#you deserve it babe
absolutely love Lydia going into the house of mirrors alone just to admire herself being dramatic
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katiefratie · 2 years
Les apologizing 🥺 he really is more mature than any 14yr old boy ever I Really like their dynamic
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winters-hysteria · 1 year
for those of you who did not get wished a happy valentines day:
Happy Valentines Day!! I love you so much!!
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 4 months
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just bangtan flirting with each other for @kimtaegis ♡ cr. 0613data, qdeoks
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growing up with a perpetually anxious primary caregiver is such a mindfuck. that shit will rewire your nervous system
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gentlebeard · 7 months
Our love was made for movie screens
For @saltpepperbeard 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: All I Want by Kodaline YouTube
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thatbuddie · 18 days
at this point it’s honestly so laughable how even in a storyline that revolves around eddie emotionally cheating on her, marisol is not significant at all. like she’s not even so much as an afterthought. she could very well not be there and the story would still just work.
the last scene? all the emotional weight is put on christopher seeing kim. buck and eddie’s conversation? is all about how eddie is not doing well mentally and then how this is not fair on kim. eddie opening up to kim? all about how unfair he was to her and how it all comes from his lack of closure from shannon.
not once is there even a mention of “i/you have a girlfriend. what does this mean for her/me/us?”
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wisdomnynaeve · 9 months
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Honestly no one is doing it like Lanfear she is literally thriving like no other Forsaken
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5x13 | 6x7
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pharawee · 2 months
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Garfield Pantach Kankham as KENTA
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elenagoeslightly · 2 months
One of the things I love about rafayel is that while Xavier is always the same through the game and Zayne is always stoic and put together, both as foreseer and dawnbreaker, Rafayel was serious and mysterious in the other timelines but in the one we play in my man decided that he is ✨tired✨ and will be a silly lil drama fish that goes on online shopping sprees when hes stressed
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your knight in shining armor!
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fortheillithidbaddies · 6 months
Still waiting for Wyll to get the content he should have had at release instead of leaving us with these 8 hours versus 10+ hours for other origin companions (12+ hours for some!)
Still waiting for more than 5 scenes and way more than 2 romance scenes in the game for Wyll
Still waiting for Wyll to have more to say than "Well met"
Still waiting for Wyll to have new dialogue added after Larian removed some "leftovers" from his EA story therefore reducing his content even MORE
Still waiting on Wyll to have a hug scene in the new epilogue cause he deserves it
Still waiting for Wyll to have an additional kiss scene in the new epilogue where you actually touch him cause he deserves it
Still waiting for Wyll to have a kiss where he grabs the character's hand and kisses it before pulling them in for something a little more intimate cause players deserve it
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crispywizardtale · 5 months
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 409 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 愛を受けて育ち成長した少年はー… あいをうけてそだちせいちょうしたしょうねんはー… ai wo ukete sodachi seichou shita shounen wa-... A boy who grew up receiving love-...
tagline 2 No.409 "個性"‼︎爆破‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー409 "こせい"‼︎ばくは‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 409  "kosei"!! bakuha!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 409 Quirk: Explosion!!  Kouhei Horikoshi
1 俺も全部俺のモンにして上へ行く おれもぜんぶおれのモンにしてうえへいく ore mo zenbu ore no MON ni shite ue e iku "I'll make everything mine and go higher."
2 「爆破」はやりてェと思った事何でも出来る! 「ばくは」はやりてェとおもったことなんでもできる! 「bakuha」 wa yariteE to omotta koto nandemo dekiru! "Explosion can do anything I want!"
3 出久 いずく Izuku Izuku
4 もうおめーの邪魔はしねえ もうおめーのじゃまはしねえ mou omee no jama wa shinee I won't get in your way anymore.* (*Note: This is a sentence that could have many potential translations: "I won't get in your way anymore," "I won't hold you back anymore," "I won't be a hindrance to you anymore," etc.)
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1 避けろ少年!!! よけろしょうねん!!! yokero shounen!!! "Dodge, young man!!!"
2 頼む たのむ tanomu I'm counting on you,* (*Note: This word literally means "to ask, to rely on, to request," but when spoken like this, it's usually a manly way to say "please".)
3 爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero burst.* (*Note: This word means "burst open" or "pop," but in this context it clearly means something like "explode" too.)
爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero "Burst!"
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1 何だ⁉︎奴は今何の挙動も見せていなかった筈! なんだ⁉︎やつはいまなんのきょどうもみせていなかったはず! nanda!? yatsu wa ima nan no kyodou mo misete inakatta hazu! What!? He certainly wasn't showing any behavior* just now! (*Note: Literally the phrase written is "he wasn't showing any behavior," but they mean "he didn't move or seem to do anything to cause this.")
2 雨で威力落ちっからよぉ あめでいりょくおちっからよぉ ame de iryoku ochi kkara yoo "With the rain, their power will reduce, so"
3 "コーティング"して飛ばしといた! "コーティング"してとばしといた! "KOOTINGU" shite tobashi toita! "I applied a coating and hurled them away!"
4 爆発する汗粒を普通の汗粒でな!誘爆せず飛ばせて ばくはつするあせつぶをふつうのあせつぶでな!ゆうばくせずとばせて bakuhatsu suru asetsubu wo futuu no asetsubu de na! yuubaku sezu tobasete "[I coated them] with normal drops of sweat instead of exploding drops of sweat!
