#you need lime and lemon together to make mountain dew
“Creepypasta Headcanons, Favorite drink edition„
 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
-: Jeff The Killer: Mango flavored Arizona. Just can’t stop loving the mango flavor.
-: Eyeless Jack: O negative blood. Thinks it’s sweeter then the rest. Gets called a mosquito by Jeff The Killer for this.
-: Laughing Jack: Warm Milk. With Chips Ahoy Cookies. And no he doesn’t put his milk in the microwave to heat it up. He puts it in a pot over the stovetop. He’s not a monster.
-: Jane The Killer: Sweet Tea Arizona. With vodka. And lime juice.
-: Sally Williams: Pepsi, she will not drink it room temp or slightly cold. Has to have ice. Definitely has emptied BENS dr. Pepper and replaced it with Pepsi. Did gaslight him into thinking it was Dr. Pepper.
-: BEN Drowned: Dr. Pepper. Has gotten into fights over this with Clockwork and Sally. Has not won. Has been tied down and forced to drink Coca-Cola.
-: Slenderman: Water… Need I say more?
-: Masky (MH): Crown Royal whiskey. He especially likes the peach and apple flavor. Bonus points if it’s mixed with actual peach or apple juice.
-: Hoodie (MH): Mountain Dew Lemon and Lime. Likes the staticky taste when you drink it too fast. Really likes it with tequila.
-: “Ticci” Toby: A&W cream soda. Likes the vanilla taste. Clockwork put him on it after getting grossed out from him drinking straight Vanilla Flavoring.
-: Clockwork: She’s a Coca-Cola girl. Will fight you if you say Pepsi or Dr. Pepper is better. And will win.
-: Nina The Killer: Monster Energy Ultra violet. She really likes it when you make it into a slushee. Like grab a bag of ice and pour the Monster into a separate bag and put them together.
-: KageKao: Strawberry Ramune. Gets irrationally angry if someone pushes the metal ball instead of him.
-: Bloody Painter: straight tequila. Likes the sharpie taste.
-: X- Virus: Likes Naked Juice Berry Blast. Thinks it makes him healthy. Has experimented with it. Does know how to make it from home.
-: Homicidal Liu: Liquid Death. Thinks it makes him edgy. Sully likes Dr. Pepper slushees though.
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bra1nwashed · 11 months
Hello, you requested someone asking for your Swiss and Aeon HCs so here I am! Please, tell me all of them, I love reading headcanons for the ghouls
AHHHH OMG i swear every time someone asks me something that i know i know i forget immediately every time 😭
but also hiiiii! idk who u are cuz i've had a LOT of people pop up in my notes these past few days but like, hello!! :3
these definitely aren't all the ones i have bc these literally pop into my mind randomly throughout the day
also this is super long 😭
but uhmmm here u go :D
swiss stuff:
he's actually much more of a cat person than a dog person (he still likes dogs tho)
and like, don't get me wrong- he loves cats in general
but he loves the chaotic, crack head, stupid ones especially
they match his energy and he thinks they're super cute
i feel like he (along with mountain) were the types as kits to bring in random animals like raccoons, opossums, etc and then just carry it around
like bring the animals to [the] papa[s] and just be like "look what i caught! can we keep him?!"
he has a red lava lamp that he once got for christmas from sodo in his room but it doesn't work right bc he shook it up
as a kit, he used to google different ways to prank people and he'd go on chaos sprees (commonly joined by dew as well)
poor rain suffered the most of his antics
he wasn't really close with any of the ghouls or ghoulettes specifically when he was new to them
he still isn't
he loves all equally, even if the others aren't the same way
peed in a sink once when he was high + drunk
mountain's personal bedroom bathroom sink specifically
whenever he sees babies, he smiles big (it scares them sometimes)
used to have a major biting problem when he was younger
copia got him oral fidget toys
literally knawed on that shit constantly
likes the feeling of chewing rubber
has a very broad music taste
phantom/aeon stuff:
when he was newer and needed ppl around to make sure he wouldn't get himself in any kind of trouble, all of the ghouls and papa were busy
so they left him with the ghoulettes
and they all watched mean girls together
he genuinely really liked the movie
but he was really easily spooked when he was first summoned
so the part when regina george got hit with the bus jump scared him
secretly related to that one character who didn't go to the school in that scene in the gymnasium (i hope this is specific enough)
thinks liz gillies is super pretty
also has a very wide music taste
he and swiss have a playlist they made together on spotify of songs they like and it's so much shit mixed together it feels like a fever dream when u listen to it in order
has eaten bananas with peels on them a multitude of times
doesn't like oranges or limes
love lemons tho
once drank a thing of lemon juice in less under 10 minutes cuz he was bored
got sick asf
doesn't like headphones
he thinks they're too big so he prefers earbuds (wireless or wired doesn't matter to him)
had to get help from rain trying to figure out how bluetooth works
ended up teaching copia later
dew once dared him to drink two shot glasses worth of a mixture of hot sauce, mayo, peanut butter, and pickle juice for 20 monopoly dollars and phantom did it bc he thought it was real money
he doesn't mind most vegetables but he hates squash and zucchini, canned italian green beans, frozen carrots (he thinks they're soggy), and canned spinach
loves cranberries and cranberry flavored things
as well as pomegranate
isn't the biggest fan of cherries but loves the ones u get in jars for cheesecake toppings
bagel enjoyer
hates raisins
hates oatmeal
has thrown up numerous times after drinking cherry cough syrup
anywaysssss that's all i have for now :3
also i'm really sorry :( i know a lot of these are more like scenarios than HCs (i hope u still enjoyed tho!)
