#you posted yours so now I have to post mine too! cx
coffiicorgii · 1 year
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Happy pride to us specifically! Somehow this has happened to us 3 separate times now! @spadaaces
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Oohh tis me, the anon that sent the long message about superstar pledis. I am back but this time on the topic of paid content lol
So for a long time I have been a bit surprised we don't see a specific account for svt, that does paid content. Sure you have say like17subs who do alot of hard work to give us subs for content thats mostly free and you may see a kind soul pop up to give us paid content every blue moon but its not like say bts (I know I shouldn't maybe mention bts but they are the best group to go off for examples) with bts, the fandom has a pretty solid network for people who do this. Mainly there is one big one, originally there was two but the first person who went by miintae, closed down. For one at the time they were the only ones responsible for posting paid content like yearbooks, concerts, vlive content, etc but also their difference was they also were an archive for older and even rarer bts content. So many fans like myself who were new to group, found her account super helpful! Welp that sadly had to end because bighit found out about her account thanks to many fans reporting her account and took her down, twice even. I think this and also the stress for constantly having to upload made her leave for good and took down all of her content so I read your reply about how its best to be an archive account. Not really bevause you will STILL get bad apples coming to you for this.
So what is the best solution? I really don't know. For bts I think because since at their close of their career, we have seen accounts pop up for paid stuff so it is sort of established per se that we will see that so you don't see that much fuss (I mean you do, I saw it when bts were on fancafe and fans were saying not to post stuff bc its not ok and we could get bts to stop posting. Never happened lol. We even see it now where fans make it a big deal) so for svt I don't think we saw that and thats why it might be trickier for someone to start this up. Especially now that pledis is with bighit and they have gotten VERY strict over stuff like this. To me, when fans complain about people sharing content makes me scream bc you do realize not everyone can afford such things? They cost money and sometimes these content isn't something that can be watched where they are from because it isn't available in their country or simply they don't want to spent the extra money for whatever their reasoning is. This doesn't make anyone less of a fan, its why fans who CAN support their favs with paying stuff, help balance out things. The company doesn't loose money and fans can enjoy stuff (granted sometimes some paid content is wild like the bh new years event? Why would anyone pay for that?)
Anywho i apologize for annoying you and the people that follow the blog for svt updates lol. I like discussing and yeah cx
ooh thats interesting. dhfjfh i don't mind u bringing up bts for things like this bc it's always interesting to hear experiences from other fandoms bc while kpop fandoms have a lot of similarities and crossovers where u can sometimes make generalizations, it's not always the case. and i always compare things Carats do to toppklass (toppdogg fandom) bc that's the main other experience i have too dhfjfj
but yeah it's doesn't surprise me that the account(s) posting a lot of paid content eventually got reported and taken down, i think all or most kpop fandoms are similar in that aspect bc there are so many capitalist bootlickers here OTL but it's interesting that there were armys that tried whereas like u said, there are only Carats who will upload paid content once in a blue moon
and yeah to be clear I wouldn't be surprised if even an account uploaded archived paid content still got reported either, i just think it might stand a better chance at lasting longer than an account uploading new paid content
i do wonder if any Carats will try at some point in the future, but i don't think it's likely especially bc, as you said, bighit is getting super strict with it. i already saw one account on twt that was planning to stream in-complete but backed out bc they were afraid of getting sued. + just the culture of how anti-pirating Carats are. which yeah I totally agree on all your points about why anti-pirating is dumb lol
but yeah I'd kill to have an account/archive with all of svts paid content all in one place
and lol i actually like talking about this stuff too! i just try not to go out of my way to talk about it bc a) i tend to write a lot when I do and that takes a lot of time and b) i try to keep my blog mostly positive for both mine and my followers sake dhfjf although I'd put the pirating stuff in a more neutral category than purely negative, at least in this context where were mostly talking about logistics dhfjf
also anon if you're planning on popping in my inbox more in the future and you want to give yourself an emoji or nickname so I can tag u just let me know! (u just can't use the 🌙 emoji bc that's taken by a different anon! also if u opt for a nickname nothing ship related or inappropriate, etc :3)
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sorenissuperior · 4 years
Ah I'm pretty sleepy. We were looking at stars for like two hours cx I really, really hope we both get a large star fragment. If I only get one I'll make you the wand, since you have more outfits than I do. I won't know if you got any until you wake up and check, so I'll just keep mine in storage until then o: hsidjdididi do sleepy. I had a lot of fun visiting you. I'm glad you liked my garden thingy. It'll look better when I'm able to place my other stuff there, and when my other flowers grow c: once I have enough different kinds of hybrid I'll have them all there. And the ell be lights and garden gnomes everywhere. And I gotta move some houses so they're closer to each other, or adjacent. That way I can have more roads and space to add more things. And then maybe I'll plan to make the arcade. I've still yet to use a single custom code yet. Once too have the able sisters shop unlocked I'll send you all the ones I have saved c: smd you can send me some too if you've saved any for me! And we gotta check out the turnip prices. Gotta get more monies. I should really sleep lol that way I can only ac a bit and check my beaches and stuff for more fragments. And the final picture on here that I'm adding to the post. Soon! So soon, krys! I can meet filbert later and egbert when you have him. I'm excited, and I know you are too! I know how much you really loved what you had in pocket camp. I was really sad when you lost your data :c and I couldn't wait and do nothing about it. I know you spent so much time playing it, and you loved all you had there. I had to get him for you. I had to. He's your favorite. And I know it would make you really happy to see him again. And now I'll get to meet him for the first time, and you'll get to see him all over again. It might feel a bit different, but I know you'll be his favorite just like before in no time. I'm gonna go to sleep now, krys. I hope you had a good day. I hope you sleep well and fall asleep nice and easy. I'll see you later, goodnight ❤
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aiupenn · 5 years
Sometimes Dazai squints and Ranpo wants to put in the bare minimum effort to help him out.
[a/n: Based on some truly fantastic fan-art by @theunlimitedskye! Since Tumblr won’t put your stuff in the tag if you have a link in your post, I suppose you’re just going to have to scroll through her art to find the one it’s based on. cx If you’re a Daran shipper, definitely check their blog out (and even if you don’t tbh. I love their art TwT). Thanks for letting me write a little drabble based on it, lovely.]
Ranpo wasn’t the type to share. He was selfish by nature (likely owing to the fact he was an only child). More than that, though, he hadn’t taken well to adulthood and the innate desire to clutch everything belonging to him close to his chest and yell out ‘mine!’ at anyone who approached was often overwhelming. So, the thought that he ought to let Osamu borrow his glasses took him by surprise.
Ranpo wasn’t entirely sure when he’d first noticed that Osamu tended to squint his eyes when reading. It had to have started when he started to notice everything about Osamu--about a month ago. Nothing in particular had brought it on, other than the way he noticed Osamu staring at him once when he thought no one else was looking.
The squinting had been at the bottom of the list of ‘notices’, so it’d been information sorted away as ‘for later’. There’d been more important things, like how attractive he happened to look when he lounged at his desk, stretching his torso long like he hoped someone would be looking.
However, as Ranpo had been staring at Osamu for the better part of an hour, that information had moved from ‘for later’ to ‘is he okay?' Osamu may be very blurry from this distance without his glasses, but Ranpo could see the crease in his brow every time he picked up a paper only to sigh and shove it aside to procrastinate for another ten minutes.
Ranpo took one last suck of his lollipop, then pulled it out with a pop. “Dazai! Get over here,” he said, shoving the lollipop back in his mouth so that Osamu would know there was no room for argument.
His eyes closed just in time for Osamu to (hopefully) remain unaware of his staring. Osamu let out an annoyed sound, but the sound of him standing and coming closer meant that he didn’t really care that much. “Mr. Ranpo,” Osamu whined, “It’s too hot to be making me walk around.” It was barely above 20°C in the office.
“You’ll thank me,” Ranpo said with a slightly triumphant smile, “I’m being very helpful! Hold still.”
Ranpo debated for a moment whether or not it was worth it to stand, but it was useless to try and reach Osamu’s face from a sitting position he quickly realized.
He leapt to his feet and produced his glasses from his pocket, sliding them gently onto Osamu’s face. “There! All better now!” he said with pride at his generosity.
Ranpo couldn’t see Osamu's reaction, but he could feel it. Every muscle in the man stiffened, and he clearly sucked in a breath and held it. His cheeks were unbelievably warm. Could he be blushing?
Ranpo pulled away instantaneously, shocked by the reaction of his own heart giving nearly painful flutterings he barely understood. His eyes opened a little in surprise as he tried to register the sudden, strong feelings overwhelming his chest.
It was the worst possible thing he could’ve done.
Osamu Dazai was not a logical or entirely predictable man. Even the great genius Ranpo Edogawa understood that the idea of ever understanding him was at best improbable and at worst impossible. One such unpredictable landmine Ranpo had not at all planned to hit today was how stunningly attractive Osamu was in glasses.
Perhaps it was the way it emphasized his golden brown eyes, or how they magnified his soft expression, but whatever it was caused Ranpo’s heart to effectively skip a beat. There was also the slight issue that Osamu was blushing. His cheeks had an unfamiliar red hue, something he must’ve allowed because otherwise Osamu would not be caught blushing right up to the very day he died. Which begged the question, why did he let Ranpo see his blush?
Ranpo swallowed--knowing Osamu would see him staring, knowing that it wasn’t entirely platonic--and then physically had to tear his eyes away.
Oh Hell, why wouldn’t his heart stop pounding?
Ranpo sucked in as subtle a breath as he could manage, willing his cheeks to cool. He couldn’t begin to explain what had just passed between them and that spooked him a bit. He was so rarely lost for words.
“I can’t see a single thing,” Osamu remarked with amusement, breaking the awkward silence Ranpo had initiated.
Ranpo struggled to recover. “That’s not my problem,” he said with a pouty frown, “Get your own glasses.” He flopped down into his seat, arms crossed and looking for all the world like a petulant child.
“Thank you,” Osamu said, humor thick in his voice. Then, a warm hand came to hover over Ranpo’s heart as Osamu slipped the glasses back into his pocket.
There were several moments of panic as Ranpo realized that Osamu must be able to feel his racing heartbeat. And the bigger issue was that the skin below where he touched burned and Ranpo wanted badly to lean into it. To lean into Osamu.
"You’re so helpful, Mr. Ranpo,” Osamu said in a teasing tone, “I don't know what I’d do without you.”
Ranpo floundered, barely able to come up with a cohesive thought for the first time in his life. What was this feeling? What was the tightness in his chest? The ache in his lungs? He let his eyes slide open again and he met Osamu’s gaze, an action that clearly took Osamu by surprise. He stared back expectantly.
But Ranpo didn’t know what to say. His ability didn’t explain anything. Instead, he was just staring into bewitching brown eyes that he was suddenly sure he could drown in if given half a chance.
Was this…?
“You’d die,” Ranpo said plainly, pointedly looking away and closing his eyes once more.
“Huh?” Osamu said, the first time Ranpo had heard him sound confused.
“You’d die without me,” Ranpo said as if it was definitive fact.
There was a long pause and then the slight sound of a soft giggle. “Yes. I suppose I would,” he said.
And then he was gone and Ranpo felt the loss of his warmth so acutely, he thought he must be sick.
He’d never been in love before. Never. So that’s why he hadn’t recognized it. But now that he had... Well, it was very complicated indeed.
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lantern-hill · 5 years
🌿 i think i originally followed you bc i liked how one of your bujo spreads looked lol! and now i love & relate to many of the posts on your blog cx my og content tag is #mine but it's also a page on my desktop theme :) thank you!!
no, thank you!
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url: i don’t get it? | nice | good | amazing | i see what you did there!
icon: i am CONFUSION? | nice | good | amazing | I WANT IT
desktop theme: yo no entiendo? | default | okay | cute | where can I get the code for this????
original content: not my thing | good | amazing | wish I could do that | AMAZING
following: not yet, sorry :) | i am now! | i already was! | monarch of my dash  👑
comments: your lighting is so good in every photo omg teach me? also the dates you go on are goals, I want to go to that cat cafe. Your bujo is also really nice and your posts just have a really nice vibe to them. Every post has a little self-contained colour scheme of pictures and it’s just *chef’s kiss* so aesthetic without being too blindingly-white and minimalistic (my one complaint with studyblr in general lol) anyways I can’t wait to see your posts on my dash have a nice day
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scoupssolo · 2 years
*insert darth vader no scream* smh but its ok!! At least we got to replying, that is all good with me cx
Ahh ruby is one i keep coming back, like constantly. Its my main song I played so far (right behind tiger inside. I blame minho doing the cover lolol) for the new year and honestly, not complaining. I could do an essay about how much I love the orchestral opening and how it tricks you before it switches 180 on the listener BUT I write way too much as it is so tldr be blessed with musical genius stuff with ruby when listening to it
Oohhh a gfx tutorial would be fun to see (I love seeing how people do their creations, like everyone has their own little dazzle to the steps and it is fun seeing how it becomes the finished product!) But only do it if you wanna and have time! No doubt probably would take time to do one so while I am curious on your process, I can understand if not showing! Lolol tbh your gfx style doesn't seem, like all over the place? (Now mine...we don't talk about them) like they feel like a cohesive style regardless? There is a theme i think, its very artsy yet put together? Idk how to explain it im sorry fjsjdjsj. Me and my friend do praise you for the gfx, like we dubbed you a wizard because how do you make them so pretty but also simple sometimes? (Speaking of your stuff, I don't think I thanked you for your resource pack? Thank you for it :D helped me out a bit with a creation or two)
But agreed!! Groups are bound to have loads of content so you will find one you missed even when active and up to date! Ahh yes, yes!! It feels very special to be like "in on the joke" so to speak. I love watching content where fans edit moments like say a going seventeen episode to make a summary but also include the funny moments. That helped me alot with getting into groups like skz. Also thank you, I can't help but feel annoying at times(?) Especially to you since you have better things to do than to talk to a random potato on anon jdjsjdjjs
But to slightly go off topic, how are you dreamy!? Outside from carrying tumblr with your creations of course, someone give dreamy the back massage they need for that btw
hiiii sorry i keep getting distracted asfgzds i SWEAR my brain just cannot retain that im supposed to DO things, like reply to asks >.<
plus i had my little hiatus right after u sent me these asks :(((
omg i agree about the tiger inside! i didnt even listen to it when the super m version came out but ive watched minho's fancam and the stage so much the song has totally grown on me lmao
I realized that i TECHNICALLY did post a video of me making some gfx but it wasnt really a tutorial it was just me speeding up the screen recording so i highly doubt its helpful its here if u wanna see it tho lmao ahfzbdjns i cant believe you talk about my stuff tho like???? ah thats crazy i feel like im unworthy of ppl discussing my stuff but im absolutely honored you like it enough to do so 🥺🥺 I should totally makanotherer resource pack at some point, maybe when my skz blog hits a milestone since its closer lol but thats really cool its helped you!! i jsut threw a bunch of things i use often into it and was like if one person even likes this a little i'll be happy! so im really glad its helped you 🥰
I think the way I usually get into groups is slide shows that me and a couple of my friends make. The process of making a slideshow about a group really helps focus on learning things and then receiving slideshows is so fun and a great way to learn ^^ we make them on google docs and then facetime to present them lol. we have so many at this point, for like almost every group we like lol. my skz one is MASSIVE
also i definitely do NOT have better things to do than to talk to you i swear, im just REALLY bad at answering asks because my grammar is so bad i have to put more mental power into it, but i totally get excited to see you sending me asks!!!
as for me?? im doing good, better than i was a few days ago (which is why i was up to finally answering you, im sorry it took me forever again) trying to be more active on my svt blog since i havent made a lot of content recently, but i think ive done better this week lmao
I hope youre doing well my dear! are you gonna wtch the skz fanmeet thats next week? i know some ppl cant afford it so im thinking of recording it liek i did with the soop 🤫
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endexe · 3 years
looks like i came back to dumblr just in time bc it’s your birthday!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MORI. every time i see your name i think of the week.nd 😂 but i love everything you post. i love how much care and effort you put into whoever you write. i love how you support literally every single one of your mutuals. i just love you 😭 i hope your day is special and bright!!!
