirt and mess with her head like that in the middle of battle? Leave her up all night wondering if her beloved partner could’ve meant it?
No. Of course not. They had duties.
That’s right. They were also acting.
The Enchantress had started targeting couples, specifically ones that looked exactly like her own. Wordless picnics on the beach turned into hypnotic seductions with the uncontrolled parties pinned by targeted girlfriends whispering sweet nothings in flimsy clothes while incinerating their phone and other distractions. But now it had turned to any couple in sight on the beach with a new sever flavour - people were getting hurt.
Thus, here the duo were as a couple to lure The Enchantress into coming closer for a designed attack.
But it didn’t go as planned.
It didn’t-
It didn’t go at all.
The akuma readied the lipstick pistol at a crying girl nearby in the arms of her partner, fear in her eyes a beach ball dropped from her hands. In a panic to save the next victim, Ladybug shouted to draw the attention back,
“Hey! This guy isn’t paying attention to me! Help!”
Then, she ‘planned’ to doge the hits a few times, then also ‘planned’ to kick the hypnotist in the face a few extra times, battle here and there until finally lucky-charming, winning, and bye-bye butterflying.
Sooo... that didn’t, quite, happen?
His intentions were lovely.
In attempts to help, the protective boyfriend pegged a beach ball at the swollen cloud floating under her feet. The lipstick pistol went flailing, the beam only just leaving it, and disappeared into the sand.
The beam did not.
The beam—specifically designed for a women to seduce—
missed Ladybug.
And hit-
Pffffffff and- and hit— (‘No! Quit it. It’s- it’s not funny! It’s- hnng it’s not’)
It hit Chat Noir.
The seducer beam literally hit Chat.
Now, at the time thinking about it, what could that possibly do? Given it was designed for a female, what if it simply didn’t work!? What if it turned him into a male seducer? What if—
What if—
No. Way.
“Hey darling, you look purrfect~”
--Chat Noir adorned in a black-spotted ladybug themed lingerie-style bikini set over his suit with knee-high stockings and eyeliner.
No. No, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. This wasn’t part of the job description. Nup. She was about to have a fit.
Because this was too hilarious.
“Get out.”
The way her mouth fell mirrored the faces of the ball-thrower boy and The Enchantress.
Meanwhile, Chat Allure had all paws in the sand grains (‘Oh my goodness his claws are done’), stalking closer in a skilful, predatory sense which she backed away from, hand over the collosal round opening taking up most of her face.
Then she laughed.
An ugly, broken, cackle of a choked throat and sore gut laugh that filled the entirety of that beach area - even distracting those in mid-seduction. It was loud, cracking, and air-stealing. The akuma didn’t have the power whatsoever to even dare stop the scene she was in.
She only had one conscious thought:
‘Please. Please let there be paparazzi around.’
(If Chat thought heels were bad, great skies...)
Chat almost looked like Chat again for a second; or sounded, at least, but she glanced up from the moisture in her eyes and saw no, he did not. And she was back in her fit on the uneven ground.
“What’s amusing, beautiful?”
Dangerously, he was stalking closer. (Listen to how much stuffs she gave: Cackles echoed once more.)
But then his body felt near, and his silhouette blurred between the slits of her weeping sight as she calmed down. Managing herself to steady breathing, he found his mark directly atop her, gleaming down with a grin (pink lip gloss? He had lip gloss too??) uncomfortably familiar on a body so obviously mind-controlled.
“Are you-” she choked out (first words that weren’t strained: go her), “Are you trying to seduce me right now? Is this seducing?”
The last part was aimed at The Enchantress, who had lost her weapon in the sand (didn’t seem she was too concerned anyway) and was staring baldy like she was figuring out how much bafflement and embarassment she could fit in one expression.
Chat lifted her chin by a red-painted finger. “Look at me, bug.”
Okay. Yes, this was ridiculous,
But that tone though-
She obeyed.
“Why do you laugh and ignore me? Why don’t you like my attention?” His elbows crouched, hurting the kind distance between their faces. “Adore me. Adore what I have to give. I am yours.”
