#you don’t need me to reiterate how gay the puppets are you can see them with your eyes
cartoonchaos · 1 year
not to count my beagles before they hatch but god i am so happy about welcome home i’m so happy autistic gay puppet horror is a genre now. if i see a single clown try and call this project a clone or “yet another indie horror project” I will commit unspeakable acts of violence. I’d already made up my mind that I’d trudge through a thousand gartens of banban if it gets us one more don’t hug me i’m scared. I will spend ten thousand nights at freddy’s if it gets us more than one. there is infinite potential in the joy and terror of gaining sentience under strict structure. there are a million different bright colors that haven’t been used yet. Greet oversaturation like a neighbor, for it is always better to have an abundance of bad art than a shortage of art.
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💩💣💢? 💞
Ship that you find disgusting
hm, well, obviously anything bad like shipping minors with adults and incest and such. so, i would say any of the ninja with lloyd (specifically greenflame) is one that i've always found disgusting, since we don't have canon ages for the ninja but it's clear that lloyd was a lot younger than them.
i also have stumbled upon fanfiction of people shipping gideon and reid from criminal minds and i'm ??? that's also kinda disgusting to me ???
Ship that pisses you off
heh, well, i have a couple. jetko pisses me off. mostly because i've seen far too much abusive jet content to actually consider it a legit ship. i love them like hooking up once in ba sing se but like... idk i've just seen too much abusive jet to actually like it. like that ruined the chances of me liking that ship.
also conya (cole and nya from ninjago) pisses me off because i think cole is gay and he just. he's gay. he is very gay. but also because of how poorly it was handled in s3. i prefer them as friends :) and also i hate seeing ninjago content where cole "stole nya from jay" like please... cole only fought jay because jay came at him. it was pettiness not sincerity.
mmm mcgee and abby from ncis too... ugh. i just don't like abby and she treats him so terribly and it would never be healthy and would probably end up a tad abusive towards mcgee... but i'm not really in ncis fandom anymore so i won't get into that lol
also (last one) and sorry if this may piss you off, but drarry. that ship... fuels my anger. they would never work out--i'm sorry i just can't see it. and a lot of content i've seen for drarry is either super sexual or reduces draco's personality to like uwu crap and i'm... even if they did get together, there's a lot of growing and realizations that need to be done / need to happen. they would have to get together years into the future. they weren't exactly nice to each other in school.
Ship that is most misunderstood
ooo okay imma start with bruisehsipping ninjago because jay is not uwu precious child can't take care of himself hehe and cole is not big strong man must protecc and worry always like... let cole have feelings and also be held too ??? i've seen so many fics where they address cole's emotional trauma and then. he ends up holding jay who ends up crying because he's sad that cole's sad and it's just... it doesn't focus on what it needs to. it's not about coddling jay or reiterating that you think cole is a giant and jay is smol (i have feelings)
ngl sometimes the love square. it really bugs me (haha puns) when people accuse chat noir of harassing ladybug even though he has proved that he'll back of when she's serious and she'll tell him when to stop. he's flirtatious by nature when he's chat. and when people make the adrien saying "she's just a friend" jokes like... my dude... if y'all are going to come out here and make a huge fuss about how ladybug is in no way shape or form required to return chat noir's feelings... why is adrien required to return marinette's??? marinette has friends. adrien has chloe. of course he's going to call her a friend--did y'all see how excited he was when he said that mari was a friend in the origins??? plus, how is adrien expected to fall for mari when she can barely talk to him??? in puppeteer two, adrien confirms that he thinks mari hates him. it's the double standard that makes me upset, really, and how people (and sometimes the writers oops...) interpret chat noir and ladybug's relationship as well as marinette and adrien's. adrien calling marinette "just a friend" is completely justified and valid and instead of making a bunch of exasperated jokes about how he says that, maybe we should focus on the fact that adrien has a friend. (also if y'all are going to say that chat noir is pushy... bro... he's got nothing on the stalkerish things mari has done to adrien... and yeah that's partially because of bad writing but again... double. standard.)