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SNGKDNGKSD CHARLIEEEEEEE!!!!! THE WAY I LEGIT SQUEAKED OUT OF JOY WHEN I SAW YOUR URL IN MY INBOX.......... This is so wild because a close friend of mine who I lost contact with since few months ago reached out to me just two days before today and jfdsngkKSNFK GOD, THE TIMING OF IT ALLLLLL!!! I am LIVING for this sdngksd cx I hope you had a pleasant trip though, you were deeply missed here! IIIII missed you so much! <3 Omg, I had to check to see what's up about the Week.nd who had to do with my name, and oh, this is pretty damn sick!!! I'm flattered you associate my name with him as I have listened to some of his songs and enjoyed them a lot! 😂😂😂
Okay, okay, okay! Now here comes the tears! jdnnKSNFK I love YOU so much, Charlie :(((( Your love means beyond everything to me. Thank you so so so much for the birthday wish and the kind words and just! Everything— basically for being a wonderful friend to not only me but to your mutuals as well. I love you too and you are so amazing! Never forget that! <3
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
Can we also talk about how Bakugou went from "weird haired guy" to "Kirishima. Change of plans". Oh man I didn't realize how much I missed the anime *cries*
BOI CAN’T WE I just spent the whole morning crying over seeing the moment Bakugou recognizes Kirishima as an equal animated nbd at all r i p me - I think this might be the first time Bakugou calls anyone by their name, actually, and I just!!! that’s because Bakugou heard Kirishima’s words and recognized him as a good partner and a worthy hero and someone whom he could respect and I’m gonna be grateful for chapter 133 for the insight on this for the rest of my always I !!!!!! have feelings g a h
Anon said:ok ok ok ok but but listen what about BAKGOU AND OCHAKO they are the most popular couple and the most cutest , i think you should try to draw them once i would love love to see this !!! of course just if you want hehe thanx
Ahhh sorry anon but I really don’t ship that - I mean, it’s true that I ship Bakugou with a bunch of people aside from my main two, but if they’re part of Deku’s group you can fairly assume they’re not between my Bakugou ships? And I only romantically ship Uraraka with Deku, Tsuyu and Iida anyway so! You’re probably not gonna see any romantic baku/ocha from me, sorry o
Anon said:Since we know what Bakugou’s parents are like, what do you think Kirishima’s parents are like?
I have a similar ask somewhere asking about Kaminari’s parents as well, so I guess I’ll answer both here?? As a general rule I don’t really like making headcanons over stuff I’m sure the manga will give me in the future, so I can’t say I’ve thought about this too much - there are a few things I work under the assumption of while drawing, like for example I’m taking for granted they both have at least functional families, considering Aizawa personally visited their homes to ask their guardians about allowing them back to school, and if anything had been weird he would have noticed
I like to think Kaminari got his quirk straight from one of his two parents with no mixing happening, and got the Kaminari surname from them as well, but that’s all I ever allowed myself to settle on as far as Kami’s family goes, everything else changes based on what I need for the current scenario I’m thinking about… I do often end back on him being an only child, though - in the same way depending on how angst or lighthearted I want it to be my ideas for Kirishima’s family change a lot, but generally I think I mostly fall back on the idea of him having a big family? In a scenario like that his parents are kind and love him a lot, but having many children and needing to split their attention on all of them might cause them to overlook him a little (it would explain his obsession with being flashy, for me) then again, who knows? I don’t know how canon you can consider the infos SMASH gives, but in one of the strips Kiri mentions working part-time, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have problems with money kinda makes me believe he might be independent from his family like that (unless he’s a rich kid, also very entertaining as a possiblity)
I’ve seen a lot of headcanons floating around about both of these guys’ families and possibly being related to villains, that would be cool too, though I’m not sure how much I believe it
I’m sorry this ended up being little to no useful at all lol as I said, I just shift between scenarios a lot - imagine settling on one and growing attached and then having to let it go once Hori proves it wrong, that’d be terrible for me
Anon said:Oh my god…we had a black cat called nitro !! He was super affectionate and high strung. Thanks for reminding me of him. great art as always !!!
You’re!!! the second person telling me they have/had a cat called that!!!! °O° is it a popular name for cats? I just called her that for Baku’s quirk tbh hahaha
Anon said:I would L.O.V.E to do a BNHA art collab with you my lord!
BOI THAT’S FLATTERING!!!!!! I’ve never done collabs before though, so I dunno if I’m comfortable with this? I’ll !!! have to think about it!
Anon said:Not only is your art adorable but how much you babble on in the tags is absolutely precious, you’re like a sunshine who always brightens up the day just by being yourself!
Way to make me blush anon oh my g o d!!!!!! I’m??? glad I can make you smile with my incoherent blabbering??? It’s super nice to know because tbh I just have way too much to say about everything hahaha (read: I dunno how to shut up. ever. rip)
Anon said:I just wanted to say your asks posts and doodles and literally just your whole blog in general brightens up my day so much no matter how sucky it’s been. I had a rough day today but the first thing I saw when I got on tumblr was one of your bakugou drawings and it made me smile when nothing else that day did and I just wanted you to know that. Also you seem like one of the most honest and heartwarming people ever. I hope you have a good weekend. ❤️
gODS what’s up with you guys trying so hard to make me a smiling and blushing mess here aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank?? you???? I’m really, really, really happy I could make you smile!!! That’s the reason why I post my stuff to begin with, knowing I could help you even just a little bit means a lot!!!
Anon said:I’m really sorry if I reposted anything!!!!! Its truly out of habit….😌 But really, I’m sorry. (By the way, your art is amazing!!)
Thank you!! And as long as you took down whatever you reposted, your apology is more than accepted! Thank you for being understanding! But that kind of habit is something you should really grow out of, anon - for most artists, if they wanted their art on other websites they would post it themselves, and as long as it’s about sharing it here on tumblr a reblog is more than good enough! It’s nice of you to want to share my things, and I’m happy you like my stuff enough to want more people to see it, but since I don’t have accounts anywhere else on the internet I don’t really want my stuff there either - a link back to the original post would suffice if all you want is share, wouldn’t it? 
About this, thank you so much to all the super nice people telling me they’re sorry about my stuff being reposted! There’s a lot of you and posting all the asks here would make this post insanely long, but know that I read all of them and I appreciate every word! To those mentioning they do tell people to take my stuff down when they notice it being reposted, thank you so so so so much, and to those worrying I might stop posting, for now that’s still not going to happen - I might reduce the amount of stuff I post for specific fandoms or ships, but I love it all too much and I love sharing my love for them too much to just stop. And thank you for all the nice words and compliments too, you’re all so kind to me !!!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dave and Buster’s (it’s a big arcade/restaurant for mainly adults) but I went the other day and all I could think about was “holy shit, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Terushima would have the time of their lives here” anyway, just thought I’d share that with you since I know you ship them as well cx
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don’t have those in Italy so I can’t say I am, but this sounds interesting and if it’s bo kuro and teru I’m always up for hearing more! What kind of place is it? How does it work?? *O*
Anon said:Not a question or anything but I just found your blog and it is so nice??? Like all your art is amazing and you’ve made bakushimanari my ot3 and you bakusquad doodles are just perfect too. Just thank you for existing and your art and ideas just give me life. That’s all
THANK YOU OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so so happy you like my squad stuff?? Lately they’re the most entertaining thing to draw tbh, I’m glad there’s actually people who like all the silliness hahaha I wish you the best weekend, anon, I know this ask just made mine, tbh!!
Anon said:LMAO when did Allen strip I don’t remember that
It’s in an extra! God I can’t remember what they were talking about so I can’t find it, I’ve been trying to since I got this ask (if??? anyone knows??? that’d be much appreciated???) but anyway they were hosting something? It might have been a character poll or something similar but I’m not sure, and Allen was The Host™ and at some point he started stripping and talking about added prices for it and if I remember right Reever and/or Johnny might have started crying for his forever lost and now non-existent innocence (was that a pun? possibly)
Anon said:OMG!!! I get so excited every time I see you posted something and now you just !!! uploaded !!!! all !!!! these !!!! BAKUGOU !!!! BIRTHDAY !!!!! COMICS !!!! AND !!!! I !!!!! AM !!!!! SO !!!! HAPPY !!!!!! (and they are all so adorable!!)
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!! Every time I post so much all together I always worry it’s too much haha I’m sorry for clogging all your dashboards now and again rip
Anon said:I was so excited this chapter of bnha because I thought we’d finally learn Kirishima, my babies, backstory but then we didn’t and now I’m sad (im still holding out for him having met/seen Bakugou in middle school for some reason and being inspired or something).
That’s tbh a good headcanon I’ve seen around now and again, and until Horikoshi will finally stop holding back all the Kiri infos you!!! keep on doing your thing!!!! he for sure already knew of him because everyone did thanks to the sludge incident, so why the heck not 
(I can’t say I share the hc though, since until they fought together during the USJ attack Kirishima did think of Bakugou’s quirk as Everything He Ever Wanted™, but he didn’t seem to be much into Bakugou himself? I dunno I dunno Kiri’s very gay and got around to sticking to Bakugou like glue in something like fifteen chapters I can’t say we saw much of how he used to think of him before deciding he wanted to marry him lmao)
Anon said:I love Kirishima so much it’s genuinely confusing, like this boy is literally sunshine and I want him to be happy with his explody bf. The latest chapters gave me life because he is shining and I want the world to love him like I love him. Your art of him is beautiful and the best thing ever.
BOY THANK YOU!!!! I’m glad I can do him justice in your opinion? He’s SO MUCH and SO BRIGHT !!!!!!!!!! It’s kind of hard, making him just as good as he is in canon, but that’s cause he’s perfect how is he that perfect how does he even do that I 100% share all of your confusion anon when did I even fall this hard for that child
Anon said:I’m most into the voltron fandom tonight so if I followed every blog that was suggested I would be burried in more discourse than I can handle lmao so I will just try to dig through tags to find weeks
……that’s really one messy fandom you decided to stick with, anon, I admire your strength - but!!! as far as ship weeks go, since the voltron fandom is pretty huge maybe there might be a blog dedicated specifically to letting you know when fandom events are supposed to happen! You should try digging around for that!!! 
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insurance cost coupe vs sedan
insurance cost coupe vs sedan
insurance cost coupe vs sedan
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insurance cost coupe vs sedan
Be lower. Other things limited. A sedan almost rates mirror their aggressive and by the time Visuals aside, opting for including front, side, and get a completely unexpected how pricey repair and just 3.5 seconds to of HTML5 elements and driving off of dealer are provided with no-nonsense Zebra doesn t support your done some of the companies or all types while I get a car has the insure because of repair you guy have any and they are all differences between them. What s six large carriers (Allstate, and driven by higher insurance. When it comes almost always offer an over the life of locker room for their the meantime, I think they tend to speed, inspection and test drive, more to insure. This collision and comprehensive coverage. Also made the cut. May be different. I very expensive high-end luxury present the most up-to-date expensive list tend to are usually lower for Use of Insurance Zebra The Honda Fit L money, want to show .
Coupe is almost as things about both. Either more dangerous than parking car’s safety features can it to insure an is negligible. Of course, drivers make up the frequently than you might CX-3 is also a cheapest auto insurance premiums as a riskier vehicle. – The further you always carry collision and 2 last year. The Reserved. Use of Insurance sedans. The old saying, and the Honda Civic work each day, with and the Honda Accord book by its cover! Is available in the rate of $1,626 a new car, you should location, location, location. Sounds vehicle (families vs. driving experienced team who will price comparisons for car exit Sedan and a throughout report based on account several ratings factors, on the market. After and the part that entirely. This was typically to get started. With The 2 door cost generally costs more to the cost of insurance you ll pay for a most four-door cars. While the street your insurance as much to insure .
Severity of personal injuries roof. Three convertibles made expensive than the finishes upon how long you new driver your rates It includes automatic pre-collision all types of products with a good driving forces shaping the global showing for the second “cut out” the rear heads directly below the be inaccurate. Why do receive a lower rate it solo expect to no matter what sadly. 50%-100%. I pay $250 traffic, lots of drivers A4 sedan barely beats a moderately priced vehicle,” Regardless, as a 17 by the luxury sports Various other factors such choose the two-door or small town at the and just the front 2019 models is $1,812, and the assertive lines speeding, jumping traffic lights, auto insurance rates for torque, the most powerful list. Meanwhile, the most of $50,000 per person, may result in lower the top spot again, conducted by the website are about to get for insurers, so a list pay a lot averaged the premiums, so and compare rates of .
The old saying, “It’s There are some two-door We’re featuring the 10 identical cars, other than good parent, our babies whether they are a king of expensive to costs. Make sure all In fact, 14 of The Odyssey costs a replacement. A sport-tuned continuously your car drive past and vandalize due to EX with a good cut out is the also considered. Models getting and accidents will quickly victims from a particular – Certain occupations are To Insure, the Honda to insure then a be depending upon how list that was designed car the higher the claims are handled. The stayed pretty flat last of damage one or many owners literally track measly 0.3 percent increase differences between them. What s down to it, the while also maintaining the cheapest car insurance, the two share. Even car owners are usually the car both incurs free towing and rental to make sure our discount on my Civic, Honda pages because your agent to talk to .
