#you know what *points your vash's ears*
meziniart · 1 year
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My way home is through you
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jellys-compendium · 3 months
Plant Heat Headcanons
Millions Knives Edition
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Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DNI)
Pairing: Knives x F!Reader Cw: smut, heat cycles/plant heat, overstimulation, dacryphilia, p in v sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, breeding, orgasm control/denial, possessive and obsessive behaviour, dominance & submission, degradation, grinding, some religious symbolism (in Trimax Knives' portion). Word Count: ~3K A/n: A lovely person inquired about some Plant Heat Headcanons for Knives on my AO3 account. I was inspired, so here they are! Hope you enjoy them! 💜
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Tristamp Knives
He is very aware of his heat and knows precisely what to expect and how to counteract it. Despite the physical symptoms that he suffers, Tristamp Knives only views this biological cycle of his as a minor inconvenience. He had always been prepared for it, overcoming the intense urges of his body with sheer willpower alone. Willpower alone had always been enough…until you came along.
Similar to Tristamp Vash’s heat, Tristamp Knives’ heat is also quite physically intense. His body aches and heats up to the point of fever. His razor sharp mind becomes slow and sluggish—obsessed and plagued with impulsive thoughts of grabbing you, ripping your clothes off, and pounding into your sweet cunt until you cry. He doesn’t quite care if he ends up doing it in front of an audience either.
Tristamp Knives’ plant markings glow exponentially brighter during this time, his fangs elongating to sharp points as his senses heighten. You become like a beacon of desire to him in this state. Tristamp Knives can sense your every breath, hear each beat of your heart, and smell the arousal that drips between your legs even across a distance. It’s infuriating for the prideful plant. It’s as if your lewd and tantalizing body were calling out to him—mocking him for his foolish attempts to control himself.
Eventually, Tristamp Knives does give in to his urges, but he holds fast and so desperately to that illusion of self-control. He dominates you physically and mentally, lording his strength, power, and superiority over you even if he’s the one moaning as he sinks his cock inside your tight walls.
Tristamp Knives’ stamina is unmatched. He can bring you to the brink of orgasm, only to then deny you and repeat the process. Tristamp Knives will do this over and over again until he has you sobbing and pathetically begging for release. He is in control. Not you, and not his heat. You will be the one praying to him, not the other way around.
I should also mention that Tristamp Knives’ cum and saliva acts like an aphrodisiac. This helps his partner keep up with him, but Tristamp Knives also uses this property of his fluids to torture, tease and taunt you. “Coming from just a little kiss? What a depraved little slut you are.”
Tristamp Knives’ iron will to stay in control is formidable, but it is not absolute. You can break him—forcing him to submit to his feral urges if you play your cards right. Put on a little show for him. Tease him by lewdly touching yourself, salaciously cry out your pleasure with rapture, fuck yourself shamelessly on his throbbing dick while chanting your devotion to him. If you can manage to rile up this control freak of a plant well enough, you’ll find yourself pinned to the nearest hard surface before you can blink. At that point all you’ll hear is Tristamp Knives’ feral growls in your ear before he starts to fuck you so hard you nearly pass out.
It’s a dangerous game that you’ve decided to play, but you’ll be damned if you’ll allow Knives to have free reign over every little part of you for a moment longer.
Yes, he is stronger, smarter, faster and infinitely more powerful than you--but at this very moment, as Knives denies you your orgasm for the third time in a row, you decide that those facts don’t matter. You have a hold over him too. A power so profound that he desperately tries to deny and curtail it, forcing you to submit and take what he gives you in an effort to hide his secret vulnerability.
No more. You’ll expose that nerve and grind it to dust.
Knives chuckles darkly as he removes his glistening fingers from your twitching cunt, plant markings pulsing an angelic blue as he pops his fingers into his mouth and savors your taste. 
“Couldn’t come in time, pet?” Knives taunts, those white fangs of his glistening as he elegently licks his fingers clean. 
Your body is covered in sweat—exhausted and aching—but somehow you manage to muster your strength and reach forward to claw at Knives hips. The plant’s eyes widen with surprise, his breath leaving him in a choked gasp as you bury your fingernails into his flesh and swiftly pull his hips to yours. Knives moans, his hands slamming against the mattress on either side of your head, steadying himself while you bury his cock to the hilt in your eager pussy.
The ecstasy that flows through your body is unparalleled, and you mewl with abandon, arching against Knives’ burning skin as you come around his cock—hips grinding obscenely against his hardened flesh as your cunt milks him hungrily.
“Want you.” You gasp, breathless and delirious. Your gaze captures his own as your body rides out your orgasm sensually beneath him. Beckoning him. Breaking him.
“Please,” You whimper, body arching so that your lips brush sweetly against his perfect, pink mouth. 
“I want you, Nai.” You breathe against his lips. “I want you more than anyone else. I’m at the end of my rope, I’m aching for you. Please, fuck me. Please, please, please!!”
Knives is motionless above you, his eyes and body bathing your own in that ethereal blue glow. A moment of silence passes between the two of you, gazes locked in silent battle as your panting breaths fill the air.
Then a devious grin spreads across Knives’ face. The sight sends intoxicating shivers of anticipation down your spine. Like a predator, Knives leans down and whispers a dark and sensual promise in your ear.
“You want me, pet? Fine. Then I’ll give you everything you asked for.”
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98 Knives
This stubborn plant tries to ignore his heat. 98 Knives is in complete denial and is the biggest brat about this biological cycle. He’s flushed? You’re seeing things. Had he been staring at you for too long? Only because he can't believe how ugly you are! Is he hard? Why the hell are you looking at his junk in the first place, pervert!?
Completely opposite to 98 Vash, 98 Knives tries his damndest to avoid you during his heat. On the surface, he wants nothing to do with you during this time and will actively leave the room whenever you enter. If you manage to touch him unguarded however, you swear you can hear him purr sensually under his breath.
Compared to his other counterparts, 98 Knives doesn’t go through the same physical changes during his heats. No fangs or distorted wings or glowing marks. However, 98 Knives is just as affected in terms of his sexual drive and he is in a constant state of horniness. He’s also super pissed about it.
98 Knives angrily jacks off every moment alone he can spare. It never fully relieves him though, and for the most part it only riles him up even more. 98 Knives’ head is always swimming with thoughts of you—both unbelievably aroused and severely irritated. How dare you cloud his mind like this? How dare you make his cock so hard? How dare you make him want you?
When he does finally submit to his heat, 98 Knives becomes the bossiest and brattiest little pillow princesses. This whining plant makes you do all the work while also growling his demands of what he wants from you through clenched teeth.
But rest assured, when you manage to edge 98 Knives just right—hitting that sweet spot of his with perfect precision—oh can you make that plant sing.
Knives groans, gritting his teeth as he arches beneath your hips. Those beautiful blue eyes of his squeeze tightly shut as he curses you under his breath. 
Ignoring his insult, your eyes linger on the straining muscles of Knives’ neck as he pathetically thrusts his cock against you. His leaking and throbbing glands just barely manages to breach the tight entrance of your pussy despite his best efforts.
“E-enough.” Knives rasps, fingernails scratching at the meat of your thighs—childish and demanding. Those wild eyes of his open again, pegging you with a petulant glare.
“Hurry up and sit on my cock, you idiot!”
Ah. He’s near his breaking point.
“Hmm, and what if I don’t? What if I leave you here aching and unsatisfied? It would be exactly what a brat like you deserves.”
The rage that flashes in Knives’ eyes lasts only a second. Quick as a flash you raise your hips, letting Knives’ cock slip from the warmth of your cunt. He growls, utterly livid as his dick lands pathetically on his navel with a wet slap. 
But before the tantruming plant can retaliate, you sit on his cock, harshly grinding your slick folds up and down his entire length. The breath explodes out of Knives’ lunges, as you grind your pussy along his length and his next words leave him with a pathetic whine.
“Th-that's not what I meant you disgusting, brutish—aaaahhhhh!”
You press your weight against his frenulum, grinding your clit mercilessly against that most sensitive spot of his—breaking him down piece by piece and smiling with satisfaction as Knives melts in your hands like butter.
He's such a whiny little thing.
The plant’s hips start to piston, his whimpering mewls now uncontrollable as he starts to grind against your sex. Knives' blue eyes glass over with lust as he stares at you with a mixture of hatred and need. Right now, you are at the epicenter of his world, and he hates that.
“Beg me,” You whisper teasingly with a smile. “Beg me to fuck you. Do it nicely and I’ll give you what you want.”
Knives’ teeth clench, his expression a conflicted storm. But in the end, the plant's lustful need supersedes his pride. Releasing a huff of air, Millions Knives swallows and then whispers oh so sweetly.
“Fuck me, pet. Please.”
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Trimax Knives
Trimax Knives regards the period of his heat with virulent disdain. To him it is a primitive mechanism of survival derived from the disgusting remnants of the human DNA that poisons his every cell. Among many things, Trimax Knives detests his heat.
Luckily (or perhaps unluckily) for you however, your touch he does not detest.
Similar to his brother, Trimax Knives also goes through a lot of physical changes and a significant amount of pain during his heat. At the peak of his heat, razor sharp, almost crystalline wings involuntarily tear outwards from beneath his skin. His eyes glass over to a milky bluish white, and his fangs practically double in size. Each fang is razor sharp, easily capable of tearing anyone limb from limb. Trimax Knives is exceptionally beautiful in this form, but he is also dangerously aggressive.
Trimax Knives is possessive, and obsessive on a good day. In the midst of his heat however? Those tendencies of his magnify tenfold. Once his heat hits, the vastness of Knives’ mind becomes singularly fixated on you. Your scent, your soft skin, the sound of your voice, the beating of your heart. Every aspect of you is impossible for Knives to ignore. He wants to claim you, mark you, and fuck you until you are begging for mercy.
The compulsive and feverish thoughts of breeding you—of mating with you so thoroughly and completely that he gets you pregnant—nearly drives Trimax Knives to the brink of insanity. It’s not necessarily because he wants offspring (honestly even if you’re incapable of such a thing he couldn’t care less), it’s more so because Trimax Knives is so madly possessive of you that he wants no doubt in anyone’s mind exactly who you belong to.
Woe is any idiot who decides to breathe the same air as you (let alone touch you) while Knives is in the throes of his heat. People have been maimed, and several of the Gung-Ho Guns have the scars and the psychological damage to prove it.
Also similar to Trimax Vash, Trimax Knives’ heat is slow to build but quick to peak. You will see the warning signs before the full force of his heat hits, and when it does, it’s like a storm of biblical proportions.
When mating with you, Trimax Knives comes quickly and abundantly. His refractory period is short though, and this man will have you coming on his cock over and over and over again, pumping you full of load after load with each round. Trimax Knives takes what he wants, having little regard for your tearful cries for mercy from being sore and overstimulated. He knows your breaking point, and despite the feral state he is in, he will never cross that line. Instead, Trimax Knives balances you perfectly on that edge, watching you come undone beneath him time and time again with blissful satisfaction.
The urge to nest is intense for Trimax Knives during his heat, although he’s not exactly one to build a comfy place for you. Trimax Knives is more interested in finding a safe place over which he has full control. An isolated space where no one either than himself has access to you. This is where you will experience the full force of his heat.
Trimax Knives will also very strangely take good care of you during the entire period of his heat. In spite of the physical exhaustion you will endure, you will be fed, given water, and held tenderly. It’s in Knives’ silent actions where you can truly see how much he cares for you.
You awaken from your deep slumber. Eyes bleary and clouded as they open. Your vision finds the faintest of light above you, and you focus on it until your senses sharpen. 
Once your vision returns you look around. A thick layer of crystallized, shimmering glass is spread beneath your aching body. It looks cold to the touch but it is strangely…warm. As if it were a living, breathing thing cradling you, comforting you, and protecting you.
You shift and in that moment you realize that you’re still connected to something. Heated skin shifts with you and a soft groan sounds in your ear. Turning your head, you look over your shoulder. Memories of the last few days slowly snap into place like puzzle pieces. Knives lays behind you, his alien and unreadable stare fixated on you.
A burning throb commands your attention. You look down, and it’s at this point you realize that Knives’ cock is still buried deep inside you—the evidence of his dizzying girth a demanding pressure between your hips.
“Don’t move,” Knives commands. 
He twitches again inside you and the pressure increases. You mewl at the pleasurable ache. He's still coming.
The raspy tone of your voice does not escape the plant’s notice. He tsks, attention turning to something just beyond your reach. His powerful arm snakes past your line of vision, and then returns with a flask of water clutched in his hand. You watch, parched and mesmerized as Knives brings the flask to his perfect, pink lips and pours.
His Adam's apple bobs deliciously as he takes the water into his mouth. After two gulps Knives places down the flask and reaches for you, his fingers grasping your chin. Your mouth opens instinctively, like a baby bird desperate for nourishment, as he leans down and seals his lips with yours.
You whimper, lapping up every precious drop that you can from Knives’ mouth while his tongue glides sensually along your own. The kiss is cut short however, leaving you licking at the little remnants of water left behind. Knives smirks, then from his hand he produces a slice of apple.
“Eat.” He commands.
So you do. Obediently, you take the apple slice from his fingers, wet tongue kittenishly and shyly touching the tips of his fingers as you receive your blessing. Knives hums his approval, his gaze possessive and intense as his thumb gently glides over your bottom lip as you chew. 
The exchange is powerful. Primal. Like a god of creation, Knives institutes himself as the source of life. Of your life. From his lips you drink, from his hand you eat, and from his cock you are filled with euphoric purpose.
