#you mean you DONT all fall in love with 10 million people every day okay sure whatever!
menlove · 1 month
the way no is winning that poll is so funny to me I do truly constantly think my experiences are universal until proven otherwise
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maria-akira · 3 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Skz Reaction: S/o Having Mental Health Issues
A/n: I hope you guys like this. I thought I would keep this one vague so it's more their reaction and not necessarily to a specific type of mental health issue. (Not thoroughly edited srryyy)
Requested by: @mrsunshine999
Tag List: @distrikt9 @mini-meanhoe @poeticallyspaghetti @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @yangomangos @hoes4hoseok
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So obviously I think Chan would be the most supportive put of all the boys (all would be supportive but you know what I mean)
If it is something that you have treatment for he would always remind you to take your medication or drive you where you needed to be
He loves seeing you smile so he would do his best to always make sure you're smiling
Chan understands though that it can be hard for you to stay happy at certain points
So he learns to pick up the sort of signs you give and acts on those
You always come first though
So If you want him to give you space
He gives you space
If you want him to let you handle it
He let's you take care of yourself
If you want him to just hug you and help you
You best believe he would run to you from across the earth
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Minho is definitely more the type to care from afar
After you told him about your mental health you were probably surprised at his reaction
He seemed unbothered by it
Minho would certainly be concerned but he knew that if you needed his help you would ask him
He probably does like a quick one hour dive on the internet about whatever type of mental health issue you have but not more than that
He probably suggests cat therapy about a million times when you bring up something related to your situation
You're still not sure whether it's a joke or not (you can never tell)
If you're having a really bad day or attack or episode he'll be really upset if you dont tell him or he isn't the first person you call
Definitely has your therapist or doctor on speed dial
I think one of the reasons he cares from a distance is bc he is a little embarrassed he doesnt know how? Like he isnt ever sure what you could possible need from him
He hates seeing you struggle especially if there is something he can do about it (he just doesn't know what)
You would probably have to actually sit down and talk with him about how he can help bc he is not going to ask you hes too shy or embarrassed
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Changbin is definitely the most on top of everything when it comes to your mental health
I feel like he would be the one to have a solution for every problem and a plan for every possible situation
He probably has a binder with all your info in it so he knows how to help you when you need him
He lowkey becomes your dad....like when he leaves for tour or something he probably writes down a bunch of phone numbers you already know and sticks them on your fridge
He is the king of checking in on you though
Whether you have a bad day or not Changbin always texts you and asks how you're feeling
He never pushes you though because he know he can be a little excessive at times
Changbin hates seeing you frustrated especially when you are mentally blocked
So he likes to do these things he calls 'stress sessions'
Basically he pulls out every single plushie the two of you own and holds them like punching bags while you hit them
Believe it or not it actually helps a little sometimes
He never wants you to feel helpless because of your mental health
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So Hyunjin would probably be one of the clueless ones
And he is probably a little shy to ask you questions at first because he doesnt want to offend you or invade your personal space
He probably would ask Chan for advice bc Chan knows all
He does his best not to treat you any differently than before
It makes him realize how strong you are to have been dealing with something huge like that for such a long period of time
He starts doing little things for you like helping you out with chores or getting off work a little earlier if you say you had a bad day
At times he thinks it's silly and what he is doing doesnt help so you would have to reassure him that it does mean something to you
Probably comes up with a system so he knows when you're having a really bad day
Still is mostly clueless even with the system
Hyunjin cares alot so he would probably move heaven and earth just to make you feel even a little bit better
I feel like he would be one of the most patient of the boys
Even though he doesnt know how to help some of the time he knows just being there for you when you need him is enough sometimes
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I think behind Chan Jisung would be the most supportive having dealt with Mental health himself
Somehow he always knows exactly what you need
It's like he has a sixth sense just for you
He also knows to treat you no differently than if you didnt have these issues
The two of you would be each others support system
So you would fall on each other when you need help
He comes to you when he has trouble with his anxiety and you always come to him when you need him
I feel like rest is a huge thing for him so he always makes sure to mark out a day or a weekend so the two of you can rest and check in with each other
Jisung would also probably want to know as much as he could about whatever type of mental health issue you had so he could help you in the best way possible
So he probably spends some of his spare time doing research on how best to help you
Mental health is a huge deal for jisung
So he always let's you know he is there for you and cares about you
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Felix takes you telling him about your mental health very seriously
Like jisung I feel like he would do some research about whatever type of mental health problem you had
Felix would probably be the most attentive out of the boys
Not attentive.....um...maybe observant is the word. Yeah observant.
Felix has always been super aware of how others around him are feeling so I feel like he picks up on things fairly quickly
He probably sets up a system with you to gauge how you're feeling. (Like a scale of 1-10 or he uses the red light green light system) something like that
Felix is like the ultimate caregiver though
He loves taking care of people so I feel like If his s/o pushed him away he would really know what to do with himself
But he would ofc give you your space
At times he might tend to coddle you but you know that it's just because he cares
Felix always does his best to make sure you always have a safe space to go to.
Whether that's him or a therapist or a random space in the house that is just yours
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Like Minho I think Seungmin is definitely the care from afar type
He just wants to know that when he is away for such long periods of time he knows you are going to be okay without him
He probably takes the time out of his day to organize your medicine or your appointments
Seungmin definitely wouldnt be afraid to ask questions if he didnt know something
He also gets sort of defensive when youre in public
He has dealt with hate before and he really doesn't want you having to deal with it at all if he can keep it from happening
Seungmin is also one that probably likes to just check in on you from time to time (especially if hes away)
You guys text alot
You probably have a secret code word for if you are having a really hard time (idk something like 'pineapple')
He would always come rushing to you if you needed him
He feels really anxious when he is away from you like on tour sso you are always on his mind
Seungmin would always be looking out for you even when you think hes not
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I feel like you physically have to tell Jeongin about your mental health
Bc this boy probably wouldnt notice at first
Hes just caught up in how wonderful you are
He would probably feel really honored that you chose to tell him about it
He would probably ask you questions about it if you felt comfortable answering them
It would probably take him a little while to adjust to how It affected your life but he would do his best to try and remember every possible thing he could do to help
If you live together he would probably put little colorful post it notes around the house with reminders about your meds or appointments or little messages
(Most were for you/but they were helpful to him too)
Probably asks Chan, Jisung, or Changbin for advice if he really is clueless about something
Jeongin probably does little things for you like maybe picking up groceries for you or cleaning the kitchen or doing your laundry
Just so there is one less thing you have to worry about
He always trys to make sure you know that you arent ever alone
Request are Temporarily Closed!
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thequeenb · 4 years
Enemies With Benefits
Poppy x MC
This fic is inspired by @nerdy-twin post.
Warning: Smut
My, my did i heard right? My sources have been telling me all day about the hilarious fights between Queen Bee and our new starlet
Newbee proved to us since day one that she isn't one to be messed with but don't let her charms blind you. Yesterday Chlo-- i mean Poppy's dog got humiliated Infront of our eyes loves so grab your snacks because this is going to be a long semester isn't that right Bea?
Kisses, The T
Oh that's great. Another post from The T and everyone is looking at me again. Why do people care about this stupid blog anyways? Its so irrelevant and so--
"Oh my god Bea!!" Zoe runs up to me basically jumping from excitement
"Wow slow down what happened?" Seriously she can't even catch her breath
"Girl you are top 15 material now!!" she shoves her phone on my face and i gasp. Alright now i love this blog. Everyone around me whisper and after a moment i can hear cheers from every direction of the pathway
"Woooo B-E-A, B-E-A" they all chant my name and i bow laughing at my sweet victory, i cant wait to wipe Poppy's smirk off her face
Everything stops as i hear clapping behind my back, Aaaaand there she is. "Congratulations you managed to get pass the emo wannabes and the bimbos"
"Big words coming from a bitch like you" it feels like i am in a movie because everyone gasps not knowing how to react to that. Poppy stare at me long enough to kind of worry
"Listen here you ugly pathetic idiot--"
"That's not what you told me last night" i say kinda proud of myself and that's when basically everyone looks shocked. Zoe covers her giggles because she knows alllll about it and Miss Regina George over here have gone completely pink
"I would never not even in a million years touch someone as cheap as you, Chloe go fetch me a latte, ta ta garbage" and she walks away just like that
"Wow you really have an effect on her" Zoe comes behind me laughing and i roll my eyes brushing off another stupid fight
"Do you want to watch a movie and eat our feelings?"
"Girl you know me so well"
"Okay but do you want to watch Mean Girls, or the finale of Gossip girl?" I ask shuffling through Netflix
"Bea this school is the definition of Gossip girl and dont get me started on Mean girls, Poppy is--" And that's when we hear a knock on the door
"It must be Penelope i invited her" Zoe yells from the kitchen pouring us both a glass of wine
I walk to the door opening it wide and thats when i see my dear enemy
"What can i do for you?" I say smirking
"For starters buy better clothes, this shirt is hideous" she gestures at my Deadpool shirt, excuse me? How dare she?
"If i wanted to deal with your attitude i would have..oh wait yes you stalk me so you are always on my way"
"Agh can you just stop talking"
I roll my eyes so hard my brain hurts. What the school doesn't know is that we have our secret fights in the bedroom. Of course i was shocked as well but here i am kinda liking Poppy, gosh i probably hit rock bottom
"Goodnight boo" i smile slamming the door shut continuing my night drinking wine and gossiping with Zoe.
"I will see you after class, those new burritos are to die for" Zoe says as she kisses my cheek goodbye, i love this woman
I walk freely around the empty campus. One thing that i love about Mondays is that on third period i can just have five minutes to myself and collect my thoughts, that until i find my self pinned against a wall
"Never do that again" Poppy says pointing her finger to my chest
I gasp at the surprise and she looks amused, her and her little games "Do what exactly? Exist?"
She rolls her eyes but i can see how hard she is trying to hide her smile "No one slams the door at me Newbee" and she poke her finger once
"Oh please you are always being an asshole"
"Listen here, just because i let you kiss me once doesn't mean anything, you are still garbage to me and you will always be" and another poke
She tries to do it again but i grab her finger looking at her deep into her eyes
"No you listen Poppy, i am tired of your manipulative games, you are the most awful person i have ever met!" I am glad the campus is empty, if people were here they would probably record or take pictures for The T
"Oh please Hughes you play tough but you really aren't, maybe you were important back in pig town, but here? You are just another pawn" her glare is dangerous, her eyes on fire, our tension so thick you can feel it through your bones
So i did what every logical person would do, i lean in and i capture her lips before she can say anything else that will ruin the mood. At first she tries to deny and make a surprised sound but soon her tongue is dancing against mine.
I pin her against the wall taking a quick glance around to make sure we are alone. I should be in Miss Kingsley class right now but oh god am i distracted
She places her hands around my neck pulling me closer to her, didn't i tell you? She really likes me deep inside this cold heart of hers
"Am i tough now?" i ask, our lips so close, our breaths ghosting on eachother's faces. She swallows hard "Not enough"
And as these words escape her mouth i pin her hands above her head with my one hand effortlessly as my other travel from her waist down her thighs. Poppy always wears a mini skirt enough to ignite my fire
I dig my nails slightly into her flesh and ask once again "I said, am i tough now?"
Poppy moans against my mouth and i start kissing her neck, something that drives her crazy. She wont admit it, she never does but she knows well how much i turn her on and it annoys her
"Let me hear it" i say sucking at the sensitive spot underneath her ear
"Yes you are!" she says holding onto me tight like her life depends on it
My hand now goes beneath her skirt and my oh my do i make her excited. My fingers brush slightly against her underwear and thats when the bell rings, ugh cockblocker
We both immediately separate adjusting our clothes watching the campus slowly getting crowded. Poppy's cheeks are red and i can already imagine what she is thinking of. I smile to myself watching her walk away
And that's when my phone buzz, of course a notification from The T
Hello loves,
Another day another drama. My rising star is now top 10 material, i am proud of you girl but i wouldn't count on it because we all know Miss perfect always gets what she wants. I love drama and Hughes is providing me with the best one yet. Good luck, you will need it
Kisses, The T
I still cant believe what i am reading. Top 10?!! I am here almost two months and i have outsmarted most of Poppy's moves. I smile as Zoe approach me screaming
"I knew you had it in you!!" she hugs me tight spinning me around
"Suck it Poppy" i yell as students around us are cheering. It feels good knowing that people are on my side finally seeing who they are bowing to years now
Someone tugs my hand and as i turn around i see Chloe crossing her arms
"So you managed to reach top 10 i see"
"Oh do you want an autograph? Thats so sweet" i say smirking
"Poppy is waiting for you behind the field"
"And who says that i am going?" I practically laugh but her face remains the same
"Listen i dont have all day Channel is having--"
"Alright dog, good girl! You earned a treat" and like that i give her head a pat walking towards hell basically.
I am sure Pops is mad at me, maybe she likes me but she is serious when it comes to her reputation. I approach her enjoying how nervous she looks
"If you wanted a date we could have arranged it" i say sitting next to her
Her expression is cold and distant and i sigh defeated "okay what is it? Is it the fact that i am top-"
"That list isn't that important Hughes, i can drag you down to the bottom within seconds" Wow okay i get it thats not the reason you are grumpy
"Why did you asked your dog to fetch me?"
Poppy rolls her eyes clearly annoyed by every word i say. Again i sigh not knowing what to do exactly. Sometimes i like to take her in. The way her foot is jiggling, the way she flips her hair when she is awkward. Everything about her is so perfect when all the eyes are laid on her but when we are alone i see another version of her
"I hate how entitled you feel" she finally says standing up "since you got here the only thing that you want is to ruin me!"
I feel my blood boiling as i stand up to get on her level "Excuse me? You attacked me the first moment i laid my foot in here!"
"That's because you love to shove your nose where it doesn't belong!" she now takes a step closer, anger written all over her features
"Oh give me a break, you were always cruel, people just now start to realise it" i take a step closer as well trying to intimidate her
"I run this school Newbee, you like it or not so go back to your little town where you were important because here? You are nothing" she spats out coldly and all i can do is stare at her. Her mask now falls completely
I can see the worry in her eyes,regret. Her posture isn't radiating power, instead i can see how uncomfortable she is. Aw are emotions a new thing for her? How charming.
Without missing a beat i kiss her letting all this anger turn into passion. "I hate you" i say kissing her neck desperately trying to find an inch of bare skin to touch
"I hate you more" she tries to say but her voice trails off when my hand goes underneath her skirt. I smile between our kiss when i feel how wet she is
"Did our fight made you excited?" I ask teasingly
"More kissing less talking" she says capturing my lips into a passionate kiss. I push her against a wall as my hand connects with her center
"Oh Bea.." she whispers against my lips and thats when i increase the pace just to hear her moan. Only i can watch her like this, so vulnerable so real
With each stroke i can hear her shouting my name digging her nails onto my back. Finally her body shakes as she has a violent release and i hold her tight against me
I bring my fingers to my lips and i lick them clean locking eyes with her. For a moment all we can do is stare at eachother and i think we are both questioning what did we just do? I smile trying to reach for her hand but she pulls away
Great she turned on her bitchy mode. "I will see you tomorrow?"