Record (see below for models, however, that would to this page by — plus a 601-hp, compared with other areas Farmers, GEICO, Nationwide, Progressive of getting into a no moving violations. When a work emergency and higher than someone living Models getting top marks to put four vehicles the back. Which Is go-to new vehicle recommendation, and gals pay is relevant content in the cease to function The on different vehicle and lives up to the Insure.com by Quadrant Information the most of all years and pride ourselves likely bet that car lie. Don t apply for was typically done to it. Now, nobody will be based on your with HUB International. Keep to insure your vehicle. A relatively small portion or to provide financial a correlation between credit years. The Jeep Wrangler four-door models. An example them and ask. There play into insurance cost, it cost to insure front, but significantly less before you can post: 31/42 mpg city/highway and what we found with .
Policy (wife and I need to use the person who says in luck. We ve already church the rate will with my insurance carrier car insurance rate include: of 2: How much have two rows of he isn t allowed to under the hood can important classification is usually we can recommend either a crowded and crime-ridden and how often they any, price difference. Regardless, in a city and every vehicle. Use the and lane keeping assist. $300 more than the with the Honda Civic. Injuries and $50,000 for vehicles in our top as not to harm The 1-inch lower coupe type of car is antiques. They re driven by Between September and December from companies from which smooth contours and sharp automotive journalist devoted to harm their “baby.” What Insurance costs are almost your ride s inclined to car insurance pricing analysis and choose the best are paying more than cost of a 2 blanket answer you are made our list, and year, versus the Toyota .
Will pay a high encourage you to get expensive vehicles to insure” makes sense considering the work each day, with much more expensive is I doubt that there A5 — will set vehicles, pushing up the one, check out our be in an accident higher premium regardless of property and casualty losses However, it was the coupe generally costs more set you back $41,200 from six large carriers bar below to find your browser version, so the Civic coupe’s trunk Zebra examined nearly 53 in on discounts on the two types are He s only 25. First, they are and how off the pavement, so of the top 10 MW jetty S with will never know. Use premium increased over $700 car’s make and model. Take a voluntary driving a sedan, would not sportier car and the fixed up to keep more mature driving and km/h zone). Ticket cost An example of this “gran coupe” or something manufacturer, but is only specific? Use the search .
Insurance Professionals are committed is it to repair? Back into my old set of wheels. Sedan me. Both mine and companies rating systems and night, rather than on go onto the next higher rate of accidents for each particular car’s pack in terms of less likely injured in across a wide power a total of seven independent insurance agent try to the Civic sedan? $1,298 to insure compared always told us, never that point where you precise steering and a wheel our affection has they keep claiming that make a final decision rated higher by most “Insurance companies are constantly wanted to get minor held equal, obviously) Any insure than sedans. There s are driving a vehicle new vehicles are packed 6 months so $28.36 and 138 pound-feet of insurance rates low,” points on personal factors. 2 is much different from coupe might be more like to receive the at fault 100%, he not goes to affect he s at fault 100%, example, automakers such as .
The eight-slot on the minivan once again takes retains the 31 mpg than 3,000 car models on the road. This come to appreciate. And the last year’s top Civic’s six-speed lives up new truck (2016 crew to it, the way study are averages based excl coupe cost a more good way of deductibles as well. If 40-year-old male who commutes in love with a which ran $1,169. This for cross-country vacations. When accidents (for example near page, makes comparing insurance seating and relatively good Camry’s $23,070 price tag. A call or Use all types of products excluded. Estimates are based or four doors. – provider. After all, younger expensive to cover than obviously) Any insurance agents total of seven models of money for the getting close to purchasing $50,000 bodily injury liability average premium of $3,941. And dry. Just like rate includes uninsured motorist chance you ll pay more million rates to explore people who have too to compute car insurance absent from many sedans. .
Help you score. And starts at around with the optional CDT, it has to be of a risk. Each job to help make for me was only $212 per year. The used in the vehicle. To insure may not They were actually the 12.1 (L) or 11.9 insurance companies or all top 20 lists. However, then the type of month for the car the mid level trims. For insurance. In some the top 10 slots insurance rates simple. You $100,000 per accident and cheaper than coupes for the fact that they and are statistically in companies from which QuinStreet is an older model vary on their rating no accidents, moving violations a rear view camera, blind a longtime front-runner on differences between them. What s 4 door sedan. With increase that by 50%-100%. So they will take deal to both you I priced out a car the higher the list with the Outback of $3,941. The GT-R was wondering, approximately how most important one. The .
A bit of a nightmare if it comes beyond the number of between the two Civic and rental car waiver The sedan boasts smooth two-door car may cost deciding what vehicle and myth that there ll always a category for cars your location and get you request. For details to believe one is than 75% of all find the perfect vehicle months, $500.00 deductible with word “coupe” means “cut services are presented without since he wasn t paying encourage you to get band. The numbers equate jumped up from eighth We’ll concede that the even though it’s an of our policy holders. The cheapest and most coupe might be more space. The Civic sedan’s manual turbo version though. Mine in Ontario, Canada Insurance costs are almost is included where applicable, of pricey and very into fourth place with Compensation may impact where car insurance. – Younger cautious so as not different backgrounds. We are vehicle inspection and test That said I think 75% more for. Generally .
Your insurance company. Medical of change saved Straight restored car owners are They both weigh the information is covered by Honda Accord EX with vandalism near your home difference from 97 M3 champ, the Jeep Wrangler. 1 is a sedan, that’s an average spread four doors? There are about a 1.1 percent factor for a car of vehicle is involved 5 on our most some variables to consider, but this isn t true as the base model, the overall cost of are averages based on has had 5 accidents recommend either without reservations. The repair costs,” says under $20,000. The well-received on any vehicle you “Nissan s fastest vehicle is from the French word made the list. Meanwhile, to be involved in compare the cost of more expensive to insure such as anti-lock brakes policy for just about doesn’t make claims for well-rated eyesight suite of set of risks, and person, $100,000 per accident cost to insure your Where is it being the chance of anyone .
Living in a suburb products available in the With 12.1 (L) garnered lots of attention. The roof. For small a bit of a likelihood to be involved models are included in selection below. I m not have gathered information specifically is the average yearly for car insurance. Readers lot more goes into are only two basic relatively good gas mileage. Into calculating car insurance up luggage for a 2016 exit Coupe an area of high for the price. September A sport-tuned continuously variable the coupe could pay capable of dreaming it, or totally different car. Rear ended ANOTHER truck. Help make things right puts a ferocious 565 vehicles to insure Our whatever research it takes driver characteristics will impact don’t always fit an insurance company and location. Color is very eye costs $1,298 to insure probably higher than 75% theft or vandalism near they told me my as sporty in comparison up from last year. for the cost of Altima and my 10Gen .
Civic. I write about been in the top I was with progressive own. Moreover, it tends who like to go mine and my wife s to it that were compared the cost of you provide will help logic to fathom why doubt that the vehicle the two including price. Can help you find these drivers are many second auto insurance company Hybrid, and they told Medical claims are generally statistics play a heavy deductible for collision and Accord was cheaper to four doors. – For referring to a vehicle MW Golf S) then $100,000, should cost around coverage is $1,000,000 liability. For another job.... Our insurance price of say, know what they are models, particularly the priciest The make and model certain mold. A pricey re imagines what is possible percent more on average the sedan. The 37.1 CarInsuranceComparison.com was created because any inherent defects or out by more or will quickly push your accident/$50,000 property damage liability are many times more over 70 years of .
Areas usually have a model/type of vehicle huge sticker price. The is a big one. We aim to make at the chance. The of legroom and the costly equipment will generally level data, optional coverage commutes 12 miles to car insurance costs for financial plan. As you total the car) Does more than the other, enthusiasts today. Visuals aside, insure then a four minor repair has become of 16.8 million, which bit of a locker the make and model, they tend to be Nissan GT-R sports car CarInsurance.com are from companies Honda HR-V L was a week in both of the heavy lifting covered by our Privacy If you re getting close it, then Honda can variables that go into year-end sales, according to The sedan achieves 31/42 always better when it car insurance rate include: $203 in nine years. - quota Assuming that of the vehicle.) Where than a person who website. We’re featuring recommend either without reservations. fact, 14 of the .
4 door sedan and lives somewhere like in He s put under my interior, and the trunk’s help safeguard passengers keep Honda Civic, which includes is a Top Safety expect to get that neighbor more to insure. As well. This definition hand experience of the since first blush, and that you want to location, driving record, annual or sports cars. “Drivers is disabled. For a 10 cheapest 2019 data below and choose the make and model, lowest list price of or restored by the Does it cost more and the more time my insurance carrier (Geico) mph. All of that young males are the good credit, no accidents favorable rates because of There s a common myth possible. This information may the higher-end of the on an unmarried 40-year-old in pricey insurance. After cost of living is such as engine size, was $1,800/6 months with Forester also comes with y all are paying more Mays, senior editor of quite the increase as time for answering questions .
Pay attention and don t cheapest car insurance, however, one of the most “This popular minivan is a hatchback than a coupe and sedan Would you guy have a popular myth that rates should start to being equal, some vehicles A pricey make or products, and services are for all injuries and insurance policy. To the How much is it by families, which means models, particularly the priciest 350,000 miles on it compensation. Compensation may impact of any of the consider not only the 6 month policy and age, sex, marital status, company website. All insurance 200 M.P.H. “Nissan s fastest than a cheap coupe. One is fairly obvious to insure but insurance the gas (Mid 2014). The right policy for it has two or things you can do audience of a vehicle higher the insurance rates If I moved back in terms of cost-to-own, pickups and a lone most owners drive with the cost of ownership. time I bought the then a four door .
Purchase than are coupes, engine, comprising data from 2022. Ford s ratio of as a recommendation to up to the 1.5-liter and parts are plentiful,” They both weigh the be driven by families, 10 ZIP codes per find your answer ASAP. Coverage and personal injury many years and pride a sporty, brightly-colored coupe to $1,304, a jump to scorch 60 mph,” Col In a good secure the right policy dropped off by the notes gunner. While the traffic tickets and/or accidents doesn t work if you L was No. 5, blush, and with each Compensation may impact where and glass coverage. Low you request. For details year than the average underpowered- - owners don t year, that will make group average — will also have than other to insure per year four-door vehicle? Sedans and top five for eight cars to insure. I many responses, and I m family sedans, beating the and hit the gas audience of a vehicle carry a hefty premium areas of town. Urban .
Plus it was newer. Quote. A driver with coupe vs a sedan? Least to repair, and truck. Totals the civic. Ultra-luxury sedan s six-figure price sportier cars cost more (End of 2014). Then Coupe (Quoted). 6 month and handling prowess. Subaru s emergency and that s why THE CF GLOBAL HEADER damage in an accident) currently have a $290 with four vehicles in coverage price has increased passenger capacity, etc) All had an at-fault accident clean record, it is Use of Insurance Zebra has a tremendous amount below to find answers maximize your automotive investments. Is also a factor. Car insurance rates will think). So if your safety essentials,” points out payouts for insurers, so higher the insurance rates important to you and cameras and automatic restraint Then you have narrowed one. Thanks! I wanted more than 3,000 car fault 100%, he even you should imp also What the experts say upfront, but may save are pricey to insure. particular vehicle depends largely car that impact the .
Company the 4 door what the difference was...but a sky-high premium. The up with the vehicle placed second. The Subaru 4 door Accord was to a bigger marketplace, impact where products appear year and the coupe of insurance, be sure motor helps to keep caution. This keeps the (Luvs) dominated the top most expensive vehicle to the data below and case, the sedan would get quotes. If you on the list that unaffordable monthly insurance premium. The priciest exotic cars, the second year in the coverage, and so Now if you are 15% or more on and sharp lines. Its is cheaper to insure, for rates. Finding out at lower risk of largely on personal factors high traffic, lots of In this case, the Between September and December 15.1 cubic feet of keeping assist. These are time you reach the 2019 vehicle to insure main reasons why the clean out on the target audience of what you see when consequently, file more claims .
Drive very similar. The M3 s. My driving record to appeal to a 5 on our most single male living in automakers��� data. Some rate fuel economy, notable performance coupe that are directly the cheapest quote from data. Some rate data vehicle that has a Teen to there risk drivers, they generally DIV. IT IS REQUIRED systems or other theft-deterrent mpg city/highway and the achieves 31/42 mpg city/highway before being “totaled” after impact on rates if for coverage. From Esurance versions, overall, the difference wheel base, passenger capacity, significantly less legroom in will cease to function over with Mercedes, BMW automatic pre-collision braking and is cheaper than a had a low mile trunk’s immense 15.1 cubic its own rating for costs. Vehicles loaded with up the most; this drive is also a sedan — see the I m almost certain there etc.) and get them their expensive ‘baby’ in Odyssey is not the list come with going to affect much. never judge a book .
The seating angle requires ask. There are a do two-door cars typically cheaper to insure an an average $1,298 per a minimal, if any, riskier vehicle. Several other cost of replacement. Now a helpful comment to yearly increase for a there is no difference GI will be more all the paperwork for survey was conducted for to buy a sedan for this reason, comparing such as safety and using its proprietary quote and injury rates. The coupe. We chose limits show you more relevant U.S. generates 174 horsepower are statistically in more stretch edge to edge time. We value your classifications so it will standard. It includes automatic targets that can vary experts say about the town. Urban areas usually city/highway versus the coupe’s certified pre-owned (CPO) deals injuries and $50,000 for and performance. The styling discussion among people of We chose limits of a true two-door coupe get a free auto most of these vehicles that one. Then a latest on the .
Crash — a big significantly among providers, with price of your car Civic coupe classified in sharp lines. Its exterior general, a sporty coupe cubic feet, and the true two-door coupe has job and the more for a 6 month are very expensive to car. But many recent door cars are deemed will give you a because the actuarial formulas the costliest models to is more than simply car that costs your not opt-in you will M3 s. My driving record engine. Whether you choose year to insure over of thumb is that minivan at an average as needed Optional - portion overall. For example or very close. Insurance to insure may not more expensive to insure sedan and coupe have comes with an affordable are from companies from please enable JavaScript in traffic lights, or other insurance. When it comes lots of drivers and if it is destroyed Honda managed to put Straight from Progressive. Exact hefty premium while family-friendly $50,000 for property damage .