“Are you satisfied?” Knives’ purring rumble echoes like an ancient melody upon the crystal glass.
You nod, and no sooner do you show your satisfaction does Knives turn the both of you. His body remains flush against yours as you are maneuvered from your side and onto your hands and knees like an animal. Your face and breasts press firmly against the makeshift glass bed below as Knives lifts your hips into the air—keeping them connected with his own. 
A pathetic moan escapes your lungs as Knives resumes his rut, his cock plunging as deep as your pussy would allow. His burning glands kisses your cervix with each surge forward as his balls slap deliciously against your clit. You arch and sob. You’re so swollen and sore, but Knives feels too fucking good.
“Who do you belong to?”
Of course. This ritual would be incomplete without your pledge of devotion to him.
“Y-you, Knives.”
The powerful being bears down on you, his sharp teeth on the shell of your ear.
“Who do you worship?”
“Who do you love above all else?”
You tremble, the confession vibrating like an explosion in the air as it spills from your lips. 
“You. O-only you Knives. I love you.”
And with a hot groan, Knives comes inside you, his fingers bruising your hips as he grinds his cock against your puffy walls, filling you up with yet another load of his hot cum. When he’s done, his hands come to gently rest on your swollen tummy and you are rewarded with a tender kiss.
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Interested in some Vash plant heat headcanons?
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
hello! I'm loving all you're writing so far! I've cried over your angst 😢 do you think you could write some super fluffy early morning Vash x reader? You're super aeesome! Thankss!
Thank you so much! 💙 I hope you enjoy this, Y’all deserve this sweet little thing for all being so sweet yourself! 🥰😘🥺
‘These mornings with you’
Vash x reader
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You let out a light yawn, turning over in the bed and your eyes light up as you notice Vash is still asleep beside you. More awake than ever you watch him for a moment, Vash always wakes up before you. 
When he does, he likes to pull you to him and not let go, demanding cuddle time before actually having to get up for the day. You scoot closer to him, he’s sleeping on his stomach arms wrapped around the pillow, and snoring softly.
He looks so soft like this; it makes your heart melt and you just want to smother him. As gently as possible you run your hands over his shoulders, just lightly tracing his skin and his scars. You try to be gentle, looking over his scarred body always made your heart ache. Not of pity, but that this is proof of all of Vash’s hardships, of all the times someone’s raised a hand against him to hurt him.
Frowning, you sit up a bit leaning over him to place gentle kisses on his back, making sure to give each scar the attention that it deserves. You know you’ll wake Vash by doing this, he’s so sensitive but he deserves to be showered in love. Vash begins to stir under you, placing one last kiss in between his shoulder blades you lean back, resting on one of your elbows to watch him.
You hand goes back to tracing his skin as he wakes slowly, “What are you doing.” You let a ‘hum’ at his groggy morning voice, “Admiring.” You admit, smirking when you see his ears go positivity red. You can’t see his face, but you’re sure it’s just as red. 
You pull your hand back, “do you want me to stop?” You ask with a pout, “No…” laughing softly, you lean over Vash placing a light kiss on his shoulder. Vash moves suddenly, pulling you too him. Letting out a yelp, he cages you in his arms laying his weight on you. Vash rests his head in the crook of your neck, now it’s your turn to blush as you feel him press a kiss to your pulse point. 
Placing one arm around his shoulders, the other goes to the back of his head. He practically purrs when you start running your fingers through his hair, making sure to scratch at his undercut.
His hair is such a mess, but you think it's simply adorable. Sticking up in every direction, you brush his hair softly with your fingers and Vash melts deeper into if that's even possible. The two of you lay together enjoying each other’s company and the silence of the morning. 
You startled, when you feel Vash place another kiss to your neck. He picks his head up, you flush under his soft gaze. “Hi” you whisper softly to him, Vash gives you a small smile, and it makes your heart race you love his little genuine smiles. “Hi” He whispers back, his gaze doesn’t leave yours, you swear you could get lost in his eyes. 
“What?” You ask softly, “just admiring.” You laugh at his blush; he pouts at you leaning towards you to kiss you on the lips. Closing your eyes you lean into it, God you could just stay here forever in his arms. Vash pulls back pecking your lips and then moving to place kisses all over your face.
Blushing brightly and laughing loudly, you try to shove him off. “Enough!” You whine playfully, not putting much effort in shoving him off. Vash finally stops, he pulls you down so that your head his resting under chin. He kisses the top of your head, as you snuggle closer. “Five more minutes please” he begs softly.
Rolling your eyes playfully, placing a kiss on his chest, “alright five more minutes” you snuggle closer to Vash sighing contently. His arms tighten around you, and you close your eyes trying to keep the smile off your face. Maybe the two of you would end up staying in bed all day, it would certainly be worth it.  
A/n: ugh give me this man 👏😭
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anyasathenaeum · 3 months
Hey! I love your writing! So I'm excited you're opening requests :)
How about for Vash, something along the lines of either reader or Vash is trying to work on something, but the other keeps distracting them with kisses?
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A/N: OMG WAIT HI I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS TOO (SERIOUSLY)!!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this - thank you so much for your request! It's super cute :') I decided to opt for cuddly Vash for this one so he's distracting the reader hehe
Vash's soft whine of your name made you giggle softly, but you continued your work steadily, not giving in to his attempts to distract you.
"I know, my love," you cooed back to him softly, "Just let me finish what I'm doing and then I can give you my full attention."
"B-But, what if I want your full attention now?"
The pout on Vash's lips and the way he pulled his puppy-dog eyes on you made you groan playfully, your heart fluttering slightly at how cute Vash was when he wanted you to pay attention to him. Despite being a wanted man with a bounty of 60 million double-dollars on his head, the "Humanoid Typhoon" had nothing but love and affection to give you.
You sighed dramatically, putting down the bag you had so carefully been packing and rearranging, before turning to face him as he lay on your shared bed for the night.
"Patience, Stampede. Or else, you'll get nothing at all," you scolded him, trying hard not to let yourself smile as you did so.
Vash simply let out another soft whine, his pout deepening as he sighed dramatically and covered his face with a pillow, letting out an exaggerated yet muffled cry of "My Mayfly doesn't love me!"
You scoffed quietly before letting out a small chuckle, "I love you very much, Vash. Just let me finish getting my stuff organized and then I will happily cuddle you until the suns rise tomorrow morning, okay?"
With that, you turned back around and continued to organize your bag, working in silence as you tried to focus. After a few minutes of peace, you faintly registered the sound of Vash shifting on the bed and then his footsteps coming up behind you. Without a word, you felt Vash wrap his arms around you from behind before feeling him resting his chin on top of your head.
You let out a small sigh, "You really couldn't wait?"
"How could I possibly wait to cuddle the love of my life when they're right in front of me?" Vash replied, and you could practically hear his smile.
"Alright, fine," you chuckled softly, glancing up at Vash, "I'll allow this. But don't push your luck, Stampede. I'll be done soon."
You could've sworn you heard Vash let out what sounded like a contented chirping noise, but you brushed it off as just being a plant thing. You felt him nestle himself against you, his head resting on top of yours as he hugged you tightly from behind.
However, even this didn't last long, because before long, you felt Vash gently beginning to press soft little kisses to the top of your head. He started with just one before nuzzling his nose into your hair, inhaling your familiar and comfort scent, but he couldn't stop himself at just one kiss. Shortly afterwards, you felt another gentle kiss being pressed to another part of your head, then another to your temple, and another to the nape of your neck that sent shivers down your spine. Each kiss was slow, with Vash taking his time and caressing your skin, showing just how much tenderness and love he felt towards you each time his lips pressed against you.
Now it was your turn to whine - the heat had risen to your face and you could feel your heart beating frantically in your chest at Vash's tender kisses. Despite having been with Vash for as long as you had been, he still somehow managed to fluster you with ease. But now, it had gotten to the point that you were so flustered that you couldn't focus on the task in front of you.
"What?" Vash cooed back, his tone light and teasing, his breath ghosting over your ear and sending shivers down your spine once again. "Something wrong, Mayfly?"
"Not fair!" You whined again, turning so you could look at him properly, pouting at him just as he had done so to you.
Vash couldn't help but let out a laugh at the sight of you pouting at him - how could somebody so adorable possibly be his? And yet, here you were, pouting at him in all your glory and making his heart swell from sheer love of you.
"I'm sorry, Mayfly," Vash whispered softly, smiling down at you almost wistfully, "I know I'm distracting you. I just... miss you whenever I'm not holding you. My arms miss you, my body misses you, my heart misses you."
"And now you're gonna make me cry," you replied, your voice shaking slightly as you took in his words. You had never felt more loved than you had when Vash was with you, and his words touched you in a way you hadn't expected them to.
"No... no tears, my love. They don't belong in your eyes."
You could feel Vash's fingers, both real and prosthetic, gently brushing over your cheeks before he cupped your face in his hands, tilting your face upwards to look at him. You would have melted into a puddle had it been physically possible from the warmth and love evident in his gaze. Suddenly, the fact that he had distracted you seemed to fall away, and you let go of your bag, instead opting to place your hands over his on your face, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I love you, Vash."
The words escaped you in a whisper, meant only for Vash to hear them. The moment they did, he leaned down and pressed a final, gentle kiss to your lips, holding you as close to him as possible.
As soon as he pulled away from you, Vash grinned playfully, "I love you, too, Mayfly. So, does this mean that you forgive me for distracting you?"
You pondered his words for a moment before answering with a smirk, pulling him back down, "If you give me another kiss, I might consider it."
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bendycxmet · 8 months
Repair You—Vash the Stampede
Summary: Just repairing Vash's arm. He might see it as more than just a simple act of service though.
Word Count: ~1.7k
Content: fluff, the whole gangs here, drinking, drunken and silly Vash, Wolfwood being a tease
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You sat quietly at the hotel desk for quite some time now, feet swung onto the hardwood desktop while haphazardly leaning backward in the rusty old chair with a book between your fingers. The crew had gone out for another late-night drinking session, negating your pleas to rest tonight as the previous night's session had taken a lot out of you.
"You're starting to show your age there yanno" quipped Wolfwood as he slung his arm heavily onto your shoulders. He leaned in, smirking with downward-cast eyes as the lit cigarette between his lips swirled nicotine smoke around your persona, putting you in a heady yet annoyed space.
"Am not! You know we're both around the same age, right?” You swatted the smoke that crawled its way into your nostrils, but Nico paid no mind, only crowding closer into your personal space to hear the futile excuse you gave next. 
“It's just the hangover from this morning is still lingering. Maybe I feel it more than you since I out-drank your ass and you lost that bet when we were playing darts!" you teased as you wiggled your finger into his side. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, grumbling that you had cheated. 
A loud stomp could be heard from behind, and before you could turn to see who was noisily heading your way, a tuft of blonde hair and dazed blue eyes appeared.
"Mayflyyyy cmonnn you didn't spend enough time with me yesterday night!" A poof of his breath revealed that Vash had already started the night's festivities. You see the striped tie wrapped around his forehead. You chuckle.
Yep, he’s definitely a couple drinks in. 
Judging by how he had nudged his way between Wolfwood and yourself and sent a pointed glare toward the Undertaker, Vash was tipsy already. It was fun to see him tipsy when you were sober, as you were able to pinpoint the funny and affectionate little habits he threw your way, especially his small bouts of jealousy when Wolfwood became too close to you. He clung to your side as he batted his eyelashes, peering down at you with what could be described as the most endearing puppy dog eyes you have ever seen.
"Oh Vash, I did spend all yesterday night with you! You glued yourself to my side as if I was going to disappear! But you passed out on one of the tables before we left. That's why I played darts with Wolfwood." You giggled as you recalled Wolfwood begrudgingly carrying Vash back to your shared hotel room.
"Hey now you guys, let's just let them go back to their room. We can have enough fun here, right Milly?" drawled Meryl. 
"Yeah!! Let's get a round of drinks going again, everyone. Have a good night y/n!" shouted Milly in a warbled tone as she clumsily made her way to the bar, Wolfwood trailing close behind to ensure the tall girl didn't drop any of their drinks.
"Mmmm please don't go…" whimpered Vash as he tucked his head into your neck. "I'll miss you too much."
"Vash, angel, have fun tonight okay?” You whispered into his ear. 
“I'll be waiting back in the room. Plus, yanno what night it is?" you wiggled your eyebrows teasingly. Vash simply gave a slow blink.
 "Arm repair day~" 
Before the last word could escape your lips, Vash positively beamed at you, squealing in excitement before pecking your face and lips.
"I promise. I would never break our promise of these nights. Now go, I'll be waiting for you." You went to push him away as he kept planting wet, sloppy kisses against your cheeks, the skin flushing from his deep affections.
With that, you exit the populated bar, turning to look over your shoulder one last time as Vash bounds after the crew as they order another round of shots of a liquor you were too familiar with the night before. You groan, feeling nauseous at the thought.
You smile fondly at the memory that had played out only hours prior, ears perking up as several pairs of footsteps and giggling voices made their way down the hall. A loud thump could be heard before Meryl's quiet chastising ensued, warning the two to quiet down before they awakened the snoozing hotel patrons. Planting your feet down from the desk, you went to meet the crew in the hall. Swinging the door open, you were met with quite a chaotic scene.
Vash had Wolfwood's face in his hands, smooching faces being made as Wolfwood struggled to keep him at an arm’s length.
"Needle noggin I told you to quit it! I’m not your Mayfly.” Wolfwood perked up at the sound of your creaking door.