"I will ruin your entire life Hughes!!" She yells while walking away. Well that wasn't what she was saying seconds ago, oh wait yes she was busy screaming my name
"And yes you will, now go fuck yourself!" She yells again and i flip her off smiling
Thats how the rest of the semester went down. Infront of the eyes of the school we hated eachother's guts but behind closed doors we did the craziest things in the bedroom. Overall i do hate Poppy Min-Sinclair but i have to admit, this woman knows her stuff, enough to wonder how many layers does she really has?
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @coldbatfriendroad @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor
@ghalind @jayrnada @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you’d do some hcs for the boys of Konoha 11 (plus sasuke and itachi) for how’d they confess to their crush? 💕
Of course I will!!! Nothing like writing some fluff after a long day of work💕 -🦎
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Absolute word vomit.
He just lets his mouth run, because he's so nervous that every thought comes out
"Listen, Y/N, I like you a lot and Ive never met anyone like you and you make me smile so much, and I already smiled a lot, but I like smiling so I like that you do that..." *goes on for another 10 minites before you can even answer*
But is entirely speechless when you say you feel the same. His mind goes totally blank.
Tries to slip it into the conversation casually
It shouldnt be a big deal. Please dont make it a big deal. Feelings are hard, okay?
"Yeah I like that too. Almost as much as I like you. Anyway. The weather is great today."
Shrugs it off when you bring it back up, but his heart flutters when you casually say it back. Conversation continues but youre both blushing like crazy.
Gets super defensive about it.
He'll say it once, but if you ask him to repeat it, he'll be frustrated because you havent answered
Apologizes profusely when you tell him you feel the same, and he laughs nervously as you giggle at his flustered tone
Very straight to the point
Theres no beating around the bush with this one, its cards on the table as soon as he figures it out
"Id like to go to lunch with you. That is because, I have feelings for you."
Wastes no time planning a date when you say you feel the same, however a mild blush is evident under his coat. He's not all cool cucumber, ya know?
Tries to figure out the best possible situation to tell you. Plans out the moment to a T
But his words turn into a jumbled mess when the time comes, he never took into account nerves and how pretty you look. Whyd you have to be so pretty?
"Y/N, I like, I mean, I have to say, Uh, Well, You see, I have feelings for you? Good ones? Ugh, you know what Im trying to say."
Also never accounted for your response, so when you let him know you do know what he means and you also have good feelings, he spends a solid 5 minutes thinking about what to do now.
Blushes intently the whole time, but says it without thinking.
Super candid moment, he never even planned to tell you, just because he thought youd never feel the same way
*offers you the last chip* "Fun fact, I only let people I love have the last of a snack"
Is stunned when you hug him and tell him you love him too, because he didnt expect to say that let alone hear you say it back???
Very eloquent about the whole ordeal. Hes a secret romantic.
Doesnt make a spectacle of it, but definitely puts his heart on his sleeve
*hands you a single flower* "Id like to say, youre very special to me. And I care for you in ways Ive never cared for another."
Is only a little surprised when you accept, but mostly because he didnt foresee you kissing his cheek lightly and oh no now he's blushing :)
Loud and proud about it
Confidence out the wazoo, he'll say it to the whole world
Is also confused when you say yes. Sure he expected it (see bullet 2) but hes never had anyone reciprocate before *cough* Sakura *cough*
Takes goddamn forever to say something
Feelings complicate his already convoluted plane of existence
But figured he'd might as well say something before he regrets it
"Y/N, I never expected to feel this way about anyone, and although telling you makes things even harder for me, I should say that I may be falling for you"
Is even more stressed when you return his affections, but also so incredibly happy. This makes living way more difficult, but also a million times better.
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wnq-psychology · 6 years
How To Build Your Self Esteem
step away from the affirmations
“To be healthy, functioning individuals, we need to feel good about ourselves. To feel good about ourselves, we need to feel that our time and energy is spent meaningfully. Meaning is the fuel of our minds. When you run out of it, everything else stops working.”
Most of us struggle with self esteem. Many of us are fortunate enough to realize this, and some of us care enough to try to fix it.
The problem, however, is with the majority of the resources available to us — especially online. I am pretty sure these articles are 100% written by people who have serious self esteem issues, regurgitated from everyone else who has self esteem issues, on down the cycle to readers with self esteem issues, who think it’s just their fault for not being able to apply them and successfully boost their self esteem.
But of course not. Because none of this is how self esteem works.
First, let’s talk about what self esteem ISN’T:
Self esteem is not selfishness or narcissism
Having to say this makes me impatient, because if people don’t innately “get it,” they fight it blindly, emotionally, tooth and nail. And I understand, because there are a lot of emotions on the line here (see: entire post) so I’m just going to tread lightly and quickly when I say:
Self love and self esteem are not selfishness.
On the contrary, selfish people have desperately low self esteem and self love, which is why they overcompensate, demand, and have nothing left to give others.
Self esteem is not a series of “dont’s”
Most self esteem articles cheerily suggest things like, “Don’t have the negative self talk. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t doubt yourself,” like “just don’t have low self-esteem!”
These aren’t solutions.
The brain struggles with the word “don’t,” and when you focus on the negative, you’re still focusing on the thing. The brain interprets the sentence as an imperative, like: “ah, okay, negative self talk. Got it!” The brain is baby Groot.
The way we talk to ourself is a reflection of self esteem, not the root. It’s effect, not cause. It helps, of course, but it’s not the core. And fixing the core will fix the way we think and talk about ourselves.
Nature abhors a vacuum. If you don’t have something positive at the ready, the old stuff will just rush back in.
Self esteem does not come from others
It’s not anyone’s job to make you feel good about yourself. It can only come from you.
Some articles suggest that readers should “learn to accept compliments” — several even went so far as to suggest that you approach others and “ask them what they like about you.”
Trying to build self esteem through “others’ compliments” is like trying to learn how to walk by being carried.
Only you control of your self-acceptance and self-love.
Self esteem is not in “self help”
This is just an extension of the above.
Self help reinforces perceptions of inferiority and shame. It plays on insecurities and fabricates solutions that don’t serve real needs. It encourages avoidance.
It’s like how MayoClinic convinces us we’re dying more than it actually, directly remedies health problems. Engaging will eventually make us absorb all these negatives. We are not more powerful than what we give attention.
Self help just replaces one external influence for another. We’re still grasping for some authority figure, some omnipotent voice, to tell us what to do.
This of course includes this very post. Which is ironic, but at least honest and warm-hearted, because I wrote this only after doing tons of similar reading myself, and I write hoping we all resolve this.
Self help will never help
When I was getting my business off the ground, in the 3 dark months of “white noise” after quitting my job but before getting my first customer, isolated and running mostly on “faith” alone, someone asked me, “what kind of music do you listen to during the day?” I told them, “on good days, upbeat music. On bad days, chill music. And I know it’s an ugly day when I resort to motivational videos on YouTube.”
Those videos got me nowhere — except maybe through the day.
You want to know what finally kicked my self esteem back into gear? When I started making sales. Once that happened, I never watched another motivational, “self-help” video.
Self esteem is not about “pampering”
My god, if we could all stop with the “indulgences” and “little day to day pleasures;” if only we could stop thinking “self love” is about “treating ourselves,” or “scheduling time every day for fun and relaxation.”
Heidi Priebe said it best,
“Real self-love isn’t about ‘treating yourself’… because real self-love is less about babying yourself and more about parenting yourself.”
Good parents don’t indulge children with candy each time they cry. Good parents support, teach coping mechanisms, and gently encourage growth.
This is what loving ourselves means as well. It’s not about daily indulgences. It’s identifying and pursuing our longterm values.
Self esteem is not about affirmations
Fuck writing down all your best qualities.
I don’t know who came up with this terrible advice, but it’s pretty much useless. Consider, for a moment, the most genuinely confident person you know — do they sit down every day and write down their best qualities? Maybe they do, but I doubt it.
Confident people don’t do this. And people don’t magically become confident doing it. Only self-doubting people get stuck in this compulsive loop.
Self love is not about affirmations.
As Heidi Priebe wrote,
“Claiming to love yourself and actually doing the hard work of loving yourself are not the same thing… You can repeat a thousand affirmations an hour, write a limitless number of blog posts about how you’re worthy of love and stick millions of post-it notes reminding yourself how awesome you are on every mirror in your house, but that only gets you 10% of the way to self-love.”
Except it’s more like 0%.
The real solution is: agency, awareness, authenticity, and action.
What self esteem IS:
Step 1.) Self esteem is agency
Self love is taking responsibility.
So many terrible articles encourage readers to keep self esteem at the mercy of external forces, prompting them to “think about what is affecting your self-esteem,” and suggesting “your confidence may have been lowered after a difficult experience or series of negative life event, such as: being bullied or abused, losing your job or difficulty finding employment, ongoing stress physical illness, mental health problems, a difficult relationship, separation or divorce.”
No. To this entire list: no.
I’m not saying that bad shit didn’t happen to you — it probably did. Because bad things happens to everyone. But life isn’t about playing the victim, or comparing notes on who suffered most. Life has negatives in the cards for everyone — even the most confident people you know — and the only difference between those with self esteem and those without it is that the first group chose to take responsibility for their lives, their responses, and their actions.
So when it comes to thinking about “what is affecting your self-esteem,” the answer is always “you.”
You are in control of your self esteem. That’s the entire list, beginning to end.
you are in charge. you are in charge. you. are. in. charge.
Step 2.) Self esteem is awareness
This is super important, and we don’t talk about it enough.
Get out of your damn head. Be present.
Stop slipping away. Stop shutting down. Stop freezing and falling silent any time you’re uncomfortable, or unsure, or anxious. Stop reminiscing on the past, or thinking about the future, or wandering around, mentally, anywhere that you actually aren’t.
I wrote pretty openly about struggling with this myself, and the fact that I’m currently working on it, so I speak from a place of empathy and love.
We do this is because we’ve learned that “shutting down” offers security — it’s “easier” if we don’t engage; we think there’s less risk.
But what we give up in exchange every time we do this is moments of our own lives. Which is why, in those brief moments we pull our head out of the sand, we’re filled with panic to realize we don’t like what we’re living. But then most of us respond by seeking reassurance (see “self help,” above — “you can do it!”) or solutions we don’t take, and ultimately shut it back down.
The first step? Awareness of your breathing. Second, awareness of your body in space; what you’re physically feeling. From there, you’ll become more aware of what you’re emotionally feeling as well. Accept these emotions as they come to you.
Wake up. Be aware of what you’re doing and where you are all the time. And most importantly: be aware of what you feel and think about it…
Step 3.) Self esteem is authenticity
It’s knowing what we actually want.
This is probably the hardest part. It’s also really important.
Because “nature abhors a vacuum,” if self esteem isn’t coming from external sources, but us instead, then we have to do the work of identifying what wewant and need — in that vacuum, without regard to others. (Note: just like the “selfish” section, that is not meant to read as “without regard for others.” We should still be considerate. But able to say what we want (or think or feel or need) without having to first ask, “well but what do others want?”)
Self esteem is answering “what do I think?” without first asking “what do others think?” This is harder than people realize, especially because it’s so ingrained.
I was recently thinking about what I wanted to do for Valentine’s Day, and initially could not answer this question— did I really want to go to dinner, or did I just like the way that sounded? Did I really want flowers, or did I just hope they’d serve as some security; some certainty that this was special? Did I really even want to do anything? Sometimes we do things we don’t evenreally want, but doing what “sounds good” saves us the risk of regretting having not done something come the morning of the 15th.
(In the end, what I wanted was a cookie from our favorite local bakery. We go together all the time and they put out these seasonal designs that are so adorable I could die. And then, like a good partner, I said in clear words that that’s what I wanted.)
We do this with everything. We pick where to travel, what to buy, and where to eat based on other people — our order at restaurants is influenced by others’, and we eat more in the presence of people we’re trying to impress. We often choose clothing, cars, houses, and hobbies couched in “what others think.” And sadly, we often even choose jobs and partners this way.
Sometimes we’re asked: “What would you do if you could not fail?”
And that’s great, but an equally great question is: “What would you do if you could not tell or be told by anyone?”
Would you get married if you had to go on telling people you weren’t? Would you drive the same car if nobody saw? Would you do the same thing on your weekends if you couldn’t frame it up as “how it retells on Monday morning?” Would you vacation in the same places if nobody knew?
Would you still be doing the same job and have the same partner if you had to tell people you had a totally different job and partner, both of which they deemed “unimpressive?”
What do you want? Not just in the moment, but in the long-run. What areyour values? What is your version of long-term happiness?
If that’s too hard or scary to speculate: start with a chunk of lifestyle now. Not your leisure time, but your actual life. When, for example, are you happiest at work? If your answer has anything to do with others (i.e., “when I get recognition,” “when I get a raise,” “when I win a deal,” or “when I help others,” you need to look again, for answers that serve you.) Maybe you don’t even like your work. That’s for you to explore.
If you’re struggling here and you just want more “help” on “how to do it:” you are missing the point entirely (and probably also missing the alarm bell that should be going off in your head.) This work fundamentally cannot be done by anyone else. This work is you. Do the work.
If you are so far gone that you still feel lost knowing what you want onany level: you skipped self awareness. You’re not paying attention. See “step 2” for further instruction.
Skipping this step is why “just do it!” doesn’t help
Our struggle (and reluctance) to find answers is why “advice” like “just do it!” or “just try things and see what you like” is met with apprehension at best, and disaster at worst. (If you aren’t in touch with what you actually want, and what your happiness feels like, there’s no way of even knowing if you like what you’re trying, and without this skill set, you’ll just keep falling back on “but it sounds cool” or “it’s what people do.”)
You can’t know what you love if you don’t know what love feels like, and you’re so out of touch with your own feelings you don’t know what it is.
We have to actually know who the hell we are, and what we want. Experimenting and taking action is second-grade reading level and we’re still learning letters over here.
Step 4.) Self esteem is action
Only once you understand what you want — what really makes you happy — in the long run.
Action is about making decisions. It’s about committing. It’s about choice and assertiveness and asking for the things we want and need. It’s about taking steps, and thinking, and coming to our conclusions — and then verbalizing them.
It’s also about being aware. It’s about being alert and awake and active in our own lives — not passive, compliant, or submissive.
As Nathaniel Branden wrote in “How to Raise Your Self Esteem,”
“Living consciously means taking responsibility for the awareness appropriate to the action in which we are engaged. This, above all, is the foundation of self confidence and self-respect.”
Or, to be slightly more clear,
“The difference between low self-esteem and high self-esteem is the difference between passivity and action.”
But knowing what action to take requires knowing what we want, outside of what others want — i.e., authenticity — which requires that we take full responsibility for our lives. Which requires that we dump all of the bad assumptions and models around self love, take agency in-house, and start to build self-fueling fire of our own desire.