Something twinged in her chest. This was still Chat - the guy she stalked the Ladyblog for just to ogle him when the pin-ups around her room needed an update - and her partner. He was brain-washed to give himself to her. In his right mind, she didn’t even know if he liked a back even a little.
So she couldn’t enjoy any of what this was.
The glossed lips dipped to the corner of her mouth.
She stiffened.
“Let me adore you.”
Embarrassingly still under his domain, his lips drifted across her cheek, down her chin, and reached her jawbone. He feathered kisses up, nearing her ear as that scent she was beginning to notice strengthened, causing her eyelids to wilt and ministrations feel more pleasurable - a nice smell that over time—
His mouth closed around her left earlobe; specifically, the jewellery he found there. Ladybug kicked up and sent him in all his bikini glory across the sand. She heaved in the fresh salt-touched air to clear the seductive effects and lashed her yo-yo.
The Enchantress had retrieved her weapon from the sand and made a shrill that could rival Chloé’s noticing Ladybug’s escape, the sound rippling a wave of winces.
Ladybug shook her head of the spell.
Right. Akuma. Plan thing. Lucky charm.
Undoing Chat’s fashion.
She went back on course, calling her power and utilising nearby beach toys as she dodged Chat’s chase. Ladybug continued the last of the battle in a wild set of endeavours she’d think about for the rest of her life.
Her partner returned in a “Miraculous Ladybug!” undoing, and couldn’t understand why she had trouble keeping in giggles when he asked if he made a good seducer.
It was definitely one of the more... interesting battles. But most importantly-
The utmost of significance-
The beach ball guy had gotten a photo. A multitude, in fact. And every single one would be going on the bottom of her trap door.
So in the end, he really was a hero.
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ourladytamara · 4 years
by tamara - 2020
Content warnings: drugs, kidnapping, abuse, implied serial rape
A diesel engine roars to life, the driver’s side door slamming shut. Insects scatter.
In the plastic light sits a woman draped from head to toe in black wool and kevlar, boots and gloves slick with something dark as the rest of her. Barely visible through the miniscule eye holes in her knit ski mask are a pair of verdant eyes that turn brown beneath the sun-bleached overhead lamp. They meet the gaze of the hogtied woman in the back seat; perhaps if the gag hadn’t filled her mouth so totally they could’ve shared a smile. Beside her sits a distended leather bag, glistering wetly in the poor light.
“You probably can’t understand me right now, but that’s okay. You’ve got a big job ahead of you, girlie!” says the obscured figure, deep red enthusiasm dripping from her barred teeth.
The other woman’s eyes were like rear-view mirrors, a dark silhouette reflecting in her beady blue window panes beneath the glow of headlights. A muffled scream ripples through the pine-fresh air. 
A laugh as a hand grips the stick shift and forces it into reverse. The poor fawn - Artemis could scarcely remember her name - made it quite a ways before the effects of the drugs really started to kick in; datura wasn’t particularly easy to source in this part of the country, and figuring out how to infuse it into a packet of hot cocoa was even harder, but the face of the poor girl as she lay belly-up in the dirt like a prize doe made it worth it in the end.
Of course, the poor thing wasn’t her target. No, Artemis’s true prize lay asleep in a weekend rental cabin some three miles south of the two. She’d owed something far beyond any monetary value to a scorned ex-partner; like many other stories just like this one, it began with an advertisement somewhere on the bowels of the internet, and ended with a sizable sum of cryptocurrency. But for now, there was a cabin to break into.
And only one key, which happened to be inside, sleeping alongside its temporary owner. Tricky thing.
The truck accelerates backwards along the rugged deer trails for as long as it takes before the first hint of human habitation - a road sign, visible after some ten minutes or so, advising Artemis to turn right. With a sudden slam on the brake and an impressive two-point turn, her gloved hands turn the car around, starting down the marked path. In the back, the hogtied woman slams against leather seats, invisible insects crawling all over her skin and screaming at her, biting her for her indignation. Every passing moment of time is like being sent to Hell and back again, as bands of white-hot anxiety straddle the poor girl’s brain. Human minds were scarcely capable of these depths; yet loosening her up like this was a critical part of the process. When they get to the cabin, Artemis needs cooperation - or as close to it as the addled girl is capable of.