5 時間差で混ざって他の刺激で起爆できっかなって! じかんさでまざってほかのしげきできばくできっかなって! jikansa de mazatte hoka no shigeki de kibaku de kikka natte! "I guess the time lag caused them to mix and detonate by some other stimulus!"
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1 あの時‼︎僕の口の中に⁉︎ あのとき‼︎ぼくのくちのなかに⁉︎ ano toki!! boku no kuchi no naka ni!? At that time!! Inside my mouth!?
2 あの土壇場で!⁉︎ あのどたんばで!⁉︎ ano dotanba de!!? At that last minute!!?
3-4 センスだけは褒められてきたンでね センスだけはほめられてきたンでね SENSU dake wa homerarete kitaNde ne "I've been praised for only my good sense."
5 "個性"は一つで充分すわ‼︎ "こせい"はひとつでじゅうぶんすわ‼︎ "kosei" wa hitotsu de juubun su wa!! "As for quirks, my one is enough!!"
6 奴はダメージを負うと身体が若返っていく!わかるな⁉︎ やつはダメージをおうとからだがわかがえっていく!わかるな⁉︎ yatsu wa DAMEEJI wo ou to karada ga wakagaette iku! wakaru na!? When he takes damage, his body gets younger! Understand!?
7 ダメージで力が乱れたもう一度放出をーー ダメージでちからがみだれたもういちどほうじゅつをーー DAMEEJI de chikara ga midareta mou ichido houjutsu wo-- With the damage, his power is in disarray. Release it one more time--
8 これは…僕の物語だ…‼︎ これは…ぼくのものがたりだ…‼︎ kore wa...boku no monogatari da...!! "This...is my story...!!"
9 どけ doke "Out of the way,"
10 モブがああ MOBU gaaa "you extraaa!"
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1 ハウザー HAUZAA Howitzer
2 インパクト!!! INPAKUTO!!! Impact!!!
3 〜〜っ……‼︎ ~~......!! "~~gh......!!"
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1 んだらあああ!!!!!!! ndaraaaa!!!!!!! "JUUUUST!!!!!!!"
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1 うぅぅるっせええェえええええ uuurusseeeEeeeee "SHUUUUUUUUUT"
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1 えンんだよォオォオオオオオオおおおお!!! eNnda yoOOOOOOOOOoooo!!! "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!"
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1 おかしい!因子の結合が上手くいかない おかしい!いんしのけつごうがうまくいかない okashii! inshi no ketsugou ga umaku ikanai It's strange! My combination of factors doesn't work well.
2 こんな爆破ごときで崩れるなどありえん! こんなばくはごときでくずれるなどありえん! konna bakuha gotoki de kuzureru nado arien! There's no way it would collapse from such an explosion!
3 身体が幼く脆くなったせいか⁉︎ からだがおさなくもろくなったせいか⁉︎ karada ga osanaku moroku natta sei ka!? Is it because my body has become young and fragile!?
4 "負の感情"に振り回されて"支配権"が弱まってんスよ "ふのかんじょう"にふりまわされて"しはいけん"がよわまってんスよ "fu no kanjou" ni furimawasarete "shihaiken" ga yowamattenSU yo "You're being swayed by negative emotions and your 'authority' is weakening."
5 だから dakara "That's why"
6 俺のファンミ※会場にされちゃうワケですわ おれのファンミ※かいじょうにされちゃうワケですわ ore no FANMI※ kaijou ni sarechau WAKE desu wa "I'm using you as a venue for my FanMe※."
small text ※ファンミーティング ※FAN MIITINGU ※Fan Meeting
7 "死柄木"に呑まれたな "しがらき"にのまれたな "Shigaraki" ni nomareta na "You got swallowed by Shigaraki, eh?"
8 これは俺たちの これはおれたちの kore wa ore-tachi no "This is our"
9 物語だ!!! ものがたりだ!!! monogatari da!!! "story!!!"
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tagline その妄執に終止符をーー積み重ね、繋がれた一撃‼︎ そのもうしゅうにしゅうしふをーーつみかさね、つながれたいちげき‼︎ sono moushuu ni shuushifu wo-- tsumikasane, tsunagareta ichigeki!! Put an end to that delusion--a layered, single blow lands!!
1-2 皆が少しずつ与えてきたダメージと苛立ちが… みんながすこしずつあたえてきたダメージといらだちが… minna ga sukoshi zutsu ataete kita DAMEEJI to iradachi ga... The damage and frustration everyone has caused little by little...
3 ついにーー‼︎ tsui ni--!! finally--!!
4 AFO オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
5 あ… a... "Ah..."
6 が… ga... "Gah..."
7 今度こそ こんどこそ kondo koso this time, for sure.* (*Note: This phrase emphasizes that "this time" is different, "this time" is certain. The implication is that "this time AFO has been defeated for real.")
8 俺一人で…勝てるワケねーーンだよ おれひろりで…かてるワケねーーンだよ ore hitori de...kateru WAKE neeeNda yo "By myself...there's no way I could win." (Note: This is the completed version of the last line from the previous chapter, the line with the unclear meaning of who it was exactly Katsuki was calling an idiot who couldn't win.)
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hoziercriespower · 2 months
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Hozier's First Number One
❝ A huge thank you for all the incredible support from around the world 🖤 #TooSweet has reached #1 in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and #1 for a second week in the UK and Ireland. It means the world that you're enjoying this song so much. Thank you all 🖤 ❞
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