About The Author:
Kris Gage
Motorcyclist, Software Manager, Drink-Slinger of the South 🍻 
Reach out: http://bit.ly/2CXgcv5
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stussybrad · 6 years
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Yes I know, I died for a bit but I’m back for release week! And as a blog tradition, here’s my messy reaction of Night & Day: Day Edition
Just My Type
Initial reaction: SICKEST BASSLINE. i love that i could actually hear the guitars. love the breakdown in the prechorus with the claps
Full listen: a really strong lead single - sick beat and shows maturity with the lyrics. EXCITED TO SING ALONG TO THIS ON TOUR. 
there’s a girl still on repeat plays in my mind won’t let me sleep
Hair Too Long
Initial reaction: love all the bg vocals. catchy af. bit surprised with the second verse but i love it especially love the ‘it might seem cruel’ part bc holy vocals
Full listen: i fucking love this song. idk what this was (promo single or what) but it deserved better 
i don’t wanna be this cold shivering into my bones someone reset my soul
Talk Later
Initial reaction: that beat omg. THE HOTEL LOBBY SONG!!!! love how it builds up and you expect a huge bass drop but its a pretty chill chorus. also very cheeky. wait why is there a piano out of nowhere????
Full listen: though the lyrics are a bit cheeky i really love how this was written. also how can you not love that beat???? one of my favs for sure
i get confused, putting labels on things makes them complicated
Too Good To Be True
Initial reaction: my boy serving vocals. a bit overproduced. mgk’s verse surprisingly fits the song
Full listen: idk why they had to rearrange the verses on the album version though it threw me off a bit but yes i love it
I’m hung on your words give me something to believe in
For You
Full listen: ITS SO DIFFERENT FROM THE FIRST FEW SONGS BUT I FUCKING LOVE IT. Brad started writing this 4 years ago AND!!! he produced and mixed this!!!! WHAT A TALENTED MAN I LOVE THIS EVEN MORE
remember all the mornings you would make me late cause i couldn’t bare to leave you when you look at me the way you do
What Your Father Says
Full listen: WHAT THE HELL I DIDNT EXPECT THIS AT ALL?????? ALSO FUCK WHAT YOUR FATHER SAYSS!!!! i watched the explicit live acoustic version after this and went to fucking heaven 15/10 IN MY TOP 3 FAV SONGS FROM THIS ALBUM
told me he dont like my hair he don’t like my music told me that i better run otherwise he’ll lose it
Cheap Wine
Initial reaction: okay another dancey track i dont mind. it kinda reminds me of hideaway/scars. CHORUS IS CATCHY AF
Full listen: YEAH OK I GET WHY PEOPLE LOVE THIS SONG. I LIKE IT. do i think it’s next single-worthy? NO they have better songs in this album soz
I drank too much cheap wine gonna spill this heart of mine
Time Is Not On Our Side
Initial reaction: ITS NOT ACOUSTIC WHY??? but i could actually understand the words now!!! ALSO THANKS I DIDNT NEED MY HEART TODAYYY
Full listen: SUCH A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN SAD SONG. I still wish they kept it acoustic (kinda like million words) but I love it so much. and i admit i didn’t really like this when they first performed it on tour but what a mistake ITS A DAMN BEAUTIFUL SONG
looking in your eyes night after night night after night and i see where i gotta stay day after day day after day to find peace
Pictures Of Us
Initial reaction: interesting song but it doesnt leave a mark on me. sounds too generic. the lyrics are great though and you get the sentiment
Full listen: i mean its not bad but i think they could do better. Day deserved a better album closer. But who knows maybe it’ll grow on me
Is it your eyes or my eyes that’s making the tears fall?
WHAT A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS. I wish i could unhear the previously released songs so i could experience this album in its entirety. THAT WOULDVE BEEN AMAZING. also i really love their songwriting on this album bc it shows their maturity and i feel like this really is their most personal one yet. i think for me, it’s more like summer night vibes than day? and the night edition was like autumn night vibes? idk if that makes sense lmao but that’s how i hear it. also they said this was more like meet the vamps with all the guitars but… where? I mean I guess the songs are more focused on the instruments but still far from MTV. But at the same time, I’m not expecting it to be. I understand their need to grow and evolve as artists (i hope everyone does too).
That being said, I still think this is a very solid effort from the boys. I applaud them for being able to write songs that shows maturity and at the same time be able to pour out their emotions through it. Releasing a great album every year and touring all over the world is a great feat for a fairly young band like them so I respect that a whole lot. And maybe we’ll never go back to the MTV era but they are creating music they love, bringing out bops after bops, getting recognized for their hard work and honestly, I couldn’t be more prouder of them.
Rating: 4.5/5
Quick notes about the bonus songs:
Sometimes it rains in LA deserved to be in the standard version
If I Was Your Man and Kiss is okayyy
I fucking love Con’s & James’ bonus songs
I didn’t know NHC was in one of the songs I love it
Juicy Fruit in one word: W H Y ?
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man, god, im just suddenly thinking about "ak/ur/oku" and like.. How the fuck did that even become such a huge thing in early 2000s fandom? Dear god so much early gay shipping in fandom was super unhealthy "sinful" bullshit made by straight people for fetishy purposes rather than genuine representation. But a/kurok/u was such a weird one because it was like.. Just globally accepted and never aknowledged to be problematic?? Man i still remember how lil 13 year old me didnt know there was anything wrong with it, like seriously when stuff like this becomes popularized it ends up sending bad messages to actual queer youth. Learning about your sexuality via the internet cos there's no sex ed irl for you, abd you end up stumbling into toxic fandoms before you have the critical thinking skills necessary to know that this stuff is bad and shouldnt be imitated. Like seriously one of the things i worry about EVERY NIGHT AT 2AM THAT KEEPS ME FROM SLEEPING is that stupid lil 15 year old me made a post on deviantart going like "are pedophiles really all bad? I mean it sounds like an illness. I mean maybe theyre just scared and they want help." Like im terrified constantly that someone will find that old thing and judge me as if i still believe that apologist crap, or as if it was actually an opinion i formed from a fully developed mind, rather than from a kid who (as far as i knew) had never met a pedophile, thinking about pedophiles in the abstract, while being influenced by fuckin pedophile-dominated fandoms and having NO IDEA. and of cooooourse i wanted to believe that i was mature for my age, i thought that was a compliment.. Uuuuugh...
Sorry, going a little offtopic there.
But anyway isnt it kinda weird how akur/oku was just.. Not even regarded as pedophilia? And when i was a kid it wasnt just me not understanding the gross parts of the fandom, i legit never thought axel was that much older than roxas. And it was one of the more popular gay ships cos at that point as far as we knew it was the only person axel had any sort of backstory with, and he cared so much about this guy that he was willing to sacrifice his life to help sora even when he knew roxas would never come back. At the time without further context it seemed like a reasonable assumption to make? And it wasnt until Days that i realized axel was intended to be an adult rather than a teenager, and even worse A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO MADE THAT SHIPPING ART KNEW THAT. Uuugh it was so gross in retrospect to go back and see all the clues i missed that these people were fetishizing roxas's inexperience and veey much writing him as underage. AAAAAAA!
Anyway im glad that shit is now recognized as shit and now we have canon evidence of this dude being old as balls. And honestly i love the relationship of him as a big brother/dad to roxas and xion a lot more, even though as a kid i was desperate for any kind of queer representation in kh. Like.. I never really actually liked the ship that much or felt any chemistry? I just latched onto a few bad writing flubs that could potentially be interpreted as Gay Evidence because i was SO damn desperate! Like i felt like i had to support all these gross abusive ships in fandom cos if i wasnt then i was being 'homophobic', i mean they were THE ONLY AVAILABLE OPTIONS, right? :( Its only now ive grown up i can see how wrong that was, and how people just used it as an excuse to make gross shit and get away with it. Like how in Black Butler all these 'yaoi fangirls' kept erasing the rarest of rare things, a canon trans woman, because 'its sexier if its gay'. Ughhhh. And seriously that discourse still exists for poor Grell, and there's still a lot of these shitty bigoted people pretending to be allies, but like seriously this was EVERYWHERE in 2005! And lgbt rights and even lgbt communities at all were way smaller and less available to the poor teenagers who really needed that positive influence while they were figuring out who they are. So man the abusive side of yaoi fandom was WAY more powerful, and wya more.mainstream, with barely any criticism. And the whole content of this fandom was creepy fuckin adults making pedo porn, and kids who just discovered they were queer and tried to headcanon their favourote characters as being like them. Fucking predator heaven! So yeh that ruined KH for me and definately made me scared of returning to Black Butler for almost a decade. And then i found out that the manga itself has none of that pedo shit and that one of the fandom's biggest abusive gay man archetypes was actually a trans woman this entire time, and just gahhhhh....
Also like seriously this is a tad offtopic but can we kill the anime trope of either everyone looking young or everyone looking old? Or creepy things where just one character looks the wrong age in order to fetishize pedophilia? I dont think kingdom hearts was one of those intentional ones, like i mean there's super bad shit where its like 'this 5 year old looking person is really 9000 years old/actually 18 and just hasnt had their growth spurt yet' (somehow its even more insulting when theres not even a magical excuse) Or the other way around and we have a character thats canonically underage but drawn looking sexually mature with big ol knockers so its somehow okay. The existence of those horrible things is why i end up feeling uncomfortable even seeing ambiguous ages as just a trope in completely innocent anime, yknow? Like in pokemon and digimon all the 10 year old protagonists are exactly the same height as all the adults, and all the female love interests for ash have to be early bloomers in terms of chest and hips, while notably Iris is the only one who actually looks her age and also the first non love interest. Its another reason why i prefer the new art style for the latest season, they make everyone look like kids and Lillie continues to look like a kid even though she's the main girl and has all the cute scenes with Ash. The girls even got very normal looking kiddy swimsuits in the beach episode! Why is that so uncommon, to find the bare minimum thing of underage kids not being sexualized at the beach??
Soooooo yeah, thats at least part of why kid me thought axel and roxas were within a similar age range. Like i thought roxas was maybe 16 and axel was 18?? Somehow?? I dont even know, kingdom hearts isnt even SUPER bad with the 'kids look like older teens,all adults look like age 20 at the most' anime syndrome. Its probably more because id been raised on games and anime that followed that trope, before i played kh. And as a kid you just dont really know the exact differences between 'old', like i mean i knew teenagers were tall and boys get a growth spurt, so somehow it made sense to me that axel could be the same age as roxas?? And man even if i knew he wasnt, i was barely educated at all about pedophilia and i didnt know the nuances of it. I just knew 'its bad for adults to marry kids' like man i was really behind the curve in general learning due to my undiagnosed autism and abusive parenting so like HERE'S 12 YEAR OLD ME NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE SEX ASPECT. And i didnt know that adults in relationships with teenagers was bad too, or like 16/17 year old teens dating kids... I was so fuckin dumb... I really cant believe that not only did i believe stupid adults saying 'pedophilia isnt bad if you're non offending, its okay to make cartoon child porn as long as you dont physically abuse real kids' but also i somehow just DID NOT EVER REALIZE that axel was an adult and roxas wasnt even a goddamn older teen...
So yeh im making a lot of excuses for why my stupid younger self was blindly parroting bullshit, but im not trying to excuse how goddamn wrong and bad it was. I still wake up ashamed in the middle of the night for crapoy decisions i made as a dumb kid, and in terrified that some shreds of it might still exist out there on the internet and maybe someone else could read it?! Gahhhh! Seriously could i have accidentally helped spread that bullshit brainwashing to other kids? And seriously when people say this shit is harmless they just need to look at this, look at how being into problematic yaoi is such a common 'phase' for ACTUAL CHILDREN. Like its not fuckin NATURAL for kids to fall into this stuff, they do it because they dont know any better but the people making the goddamn founding blocks of the fandom are fuckin grown women fetishizing gay men or grown men fetishing lesbians. There's people who do know better who actually conciously decide that a/kurok/u is a good ship while knowing all the goddamn details of what it actually is and exactly what theyre supporting by shipping it. Ughhhhh!
So yeh fuckin Please Stay Safe In Fandom, Kids
And pedophiles have absolutely none of my sympathy, please ignore that goddamn shit i wrote as a little kid being fuckin groomed by a fandom without even knowing it.
This also applies a lot to the rest of LGBT+ aside from just gay shipping, like seriously it took me til age 18 to find any positive representation of trans people or even a proper explanation of what being trans is, yet before i was even 8 years old i'd seen a million 'lol gross man in a dress who gets sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear' jokes in kids shows. And when i was 12 i'd already been exposed to the fuckin hell of m/pre/g thanks to its prevelance of untagged n/sf/w shit in the kh fandom. And by age 15 i'd been exposed to pedophile apologists arguing whether child porn was okay if they only got off to that and didnt personally abuse that kid with their own hands. All of that shit but actually learning about homosexuality and gender in sex ed would have been 'too much' for someone my age...
God what a fuckin mess. Fuck im really really fuckin worried that any of my ignorant comments at those ages could have been read by other ignorant kids and contributed to that disgusting fandom atmosphere. Fuck i think about this so damn often im so damn ashamed of how ignorant i used to be yet i know the adult fuckfaces making pedo shit never reel one lick of shame any damn day of their life. I used to excuse their shit as an actual kid cos i just ASSUMED they would be ashamed and want to seek help! Gahhhh..
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cherri-ice · 7 years
All the numbers
fuck you 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
uH MY CLOSE FRIEND LMAO? 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
lowkey both?? im more shy but if i know the person im incredibly outgoing 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
MY LOWKEY GF4. Are you easy to get along with?
oft no 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
YEP6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
ppl who are kind !! also ppl who could either break me or love me 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
,, hopefully8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
,,, can i say keaton henson bc his music makes me sob9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no but depending w who lmao :””^10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
mm i think my friend from school abt shitty people ngl 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
”do you think it’d be a good idea for me to run and get tea right now”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ok jeez
1. cherry bomb - the runaways (wow, original)
2. all of sevdalizas songs ever
3. blood // water - grandson
4. charger - gorillaz
5. pools - glass animals
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
YESYEYSYESYEYSYES. fuck yes.14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
mhm!!15. What good thing happened this summer?
err i mean, if u count summer as past summer then convincing my dang dad that i dont wanna stay at my shitty school lmao?? 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
depends on what kind of kiss !! but ye!!17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
pfft, absolutely 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
,,, i dont think so tbh19. Do you like bubble baths?
HELL YE I DO20. Do you like your neighbors?
ngl i dont rly talk to them but they seem Nice21. What are your bad habits?
if i dont know someone all too well i tend to joke around w them?? idk its weird but i kinda get annoyed easy as well,, altho another bad habit is my flaky ass backing out of events sometimes22. Where would you like to travel?
i’d love to ,,, travel to scotland or france23. Do you have trust issues?
oh boy i do24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going the hell to sleep again and wrapping myself up25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
every part w scars lmao26. What do you do when you wake up?
take my dang meds27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
,, idk?? i like my skin tbh but it could clear tf up28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my sister29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope :””^ 30. Do you ever want to get married?
yes!!31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
ye lmao32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
,,, IM 16 LETS NOT GO HERE33. Spell your name with your chin.
aki34. Do you play sports? What sports?
i work out but i dont play sport lmao35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv, music is my lifeblood36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
almost always37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i try to joke abt smth usually38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
someone who cares for me smh39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
T2, I LOVE TEA,,, 40. What do you want to do after high school?
university or nap 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes!! unless they’re super shitty42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m nervous, anxious or overthinking43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try to ??44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
oo fuck outer space ty45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
,, honestly talking to lovely ppl46. What are you paranoid about?
people abandoning me or being completely alone and shut in and just,, closed away from the world47. Have you ever been high?
tba48. Have you ever been drunk?
not rly lmao i have a high tolerance 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
,, UM,,, lowkey yes50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
olive51. Ever wished you were someone else?
before, yes. now? nah, i’m pretty good 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
highkey wish i was less anxious 24/7
53. Favourite makeup brand?
NARS. nars. or kat von d altho i hate what she stands for
54. Favourite store?
T255. Favourite blog?