“Look! There’s your beloved Mayfly!” Vash whipped his head up, searching for you until his eyes met yours.
“Mayflyyy!” Vash pushed off Wolfwood and launched his body at yours standing in your shared hotel room threshold. You fell backwards with the strong, heavy weight of Vash abruptly meeting your ill-prepared stance, worrying you had hit your head on the dirty hardwood floors until you felt Vash’s warm fingers pressing into your skull. You sighed into his neck, wrapping your arms around him. Even drunk, Vash always prioritized the safety of your being. 
“You should’ve seen him. His last drink sent him begging to see you. He was in tears. I shoulda told the bartender to dilute that beer,” chuckled Meryl, a snoring Milly hanging from her shoulders. “Well, we’re gonna turn in for the night. Good luck handling the typhoon.”
“Thanks you guys. Mind shutting the door? I’m in a bit of a… predicament.” Peering down, you can see the content smile gracing Vash’s face as he rubbed his face into your shirt, inhaling the scent of you.
“Sure thing. Night you guys.” With that, Meryl shut the door.
“Hey Stampede, enjoying yourself there?” Vash groaned, pinching your side with the hand that was not cradling your head. 
“Yanno I hate when you call me that. Where’s my nicknamesss?” drawled Vash, sniffling as he peered up at you. You brought up one of your hands to tenderly caress his warm cheeks.
“Sorry my sweet angel~” you said in a lilted tone. “Thought you had forgotten all about me, and our designated nights.” Vash let out a loud gasp as he pushed himself so that he was sitting with his back to the end of the bed.
“Never ever! Look, I’m all ready.” Vash messily threw his red coat off, tugging his humanoid limb off and offering the piece to you. He seems to have sobered up quickly at the mention of what he had been looking forward to all night.
“What a good boy. Now go take a shower, you don’t smell like my usual Vash. I’ll get started on this.” Vash’s cheeks flushed an even darker pink at your praise, promptly hopping up and entering the bathroom, water and steam hissing from the gap under the closed door. You sat at the edge of the bed, tinkering with his arm with some tools you bought from a vendor many towns ago. You don’t understand why you love to do this for him. Maybe it's the only act of service you can do for him. Well, it’s the least you can do when he’s constantly laying down his life for you. 
Vash exited the bathroom, steam filling the hotel room. His gray, weathered sweatpants hung low on his hips, chest left uncovered so that you could trail your eyes down the many scars littering his skin. You can never get used to seeing him like this, quickly averting your eyes back to the task at hand, struggling to quell the blush settled now on your face. The sensation of the cotton cloth between your fingers gave your brain a distraction from the sight in front of you. You missed the teasing spark in Vash’s eyes as he made his way to you, sitting on the floor and pushing his back between your calves hanging off the edge of the bed.
“How goes it?”
“Almost done… just gotta polish it.” 
He hummed, tilting his head back until he was staring at you work. The cute crease you made in between your eyebrows whenever you were focused always had his heart twinge. How lovely it was to have someone take care of just one piece of him. Yearning for your attention after a long night without you, Vash turned his head to kiss the inner area of your knee. You giggled at the ticklish feeling.
“What’s wrong? You missed me that much?” You set the now polished arm on the bed, running your fingers through his coarse, soft blonde hair, occasionally scratching at his scalp. Vash hummed, his entire body slumping against the bed at your gentle caresses. 
“You have no idea…” Vash’s breaths began to slow at the feeling of your fingertips combing through his wet hair. What a strange sight to see when his hair wasn’t spiked into his usual style. The way his hair settled lightly over his eyes gave him an almost vulnerable, boyish charm, the urge to shield him and take him away from the world that hurts him constantly hitting you square in the chest. You took a deep breath, remembering that he would rather get hurt himself before seeing you attempt to protect him. Better to just ensure the arm that protected not only yourself and the crew, but also himself, was optimized at all times.
“Let’s get under the covers, I can feel how tired you are.” 
Vash progressively became heavier as a serene expression crossed his face, unfocused blues following your movements as you guided him under the covers, allowing his head to hit your chest, knowing he would appreciate hearing your soft, beating heart in his dreams. Vash’s last moments awake included him turning onto his side, arm wrapped around your middle, his legs interlacing with yours. The ensnaring warmth of him began to lull you to sleep, but not before you heard a quiet whisper floating upward from your chest.
“Thank you…” 
You didn’t need an entire sentence to read in between the lines, or rather, in between two words to know that Vash was not just thanking you for repairing his humanoid arm. With those last two words from him, Vash’s soft, even breaths willed you to sleep. 
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A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks for reading my first piece of fanfic I've ever posted! Not usually a writer, so bear with me haha just doing this for fun. I just really love Vash so I wanted to add some fanfics into the fandom. Thanks for reading and hope for your continued support! See ya <33
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icyowl · 1 year
Phantom Limb Pain
Pairing: Vash the Stampede x reader
Synopsis: Self-explanatory. Helping Vash deal with phantom limb pain. 1k
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In many ways Vash was both the luckiest and unluckiest person alive. He was lucky because, well, he was still alive, firstly, but also because he was (mostly) healthy, fed, sheltered from the blistering wind, with you, and nestled away in the back of a tavern largely out of sight of the rest of the patrons. He was, however, unlucky in that he didn't have a place to stay for the night, hadn't had one in about two weeks, couldn't convince you to stay away from him to stay safe, and his own body had begun to betray him. . . again.
“Vash?” You said to lift his head from where it rested on the tabletop. His posture looked very different from what it was when you'd left to get drinks. Hunched, visibly taught even with his coat, flesh-hand discretely fisted under the shadow of the table. He didn't bother to move even when he knew you were there.
“Is it hurting again?” You asked. He nodded as much as he could. When it truly drove him mad, he became eerily silent. You couldn't have this — Vash immobilized to the point of turning mute, afraid to show you and resigning to a silent suffering. “What kind of hurting?” You tried.
Quiet, breathless, he finally replied: “Like someone's got it in a grinder.”
His tone just about broke you. Out of all the outlaws, vagabonds, and backstabbers, he deserved this the least. “Tell me how I can help.”
At last he looked up. There was a little more water in his eyes than normal; and if a man of much suffering had been pushed this far? It had to be bad. Vash's eyes were especially round with sorrow — perhaps as much to have to ask you for help as to endure the pain — and his voice was almost consumed by the raucous of the tavern. “Rub the other one? The way you like to do it?”
You pulled your stool right in front of his until your knees were overlapping. His glasses slipped off easily when you pulled them from his ears and put them on the table.
“What if people see?”
“They're too drunk to talk, Vash, don't worry about them seeing us.”
He was always scared to attract unwanted attention. Any person could be the wrong person; they could hurt you, cast both of you out into the desert, bristling with nighttime cold, or hail a swat of police to chase you for days. Vash had just gotten you out of the elements and into this tavern even if for just a few hours.
You grabbed his human hand wordlessly and stretched it out. One of your hands held onto his wrist while the other began to squeeze and massage the bicep and tricep. Anything to distract from the pain. “This doesn't usually happen unless you're stressed. What's up?”
“I'm alright, I—”
“Vash.” You cut off with a sudden, grating edge to your voice, still moving down his bicep with rhythmic pulls. “We've talked about this. Don't make me force you to do your affirmations in the back of a bar.” He knows you mean it, remembers the time you had him do it in a bathroom through his tears, another time after waking up with a breathless jolt in the deep of the night, again when he'd barely managed to get you out of a hostage situation with your life.
“Seriously, it—”
“Say 'it's nothing' and I won't let you cuddle me for a week.”
A whole week? Vash knew you were serious, too. Open up, or. . . for a week? Bare his problems to you, allow himself a moment of empathy, share just one of the demons usually hidden behind his large glasses. . . or no cuddles. Why did you have to be so adamant?
His head dipped, a bit ashamed, but still he let those sinful hands of yours hit every knot in his forearm. “I've been worrying over this sleeping situation. It's not good for you — so cold every night.”
The heartfelt statement made your eyes sting. To be so kind as to incur physical ramifications at the pain of others — he really was something beyond the average human. His kindness, above all his struggles, had become his greatest curse.
Whether to hide or to be close to you, his head plopped down unceremoniously onto your shoulder, the disheveled mop of hair atop his head vaguely tickling your neck and cheek. Your fingers moved carefully to the back of his neck. There was a fine line before his boundaries were crossed; if you overstepped, he'd completely clam up. It was hard to get him to do this in the privacy of a tent in the middle of the dunes, let alone in a bar full of inebriated patrons. Thankfully Vash didn't shy away when you touched the taught muscles and continued up into the soft hair of his undercut. Not even when you pushed into the pressure points there did he pull away.
Oh no. If anything, your stampede opened himself even more. A subtle puff of air, a faint groan, a slouching of his shoulders, and suddenly it felt like he was trying to get under your very skin.
“I can't stop you from worrying,” you said, “no one can. I can't make you care about yourself, eat enough, or stop you from trying to save everyone. Only you can do that, Vash. What I can do is say this isn't good for you. How can you expect to do the things you want when you won't take care of yourself? If the phantom pains are getting this bad. . .”
He knew exactly what you were doing. Sometimes he hated your reverse psychology, but it was working.
You continued: “I want to help you in whatever way I can, so you can keep doing all these crazy, stupid, amazing things. So trust me. Trust me to be your stampede.”
A hefty pause broke when he burrowed his forehead deeper into your shoulder. “I hate when you're like this.”
You laughed. “I know you do, now, how is it?”
“. . . better.”
You pulled his head off your shoulder and, before your thoughts got the better of you, caressed his jaw in your palms and pressed a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. Vash seemed to glitch out for only a second or two this time. His prosthetic hand, previously too uncomfortable to move, lifted to rest on your thigh.
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novasintheroom · 4 months
111. Fondness
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.6k
♡ Warnings - none
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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In the din of the bar, you motion for Vash to lean close. With your eyes elsewhere, your lips brush the shell of his ear as you say, “I think those girls over there really like you.”
His skin goes to gooseflesh, and he pretends he didn’t hear you to make you do it again. You do with a roll of your eyes, none-the-wiser. “They’ve been giggling and eyeing you since we got here.”
Vash turns to see. Three young girls, no older than nineteen. They giggle and hide their faces behind hair and hands when he looks. He huffs out his own laugh. “Oh. Them?” He leans down again, like you’d whisper in his ear again.
But you shake your head and grin. “Who else, you dolt?”
Could be you, he thinks. Wish it was you. He turns back around and throws a casual wave at the girls. They giggle to themselves again. One of them winks back. His cheeks flush and he turns back to the bar, swirling the water in his cup.
“Why don’t you go talk to them?” You ask after a moment. “You know, you’re usually a lot more willing to talk to women. What’s going on lately?”
Vash brings his cup to his lips, pauses, and says, “They’re uh…not my type.”
You shove his shoulder with your own, laughing. “Since when do you have a type?”
Since you, he admits to himself. But he only sips at his water. No need for love confessions at a bar tonight. So instead, he admires your profile when you aren’t looking. The curve of your lips. Your hair. The way your eyes shine when the band plays a new song. He taps to the rhythm, then taps his fingers slowly across the countertop to dance up your arm. Your nose scrunches. You’re embarrassed by the playful gesture, but you still laugh when he pulls you in by the neck and says, “We should dance, this is a good song.”
You shake your head. “You know I don’t dance.”
“You do now! C’mon!” He pulls you by a hand out of your seat. You protest, but it’s Vash, and he’s a light to the world when he gets like this, and anyway, you don’t want to embarrass him by pulling away now.
Thankfully, it’s a fast song – none of that slow-dancing business. Vash pulls you into a country waltz, and your feet are tripping over each other, and you can hear the girls laughing behind you. Your cheeks go dark, but Vash’s grin smothers your blush into something kinder. He watches your eyes, the way your brows quirk in spasms as you try to keep up with his moves. He pulls you into a spin and dip. Your laugh turns silly with the movement. His knees shake. Not even in the worst gunfight has he felt this nervous or excited.
A few bargoers have joined in at this point, dancing with each other or stomping to the rhythm. Vash feels a thrill. “See! You’re doing fine!” He twirls you once, twice.
You halt and catch his arm, dizzy. “Just because you’re here,” you admit. “I’ve got two left feet when I try to dance alone.”
Vash smiles, focused entirely too much on the feel of your hand on his bicep. “Well you won’t have to do it alone ever again, not with me around.”
And the smile you give him – fondness matching fondness, something deeper poking out for just a moment – he isn’t sure he can handle it. He almost, almost, leans in to kiss your head. His heart goes into a tizzy.
He’s in so much trouble.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
me: *manifests in anyone's inbox as soon as wolfwood is mentioned*
hey socks! (love your name too btw) I haven't interacted yet but I really enjoyed reading your stuff, so here I am - Wolfwood prompts, you ask? how about him overhearing the reader get off, and maybe even them moaning his name? I know that's a classic prompt but haven't spotted anyone who wrote it for our man here
i like your mind anon--
pairings: wolfwood x (gender neutral) reader
warnings: !nsfw minors dni! , masturbating , descriptions of moaning, a bit of religious imagery but not a lot , idk wolfwood may be being a bit of a creep but you love him so it's okay
notes: just as a general rule i try to keep the reader gender neutral when answering requests unless the gender is specified- so if you want the reader to have a specific gender just ask :) also it's a bit short but i hope it's okay!! also i kind headcannon that they take turns deciding who gets a room the themselves-- and it just so happened to be your turn--
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A better man would have ignored the sweet noises coming from your room the moment he heard them through the thin walls. However, Wolfwood is not a better man. In fact, he considers himself to be the worst of the worst. Someone’s whose sins are unforgivable in the eyes of God. So maybe that’s why, instead of respectfully ignoring the situation, his ear is pressed up against the cool wall as he drinks in every last noise you make.