shipping ask game
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tesb · 5 years
i've only seen the last jedi, but i do follow thanks to tumblr
okay, so you get the gist!
spoiler alert: i’ll explain what happened in star wars: the rise of skywalker below the cut.
i’ll try and summarize as much as i can and explain a little. there’s many people who condemn the entire film but honestly, i could have swallowed most of it, save for one stupid storyline. but yeah, i’ll get into it. i’ll be skipping a lot of stuff but i apologize if this ends up being pretty long anyway. to be fair, the movie itself is quite long and they were able to fit a lot of dumb things into it.
also: check out jenny nicholson’s youtube video on the movie!
so, in the opening crawls in star wars films, we usually find out what our heroes and main characters have been up to since the last film. they set the scene: nothing major happens in these opening crawls, but major events are left for the films themselves. well, not in this one! in TROS, the opening crawl reveals that emperor palpatine is back, and we’re supposed to just… accept that without any questions. to me, it seems like star wars’ biggest villain coming back would be a bigger event than a couple lines in the opening crawl and deserves more explanation, but i digress.
cut to kylo ren who gets a sith wayfinder, killing a bunch of people in the progress as per usual, and goes to palpatine’s hidey hole on this uncharted planet. palpatine tells him that snoke was his puppet all along and reveals a massive fleet of star destroyers, which is also left unexplained. palpatine orders kylo ren to kill rey (which later leads him to multiple battles with rey throughout the film.)
at the resistance base, they discover that palpatine is on this planet and they need a sith wayfinder to get there. so here starts a goddamn loooooooong mission of them trying to get this wayfinder (they really could have cut this part of the movie down, especially because the whole thing was so convoluted already.) the person who last had the wayfinder conveniently happens to be an assassin who killed rey’s parents and she keeps having visions of them.
at one point on this mission to find the wayfinder, they’re in a very open area on a desert planet and kylo ren and the knights of ren show up in this massive ship. chewbacca gets captured and is in the ship when rey tries to rescue him by using the force, but accidentally blasts the whole thing with lightning. so they all think chewbacca is dead and they leave. but he isn’t dead, because there just so happened to be another massive ship there that they somehow didn’t see, and rey blasted that one instead, and chewbacca was captured in the other. this makes the entire thing feel cheap and their mourning even more hollow.
eventually rey does sense that chewbacca is alive. on their mission to rescue chewbacca, rey confronts kylo ren once again. kylo ren taunts rey about her parents. he eventually reveals that she is the granddaughter of emperor palpatine and that her parents were nobodies because they “chose” to be, and asks her to join him once again. rey being palpatine’s granddaughter makes less sense than her being, say, rey kenobi.
on the same mission, it’s revealed that general hux has been working as a spy for the resistance, and that his only motivation for doing so was preventing kylo ren from winning. winning what, i don’t know. he saves poe, finn and chewbacca and tries to cover up his tracks but dies later anyway. his whole storyline seemed pretty pointless, which is a shame, because he started out as a pretty interesting character in the force awakens. by the rise of skywalker, he was reduced to a caricature of his former self.
we’re introduced to two new characters at two different points in the film, zorii bliss from poe’s past, and jannah, and ex-stormtrooper just like finn, who, as it happens, becomes quite close to finn. i didn’t dislike either of them whatsoever but i strongly feel like these characters were brought in just to reiterate that finn and poe are very much Not Gay (because, let’s face it, the people at disney are cowards.) the LGBT “rep” we do get is a lesbian couple kissing in the background in one of the final scenes in the movie, in a shot that lasts for approx. 0.2 seconds and that has already been cut from the film in some countries.
on a similar note, rose tico was also completely pushed to the sidelines in this film when she had a huge role in the previous one. they don’t even have a proper explanation for it, which sucks, because kelly marie tran was absolutely fantastic in the role. poe’s and finn’s roles were also reduced quite a lot, and i genuinely failed to see any character development from them and there was a great lack of good, character-building emotional moments across the board.