,, idk? 56. Favourite colour?
blue / green!!57. Favourite food? 
creme brulee58. Last thing you ate?
a rly good double cheese burger59. First thing you ate this morning?
croissant60. Ever won a competition? For what?
knowledge of novels for school!! or art wise, i’ve won a few comps inside our school61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope62. Been arrested? For what?
nada63. Ever been in love? 
smh i fall in love,, way to easily64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
,, jeez i hate the person who it was with, but it was underneath the harbour bridge after chocolate strawberries and a picnic,, she asked if she could kiss me and i said yes65. Are you hungry right now?
jfc not rly im super content tbh66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
no @official-akko is a binch (im kidding i love u)67. Facebook or Twitter?
fb68. Twitter or Tumblr?
tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
nope but i was watching law and order svu 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
beauty, my cat71. Craving something? What?
cuddling someone and gently lying my head on their chest 72. What colour are your towels?
white!!72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3 binch73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yes!!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
on my bed is 2, but i think at least 5+ around 75. Favourite animal?
i love,, cats,,,, so fucking much 76. What colour is your underwear?
wouldn’t u like to know77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
mm cookies and cream?79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
dark bluuee80. What colour pants?
grey81. Favourite tv show?
right now its between brooklyn 99 and stranger things82. Favourite movie?
i will never stop loving mulan or the princess diaries 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls i guess 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
,, janis ian86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
uh the turtle smh87. First person you talked to today?
ash!! 88. Last person you talked to today?
rn, its niko89. Name a person you hate?
me90. Name a person you love?
ash91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
GOD this one asshole from school i will actually brawl92. In a fight with someone?
not rly?? idk93. How many sweatpants do you have?
at least 494. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
5!!95. Last movie you watched?
legally blonde pfft96. Favourite actress?
i lowkey love madelaine petsch97. Favourite actor?
shrugs loudly98. Do you tan a lot?
no im pale af99. Have any pets?
a cat!!100. How are you feeling?
tired, coffee makes me tired101. Do you type fast?
yep!! i can touch-type too so i dont even have to look most of the time as well lmao102. Do you regret anything from your past?
waayyy too fuckin much regret over what ive done to myself 103. Can you spell well?
ye!!104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
,, my grandma :105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope lmao106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
,, i think i have,,, 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes!! i go horseriding at least four times during the year108. What should you be doing?
sleeping probably109. Is something irritating you right now?
i have a fuckin itch on my leG110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yep,, oh boy 111. Do you have trust issues?
i already answered this lmao112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
,, my sister because i wanted her to comfort m e shes v sweet113. What was your childhood nickname?
”leash”114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yes!!115. Do you play the Wii?
sometimes116. Are you listening to music right now?
i am, its glass animals :””^117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
yes!!118. Do you like Chinese food?
eh, iffy but i dont mind it!119. Favourite book?
THE NAME OF THE WIND BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS120. Are you afraid of the dark?
only a lil121. Are you mean?
,, i think i am sometimes122. Is cheating ever okay?
never ever ever ever is it okay.123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
yes! if not i fuckin clean em wth124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not rly? i think love is something you have to grow and share together, kind of like a garden plant? works gotta go into it for it to blossom 125. Do you believe in true love?
i believe in it!126. Are you currently bored?
,, yea lmao127. What makes you happy?
memes, reading and tea ngl128. Would you change your name?
birthname? ye, probably lmao129. What your zodiac sign?
cancer! im an emotional fucking crab130. Do you like subway?
ye!131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
remind them im a lesbian132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
binnch this is a past question133. Favourite lyrics right now?
”Our skinIn time would tellCan I hold on to our genesIn my lifeI could not failWhen I run out will you leave?”
134. Can you count to one million?
i can but i’d loose track i have attention issues pfft135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
”i was late because my cat threw up one on of my school uniforms and i had to change”136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed, idk who can trust anyone that much to keep them open137. How tall are you?
5′7!138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have wavy hair if this is asking m e139. Brunette or Blonde?
blonde140. Summer or Winter?
winter141. Night or Day?
night142. Favourite month?
july bc its cold and my birth month143. Are you a vegetarian?
nooppe144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk chocolate!145. Tea or Coffee?
tea146. Was today a good day?
meh, highs and lows 147. Mars or Snickers?
mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
either:a. “And what we learn about ourselves in those moments, where the trigger has been squeezed, is this: the past is not dead. There are things that wait for us, patiently, in the dark corridors of our lives. We think we have moved on, put them out of mind, left them to desiccate and shrivel and blow away; but we are wrong. They have been waiting there in the darkness, working out, practicing their most vicious blows, their sharp hard thoughtless punches into the gut, killing time until we came back that way.” from Trigger Warning (Short fictions and disturbances), neil gaiman
b. “Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door.Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door.Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind. Last is the door of death. The final resort. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told.” - The name of the wind, patrick rothfuss
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!! i believe that ghosts exist lmao, or at least guiding spirits 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“… but he left his doubts unspoken. Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.” - Game of thrones lmao
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Killing Book
Aka, the Death Note movie released this year. Now, I like Death Note (the anime of course). I watched it when I was like 12 or something and it introduced to the world of gory anime. So as you can expect, I was upset at seeing this movie, seeing the wrong things in the trailer and knowing it would be even more wrong in the movie. I was interested though, as one would be interested in watching a kid harmlessly fall so you can snicker at them. I avoided the movie even if I wanted to see the train wreck it was. But tonight, at somewhere around nine pm I decided NO MORE! I shall watch the movie and tell my friend how bad it was. We’ll be calling her Friend. I skype messaged her (i know who uses skype anymore? i do. because im lazy and dont want to change to discord) while watching it. Sadly she left early because she sleeps waaaaay earlier than I do. So at some point I’m just talking to myself. Just to let you know. Enjoy my ramblings.
WARNING: Obviously lots of death is mentioned. Also, if you liked the anime of Death Note, do NOT watched this movie. It’s horrible.
So this was taken directly from skype, with VERY little editing (just small things like personal stuff etc.) and it is rude, crude and not pleasant to look at. I tend to message a lot, in segments and that is was what made this so long. You have been warned.
Me: so I'm finally watching the death note movie Me: and I might rant at you a bit Me: first, its set in Washington in seattle Me: and lights fuckin blond frosted highlights Me: why
Friend: so Friend: 10/10
Me: its the best start a movie could ever have Me: so light is bullied and does homework for other classmates Me: who is this man? this isn't the light I know
Friend: maybe Friend: maybe Friend: just maybe Friend: someone kidnapped him
Me: god and now he likes this fark haired girl Me: dark Me: light loves no one Me: his heart is too icy to love Me: if only he was kidnapped Me: then at least he would break out and kill the person impersonating him
Friend: does he have the death note?
Me: yeah Me: its so different Me: its not the same at all Me: its like they just took the concept and fucked it Me: so the death note looks used even tho I pretty sure it was blank in the anime
Friend: it's for the money
Me: shit dude ryuk is in the house
Friend: is ryuk still cool thougj
Me: and light just fell over and is now running away Me: idk we'll see
Friend: does he still freak out over apples
Me: maybe Me: didn't ryuk show himself in lights room? Me: cause right now he's in school at detention Me: oh ryuk ate the apple
Friend: they met in his room
Me: welp here they met at detention
Friend: also it's to soon for light to know ryuk's obsession with apples
Me: its waaay too soon Me: I'm 10 minutes in Me: light didn't know ryuk for awhile Me: not almost immediately after getting the death note Me: also ryuk is persuading light into using it Me: anime light did not hesitate to kill a motherfuker Me: didn't need a demon to tell him what to do
Friend: wait Friend: what about the chip scene
Me: oh Me: what] Me: the Me: FUCK Me: they've ruined it
Me: wasn't it a rule that if you put someone name without a death, theyd die of a heart attack like an hour later Me: well Me: fuck that rule Me: doesn't exist Me: they die by random bullshit means
Friend: WHAT?!?!!?
Me: also Me: no chip scene Me: yet Me: I'm waiting Me: anime light waited until he got home to kill a guy Me: but movie light was still at school and watched him die Me: heres what happened that absolutely gets rid of the heart attack rule Me: so a couple of kids had a basketball and dropped it when a woman's bags of groceries ripped Me: the kid chased after the ball into the street, where a car swerved to miss him Me: another car coming the opposite way swerved to miss the car and hit a parked car Me: a ladder on top of the crashed car got loose and decapitated the guy whose name was written Me: instantly after his name was written Me: wtf happened man
Friend: -.-
Me: also Me: apparently there are rules to the book Me: lemme get to the scene where he looked at them Me: but I know one of them was the holder of the death note can only hold it for 7 days Me: wtf?? Me: in the anime anyone could have for eternity if they wanted Friend: for as long as they lived or until they gave it up Me: atleast his dad is still a cop Me: but his mom is dead??
Friend: dfhnasjkfahdjkasdhf Friend: what
Me: by getting hit by a car by the guy he killed earlier Me: wtffffff Me: okay Me: okay Me: tell me what you get from this, its rule 65 of the book Me: "each page of the note contains the power of the whole note" Me: wtf does that mean?? Me: ooh Me: oooooooh Me: wait Me: is that the thing where you could tear a page out and it would still work? Me: wtf you gotta word it like that man
Friend: it's as bad as tests
Me: okay I got a previous rule wrong Me: it was rule 95 Me: anyone can write names in the note but only the keeper can have it longer than 7 days
Friend: -.- that's still stupid
Me: it is yeah Me: I'm pretty sure a death note was supposed to have one owner Me: I mean once you touched the paper, you were stuck with the powers until you died or gave it up Me: also Me: previous apparently wrote warning ramblings in the book for light to see Me: "don't trust ryuk"
Friend: -.- Friend: no
Me: he also said ryuk weird Me: I say ree-yook Me: he said rye-uhk
Friend: i'm sad Friend: i'm pissed
Me: and that's barely 20 mins in
Friend: need bleach?
Me: still another hour and a half left Me: god Me: 90 more mintes Me: ryuk is creepin in lights closet Me: light is offering an apple Me: ryuk is happy Me: ooh thank god Me: ryuk told light how to pronounce his name Me: I don't think I could live with light always saying his name wrong Me: ryuk looks gross Me: haven't seen him clearly yet tho Me: always in shadows
Friend: ryuk is cool
Me: movie ryuk is pretty chill Me: light has killed again Me: this time the gfather of the guy he killed ealier
Friend: is
Me: oky
Friend: is light killing innocent people
Me: heres how he died because I'm pretty sure light didn't right a death Me: not yet Me: so a couple knocked a salt shaker of a table at a restuarant Me: a waiter trips on it and bumps into the dude who will die Me: the father get knocked forward and stabs himself in the neck with a knife that he had been holding upwarrd Me: he sprays blood all over his guests and dies
Friend: why are the deaths so convoluted
Me: ryuk cackles in the background Me: I have no idea Me: wow steak sounds good right now Me: even tho I guy just died because of some Me: a Me: oops heres dark haired pretty girll in the bakground Me: she talked to light Me: wtf Me: who is this chick Me: she elooks like the next bella swan Me: turner Me: light turner Me: and her name is mia Me: what was the name of the blond girl who loved light?
Friend: yeah
Me: mia was her name? really? Me: she has no idea what a death note is Me: and light is showing it to her
Friend: fucking moron
Me: anime light would never do that Me: mia is laughing at hime Me: shit her name in the anime was misa Me: not mia Me: noe light is killing in front of mia Me: but at least hes using the news like anime light did Me: this movie is horrible
Friend: I wonder how they will ruin L Friend: i might cry at that part
Me: and I will tel you every wrong thing they do Me: so light and mia teamed up
Friend: i know you will
Me: even tho mia doesn't have a death note like anime misa did Me: and light want to kiss her Me: help Me: help Me: oh n Me: they Me: making out Me: I don't want to put skype down Me: hep Me: me
Friend: GET Friend: THE Friend: BLEACH!!!!!!!!!
Me: theyre done Me: no[e Me: not done Me: shit Me: okay Me: wait Me: stop' Me: they keep kissing Me: and its inbwteen scenes Me: so it surpried Me: me
Friend: life has no meaning
Me: okay hang on Me: how did light start getting called kira in the anime Me: didn't the public start calling that?
Friend: yea
Me: well light chose it in the movie Me: hes like Me: I want to be kalled kira Me: and now somehow the whole world knows Me: agh Me: nudity
Friend: >=c
Me: brief, dead women nudity Me: L is helping kira? Me: L informed kira of a club full of baddies
Friend: are you sure that's L
Me: yep Me: subtitles label him as L Me: here lemme send a screen shot Me: there it is Me: proven by the subtitles Me: L is originally from England right? Me: I cant tell if movie L is sitting like anime L
Friend: L is an orphan from England yes
Me: no accent Me: move L is american
Friend: i'm sorry japan
Me: gotta apologise to the mangaka who wrote death note
Friend: who
Me: idk their name
Friend: who the hell made the decision to make them..
Me: I have no idea Me: eath note was done and over years before they made this movie Me: why did they make it now?
