#you didnt especify which one were you
pokemonranch · 11 months
[Picture of a girl in a bikini on a beach. She is extremely blurry and obviously in very quick motion. A blur that vaguely looks corphish is stuck to her hand.]
Went to the beach with my girlfriend today and this happened. She decided not to help me get this thing off but to instead just take a picture of me panicking and trying to get this stupid thing off.
Your girlfriend is RIGHT and that's hilarious.
Also I can't believe your girlfriend is dating a Corpish, hope you were able to get the human off safely
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madame-fear · 2 years
OMG and some jonathan picnic fluff pleaseeee 😭 just imagine oh it would be so cute!!! sitting together on a little picnic blanket with a bunch of snacks and drinks. having a laugh and enjoying each other’s company while hes not working 🥹
omg YESSS!!! 💕💕 This is so extremely cuuuteeee😩 Here it goes my dear!! Hope you like ittt🥰❤ I didn’t especify which Jonathan Crane this was, so you can imagine whichever version of him you want! 🥰❤ (btw, sorry if it’s long! I wanted to make it as fluffy as possible :D❤ )
⚠️ WARNING: Extremely fluffy and cheesy content
Picnic Date | Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x Fem!Reader
Today was the only day that your boyfriend was finally free from his work. Both of you had decided to get far away from the constant chaos of the city, even if it was at least for a day. Your plan for today was to have a picnic date, after not having one for so long due to his constant duties.
The soft breeze and the warmth of the sunlight gently hit your face, as you placed a basket full of your favourite snacks along some beverages on top of the blanket that was laying on the grass. Once you had placed the basket, you quickly sat, waiting for your boyfriend to come.
You saw him walking towards you with another basket you didn't know you bought, and his other hand was behind his back. Quickly patting the empty spot in front of you with a wide grin on your face, you shouted for him. "Come, love! What do you have over there?" You tilted your head to your side, as he chuckled at your enthusiasm. "Oh, I bought you a gift, angel."
His smile grew wider as he noticed that your eyes sparkled with utter joy seeing that he'd bought something for you. "But, I'll let you opened it later." He sat in front of you with the other basket, and he placed whatever he was holding behind his back on the blanket. You groaned in annoyance, you were too curious to find out what he had for you!
"Fine, alright. I can't wait!" He chuckled at your childish enthusiasm, and gave you a quick peck on your lips. "Shall we get started with our little date? Today is a very beautiful day, let's not waste it." You nodded in response, as you could faintly hear some birds singing in the background. "Let's get this started!" You couldn't hide your excitement. 
You could barely spend any time with him, especially because of his work, but when you did have time together, you spent it properly and enjoyed every single second. You simply enjoyed each others company, you had so many things in common and just loved talking to each other about whatever topic came through your mind.
You spent nearly all day talking and laughing about stupid things that happened while you were working, there were some silly comments and jokes as well. Your mind was at complete peace, since you were only surrounded by a green scenery, and the only sound there was the loving singing of the birds along your laughter.
"God, that was so stupid and it was extremely awkward." You wiped away a tear from your eye as you released a few chuckles from remembering an awkward situation that happened while you were out at work. Laughter soon faded away, and there was a peaceful silence in between you two, as you watched the sunset. The temperature began feeling cold, sending you soft shivers down your spine.
Soon, his gentle voice broke the silence. “I suppose, now is the proper time for you to open your gift. What do you say?” You quickly turned your eyes at him with happiness. “Yes please! I want to see what you got me!” God, he loved how adorable you were when you were excited or overjoyed about something. He chuckled at your bright smile and cupped your cheek, “Close your eyes, love.” You nodded at his command, and immediatly shutted your eyes closed, also covering them with your hands. It didnt take long until you were able to open them again.
"Alright, you can open your eyes now." The first thing you saw as you uncovered your eyes and slowly opened them, was him holding a bouquet of roses wrapped in a black fabric that had a golden ribbon. Instinctively, you placed your hands in your chest, you could feel your heartbeat. It felt as it was going to come out of your chest at any moment as it drowned in intense emotions of pure and unstrained love for him.
Before being able to even say something, he spoke up again. "That's not the only thing I have for you, my love. Open the basket." You looked down at the basket he bought, and you gently pulled it closer to you, gently opening the lid. As you opened it's lid, you saw a little blue teddy bear that was holding a note that read "OPEN ME", and was covered in your most favourite chocolate snacks as well as some candies. Your cheeks hurt from how broad your smile was, they were also warm from the blush that all his sweet gifts and actions provoked to you. God, if only moments like these could happen more often.