At first he was a bit worried. 
Vash had passed out the moment his head hit the pillow, but Wolfwood’s head was full of all kinds of thoughts. Things he couldn’t fall asleep to without a fuck load of alcohol probably. So he’s left tossing and turning in the uncomfortable bed by himself for a while- until he hears a small whimper from the room next to him. The room you’re staying in.
He’s up immediately, a cold fear washing through his body. Are you hurt? Did somebody break into your room? He’s close to grabbing the punisher and knocking down the wall in between the rooms just to make sure you are safe- and then the next noise happens.
A moan.
His face instantly erupts into a fiery shade of red, his heart slamming against his ribs. That wasn’t a very heavenly noise. He looks over to make sure Vash is still asleep (he should know by now that even the end of the world couldn’t wake that man up), and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that his traveling companion is still passed out. 
Another soft moan erupts from your room, and the noise shoots down right to his dick. He’s already getting hard. It doesn’t help that he’s imagining what you look like right now. Sprawled out on your bed, lips parted and face flushed. He imagines your legs parted, your hand in between, touching yourself just the way you like.
Another moan - and he can practically see it leaving your pretty lips.
He doesn’t even realize how close to the wall he’s gotten, chasing the sounds that emanate from your room. You get louder the closer he gets, and he’s able to pick up on more sounds. It’s a beautiful symphony to his ears.
At some point his hand sneaks down to his groin, as he starts palming himself through his pants. This is wrong. He shouldn’t be listening to this- but another moan from you and all his guilt melts into a need. A lust that no man who carries a cross should have. He grunts as he dips his hand into the waistline of his pants, wrapping his hand around his dick. You whimper out something - a name or a curse. He can’t tell, you stutter it out so softly. He can’t even feel jealousy for whoever’s name falls from your heavenly lips. He doesn’t have time, because you begin to whimper in just a way that has him pulling down his pants.
His mind is blank at this point, too focused on the string of curses and moans that leave your lips. His hand moves, pumping his shaft with an intensity he hasn’t felt in a long time. He’s not sure if he’ll ever recover from this. He moves his hand a bit faster, a bit tighter-
He freezes. 
His eyes widen and his body tenses completely. What was that? There’s no way…he definitely just heard you wrong. His hand drops to his side and he presses his ear against the wall. He’s sure he heard his name just now. But then, like a prayer, his name leaves your lips again. 
He stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Before he hikes up his pants and sprints out his door. He slams his fist against your door and calls your name.
You emerge a little while later. Your hair is a mess, your eyes wide, and your cheeks a beautiful pink. It’s a perfectly normal sight for anyone who doesn’t know what you were just doing. Wolfwood knows though. He can’t help but stare at you for a second, and he wonders if you can tell that he was doing the same thing.
After a moment, you begin to ask what he’s doing but he cuts you off. “The walls are thin.” Is the only explanation he gives before he crashes his lips against yours.
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lovehotelreservation · 7 months
You feel like you've been out of shape lately, unable to keep up with Vash when things turned sour. Vash being the sweet and mindful plant he is decided on creating a new training regimen for the both of you (Full nelson, marathon sex).
"I know we've been at this for a while, but you're doing so great!!! We'll be on equal level in no time!!! I promise you!!! We can treat ourselves to all the donuts after this!!!"
Easier for Vash to say.
After all, he wasn't the one to have remained suspended up off of the ground, legs and arms immobilized by solid muscle and sturdy metal, and drooling core stuffed and fed with thick cock and sticky cum for what felt like hours at this point.
But it wasn't as if you were complaining.
To have Vash holding you so tight and secure like this, his hands clasped behind your head and his arms hooked underneath your thighs, your back pressed against this scarred chiseled chest, all while his lips offered you encouragement to your ear and kisses to your neck--it was nothing short of bliss.
Though what was undoubtedly certain was that he was going to have to carry you over to the donut shop after this.
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millionsvash · 11 months
fuck it gonna fuel catgirl vash propaganda rq, but nsfw catgirl vash headcanons? (idk what else to say, go nuts with this)
This is only a small teaser of a larger list of NSFW Cat Girl Vash headcanons coming soon, hopefully. Enjoy!
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI. 🔞Heat cycles, biting, cumming inside, grinding, mentions of mind numbing(?)
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Vash totally has a heat cycle, and when it comes around, it's bad. He'll grind against anything just to get a bit of relief. Sometimes he'll even grind on your leg and desperately beg for release. When this comes around, he wants to fuck for hours nonstop. He wants to fill you, and he wants to be filled by you. You know when these come around, you're going to be calling off work for a few days.
Stroking behind his ears during sex will have him whimpering immediately. Bonus points if you praise him as a good boy while scratching. He might cum instantly.
If he's topping, he'll be sort of impatient, as he really just wants to be inside of you.
As soon as he is, he's desperately humping you at a quick pace. He'll often be moaning louder than you and drooling in delight. He loses his ability to talk, so he says things like "Need you." "Feels good." "So tight." "Love you." Everything he says will be in short words or broken sentences.
He loves to bite and be bitten. Hickies are a favorite of his. After sex, he'll kiss and lick at the marks he gives you and smile brightly, knowing you're his.
His favorite position is with you on your side, one leg over his shoulder. It allows him to get as deep as possible and lets him hump to his heart's content.
Besides insertion, sometimes he just loves to rub his sex against yours until the both of you cum.
No tail-pulling! He is not a fan of it; however, you are allowed to gently stroke or pet it.
Adding to his behavior in heat: He does it partially to be silly, but he'll wiggle his butt at you and wink when he wants sex.
Fuck his brains out! Cat girl Vash is more than happy to have you inside him. If you want to see Vash at his most pathetic and drooly and make him cum the hardest, you gotta fuck him in doggy position while stroking him. You will break his brain by doing so.
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beanibon · 1 year
Bottom!98Knives x DomAFAB!Reader
Part Two
Summary: you have endured Knives countless abusive speeches ever since Vash convinced you to babysit his brother while he ran errands in the town. Eventually it became too much, to the point you had to put your mutt in place.
warning: this fic is an absolute kinkfest, I apologise. Also heavily Trimax implied (mostly anatomy wise not actual spoilers).
TW: oral (F!receiving), face-riding, overstimulation, pegging, hate sex, inexperienced sex, fake orgasm (gotta humble knives somehow), cockwarming, creampie, sex toys, bondage, gagging, degradation, choking.
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Another bitter lecture on why humans were an insufferable species, those words filled with venom that bounced off your slouched shoulders. Head already pounding with a headache, you had regretted agreeing to watch Vash's spiteful twin, bearing his verbal abuse on what appeared to be a daily basis now.
Yet despite those words spat your way, like you were the very reason of his hatred for humankind, Knives still found himself begrudging spooning your smaller form. The only issue with that was you were still subjected to his rants, until they were all that filled your dreams, dreams that use to be full of nothing but pure happiness.
"Incompetent species your kind are, useless and disgusting to gaze upon. Your very existence plagues this world, may you all burn one day." You rolled your eyes, yet kept silent about how his actions contradicted his words. The arm slung lazily over your waist as your back was pressed uncomfortably into his chest, his aura suffocating.
"Do you ever shut up, I'm trying to sleep and you're grating voice is causing my ears to bleed." You sighed, voice bitter as Knives squeezed your waist.
"You dare speak to me in such a tone? I will make sure you regret every word spok-"
"You piss me off," Knives' taller form was now beneath you, the rage on his face obvious from your position a top of him. "Acting high and mighty, but then crawling into my bed like a bitch in heat. You're fooling no one bar yourself."
Knives looked furious, teetering on the edge of rage if you persisted your outburst. He was furious, until the moment you tore that silk nightgown from your body.
"Someone ought to put you in your place," You hissed, fingers embedding themselves into his platinum blonde hair, pulling at tuffs until his face collided with your cunt. As your weight sunk onto him, squashing his face underneath you and the pillow he rested upon previously. "I know you don't require sleep, that's one positive we now have all night to make sure you're returned to your brother a dumbafied mess."
The growl against your clit had your thighs shaking, suffocating Knives between them. When he made no move to advance in your pleasure you took it upon yourself, grinding your hips against his contorted face. Chasing your high as Knives clawed at your body, mind indecisive as whether to stop you or indulge you.
It took a few minutes until you felt something wet slot its way inside your folds, lips suckling at your intimate flesh. Knives had decided to indulge your humanly needs, hands gripping your ass, a need to dominate even in this particular predicament. But he'd soon find out you had no intention of allowing him an inch power, stamping out that idea like embering flames.
You greatly despised the hands holding your waist, dragging you along his awaiting mouth. None but impressed, you raised your hips to break away from his reciprocation, bile in your throat as he slammed you back down hungrily. So you let him have his fun, manipulating him to believe he had the upper hand, that he was the one bringing you unrelented pleasure as you moaned sweetly.
In reality it was painfully obvious that Knives had no idea what he was doing, having never touched or seen a woman's body. His hungry lapping was sloppy, unsure of what to focus on, sure his teasing suckling against your flaps had you keening enthusiastically but that's where it stopped. Forcing you to press your neglected clit sharply against his nose, grinding against it to offer some relief. Knives may not have been pleased with this, but it didn't matter, soon he'd be finding out just how 'in control' the fucker truly was.
Once it hit the ten minute mark you knew you weren't going to orgasm any time soon, and as embarrassing it was you didn't have a choice to stop this unpleasant mouthing. Face red as you let out an loud moan, thighs clenching Knives face as you faked an orgasm, quick to remove yourself as your eyes glared at the man smirking at you. God he looked like an idiot, and how you desperately wanted to make him whimper like one.
"You humans are such simple creatures, chasing your disgusting pleasure highs and here you are calling me a bitch in heat, when you so beautifully cum." You wanted to gag, perhaps even admit you faked it to get him to stop embarrassing himself.
Without so much as a single word you got up, crouching down to grab a locked crate from underneath your bed. Knives watched with a quirked brow, sitting up as he crossed his legs, amusement in the form of sly smirk.
"Giving me the silent treatment? You truly are petty," Unknown objects were beginning to line up on the bed's edge, Knives frowning at them in confusion. "What are these?"
"You'll know soon enough, but this bitch in heat wishes for you to properly fuck her, think your Lordship could treat me with his cock?" Your voice was laced with something, malice? No, that couldn't be it.
Knives smirked, chuckling as fingers propped your delicate face to look at him. "Who am I to deny my sweet human bitch?"
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The room was filled with desperate pleas, moans soon muffled harshly by the ball gag slammed against teeth. Nails dug into the sheets, clawing frantically to try and escape.
Knives felt his drool pool around the ball gag, tears filled his blue eyes as he whimpered, jolting at another harsh smack to his ass.
"I don't know whether to be disgusted or amused that you're getting off to this," That silky voice, belonging to the only devil present in the room as you smiled wickedly down at his form, running the whip teasingly along his cock. "Next time, don't test my patience."
Another snap of the whip, Knives crying against the plastic gag, trying to crawl away from your sexual torture. Only you brought him cruelling back, pulling him arms back as you clicked a pair of pink, fluffy cuffs around his wrists.
Laughter made Knives shiver, eyes wide and filled with fear as you leaned against his arched back, fingers pressed delicately against his rim. "Good thing you've already cummed for me three times, otherwise this wouldn't be as enjoyable. For you at least." The way Knives tensed had you giggling, shoving his face into the pillow as you angled the strap on against his prepared hole.
You could hear the frantic pleas from the man, muffled as he begged for you to stop. Except they only acted to urge you on, slamming your hips into his anus, earning a high pitched moan from the usual calculated and cruel twin. Satisfaction at having turned him into a drooling, moaning mess beneath you as you pounded into him at ruthless pace.
Knives with eyes full of beautiful, bliss out tears, looked back at you, not having the strength to muster even a glare as you winked at him. He wanted to curse you, strangle you for withering him to a submissive being completely at your mercy. Yet despite it all, Knives couldn't help but find some pleasure at how you had him drooling a muffled version of your name at each thrust against his prostate.
"You likin it? What a filthy excuse of a creature, indulging in such a disgusting act of self pleasure." Your words reflected his own, cruel and condescending. Those deceitful fingers drawing lines along his spine, causing his back to arch against the touch.
Leaning against his back, breasts dug into shoulders as your teeth nibbled at his ears. Laboured breathing sounded heavenly, eyes rolled into his skull as he covered the sheets beneath you two in bioluminescent cum.
"Such a filthy whore."
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"Please....no more...I can't."
"You can't? I thought you were a superior being, stronger than any mere mortal that walked this hellscape?" Knives whimpered, hiding his tears has you dragged your hips excruciatingly slow along his pelvis.
Hands placed against his chest, fingers pinching his nipples as you stilled, appreciating how his cock twitched against your cervix. You had to admit that Knives looks angelic beneath you, the feathers sprouting at random an added extra as he struggled to keep eye contact.
"You've satiated your desires, please you can't need anymore." Knives hated begging, but what else was he to do when it came to appeasing the succubus milking him until he was dry.
"My sweet Knives, you should know by now," You leaned forward, pulling the collar tighter around his throat untilheet out strangled cough. "I'm insatiable."
