#you just know I had to put alejandro in the santa dress
wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Aftershow AU Axel!!!!!
December 26th!!!
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the-froschamethyst4 · 6 months
Feliz Navidad
𖤐 Pairing: Husband! Alejandro x Wife! Reader
𖤐 Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐 Warnings: fluff, strong language, married couple, children, family arguing, Christmas Party, kissing, drinking, italics=Spanish, some badly translated Spanish, protective Alejandro, disrespectfulness,
𖤐 Summary: Alejandro and his wife and kids are going to his family's annual Christmas Party, it is always so huge, and everyone is having a good time. Kids doing their gift exchange and the adults get to play White Elephant which is always a blast.
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Alejandro was getting his kids ready as Y/n his wife was getting the last bit of tamales ready. She cooked probably THOUSANDS of tamales for the big family.
She had volunteered to make the tamales for the family, but never again, she has spend 4 days making tamales, the first few days she was in the dark on making them and had to spend the last two days rushing.
Alejandro came downstairs holding their youngest in his arms as his two oldest ran to their mami.
"MAMI!" They yelled.
"Santiago, Maria," she smiles, bending down and kissing her two oldest kids. "You two look so cute in your sweaters."
"Papi, dressed us," Maria says.
"And you look so cute, both of you," she stood up and looked at her husband and youngest. She walked to him taking the baby from his arms. "You look so goofy," she says, looking at Alejandro.
"What do you mean? I like my sweater."
"Boats and Hoes?"
"What's a hoe?" Maria asked, looking at her parents.
"Ho, ho, ho, duh Maria, Santa."
"Yes," Alejandro agreed, knowing that's not what it means.
"Go put on a different one, your mother will also throw a fit."
"She's use to it," Alejandro says. Walking away to go change. She looked down at her baby and kissed her puffy cheek. "Come on, babies let's get to packing the car."
Arriving at Alejandro's parents house, the kids ran inside to their cousins, Alejandro carried the baby and some presents as Y/n carried the tamales.
"MAMA!" Alejandro yells.
"ALEJANDRO, Y/N! It's lovely to see you," she says, helping Y/n with the food. She even pulled Y/n to meet some of Alejandro's cousins she's never met before.
Alejandro went to go find his kids and give them the presents to put under the tree and then afterwards to go find all the men which they were all downstairs.
He was given a glass of hard whiskey as they played pool, poker or watched the football game going on.
When Alejandro first introduced Y/n to his family, they were strict on speaking ONLY Spanish at the house, but now meeting Y/n, they all learned English just for her when she came over and Y/n had picked up a little Spanish to impress Alejandro's mom, his dad already loved Y/n.
Y/n had a glass of wine and laughed and gossiped with the Vargas ladies.
"I heard Mario is bring a new girl."
"Ugh! What is this number 50 or something?"
"She won't last 4 weeks."
"Whatever that's forever, I say 2 weeks," the ladies were all making bets on the eldest cousin of Alejandro's family, Mario, he's probably had more girlfriends then they could count and they all barely make it to week 3.
"Y/n, you've met some of his girlfriends, what do you say?" They all looked at her as Y/n hesitated if she should even give her own opinion.
"Oh, umm~ I'm not sure..." she was thinking. "Maybe 2 weeks?"
"See, even she agrees."
"Mami, can we go outside?" Maria and Santiago ran up to their mom, as their older cousins were getting up and ready to go out, they just waited by the front door for them two.
"Yes, but be careful."
"Eh! Sebastián watch over your younger cousins!!" Sebastián's mother, Carmen yelled.
"I KNOW MA!" He yells from the front door as all the cousins ran out the front door once Maria and Santiago got their shoes on.
"Oh, mama Y/n, your baby's waking up," Alejandro's mother held the baby in her arms and when the baby woke up she passed her to Y/n.
She placed her wine down on the table in front of her and took her baby.
"She's probably hungry, excuse me for a minute."
"Take your time," Alejandro's mom said as Y/n went to an empty bedroom and just cracked the door behind her. She sits on the bed and lifts her shirt.
Alejandro was standing by the pool table talking with his uncle Luis, he worked for an airline and liked to travel, he just came back from Japan and was able to walk around Japan for a while.
"Alejandro." Alejandro's cousin Dante interrupted.
"Mario's here with his new girl," Alejandro rolled his eyes and excused himself to go upstairs, some of the other guys followed to go meet girl number 50.
As they got up there, Alejandro immediately looked around for Y/n but didn't see her.
"She's upstairs feeding the baby," he nodded and went upstairs to go find Y/n. He could see a door just cracked and light coming from inside the room.
He smiles knowing she's in there. He gently knocks scaring her a little as she was too focused on the baby, she looks up seeing the door slightly open.
"Hey, mi amor."
"Oh Alejandro, you scared me."
"Sorry." He chuckles. Coming to sit next to her.
