#i was going to end this post with a trademark slap in the face final sentence bit
cartoonchaos · 1 year
not to count my beagles before they hatch but god i am so happy about welcome home i’m so happy autistic gay puppet horror is a genre now. if i see a single clown try and call this project a clone or “yet another indie horror project” I will commit unspeakable acts of violence. I’d already made up my mind that I’d trudge through a thousand gartens of banban if it gets us one more don’t hug me i’m scared. I will spend ten thousand nights at freddy’s if it gets us more than one. there is infinite potential in the joy and terror of gaining sentience under strict structure. there are a million different bright colors that haven’t been used yet. Greet oversaturation like a neighbor, for it is always better to have an abundance of bad art than a shortage of art.
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rocknrollwhcre · 14 days
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Love Can Burn Like A Cigarette
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F! Reader (18+)
Content Warning: strong language and profanity, emotional manipulation and toxic relationship dynamics, physical altercation (slapping, shoving), depictions of verbal arguments and intense emotional distress, themes of infidelity and jealousy
Summary: Things aren’t looking good between you and Eddie…
A/N: divider by @saradika-graphics !!! Not that anyone will remember, but I originally wrote and posted this fic back in 2022. I ended up deleting my work and blog for personal reasons, but I’ve decided to rewrite it and post it again. :)
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You barge into the backroom of Scoops with Robin trailing close behind, her footsteps quickening to match your angry stride. She opens her mouth as if she’s about to say something, but one look at your flushed face convinces her otherwise. She watches you with concern as you yank off your sweat-soaked shirt, tossing it aside with a huff. The sticky uniform you're required to wear stares back at you from a hook, and you mutter under your breath, wishing you could burn it.
Robin, always the practical one, moves to the mini fridge, fishing out a cold bottle of water. She places it gently on the small, cluttered table between the staff lockers. "Here," she says softly, her eyes never leaving your face. She drops into one of the worn-out chairs and pats the seat next to her, giving you that familiar look that says, I’m here. Talk to me.
You take the offer, sinking into the chair with a long sigh before gulping down half the bottle in one go. The cold water is a relief, cooling you from the inside out. You finally feel the tightness in your chest start to ease.
Robin tilts her head, her brows knitting together with worry. “Okay, so what’s going on? And why do you look like you just ran a marathon?”
“Eddie Munson,” you spit out the name like it’s poison.
Robin’s face scrunches up in disgust. “Ugh. Gross. I swear, if you and Eddie—”
You shake your head, a dry laugh escaping your lips. “No, nothing like that. I’m all hot and sweaty because we got into this huge argument. I refused to get into his van, and he just smirks and says, ‘Fine, walk to work then.’ Can you believe that? Complete asshole.”
Robin’s eyes widen. “Are you serious? You’re like, miles away from here! You could’ve passed out from heatstroke or something.”
You snort. “Well, according to Mr. I-Failed-Senior-Year-Twice, it’s ‘just a short walk.’ The guy’s idea of distance is as bad as his grades.”
Robin chuckles, shaking her head. “Honestly, how do you even put up with him?”
You shrug, feeling a mix of frustration and something else—something like the smallest hint of amusement. “I ask myself that every day.”
Just then, Steve pokes his head through the small service window, trying to look casual, but you know he’s been eavesdropping the whole time. His eyes shift between you and Robin, but he settles his gaze on you with a pointed look. “Eddie’s here. Wants to talk to you,” he says, his voice heavy with the kind of sarcasm that only comes from dealing with Eddie Munson on a regular basis.
You exchange a knowing glance with Robin, who raises an eyebrow. “But, hey, at least he knows when he’s wrong and can apologize,” you suggest, half-convincing yourself as you grab your ridiculous sailor hat. Robin gives you a doubtful look, but you ignore it, adjusting the hat with a small breath to steady your nerves. Maybe this time will be different, you think, as you head out to the front, hoping for an apology but bracing yourself just in case.
Eddie is waiting by the counter, leaning against it with that trademark smug grin plastered across his face. His hair is a wild mess, and he looks far too pleased with himself.
“Hey, princess. How was the walk?” he asks, his tone teasing as his eyes gleam with amusement.
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. “Oh, it was great, actually. I’ve heard getting some sun is good for you—something about vitamin D,” you shoot back, your voice laced with sarcasm.
“Glad to hear it,” Eddie replies, barely missing a beat. “Because you’re gonna need another dose. My van’s busted, had to leave it at the garage for repairs.” He picks up one of the flimsy menus from the counter and flips through it like he actually cares what's on it.
You narrow your eyes. “Uh, don’t you mean we have to walk home?”
He looks up with a lazy grin. “No, I mean you have to walk. Funny thing, I bumped into Roxy on my way here, and she very graciously offered to give me a ride home. You remember Roxy, right?”
How could you forget? The mere mention of her name sets your teeth on edge. Roxy, the redheaded bitch who’s been circling Eddie like a vulture ever since you two got together three years ago. She’s got that classic bad-girl look down: leather jackets, tight skirts with ripped fishnets, blood-red nails, and enough black eyeliner to intimidate a raccoon. The kind of girl who fits right into Eddie’s metalhead world. You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, the familiar surge of irritation bubbling up inside you.
You force a smile, though it feels like it might crack at any second. “Is that all you came here for, Eddie?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady.
Eddie's smirk widens, and you can tell by the glint in his eyes that he knows he’s gotten under your skin. “Actually, since I’m here, how about a small cookies 'n' cream shake and—”
“Oh, would you look at that! We’re all out of ice cream,” you interrupt, your voice dripping with fake cheerfulness. Before he can say another word, you grab him by the arm and start steering him toward the door. “Come back later!”
Eddie doesn’t resist; he’s too busy laughing, clearly enjoying how riled up he’s made you. His laughter echoes down the mall as he disappears up the stairs, probably to waste more of his time somewhere else. You let out an exasperated huff, your patience wearing thin.
Robin, still perched on a stool behind the counter, looks bewildered as she munches on a cookie. “Who’s Roxy?” she asks, her mouth half-full.
“Only the hottest girl The Hideout has ever seen,” Steve chimes in, leaning against the counter and taking a long sip of his shake. His casual tone is enough to make your blood boil, and without thinking, you land a solid punch on his arm.
“Ow! What was that for?” Steve yelps, rubbing his arm and giving you an offended look.
“Get back to work,” you snap, snatching his shake right out of his hand and dumping it into the trash without a second thought. Steve stares at the garbage can, then at you, his mouth agape, but you’re already turning away, too annoyed to care.
It’s been five days since the argument, and neither of you has made the first move to apologize. In fact, each day has become a new game of seeing who can push the other's buttons harder, and today, Eddie was clearly in the lead.
You’re wiping down the sticky tables, the sweet smell of melted ice cream lingering in the air, when Eddie strolls in with Roxanne by his side. Roxy’s eyes are all over him, like he’s the only guy in the room, but Eddie seems oblivious to it—or maybe he’s just pretending to be. They make their way to the counter, and Roxy leans over to obnoxiously ring the bell, the sound grating on your nerves.
“What’s a guy gotta do to get some decent service around here?” Eddie calls out, his gaze locked onto you with a teasing smirk.
Robin and Steve are out getting lunch, leaving you alone to man the counter. Lucky you. You toss the rag onto the table and head over to the register. “What do you want, Eddie?”
He leans against the counter, his smirk deepening. “Now, is that any way to greet a paying customer?” he taunts, clearly reveling in the way your eyes flick daggers at Roxy, who’s practically glued to his side.
You let out a sharp breath, summoning your best fake smile, the kind that doesn’t reach your eyes. “What can I get you today?” you say through clenched teeth.
Eddie clicks his tongue in mock disappointment. “Come on, I’m pretty sure you guys have a slogan for greeting customers. Let’s hear it.”
Roxanne lets out a soft, condescending laugh, her lips curling into a smirk.
You bite back a retort, forcing yourself to keep up the act. “Would you like to sail the ocean of flavors? I’ll be your captain today. What can I get you?” The words come out stiff and robotic, practically dragged out of you, but Eddie’s grin only widens.
“Good girl,” Eddie murmurs, low enough that only you can hear, his voice a mix of teasing and something else that sends heat rushing to your cheeks. You can feel your face flushing, but you keep your expression neutral. “Anyway, I’ll have that cookies ‘n’ cream shake. What about you, Rox?”
Roxy leans in closer to him, practically pressing herself against his arm as she gives you a once-over. “I’ll just share with you. Don’t want to eat too much and mess up my figure,” she says, her gaze sliding over you with a smirk that makes your blood boil.
It takes every ounce of self-control not to leap over the counter and throttle her, but you clench your jaw and turn away, focusing on making the damn shake. Your hands move on autopilot, scooping the ice cream, blending it up, and pouring it into the cup, all while you imagine various scenarios where you tell them both exactly where they can shove this order. With forced calm, you place the shake on the counter in front of them and watch as they saunter off to a booth. Eddie's eyes keep darting over to you, but you pretend not to notice, burying yourself in the never-ending list of chores to stay busy and keep from glaring daggers at him.
Just as you start wiping down the counter for the third time, you glance up and catch Roxy reaching over to brush a crumb from Eddie’s lip with her thumb, her touch lingering longer than necessary. Before you can react, the bell above the door jingles, and Steve and Robin come back, a takeout bag swinging in Robin’s hand. She takes one look at Roxy playing at doting girlfriend and makes a loud gagging noise.
Roxy rolls her eyes but doesn’t pull away. You decide it’s the perfect time for your lunch break. Tossing your apron aside, you head for the door, but just as you pass their booth, you feel something hard underfoot—Roxy’s boot. You stumble forward and crash to your knees, the sharp pain shooting up your legs.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” you shout, springing up with fury boiling over. Without thinking, you lunge at Roxy, ready to grab a fistful of that perfect red hair and let loose, but Steve grabs you around the waist, pulling you back.
Eddie jumps up, positioning himself between you and Roxy, his hands wrapping around your fists, trying to contain you. “Babe! Just chill out, it was an accident! You’re making a scene!” he says, his tone somewhere between pleading and annoyed.
“Oh, fuck you, Eddie!” you snap, struggling against Steve’s hold. “You’re the one making scenes, showing up here with that slut!”
“Hey!” Eddie's eyes flash with anger. “She’s my friend, and I’m not going to stand here and let you disrespect her like that!”
You scoff, feeling the sting of betrayal sharp in your chest. “Yeah, a ‘friend’ who’s been trying to screw you for years, Eddie! Open your eyes! You know what? Just go. Get the hell out of here.”
“Fine, we will. Come on, Roxy.” Eddie’s voice is cold, his face hard as stone as he turns his back on you, motioning for Roxy to follow.
You watch, stunned, as he actually starts to leave with her. The disbelief sinks in like a weight in your stomach. You wrench yourself free from Steve’s grip, not wanting anyone to see the tears starting to burn your eyes. Without another word, you storm to the back of the store, your heart pounding with a mix of anger and hurt.
Night falls, and it's finally time to close up shop. The last of the customers trickle out, their footsteps echoing through the quieting mall as they make their way to the exits. You, Steve, and Robin work together to pull down the metal gate, the clattering sound signaling the end of another long day.
“How about you join us tonight?” Robin suggests, a hopeful smile on her face as she nudges you. “Steve and I rented a stack of horror movies. We’re having a movie night.”
“Yeah! We can order a ton of pizza, make popcorn, the whole shebang,” Steve adds, clearly trying to sweeten the deal. “Come on, it'll be fun. What do you say?”
Before you can answer, you catch a glimpse of Eddie sitting by the fountain alone, his head down, his fingers tapping absentmindedly against his knee. For a moment, you consider ignoring him, letting things stay the way they are, but something inside you pushes you to try and be the bigger person. You turn back to Robin and Steve. “Give me a second?” you ask.
They exchange a look but nod, standing by the gate as you take a deep breath and head toward Eddie. Just as you’re about to reach him, Roxy appears out of nowhere and slides onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss right on his lips. Your stomach twists into knots.
“Oh my god, Eddie, what are you doing?” you exclaim, your heart pounding in your chest as you step forward, disbelief and hurt surging through you.
Eddie's eyes go wide, and he quickly pushes Roxy away, but she just smirks, satisfied with her little display. “Oh no, baby, we’ve been caught,” she says in a mocking sing-song voice, her eyes glittering with mischief.
“What? No!” Eddie stammers, panic flooding his expression. “Babe, it’s not what it looks like!” His hands reach out toward you, desperate to explain, but you slap them away, the sting of betrayal sharper than anything he could say.
“I hope you have a happy life together!” you shout, your voice breaking as you reach for the necklace around your neck—the one Eddie made for you, his favorite guitar pick hanging from it. You rip it off in one swift motion and throw it at him, the small piece of him that you once cherished now clattering to the ground between you. “We’re fucking done!”
“Baby, please, don’t do this!” Eddie's voice cracks, and he reaches out, grabbing your arm in a last-ditch effort to stop you. His eyes are desperate, pleading, but you’re beyond reason now. Without thinking, you use your free hand to deliver a sharp slap across his face. The sound echoes in the near-empty mall, startling even you.
You yank your arm free, turning away as the sting of your slap leaves a red mark on his cheek. Steve and Robin are at your side instantly, and as you storm off with them, you don't look back. But you can hear the ragged breath Eddie takes, his shoulders trembling as he stands there, one hand cradling his stinging cheek, his eyes wet with tears that spill down his face. He's crying, but you don’t let yourself turn around. Not this time.
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
post time skip kenma where he’s a party (work event so he’s dressed up) and reader (famous model) is flirting with him so he’s like ok fuck it and takes her home and fucks her??? idk if that’s good 😭
❥ meddle about | kenma kozume
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warnings: timeskip! kenma, fem! reader, model! reader, mentions of alcohol, car sex, blowjob, hickeys/marking, spanking, riding, slight titplay, lewd language, very brief lev x reader, haiba siblings, yaku, kuroo, and yamamoto mentioned, unprotected sex
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 4.8k
a/n: omg im literally so sorry i didn't get to this request sooner!! anyways i hope u like it, i'm sorry if the ending feels a little rushed
got a request? my asks are open!
❥ song: meddle about - chase atlantic
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Kenma Kozume wasn’t the biggest party fan. Honestly? He really hated them. He hated the loud music (which was not in good taste, he might add), he hated most of the people who attended these kinds of events, and he absolutely hated the food that was served. Seriously, what’s with all the fancy hors d’oeuvres?  It’s just expensive fish and sausage on a stick that disappears in two bites. Kenma could never figure out why people went crazy over such small bites.
So when he received an email that he was to attend an evening party with the rest of his co-workers from Bouncing Ball, he wasn’t exactly thrilled. Kenma immediately sent an email that he wouldn’t be in attendance, to which he was digitally slapped across the face with a reply that stated that the daughter of one of his investors would be there. Some famous model who worked with the Haiba siblings was apparently an up-and-comer in the industry. Kenma groaned and buried his face in his hands. Not only did he have to attend a social event, he also had to interact with someone who worked with Lev. What if you were just as annoying as he was?
Kenma, with his trademark indifference, reluctantly wore a suit and red tie, a rare sight in his wardrobe. His half-bun hairdo was a clear sign of his lack of enthusiasm. He had no intention of engaging in any conversation at the event unless it was absolutely necessary. 
Eventually, he arrived at the event, handing his car keys to a valet who looked incredibly nervous to be seeing him. Maybe the poor boy was a fan? It didn’t matter. Kenma shrugged it off as he walked inside, immediately greeted by the service staff holding trays of only God knows what. Various champagnes and wines were undoubtedly decades old, accompanied by the tiniest servings of hors d’oeuvres he had ever seen. Even the toothpicks were fancy. What a bunch of stuck-up jerks.
He walked through the event, ignoring the various waves and hellos he received from people he didn’t know. Honestly, Kenma shouldn’t be surprised one bit. He was famous, after all. But he didn’t want to interact with anyone, he didn’t want to be here. Finally, he discovered a corner of the ballroom that was conveniently devoid of service staff and trust fund babies. He leaned against the decorated wall and stuck his hands in his pockets, humming to himself while his golden cat-like eyes stared at the hardwood beneath his loafers. Hopefully, the night would go by quickly, and he could return to his paradise of hoodies and sweatpants. 
“Kenma! Is that you?” his ears perked up at the familiar voice, an unpleasant look gracing his sharp features. Lev eagerly barreled over to Kenma’s hiding spot sporting a bright grin. “I haven’t seen you since you graduated from Nekoma! If I knew you would be here, I would have asked my stylist to get us matching suits!” Lev leaned against the wall, towering over Kenma’s small stature. “How’ve you been, man?”
“Oh, hi Lev,” Kenma softly spoke, begrudgingly making eye contact with the Russian. “Uh, I’ve been fine. Business is good, I guess.” he shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, that’s obviously an understatement,” Lev smacked Kenma on his back. “You trade stocks, dude! You’re a streamer, and you just graduated from college! Your business isn’t good, it’s great!” 
“Mm, you’re loud,” Kenma rubbed his ears in annoyance. “But thanks, I guess. I see you haven’t changed since high school.”
“Yup, I’m a model!” Lev placed his hands on his hips in pride. “I usually do solo work, but I’ll occasionally shoot with Alisa. Oh, and this new girl! She’s from America, and she’s super hot.” Lev chuckled, his green eyes twinkling. “She’s here too, y’know. I could get her for you if you want.”
“Oh, that’s not-”
“I’ll be right back!” 
Kenma groaned and bit down on his bottom lip, snatching a glass of wine that a member of the service staff brought over to him. Out of all people, why did Lev have to be there? It would have made more sense for Yaku or Kuroo. Hell, even Yamamoto would feel more appropriate here than Lev.
Not even a minute passed before Lev returned to annoy Kenma again, dragging a young woman by the wrist who looked slightly confused. Kenma nearly choked on his wine once he laid his eyes upon you. It was no wonder you were a model, you were absolutely gorgeous. The dress you wore only accentuated your curves, and the shade of red you wore complimented your skin tone wonderfully. “Kenma! This is who I work with! Say hi!” Lev wrapped his arm around your waist, his thumb rubbing the velvet fabric. 
Kenma’s brow was raised as he shook your hand, admiring how your choice of nail polish matched your dress. “Oh, hi. Kenma Kozume, I used to go to high school with Lev.”
“I know, he’s told me so many stories!” you giggled, patting Lev on the chest. “I can’t believe you used to be a setter. According to Lev, you were really lazy.” 
“Yup, he never wanted to do any work!” Kenma shot Lev a dirty glance. “Uh, I mean, he was a really good setter. Nekoma won a lot of games because of him.” Lev adjusted the collar of his dress shirt nervously.
“Oh, my mistake. Sorry for calling you lazy.” you awkwardly chuckled, looking down at the ground in shame. 
Kenma shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. It’s honestly better if you don’t believe anything Lev says. He was the worst guy on our team.” his golden eyes glanced at Lev’s hand placement again, noticing how you hadn’t shooed him away. Were you and Lev dating? Models date each other all the time, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. “Lev, can you get her a glass of wine? You’re being rude.”
Lev snapped both of his fingers and winked. “You got it!”
The streamer sighed in relief as Lev wandered off to find a staff member. He ran his painted nails through his hair. “God, I thought he would never leave.” Kenma took another sip of his wine. “So, what’s working with Lev like?
“Oh, he’s a pain in my ass.” you groaned, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. “But we work closely together, so he’s grown on me. He’s annoying, but he’s my closest coworker.”
“So, the two of you aren’t dating?” Kenma raised an eyebrow.”
“Oh, God, no.” you snorted, covering your mouth with your hand. “I wouldn’t date him if he was the last man on Earth.”
Kenma chuckled, his gaze drifting to your exposed cleavage for a moment. “It’s just that Lev is so touchy with you. Sorry for assuming.”
“Lev is touchy with everyone, he can’t help it. He’s a flirt, but he’s not a creep, so I can’t really complain. Plus, he tells people he’s my boyfriend when someone I’m not interested in is flirting with me.” you smiled, placing your hands behind your back. “Lev is sweet but isn’t my type at all.”
“What’s your type then?” Kenma asked, a tinge of pink dancing on his face.
“If I’m being honest? You.” you gazed at Kenma through your eyelashes. “I think you’re really cute, seriously cute. I like how you seem to hate being here as much as I do.” you blushed, fidgeting with the many rings on your fingers.
Kenma bit down on his lower lip. “You hate being here too?”
“I despise it,” you groaned, taking a bold step closer. “My manager forced me to be here with Lev to scout out possible designers who would want to collaborate with us, but it’s just a bunch of dickheads. Sorry for the harsh language, but that’s what they are. Dickheads.”
Chuckling, Kenma brushed some of his long hair off of his shoulder. “Tell me about it. They’re all a bunch of fucking idiots. They’re probably only successful because of their parents. Not me, though. I work for everything I have.” 
You smiled. “Me too. I was scouted when I was still living in America. I miss my home, but Japan isn’t too bad. I can get a reasonably priced riceball whenever I want.” you placed a hand on his bicep, squeezing slightly. “And I get to meet cuties like you, too. That’s my favorite part.”
Kenma blushed and smirked, placing his glass of wine down on a nearby standing table. “So, you’re into self-made nerds?” he tugged on your hand, pulling you closer to his form. You were barely shorter than him, the top of your head just under his nose. Kenma breathed in the scent of your shampoo, sighing at the aroma. Roses and black cherry, an incredibly seductive perfume. Did you smell like this all the time?
“You bet I am,” you purred, placing his hand on your waist. “I’m so into nerds.”
“Fuck,” Kenma softly moaned, squeezing the fabric of your dress in a similar way to Lev. “Wanna get out of here? Since we both hate it so much.” 
You nodded and gripped his wrist. “I thought you’d never ask. Lead the way.”
Kenma pulled you close to his form and slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, earning some stares from those in the crowd of the wealthy. He ignored them, squeezing your shoulder every once in a while as the two of you eventually made your way to the valet station. Kenma handed him his ticket and made an ushering gesture. 
“Okay, damn.” the valet walked to the garage and pulled Kenma’s car around, giving him a quizzical look. “Fucking rich people.”
“Hey, I heard that,” Kenma said, closing his car door as you entered the passenger seat. “I’m staying at a hotel just a few minutes away, do you wanna go there?”
“Why would you rent a hotel room and have your car with you?”
“Sometimes I don’t think. Do you wanna go back to my hotel room or not?”
“How about,” you whispered, leaning over the car’s divider. “You find a parking lot, and we make out for a bit? Then we can go back to your hotel,” you nibbled on the shell of his ear. “And have some fun?”
His hands grasped onto the steering wheel, breath catching in his throat. “Fuck,” he mumbled, turning on his car. “Let’s find a damn parking lot. Now.”
You giggled and put on your seatbelt, looking out the window as Kenma drove off to find an empty lot. Not many were in a city as populated as Tokyo, but he eventually found one near a construction site. Sure, he was technically trespassing, but he wasn’t above bribing a security guard if it meant he got to make out with a model in his car. 
Kenma pulled into the white lines and turned his key, shutting off the car. He unbuckled his seatbelt and slid his seat back, giving you ample room. “So, are we doing this or what?” he breathed huskily, his eyes dark and filled with desire. 
You giggled and practically jumped into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck to secure your position. Your plump, red lips hovered above his chapped ones, exchanging hot breath. “Your turn, cutie.”
Kenma smirked slightly before pressing his lips to yours, his hands securing themselves on your waist again. He groaned into the kiss, adoring the sensation of your lipstick. You tasted cherries; did you prefer that fruit more than any other? The kiss was not gentle or caring, it was animalistic and hungry. Electricity surged between your lips as Kenma practically devoured your own, the roughness of his palms being felt as he sneakily slipped his hands underneath your velvet dress so he may have a sneak peek at your delicate curves. The two of you clung to each other in desperation, the tension that was formed when Lev was fetching wine finally snapping. 
Your hands flung for purchase in Kenma’s chestnut strands, tugging on them harshly. He whimpered into your kiss, his hands wandering downwards to your ass. He squeezed it quickly, annoyed by the black lacy stockings and underwear that covered it. You squealed at the sensation, ripping away from the kiss in shock.
“Fuck, I’m sorry! I didn’t know if I was allowed to-” he was cut off by your index finger touching his now red-stained lips.
“Your hands are just cold, that’s all,” you assured him, your finger pulling down his bottom lip. “The temperature change was just a shock.”
Kenma sighed in relief, squeezing your ass once more. “Mm, I could get used to this,” he mumbled, grasping your jaw tightly with his left hand. “Should we continue fogging up my car, or can we get back to my hotel room so I can see this pretty body sprawled out on my bed, hm?”
You moaned at Kenma’s newfound confidence. Or maybe it was always there, waiting to be freed like a lion in a cage. “Can we stay here for a while longer, please?” you kissed the side of his neck, leaving a new lipstick mark. “Ravish each other for only a bit longer…”
Kenma tilted his head to the side, giving you better access to his neck. “Whatever you want, pretty girl.” he sighed in pleasure as your lips made contact with his neck once more, his cock growing harder in his dress pants.
You smirked at the dark sounds he was making, sliding your hands under his dress shirt to run your long nails up and down his abs. Kenma was thin, but he had lean muscle. He briefly gasped as your warm fingers danced across his abdomen, mouth left slightly agape as you made the bold choice to nibble on his sensitive neck.
“Oh, do you like that?” you teased, your hands leaving his abs to tug on his hair again. “I never pegged you for someone who likes being bitten.”
“You just met me,” Kenma breathed, pulling you away from his neck. “There’s a lot about me that you don’t know.” his hand gripped your hair, forcefully tugging your neck to the side. “For example,” his breath tickled your neck. “That I bite back. Hard.”
You yelped as his sharp teeth grazed your skin, his lips sucking gently on the spot just above your jugular. You instinctively bucked your hips across his thigh, earning a deep chuckle from him. “Do you like getting bitten, pretty girl?” he pulled away, kissing the spot where he suckled. 
“Very much,” your hands cupped his face, thumbs running over his cheekbones. “Can we get back to your hotel now? You got me all hot and bothered.”
Kenma sighed reluctantly and rested his head on his head. “Well, you got me all bothered, too,” he gestured to the tent in his pants. “I can’t drive until it goes down. I’ll be too…distracted.” he raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh,” you blinked, looking down at the tent between his legs. “Do you want some help with that?” you tilted your head to the side, smiling mischievously.
Kenma chuckled. “If you’re offering, be my fucking guest.” he took off his belt and placed it on the passenger seat. “Uh, we should probably do this in the back. There’s more room up there anyways.”
You giggled and happily hoisted yourself into the backseat, dragging Kenma along with you. He grunted as he hit the expensive leather backing of his car, quickly becoming distracted as you got on your knees and sank below him. “Fuck, you look so pretty like that,” he mumbled, his right hand tangling itself in your hair. “Don’t keep me waiting, baby. The sooner you suck me off, the sooner I can drive us back to my hotel,” his voice dropped to a deep whisper. “And the sooner I can make you bounce on this cock.”
Your hands trembled as you pawed at the hem of his pants, tugging them down to his ankles. He wore slick, black boxers that had a wet spot at the very top, undoubtedly caused by the precum leaking from his cock. You gasped as his cock sprang free from entrapment, slapping beautifully against his shirt.
Kenma groaned as the hot air of the car hit his leaking cock, the pretty pink head gushing with precum. Your fingers curled around the base of his cock, running up and down the pulsating vein. He let out a low groan as you stroked him gently, sending shivers down your spine. He was painfully hard, practically throbbing in your hand. 
“Be a good girl,” Kenma murmured in a low rumble. “And suck it.”
You opened your mouth, your tongue poking out to lick his tip, gathering the precum on your wet muscle. It was salty and bitter and yet so incredibly addicting. You took him in your mouth, your tongue swirling in circles around the head. His hips bucked forward, nearly causing you to choke on his length. 
“Shit, you got some mouth on you,” Kenma’s grip tightened in your hair. “M’not sure if I’m gonna last for much longer.”
You simply hummed as you licked the underside of his shaft, reveling in how he felt on your tongue. Your jaw slowly ached from being open for so long, but you didn’t care. All that mattered right then was sucking Kenma’s cock like it was your life’s mission. His hand clenched your hair, pulling your mouth further onto his cock until you were choking on his length, his hips bucking slowly into your mouth in desperate chase of his release. 
“F-fuck! Sorry baby, didn’t mean to fuck your mouth,” Kenma whimpered, the sensation of the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat driving him wild. “God, but you look so good taking all of me. I’m gonna cum on your tongue, yeah?” you frantically nodded, tears swelling up in your eyes as his cock abused your throat over and over again. 
With a final pulse in your mouth, Kenma came. You whimpered at the thick liquid entering your mouth, pooling at the back of your tongue. He groaned as he pulled you off of his length, his face incredibly flushed. “Don’t swallow yet,” he commanded. “Show me.” 
You stuck your tongue out, showing Kenma his seed that gathered on your tongue so wonderfully. He moaned at the sight, letting go of your hair. “Good girl. You can swallow now.” you nodded, swallowing his release slowly. It was still bitter and salty, but you wouldn’t mind doing it again. 
“Oh, it’s…different,” you tried to hide your grimace, aiming instead to shrivel your nose. “Really different.”
“If my cum tastes bad, you can just say that,” Kenma got himself dressed, fumbling his way to the driver's seat. “I don’t really have the best diet, I’m sorry about that.”
