#you numbskulls
emblemxeno · 1 year
Btw I've been replaying Fates for the past few days in anticipation of Brave F!Corrin and GOD, Birthright's localized script is just as rough as when I went through it almost 2 years ago for the masterpost.
Other than the blatant removed bits of important information, it's rife with either juvenile or stilted dialogue from everyone, or Corrin talking like a completely different character.
Like, I'll always be critical of the character flanderization in Heroes, Warriors, and Engage, but in Corrin's case, at least they're still nice. They still take extra care not to invalidate people's feelings. They still talk like a kind person who takes no enjoyment out of fighting beyond relief of ending said fighting.
Localized Birthright Corrin is downright alien in comparison to every other depiction of the character, including the other two routes of Fates.
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mayeblade · 1 year
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i needed a new game to play
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Truly a mystery as to why the slashfic subculture posts so much slashfic on the slashfic website /sarcasm
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mumblelard · 3 months
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pont danic or the bridge under the bridge over there
finn and fall came over after work on friday and we wrote the story of the week together over red bag pizzas and strawberry lemonade. boba kept watch from above while we beasted the last two polaroids in the roll, and we talked about scranimals and puppy sitting, fireflies, rage rooms, and queue mechanics. they'd both had long, hard days that started early, but still we talked for hours about fireflies, trespassing syllabi, pool puke and ronalds, family fallen and family not fallen yet. it was a really fun night
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hood-ex · 1 year
I have seen you talking about Dick & Dami's relationship and Dick & Tim as well,but what are your takes on Dick and Jason actually?
Like how you wish their relationship should be portrayed today and where are them missing when it comes to making those two acting like siblings?
Do you think in the past their dynamic was better?
How Dick views Jason and how Jason views Dick?
This is difficult to answer because there are like 8 different stages to Dick and Jason's relationship with various dynamics. They also view each other a bit differently depending on which stage we're talking about.
The way I would like their relationship to be portrayed today isn’t necessarily possible thanks to Jason’s integration into the family and acceptance of the no killing moral code. For me, their ideal dynamic is portrayed in Outsiders #44-46. And I know people are gonna find that regressive as hell but, tbh, that dynamic is far more interesting than the kinda awkward thing they have going on now.
Although, I don't mind that they acknowledge their brotherhood in a serious manner now. Like before they'd kinda be like, "Eh... I mean... we were adopted from the same guy but... brothers? Eh..." And now they're more firmly in the, "We're brothers," camp. So that development is interesting.
Character progression wise, it wouldn't feel right for for them to be super close in the way that, say, Dick and Tim are (unless we saw a lot of trust and relationship building between them), but at the same time, there is part of me that kind of wants them to have that older sibling bond (except Jason is closer in age to Tim than he is to Dick sooo actually let's just leave older sibling things to Dick and Cass... not that Cass is much older than Jason though so LOL this is why Dick has to lone the oldest sibling thing by himself... which is funny because Dick is technically no longer the oldest sibling, he's a baby brother now... except Dick and Melinda's relationship really hasn't progressed much sooo you could say they share blood but don't consider each other family yet, in which case, Dick is still the oldest... I mean, regardless, Dick is the oldest sibling of the Waynes... god why did they have to make all of this so difficult 😫).
#jason's like blerghhh dad always loved you best. but also hey we should work together bc you're a killer like me#and then jason's also like hey dick you were the most amazing thing i've ever seen and idk you're cool but i won't say that to you#and then he's also like hey dick i've got girl advice for you and i also need your opinion on my hair. oh now bane is trying to kill us#and then he's also like oh you got amnesia? i don't give a fuck about you and maybe i'll kill you#and he's also like oh you trust me? okay well... we're brothers and i'm gonna save you#and then dick's like oh hey kid call me if you need me. oh you died? i am literally devastated i'm so sorry#and he's also like wow you're very good at what you do but i don't trust you... okay but i trust the intel you're giving me sooo....#and then he's like why the fuck are you dressing like me and killing people?? quit doing stupid shit!!#and then he's like jason what the fuck are you doing--let me help you!!#and then he's like kinda indifferent to jason but jason is still Ugh this family is stupid why am i here#and then dick's like ofc i'm gonna come help you if you need me but also this is awkward af and things are weird between us so bye#except not bye because i'm staying here to help you and your team#and then dick's like i'm being controlled by joker so i'm gonna kill yoooou#and then he's like eh i trust you and i'm gonna help you bc we're brothers but you literally wrecked bruce's car you numbskull#and then he's like you're doing dumb shit and i have to take you down but oh thanks for not letting the train kill me#and then they're both like meh we're doing shit w the batfam even though neither of us should be here rn#and yeah that's how it goes. that's. literally it. writers cannot keep their relationship consistent in the long term#Dick Grayson#Jason Todd#relationship analysis#anon
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voxuli · 4 months
@staticintone I couldn't resist
"What-t-t the ffuu-zzt—does that-t-t—"
Vox promptly hacks up a rosebud like a cat having a hairball.
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kob131 · 8 months
Okay quick note, if you see a 'Palworld' app in a mobile store-
Do NOT download it. The CEO has outright said they don't have mobile support. These are scams and they might steal your info.
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ghoulitah · 5 months
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My fruity little munchkins~
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moonamite · 7 months
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autismmydearwatson · 3 months
light yagami is a cool character because the things he says and believes only make sense on surface level, like yes the justice system is messed up and yes the world is broken and needs to be fixed and yes bad people should die, but the moment you read into his thoughts even a little he's just a sicko and a cop. Hes not mad about the justice systems criminalization of the working class and minorities, he's just mad that it doesn't punish as many people as he wants it to. He doesn't think the system is the problem, he thinks the system is broken and needs to be fixed. He doesn't really want evil destroyed, he wants crime eradicated, because he thinks crime is the root of all evil. Because essentially he is a seventeen year old cop who was given godlike power
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essektheylyss · 1 year
me: The problem with d&d is that then I'm like, "I wish I had interesting wizard problems, but I've just got mundane problems."
my boss: What kind of problem is a wizard problem?
me, thinking so hard: ...........You know, like........ [rattles off the most unintelligible string of words in the human language]
my boss: ...........I don't even know what that means. I will refrain from asking further questions. But good luck with that.
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rlbbackup · 1 year
OI! Twitter migrants!
We don't do hate here. ESPECIALLY ANON HATE
Don't come into our hellsite, spit on the floor, and condescend us. You came here and are welcome. We embrace you with open arms!
If there is an opinion you disagree with, one that isn't actively hurting someone (bigotry, racism, sexism, abuse, etc) it doesn't have to exist to you. You can have your opinions/headcanons and others can too! This is a free space and we love it!
Please. For the love of everything fun in fandom, don't do this. Don't turn Tumblr into another Twitter mob.
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saintofpride201 · 7 months
The fuck is wrong with youtube? Suddenly it's only allowing me to choose ONE quality option. Occasionally 2, and has a button that says "missing options?"
Yeah? Now how bout giving them back???
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zot3-flopped · 4 months
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Posting for comedy value only.
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mumblelard · 4 months
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i was there for some of the beginning most of the middle and all of the end or purple
last friday we drank four loko slushies and made slappers, but the friday before that, cassidy brought stained glass unicorns for the four of us to color while we drank genuine dollar bucket nonsense. we all took them home and hung them in sunny windows, shared portals into a glowing world
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sproutbell · 2 months
dear god do not make me read another stupid “vote blue no matter who” liberal ass post
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