#you kinda gotta know my ocs design to understand the joke..
lucy-the-demon · 7 months
Sam: omg look we found doja cat at the Bottom of the mines!
Harvey: Sam this is Lucy, not doja cat...
Sam: well, you're no fun!
Here's what Lucy looks like if you dont get the joke..
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I don't support doja cat btw, I just felt like saying that
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.17
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XVI]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.-Trucker Chuck
He’s in the truck business now, and he do be looking street fancy, nice bling blings you got there boy
His logo got a level up too, it now looks like a Kraken’s skull
Also, I dunno why, but his design looks quite resembling to an old mascot oc of mine (Bernard)
Might have subconsciously given him some of his traits, but eh
Also also, I know this might sound a little bruh, but now that I look at him, I can’t help but imagine him in the big smoke’s order scenario…or the ‘you picked the wrong house fool’ one even
I like him though, I resonate with his chill vibes
2.-Alive!Grandpa Boppo
Ok NOW we’re into something
Here he is, McBleep’s dad and BF’s grandfather, and also a fan of scat music –personal favorite being ‘Scatman John’ (the song’s actual name is hard to remember correctly ok) - though formerly a country music man (but he still likes it)
Also, I showed this to my little brother, and after looking at his pose for a while, we noticed he literally looked like he was doing the ‘mi abuelo me decia’ meme; truly a bruh momento right there
I tell you, I didn’t consciously draw it with that reference included, it was a funny coincidence
3.-Booppo (Phantom Boppo)
Yeah he’s canonically dead, due to liver cancer actually
At least he no longer has to endure the pain of it...and somehow became a scat singer ghost
Good for him
4.-‘You know how it goes!’
Badabadababee bab bab badab bop
Bab bab badabop
Bee bab bab badab bop
Bab bab badap
Yea I still remember some of the lyrics (kinda), listened to it again not too long ago, so it wasn’t that hard to figure them out (kindax2)
And yes the hat is sentient and has a mouth
Why? Because why not
Gotta admit though, Booppo is kinda adorable…in a scary ghost way, but still
Still, his new mustache looks sick good
5.-Brittany Fullbody design
Did her full design just for the sake of it
And the clothing underneath her half-leather hoodie (yes it’s partially made of leather,though the  arms and chest parts are the mostly covered ones) and jeans is made out of metallic fabric…y’know, in case the Graveyard zombies get a little savage
6.-Boppo icon
Gramps Bop!
7.-Boppo losing icon
Noooo, not the old bean ;-;
8.-NostalgicJukebox!Boppo icon
Story time
This is basically a somber event relating to Boppo’s loneliness after his wife passed away before him, and for which he uses his old jukebox to sing songs that remind him of her as a way to cope with the grief
Although he does get visited by his son and his two older grandchildren sometimes here and there, his daughter-in-law even took a day off her work to go pay him a hey-hi-hello
Can’t say the same for his younger grandson, but he doesn’t hold resentment towards him over it, he’s an understanding man y’know
9.-Phils and Lily
Recall the previous sketch
Don’t think I’d need to explain what’s this about, you can figure out the context yourselves
10.- NostalgicJukebox!Boppo lose icon
Noooo not again ;--;
11.- Booppo icon
Spoopy polaroid man
12.-Booppo lose icon
I’d say ‘how are you supposed to ‘kill’ a ghost twice’ over this
…but Ghost Garcello’s losing icon is a thing as well so it’s whatever at this point
13.-Bethany (Brittany but bad)
Don’t question me, the idea seemed funny so I did it (I also needed filler sketches so I wasn’t gonna miss the chance)
Also, funny F in the chat joke with her little hair thingy (I have no idea how you call it in English)
14.-Chonk (Chuck but bad)
He was lil Chunk when he child
Now he Beeg Chonk
15.-FunnyHat (Spooky Fedora but bad)
Wasn’t actually a but bad version of it, but rather a simply lazy sketch of it
Still, it does suit with the theme so why not
Also, I gave it the Spooky Fedora name just now for the sake of giving it a name
16.-Bopo (Boppo but bad)
Couldn’t do much with his name, rip
He looks like he has more hair than his normal version, though
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glacierbash · 3 years
ok, now i gotta ask you about some characters. how about leliana and/or junia?