You chuckled and climbed to get in the passenger seat, your hair now thoroughly tangled and knotted. “It was one of the more bitter loads I’ve swallowed over the years.”
“Over the years, eh?” Kenma pushed the gas pedal, following the GPS coordinates to his hotel. “So you’re experienced?”
“Yeah, I am,” you crossed your arms, growing defensive. “If you don’t like that, I can go as soon as we get to the hotel.”
“What? No. I don’t care how many guys you’ve fucked.” Kenma rolled his eyes, his fingers tapping his steering wheel. “It’s none of my business. Why should I care?”
“Some guys care about that,” you responded.
“Well, not me.” Kenma shrugged as he pulled into the valet parking of the hotel, getting out of the car. He opened the door for you, wrapping an arm around your waist again. “Park it over there if you can,” he instructed the valet. “If you can manage to get it out of the sun in the morning, you’ll get a nice tip.”
As the valet made off with his car, you looked at the small bruise you left on his neck. It was cute and tiny, just like he was. As you entered the hotel lobby, you gasped, admiring the gorgeous dangling crystal chandelier. “
“Wow, this is gorgeous,” you breathed, grasping onto Kenma’s bicep. “I’ve stayed at fancy hotels before, but this beats all of them combined.” you looked at him briefly. “I forgot how rich you are.”
Kenma chuckled and walked you to the elevator. His hand firmly grasped your waist. “I don’t really put that much into my appearance if you haven’t noticed,” he smirked, selecting the seventh-floor button. The elevator dinged as you felt it rise up, getting distracted by the various mirrors in the small machine. “Hey, what if we made out in here, hm? We can press the emergency stop button.” you wiggled your eyebrows.
Kenma shook his head, squeezing your waist in assurance. “Nah, they have cameras in here. If the tape got out, our careers would be over,” his voice dropped to a whisper. “Although, I’d really like it if we fucked in front of a mirror sometime.”
“Maybe we will. It depends on how much I enjoy tonight.” you winked. 
The elevator dinged as you reached the seventh floor. Kenma practically pulled you out of it and dragged you to his room. He fumbled with the keycard as sweat dripped from his brow. He smirked as the key unlocked, pushing you inside. 
You giggled as you stumbled into his room, being granted only a moment to admire the elegant decor before his lips were upon yours again. One of his hands rested on your upper back while the other on your lower, his lips moving furiously with yours. You whimpered into the kiss, stumbling across the room with him until your behind met his tall mattress. Kenma broke the kiss and smirked, pushing you onto the mattress with a chuckle.
You giggled, the silky sheets enveloping you. Kenma took off your expensive heels and placed them on the ground next to his dress shoes, shrugging off his suit jacket in the process. “It’ll only get in the way,” he grunted, unbuttoning his shirt as well. “I’ve been waiting for too damn long only to get cockblocked by a stupid jacket.”
You smiled and took off your dress, tossing the expensive velvet fabric on the floor. Kenma’s breath hitched in his throat, biting his lip at seeing you in only black stockings and lingerie. “Holy shit,” he whispered, quickly taking off the rest of his clothes. “I can see why you’re a model. Fucking hell.”
He slammed his lips onto yours once more, his tongue prodding desperately for entrance to your cavern. You happily obliged, fingers entangling themselves in his chestnut strands again. Your teeth clashed in the molten kiss as he shamelessly explored your mouth, his typically lazy mannerisms being overcome with want for you. 
Kenma pulled away, gasping desperately for air. He wiped his mouth of any saliva that had gotten loose and firmly grasped your arms, rolling you over so you were on top. “Fuck,” he groaned, squeezing your thighs. “Fucking ride me, pretty girl. I need to you fucking badly.”
You smirked and shimmied off of his lap, pulling down your stockings and panties. You remained only in your bra, earning a disapproving look from Kenma. “Take that off too,” he ordered, feeling greedy. “I wanna see those tits bounce as you ride my cock.” 
You bit down on your lip and flung your bra to the opposite side of the room, your nipples growing hard as soon as the cold air of the hotel graced your chest. Kenma sighed, admiring your gorgeous naked form in front of him. It made perfect sense that you were a model. You were stunning. Every freckle and beauty spot made you that much more desirable. 
“So damn pretty,” Kenma’s hips involuntarily bucked in the air.
You giggled and squeezed your breasts, crawling back onto his lap. Your nails peeled his boxers off, letting his cock spring free once more. “Fuck, you’re hard again? Do you need more time to recover?” you asked.
“Hell no,” Kenma firmly grasped the base of his cock, pumping it with his fist. “I just need you to sit on it and ride me all night long. C’mon, pretty girl.”
You nodded and hovered above his cock, pausing momentarily. “By the way, I’m on the pill. Don’t worry.” 
Kenma began to smile, the expression being cut short and replaced with a look of euphoria as you slowly sunk onto his cock, mouth slightly agape as you struggled to adjust to his size. He wasn’t that girthy, but he was fucking long. 
“Shit,” you whimpered, leaning forward so your hands could find purchase in the bedsheets. “My throat could barely handle you. Fuck, you’re long.”
Kenma groaned as your greedy pussy took in all his length, begrudgingly giving you a moment to adjust to his size. “Do you feel good, pretty girl?” he squeezed one of your tits tightly. 
You nodded. “Yeah, you feel so fucking good.”
Kenma smirked, slapping your ass harshly. “So fucking ride me, I gotta see those tits bouncing in my face.”
You lifted your hips and plunged downwards quickly, grimacing slightly. Your hands chose to support themselves on his toned chest, using him to stabilize yourself as you slowly rose your hips up and down on his length, taking your sweet time.
Kenma sighed as his cock slid in and out of you, quickly growing annoyed with how gentle you were being with him. “Am I too much for you to handle, pretty?” his voice dripped with mockery.
“K-kind of. Fuck,” you groaned, trying to sink up and down faster.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” his hands lifted you off of his cock before mercilessly slamming you back down, filling you up so perfectly. You cried out, the sensation almost sending you over the edge and into nirvana. You arched your back, your fingers clawing at his chest.
“God, you’re dripping all over my stomach,” he huffed, pulling your torso closer to connect with his own. “So fucking sexy.”
You wriggled above him, moan after sensual moan being ripped from your lungs as Kenma slams you down on his cock over and over again, his balls colliding with your ass. “Fuck!” you sobbed, grasping, arching your back once more so your tits bounced in Kenma’s face. 
“Fucking perfect,” Kenma growled, feeling his cock twitch inside of you. The way the walls of your cunt milked his cock so desperately, he knew the two of you were close. “You wanna fucking cum with me, pretty baby? Make a mess all over like a good little slut? You know you want to.” his hand left your hips, grasping tightly onto your jaw. “Fucking say it.”
“I wanna make a mess all over your cock, Kenma! Shit!” you threw your head back, euphoria slowly approaching. 
“Good fucking girl,” Kenma tugged your jaw down, kissing you harshly as his orgasm washed over him. He groaned into your mouth, his cum eagerly filling you up with a pleasantly warm sensation. Your pussy milked him for all he was worth, happily squeezing his throbbing shaft.
“Shit!” you whimpered, shuddering as you felt nirvana as well. Your release coated his member, coming off of him with a wet popping sound. 
“Damn, that was really fucking good,” Kenma groaned as you rolled off of him, laying beside him on the massive bed. “You are…so fucking pretty. I’m glad I met you at that party.” he offered you a weak smile. 
“Me too, it was nice,” you smiled in return, kissing him on the cheek. “I assume I’m staying the night?” 
“Obviously,” Kenma rolled his eyes, pulling you closer to his sweaty form. “It would be a dick move not to cuddle you after I fucked your brains out.”
You giggled. “I’m glad,” the room smelled of sex and desire, the atmosphere thick with compensated tension. You yawned, curling yourself impossibly closer to him. “Well, I’m beat. See you tomorrow.” you closed your eyes, allowing the room's warmth to overtake you.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” Kenma mumbled, falling asleep soon afterward.
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You woke up to the buzzing of your phone, groaning in annoyance. “What fucking time is it…” you mumbled, reaching onto the ground to collect your device from your dress pocket. Your eyes barely open, you stared at your lock screen at an assault of missed texts and calls. “Oh fuck.”
“Hm? What’s up?” Kenma yawned, rubbing his eyes.
“We forgot about Lev.” you plainly stated, gulping anxiously. 
Kenma shrugged his shoulders, crawling to your side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek. “So what? He’s not our problem.”
You smiled, giggling at his peppering of kisses. “Yeah, I guess he isn’t.”
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nikibogwater · 3 years
The Final Becoming--a Tales of Arcadia fanfiction: Chapter Ten
A gentle king, a warrior queen, a clever prince, and a Master Wizard. Together with their allies, these four heroes must reform the ancient kingdom of Camelot and rise up to face the Arcane Order in a decisive final battle for the fate of everything they hold dear.
An alternate take on the series ending for those for whom Rise of the Titans didn't quite make the cut. Updates every Friday (weather permitting).
(Link to Chapter Nine)
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And so we begin wrapping up everyone's individual arcs. Thanks as always for the amazing support on this story, and I'll see you all next week for the grand conclusion!
The stillness was soon broken by a chorus of exhausted groans as everyone began to gather their bearings. No one could remember falling unconscious, but somehow they had all ended up on the ground nonetheless, feeling drained and sore. Douxie pushed himself up, wings lying heavily on his back, and surveyed the landscape with weary eyes.
They had done it. Bellroc was gone, sealed within Excalibur for the rest of eternity. He felt Nari’s presence within him flicker with a strange combination of relief and grief. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself with his staff.
“Oww,” Zoe groaned. “Gods, I was hoping I’d never have to do that again...” Douxie hobbled over to her and pulled her up into a tight embrace, wrapping his wings around her snugly.
“Thank you....for coming to help me,” he murmured.
“Mm-hmm...” she sighed into his shoulder. “You still owe me a burger.”
“Fair enough,” Douxie laughed breathlessly, giving her another squeeze before he let her go. “Looks like I’ve finally got an opening in my schedule.” He limped over to Jim next. The Trollhunter was leaning heavily against an exhausted-looking Claire.
“I didn’t know....magic could feel so much...like getting bowled over by a massive Troll,” he wheezed.
“It certainly takes some getting used to,” Douxie admitted. He picked up Excalibur from where it still lay on the ground. “It’s over now,” he murmured. “Finally... It’s all over.” He looked up at Jim with a proud, tired smile as he presented Excalibur to him. “You did well, Jim. Thank you. We couldn’t have done this without you.”
“It wasn’t just me,” Jim reminded him as he took his weapon back. He glanced at the gem for a moment, as though to make sure Bellroc was well and truly gone, before sheathing it on his back. “It was all of us. Together.” He looked around at his friends, now gathered around him, exhausted, but smiling. Aja had one arm draped around Krel’s shoulders, and another around Steve. Aaarrrgghh grunted affirmingly as Vex gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. Eli held out his hand to Steve in their trademark gesture.
“Creepslayerz?” he mumbled. Steve returned their sign with a shaky hand.
“Creepslayerz,” he crowed wearily, before pulling the young man in and tousling his hair. “You done good, Pepperjack.”
Jim watched the two of them with a smile for a moment, before his eyes widened and his face fell. “Tobes,” he muttered, pulling away from Claire and staggering over to where the two Hedgewitches were crouching over a familiar form. Aaarrrgghh charged along beside him, with Claire at their heels.
Toby lay bruised and battered on the ground, as Mabel and Violet carefully cleared away the last of the debris around him. His face littered with cuts and scrapes, his armor glittering with tiny crystals of ice. Jim let out a sob as he collapsed beside his friend. “Tobes... Tobes!”
“Wingman...” Aaarrrgghh rumbled, carefully cupping Toby’s cheek with a massive stony hand. Toby shifted slightly, face scrunching with discomfort, eyelids fluttering for a moment before opening a crack.
“...M’still alive,” he grunted. Jim sobbed again, louder this time, and gripped his friend’s hand.
“Gods, Toby,” he gasped. “Why did you do that?!”
“Don’t be dumb, Jimbo,” Toby replied hoarsely. “S’like I said....They have to go through Warhammer before they can reach Trollhunter.” He shifted again, groaning quietly through clenched teeth.  “S-so....did we win?”
“Yeah,” Jim croaked. “Yeah, we did Tobes. Bellroc’s gone for good now. We...” He choked and squeezed Toby’s hand with trembling fingers. “We beat ‘em....thanks to you.”
“That’s good,” Toby mumbled. “Real good...” He swallowed hard, and Jim realized there were tears welling up in his eyes.
“Jim...” he breathed, closing his eyes as a single tear carved a track down his grimy cheek. “...I can’t feel my legs.”
The silence that followed felt heavier than anything Jim had ever known.
“W-we have to get him to the hospital,” Claire said, rising to conjure up a shadow portal. Her magic sputtered and fizzled out uselessly--she was as spent as the others.
“I gotcha,” Violet offered, calling up a portal of her own. “Zoe, are you coming back with us?”
“Guess I’d better,” Zoe replied. She stood up on her toes and gave Douxie’s hair a ruffle. “Don’t forget about those burgers, yeah?”
“Right. Look after them for me,” he requested, tilting his head towards Jim, Claire, and Toby. “Send me a text once you get word from the doctor. I have to get back to Nari before these wings give out on me altogether.”
“Pity. I was kind of hoping they were permanent,” Zoe smirked half-heartedly.
“Oh, Hisirdoux,” Mabel piped up. “The forest goddess--when you see her, please tell her my grandmother’s violets are still thriving.”
“...What?” Douxie replied blankly.
“Too long of a story to tell right now,” Zoe said. “But Nari did Mabel’s family a favor about four centuries or so ago, and Mabes has been a big fan of hers ever since.”
“Oh. Well, I’ll be sure to give her your message, Mabel. And I’ll bring her ‘round for a visit soon, too. Wizard’s honor.” Mabel’s large brown eyes grew even larger, and sparkled with excitement as she gave an eager nod. Before taking off, Douxie looked over at Jim, heart twisting at the sight of his haunted, grief-filled eyes. “Jim?” The boy looked up, sniffling as he furiously rubbed his cheek with one hand. “I-I’m so sorry... If I had known Bellroc would... I swear I never meant--”
“This wasn’t your fault,” Jim cut him off. “You did the right thing. A-and I know he’ll be alright. This is Tobes, after all. So don’t give it another thought. Please.” Douxie couldn’t find the words to answer him with, so he merely nodded. His wings lifted, and with a single flap, he rocketed into the sky, and streaked out of sight over the horizon.
“Hey, come on, let’s get moving, people!” Violet called. Aaarrrgghh moved to lift Toby up, but she stopped him. “Uh-uh, Big Guy. He’s not like a Troll. If we move him after a hit like that, we’ll make it worse. Mabel can carry him with her magic--she knows how to do it right.” Aaarrrgghh seemed reluctant, but gave an affirming rumble nonetheless. Mabel waved her wand and carefully lifted Toby up, her magic wrapping around him with a soft, mint-colored glow.
“Aja, we should go with them as well,” Krel said. “Might be a while before Zadra can send a ship to pick you up. And I left Luug at HexTech, so you’ll have to swing by there to get him anyway. Stuart will likely want to see you too.”
“Alright,” Aja agreed.
“Hmm...Varvatos Vex has been hoping to see Nancy while he is here,” Vex posited.
“Yeah, and I wanna see my mom,” Eli put in. “When we last facetimed, she absolutely refused to believe I wasn’t using some kind of filter. Said there was no way I could’ve gotten this tall and handsome in just eight months.” He adjusted his glasses with a soft chuckle.
“For a purely organic function, human puberty can work some remarkable changes,” Krel observed as they followed Jim and Claire into Violet’s portal and stepped out in front of the Arcadia Oaks Hospital on the other side. “I wonder if such improvements could be artificially recreated for energy-based beings...I would not mind being a bit taller myself.”
“Jim? Jim, honey, wake up.”
Jim let out a groan, and then a hiss of pain as he was forced to rejoin the waking world. Early morning light was drifting through the windows, the potted plants around the room now casting long, spidery shadows across the floor. He had fallen asleep on one of the chairs in the hospital waiting room, and the ache of exhaustion coupled with the crick he now had in his neck made for a thoroughly unpleasant awakening. Claire was yawning and rubbing at one of her eyes in the chair next to him. Barbara was standing over him, smiling gently, though her eyes were still troubled.
“...Mom?” he mumbled blearily. “What time is... Tobes!” He shot upright, hissing in pain once more as he jostled his weary body. “Is he--”
“Jim, sweetie, listen to me very carefully--”
“No...!” he breathed, already knowing what would follow.
“Toby is going to be alright,” Barbara amended quickly. “But he...”
“...He’s never going to walk on his own again, is he?” Claire finished in a soft, hollow voice. Barbara let out a long, weary sigh, and nodded.
"Can we see him?” Jim gulped. He felt as though he was collapsing into himself, as though everything inside of him was twisting up and shrinking down, desperate to disappear from this awful reality altogether.
“Not yet, honey,” Barbara answered. “He needs to rest now. And both of you need to go home and get some real sleep.”
“I can’t leave him,” Jim insisted. “Mom, he’s in there because of me, I can’t--”
“He would want you to rest, Jim,” his mother cut him off. “Nancy is staying with him, but the hospital isn’t allowing him any visitors until he’s had some more time to recover. The best thing you can do for him now is take care of yourself so that you’ll be rested and ready once we get the all-clear.”
“She’s right, Jim,” Claire murmured, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’ll walk him home, Dr. Lake,” she said to Barbara.
“Thank you, Claire.”
“Come on,” Claire whispered, slipping her arm into Jim’s and coaxing him up. At this point, it was easier to just give in and let her lead him--he felt so numb he could barely remember how to walk.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he whispered brokenly, as he and Claire trudged arm-in-arm down the empty street. The dewy air of the early morning felt cool against their battle-stained faces. “The amulet chose me --I’m the one who was supposed to make all the sacrifices necessary for victory. Not Tobes, not Nomura, not anyone else.”
“That kind of thinking was what got you stuck in the Darklands by yourself, remember?” Claire chided gently. “Besides, Toby didn’t take that hit in order to ensure our victory. He took it for you--for his best friend. Trollhunter or not, he was always going to protect you.” She leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked on. “...And so am I.”
“It’s never going to be the same, is it?” he mourned. “We won, we protected the world, but we can’t ever go back to how it was before. It was foolish to think we ever could.”
“You’re right,” Claire replied softly. “We can’t go back.” Birds were twittering softly on the telephone lines above them as they turned into Jim’s neighborhood. “...But we can build a new future. Together.”
The light in the Eternal Forest had grown dim, bathing the caverns in a warm, golden glow, as though in imitation of the sunset. The deer tucked their heads beneath their wings, as above them, the brilliant-colored birds settled into their nests. Soft trilling filled the air, as the creatures of the dark took over the forest watch from their light-dwelling brethren.
Lying at the foot of the great tree Yggdrasil, the forest’s mistress began to stir.
The first thing Nari was aware of was that every part of her ached . She felt wrung out and sucked dry, like a tree that had been over-tapped. Yet she was also satisfied--at peace for the first time in almost a millenia. She shifted again, feeling smooth leather against her cheek. She closed her fingers around it, sighing contentedly. Something soft nudged her shoulder, and purring filled her ears. She pried one eyelid open to see Archie standing over her, back in his dragon form, golden eyes squinting fondly as he prodded her awake. The leather against her cheek was Douxie’s jacket, thoughtfully folded and placed beneath her head as an impromptu pillow. Douxie himself was reclining nearby against Yggdrasil’s trunk, looking just as drained as Nari, yet still managing a sincere smile when he looked over and saw she was awake.
“‘Morning,” he murmured, sitting up straight and stretching his arms above his head with an enormous yawn. A few downy feathers fluttered to the ground as he shifted--the last remnants of the magnificent wings she had made for him. She vaguely recalled struggling to keep him aloft as she called him back to the forest, her magic growing weaker with every passing moment. A rush of cold as something pulled her from Yggdrasil, warm scales folding around her protectively, a spike of fear before losing consciousness...
But she supposed none of that mattered now. Douxie was here, looking battered and exhausted, but alive and safe nonetheless. And with a start, she remembered.
The Order was gone. They were safe. She was free.
She didn’t realize tears were streaming down her cheeks until Douxie scrambled over to her, suddenly alarmed.
“Woah, woah woah woah, hey,” he fretted. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She choked out a wet laugh and shook her head, frantically scrubbing at her eyes in a futile attempt to stop the tears.
“I...I-I am happy,” she sobbed. “We did it. It is over now....At last.” Douxie visibly relaxed, clearly relieved that her tears were not the product of pain, and gave her a broad smile. It was soon followed by a disbelieving chuckle.
“Yeah...Guess it is.” There was a pause.
“...Douxie?” Nari prodded, sensing a lingering unhappiness in his aura.
“Sorry,” he said quickly. “I’m glad it’s over now, really, I just...” He sighed. “...I failed you, Nari.” Nari tilted her head, clearly confused. “I promised Merlin--promised you --that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. And I couldn’t keep that promise. A wizard is supposed to protect their ward with their life, but the Order pushed me aside like I was nothing. Everything that’s happened, all the people who were hurt, it was my fault, because I couldn’t stop them from taking you, from hurting you, and--”
“Douxie,” Nari cut him off. “I know the laws and traditions of magic better than any other. So you must believe me when I tell you that you have more than upheld your duty as a Master Wizard. Perhaps not in the traditional or expected way, but you upheld it nonetheless. And that has always been your nature, has it not? To find new paths to better ends. To use misfortune as a catalyst for victory. You did not fail me, Douxie. You saved me, and everyone else. Because of you, the realm of magic can finally know true peace. And...” She paused, reaching out to stroke Archie’s head before meeting Douxie’s gaze again. “...I have come to know what it means to be part of a family. To be loved. It is more than I could have ever hoped for.” She cupped his cheek with her free hand. “You are truly the greatest Master Wizard of them all, Hisirdoux Casperan. And I would have no one else as my guardian.”
Douxie breathed a shaky sigh, swallowing as unwelcome tears welled up in his eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“...So what now?” Archie asked after a long silence.
“I....don’t know,” Douxie admitted. “I hadn’t thought this far ahead. I don’t really have any plans.” He glanced questioningly between Nari and Archie, hoping for a suggestion.
“Well don’t look at me,” his Familiar replied. “You know I’m not the one who comes up with those things.”
“Right, of course not,” Douxie muttered. He looked back at Nari, feeling oddly shy all of a sudden. “Uh... Nari, what exactly...I mean, are you... I guess you probably want to stay here, then.” he blurted awkwardly.
She stared at him in surprise for a moment.
“No,” she said, as though the idea was the most ridiculous thing he could have come up with. “I do not.” Douxie felt his heart leap in his chest, but quickly reined in his hope before he could be disappointed.
“Where will you go, then?”
“Where are you and Archie going?”
The hope he had reined in a moment previously broke free of his hold, and was now no longer a mere hope, but a surge of joy and relief flooding over him.
“...You mean you want to stay with us?” he croaked, still hardly daring to believe it. For so long, it had always been just him and Archie, and before Nari came into their lives, he would have said that was enough for him. But then she slipped quietly and comfortably into their little unit, settling in his heart as though she had always been there, right next to his Familiar. It wasn’t long before the thought of her leaving began to carry with it a cold, heavy feeling in his chest, one that was all-too-similar to what he had felt when Merlin first left him all those centuries ago. But he was so accustomed to making sacrifices now, to the loneliness that was the first burden any wizard must learn to bear, that to hear her say she wanted to stay was a bit like having his entire worldview shaken down and turned on its head.
“Of course I do,” she replied. “The defeat of the Arcane Order does not dissolve our arrangement as guardian and ward--we must formally dismiss one another for that to happen. And even if we were to do so, I....I would still very much like to remain with you and Archie. If not as your ward, then perhaps as something similar.”
“How about as part of our family?” Archie asked before Douxie could. “You have already been filling that role quite admirably for a while now anyways--best to stick with what you know, I always say.” Happy tears welled up in Nari’s eyes once more, and she nodded.
“Yes,” she whispered. “That will do just fine.”
Douxie gave a shaky laugh and pulled her in, grabbing Archie with his other arm and squeezing the both of them tight.
“Oh come now Douxie, no need for theatrics!” Archie protested, squirming half-heartedly in Douxie’s grasp, though he made no real effort to escape the embrace. Douxie laughed again, and only held the both of them tighter.
“I think I’ve bloody well earned some theatrics, Arch,” he said, voice wobbling just a bit, though the smile on his face never wavered.
At long last, after nine-hundred years of weary uncertainty, the future looked bright for Master Wizard Hisirdoux Casperan.
Krel’s house here on earth was a far cry from his bedroom suite in the palace on Akiridion V, Aja thought as she sank into his patchy sofa. Since the Mothership had been deactivated, he’d been living in a standard Akiridion Housing Pod; small, rudimentary dwellings typically used during inter-planetary exploration, rather than as full-time domiciles. But of course, he’d wasted no time in tricking this one out to suit his purposes. It was a mish-mash of both human and Akiridion decor, with soft lights that faded in and out of different colors depending on the hour. It was chaotic, but undeniably Krel-like.
The queen let out a sigh and propped her chin on her hand, watching the changing lights reflecting off the dark grey walls with an absent gaze.
“Hey, babe.” Steve dropped down on the sofa beside her, making the whole thing bounce with his weight. “Why the long face?”
“It is not any longer than yours, I don’t think,” Aja replied, brow furrowing. She took a quick measurement with her hands and compared it to his.
“N-No, I don’t mean...It’s an expression. It means, why do you look sad right now?”
“Oh.” Aja dropped her chin back into her hand with another sigh. “Many things, I suppose. I am worried about Toby. Human medical procedures take such a long time. I thought we would hear something right away, but it has been hours. I know Vex told us to rest, but I cannot stop thinking about how much still needs to be fixed. Both here, and on Akiridion V.”
“What’s going on with Akiridion V?” Steve asked.
“I think a better question would be what isn’t going on with Akiridion V,” Aja grumbled. “Every delcon, something goes wrong, whether it is a tech malfunction or a street protest. It is my job as queen to fix all of these things, but I am almost never sure how I should be doing it.”
“Woah. I didn’t know your planet was so....crazy,” Steve remarked, before quickly backtracking. “I-I mean, no offense, or anything, it’s probably a super cool place--I mean, Eli says it’s cool and I figure he knows what he’s talking about!”
“He does,” Aja giggled, placing a reassuring hand on Steve’s. “But you are not wrong. Sometimes it does feel like my whole planet is turning mad. It wasn’t like this when my parents were ruling. But Morando’s takeover changed everything. He depleted our entire store of resources in order to create his Omen army, leaving us with very little we can use to rebuild. The people are scared now, many of them are still suffering from the destruction he caused, and it seems that no matter what I do, many of them are angry with my decisions.”
“What?! That’s completely nutzoid!” Steve burst out. “You’re like, Super Queen Lady! You’re always doing leader stuff, and thinking about what’s best for them, even when you’re ninja-kicking Creeper butt on another planet!  How could they be mad at you?”
“Perhaps mad is a strong word,” she admitted. “I think most of them are simply frightened. They are afraid of being attacked while our planet is still vulnerable, and losing what little they have left. When I announced my decision to use the Omens to help rebuild our planet, rather than as a military force, many of them protested that without the might of the Omens, we could not withstand another invasion. Perhaps they are right....Our army is still only a fraction of the size it once was, even though the Resistance has been working to rebuild it. For now, Akiridion V is a peaceful planet, and we have no known enemies within our galaxy. But if that were to change suddenly, and we were to be attacked, we would surely be defeated.”
“So...How come you’re not using the Omens, then?”
“I wanted to use them to heal our planet, not harm others,” Aja answered. “It seemed like something my parents would have wanted. Even now, there are still Akiridion citizens living in shelters, people who were imprisoned during Morando’s rule who lost everything. Our stasis chambers are filled with injured Akiridions, whose families are still waiting for them to awaken. No amount of military power would help them. But the technology within the Omens has proven to be extremely versatile--our scientists even found a way to speed up regeneration in stasis pods by up to forty percent, using the Omens’ energy cores. And that is only the beginning of what we could accomplish with them.”
“So what you need is a good way to protect your planet without having to use the Omens,” Steve surmised.
“That would be the ideal, yes,” Aja agreed.
“What you need....is a Roundtable!”
“...I am not sure that a single table would offer much protection for the entire planet, Steve.”
“No, not like an actual table! A Roundtable! A group of knights! Warriors sworn to protect your planet, with the powers of friendship and cool weapons and great hair! Like what they had in Camelot!” He grabbed her by the shoulders, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. “Aja, this is perfect!”
“What is perfect? I don’t understand, Steve.”
“Ever since I came back from Camelot, I’ve been trying to find a way to keep my promise to Lancelot--I wanna reform the Roundtable and bring back the knights. Problem is, I didn’t really know how to do that. I mean, I tried going door to door and handing out fliers, but that didn’t work. One guy even asked me if I had permission from the government to be doing that. Southern Cali just doesn’t really need any knights right now. But that’s exactly what Akiridion V needs! We could join the two planets together as allies, humans and Akiridions protecting the peace as friends!” He pumped his fist excitedly. “That way, both planets will be safe, and you can use the Omens to help fix yours!”
“Steve...!” Aja breathed. “...Oh you great, wonderful oaf!” She tackled him in a four-armed hug. “You would really do that for me?”