“Relax, yeah? In and out. Few more minutes. All you gotta do is,” Artie begins, grunting as she punches the vehicle into third gear, “get your nice lil’ girlfriend to open a fuckin’ door for me! Easy, right?”
From the muffled form comes no response, save another muffled yelp of horror. A good sign, generally speaking. That means she was marinating in it, allowing it to truly saturate every fiber of muscle and frayed neuron the girl had to offer. Fear, like all delicious seasonings, was best stewed as long as possible before final preparation, and this dish had the potential to be one of her most decadent.
“I like your moxie!”
With a fiery gasp the truck accelerates into high gear, engine roaring like the mechanical throb of Artemis’s heart. This wouldn’t be the first time she’s used that little datura trick; indeed, the poor doe in the back seat would be the fourth to fall victim to it. The stuff was mostly undetectable in the blood, and the majority of investigators would be unaccustomed to its effects and overlook it.
Pride, however, was a trait Artemis particularly despised, and she found it unbecoming to speak so highly of herself. Sure, as her mind wandered beneath the din of the engine and the glow of the vibrant stars above, Artemis could consider herself damn good at her job; this contract alone would pay her out over $18,000 in various cryptocurrencies, not to mention another positive mark upon her already-spotless record. It was a decent living and then some, and for a woman with modest tastes, (save a penchant for expensive ski trips every few years,) it was more than enough to live on. She’d be paid to travel the country, meeting so many interesting people - and hurting every single last one of them well beyond the point of human capacity. No, the perks were nice, for sure - but Artemis did what she did for the love of the sport. Money and recognition alike were simply means to her carnal end.
Who was this mark, anyways? Artemis scarcely remembered who she was hired to deal with, or why, but the name Beatrice stuck out in her mind. Some college girl, around twenty or twenty one; it was a stupid little disagreement, presumably. Love triangles got tangled, words got spat, and bridges fell as smouldering ashes to waters below. Of course, they, like most of Artemis’s clients, would be shocked to find how very seriously she took her job. Indeed, they’d hoped to scare her, and in a way they would - permanently, perhaps, especially if you count child support.
Beneath the tires, something snaps, startling the slut in the back into a fit of panicked breathing. It reminded Artie of a dog, one suffocated beneath layers of loose skin and irresponsible breeding; she, like any runt, could do little more than kick and spasm thoughtlessly in a mind unaware of how addled it really was. Chains in the trunk stir audibly, clinking as she moves and expose exactly what it is she’s brought with her.
“Quiet! Fuckin’ Christ, it’s like this is your first datura trip!” Artemis hisses in her disquietingly-springy voice. “You’re dying and you’re going to go to Hell, bitch! Run! Run! Aaah!!”
The screaming accomplished little beyond getting some of the residual energy out of herself, but Artie enjoyed it nonetheless. A particularly violent spasm from the trembling figure let her captor know she was really marinating in it, chemically-induced psychosis tenderizing her brain like sauced beef. Poor thing, Artie thought as she watched the twitching form in the rear-view mirror. The client hadn’t left a pamphlet of information on her, unlike her primary target; as far as she knew, this girl was completely innocent. None of what she’d inflicted on her in the last few hours was deserved, warranted, or even understood on her part. Artemis rubbed her denim-clad legs together and smiled to no one.
By now, they were getting close. Artemis bites her tongue. This was a simple, in-and-out job, the kind she’d pick up to fill an empty evening; her elation only increases as more of the cabin is illuminated by the headlights. Thick foliage and tree cover run alongside the muddy driveway, the whole air of the place heavy with sleep and moisture. It sits isolated in a small, overgrown clearing, the lawn mostly neglected or perhaps left to fallow. The grass and flowers give way to a gravel lot, and space for two cars, upon which sat the mark’s old beater sedan. Above it, a small window, white curtains flapping in the cool wind; it wasn't two-storey, but contained a separate loft with a bed, where Beatrice likely lay now. 