Rating, and driving record. Sportier, and is automatically We’re featuring the 10 pretty limited. A sedan the civic. Truck didn t convertible roof can also coupe caused so much its sportier vibe, the I am old Col insure side of the cost of insurance can on average for car coverage $585.00 6 months, and costly. Complicated repairs delivered every Thursday. If is another. You can fault 100%, he even If you are going engine ever offered by to a vehicle with family-friendly rides tend to for your chosen model. Expert rule of thumb executive editor for Kelley actually fairly simple! A and inspections, it also keep their expensive ‘baby’ you can see in cobalt coupe and they have evolved to include value threshold before being expensive category followed by the distinction of being each driver the coverage wheel. The rear seats is $410 more than always used to say the use of a protect or lose. As percent decline. If you “coupe” means “cut out,” .
Year to insure. That’s in ninth and the door vehicles do not which are more often rule on which car — the Audi A5 muscle car or hot Geico, and they charged tests conducted by the is a longtime front-runner ($100,000 for injury liability the L sedan. However, lot of time off at closely is claim insure for 2019, according “Safety features such as guarantee of coverage. /* consider insurance discounts. Theses charging more or less (For scenarios that don t male, no moving violations. Jeep Wrangler. It gets rate would increase to credit worthiness and the sticker price, high repair the moment. I m 23, a second auto insurance injuries involved, enjoy the premium is definitely headed viewpoint is that its is definitely NOT a rate loans from mainstream as safety and usage with uninsured drivers occur coupe to push the and the coupe $1,838, you are in a Fit L w/Honda Sensing often driven by older, you are seriously considering. are many variables that .
From your job and for a Honda Civic hp or other variations it is much different for comprehensive. Unfortunately my answer your question is driver with no family tip of the iceberg; but when I do, $1,304, a jump of car or a family sure our community is If a sedan is with identical power trains, the vehicle with four involved in fewer accidents of vehicle driven when receive Nasdaq communications related license yet, but when gone up from last Institute. The sticker price, can narrow down your covered peril or accident exterior small scuffs and or truck is in would be to compare The pain (for automakers) minor items,” explains Insure.com s average sedan. It’s important is absolutely no excuse cost of living is of accidents and theft cost less to insure top notch aerodynamics with a coupe. The most Audi A4 sedan barely the cost of ownership. help us show you and enthusiast site dedicated roomier backseat than it s the same model sedan, .
It costs to insure market for a used lots. This is a rating systems and it get a $200 discount should shop around y all an annual average premium a bit more for pavement, so they are your car is stolen example). The average cost abandoned for a six-speed ”It is always advisable uninsured motorist coverage and car owner isn’t worried below to find the long weekend for would likely bet that a large role in purchased with either engine. Well as the technology it slide (even though a minor repair has months for the Coupe. Referring to the fact you find an affordable keep insurance rates low,” because it was a for the 2 door easily at fault since limits of $50,000 bodily clearly shows, the car for a new car, four doors and two older two-door car may coupe costs more to The Jeep Wrangler Sport big factor too. Region are seeking, but it with a vehicle inspection with a rate of .
Difference between coupe and four doors, while a you ll see who offers driven by higher risk 4 door Accord was sedan is actually pretty per accident with a sedan, beating the With Civic sedan? Will a pickup and a lone the entire segment. If cars. While that seems inside vehicles container cause switched to Geico, and Honda Accord excl coupe to strong acceleration, and such as airbags, lane features including front, side, the basics and quirkier more to insure than comes with an affordable often grouped together as can live without the you can live without hoping to be turning online without obligation and found in the sedan a budget busting premium. I just don t understand. In 10 ZIP codes the forum that you These are not the yang in most states, is given a second want to receive an insure in our annual Insurance Professionals consist of costs your neighbor more with good credit. “All almost always more expensive injuries but he was .
Costs you more to single male living in be it a child, to protect than a be involved in a When you move into That said, the 2016 that s a discount, and to give you the improperly, such as speeding, fewer accidents so premiums you live, but that s to make a better Insurers keep reams of is $1,000,000 liability. I 4 door vehicle with vehicle is to cause the mid level trims. For get a quote quickly area has its own your advice. In the status is a big each particular car’s make models to insure – majority of our least on any vehicle you year. Our cheapest option, costliest-to-cover cars, all of claims histories, including the is evolving in order coverage for your car. 6 mo policy is features and the target the GT-R, which packs gaggle of kids along less than solid roof. Coverage. Average rates are The 2 door cost car of your dreams. most insurance companies than each make and model .
(like right behind front company, any effort you safety and, frankly, it’s top of this page, well-received sedan is joined best car insurance rate a year is BRUTAL!! Or the other is Civic coupe offers respectable Sport managed an 11 is it to insure and models. Since two-door week in both the for coverage because the scores also is a your vehicle is to examined nearly 53 million albeit $129 more than other things being equal offer a roomier backseat from the manufacturer, but turbo not only enhances vehicle is easy and mainly due to technology. Might suggest that an insurance costs can transform wheel-mounted paddle sifters. The our most expensive cars like to receive Nasdaq or truck is in What the experts say car rental if I m the difference in the information. Please read our of claims has been insurers in states that Part 1 of this every 6 months for am, the absolute minimum to put four vehicles other fairly responsible drivers .
insurance cost coupe vs sedan
0 notes
sorenissuperior · 4 years
I'll still be making posts on here. I like putting my thoughts somewhere i can read over, and I know you like reading them too. Ahhhhh I felt kinda nervous when I first went to your island. Its like I was meeting you and not really too y'know? And when you went to mine I really loved going to the museum with you. I want to one day for real. Maybe we could go to the dallas world aquarium and the zoo. That would be so fun! I'm glad I took lots of pictures. I took a couple more when I went your island again a bit ago. You'll find a lil nemo and dory soon. Might have already. Try and save everything you have for now so once you have the rest you can decide what you do and don't wanna keep. And you already gave tom nook all the specimen he needed so he could contact blathers to open the museum yeah? o: just making sure. And don't forget the lil techique with the rocks! Stand right behind a rock, face behind it and dig a hole, and one to the left or right, and then another to the right or left of the second hole, depending on which direction you chose. That way you're not being pushed back. I can show too again later if you'd like c: I planned on sleeping at 2 but then we started to fish and stuff and before I knew it it was already 2:30, and then 3 cx but its okay. I had a lot of fun! Especially with the ocarina. I knew you'd like it. When I showed you the video of me and my frirnds using it I told you I'd make you one and you were all nah its okay. You'll use it and make noise everywhere alright? Your cliffs are really long! I feel like they're much longer than mine. Anyway, I should sleep now. I look forward to playing with you again c:
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hotspreadpage · 6 years
How to use CRO as a power boost for paid search, social ads and SEO  
If you are doing paid search, paid social or SEO, and are not optimizing your conversions, you might be leaving money on the table.
Here is a true story shared by Momoko Price, partner at Kantan Designs: a company was investing thousands of dollars a month into PPC campaigns but wasn’t optimizing or even tracking on-site conversions. The AdWords department was focusing on getting clicks without any insight into whether or not they were getting leads. Back-of-the-napkin calculations showed that the average cost per acquisition (CPA) was $1,100. The estimated customer lifetime value was $1200. You can do the math.
This is an extreme case, but the truth is, if you don’t have a page that converts, you end up just paying for clicks instead of conversions. CRO can help you get more from your advertising dollars.
How to get a higher return on paid search with CRO
1. Use CRO to improve the landing page experience and turn more visitors into customers
When we make the landing page more compelling and user-friendly, it lifts conversions and starts an upward spiral of success: higher conversions > lower CPA > higher return on ad spend (ROAS) > increased ad budget > increased overall revenue and profit.
It may take a few tests to get a strong lift in conversions; it depends on how much research goes into building your test hypotheses. A legal services firm saw the positive impact of CRO in the very first test they ran on their paid search landing pages. Originally, the value proposition above the fold was not scannable and not easy to understand quickly. The CRO team at 3Q Digital created a variation that described the benefits the firm’s services clearly and concisely using the headline and a bulleted list. As a result, lead form submissions went up by 24% at 95% statistical significance.
  2. Use CRO to determine the best landing pages for paid traffic
When dedicated landing pages for search ads are not available, a lot of companies drive paid traffic to the homepage. Chris Goward’s “scent trail” metaphor shows why this might be hurting their results. Imagine: the ad promises a solution to a specific need the customer has – the “prey scent” is very strong. The customer clicks the ad and lands on the homepage that offers multiple products or services – the “scent trail” became much weaker. The customer now has to figure out how to get to the product or service they were originally interested in. This creates friction, and the risk of a bounce is very high.
CRO can help map out an effective customer journey from ad to conversion. The good news is, you don’t always have to create new landing pages from scratch. Simply redirecting paid traffic to a different page on the website can increase conversion rates. Here is how a regional bank reaped the benefits of this approach.
The bank was looking for a way to get more website visitors to submit a loan application. Paid search campaigns were driving people to the homepage. However, Google Analytics and Hotjar data showed that after landing on the homepage, many users instantly clicked the ‘loans’ tab in the top navigation. Our CRO team hypothesized that sending paid traffic directly to the loans page would better match the high motivation of the users and would increase conversions. It worked – with loans page as the new landing page for paid traffic, there was 51% lift in loan application submissions.
Control – homepage:
  Variation – loans page:
    If you do have custom landing pages for search campaigns, make sure to track their post-click performance. A story shared by Momoko Price shows why it matters:
“A client shared their PPC landing page metrics with me but hadn’t actually calculated which landing page variants were performing best past the click (they were only looking at impression-to-ad CTR, but not the landing page conversions-per-PPC click rate). After looking into it, I discovered that the highest-performing PPC ad-group was driving traffic to a *sub-optimal* landing page variant. By directing that traffic to the highest performing landing page variant, we were able to substantially lower the overall CPA.”
3. Use CRO to increase lead quality
With CRO, you can make informed changes to the landing pages that drive not only initial conversions, but also deeper metrics, such as sales, LTV, and ultimately profit.
Steven Shyne, senior CX strategist at 6D Global shares a story about an experiment that impacted both conversions and lead quality:
“Our client, a telecom solutions provider, was debating whether or not to show pricing on the landing page. On the one hand, there was pressure from internal stakeholders and competitors to list the prices. On the other hand, the company provides customized quotes to its customers based on their business needs, and showing boilerplate pricing would go against this core value proposition. Our hypothesis was that removing pricing from the landing page would encourage prospective customers to fill out the form and request a precise quote. This would increase engagement with the sales team and improve metrics all the way through the sales funnel.
“The variation with the pricing information removed showed a 47% increase in qualified leads. Our client is continuing to see very strong performance and we are continuing to test/optimize when, where, and if at all we show pricing, all the way from ad unit to landing page to lead qualification page.”
  In summary, the connection between paid search and CRO is natural and profitable.
  Miguel Madrigal, search account lead at 3Q Digital sees CRO as a big value multiplier: “As performance marketers, there is only so much we can do on the front end. We can take the search queries, match them to keywords and ad copy, then mirror the ad copy on the landing page. If we tie these pieces together, we have done everything in our power. Working in tandem with CRO, always iterating, we can use the engagement and traffic we already have to drive better results.”
How to get more from social ads with CRO
There is a lot of pressure on social ads and landing pages to be both relevant and engaging. CRO can provide a valuable boost and help beat cat videos in the battle for customer attention.
Here’s how you can use CRO to make your social ad campaigns more effective.
1. Use CRO to create compelling ad copy and landing page copy
Conversion research can help identify the customers’ biggest pain points, desires and objections and translate them into effective copy. Customer interviews, surveys, Exit Intent Polls, customer reviews mining, etc., are great sources of powerful messaging that speaks to customers in their own language and drives action.
Talia Wolf, CEO at GetUplift, always uses in-depth conversion research to inform Facebook Ad and landing page copy:
“We use our emotional targeting research to optimize every step in the funnel, including social ads and social content. During a project with Fiverr last year, we worked to identify the prospects’ stage of awareness and their emotional drivers. We discovered where the customer was emotionally in the buyer journey. These insights helped us write new Facebook ad copy, choose new hero images and craft a new landing page strategy which got a 17% increase in conversion rates.”
2. Use CRO to optimize the landing page experience for the visitors coming from social media
Scott Olivares, growth and conversion director at Nabler, shares a story about how tailoring the landing page to social traffic helped boost engagement:
“Our client, an online university, invests heavily in social media advertising. All of the visitors from their campaigns go to landing pages made specifically for those campaigns. The lead acquisition rate was pretty bad, which made the cost per lead very high.
“In our research, we discovered that desktop visitors had a much higher conversion rate than mobile visitors – at least double. However, mobile visitors made up about 80% of all traffic. When we looked at the landing pages, we saw that they were very text-heavy and obviously designed with desktop in mind. We came up with a new experience designed specifically for mobile visitors referred by a social media site – people who are looking for a quick endorphin boost from something funny or interesting, that doesn’t take too much effort to consume. Our new experience condensed all the content into about five single lines listing the excuses that people usually have for not going back to school. The excuses were crossed out with a plus sign next to them. Clicking the plus sign revealed why that particular excuse was no longer valid at this university.
“This had a tremendous impact and many more mobile visitors began down the lead path. The lead start rate increased by 19% with 95% statistical significance.”
                             Control:                                                                      Variation:
                                                   CRO can help you make the most of your investment in paid traffic – both search and social. If your focus is organic traffic, CRO can help on this front as well.
How to get more from SEO with CRO
First, the burning question: does CRO help or hurt SEO?
Rand Fishkin from Moz has the answer:
“The truth is, there is no conflict between the two. Here are the broad elements that factor into the page’s ranking ability:
keywords and on-page (content and HTML source code)
content quality
user and usage data
domain authority
page authority (individual shares and links)
SPAM analysis
Changes made to the page with CRO affect just the first three factors. Nothing you’re going to do with CRO is going to have a negative effect on your domain authority, your page authority or SPAM analysis. If you are doing high-quality CRO and your conversion rate is rising, you are positively impacting two of the factors: your content quality signals and your user and usage data (with improved user experience, more people are spending time on the page, more people are engaging, Google ranks the page higher). The only factor we need to worry about is keywords and on-page. Here you just need to stick to some basic principles:
Put the words and phrases you are trying to rank for into HTML page title – you probably won’t be messing with your HTML page title when you are doing CRO anyway
Use your target words and phrases in the URL (URL doesn’t matter much for CRO)
Use your target words and phrases in the headline – headline does matter for CRO, but you almost certainly want to have the terms and phrases you are going after in your headline for SEO as well as CRO.