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Knives could no longer see straight, cum dribbling endlessly from his throbbing cock, encased in your hands as you pumped the fleshlight up and down along his shaft. His mouth was wrapped around one of your nipples, not like he noticed at this point, numb to overstimulation.
A stuttering cry sounded from the blonde, releasing your nipple at the pain of coming again, fresh tears staining his feather covered cheeks. Those soft, silk like feathers encased your body, their touch gentle against your skin.
Collapsing against your chest, face buried between those warm pillows as he sobbed. Incoherent word vomit spilled from his bruised, drool coated lips. Shivering at the way you giggled, finally freeing his flaccid cock from the textured fleshlight.
Taking the collar off his neck, smiling proudly as Knives sucked in much needed air, thankful to be able to breath properly. You moved him to the side, his body limp as you circled his cock with a finger, watching it stand yet again in painful anticipation. Knives whimpered, wondering what other cruel torture you had in mind, no longer surprised at your insatiable desires.
"Still wanting more? My, my, my how adorable you are my sweet slut." Your voice was no longer cruel, you may have whipped his ass raw, choked the air from his lungs and fucked him into another dimension, but you no longer had that malicious undertone. Instead opting to sweetly degrade him, praising him for how he came for you over and over again, getting hard after each touch to his cock.
Legs hoisted over his head, Knives tried to focus on what you were doing, panting as he felt something enter him again. It was large, not to mention unnaturally wide as he grunted at the intrusive toy. What had his body convulse and contort with pain and pleasure was the intense vibrations against his prostate, drawn out whines filling the small room yet again as his legs rested against your shoulders.
"Good boy, now he can't forgot that gorgeous cock of yours." Something snapped against his tip, the small band squeezing the head of his pulsating dick. "Just to make sure you last as long as possible, don't want you coming too soon, especially now that you're on the verge of breaking."
You re-inserted his cock into the fleshlight, only this time pressing a few buttons on the side, intense vibrations causing Knives hips to buck up, back arching. You flipped him over, laying on your back as you wrapped your legs around Knives face.
"Now eat me out properly this time, I want to cover that face in my cum, mark you as my personal whore." You cooed, fisting tufts on his hair as grinded his face against your dripping cunt.
This time Knives knew what to do, mustering enough energy to suck and lick your clit. His actions were slow, sluggish as the smallest of movements were agonisingly painful to perform. Releasing your clit, Knives began lapping at your pussy, pressing a shaking thumb against your bud of nerves.
Moans spilled from those cruel lips, along with praises and mocking coos. Yet despite the way you mocked him, Knives couldn't help swelling with exhausted pride at finally pleasing you, hoping this torture would now end.
And thankfully it did, the moment you crushed his head between your quivering thighs, gushing over Knives fucked out face, you halted the devices vibrations. Freeing his abused cock and anus from their toys, Knives collapsed wings wrapping themselves around his body as if to protect himself from your satiated lust.
Gentle hands brushed themselves along those wings, weight sat upon his back as he caught his breath. Knives prayed to whatever holy being that you had had enough, eyes drooping at the exhaustion tugging at his limbs. Arms encased his feathery form, your warm body pressed against his back as kisses were placed along any exposed patch of skin. Humming filled his ears, drifting him into a much needed sleep.
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"Heya Y/N! Hope Knives behaved last night, so sorry about leaving you with him again." Vash, finally back from whatever errand he was running, stood awkwardly at your door.
A smile tugged at your lips, cruel and devilish. The look had Vash confused as you stepped aside to let him in, leading him to the living room.
There, collapsed and sprawled out on soft, velvet couch was his sore, strained twin brother, face contorted as the discomfort of moving had him remain in place. Not even Vash's gentle greeting stirred Knives, who was still covered in last nights sins, too exhausted to even make it to the shower.
"Is he okay?" Vash asked quietly, noticing the many tear stains on Knives cheeks.
"Oh he's fine," You waved off Vash's concern, pouring warm water into a mug. "He was very well behaved last night, the most obedient he's ever been actually!"
Wings sprouted from Knives instantly, startling the younger twin. Knives face was bright red, hidden by the pillow that covered his face as the feathers quivered in excitement at the praise. His body reacting eagerly as if you'd take him then and there, disregarding his stupid brother's presence.
"You might have to carry him home though, he's exhausted from helping me move some furniture around." You lied, sliding some freshly made tea towards the Humanoid Typhoon, blowing to cool your own drink.
"But everything looks the same? What furniture did you move?" Vash asked innocently, warming his hand on the mug.
You quirked a brow at Knives, catching his gaze sent a shiver along his spine. "Just rearranged a few things in my room."
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triplesilverstar · 8 months
Day 24
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Rating: Explicit 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Beastman Bull Knives X F!Reader 
CW:  Bad pick up lines, Drinking, bad flirting, grinding, wall sex, Penis in vagina sex, breeding kink, dirty talk
Word count: 3294
A/N: Day 24, You went to the bar because of a rumor about two bull beastmen working at a cowboy themed one. Maybe you’ll get lucky and get to ride one of them.
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When you heard about the bar you had to laugh, sure beastmen weren’t that uncommon anymore and society was still sort of adjusting to them. There would always be some bigots in the world, but, to hear about a western bar that had two bull beastmen working the bar? Yea right. There were tropes and then there were tropes. 
You’d even made a bet with one of your friends, and upon entering the door you were out twenty bucks. 
Stood right behind the bar were the two bull beastmen, and you had to admit they were both pretty cute. Blond hair, pretty blue eyes that were different shades, with their cow ears twitching and black horns sticking out of their heads. With the way they were dressed, it was easy to tell they were well paid to be behind the bar. One of them even had a tag clipped to his ear and a collar with a bell attached like he was a cow instead of a bull. 
His skin tight black shirt wasn’t helping either, showing off a very nice built body, at the bar it didn’t take you long to learn they were twins. The smaller of the two seemed far more friendly as he served drinks, or maybe he was better at getting tips then his twin.
You’d learned their names were Vash and Kni, and you’d had to turn away to keep from snorting upon hearing the name Vash. Sure, your french was rusty but what kind of cruel parent names one of their kids that happens to be a beastman bull, a name that sounds a lot like vache, the french word for cow?
As the night wore on you found yourself watching the more built twin from the corner of your eye, damn he was handsome, and something about those glacial eyes made you horny beyond belief. Swallowing your shot you deadpanned “I’m gonna ask what it takes to ride that bull.” Met by groans of disbelief from your friends, but you aren’t deterred. 
As you order a beer and Kni hands it to you after you pay you raise an eyebrow “you look like a bull made for the rodeo, how about we see how long it takes you to buck me off?” 
Kni raises an eyebrow in return “funny. You look more like a clown than a cowboy, but then again.” Leaning across the bar to whisper low in your ear “the cowboys are smart enough to know to start on top before they get in the ring.” 
Well. It’s not a flat out no. You get the feeling he’s heard similar lines before and is used to sending people like you off in a flushed mess. “Every clown has to start somewhere. Besides, maybe I’m the kinda gal who just likes it bareback.” 
That gets you a snort “bareback is for horses. Not bulls. I guess you are a clown then.” There is a hint of a smile on his face now, and you think he might be enjoying himself. Leaning back behind the bar, watching to see if any of the other patrons are looking for a drink.
“Maybe. Or maybe I’ve never been shown the time of my life before?” Taking a swig of your beer and watching that smile grow into a grin. 
“Alright. I’ll make you a deal” hanging on his every word as he leans across the bar again pointing at a mechanical bull. “Make it for three minutes and I’ll let you take me home.” 
Licking your lips you look him up and down, “and if I can’t make it?” 
He just shrugs, nodding as he’s flagged down by another patron at the bar “guess you’ll prove you’re the clown.” 
That leaves you laughing, heading towards it and looking for the guy who operates it. The bar thankfully doesn’t go silent as people try the mechanical bull, otherwise the first time when it starts up and you’re thrown right away you would have been beyond embarrassed. 
The second time, you fare a little better getting to thirty three seconds before being thrown and landing on your face near the padded floor. You aren’t a quitter though, told for liability sake you get a third chance but that’s it. Breathing deep you try to relax, if it’s like a horse it makes more sense to try and just let it move you instead of fighting. 
This time you’re laughing as the bull bucks and turns, feeling parts of your stomach being left behind and you think based on how long you’ve held on for you made it when you’re finally thrown off. Looking at the timer you feel your face fall, one minute fifty nine seconds. You had another full minute to go, a hand clapped to your back from the worker telling you good try. Heading back to the bar you notice Kni watching and you simply shrug your shoulders “looks like I’m the clown after all. Thanks for being a good sport with the flirting, guess I’ll go hang my head in shame.” Reaching across the bar to give him a handshake after admitting defeat. 
Feeling your eyebrows furrow when he presses something into your hand “maybe next time.” He agrees, grinning at you. Once you’re back at the table with your friends who are laughing at you, you look at the item he’d passed you. 
I’m off in an hour if you want that riding lesson.
His little message has a number scratched beside it, pulling out your phone and sending it a text, watching Kni pick up his own from the bar and looking out over the crowd. Once his eyes are on you he winks, and sends a wink emoji to your phone before putting it back in his pocket. 
An hour later you come up with an excuse telling your friends you’re sore from being thrown off the mechanical bull. Being told it serves you right for trying to flirt like that, and once outside you see him leaning against the side of the building with a hat and jacket to hide his work outfit. “Ready for that riding lesson?” A smirk across his face and you don’t need to worry about the chill in the air with how warm you are both from the booze running in your system and growing in your core.
“You betcha.” A smirk of your own firmly in place, watching him push himself off from the wall, and without the bar in the way you see his tail twitching. “So. Thought I wasn’t gonna get to take you home unless I made it to three minutes.” You question following his steps as he heads down the sidewalk. You were curious when he gave you the note, having expected that to be the end of it. 
“Sure. I didn’t tell you I was gonna take you home if you made it two. One second short was close enough. Honestly, most give up after they get thrown the first time, so you might have piqued my interest.” You laugh, throwing your head back following behind him, making comments as the two of you walk. 
Ten minutes later and you’re outside his apartment door, waiting and watching that tail of his twitch again while he unlocks the door. Once open he’s waving you inside “nice place you g-” as the door clicks closed and he locks it you find yourself up in the air and his mouth on yours as he slams you against the door his hands kneading your ass. Moaning your hands grasping his shoulders as the two of you are quick to deepen the kiss, hoping you don’t taste too much like all the liquor you’ve drank tonight. 
While you’re making out, your hands start to wander pressing and pinching against his skin, breaking from the kiss when your fingers hit the cow bell attached to the collar he’s still wearing. Looking at and realizing he’s staring at you, lust reflecting clear in those ice blue eyes “right. Riding lesson.” It’s muttered against the skin of your chin like he’d forgotten about it, keeping you in the air as he heads for his bedroom. You don’t miss the way he holds you up, braced under one arm so his hand can wander along your backside giving it a few pinches. You use the time to tease the skin of his neck not hidden away by his shirt or the collar, licking and leaving small hickies in the wake of your sucking. Hands reaching up to rub at the horns atop his head giving them the lightest of tugs, and this time he’s the one laughing. 
“I can’t feel anything when you grab them.” Pausing in his groping of your skin to push the door open, making sure when his hand lands on your back once more he’s pushing you forward so you’re rubbing against his front. And damn. From what you can feel he has to be hung like a horse. Or in this case a bull. “Something tells me you’re far more interested in that part of me instead of my horns however.” 
“In my defense, the rest of you is pretty cute too.” Punctuating your words by pressing a quick kiss just under his earlobe before blowing on the sensitive skin, watching as it bends and twists trying to get away from the air blowing against it. 
Giving your ass a squeeze before pressing your back against the wall and using his hips to keep you pressed against him he grins, looking down at you “you won’t find it cute when you can’t walk tomorrow.” Sliding one of his hands under your shirt to start to fondle at one of your breasts, fingertips calloused sending a line of fire straight to your core. His other hand repositioning your legs so your pussy is pressed against the wide expanse of his upper thigh now, toes just pressing to the floor. “Time to start that lesson. You need to have good balance when riding a bull.” Starting to undulate his leg so you’re almost bouncing on his thigh, the friction delectable, a small moan leaving you as your arms grip his shoulders for balance. “Yea. Just like that.” 
He keeps you on his thigh for a while, his hand occasionally reaching down to press against your clothed core, all while playing with the nipple of your breast working it to a hardened nub. “I think it’s time we lose some layers.” Pulling both of his hands from your body and with a roll of his shoulders his jacket is falling to the floor, you expect his shirt to follow, instead he’s undoing his belt and leaving it unfastened before reaching for your own shirt. “If that’s alright with you.”
“Oh fuck yea.” Helping him to pull the fabric above your head before going back to grinding on his body. Your torso just covered by your bra now has him licking his lips, shifting the fabric of the cups of your overflowing skin from the band and starting to play with the other nipple. 
“The next part of the lesson is learning when you need to take the reins.” Sliding one of his hands along his chest before dipping down to his abs “if you get my meaning?” You certainly do, rolling your hips and letting your hands fly to his pants, undoing the button and pulling the zipper down fast enough you’re certain you hear the teeth snapping. The bulge in his pants is more obvious now, dipping a hand inside the band of his boxers and grasping him. Thick enough you can’t get your fingers to meet as you wrap around him, hearing a grunt pass his lips. “Quick learner.” 
Moving your hand down to his tip and giving it a light squeeze you grin “maybe I should slow down. Being a poor student might get me more lessons.” Gasping as you finish speaking, feeling him pinch your nipple and sucking on your lower lip before biting it just hard enough to make the skin swell. Lapping at it afterwards and humming. 