You gently grabbed the teddy bear in the basket, and placed it on your lap as you took the hand written note from it. You unfolded it the note, and began reading it:
"My dearest (Y/N),
I wrote this letter for you, because I can express myself more properly through here than talking personally to you, since I can never find the appropiate time to do so and when I do find it, I just shy away. I just wanted to tell you, thank you for everything.
Thank you for being there for me when I had no one else but you, for comforting me when I had nightmares and constant night terrors, for supporting me after even after I became The Scarecrow.
I can't see myself without you in my life. Even if I tried to imagined it, it feels like there's an empty void inside of me without your presence. I had never really thought about dating or loving someone until I met you, you gave a completely different twist to my life, and you made me realise what the concept of true love was.
I know we haven't been spending much time together due to my work, but believe me when I tell you that I never stop thinking about spending quality time with you. I'm always constantly planning dates for us, so whenever I'm free from my work, I already have everything settled for us.
Saying I love you is not enough for me. What I feel for you is beyond love, it's superior than that, and more profound as well.
You're an angel on Earth...you're my angel, and you always will be. You're my most special treasure. Without you, life doesn't have any meaning for me. I love you.
– I will be forever be only yours."
"Oh, dear,” You were truly at loss of words, one hand held the note, and the other one was tightly pressed against your chest, feeling your heart beat grow intense. Your eyes were beginning to get all watery, and you quickly brushed it away by wiping the tears that threatened to come out with your thumb
“This...this is so beautiful! Thank you so so much, baby!" You threw yourself at him, your arms got instantly wrapped around his neck. He didn't take long to return it, as you rocked to the sides while embracing into each others warmth. You tried to contain all the emotions, but they were too much for you to handle. Tears came out from your eyes, and you quietly sniffled, but it was enough for him to hear you, making him break apart the hug. 
“Love, please don’t cry.” He gently cooed to you, as he carefully wiped away the tears that ran through your cheeks. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just that...I felt every single of your words in my heart, you know?” Your voice was breaking, but you gently chuckled at him. He copied you, and chuckled as well, while some tears still escaped your eyes. “I love you so, so much. Words are never enough for me to express my undying love for you.” Even if your voice was shaky, you managed to confidently say that. “I know, love. Feelings are mutual.”
Your emotions eventually calmed down, as you spent a few good minutes embracing each other in silence, but with pure love. Your eyes were closed, and your head pressed against his chest, which was enough to hear his comforting heartbeat. He gently petted your soft hair and rubbed your back with his free arm. “It’s getting late, and its also cold. What about if we go back home and eat dinner in bed?” He asked, as he kissed your head. You opened your eyes, and looked up at him, nodding. “Yes, please. I’d absolutely love that.” Your smile grew wider as he now stroked your cheek, and gave you a loving kiss on your lips. The feeling of his soft lips made you melt in the place.
You both stood from where you were sitting, and picked everything up: blanket, baskets, snacks, etc. On your way back home, with one hand you grabbed his, and with the other one you kept the teddy bear he gave to you pressed against your chest, it made you feel closer to him. Today was an intense day full of beautiful emotions that kept blooming as hours passed by...you wished absolutely nothing but spend all your days with him, and hoped for more free days to come so you could spend more time with your beloved.
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typologycentral · 7 years
[ISTJ] I need advices. Deal breaker circumstance.