when rey finally gets to the wayfinder (that is on a destroyed death star) kylo ren confronts her for a third time in the same film and he destroys the wayfinder. when kylo ren and rey are fighting, leia organa reaches out to kylo ren through the force while she is dying, and in this moment, rey gets the upper hand and strikes him. but when she senses leia’s death she suddenly feels remorse for him (????? WHY) and immediately saves him by healing him using the force. the tone shift in the scene is jarring.
in rey leaves and kylo ren suddenly sees his dead father – who he killed – and after speaking to han solo, his nonexistent redemption arc begins and he “becomes ben solo again”. i say nonexistent because it literally came out of nowhere. we seldom saw him doubt the dark side and we only saw him turn away from rey when she tried to turn him to the light, time and time again. in the last jedi, their final shot together was rey literally closing a door on him, i.e. symbolizing her finally giving up on trying to turn him to the good side. but since the rise of skywalker tried to undo everything the last jedi did, of course that didn’t matter anymore.
rey uses kylo ren’s ship to go on the same planet luke had resided on in the force awakens and the last jedi because she’s so shook by her parentage (meanwhile i was shook by the awfulness of this plot while sitting in the cinema audience.) luke’s force ghost shows up to tell rey that she needs to face palpatine and so, here begins the worst final “battle” in star wars history, probably.
the resistance fleet follow rey to the planet where palpatine is. rey finds palpatine, and palpatine encourages rey to kill him so that “his spirit can transfer into her.” this whole scene is extremely awkward because palpatine tells rey his entire plan, narrating all the details. it’s very much “you have to do this so i can do this and this” and it feels like the plot needs him to do this so that the audience understands what’s going on, and it’s so painfully bad. suddenly, kylo ren shows up to help rey. and suddenly, palpatine’s plan changes and he uses rey’s and kylo ren’s force bond to “revitalize” himself. and he’s still explaining every bit of the process.
palpatine starts blasting the resistance fleet with his lighting, yeets kylo ren to a hole in the ground (some kind of chasm? i don’t know) and rey collapses. she suddenly hears the voices of a bunch of jedi ghosts in her head, encouraging her, and gets up and manages to kill not only palpatine but herself as well. kylo ren suddenly reappears and brings rey back to life with force healing. in an extremely awkward and forced moment, they embrace each other and kiss, effectively making reylo canon, all for fan service. he does drop dead, but the scene prior to him dying sends an awful precedent for future watchers of the film. i’m all for letting people ship who they want to ship as long as they’re aware it can be extremely problematic and toxic, but it’s a whole different story when a well-known franchise makes said ship canon.
kylo ren has abused rey mentally and assaulted her physically. he is a mass murderer, a war criminal, and literally killed his own goddamn parent. he has done things that are absolutely unforgivable. in the last scene of the film, someone asks rey who she is, and she decides to say “rey skywalker”; there’s a message in TROS that indicates where you come from doesn’t dictate whether you’re “bad” or “good” – see: rey being a palpatine but being a good character. if kylo ren had represented the opposite of rey to the end, i.e. how he came from a good background but still decided to turn to the dark side, the message the film was trying to send wouldn’t have been so undermined.
the last film also makes rey’s entire purpose in the sequel trilogy tied to kylo ren, and it genuinely angers me – they just couldn’t leave her storyline be, could they? her purpose all along was, yes, to kill palpatine, but also to get kylo ren to turn away from the dark side, to help him, to “cure him”. we’re supposed to believe that all along she wanted to “take ben’s hand” and that she was in love with her abuser.
my biggest problem is with this film’s influence and what they decided to do. the fact that they made a romantic scene between the abuser and his abuse victim makes my skin crawl. i could have accepted everything else, but not this. it’s my one big problem with the movie that i cannot, for the life of me, overlook. little kids are going to see this movie. they’re going to see kylo ren murdering, manipulating, abusing people for two and a half movies straight. and they’re going to watch him be redeemed like a second-rate darth vader. but at least darth vader lost everything when he turned to the dark side, reiterating that the dark side is genuinely Very Bad. at least darth vader died without getting a reward like rey was used as kylo ren’s reward for his “redemption arc.” i wish this film hadn’t used rey like it did, but it happened; at moments, she was reduced to a prop in kylo ren’s story instead of her continually being an individual in her own story.
