#you know you're german
siryyeet · 1 month
Oh you have complicated feelings towards Germany? Let me make 91836373 assumptions about it with my piss poor understanding of history, not listen to germans at all and then come to a horrendously bad and false conclusion on why that is! Also I think you germans should stop feeling guilty and be proud of your country again!
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melikes-reads · 1 month
To German speakers
Serious question: how do you think, before you talk?
I've been watching German tv series and reading German fics, so my reading and listening comprehension is improving.
German syntax is puzzling. Extremely so.
I know the grammar rules, I do! But my mind automatically goes subject + verb + object + conjunction + subject + verb + object when I want to speak.
When I write, I have time to reflect about the correct order of each word (and pieces of a word!), but trying to speak and remember where every part of the speech goes, and the right declensions… Impossible.
So, any advice?
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sarasade · 6 days
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Best and most accurate DNI criteria ever.
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martyrbat · 2 years
fully supportive of cass learning sign language and the fanon that she uses it more than spoken language but also. so many of you act as if its a lesser version of communication and she'll automatically be a pro/not struggle with it. its still a complex language that has structure, grammar, vocabulary and syntax. theres so many different factors for it, even within just one region - different signing styles, dialects, slang, as well as actual variations (asl, pse, see)
just because you rely on verbal communication doesnt mean nonverbal or alternative versions of communication is a lesser version than your normal
sign language, writing, variant types of aac devices and resources. its all methods of communication. it all deserves to be treated with the respect and regard that vocal languages are treated with
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rennenaway · 5 months
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Robonito or something 😨
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electrosquash · 10 months
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Follow the news. The Folkwang Museum's cancelling of Anaïs Duplan's exhibition (and still profiting from his work) is not the only institution overreacting preemptively in light of the current crackdown of israel-critical voices on a slippery slope to fascism.
These developments didn't just start with Hamas' attack on Israel of Octobre 7th:
But the political landscape is using its performative solidarity with Israel to restrict fundamental rights more and more especially with the rightwing parties heating up the migration debate again and the Ampel dropping all semblance of a backbone. And they aren't nearly done - keep in mind the upcoming elections where everyone wants a piece of AfD's fascism pie as they are projected to reach majority in three states.
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Alright, folks! I have made a decision! As embarrassing as it may sound, I think I'd like to be referred to as Simon (See-mon, the way you pronounce it in German) from now on!
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soryualeksi · 7 months
The first German media is carefully starting to report on our Foreign Minister "warning against" the absolute bloodbath "humanitarian challenge" of an all-out Israeli attack on the refugees in Rafah.
And I found myself baring my teeth against the radio like a weirdo because I can't contain my disgust and fury.
Were all cheering this on UNTIL NOW.
Were persecuting anyone who raised the alarm about the ON-GOING humanitarian catastrophe as an "antisemitic terrorism supporter". People lost JOBS. People lost social standing. PEOPLE WERE SUED.
Everyone with a human heart WAS SCREAMING ABOUT THIS FOR FOUR MONTHS but you were too fucking racist and arrogant to listen, because "who can trust these Muslims and anyone who lets themselves by MANIPULATED by them amirite".
Now you're getting scared because those people who kept screaming about human rights might ACTUALLY have been onto something, and you're seeing yourself unable to wiggle out of the fact that YOU TOO cheered on this ethnic cleansing, you see yourself in some DEEP SHIT of I don't fucking care "public opinion" or something, because CERTAIN AS HELL IT'S NOT SUDDENLY GROWING A CONSCIENCE.
And now you try to fucking quickly get up some "plausible deniability" defence, so that you might be protected from the full brunt of "The world is watching the targeted massacre of refugees on livestream and YOU personally told the perpetrators that it's fine, go ahead, no red lines, do as you wish because PER DEFINITION your ends are pure of heart and justify ANY means physically possible" UNTIL THIS FUCKING MOMENT WHEN IT BECAME TOO OBVIOUS TO FURTHER DENY REALITY.
I fucking hate everyone.
I hope their stories haunt you to the end of your days, awake and asleep.
Germany is complicit and was ENTHUSIASTICALLY so until THIS moment, where now everyone is trying to wiggle out.
"We just didn't KNOW! UwU"
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hubba1892 · 1 year
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Nils Holgersson x Hansi und die Graugänse - Crossover
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months
now. beloveds this is not NEW news but I've just had crystal clear confirmation re: the boy (not that it wasn't clear before, but now it's glaringly obvious that he DOES love another girl and this IS reality) and :') you never know how delusionally hopeful you are until such a thing happens!!!!