“Aja, I’d do anything for you,” Steve replied. “...Except maybe get a buzz cut.”
“I am....not entirely sure what that is, but I will certainly never ask such a thing from you,” Aja promised, cupping his face tenderly. Unfortunately, the moment of elation came to an abrupt halt.
“Ai, ai, ai, if you two are going to mash faces again, would you mind doing it somewhere else?” Aja looked up to see Krel sitting at his kitchen table, a sandwich in one hand, and a datapad in the other. Luug was jumping around behind him, trying to get hold of the sandwich.
“Krel! How long have you been sitting there?!” she demanded furiously.
“This is my house,” Krel returned, taking a bite out of his sandwich without taking his eyes off of the datapad. Luug growled in frustration and sat down to pout underneath the table. “I don’t exactly need your permission to be here.” He set the pad down and finally looked up at her. “But I will concede that Steve is onto something. Our people fear that the peaceful solution will leave them vulnerable. By allying with warriors from Earth, you will not only assuage that fear, you will prove to them that Mama and Papa--that you --are right; real strength comes from kindness and compromise, not from weapons of destruction.”
“Woah...When did you learn how to talk all kingly like that?” Steve marvelled.
“Akiridion Royalty has that sort of thing drilled into them from the moment their cores are fully developed,” Krel answered. “But don’t think that I support this plan for purely selfless reasons.” He stretched one set of arms above his head lazily, while his free hand picked up the datapad again. “I haven’t nearly finished my work here, and if Akiridion V and Earth became allies, naturally as the king-in-waiting, and the Akiridion with the most knowledge regarding Earth customs, I would have a regal responsibility to continue to live here as a mediator and a representative.”
“You don’t want to return home, Krel?” Aja asked softly, face falling in disappointment.
“Not yet, Aja,” he replied, voice a touch gentler than before. “There is still so much to learn here, so many things I want to do. This is my place--my home. Just as Akiridion V is yours. Besides,” His voice regained its usual cool indifference as he returned his attention to the datapad. “there’s no way I’m going to live at the palace if Staja’s becoming an in-house thing. Delcon after delcon of having to put up with you two falling all over each other like a couple of lovesick gloobers? No, I’ll take my life in squalor here on the mud ball, thank you.”
“Welp, I’m gonna go start packing then,” Steve announced, giving Aja a rough smooch on the cheek. “Gotta let Coach and Mom know where I’m going, too. That might take a while... Coach is probably gonna cry when I tell him.”
“I will wait for you, Steve,” Aja assured him. Once he was out the door, she looked back at Krel. “...Are you certain about this, Little Brother? Please, be serious.”
“I am always serious, Aja,” Krel answered through a mouthful of sandwich. “And I am certain.”
“But, without Ricky and Lucy....you will be on your own here.” He stopped chewing for a moment, eyes flicking back and forth across his datapad distractedly.
“...I am aware of that,” he said gruffly. “But I am not leaving until my work here is done. I am not needed on Akiridion V in the way you are, Aja. I may be King-in-Waiting, but you know it was always you who carried the hopes of our people, even when you kept running off. But on this Seklos-forsaken mud ball, people are always asking me stupid questions with obvious answers, thanking me for fixing those prehistoric slabs they call phones, inviting DJ Kleb to add ‘sick beats’ to an otherwise dull event. It is very strange, but....I like helping them. I have a purpose here, something I never felt I had back on Akiridion V. And if you really intend to go through with your oaf’s plan, you will need an Akiridion representative here. In that case, I would be helping you as well. That only makes me want to stay even more.” He finally tossed a piece of his sandwich to Luug under the table. “...But you are not allowed to tell anyone I said that.”
“Fine,” Aja acquiesced, crossing both sets of arms. “I will keep your secret, but only so long as you come visit us on weekends. Deal?”
“You drive a hard bargain, Sister. It is a deal.”
“And I will be appointing Varvatos as your fulltime Royal Guardian.”
Krel choked on his sandwich.
Thanks for reading! ✨
(Link to Chapter Eleven)
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ScottyMcGeester Plays Every Final Fantasy Game*
*Okay, all the main games except 11 and 14 since they are online only, and also no spinoffs or sequels.
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Years ago, I had a goal to finish every Final Fantasy game. As of December 30, 2020, I finally reached that goal. I originally started posting these reviews way back in 2017 on VGF(VIdeo Game Forums), and posted one review after another as I completed each game. I had already finished a few before I started reviewing the series, such as Final Fantasy I, II, VI, IX, and X.
Final Fantasy X was my very first Final Fantasy game, way back when it first came out on the PS2. It took me years to finish that game, mostly because I was still a novice at RPGs and I didn’t quite know what I was doing. Still, the world and concepts of Final Fantasy gripped me. As a sci-fi/fantasy writer, they inspired tons of elements in my stories. The series spans a multitude of genre-bending stories – sci-fi, fantasy, some steampunk, modern fantasy, space, traditional fantasy with knights in armor – and a whole lot of crystals. I wrote these reviews as if you have no idea what Final Fantasy is – whether you are a gamer or non-gamer. This first post is a general introduction to the series as a whole, but even if you are a die-hard fan already, there are some things that I explore that I hope you'll find interesting. What is Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy is a roleplay video game series that started back in 1987. The first game was reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons, where you could choose one of six roles for a team of four: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Thief, Monk and Warrior. Square, now known as Square Enix, developed the game. A legendary rumor about the title “Final Fantasy” comes from the story that they were on the verge of bankruptcy. They only had money for one more game, a fantasy game. They dubbed it “Final Fantasy.” This apocryphal story is nowhere near true. Square had made video games before and they didn’t do well, but the company itself wasn’t on the verge of bankruptcy. What happened was that the developer, Hironobu Sakaguchi, had planned to retire. He didn’t see any foreseeable future in video gaming with Square’s mediocre performance. He wanted to make a fantasy game and dubbed it “Final Fantasy”, since it was to be his personal last work. He also wanted the game to be abbreviated as “FF” – they originally had “Fighting Fantasy” in mind but that name was already trademarked by a board game. Final Fantasy initially sold 400,000 copies in Japan and became and instant hit. Nintendo of America approached Square to release a localized version for the states. Final Fantasy became far from Sakaguchi’s last game. What’s Final Fantasy about? Every main Final Fantasy game has a new story with new characters and even new gameplay. Some games have direct sequels and are recognizable with a subtitle, or an additional number following a dash. For example, there is Final Fantasy VII, and the direct sequel to that Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. There's a direct sequel to Final Fantasy X titled Final Fantasy X-2. But even though each Final Fantasy game is different, there are still central elements that make them a Final Fantasy game. You can’t just write up a random fantasy story and slap the Final Fantasy name on it. The following elements are what make a Final Fantasy game. Some are obvious while others not so much. Chocobos:
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Chocobos were first introduced in Final Fantasy II, but have been present ever since. They are cute, large birds that the characters often ride across fields or sometimes call into battle. They have practically become the mascot of the series. Moogles, Cactuars and Tonberries – oh my!
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Moogles (pictured above) are telepathic creatures that help the players, or sometimes they can be a playable character. They debuted in Final Fantasy III.
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Cactuars (right) and Tonberries (left) are cute, unassuming enemies that are actually highly dangerous, killing you in one shot if you are not careful or fast enough. The former debuted in Final Fantasy VI while the latter debuted in Final Fantasy V. Summons:
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Sometimes they go by different names, like eidolons or espers. Summons are massive, fantastic beasts that you can call upon to aide you in battle to fight the enemy. Summons became a staple ever since Final Fantasy III. In some games, they are merely there to call into battle, while in other games they are central to the story. Airships:
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Airships have been present since the first game. They are massive boat-looking airplanes. In the more recent games, airships look almost like spaceships.
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With the exception of the original Final Fantasy (except in later remakes), every game has a character named Cid. Cid is typically the character who owns an airship.
Items and Magic Spells:
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Each game shares virtually all the same items and magic spells. Antidotes. Eye drops. Maiden's kiss. Holy water. Phoenix Down is well-known for reviving knocked-out characters in battle. The spells follow a hierarchy of levels. For example, Cure is the basic spell to heal somebody. The second level spell for healing is Cura. Then Curaga. Then finally Curaja. Most other spells follow the same format. The same high-level spells also frequently appear throughout the games, such as Holy and Flare.
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With a few exceptions, crystals appear in nearly every game. They often serve as plot devices, whether they be the force that protects the planet or powerful objects coveted by the enemy. They also oftentimes have a consciousness of their own, communicating with the characters and calling them to their destiny.
Mythological References:
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Final Fantasy is riddled with mythological references. Many summons and creatures take the names of mythological creatures or deities, such as Shiva, Bahamut, Leviathan, Behemoth, Odin, and Ifrit. Certain villains share the names of mythological figures or they are derived from certain mythological concepts, such as Gilgamesh and Sephiroth. Many of the games have legendary weapons you can find near the end of the journey. These are typically named after legendary Japanese figures, such as Masamune and Yoichi, or other world mythologies, such as Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. Saving the World:
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Final Fantasy isn’t about saving a particular princess, or person for that matter. The ultimate goal is to save the entire world, or even the very fabric of reality. Evil spreads in many ways, such as a sealed darkness trying to break free, empires with ambitious goals, villainous subordinates who pull the strings of politics, or empires destroying the environment. Typically, the main cast consists of characters from all walks of life. They all have to learn to work together and get through their personal struggles to save the world. Existential Crisis (or Startling Revelation):
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By the time you reach the third act of a Final Fantasy game, some startling revelation forces the characters to question their very existence. A villain is revealed to be a hero’s family member, a main character realizes they're a clone, another realizes that they cannot live without magic, etc. Typically, the main character questions the nature of their soul, if they die like regular beings and become part of some greater life force, or blink out into oblivion. Whatever the revelation may be – it serves as a final crisis that the characters have to overcome. The Descent into Hell:
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Every third act of a Final Fantasy game ends with what I like to call a “descent into hell”. The final dungeon is always some kind of bizarre world. In Final Fantasy II, you literally descend into hell to fight the Emperor. Throughout the series, hell is more metaphorical. The final dungeons can be a massive, sprawling tower or dreadnought, or a strange dimension that appears to have no rhyme or reason. Sometimes I'm reminded of M.C. Escher’s work, “Relativity”, or sometimes it reminds me of some cosmic horror featured in the Cthulhu Mythos. These final dungeons can be inter-dimensional rifts between space and times, pockets in reality, subterranean depths, insane worlds that the villain created, and worlds of darkness. (Final Fantasy IX's Memoria)
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(M.C. Escher's “Relativity”)
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These stylistic approaches for the final dungeon represent the oncoming battle with the forces of chaos. Fighting God:
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After venturing through the surreal and hellish final dungeon, you face the main villain. The main villain always achieves godlike status or the characters actually have to defeat a god in order to save the world from its oppressive reign. Many stories appear to throw in a last minute ultimate god who was pulling the strings of the plot the entire time. The purpose of dealing with gods and goddesses represents the characters’ desire to control their own fate and alter their destiny. Most of these bosses are strange and grotesque, definitely getting a Cthulhu vibe from them. I looked at them and thought, "Christ, what the hell is THAT supposed to be?"
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It always feels like THE final fantasy:
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Each game, no matter what happens or how it happens, feels like the be-all-end-all of its story – its fictional universe. Direct sequels were unheard of until Final Fantasy X-2, which while fun, was wildly different in tone from the original game, and critics pointed out that it ruined the finality of Final Fantasy X. This is one reason why I think direct sequels to Final Fantasy games fail – what else could the main characters possibly face that is more dangerous than the one they just encountered? Anything else would feel like child’s play to them. NOTABLE PEOPLE Aside from the characters, stories and games themselves, the people behind the series have achieved legendary status. Nobuo Uematsu:
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The original composer of Final Fantasy. Uematsu single-handedly scored the first 9 Final Fantasy games. Uematsu surprisingly never had any formal training in music – a trait that would ostracize any composer, such as Danny Elfman. I find that the those who haven't had any formal training usually break the mold with music. Uematsu started working for Square at around 25 for the first Final Fantasy game, starting out with nothing and never suspecting his job would lead him where he is now. His music is unique for incorporating elements of classic and progressive rock, specifically in the battle themes. Uematsu’s themes for each game have achieved instant recognition in the gaming world, as recognizable as the theme to Star Wars or James Bond. Tetsuya Nomura:
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Tetsuya Nomura is a video game designer and director who started at Square in 1990. He rose to prominence when he was given full control of designing the characters for Final Fantasy VII – arguably the most popular Final Fantasy game to date because of its characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Vincent Valentine and Sephiroth. Nomura went on to create more legendary characters for Final Fantasy VIII, X and XIII. Yoshitaka Amano:
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Amano is the artist whose work is most known now in Final Fantasy. He has done concept art and design for every game in the series. His style is instantly recognizable. He has also drawn for many anime shows, comics and mangas, such as Vampire Hunter D and Sandman: The Dream Hunters.
And last but certainly not least - THE MUSIC Final Fantasy has left its mark in the musical soundtrack of video games. Each game more or less shares three of the same memorable tracks.
The Prelude:
The Victory Fanfare:
The Final Fantasy Main Theme:
Each review I post will critique major aspects of each Final Fantasy game, such as its gameplay, graphics, story, and music. Today is currently January 3, 2020 (technically the 4th when I post this because it’s past midnight), and I will be posting one review per day so as to not lose my sanity editing and formatting everything at once here. So look forward to the very first review tomorrow starting with the very first Final Fantasy game.
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right where you left me
A/N: So here it is, a full 3 days after I said I’d post it. Things have been pretty crappy, so I apologize if there was anyone out there who actually cared about this fic. The idea came to me while listening to right where you left me by Taylor Swift. I had this image of like, okay, we know about Lorraine, but what if there was someone back in Texas still waiting for Javi, after all this time? And from that thought, came this. it’s not beta-read in the slightest, so I’m so sorry if there’s any typos or sentences that don’t sound right. Thanks, y’all. Enjoy.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: maybe some language?? abandonment, Javier Peña
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Prom night was supposed to be the best night of your high school career. And at first, it really felt like it might be. Your best friend Javier Peña was taking you, and you had picked the perfect dress. You and Javi were going as friends, but you really thought that this might finally be the night that you worked up the courage to tell him how you felt. You’d been dancing around each other for months, and tonight was the night that you’d finally take your friendship to a new level.
At 8pm sharp, there was a knock on your door. Javi was always right on time. You walked down the stairs slowly, like you’d seen girls do in movies, but Javi just smiled up at you and went, “Hey, you actually look like a human instead of a troll today!”
Needless to say, you weren’t exactly ecstatic at the start of the night. By the time you got to the prom, though, you had calmed down and reminded yourself that Javi was prone to sticking his foot in his mouth. He was probably just not used to seeing you dressed up.
“You alright, squirt?” Javi asked as he helped you out of his truck and started to lead you into the school. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”
“No, I’m fine!” You smiled up at him, determined to have a good night. “Ready to force you to dance with me all night.”
Javi laughed at that. “I’ll give you three dances, alright squirt?”
“Deal!” You beamed up at him. Javi’s heart skipped a beat, like it always did when you smiled at him like that.
In the end, you got four and a half dances out of him. He wasn’t happy about it, but he would do anything you asked him to.
After the prom, you both ended up at the diner you worked at part-time, sharing a milkshake and a plate of fries. That was when the bomb dropped.
“I’m leaving,” he suddenly blurted out, halfway through the milkshake.
“Oh, okay, I’ll go get us a box—” you started to offer helpfully.
“No, I…” he grabbed your hand to stop you getting up, “I, uh, I’m going to Quantico. After graduation.”
Quantico was a conversation that had been looming over the two of you for the last three months. Javi wanted to go, and he wanted you to go up to Virginia with him. He begged you to at least apply to the schools in the area. He needed his best friend.
You’d been denied financial aid from the schools that you applied to.You would be staying in Texas. Eventually, with his father’s health declining after catching a bad bit of pneumonia, it had started to look like Javi might be staying in Texas too. But Chucho ended up making a full recovery, and insisted Javi went to Quantico to advance his career.
It seemed he would be taking his father’s advice. He would be leaving you.
But, you realized, the way Javi was telling you, the way his eyes were pleading with you now… It was almost as if he was waiting for you to ask him not to go. Javi would do anything you asked him to. But you couldn’t ask him to give up his future.
“I’m happy for you, Javi,” you managed to get out, tears collecting in your eyes as you smiled. “You’ve worked so hard to get there, you’re going to be amazing.”
Javi looked almost heartbroken. He had been so sure that you were going to yell and scream at him, beg him to please just stay. Yet, here you were, encouraging him to do the one thing he simultaneously wanted more than anything and didn’t want at all.
He just nodded silently and waited for you to finish the milkshake before taking you back home. You had both been anxious on the ride home. You knew it was now or never, because he was leaving in a week. The problem was that you weren’t going with him. Could you do it, knowing you’d be giving him a taste of what would never be?
You didn’t have time to think too hard about it before Javi had your face in his hands and was planting the sweetest kiss on your lips.
Before you could stop yourself, you whispered, “But, you’re leaving…”
The both of you stayed frozen for a few moments, before the tears in your eyes spilled over and you were rushing inside. Javi didn’t chase you, even though he wanted to.
The two of you avoided each other at school the following Monday. And then, a week later, he left.
Five years passed without much more than a few phone calls and a handful of letters passed between the two of you. You both chose to ignore the way that prom night ended. You needed each other too much. Even if it was a distanced friendship now, you chalked it up to growing up. Of course you weren’t going to be best friends forever, and it was foolish of you to consider that the distance wouldn’t change things.
But then, Javi walked into the diner. The same diner where he told you he was leaving. The same diner you still worked at every night, noon to close.
You couldn’t stop yourself from running up to him and grabbing him in a tight hug. He hugged you back, of course, squeezing you tightly and murmuring sweet nothings into your ear about how much he missed you.
“Javi, what are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be working for the DEA!” You squeezed him tighter, despite questioning his presence.
“What, I can’t visit home every once in a while, squirt?” He smirked that trademark smirk of his. You finally pulled back, crossing your arms over your chest and quirking an eyebrow.
“We haven’t seen you here since Christmas four years ago. And even then, only your dad saw you because you were only here for a night.”
“Alright, alright, I get it, I need to visit more,” he grumbled. His energy shifted into a nervous one. “You know, I’m actually here to, uh, give you this. I wanted to give it to you in person.”
He pulled a small slip of paper from his jacket, and you felt the blood leaving your head. You’d seen so many of these in the past two years, but you supposed you were getting to that age now.
“I wanted you to hear it from me,” he said gently, “because you mean more to me than anything. There’s a plus-one, if you, uh, need it.”
His brow furrowed as he said it, as though he was upset at the idea of you having a plus-one, and you were so confused by his expression that you almost forgot to take the paper from him. The invitation. A wedding invitation. Javi, your Javi, was getting married. You could hear a pin drop in the silence of the diner, mostly empty now, save for a few tables quietly eating amongst themselves.
“Congratulations, oh my god,” you finally exclaimed, quickly hugging him quickly so that he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to overflow. You hoped you sounded excited enough to throw off suspicion.
The two of you caught up over a milkshake and a plate of fries, and for a moment you could almost forget that five years had passed. You could almost forget the wedding invitation burning a hole into your apron.
When he asked you about your relationships, you were embarrassed to tell the truth. But you did, because you couldn’t exactly lie to Javi. He was still your best friend, distance and time spent away aside. You told him the truth, that none of the guys you met were the right fit. It was hard to find a good guy in this small town, you had jested. It was true. The best one had left.
Eventually, Javi left with a slip of, “Lorraine’s waiting for me—,” and you cut him off with a pained smile and a, “It’s fine, no it’s totally fine, I have to finish my shift anyways!”
In the end, you couldn’t make yourself go to the wedding. You picked up an extra shift that night, and focused on polishing each piece of silverware until it sparkled.
You’d learn two days later that Javi left her at the altar. Well, that is to say, he never even made it to the altar. He didn’t arrive to the church at all. He simply turned around, and booked a flight back to Quantico, tux and all. He was on the first plane out.
You didn’t know if you wanted to slap him or kiss him. You figured that it didn’t matter. You’d never get the chance to do either one.
Ten years passed after that. You saw Javi at some Christmases, and you were sure to give him hell for leaving a woman at the altar, but for the better half of ten years, you didn’t see him. When he went down to Columbia, he didn’t come home for holidays. He didn’t want to bring any trouble back up to Texas. It was understandable, but your heart ached every day.
You tried to move on. You’d been trying for fifteen years. But, if you were honest with yourself, there was just no one for you like Javi. No one could compare to him.
You were still working at the diner, but you’d been promoted. The old owner, when he passed away, left the entire thing in your name. He requested that his estate pay off the rest of the mortgage and overdue bills, and you were gifted the diner, completely debt free. You refused to just accept the free money, though. Along with your new duties as the owner, you still worked at the diner five nights per week. If you were honest with yourself, you didn’t really have anything else to do. Your cat had food and water, your plants were watered in the morning, and you didn’t have anyone waiting for you at home. So, every night you helped serve tables, run food, and even bus if it was busy enough. You were happy to work. It kept your mind off of how lonely you were.
You were working on closing up one cold, rainy night, when you heard the door open. You never got any patrons after 11pm, so you immediately grew suspicious. You subtly reached for the baseball bat you kept behind the counter.
“We’re closing up, can I help—,” you froze. Javi was standing in the diner soaking wet and shivering. “Oh my god, Javi?”
“H-Hey squirt,” he managed to get out through his chattering teeth.
You hurried over to him, shoving his jean jacket off his shoulders. “You’re going to make yourself sick in these wet clothes! Come on, I’ve got some stuff in the employee lost and found that might work.”
You quickly locked up the front and ushered a shaking Javi to the back room, shoving the first clothes you found that might fit him into his arms. He started stripping his shirt off before you could turn around, and you felt yourself going bright red. After an embarrassingly long moment of you being frozen in shock, you managed to spin around and hurry out to the front with a, “I’m gonna make you something warm to drink!”
Your shaky hands somehow threw two mugs of tea together, and you set them on a table just as Javi came out of the back dressed in oversized sweats and a tie dye hoodie. You offered a small smile and sat at the booth, before realizing it was the booth that you’d sat at together so many times. This was the booth that you’d sat at the night he told you he was leaving. And the night he’d invited you to his wedding.
He sat at the other side of the booth, his ears a bit pink as he bashfully avoided your eyes.
“T-Thanks for the clothes. I don’t know why I didn’t grab an umbrella as I left,” he ducked his head.
You just gently pushed the mug of tea closer to him. “So, what brings you here? What did I do to be graced with your presence on this fine night?”
You didn’t mean for it to come out sounding so snarky, but you saw Javi flinch at your words. His hands wrapped around the warm mug as he stared into the tea.
“I’m, uh… I’m back from Columbia. For good.”
That wasn’t what you’d expected. In your surprised state, you took a moment to examine Javi. This Javi was rugged and worn out. He had permanent bags under his eyes, worry lines in his forehead, a thick, prominent mustache on his lip where there used to be only peach fuzz. His shoulders were hunched over and tense, as if he was carrying the weight of the world on them. And he was, you realized.
The man in front of you was not the boy you graduated high school with. He wasn’t even the man who left his wife at the altar. This man was seasoned and hard, well aware of the darkest horrors that the world possessed.
“What happened down there, Javi?” You had to ask. You knew from the way his jaw clenched that he didn’t want to talk about it, but you also knew that if he didn’t talk about it with you, then there was no one else who stood a chance.
And so, he told you. He recounted his struggles finding Escobar, and then Escobar’s escape. He told you about Escobar’s death, and then the rise of the Calí cartel. The things he’d thought he had to do for the cause. The things he would never repeat to anyone else for years to come. The nightmares that plagued his mind every night. And you listened to him. You didn’t interrupt, except to reach across the table and grab his hand, squeezing tightly every so often to remind him that you were here.You’d always be here, and you both knew that. Javi left and came back and then left again, and you stayed planted to the spot he left you in, waiting patiently for him to come back.
Javi finally finished recounting the stories from Columbia around two in the morning. You’d sat there, holding hands across the table for nearly three hours. You knew, in your heart, that it was time to tell Javi. If he accepted you, you’d go from there. If he rejected you, it was time to move on and try to find some semblance of happiness while you still had time.
“Javi, I—”
“I love you, squirt.”
You must have been looking at him like he’d just told you he was growing a third leg, because he burst out laughing. You couldn’t form a coherent thought. All that came out was a broken, “W-What?”
Javi just tilted his head at you. “Well… you can’t be all that surprised, can you? After all this time, you don’t know?”
“Javi… Javi, we’ve been friends for thirty years, but I’ve barely seen you for half of them. You were… You almost got married, Javi! To someone who wasn’t me! And you have the nerve to say I can’t be all that surprised?!” You knew the volume of your voice had risen substantially, but you didn’t care. He had no right to come into your diner and act like, after fifteen years, he had any right to spring this on you.
“Squirt, I…” Javi sighed, getting up and coming around to your side of the table. He sat next to you and picked up your hands, clasping them tightly in his own. “I messed up. I know. I thought you were better off without me, that you were going to go on to do bigger and better things, and you have, but I… I’m going to be selfish, squirt, for one more time. I’m going to be selfish and tell you that I love you, and I need you. With Lorraine… I proposed because she expected it. We didn’t even really get along that well. A month after I proposed…,” his head dropped, ashamed as he spoke his next words, “I said your name in bed.”
If you hadn’t already been frozen to your seat with shock, you’re sure you would’ve fallen over.
“I know it was unfair to her. I wish I’d never asked her to marry me. I should have come back for you, told you how much I loved you and how much I needed you. You’ve been so patient with me, I know you have. You’ve been nothing but amazing, even when I was a shitty friend to you. I wanted you to come to Quantico with me, and when you couldn’t, I thought… I thought that it was the universe telling me that it wouldn’t work. But fuck the universe. I am so sorry that I ever left you, squirt. I love you. And, if you’ll have me, I want to be with you. I want to marry you, if you’ll let me.” He kissed the backs of your hands.
You stayed frozen for a moment. You knew that none of this was easy for Javi. Admitting his true feelings, owning up to his mistakes, apologizing. He was coming to you, with his heart on his sleeve, and begging you not to turn him away. And how could you, if you were honest? You’d stayed in this state, in this town, in this diner, all for him. You told yourself it was just stability and familiarity that kept you there, but deep down you had always known that you were waiting for Javi. Staying put, right where he left you, just in case he ever decided to come back. And here he was, asking you to love him.
“Javi, I love you, too.”
You’d never seen Javier cry. The day he left, he came close. When his arms wrapped around you, you’d felt him shudder, just once. When you pulled back, his eyes stayed averted, and he didn’t look at you again. Except when he left, about to board his flight, and his eyes were just a tad shinier than usual.
Now, Javi allowed full tears to stream down his cheeks, as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. He spoke no words, he just held you. He never truly thought that he would get to.
You slowly pulled back, reaching up to cup his cheeks and wipe away his tears. “I love you, Javi. And I… I’ll marry you, one day. Let’s see how this goes? I don’t want to spook you by us moving too fast, I can’t lose you.”
Javi shook his head frantically. “No, you’ll never lose me. I’m never leaving you again, I was a fool to have left for all these years.”
You wiped at his cheeks one more time, before leaning up to kiss him. And he kissed you back.
You supposed that, if you finally got to have him, then all of the pain you went through while he was gone was worth it. Your waiting hadn’t been for nothing, you finally had your Javi. He was holding you, right here, right now, in the same place he’d left you. Only, this time, he was here to stay. He was here with you.
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Burning Up [1/4]
Summary: When she applied to be the secretary for managing partner Rosé McCorkell, Denali hadn't expected to end up working for the biggest pain in her ass, nor did she expect anything beyond a professional relationship.
Word Count: 4,365
Note: Originally titled "Work Wives".
Prefer reading it on AO3?
Denali stood in front of the familiar panelled wooden door, a brown leather folio clutched to her chest and a fresh cup of coffee in her right hand. She was dressed in a cream sleeveless blouse and a black pencil skirt finished off with nude heels. She stared hard at the frosted glass with a name embossed in gold lettering across it.
Rosé McCorkell, one of the three managing partners in S. Child, a top law firm in New York City. She was also a major pain in Denali’s ass for all of the six months that she had been here as her secretary.
Steeling herself for her usual morning meeting with her, Denali took a deep breath, knocked on the door and waited. Seconds later, she heard the usual clicking of stiletto heels on hardwood floor before the door opened to reveal the woman that was her boss.
As much as she was a pain in the ass, Rosé McCorkell was undoubtedly a stunning woman. Standing tall in her black heels, she wore her auburn hair in perfect curls, dressed in a form fitting navy power suit with the blouse unbuttoned just low enough that Denali could see the deep curve of her cleavage. Catching herself before she stared for too long, she snapped her gaze back up to Rosé’s face and plastered on a smile, hoping that the other woman hadn’t noticed her staring.
“Good morning, Miss McCorkell, I’m here to go over your schedule for the day.”
Rosé stared back at Denali for a moment, causing the younger woman to squirm a little under her gaze, before deep red lips stretched into her trademark smirk.
The same smirk that drove Denali absolutely crazy for reasons she didn’t want to think too deeply into.
“Of course you are, come in.”
7 months ago.