there’s probably a better version of this film somewhere because it feels like a million ideas smashed into one big mess and i sometimes felt like i was watching a fan-film rather than a real star wars movie. the makers of this film being disney, they were trying to please everyone, and that was the biggest mistake they could have possibly made. they didn’t have a solid plan for the sequel trilogy, and it shows. painfully well.
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fruitbattery · 7 years
I saw the MOST amazing production (open dress rehearsal) of falsettos the other night!
It was in a tiny theatre. TINY, black box style, <50 seats. we were RIGHT IN FRONT. it was amazing.
-the set was literally: 6 chairs, 10 boxes, a hospital bed -4 jews started as a sock puppet show from behind the boxes (except for Trina) and then they all popped up as they said their names -(the cast was all so pretty and i am so gay) -their Jason was a college age woman and I believed her wholly, she was so good -at the end of 4 jews, they posed like they were taking a family photo and then marvin got up and started singing tight knit family -for love is blind, marvin and whizzer were in the background reading, marvin was on a chair and whizzer on the floor leaning into him. it was cute.  -the transitions between songs required additional music a lot but that was ok -thrill of first love was??? so good? -whizzer pulled a silly pose at “i was trained in karate” it was great -they yelled the 9/10 months bit and the won’t/don’t bit -the fight choreo happened as whizzer stealing marvin’s scarf and them fighting over it -they ended up on the floor after whizzer pulled marvin in with the scarf and sat on his lap??? which i think is actually better than on the couch but ya know. sightlines are important i guess -can i just reiterate how good jason was like she was SO GOOD -throughout marvin at the psychiatrist, whizzer and trina had super visible but subtle reactions like eye rolling -for “my father’s a homo,” and for a lot of the show, jason sang right at the audience -he jumped on the table it was so cute! -trina’s indicating to whizzer behind jason’s back was NOT SUBTLE AT ALL there was no way the kid didn’t notice that -when the “late for dinner late again” section started, a strip of unexpected disco lights came on!!! it was great -trina belted “and still the bastard divorced me!!!!” and it made my night -I’M BREAKING DOWN WAS SO GOOD -she used the space a lot it was great; she covered the whole stage -she came onstage with a bunch of bananas and i heard someone behind me say “oh no” -she did eat a piece of banana but earlier in the song, before “you ask me is it fun to cry over nothing” -she made eye contact with my friend at “help me!!!!” and she DIED -she crushed pieces of banana in her hands so she had to wipe them on her apron before picking up the phone to call mendel -mendel answered with “yes this is mendel weisenbachfeld” like in the revival! -the disco lights came on for the final section of “feel alright for the rest of your life” -marriage proposal was simple and cute -”this is how you do a marriage proposal” and then jason went “GO” and shoved them together omg. then he ran off -tkf reprise was simple -at this point i am in love with the actress playing trina because she KILLS trina’s song. wow. -march of the falsettos was very jewish! they were all sitting on boxes, with scarves like tallitot, and prayer books covering their faces. simple box switching choreography -trina is wonderful -in the chess game it was SUPER clear that whizzer was mocking marvin in the 2nd verse. -he got up at “more’s the pity” -marvin got his suitcase immediately, then whizzer walked off sadly. he turned around when he was almost out to sing his part of the argument. “whizzer’s supposed to make the dinner” etc -in making a home they put a mezuzah on the door!!!!! !!!!!! -when they sang “yes we love the bed” mendel slapped her ass and she giggled -at the end they each sat down to read and froze for the games i play -omg whizzer was so good!!! -he started the song smiling like he was trying to make light of his situation but got serious fast -he made eye contact with me and i DIED -during marvin hits trina, trina just looked so DONE and ANNOYED during the beginning of i never wanted to love you, mendel was holding her and touched her face where she’d been slapped, and she told him stop, and he stopped. that was nice. -jason was practically screaming during that song and it was so heartbreaking -father to son has everyone crying. i could hear it. at the end, it was only jason who got up, and it looked like he was gonna leave marvin there alone, but then he went for the hug and we started crying more