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Survey #402
“there’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat  /  with a spike in the chair just to make it complete”
Have you ever had any really infected injuries? Not an injury, per se, but I've had at least one ear piercing get infected during the healing process. Shit sucks ass. Are you popular on any websites? No. What was the last song you listened to? "Savior" by SWARM. Are you considered popular at school? I wasn't. If you could host your own talk show, would you do it? No. I've got nothing interesting to talk about. If you were starving would you eat food out of a garbage can? I honestly don't know if I could with how squeamish I am about sharing food, even with family. And we're talking about sharing food that's been in the TRASH. Do you know anyone who has changed their first name? I do. Which one of your senses would you be the most devastated to lose? I THINK hearing. I hate silence, so that would just be... haunting. I want to be able to hear people's voices and other sounds. Do you know anyone who has been on life support, and survived? I have no idea. Do your parents have a strong relationship together? God no. They're divorced for a reason. Have you ever read any of Charles Darwin’s works? No. If there was such a thing as a mental health first aid kit, what would you want to be in it? Some ice cream and a Mountain Dew bc I'm an emotional eater, my "graduation" pebble from my partial hospitalization program to remember how far I've come, some cold water to run over my face (or drink), my iPod for music and phone to watch YouTube, a nice, big blanket to turn into a burrito in... that kind of stuff. If you’re in a relationship, are you happy? And if you’re single, are you looking for someone? I'm not actively searching for anyone, no. What is something that people make fun of you for? Always being on the computer. It makes me EXTREMELY self-conscious, and I really wish people would keep their mouths shut about it. Which supermarket do you like to shop at? Wal-Mart. Have you ever been told that your boyfriend/girlfriend wasn’t good enough for you? In the past. Do you think it’s okay to flirt with someone that’s already taken, as long as it goes no further? Fuck no. Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do? YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP. Someone attractive is staring at you. What do you do? Probably just kinda smile and blush and look down/away. Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike? *shrug* Favorite photo search engine? Tumblr for gifs, Google or Pinterest for still images, depending on what I'm looking for. Do you doggie paddle or actually swim in a pool? I'll do both, I think? It's been too long since I've swum. Ever made a snow angel? Ye-ep. Would you ever take up smoking? No. I like having operational lungs. Do you laugh at racial jokes? No. Hate to break it to ya, but they're not funny. Book series you enjoyed reading recently? I've been loving Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, even if I'm reading very slowly. My psychiatrist has given me a new way to approach my hobbies I have difficulty engaging in, so I'm hoping if I keep it up, my rate of reading will speed up! Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? Ahaha, yeah... "a," "s," and "d." A true gamer. How "w" is still alive, I couldn't tell ya. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Punch Straws, probably. The red ones, in specific. Last person you texted? My mom. What did you learn from your first job? That I can't work with people. Favorite website from your childhood? I was a Webkinz A D D I C T. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry came to mind very quickly. Least favorite pattern? uhhhhhhh Favorite potato food? Either French fries or Lays wavy potato chips. PC or console gaming? I grew up as a console gamer, so I'm kinda biased. Writing or drawing? Don't make me choose!! I get more satisfaction out of drawing something I'm proud of, but I do way more writing. Who would you put before everyone else? My mom, probably. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? Fairy lights are so cute. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? I shit you not, none. What is your third favourite colour? Hm. Maybe rose gold, or lilac. Can you remember your first phone? If so, what kind was it? I'm really not sure, but I WANT to say it was one of those slide-y, compact Blueberry ones? Who is your favourite character from Alice in Wonderland? The Cheshire Cat has always been very alluring to me. What is the last thing you looked up online? The definition to a word just to ensure I was using it correctly. Have you ever had your fortune read? No. I ain't wasting time or money on that shit. Can you read tarot cards? If you couldn't guess from above, I have zero faith in this kinda stuff, so I don't care to learn. Do you prefer lemons or limes? Lemons. I like lime flavoring in some stuff, though. Are your expecting anything in the mail? No. What would you like to see out of your window everyday instead of what you see now? The forest. Do you own a camera? I do, a Canon EOS Rebel T6. Have you ever written a special note in a book? Yes. Early into our relationship, Jason lent me a book to read, and I wrote a lil love letter in it for him. Do you have any artistic talents? I mean I like to think I'm a good writer and a decent artist. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. It was fun because he's a horror pansy, haha. He did fine, though. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant? Freak the fuck out because I haven't had sex in many years, so that thing's coming the fuck out 'cuz it obviously ain't natural. Favorite thing to get at McDonalds? Look man, I'm shameless, I love me a Quarter Pounder w/ cheese. Plus some fries. :x Do you know anyone named Alex? I know multiple people named Alex, actually. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. In other words, it's been a loooong time.Would you ever record yourself having sex? God no. Like zero judgment to the people that do, but I get NOTHING out of watching others "do it." I've never actually tried watching porn, but I couldn't have less interest. I know I'd hate it, and a lot. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? I don't think it did, anyway. Have you or would you ever use a dating app? One of my most embarrassing secrets is that I was briefly on Christian Mingle. It makes me want to cringe into fucking oblivion. Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? My dad. He's... a character. What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? That time fucking flies, so cherish every millisecond. Do you and your friends ever talk about your sex lives? Not really. Even when I was sexually active, I was private about that stuff. I don't care if others talk to me about theirs, but odds are I'm not saying much about myself. What were the best and worst interviews you’ve ever had? What made them so good/bad? I've never had a bad interview, but I mean, I've only had I wanna say four in my whole life. None were anything special either, though. Ever put someone else in the hospital? No. Have you ever sold anything on eBay? If so, what? No. What is the best surprise you have ever had? Finding a container of puppy chow underneath the Christmas tree one year. It was my parents' way of telling me we were getting a dog (which I had been nagging them about FOREVER), and next came Teddy. <3 I miss my boy. Is someone in love with you? I wouldn't know. Ever kiss someone on the first date? No. Ever sleep with someone on the first date? That's a hard no. Do you wear cologne/perfume/aftershave regularly? No. Do you snore? No, actually. Pretty astonishing for someone with such severe sleep apnea. When is the last time someone else slept in your bed? When Sara last visited. How often do you dust? Not... nearly enough as I'm supposed to. Mom gets on me about it all the time. What is the most ‘extreme’ activity you have ever done? Ha, nothing wild, I assure you. I guess riding a four-wheeler through the woods once with our former neighbors, who were good friends of ours.. Have you ever rode on a mobility scooter/wheelchair just for fun? Um, no? That's a jackass thing to do. Some people actually need those. Who’s the most controlling person you know? OH MY FUCKING GOD. OUR FAMILY FRIEND TOBEY. EASILY. She seizes control of EVERY situation, even if she has no right to be involved in it. Does anyone keep a photo of you in their purse/wallet, and if so, who? Not to my knowledge. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do! I like arriving in time to see them. Have you ever been burgled? No, thankfully. Have you ever entered anything into Urban Dictionary? If so, what? No. What’s the last live performance you watched on TV? No idea. Have you ever been embarrassed to buy something from a shop? Not to my recollection. It helps that I'm not the one buying things, like ever. What’s the name of one of your friends’ dogs? Buster! :') He's a precious lil bean. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A GIANT CENTIPEDE. That's one pet in the invert community that I have ZERO interest in EVER owning. Those bitches are scary. Have you ever needed to wear a tie? If so, when/why? Nope.
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allwicca · 7 years
Beltane – The May Sabbat
May is the time of fertility and new beginnings after a long winter. The Faeries are afoot! They dance in the hills and roll in the grass, reveling in the joy of warm May breezes. Our spirits are high with the lust and heartiness of spring. New life is stirring and appetites are keen. –Laurie Cabot, Celebrate the Earth
In Celtic tradition, the two greatest festivals of the solar year are Samhain and Beltane, celebrations of death and rebirth, respectively. Love is in the air at Beltane. In our rituals, we celebrate the union between the Great Mother and her young Horned God. Their coupling brings fresh new life on Earth. Some form of this Great Rite is enacted on this sabbat in nearly every modern pagan circle. The Great Rite symbolizes the sacred marriage, or sexual union, of the the Lord and Lady. Often the rite is performed symbolically by a male and female who place a knife (a phallic symbol) into a chalice (a female or yonic symbol). In Old Europe, whole villages would celebrate May Day by slipping away into the woods for indiscriminate sexual encounters. Any children conceived during this occasion were known as “merry-begots” and were considered children of the gods. These “greenwood marriages” were acts of sympathetic magick believed to have a positive effect on their crops, animals, and themselves. (In this age of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, however, we must exercise responsibility — by means of safe sex, monogamy, or even abstinence. Use your better judgment.)