Denali sat outside the interview room, waiting for her turn to go in. She was surrounded by other young candidates, each of them looking well groomed, neat and manicured. Most of them were in blazers, suits, the whole shebang and here Denali was dressed in a simple white blouse and black dress pants, her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail with black pumps on her feet.
She hadn’t really thought too much about it when she had come across the ad and applied for the position. She just needed a job after graduating from college, but now she wasn’t too sure on whether she had made a mistake applying to be the secretary of a managing partner at S. Child. Denali had thought it would be an easy job. After all, a secretary just needed to be organised and have a good head on their shoulders, right? She hadn’t thought it would be a challenge, but looking around her now, with so many tense faces and how the place screamed money, she felt like she was out of her depth.
Maybe it wasn’t too late to duck out…
“Miss Denali Foxx.”
Denali cursed under her breath for not noticing that the previous interviewee had already left the room. She stood and walked to the door, feeling the eyes of the other candidates eyeing her outfit in disdain. Bracing herself, she knocked on the door and waited for a second before entering, coming face to face with three women seated behind a lacquered wooden conference table. Denali took note of each one as she sat in the lone chair before them.
From the website she had briefly scrolled through, she could recognise the three managing partners - Jan Sport was on the left, followed by Lagoona Bloo in the middle and Rosé McCorkell, the managing partner that she was applying to be the secretary of, on the right. From what she had gathered, all three of them were charismatic, intelligent and ruthless in their own rights when in the courtroom.
Lagoona opened a manila folder, cleared her throat and smiled warmly at the blonde in front of her. “Good afternoon Miss Foxx, thank you for taking the time to come down for this interview.” Denali smiled back at her, feeling a little more at ease at how friendly Lagoona seemed.
“Good afternoon, and thank you for having me.”
Lagoona nodded and introduced the three of them, then began the interview by asking her questions, with Jan interjecting a few herself. Denali had managed to answer most of them confidently, only ever stumbling once. All the while Rosé, the one who would decide whether she would be hired or not, had remained silent, simply choosing to flip through the thin file that held Denali’s details, barely even sparing her a glance.
After about ten minutes of back and forth, Lagoona asked her final question, then turned to look at Rosé.
“I think that’s about it from us. Do you have any questions for her, Rosé?”
Denali gulped, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her as the other woman finally looked up at her, folding her hands and resting her chin on them. After a few excruciating seconds, Rosé leaned back in her seat, eyes still trained on the blonde woman before finally speaking.
“Yes, why should I hire you out of everyone out there? From what I’ve read in your file, you seem to be the most inexperienced out of all the candidates. Were you hoping to somehow find a sugar daddy here? I mean you clearly have the looks for it.”
There was pin drop silence at her question. Lagoona had her face buried in her hands and Jan was struggling between wanting to laugh and wanting to strangle Rosé. Denali however sat stone still as Rosé stared down at her, her expression bored as she waited for the blonde to reply.
Denali’s mind was blank for a second before rage filled her veins.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Resisting the urge to slap the woman in front of her, Denali reigned it in and instead plastered on the sweetest smile she could muster.
“Well as inexperienced as I am, I can guarantee that if you hire me, you wouldn’t be hiring a cookie cutter suck up that wouldn’t be able to look past designer labels or waste their time trying to be someone they’re not. I can also guarantee that you wouldn’t be hiring a pushover who would go crying to their mother when the job gets tough, and knows that their worth is much more than just a few flimsy pieces of paper that won’t tell you the things that really matter.”
Denali stood, smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt before looking Rosé in the eye.
“And the statement about me wanting a sugar daddy? I’d rather a sugar mommy than a sugar daddy, though from what I see, there aren’t any worth my time here anyways.”
Figuring that the interview was a lost cause, Denali nodded her thanks to a stunned Lagoona and laughing Jan, completely ignoring Rosé, and turned on her heel to leave when she was stopped by two words.
“You’re hired.”
Present day.
Grinding her teeth as she glared at the desk in front of her, Denali had to tell herself to calm down as the source of her irritation smirked in her direction. If there was one thing that Denali could not stand, it was Rosé’s way of constantly pushing her buttons. Oh, there was no denying that the woman was good at her job, but the way she seemed to ooze confidence and acted as if she owned the damn place? God, that just made Denali’s blood boil.
“Is something the matter, Nali?”
Denali clenched her fist at the sound of Rosé's nick name for her. It was as if the older woman knew that it riled her up whenever she called her that. Looking up at Rosé, Denali bit back an insult and instead forced herself to smile at her. “No, Miss McCorkell, nothing’s the matter at all. Everything is perfectly fine.”
Staring down at the defiant younger woman for a moment from across her desk, Rosé winked at her. “If you say so, baby.”
Denali gripped the pen in her hand tightly. She breathed through her nose, mentally counting down the seconds till their meeting was over and done with as she wrote down every point that Rosé had said. Quickly going over her notes one last time, she looked back up at Rosé. “Is there anything else, Miss McCorkell?”
Denali blinked.
“My name. I’ve told you to call me that from the beginning.” Denali rolled her eyes internally as she shuffled the loose sheets of paper into a neater pile. “And as I’ve said before, I’m much more comfortable calling you Miss McCorkell.” She heard Rosé’s low chuckle and the sound of fabric shifting. Denali looked up and immediately dropped her pen.
Rosé was suddenly much closer to her than before, leaning against the solid oak desk between them, an almost predatory look in her eye as she watched the younger girl seated in front of her.
“I wonder why.”
“So have you and Miss McCorkell fucked yet?”
Denali glared at Kandy as she walked back to her desk. She threw her pen at the girl and missed as it clattered to the floor, leaving the other girl cackling. “No bitch, and that’s never going to happen. What the fuck even makes you think that?” Kandy sat on the edge of Denali’s desk, a shit eating grin on her face. “Besides the fact that every time you leave her office, your face is always so flustered-“
“Because she always pisses me off-“
“-it’s also the way she stares at your ass, like she can’t wait to get her hands on it.” Denali rolled her eyes and retrieved her pen from the floor. “No, she doesn’t. I’ve never seen her look at my ass before.” And Denali was pretty sure that she would have noticed that, seeing as she’d been Rosé’s secretary for a while now. Plopping herself in her office chair, she opened her folio and started to go through her notes, pulling out a stack of colourful post-it’s from her drawer to help with her organisation. Not to be ignored, Kandy carried on as if the other girl wasn’t trying to ignore her.
“Girl, you don’t exactly have eyes on the back of your head, do you? Trust me, she wants to tap that.”
Denali resisted the urge to strangle the Latina sitting on her desk. Sure, there was always some tension in the room when they were together, but that was more from the fact that Rosé loved riling her up. It had been that way since day one, and sometimes Denali questioned her decision to have accepted the job offer, but the money and benefits were too good to pass up for a fresh grad. She shook her head as she replied dismissively.
“Even if she does, I’m not interested.”
Kandy looked at her in disbelief, one brow cocked. “Are you sure? She’s got a great pair of tits.” Well, she couldn’t argue with that. Denali had noticed Rosé’s ample breasts seeing as the managing partner loved to wear outfits that featured them in a daring, yet tasteful, fashion. If she had met Rosé in a bar, she would definitely have approached her.
Of course, she wasn’t going to tell Kandy that.
“Look, no matter how great her tits are, it’ll never make up for the mouth that she has on her.”
Kandy tutted, picking at her nails. “I’m pretty sure her mouth would be preoccupied when the two of you-“
“I’m just saying.”
Denali sighed, rubbing her forehead. God, this conversation was giving her a headache and digging at thoughts she had been trying to avoid herself.
“Listen Kandy, if there is one thing that I would never ever do, it is to sleep with my boss-“
“I don’t care if she’s staring at my ass, I don’t care what she thinks of it-“
“Me fucking Rosé McCorkell is never going to happen.”
“Well, as enlightening as this conversation is, it might be a little inappropriate to discuss my preferences in the office, don’t you think?”
She froze at the familiar voice behind her as Kandy quietly excused herself.
“Cat got your tongue, Miss Foxx?”
Fucking shit.
Denali slowly stood and turned to look at her boss, who had an amused expression on her face and a file in hand.
“I believe that you left this document behind in my office.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Denali moved to retrieve the file from Rosé, trying her best to regain her composure.
“Right, yes- Let me photocopy this for you right away, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé smirked and leaned in, her lips almost brushing against Denali’s ear.
“Strictly off the record, I do think you have a very nice ass.”
Face flushing a bright red and rendered speechless for a moment as Rosé pulled away, Denali stammered out an excuse before speeding off to the copy room, leaving behind a chuckling Rosé in her wake.
Denali was waiting alone for the lift at the end of the day, tapping her foot on the floor as she watched the numbers on the screen climb higher and higher.
It had been a long day, and she was still trying to recover from the embarrassing situation that had happened in the morning. She had spent the whole day actively avoiding her boss, something that wasn’t too difficult to do since she had a long list of tasks from her. Every time she had to drop something off at the older woman’s office, she made it a point to do so when she knew she was out for a meeting or when she was engaged in a call so that Rosé wouldn’t be able to say a word to her.
If she had the opportunity, Denali knew that the managing partner would say something to further humiliate or incite her.
Also, the statement that Rosé had made about her ass was still fresh and in the forefront of her mind, and something Denali had completely not expected. She knew that the two of them butted heads all the time, and that Rosé loved to challenge her secretary and pass along little comments and nicknames just to get a rise out of her. She had suspected that was the main reason that Rosé had hired her, because she was someone who fought back, but that comment about her ass? That had blindsided her.
She didn’t want to admit it, but everything Rosé did and said had an effect on her, and had been for some time now, but that was something that was entirely inappropriate.
Denali shifted her weight, watching the numbers get closer to the floor she was on when she heard the faint clicking of stilettos behind her and shut her eyes, praying to whoever was listening that the person approaching wasn’t who she thought it was, or that the elevator would arrive just before she did. Thankfully, the latter happened as the lift doors opened and Denali quickly stepped into the empty cab, immediately pressing the close button while pointedly making sure not to look up. She let out the breath that she had been unknowingly holding in as the doors slid closed, but her relief was short lived when the doors slid opened again, revealing the very same woman that she had been hoping not to see.
Nodding in greeting, she stepped to the side to give Rosé space, and also to put as much space as possible between the two of them. Rosé nodded back, and stood next to Denali, facing the doors as they closed and the lift slowly descended.
“So where has my little secretary been hiding the whole day?”
Denali’s hand twitched at her side. “I’ve been at my desk the entire day, Miss McCorkell, completing the tasks that you assigned me to do.”
“Is that so? So the little mouse that was scurrying in and out of my office wasn’t you?”
Swallowing a retort, Denali replied with as steady a voice as she could. “I don’t know what you mean, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé turned her head, an eyebrow raised as she looked down at the squirming girl. Before she could say anything, the lift dinged and a group of people entered, forcing the two of them to take a step back. Denali breathed through her nose, then noticed how close Rosé was to her now in the confined space, so close she could smell the expensive Chanel No. 5 perfume that she loved to wear. Her heart was racing, and she wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe it was the fact that Rosé was now standing close to her, or the fact that her words were replaying over and over in her mind.
Denali stilled when she felt a finger touching the back of hand. She looked down to see a perfectly manicured finger lazily tracing her knuckles before looking up at the owner of the hand, and felt all the air in her lungs escape.
Rosé was staring down at her, eyes a molten hazel and lips curved into that same infuriating smirk that drove Denali insane. She felt the other woman’s fingers slowly slip to the palm of her hand, the light touch causing heat to pool in Denali’s middle and her breath to shorten, and all the while Rosé never took her eyes off her. The younger girl swallowed and bit her lip, noting how the older woman’s heated gaze fell to her throat and then her lips, her palm tingling as Rosé continued to trace patterns on the sensitive skin of her palm.
Seconds later, their little bubble was broken when the lift dinged and people started to shuffle out. Rosé withdrew her hand, and made to leave too, but not before whispering in Denali’s ear.
“Never say never.”
Winking at the frozen girl, Rosé exited the lift, her hips swaying with each step as she left the building.
Denali was fucked.
The dynamics of their relationship had changed since that day. Rosé didn’t try as hard as before to get a rise out of Denali anymore. Before it seemed like she was aiming to piss her secretary off, but now it was the opposite. It was as if she was repeatedly trying to fluster her, dropping little teasing comments, purposely brushing their fingers together when passing Denali things, constantly staring intently at her with a knowing smirk on her face. It was slowly driving Denali insane.
She could handle it when Rosé was trying to piss her off, but this? This was completely different and she didn’t know how to handle this kind of attention from her. Denali always found herself blushing to her roots and stammering in response to these new interactions, which seemed to further amuse and encourage the redhead. With each interaction, Denali also found herself questioning everything.
Why was Rosé acting the way that she did?
Was she bored and simply wanted to find something to entertain her?
Was she just toying around with Denali and her emotions?
Sighing as she filled the cup of tea for Rosé’s potential new client, she shook the thoughts out of her head and walked back to the meeting room where he was waiting. Pasting on a polite smile, she pushed the glass door open and set the cup of tea on the table before a greasy looking man that looked as if he was in his late forties.
“Here’s your tea, Mister Tate.” The man smiled back at Denali, taking the cup of tea and sipping from it, all the while giving Denali a once over, much to her discomfort. Putting the cup down, he made a face. “Oh dear, there’s no sugar in this at all, is there?”
Denali blinked. He hadn’t mentioned any sugar earlier, and she had assumed that he wouldn’t need any. “My apologies, Mister Tate, let me get a fresh cup for you.” Reaching over to take back the cup, she was stopped when he grabbed onto her wrist, a sly smile on his face. “There’s no need to bother, it’s fine. After all, I have a sweet, pretty girl like you to entertain me while we wait for Miss McCorkell to arrive.”
Not another one of these men again. Forcing herself not to drop her smile, Denali replied in a tight voice. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr Tate.” She tried to politely tug her hand back to disengage his grip on her wrist, but before she knew it, he was on his feet, an arm slung over her shoulders.
“Mister Tate? No need for formalities, just call me Jim. After all, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around more often now.” Her stomach rolled at the pointed look he had in his eye, the widening smile on his face making him look even greasier. She knew his type and the implications behind his words, and had to force herself to hold in her disgust. As much as she wanted to knee him in the balls, she couldn’t do that here in the office, especially since he was a potential client of Rosé’s.
Swallowing the bile that was rising in her throat, Denali struggled to maintain being civil as she attempted to step out of his grip.
“Mister Tate, if you would kindly please let go of me, I-”
“Come now, Miss Foxx was it? Where’s your sense of hospitality? You forgot the sugar for my tea, but you look like you’ll make up for it-“
“What is going on here?”
The blonde felt a sheer sense of relief flood her when she saw the managing partner standing in the doorway of the meeting room, though the furious look in her eye was something unexpected.
Denali had never seen her this angry before.
The man however seemed completely oblivious to the rising anger of the other woman, and instead smiled at her. “Miss McCorkell! I was just getting acquainted with your lovely secretary here.”
Rosé glared at the man. “Mister Tate, I believe that my secretary doesn’t like your arm around her, and unless you’d like to lose that arm, I suggest that you take it off her.” Looking surprised, the man listened and took his arm off Denali, and she moved away, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Her eyes darted between the two as he stammered. “Miss McCorkell, we’re all adults here. I’m just having a bit of fun. Isn’t that why you keep her around? She sure is a stunner-”
Big mistake.
Rosé took a threatening step towards him, fists clenched and eyes glinting with unbridled rage at what he was implying.
“Get out.”
He gaped. “I- I beg your pardon?”
Rosé sneered, looking down at the now pale and shaking man.
“You heard me, you daft man, get out! I don’t need scum like you in my office, and I certainly don’t need your money. Now get out before I call security!”
Gaping like a fish out of water and scrambling to leave, the greasy man grabbed his bag and hurriedly left the office without looking back as Rosé kept her eyes pinned on his retreating back before turning back to face to her secretary. Denali gulped, and instinctively made to apologise, but was stopped when the older woman moved towards her and gently took her by the shoulders, examining her. “Denali, are you alright?” She asked, sliding her hands down and stopping to hold her wrists, rubbing soothing circles into her skin.
Denali hadn’t noticed, but she was shaking, and Rosé’s motions were slowly calming her down. Taking a shaky breath, Denali smiled weakly at her. “I’m fine, Miss McCorkell. Thank you for stepping in when you did.”
Rosé nodded. “Of course, how could I not? But are you sure you’re alright? Do you want to take the rest of the afternoon off?” Denali laughed drily, waving off the offer. “It’s alright, I’m fine now. It’s nothing that I’m not used to.” Rosé’s thumbs stopped moving and she frowned at Denali.
“What do you mean?” Denali blinked. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“I mean I’ve had my fair share of creeps before-“ She explained with a fake laugh, trying to lighten the mood when she saw Rosé’s face darkening.
That wasn’t good.
“You mean here? In my office?”
“Well, er-“ Rosé stepped closer into Denali’s space, raising a hand to cup her face as she stared into the younger’s eyes, voice low as she demanded. “The truth please.” Denali swallowed, feeling the slightly murderous intent that the other woman was exuding, which contradicted the gentle hold that she had on Denali. Hesitantly, Denali nodded.
Rosé clenched her jaw, taking a second to process what Denali had confirmed, before stepping back and letting go of her secretary. Denali could see that her hands were clenched into fists that Rosé quickly stuffed into the pockets of her suit when she noticed Denali looking at them, as if wanting to hide how she was trying to not lose her temper.
“I want their names.”
Denali frowned, confused. “Wha- Why?”
“So I can tear up their contracts. Anyone who touches you is not worth my time.” Denali’s eyes widened. This sounded like a rash decision, and she didn’t want to cost Rosé or the company money. Breaking contracts meant loss of income, which wasn’t worth it. Not when it was just a simple matter of harassment that she should be able to handle herself. “But Miss McCorkell, it’s not worth it, I can-“
Rosé shot Denali a sharp look at that, cutting her off. “No buts. I want their names on my desk by the end of the day.” Denali swallowed and nodded stiffly as Rosé held her gaze, eyes hardened before softening as she sighed. The managing partner turned to leave, but stopped at the doorway to give her one last meaningful look.
“Denali, don’t ever think that you’re not worth it.”
And she left, leaving behind a wide eyed and blushing Denali staring after her.
I have been hung up on the idea of writing a fic with a flirty boss Rosé and feisty secretary Denali. The sexual tension just writes itself.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. (:
xoxo Vera
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kareofbears · 4 years
persona 5 strikers thoughts and feelings
This is going to be a long post. Like, the type of post you’d only really have time to read when you’re trying to sleep but you’re not ready to be unconscious yet so you’re just looking for something to do to spend your time with minimal effort. 
So in 2018, a masterpiece was born into the world: Into the Spider-verse was released and it was amazing—it’s honestly the best spiderman movie we have without a doubt, and it’ll be very far into the future before Spider-verse is beaten as the best spiderman movie. Them’s the facts. Then in 2019, Spider-man: Far From Home was dropped. It’s a great movie! Great characters, great continuation of who these characters are and works fantastic as a continuation of a story. It’s really hard trying to take the torch of a previous movie (or in Marvel’s case, juggling twenty something movies) and come up with a new movie that both works on its own, as well as being the next step in this series of films. Thus, with that idea in mind, I think it’s kind of unfair to judge into the spiderverse and far from home, because these are two movies with two completely different objectives in mind. 
Okay, so this is still a persona 5 strikers post, I promise, but the idea is the same: Persona 5 could basically do whatever it wanted—new story, new characters, new everything, and it’s just plain old awesome. However, Persona 5 strikers did not have that sort of freedom. It was bound to the original game, and it had its own rules and stuff it had to keep intact, characters they had to work with, and on top of that, it had to justify its existence as a sequel (lets pretend money doesnt exist lmfao). 
SO, the big question is: did it do that? Did it justify its existence? 
And my answer: holy fuck did it ever do that
I came into this game knowing the extreme bare minimum. I knew there was someone named Sophia, and i knew there was roadtrip, and i knew there were Personas. That’s my knowledge of it before i played it on the Switch.  I should also clarify like, early on, that i was not expecting anything from this game. At all. I was the world’s biggest cynic of this game—if you scroll down my p5s tag far enough, youll just see me complaining about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. I was fully expecting to have this be a Waifu show, and any male character that isn’t Akira to just be shoved aside like some kind of nerd in a high school hallway, and i have never been more pleased to be wrong. In fact, i actually owe it an apology, because of how fucking rude i was for no reason!!! Because this game deserves everything to be honest. 
Persona 5 strikers is, frankly, insane. Insane in the sense that it got to pull shit off that just would never have existed in the original game, because the original game is scared. It had to be as impressive as possible and garner as much attention as possible. Strikers does not have that problem—every single person who bought that game does not need to be convinced that persona 5 is a good game. They already played it. That means Atlus can just fuck around and have a good time, and man did they have a good time. There’s still scenes that still shock me if i think about it too hard, because i’m used to atlus having to follow this sort of rule set when it comes to persona 5 (or any of the main games im assuming, but i havent played them.) And on top of that, there’s still shit that’s Atlus Trademarked Branded in a good way. The style of story of story telling, and revealing the mystery that is so integral to what p5 is, is still there. 
So, to make this even a little bit comprehensible, i will make a list! 
First of all, What is this game?
In short, this game is an OVA of an anime. It’s bonus side content that has one thing in mind: to showcase these lovable characters more by putting them in fun situations. That’s it, and it is just phenomenal. That was the main point of, i’d say, like forty hours of the game. It’s just fun times with fun characters. 
But to get deeper of what i think is happening, or what they were thinking during the development, is that this is a second opportunity. Persona 5 (as we all know) had a lot of problems, and we were not quiet about those problems. We yelled it all out, made posts, made complaints on every social media platform ever. And Atlus heard all of them, and Strikers is a way to mitigate those mistakes. Aside from being a fun OVA, Strikers also works to be a deeper exploration of these characters—more specifically, the characters that did not receive much in the original game. Creating this sequel is having the ability to redo what they felt (or to be more specific, we felt) in the original game while adding new ones. I will get to that in a second.  
The format of the game 
Absolutely brilliant to throw them on a road trip. P5V already forced us to experience Shibuya for 200+ hours, and im so glad that they didn’t do that again. Going from town to town, making us experience these new places alongside our favorite characters is so good, and it just makes sense. It’s fun, it’s lighthearted, and it’s actually shockingly good. But one thing i do want to talk about early on is the way the story unfolds and the villains that they use, and what they do with it because it’s very interesting. 
So as we explore japan and stuff, we encounter jails, and with those jails comes an antagonist. This antagonist works to be a parallel to one of our characters. That character will find it in their hearts to feel bad for the antagonist, because the antagonist could have been them had the original game not happen. At first I thought all of the thieves were gonna get an antagonist, and i was really hyped for the ryuji one. And then came to hour forty of the game where i realized “yeah that’s not gonna happen. There’s just not enough time.” And i was right, and the game ended. But i am not salty at all, honestly, because the people who got a direct antagonist were: Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. (we wont count zen and sophie). 
Is there a trend??? Yes. these are all characters in the original game that have received the worst treatment by atlus. The three of them are basically cast aside the minute they finished their original arc, and its horrible! BUT that’s why this is the path that atlus chose for them—to give them more depth, and screentime, and a way to show their inner self. That isn’t to say that the ones who aren’t those three (makoto, futaba, mona, akira, ryuji) didn’t get anything. Futaba still has her thing at the end with ichinose, and she was very prevalent and animated during the rest of the game. Mona and Akira have to be a focal points, that’s just the nature of the game. The other two though, I will talk about in depth in a second.  
Y’all i poke fun at shumako fans sometimes cause its kind of easy and fun, but i honestly love makoto. In my very first playthrough of p5 (my first ever jrpg game, first persona game, i had no idea what i was doing), i had only maxed out two characters: ryuji and makoto. And i know she had a lot of screentime and love in the original game which is great, but i truly felt like she was dissed in this game. Her only roles were
A driver
Someone to tell them “we don’t have a choice. Let’s keep going and see where this takes us.” (seriously, if you replay this game, you will see how much she does this)
Idk, i just wish she had more to do, especially compared to how much love they gave the other characters. 
But let’s talk about some of the new characters! 
Damn you atlus. Damn you and your insistence at bringing in cop characters. I was fully on board with hating zenkichi, i was fucking ready for it. I was convinced that there was nothing they could do convince to like zenkichi. I was immune to their copaganda. 
And then i ended up loving him, which makes me sad a little bit. I didn’t realize how desperate i was to have an adult who has a persona. Someone who wants the world to change just as much as they do, while still having that aspect of them that makes them adult. Like??? As someone who is technically an adult, its a breath of fresh air. An adult. Who fights. For justice. Using a persona. And god i love akane so much, and her obsession with the thieves (that scene is probably in my top ten fave scenes of the game). Also what i loved about zenkichi is that he fucking hates the cops!! He hates the system of the cops!! And thats why i actually really started to love him!! Because i thought it was atlus saying that the systematic problem of the police cannot be solved by one person, and zenkichi threw away his badge. I actually cried at that part!! 
But then he became a cop again, and i was just :/ but as a character, i really love him to bits and would love to do a study on him, or at least use him as an outside pov. But! i absolutely love his persona, since im a les miserables fan hehe
she’s probably my favorite new aspect of the game. I was ready to not like her—again, i just suck like that, lmfao—and when i saw her, i was scared that she was just another waifu. I mean, she was very cute after all. But then as the game went on, i thought she was a little too cute. And even further into the game, i finally slapped myself in the face and realized oh my god shes not a waifu. Shes a sister. 
That blew my mind, im ngl to you. A female character that isn’t supposed to be romanced? By jove, what a miracle! 
And she…is an amazing character. Im sorry, i just love her so much. I love her so much that she  probably ranks as my fifth or sixth favorite character which is surprising even to me. Everything about her is delightful and invigorating. She’s funny??? Her comedic timing is amazing, and she has such chemistry with the rest of the team. She’s actually useful to the plot, and while her character design is a little too on the nose for me in terms of cuteness (i mean, good god she’s wearing oversized sweater to show how cute and tiny she is, and her hair has literal hearts in it), she is absolutely lovable. 
But what i actually really wanna gush about for a second is sophia at the last stage of the game. You get the idea, i dont really like to get excited over things, so at this point i figured that there was nothing this game could do to shock me. 
And then sophia had a persona awakening. 
Like. holy fuck did i yell. I didnt realize what was happening until the music had already kicked in. and its just so fucking smart!!! Sophia??? The ai?? With no heart?? gOT A PERSONA???? AWAKENING??? BECAUSE SHE LEARNED WHAT THE HEART IS AND THE PASSION THAT YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET A PERSONA??? I started crying honestly, because it was just so smart. And looking back on it now, its obvious!! Of course it would lead to this, it only made sense that the culmination of her character arc leads to her getting a persona, nothing else would have been as good. Also, her voice actor is just amazing?? When she was talking to ichinose at the end, i actually got incredibly emotional because of the line reads. Its just so spot on and it really captures the essence of sophia.
Muah. five stars Atlus. You got me. 
Ryuji <3!!!!
Oh man. Oh boy. Okay. so where do i start. 
Yall know i love him. Hes probably my favorite fictional male character of all time, and he is the one i was the absolute most cynical about in this game. I was expecting literally nothing. Nothing. Like. nothing. I thought he was just gonna keep being used as a joke, or a gag, and he’s gonna be super horny all the time for the other girls and it was gonna make me mad and there was gonna be some insane homophobic/queerphobic jokes in every other scene and i know i was being unfair, but i cant help it. 
And then i played the first two hours of the game, and i cried the entire time. Because ryuji has never been better than he is in this game. Its crazy. 
The ryuji in persona 5 strikers is who ryuji should have been/how he should have been treated this entire time. From the actual funny jokes (for example, the gold bar joke + his reaction to it in the beginning of the game), defending his female friends instead of being the one people need to defend from (natsume arc), and the fact that he was the one to be there with morgana and akira in the very beginning of the game. Its such a small thing that they didnt even need to do, but it was such an integral part of the original game for me, that i just was convinced that nothing like this was going to happen. But then it happened. Its just small stuff like that that could have been overlooked but it wasn’t because this game? Persona 5 strikers? Fucking loves ryuji. 
The actual respect they gave this boy is insane and i wasn't ready for it. Like, they gave the shujin trio lunch, they gave the little charm of the katana when they were in natsume’s jail, and, in my opinion this is the second-best thing that they could have given ryuji is sophia. Ryuji and sophia are the pinnacle of a brother & sister bonding relationship in the game that isn’t akira & futaba. And its really prevalent too?? Small stuff from the beginning of the game (pulling her out of a jail, calling her shorty), but then you have the iconic “shut the fuck up” scene, and that scene was so well characterized and written and voice acted, that somehow him saying “fuck” was the least exciting part of that scene to me. Ryuji is an older brother to her, like its undoubtable, and its only further cemented at the end of the game where Ryuji helps out ichinose because he knows how much sophia cares about her. This game. Love ryuji. And i love. This game. 
You know what else i love? Akiryu. 
Guys. i was fully prepared to starve in terms of akiryu. But theres just. So much of it. I wont get too deep into it, because i think this aspect of the game for me still needs marinate a little bit. Like, what was that last shot when EMMA died and Ryuji walked to approach Akira so they could relish in their victory together?? And the smile from both of them??? What the fuck. That was amazing. Also Joker being saved by Ryuji when he was about to fall from the cliff to save sophia??? WHAT. The LEADER AND HIS RIGHT HAND MAN? WHAT. anyway. If theres anything i want to keep for myself in my own brain, its the akiryu aspect of this game, so i wont talk too much about that part of things (instead, itll probably manifest in fic lmfaooo). 