Hello everyone, i'm not a native english speaker, but i hope you all understand what im going to say. I have some questions (that are driving me insane of course), i will try to give you all the background about it. ENFP female in here, and him ISTJ. Internet frienship: Background: 1. In the first year of conversation (we spoke or wrote, every single day for over 1 hour, usually was up to 3 and more on weekends). During that whole year he constanly told me we werent friends, but he assisted me in several things, we shared precious moments even with the distance between us, i.e watching movies together at the same time, or shared screen and talk about our families, etc, i even make him stay awake just to see the sunrise when he didnt want it, and even being so far away i always felt him.. next to me. I always consider him a friend even when he deny that each time. I started to feel something for him but didnt tell him about those feelings, just decided to cut the relationship (we are from different countries), i told him, since he didnt consider me a friend was no point in keep on going, he accepted my quit from the relationship. 2. Well, after 8 months of silence, with 0 contact to him, he suddenly was back in my life. He sent a message saying "can you forgive me?"... i replyed, "theres nothing you should be forgiven for". So we start again, like those 8 months never existed. Again, lots of hours, lots of debates. Problem was, i got the confirmation that my feelings were still there. After 6 months of his return, those feelings were making me insane, so, i just wrote him a message while he was offline, in that message i told him, that again i needed some "space" or "cut", because i had feelings for him, i never especified wich ones, he replyed something like "ok, i thought we passed this phase, but i guess we didnt, life is life, and i dont have another option than just wait for you". I was back after a month of "space", he still at that very moment didnt recognize that we were friends. Really. So here was him, with no feelings for me, and me totally in love. After a while we got into a fight, because i felt him distant, he said everything was fine, i pushed him until he finally said he was distant because he wasnt feeling "the connection anymore", since i was bitter, i told him... "i hope she makes you happy"... (he never mentioned another woman, i just knew), and then he said.. "dont worry, im getting bored of her already, i will say she wont pass 2 months". So, he blocked me, and everything was done. 3. Two years and a half later (the now moment), i couldnt yet, take him out of my mind, and out of nowhere i recieved a message in my cell phone (notice, he told me he changed his phone, he didnt have my number no more, this was during the first year of our friendship) the message said something as "hello, a lot of things changed in these two and a half years, and we really need to talk again". We chatted for an hour and i needed to go. The next day, he sent me a message, in which, he explains to me his "PLAN", he told me he was in a moment of his life ready to move on and make a family, but was something holding him on a physical level. He also told me, he met some women in these 2 and a half years, but with none of the them had not even 10% of the connection or whatever he had with me. His Plan: He told me, i was his best female friend ever and that he loved me in that sense. And that all that he was about to tell me after, for me would sound really really bad, but fits perfectly in his logic. He said, i woke up a couple of days ago with the idea of meeting you, let that idea developed in my mind and then another idea came to my mind, and saw that two pieces match perfect. I want you to come (to his country), no matter what, because that is the main goal, second goal is that you help me to become a man (sexually speaking), he said, you know i want to do this right, with someone i deeply care about, you always thought i was saving it for someone special but its more like i didnt knew how to give it away, i want to experience love with a person that is open minded and can even laugh in a situation like that, that had the experience in that particular field, and also a person that have all my trust, and you are all of that, we know each other really well, we had that deep bond, so you are the perfect match. I know if we do this, i probably fall in love with you, (he wants me to stay with him for 2 weeks or something) but eventually i will have to fight that feeling and break free, but that new perspective of experiencing love will make my life richier, i know this all sound crazy and selfish, but its only because is planned. Please don't you dare to think i'm somehow paying you, to get what i want, dont you even dare!, because you know i respect you, keep your mind open please. Even if you said "no" to this idea, the idea of the travel to meet me still goes, cause its relevant, i will wait for your answer, take your time, im not in a hurry. Question: was he lying the whole time before when he didnt call me friend? or? (i asked him this, and he said, he doesnt "remember", he say "i said we werent?") Question: "im not saving it for someone special and i want you to be the one cause i deeply care about you"... isnt it someone that one deeply care about ergo someone special? Question: should i take him seriously? by the book? when he say "i probably fall in love with you, but eventually i will have to fight that feeling and break free" Question: Would you dare to ask something like that to a person you consider a friend? My reply: (basically i told him NO, and also told him i love him) (so you can skip this part if you want) Of course, me being an enfp, or futhermore being a human being, a person, i felt totally insulted. TOTALLY. So, i didnt control my first reaction, and sent him a voice message, telling him all my feelings. I told him, that it sounded selfish, cause primarly it was. I told him, he was using our friendship and the feelings to get what he wanted, that i was surprised that now suddenly i was his best female friend that he deeply care about, that "this plan" was totally wrong, lacking of ethics, morals, etc, that he should never do again that to a person, he cant just get what he wants no matter what, that he wanted to used me and discarted me as garbage, and even more allow himself to say i shouldnt "dare to think" that he has bad intentions, that he really disappointed me, that i never expected such a horrible thing from him, that he indeed changed but for the bad, that i was surprised that he is smart enough for some things and so dumb for others, that he couldnt even replaced me in 2 years for another woman, that i