act 2!!! -ppl laughed a lot at the weird woodwind/chime wiggle thing that happens in the intro music -mendel only had once flashlight and made it look like he was telling a ghost story when he said “homosexuals” which was really funny -PRETTY BOYS ARE IN DEMAND -charlotte and cordelia!!!!! holy fuck they were perfect!  -for the whee! woo! part they were all sitting on blocks. it was trina on mendel’s lap, whizzer, marvin, jason, cordelia on charlotte’s lap -JASON HAD SUCH FUNKY DANCE MOVES FOR YEAR OF THE CHILD -the whole audience knew what the words were it was glorious. i know because they laughed -mendel gave the spiel about how his own bar mitzvah was bad to marvin and trina rather than to jason, like he was convincing them not to have jason do it -during the beginning of miracle of judaism, jason was pulling on baseball clothes over his clothes and packing a backpack to take to a game -at one point he held the bat between his legs like a giant dick and sang “girls with whom i always wake up” -the baseball game!!!! was so similar to the revival version!! staging wise -marvin was SO touchy with whizzer’s hair and trina was so annoyed lmao -the actor playing whizzer had so much hair but they did the bald spot anyway -jason’s actor played caroline instead of cordelia’s, which i guess makes more sense if it works -she got angrier when she said “you always do this” -trina’s workout gear involved a leotard and leg warmers. when she came on people whistled (I think they were her irl friends) -it looked like they used actual gefilte fish for the nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine??? -whizzer was in tiny jean shorts to play tennis. so impractical honestly, all that chafing -instead of marvin collapsing and whizzer standing over him, they got really close to each other and almost kissed like 3 times. shit was cute. -i didn’t realize that in the original script jason wanders onstage during the last overlapping bit of a day in falsettoland and says “you guys are so white” but it was funny -when “i want the appelbaums” started, people laughed in recognition (i tell you boston is full of jews lmao. love it.) -mendel got up on a chair for his imitation of god, and stole the tablecloth to cover his head with -near the end of the song, mendel cleared a space for himself very dramatically, psyched himself up, and did the worst cartwheel i have ever seen. jason then did the same. -for what more can i say, they didn’t have a bed or anything resembling one, so marvin sat at the end of a row of 4 or 5 chairs and whizzer laid across them with his head in marvin’s lap -for the final “what more can i say” whizzer sat up and they gazed into each others’ eyes for a second -hoo boy here comes the pain train -charlotte and cordelia’s dynamic was a+ honestly. -tbh I know every word to this show and something bad is happening was still worrying and terrifying -in more raquetball, marvin was getting SUPER cocky. and then it all just went away when wizzer fell. heartbreaking. -in between something bad and holding to the ground, marvin helped whizzer over to dr charlotte and you could see him nonverbally insisting he was fine before collapsing onto her shoulder and allowing himself to be led away -trina’s performance in holding to the ground was phenomenal. so much emotion. marvelous and amazing. -i swear i heard sobs as the hospital bed came on -there was real chicken soup in cordelia’s tupperware!!! -jason set up the chess board fully after climbing onto the bed with whizzer, he then just packed it right back up again -mendel and trina in cancelling the bar mitzvah was just. lovely. and fucking sad too -unlikely lovers was SO TENDER i swear -when the lesbians showed up, marvin and whizzer were sitting there with their foreheads touching and marvin was almost in whizzer’s lap which was kind of an inversion??? idk it was great -just pure love -jason was so cute and innocent during another miracle. it was much needed. -then holy fuck -dr charlotte pulled marvin away for something bad reprise and she was crying. full on. she hit all the words and notes but shit. it got to me. -ok so you gotta die sometime is one of my favorite songs of all time. certainly my fave solo song to sing myself. -he nailed it. he was just so callous at the beginning morphing to fucking terrified at the end. it looked like if jason had come one second later he would’ve given up and