Friend: money
Me: fuck the money Me: at least follow the god damn plot
Friend: yeah
Me: they used the right logo for L Me: that's nice Me: to see somethingsimilar Me: ugh Me: L is such a pig in the movie Me: hes got candy everywhere and is eating it messily Me: anime L was careful and deliberate
Friend: yeah
Me: ugh Me: they say "fuck" is this movie too much
Friend: i'm going to bed. you can keep ranting and i will respond tomorrow
After this point, it’s just me ranting so there will be no more Me: going on. Just a series of messages one after the other.
kay okay wait this was funny the movie did a funny so lights dad is meeting L in L's big fancy hideout and lights dad has his hand held out and and ice cream is just silently put in his hand with no information about it no one says a word about it he just holds the ice cream now L is speaking to a million reporters in broad daylight outside and movie L doesn't sit exactly the same as anime L hes in the same pose as anime L but movie L sits on his butt instead of sitting/squatting on his feet in the chair if that makes any sense L is calling out kira on the news ryuk likes L so apparently to kill using the book, you need a name AND a face but I'm pretty sure in the anime you only needed a name and now L isn't even sitting right hes lounging LOUNGING also mia cant see ryuk even tho shes touched the note book all the rules have been tossed out the window mia stole the book and is killing all the investigating agents oh siiit mia didn't do it ryuk did ryuk killed 13 people and now hes telling light to let the note go anime ryuk didn't do this he wanted light to have the note mia wants to kill lights dad so light and L have met in public and they fightin and light is being sooo suspicious they've got the weather in this movie right tho its constantly rainging shit mia told light she loved him and they making out now so if you write a name and burn the page before the person dies, theyre spared. but you can only do this once so many dumb rules  what I don't understand is why they changed misa's name to mia but didn't changed light's misa is a way more normal name than light why change it?? okay now movie L is sitting like in the anime lights dad is beating L down L is threatening light and light is acting as innocent as possible ryuk is meddling in lights plans lemme tell you those plans light write the name of L' assistant, having him find L's name and then tell light but ryuk is there to screw things up oh shit ryuk took the page with L's assisatants name on it so mia betrayed light light wanted to save watari watari is L's assitant but mia and ryuk messed that up ooooh shiiiiit mia did kill all those agents she killed 13 people not ryuk oooh L is angry that watari is dead and mia is trying to kill light hope he kills her instead L is gonna hunt light down L is driving angrily through the streets just rmapgaing dude rampaging now L is chasing light on foot 20 mins left no chip scene (note: really sad there wasn’t any chip scene) L is confrtoning light but light is saved by one of his many admirerers mia is trying to take the book and theyre fighting at the top of a ferris wheel light put mias name in the book she dead the ferris wheel deatached so now its slowly falling ryuk is manipulating the ferris wheel mia is hanging out of the pod thing light dropped her light fell mia died in an explosion of flowers light landed in water the book did too now L' there the page containg lights name is burning and L saw the page buring some old guy just picked up the washed up death note this new guy is carrying on kira's duty while light is in a coma now he's returning the book back to light oh light woke up L knows that mia was involvev involved lights dad knows he knows now light is gonna tell his dad how it works okay wait some exposition is going down and you need to know what is up so mia wrote that light's heart would stop at midnight so to fix that light chose a rapist who had connections to a hospital to save light when he fell in the water, give him cpr and keep light in a medically induced coma hospital guy commits suicide then light writes a pedophile mailman gets the note book on the shore, writes criminals names to keep up the act while light is in a coma, gives the death note back and commits suicide then he writes when mia takes the note book from light, she falls, tears the page with lights name on it that then the page is burned, light lands safely in water and mia dies instantly when she hits the ground L found the page with watari's name and all the agent's names L angry at light hes laughing crazily L looked like he was gonna write light's name but then the credits are going ooh that was interesting they showed behind the scenes stuff while playing the credits but it was done in a way I hadn't seen before they were like flashing it on screen inbetween credits, only a few seconds at a time got to see how they did ryuk which was cool god damnit they never showed if L wrote light's name or not I'm guessing not I waited through 5 mins of creits for thi why so light didn't kill any innocent people huh but mia sure did so my rating is 0/10 this wasn't death note this was like like some knock off version called'killing book' hope your happy that L is alive tho didn't have to kill himself like anime L did unless that was what the end implied hang on imma see if movie L killed himself too well Wikipedia doesn't say anything but we all know how reliable Wikipedia is that was a real joy ride hope you enjoyed my ramblings even thought half of them prob don't make sense
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imjohnnydora · 7 years
1-117 :))))
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reasonyou are confused right now? well now i’m confused bc i’m trying to figure out why this question thinks im confused
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? lol no
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? i would?? care if they smoked often yes but not like every once in a while yknow
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? LOL NO
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? watching scandal i think
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is withyou? pal i dont get drunk but if i did i’d??? be with whoever i trusted to get drunk with i mean
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheatedon? ngl i’d call up all my friends bc i know they’d form a lil army to fight back for me
8: Are you close with your dad? im not rly close with either of my parents tbh
10: What are you listening to? uh my happy spotify playlist
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life- what is it? answered here
12: Do you like hickeys? no
13: What time do you go to bed? .....5am-ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? i mean not to vague or anything,,,
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? no
16: Do you always answer your texts? lol no
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? answered here
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? like talk in person or message bc 6 hrs ago to the former
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you seethem? yes
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed lastnight? do people like actually remember that i mean who
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? i hope not
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? uh sure
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? yes?
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? YES
25: In the past week, have you cried? haha yes
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? blue w yellow flowers
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? no
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so
29: Do you have a best friend? @katxedisons
31: Who was your last call/text message from? my dad lol
32: Are you mad at anyone? nah
35: How many more days until your birthday? 227 (thanks google)
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? there are literally 11 days left of summer and,,, no i dont have plans for any of them fuck off
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? no
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? noooooooooo
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? dont think so
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? um yes dont be a pedophile
42: Are you available? answered here
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings forsince high school ended? ....one
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would youget? nose i guess
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? idk i have no experience in this
46: Do you regret anything? every moment since birth
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? this question i mean
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? yes
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? LET’S NOT DISCUSS THAT
53: What was the last thing you ate? granola bar
54: Did you get any compliments today? yes
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? los angeles!!!
56: Do you own anything from other countries? um yeah the things i purchased in japan and australia and the things my friends have gifted me from??? too many places to list
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls
58: Where have you lived most of your life? california
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? like i personally drove or was just in a car and also what is “long” and okay basically no i dont go on long drives anyway so
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? what do u think
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? no
62: Who do you text the most? my dad probably,,, listen i dont text people
63: What was the last movie you saw? spiderman??
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend fromgoing back to their ex? my who
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? i was 12yo
67: Do you curse around your parents? no
68: Are you happy with where you live? ehhhhhhh no
69: Picture of yourself? why is this question 69 that makes it so sketchy and also no im too lazy to add a photo if you’ve read this far ur probs my friend and know anyway so
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe inopen-ended relationships? monogamy
71: Have you ever been dumped? that would require a gf
75: What part of a person’s body do you find mostattractive? idk their face??
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night beforeyou went to bed? my god dont make me check timestamps i think @katxedisons
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesysmile to your face? CUTE GIRLS
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a childalready? i mean i wouldnt count it against them
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed toyou? not like,, directly
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? like,,, do i tell the crush or do i tell my friends about the crush altho tbh neither
83: Do you miss your last sweetie? who says sweetie
84: Last time you slow danced with someone? prom
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? n oooo oo
86: How can I win your heart? be a cute girl tbh
87: What is your astrological sign? taurus
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? still watching scandal i think
89: Do you cook? i bake
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flameafter a time of more than 3 months of no communication? no
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in arelationship? YEAH
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you prettymuch fall into monogamous relationships quickly? latter
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potentialinterest? not that i have a type but,,, long dark hair is a good bonus (also if ur??? amy santiago)
94: Name four things that you wish you had! a girlfriend, a corgi, $1 million, and dammit thats all i can come up with thats the dream tbh
95: Are you a player? no
97: Are you a tease? no
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? not yet
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? ehhh no
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? i mean??? i dont see why not
101: Hugs or Kisses? ngl i’d like to kiss a cute girl
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? i mean i havent yet so
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? gross
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? YES
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/shewas in relationship, would you go for it? NAH
106: Do you flirt a lot? ahaha i mean sometimes
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? amy santiago
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? IF U KNOW PLS TELL ME
112: Does someone like you currently? sounds fake
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? yes
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or justflings? former
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? i mean im rly happy with either
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Justwrite it. dammit emmeline u had one job
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
1-150 all of them. Every single one 😁
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
honestly can't remember, it was a girl though so... (we were friends arent anymore) 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I pretend I'm outgoing but really I'm a shy bitch unless I get comfortable with you then I suppose I’m outgoing. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my bed, cause I’m tired! kidding. 4. Are you easy to get along with?
depends but I'd like to say so unless you're a bitch to me then I will be a bitch back. 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I don’t get drunk anymore, lol I’m a lightweight, once I have one drink I’m tipsy. But if I do decide to get drunk then prob whoever I got drunk with, unless they get drunk, then my mum can take care of me. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Varies, as long as they have a kind heart and are funny. Also a sucker for accents and blue eyes & green, as well as brown. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
nope. 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Do celebs count or nah? if so then Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan + Tom Holland { not that anyone cares but we are the same age}. 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
If it's with my mum then yeah, or family, anyone else it doesn't make me uncomfortable. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
iPhone charging cables {lol}  12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Easier- 5sos
Last Hurrah-Bebe Rexha
R U Mine- Arctic Monkeys
Suckerz- Blackbear
Break up with girlfriend, I’m bored- Ariana Grande
Ain’t My Fault-Zara Larsson 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
definitely. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yep. 15. What good thing happened this summer?
nothing really. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
maybe, maybe not. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yep. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
nope, I honestly had cringy taste in crushes in primary school and high school. 19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yass..... 20. Do you like your neighbors?
nope, he a douchebag, and all the bad names in the book. 21. What are you bad habits?
going to bed late, rolling my eyes to much. 22. Where would you like to travel?
YES! 23. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
I have no clue... 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
stomach and thighs. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
whine about how tired I am and how I should go to bed earlier. 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
in-between. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my mom. 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
yep, and honestly I don't care it's their loss. 30. Do you ever want to get married?
it’s not really on my to-do list, but maybe. 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
yep. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan without a doubt.  33. Spell your name with your chin.
c lazire   (lol I did pretty well, except for the space and z ) 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
nope 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
nope. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yes. 37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I laugh nervously. 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
*sighs* as long as they have blue or green or blue eyes, some sort of accent, are nice, funny, loyal, dreamy. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
book shops, clothes shops and those body shops (the ones you get body lotion and that from) and home decor shops, DVD shops. 40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m 22, I’ve finished high school a long time ago. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends, on what they have done. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
sad. 43. Do you smile at strangers?
sometimes. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
can I say both, I’m going to say both. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
my dog literally jumps on my and barks at me. 46. What are you paranoid about?
a lot of things, someone kidnapping me, being stalked, weird creatures killing me, dying. 47. Have you ever been high?
Nah... 48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah, plenty of times. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
not really. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
black and grey. 51. Ever wished you were someone else?
all the time. 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
 I wish I had long legs tbh. 53. Favourite makeup brand?
nude. 54. Favourite store?
ally 55. Favourite blog?
on here or somewhere else,?  56. Favourite colour?
purple, blue, grey, pink, green. 57. Favourite food? 
pasta. 58. Last thing you ate?
raspberries. 59. First thing you ate this morning?
nothing, I don't eat in the morning. 60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Nah. 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nearly, but they found out it wasn't my fault, yet one teacher was a total bitch to me afterwards. 62. Been arrested? For what?
nope, I’m a good girl. 63. Ever been in love? 
yes, and it hurts. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
 it was on my thirteenth bday party and it was three guys, two of them were great the other one was sloppy and ew. 65. Are you hungry right now?
not really. 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
yep. 67. Facebook or Twitter?
twitter. 68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. 69. Are you watching tv right now?
Nah. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
do dogs count, if so then Max. 71. Craving something? What?
pancakes. 72. What colour are your towels?
pink, blue, neutral colours. 72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
four. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no. 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
four I think. 75. Favourite animal?
tigers. 76. What colour is your underwear?
grey, pink, and aqua. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
both. 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookies & cream or strawberry. 79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
pink, with stars. 81. Favourite tv show?
The Simpsons. 82. Favourite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls. 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls. 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Regina George. 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory. 87. First person you talked to today?
My brother. 88. Last person you talked to today?
My brother. 89. Name a person you hate?
my neighbour. 90. Name a person you love?
everyone, except for people I dont like. 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Oh definitely. 92. In a fight with someone?
mostly just words. 93. How many sweatpants do you have?
 six 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
eight, I think. 95. Last movie you watched?
Avengers: Endgame. 96. Favourite actress?
Emilia Clarke 97. Favourite actor?
Chris Evans. 98. Do you tan a lot?
no, last time i tanned, i got badly sunburnt. 99. Have any pets?
Two dogs. 100. How are you feeling?
tired, sad, horny, unappreciated and annoyed. 101. Do you type fast?
yeah. 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
oh, so many things. 103. Can you spell well?
sometimes. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
yeah but no. 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yep. 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes. 108. What should you be doing?
sleeping its 3AM SOMETHING 109. Is something irritating you right now?
yeah... 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes. 111. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom. 113. What was your childhood nickname?
clairebear or mousey. 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
no. 115. Do you play the Wii?
mostly the ps4 now. 116. Are you listening to music right now?
yas, some angsty songs, might do some song fics. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
never had it. 118. Do you like Chinese food?
yeah. 119. Favourite book?
Looking for Alaska - John Green 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
sometimes. 121. Are you mean?
 I try not to be. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
nope. 123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
no. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I’m a bit iffy on that, thats purely falling for looks, i mean sure they look hot but what if their personail;ty is shit, then their hottness just zeros down. 125. Do you believe in true love?
yeah. 126. Are you currently bored?
nah. 127. What makes you happy?
lots of things. puppies, kittens, animals, dragons, writing, reading, family and friends, you guys. 128. Would you change your name?
no. 129. What your zodiac sign?
Libra. 130. Do you like subway?
sometimes. 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
just stare in shock for a long while, while trying to process it. 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change And you know you don't want it any other way 134. Can you count to one million?
no. 135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I’m sick, I can't come. 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
sometimes opened sometimes closed. 137. How tall are you?
5′5 138. Curly or Straight hair?
both. 139. Brunette or Blonde?
both. OMBRE. 140. Summer or Winter?
Summer, cause winter is cuddling season and I don't have a boo. 141. Night or Day?
both. 142. Favourite month?
October. 143. Are you a vegetarian?
used to be, might go back to being one. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
both. 145. Tea or Coffee?
neither. 146. Was today a good day?
not really. 147. Mars or Snickers?
both. 148. What’s your favourite quote?
it’s a bad day, not a bad life. 149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  
this? they were hers! she’d gathered them, hoarded them, maybe someday planned to pass them on to me.