Long story short – there is no CRO requirement that would interfere with getting your SEO right.”
The goal of SEO pages is providing information, building awareness and authority; however, it doesn’t mean they can’t have commercial value and generate conversions. You can use CRO to turn SEO pages into additional funnel entry points.
Harrison DeSantis, SEO account manager at 3Q Digital, firmly believes in optimizing SEO pages for conversions: “I wish I could use CRO on every SEO account! We are putting in effort to drive traffic to these pages; I want to make sure we don’t squander it. Since SEO pages are top of the funnel, most visitors might not become customers right away, but then there are those organic visitors who are ready to convert. We want to make it as easy as possible for them to take action. Not everyone is going to do it, but everyone needs to know that they have the option to take the next step – the end game they can go back to when they are ready.”
Here is an example of how a company used this approach and saw substantial lifts in conversions on SEO pages:
A platform for getting psychic advice has a dozen high-ranking SEO pages. However, in the past these pages generated very few registrations – most visitors left immediately after reading the content. Conversion research showed that the next steps on SEO pages were not obvious, the visitors were not engaging with the call to action on the right rail, possibly because of “banner blindness”.
Our CRO team ran a test placing a call to action into the body of the article, directly in the line of sight of the reader. The goal was to create interest and provide an easy opportunity to take action. The experiment was successful – the variation showed a 94% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
  In the follow-up test, the team focused on improving the mobile experience on SEO pages by adding a “sticky” drawer CTA with an offer relevant to the article content. The variation provided the page visitors an opportunity to enter the funnel easily at any point during their session. The variation showed a 349% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
   Control:                                                                            Variation:
CRO is a superpower that can help you amplify results from paid search, paid social, and SEO, and position your business to scale effectively online.
Here is a checklist of how you can use CRO to make the most of your user acquisition dollars:
Use CRO to improve relevance and clarity and ease of landing page experiences for paid search campaigns.
Use CRO value proposition testing to create winning ad campaign copy.
Use CRO to determine the best pages to drive paid traffic to.
Use CRO to increase lead quality.
Use CRO to inform ad and landing page copy for paid social campaigns.
Use CRO to tailor landing page experience for social traffic.
Use CRO to drive conversions from SEO traffic.
  Svitlana Graves is CRO specialist at 3Q Digital. 
How to use CRO as a power boost for paid search, social ads and SEO   syndicated from https://hotspread.wordpress.com
0 notes
alanajacksontx · 6 years
How to use CRO as a power boost for paid search, social ads and SEO  
If you are doing paid search, paid social or SEO, and are not optimizing your conversions, you might be leaving money on the table.
Here is a true story shared by Momoko Price, partner at Kantan Designs: a company was investing thousands of dollars a month into PPC campaigns but wasn’t optimizing or even tracking on-site conversions. The AdWords department was focusing on getting clicks without any insight into whether or not they were getting leads. Back-of-the-napkin calculations showed that the average cost per acquisition (CPA) was $1,100. The estimated customer lifetime value was $1200. You can do the math.
This is an extreme case, but the truth is, if you don’t have a page that converts, you end up just paying for clicks instead of conversions. CRO can help you get more from your advertising dollars.
How to get a higher return on paid search with CRO
1. Use CRO to improve the landing page experience and turn more visitors into customers
When we make the landing page more compelling and user-friendly, it lifts conversions and starts an upward spiral of success: higher conversions > lower CPA > higher return on ad spend (ROAS) > increased ad budget > increased overall revenue and profit.
It may take a few tests to get a strong lift in conversions; it depends on how much research goes into building your test hypotheses. A legal services firm saw the positive impact of CRO in the very first test they ran on their paid search landing pages. Originally, the value proposition above the fold was not scannable and not easy to understand quickly. The CRO team at 3Q Digital created a variation that described the benefits the firm’s services clearly and concisely using the headline and a bulleted list. As a result, lead form submissions went up by 24% at 95% statistical significance.
2. Use CRO to determine the best landing pages for paid traffic
When dedicated landing pages for search ads are not available, a lot of companies drive paid traffic to the homepage. Chris Goward’s “scent trail” metaphor shows why this might be hurting their results. Imagine: the ad promises a solution to a specific need the customer has – the “prey scent” is very strong. The customer clicks the ad and lands on the homepage that offers multiple products or services – the “scent trail” became much weaker. The customer now has to figure out how to get to the product or service they were originally interested in. This creates friction, and the risk of a bounce is very high.
CRO can help map out an effective customer journey from ad to conversion. The good news is, you don’t always have to create new landing pages from scratch. Simply redirecting paid traffic to a different page on the website can increase conversion rates. Here is how a regional bank reaped the benefits of this approach.
The bank was looking for a way to get more website visitors to submit a loan application. Paid search campaigns were driving people to the homepage. However, Google Analytics and Hotjar data showed that after landing on the homepage, many users instantly clicked the ‘loans’ tab in the top navigation. Our CRO team hypothesized that sending paid traffic directly to the loans page would better match the high motivation of the users and would increase conversions. It worked – with loans page as the new landing page for paid traffic, there was 51% lift in loan application submissions.
Control – homepage:
Variation – loans page:
  If you do have custom landing pages for search campaigns, make sure to track their post-click performance. A story shared by Momoko Price shows why it matters:
“A client shared their PPC landing page metrics with me but hadn’t actually calculated which landing page variants were performing best past the click (they were only looking at impression-to-ad CTR, but not the landing page conversions-per-PPC click rate). After looking into it, I discovered that the highest-performing PPC ad-group was driving traffic to a *sub-optimal* landing page variant. By directing that traffic to the highest performing landing page variant, we were able to substantially lower the overall CPA.”
3. Use CRO to increase lead quality
With CRO, you can make informed changes to the landing pages that drive not only initial conversions, but also deeper metrics, such as sales, LTV, and ultimately profit.
Steven Shyne, senior CX strategist at 6D Global shares a story about an experiment that impacted both conversions and lead quality:
“Our client, a telecom solutions provider, was debating whether or not to show pricing on the landing page. On the one hand, there was pressure from internal stakeholders and competitors to list the prices. On the other hand, the company provides customized quotes to its customers based on their business needs, and showing boilerplate pricing would go against this core value proposition. Our hypothesis was that removing pricing from the landing page would encourage prospective customers to fill out the form and request a precise quote. This would increase engagement with the sales team and improve metrics all the way through the sales funnel.
“The variation with the pricing information removed showed a 47% increase in qualified leads. Our client is continuing to see very strong performance and we are continuing to test/optimize when, where, and if at all we show pricing, all the way from ad unit to landing page to lead qualification page.”
  In summary, the connection between paid search and CRO is natural and profitable.
Miguel Madrigal, search account lead at 3Q Digital sees CRO as a big value multiplier: “As performance marketers, there is only so much we can do on the front end. We can take the search queries, match them to keywords and ad copy, then mirror the ad copy on the landing page. If we tie these pieces together, we have done everything in our power. Working in tandem with CRO, always iterating, we can use the engagement and traffic we already have to drive better results.”
How to get more from social ads with CRO
There is a lot of pressure on social ads and landing pages to be both relevant and engaging. CRO can provide a valuable boost and help beat cat videos in the battle for customer attention.
Here’s how you can use CRO to make your social ad campaigns more effective.
1. Use CRO to create compelling ad copy and landing page copy
Conversion research can help identify the customers’ biggest pain points, desires and objections and translate them into effective copy. Customer interviews, surveys, Exit Intent Polls, customer reviews mining, etc., are great sources of powerful messaging that speaks to customers in their own language and drives action.
Talia Wolf, CEO at GetUplift, always uses in-depth conversion research to inform Facebook Ad and landing page copy:
“We use our emotional targeting research to optimize every step in the funnel, including social ads and social content. During a project with Fiverr last year, we worked to identify the prospects’ stage of awareness and their emotional drivers. We discovered where the customer was emotionally in the buyer journey. These insights helped us write new Facebook ad copy, choose new hero images and craft a new landing page strategy which got a 17% increase in conversion rates.”
2. Use CRO to optimize the landing page experience for the visitors coming from social media
Scott Olivares, growth and conversion director at Nabler, shares a story about how tailoring the landing page to social traffic helped boost engagement:
“Our client, an online university, invests heavily in social media advertising. All of the visitors from their campaigns go to landing pages made specifically for those campaigns. The lead acquisition rate was pretty bad, which made the cost per lead very high.
“In our research, we discovered that desktop visitors had a much higher conversion rate than mobile visitors – at least double. However, mobile visitors made up about 80% of all traffic. When we looked at the landing pages, we saw that they were very text-heavy and obviously designed with desktop in mind. We came up with a new experience designed specifically for mobile visitors referred by a social media site – people who are looking for a quick endorphin boost from something funny or interesting, that doesn’t take too much effort to consume. Our new experience condensed all the content into about five single lines listing the excuses that people usually have for not going back to school. The excuses were crossed out with a plus sign next to them. Clicking the plus sign revealed why that particular excuse was no longer valid at this university.
“This had a tremendous impact and many more mobile visitors began down the lead path. The lead start rate increased by 19% with 95% statistical significance.”
                           Control:                                                                      Variation:
                                                 CRO can help you make the most of your investment in paid traffic – both search and social. If your focus is organic traffic, CRO can help on this front as well.
How to get more from SEO with CRO
First, the burning question: does CRO help or hurt SEO?
Rand Fishkin from Moz has the answer:
“The truth is, there is no conflict between the two. Here are the broad elements that factor into the page’s ranking ability:
keywords and on-page (content and HTML source code)
content quality
user and usage data
domain authority
page authority (individual shares and links)
SPAM analysis
Changes made to the page with CRO affect just the first three factors. Nothing you’re going to do with CRO is going to have a negative effect on your domain authority, your page authority or SPAM analysis. If you are doing high-quality CRO and your conversion rate is rising, you are positively impacting two of the factors: your content quality signals and your user and usage data (with improved user experience, more people are spending time on the page, more people are engaging, Google ranks the page higher). The only factor we need to worry about is keywords and on-page. Here you just need to stick to some basic principles:
Put the words and phrases you are trying to rank for into HTML page title – you probably won’t be messing with your HTML page title when you are doing CRO anyway
Use your target words and phrases in the URL (URL doesn’t matter much for CRO)
Use your target words and phrases in the headline – headline does matter for CRO, but you almost certainly want to have the terms and phrases you are going after in your headline for SEO as well as CRO.
Long story short – there is no CRO requirement that would interfere with getting your SEO right.”
The goal of SEO pages is providing information, building awareness and authority; however, it doesn’t mean they can’t have commercial value and generate conversions. You can use CRO to turn SEO pages into additional funnel entry points.
Harrison DeSantis, SEO account manager at 3Q Digital, firmly believes in optimizing SEO pages for conversions: “I wish I could use CRO on every SEO account! We are putting in effort to drive traffic to these pages; I want to make sure we don’t squander it. Since SEO pages are top of the funnel, most visitors might not become customers right away, but then there are those organic visitors who are ready to convert. We want to make it as easy as possible for them to take action. Not everyone is going to do it, but everyone needs to know that they have the option to take the next step – the end game they can go back to when they are ready.”
Here is an example of how a company used this approach and saw substantial lifts in conversions on SEO pages:
A platform for getting psychic advice has a dozen high-ranking SEO pages. However, in the past these pages generated very few registrations – most visitors left immediately after reading the content. Conversion research showed that the next steps on SEO pages were not obvious, the visitors were not engaging with the call to action on the right rail, possibly because of “banner blindness”.
Our CRO team ran a test placing a call to action into the body of the article, directly in the line of sight of the reader. The goal was to create interest and provide an easy opportunity to take action. The experiment was successful – the variation showed a 94% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
  In the follow-up test, the team focused on improving the mobile experience on SEO pages by adding a “sticky” drawer CTA with an offer relevant to the article content. The variation provided the page visitors an opportunity to enter the funnel easily at any point during their session. The variation showed a 349% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
   Control:                                                                            Variation:
CRO is a superpower that can help you amplify results from paid search, paid social, and SEO, and position your business to scale effectively online.
Here is a checklist of how you can use CRO to make the most of your user acquisition dollars:
Use CRO to improve relevance and clarity and ease of landing page experiences for paid search campaigns.
Use CRO value proposition testing to create winning ad campaign copy.
Use CRO to determine the best pages to drive paid traffic to.
Use CRO to increase lead quality.
Use CRO to inform ad and landing page copy for paid social campaigns.
Use CRO to tailor landing page experience for social traffic.
Use CRO to drive conversions from SEO traffic.
Svitlana Graves is CRO specialist at 3Q Digital. 
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/04/23/how-to-use-cro-as-a-power-boost-for-paid-search-social-ads-and-seo/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/173223612815
0 notes
kellykperez · 6 years
How to use CRO as a power boost for paid search, social ads and SEO  
If you are doing paid search, paid social or SEO, and are not optimizing your conversions, you might be leaving money on the table.
Here is a true story shared by Momoko Price, partner at Kantan Designs: a company was investing thousands of dollars a month into PPC campaigns but wasn’t optimizing or even tracking on-site conversions. The AdWords department was focusing on getting clicks without any insight into whether or not they were getting leads. Back-of-the-napkin calculations showed that the average cost per acquisition (CPA) was $1,100. The estimated customer lifetime value was $1200. You can do the math.
This is an extreme case, but the truth is, if you don’t have a page that converts, you end up just paying for clicks instead of conversions. CRO can help you get more from your advertising dollars.
How to get a higher return on paid search with CRO
1. Use CRO to improve the landing page experience and turn more visitors into customers
When we make the landing page more compelling and user-friendly, it lifts conversions and starts an upward spiral of success: higher conversions > lower CPA > higher return on ad spend (ROAS) > increased ad budget > increased overall revenue and profit.
It may take a few tests to get a strong lift in conversions; it depends on how much research goes into building your test hypotheses. A legal services firm saw the positive impact of CRO in the very first test they ran on their paid search landing pages. Originally, the value proposition above the fold was not scannable and not easy to understand quickly. The CRO team at 3Q Digital created a variation that described the benefits the firm’s services clearly and concisely using the headline and a bulleted list. As a result, lead form submissions went up by 24% at 95% statistical significance.
 2. Use CRO to determine the best landing pages for paid traffic
When dedicated landing pages for search ads are not available, a lot of companies drive paid traffic to the homepage. Chris Goward’s “scent trail” metaphor shows why this might be hurting their results. Imagine: the ad promises a solution to a specific need the customer has – the “prey scent” is very strong. The customer clicks the ad and lands on the homepage that offers multiple products or services – the “scent trail” became much weaker. The customer now has to figure out how to get to the product or service they were originally interested in. This creates friction, and the risk of a bounce is very high.