Sure, there’s tidbits of stuff i dont like that they gave ryuji: sexualizing ann in that one cut scene and making him touch the jails even though it hurts, and i recognize those and frown at them, but for the most part, i am blown away with how they treated him.
Basically, Ryuji has never been better. From the opening of the game with him being the first text message and the one to sling his arm around akira, to the very last cut scene where it was ryuji wordlessly leaving because he’s so confident that they would never be separated for long, this game adores Ryuji and i am so so happy to say that.
The Royal aspect of things
Yeah, i had to talk about this, but itll be a short thing i just wanted to point out. Because the last part of this game...is persona 5 royal. Which is curious. Like taking reality and giving that power to someone else so you dont have to experience suffering anymore? And even like, the final section just looked a lot like the top half of maruki’s palace?? And whats even crazier is that we had a boss fight with sophia, just like how we had a boss fight with sumire? Royal and Strikers have like, the same thesis statement. It’s kind of uncanny.It’s interesting, it’s like atlus came up with these two ideas, and then just decided they liked both of them so much that they just did it twice. I don’t mind though—actually, in terms of how the last Palace/Jails go, i probably like them both about equally. 
Though i did love the final battle in this one more than i did in royal. Splitting into teams?? Thats cool as fuck, and really innovative and i didnt see it coming. It also kicked my ass. A lot. 
Now for the last stretch: the small stuff!
The music — bomb as fuck. In my heart, Daredevil is ranked the same as Rivers. Axe to grind is also amazing, but Daredevil owns me
Akechi — i really debated whether or not to talk about him, but i figured a bullet point should be enough. Im really shocked that he wasnt in this at all. Like not even a name drop. If this is an OVA, and the point of the game is to please the fans, and akechi is arguably the fan favorite character, i was really ready for something. But there was nothing, except for the pancake hallway if that even counts as a reference. Thats it. Thats all i wanted to say about him.
The humour — FUCKING HILARIOUS im convinced that in my fifty hour playtime, five of that is dedicated to me laughing and unable to continue the game 
Akira — so much personality! His lines of dialogue are crazy sometimes (like. Whats up with him saying Ryuji has ‘nice abs’ when they were in bath? Im crazy and even i dont know what the fuck that could mean) 
Battle system — oh my god i almost forgot to talk about this. I love it! I kind of miss the turn based aspect just because i found it very comforting for some reason, but this hack and slash style of gameplay is so invigorating because i do feel like it justifies shit like the baton pass and huge attacks.  This battle system fully encompases how the Phantom Thieves are supposed to fight, you know what i mean?
Anyway, thats my thoughts on strikers. Loved it. Amazing. 9.3/10, wouldve been higher but Konoe’s Jail almost bored me to death. Also im a monster and i didnt do any requests that isn’t a fun one, teehee. As if i play persona 5 for the persona aspect of things.
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pops-and-kids · 4 years
Below is a birthday short I wrote for @mushroomgrenade who runs @ask-wbp-b! I’m late to posting it (SORRY MUSHROOM CKWEMNKFSDHG) both the mun and muse share the same birthday, so it’s a combined gift! Enjoy! (HAPPY late BIRTHDAY MY DUDE)
B looked out at the water. The evening was calm, the waters lapping gently at the side of the ship below. The sky was ablaze with oranges and reds as the sun bid the world good-night on the horizon. The only sounds for miles were the laughter and cheers of her brothers from the deck. She would be having a cigarette right now, if Jiru hadn’t confiscated them earlier. A hand on her shoulder pulled her back out of her thoughts and back into the moment.
Thatch gave her a wide smile.
“I was wondering where our special gal went! We can’t have a party without the birthday girls approval!” He said.
B huffed at that. Yes, big parties were sort of the norm for the Whitebeards, but she still felt a bit weird that they would set a day aside for her instead of just adding her to the list of clumped birthdays at the end of the month. She wasn’t a commander, but they still treated her on her birthday like this.
“You didn’t need to go overboard this year.” She said.
Thatch pouted dramatically and leaned down to her level. He clasped his hands together and looked at her as if she had just told him the saddest thing he’d ever heard.
“But it’s your day!” He exclaimed. “We’re supposed to have cake! And games! And booze! And all your favorite foods! You can spend the night with someone--geh!!”
B slapped her palms on his cheeks, a tick mark appearing on her forehead.
“What was that last one?”
“Nothing! Nothing!”
B gave another small huff and squished his cheeks in her hands. Thatch made a wine of displeasure but made no move to back away. Sometimes she wondered why she loved this dumb little brother so much, but he was always quick to remind her with those bright eyes.
“Really, it didn’t need to be this elaborate.” She said.
Finally releasing him Thatch stood up straight, his trademark smile returning instantly. He laughed off her aggravation and continued to ramble about what they had set up for her. It was all too much, just for her. She loved her idiot of a brother, but she really wanted to bonk him on the head. Birthdays were important to her, but her own wasn’t as big of a deal as the others made it out to be. She was only their dimension jumping sister who could see into the future and glitch out, nothing special about that. Totally.
Realizing Thatch had stopped his chatter she looked up at him again. He looked extremely happy, like it was his big day instead of her own. Her brother leaned down and took her hands into his own and beamed down at her.
“I’m really happy we can do this for you. I know being in the spotlight isn’t something you like, but we all want you to feel appreciated! Come on!”
He held her hand and pulled her along as they walked to the kitchen. B offered no resistance and cracked a smile to her family as they passed, they were all happy smiles aimed at her. It was slightly uncomfortable, but easily ignored. Thatch pulled her into the mess hall and released her hand finally, rushing into the kitchen. He yelled someone to the cooks while B stood awkwardly at the counter, before he reappeared with a bowl. Anticipation rolled off him in waves as he gave it to her. The man was practically vibrating as he watched her.
“Try it! It’s the same as last time, with a few differences.”
B didn’t need to ask what it was. She knew exactly what was in the hot bowl in her hands: a meal from her home. No matter how many times Thatch made it for her or she herself tried to make it, it never came out just right. He never gave up though, and it charmed her. He really wanted to give her a taste of the home she missed, even if it had taken years of trying.
Taking a sip she let the flavors swirl around her mouth, warmth spreading across her body. It was delicious! Though she expected none the less from Thatch. It brought back memories of her old home, the good and the bad. But it was still missing….something. She had long accepted that some things from her world simply did not translate into the world of One Piece, but that didn’t mean she was going to dissuade her brother from trying.
Looking up she met his eyes and smiled.
“Still not close, Thatchy.” She said with a shake of her head.
Thatch’s smile gave way to disappointment. The poor man had really tried, taking all her notes into consideration for this batch, but it still wasn't quite there. B gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“It’s still amazing though. I really like this.”
Her brother perked up at that. It may not have been perfect, but few things ever were. They spent some time in the kitchen with B testing and giving greenlights to foods, Thatch practically vibrating at her approval. The two chatted until Haruta burst in, accusing Thatch of hogging the birthday girl and cuddling up to her side.
“Come on, B! We can’t start the party without you!” They said.
She didn’t get a word in edgewise before they grabbed her arm like a child and dragged her along.
“I’ll see you in a little!” Thatch called after her.
In the time they had talked the sun had completely gone, stars taking its place. The deck was packed with people. They had already broken out the alcohol, but considering no one was red in the face or laughing uncontrollably they weren’t going heavy on it. All of them were waiting on her to start them off. Haruta smiled excitedly as they pulled her in front of Pops’ chair. Rubbing her arm she tried to scold Haruta for yanking her along so hard, but the rumble of her fathers laugh drowned some of it out.
B looked up at him, silently asking for help since she would not know peace for hours tonight. Pops only smiled, love in his and peace in his relaxed form. She sighed internally. No amount of mental preparation was going to help being bombarded by loving idiots from all sides. Behind her Haruta took in a deep breath.
“Hey everybody! She’s here!” They yelled at the top of their lungs.
There was a beat of silence followed by an uproar of cheers. Smiling faces all around greeted B. The commanders, who were scattered around the deck among their family, came to the front of the crowd next to Pops, joy coming off them in waves. B put on an awkward smile, holding two thumbs up to everyone to hide how uncomfortable she was with all eyes on here. Thankfully, it only lasted a moment before the fourth division came out with the main course of food and started filling the tables up.
“It looks like the party can begin.” Pops said.
And it began with all the energy you could expect; Music blaring from the front of the deck, caring all the way across the ship, barrels of beer draining in minutes, games and dancing. The first to approach her was Vista. Her brother laughed and twisted his mustache, leaning down comically far to get somewhat close to her height.
“I believe this is the first time I’ve seen you all day! Not hiding away, are we?” He teased.
B gently bonked him on the head, returning the smile.
“No, I just knew I wouldn’t be able to take a single step without being ambushed by someone.” She said.
The two laughed and Vista gave her a pat on the shoulder, heading off to get drinks. Next was Namur, who quietly placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled.
“Happy birthday, B.”
“Thanks, fishy.” She said.
She reached up and ruffled the raven locks on the top of his head. He didn’t move to dissuade her. Namur wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, nuzzling their cheeks together before letting go and taking his leave. Blenheim and Blamenco were next. Blenheim kneeled down and scooped B up, letting her sit on his arm like a perch.
“Happy birthday! We missed you at lunch!” Blamenco said.
“You were a ghost all day!” Blenheim chuckled.
B felt a twinge of guilt, now having a few commanders call her out. But they knew her habits, she didn’t like things to be all about her, despite the end result being the same.
“Hey you’re seeing me now. I could still go back to my room and leave you all?” She said, raising her eyebrow mischievously.
“No!” Both the men cried in unison.
She laughed and patted both of them on the head. They made brief chatter, some inside jokes and glee about the day. Blamenco joked about his pouches being sore from carrying all the gifts, promptly earning him a soft bonk for pushing his devil fruit too hard. It was a bit before she was set down and they two went off to join Vista at the drinks table, their smiles filling B with warmth.
Curiel would have burst onto the scene next--but there being no fireworks put him in a grand mood. B giggled softly and patted his back. She appreciated him holding back from the light show for her day. Fireworks always made her stressed, no matter how often they used them. Curiel setting aside explosives seemed like a miracle to the crew, but he did it for her and that’s what made it a big deal.
“If I didn’t love you so much I would have snuck up on you with a party popper by now.” He said.
“Pfft I’d knock your teeth in if you did that.”
“Yeah but it’d be funny. For a bit.”
Fossa came over, once Curiel had finished hogging B’s cuddles. The man chuckled and scooped her up not unlike Blenheim had earlier.
“Even the weather fancies you,” He said, “Third year without a single cloud in the sky on your birthday. Starting to get suspicious.”
They laughed. For a conversation starter so mundane Fossa and B had quite a bit to talk about. Simple things they both could ramble about to one another as if it were the easiest things in the world. They talked for so long Rakuyo had to make his presence known, going unnoticed behind them for an embarrassingly long time.
“Uhm, I think it’s my turn with the B?” He said, anxiously.
Fossa looked back at him, choking back a laugh.
“Kid that sentence has way too many connotations.”
“Oh fuck off!”
B wheezed at the red tint that dashed across Rakuyos face. Fossa never missed a beat, did he. The taller commanders chuckled and set her down, giving her a pat on the head and a soft ‘happy birthday’ before heading off. Rakyuo looked miserable and thoroughly embarrassed, B couldn’t help laughing some more.
“God, you’re so easy to mess with, Raky.”
“I should have stayed in bed. Fuck your birthday, I’m out.”
She smiled and opened her arms invitingly, tilting her head with soft eyes. Rakuyo sighed and slumped into her, putting all his weight on his smaller sister. B gasped and leaned back, straining at how sudden and heavy that was.
“Raky I swear to fuck-” She croaked out from under him.
Rakuyo finally let up, standing up properly and hugging her back. He laughed a little at the redness of her face.
“Sorry I almost crushed you.”
They had fun with their back and forth banter. They poked fun at each other, telling jokes and watching some chaos unfold across the deck as a barrel was knocked over. A bunch of their poor brothers slipped and fell, taking some others down with them as they tried to stop their fall.
After some time Rakuyo took his leave, letting B finally get her drink. She had been talking for so long she felt incredibly grateful to the cooks for making sure she wasn’t left with scraps by now. A nice plate was set aside, just for her, with all the best things and a large mug of good alcohol. She sat down next to Pops, who was chuckling and tapping his foot to the tempo of the current song. They sat quietly, few words shared in comfortable silence. There was no need for a long chat after all.
The last to approach her was Ace. The boy looked very shy as he came over, a small box in her hand. B raised her eyebrow at him.
“Hey, the gifts go on the gift table.” She said.
The look of Ace's face immediately made her backtrack.
“But, uh, I’m not doing anything if you wanna give it to me now!”
Patting the open spot next to her she gave him a smile.
“C’mere, buddy. Let me see!”
Ace plopped down at her side and handed the small box to her. He looked at her with wide eyes, brimming with anticipation. Tearing the thin paper B was greeted with a single brown box, two letters ‘RF’ stamped on. Opening it she was taken aback. Inside was a white rabbit's foot, speckled with small patches of black fur on the back. It was quite small, the top covered in silver with an intricate design of dashing and swirls like leaves.
“I uh,” Ace started, “It means good luck, and even though you already have a lot of luck a little more wouldn’t hurt?”
B looked at him. The kid was looking at her like he was the dumbest son of a bitch across the seas, anxiously waiting for her response. She smirked, taking the charm out and holding it.
“It’s nice, Ace! Looks like it’ll fit on the action of my gun.”
“Yeah! I got it just for that! Or you could hang it somewhere in your room!”
Pops glanced over at his two children. The sight of the two most guarded people he’d ever accepted, talking at if they’d been friends for years, filled him with pride. With his signature laugh he stood up, taking his cup of sake with him. The crew paused and looked to their captain and father. Pops gave them a smile and lifted his drink up.
“To B’s birthday, and her many years to come!”
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temilyrights · 4 years
the irony of it all
Summary: Jack Sloane x Reader. Two years apart and all it takes is being in her presence for all the feelings you’ve been trying to keep buried to come flying back. (OR Seeing Jack for the first time after she left and moved to D.C.)
A/N: "It'll be a while before I post again." She says and then proceeds to post another fic literally five days later! I'm actually pretty proud how this one turned out. I started writing this before the rumours that Maria is leaving surfaced and lowkey feeling like I jinxed it ahaha. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated :) Enjoy!
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Jack enters the bullpen with her trademark grin, not at all surprised to see the whole team steadily typing away at their computers. Ellie’s the first to acknowledge her presence, her shoulders slumping in relief at the chance for a distraction. “Afternoon, Jack. Need anything?” The hope in Ellie’s voice has Jack trying to withhold her smirk. It wasn’t hard to work out who’d been tasked with sifting through the financial records.
“Afternoon. Just here to see if Tim has got the file from the FBI yet. I’d love to take a look.” Jack claps her hands and turns to face Tim. Ellie pouts and with obvious reluctance returns her focus to her computer.
“Apparently,” Jack’s lips twitch with humour at Tim’s clear frustration and eye roll as he looks up at her. “It includes sensitive information and requires an in-person briefing.”
“You aren’t convinced, obviously.”
“The only information I could get from the Agent over the phone was that it was a robbery case, and in my experience, they are never that sensitive. She’s on her way from Quantico but considering I called this morning she doesn’t seem in any rush to get here even though I told her our case was time-sensitive.”  
Jack frowns. “That is odd. Do you know the agent?”
Tim shakes his head, looking to his computer. “FBI Agent Y/N L/N. None of us has heard of her.” Tim looks back to Jack with a shrug. His brows furrowing when he takes note of the way her face has paled considerably. “But I’m guessing from the look on your face, you do?”
That earns the attention of the rest of the team, but Jack doesn’t notice, too concerned with trying to regain control of her racing heart. It’s been over two years since she last spoke to you, there’s no way her body should still be betraying her like this. Gibbs places a hand lightly on her arm, jolting her back to the present.
“You okay, Jack?”
Jack coughs, clearing the lump in her throat. “Hmm, yeah. Just haven’t heard the name in a while, that’s all. You said she’s coming here?” She directs her attention back to Tim, keeping her voice airy as her feet shift beneath her and she resists her sudden urge to flee the room and not return until you were far, far away from the Navy Yard. You were the last person Jack expected to see in D.C. The last she’d heard you were still over two thousand miles away in San Diego.
Tim’s phone rings as if on cue, and Jack just knows it’s going to be someone downstairs informing him that you’ve arrived. Jack’s eyes flick up in the direction of her office, and Gibbs snorts with obvious amusement. Her lips squish into a thin line as she resists the urge to purse them in frustration.
“Friend of yours?”
‘Friend’ would never be a good enough word to describe what the two of you were, but there wasn’t a better one because how else do you describe an ‘almost’. Neither one of you had taken the jump towards becoming girlfriends, or lovers, or whatever. Jack had been getting close, was thinking about finally taking that step but then Leon had called and asked her to move to D.C. and everything had changed.
Jack still remembers the bitter edge to your voice when she’d told you. “I mean Leon’s been hinting for years that you should move to D.C., seems right he’d eventually ask outright, and it’s not like you’d ever say no to him.” It had been more than a low blow; it’d been cruel considering you knew about Afghanistan. You’d apologised later that evening, but it still stung. Jack couldn’t say no to Leon, not when she had such a huge debt to fill, and still did.
“She used to be.” Gibbs is waiting for more, but even if she wanted to say anything, she would have no idea how to even begin to describe what had happened between the two of you.
—— 2 ½ years ago ——
The night before Jack leaves for D.C. you both sit on the beach watching the sky as it fills with bright yellows and oranges, taking turns sipping from the bottle of wine you know she’d been saving for a special occasion. You suppose this is a special occasion. She’d told you six weeks ago, and it still didn’t feel true. Your best friend, who let’s be honest, you were very much in love with, was moving across the country for a job in D.C. all because of Leon fucking Vance. He’s the one who introduced you to each other a few years ago when he’d visited California, go figure he’d be the one to take her away too. You swallow down your anger and try to focus on Jack instead. You could be angry when she was gone, at least you’d finally start using your gym membership properly again.
“Are you excited to meet the legendary Leroy Jethro Gibbs?” You smirk, voice full of mirth as you accept the outstretched bottle of wine and take a sip. His reputation had reached the FBI a long time ago. When you’d joined it was to hear stories of the grey-haired, blue-eyed steely agent who’d shot an FBI Agent in the ass. You didn’t quite believe it but the stories since had only got wilder.
Jack snorts. “Hmm, yeah I don’t know how that’s going to go.”
“If Leon keeps him around, I’m sure he can’t be too bad.” You offer. Jack huffs, grabbing the wine bottle back from you. Her fingers brush yours, a soft smile taking over her face that has you quickly averting your gaze and trying to ignore the way your heart ached. “I mean he kept you around though, so that’s not saying much.”
“Hey!” Jack slaps you on the arm, breaking into laughter when you release a dramatic ‘Ow!’ You take one look at her and immediately follow. Her head tips back, blonde hair falling way past her shoulder. It’s wavy and slightly knotted from your walk across the beach but still beautiful. She is always beautiful. Your heart cracks, laughter dying out as you take her in, etching her face into your memory – the wrinkles by her eyes, her practically perfect smile, and the beautiful whiskey brown of her eyes. You try to remind yourself that this wasn’t goodbye, but it felt like it because even if you still spoke, you guys wouldn’t be the same, you couldn’t be.
Jack notices you’re no longer laughing, and her bright smile fades away. She reaches out, squeezing your hand. And you think about it; finally planting that kiss on her lips like you’ve fantasised about for longer then you care to admit. She’d kiss you back and you would more than likely end up back at one of your apartments, but you decide in the end it’s not worth it, it’s better not knowing. It would hurt less than waking up in the morning in her arms knowing it could never work. Other sides of the country, her at NCIS and you at the FBI, there was just no way.
You pull your hand from hers and return your attention back to the ocean, taking another long glug of wine. “You know, of all the possibilities I’ve dreamed up in my mind over the years, you leaving” me “the beach didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Y/N,” Jack breathes, the ache in her voice has you shutting your eyes. Sometimes you hated how good she was at working out what you weren’t saying. She reaches out for your hand again, but you shrug her off and move to stand up. This was all too much.
“Look, I should get going.”
“Wait, No, no, no.” Jack drops the wine bottle to the floor, quickly scrambling up and grabbing you by your wrists before you can take more than a couple steps away. “Come on, this is our last evening together.”
“I know, but I can’t. I can’t sit here and pretend I’m fine with you leaving when all I want to do is be incredibly selfish and ask you to stay.” The words spill from your mouth without your permission and your eyes flick upwards as you blink away the tears threatening to break free. You wouldn’t cry.
Jack’s mouth falls open, her eyes filling with her own unshed tears as she drops your wrist. “Y/N... You know I can’t.”
“But that’s the thing Jack, you could if you really wanted to.” It’s what hurts the most, that there was at least some part of her that obviously wanted to go. You were being childish and selfish when you should be being supportive, but you couldn’t help it. Not when you were so angry at yourself for never taking the step towards more because if you had maybe things would be different now.
There’d been an air of possibility between the two of you for months, years, and you had thought there was time, that there was no rush and when the time was right one of you would finally make the move, but now you’re out of time and she’s moving across the country and you don’t want to be sad so instead you’ll cling to your anger and hope she can’t tell she’s breaking your heart.
“We aren’t...we’re just friends, nothing ever happened. You can’t expect me to stay for a maybe.”
“I know.” You sigh, running a tired hand over your face. “I know that.” I just want to be enough. I want you to want me, to choose me. “As I said, I should go. I’m just going to end up saying something that’ll hurt us both and I don’t want to do that.”
“Okay,” Jack says, voice hoarse with emotions.  “Okay.” before you can so much as move Jack’s pulling you into her arms, arms wrapped tightly around you. You hesitate but with a tired sigh, drop your head to her shoulder and pull her in closer. You breathe her in, sea salt and vanilla...you were going to miss that smell. Tears sting your eyes. You really hate goodbyes.
With a sniff, Jack pulls back, only far enough so you have to lift your head to look at her, she cups your cheek and you lean into the touch. “Don’t be a stranger, okay? Phone calls, FaceTime. We can still do friendship.” A hint of desperation seeps into her voice as she rests her forehead against yours, breathing you in like you had her moments before. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“We’ll be okay.” You didn’t believe it, but you couldn’t help but try to ease her worry, not when she was looking at you with such sad eyes. You lean in and press a peck to her cheek, and before you can pull back, Jack turns her head and captures your lips with hers, her hand tightening on your cheek to stop you from pulling away. As if you ever would.
Your hands grip her hips to cover up how they’re beginning to tremble and your eyes remain gripped tightly shut as your lips brush together, painstakingly softly as if one of you were any harder either of you might break. Jack’s lips quiver and tears finally begin to fall down your cheeks.
You were right in thinking it would be best not to know.
Jack pulls back with a shaky breath. You quickly wipe at your eyes, voice raspy with emotion. “Bye, Jack.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.” With a sigh and one last squeeze to your hand, Jack steps back. You turn and walk away, not allowing yourself to look back at the woman who’d just snapped your heart in two, no matter how much you wanted too.
—— Present Day ——
“She won’t be there.” You repeat under your breath for probably the tenth time since you had stepped onto the elevator, ignoring the looks from the NCIS agent next to you as you try to control your rising panic. The Navy Yard was a big place, and there was no guarantee she was even in the building.
The doors ding open, and you hold your head high as you exit. You haven’t taken more than a few steps when you find her. Her back is to you but there’s no doubt in your mind that it’s Jack. Your feet halt in their tracks, your breath instantly fleeing your lungs.
Jack’s shoulders tense and she slowly turns to look at you. Her jaw locked tightly shut, her brown eyes a storm of emotions. It’s overwhelming. You take her in, two and a half years and apart from the shorter hair and her missing necklace she looks exactly the same. You itch to touch her.
“Hey, Jack.” You breathe, desperately trying to keep your emotions in check. Anger flashes through her face. The hand resting on her arm tightening slightly, the man who must be Gibbs looking at her with a mix of concern and trepidation. Jack relaxes slightly and it has your gut in turmoil. She pats his hand but doesn’t drop your gaze, Gibbs lets go.
“D.C.?” Jack arches a brow, clearly unimpressed that you’re here.  
“Yeah, couldn’t quite believe Davis when he offered me the job only to tell me it would be at Quantico.” Cosmic irony at its finest. You’d thrown yourself into your work after Jack left and when your boss had finally offered you the promotion you’d been working your whole career towards only to tell you you’d be less than an hour away from the woman you’d been trying to avoid thinking about you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
You’d been on the east coast for about five months now and you’d thought a lot about reaching out but just didn’t know how. You didn’t think your ‘Hey Jack, I know I ghosted you after you went to D.C., but I’m here and still hopelessly in love with you, wanna grab a coffee?’ would go down very well.
“It was about time he realised you deserved your own team,” Jack smirks, her anger still present but slightly subdued, and your heart threatens to break free from your chest as you nod. You couldn’t put into words just how much you’d missed her. If you weren’t in a room full of strangers, and half sure she’d push you away, you would have already thrown yourself into her arms.
Someone clears their throat, effectively breaking your prolonged eye contact and Jack turns her attention to the man with a goatee before looking back at you. “Right. Uh, Tim, this is Y/N, sorry I mean Agent L/N, and Y/N this is Agent McGee. I believe you spoke on the phone.” You make your way further into the room, keeping a wide berth on Jack who mutters under her breath when you pass. “Guess she finally regained the ability to use it.” You pretend you don’t hear as you move to shake McGee’s hand.
“It’s a pleasure. Should we get right down to business?”
“Fine by me.” McGee smiles but you can tell he’s uncomfortable with this whole situation. “If you follow me, you can set up in one of our conference rooms.” You fall in step behind him, steadily avoiding looking at Jack, or Gibbs, who hadn’t stopped watching you since you’d stepped off the elevator.
“Guess we know why this case required an in-person briefing huh, someone wanted a reunion.” The other male agent whispers from behind you. You don’t need to turn around to know Jack will be glaring at him. “I was joking...kind of.”
The case really did require a briefing. You’d contemplated sending one of your agents but as lead agent on the case, it would be more suspicious if you weren’t the one who came. Not to mention it would be cowardly as hell.
You spend the next hour explaining your case and answering questions from everyone. Agent Bishop asks a few, her eyes trained on you in a calculating way that has you feeling very uncomfortable. The other agent who’d introduced himself as Torres was doing a terrible job of shooting subtle glances between you and Jack. Her eyes were fixed on a spot beside your head instead of actually on you, and you were doing everything to just completely avoid looking in her direction (which was difficult considering Bishop was next to her and was asking the most questions).
“Any more questions?”
“I think we’re good,” McGee says, looking at everyone who all nod along in agreement.
You nod your head, swallowing roughly. You look at Jack whose eyes remain fixed to the wall, and then look back to the rest of the team. They luckily all get the message that you want to talk and with a few interested looks, all leave the room, well apart from Gibbs who stands up but remains a few steps behind Jack. You barely contain your eye roll at his protective stance. As if Jack needed protecting from anyone.
Jack looks at him with a soft smile. “It’s fine. Go work the case.” Gibbs nods sharply, sending you one more untrustworthy look before stepping back and making his way from the room. The sound of the door shutting rings out loudly into the silence of the room.
“Well, he’s protective.”
Jack finally looks at you, her eyes full of fire. “Don’t you dare! You have no right to come in here and make comments or judgements about things you don’t understand.” She stands up as she talks, pointing a frustrated finger at you while still keeping the distance of the table between you.
“I’m not judging it was just an observation.”
Jack scoffs. “Right.”
“Look, I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Yeah, well what the hell do you want?”
Sighing, you shake your head and sit down. That was the million-dollar question, and you hadn’t got the slightest idea on a decent answer. “I wanted to call…”
“When? When you moved to D.C. or two and a half years ago?”
“No, seriously. What happened to staying in contact, to being friends?”
“Are you kidding me?” Your eyes widen in disbelief, and you return to your standing position. “You kissed me is what happened. You kissed me and then you left and my heart broke!” You hope Jack doesn’t catch the way your voice cracks as all the emotions you’ve tried to pack away make themselves known. “I wanted to answer your calls, I did.” The few times she phoned after her move you’d just stared at it as it rang. Unable to get yourself to move or answer. “But I couldn’t sit on the phone and pretend everything was fine.”
“I wasn’t asking you too.”
“But you were. You wanted a friend, and I couldn’t be that. I was in love with you, Jack. You left and I just...I couldn’t.” Jack’s eyes water, and she quickly averts her gaze, arms held tightly across her chest. You take a step around the table and when Jack doesn’t immediately step back you continue, stopping only once you were standing beside Jack who still hadn’t turned to look at you. You sigh, speaking softly. Your hand itches to reach out and touch her but you refrain. It was already overwhelming being this close to her again. “I tried contacting you when I found out about Hakim. I wanted to jump on a plane, but I was in the middle of a case and by the time that was over Leon was back. You never responded, so I just assumed you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
Jack sniffs and doesn’t turn to look at you as she speaks. “The second I heard your voice I would have cracked. I needed to stay focused, to find Leon, I didn’t have time to break down.”