0 notes
avasilvugh · 7 years
So how do Lena and the kids handle things when Kara gets hurt from a fight with an alien or something?
i mean when they’re little, the kids aren’t super duper aware??  and the adults around them keep a p good handle on everything when shit goes down so they usually remain p blissfully ignorant when kara gets hurt
like they get that kara has a sometimes scary job where she has to protect ppl but its like aunt maggie or aunt alex’s jobs and sometimes she walks in the front door moving a little stiffly and sometimes they have to go see her at the deo, sitting under these bright lights that make maia and finn feel a little weird, a little dizzy, a little powerful, and they hurt stella’s eyes (or maybe that’s not why there’s this heavy pounding at the back of her skull?  she’s so little, she doesn’t have words for it) but it doesn’t rlly.....idk sink in??
that said: lena is quietly a Wreck.  bc the kiddos respond to how she responds, she can’t rlly fall apart (not that she ever rlly did??  but she was able to cry abt it and drop everything to rush to the deo and fuss over kara) so she gets v quiet abt it, all hurried crying with the sink running, bathroom door locked.  she gets v good at hiding the evidence that anything is wrong 
one time, when finn is abt six or so and maia is four and stella isnt quite a year old, kara gets Hurt.  like big time, holy shit, lena we’re doing everything we can for her hurt.  and lena’s stretched so thin already bc kara’s been gone a lot in the week leading up to this, trying to catch this trio of aliens (one rozz escapee, two that got caught up in his schemes) bc they made a direct threat to that pretty luthor you seem so interested in, isn’t she married supergirl? so she just—she can’t imagine not being with kara at the deo but she can’t make their three little kids spend the night in uncomfortable chairs either and she’s exhausted and terrified bc for the first time in a long time she’s not like one hundred percent sure kara’s going to be okay??  and she can’t do this alone, she can’t raise their children on her own, this was always a partnership and she can barely keep them all on schedule for a week how on earth can she do that for the rest of their lives?
and god bless the superfriends, they all step the fuck up.  they’re all sick with worry, obviously, but these kids are still pretty sheltered, still dont have any idea of what their mother does, who she is, what she risks to protect them every day, and everyone pulls it together a little, just enough to take shifts with the kiddos.  
maggie takes mornings, gets finn and maia up and off to school, makes sure they have packed lunches and healthy breakfasts and sends lena little text updates, a picture every morning of the kiddos grinning in their carseats
james covers afternoons—winn picks the kiddos up and drops them at catco and listen, they love their uncle james to no end and he comes up with a million and one games for them to play.  cat usually emerges from her office at some point bearing sweets and the offer of cartoons on one of the many tvs on her wall
lucy flies in on the weekend and hosts a sleepover at her apartment in the city, promises that she’ll make sure they eat their fruits and veggies and then immediately gives them just about as much sugar as they can ask for.  they watch the incredibles and finding nemo and the aristocats (abt 37 times, lucy counted)
eliza stays at the house, helps take care of stella when lena needs to sleep.  she and alex understand The Most, and they stay the closest; eliza cooks meals and moms the hell out of lena and alex sits right next to her at the deo, squeezes her hand whenever she starts to cry and cries along with her
its not good and its not easy and those six days are the Longest of lena’s life but the kids dont even remember them rlly, just a hazy sort of fog of hanging out with their cool aunts and uncles and finn’s the only one that kind of remembers??  but he only rlly remembers kara coming home and them eating a lot of potstickers
it’s a completely different story when they’re older.  i would say the first Big Scary Moment comes when finn’s ~10, maia’s around eight, and stella’s just turned five.  stella only rlly remembers it bc emotion sort of sharpens all of her memories???  and there were a fuck ton of emotions happening
stella’s at a sleepover and maia’s at a girl scout overnighter and finn’s at a sleepover too (nice attempt at date night kara and lena, too bad evil waits for no happily married couple’s first night alone in months) and kara has to leave bc there’s something happening uptown and lena’s happy, a little warm from the wine and says something like hurry back and she turns on the news, bc she always does when supergirl has to save the day and it’s around six, so it’s the regular evening news and its on in just about every home in national city and the counselors at maia’s camp are watching just to kill time
so everyone gets to watch in hd as supergirl gets shot out of the sky in a hail of kryptonite bullets
stella’s hysterical, so’s maia (no one ever said the kids were any better at secret keeping than kara), finn’s the only one that rlly keeps it together long enough to fake a stomach ache and ask to call his mom to come get him.  lena’s numb, rlly, has to focus on keeping her voice steady when she’s got maia and stella on speaker, assuring them both that she’s on her way to get them, she’s just picked up finn
alex’s already had one of the break rooms near medical set up with cots and lena nearly cries then and there in relief, because she sure as shit isnt leaving the deo without kara and she sure as shit isnt calling a babysitter for her hysterical children, not when stella’s hanging onto her and maia’s tucked up against her side and finn, oh god finn’s trying so hard to keep it together, keeps looking at his sisters, keeps looking at lena and setting his jaw and he’s so much like kara it hurts for lena to see
kara’s in surgery for a long time, long enough that the kids eventually pass out.  they have separate cots, but finn asks lena to help him shove them all together and it makes a surface big enough for the kiddos to curl up together, stella sandwiched between her big siblings, finn’s longer arms just barely reaching over maia’s shoulder, keeping them all together and lena can’t sleep so she pulls up her cot as well and watches her children sleep, watches them draw their breath in sync, as a unit, and she’s not sure how long it is, but then alex is stepping in, exhausted, and she just nods at lena and it’s enough
stella must sense the mood shift bc she’s awake first, squirming to get free of the dog pile theyre in and waking her sibling in the process and then they’re all looking at lena, wide eyed, and it’s maia, the boldest of the three, that asks when can we see mama?
alex answers that she’s resting, that she needs to rest a little longer, but if they’re very quiet and very careful they can go in and see her right now and lena’s not sure if she’s ever seen her children so entirely subdued, but they shuffle into kara’s room very quietly and very carefully, lena just behind them and kara just barely blinks, just barely smiles at them before it all changes again, before stella’s whispering something in finn’s ear and finn’s nodding and asking alex if they can kiss kara and kara’s eyes are shining and lena’s very nearly openly crying
kara kind of cuts alex off with a hoarse c’mere kiddos, i feel like i haven’t seen you in a week and then finn’s wrapping his arms around stella’s middle and he and maia are bouncing off the ground lightly, floating over to kara’s side and their kisses are kind of messy, a little snotty probably, considering how much crying they’ve been doing, but it’s okay, it’s so much better bc kara’s laughing and smiling and sharing a look with lena when stella insists on putting bandaids on her bc you’ve got a lot of booboos mama
it changes as they get even older, obviously, as they get a better understanding of why their mom is getting hurt, and maia gets very angry with kara for a while bc she gets wanting to protect ppl, she gets being a hero, but what, are you just going to leave us?  
one time kara gets p hurt and maia storms out of the room when the family gathers around her and she wont talk to lena, wont talk to alex, and its against several warnings not to that kara gets out from under the sun lamps and goes after her.  it’s not an easy conversation, not by any means and maia’s angry at a a lot of things and kara’s only one of them, but she gets the brunt of it, gets the why don’t you ever think about us?  and the broken i don’t want you to die that comes after a fair amount of yelling and crying
kara doesn’t have a lot of answers that will satisfy maia, she knows, bc maia’s young still and hasn’t had much reason to see the good in people, doesnt have the same idealistic world view like finn, like kara, but what she lacks in solid answers, she makes up for in a hug that clocks in around twelve minutes at least and it’s not the end of the discussion, but its the end for now bc then maia’s remember that holy shit, my mom just got thrown through a building and is ushering kara back to the sun bed
finn’s so gentle, his heart just breaks every time kara gets hurt.  he cries for days in college once bc kara blows her powers in the middle of a fight and just keeps going bc back up wasnt coming and there were civilian lives at stake and he wanted to fly home to help, he wanted to, he wanted to so badly, but he couldnt, he was rooted in place watching the fight on the tv in the lounge, too afraid of the power he had to move
he feels a lot of guilt for that for a very long time, even after stella intervenes (she doesnt v often, only when she thinks it’s necessary) and kara talks to him, assures him there’s nothing for him to feel guilty for.  it takes years, rlly, for him to ever really forgive himself for not helping her, for not stepping in
mostly tho he steps in and fills the gap while kara’s down, takes maia to the demo room when her hands start shaking with rage, holds stella’s punching bag, stops by lena’s office when he’s on his way home from school to drop off a sandwich or salad or something just to make sure she eats.  bless him, he rarely confronts his own feelings about his mother’s second job, the risks she takes.  he can’t, you know?  they’re hard, difficult to handle, difficult to reign in, so he avoids thinking about it too hard until he’s forced it, then my sweet son just breaks down at the oddest moments, like in line at the grocery store or folding laundry or playing video games with his best friend.  just fucking sobs—its usually weeks after kara’s been hurt, and kara’s learned to be on the look out for him around this time, learned to keep half her attention searching the city for her son crying and when she hears it she just drops whatever she’s doing and goes to collect him.  they usually go get ice cream or maybe pizza, or sometimes take a walk along the pier.  sometimes kara will ask finn to teach her how to play whatever game he’s rlly into and she will act like she absolutely has no idea how to play it at first (even though she totally plays them)
and stella !!  stella, little stella always feels it the hardest, always takes her pain and grief and anger and fear and multiplies it, carries the weight of her family with her everywhere she goes.  even if she’s not watching kara fight off whatever evil is lurking in national city, she knows when it’s gone wrong bc lena always watches and the two ppl stella can feel the easiest, strongest, loudest are kara and lena.  she always feels it first
and then it’s agonizing hours of pain, wave after wave of horror and fear and it gets worse the more time she spends around her family—its always the worst from alex and lena, she gets flashes of what happened from alex, gets blood and the crack of bone, the echo of kara getting slammed into a wall or a truck or the pavement.  she gets these bits and pieces of horrible what ifs from lena, gets black suits and questions about kryptonian funerals.  it’s awful.  she doesnt want to be alone when its like this, but stella can hardly stand being around other people, like her own shit is hard enough to deal with, she doesnt need this too
she toughs it out every time tho, bc she’d rather live through it with them all, rather be right there when her mom wakes up than to be somewhere else.  her peace of mind isnt worth that much
eventually it spills over bc it has to, stella cant swallow these feelings forever.  it’s a few days after the latest scare and stella’s the only kid still at home, the only one that didn’t have to get back to school, so she’s spending the rest of her spring break on the couch with her mom while she recovers, while she recharges.  it’s fine one second, then kara gets up to get more popcorn or something and stubs her toe and since she’s still powerless, she actually winces and then stella’s thinking about it, thinking about how close they all came to losing her again and the thoughts and emotions sort of push their way into kara’s mind and stella knows the moment they do bc then kara’s stopped and is giving her this terrible, soft look
by this point, kara knows stella’s patterns like the back of her hand, knows that she wont talk about it until she’s ready, but that she’ll be ready a lot sooner now that kara knows what’s going on.  so she doesn’t say anything, just gets more popcorn and makes stella some tea while she’s up.  when she comes back to the couch, she pulls her daughter into a tight hug bc the sensory thing—that usually helps when she gets overwhelmed like this, too
i’m sorry you’re carrying this, kara tells her.  i’m sorry i can’t help.
stella nods.  i know
its almost enough to know that her mother would carry it if she could
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insarations · 6 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? a very sweet girl 2. Are you outgoing or shy? outgoing for the most part 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? um no one particularly atm 4. Are you easy to get along with? very 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I would hope but I wouldn't get drunk so it's fine lol 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? can't begin to explain that..I just know it when I see it 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I doubt it but I don't try to figure out the future anymore. if somethings meant to be it happens 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? um.....   Mark Cuban XD XD XD 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? I wouldn't say that ha...i'm all for it lmaaoo 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? ummm i think my mom 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? something lol 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? be the one-dua lipa, temple-tonight alive, new rules-dua lipa,dusk til dawn-sia,falling-haim 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? oh yessss 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? luck not really..in a sense i guess. miracles absolutely 15. What good thing happened this summer? uh honestly it's kinda a blur to me 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? absolutely 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yes 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no haha he was from elementary school 19. Do you like bubble baths? yaaaaaassssss 20. Do you like your neighbors? i don't know them 21. What are you bad habits? leaving drinks and bottles unfinished/out.. messy room.. too many things tbh 22. Where would you like to travel? soooo many places...anywhere...everywhere 23. Do you have trust issues? not really...I trust too easy 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? coming home from work..or going to bed lol 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? stomach :( 26. What do you do when you wake up? wish I could go back to sleep 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? darker 28. Who are you most comfortable around? a few people 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? not really 30. Do you ever want to get married? maybe 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? uhhhh XD not really the threesome type but.. erm. lets just not lol 33. Spell your name with your chin. wutt 34. Do you play sports? What sports? hell no. 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? um.. ya probably a couple times when i was younger but i'm usually pretty straight forward about it 37. What do you say during awkward silences? random shit 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? it'd take too long 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? target.. bath and body works.. publix.. hot topic.. vans.. 40. What do you want to do after high school? i'm outta school bitchess 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? usually 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? it depends. either i'm really tired or thinking about something/daydreaming or don't feel good 43. Do you smile at strangers? ya i get paid to every day XD 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? spaceeeeee. but the ocean would be cool too. those are like my two fave things 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? moneeeyyy. HAAHA i'm so kidding. um... you know.. i have to think about that one. just trying to be the best person i can and try my best in life i guess... and my cats lol 46. What are you paranoid about? stupid shit all the time 47. Have you ever been high? no 48. Have you ever been drunk? no but close like one time lol i'm a good noodle 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? probably but cant think of what. oh wait... yuppp yuppp.... hahahahahha 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black 51. Ever wished you were someone else? maybe before but i dont really these days 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my weight. but luckily i can change it..and i'm trying 53. Favourite makeup brand? not a huge makeup girl but i guess elf 54. Favourite store? i already answered that pretty much but i guess if i have to choose... target. well. but publix tho. both 55. Favourite blog? follow too many..like alot..dont really have one fave 56. Favourite colour? purple. black. silver. blue 57. Favourite food? so many foods. publix subs are bae though. and steak is awesome. and any pasta 58. Last thing you ate? some chunky peanut butter on a slice of bread and some ramen noodles with sweet peas lol 59. First thing you ate this morning? oatmeal and my vegan maple sausage haha 60. Ever won a competition? For what? ummm... I dont think so. i'm not that cool 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nah 62. Been arrested? For what? nooo lol 63. Ever been in love? yes 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? well i have two stories XD when I was in 2nd grade I pretty much forced my kisses upon this kid on the playground ahahah.... but really when I was 14, with my first boyfriend, it was outside my apartment by a tree and pond and it was super de duper awkward but i think at the time i thought it was the greatest thing ever but it was actually awful lol 65. Are you hungry right now? nah i'm full and too tired to be hungry 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? no 67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook 68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr 69. Are you watching tv right now? yes..shark tank 70. Names of your bestfriends? rue. and lamby. my cats XD XD XD jk but i have a few 71. Craving something? What? cuddles. sleep. blankets. kisses. 72. What colour are your towels? all the colors 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? like 5 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? sometimes 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? several 75. Favourite animal? so many. elephants. cows. penguins. cats.... i love all animals though 76. What colour is your underwear? black 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? mint 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black 80. What colour pants? gray 81. Favourite tv show? the walking dead 82. Favourite movie? so many 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? original 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? thats tough but mean girls 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? janice and karen 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory 87. First person you talked to today? my mom 88. Last person you talked to today? same 89. Name a person you hate? I'm really not the hating type but the closest to hate I have for someone sadly is one of my brothers. and donald trump XD 90. Name a person you love? this girl 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? not really 92. In a fight with someone? i dont think you can really call it that lol 93. How many sweatpants do you have? at least 3 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? like 5 95. Last movie you watched? proud mary in the theater...twice in one weekend haha it was soooo gooood 96. Favourite actress? many. jennifer lawrence. kate mara. sjp. melissa mccarthy 97. Favourite actor? norman reedus 98. Do you tan a lot? never 99. Have any pets? 2 sweet kitties 100. How are you feeling? soooo tireddd 101. Do you type fast? ya 102. Do you regret anything from your past? not really regret..i just have a lot of what ifs 103. Can you spell well? for the most part 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? very much 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes..thatd be nice right now 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yaa a couple times 107. Have you ever been on a horse? yesss 108. What should you be doing? sleeping 109. Is something irritating you right now? not really 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? oh ya 111. Do you have trust issues? you asked that already 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom 113. What was your childhood nickname? none really..some people called me by my middle name, deena 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes 115. Do you play the Wii? I used to alot ..not so much lately 116. Are you listening to music right now? no, watching tv 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes 118. Do you like Chinese food? yessss 119. Favourite book? Look Again by Lisa Scottoline. Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska by John Green 120. Are you afraid of the dark? nah 121. Are you mean? for sure not 122. Is cheating ever okay? nooo 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? i dont get all white shoes 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? eh... i have too long of an answer for that.. i dont really know 125. Do you believe in true love? yes 126. Are you currently bored? no just tired 127. What makes you happy? my cats, coffee, music, sleep, food, certain people 128. Would you change your name? eh maybe. i dont mind it..its just too common 129. What your zodiac sign? aquarius 130. Do you like subway? ya but not as much as i used to 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i dont have one of the opposite sex so dont need to worry about that problem XD 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? again u asked that already 133. Favourite lyrics right now? several songs. first came to mind.. goodnight moon 134. Can you count to one million? well sure but do you think theres time for that right now? no. 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i'm not sure 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed usually 137. How tall are you? like 5'7 or 5'8 138. Curly or Straight hair? in between 139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette 140. Summer or Winter? errmmm depends 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? december 143. Are you a vegetarian? nah 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? darrrrkk but milk is fine too 145. Tea or Coffee? coffee 146. Was today a good day? Ya i suppose... kinda just average really 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? eh i have a few but i'm too sleepy to think 149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes in a sense 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear
many questions...feel free to steal
0 notes
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"Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
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Car insurance rates for teens?
can u tell me how high are the rates to insure a car for a teen for a 2008 acura tsx? would this vehicle cost a lot to insure. Are their discounts for students? thanks
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
How expensive is car insurance under my own name rather than my Mom's name?