died. -but there was a gap between it and the beginning of jason’s bar mitzvah still which was completely silent. pin drop silent. it was interesting -jason came in already in a suit -at “mendel get this thing in gear” the bed was rolled off and didn’t come back which must’ve been convenient -at “oh mummy” they actually kissed for a few seconds and trina looked,,, unamused -they all wore white kippot -at the end. oh god. -jason finished his torah and whizzer almost collapsed. mendel caught him. and jason just started sobbing. silently, but think harry-potter-after-sirius-fell-through-the-veil levels of despair. fuck it was sad. trina took him away. -the cast cleared the stage during the beginning of what would i do, but they left the “table” made of blocks that jason read torah on -marvin forgot the words so he substituted “once i was told that all men get what they deserve” for “god only knows too soon i’ll remember your faults” but it was ok -i swear the whole theatre started crying 2x as much when whizzer came out dressed like he had been -they circled each other unable to touch a few times. it killed me. -at the end, marvin put a rose that trina brought him on the table, now clearly a gravestone. then he cried into his family.  -jason was on stage after everyone had left. i knew about the chess piece but he also kissed his hand and touched the grave which is??? so jewish??? and so touching??? idk but it was terrible and horrible and ripped my heart out of its socket -after the final piano faded out you could hear how many people were sniffling.
in conclusion this was a monumental experience. we got to see backstage after because the music director, who invited us, is also the music director for our school’s musicals (fiddler this year!) i met the actress who played cordelia and she said she could tell i knew the show which probably meant i was unconsciously mouthing the words despite my best efforts not to.
ok thanks for reading this word vomit that my adhd detail oriented brain poured out.
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when-they-go-2low · 7 years
About PT and Paedophilia
Before I address anything else, I think we should probably give a touch on when-they-go-low / its-going-to-be-okay-love (commonly known as PT or HN) re: paedophilia and her attempted defense.
This is not a parody post or meant to be entertaining. This is as serious as it gets and I encourage everyone to at least skim this.
As anyone who follows me knows, I have stated that I believe she is a paedophile here. While I was not the person who messaged her earlier about this (some of which I don’t have any particular interest in detailing i.e. discussion about contraception etc.) it did allow PT to make some more paedophilic or paedophilic sympathizing statements.
Her condensed response was such as:
“If teen characters do it, it should not be when they are played by adults. I think it’s fine for teens to have sex.”.
“I want to see teen sex explored on more TV shows by teen actors. I want the topic explored by people who are the ages of the characters they play.”
So PT would rather see underage minors engage in sexual activities than adults. Got it.
“And I very much do want Finn ((Wolfhard, age 15)) to have a sex scene. Do I want it to be sensual or whatever, NO, never. I want it to be awkward as fuck and the actual sex to be implied and not shown, but do I want to see clothes on the floor, yes, very much.” 
This is beyond creepy. So just as long as the sex is awkward, it’s okay. Take into consideration this very well could be a sexual kink for PT.
“No, child pornography is PORN. There is no nudity. If it would be child pornography then you are saying that currently it’s just straight pornography. Which, it’s close, but it’s not.“ 
So as long as there is no nudity, PT is okay with sexualizing children and teens portraying the act of sex on television. But I mean hey, no boobs or penis so we’re all good here right? Nothing attracting to Paedophiles!
“Uhhhh. I think being told what to do and when is what scars you. Just like people whose parents allow them to start drinking younger usually end up having fewer problems with alcohol (WRONG, addiction is largely genetic, please do some research before blatantly lying.), being taught that sex is okay at a younger age will probably bring down cheating and promiscuity.” (Also WRONG, having sex at an earlier age does in no way somehow inhibit you from engaging in more sex or from being unfaithful at a later age. Her claiming this is not only statistically WRONG but also absurd.)