“But did you afterwards? I noticed you’re no longer wearing your necklace.” Jack’s hand goes to her neck, fingers fiddling with the dainty gold chain.
“I’m doing better.” She says, finally turning to look at you. Her eyes are so sad it makes your breath catch. You don’t think as you reach out and squeeze her hand. Jack looks at it in surprise but doesn’t snatch away from your touch.
“That’s good. I’m happy for you, Jack. You’ve got a great team. It’s clear to anyone with eyes how much they care about you. Bishop wouldn’t stop sending me looks and Gibbs was ready to drag me out the building.” You huff, and Jack’s lips twitch in amusement.
“They’re good people.”
Nodding, you finally let go of her hand. You were really glad she’d found her people. You just wished you were one of them still.
“How about you? How are you?”
Your small smile wobbles. “I’m good. You know, I’ve got work, and my team are good. Still getting to know them but we work well together.” You shrug, doing a bad job of hiding just how lonely you were. Even when you’d been in San Diego all your relationships had suffered. You’d basically breathed work in an attempt to distract yourself from your broken heart. It’d been Izzy who’d eventually dragged you on a night out and reminded you that you needed to find life outside of work.
You’d started dating again, were actually in a relationship that was going well, but then Hakim had happened, and you hadn’t been able to think of anything but Jack so that had all fallen apart.
And now you’re on the east coast. Sure, you’d made new friends, but you hardly saw any of them outside of work which was leaving your life a little empty.
“Y/N…” Jack says sadly, and your gut churns. She reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, and your heart aches. Your eyes fall shut as you bask in her touch. “I’ve missed you.”
Tears instantly spring to your eyes and you don’t think as you tug her closer for a hug, burying your head into her shoulder. Jack wraps an arm around you, the other coming to rest on your head. The smell of sea salt that you had always associated with her was gone, but the vanilla was still there, and you breathed it in. “I’ve missed you too.”
You both stand like that for too long, but you couldn’t let go. There was an overwhelming fear that the second you let go and left the room you would never get to see her again, that she wouldn’t want anything to do with you. She’d found a better life, had more than likely moved on. It wasn’t her fault that you hadn’t been able to shake your feelings. She was it for you. She was everything. And you didn’t think you could let her go again, not when you could finally breathe for the first time in over two years.
Tears begin to trickle down your cheeks, staining Jack’s shirt, and you hate yourself for letting them out. She shouldn’t have to see just how not okay you were. She’d always made you weak though, a smile, a touch, a look, and suddenly you were defenceless.
Jack’s hand moves from your head, as she pulls back slightly, prompting you to lift your chin and look at her. Her eyes are so unbelievably soft, and you quickly begin to wipe at your cheeks, embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Jack says, voice hoarse with her own emotions. “I still think about that night and wonder what would have happened if I stayed. I don’t regret my choice” She couldn’t, not when she had a team that were family and was finally building a relationship with her daughter. Jack runs her thumb over your cheek, fascinated with how your eyelids flutter shut. “but I do regret hurting you. I regret that we never got a chance to be an ‘us’ because I think we would have been pretty amazing.”
Swallowing roughly, you open your eyes and your breath instantly catches when you see what you can only describe as love staring back at you. Her earlier words sting slightly, but she looks so much happier and calmer that you aren’t really upset because if anyone deserved happiness it was Jacqueline Sloane. Your voice is wistful as you speak. “I think we would have been too.”
“Maybe we still can be.” She says in a hushed whisper, and your heart promptly starts thumping in your chest because she couldn’t possibly mean- “If that’s something you’re still interested in, of course. I know it’s been years but I still lo-care for you. We could do dinner, there’s this place that Ellie’s been telling me I should check out, apparently they do delicious pasta dishes.” A smile brightens up your face as Jack nervously rambles on, your heart hadn’t stopped thumping and you were half tempted to pinch yourself in case this was all just some wild fever dream.
“I-I’d like that.” You manage to stumble out, halting Jack’s ramble. She deflates, nerves warded off as she bites her lip in attempt to control the grin attempting to break free.
“Really?” Jack’s thumb brushes your cheek again, and you let yourself lean into the pressure.
“Tonight? If the case doesn’t get in the way.”
“Tonight.” You agree, wide smiles break out on both your faces and hell, you’d really missed her smile. Two and a half years, five since you’d met, and nothing in the world would ever compare to that smile.
Guess not being a coward paid off.
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blogulianatish · 4 years
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When you were in junior high school, you saw the Japan women's national volleyball team play on TV. Your old man loved this sport, because of this, when the matches were played on TV, he did not miss the opportunity to watch.
Their strong pitches and graceful bunches that took your breath away and tightened every minute; their strong blocks that kept the ball from falling like an iron wall, were so amazing that it took your breath away and you wanted to play like them. Because of this, you went to the volleyball team in elementary school, with the intention of being one of the best in the team and getting into the volleyball team.
Every year you improved your skills in sports more and more, but there were always people who were stronger, more technical, faster and more resilient than you. You, of course, understood that you need to try to be better. But above the head, as they say, you can not jump.
By the end of high school, you decided that you would no longer play volleyball, but would do something else, but, fortunately or unfortunately, the love of volleyball did not go away, and you definitely decided to link yourself to this sport.
On the first day of school, you applied to the volleyball club for the post of manager, but the women's team rejected it, citing the fact that they are doing fine without him. Without thinking twice, you went to the men's club with your head held high.
Having described to the coach all his knowledge and skills in volleyball, plus why they should take you, he agreed.
So you became Inarizaki's manager for the entire year of your training.
At the end of school, you went to the Sports Institute at the Faculty of Management (management in the field of sports). After finishing it, you began to submit resumes to different volleyball teams, go to interviews and get calls that they would not regret if they took you.
And in the end, your prayers were answered. You were taken to MSBY by the Black Jackals, and you became the official manager of this club.
On the first day you met with the entire team, which already consisted of the Shugo Meian . When you met him, he wasn't a captain yet, he won't be a captain for another year, but you've already remembered him as a reliable, responsible and strong player, with fine features and a strong masculinity.
As a player, he was amazing, as well as a lover, but you'll find out later. His strong serves, powerful blocks, concentration and calmness during the game excited all the time when you watched the jackals ' matches.
When you started working together, Meian was married, but after 2 years of dating, he divorced. The reason was banal, he did not give his wife the time she so wanted, which served as the end of a 5-year marriage.
You don't remember the exact day and time when the chemistry started between you, but it definitely didn't happen after he got divorced. Your communication, and soon your intimacy, was gradual. At first, just socializing, then getting together in hotels during away games, and then, after one of the victories, you drank to the winnings and talked so much that everything ended up in your apartment.
You didn't advertise the relationship, because there's nothing to advertise. As such, you did not have a relationship. You just slept together.
For you, it wasn't just a hookup, you realized that you felt much more for the captain of the Jackals than just the need for intimacy. You've learned this during conversations, press conferences, and games. His blocks were breathtaking, and his punches on the ball made him squeeze the fabric of his pencil skirt and bite his lip to keep from making a squeak of admiration.
Once, you dared to talk to Shugo about a relationship, but he was unwavering.
— What's the point?" Meian shrugs. — If you're afraid I'm sleeping with other people, I'm afraid to upset you, but you're the only one."
You nod your head and smile. Lifting your head from the man's chest, you get out of bed and start picking up your things to go home.
Maybe, under other circumstances, you would have scored and agreed with him enjoying it, but your relatives expect a husband and children from you.
— Do you have someone?" — asks the mother.
"Yes," you said, picking at the salad with your chopsticks. — But I'm not sure.
— In what way is not sure?! Whether or not there is a man next to you! Honey, I don't want to remind you, but at your age, I already had my first child.
"Mom —" you froze and looked up, praying to all the gods that she'd drop the subject. - It's difficult there. I don't want to talk about it, let's change the subject.
You hated the subject of your personal life because you hated uncertainty. And with Meyan, there was only ignorance. 
The match with Schweiden ended with a victory for the Jackals and a new serve for Atsumu, whom he had coached for a long time.      
Everyone on the team was happy to beat those pompous Eagles, and you were no exception.      
You went into the locker room and congratulated the team on the victory and a job well done. Shugo, as always, pretended that there was nothing between you but a business relationship.      
On the way out of the locker room, you were stopped by Atsumu. You turned your head and raised an eyebrow, waiting for his question.       
— Still valid?" As agreed?— What is it? " he asks excitedly.   
—When did I ever go back on my word?"  you cover his hand, calmly answering the question with a question. "A deal is a deal. So I'll be waiting for you at 18:00 near my house. And without delay.       
"I won't let a single minute go to waste," he drawled sweetly, and with his trademark smile, Mia lets go of your hand.      
You looked up from it and met the captain's displeased gaze, which was still asking:  
"What's going on?"      
You tossed your head and walked away from the locker room.      
With Atsumu Mia are you familiar with since high school when you were a Manager at Narazaki and studied in the second year of training, came the famous brothers Mia. And from that day on, the ambiguous suggestions from Atsumu began. You usually ignored or rolled your eyes and said no to his suggestions. It's not that you don't like Atsumu, no, he's a good player, he has amazing charisma and looks are not inferior to her, but for you he is an eternal child who is in love with volleyball.
When Mia came to MSBY, his suggestions continued. 
- Can we go somewhere? "blocking your way," he says, smiling slyly.
"I have a lot of work to do," you say without looking up from your phone screen and walk past.
— I have two movie tickets, but I don't have a pair, " he said, holding up the two tickets, the corners of his mouth starting to curl up.
— I have a headache, " you sigh, already tired of these suggestions.
"Come on, let's go somewhere, Y/N -chan," Atsumu begins to whimper.
"No," you say less often than you'd like.
— You're breaking my heart."
— When will it finally break, Tsumu?!"
"That's rude!"
You look at Atsumu's sad face, and you feel terribly sad. You feel like a beast that had hurt that the ladder.
"All right —" you sigh miserably and look at him. - Let's make a deal.
He looks up at you and starts actively nodding his head.
— If you win the match and you master the hybrid serve, we'll go on a date, and if you don't, you can stop talking about spending time together."
A sly smile appears on his face, and a twinkle of excitement appears in his eyes. You knew he could do it, he just couldn't not do it.
— Don't make any plans on this day, because we're going on a date, " he chuckled and walked towards the exit.
And what? You are a free girl, no one restricts you, plus Tsumu has been offering to meet for a long time, why not, there is nothing to do at home anyway.
Satisfied, the guy went to his seat, simultaneously taking off his T-shirt. He was drinking something under his breath and shaking his head.
— Why are you so happy? - the captain decided to ask, - it's just amazing.
"Just going on a date." "Don't miss the opportunity to brag," Atsumu says.
At this moment, Shugo was numb, his entire appearance was not visible, but he was boiling. When he came to, he decided to find out more.
"Really?" — What is it? " he asks in a calm and confident voice, not looking at his teammate.
"Anyway, we had a bet with Y/N-chan that if I mastered the hybrid serve and we won the match, she would agree to go out with me, and if not, I would never ask her to go out with me again."
"Well, congratulations," he says, forcing a smile, and slaps Tsuma on the shoulder, then squeezes and shakes her a little.
"Thank you, Meian-san, but now I need to hurry so I won't be late."
"I understand.
Atsumu ran to the shower, still smiling with 32 teeth.
The muscles in Shugo's face tightened, and he began to squeeze the bag down to the white bones.
"What do you want to prove with this?!"
A thought flashed through Meian's mind.
He put down his bag and began to change.
The next day, as if nothing had happened, you were walking down the corridor, looking at the documents that were handed to you. While reading the orders and various accounts, you didn't notice the jackal captain passing by.
"Hi," Shugo says calmly.
"Oh —" you say, not expecting to see Meian, " hi."
He put his hands in his pockets and looked at you seriously. You were unaccustomed to the captain's penetrating gaze.
- How was the date? "What is it?" he asks unexpectedly.
Smiling, you grabbed the bridge of your nose with two fingers and closed your eyes, remembering yesterday's date. Mia was emptied by a pigeon, and then to get the droppings off his head, he ran to the first car and stopped near the side mirror. While he was cleaning up the litter, the tinted window in the car rolled down, and from it the girl handed Tsumu a new napkin.
You started laughing, covering your mouth with papers and remembering the date.
"I see," he says, adjusting the strap of his bag.
There was a moment of silence, and he began to squeeze the bag, not daring to ask anything.
You look at him expectantly, seeing that he wants to say something, but doesn't know how. You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong.
— How about in bed?" looking up at you with his brown eyes, he asks.
— I don't know, " you say, raising one eyebrow in utter confusion. — I didn't keep a candle under his bedroom door.
— You didn't have anything?"
- No, but should it?
At this moment, it's like a weight is being lifted from Shugo's shoulders. He takes a sharp breath and realizes that he has said something stupid. Biting the inside of his cheek, he turns his head away from you.
— Do you care at all?" - folding your hands in front of your chest, you ask. — We are still not together, we are free people and have the right to do what we want. I told you about the relationship, and you said it didn't make sense. If you want, you can sleep with anyone you want.
There was another silence. You dropped your hands and shook your head in different directions, not understanding what all these questions are for, since he himself does not want to. Realizing that it's over, you move away from the captain, continuing to read the lease agreement.
— I don't care…
You paused, your eyes fixed on the documents, but you were no longer paying attention. Starting to turn to him, dropping the papers and opening her mouth to protest.
"You're right," he said calmly. — You don't owe me anything, and neither do I, and we can do whatever we want, but when I found out you were going with Mia "- he ran his hand through his black, spiky hair, which you knew was very soft, though it looked tough — " and knowing how he felt about you, damn it, like a jealous boy, I got angry, realizing that I didn't want you to be with anyone but me." And I'm afraid to start a relationship, most likely because I'm afraid that you will refuse or leave because I pay you little attention or am very busy with volleyball, and so we are free and do not owe each other anything.
— I'll tell you that Atsumu, that now you - I see you more often than with my family, and given the fact that we meet even after hours, it is simply impossible to think that you will push me away or not spend time with me. After all, am I your manager or not?!
Shugo threw his head back and laughed in a velvety voice that was maddening and made his legs wobble. Lowering it, he licked his lower lip and looked at you.
"Then," Shugo began to move closer. "Can we go out tonight?"
Her heart was pounding, and her cheeks were flushed. You turned away from him and walked to the office, and when you reached the door, you said:
- I'll meet you at my house at 19:00. If you're late, I'll go to Atsum's house to cool your curiosity.
Going into the office and simultaneously closing the door behind you, you lean on the wooden surface, covering your face and starting to smile with happiness, not believing that this has happened.
The captain grinned and walked towards the locker room, smiling and greeting everyone.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
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Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser  Genre: Multi-chapter, Romance, Comedy Rating: M for sensitive Language and Content
I love the look on your face when you first see me The way that you laugh at the silliest things There's a million more, these are just a few Of the many reasons I love you
- The Way You Smile, NewSong
The sun was still high but the fresh air in Isvan felt good on the skin. The breeze slapped on his exposed skin and kept him awake despite the long, quiet drive. Gray threw a glance at his girlfriend by his side, still soundly asleep. He felt bad for her missing the view. Gray contemplated waking her up but he decided against it, thinking she needed the rest. Besides, the drive back would give her a second chance at the view. For the meantime, he'd let her catch up with her sleep. He pulled her hand gently, careful not to wake her up, and pressed a soft peck on her knuckles.
The Lamborghini crossed the border that separated Gray's hometown from the great City of Magnolia. Isvan used to be a third-rate municipality, surrounded by medium cost housing and rough road. Not until Gray's success in the city, no one would have even heard of Isvan. The town was gradually developed in recent years. Today, Isvan was lined with fancy concrete houses and elaborate landscaping to go with them.
Gray could already recognize his neighborhood but his mother's house was still at the other end of that exclusive suburban village. When he reached the last white-fenced house, Mr. and Mrs. Connell's, Gray turned the curb into an asphalt road lined by coconut trees at either side. At the end of that road was the black, decorated gate that led to President Wakaba and Mika Mine's mansion.
The guards on post greeted their master Gray and opened the gate to let the Ghini into the compound. Gray pulled up right in front of the mansion's main entrance, snorting at the ridiculous fountain across the house. That wasn't there before.
President, his step-father, the fur wearing Wakaba Mine, did a good job renovating the old bungalow his family used to own. He couldn't even recognize anything from his old home, like he just replaced the entire thing. But the mansion reflected the President's style – extra and flamboyant.
He cut his engine off and turned to the sleeping figure beside him. He fought the desire to touch her face and kiss her lips. Ultimately, he learned that he had the slightest self-control where the ballerina was concern.
"Hey, girlfriend. Baby?" Gray's words were a soft rumble in Juvia's ears. He gave her a cautious shove, gentle enough not to startle the ballerina.
His girlfriend's lids fluttered open and she stirred in her seat, stretching her arms, heaving her chest up and finally waking from her dream. One set of amused eyes couldn't help but stare.
"Hey, babe, we're here."
"Was I asleep the whole time?"
She wasn't awake enough to make a wistful pout. Neither was she oriented enough to know her surroundings. But the moment she saw Gray, Juvia gave him that snoozy smile and a soft press on his lips.
"Now, that's what good mornings are made of."
She settled back to her seat, heaving out a contented sigh. Gray, wanting more after having a little taste, leaned in to indulge himself.
"If that's my reward, I really don't mind waking you up every morning. Even at night, and in between."
But before he could even reach that sweet pink haven, the evil woman from hell decided to show up.
"Oh, you're finally here!"
The steering wheel suffered Gray's disappointment. "Good morning, mother." He greeted without even trying to hide his irritation.
The ridiculously dressed President appeared behind Gray's mother, blowing a smoke from his pipe. His trademark fur-coat eating at his neck. But he was also leaning on a wooden cane. Gray never seen nor knew that he used one.
It was Juvia who climbed out the car first. She returned Mika's hug and that geezer's. He twitched at the latter. But no matter how much he hated it, Gray knew he couldn't go up that house without having to do it. So, Gray got out of his Lamborghini, already regretting.
President hugged him last, longer than necessary. He still smelled like burning tobacco and strong alcohol.
"Geez, the sun's still up and you're already drinking."
"It's called social drinking, you brat."
President Wakaba patted him at the back with both hands, stronger than usual too, before he released Gray from his hold. But he wasn't done yet. President Wakaba dropped his arm around Gray's shoulder and leaned on him like he found no use of his cane.
"You have good taste, brat." He said as he coughed after smoking his pipe.
Gray's eyes drifted to the direction where President was looking and easily comprehended what he meant. The two unknowingly shared a triumphant grin that guys like them often had talking about their impeccable taste in women.
Both tilted their heads on the side as they appreciated the retreating backs of their respective women and then lower. Both were unashamed of what they were doing.
"Just like me."
That one Gray didn't agree with. Yes, his mother was a find but no, he wasn't like him. But when he turned to President to tell him off, he witnessed that smile and gleam in his eyes Gray knew all too well. His attention returned to the two women ascending the steps into the mansion. He was caught off guard when Juvia glanced back at him, smiling – that bright, contagious smile that lifted the corners of his mouth.
He knew his smile wasn't as sexy as he intended. It was one of those stupid-looking smiles that men like him knew about it. One of those stupid-looking smiles just like President Wakaba's.
"Let's go inside, brat. Don't keep your mother waiting."
Maybe, they weren't so different, after all.
President Wakaba was a few steps ahead of Gray. But he easily caught up with the man in the cane at the double-door entrance. The mansion felt a little different, a little strange. Gray would always feel that every time he came home, once every year. He needed to adjust to his own house.
"I guess mom is kinda bored again, huh?"
Gray commented, looking around the gigantic interior of his mother's house. Consulting his memory, it seemed that the furniture was moved around and the drapes, he noted, were freshly changed.
"You know your mother. She goes crazy whenever you come home."
Gray followed President deeper into the mansion. The man with the cane led him to an archway where he heard some noise – talking and laughter. He didn't see that absurd orange Mercedes at the entrance but Gray knew his team was here. And whatever his Vice Captain said about the color being lava, Gray would keep calling his car orange.
"You should come home more often."
Gray heard the unsolicited advice. Once a year was enough, right? And his mother visited him in the city anytime she wanted. Oftentimes, uninvited.
"Oi, Captain!"
He was right, Gray's team was already at the long table, enjoying the feast before them, headed by his feel-at-home Vice Captain, Natsu.
"What took your Lamborghini so long?" Natsu asked, gnawing on a piece of turkey leg. "My Lava made your Lamborghini eat dust!" he proudly exclaimed.
"You named that tin can Lava?" he barked back as usual.
"You guys made an interesting stop-over?" Loke asked, his double-meaning look jumping from his Captain and then at the ballerina by his side.
"Eat your food, jackass."
"Gray, manners."
His mother reminded.
"Just sit down. I'm sure you two are very much hungry."
Gray glared at the woman.
"From the travel, geez. Why are you so worked up?"
But Gray knew what she really meant. That wide grin wasn't fooling anyone, just adding fuel to fire.
"Don't mind them."
Gray told Juvia before he took the seat next to hers. He wanted to take her hand in his, place a soft peck on the back of her palm and maybe claim that kiss she'd been teasing him earlier. Just maybe not in front of the guys. He could handle their teasing but he wasn't sure about Juvia.
"And don't mind my cavemen of a team." He added, nodding at the four crudes gobbling the table clean.
Gajeel, Fiore Knights' Center, said something with his mouth full that no one in that table understood. No one except Fiore Knights.
"He said we need the protein." clarified Loke. "And you're the one to say." The self-proclaimed woman's man, pointed an accusing spoon at Gray. "You're just shy in front of your girlfriend."
"I once watched him finish an entire plate of chicken breast and he was still hungry." Juvia chimed in.
"Hey!" he teased.
"What? It's true."
"Don't go feeding my team with that information. They'd think they have something over me."
"It's common knowledge." Natsu joined in. "You haven't seen him guzzle a whole chicken. It's not cute."
"Turns you off, doesn't it?"
Gray felt an urge to punch the man sitting next to Juvia. He might be quite a looker, mysterious and brooding, but a little black eye suits Laxus too.
"Alright, alright. Don't scare my girlfriend away."
Gray knew he would quickly regret it but for the first time he let his men find his weakness. He was never going to hear the end of it.
After brunch and an hour of teasing from his teammates, Gray walked back to his car to grab his and Juvia's bags. They were arranged neatly at the backseat; his navy blue duffel and her pink animal-printed… he'll go ahead and just call it a weekend bag. He took the shoulder bag on the front seat and balanced the three on his shoulders. The gleam almost blinded him when the 10:00 a.m. sun hit his girlfriend's sequined bag.
When he entered through the living room, he found his teammates scattered around the sofa, groaning out of overeating.
"Ugh. I can't feel my stomach." Natsu sprawled on the Camelback, claiming it all to himself. "I don't think I can walk."
Gray grabbed a pillow and threw it on the whiner, hitting Natsu right in the face.
"Hey!" Natsu bolted up, regretting it almost immediately.
"No one told you to eat the whole table."
"He's right, Cap." Gajeel joined in. "I think I'm stuck in here."
Gray would have cracked a laugh at the picture of Gajeel, a size or two bigger than the armchair that completed the sofa set. The Team Captain threw the other cushion at Fiore Knights' Center which the latter easily caught in his hands. He had great reflexes and good at catching things.
"Let's not disappoint today." He stated, more sounding like a threat. Then, Gray picked up the bags he dropped on the floor and went his way.
"Fine, fine! Loke will not be disappointing any children today."
Gray was already at the first step of the grand staircase that led to the second floor. Still, Loke's voice reached him. He didn't have any doubts about that. They might look and act like a bunch of overgrown children, but the member of Fiore Knights were professionals. Plus, those cavemen were typically heroes to the young boys from the home. Gray was sure his men never disappoints, or their ego wouldn't allow them.
Hoopster ascended the stairs to the second floor, with his and Juvia's bags hanging on him, adding to his weight. But nothing he couldn't handle. He used the mid-morning sunlight to steer the carpeted corridor.
Gray paused to appreciate one of his favorite installments in the house. The floor-to-ceiling drapes were tied to the sides, putting the endless blue sky to view. The glass wall overlooked his mother's beautiful green garden; its continuous flow interrupted only by a white, double wooden door which led to the veranda. Gray reminded himself to show Juvia his mother's own grown garden. But the house tour would have to wait. There was somewhere else he wanted to take Juvia.
Gray dropped by at the guest room, wanting to know if Juvia settled in. He found her just coming out of the bathroom, sadly for Gray, all her clothes were still intact.
"Hey, beautiful."
Gray was such a smooth talker that his suave greeting earned a soft smile and a little blush from Juvia.
"Oh, hi. Hey, thanks for bringing those up." said Juvia as she took her weekend duffel and shoulder bag from Gray and placed them on the still made-up bed.
"That's all I get?"
The mattress dipped as Gray sat on the edge of the bed, next to Juvia who busied herself by taking out some cosmetic pouches and arranged them neatly on the bedside table.
"My arm felt really," Gray massaged his left shoulder where he carried Juvia's bags and twisted it behind, feigning muscle cramp. "sore carrying that leopard bag of yours. What do you have in there?"
He noticed the slight change in Juvia's blue eyes, probably remembering something – something naughty. The woman cleared her throat first, trying to fight the heat that was coloring her cheeks pink.
"Why?" she asked. "Isn't a 'thank you' enough?" Juvia was now taking out some other travel pouches inside the sequined bag.
Gray noticed she was trying not to meet his eyes, which was weird.
His girlfriend was acting really weird.
Gray didn't answer. Instead, he pulled Juvia towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist and spreading his legs to let her even closer.
"Well, thank you is good but I need a…" Gray didn't finish his sentence on purpose and just puckered his luscious lips.
"You want a kiss?"
Gray thought he was being cute. He believed that too when Juvia finally gave him that beautiful smile.
"Yes, give me some of that sugar, please."
Juvia tucked strands of hair behind her ear before she pressed a quick peck on Gray's lips, resting her hands on his broad shoulders as she did.
"Like that?"
"Yeah, but more."
This time, it was Gray who softly brushed his lips against Juvia's, earning a soft 'mmm' from her. But he was the one who broke off the kiss too, albeit resentfully. It took so much of his will power to pull away from that kiss. But young, excited kids were waiting for him and his team. He was looking forward for it too.
"I know I promised to show you around the house." Gray looked up to his girlfriend who was still smiling at him. "But there's somewhere I'd like for you to see first."
Juvia awarded herself one last kiss before she pulled Gray off the bed and out of the guestroom. Downstairs, four Fiore Knights were waiting for them; and one of them – very impatiently.
"Geez, what took you guys so long? Let's go." Natsu didn't have any intention to let the couple answer. He just played with a rather smaller ball in his hands as he started to the door.
"Don't mind him, Juvia." It was Loke who apologized on behalf of his Vice Captain. "He isn't getting any of that lovin' so he's cranky." The rest of Fiore Knights followed behind Cranky. The couple, after sharing a short but guilty giggle, rounded up the close knit.
They took the Ghini for a spin. If Gray wasn't on the wheel with his eyes on the road, he would have enjoyed staring at his girlfriend by his side and it was a picture he'd forever etch in his mind. How her blue tresses rode the wind. How her eyes closed as she took in the breeze that hit her face. But most of all, the curve of her lips as she steal a glance at Gray and he'd catch her.
"You've never been to Isvan, right?" Gray kept his eyes on the road as he navigated the neighborhood. He'd steal a glance at Juvia who leaned back on the passenger seat, looking out into the rich neighborhood.
"Yeah. It's not as I expected."
Another glance showed Juvia now looking ahead the road as the Ghini purred into the main town and light traffic.
The Isvan Capitol was made of hard white-washed brick, topped with spiky spirals. It looked very polished and well-maintained. The surrounding buildings kept the motif going with needle roofs and that dirty white paint. It wasn't hard to spot the buildings which weren't part of the government compound. They looked like cream-colored boxes with solid paint and hard edges.
"It's very… current."
"It wasn't like this when I was a kid." Gray shared, both hands on the wheels as he maneuvered the packed four-lane.
"They named a gymnasium after you?" asked Juvia, amused eyes glued at the building bearing the Fullbuster name they just passed by.
"Not me, my dad." Gray clarified. "President donated it when I won my first national championship."
Juvia couldn't keep her eyes straight ahead as she kept seeing Gray's face all over town.
"Wow, my boyfriend is kinda important, isn't he?"
At one of the commercial buildings, a tarpaulin was hanging with words of encouragement for Gray and Juvia. They chose good photos of Gray and Juvia for the collage, same as the one they saw at the ballerina's hometown.
"That's right." Gray put off his sunglasses for a sexy wink. "Your boyfriend is a celebrity."
Juvia had to roll her eyes and they both laughed.
But Gray wasn't planning on taking Juvia on a town tour. That could wait. At the end of the brick houses, Gray followed the smooth curve. A minute-drive away from the main capital, the four-lane was sharply cut into two.
"This is what I am talking about."
Gray was more relaxed now, driving his billion dollar car into the countryside.
"This is what Isvan is made of."
The two-lane pavement was lined on either side by endless of green and nature, just the opposite of the white-brick capital. The wind colder on the skin as compared to that in the main town. The distinct smell of fresh air brought him back to his childhood, when life was simpler. When he was free to run around the rice fields.
"Hey! What is that?"
Oh, Gray sadly forgot about that.
"Slow down. Slow down!"
