#you know. when ur the pipeline gay?
inkskinned · 2 years
my baby is looking up at him through her lashes. my baby sits on his lap. my baby puts her hands on his hips carefully, stoic almost, plucks his credit card up with a forefinger and thumb.
my baby reads the communist manifesto, draped over my couch, her loose hair falling to scud wisp-ends against my floor. my baby sighs into my collarbone, asks me why more men can't be like me. calls herself a scientist - this an experiment that requires repetition; her palms clutching my sheets.
my baby says tomorrow she's gonna leave him for-real. i tell her there's no rush. i tell her i'm used to the open cut, i already work around it. i've done this a lot anyway. girls that are straight-but. how they slide their hands up my ribs just to test something. their cheeks so pink and their voice so rough.
my baby says - since seeing me, she maybe wants to go back to school again. try something new. move to the city. my baby cut her hair short. has started talking back. says he doesn't do the dishes, says he doesn't get me.
keep thinking 'bout god and the melon i once cracked open on a beach. keep thinking about how it feels to lick a battery. how i like the jump much more than the falling.
my baby leans her body back. my baby almost says my name when she calls for him. my baby says amen in church. she stands tall and pretty. my baby kneels in chapel. and comes home to me.
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hero-israel · 10 months
The "Left" has been braying about fascism for years and yet, and YET, I know none of them have even skimmed a single sentence of Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco. If you've read it, you'll immediately start saying "Oh that's Hamas!" at basically every point he made.
Hamas has used some of the most conservative and harsh readings of Islamic theology to create a cult of tradition, they fundamentally reject modernity as an evil plague of the West, they call on Palestinians to "resist" and "struggle" and plan grandiose attacks like 10/7 with no real concrete long term tenable goals that can be gleaned- action for action's sake.
Disagreement is treason, that much is obvious. Children in preschool are taught to fear and hate Jews (fear of difference), and at the same time teach the "middle" classes that Jews are responsible for their economic hardship as if they aren't embezzling tens of millions of dollars from a global charity scam, that Jews are ever seeking to take more land and resources.
Hamas is obsessed with a Plot, that plot being every antisemitic conspiracy theory under the sun. They and their supporters believe all of them, or prime their own brains to stumble down those pipelines at a later date. My personal favorites include the Ben Gurion Canal Project, but they're all sub-plots of the Main Plot; Jews are seeking to supplant us.
Hamas frames themselves and Palestinian society as a whole as both too strong to consider humble negotiated peace, and to justify endless warfare, but also too weak to be responsible for their crimes, too pathetic for Israel to ever be justified in taking military action. It's a constant cycle of hyping themselves up as a group of badass radical warriors and then squealing "no fair" when Israel uses modern weaponry to swat them away.
I'm sure there's also contempt for the weak in Gazan society, but it doesn't immediately jump out at me from Hamas' propaganda machine (this is usually shunted onto Jews anyway, who are seen as effeminate and metropolitan, feeding into that simultaneous strength and weakness thing- Israel is weak and unworthy of life, but too powerful they're the bullies actually).
Hamas literally educates everyone to become a hero, they literally groom young boys into becoming radicalized child soldiers who do not have the frontal cortex development to resist such blatant brainwashing. It's literal child abuse. Palestinian women are pretty obviously seen as chattel who must breed the future army that will finally overwhelm Al-Yahood. There is no aspect of Gazan society that can exist for itself, it must all be part of the Struggle against Israel. And everyone, down to the tiniest baby, must play their part.
The Machismo is so blatant it should be comical. But you don't gang rape Jewish women and humiliate and torture kids if you're secure in your masculinity. I mean, there is something emasculating about being constantly beaten and seeming to have no hope for your political goals... while also constantly telling yourself that you're a proud virile warrior and you and the People have the strength of will to accomplish anything... but then these people you see as subhuman and like kind of queer if you think about it... well they utterly crush you every time. And that is all to say nothing about how Hamas relates to feminism and gay rights. And also how Eco describes the Macho Fascist as using weapons as an ersatz phallic symbol and we see so many teenage boys in Gaza being handed guns and it's like oh... this one section of the essay could take years to unpack when it comes to Hamas.
And Hamas definitely treats the people of Gaza (if not all of Palestine) as having one will and one voice, individuality is not considered. We've seen them and their spineless NGO simps refuse to acknowledge that many many Gazans criticize them, protest against them, hold them equally responsible for their current suffering as Israel. There is no One Singular Leader who claims to represent Gazans/Palestinians but that could change at any moment honestly.