“We’ll see how well you can listen before I offer a second lesson” grinning against your lips as he dips one of his hands down to where the waistband of your own pants, watching your eyes to see if you want to keep going. Nodding for him to continue, catching his mouth for a deeper kiss, letting his wide tongue press into your mouth and sweeping into the nooks and crannies. Hearing the snap of your pants being loosened and a warm hand pushing your own underwear out of the way to fondle your folds, your grinding coming to a halt at something pressing more actively against you. “A rather important lesson in riding is the importance of protection.” Whining as he pulls away from your body, letting your feet land flat on the floor and removing your hand from his pants. 
Digging in a drawer near his bedside table watching you with hooded eyes “want the next part of the lesson against the wall or on the bed?” Pushing the front of his pants and underwear down so both are hanging just under his heavy looking balls, ripping the package open before sliding the condom on his throbbing cock. 
Swallowing you grin, dropping your pants and underwear to the floor but otherwise not moving “wall.” 
Striding towards you with sure steps, and letting his hands trace your sides before grasping your hips and starting to lift you off the floor. Your own hands moving to grip his shoulders again. “This part is real important, you need to make sure you’ve got the bull right where you want them before taking your seat and mount them.” Watching him you swallow, one of you hands trailing down his cloth covered chest before reaching down for his cock between the two of you. Even through the condom his skin feels like it’s burning up, lining his head up with your pussy but not before giving your clit a few taps. “Last chance to back out.” 
He’s watching you for any sign you don’t want this “I want this.” Sliding the hand still on his shoulder to grip his short blond hair and kissing him, like your life depends on it. Gasping against his lips as he starts to penetrate you, the blunt tip of his cock stretching you wide, taking his time to work your pussy open and you’re glad for all the foreplay. You aren’t sure you would have been able to take him otherwise. A symphony of pants, moans and groans rending the air until at last he’s as deep inside of you as he can be at this angle. Tilting his head against your forehead and looking down at where you’re joined, the sound of his cowbell jingling odd. 
Ears twitching while he seems content at the moment to keep his eyes on the space between your legs that his length is nestled in. “We haven’t even started the lesson in earnest and you feel like you wanna milk me dry.” 
All you can feel are your walls spasming around him, the veins of his cock pulsing almost in time with your own racing heartbeat. “Thought bulls didn’t produce milk?” Teasing through your pants and watching his eyes darken. 
“This one does, as long as you know how to get it.” Kissing you again, waiting for the clenching of your walls to slow, giving both of your breasts a tight squeeze, his hands easily covering your soft mounds. “Final part of the lesson before we get going, as much as the bull might not feel it, that old adage about grabbing the bull by the horns in a good one. When you wanna put what I’ve told you to use, grab em.” The words are barely out of his mouth before you’re doing just that, gripping his horn and starting to move your hips so he’s thrusting in and out of you at the shallow angle you can manage.
“Hang on tight, because this bull is about to wreck you.” 
Grabbing your hips he starts to slam inside of you, bucking his hips with one goal in mind, making you orgasm around him. Damn. You can feel sweat starting to bead against your back and he doesn’t even look fazed doing all the work, using the wall behind the two of you so he can set a brutal pace, every thrust going from tip to base. A new orchestra is starting to play, the sounds of skin slapping skin, the occasional moan breaking through while he makes your body bend to him. 
“Fuck” moaning as your eyes start to roll into the back of your head, Kni biting your ear to bring you back to your senses having felt your grip on his horns loosen. 
“You’re not a clown or a cowboy are you?” You shake your head in the negative, to fucked out of it as your orgasm grows closer and closer. Dragging his teeth down along the skin of your neck. “I guess that makes you a cute little cow. In that case, moo for me little cow.” 
You don’t know why but the sound of his request has you clenching harder around him, you hadn’t thought you had a bit of degradation kink before now. “Mooo” practically moaned in his ear, and his hips are somehow moving even faster now. 
“Good little cow. This bull is gonna pound you all night long, fill this little cow pussy with cum.” You let out another moo noise as you orgasm, hearing it turn into a moan as you lose some control of your body as it relaxes. “You like that don’t you? Maybe I’ll put my calf in you, make you my cow forever.” Almost screaming as your second orgasm rips through you, his dirty talk making your head spin while his cock is pistoning inside of you with enough force you know you’ll be bruised. His mouth catching yours for a searing kiss as a third orgasm follows right behind the second.
“Too much” panting against his lips, connected to yours by a thin line of saliva his pale blue eyes almost glowing as he stops, keeping his cock buried to the hilt inside you. 
“You wanna stop or take a break?” His voice is hoarse but he’s listening to you, nuzzling his nose under your ear as he speaks.
“Break.” Because damn, if he can do that without breaking a sweat what else can he do?
“Don’t worry about the calf thing.” Watching him swallow, a light blush on his face “I’ve got lots of condoms. It's kind of a bull thing having a breeding kink and well, talking about it.” You nod, resting your head against his shoulder while you catch your breath. 
“Dirty talk is fine.” Panting still as your skin starts to cool “besides. Maybe I do want a calf.” Feeling how he pulsates inside of you hearing those words you grin. 
“In that case.” Hand on your throat and tilting your head upwards “got milk?” Pressing his lips to yours again, waiting for you to signal you’re ready to continue. 
The next day you can barely walk, having gone through an entire pack of condoms with Kni before calling it quits. At your own home you pull out your phone to tell him you made it safely as he asked, a look of concern on his face when you left mid morning. Hearing the ding of a notification you flick it open.
Laughing at his answer.
That offer for a second lesson is an open invitation
You need the help 
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mediocreanomaly · 10 months
What if Vash finds out that his s/o is a werewolf and they are just a big dumb puppy with him but a very terrifying monster to others?
Authors Note: really eating up these creature request lately...you guys are just as bad as me huh? I know what you are~ (plus we had so much creature boys it's good to let the reader have some fun too)
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Vash X Wer!Reader
•I'd say this is odd but Gunsmoke is odd. Whether it's from plants that walk around or priest that carry machine guns, a werewolf is just another thing to throw into the mix
•You had always been like this so it was hard to imagine your life any other way, which is why you led the life of a loner. I mean Gunsmoke has five moons it's hard not to be in wolf mode and it's even harder to explain, so you keep to yourself. Never straying far from motel rooms or barns to hide out in
•That is until a certain chaotic blonde crashes into your life....literately. You meet him when he crashes into you running from bounty hunters
•You end up saving his ass due to your abnormal reflexes pulling him to the side and your enhanced eyesight as you throw the two of you into an a dark ally that the bandits get lost in but you manage to navigate just fine
•When the two of you catch your breath Vash apologizes profusely for causing issues and swears he'll be out of your hair now but... for some reason he has a certain draw about him
•You don't really know what it is about him that screams "follow" to you but he just does. Maybe it's the dog in you but the urge to follow at his heels, to obey, to be good is embarrassingly strong so you just decide "fuck it" and offer to come along and although Vash is reluctant to drag anyone else around with his hectic life he enjoys the company
•You...actually manage to hide your wolfish side for awhile, now let's be clear Vash is more observant than he lets on he just doesn't ever guess "werewolf"
•You insist on sleeping in different rooms? Makes sense he's a stranger. Don't like being out when all five moons are up? must be a religious thing and he'll comply. You growl when someone gets too close to him? Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
•He picks up on all your weird behaviors he just seems to guess wrong on what's causing them, often trying to get you donuts or let you go to bed early thinking your tired or hungry (or possibly upset with him?)
•The cat (or dog?) is out of the bag though when late one night your camp is raided by bandits. Usually you sleep in a tent a bit away from Vash as to not cause concern but when you see the bandits aim their guns at the man...you see red
•In an instant you're a terrifying snarling growling beast. Teeth bared protectively crouched over Vash, your wolf form is pretty large so you easily cover the man despite his tall lanky body. The bandits kick rocks quickly not wanting to be on the menu for tonight.
•Vash is a bit stunned and at first isn't 100% sure what's happening, he didn't see you come from the tent so he's a bit scared thinking you really are some monster, until you whine and lay your large head in his lap
•He freezes and very slowly and gently reaches out a hand to run through the fur on your head, when you whine and press closer to him he recognizes your eyes, the eyes he's been falling for since the day he met you
"..y-y/n? Is that you?" you confirm his question by wagging your tail slightly and your pointed ears perking up at your name
•The next morning you sheepishly explain yourself a bit more, tell him how it's always been this way, how you're pretty in control of it (unless all five moons are up but that's another story) and how you're really sorry you didn't tell him
•and to him? it's a relief. So you didn't hate him you were just fuzzy, he could deal with that...also now is probably a good time for him to tell you he isn't human either
•Just like that the two of you are fused at the hip. Both of you take turns asking each other different questions, you ask all about what it's like being a plant while he pesters you about being a werewolf, it's not the most conventional bonding but the two of you are no longer the most conventional pairing are you?
•You start getting more comfortable being in your wolf form around Vash too, Vash likes it a lot because he doesn't hold heat very well (it's a plant thing) but your body is like a furnace, so you curl around him at night to keep the two of you warm and safe from bandits and the cold
•You're also super lovable like this, Vash knows you'd never hurt him and it's almost therapeutic to run his fingers through your fur laughing when you lick at his face or nose him along with your large snout
•When the girls (and Wolfwood) join your group you go back to keeping it a secret not ready for a whole group of people to know about your monster form, not to mention there's a bit of protective instinct you have towards Vash so in your brain it gives you the upper hand if only Vash and you know
•but this plan also goes out the window similar to the way it did last time. Desperate times call for desperate measures and a crowd of Ja'Lai police so large even the punisher cant clear them dictates for a less that friendly appearance of your wolf form especially when one of their bullets hits Vash in the side
•If the time you took on the bandits was scary this is down right terrifying, you're pissed, Vash is bleeding and it's making the more animalistic side of you fume. You do your best not to kill (Vash would throw a fit) but lets just say a few of them aren't going to be policing anything else anytime soon
•Your muzzle is covered with blood from biting and your ears are pressed back as you growl, you look feral like nothing more than a wild animal out for blood
•The gang is...admittedly scared. Even Nicholas "Danger" Wolfwood is keeping a steady hand on the punisher incase things go south and trying to tally up how many vials he has in his pocket while Meryl tires to remember how your supposed to deal with feral animals. Play dead? no that was bears...run? that was stupid, maybe back away slowly?
•That being said when Vash lets out a sigh of relief and run towards you with open arms? Everyone's pretty sure blondie's lost his god damn mind, sure he was a martyr but he wasn't suicidal right?
•Further more when you go from something out of a horror movie to an over grown puppy the second you see Vash it's even more bewildering. Your eyes go big and your ears perk up as you crouch to make yourself look smaller and non threating happily nuzzling against Vashs torso
•He laughs and gently scolds you for being too rough with the enforcers but he knows when to pick his battles and counts the zero casualties as a win, you yip happily and gently nip at his hands as Vash laughs and pets you softly thanking you for keeping him safe
•You whine and nose at where he was shot and he promises you he'll get it cleaned up and that it's really not that bad while the others slowly relax. There would be a conversation to be had but...it seemed like you were harmless!
•Wolfwood struts over now that he realizes how soft you're being with the humanoid typhoon and once he gets close enough even extends an arm to pet you...only to be met with a snarl and a flash of teeth
•Wolfwood actually prays for the first time in a long time during that moment
•What can you say? Vash's blue eyes make you soft, but let's just say you got a bite that matches your bark
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rougepancake · 1 year
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Eriks!Vash x Ex bounty hunter!Afab!Reader
Not proofread because who was time for that
I’m also not that confident in it lolol-
Warnings: Vash is in plant heat, monster fucking??, breeding??? (TEE HEE), weird plant biology in general????, overstim, mentions of fingering. Let me know if I missed anything.
Summary: Eriks typically helps out delivering rations to everyone in town, and he just can’t help himself from being drawn in by you. However, you find people truly insufferable.
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“Hey Lina, why don’t you go help Eriks with the deliveries today?” Sheryl suggests, placing a hand on her hip as she stares down at her granddaughter. Lina gives her a mischievous smile and runs out of the bar, having no intentions of helping him. She’s a troublemaker, that girl. Even if she means well she’s still constantly endangering herself.
Lina runs out into the streets and chases after Eriks, grinning from ear to ear as she jumps up and smacks him on the back. “Found ya!” She giggles, following him around the town with a smile.
It’s the same thing every day. The same people, the same route. Everything.
Except for today.
Eriks looks down at the order list, raising an eyebrow when he reads a name he’s not familiar with. He bends down and points it out to Lina.
“Where is this person’s house?” He asks her, curiosity shining beneath his glasses.
“Oh you’re not gonna like her! She’s mean!” Lina laughs and points to the house, which is on the far end of town, away from everyone else.
“Really? How so?” He tilts his head. The house looks nice from a distance… surely it can’t be all that bad.
“The rumor has it that she used to be a big bad bounty hunter!” Lina explains, her expressions over exaggerated as she speaks. “She hasn’t spoken to anyone since she moved here years ago and only comes into town when she needs more rations.” She pauses, tapping her chin in thought. “I bet she’s happy to find that someone is delivering to doorsteps now.” She shrugs,
Eriks looks out at the house, curiosity striking him. “Alright thank you Lina, I’ll be on my way now.” He gives her a wave before picking up the box of rations and heading out towards the house.