Aha... Nuns /j But starting with Lelianaaaaa
(under a read more because it got LONG specifically my points on Junia because holy fuck she makes me go feral I could talk about her for AGES oh my god)
How I feel about this character: Oh she's definitely one of, if not my favorite character. Though I played inquisition first and didn't have as much of a chance to get invested in her with my first playthrough (though I abandonded it because I messed up lots of stuff-) after I played again, she became one of my favorites in Inquisition. I adored the way she was open about supporting the mages, and after playing through origins, it really solidified my feelings about her. I played through Origins romancing her (because i am a stupid lesbian) and honestly, the way you were able to educate her about elven issues (i forget if it was dalish or not, and I haven't done a Surana playthrough yet) and the fact that she was receptive was mwah. Plus, her voice is amazing and I could fall asleep to it :') I Care Her
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Any ocs really! Surprisingly, I don't put too much thought into ships with DA, but really I like most!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: of course josephine and Leliana, I adore how they get along and just. Good Friends. I also have a new Tabris in mind who would probably romance Zevran, and while I don't have *much* in the way of ideas, I think they'd get along dfjdffd
My unpopular opinion about this character: Oh, I don't know what opinions about Leliana *are* unpopular. I try to stay away from the DA fandom, save for little bits here and there. I don't think I particularly *have* any? I mean, I do go for hardening in origins, softening in inquisition, but that's just me.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Yeah, being able to marry the warden (if possible) and telling Cullen off. There are just... *so* many situations where I wish she would, but specifically about mage issues.
And now for Junia,,, How I feel about this character: DFHSDFJGMGAOUGH.... GOD I love her with all my heart there are not enough words for me to describe how much i love this stupid little battle nun oh my god, her barks make me sob, her design is Cool, and god even just in game there have been so many times where she's saved my ass MWAH i love her. Her backstory just makes me cry, and everytime i'm like "i'm feeling too good i need to be knocked down a notch" i go read her barks and sob UGH. God I love her so much I almost always have her on a party like. If not for her healing it's because seeing her makes me go :]]]
All the people I ship romantically with this character: PARA... PLAGUE DOCTOR... THEY CAN HOLD HANDS. AS A TREAT. PERHAPS EVEN.. KISS.. I don't even know why I ended up loving this one so much i was just like. doing the first dungeon with the usual suspects and I just went "wow :)" and started thinking about them and BOOM they're in love now sorry <3 besides that, I also enjoy her with Boudica, Damian, THOUGH I do like Audrey/Para/Junia. They all have two hands. It works out. A circle, you see.
My non romantic OTP for this character: Oughhhh this is a weird one, but her and Audrey. At least with the way I like to write the characters, Audrey being able to help Junia just loosen up and realize "hey we're all gonna fucking die here at least have a bit of fun you Idiot" and Junia helping Audrey uhh ya know not be such an ass. My other weird little thing is Baldwin and Junia, as I just. I really don't have a reason why, other than I feel they might get along and Junia would probably enjoy being friends with somebody she can. I dunno. Rely on. I could go more into that but ijust like them getting along
My unpopular opinion about this character: hngngng I might have several? 1: I don't. really enjoy her with Reynauld, but *honestly* that's because I don't like Reynauld too much as a character? He's interesting, don't get me wrong, but I'm not super invested in him and I really just kinda... pass him by. And of course that's weird bc I'm fine with her and Damian, but I just feel that relationship would have a bit more. I really don't know. Substance? It's just not my cup of tea. And also I don't LOOOVE the "oh haha horny nun" jokes, like. Of course they're fine to make! And of course, being the game it is, characters will most likely be reduced down to a character trait or two, but it's just. Tired? Worn out? There's more to her than the fact that just that. But also, I make those jokes too! Just feel like that shouldn't be her entire personality. Make the jokes you wanna make and maybe i'm just too sensitive, idk! there's just a bit more to her than Horny:tm:
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: * shakes tin can * lore? Spare lore please? I don't want to have to comb her barks for just a smidge of understanding I want to KNOW what happened to her please just spare the loreee,, and also I WISH we could've had specific in character conversationsss like. I wanna hear her and paracelsus interact! God, I wanna see her and /Audrey/ interact, please redhook come on im begging you i just want them to talk even if they don't get along it won't do anything enemies to friends (to lovers) come here i'll s rank their relationshiips i'll d
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0poole · 4 years
Humor in Writing
    Most of the time I feel like dismissing what might seem like “faults” in writing because I haven’t actually made anything myself, and especially haven’t gotten any attention to what I make, but every once in a while something really ticks me off. Of course, I still try to take it with a grain of salt because of my lack of true experience in writing, but considering I’m hoping to actually become some degree of a writer I feel like it’s worth actually trying to explain what I think is a fault with things and why. 