And I don't see any evidence of Newspeak, but I don't know Arabic so I don't know. I do see the Western Leftist allies of Hamas engage in Newspeak like behaviors though. But that brings me to my ultimate point of this long ass ask. The Western Hamas girlies are literally, not only legitimizing a fascist organization even though they purport to hate fascism more than anything. They're starting to reproduce fascist talking points, fascist ways of thinking, in their own activism and their own lives! They're starting to think, talk, and act like fascists when it comes to Israel and Palestine, and to Jews more broadly. They're entirely unaware of this because to recognize Hamas as fascists would be to add a LOT of gray into their black and white worldview. When they appropriate the Palestinian national struggle for their own narcissistic delusions of popular revolution in the West, they're taking actual fascist propaganda produced by a fascist organization and applying it to their own lives.
tl;dr, by every metric laid out by Eco, Hamas are fascists, the people who support them and make apologetics for them are (maybe unknowingly) becoming more like fascists themselves, the next few years and decades are going to thoroughly suck but Am Yisrael Chai.
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bl00dy-plan3t · 4 months
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intro post 😁😁
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go here to read my rant part 1 here for part 2 and here for part 3
dm and askbox open for ppl. anons are welcome.
maybe i wont reply mayeb i will. depends on my energy.
pls be friens with i have like no friends.
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tagging my non-existent moots
@discoveredreality BRO OMG OMG IM FINALY MAKING AN INTRO POST. sweetest most caring little shit. where the actually fuck would i be without you. like yes i know you dont do anything and somethimes dont even know that you need to do stuff but OMG WHAT LIKE YOU KEEP PUSHING ME TO DO SHIT TO MAKE MOVES AND LIVE MY LIFE PLS PLS DONT EVER LEAVE ME POOKIE <33333333
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@lilcri84b1 AHHHHHHH. what would i be doing without you. i dont even know where to start. like litereally the most gorgeous girl out there. HOW DO I EXPLAIN YOUR BEAUTY TO THE REST OF THE WORLD. 10+ years of friendship so were basically already living under the same roof. I AM SO SO SO GRATEFULL TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE. btw guys this is my partner, who, i...... uhhhh talk, a.... uhhh little to much about.
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@pumpkin-gizzards hello. thank you for being my class mate and in the same house as me too. besties ig. lmao
@ollieolioly lol hi just ask ari if u want to know who i am but u do know who i am. u point at me and say gay whenever u see me in the hallways so that should be enough info for u. sorry if i say mean things to u but like if u keep reading u will see why.
@violet92959 this rando on the internet just spawned out of nowhere and now im like besties with them????? anyways. u should have a 'beware, if yapping can't stop' sign. AKJDSWIEDDSN besties.
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about me:
im mars. yes my previos nickname was mara, BUT now is a whole new era, whole new personality, whole new name. so please call me mars. they/them. agender. butch lesbian. grey aro and grey ace. idk whatver u can call me whatver but im probs not gonna respond to that lol. anyways. minor. im russian but live in australia. non religious. artsy (????) love to crochet. also the max volume in my headphones isnt enough i need the song up my baby spawner. does things last minute. pinterest is here. AHHHHHH WTF DM IF U WANT I NEED FRIENDS. also i probs wont answer all the time unless im at school so like dont get mad and shit. i also play the drums.
fave drink:
monster energy pipeline punch pink thing. (and also the gold one)
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personality shit:
my mbti is isfp. star sign is taurus. favourite animal is snek . AHH GUYS EVERYONE UPDATE. I KISSED HER. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways. if u ever ecounter me being mean to you then 86.39% of the time im only playing with you. idrk my love language but i guess i make fun of you and also PHYSICAL TOUCH. not that if i dont do/show those around u i dont like u i just have no idea how to describe my love language. PLS TAG GAMES I LUV TAG GAMES YAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA
time zone:
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) 'Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
music taste:
MELANIE MARTINEZ ❤❤❤❤❤❤. tv girl. girl in red. 6arelyhuman. odetari. kets4eki. lumi athena. creepp. proz. elita. jazmin bean. marina. the smiths. dandelion hands. mitski. sign crushes motorist. shakira. jack stauber. asteria. dandelion hands. nirvana. acdc. radiohead. guns and roses. the beatles. naik borzov. the cranberries. queen. weezer. the cure.
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ok pls dont hate me for this one. I ABSOLUTELY HATE READING BOOKS. I CANT READ. I LITERALLY READ LIKE A SNAIL. so i dont have a book taste. wait nvm ive read valentine by jodi mcalister AND LOVED IT. thats basically it.
i play minecraft and roblox (but mainly evade and dti) (no i dont)
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no fandoms bcs i dont read books. But. i watch old disney movies so idk if thats valid. hwlp rip what is this.
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congrats u made it to the end. u can now continue with ur day. good bye.