could actually make the "favour" for him, of making him a man, but that i could never teach him how to love because he needs a heart for that, not a brain, that he will never experience anything for real if he doesnt allow himself to do something spontaneous for once in his life, that he doesnt have the "b... " to live without a plan, and that is half living, etc etc etc, and finished my voice message saying (while crying).. you know what? i cant do the trip and i cant help you with the other thing, for a simple reason.. i love you, i have always loved you, and you know this, i dont even have to said it, i wish things would be different, so i can actually have fun with this idea of yours, but my feelings are in the middle and are strong, and i cant allow myself to do this, because i know i will come back home eartbroken, im sorry, i wish you all the blessings that the universe can bring to your life multiplied by infinite. Now, if you really care about me, as you said you do, not even much, just a little bit, please dont come back to my life never again, because each time you do it, its more difficult for me, please! erase me from your mind, take care, bye. His answer: He said, that was somehow prepared for most of the message, except from the part in wich i was crying and telling him i love him, he said, i was "unprepared for that", he said "no words are right for a moment like this, you know im not a emotional person unfortunatly, but if i was i would probably be crying for the rest of the day, i cant say im happy because in my mind i lose a friend, cant say im sad either because i felt something in my heart for the first time and its beautiful, i cant live my life without a plan, im just too insecure for that, it doesnt matter if it is a good plan or bad, for me will always feel like a right plan, i wish you all the best, and also i wish you, that you follow your own advice and deleted me from your mind, maybe just a glance, if you see the sun in your face or a weird look that a cat is given you.. think "how is he going, i hope he is well and happy" and i will do the same for you, i promise". Oh! also he said, the "old him" in a situation like this will argue and debate why im "wrong".. but his "new him" understood everything i said. Question: deleting someone of your mind, is deleting them. Then, why he said maybe a glance.. is he trying to manipulate me into remember him? (i know this question is for interpretation, but i want to know all possible perspectives) So, after like 2 days, i wasn't block.. which i thought was weird, because i mean i asked him to deleted me from his mind, so i thought he would blocked my phone number or something.. but no. And since im stupid, i wrote him, told him i just needed to understand this to close the circle, just needed to understand why he was doing this to me, why, asked him if he actually planned this since the very beginning, asked him, lots of thing, i was full of "why". He said he was always honest, he didnt plan this from the very beggining and was exactly as he told me prior, that just one idea came after the other, that i shouldnt worry, that the "man" deal he will figure out, but he really thought was a good idea and blah blah blah. Question: why he didnt block me? Do you people expect the other part to make the cut in a situation like this?-- Because he told me "i will do as you ask me to, and erase you". then ... Why he didnt? Important details in my opinion His family expects him to marry a particular type of woman and i dont fill any of the requiriments that they ask for, except from being human and woman, he never told his parents about me or our relationship, because according to him, they are very conservative and they will push him to drop me, so they dont know of my existence. Also, when we talked about his "second part of the plan" i make him notice that he doesnt have any physical attraction towards me, and he said, well i give that importance but neither i felt that "attraction" to other woman. He claims, he doesnt like man in that way neither (he strongly denied that in several times), and when i brought the subject of "asexuality" he completely ignored it, and even change the subject. The NOW Im still in touch with him, even changed my mind about the travel part, so we argued about the travel part for weeks, and since he is a control freak, and we were getting nowhere in negotiation, i told him, we should take some space and later i will put in contact with him, he accepted. In those 2 weeks almost without talking to him, i cried and thought a lot, also i went to do my passport (just to confirm to my mind, that the decision was taken). Since he never called me "friend" until now days, and he strongly denied that word with a lot of arguments for many years, to now suddenly admit it, then, that tells me that maybe his mind is more confussing than mine. Question: can that be the case? that he is confused regarding a couple of things? that he doesnt have in his mind everything solved? So, i contacted him, i told him i got the passport. We were planning things, and once again, he bringed the "second part of the plan" into the table, i was upset, he told me it wasnt a condition, but he was still thinking about it, cause he wanted to gain some "experience" out of all of this, and he is pretty confident that is going to happen.I told him i can't guarantee NOTHING on that matter, and that apparently for him, that was the most important thing, he said "is not the most important but i still didn't get to a conclusion about it" I really always trusted him, cause he was always honest, but i cant help to think, in this particular situation that he really doesnt care about me, not as a person, not as friend, even when he says he does, and the thing that he put that subject again in the table is telling me, that actually that is his main goal, so i would be just a tool in this machiavellian plan. Question: can he be a total liar, faking everything, and really in his mind im a tool? How far would you guys go for achieve a plan? what are the signs that you guys show when you are lying? how can i pick a lie in an istj? Is really hard for me to read him, or maybe im readed him totally well, but i just cant believe this whole thing. Any advice, suggestion, view, perspective, analysis, or even answer to the questions i made, will be very much appreciated. Im sorry for this long message and for all the grammar, and typo mistakes, and once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. http://www.typologycentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92617&goto=newpost&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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