Crop fertility was a strong theme at this sabbat. Besoms were ridden hobbyhorse-style through fields by women in symbolic fertility rites. Menstruating women ran and danced naked in the newly-sown fields. Cows were led to the fields to calve, and ritually consecrated chalices of sheep’s blood and milk were poured on the crops, as were ashes from the balefire.
The Altar
Drape the altar in a green cloth and decorate it with blooming flowers and herbs.
All-heal, blessed thistle, broom, curry, daffodil, dogwood, coriander, dragon’s blood reed, fern, fireweed, nettle, flaxseed, hawthorn, marjoram, paprika, radish, rue, snapdragon, mushroom, almond, meadowsweet, rose, woodruff, tansy, elder leaves.
Rose, jasmine, ylang, ylang, peach, musk, or vanilla.
Malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, beryl, tourmaline.
Activities Jump the balefire. The bonfire, or need-fire, is one of the oldest Beltane traditions. When lighting the fire, use nine sacred woods from the following list:
oak, apple, hawthorn, birch, elder, ash, blackthorn, grape vine, mountain ash (rowan), holly, willow, cedar, yew, and hemlock.
Ashes from the balefire can be scattered in the fields as a fertility charm. Women wishing to conceive can tie a bag of the ashes around their necks. Traditionally, cattle and other animals were driven between two fires for protection, healing, and purification. Modern pagans can ritually purify tools or other things in the balefire. Jump the dying embers of the fire for summer blessings.
Dance around the maypole.
Gather the first wild herbs of the season.
Go a-Mayin’ by going to the woods and fields to gather flowers. Take a picnic.
Wash your face in dew at sunrise on Beltane for beauty in the coming year. (Traditionally the dew from the hawthorn tree, but dew from grass and flowers will do.) Make daisy chains and fresh flower wreaths and chaplets (head dresses) to wear and to place atop the maypole. Braid flowers in your hair. Make and wear leafy green masks to represent the Green Man who has returned.
Make a wish at the hawthorn tree, a tree associated with faeries. Place strips of cloth symbolizing your wish in the tree (the color should be appropriate to the nature of your wish, i.e. blue for health, pink or red for love, green or gold for prosperity). Take some time to attune to the tree. When you feel you have contacted its spirit, visualize your wish coming true as you hook the cloth on one of the tree’s thorns, chanting your wish. When you have finished, leave a gift for the tree.
Make love in the woods. Beltane is the time of year when the Goddess and God consummate their passions. Traditionally it is a time when lovers pledge to live together for a year and a day. At the end of the period, they may part ways if things haven’t worked out. If all has gone well, they may make plans for a handfasting at Midsummer.
Commune with the faeries.
Mark the boundaries of your circle with oatmeal, a traditional Beltane grain.
Food Oatmeal and dairy products. Begin the day with a hearty bowl of Irish oatmeal topped with cream and brown sugar or country butter. Oatmeal brings good fortune and encourages the power and magick of the faeries. We always have warm oatmeal cookies and vanilla ice cream as a Beltane treat.
Farls (Oat Cakes)
3 cups real mashed potatoes 2 cups dry oats 2 Tablespoons margarine or butter 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt Pinch pepper Pinch rosemary
Soak oats in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes until soft and slightly swollen. Mix them with other ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Knead until mixture is like a thick dough. If it seems too thin or moist, add a teaspoon or two of flour. When thoroughly mixed, form small sections into small patties. Fry in hot vegetable oil in a small skillet until lightly browned. Serve immediately.
May Wine from “Dancing with the Sun” by Jasmine Yalenorn
1 cup sweet woodruff 2 bottles rose’ wine 4 dozen rose petal ice cubes 1 quart strawberries 1 quart chopped peaches 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup white rum 2 bottles champagne 1 bottle white wine 1 liter lemon-lime soda
Two weeks before serving: clean woodruff and pack into one bottle of wine. Cork and let sit. The day before serving: make four dozen ice cubes by placing rose petals in the compartments before adding water. Freeze until solid. Hull and wash the strawberries. Slice. Mix peaches and strawberries. Add sugar and rum. Marinate overnight. An hour before serving: Strain woodruff out of wine and discard leaves. Mix champagne, all remaining wine, lemon-lime soda, and fruit in a large bowl. Stir. Add ice cubes 15 minutes before serving. Serves 20.
  Article via:  earthwitch
The post Beltane – The May Sabbat appeared first on Familiar Territory.
from Beltane – The May Sabbat
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