He was kind of proud of it. Or used to. Suddenly, a wave of embarrassment was weighing on him. Along with pesticides ads, why would anyone put up a billboard of his abs in the middle of the rice fields?
Writer’s Corner: Hi, you guys! I know I should be working hard since we’re on lockdown. I owe you guys some entertainment. I just got side-tracked. Anyways, I hope you had fun reading Fiore Knights interacting.
Also, it was more fun writing in Juvia’s perspective. But let’s shine some light on our best boy. I think you’ll get it in the next chap. 
Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone of you who keeps inspiring me with your kind words. I’ve received a lot of love lately. I am very much thankful.
thank you to these people, some I have interacted with since the beginning, some I just met, but keeps supporting us until now. I apologize in advance if you don’t see your name here but please know you are all important to me. (your girl feeling a little emotional)
: @cobblepottantrum @sobatsu @alfys-world @jetblackrevival @welp-im-going-to-hell @hekaates @hiccstridhumour @juvialockseroff @icelyn20 @freeezingrain @gruviafan-forever @ship-ambrosia @justbeingtruemyself @gruvia-galaxy @shounenmangaotphell @shampooneko @celestialcontrail
Always, always thankful you guys!
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princewonnie · 4 years
man who swallows hearts (choi san + song mingi)
basically a sangi howl’s moving au,, ngl very self-indulgent.
cross-posted on ao3
word count: 1,197 words
genre: fluff (kinda)
summary:  oh god. mingi was so whipped for this pretty blue-eyed man in a red cape.
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"mingi, we're going first," yeosang hollered, mingi humming in acknowledgement as he furrowed his eyebrows and concentrated on muffler he was working on.
"you sure you're gonna stay here, hyung?" jongho questioned. mingi hummed yet again, biting his lip when the sewing machine almost pierced his finger. "okay then, make sure you lock up."
"look!" wooyoung's high-pitched voice sounded while he pointed at the window, "howl's castle."
mingi's eyes trailed over to the direction. looking through the dirty glass, the castle was indeed there, moving slowly across the hills as smoke let itself out from what seemed to be it's chimney.
"woah, it's so close," jongho marvelled, "i wonder if he's in town?"
"better hope he's not," yeosang said in a bored tone, fixing his vest. jongho looked at him curiously, wooyoung ruffling his black locks. "didn't you hear? hongjoong from crescent?"
mingi went back to his work, blocking away the trio's conversation. he was never one for gossip.
jongho shook his head in answer. wooyoung went closer to the younger, his arms struggling to sling over his neck, "he ate his heart. don't want you dying now, do we?"
jongho slapped the lilac's hands away, the older pouting at the action. yeosang shook his head at the pair, dragging them by the neck as he yelled a 'bye mingi' before slamming the door shut.
the sound of the sewing machine filled the room alongside mingi's soft breathing. he hadn't even realised the sky turning to a golden hue, slipping into the room and draping everywhere, until he finished the muffler.
he smiled in satisfaction, wiping away his sweat. the muffler was of a simple scarlet, the initials J.Y.H sewed neatly in white on one side of the ends. it was for his bestfriend's birthday, the older opting for one of mingi's trademark mufflers instead of an expensive gift.
folding it neatly and placing it in a small paper bag along with a birthday card, he immediately rushed out, not forgetting to lock the door.
staring at his old watch, mingi cursed when he saw the time- the train was going to leave in a mere ten minutes. with a big sigh, he ran to the station, luckily making it in time as he hopped into the packed vehicle. curse yunho for working so far away.
cursing at himself again for forgetting his own muffler, he hissed when the early winter wind smacked his face. he could barely keep his eyes open- tearing up whenever he does because of the breeze.
he had never felt so relieved before when the train had finally arrived, his hands immediately rubbing his eyes. blinking the discomfort away, he made his way to utopia- the diner yunho was working at. there was still forty minutes before yunho got off from work so mingi wasn't in much of a hurry, walking slowly instead of rushing like earlier.
with a hum, he strolled through the vibrant town, children's laughter as they ran around and vendors bellowing filling his ears.
right when he was about to make a turn to a narrow alley, he stopped on his tracks. a man was being ganged up by two men, visibly larger than him- for some reason very unusually large.
mingi inched closer to get a closer look, his eyes scanning the man. his hair was black with a streak of white at the front, and his fox-like eyes had orbs of a pretty cerulean colour, complimenting his features sharp features. short to say- he was breathtaking. his red cape draped over his small figure, enveloping him in a cute but charismatic way at the same time.
"hey-" he yelled out, stomping his way to the pretty man's rescue. his big build was not for naught- mingi was a great fighter and he knew when he had to be one.
the two men snapped their heads to mingi and the latter froze.
what the fuck?
faceless black blurbs stared straight at him, actually mingi wasn't sure if theu were bevause they literally had no eyes but with the way they were slowly slithering their way to him slowly, he was kinda sure.
alarmed, he backed up, the pretty man cursing softly and running straight to mingi's direction before the blurbs could get to him.
he linked his arms with him, giving him a smile so pretty mingi almost fell in love, "jump."
and jump mingi did, the pair floating on air in a split second, nearing the clouds. mingi gasped at the scene, his eyes gleaming at the sight of the huge buildings now looking like toys and the yellow flickering streetlights complimenting the ambience of the town.
but the awe was instantly replaced by fear when he realised he was actually floating on air, his fading red hair now ruffled by the angry wind.
"relax," the pretty man spoke out, "just walk like you always do."
with much struggle, mingi finally got the hang of it as his breathing slowed down. "sorry for dragging you," he giggled and mingi swear the man was glowing and oh god, he had dimples, "here."
"w-what were those?" mingi managed to choke out, his eyes fixed on the man's pretty eyes. he waved it off simply as they floated over the town's clock tower, "just no one. don't mind them. so where are you going, dear?"
mingi flushed at the nickname, "j-just utopia." with another smile (that mingi almost died over again) he clasped their hands together, "then i'll take you there."
within minutes, they arrived at the old building, the man dropping him off at some balcony on the third floor. with a stagger, mingi managed to not fall over.
the man chuckled at mingi, his eyes turning into ethereal crescents mingi was sure he fell in love this time. "then, i'll get going, sweetheart."
mingi felt his heart drop at his words, a frown making it's way to his face involuntarily. "m-mingi!"
the man tilted his head in confusion. mingi flushed at his own sudden outburst, scratching the back of his head, "m-my name is mingi. song mingi."
the man grinned, cupping his cheeks and planting a soft kiss on his forehead, "well mingi, i'll get going now."
oh god, mingi definitely died inside.
"your name!" he managed to squeak out before the other got on his way.
turning back to the red-haired, he patted his hair softly, "call me san."
with a swift motion, he gave mingi one last smile and jumped off the building. mingi's eyes widened as he scurried to see the ground, only to realise san was now floating in the air again, flying across the town as he merged with the now twinkling stars.
with a stupid grin on his face, he stared at his right hand where they had held hands before.
snapping his head to the familiar voice, he found yunho standing behind him, blue hair tousled in all kinds of direction but managing to look good on him.
"yunnie." he grinned, skipping towards his bestfriend, "happy birthday!"
"uh, thanks but explain to me why the fuck did i just see you landing on the balcony with howl?"
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Find Time Or Make Time
Becky Marney (Hidden Agenda 2017) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Having yours or your partner’s job/career hindering you from spending more time together is common which doesn’t make it any less painful for the person who feels like their partner prefers their job over them or simply misses spending time with their significant other. Y/N takes matters into her own hands when Becky is at the precinct two thirds of the day, squeezing in ten minutes at most for her girlfriend.
Requested by Dot Anon. Hi! Thank you so much for sending me your request! I honestly really enjoyed Hidden Agenda and I am so happy I have the chance to write a fanfic about it (especially for my girl Marney <3) Sorry for posting it so late, and thank you for your patience! Hope the fic makes it worth it. Love you lots, Vy ❤ 
Y/N/N - Your nickname
I let out a half frustrated - half relieved sigh as I push open the front door to my apartment, stumbling into the dark hallway. I turn the lamp on instead of the hallway ceiling light in a pointless attempt to remain discreet and not announce my presence. I drop my keys on the dresser next to the lamp, cringing at the sound they make when they hit the wooden surface. I shrug off my trench coat, hanging it up before heading down the hall towards the living room. Approaching the doorway, I notice the faint light of the TV. It’s about 2AM and there’s no reason for that TV to be on - my girlfriend Y/N never leaves anything on before going to sleep and she’s always in bed by 11:30PM, so this is beyond odd. A quick peek into the living room calms me down - Y/N is indeed asleep but on the couch instead of in our bed.
“Y/N. Hey, Y/N/N. Let’s get you to bed, ok?“ I shake her awake gently, watching as her eyelids flutter open.
“Beck? No, no, I’m not sleepy, I swear.“ She rubs her unfocused eyes as she sits upright, “I was waiting for you.“
I frown, kneeling down so I’m eye-level with her, “You never do that. Is something wrong?”
She shakes her head, letting out something alike a scoff, “Nothing’s wrong, Becky. I just wanted to wish my girlfriend a Happy New Year. So...Happy New Year’s.” Her words are a bit slurred due to the exhaustion she is battling in order to speak but they still have the same effect as a slap to the face. 
Oh shit, it’s New Year’s! I completely forgot! In my defense, it’s been so busy at the precinct, none of us remembered what the date December 31st meant. We finally have the real Trapper behind bars and it was time to say goodbye to Finn - who, by the way, seemed like a changed guy when he was leaving the station. Guess five years of awaiting execution will do that to you. - so none of us paid much mind to the holiday being celebrated worldwide. I didn’t even make an attempt to make it home early to be with Y/N and that thought makes me feel absolutely horrible.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I completely forgot about that.“ I run a hand over my face, covering the look of disappointment that I can’t not express. I am indeed very disappointed in myself.
She takes my hand, “Beck, listen. This isn’t about you not being here with me. Not completely at least. It’s about you working your life away. Those people don’t even deserve 1% of you yet you still give them your all. I admire that in you, but sometimes...“ She is literally falling asleep in-between her words, “Sometimes, I feel like I need to save you, you know? Save you from yourself. You are the one who overworks you. You are the one who keeps you at the precinct after hours. You are the person responsible for making you feel like a fucking robot, just working, working and working for days on end. I mean, can you even recall the last time we went out to get dinner or have drinks. Do you remember the last time we did something fun? Yeah, neither do I.“ Her voice keeps getting lower and less courageous - more and more uncertain and insecure. “It doesn’t only seem like you prefer your work over me, it seems to me you prefer it over yourself too. I swear, Tom, Finn and Felicity have been seeing you more than I have these past two weeks. I know for a fact no one is keeping you there. Actually, I believe they’re trying to send you home.“
Her eyelids are getting heavier by the second, but she is determined to get her point across. I turn to search for the remote on the coffee table behind me. Instead, I find a whiskey bottle and a glass next to it, serving as proof as to how Y/N kept herself entertained while completely alone in the apartment. That pang of guilt returns when I turn back to her.
“Take breaks more often, Beck. Please. I hate seeing you like this - you are nothing but a work zombie. You look like one as well, with those bag under your dead eyes.“ She keeps blabbering but now she has a smirk playing on her lips, suggesting she’s provoking me in a teasing matter more than serious.
I roll my eyes dramatically, pushing Y/N who is now laying flat against the couch more towards the back rest so I can make room for myself on the narrow couch “Oh shut up, I look great and you know it.”
She hums, the sounds sounding both approving and skeptical. “You’d look better if you were well rested.”
Seeing that the couch will probably provide us with no comfort for the night, I grab Y/N by the hands and lift her in a sitting position once again, “Ok smatass, we’re going to bed. We’ll sleep in and I’ll call in sick. Tomorrow I’m all yours.”
Her eyes light up, the tiredness having vanished and been replaced by sparkles of excitement. “Yay!” The cheer is a lot less enthusiastic than she probably wanted it to be, but I see how amazed she is with the idea of finally having me all to herself after such a long time.
With minimal help from me, she stands up on her feet, swaying only slightly. She finds the remote among the couch cushions and turns the TV off before stumbling down the hall to our room. I follow close behind her and find her already crashed onto the sheets when I walk in. I throw a blanket over her and shuffle myself under it as well after I change into my pajamas.
“Love you, Beck.“ Her lips brush against my nose for a second, giving me the most sincere type of kiss she ever gives - the nose kiss is her signature kiss.
“Love you too, Y/N/N.“ I kiss her forehead, which is my trademark way of showing affection.
Not even a minute later, she’s gone in the world beyond consciousness. I take a moment to admire her before following her in the land of dreams - one I rarely visit and when I do I don’t stay for too long. But I’ll change that, I’ll change the way I treat her and myself. It’s the least I can do to show how much I love her - at this moment after all. Who knows what the future may hold?
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Comfort Me, Part 1
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Author’s Note: 
This is going to be a two-shot, and I hope to post the second part this weekend! Let me know with a like or a reblog if yall are excited/want me to post it sooner. 
Big shoutout to @twentytwohearts for going through this whole long-ass fic with me and helping with editing. You are a rockstar!
There is a line later on in the story that is written in Spanish. Full disclosure, I 100% used Google Translate to write it! The English translation is at the end of the fic!
Liv POV:
I groaned and slapped a hand over my face as my alarm blared from the floor next to my mattress. Rolling over, I fumbled with the source of my abrupt awakening until I finally managed to stop the ear-piercing sound. 
Fingers roughly rubbing my sleep crusted eyes, I tried to adjust to the stream of light coming in from my window. Eventually I heaved myself out of bed and softly padded into the bathroom. Grumbling, a dissatisfied grimace threatened to take over my features as my bare skin came into contact with the frigid air. Rubbing my arms vigorously in a vain attempt to warm them, I silently prayed that the heat was somehow just switched off this morning and not cut off for good. 
Right. Even half asleep I didn’t quite believe the former. 
One squeaky turn of the showerhead later and my suspicions were confirmed. Fuck. I turned off the icy spray before angrily stomping back to my room. Thank God it was only October or else I’d really be fucked. As I made my way down the bare hallway I made a mental note to go and meet with our skeevy landlord later to see what could be done about turning the heat back on. George was pretty pervy, but times like this made that particular trait quite useful. A small bit of makeup and a lower-cut top would be all I hopefully needed to get the heat turned back on, at least for a little while. 
I stood near my closet running a hand through my wavy locks and contemplating my options for a moment. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, some thick socks, my favorite red flannel, and a grey zip up hoodie. Pulling my ratty hi-tops on, I surveyed my appearance in the mirror briefly before heading out of my room and into the kitchen. Stepping towards my jacket, I heard a loud belch from the direction of my living room. I leaned over the couch to see a half naked, 40-something bum passed out. Chortling to myself, I dismissed him as one of my mother’s conquests and reached for my jacket once more, pulling it over my still slightly shivering form. Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I started to head out the door. Stopping cold and smirking, I turned on my heel to fish through the reeking man’s pockets. Finally finding his wallet, I pocketed it quickly before patting his head gently.   
“Sorry man, should’ve stumbled home,” I whispered, smirking and heading towards the door once more.
I exited the shit hole apartment I was unfortunate enough to call home, and walked briskly down the stairs and around the corner. As I walked I began to riffle through the dudes stuff. Finding only $40 in cash, I pitched the rest of his shit into a nearby bush and continued my walk. 
Walking briskly to avoid a chill, it was only a few short blocks until I hopped up the stairs of the only place that’d ever felt like home: Peter and May’s place. Shouting a good morning down the hall, I filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil. Busying myself with grabbing two mugs and their respective tea bags, I almost didn’t hear the soft padding of hands and feet near the entrance of the kitchen. 
Peter’s cry was immediately followed by an ‘oomf’ as he fell face first into the kitchen’s floor. I grinned to myself from my place at the counter, having moved just inches to the right just before my best friend had made the attempt to tackle me. As far back as I could remember I’d been coming to Peter’s apartment every morning before school – and every morning Peter attempted to scare me. It had only worked once.
The first time. 
When we were 6. 
Nevertheless, he was determined to make it happen again and his face-plants were near daily at this point. 
“Morning Pete, did you eat yet?” I chuckled, not even bothering to turn around. 
“No, not yet. Why are you here so early anyways?” he grumbled as he hopped up to his feet. 
“Good morning sunshine!” May sang as she entered the kitchen. I smiled widely at the elder Parker, gratefully accepting a peck on the cheek as I handed her morning tea in her favorite mug. 
“You’re here awfully early aren’t you?” she mused, blowing on the steaming drink to cool it. 
“I was literally just saying that,” Peter stated flatly, rolling his eyes and grabbing some cereal for the two of us. He was always a bit grumpy after he lost our little morning game, but experience told me that he’d be back to his cheerful, dorky self soon enough. 
“Heat’s off at home, didn’t feel like freezing to death,” I answered plainly. Eagerly taking the bowl Peter offered, I filled it with my favorite cereal as we all settled into our places at the small table. Peter and May glanced at each other briefly before the former turned his attention back to his food and May shot me a look of concern. 
“Why is your heat off? Is it broken?” May asked concernedly. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I shrugged non-committedly.
“Probably not. It’s the 10th, so more likely than not Kimberly 'forgot’ to pay the bill,” I answered, exaggerating the air quotes around 'forgot’. Peter’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked up from his breakfast, creating small wrinkles over his normally smooth skin. 
“Forgot?” he ground out, mouth still full of cereal and expression one of thinly-veiled contempt. I bit back a giggle when I noticed a dribble of milk making its way out the side of his mouth and down his chin. Leaning forward slightly, I wiped the offending drops away with the pad of my thumb. My small action caused the sweet boy to flush bright red, and I immediately felt myself internally swooning at the sight.  Flurries of small flutters began twirling around my stomach at the brief contact, causing me to drop my hand abruptly. Clearing my throat, I sat back into my chair and took another bite of my own cereal. 
“Mmmhm. Last night was the first night she’s even been home since last month so she probably spent it on much more important things,” I replied, tone practically dripping with contempt as I attempted to brush off the interaction with Peter with some of my trademarked sarcasm.
I hated to admit it, but lately I’d been harboring some romantic-type feelings for the brunette boy seated next to me. Feelings which I was doing my damndest to push back down to wherever the hell they’d come from. There was no reason for me to feel anything other than platonically for Peter, just like I had for my entire life. The thought of changing our dynamic terrified me to no end.  Lately I’d been spending more time than I cared to admit squashing the butterflies that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in my lower belly.
“You’ve been alone since last month? Oh honey, why didn’t you say anything sooner?”, May cooed softly, eyes oozing with sympathy and concern. Gratitude flooded my chest at the welcome distraction from the now-awkward feeling encounter with Peter. I turned towards her and —– ignoring the lingering emotions deep in my chest – shrugged. 
 "S'not a big deal, May. I stayed with MJ a few nights here and there,“ I soothed the older woman with another, more comforting smile. "Besides, you know me, I like my space.”
May huffed, sitting back aggressively in her chair, arms shoved petulantly across her chest. Peter looked much calmer than his aunt with a mostly blank expression on his still reddened face. His obviously fake passiveness may have fooled his aunt, but I was certain he was just as upset at my current situation as she was, if not more so. He didn’t always look it but Peter was insanely protective over me —especially when it came to matters involving Kimberly. 
It wasn’t exactly shocking news that my mother was terrible; she’d been like this as far back as I could remember. She wasn’t abusive per se – but only because in order to abuse me she’d have to actually be around. And being around was not Kimberly’s forte. No, she much preferred her flighty lifestyle of drinking, drugs, and dancing too much to stick around for more than a day or two at a time. I was usually left more or less alone at home — unless you counted the various men and women that were passed out around the apartment on any given day, that is. In all reality, Peter, May, and Ben (before he passed) were the only real family I’d ever had.
“Well until your heat is back on you have to find somewhere else to stay,” she grumbled.
 I giggled unintentionally at the sight of May Parker attempting to be strict; arms crossed,  brows furrowed, and mouth set into a thin line. Bless her soul. She was one of the kindest people I knew, but the poor woman couldn’t scare a mouse. 
“I’m serious Olivia!”.
“I know, I know! That reminds me, I need to borrow a top from you. I, uhm, found $40 this morning, and that plus one of your 'going out’ shirts should be enough to convince George to turn it back on. Got anything that says, 'my mother is an idiot, please don’t let me freeze?’,” I joked, semi-seriously. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Peter exclaimed abruptly. “There is absolutely no way you’re going to grovel to that — that pervert!”
My eyes turned to meet his, and though he appeared somewhat calm, I could tell he was positively fuming. Being that Peter and I had been inseparable nearly our entire lives, I could read his face like a book. And even if I couldn’t, it wasn’t exactly a secret that both Parkers held a massive amount of hatred for my mother. Conversations pertaining to her or my home life had to be delivered carefully to them, because both Parkers were too sweet for their own good. I’d learned over the years that divulging too much information about my home life at once would only cause them undue stress. 
Cursing myself internally, I realized I’d been too forthcoming, distracted by my attempts to squash my feelings for Peter. No matter how difficult things got on my end, I vowed early on never to be the cause for them to be anything less than their cheerful, goofy selves. An endeavor I was clearly failing at today. Peter rarely got this worked up over situations like this, and I could instantly tell that any compromise was going to be from my end this time. 
“I agree sunshine, you can stay here for a few days,” May nodded, smooth hand coming to rest over mine. “I could actually vomit at the idea of you even approaching that vile man, and you know you’re always welcome here." 
I felt my face flush with warmth at her words. It was true – I always knew that the door was perpetually open for me at the Parker household, but I still felt emotional whenever the subject of me staying for more than a night or two came up. Even with the countless number of days and weeks spent at their place I still harbored doubts that I was truly wanted. 
I glanced over at Peter with un-characteristic shyness, hoping to confirm that the sentiment was shared. To the delight of the seemingly perpetually active butterflies in my stomach, I found my green eyes locked in with the all-too familiar brown irises that I’d come to love. Peter was studying my pink-tinged cheeks intently, the expression on his face one I’d never quite seen before. Perplexed, my mind briefly wondered if he was feeling the same way I had only minutes ago as I’d watched his own sweet features flushed with embarrassment. I immediately dismissed the ridiculous thought; he was probably just worrying over me the way he always did, and there was no reason for me to think anything deeper was going on in his head. 
Seemingly realizing I’d caught him staring, he cleared his throat awkwardly and nodded with his most adorable, crinkly eyed smile etched on his face. Mentally shaking my head, I turned back to May once more, this time with a genuine smile, flipping my palm over to lightly squeeze her hand that still covered my own. 
"Thanks May,” I nearly whispered. The older woman practically grinned, the smooth skin around her eyes crinkling slightly with the size of it.
“Uh yeah, but I’m gonna be staying at the Tower this weekend,” Peter stuttered. “Mr. Stark has some, uhm, internship stuff for me to do." 
"S'okay Pete, I’m sure May and I will be fine by ourselves for a few days,” I grinned as I ate another spoonful of my now soggy cereal, knowing full well Peter hated when I was left alone with his aunt. May smiled knowingly, taking a sip of her tea and watching our interaction with a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. 
You’d think growing up with Peter would mean May wouldn’t have any more embarrassing stories or pictures left to share with me, but you’d be wrong. Left to her own devices May had a rather spectacular talent for finding some long lost photos of a naked baby Peter, or suddenly recalling a story that caused the poor boy to physically cringe when he realized I’d heard.  Additionally, I had a habit of messing with Peter when left alone in ways that almost always made him regret ever leaving me unattended. It started out pretty tame: plastic wrap in the doorway, fake bugs or snakes hidden in his pillows, etc., but my jokes had evolved as we’d grown to the point where Peter flat out refused to leave me alone in the apartment. 
I chuckled lightly from my spot on the couch, craning my head down the hall to the source of the noise. 
“Yes?”, I called out in a sing-song voice. Grinning to myself, I bit down on my lower lip to keep from bursting into laughter. 
“Can you please come in here for a moment?”, Peter called from the direction of his room. To anyone else he probably sounded calm, but this was Peter and I knew his voice better than my own. He was clearly annoyed, and I couldn’t be happier about it. 
Giggling, I walked slowly down the hall and stopped in the doorway. 
“What’s up Petey?” I questioned innocently, leaving on the doorframe and crossing my arms. Peter scoffed. 
“Are you joking?” he asked incredulously. I laughed openly at the sight of my poor, disheveled friend. He was perched on the ceiling on all fours with his Spiderman costume still on, sans the mask, and his expression was one of pure frustration and annoyance. 
“No, I truly don’t know what’s gotten your panties in a twist,” I replied, still feigning nonchalance even though we both clearly knew what was going on. Peter huffed, and I couldn’t help but find him adorable with all the red splotches decorating his pale face and his brown curls mussed from being encased in his mask only minutes before. 
“My panties are NOT in a twist,” he grumbled. “Not that I have— you can’t seriously– Liv! Look at my room!”
I pretended to scan his room before meeting his gaze once more and shrugging. 
“The cups Liv. I’m talking about the cups,” he deadpanned, crawling over from his spot on the ceiling near the window. 
“Ohhhhh. That,” I chuckled. Peter narrowed his eyes at me, hands leaving the ceiling and coming to rest petulantly across his chest as he flipped upside-down. 
“Yes, that!” he practically shouted, eyes blown wide and brows furrowed in disbelief.
A massive amount of small plastic cups, each brimming with water, completely covered the area of his bedroom. There wasn’t a single inch of floor space that wasn’t taken up by cups, 447 to be exact. The laughter that had been building inside me since Peter had first called me over to his room finally came bursting out. 
“You know May is always getting on you to drink more water,” I finally gasped out between peals of laughter. “I just thought I’d help remind you!”. 
“Seriously Liv?” he whined, puppy dog eyes on full force and lips forming into a small pout. “You’re the worst. Are you at least gonna help me clean this up?”
I shook my head playfully. 
“Sorry Petey, you know the rules. You left me here alone, and that means you have to deal with the consequences on your own.” I chuckled, pushing myself off the doorframe and heading back towards the living room. I’d only made it a few steps before I heard the sweet sounds of multiple plastic cups knocking into one another, followed closely by a distinct splashing noise and Peter’s irritated groan. 
“Uh-uh. There is no way I’m leaving the two of you alone,” Peter said, shuddering slightly at the implication. 
“Awww come on Petey it won’t be that bad,” I giggled. He shot me a look that screamed 'are you serious?’ across the table before standing up and reaching for his backpack. 
“Yes. It will. You’re staying at the tower too Olivia, even if I have to drag you there myself." 
"Awww I think someone been missing me,” I cooed, standing as well and playfully pinching Peter’s cheek. Another wave of red and pink color began creeping up his neck at my teasing, and he swatted my hand away quickly. Rolling his eyes, he shimmied his backpack straps over his broad arms. I snickered and winked at May who was sitting with a hand covering her mouth in a feeble attempt to mask the massive grin she too sported. 
“In your dreams Williams. But I do know that Mr. Stark has been asking about you lately. I’m sure he and Ms. Potts would love to see you anyways,” he replied after awkwardly clearing his throat. My face broke out into an even wider smile at the mention of the power couple.
 Ever since Peter had met Tony Stark, the billionaire had become un-characteristically attached to me. Not that he’d ever admit to it out loud. He’d immediately wanted me around more since discovering that I was not only arguably as smart as Peter, but that I was blessed with an uncanny ability to make the poor brunette boy flush or stammer at any given moment. Didn’t hurt that I had an arsenal of embarrassing Peter stories that went back over a decade either. I’d started working with the Iron Man himself in his labs every now and again when Peter stayed at the Tower, and after a few months Tony had become increasingly aware of the state of my home life. I’d never tell him to his face, but I truly believed that my lack of parental guidance or acceptance resonated with the normally sarcastic Avenger. 
In fact, he and Pepper had offered multiple times to help me legally emancipate myself from her. I always shrugged off the help, knowing full well that the extent of time she was gone was never actually illegal. The fridge usually had food, and the rent was usually paid, so there weren’t exactly grounds to call it neglect at this point. Maybe when I was a kid, but even then it wasn’t that easy. May and Ben had tried to get me away from her multiple times, and each time it’d only ended with me winding up in an even shittier foster home for a while. Foster homes that I only stayed in for a few weeks, or even days, before my mother had gone crying to the judges to get me back 'home’. 
No, I was stuck with Kimberly until my 18th birthday in a couple years, a downright depressing thought that I still wrestled with on a near daily basis. Even with the reassurance and support I received from the Parkers, my other best friend MJ, Peter’s friend Ned, and now the Starks I often felt incredibly low about myself. I mean, my own mother couldn’t be arsed to actually care about me, so how was I supposed to believe that anyone else would?
I was abruptly brought out of my thoughts by a hand lightly squeezing my bicep, the disruption causing me to jump slightly. 
“Livvie?” Peter questioned softly, using the nickname I only allowed him and May to call me. 
“I said we gotta get to school now, where’s your backpack?” he repeated, hand detaching from my arm and leaving tingles in it’s wake.
I shook off all my depressing thoughts, shifting quickly back to the familiar banter that came so naturally to Peter and I. 
“What backpack?” I questioned, voice laced with mock innocence. Peter rolled his eyes, face playfully annoyed. May however, stood from the table and looked about as pure and wholesome as a baby deer, her expression one of utter confusion. 