    There always seems to be one specific thing that bothers me a lot when reading/watching stuff, and it’s the hard switching of tone from comedy to sincerity, or something similar to that, or vice versa.
    Honestly, even though it sounds like the motive of a cartoon villain, I kinda think there’s too much humor in the world. It’s probably just entirely driven by opinion and preferences, but I feel like so many people are striving and looking for comedy that it hinders so many other things. I feel like, both in real life and in writing, having so much humor everywhere creates a pretty big gap between that tone and sincerity, which is pretty much always needed at some point. The big line between comedy and sincerity makes it so much harder, emotionally speaking, to feel good about the switch. I’ll try to explain…
    First of all, this whole line of thought, even though I’ve been thinking it forever, was spawned by me watching Epithet Erased. Took me long enough, because I’ve seen some of the characters around and really loved their designs, but I finally watched it all, and I gotta say… It was interesting. Also, this is probably just going to be very ranty and opinionated but I will (hopefully) have something more valuable to say after. But, anyways, for one, it felt just barely too close to some of the premises for the stories I’ve thought of in various ways, but I guess that’s just bad luck on my part. Second, I feel like its humor really brought it down for me. Some episodes felt so long winded (although not necessarily “boring” I guess) because I felt like I got the joke they were trying to tell relatively quickly after they started it, but carried it so far. It didn’t help that, at least for a few of them, some of the characters felt like archetypes that I’ve seen a lot around the internet, or at least were simple enough that I understood what they were instantly, and when they are carried out through long character-focused moments it felt like nothing was happening. I feel like some of the characters are fine enough, even if I may not like them, but Giovanni and Indus were the two big ones that I thought had a little too much time given to them…
    But more relevant to what I’m trying to say, sometimes the writing jumps way too far from the very comedic tone it’s trying to put out and into it trying to be sincere. The worst case of this was when Sylvie met Mera in the museum storage, and Sylvester tried to out Mera’s nightmares, only to see that her nightmare was the reality she was already in. With the scene change, and Indus becoming more serious with Molly, it felt like a good enough departure from the usual comedic tone to warrant the deeper motive of the character. But, then, of course, they had to trash the whole tone by adding the line about her also being afraid of ducks. There was absolutely no good reason to warrant that line and I will die on that hill. Not only was it just humor, but it was spontaneous “random” humor, and so on… I honestly hope people could just understand where I’m coming from there by how out of place it seems. I feel like the only defense they could use, apart from “just liking it,” would be that it’s comedic relief, but I genuinely feel like since practically the whole thing up until this point was comedy there was absolutely no need for comedic relief. The scene itself is like the opposite of comedic relief, like “Sit down and pay attention” or “Turn your brain back on” or whatever. The climactic point of the scenes before it were reached, meaning the sincere conflict there should be focused on, and apart from that one tiny little line it worked well enough. The fact that it was so tiny and insignificant is basically why I hated it so much. They literally could’ve just scratched it off of the script and only good things would have happened. 
    Something a bit similar happened before when Molly revealed her backstory to Giovanni. It wasn’t quite as bad, but when a scene goes from comedy to “my mom’s dead and my life sucks” you do feel the shift a little too quickly. I feel like it’s not as bad because it could just be Molly’s character, seeing the tragedy of her life as just sort of normal and not really that remarkable, meaning she’s more likely to just randomly bring it up. 
    But I definitely wouldn’t be going off this much about it if there wasn’t at least a little bit more. Zora was literally the reason I wanted to watch the show, because I saw a drawing of her a while back and thought she was just some random OC, but when I heard she was from this show I instantly wanted to watch it a lot more. I think the same thing happened with Molly, but I think I knew she was from the show to begin with. Anyway, Zora was the main character who I loved from the get-go and loved even more the more I learned about her. She’s such a perfect amount of diversion from being a generic cowboy in the little design details, while still being 100% cowboy material. Then, when I saw that her power was “Sundial,” or more generally just time powers, I loved it. The big thing that seems little conceptually is making her key term “sundial” instead of just “time” or whatever, because of how much it relates to her cowboy-ness, with it being associated with the “sun” people often associate with Death Valley and the Wild West and whatnot. Not to mention, it’s just a cool power.