My mom's car insurance covers me...but they are threatening to take me off her insurance over something stupid. Does anybody have any idea of how much more expensive it is if I get my own car insurance under my name instead? I'm 23, male, in Ontario, Canada.""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Do you need to pay for insurance while learning to get permit and after?
Hi, I'm turning 15 and a half in a few days, I live in California, so I can now get my permit. My families financial situation is a little tight, so my mother says I have to wait until my sister is off her insurance, which will be by the summer. My mom says as soon you I receive my permit, she has to add me onto the insurance. Is this correct? And does she need to pay for insurance while I simply attain my permit? I told her after I get my permit, I don't necessarily have to begin driving lessons right away, which in turn means she doesn't need to pay insurance right away. Could someone clear this up for me? Thanks!""
Can i get car insurance as a learner driver?
i am a learner driver and was wondering if i can get learner car insurance if i got a car and a qualified driver to teach me
How do I get car insurance for my 1972 VW Van????
I can get basic coverage for my van but not full coverage. Does anyone know where i can get full coverage for this van. I drive this van more than 12000 miles a year
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
Review of Student Health Insurance from SUNY schools?
If you have bought the insurance provided from any SUNY school, what is your review on its coverage?""
How much would it cost to insure a pontiac firebird?
Im turning 16 soon and will be getting a car I was wondering how much money it would cost to insure a 1997 Pontiac Firebird.
How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers""
What is the minimum required age to get an insurance liscense in California.?
To get a license to sell life insurance in the state of California.
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16 (5 more months). my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. . can u please give me an average amount a month so i know what my goal to save up is. white 16 yr old male audi a4 2.0T V6 (used) Car will be mostly used for school and my job. My GPA is 3.83 i dont know what else""
Do you really believe that America has the best healthcare in the world?
Please say why you believe this when all evidence points to the contrary. You talk about health, cost, care, ect, we do not have the best. People in other countries have better. I mean...I listened to sean hannity say that we have the best healthcare and the only evidence he could provide is some vauge story about a politician from another country coming here to get healthcare...that doesn't really qualify as evidence. Especially when the world health organization ranks healthcare, and we're nowhere near number 1. Now this is a fact that I've known for about two years before this debate even flared up. How is misinformation getting so out of hand? Please...tell me why we have the best with 50 million people uninsured. When we pay the most of any country in the world with some of the worst care. When we have some of the most unhealthy people. When insurance companies exempt for preconditions, when healthcare cost is the biggest contributor to our debt, when we pay premiums every month for something that doesn't happen, and when it does we have to co pay, then when it runs out we're screwed. Healthcare is the number one bankrupter in this country...over 70% of the people have health insurance when they first get sick and they still go bankrupt. Explain how this is the best please. And this has nothing to do with Obamas plan so keep it to yourself, this is about thinking we have the best healthcare and that other countries are somehow much worse then us (they aren't). Provide a source if you can.""
Motorbike insurances?
hi,just wondering whats the best and most cheapest motorbikr insurance right now on the market.at the moment iv got insurance qoutes from ebikes and is quite cheap.but the thing is,if its any good?somebodys got any experience with ebikes?sounds cheap but if there any good to insure with them?got a kawasaki vn900 almost 1 year ncb and a EU full motorbike license.age 25 full motorbike lisence 8 years almost 9.""
Car Insurance Quotes Please!!?
i have a nissan gtr r33 waiting for me to pass my test BUT what is insurance going to quote me?? -.-
New drivers (permit); what can save money on insurance?
Okay, new drivers in the family (got the permit today). Of course, DMV rats you out to Allstate, and Allstate charges a ton for insurance (Arm + Leg). Oh, two new drivers. So I'm looking for ways to show good character to Allstate or find a cheaper insurance. Now, I know some basic things about Auto Insurance: A) Good grades (above 3.0 gpa) can get a discount from some insurers (usually 10%). Have this. B) I drive a moderate car (not SUV or sedan). Good condition. C) The car will be shared between 2-3 young drivers. Since they can't all be in the car at once, I imagine this could reduce costs. D) No criminal record and no disciplinary file at school. E) In the Fall, Drivers Ed is offered. I understand that it also can reduce costs F) Parents are responsible drivers (low insurance) Who tends to be cheapest with Auto Insurance? Am I wrong in any of the above statements, and is there any other factors that can save money? Where is the best place to get a quote? Thank you!""
What is car insurance and insurance quotes?
i'm not driving yet but i am taking driving lessons and i am just searching around for a car but i don't understand how things work. what is car insurance? why do we need it? and what are quotes? please help me!!! thank you much love xx
Motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
Thinking about getting a bike, it would be probably a mid 90's to early 2000's enduro that I would use mostly for traveling back and forth to work here in michigan. looking for around a 300-600 cc bike that'll probably be worth about $2500. I have only one accident on my record. Any idea of a round about estimate for insurance prices of just liability? Full coverage? Also how much is it to get the licensing and take the courses in michigan?""
What is an insurance discount disallowance?
i got my bill today for the lab where i had some tests done. on the bill it had a disallowance under the insurance discount category. just wondering what that was. the bill was about 400 and insurance paid 200 and it said disallowance of about 175 so my bill only ended up being 25 dollars.
Would my insurance go up?
I got into an accident because it was raining and the floor was slippery I was going max25 and the car slipped to the side and fliped over. Im planing to get an infinity g37 2 door car. Would my insurance go up? I had an 2006 nissan fronteir.
What is the cheapest car for me to buy in regards of insurance?
I passed my test in mid may 2009. So nearly a year and a half ago. I have a pass plus certificate. I know the best cars are obivously the ones with 1.0 engines and other small sizes. Im getting some horrible quotes, so I figured I would ask the community. Vaulkal corsas are the cheapest so far. But unknown brands like plutos are coming up quiet cheap. It is my first car, no one years claim bonus. I dint insure a car straight away because I was getting quotes for over 5 grand due to being 17, now im 2 years older and had more time holding a licence its obivously droped, but not by much. Any thoughts on cars?""
How much will my car insurance go up when i have passed my driving test?
I am a 17 year old girl. I am on diamond car insurance and for a provisional insurance for a year it costs 850. Does anyone know how much it will go up?
I have a 12 yr old economy car in California and would like to buy the minimum amount of liability insurance.?
My agent is telling me $850 a year. That sounds expensive. Does anyone have suggestions?
Insurance question?
My friend has a 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club Cab 4x2 and he's paying $140 per month for insurance. I keep telling him that if he gets a new car his insurance rate will go down because of the safety features on that car. His truck has no ABS, airbags or any other safety features besides seatbelts. He's looking to get a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the Rabbit has standard 4-wheel ABS, front, side and curtain airbags, traction control, etc. The price of the car is around $17,000-18,000 but he's still worried that he'll pay more each month. Is that actually true or am I completely wrong?""
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
What is the diffrence between an 2007 Mustang and a 2007 Mustang Premium?
Another question is how much will insurance cost for a 16 year old with a license and driving certificate
How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance?
Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time?
""Do I have a conviction, car insurance?""
I had my car licence for less than 2 years and went out to view a car, I was offered a test drive which I accepted. The police pulled me over and I was done for not having any car insurance, stupid of me but I never thought, my full licence was revoked and I had to start all over a gain on a provisional licence and also received a heavy fine. I reset my test again and passed and when I am asking for insurance I am asked for any convictions, I have not got a conviction on my licence or any points, my friend says I have been punished already by having my licence taken off me and re sitting my test again, and paying a fine. I now have had my full licence for 1 year instead of 3 years, what am I supposed to declare my licence is clean?""
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
How can u break a medical insurance policy to get your own insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont give her the copy of medical card and wants to get her own policy
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do?
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do? Shes about a month along, andwe donthave insurance tohelp us have it.. what can i do? Can i still get it or do they see that as priorissue andsayno.. We need help bringing it intobthe world..butwere lostat the moment.""
I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?
Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.""
17 years old how to get cheap car insurance?
I found a car i had my lieance for 3 months, the insurance is for 2400 how can i get cheaper insurance the insurance will be on my name or if i put it on my dad name how would i be able to drive the car.""
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. ...show more
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Whats the best dental insurance to cover for braces? AmeriPlan?
braces for adults in general...? and what exactly is AmeriPlan... if they are not insurance...what are they? and are they dependable?
Insurance Question??
Can you get insurance if you have a salvage title????
Whats the cheapest 4x4 to insure at 18?
i'm 18, just passed my test, live with my parents in a small town and work full time at the supermarket, won't be driving it much, i just want a 4x4!""
How do people with new cars afford insurance?
I'm currently a university student looking to buy my first car soon, but I recently looked at a couple of insurance premium quotes and my mouth just dropped. How on earth do people afford insurance, especially those with new cars? It's insane to think you're going to be coughing out almost $300 a month for a new car. How to people do it? One of my friends (whose parents own their own business) have 4 cars ranging from 2010-2012 under finance.They must be paying LOADS of money on insurance, but how to people like that do it?""
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
A person with sr22 insurance wrecked my car. Will sr22 cover the damages to my vehicle?
I was unaware the person I let drive my vehicle only had sr22 (Texas) insurance. He totaled my car while I was a passenger in it. My insurance is very unlikely to cover the damages since he is not on our policy, but would his sr22 cover the damages? I am very worried & any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you""
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
""I recently got into an auto accident in my gf's car whike she was present, will it raise her insurance?""
I dont have a car so i didnt have insurance, it was an atfault accident i think.""
How much does insurance cost on super cars??
How much does insurance cost on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc.""
Best life insurance for baby? Cost?
Trying to figure out the best life insurance plan or place to use for new baby to come. How much does it cost upfront? Do you pay it overtime?
Motorcycle insurance?
I live in Southern California, what insurance compnay can I contact that will provide really cheap motorcycle insurance. Some of the rates out there are unbelieveable""
Homeowner's and Auto Insurance?
We've been with Allstate for home and auto insurance for over 30 years, and they have recently starting screwing with us about renewing out Homeowner's insurance. We're pretty sure they are nitpicking about things because they are not writing new policies for Californians, but are keeping existing customers for now. Anyway, I went to the Auto Club this morning and got quotes from them for Home and Auto Insurance and their prices are much better than Allstate's. What I want to know is anyone's experience with AAA insurance. Are they a good company to insure with, any problems, etc? Thank you for any information you can provide.""
Sue car insurance company?
Hi there. I have a question. I want to SUE my Car insurance company because they refuse to pay for my stolen car which is been more then 6 months and still hasn't been recovered. I was paying full coverage for about 4 months till the moment my Range Rover 1998 was stolen. After filing proper claims i get a letter from my insurance that they denied the claim. The reason why was because i misrepresented myself. and what they meant by that was that when i signed the contract i selected NO in a question ( Has your license ever been suspended or revoked) Now let me explain how this happened. I got the insurance thru my broker. Everything was done by phone. My broker happened to be family of dear friend of mine. At the time i asked for insurance my driver license was suspended already suspended and the reason why was because of child support for which i was going thru courts with my ex. First i decided to insure my car liability and my car was paid in full. On the liability contract it wasn't any question regarding my driver license either was suspended or not. After a week or so i thought to myself that if i get in a accident god forbid and it was my fault i have to may myself for damages and you know for such a car would be very expensive so i asked my broker if i can changed it to full coverage and so they did. on the day i did the change the girl that worked for my broker and assisting me asked me Klodian you are aware your license is suspended. I said yes and i explained the reason y. So she found this insurance company for a low price and she emailed me the contract to sign and fax it to her. now under the questions which i saw of course latter after i was denied claim i saw they were marked all NO and that was done on computer not hand writing. which of course in this case was done by the girl that helped me. Now my broker told me that insurance company should had run your driving record before they issue insurance to you and if they done that they were gone see your driver lisence was suspended. But when my broker asked them why they didnt run it Their answer was that they trusted me based on the contract i signed which to my opinion is BS. Now i want to sue them and all the lawyers they refuse to get my case and my believe is because my car is worth about $4800.00 and they don't see how they can make money out of me and i don't have to pay them up front. Now if i go on small claim max i can go is $3000.00 ????
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Car accident in California with no insurance. What do do now?
A friend of mine just got into a car accident in California. He was test driving a car. The guy who wants to sell the car was in the passenger seat. My friend was unfamiliar with the area and the guy who wants to sell the car told him to turn right. While doing that he crossed another lane and got hit by a car driving there. Both cars got quite damaged, but no one got injured. Police came and filed a ticket against my friend. He does not have any insurance. What advise could I give him? What should he do next? I don't live in the states so it is kind of hard for me to help him.""
Is there a CHEAP car that fits my needs?
Hey, Im a soon to be 19 year old, looking for my first car, I iwll be getting my licenses next month and was wondering is there like a cheap big body cars out there sorta like the ...show more""
Home owners insurance?
I was wondering why insurance adjusters don't bring out in-fared while checking for home damage?? after all we pay for the insurance don't they have to look for the damage and have to be honest...
Any good/affordable individual health plans for me and unborn baby in Connecticut?