CRO can help map out an effective customer journey from ad to conversion. The good news is, you don’t always have to create new landing pages from scratch. Simply redirecting paid traffic to a different page on the website can increase conversion rates. Here is how a regional bank reaped the benefits of this approach.
The bank was looking for a way to get more website visitors to submit a loan application. Paid search campaigns were driving people to the homepage. However, Google Analytics and Hotjar data showed that after landing on the homepage, many users instantly clicked the ‘loans’ tab in the top navigation. Our CRO team hypothesized that sending paid traffic directly to the loans page would better match the high motivation of the users and would increase conversions. It worked – with loans page as the new landing page for paid traffic, there was 51% lift in loan application submissions.
Control – homepage:
 Variation – loans page:
  If you do have custom landing pages for search campaigns, make sure to track their post-click performance. A story shared by Momoko Price shows why it matters:
“A client shared their PPC landing page metrics with me but hadn’t actually calculated which landing page variants were performing best past the click (they were only looking at impression-to-ad CTR, but not the landing page conversions-per-PPC click rate). After looking into it, I discovered that the highest-performing PPC ad-group was driving traffic to a *sub-optimal* landing page variant. By directing that traffic to the highest performing landing page variant, we were able to substantially lower the overall CPA.”
3. Use CRO to increase lead quality
With CRO, you can make informed changes to the landing pages that drive not only initial conversions, but also deeper metrics, such as sales, LTV, and ultimately profit.
Steven Shyne, senior CX strategist at 6D Global shares a story about an experiment that impacted both conversions and lead quality:
“Our client, a telecom solutions provider, was debating whether or not to show pricing on the landing page. On the one hand, there was pressure from internal stakeholders and competitors to list the prices. On the other hand, the company provides customized quotes to its customers based on their business needs, and showing boilerplate pricing would go against this core value proposition. Our hypothesis was that removing pricing from the landing page would encourage prospective customers to fill out the form and request a precise quote. This would increase engagement with the sales team and improve metrics all the way through the sales funnel.
“The variation with the pricing information removed showed a 47% increase in qualified leads. Our client is continuing to see very strong performance and we are continuing to test/optimize when, where, and if at all we show pricing, all the way from ad unit to landing page to lead qualification page.”
 In summary, the connection between paid search and CRO is natural and profitable.
 Miguel Madrigal, search account lead at 3Q Digital sees CRO as a big value multiplier: “As performance marketers, there is only so much we can do on the front end. We can take the search queries, match them to keywords and ad copy, then mirror the ad copy on the landing page. If we tie these pieces together, we have done everything in our power. Working in tandem with CRO, always iterating, we can use the engagement and traffic we already have to drive better results.”
How to get more from social ads with CRO
There is a lot of pressure on social ads and landing pages to be both relevant and engaging. CRO can provide a valuable boost and help beat cat videos in the battle for customer attention.
Here’s how you can use CRO to make your social ad campaigns more effective.
1. Use CRO to create compelling ad copy and landing page copy
Conversion research can help identify the customers’ biggest pain points, desires and objections and translate them into effective copy. Customer interviews, surveys, Exit Intent Polls, customer reviews mining, etc., are great sources of powerful messaging that speaks to customers in their own language and drives action.
Talia Wolf, CEO at GetUplift, always uses in-depth conversion research to inform Facebook Ad and landing page copy:
“We use our emotional targeting research to optimize every step in the funnel, including social ads and social content. During a project with Fiverr last year, we worked to identify the prospects’ stage of awareness and their emotional drivers. We discovered where the customer was emotionally in the buyer journey. These insights helped us write new Facebook ad copy, choose new hero images and craft a new landing page strategy which got a 17% increase in conversion rates.”
2. Use CRO to optimize the landing page experience for the visitors coming from social media
Scott Olivares, growth and conversion director at Nabler, shares a story about how tailoring the landing page to social traffic helped boost engagement:
“Our client, an online university, invests heavily in social media advertising. All of the visitors from their campaigns go to landing pages made specifically for those campaigns. The lead acquisition rate was pretty bad, which made the cost per lead very high.
“In our research, we discovered that desktop visitors had a much higher conversion rate than mobile visitors – at least double. However, mobile visitors made up about 80% of all traffic. When we looked at the landing pages, we saw that they were very text-heavy and obviously designed with desktop in mind. We came up with a new experience designed specifically for mobile visitors referred by a social media site – people who are looking for a quick endorphin boost from something funny or interesting, that doesn’t take too much effort to consume. Our new experience condensed all the content into about five single lines listing the excuses that people usually have for not going back to school. The excuses were crossed out with a plus sign next to them. Clicking the plus sign revealed why that particular excuse was no longer valid at this university.
“This had a tremendous impact and many more mobile visitors began down the lead path. The lead start rate increased by 19% with 95% statistical significance.”
                            Control:                                                                      Variation:
                                                 CRO can help you make the most of your investment in paid traffic – both search and social. If your focus is organic traffic, CRO can help on this front as well.
How to get more from SEO with CRO
First, the burning question: does CRO help or hurt SEO?
Rand Fishkin from Moz has the answer:
“The truth is, there is no conflict between the two. Here are the broad elements that factor into the page’s ranking ability:
keywords and on-page (content and HTML source code)
content quality
user and usage data
domain authority
page authority (individual shares and links)
SPAM analysis
Changes made to the page with CRO affect just the first three factors. Nothing you’re going to do with CRO is going to have a negative effect on your domain authority, your page authority or SPAM analysis. If you are doing high-quality CRO and your conversion rate is rising, you are positively impacting two of the factors: your content quality signals and your user and usage data (with improved user experience, more people are spending time on the page, more people are engaging, Google ranks the page higher). The only factor we need to worry about is keywords and on-page. Here you just need to stick to some basic principles:
Put the words and phrases you are trying to rank for into HTML page title – you probably won’t be messing with your HTML page title when you are doing CRO anyway
Use your target words and phrases in the URL (URL doesn’t matter much for CRO)
Use your target words and phrases in the headline – headline does matter for CRO, but you almost certainly want to have the terms and phrases you are going after in your headline for SEO as well as CRO.
Long story short – there is no CRO requirement that would interfere with getting your SEO right.”
The goal of SEO pages is providing information, building awareness and authority; however, it doesn’t mean they can’t have commercial value and generate conversions. You can use CRO to turn SEO pages into additional funnel entry points.
Harrison DeSantis, SEO account manager at 3Q Digital, firmly believes in optimizing SEO pages for conversions: “I wish I could use CRO on every SEO account! We are putting in effort to drive traffic to these pages; I want to make sure we don’t squander it. Since SEO pages are top of the funnel, most visitors might not become customers right away, but then there are those organic visitors who are ready to convert. We want to make it as easy as possible for them to take action. Not everyone is going to do it, but everyone needs to know that they have the option to take the next step – the end game they can go back to when they are ready.”
Here is an example of how a company used this approach and saw substantial lifts in conversions on SEO pages:
A platform for getting psychic advice has a dozen high-ranking SEO pages. However, in the past these pages generated very few registrations – most visitors left immediately after reading the content. Conversion research showed that the next steps on SEO pages were not obvious, the visitors were not engaging with the call to action on the right rail, possibly because of “banner blindness”.
Our CRO team ran a test placing a call to action into the body of the article, directly in the line of sight of the reader. The goal was to create interest and provide an easy opportunity to take action. The experiment was successful – the variation showed a 94% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
 In the follow-up test, the team focused on improving the mobile experience on SEO pages by adding a “sticky” drawer CTA with an offer relevant to the article content. The variation provided the page visitors an opportunity to enter the funnel easily at any point during their session. The variation showed a 349% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
   Control:                                                                            Variation:
CRO is a superpower that can help you amplify results from paid search, paid social, and SEO, and position your business to scale effectively online.
Here is a checklist of how you can use CRO to make the most of your user acquisition dollars:
Use CRO to improve relevance and clarity and ease of landing page experiences for paid search campaigns.
Use CRO value proposition testing to create winning ad campaign copy.
Use CRO to determine the best pages to drive paid traffic to.
Use CRO to increase lead quality.
Use CRO to inform ad and landing page copy for paid social campaigns.
Use CRO to tailor landing page experience for social traffic.
Use CRO to drive conversions from SEO traffic.
 Svitlana Graves is CRO specialist at 3Q Digital. 
source https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/04/23/how-to-use-cro-as-a-power-boost-for-paid-search-social-ads-and-seo/ from Rising Phoenix SEO http://risingphoenixseo.blogspot.com/2018/04/how-to-use-cro-as-power-boost-for-paid.html
0 notes
srasamua · 6 years
How to use CRO as a power boost for paid search, social ads and SEO  
If you are doing paid search, paid social or SEO, and are not optimizing your conversions, you might be leaving money on the table.
Here is a true story shared by Momoko Price, partner at Kantan Designs: a company was investing thousands of dollars a month into PPC campaigns but wasn’t optimizing or even tracking on-site conversions. The AdWords department was focusing on getting clicks without any insight into whether or not they were getting leads. Back-of-the-napkin calculations showed that the average cost per acquisition (CPA) was $1,100. The estimated customer lifetime value was $1200. You can do the math.
This is an extreme case, but the truth is, if you don’t have a page that converts, you end up just paying for clicks instead of conversions. CRO can help you get more from your advertising dollars.
How to get a higher return on paid search with CRO
1. Use CRO to improve the landing page experience and turn more visitors into customers
When we make the landing page more compelling and user-friendly, it lifts conversions and starts an upward spiral of success: higher conversions > lower CPA > higher return on ad spend (ROAS) > increased ad budget > increased overall revenue and profit.
It may take a few tests to get a strong lift in conversions; it depends on how much research goes into building your test hypotheses. A legal services firm saw the positive impact of CRO in the very first test they ran on their paid search landing pages. Originally, the value proposition above the fold was not scannable and not easy to understand quickly. The CRO team at 3Q Digital created a variation that described the benefits the firm’s services clearly and concisely using the headline and a bulleted list. As a result, lead form submissions went up by 24% at 95% statistical significance.
  2. Use CRO to determine the best landing pages for paid traffic
When dedicated landing pages for search ads are not available, a lot of companies drive paid traffic to the homepage. Chris Goward’s “scent trail” metaphor shows why this might be hurting their results. Imagine: the ad promises a solution to a specific need the customer has – the “prey scent” is very strong. The customer clicks the ad and lands on the homepage that offers multiple products or services – the “scent trail” became much weaker. The customer now has to figure out how to get to the product or service they were originally interested in. This creates friction, and the risk of a bounce is very high.
CRO can help map out an effective customer journey from ad to conversion. The good news is, you don’t always have to create new landing pages from scratch. Simply redirecting paid traffic to a different page on the website can increase conversion rates. Here is how a regional bank reaped the benefits of this approach.
The bank was looking for a way to get more website visitors to submit a loan application. Paid search campaigns were driving people to the homepage. However, Google Analytics and Hotjar data showed that after landing on the homepage, many users instantly clicked the ‘loans’ tab in the top navigation. Our CRO team hypothesized that sending paid traffic directly to the loans page would better match the high motivation of the users and would increase conversions. It worked – with loans page as the new landing page for paid traffic, there was 51% lift in loan application submissions.
Control – homepage:
  Variation – loans page:
    If you do have custom landing pages for search campaigns, make sure to track their post-click performance. A story shared by Momoko Price shows why it matters:
“A client shared their PPC landing page metrics with me but hadn’t actually calculated which landing page variants were performing best past the click (they were only looking at impression-to-ad CTR, but not the landing page conversions-per-PPC click rate). After looking into it, I discovered that the highest-performing PPC ad-group was driving traffic to a *sub-optimal* landing page variant. By directing that traffic to the highest performing landing page variant, we were able to substantially lower the overall CPA.”
3. Use CRO to increase lead quality
With CRO, you can make informed changes to the landing pages that drive not only initial conversions, but also deeper metrics, such as sales, LTV, and ultimately profit.
Steven Shyne, senior CX strategist at 6D Global shares a story about an experiment that impacted both conversions and lead quality:
“Our client, a telecom solutions provider, was debating whether or not to show pricing on the landing page. On the one hand, there was pressure from internal stakeholders and competitors to list the prices. On the other hand, the company provides customized quotes to its customers based on their business needs, and showing boilerplate pricing would go against this core value proposition. Our hypothesis was that removing pricing from the landing page would encourage prospective customers to fill out the form and request a precise quote. This would increase engagement with the sales team and improve metrics all the way through the sales funnel.
“The variation with the pricing information removed showed a 47% increase in qualified leads. Our client is continuing to see very strong performance and we are continuing to test/optimize when, where, and if at all we show pricing, all the way from ad unit to landing page to lead qualification page.”
  In summary, the connection between paid search and CRO is natural and profitable.
  Miguel Madrigal, search account lead at 3Q Digital sees CRO as a big value multiplier: “As performance marketers, there is only so much we can do on the front end. We can take the search queries, match them to keywords and ad copy, then mirror the ad copy on the landing page. If we tie these pieces together, we have done everything in our power. Working in tandem with CRO, always iterating, we can use the engagement and traffic we already have to drive better results.”
How to get more from social ads with CRO
There is a lot of pressure on social ads and landing pages to be both relevant and engaging. CRO can provide a valuable boost and help beat cat videos in the battle for customer attention.
Here’s how you can use CRO to make your social ad campaigns more effective.
1. Use CRO to create compelling ad copy and landing page copy
Conversion research can help identify the customers’ biggest pain points, desires and objections and translate them into effective copy. Customer interviews, surveys, Exit Intent Polls, customer reviews mining, etc., are great sources of powerful messaging that speaks to customers in their own language and drives action.
Talia Wolf, CEO at GetUplift, always uses in-depth conversion research to inform Facebook Ad and landing page copy:
“We use our emotional targeting research to optimize every step in the funnel, including social ads and social content. During a project with Fiverr last year, we worked to identify the prospects’ stage of awareness and their emotional drivers. We discovered where the customer was emotionally in the buyer journey. These insights helped us write new Facebook ad copy, choose new hero images and craft a new landing page strategy which got a 17% increase in conversion rates.”