    But that’s kinda the thing, though. She’s so insanely strong. She could literally kill anyone on a whim. I don’t see how anyone could be cracking jokes in her presence. It’s kinda more general of a gripe, but when she aged up Howie it was borderline terrifying, and yet… right after, they’re cracking jokes again. It’s just so jarring. She could have literally reduced him to dust, and they’re so casual about it. I know Percy is supposed to be kinda blind to some obvious things, but I feel like even she could see the horror. That said, though, Percy is also one of my favorites. Her powers feel so natural yet interesting for what she is for some reason. 
Frankly, the visual character designs alone for this show are all really good. Whether or not I’m into the writing, I can’t deny that the show kept me coming back just because it feels so good to just look at it, you know? The minimal animation, vocalized stage directions, and top-down scene view was really interesting to watch, since I’ve never seen it before, and seems like a perfect way to produce more content with less budget. It made everything feel super crisp and tidy, despite being animated so simply. Not to mention that the general lack of animation meant the few scenes where there was traditional-level animation felt really good. The voice acting was also amazing, (again not directly tied to the writing) especially when the voice actors carried their character and emotion from the scene into the stage directions, instead of just reading them out plainly. And, at the very least, the premise of the show is also really interesting (at least to me, mainly because I created 2 stories with a similar idea without even knowing anything about it. Simplified, specific superpowers are just perfect for character designing, you know?) 
But I am kinda acting like the writing was bad, but it really wasn’t all things considered… I’m just not really into comedy, and when the comedy I don’t like is paired with writing and practically everything else I do like it doesn’t sit right with me. Considering this idea and some of the story beats were adopted from a DnD(-esque?) campaign, I feel like it’s much more fine. Frankly, I’m surprised I didn’t realize it sooner. Once I read about that, everything just fell into place. I’m not really into DnD either, though…
So, I feel like there are things to gain from thinking about this. While Epithet Erased is still on the mind, I feel like I’ve realized something about the juxtaposition of comedy and sincerity, that being that comedic characters can exist in sincere surroundings, and vice versa. Zora specifically could be one of these characters, because she’s so powerful that she probably sees everything around her as trivial, while the other characters have more sincere reactions to her obscene power. She could easily crack a sick joke that no one laughs at because she’s the only one who can find humor in whatever’s going on. By contrast, the thing about Mera’s fear of ducks was a product of the scene and not of the character, so it just ruined things. Nothing about it was made to be funny to the characters, it was made to be funny to the audience, even though the audience should be in sincere mode then. 
Another character that I think works like this is Charlie from Hazbin Hotel, who is the sincere personality in a world of complete and total insincerity. She’s basically a more unique kind of straight man (despite being neither straight nor a man), who are always the grounding in comedic casts, like Squidward in Spongebob. I guess in sincere stories there are comedic relief characters, and in comedies there are straight men. You know, these are probably all things other people have figured out already… at least I can feel good knowing I sort of reached them on my own…
    I think a good solution for stuff that’s primarily meant to be a comedy is to make it almost entirely comedic, at least with the inclusion of a straight man if needed. The big name that comes to mind is good ol Monty Python, the backbone of 14 year old boys’ humor style. At some point I realized why I like the humor of The Holy Grail, at least above other comedic movies, is that they don’t hold back at all. At no point whatsoever do they pull back the veil and put in a sincere moment. And, of course, since I can basically recite the entire movie from memory I think it did wonders. I think when it comes to comedies like this, trying to be too sincere at certain points makes it feel even less sincere than if it didn’t have the sincere moment at all. This might be a product of the 00s American family-rated live action comedies who all feel like they fall into that same boat, where the entire movie is hijinks, but then at the very end they pull that all back and have something really impactful happen, with the idea being having some shoehorned message about “family” or whatever. I can group so many movies into that category that it feels almost corporate how many there are like that, and because it’s both overdone and geared towards too generalized of an audience, trying to capture the comedy-lovers and sincere-lovers, it really just fails in both ways. Or, maybe people love them because they’re just barely bad enough to enjoy it in a so-bad-it’s-good sort of way. I dunno. If I wasn’t a little nostalgic for the time those types of movies might be my all-time least favorite.
    But I’m a stick in the mud who hates comedy so I’m not really equipped to tell anyone how to do it right. Instead, I feel like there’s some seriously untapped potential in other forms of “feel-good” tones, like casual lightheartedness and just plain fun. I feel like those two things really work towards creating sincere stories that are still enjoyable, and not just one shot of sadness after another, while still having a dash of impactful emotion in them.