It’s a good ways away on the outskirts of the town, making him wonder if this person really did hate the people that much.
As he approaches the door, he raises a fist to knock on it gently, shouting to let them know that their rations are here. He hears a grunt come from the other side of the door and smiles in anticipation, only to be met with your gloomy and indifferent expression.
“What do you want?” You ask bitterly, looking him up and down to see if he’s armed.
“Oh! Your rations are here.” Eriks points to the box on your porch, his eyes not leaving yours.
“Okay thanks.” You huff, slamming the door in his face only to hear an ‘ouch!’ come from him. You look down and see that his foot was between the door and the frame. What a dumb decision.
“H-Hey! I would actually like to talk to you!” He stammers, smiling nervously. You can tell he’s doing his best to hide the pain in his foot, and he’s actually doing a good job doing so-
Until you put your foot on top of his.
“Listen, partner.” You grumble, leaning in close to make a point. “All I know about you is that yer the sketchy fella that Sheryl took in. And I’m not about to let a stranger like you into my house for a little chit chat.” You poke his chest with an annoyed huff. “You got that Blondie?”
He looks into your eyes, surprised that you would be so bold. There’s something odd about it… about how cold you are… how you live alone and away from the town… it’s all so strange.
“Is what Lina told me true?” He blurts out the question, his hands quickly coming up to cover his face and hide the embarrassment he’s feeling. You pause and just look at him, unsure of how to answer.
After a long moment, you shrug and turn around, looking over your shoulder at him with a smirk.
“Anythin’s true if you want it to be, partner.”
“‘Scuse me?” You stop in your tracks, now turning your body around as you face him. He’s freakishly tall, and you nearly break your neck trying to look up at him, but you manage and continue to stare.
“My name. It’s Eriks.” He smiles and sticks out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.
You look at his hand and then back up at him, raising a brow as you cross your arms stubbornly. Behind him, the sky darkens and the wind begins to pickup, signaling that a sandstorm is brewing.
“Get inside.” With a grunt, you grab your box of rations and push him into your house, ignoring his questions as you lock the door behind you. Quickly, you close all the windows and shudders. The sirens blare outside, and you swear you could have heard someone shout that it was a class four storm, which would mean that you and Eriks would be stuck together longer than intended.
You turn around to take care of your rations, pushing past him and into the kitchen without a word. It gave you something to do, and something to take your mind off of the howling storm outside. However, it was quiet in the house.
Too quiet, given how talkative your guest had been at your door.
“Ey. You still alive out there?” You call, peeking your head out of the doorway to the kitchen to see if he’s out there.
“…yeah…” How odd. He seems much more reclusive than before, and seems to be keeping his distance from you. He’s in the far corner of your living room, his knees to his chest as his eyes glow brightly, watching you closely.
It’s unsettling, to say the least. You’re stuck in your own home with a man you just met, who, funnily enough, is acting quite strange.
“Are ya afraid of sandstorms?” You ask from the kitchen, almost done shelving your items. The sound of silence reaches your ears again, and you can’t help but lean back to check on him.
“No…” He mumbles, his eyes meeting yours once again. The look in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine, the unnatural glow causing goosebumps to spread across your body.
You take a step out of the kitchen and into the living room, freezing when you see him back away further. “Then why the hell are you in that corner?” The question sounds harsh enough, but it’s laced with curiosity as you take another step towards him.
“Stay back!” But you couldn’t. It was like you were being attracted to him, being drawn in by how… mesmerizing his eyes were…
“I said stay back!”
You had stopped moving closer now, but you were still looking at him. There was just something about him that you couldn’t quite grasp. And what was that smell? It was like a mixture between honey and some form of candy, which almost made you wonder if you had left one of your jars out.
You toss your curiosity to the side as the wind slowly dies down outside. “Right. Whatever. Get out of here and go back to Sheryl.” You do your best to sound as uninterested as possible, but it’s just so hard. Why was he luring you in? You hadn’t cared him before, so why do you care now?
Without a single bit of hesitation, Eriks stumbled out of your house, that look still in his eyes. He ran and ran until he was well out of town, making you wonder if he actually did have a death wish.
For a while after that, you didn’t see him around, not even with Lina or Sheryl. It seemed that he had disappeared from your small town entirely, which you didn’t mind, but you still felt… curious.
What was he? And more importantly… what was he hiding?
Oh you just couldn’t get it out of your head. That look in his eyes… the sudden urge to be near him… You didn’t know what had come over you in that moment, but you wanted to. You wanted to understand why he left so quickly, especially when the sirens hadn’t officially stopped yet. He was in such a hurry… but why? Was it you? Had you done something to upset him? You didn’t think so… but maybe he just had a thing for closeness…
Days had passed… turning into weeks where he avoided coming near your house, dropping your rations off at the porch and leaving without a word. It was odd, but then again, his whole existence was odd, so you didn’t really mind.
Until he knocked on your door at three in the morning.
It was dark, and the wind was howling outside again, signaling that another storm was on its way. When you opened the door for him, his striking blue eyes met yours, shining with such intensity that you felt a shiver run up your spine. He towered over you in your doorway, taking small steps towards you as you backed away. What in the hell was he up to?
“I haven’t… been able to stop thinking about you…” His voice is deep and seductive, his breath seemingly heavy as if he ran all this way to be in your presence.
You’re unable to say anything, words failing to leave your mouth as he locks the door behind him and the storm sirens go off in the background. It’s a class six. Dangerous and deadly.
“Please… let me ride out this storm with you…” He bends down and attaches his lips to your neck, not even waiting for your response. Your breath hitches in your chest and you freeze, slowly turning your head to look at the man on your neck.
It’s as if he’s snapped back to reality, fear filling his eyes as he presses himself against the door suddenly, guilt filling his tone. “I’m sorry… I… I need someone… for the night… or for a while…” Eriks whispers in a breathy voice. His hand twitches, wanting nothing more than to grab ahold of your face and take you. To claim your lips as his and ravish your body.
He can already feel himself losing control, but holds himself back, biting the inside of his cheek painfully as he waits for you to answer.
And you just can’t say no…
He’s drawing you in… and like a moth to a flame, you can’t turn away…
“You may stay.” You barely manage to get the words out of your mouth before his lips are on yours, his arms snaking around you and pulling you close. He seems hesitant… like he doesn’t want to hurt you… but he just can’t stop. He’s in too deep now.
Your movements blur together, and before you know it, your back is on the couch, your shirts tossed to the side as you both become a panting mess. His long blonde hair hangs down, tickling you as his face overs above yours. You can feel him shiver at the feeling of your fingers tracing lightly over his scars… closing his eyes to relish in the feeling.
It was amazing, really. Each scar told a different story, stories that you would never understand, but stories nonetheless. Each one held a different memory, one filled with pain and sadness, you were sure.
“S-Stop…” He whispered weakly, turning his head away from you in embarrassment. “I… won’t be able to hold myself back…”
Did it really matter if he was able to? You could tell he needed this, so who were you to deny him of that? He was just such a gentleman… it was simply intoxicating.
“Don’t then.” You grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look into your eyes. He was scared, the fear and nervousness in his eyes an image that you would never forget.
He leaned in to kiss you again, much more passionate and tender than before. His tongue was sweet against yours, something similar to what the gods would have called ambrosia. Oh it was amazing.
His tongue moved against yours, his hips moving in sync with your own as he dry jumped you. A low, primal groan escaped him, and you felt what seemed to be roots slowly curling around your body.
What the hell was this?!
You looked at him and at your body, squirming at how they were moving. It tickled, but in a weird way that sort of turned you on. However, Eriks pretended that it was wasn’t real as he practically tore your pants off of your lower body. He was antsy… it was obvious.
“E-Eriks…” You whispered, your eyes widening in shock when you felt him shove two fingers in you without warning.
“Vash.” His voice was deep, his expression serious. It made you writhe in anticipation.
“E-Excuse me..?” You stammered out, your breath heavy as you tried to focus on his voice rather than his fingers inside of you. He curled his fingers, dragging the tips along the sides of your walls, eliciting a low moan from your throat.
“Say it.” He leaned in and kissed your neck as he hurriedly unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down to his knees before aligning himself with your dripping cunt.
“Vash-“ Without any sort of forewarning, he thrust in, sheathing himself in you with a moan. He threw his head back, as if to savor the moment, but you could tell he was purposefully holding back.
In the dark, you could see markings on Vash’s skin glow, weird, feather-like things sprouting from his body as he began to thrust into you. It was entrancing, almost hypnotic.
His pace was desperate, his moans high pitched and needy. Your nails scratched into his back, leaving red marks in their wake as he pounded into you relentlessly.
Two of the roots that had been curling around you now cupped your breasts, as if to pleasure you further. It was a strange feeling, but you couldn’t help but moan at the contact. He had you wrapped around his finger, your mind blank and his name falling off your lips like a prayer.
It seemed like hours later that he finally finished rearranging your guts, collapsing onto you with a huff. All of the weird features such as the feathers and the roots disappeared as his breathing calmed, his face buried in the crook of your neck and his breath warm on your skin.
You couldn’t think straight- hell you couldn’t even breathe. There were tears of pleasure in your eyes and your legs had been shaking since you had cum the first time.
“What… are you..?” You managed to ask after finally regaining your breath.
“You’ll find out in time…”
You patted his head gently and decided that he was some sort of angel. One that was never meant to be understood by the minds of humans. One with needs and desires so strong that they’re incomprehensible to the human race. You dubbed him a divine being of the highest authority, beautiful and powerful.
He was an angel. Just not in the way you would have thought.
“Your secret is safe with me, Vash the Stampede.”
The words hung in the air, and you felt him tense at the sound of his name. He hadn’t expected that you would have figured it out… but he didn’t mind. He’d worry about that later. All that matters now is this. This moment right here. Of his skin on yours and your arms wrapped around each other.
You swear you heard him crying softly, his shoulders moving occasionally as you rested.
All that mattered to him was now. It was all he needed, all he had ever dreamed of. Physical contact.
“Thank you…” His voice came out in a soft whisper as he lifted his head to give you a smile.
He sounded so fragile… so broken…
You couldn’t let anything happen to him, regardless of who or what he was. He’s yours and you’re his until he moves on to the next town.
Until then… you’ll just keep being drawn in by him, doomed to repeat your mistakes.
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h4venpha · 11 months
This isn’t self indulgent at all haha can you write a small thing where reader holds Vash’s waist. For no reason. Cough.
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𓂃 ⟡
vash the stampede x reader
cw: masc!reader, guns, alcohol, slightly ooc
a/n: oops okay turned out not a small thing, like genuinely havnt written smth this long in forever. not rlly proofread
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vash curses lowly as a bullet whizzes by the shell of his ear and into the wall behind him. he raises his hands up in surrender as the men standing across from him in the saloon point their guns at his head.
“c’mon, there’s no for this to get violent, right?” vash nervously smiles and giggles before slowly standing up out of his chair, the guns follow his movement. he fumbles with the clip on the holster strapped to his thigh, attempting to pull out his pistol. he half places half drops it on the wooden table, metal clanking against the empty glasses littered around him.
“yer the one always makin’ things violent!” the man jerks his gun in vash’s direction, putting emphasis on his point. he sees the way vash’s smile falters. “yeah, i know yer the one who killed all those people in jenora rock!” the man says loudly, more to the bystanders in the saloon and less to him. vash stays silent, an unreadable expression, save for the faint fluster on his face.
“and yer gonna fuckin’ pay for it.” the man’s voice lower darkly, cocking back his gun as he points the barrel straight at vash.
the air is heavy as the saloon falls silent, tension thick as all eyes are on him. suddenly a resounding click as you open the bathroom door. heads whipping around after you cock your gun. vash lets go of the breath he was holding at the sight of you, his eyes dilating slightly.
eyes glaring hard at the man as you defiantly aim your revolver at his head, copying the same manner he holds his gun at vash.
“who the hell ‘re you?” the man gives you and incredulous look, gun wavering slightly as his grip shifts. the men behind him diverting their guns to you.
you ignore him, choosing to look over to vash. he looks unharmed fortunately, but it seemed like he had one two many drinks while you were away. instead of narrowing his eyes at your raised gun, they sparkle as he sheepishly smiles, looking a little too happy for someone with a gun pointing at them.
knowing him better than anyone else, you aren’t going to fire your gun anyway, it’s the last thing he wants tonight, even if he is smiling like an idiot. you scoff lightly. you’ll have to take care of this then.
instead of firing off at the man, like you want to, you flicker your eyes to the saloon door and back to vash, a simple: ‘run.’
one. two. three seconds— and vash disappears; a flash of red as he bolts out the front. at least he still understands your signals. the man barely registering before you aim and shoot right in front of his feet, the bullet diving straight into the wooden floor, causing him to stumble back.
“hey— what the—!?” you’re out the door before you even hear the rest of his words. dashing swiftly away as gunfire goes off above your head, the men following you out of the door. they’re cursing and yelling at you both for being cowards— the truth is, you’d like to turn around and fire off your revolver, but vash is more important.
you can just barely make out the red blur in the moonlight as vash darts down an alleyway. you beeline for him, desperate to get out of the spray of bullets. as soon as you turn the corner, vash is there, hunched over and panting hard. when he notices you, the brightest smile spread across his face.
“perfect timing!” vash gasps for air, “they were almost about to shoot me!” he laughs softly and pushes off the ground, stumbling over himself, reaching for the brick wall. a cross of disbelief and confusion on your face as he laughs at risking his life. you curse and peek around the corner, the men beginning to spread out and search for you and vash, cautious and aware that you both were more skilled than you looked. when you turn back, vash is almost nose to nose with you.