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pennamepersona · 11 months
described klavier gavin to my gf (who is currently playing through the trilogy) and when I said he is a rockstar but also the normalest prosector personalitywise her face made an expression I cannot describe
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
How many times do you think bond has lost his kit on a job because the evil villain of the week had a cat and he just HAD to be sure it was okay? Bond comes back bruised and battered and holding the fluffiest tabby you've ever seen and Q can't even be mad.
So many times it defies belief. Like @cicerfics once said, I'll die on the hill that Bond is an animal lover. He physically cannot resist making sure they're alright when he's in a Fraught Situation and they're in peril.
I'm sure that one day, Q accuses him of going and finding a cat on these missions just so he doesn't get a bollocking when he returns home without a kit. Bond is so offended at all that implies that he doesn't speak to Q for three days. Q tries very hard not to grovel, but he's not sure he succeeds in keeping his apology dignified.
And! One of Bond's biggest regrets post-Spectre is that he couldn't steal Blofeld's cat to bring back with him. When he tells Q this, Q is both horrified and endeared. Endeared because it's very sweet that Bond thinks he's a cat whisperer, but horrified because that cat was probably some sort of coordinate-activated bio-weapon.
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sparkly-skies · 6 months
@fruitybashir @leopardom @chibi-chellist hope it isn't weird to just tag you like this, but I'm finally done with the hotel stuff and am about 45min walking away from the venue - idk, are any of you currently there?
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thenecropolix · 1 year
I'm just realizing now
Can you imagine the mild culture shock Milla and Sasha got from getting to know each other after they first met
Cause imagine their budding friendship and them noting the funny things they do in relation to their ethnicity
Like with Latin Americans/Hispanics being such chatterboxes and very touchy-feely and Sasha noting how easy Milla can strike up conversations for hours at a time (much to his introverted self's dismay)
I'm a little unfamiliar with specific German stereotypes, so someone correct me if I'm wrong or feel free to chime in, but I think I remember hearing that Germans are seen as punctual?? So imagine they meet up somewhere casually and their conceptions of time differ (of course they get to know each other well enough to be familiar with such quirks, but imagine Milla's initial surprise at how Sasha is always on time with meetings and the like)
Just like... them having certain quirks due to the influence of their respective cultures and learning about each other that way (which in turn could make for some awkward and funny scenarios from when they just met and were becoming friends for the first time)
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jakey-beefed-it · 7 months
So there's... far too much to unpack with regard to these genuinely awful people we used to know through my shitbag nazi cousin- they were her shitbag nazi husband's shitbag nazi parents from eastern germany -but among their many, many, many objectionable qualities they saw fit to give me a weirdly horny advent calendar every christmas, where you like pluck the little window open and take the mediocre chocolate out and there's boobs underneath or whatever. And at the time we were trying so hard to just get along with these people* so I was like "right, different culture, nudity is much less taboo in Germany, this is probably a perfectly normal gift to give someone you barely know" and had to sort of go "Thhhhaaaaaaaanks!"
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And like. Look. I'm straight (as Bob Belcher says, "I mean, I'm mostly straight) but I'm kinda low libido and/or demisexual idefk which and mostly, any sort of public acknowledgement of horniness just makes me slightly uncomfortable. And these women were... like I'm sure they're fine, I'm sure there are lots and lots of men who like that whole bleach-blonde plastic boobs spray tan kind of look or else it wouldn't have been a thing at various points in horny history, but I'm not one of those men, these women do not really appeal to me much at all. Like if they'd gotten me a 'flirty bespectacled goth nerdy girls' calendar it still would've been awkward as hell but at least a little more targeted, you know?
Anyhow this is getting off track. The point was that it was honestly the most painfully awkward part of a whole painfully awkward ordeal with these fucking people and so no, I don't want to respond to your fucking Facebook message ya freaks.
*knew the husband had some... dubious far-right ideas, weren't aware that he was a full-on goddamn nazi and that he'd gotten it from said parents
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rocksalt-and-pie · 7 months
im going to berlin on thursday to see the welcome to nightvale live show and I just found out that our universally beloved and admirably reliable public transit system has once again decided to go on a nationwide strike on THAT EXACT FUCKING DAY and I had to find out via some fucking pseudo destiel meme on tumblr of all places 🤡
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