Stillness. For a moment, nothing happens beneath the hum of the diesel engine, save the quiet, panicked breaths of a woman far beyond psychosis. If one trains their ear, crickets hum beyond the blanket of pine; none do, leaving them unheard. There’s work to do.
She pulls up quietly, beneath the cover of the dark. Just enough noise to needed to stir the target from sleep, but not enough to startle her; it was important that Artemis maintain the illusion of being alone and undetected. After all, it was only five hours since the drugged-out girl had gone missing, and the sudden chaotic turn this idyllic camping trip had taken was grating on her. Poor little Beatrice had likely fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion, too worried about her friend lost in the woods to keep her energy.
With a huff she shoves the driver-side door open, yet makes no further motion. This was now a job for her little assistant. The bedside lamp clicks on and floods the gravel with its dim, curtained glow, enough to allow Beatrice sight outside yet falling short of illuminating Artemis’s black-clad body. If the bulb had been replaced a mere two days or so earlier, it could’ve been bright enough to shine against her silver belt buckle…
But it didn’t. A voice from the window, just like the one in the phonecalls Artie tapped in the previous weeks, calls to the truck with sleep-addled concern in her voice.  “BEATRICE!?”
With a sudden heave the woman in the back roars into motion, suddenly lapsing into a fit of screams and muffling her captor’s motions as she slithers into the back seats, drawing the dagger she’s clipped to her belt. Her goal’s not her throat - well, not this time, at least - but the zipties holding the mass of trembling limbs together. Beatrice needed to remain under the impression that Sasha had come back for her, come back for all of them. Maybe they’d be able to recover their little birthday bash after all?
“W-What the fuck!? Sasha, where have you BEEN!? Oh, my God!” the mark yells, voice caught and stifled by the firs. “We called everyone! W-Where were you!?”
Cold blood runs through Beatrice’s veins in the delirious second before Sasha replies. Wind chills her to the bone through her tear-soaked ACDC shirt, her nipples stiff and frigid. Natural deliriants were certainly potent, but the draught of exhaustion and fear being mixed beneath the mark’s  was a concoction of a similar caliber.
“BEATRICE THEY’RE STABBING AND EATING ME.” Sasha howls, the haunting tone of absolute conviction in her.
Voice wavering, Beatrice chokes a reply above the brisk wind. “What!?”
Teeth beneath a veil of black bare themselves in a smile far beyond cruel. These precious moments of sadistic bliss were, of course, well-charted in her grand strategy, and shouldn’t last more than a few seconds; your first datura trip should be something to remember, especially for the people unlucky enough to interact with you when you’re peaking. Had Beatrice any idea what to do, mind without the soggy weight of sleep, she’d be calling the police, asking exactly why her friend had returned suddenly and inexplicably, alone, but she’s instead throwing her Ugg’s and flannel on and stumbling half-blind by the light down the inadequate loft staircase.
Artie could practically cum. Two strong wrists force Sasha out of the door and onto the cold gravel parkway, face-first, and wait for the screams to begin.
Less than a second, which meant Sasha’s reaction time wasn’t completely fried. Good, good - the risk of dying from datura was a whole lot lower if she was still able to feel. Her wincing gives way into a stumbling, scratching mount, limbs heavy with the weight of sixty seeds upon them as they begin to hurl themselves towards the cabin. Her captive coordinator’s doing an excellent job so far, Artemis thought with a satisfied grin as she crept into action.
With Beatrice inside somewhere between the loft and the den, Artie had ample darkness. Flexibility on her side, she deftly reaches behind the small cabin compartment behind the row of back seats, grabbing the small duffel bag of work-related implements. Its contents varied from job to job; on this particular outing she’d brought the chains, shackles, an electric drill and screws, and several gnarly pieces of rusted rebar that would be particularly unpleasant to contort one’s limbs around - which is why she brought them, of course. Hand round the bag she slithers out the open door, hidden in the darkness beneath it before lunging at the closest wall. Hugging it, she shimmies to the corner and awaits the sweet, tinny click of a brass door lock.
