#you that exam season is hitting hard when i get back to making these lmao
uraberika · 1 year
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Inazuma Eleven + text posts [17/?]  
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
So I've recently made a new AO3 account (completely separate from my main one, different email and everything lmao) bc I want to start writing porn, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use some of your asks as like, prompts or ideas? Especially ones that were my own (this is PP!Tim Anon btw, and I've sent in. A lot of asks without signing them off as that, like I could make an entire list and it would probably hit double digits of which asks you've gotten that were mine lmao)!! I would ofc credit you and your blog! I don't know how to imbed links to the individual asks (I'll still try but I can't promise anything lmao), but I'll at least mention your Tumblr name and AO3 account!
I really wanna try my hand at some random, filthy oneshots without a bunch of world building or context, bc that's something I tend to get hung up on in my writing, and I wanna stick to some short and sweet smut oneshots about Tim being a pregnant, underage nympho slut, or a puppy factory, or a cocksleeve for the rogues of Gotham and their goons, all that good stuff!!
On that thought tho, do you have any pieces of advice for like, consistent writing, or motivation to write? Bc that's my biggest struggle tbh is sitting down to start writing. Usually once I start I can churn out a couple thousand words in one sitting, but I gotta start first, ya know? Any words of wisdom would mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️
answered out of order:
yes of course❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't believe how happy that makes me to hear!!!! so many of the asks i get sent are just so brilliant and well done and it would make me so beyond happy to know people started writing or got inspired to write out their ideas!!! and i'm sure that people who submitted other posts you get inspiration from would love to see others expand further on their asks ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!
one shots are a really great way to really get back into a sort of groove of writing because it can be shorter, the plot may be not as dense or complex as something from a multichap (though you can also write VERY long one shots that are incredibly detailed too), and it can be mainly composed of "fun" writing in the sense that you don't have to do buildup for bigger things like you would in longer multichaps or those that are heavily plot driven. i totally get struggling to get motivation to write, for me it was always like i had to wait for my brain to be turned "on" or in a working mode for me to get any writing for my fics done which meant it usually only happened when i was studying for exams or doing projects for school. however for me that meant when i was in the 'off season' like breaks from school it meant that even though i had time, i no longer had motivation to write. that's something i'm still working to break myself out of and i think one think that is pretty effective is thinking of a scene or piece of dialogue i'm excited to write and look forward to getting to so it motivates to write to reach it. that works sometimes, other times i think of a reward i'll get myself once i finally finish. something like candy or some snack or food i don't often get or go out of my way to get. and another thing that works for me sometimes is basically planning the fic, for a short one shot the major bullet points of what happen would be a short list and so it would pretty much trick your brain into thinking 'wow a short task list i can do all of these pretty quickly/complete them without too much hassel or procrastination!'.
ultimately i think writing one shots takes a lot of pressure off since as a single chapter there's basically no further commitment needed like it would during a multi chapter fic which can be very relieving for people who get easily stressed or pressured by commitments with no hard deadline.
im very happy to hear you'll be expanding on your tim ideas and look forward to them!!!!!! also if you need any help with embedding on aow the reference collection on ao3 is really helpful and its where i learned to embed links with this tutorial ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 63
Emel was taken to the hospital. Sarp went home and his dad noticed that something was wrong with the car. Sarp told him that he hit a kid. So they went to check all the hospitals and they found the hospital were Emel was staying. They later saw Oglucan, Omer and Asiye with Emel and Sarp told his dad that he might've hit Omer's sister.
After his little show in the last ep, Tolga decided not to go to school anymore. Oglucan noticed that Leyla was doing her homework so he asked her why she was working on it right now. Leyla said that the mood wasn’t good yesterday at home. She told him that Tolga decided to leave school. Berk rolled his eyes when he heard that LMAO
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Berk:" Oh no ! After yesterday's tragedy, he is now playing the role of the lonely guy, huh? Your brother is really an actor ! He is doing this to get attention, for sure ! Acting like he was never loved and he never loved anyone ! For those who believe it of course"
I really love that Berk is not affected by Tolga’s victim act and he knows exactly what Tolga is trying to do 😂
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Leyla told Berk to leave her brother alone because he wasn’t the reason why Aybike broke up with him.