"She was just hungry."
"Where the kids?"
"Outside, I heard Mario's here."
"Yeah, I haven't seen him, yet, I wanted to come find you first." He says, leaning forward and kissing her neck.
"She woke up from her nap," she yawned but smiled when he kissed her neck.
Alejandro's hand went to the back of the baby's head and just watched her take in Y/n's milk. He's done this before when Maria and Santiago were babies, he likes the feeling of his big hand taking in their small heads.
Alejandro and Y/n looked up when they could hear downstairs get a little loud.
"They're probably arguing," Alejandro says.
"What's a Classic Vargas Christmas party without an argument," Y/n says as Alejandro chuckled and shook his head, knowing she was right.
"Yeah, I'll be downstairs, I'll let you finish up," he kissed her lips and left the bedroom, cracking the door behind him and heading downstairs.
Low-in-behold, Y/n was right, Alejandro's mom and Mario's mother yelling at Mario for bringing home a girl they disapprove of.
"IT'S NO DIFFERENT THEN HIM BRING HER INTO THE HOUSE!!" He was talking about Alejandro and Y/n.
"I think it's best if you leave, Mario."
"No way, I wanna stay, I wanna stay and do the classic family things, I'm not leaving, where's the fucking booze," Mario stormed off downstairs as his clueless girlfriend was left at the front door facing both moms and Alejandro.
"Where should I put the burritos?"
"Eh dios mio (oh my god)." Mario's mother says as she walked away.
Alejandro went back downstairs and saw Mario starting to pick fights with their uncles and other cousins.
"Mario, why don't you settle down?"
"Yeah, with a nice young woman or something."
"You've been at this for too long, it's sad really."
"Yeah, Alejandro's done it, he has a beautiful wife and 3 kids with her, settle down Mario, you don't to be hoeing around."
"It's fun, and I can sleep with whoever I want to, Uncle Daniel," Mario says as he chugs some more liquor.
Speaking of, Y/n was walking downstairs with Dante, holding the railing and her baby girl in her arms.
"Ohhh~ speaking of which," some of the men cooed at Y/n as she just blushed and Alejandro waved them off and flipped some off as he blocked Y/n from their view.
"Yes, mi amor?"
"Mi amor~," the men mocked Alejandro. He just smirks and shook his head of embarrassment.
"Come on, let's go upstairs," Alejandro rushed back upstairs.
"Your mom just asked if I could get you for her."
"Oh okay, come on."
As they came around the corner kids started to run at them almost knocking Alejandro over as they crowded Y/n with the baby in her arms, they all asked to see the baby since they didn't get to before. She took them to the couches to sit and get a better look at the baby.
Alejandro's mom wanted him to start making plates for the guys downstairs. Placing tamales on a big tray and sending him down there with the big tray.
"You couldn't get dad to do this?" Alejandro groaned.
"He's old and you're young and strong," she says.
"What about Dante? He's fucking 9 years younger than me!"
"You know I hate that language, Alejandro, go give them their food."
"This is ridiculous," he rolls his eyes.
"Could I help?" Mario's girlfriend asked.
"Eh? No, no, we got it from here," Alejandro's mother said, walking away.
"Y/n, how old is she?"
"3 months."
"How come we couldn't see her last time?"
"I'm not sure."
"Can I hold her?"
"Yes, be very careful with her."
"My mami says babies don't drink formula or water, so what does she drink?"
"Umm~ You know what, you should ask your mami," Y/n says with a smile.
"Y/n, would you like to eat?" Alejandro's mother asked form the kitchen.
"Oh, yes. Just a minute please."
"Can I have her back?"
"Yes," they gave the baby back to Y/n and she stood up from the crowd of children and walked to the kitchen getting a plate of her tamales and the other family members food.
"Y/n, these tamales....are the BEST!"
"Really? I hope so, I spent so long on them."
"I sent you the recipe didn't I?" Alejandro's mother says.
"You did and I followed it, but either I messed up on the filling or I accidently overcooked them or undercooked them, but then I had Alejandro help me a little bit and got them just right." Y/n explained.
"My mami, knows how to cook," Maria says, coming into the kitchen to get her plate.
"Yes, yes she does."
"Could I do the tamale next year?" Mario's girlfriend.
"Who's going to tell her, she's not even going to make it week 2 with Mario?" One of Alejandro's cousins whispered to the family and just gave her an awkward smile.
"Alright kids, lets do the gift exchange!" Alejandro's mother yelled from the living room and within minutes the kids came piling in.
"Okay, get in a circle, grab your presents you came in with and when the music plays you pass it around we do it two times and then when the music stops, whatever present you have is what you get!"
It's a fun little game the kids played, Alejandro's family started it at a random time when Alejandro was only 4 years-old and now is more of a tradition with the kids.