And Uhhhh, that’s basically what childhood is supposed to be? Parents are supposed to tell the child to eat their vegetables and do their homework and chores, even if they don’t want to. So being told by an parent or teacher, who knows better than the child does that they shouldn’t have sex before they are ready, will turn them in sexually crazed whores? Wrong. Now there are some insane abstinence teachings that are proven to not work, but in this day and age of internet, if kids need to learn about sex education, there are plenty of resources they can access at a school library.
Sure, there is a lot of filler explanation going on in her posts that attempts to justify this grossly incorrect belief, and they weren’t included because they were non-reasons,for starters, but it comes down to something incredibly simple: 
If the actor is a minor, they are considered a child. You want children to pretend to have sex on public television/movies to normalize this mature act to kids as young as the age of 11 (which you admitted, though who knows if you think even younger is okay - and that’s horrifying). 
If you say you want something that is ‘close, but it’s not’ to porn regarding child actors, you are in the wrong. That you’d rather have children doing the act that’s ‘close but it’s not’ to porn than adults because ‘it’s more realistic!’ and you want the director to show these minors’ actual quote: ‘facial expressions during foreplay or even just trying to understand what the fuck is going on’ you are in the wrong. 
Showing something like that will always be sexual, because it’s portraying a sexual act, you absolute idiot.
There is literally no way to come back from the aforementioned and be right, and I’ll explain.
Having minors portray the act of sex, even if there is no nudity, is normalizing child pornography and the exploitation of minors to paedophiles. Here’s the first and the most important reason why:
By exposing minors to watching their favourite characters have sex at such seriously questionable young ages as you have suggested in the past (16 years old to the much younger 11, as you’ve stated previously) you are making it directly easier for them to be manipulated and sexually abused by paedophiles. 
It doesn’t matter if there isn’t nudity, it’s the implied act and children becoming aware of it. It becomes that much easier for a child abuser to turn that adoration of their most beloved characters into ‘hey, your favourite couple from the Disney channel had sex, don’t you want to try it? It’s okay, see they did it. Don’t you want to be like them?
It’s that easy for some kids, the fact you don’t know this is telling. This would inevitably be the result of what you are suggesting, and even if ONE child is manipulated because of it, that’s far too many. How is there anything unclear about that? 
Full stop. 
I shouldn’t even need to go on here, but unfortunately, because of PT, I do.
Minors are protected by laws from this FOR A REASON. Just because their bodies are going through or have gone through puberty does not mean that they are emotionally ready to undergo the act of sexual exploration and all the mental and physical repercussions that come with it. Suggesting that their peers on TV are doing it is instilling a belief that they are somehow wrong in not doing it. 
In reverse to this, if a preteen (possibly 11 years old, like PT has suggested, but we’ll get to that) or a teen is having sex and is uncomfortable and is wondering if what they are doing is right, that may an indicator that they aren’t emotionally mature enough to be having sex. PT seems to be under the assumption that every teen needs sexual guidance from TV. That’s an uninformed opinion and nothing based in fact.
Don’t misunderstand, sexual education to teens is seriously in need of reform. The idea that teens who are more mature, such as 16 and older, should be informed that sex isn’t a taboo isn’t a bad in concept, but PT is firstly under the impression that corporately monopolized mass media is responsible and suitable for the sexual education of U.S.A’s youth. Hint, it’s not. I certainly don’t want the sexual education of the younger generation puppeteered by the hands of a fucking white male CEO of a TV show, And that’s exactly what you’re suggesting, PT.
Secondly, and I may be burying the lede here, PT isn’t talking about 16 year olds:
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Just because you “claim” you didn’t find actual children, who are unable to legitimately consent to the action of doing something that sexual on film  (and can only do so with parent consent, which isn’t always in the kid’s best interest)  doesn’t for a second mean that others didn’t, you idiot, that’s called trying to use a biased opinion as fact. You analyse everything, how can you possibly ignore this violation of children? Oh yeah, it feeds into your narrative, that’s why.