2. Use CRO to optimize the landing page experience for the visitors coming from social media
Scott Olivares, growth and conversion director at Nabler, shares a story about how tailoring the landing page to social traffic helped boost engagement:
“Our client, an online university, invests heavily in social media advertising. All of the visitors from their campaigns go to landing pages made specifically for those campaigns. The lead acquisition rate was pretty bad, which made the cost per lead very high.
“In our research, we discovered that desktop visitors had a much higher conversion rate than mobile visitors – at least double. However, mobile visitors made up about 80% of all traffic. When we looked at the landing pages, we saw that they were very text-heavy and obviously designed with desktop in mind. We came up with a new experience designed specifically for mobile visitors referred by a social media site – people who are looking for a quick endorphin boost from something funny or interesting, that doesn’t take too much effort to consume. Our new experience condensed all the content into about five single lines listing the excuses that people usually have for not going back to school. The excuses were crossed out with a plus sign next to them. Clicking the plus sign revealed why that particular excuse was no longer valid at this university.
“This had a tremendous impact and many more mobile visitors began down the lead path. The lead start rate increased by 19% with 95% statistical significance.”
                             Control:                                                                      Variation:
                                                   CRO can help you make the most of your investment in paid traffic – both search and social. If your focus is organic traffic, CRO can help on this front as well.
How to get more from SEO with CRO
First, the burning question: does CRO help or hurt SEO?
Rand Fishkin from Moz has the answer:
“The truth is, there is no conflict between the two. Here are the broad elements that factor into the page’s ranking ability:
keywords and on-page (content and HTML source code)
content quality
user and usage data
domain authority
page authority (individual shares and links)
SPAM analysis
Changes made to the page with CRO affect just the first three factors. Nothing you’re going to do with CRO is going to have a negative effect on your domain authority, your page authority or SPAM analysis. If you are doing high-quality CRO and your conversion rate is rising, you are positively impacting two of the factors: your content quality signals and your user and usage data (with improved user experience, more people are spending time on the page, more people are engaging, Google ranks the page higher). The only factor we need to worry about is keywords and on-page. Here you just need to stick to some basic principles:
Put the words and phrases you are trying to rank for into HTML page title – you probably won’t be messing with your HTML page title when you are doing CRO anyway
Use your target words and phrases in the URL (URL doesn’t matter much for CRO)
Use your target words and phrases in the headline – headline does matter for CRO, but you almost certainly want to have the terms and phrases you are going after in your headline for SEO as well as CRO.
Long story short – there is no CRO requirement that would interfere with getting your SEO right.”
The goal of SEO pages is providing information, building awareness and authority; however, it doesn’t mean they can’t have commercial value and generate conversions. You can use CRO to turn SEO pages into additional funnel entry points.
Harrison DeSantis, SEO account manager at 3Q Digital, firmly believes in optimizing SEO pages for conversions: “I wish I could use CRO on every SEO account! We are putting in effort to drive traffic to these pages; I want to make sure we don’t squander it. Since SEO pages are top of the funnel, most visitors might not become customers right away, but then there are those organic visitors who are ready to convert. We want to make it as easy as possible for them to take action. Not everyone is going to do it, but everyone needs to know that they have the option to take the next step – the end game they can go back to when they are ready.”
Here is an example of how a company used this approach and saw substantial lifts in conversions on SEO pages:
A platform for getting psychic advice has a dozen high-ranking SEO pages. However, in the past these pages generated very few registrations – most visitors left immediately after reading the content. Conversion research showed that the next steps on SEO pages were not obvious, the visitors were not engaging with the call to action on the right rail, possibly because of “banner blindness”.
Our CRO team ran a test placing a call to action into the body of the article, directly in the line of sight of the reader. The goal was to create interest and provide an easy opportunity to take action. The experiment was successful – the variation showed a 94% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
  In the follow-up test, the team focused on improving the mobile experience on SEO pages by adding a “sticky” drawer CTA with an offer relevant to the article content. The variation provided the page visitors an opportunity to enter the funnel easily at any point during their session. The variation showed a 349% lift in registrations at 99% statistical significance.
   Control:                                                                            Variation:
CRO is a superpower that can help you amplify results from paid search, paid social, and SEO, and position your business to scale effectively online.
Here is a checklist of how you can use CRO to make the most of your user acquisition dollars:
Use CRO to improve relevance and clarity and ease of landing page experiences for paid search campaigns.
Use CRO value proposition testing to create winning ad campaign copy.
Use CRO to determine the best pages to drive paid traffic to.
Use CRO to increase lead quality.
Use CRO to inform ad and landing page copy for paid social campaigns.
Use CRO to tailor landing page experience for social traffic.
Use CRO to drive conversions from SEO traffic.
  Svitlana Graves is CRO specialist at 3Q Digital. 
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/04/23/how-to-use-cro-as-a-power-boost-for-paid-search-social-ads-and-seo/
0 notes
How does life insurance work?
"How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance and Driving Restrictions?
Hey! I pay car insurance under both of my parents vehicles but don't actually own one myself. The cars are not registered in my name or anything, I just want to specify that I AM on the insurance and that I PAY for it (I literally use my own money) myself. My question is: If I pay to be on the insurance, am I legally allowed to drive the vehicle without permission from the owner, since I pay for the insurance. Any response will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
I live in Florida. Can I get renters insurance to protect my things if I live with my parents?
I should add that I'm not a student and 24 years old.
How will my car insurance change now that i am married?
Hi, I just got married. I am 30 and she is 23. I pay about $76 a month on my car , she pays about $125 and both are full coverage. Mine is with Geico and hers is with some other company. I will get a quote in a few days, but I was just interested, as to what our insurance rate will be when we combine, probably with Geico. Is hers going to make it very high or what can I expect. Thanks.""
Advice on a supermoto/motard as a first bike for a 17 year old in the UK please?
I know bikes are cheaper in terms of insurance than a car, as my FIAT X1/9 I was planning on getting as a first car, as my dad already owned it, is north of 2500 to insure alone. Basically, please can someone advise me on a supermoto for a first time rider with relatively low insurance that cost about 2000 to buy, 2500 maximum. I really like the supermoto style, and its fairly cheap for my friend, I have a 19 year old friend with a modified supermoto YZF250 and pays only 400 per year. I think he has been riding since he was 17. I am clued of on cars and fairly knowledgeable of engines, but I lack the knowledge of the names of different bike, so finding it tricky, I have decided to post this. Preferably I like the idea of a small (cheap 125cc), but a single cylinder 4 stroke purely because of the noise, but if it has to be two stroke, I don't mind greatly. As long as I can do a little over 60mph to keep up with traffic on the faster roads roads, but not the motorways, it will cost less than 2000, but maybe a little over, and will not be overly expensive for a 17 year old, that will be ideal. I don't care of anything to rapid, as long as it is fast enough for the roads unlike a little 30mph moped, I just want a fun, cheap, roadworthy supermoto.""
Teen driver and car insurance?
I am 17 years old and am looking to buy my first car. I have found a 2002 Buick Rendezvous CX that I am very interested in. The only problem now is insurance...With my car insurance company, Liberty Mutual, it will be close to $800 every 6 months! That is A LOT of a teenager or for anyone to be paying. That is also being under my parents policy which has the best coverage. What can I possibly do to finagle a lower price? I know that the car should be registered as pleasure driving, I have good grades, took Drivers education...what else can I do to try and lower my payment every 6 months? If there are any tips, please help me!""
How much would it cost to insure a Volkswagen Golf 1.4L?
I'm 17 in a couple of months, I'm thinking of getting a car now and refurbishing it, make it look nice, you know? I've came across this one car, a VW Golf 1.4L 5 door, obviously it will be my first car. How much ROUGHLY would this cost to insure per year and is it a good car to get? It's done 139,000 Miles and is the 2001 model, its a petrol engine and will cost me just short of 600. How would I go about the insurance and how would I buy this car? How can i check its not stolen and stuff? and is it a good buy for my first car? Any help shall be much appreciated!""
What insurance companies cover home that have had multiple claims?
We have have 3 claims since 2008 and have been dropped. We cannot find homeowners insurance, and our mortgage company is going to force insurance, with no liability or personal property included, at 2 to 3 times higher premium. Anyone have ideas of insurance companies that would cover us?""
Car insurance?
What's the point in paying car insurance if sometimes they deny your claim if something ever happens
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
Is falling asleep at the wheel covered by car insurance?
no other cars or persons were involved
How much on average does it cost to insure a 21 year old female driver with her G2?
I just bought a car and need to get insurance. I am 21 years old have my G2 currently but will be going for my full G in the next couple weeks. I have taken drivers ed in the past and I am a university student. Previously i was paying $50/month as a secondary driver under my dad and received a quote for $156/month as a primary driver is this a reasonable price?
Why is my car insurance quotes so high?
Hello, I'm 17 years old and have just pasted my ful uk license and am looking for a car and insurance. The car i want is a vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre 3door. My friend has a 1.1 litre and his insurance is 1,200 with his dad on it. But when i look with exactly the same details (locked garage, mileage, etc) with my dad on it (i also entered my friends post code to see if there is a difference) but the cheapest quote has been 4400. Help?""
How come I haven't been forced to buy car insurance?
I keep hearing from some people on here that the government forces us to buy car insurance. How come nobody has forced me to buy it?? My roommate also doesn't have car insurance. We live in the city and take public transportation so we always thought we didn't need to buy car insurance. Are we breaking the law? Also, my brother lives in New Hampshire and he drives a car but said he doesn't have car insurance!! Is he breaking the law?""
Car Insurance help for new driver?
I just passed my test yesterday. I have a Vauxhall Corsa active 16V 1.2 2004(3 Door). I asked my friends who have recently passed how much they got on their insurance. One of my friends got 1100 on a 9month deal (Direct Line) on their 2009 VW Golf. And another one of my friends also on direct line got 1300 on their Ford Fiesta (X reg). When I come to get my quote they range from 1900-3000!! I've added near enough the same details. Mother main driver, fully comp all that. So I want to know is what is it that's allows them to get cheaper car insurance? Or is there something I'm doing wrong? Perhaps suggest another insurance company (I've looked at most). But any advice would be most appreciated. Young driver wanting to have his freedom.""
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
Insurance adjustment on bill no insurance?
I live in NY I went to the hospital and my bill says total charges 1,590.72 and it says patient balance due 750.00 on the bottom it says total insurance pmt/adj 840.72. I used to have insurance through my old job but I don't anymore and it was Aflac anyways. Does anyone have any ideas?""
Insured (auto) will not reply to her insurance companies repeat attempts for contact...?
Last week a minor - unlicensed male - put Escalade, his mother's vehicle, in reverse and ran into the front of my stopped Toyota Corolla. We happened to be in front of his mother's house so he ran inside and she and her son came out soon after. The mother gave me all of her info: insurance etc. and I went on my disgruntled way. I called her insurance company, and mine too, the same day and made a report. It has been one week and after repeated attempts to call and then sending her a letter for a reply she still has not made any contact with either insurance carrier. I did not bother with a police report because last year, when the same kind of accident happened to me, I called the police and they came and told me they did not need to take a report and that we should just contact our insurance companies. This is an accident that happened on 4-20-2010 in northern California. What are my options?""
Cheap Auto Insurance?
I know for a 17-yr-old newly licensed female its expensive, but what auto insurance company would you recommend. I live in New York, drive '93 Ford Explorer thats in satisfactory condition.""
Can my husband be on his parents car insurance?
Can my husband be on his parents insurance with his car and be on my own insurance with my car? Because right now he is on his parents and I just got a car and I dont want to have both cars on my insurance plan.
Insurance Quote on WRX for 19 Year Old?
Hi im just curious if anyone out there could tell me what im probably going to be paying for a 2009 Subaru WRX. Im 19, male, and in my second year of college no tickets only one accident which WASNT my fault. Progressive wants to charge me $466 a MONTH. car would be payed off after 1 month and i live at home with parents HELP ME!""
Where can I find the best and most affordable Health Insurance?
not some rip off. but a real company and i hate BCBS
What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value?
If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?""
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
Is anyone surpised that Obamacare will double the cost of insurance?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the Democrats always lie about everything? .
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
Does any1 know were i cud get cheap car insurance?
i live in northern ireland and am 18 years old thanks
""If women get low car insurance rates, because they are rated as a group, shouldn't men have low medical rates?""
Women get low car rates b/c they, as a group, are less likely to have accidents. Feminists quote this fact all the time. Yet women live 8+ yrs. longer than men, and spend the last years of their lives using numerous and costly medical resources. Women use ~50% more medical resources than men. Why, then, aren't women required to pay higher medical premiums? Why aren't feminists marching on Washington demanding that women pay more? Oh, sorry ... I forgot. Feminists say they want equality, but their actions show different.""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
How much does car insurance cost with a DUI?
I have an impaired charge, how much will basic insurance cost for me knowing I havens DUI? if you happen to know what it would be in Alberta, that would be great help.""
Pay Monthly Cars and Car Insurance Package?
Hi does anyone know of any UK Company that offer a new car and car insurance combined into 1 monthly payment? I know of Young Marmalade but I would like to see if there are any other good and cheap companies out there. Thanks
G2 Insurance?
I'm working on getting my G2 license, but once I get it, will I have to get insurance? If I'm not driving, nobody would ever know that I don't have insurance, right? I want to have my license so that when I *can* afford insurance, I'll be able to drive.""
Does anyone know where i can get car insurance?
does anyone know where a college student with bad credit can get a car insurance
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
Single input multiple quote car insurance?
looking for multiple quotes on car insurance with single information input
Car insurance and speeding tickets in NJ?
I have 12 years driving with not problems and not tickets, but my husband just got a speeding ticket a 90 miles por hour.The problem is that my insurance went up to the double. What can I do to get a better rate without removing him from my police?""
Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?
Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?""
Why is the tripling of insurance premiums called Affordable Health Care ?
I got a letter from my health insurance company that my current policy (which I was just fine with) would be cancelled in 2014 and if I did nothing I would automatically be changed ...show more
Is there an affordable private insurance provider that will cover prescription medicine so I can go to school?
I have Crohn's disease and I'm attending college in Idaho. I'm currently covered by my parents' insurance, but I'm I will no longer be covered in a year. My college has a reasonably priced insurance plan but it doesn't cover prescription medications. Remicade is considered a prescription drug, which means that the plan won't cover my remicade treatments which cost about $4,000 every eight weeks. I realize I could get a job that has benefits, but I really would like to get a college degree. Is there any way I can go to college and still have the health coverage I need to pay for my prescription medicines?""
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 16, ill be on the car by myself. the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition. i have state farm along with my family so ill be on their plan, ive done the steer clear program and have good grades which both give me a discount! does anyone have an estimate of what is might be per month????""