    I feel like this is where Pixar really shines. People say “It’s not a true Pixar movie if you don’t cry at the end” because I think Pixar movies are great at making the audience lower their guard, and when the moment is right, hitting you right in your heart to make you feel the right emotions. For example, what I’d call my favorite movie of all time (for intents and purposes, if not for real), Inside Out, is all about emotional sincerity, where it’s trying to get across how it’s okay to feel sad, even though the world around you tends to say happiness is always what you want. For most of the movie, it’s a pretty casual romp around the inner workings of Riley’s mind, with some jokes thrown in (because it doesn’t have to be completely without jokes). I’m not really sure how to explain it, but the various jokes in Inside out feel like they’re sort of blended with the interesting workings of this fantasy mind-world, like the fact that earworms are just the little blobby workers in our minds sending the memory of the song back up to the control panel for the hell of it, or that our dreams are a product of a Hollywood-like place in our minds. These things definitely are there for humor, but something about them feels much more fun than just any kind of generic comedy. 
    Then, I feel like the most important thing about fun and lightheartedness is that they feel like they blend so much better with the sincere moments. Obviously if it’s too quick it’ll still be bad, but I think it’ll be much less bad than with comedy. Maybe you could think of it like a spectrum with pure comedy at one end and pure tragedy at the other, with fun and lightheartedness just barely crossing the midpoint towards the comedy side. Since there’s less of a gap between it and tragedy compared to pure comedy, it feels less jarring. Plus, it just feels more reasonable logically speaking, since comedy sort of puts up this insincere barrier to sort of suspend the disbelief that the events in question are supposed to be taken seriously, which makes breaking that barrier harder once it’s established. With fun and lightheartedness, there may be an expectation of it sort of maintaining itself but there isn’t as much to say there isn’t something hiding in the background. In Inside Out at least, throughout Joy and Sadness’ journey they are pretty determined to get back to the control panel to save Riley, but they’re for the most part confident they can do it (or, you know, just Joy’s confident), so they sort of interpret the world around them in a more casual light, but with that lower-level need still there. But when Joy falls into the abyss of forgotten memories and the hopelessness sets in, you feel it much more, because it was sort of already there to begin with, and it was just made perfectly clear at that moment. I think Bing Bong’s emotions during the scene also make it pretty emotional, since he’s being casual about his death while also being sincere about his sacrifice for Riley’s sake. Not to mention his inner sadness was outed while talking with Sadness.
    I feel like if I were trying to write an actual essay I could probably phrase all this a lot better. I just think there’s a ton of value to lightheartedness in stories, as opposed to comedy, for the sake of “feeling good.” Pretty much all of my favorite things have that tone to them to some degree, like Wander Over Yonder, my for sure favorite TV show. It definitely feels fun in a way that can elicit laughs, but it’s not a lot like “This is a joke and you should laugh” most of the time (Disregarding the Evil Sandwich, my least favorite character in the show). I also think Steven Universe succeeds very well with that tone, creating an extremely comfy atmosphere when it comes to the less climactic episodes. 
    I also vastly prefer the lighthearted resolutions to the conflicts in lighthearted stories. Frankly, I am infinitely more likely to cry to a comfy and happy resolution than I am to the actual sad parts. I’m not really sure what it is about them, but I guess the characters finally being happy again after emotional turmoil warrants a happy-cry. I swear, if I think too hard about the scene where Riley finally admits her sadness to her parents and just sits in their warm embrace, I tear up. It feels so much better than hijinks-danger-hijink resolution. 
    But yeah, the stories I want to write the most will all inevitably have that sort of lighthearted flair to them, unless of course I choose to go more inherently serious with a story. There’s nothing wrong with that either. 
    With regard to the really big claim I made before about there being too much humor in the world, the themes of Inside Out, and what I said about comedy’s insincere barrier, I really think the world as a whole would benefit from valuing humor a little less. It feels like there are so many situations where people sort of want to maintain their good feelings with humor instead of more directly dealing with issues in a sincere mindset. For example, if people say something disagreeable (but not insane), It feels like too many people resort to making jokes at that person’s expense and not dealing with the issues directly. Obviously if someones saying some insane bullshit it’s fine, but when the more reasonable takes that are just barely put under the same umbrella as the insane shit are made fun of, it really deepens the trench between the people of different opinions. Of course, humor isn’t the only thing deepening that trench, but it really feels like one of them a lot of the time.