Bare skin clatters against wood, lights in the cabin switching on to the rhythm of inner footsteps. Sasha’s on the patio steps, now, screaming like she’s on fire in the otherwise-still night air. Artie’s mind buzzes happily as the green digital screen of the truck’s clock reads out three thirty-two AM. Crickets. The trees don’t impede their song.
And with a metallic click, a woosh of air and a gust of cold, the front door swung open. Yellow incandescent light spills onto the patio and into the dark night - across beady, dilated eyes, writhing on the wooden floor.
“Jesus, Sasha! What’s fucking happening to you!?” she screams, bathrobe waving as she jogs anxiously in place. “I - oh, my God, I need to - fuck, fuck!” “BEATRICE HE’S CUTTING YOUR NECK AND YOU’RE GROWING MORE HEADS --”
“Good evening, girls!”
Boots clack against the patio. A black figure, duffel bag in hand, skips into the light.
“WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT THE FUCK!?” Beatrice screams, dropping her phone in the midst of her emergency dial. Little of Artemis was illuminated beyond her eyes, sunken beneath her matte black figure that ate the light whole.
“I’m Artemis, but you can call me Artie. Sasha opened the door for me because I told her to,” she begins, voice beneath the chaos as calm and chipper as it had ever been. “And I’m going to ruin your fucking life.”
Crickets. A still, silent forest, its insect denizens undisturbed. Through the trees one can scarcely make out the thump of skin and the bending of steel.
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mx-in-words · 4 years
shownu not so soft afternoon at the snowfall
Can you write something about an afternoon with Shownu. Where he as reader just had a steamy session *winkwink and they both are lying under covers and enjoying the snowfall. Fluffy or suggestive, please
You got it ;)
Tumblr media
Okay idk why snowfalls give me some “I'm not your bf but ugh I can be one I guess” vibes so...
Yeah just follow me on this one
Shownu is a senior and you're are one year before him in college.
You both met because he was tutoring you in a specific lesson and
You know the thing just happen
slow people annoys me but not you two
not “ we haven't had sex yet” slow
but the “ we don't know what we are even if we spend 24/7 together and had sex since the first date” slow
you both love each other
and that's a lil secret 😔
Hi national holiday with snow? Oh shownu's family has a ski chalet? OH ONLY YOU TWO IN 4 DAYS 🤭🤭
so you were there, skiing and being a happy lil couple babies ( not making babies pls kids use PROTECTION)
and in the second day a HUGE NEVASCA JUST WOOOOW fucks up your plans what a shame!!!!🤭
It's 10 am, cozy morning, you both woke up, made hot chocolate and ate whatever u want bc you can :) and
go back to bed
it's snowing and cold outside bed
the bed it's warm, shownu smells nice and u get free kisses
= bed won
Cozy warm bed with your b*tch, shownu
And he'll kiss here and there
And then maybe a lil bit more THERE
There= neck
And well shownu has big hands that can explore all your curves and sensitive places
But he .... Stops?
And looks at you
sh: I don't think we will find a better moment than right now to talk about it so yeah... I really like you * soft eye smile*
you: I really like you too? I thought you knew.
sh: I do but I mean,,,,hmm,,, letsdate
you: you want to? Date? Like a relationship date???
sh: yeah I want to be your boyfriend, can I?
you: ..... Yes! omg yes!!
Happy hugging
And kissing
And makeout
Damn his lips are waaay to soft shownu is just like THE BEST kisser I can bet my pu*sy he is
you: you want me to be yours?
shownu says yes almost in a whisper, already out of breath
you: then show me
You ask for it ;)
And I will assure you that this man WILL make you his girl.
You're shownu lil (girl)friend now
Work for it 🥵
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