“Liv, sweetie, have you lost your school bag? ‘Cause I can pick you up a new one after work if that’s the case,” she questioned sweetly, making me fall even more in love with my best friend’s kooky aunt. I smiled and waved away her concerns with my hand. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it May, I just forgot it this morning in my rush to get out of the house,” I explained lightly, bringing her into my arms as I hugged her goodbye. She embraced me tighter than usual, likely slightly still on edge from this morning’s chat. I reciprocate in kind, taking a moment to breath in her comforting scent and revel in the small circles she rubbed into my back as she held me. 
For all intents and purposes, May Parker was my mom. Kimberly may have birthed me, but that’s where her interest in me seemingly ended. May was there for me through everything; she’s the one who took me bra shopping for the first time, the one who got me through my first period, the one to comfort me when I experienced my first real heartbreak. She was at every academic decathlon competition, every sports game when I was a kid, and the one who hung all my artwork from childhood proudly on her fridge. Kimberly may be my biological mother, but May chose me to be the daughter she never had. And I would never be able to repay her for it, even if I tried. 
“Hey!” Peter protested from behind me. I turned, arms still wrapped around May. “How come Liv gets a new backpack with no questions asked, and I can’t get a new one without begging?!" 
Peter’s expression was one of pure annoyance, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his frustration. His arms were crossed and his brows were adorably furrowed as he questioned his aunt. 
"Because she doesn’t 'lose’ them faster than I can buy them,” May responded plainly, hands leaving my sides to rest on her hips stubbornly. I snorted at the slight indignation taking over Peter’s features before walking through the door. 
“Yeah, no it’s because she loves me more. Sorry Petey,” I chuckled, ruffling his hair as I breezed past him. As I jogged down the first few steps I faintly heard the sweet sounds of May’s giggle along with Peter’s scoff from the apartment behind me. 
“Wanna stop back at your house for your backpack before we go?” he asked adorably, jogging slightly to catch up to me. 
“Mmmm… Pass. Too much work,” I returned, smirking at the incredulous look that overtook Peter’s face. 
“Seriously? Don’t you have homework in there?” he asked in disbelief as we hopped down the cement stairs leading down to the train, avoiding several rushing commuters along the way. Once we met at the bottom and passed through the tolls I shrugged as we waited, subway trains rushing by us. Sparing a glance at Peter, I was momentarily stunned by how cute he looked with his brown curls blowing haphazardly around him, highlighting his strong jaw. A jaw that was currently moving as he shook his head and grinned at me. 
“Exactly how are you passing again?” he laughed, bumping my shoulder playfully. I giggled, linking his arm through mine as we huddled in front of the tracks. 
“Dunno, probably because the smartest guy in school is a good friend of mine,” I reasoned innocently, leaning my head on his shoulder and grinning.
“Mmmm, wow you are lucky,” he chuckled. He ducked slightly, leaning his head down atop mine and messing around with his phone idly. He finally found whatever he was looking for, silently handing me an earbud. We each popped one in our ears, bumping along to the beat and swaying softly as we waited for our train. 
I imagine others looking on would make the assumption that Peter and I were together based on our comfortable contact. In fact, people mistook us for a couple pretty almost daily. Historically, I’d chew those people out and remind them that just because Pete was a boy and I was a girl didn’t automatically mean we were dating. Lately though, I found myself wishing it were true, and the reminder that things weren’t like that causing my chest to feel heavy with disappointment. Peter and I had always been incredibly comfortable with one another, and it wasn’t uncommon for us to stand like this or wind up cuddled close as we watched a movie or something. It never meant anything, it was simply the way things had always been. However, as my feelings grew I found myself longing for these moments to last forever so I could pretend things were different for just a bit longer. 
But, things weren’t like that, and time didn’t work that way. Soon our train came screeching our way, and we separated, the illusion broken. 
“You okay?” Peter questioned softly as we waited for the departing passengers to move out of our way. 
“Yeah, I’m great,” came my soft reply, the reflex response tumbling out of my mouth before my brain could even catch up. I’m sure Peter caught my white lie based on the way his eyes sparkled with a hint of concern, but thankfully he let the subject drop. He smiled lightly at me, and we finally boarded the subway car. I forced another smile, taking my place on the busy train beside my best friend. 
“So, Kimberly finally showed up huh,” MJ commented flatly as we strode down the bustling, graffiti littered sidewalks that led to my apartment building after school. I hummed non-committedly in response. 
“S’possible, almost likely even, given the timing,” I quipped back, tone just as flat.
 MJ hated everyone and everything, so naturally we got along extremely well. She was smart, sarcastic, angry, observant, and underneath it all an extremely loyal friend. As much as she usually lived up to her ‘I don’t fuck with you’ image, I was proud to be one of the few things she would actually admit that she cared about.
“In that case, this is where I leave you,” she deadpanned, lingering near the door of my building. I nodded in understanding, squinting my eyes against the sun rays blaring down on me as I looked at the tall girl. MJ hated Kimberly with the kind of dark rage only she could muster. Hell, sometimes I think she hates her more than I do. So seeing her in person was a huge no-no.
“So you staying over tonight? There’s a BLM protest down on 47th and Broadway I was gonna hit up if you want to come,” she offered. She stood facing slightly away from me, arms crossed and eyes trained down on her shoes. To an outsider it would seem the dark-haired girl wasn’t interested in our conversation, but I’d been around MJ enough to know that wasn’t the case. She wouldn’t offer her time or energy if she didn’t really want me around. I absolutely thrived off the fact that I was one of the only people in her life that she actually wanted to be around, and I felt my heart lift slightly with her offer. Nevertheless, I shook my head, opening the door with my key. 
“Nahhh, May freaked out over breakfast this morning and now Peter is basically kidnapping me until the heat’s turned back on,” came my response from the threshold. MJ’s right brow raised dramatically. 
“Right. Kidnapping you,” she drawled, smirking. Frowning at her, I rolled my eyes and attempted to seem nonchalant. MJ knew all about my blossoming feelings for a certain brunette dork due to her observant nature and her close relationship with the both of us. A fact which she used against me at every given opportunity. 
“Mhm, so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go try and pack my shit and avoid my lush of a mother,” I replied quickly. MJ threw me a mock salute before turning around fully and walking away. 
“Make sure you call me tonight so I know you’re safe!” she shouted over her shoulder. I chuckled to myself at her antics and entered the shitty residence I legally had to call home.
Peter’s POV
“Ned, I swear to god,” I groaned, walking down the street, rubbing my eyes in exasperation.
“Oh, come on,” he shot back, clearly just as irritated as me with the topic of our conversation. “It’s so obvious it’s literally painful at this point." 
"You’re insane,” I grumbled, pushing past the other New Yorkers bustling past us as we headed up the steps to Delmar’s. “Liv and I are best friends man." 
Nodding at Mr. Delmar in place of a hello, I wandered idly down the isles in search of some sour candies.  
"Okay first of all, as your best friend I’m offended,” Ned deadpanned. “Secondly, friends don’t act like the two of you; like how you’re always staring at her when you think no one is looking? Yeah, which everyone has noticed by the way." 
Despite my best efforts, I could feel the heat rising in my neck and creeping all the way up my face straight to the tips of my ears. As Ned chuckled at my obvious discomfort I scoffed, snatching a bag of gummy worms from the shelf and pushing my way past him. 
"So? You’ve seen her, she’s interesting to look at,” I retaliated, hoping against all odds that my voice sounded nonchalant. 
It was true. After all, Liv captivated the attention of anyone lucky enough to be in her presence without even really trying. For one thing, she dressed completely differently than any other student at Midtown. Her signature look always involved her favorite pair of ripped jeans, a black band t-shirt from her extensive collection (most of which had come from concerts that she’d dragged me along to), her faded red-flannel, and a pair of either hi-tops or combat boots. Her dark blonde hair was always a mess of flyaway waves and curls, and she had more piercings than I could realistically number. 
Additionally, Liv was, and had always been, incredibly outspoken. Even before my hearing became advanced, I could instantly tell when she entered a room, no matter how crowded or noisy it was. If her naturally captivating presence wasn’t enough to announce her arrival, her loud voice and infectious laugh did the trick. It was definitely safe to say, Liv wasn’t like any of the other girls at Midtown, or like any other girls anywhere to be honest. 
“Oh, please, looking is the understatement of the millennium and you know it. You freaking gaze at her man. Hand on your cheek, eyes glazed over, mouth open; It’s honestly kind of impressive you’ve not physically drooled at the sight of her yet,” Ned chuckled to himself. 
“Shut up, I do not!” I protested as I tossed my stash of candy on the deli counter. 
Mr. Delmar turned round to face us, leaning down and resting his forearms on the counter. An amused look overtook his features as he began rifling through the pile of sweets I’d collected. 
“Mr. Parker, big weekend with the girlfriend?” he casually asked, smirking knowingly. I groaned and clapped my hands over my face, rubbing my eyes in disbelief. 
“Come on man, not you too,” I muttered through my palms. Ned looked at me with an absolutely shit-eating grin, both he and Delmar chuckling at my obvious discomfort. 
“What? I know when you get Swedish Fish you’re going to be seeing her,” Mr. Delmar continued, holding up the aforementioned candy and grinning. “And if this un-godly pile of junk is any indication, you’ll be together for a few days. At least I hope so, because this is a disgusting amount of sweets for just one day.”
“Okay, yes, I am going to hang out with Liv this weekend. Because we are friends,” I ground out, arms crossing firmly across my chest. Ned rolled his eyes once more, and Mr. Delmar chuckled and shook his head. 
“Él está negando este. Su novia lo mira como si hubiera colgado la luna, ¡y todavía finge que no lo sabe!” Mr. Delmar told his employee loudly, laughing and patting the man’s back. My eyes narrowed, arms crossing even tighter at his comment. My Spanish may not be good enough to know exactly what he said, but I’d have to be an idiot not to know it was about Liv and I. 
It wasn’t like I didn’t know what they meant. I’d been in love with Liv since we were practically toddlers, and I’d spent my entire life trying to forget that. When we were kids, I fantasized about us growing up and getting married all the time, but as the years went on, I slowly realized that my feelings were not reciprocated. It was abundantly clear that Liv does not and had never thought of me in that light. 
People mistook us for a couple all the time, and she was always quick to correct them. In fact, she usually ended up lecturing them about how old-fashioned it was to assume that just because we were not the same gender that it must mean we were together. Each time someone referred to me as Liv’s boyfriend, I wanted nothing more than to grab her soft hand in mine and grin, proud to be the one she’d chosen. 
But our relationship wasn’t like that, no matter how much I wanted it to be, so I just go along with whatever she says. I wish I could say that it’s gotten easier as we’ve grown, but the fact was my feelings for her had only increased as time went on. A fact which I was both painfully aware and completely terrified of. 
Ned could pretend he was offended all he wanted, but everyone knew that Liv was my best friend, without a single doubt. She was there for me through everything: Ben’s death, becoming Spiderman, and every single thing in between. She was the person I wanted to speak to most when I first woke up in the morning and the last one I wanted to see before I fell asleep. She knew everything about me and I her, and the thought of losing her to any degree was out of the question. Our friendship was one straight out of a movie or something, a natural dynamic unlike one I’d seen between anyone else. How could I risk that just because of a silly crush I’d harbored since before I even stopped thinking girls had cooties? 
I couldn’t. 
I’d come to the conclusion long ago that if I wanted to keep Liv in my life I had to do everything in my power to squash my romantic feelings aside. And for a while, that plan worked out just fine. But lately Ned, MJ, and even Aunt May had been pressing me for details about Liv and I, insisting that we belonged together. Though I knew they all meant well, I couldn’t help my growing frustration with their meddling; they just didn’t understand how our relationship worked. 
I was getting more and more worried by the day that one of them would end up saying the wrong thing to Liv, and cause her to distance herself from me. The thought alone broke my heart, and I couldn’t even fathom what I’d be like if that day ever came. 
“What do you think Murph?” Ned interrupted my thoughts with a coo. He scratched the shop cat’s ears fondly as the lazy feline laid idly on top the deli counter. “Blink once if you think Peter should just man up and tell Olivia how he feels." 
Murph eyed me intensely, almost as if he’d understood what Ned had been asking. After a few moments his almond shaped eyes closed deliberately before he continued staring at me. I rolled my eyes in disbelief, already dreading the reaction from the now giddy men next to me. Ned immediately burst into laughter, hands flying to his stomach and head thrown back. Mr. Delmar smiled, sending a knowing glance in my direction as he too laughed. 
"For the love of—,” I exclaimed in irritation, practically slamming money on the counter and preparing to walk out the door. 
“You can’t argue with that Pete,” Ned  chuckled, seemingly somewhat calmer. I pursed my lips in frustration. 
“You two are insane,” I complained, hand pushing the door open. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to meet my best friend." 
Translation: He is denying this. His girlfriend looks at him as if he had hung the moon, and still pretends he doesn’t know!
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commander-rahrah · 5 years
Residency (an Open Heart Fic): PART ONE
Pairing: MC (Jordynne Holland) X Ethan Ramsey X Bryce Lahela; MC X Bryce; MC X Ethan 
Chapter Rating: T (Swearing)
Word Count: 3000+
Description: Jordynne’s last night in Oregon, leading up to her move to Boston, her apartment/Harry Potter room and the beginning of her first day at Edenbrook in Ethan’s point of view. 
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Jordynne’s background is my own creation, based loosely off of MC in-game’s personality and provided with more details. 
Author’s Note: I’ve never posted a Choices Fanfic before! I write fanfiction for other things (Mass Effect & Dragon Age if you are into that), but I just really really couldn’t get Ethan and my MC’s relationship out of my head. But I’m also super torn between him and Bryce. So I came up with a little scene in my head and just started writing. For my writing style, I do like to often put pieces of scenes from in-game/in-app to help the reader figure out where in the storyline we are.  Okayyyyyyy here we go! 
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Jordynne ducked into the black awning covering the entrance to the restaurant, shaking out her umbrella. It was pouring out — of course, it was. It was her last night in Portland — the rainy city had to leave a final impression on her.
Biting her lip, she opened up the door and headed inside. The hostess greeted her right away, and before she could tell her she was there for a reservation she heard a chorus of people screaming her name.
“Ha, I guess that’s them.” She smiled through the embarrassing moment, her cheeks turning red.
She made her way to the private room at the back of the trendy restaurant. There was a big black booth, metal bar stools and string lights everywhere. And a giant homemade banner on the back wall reading, “GOOD LUCK DOC”.
A massive smile spread across her face as she read it, and looked down at all of her family and friends sitting at the tables.
“Awe baby! You’re here!!” Jordynne watched as her mother jumped out of her seat, and ran over to her with her arms spread wide.
“Hi, mom.” She said, letting her wrap her in a big hug.
Her dad came up next to them, grabbing Jordynne by the shoulder and pulling her into him side. “Hey, kiddo.” He had a sad smile on his face.
She could hear right through the gruffness in his voice, “Dad don’t! It’s too early to be sad.” She punched him softly on the arm.
He let out a warm chuckle, pretending to rub at his arm in pain. “Ha, okay okay.”
Her parents led her towards the rest of the group, who were all beaming at Jordynne.
Her pink mouth dropped open, “Oh my god, there are so many people here! Guys, thank you so much for coming!” She let out a little squeal as she hugged her aunts and cousins, college friends and neighbors. She couldn’t believe they all came out to see her off.
“Wait, where’s Jason?” She said, her smile faltering a little when she realized her older brother still wasn’t there.
“He’s on his way. His shift ran late.” Her best friend Carter spoke up, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into a hug.
“Ugh, please don’t remind me that my best friend knows more about my brother than I do…”
“Oh, he knows way more about him...” Her other best friend Kenzie interjected.
Jordynne pulled back as if she was going to slap her, “Kenzie, I swear to god!”
She flashed her a shit-eating grin. “Ugh, I’m going to miss this.”
She chewed on her lip again, “Yeah, me too.” She could feel tears starting to come to her eyes, so she started waving her hands in front of her face. “It’s too soon to start crying!! I just got here.” She forced a laugh.
“Someone’s making my little sister cry?! Who’s ass do I gotta kick now?” A booming voice came from the back. Jason strolled up, still wearing his police uniform. A giant grin spread on his face when he saw Jordynne. “There you are.” He picked her up into a giant teddy bear hug — her feet left the ground.
“Really dressed up for me, hey.” Her voice was strained from being squeezed so hard.
“Hey, I came straight from the station. Didn’t want to miss a second more.” He raised up his hands to her, in silent apology. Immediately after he put on a goofy smile.
Everyone finally settled down at the table together — drinks were ordered and family-style platters shared amongst each other. Stories of Jordynne were exchanged — her childish antics with Jason, when she backed her dad’s Corolla into the basketball hoop, the day she got accepted into medical school. Even though she had insisted there be no gifts, her friends and family still gave her presents. Her Aunties gave her bags of her favorite coffee grounds and a travel mug — for all of her early mornings at the hospital. A scrapbook from Kenzie and Carter, filled with pictures from high school and college. Her parents gave her a crisp, white lab coat with her name embroidered and Jason gave her a brand new stethoscope. By the end of the night, Jordynne’s eyes were filled to the brim with tears.
Everyone lingered as the night wrapped up, coming over to give her their well wishes and goodbyes. Her aunts wrapped her up in tight hugs, her cousins took selfies with her, her neighbors gave her a firm handshake and good luck wishes. Kenzie and Carter grabbed her from both sides in a tight group hug, before doing their trademark pinkie promise handshake. They were all laughing with tears in their eyes. Jason gave her a big bear hug again, chewing the inside of his lip as he saw her tears.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do Smartie.” He gave her a sad smile, holding onto her hand still.
“Whatever Worm.” She rolled her eyes at him but squeezed his hand back. 
“Now, go get Carter.”
He flashed her a row of white teeth, before finding Carter and intertwining their fingers together. He gave him a soft kiss, before starting to drag him out of the doors with the rest of the group.
Finally, Jordynne turned to see her parents standing in front of her — their faces red with tears. They rushed her into a hug, their heads pushing together. “Thank you so much.” She said, her voice muffled through her mom’s hair. “For everything. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
Her dad’s laugh shook the group. “You don’t owe us anything Kiddo.”
Jordynne looked at her mom’s face, her green eyes shining. “You can go out there, and be the best damn Doctor you can be.”
She nodded vigorously at them, “Okay.” She said, letting out a breathy laugh.
Staring out through the small oval window, Jordynne absent-mindedly ran her fingers on the edges of the textbook in front of her. She had brought it with her on the plane, intending to catch up on her studying. But as soon as she sat down in her seat, her mind started vibrating and stomach fluttering nervously. She was doing, she was actually doing it — moving across the country to complete her residency at Edenbrook.  
She hadn’t packed that much — clothes, toiletries, some photos, and books. Her suitcase and carry on were enough. Jordynne had wanted Boston to be different, and not having her college dorm room’s decor with her was a part of that. Boxing up the rest of her stuff and putting it in storage in her parent’s basement was cathartic. Either way, the small room she had found for rent near the hospital did not have the space available for a lot of decor.
Letting out a sigh, she tried to refocus on the textbook in front of her. Only four more hours until she landed in Boston. Only four more hours until her new life would actually begin.
Anxiously staring into the mirror, Jordynne fixed her blonde ponytail for the fourth time that morning. She stared into the small cracked mirror in the house’s shared bathroom, before straightening up. Licking her pink lips, she studied herself. Her long wavy blonde hair was pulled up into a sleek high ponytail, her tan skin dewy from a bit of foundation and highlighter. Her green eyes seemed a bit brighter with her new contacts. Smoothing down her blue scrubs, she attempted a smile in the mirror but was interrupted by a loud knocking. “Hey, are you done yet?!” A hoarse voice shouted at her through the door.
“Sorry!” Jordynne grabbed onto her toiletry bag and turned the knob to the door. “All done!” As she went to wave one of the roommates through, they shoved into her and closed the door. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a calming breath before heading back downstairs to her room.
It wasn’t really a bedroom. Maybe a cold storage room. It was the space underneath the stairs leading into the frigid basement — there was no ceiling in the room, and the floor was concrete. Definitely no windows. But it was so cheap and close to the hospital, Jordynne wouldn’t dare complain. The delivery guy from the furniture store raised an eyebrow when he brought in her mattress and bed frame for her, but she was going to make the best of it.
Swapping out the toiletries in her hand for her grey messenger bag, Jordynne slung it over her shoulder and bounded back up the stairs. Fumbling with the cord of her headphones, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her playlist — trying to find the perfect song to walk to.
She had already practiced walking to work a few times— confirming what the best time to leave was, any short cuts or good coffees places to stop by. She wasn’t usually that anal — she was just nervous. Giving up on finding a song, she pressed shuffle and flipped over to her messages. She had unread texts from her family and friends, sending “I love you” and “good luck” messages. Jordynne smiled as she read them, replying back quickly before putting her head back up.
She could see Edenbrook from here — the large glass windows shining in the morning sun. Jordynne felt her stomach flip, as she crossed the street and stood outside of its main entrance. Wrapping her headphones back up, she turned her phone to “do not disturb” and tucked them into her bag. Gripping onto the strap crossing over her chest, she took a deep breath before marching into the building.
Tipping the final drops of his coffee into his mouth, Ethan Ramsey placed his travel mug on his desk with a sigh. He still had another thirty minutes until the orientation started. Interns.
He liked it in his office. He spent more time in the 200 square foot room then he did in his two bedroom apartment. It was simple — his desk was nothing fancy, some comfortable chairs for patients or residents to sit in during meetings. A deep leather sofa sat in the corner — his bed on most nights.
Checking his pager, Ethan turned off the lights in his office before locking the door and heading down the hall. A few nurses giggled as he walked by, and he gritted his teeth as he heard them.
He enjoyed walking the hospital, weaving past the entrance to observe waiting patients. He liked to challenge himself, try and diagnose patients without speaking to them first. Poking his head around the corner, he took stock of the dozen people sitting patiently in their chairs.
Nurse Roberts waved to him from the front desk — one of the few people he could tolerate. She had been sitting there on his first day, and he didn’t expect she would be going anywhere else anytime soon. A couple other nurses stood near a supply closet, whispering to each other quietly.
But his blue eyes flickered over to a pair of scrubs — a blonde woman he had never seen before was waltzing through the waiting room, her mouth open as she gazed around her. An intern? He thought to himself, curiously watching her.
She was pretty, he wouldn’t deny that. Her tan skin glowed compared to her scrubs, and she had her hair pulled up into a long, wavy ponytail. She reminded him of someone from the cover of one of the magazines in the waiting room — high cheekbones, full pink lips, long lashes. He crinkled his mouth in surprise. It wasn’t that doctors weren’t allowed to be attractive, it’s was just the fact that Ethan found himself thinking about one was.  
An audible gasp caused his ears to perk up. Blinking himself back to reality, his eyes darted around the waiting room, watching as a woman slumped in her seat before hitting the tiled floor.
Instincts kicking in, Ramsey started rushing over to the woman opening his mouth to speak. Two voices in union echoed in the room,  “Everybody, step back! I’m a doctor!”
Ignoring the other voice, he dropped down to his knees next to the patient. Taking two trained fingers, he placed them on her neck searching for a pulse. He barely felt it on his fingertips.
“Pulse is weak. She’s unresponsive.” He muttered to himself, before looking around for a staff member. Spotting the blonde in the scrubs, he nodded towards her — beckoning her over. “You. Rookie. Get in here.”
He didn’t wait to see if she was coming, instead he tucked his arms underneath the woman and lifted her up with ease. A nurse appeared with a stretcher, and he placed her on it gently. The blonde woman was steadying it for him, her eyes focused.
Noticing the nurse who suddenly appeared at his side, the doctor spoke to him, “Mahiri, what was she coming in for? Did she fill out a form yet?”
“No, she’d just walked in.” The nurse said, his eyes wide as he looked down at the patient.
Ramsey let out an agitated breath. “If we don’t figure out what’s wrong with her fast, she’s gonna die on this table.” Licking his lips, he started observing the patient as he instructed the intern. “Rookie, check her B.P.”
The nurse handed a blood pressure cuff to her, who quickly wrapped it around the woman’s arm, pumping the bulb and peering at the numbers. “It’s plummeting. She’s hypotensive. We’ve gotta get fluids in her.”
Another nurse wheeled over an IV rack, quickly hooking her in with ease. As he moved her arm, Ramsey noticed a large bruise forming on her elbow. The woman stirred at the sensation, and he watched as the blonde grabbed onto her hand instinctually. The patient weakly gripped the intern’s hand, her fingertips slowly turning blue.
Ethan waited — seeing if she would notice.
He watched as her green eyes widened. “Doctor, look at this bruise. It wasn’t here a moment ago.”
Observant. Good. He thought to himself, test number two now. “You’re sure?”
She didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, I’m sure.”
Confident. He liked that. “That’s the elbow she landed on when she fell. A bruise forming that fast would suggest that this woman is a hemophiliac. Good catch.” He nodded at her approvingly, “Also, see her fingertips? Low oxygen saturation in her blood. Take a closer listen to her lungs. Hurry.” He wanted to show her, to teach her more. But the last thing he needed was a waiting room full of people to watch a woman die at 7:00 in the morning.
Handing her the stethoscope from around his neck, he watched as she slipped it in her ears before placing the resonator onto the woman’s side. “I can’t hear anything on the left side! And her right lung is struggling! Doctor, she’s going to suffocate!”
He noticed the inflection in her voice — she was starting panic now. Remaining calm, his eyes narrowed in on the patient, his pupils flickering as he analyzed her. “Nurse, we’ve got a code blue.”
The nurse shifted quickly, grabbing a bag-mask from his cart and passing it to him.
“What do we do, Doctor? What’s happening to her?” The blonde woman asked as she watched, her hands awkwardly in front of her — waiting to be told what to do.
He gently started pumping air into the woman’s lungs, speaking to the intern as he did so. “Consider all the clues. It’s all there. You know this, Rookie.”
“It’s… It’s…” He watched her close her eyes, her eyelids flickering as she thought.
Come on, get there faster. Don’t make me do it. Ramsey thought to himself.
“It’s a hemothorax!” She blurted out.
A small smile flickered on Ethan’s face as she solved it. “Precisely. A blood vessel ruptured and is filling her pleural cavity…”
She interrupted him, “Blocking her lungs from expanding! That’s why she can’t breathe!” She hesitated, “But we can’t repair the blood vessel here…”
“We’ll have to do an emergency thoracotomy to drain the cavity instead. Nurse!” He called out.
Again, the nurse was immediately at his side. He offered the scalpel and chest tube to Ramsey, but he waved him off — getting him to offer it to the intern. Wrapping her fingers around the scalpel, she gulped as Ethan lifted up the patient’s shirt to expose her rib cage. He attempted to multitask but gestured to the nurse to take over pumping air into the patient with the mask bag.
“Don’t we need a local anesthetic…” Her eyebrows furrowed.
“We’re outta time! Do it now, or this woman’s life is on you!” He said sternly.
The scalpel inching closer, he listened as she started whispering to herself. “Incision at the fifth intercostal space… anterior… to the mid-axillary line…”.
She was smart. Methodical. Ethan had to give her that.
Her hand started to tremble just before contact with the skin, and Ramsey felt himself reach out to her instinctually. He steadied her hand with his, a jolt of electricity waving over him at their touch.
His turned his voice gentle, his blue eyes meeting hers. “Hey… You can do this.”
A new found resolve settled over her, and her hand almost instantly stopped shaking.
“There you go. Nice and easy.” He nodded approvingly as she made the incision.
Their hands remained together as they gently pushed the breathing tube through the incision — a spurt of blood hitting the intern’s scrubs as the fluid began to drain out of the woman’s chest. A ragged breath gasped from her, as she started to breathe again.
The blonde’s mouth opened in shock, “We… we did it!”
Gesturing over to the nurses on standby, Ethan spoke to them. “She’s stable. Get her into surgery… She’s gonna make it.”
A burst of applause from the onlookers in the waiting room, made him snap back to reality. He turned to watch the intern, who was carefully wiping her forehead being careful not to get any more blood on her. Her eyes seemed brighter after all of that — he assumed adrenaline was pumping through her.
She caught him staring, and she broke out into a smile revealing a line of perfectly white teeth. “Doctor… that was… absolutely amazing!”
Remembering where he was, he dropped the emotion from his face. “You’re right. It’s pretty amazing you didn’t get her killed.”
Her eyes widened in surprise, her pink mouth hanging open, “Wait, what?”
Ethan kept his voice monotone, “Your examination was slow and superficial. Your scalpel technique, amateur at best…”
“Amateur? Maybe you can give me private lessons then.” Jordynne retorted, raising an eyebrow.
He couldn’t help the smile that broke across his face, “Ha! I just might, Doctor…” He reached across, grabbing the ID card off hanging off of her pocket. “Holland. But I sincerely doubt you could afford my salary.” He gave her a devilish smirk, before tossing back the plastic card. He turned on his heel, stalking off without a background glance.
Holland. So that’s the Rookie he had handpicked. He had to admit she was as good as her application — maybe better. He had to reprimand her — she shouldn’t get too confident, too cocky — it would ruin her career before it even started. But she was good — quick, steady hands, sharp mind. And those eyes — but he cut his thoughts off as they approached her appearance. He was not going down that road.
Ramsey used his back to open the door into a nearby OR, finding a sink to wash his hands in. He had remained spotless throughout the emergency — it took years of practice, but it was now his talent to keep his white coat pristine throughout the day. He thought to the Rookie’s blood covered scrubs and let out a chuckle.  He’d have to keep an eye on that one — she was gonna be special.
Part Two
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