    Apart from that, I feel like using humor as a way to distract from general negativity and negative emotions like what Inside Out sort of warns against can be pretty detrimental too. Obviously happiness can still be around, but putting up that kind of barrier between you and the necessary sincerity for emotion with comedy just makes the unpleasantness of the unpleasant stuff that much more unpleasant. I’m saying this one at least out of personal experience, since I have sort of developed to be too subconsciously against super sad and sincere real world scenarios. I haven’t personally felt too many of them myself, but I definitely feel myself blocking off some of my own emotional vulnerability, especially around other people. I can consciously talk against it, like I’m doing now, but I feel like it’s going to take a long time for that barrier to really break. Is humor to blame for that sort of thing? Maybe, with a dash of toxic masculinity and other buzzwords people often avoid for reasons I mentioned in the last paragraph. 
    Even though this one is much more unreasonably generalizable than the last two things, I feel like the popularity of self-deprecating humor across the internet also (probably?) takes a toll on some people. Obviously some people might just use it to their genuine benefit, but since it seems so common surely some people are putting on a self-deprecating face to get along, and eventually maybe even believing what they used to joke about themselves. Either way, it might be a product of an extreme departure from any kind of narcissism, making being self-confident and self-loving just that little bit harder for people.
    But, while I’m not the most equipped to judge writing, I’m even less equipped to actually debate for the existence of all those things, so just know I’m kinda speaking with my heart and not my brain here. People obviously want and need different things, and I’m probably just projecting. Hell, maybe that’s me self-deprecating to not make me seem weird to everyone else. I dunno.
        No matter what, all this reliance on humor really just shows who is and isn’t funny. Sometimes, people really need to get a grip. Frankly, I don’t think I’m that funny either, which is why I’ve kind of had the humor beaten out of me by one too many awkward silences after a weird joke in my elementary/middle school days. I guess that’s my cartoon villain origin story. 
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im-no-jedi · 7 years
and now I’m going to answer some OC questions I reblogged a while back and never got around to doing until now LOL. these are gonna be for Fae first:
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? - not very long, she’s always gotta be doing something or she goes crazy LOL
How easy is it for your character to laugh? - VERY easy
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) - she falls asleep very quickly most nights, she’s just gotta put her head on the pillow and she’s out haha
How easy is it to earn their trust? - pretty easy, unless you’re a Galra :P
How easy is it to earn their mistrust? - if you do anything she deems out of line, you’re outta there buster
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? - she tries to adhere to most laws, unless she deems them inhumane. she’s very flexible though and will do as she’s told by her superiors 
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? - Shiro reminds her a lot of her brother, so she’s very attached to him. she has a lot of good memories of her brother, and Shiro will often trigger those memories for her. unfortunately though, whenever anything bad happens to Shiro, that also triggers memories of the day her brother was killed so...
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child? - she was told early on that she would have to serve the royal family one day, despite how much she wanted to be a soldier in the Altean army
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? - LOL yeah, her and her brother pretty much said anything and everything to each other all the time, she learned all the words from him XD
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? - she doesn’t really tell lies, she’s very honest. she’ll only “lie” to keep a secret for a friend or loved one
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? - she’ll blatantly, but politely ask for clarification, she doesn’t mess around haha
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? - she’ll either ask someone nearby to itch it for her, or she’ll take the end of her sword and try to scratch it LOL
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? - well she loves the color blue, but she normally just wears her white armor all the time. she would look very lovely in blue tho :3
What animal do they fear most? - no creature frightens her
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? - she speaks very clearly and isn’t afraid to speak her mind (unless she thinks it’ll hurt the person’s feelings). she really only stammers a bit when she gets flustered around Keith LOL
What makes their stomach turn? - pointless deaths and stories of betrayals...
Are they easily embarrassed? - nope, not at all. again, she only gets flustered around Keith, but I don’t think she’d ever get outright embarrassed
What embarrasses them? - see above answer
What is their favorite number? - 5 because she loves the five paladins LOL
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so? - she would say that romantic love is something you feel in your chest or your stomach, platonic love is felt in your entire soul :3
Why do they get up in the morning? - because her sworn duty is to protect Princess Allura at all costs
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? - she tries to brush it off and ignore it, but she’s actually fuming inside LOL
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? - she tries to be happy with what she has, but if she ever did get envious of someone, she’d just pout and whine a little about it :P 
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? - she’s only ever really talked about it with Allura, and she’ll talk with Allura about literally anything
What are their thoughts on marriage? - she would LOVE to get married someday, as long as she’d still get to serve Allura
What is their preferred mode of transportation? - whichever Lion Keith is piloting atm ;)
What causes them to feel dread? - whenever her loved ones lives are at stake
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? - no, she’d rather be told something straight to her face than sugarcoating it
Do they usually live up to their own ideals? - she tries to, yes
Who do they most regret meeting? - Zarkon...