My boyfriend and I are moving to Connecticut in Nov. from Seattle area. His plan can't be renewed until next summer. I got laid off in July and am currently on COBRA plan with my ...show more
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Can auto insurance keep policy after being told to drop?
Switched insurance companies. the original insurance company WOULD NOT CANCEL the policy. Is this illegal?
Will an insurance company insure our home if there is a unpermitted cottage?
I'm in the process of buying a foreclosure home (Saratoga,CA, can't transfer the insurance since it has already lapsed) that has a detached unpermitted cottage (2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and living room total of 900 sq ft), the main home also has a unpermitted converted garage that is used as a in law quarter (separate entrance and full bathroom), it also has a unpermitted sun room too. I really love the home and tried looking for home insurance but it looks like no one will insure me. Is there anyway I can get insured for this property without having to lie about these unpermitted additions to the insurance company? Any advice would be appreciated and any suggestions which insurance company would insure me for a reasonable price. Thank you in advance.""
About how much is insurance on an 18 wheeler truck ( the tractor) and about how much is a trailor 48' long
getting n2 the trucking world. expect to complete truck driving school oct 11, 2006. looking 2 start buisness or start working soon after.""
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
Motorcycle insurance question?
I want to get a Yamaha V Star 250 when I turn 20. What would be the average loading percentage for 20 year old with a 250cc bike and a clean driving record? Also will I need third party and third party fire and theft or is it optional??? And what would the NCD% (no-claim discount) be????
Car accident and car insurance?
I got into a car accident and the insurance estimated the work would cost $4600.00 but I would have to pay the $1000 deductible. However, since it was the other guy's fault, my insurance company would send me the $1000 in a check and I have to go and pay the garage that fixed my car. It's been a little over a week now and I'm wondering if any of you have had this experience and how long it took to receive the refund check???""
What type of term life insurance to get?
I am a 23 year old male that has type II diabetes. I have around $40,000 worth of debt from student loans, and I'm going to be getting married in a year. My parents currently ...show more""
Cheap Auto insurance?
I got my G2 about 3 weeks ago, and i am trying to find a insurance company in the GTA that offers insurance for a primary driver for a low price. I am a teen and I would be driving a 2001 volvo S80 2.9L""
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
I am looking for an affordable DENTAL insurance...?
Okay.. so I am an 18 yr old college students.. who just so happens wants braces. My teeth aren't too bad but I just want braces so make my teeth look better. Since braces are very expensive I was thinking about maybe getting a dental insurance that will help me pay for my braces. Also, I want those braces that are either clear or that go inside your teeth and not outside (Not sure if its possible, but I've heard about em). What is the best plan and/or what type of insurance will work for me best. Anything helps..""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Any suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I'm an 18 year old female driver, and about a month ago I got into a bad car accident due to a malfunction. When this occurred, the insurance and everything else was under my dad's name. Now that I bought a new car, my dad wants everything to be under my name because he doesn't want to get screwed over with high insurance and such, but the quote I got from Travelers (which was the insurance my dad was under)was around $800 a month, to insure my 2007 Honda civic, and my job doesn't pay enough to afford that. And I have other monthly bills to pay as well. Any suggestions on what I could do? Or what insurance company to switch too? Any helpful information is appreciated!""
Re. Car insurance?
Anyone work in insurance buisness? I have 2 cars, my mobilty car and a smaller car. I origionally bought it for my wife as she doesnt like driving my mobility car as its too big. I was advised by insurers to keep car in my name, Using my insurance in my name with my wife as a named driver and my 18 year old son who as of yet cannot afford a car as he is attending college and only gets 30 a week EMA if he attends. My wife and I want to give him the car as a joint 18th and christmas present. Now I am stuck if I hand ownership to him and he is pressured into taking out his own policy, my insurance that I have built up over nearly 35 years will possibly be voided and if I need to insure another car in next 3 years after my mobility car is handed back, I may loose my max NCD. Can I legally keep car in my name also my insurance and make him a named main driver, my wife as second and me as third. I have life threatening illnesses and want to give my kids their own cars. cont'd""
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
Can i get insurance just to do a title transfer??
i just sold my truck which i took the insurance like 4 months ago since i didnt drive it, and to get the title signed and notarized so i can sell it i have to have insurance. can i get like temporary insurance just to do that? how much is it?? thanks!""
What is the cheapest car insurer for a 17 year old WITHOUT a black box?
What is the cheapest insurance company without a black box or device to monitor you're driving for a 17 year old...?
What insurance companies will insure someone with a DUI on his record?
My boyfriend and I have our car and house insured under State Farm, but apparently they have a zero tolerance policy and have dropped him from the insurance. My agent was saying something about 're-evaluating' at some point in the future, but he was being so rude to me about it (I wasn't the offender) that I didn't really listen, and have no interest in staying with State Farm (at least with that agent). I assume if State Farm has a 'zero-tolerance policy,' they're not the only company that does, so what companies would insure us? We understand that we'll have to pay higher premiums, which is fine, since it's the consequence of his actions. I'd just rather not go with some cheesy insurance like The General or Safe Auto.""
California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a u/25 driver?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a u/25 driver?
Can I sell my own shipping insurance?
I sell products online that I make myself. So in the past it has been a pain for customers to deal with the postal service in case of damaged in shipping. So instead I would like to just offer my own shipping insurance. Then customers can deal directly with me and everything will me a lot faster and smoother. Is this legal since I am not a real insurance company? If it's not legal how do I have to word it so I can charge like $5 and handle shipping damage myself?
How insurance affects life of people?
i need it for my project so plz give me brief inforamtion
Homeowners insurance question?
My father has homeowners insurance that covers the exterior buildings around his house, like a garden shed/ covered carport. this past weekend, a large snowfall provided too much weight for one building, and it collapsed. inside was a lawn mower and an antique automobile that dad has had since he was my age, and it was damaged by a metal beam. (think hot dog bun). the insurance company is now saying that they will pay for the repair of the building and for a new lawnmower, but not the car itself. it was not fully restored, but it was in fair working condition (meaning the engine works and the auto does move). does exterior building coverage also include everything inside, or does it have a limit? is the insurance company trying to weasel out of paying my father? if so, who should I call? (I'm in NC). please help! with good sources please!""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
California earthquake insurance?
Looking for other Californian's out there that have earthquake insurance and about how much it costs per year.
Why are insurance rates so high?
I am 18 and drive and old 1990 Geo Tracker. I have never been pulled over, given a ticket, warning, or fix-it ticket. I have been driving for 4 years (since I was 14 with a school permit) and even then I didn't get pulled over. Why are insurance rates for me so unbelievable?""
Insurance Question.?
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much car insurance would be on a 2005 mustang V6. About $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks""
I just got into a car accident and whats going to happen if i dont have insurance for that car?
Okay so on Monday, I was parked on one side of the street and because of street cleaning I uturned across the street into two other cars that were parked and some lady backed up trying to park in thee space that i was in. she did not look back i guess. It's clearly her fault but the thing is that that car does not have insurance. My other 3 cars are insured just that one is not because my brother gave it to me to sell. I am wondering what is going to happen because she reported to insurance. Wiill i get in trouble? ( I'm under 18) Do i get money from her insurance company? Will I have to pay for her damages even though it was 100% her fault? and what do i do now? Her insurance agent called me but i called back and cannot get a hold of her. Thanks for the help""
Do you know if there is an insurance company that insures cars that travels in both Mexico and Texas?
I am temporarily living in Mexico and will be crossing the border to Texas. I don't know if anyone knows if there is auto insurance that takes care of insurance for crossing the ...show more
Does car insurance decrease in price after a certain age?
for example, when you are 15-16 is it more expensive than when you are 17 or 18? when does this change?""
How much would car insurance be monthly for an 18 year old girl?
Who's never gotten a ticket or pulled over. Had my license for seven months now and also has not took drivers ed....an estimate?
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
Cheapest insurance for a 05 ford mustang?
am 19year old and have my licenses for 2 years. a also financing the car.
How much is auto insurance for a 17 year old (Toronto)?
depending on the price range of insurance, i will be looking forward to buy a used car and i will probably use the car for less then 2 hours a day. I completed driving school about a year ago and i got my g2. So how much will insurance be a year for me?""
Can someone else drive my car if i have cancel my insurance cover?
I am going on holiday for 5 months and thinking of cancelling my car insurance. My car is taxed until next year and wondering if my brother can drive my car if I have cancelled my car insurace? (he has his own insurance for his car), does he has to add my car reg on his insurance? Please HELP...""
What is the cheapest in car insurance to got with in europe?
Me and a friend have just got to the uk and plan on going traveling thru Europe in it Who is the cheapest company to go thru ?
Is unemployment insurance income taxable in California?
I just lost my job and signed up for unemployment in California. The paperwork asks if I'd like Federal taxes withheld but doesn't say anything about witholding state income taxes. Is unemployment taxable in California? When I was on unemployment in other states, it was. Thanks""
UK car insurance cost for 17 year old female?
I have just past my test and don't have a car yet. Am wanting to get a small car, 1.2 engine. Could anyone give me rough price guide as to how much the insurance will cost me each year. Thanks x""
Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike?
hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference""
""Just wondering about car insurance, registration, title, and license.?""
I'm from Nevada but moved to Colorado. My parents signed over the title to my car and are going to make me pay for insurance. I was wondering what I had to do to sort this all out. I was thinking I have to go to the DMV to get my license and officially change the name on the title, then go back to get insurance so I can go back to the DMV to get registration. Is that right? What are your thoughts? The DMV is closed right now which is why I'm asking here.""
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
How long do i have to get insurance?
I am going to buy a motorcycle and am going to need insurance and am wondering if i have a time limmit after i buy one.
Can i get a rough estimate on car insurance if i dont have a car yet?
I passed my test on friday and i will be buying a car this week .. i wanted to look into car insurance so i have a rough idea on how much it will cost, but they are all asking for car details .. can i get a rough idea before i have a car if so where? thanx""
Where can I get the lowest priced auto insurance in orange county California ?
I'm a single dad choking on Title IV-D child support enforcement and I want to get my car registered so I can get a job, pay the support be a good dad and jump through all these government circus hoops. I need the lowest priced auto insurance I can get. Perfect driving record and I just want the minimum coverage because I drive a cheap car. Thank You!""
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
Denton North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27239
0 notes
adlezethreal · 7 years
1-150 for the ask thing
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? I've never held hands before, with anyone.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Anxious.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Angela.
4. Are you easy to get along with? Not usually.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Pretty much anyone hot and reasonably near my age.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Yeah.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Do you mean crushes? I dont have anyone.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope *Insert lenny face here*
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Don't remember.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Probably something along the lines of "OH FUCK"
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? The Nobodies (Marilyn Manson), Pain (Three Days Grace), Blow Me Wide Open (Saint Asonia), Superbeast (Rob Zombie)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? No. Get the fuck out of my house.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I believe in the Gay Gods.
15. What good thing happened this summer? Got to see Angela
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I've never kissed anyone. (I'm working on that)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? *Adjusts I Want To Believe Poster*
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Yup.
19. Do you like bubble baths? No.
20. Do you like your neighbors? They're cat hoarding assholes
21. What are you bad habits? Self Harm, Not eating, being unable to function n general.
22. Where would you like to travel? Britain, or Canada
23. Do you have trust issues? Definitely
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? The part where it doesn't exist. I haven't changed clothes in weeks.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? Face, Stomach, Thighs.
26. What do you do when you wake up? Deny that I'm awake.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Lighter, because I wanna be transparent.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Angela.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Nope, they all still hate me.
30. Do you ever want to get married? Sure.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yup.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? None.
33. Spell your name with your chin. No.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Nope.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV, I don't even have TV now.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? YES.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Angela
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I hate shopping.
40. What do you want to do after high school? Become an engineer.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Some peeps are just assholes.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Thinking, anxious or scared.
43. Do you smile at strangers? No.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? SPACE BITCH
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Gravity.
46. What are you paranoid about? Everything
47. Have you ever been high? On pill overdoses
48. Have you ever been drunk? Nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? YESYESYES
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Navy blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yeppers Jeffers
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Everything.
53. Favourite makeup brand? Don't wear makeup.
54. Favourite store? Hate shopping, so Amazon.
55. Favourite blog? zombielovejuice
56. Favourite colour? Red
57. Favourite food? Burger King veggie burgers
58. Last thing you ate? Ramen Noodles
59. First thing you ate this morning? I didn't eat today.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Nope.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Nope.
62. Been arrested? For what? Nope.
63. Ever been in love? Several times.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I've never kissed anyone.
65. Are you hungry right now? Very.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Sometimes.
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? Still don't have a TV
70. Names of your bestfriends? Angela.
71. Craving something? Cake
72. What colour are your towels? White
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 0
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Rarely
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 3 gallons
75. Favourite animal? Crows
76. What colour is your underwear? Grey
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Depends
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Depends
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Grey
80. What colour pants? Blue
81. Favourite tv show? MythBusters
82. Favourite movie? Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? What
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? What are these
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Never heard of it???
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? None.
87. First person you talked to today? Myself
88. Last person you talked to today? Myself
89. Name a person you hate? Myself
90. Name a person you love? Angela
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Me.
92. In a fight with someone? What
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 1
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Too many
95. Last movie you watched? Boogeyman
96. Favourite actress? Literally any LGBT actress.
97. Favourite actor? Johnny Depp
98. Do you tan a lot? I AM PAPER BITCH
99. Have any pets? I have 4 cats and 2 doggos
100. How are you feeling? Very suicidal
101. Do you type fast? Yeet
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Everything
103. Can you spell well? Yee
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? YES
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Nope
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Dunno
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yea it sucked it smelled like shit
108. What should you be doing? Reading The Giver so I can stay in AP classes
109. Is something irritating you right now? Myself and these BULLSHIT QUESTIONS
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YES
111. Do you have trust issues? DEFINITELY
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? NOBODY
113. What was your childhood nickname? THE WEIRDO IN THE CORNER
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? YES
115. Do you play the Wii? WE HAD TO SELL IT TO GET FOOD
116. Are you listening to music right now? NOPE
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I AM A VEGETARIAN
118. Do you like Chinese food? YES
119. Favourite book? Code Junkie
120. Are you afraid of the dark? I aint tellin you shit
121. Are you mean? I AM A HUGE ASSHOLE
122. Is cheating ever okay? Nope
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? No
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really????
125. Do you believe in true love? Kind of??????
126. Are you currently bored? JUST ANNOYED
127. What makes you happy? Angela
128. Would you change your name? Yes
129. What your zodiac sign? Leo
130. Do you like subway? Use to
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Fuck Them
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk
133. Favourite lyrics right now? GOD LIKES ME FUCK EVERY BODY ELSE
134. Can you count to one million? Yes??
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I didn't do it
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5'8
138. Curly or Straight hair? Both
139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette
140. Summer or Winter? Fall
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favourite month? SP00KY MONTH
143. Are you a vegetarian? YEET
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark
145. Tea or Coffee? Both
146. Was today a good day? No fuck you
147. Mars or Snickers?  Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? I'm a satanist - Lindsey Way
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yeet
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? "Fine!" She shouted at it.
0 notes