Again, here you are offering a sympathetic ear to paedophiles, who’d claim the same sentiment: “It’s realistic, normal, natural!”. You watched two male eleven year olds make out and take their clothes off on screen. Please, explain to me how paedophiles wouldn’t find that sexual. Please, I’m dead serious PT. I never had you blocked. Explain. Yourself. Message me. I’m all ears.
Additionally, what “Scared of sexuality” in America. I’m fucking sorry, have you walked past a magazine stand lately? Seen a teen movie in the last decade? America is in NO way scared of sexuality, we’re hypersexual and that’s a huge issue in why teen eating disorders and pregnancy is where it is. We literally have a show dedicated to and glorifying  teen pregnancy right now. We need a full spectrum of sexual education is schools, humanitarian funded volunteer programs or online classes and to decrease the portrayal of sex seen by teens on TV. 
Here you are so dedicated to outing potential gays publicly online and claiming to help preteens with sexuality via biased anaylese, when you could actually be helping in your own community. Don’t bullshit yourself or me, you’re not active in your community. It’s easier this way, and you delusionally think a celebrity reads your blog. Guess what. Several people from Vancouver read my shit too. That doesn’t mean I assume they’re fucking famous, you naive celebrity worshiper.
There are so many kids/teen shows that have shown healthy and age appropriate depictions of relationships without making it the preteen smut you are literally suggesting. It’s not normal for minors to be having casual sex to figure themselves out. Mental maturity is just as big of a roll as physical maturity is.
In terms of your issue with adults portraying teens having very censored sex on TV, it is utterly ridiculous (yes PT, that Betty/Jughead scene was extremely PG compared to Archie/Veronica ones, as well as 80% of the other shows on network television. You’re just butthurt it involved Cole). I don’t really see a need to talk about that, since I think everyone agrees that you have no reasoning or rational for stating watching adults do it is offensive when watching children do it is not.
Addition: Finn Wolfhard has specifically stated sexualizing him is creepy.
(Annnd Sidebar, friendly reminder PT also said this:)
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‘Collection’ and ‘boys’ should never be in the same sentence like this. Also, he was poking fun at Hart, an adult. KJ likely thinks it’s funny to make his friends uncomfortable, he’s not turned on by it, pervert. But again, allow me to reiterate the word you’ve used more than once: ‘boys’.
With PT, if it's not paedophilia it's infantilizism of adult males. She also has stated she believes Cole calls KJ his ‘pup’.
But that’s aside the point, let’s get back to actual boys. 
In the end, your idea of what would help kids sexually not only puts them in more danger to paedophiles through emotional manipulation, it encouraged them to have sex before they are emotionally ready - because that’s what they saw on TV geared towards preteens and teens. Your idea of normalizing sex on TV using actual minors is vile. Just because you, an adult, childless ,woman thinks something should be normalized to children, doesn’t mean you have a right to dictate that onto other people’s kids and put that on public display on kid’s TV shows.
The only reason you even watch Andi Mack is because there’s a gay character in it and you fetishize gay individuals and potentially closeted couples, on TV and in real life. You’ve stated more than once previously that if Cole and KJ ‘were out’ you wouldn’t even really care about them. That’s fetishization, babe.
It’s clear, PT, that you do not have children and aside from those you manipulate online, do not know any kids. For that, at least, I am very glad. Please stay as far away from schools. Who knows, keep making statements like these and you might not have a choice.
I don’t know what kind of messed up upbringing you had, PT, but there are clear indicators here that you must have gone through something very sexually traumatizing to be making paedophilia sympathizing statements like these and to be trying to out actual potentially LGBTQIA people online. I really truly do encourage you to seek counseling. 
Again. I’ve never sent you hate and you’ve never been blocked. Wanna have a chat, I’ve been an open book this whole time, because I’m not afraid of an alternative opinion.
How ‘bout you, PTHN?
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