Who are they the most glad to have met? - Allura and the paladins
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? - she loves to tell stories of the antics her and her brother used to get into together. her and Allura have some inside jokes too LOL
Could they be considered lazy? - absolutely NOT
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? - very hard, she blames herself for a lot of things... 
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? - she is the most supportive person you will ever meet :3
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? - her focus is solely on protecting Allura at all costs, she’s in no rush to settle down or anything like that
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? - she has a great memory, she just remembers things without any issues whatsoever LOL
What memory do they revisit the most often? - the day she became friends with Allura and also the day her brother died...
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? - she tries to see the good in all people, even the Galra to a certain degree 
How sensitive are they to their own flaws? - very much so, she refuses to have flaws of any sort and tries to ignore them
How do they feel about children? - SHE LOVES KIDS OMG
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? - she doesn’t really have an “end goal” aside from wanting to help take down the Galra Empire, her main focus will always be about protecting Allura
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? - uhhh she’d probably just laugh and say “what importance does knowing that hold? I like who I like, isn’t that enough?” XD
and here are the creator questions:
A) Why are you excited about this character? - she’s super fun and adds another layer to the Voltron cast in a positive way imo B) What inspired you to create them? - my initial OCs for fandoms always evolve from self-inserts, so this is just how she turned out! C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? - not really, I knew I wanted her to be Altean from the start, so I just made her Allura’s bodyguard to make sense of why she’d be there at all LOL D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? - I only really had issues designing her hair, but I’ve kept the same design for her that I initially gave her so yeah E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? - oh yes, I’d love to be her friend, and I would hope she’d enjoy my company too! we’d just sit and laugh at everything together LOL F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? - she makes me really happy, she’s such a fun character :3 G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most? - the fact that she bottles up all her negative feelings and emotions and doesn’t let anybody know when she’s struggling or going through a rough time :c H) What trait do you admire most? - she’s super confidant and physically strong, what I wouldn’t give for that haha I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? - yes, but she could fit into other similar universes, like Star Wars or Tron (especially if it’s an AU with the other Voltron characters) J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character? - well yeah, I mean, I kinda had to. her being another living Altean directly involved with Allura would change the canon a lot... not too much, but enough that it would be a noticable difference. I try to work all my OCs into the canon as best as I can without altering the story too much
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wild-at-spark · 4 years
Tagged by: @polyhexianchicken Thank you for the tag!
Tagging: @x-de-con-struct-ed-x @bytesnbolts @omicrontheicequeen Feel free to do so if you wish and I apologise if you’ve already done it and anyone who I haven’t tagged feel free to steal if you so wish. I’m really crap at stuff like this. 
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES/NO  I mean she’s not popular at all but I think being an OC really contributes to that unfortunately. 
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. 
I mean I’d say she’s rather cool. (badum tss)  I don’t really now if she’s considered hot? I mean atleast one muse thinks she is?? I mean I think she’s an attractive femme. Wild however doesn’t hold such an opinion of herself.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.  I mean she’s an ex-gladiator? So I’m gonna go yes because damn you need some strength for that. Mentally she’s strong too but she only sees herself as physically strong. 
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. She does indeed need some love and TLC and sometimes even I underrate her. Sorry Wild. 
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO. I mean kinda just slotted her in and she can exist outside the main story so I’m gonna say no?
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. Maybe in Kaon? Tiny femme gladiator kickin aft? I’d like to think she was known for that. Or the fact that she’s now a medic I mean honestly what a career change. 
 How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Depends on what point in her life you get her at. 
I mean I try and follow canon as much as possible but like its hard sometimes with all the universes and not having knowledge on them all. I do try and match and stick to the canon of whoever I’m interacting with though.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
ICE AND SNOW GUYS AND GALS! I mean that’s pretty freakin awesome! She’s a really loving caring medic who just wants some damn respect and 5 minutes peace and quiet. She was raised to be a gladiator only because her Sire knew of nothing else and he saw potential. Kaon was tough but Wild was tougher. Once she had enough of fighting and had the funding she went to medical school, battled to become a doctor against the reputation she’d built through pit fighting and then went back in the pits to help those who needed her.  She puts up a cold hard front sometimes because she’s known nothing but fear and anger and had the only mech who cared for her ripped away, but with a new location came a new chance, a fresh start.  She isn’t perfect but then who is? 