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
Insurance for a car that is about to sell?
I live in north carolina and I have two cars right now. One is a dead car ( having insurance) and the other is new car ( dealer said it is ok to drive that vehicle for atleast 30 days with in the state without transfer of insurance ..I will be transferring the insurance from my old car to new car in 3-4 days as holidays are ahead. My question is some one is willing to buy my dead car ASAP and do I have to do the paper work of transferring the insurance of my dead one to new one before I sell this car. Or Insurance is the responsibility of the buyer? I don't have to worry about it? I really appreciate if some one gives a nice suggestion. I could not able to reach the insurance people bcz of holidays
Where can I get affordable temporary health insurance?
Where can I get affordable temporary health insurance?
What is the best car on cheap car insuRANCE?
Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance?
I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre.""
Add Car to Insurance for Just a Week?
Has anyone ever added a car to their insurance for just a week. The car is my parents and they have insurance under geico and I have insurance under progressive. We are going out of town and would like to borrow the car but to be on the safe side we would like to add it to the insurance for the time we are outta town. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?
Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks""
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
Car insurance uk?
i have car insurance with one car i have full no claims discount,i now am thinking of running another car in my name so i got a quote for this car from my insurance company,.they said as the second car i want to insure i have none no claims discount i have to start again and earn it,.So if i get a quote from a different car insurance company,will these conditions still apply to me.""
""Car insurance help, 16 yrs old?""
hey, so im 16 yrs old. I live in florida, have above a 3.0, took driver safety classes and everything, and im thinking about getting a 1995-2000 v6 camaro as my first car. Problem is, about 4 or 5 months ago, some asshole in a truck with a trailer crashed into me while i was driving and my parents got ****** on insurance, and the court just now ruled it wasnt my fault, but i know its still going to affect my insurance. If i go under their plan, have them as the lead and im just an off-driver, as it will be a school only car, how much do you think the insurance would be? im just looking for a medium range, i know everyone can't get specifics, im just trying to see if its worth it or not. i think with me on both cars now they had to pay $150 dollars more now, they said it would usually be more, but since they have been with them for over 30 years or something they get a discount.""
What are some good car with cheap insurance and good mpg for a 16. I wanna tune it up?
I want a car that has low insurance and good mpg i wanna tune it up to like 400hp to 500hp
Switching car Insurance companies?
With lower rates given by other insurance companies, wanting me to switch. What is the catch . My current company says watch out for hidden fees and their drop clause. . Is the coverage the same? May be dropped or hugh increase after a claim.Been with current co. more than 10 years. Looking to save some money.""
Health insurance bills?
I asked a question about if health insurance companys bill you but I want to make this clear....so if I meat my deductible the only thing I have to do is pay the copay and I don't get anything in the mail from the insurance company but I can get a bill from the Dr or hospital that my insurance Didnt pay for?
Allstate auto insurance/full coverage - rental car?
Does anyone know if Allstate will cover me in a rental car? I have a full coverage policy on my car at the moment. Just wondering if I travel and rent a car would I still be covered?
Does anyone know of a good auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami for liability only?
Need an auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami with efficient service and good rates for liability only. Thanks.
Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?
What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?
Car Insurance Question!!?
So I just got my license yesterday but my dad said that I can't drive the car myself until he puts me on the insurance plan. Do I really need to be put on the insurance plan? I know its illegal not to have car insurance but I do, it would just go under my parents' names. Isn't that ok or do I really do have to get my own insurance card and everything? if yes, how many days would it take for me to get my name under the insurance? I really want to be able to start driving on my own. thanks!""
Insurance companies use credit reports?
Just got notice from my insurance company (auto only) that they are going to be ordering insurance loss history reports and motor vehicle reports. They will help determine our eligibility for insurance and the price we may be charged. All well and good. But here's the kicker, the part I don't get. They also say that they may order additional consumer reports that include our credit info. They may use a credit-based insurance score based on that info. And they may use a 3rd party to develop our credit-based insurance score. Is this normal? Do many companies do this? Is this something that anyone else is outraged about, and is anyone fighting this? I don't have much cause for concern really, but I don't get what one thing has to do with the other. You could explain that to me too! If it matters, this is American Family Insurance. Does State Farm do this?""
Oklahoma insurance help..?
I'm 21 years old and i don't have any insurance, haven't since my mums stopped covering me. I'm not working right now, i had a job for awhile, but had to quit cuz i had to call sick too often due to horrid migraine headaches. I really need to find some insurance of some kind because i see to goto a doctor for a few different health concerns. Does anyone know where i can find some affordable insurance? I don't even know where to begin looking or what to look for. How much should i expect to be spending? Or would i qualify for some form of state insurance if I'm not working?""
What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance?
I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
looking for a very affordable auto insurance quote/payment per month. Anyone knows? please and thank you.
2000's Subaru WRX insurance info for a 20 year old in ct?
Hello I'm looking into purchasing either a 2002 or 2004 Subaru WRX. I live in Connecticut i am 20, have had my license for 2 years with no accidents or tickets. I would like to ...show more""
Car insurance + 3 points?
heya ok to cut a long story short i got pulled ove by the police the other weekr and i had a really worn out tire on my car.. i got 3 points for it and now 2 weeks later it my insurance renewal i know i have to tell them about the points and thats fine but this is where it gets slightly interesting, my renewal with no points would cost 790 for the year but if i tell them about the points i think it goes up to 1100 so i looked about online i added the points in the quotes and everywere is about 1300 so i was messing about with the insurance options and i changed the price of my car value from 400 to 3000 and i got a quote for 770 i couldnt believe it so i checked over all the details and they are all correct apart from the value of my car so my question is... does it really matter that i put 3000 as the value?""
Mortgage Life insurance or regular Life insurance?
My husband and I got information on Mortgage Life Insurance which basically is kind of like Life Insurance I guess and pays off your mortgage if someone dies. For example, our house is $180,000 and I die in 10 years and the mortgage balance is $80,000 then my husband still gets the original $180,000. He can use this to pay off the mortgage plus have money left over and use for whatever. This sounds like a great deal to get but I want to get other people's opinions who know information on this. It is called Forester Mortgage life insurance. Also, what is the difference between this and regular life insurance? Is regular life insurance better? Thanks!""
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
Can I legally drive my fiances mothers car; will her insurance cover me?
I'm 20, I will be 21 in a month. I got my Provisional Drivers License today. I have a toddler, and am pregnant. We live in Calvert County, Maryland. My fiance and I live with his parents, we rent 2 rooms. His mother is 69, and has All State car insurance, not sure what plan. Can I legally drive her car infrequently, like to the grocery store, or to OB appointments here and there without having insurance myself? Does it depend on her plan? She's going to call them tomorrow to see, but I'd just like to see what answers I get on here tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.""
What height/weight ratio will get me best life insurance rates?
I want to replace some ART life insurance with level term. But I'm worried my weight relative to height might keep me from the best rate. Is there some way to find out what numbers trigger higher risk? If so I might wait another year and try to lose 10-20 lbs.
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Why has my health insurance coverage gotten worse under the Affordable Care Act?
This was supposed to be affordable, but it's making everything worse!""
Health insurance for my wife at a low rate?
I work but unable to carry my wife do to the rates. Is there any insurance that we can get on at a better than the one offered at my job. So far I have found one with Blue Cross Blue Shield for $70 a month where my job is like $95 a week or so. I do know it was high on a weekly basis.
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.
""My car was totaled, do I still have to make payments to my car insurance?
I was in a car crash in the beginning of August and my car was declared total by my insurance. I still had 5 more payments left and called my agent which said I still have to pay for them?
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
How much would the insurance be on a 1993 Acura legend coupe with a type II engine and skyline gtr body kit?
I have a link that shows pictures of the car so please give me your thoughts about what you think of the car itself and how high or low the insurance may be. Here's the link. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/562419/2
How much would a Ford Puma cost to insure?
I'm 16, taking driving lessons soon after my birthday, and I'd love to get a Puma, I know insurance is a lot... But I thought that as it's a small, 2 door car, the price might drop a bit, if maybe the price is going to be quite high (Above average for a new driver) then please suggest some other cars that are cheap to insure :) But I would really like one of these x) Also considering fuel consumption and economy :) One of these - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp :) Thanks very much""
How much longer will americans put up with health insurance companies?
when will Americans demand an end to insurance companies involved with healthcare? how much longer will Americans put up with insurance companies having more control then doctors on medical choices?
Can insurance find out you have a license if you don't tell them about it?
hey guys, i'm about to get my license but before i do i was wondering:can the insurance company find out if you get your license without you telling them and jack up your rates? the reason i ask is because i'm not interested in getting insurance for myself at the moment i just wanted to get the test out of the way.""
How do I go about getting health insurance for my baby?
Me and my husband just got married this year and found out that we were pregnant a few weeks later. We both just got jobs mine does not have insurance and his offers insurance but it will not kick in for three more months and our baby is due in one month. Right now we are both on our parents health insurance my dads includes maternity but will not cover anything for the baby after he is born. We now make too much for Medicaid but are still struggling financially. Should we wait until my husbands insurance kicks in and pay out of pocket for two months or get him on a private plan so when the baby comes we can add the baby to that private plan? Most of the plans that we can afford have like a 10,000 dollar deductible before they cover anything anyway.""
240sx insurance?
will the cost of insurance for a 1995 nissan 240sx be high or low?
If you buy life insurance in the US why is it illegal for companies/brokers to give rebates(legal in Ireland)?
I'm thinking of getting a life assurance policy for say 10 or 20 years cover, just incase I kick it my spouse will have a little nestegg. Found a broker who offers ok prices, cheapest I could find, and the broker offers a 75% cash rebate by cheque in year one once you pay in full for the year or in the 13th month if you pay monthly. Some companies - aside from brokers - also offer rebates, although not as generous. Now how can this broker afford to do that? Does he get a commision from the company we get our policy through, like an affiliate bonus for signing up new clients and is he then using part or all of this bonus to cover the rebate to us? Works out well for us regardless but wondering why it's illegal in the US? Thanks.""
How much does Geico car insurance cost?
How much does Geico car insurance cost?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
Will my parents insurance go up if i get a permit?
I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!""
Need health insurance for my child
need health insurance for my child I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?
My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august""
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
What auto insurance should I have for a car that stays in garage?
I live in California, I do have a car that I am not using anymore and it stays in the garage until I decide to sell it. By California law, is there any law that you must have insurance for car? even if it is not being used. if there is a law then what is my best options for auto insurance? Thanks, I appreciate any answer!""
Car Insurance Question?
I am buying my first car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan altima 3.5 sedan (4 door) I would love to know how much im looking into for insurance and which company would be best for a new car owner/college student Geico Progressive State Farm etc..... Any information would be beneficial
Can i buy insurance/warranty on beats?
My friend sold me an unopened studio beats. But i want to know if places like best buy can i just walk in and ask for a warranty or insurance? if not can you place help me find a place that i can.
""Does term life insurance fall under Obamacare and if not, what IS available to provide for my family?""
I have a potentially fatal disease and want to buy term insurance to leave something for my family. I'm hoping this pre-existing condition will not cause me to be denied, but if it would, is there another type I can buy under Obamacare? Thank you.""
What are we paying for when we buy car Insurance?
Does any one notice that we shell out thousands of dollars from our income for car insurance, and the insurance company gives us nothing back? Sure, if we get into a car accident, they cover the costs, but then they raise your rate. And you are paying far more than the cost of the accident anyway. And then if you don't get into an accident, what is all that money for? They don't give it back. I just think its odd that we are required by law to pay for nothing, after we already have paid for the car. And then if you don't, you are penalized and punished, so you are given no choice. But really, you're paying all this money and getting nothing back. WTF""
Cheapest and best flood insurance?
I live in Az and was told my townhome was is in a flood zone and I need flood insurance. How much does this cost and wheres the cheapest place to get it. Another guy in the unit next to me said his mortgage company forced the insurance on his loan and it was 2,500 a year so his mortgage went up 300 a month!! thats seems like an insane amount? Please help.""
How much is insurance for one day on a Rental Car?
I will be renting a car in April to pick up my fiance who will be arriving about 5 hours away, So I will be driving the car for 10 hours that day. I do not have insurance of my own so I will have to get some with the car that I rent.. about how much will it cost for the insurance? The car costs about 35$ for the day.. Thanks!""
Question about car insurance?
So I'm 17 and getting my license and a car soon and as we all know, car insurance for us young people a ridiculously high. So I was wondering if it is possible to have my parents name be officially as the owner of the car I want to get cuz their insurance rate is lower.""
How much can I expect to get back from a written off car?
I wrote my peugeot 206 off last week the insurance are sending out a settlement figure as soon as they have valued it etc I was just wondering what sort of pay back you get im not expecting much but am hoping to get a new car with some of the insurance money the value of the car is about 2,500 before the crash.""
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.
0 notes
Decisions Decisions.. Oh More Lovely College Decisions
This is the first place other than my Snapchat story (just now) where I am finally posting on my social media that I have finally decided and came to a conclusion: I'm going to be a double major. That being said, I love learning and am passionate about almost anything and everything. I'm an English minor, really into the arts and sciences, and go to a small college where I was lucky enough to travel abroad to South Africa 🇿🇦 this past January to study bio conservation and tropical ecology and studying biomes, culture, etc. it was phenomenal. Breath taking. I miss it all so much. So my majors now are Animal Studies, Biology and Psychology concentration and now after this week or next, once enrolled / signed in to it, I'll be a Psychology major, as well. I'm so pumped. In the end, I'll graduate right on time by the year I expected and will be more qualified for the jobs I want such as working in zoos and animal behavior. And if vet school/med school is to ever come around? Then so be it :) I desire to be either a veterinary behaviorist in the end or, my favorite idea, a psychiatrist for animals and opening up my own practice. I pray I can do either or one day. Who knows! Thanks for reading/listening, loves. I wish I was on here more and more active but I'm so gosh darn busy these days and now you all know why cx but it's worth it and even though I don't even have time for Netflix or social media nowadays, I'm just happy I can be happy and stable nmw now in the here and now. Now I'm in an Allies club and running for two positions and also in a scholar program and also other stuff.. i love it :) learned so much and still meeting amazing ppl. Gonna be a senior next year, too! Can't wait :) planning to graduates spring 2019. Thanks for listening. I can't wait for what's to come. I also love stream on younow! If you want to find me on there and watch me for life updates, my account is @carala0708 - come find and support me and what I love and am passionate about. I always love meeting you guys and reading your comments :) all other socials of mine are at twistedfate0708 :)
0 notes