*if i didn't tag u then dm me and i will.*
the pics are from here and here and here and here and here
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j-harkness · 2 years
literally your tags 1000% that’s just the fic dkdkfk ok so it starts in donna’s era & one night the doctor & jack are hanging out & playing poker & drinking in jacks suite on the tardis (still can’t believe that’s a real line that he had a room there but anyway fjfjf) & somehow they get on the subject & ten asks jack how he knew he was bi & basically they have a conversation about how the doctor is ~questioning~ things(yes ik he’s like 900 but so what i want jack to be his gay awakening) & then jack like offers to fuck him to see if he likes it but the doctor says no at first bc he knows jacks in love with him & it wouldn’t be fair to him since he can’t offer jack anything more. & basically he says just that but jacks like yeah ik you ik you don’t do relationships i’ve accepted that years ago but im still offering. & the doctors like hmmmm😳 and then they fuck on the couch by the fireplace. anyways so they make a rule about how it was a onetime thing & wont affect their friendship but afterwards ten’s shook as hell bc /woah/. & jacks all cool abt it and doesn’t think twice. then some time goes by & it’s about ten realizing he’s in love with jack except jacks still going around doing his thing, dating other people bc that’s what they agreed on right? so the doctors pining over him & jack doesn’t know it. then ten regenerates, says goodbye to jack (the bar scene where he tells jack that guys name which to jack just reaffirms the doctors not into him). anyway then more time passes except jack hasn’t met eleven yet so when he runs into him finally, he doesn’t recognize him & doesn’t know who he is. so there’s a scene like 12 & rivers scene where she talks abt the doctor not caring about her right in front of him (yes i’m stealing this ok). and the elevens like bro it’s me. and then they go off continuing fighting aliens or whatever except the whole time elevens mad & thinking about what jack said about him & he’s upset jack thinks of him like that. anyway they get into a fight about it and then in the middle of it jack dies (for a sec) & the doctor holds him while he dies & then comes back. & then we get a sad/angry love confession & they date the end
also glitch by taylor swift is 1000% the vibe of this fic & my friend made a tenjack video to the song😭
PERFECT I LOVE IT also I 10000% am so glad someone else reads the tenjack to elevenjack pipeline as "ten being too repressed about his feelings to say or do anything and eleven walking in like 'damn that guy was stupid! anyway I'm in love with u!'" like this is so similar to how @stheta and I's RP progressed. ur so big-brained u understand them
if eleven and jack ever interacted in canon they genuinely would've had to fuck like no way around it
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Wtf is happening
I would like, if I may,
To rant for a bit about what kind of alternate universe I feel like I'm living in sometimes. I have something very specific weighing on me today so ill try to keep on topic. I find myself feeling every day like more of a proud Christian American than the people who actually call themselves that. It's uncomfortable. It's weird. Like people who wear American flags on fucking everything annoy me for more than just the same reason I hate it when people from cape cod wear cape cod sweatshirts (i.e., bitch we know where the fuck we are) but it bothers me that its technically federally illegal and desecration akin to throwing a flag on the ground and stepping on it (shout out to peeps with actual flag doormats too). The people covered in flags are the ones who have a fucking aneyurism if someone steps on a flag. It's leviticus all over again; read the whole goddamn paragraph if ur gonna follow it. I'm not a democrat I'm not a republican. Like no I don't support the concept of our military industrial complex but I do support our active duty and veteran citizens. My dad and grandfather were both marines. They got sucked into a system like so many others that spit them out with little to no regard. I notice that the majority of people who chant U.S.A! and wear flags and shit dont actually do anything let alone anything of substance to support this country except chant from their couches. It feels weird for me to say as a through and through anti establishment hippie, but I am a proud American and shit is fucked up but I love this country, and that's why I fight so hard to love everyone in it. Its why I pick up garbage at our parks and beaches, and oppose pipelines and corporate pollution to protect the land we get to live on. Its why I'm out in the goddamn streets feeding and clothing the homeless and veterans and picking up garbage at and repairing the American veteran's post in my town that gets trashed by locals. Its why I fight for better and more accessible and affordable healthcare for everyone and I mean everyone. Its why I vote in local and national elections. Its why I fight for rights and freedoms of Americans, including gay and trans and straight and nonbinary and disabled and religious and non religious Americans. I am incredibly grateful to have been born in this place at this time and afforded the opportunities and privileges presented to me so that I may live a fulfilling life. Sick of opinionated armchair politicians who havent even seen this country yet think they know everything about it. I have been all the way across and up and down this country; I have bathed in its rivers and slept in its deserts and on its mountains and under its stars. I have met people of every socioeconomic background and education level, and color. I have experienced this country for many years. Please stop saying you love this country if you have no respect for it and the people who live in it. And while I'm on the fucking subject, please never talk to me about Christian values unless you're ready to talk about how you're selfless and christ like. I'm sick of empty gestures and false representations of patriotism. I'm sick of people in my town with their bumper stickers and tshirts and hats and bullshit who don't give a shit about America, not south America, not central America, not north America. Read your constitution, know your rights, support your community, fight for each other, don't fucking pollute the land you want to leave for your children, and for gods sake please dont offer anyone your useless fucking thoughts and prayers.
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