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
While she is a sweet and loving femme that gladiator spirit still burns in her and some days it just really craves a fight. She is stubborn and she can be a bitch and she knows it and she doesn’t like taking orders because she’s usually the one giving them. Her being an outlier can be off putting which I understand but its part of who she is. I’m not sure what is mostly offputting but sometimes I think its just the idea she’s an OC which is quite sad because OC’s are wonderful and interesting and I think if you gave her chance and got to know her you’d see she isn’t that bad. 
Wild was my very first OC I made her when I was about 8-9 years old, she’s gone through many changes and only recently have I solidified the story line and her designs and such. She got put on the shelf for 11 years just gathering dust because I didn’t have any friends who role played or were transformers fans. 
Only recently I decided to make a blog for her because I found old art of her and she made me fall in love with transformers again. And I’ve got to say thank you to @x-de-con-struct-ed-x for being so damn supportive of both me and her because I really was considering just damn right deleting this blog because Wild just wasn’t going anywhere. Hell there are still days I feel that way now but they’ve been a big help and they’ve also helped me develop Wild as well. (and got her someone to love at the same time) and I’ve got a best friend now too all because of Wild so I’m grateful for that.
I’ve been RPing for a while now with my fiance through a different OC so it’s not like I haven’t got experience in it but I’m lacking in experience with Wild. I love Wild I really do and I want to see her grow and get more popular I want people to see past the fact she’s an OC and see she is a unique femme with an attitude but will put her own damn life on the line to save others and will mother hen you to protect you but also won’t hesitate to kick your ass. 
People’s reactions to this small femme medic are great, especially in reaction to her powers or the fact she was a gladiator. She very much is a trouble maker and she likes a challenge and I like writing her. While I did make her before frozen existed I won’t lie when I say it does inspire me in regard to her powers but and how she reacts and it’s even a running joke between other mun’s and even muses some times.  I’m here to have fun and show her off because she is amazing and it took me too long to realise that and that’s what inspires me, I want others to appreciate her.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.  I really wish I was more skilled to portrait Wild I really don’t do her justice at all.
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  Yes I do write drabbles and I promise I’ll write some that aren’t all Wild/Ironhide but damn they’re the best couple and I will go down with that ship. I’m working on some currently although practically no one reads them :’) But it’s a bit of fun I think and it goes a little deeper into how Wild reacts to situations.
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES/ NO. I am forever thinking about Wild and there’s always ideas bouncing around my head whether its AU’s, headcanons about Kaon or ideas for Wild herself. 
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. Again I’m not skilled enough to portrait Wild I really wish I was but no one else could portrait her because she is my creation and y’know what that’s okay. Hopefully we can develop together.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. I try my best and just hope the crap I dish out is ledigble and understandable.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. I am and that kinda shows in Wild sometimes?
I’m open to constructive criticism and I’d try and take it onboard. Telling me you hate Wild and how I write her won’t end well. I’m trying my hardest and I do this for fun and if you don’t like it just don’t interact.
I love them! Feel free to send them in anonymous or not I don't mind any question others have about her, seeing people curious about her really makes me happy and it helps flesh her out a bit more too!
Well I’d be curious about it so sure? but that’s the best thing about headcanons they’re open to interpretation by everyone and everyone has their own. My headcanons are for me and while you don’t have to agree with them please don’t get aggressive.
?? Why are you still on my blog then? I mean I might be offended but I do respect that people have their own opinions and that’s okay. Just don’t be spreading hate okay?
I like to think so? I mean I’m a bundle of anxiety and depression so I do have my bad days so if I’m overbearing please do tell me and I’ll dial it down.I’d love to get to know other muns and make some more friends but I’m so damn anxious about interacting sometimes I could and sometimes do cry. Please don’t hesitate to send me an ask or a private message I will get back to you as soon as possible but do bare in mind I’m from Britain and most likely in a different timezone. Ya just gotta get to know me I’m like a coconut, I take a while to crack but I’m good on the inside? I nearly put delicious? Maybe I am delicious on the inside but we shall never know, 
I enjoy OOC interactions as well as IC ones just sometime bare with me because I am very tired and awkward so sometimes replies take a while. If you have a problem with me or my content or you’re having trouble please do come and talk to me about it because honestly we’ve all been there and I like helping. I look forward to interacting with others because I am 100% an introvert and the internet is my only escape from real life. Hopefully we can make some more friends. 
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