Mario scoffs when the last time Mario did it before he was deemed too old, his last gift was from Alejandro. Alejandro had spent his chores money on an expensive gift and when it came to the gift exchange, Mario got it and through a fit about it, being fucking ungrateful. Which hurt Alejandro's feelings that maybe he shouldn't have spent his money on a nice gift for one of his cousins.
Alejandro and Y/n stood by the fireplace watching the kids exchange the gifts. Y/n held the baby in her arms as she was WAY too young to play.
Everyone smiled when the kids showed so much excitement on what they got, no one was ungrateful and they all loved the toys they received.
"Mami, look I got a Barbie!" Maria says, running towards her parents showing off her new toys as Santiago was opening up his new RC toy car ready to race it around the house with his cousins who also got some RC cars.
"Go on kids, go play with your new toys," Alejandro's parents shoo the kids away so the adults could do the white elephant.
Alejandro had brought some expensive whiskey as Y/n bought an old top to a whiskey barrel with a 'V' on it and colored with the Mexican Flag colors behind it, it looked beautiful.
"Okay, who got 1?"
"I did," Y/n held hers up to prove it. Either they groaned or all cheered for her. She stood up from the couch passing the baby to Alejandro and picked out her gift.
The wrapping was done nice and neatly and to opened up and saw some old whiskey, she thought she might have grabbed Alejandro's gift but his dad quickly spoke up saying it was his gift, his mom playfully smacking his chest.
"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO TELL!" She yells at him as they all laughed.
"Wow, that's so expensive."
"Yeah, I spent half my paycheck on it."
"Papi, you shouldn't have done that," Alejandro told his dad.
"I wanted to, it's a special occasion for my family." He cheered as the family smiled at him.
"Who has 2?"
"Me," Mario showed his number and stood up snatching a gift from under the tree. He unwraps the gift and Y/n knows it's her gift.
"What the fuck is this?" Mario asked raising it up. Everyone in the room loved the old barrel lid and seeing their nations flag colors.
"That's beautiful."
"This is ugly and tacky as hell. Whoever has 3 come steal this, I don't want it." Y/n felt hurt when he said all of that, she looked down at the bottle of whiskey in her hands and felt tears wanting to fall from her eyes.
She felt Alejandro's hand on her knee making her look up at him, his jaw was clenched and she could barely see anger in his eyes, he was trying to stay calm for his family.
"You don't want honor where you came from?" Mario's mother says.
"Nope, hey Alejandro, you're an ass kisser right? Come take this."
Alejandro gave the baby back to Y/n. He stood up and walked to Mario as calmly as possible but he snatches Mario's collared shirt and bring him off the couch.
"ALEJANDRO!" His parents, Uncles, cousins and Y/n all rushed to him, so he doesn't hurt Mario even though everyone deeply wishes he would.
"If you came here to be a dick and an asshole, then you shouldn't have come," he drops him back on the couch and snatches the barrel lid from Mario.
"I was number 3," Alejandro says, sitting on the couch placing the lid next to his legs and leaning back against the couch cushions and crossing his arms over his chest being angry with Mario and he felt his blood boiling.
"Mario....the rules state-"
"I'm fucking leaving, come on Bella," Mario says, grabbing his coat and keys and his girlfriend followed.
All Alejandro did when he left was give him the biggest death stare and looked away to his family.
"Since number 2 is gone, I guess Alejandro you're number 2 now."
"Good," he sounded gruff.
The adults just got done with white elephant and the kids were still playing with their toys. Alejandro looked at what he got from the white elephant it was a present from his aunt.
It was a whiskey glass set, they were expensive and very nice looking and he knows he'll have some good use out of them. He sat on the couch and felt his right side dip down.
"Was I too harsh on him?"
"Alejandro, you did what you had to." Y/n says.
"I know...but I'm so fucking tired of him coming to these family advent and acts like a spoiled brat and ungrateful bastard."
"I understand, Alejandro...should we...go home?"
"No, no, I want to enjoy the party some more...I'm not going to let this one thing make the rest of the party miserable."
"Okay, come on, your mom has brought out some desserts."
"Alright," he kisses her lips and stood up walking back to the kitchen.
"Y/n this will look nice over the fireplace," Alejandro's mother says.
"Yes, it will, I hope I did good."
"You did, it's beautiful," Y/n was pulled into a hug by her.
Alejandro smiled at his mom and wife and then went to the counter to get come cake.
"Mami, I'm tired."
"Yeah, can we go home?"
"Yes, my loves, we have to say bye to everyone."
Santiago and Maria gave their cousins some tired goodbyes and gave hugs and kisses to their Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents.
Poor Maria was so tired she even walked up to Alejandro and told him goodbye not realizing it was her daddy.
"Alright, come on, Princesa (Princess), let's get you to the car, so you can go to bed." He said as he picked her up.
Alejandro was driving home as his family were all asleep in the car. He tried his best to avoid all of the potholes and bumps, so they can all sleep soundly.
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