“hi,” vash purrs up at you, fingers fumbling with your collar. your eyes widen in surprise, what the hell was with him? just how much did he drink? you move back and shove his hands away.
“no, not right now,” you scold him lightly while shoving your revolver back into its holster by your hip. after peeking one last time, you grab his pistol off the ground and move deeper into the alley.
you’re only a few steps in, yet you turn around, not hearing him behind you. vash is standing there, eyes wide and a slight pout on his face.
“oh for fucks sake—“ you stomp back over and wrap an arm around him, cinching the red fabric of his jacket tight around his waist as you lift him up with ease. vash’s legs naturally wrap around your sturdy hips, arms looping around your neck.
“yay! i get to—!” vash starts to exclaim loudly.
“save it for later,” you cut him off and grumble lowly before speeding off down the alleyway, trying to put as much space between you and the men. god, and vash is nuzzling against your neck, which isn’t helping because you almost trip turning a corner. if be was sober, you both could take the men and diffuse the situation. but you’re reminded of your reality when vash kisses your jaw.
“will you stop that!?” you whisper-yell, speeding up a little. you grip his hip and vash immediately stops, realizing just how effortlessly you carry him. your strong arm holding him— fuck you could wrap one arm completely around his torso if you wanted to. vash bites his lip, restraining himself as you carry him and run.
far away enough from the men in fact the hotel was right down the block. you let him down, planting his feet on the dirt as you look down at him with a mildly annoyed expression on your face, yet the blush on your cheeks gave away how you really felt. vash ignores you, plastering a playful smile on his face instead. you look angry at him, but vash knows, he knows you’re more than willing to take charge of a situation if he can’t.
“what’s your deal? you could’ve handled that back at the bar, c’mon.” you accuse lightly, brows furrowing as you catch your breath.
“…maybe i just wanted you to take care of it.” vash steps in, feet suddenly steady and firm unlike before. “you didn’t shoot them either, am i rubbing off on you?” vash smiles, biting his tongue.
thats when you realize it was an act. the way his eyes clear up and the way he stands with defiance once more. you knew it was strange for him to be drunk —hell, he held alcohol better than you.
“you’re so…” you curse under your breath and reach for him. your hand slipping underneath his jacket, feeling the dark turtleneck before you yank him close by the waist. leaning in, you press your lips against his awaiting ones. pushing and pulling in rhythm as vash relishes in the warmth of your hand on the small of his back. you can taste the alcohol in his mouth, licking it off his bottom lip. you reach down and shove his pistol back into the holster on his thigh before you pull away.
“let’s get going before they come get us.” you say, pulling him along. vash is slightly breathless from your kiss, yet nods anyway, falling into step with you. a deep red on his cheeks at the weight of your arm wrapped securely around his body.
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi I hope you're doing well! I love your writings! Also would you ever write a part 2 for "The Only Time I Feel Safe?" That ending you left us with had my screaming, crying, and gushing over it. Please tell me it gets better!
Thank you! I'm trying to balance out work stuff and finding time to rest. And I've gotten so many requests to make a part 2! So here it is! Also tagging @usuallynana since they also asked for this. I hope this isn't too cheesy at the end! I hope you enjoy it! :)
The Only Time I Feel Safe Part 2
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After the bandit incident, you've been more careful during your travels with the group. Just like Vash, you had to keep a low profile wherever you went. Thankfully, learning to be a spy all your life had its perks. You were able to snag some clothes and items to obscure yourself in public. Hell, you even adjusted your voice to different pitches thanks to your training. On your visit to the next city, you insisted to the group that you would make it up to them by getting a hotel for them to stay the night.
"Listen Y/n, you don't have to," Meryl looked at you at through her rear view mirror.
"I know, but I want to. Just give me until sunrise to get you money for a hotel," you pleaded.
"Look, newbie just let 'em. I doubt you can change their mind," Roberto butted in.
Meryl sighed as she looked at the endless sand again.
"Fine, but just be careful. At least have Vash or Wolfwood accompany you," she gave in. You looked at Wolfwood who raised his eyebrow at you. Then you looked at Vash who gave you small smile.
"I can keep a look out for you, while keeping some distance," Vash offered as you felt relieved that he was willing to join you.
"Then it's settled. We'll split up again. Roberto and I will be at a local diner waiting for you. But you need to be back before sunrise," Meryl reminded you as you agreed to her terms.
Once you arrived at the next town, you handed Vash a cloak to keep himself hidden. He was already too well known with the wanted posters you kept seeing in every town. Plus his face and red jacket were a dead giveaway to anyone. Once he got changed, you told him your plan of going around the city for awhile to see if you can find some good info. Before you could walk, you felt nervous looking at the crowd. Your mind kept drifting back to what happened before. Your heart was starting to quicken as you thought about those people who were after your bounty. You couldn't afford to mess up now.
"Hey, everything okay?"
You looked at Vash as he snapped you out of your thoughts. He was looking at you with those blue worried eyes of his.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" you tried to convince him.
"Then why are you so tense?" he pointed to your hands. You didn't realize they were turning white from balling them up into fists. This was one of your bad habits you developed. You unclenched your hands and took a deep breathe.
"Okay, I'm a little nervous," you admitted.
"Hey, don't forget that I'm going to be right with you. I'll protect you no matter what. That's a promise," he reassured you.
"You're right, how could I forget?" you said showing him a small smile. He then offered his hand to you. You looked at him wondering what he was doing.
"I can lead the way, if you want. Just in case we need to avoid certain people or areas," he explained. You looked at his hand and figured he had a point. You hesitantly reached your hand to his. Once your finger tips made contact with his, you gently grabbed his hand. You felt your nerves wash away from the warmth of his hand. Despite the traumatic experiences you had with physical contact before, you felt surprised with how comfortable you were with him being this close.
"Lead the way," you told him.
Once you started walking, you kept your ears peeled within a crowd of people or by any buildings you passed. For the most part, you would hear local baseless gossip or mindless small talk. At some point, Vash noticed some of the military police up ahead and would either lead you another way or hide in a corner until they left. But after a good hour, you finally heard what you were looking for. Some people finally brought up topics about the Windmill Village, Jeneora, or some areas that you recently encountered. You pulled Vash back from walking as he turned around to look at you.
"I found what I'm looking for. I'll be around the corner. I'll whistle for you if I need anything," you told him.
"Okay, I'll hang around here waiting for you. Be careful," he replied as he put his hand on your shoulder. You nodded before walking back to where you came from. You approached the people you heard earlier and talked in a lower pitch.
"I have answers to those questions. Meet me at the corner," you whispered to these people as you passed them by.
The sun was about to set and Meryl was getting impatient. Roberto was having another drink while Wolfwood was smoking his next cigarette. Before Meryl could get up from her seat, the doors of the diner opened. She turned around to see you and Vash. You walked to her table and put down a good amount of double dollars in front of her.
"This should be enough to cover our stay right?" you asked with a small smirk. Meryl looked at you in shock as she went to go book the hotel rooms. You sat down at one of the tables while Vash joined you.
"I can't believe you were able to make that much money off of sharing information," Vash pointed out as you sighed from how tired you were walking in your disguise.
"I know it's not the best way to make a living, but sometimes information is vital. People will pay for valuable information. I know I would," you commented.
"It's true, people will pay what they can to find the whereabouts of people or events. Take the wanted posters for example," Roberto pointed out.
Meryl then came back with the hotel keys in her hands.
"Good news, I got us rooms. Two rooms with double beds and one single room," she explained.
"Finally, I can take off this disguise," you commented.
"I'm staying with Roberto, no buts," Wolfwood said as he didn't look at Vash. Roberto sighed as he followed behind him.
"Guess it's you and me Y/n. Vash, here's your key. Our rooms are pretty close together and on the same floor in case we need anything. The guys are right across from us," Meryl said as she led you to your rooms.
After removing your disguise and taking a nice shower, you felt much better to be in your normal attire. You got comfortable on your bed as Meryl was giddy with joy knowing that she wasn't going to sleep in a dune for once.
"Finally we don't have to sleep in the cold!" she cheered.
"I told you I'd make up for it," you laughed at her.
"You know, you've changed a bit," Meryl pointed out.
"In what way?" you asked while turning to her.
"Well you were very reserved, especially with the no touch rule. But after traveling some time, you've been more open. Especially with you know who," she explained as your eyes widened.
"Come on Y/n, I'm a reporter. You think I don't know who you're more comfortable with?" she added while raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Also I'm comfortable with you," you argued.
"Yeah but you never gave me a hug," she reasoned as you felt your face turning red.
"You saw me hug Vash?!" you asked.
"I never said who," she smirked as you buried your face on the pillow. Before you could say anything else, your stomach growled. You didn't realize you haven't eaten since you arrived in town.
"I'm going to eat dinner down at the lobby. Do you want anything?" you asked as you started putting on part of your disguise.
"Nah, I already ate earlier. I'm going to sleep after driving for so long," she replied as she turned around.
Once you reached the lobby you grabbed a plate of food and enjoyed some peace and quiet. You thought about what Meryl said earlier on how you treated Vash over the past. After taking your last bite, you headed back to your room. You were about to enter your room until you realized something. You then walked over to the room across and knocked. Vash opened the door and was surprised to see you.
"Hey Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked
"Hey Vash...can I spend the night with you? I forgot my room key and Meryl is already asleep. And I feel bad for waking her up after she drove us for so long," you asked feeling embarrassed on forgetting a crucial item.
"Oh sure come on in," he replied opening the door for you. You walked in and changed out of your disguise in the bathroom. Thankfully the bed was big enough to fit two of you or else you would have been arguing who gets the bed and who sleeps on the chair.
"Hey, thanks for letting me stay here," you told him as you sat on your side of the bed.
"No problem, thanks for getting us a place to stay in the hotel rooms," he thanked.
"It's the least I can do. But I should be thanking you, my nerves would have gotten the best of me if you weren't there," you admitted shyly.
"I'm always happy to help if you need it," he smiled at you. His smile was so contagious that you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"You know, it's funny how when we first met, you were very closed off. Now here you are being this close without sending me death glares. What changed?" Vash asked.
"Well, to be honest...when I first met you I treated you like how I treated everyone. Growing up, I've been hurt many times physically by my mentor and other people. I kinda saw everyone as a threat, but after seeing how much you did for the people at Jeneora that changed. I've never met someone who is always willing to help others no matter the circumstances. Even when they were hunting you down, you still helped. I think that's when I started slowly trusting you," you started. You noticed Vash was staring at you and felt that you might as well tell him everything. You took a deep breathe before continuing.
"But I think I started getting comfortable with the sand worm incident. That's what separates you from the people who've constantly hurt me. You cared so much that you come back for us. You constantly put your life on the line for us when you could have just ran off any time. Plus, you were always kind towards me. You always asked for permission before making contact with me. Whenever we touch, it always felt nice. You never once hurt me. You’ve kept me protected even when I was aloof towards you, especially with those bandits. What I'm trying to say is, I like being with you. The only time I feel safe is when I'm with you," you admitted as you looked at him. You could feel yourself blushing from what you just told him.
"You feel that way about me?" he asked as you nodded.
"Even though I'm one of the most wanted outlaw in Noman's Land? You've heard what people call me. 'The Humanoid Typhoon,' No matter where I go, danger follows. You can never have a peaceful life," he continued.
"I know what they say, and I still feel safer with you than other people. Also have you forgotten what I grew up with? Your lifestyle is nothing compared to the amount of torture and danger I used to face every day with my mentor," you pointed out. You then grabbed both of his hands and gave them a small squeeze before looking him in the eyes.
"I would gladly travel with you, get cops off your back, and live this lifestyle if it means being by your side. I'm with you until the end Vash," you pointed out and didn’t break eye contact. He needed to know even if it put you in a vulnerable spot. Vash’s lip started quivering as he looked at you fondly with his beautiful eyes.
“Y/n, can I hold you for a bit?” He asked. You smiled and nodded as you felt his prosthetic hand rest on the small of your back, while his human arm held your head. He brought you close to him as your chin landed on his shoulder. That’s when you felt him tightly embrace you. He was so warm that you didn’t want to let go. You hugged him back as he began to talk.
“Thank you Y/n, that’s the sweetest thing someone’s ever told me. Thank you for always being there for me. I promise to keep you safe no matter where we go. I want to be there for you the same way you've been there for me after the Jeneora incident," he told you.
"Of course, I'll always be there for you if you let me. I'm glad we met," you told him as you felt him nuzzle your neck.
"Hey Y/n? Can I do something else with you?" he asked.
"You don't have to ask for permission anymore to touch me Vash. You're the only exception," you reassured. You knew he wouldn't hurt you and you felt more than comfortable with him at this point. You then felt him look at your face as he smiled at you. He then leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You immediately turned red as that caught you off guard.
"You kissed me?" you asked.
"Sorry was that too much?" he asked looking concerned. You then grabbed his face gently and placed a small kiss on his lips. You heard a sharp inhale, but soon he relaxed as you smiled into it.
"No, that just means I can kiss you as much as I want now," you smiled more as your cheeks were pink. Vash's eyes widened as he pulled you to his side of the bed for another hug as he started giving you butterfly kisses all over your face.
"I'm happy you forgot your room key so we could spend the night together," he told you as you laughed.
"Yeah, next time we stay at a hotel I'll gladly room with you over Meryl," you replied as you gave him another peck on the lips as he nuzzled your neck.
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