Aybike: “You still can’t understand, right? You’re the one who changed. You still can’t understand that the problem lies within you and nobody else”
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I WANT TO SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susen told Berk that Omer lied to her two days ago and went to Leyla's house. Berk was surprised and told her not forgive Omer immediately so she didn't look at Omer when he came to the school. Both Susen and Berk are right here but the writers keep on trying to show them as if they were the ones in the wrong and it makes me so mad !
Doruk caught Yasmin trying to steal chemistry exam questions. She said she doesn’t understand chemistry no matter how hard she studies. So Doruk suggested that he and Asiye will help her study. Doruk suggested it because Asiye wanted Omer's relationship with his siblings to be good. Yasmin also went to Omer's house to check if they found out that Sarp was the one who hit Emel. Someone brought back Emel's bike and the rest of her stuff that he found at the scene of the accident and Omer found a bracelet among her things. The bracelet belonged to Sarp. Yasmin bought it for him. When leaving Yasmin said that she left her notebook at the chicken coop and she went back to get her brother's bracelet. 
The next day, Berk and Susen were together at school. Aybike said that “his” (Susen) and “hers” (Berk 🤭) have joined forces and are talking about them 😂 Omer said that he was mad at Susen because she didn’t ask him about what happened to his face. He said he's not gonna talk with her. This guy !!! Not only he's the one in the wrong but also he wants her to make the first move???  Susen asked Berk if he's going to talk with Aybike and he said: "No, that book is closed (meaning he is not going to try again) The sweet old Berk is gone, they killed him"
At the end of the ep, Oglucan sent Omer the picture they took of Sarp when he fell in the trash can. Omer noticed that the bracelet Sarp was wearing looks like the one that was found at the scene of the accident and concluded that Sarp hit Emel after he hit him. Unfortunately, Omer fainted in the bus. His nose bled a couple of times during the last two days after his fight with Sarp. In the trailer, the doctor said that Omer had a brain hemorrhage. 
Gunul found out that Orhan gave Sengul the restaurant's credit card and that's how Sengul bought her mini bus. Later, Sengul was giving away kofta sandwiches around the neighborhood and in front of Gunul’s restaurant, she even stole her clients in front of her eyes which made Gunul so mad. She decided to burn the mini bus down. Akif was sleeping in the mini bus because he forgot his keys and Suzan said that she was coming home late. 
I loved SusBer’s scenes in this ep ❤️️ The Eren forgiving Tolga after 3 ep when Berk spent a whole season trying to make up for what he did is really infuriating ! Also, did we really need to watch all those Nebahat-Akif scenes? Akif cheating on Suzan with his ex wife was not really “family friendly” content.
It looks like they shared pictures from ep 64 this week as pics from ep 63. The picture of Aybike talking on the phone and Sengul and Aybike where pics from ep 64.
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raphael-schreave · 3 years
Challenge 8 (Part 3) The... END?
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[Anya’s Message]
After a rollercoaster of an eighth season for the OC, I just would like to thank everyone for being with us and sharing your time as we all try to get by during this scarily uncertain time. We started the OC sometime during the start of my senior year, and I’m only now two months away from graduating! Having the OC has helped keep me sane at my last uni year here at home, and I’d like to thank all of you for wanting to be a part of this. I’ve always wanted to be host and you guys have brought such an amazing cast of characters with rich backstories into the mix. So thank you thank you thank you for making this OC come to life. 
To Myr, who brought in Alassie and kept her principles and advocacies rooted in valid and important issues faced by Indigenous People and have made some of the spiciest edits through her edits and the details in those song titles. 
To Ana, who created Suzy with her fearlessness to have fun but also have fun with Raffy and her constant energy in RPs. 
To Bri, who always makes wonderful characters like Ivy who just knows how to hit the right romantic moment beats in RPs. 
To Milo, who continues to write some of the funniest dialogue with Rhea and some of the best and funniest grade A fics. 
To Sanji, whose put in so much wonderful effort and detail with Diana and who I still suspect as Lady Illéa– I hope she becomes the embodiment of “mom I am a rich man. 
To Simone, with her attention to detail in creating such real-feeling characters that is so alive in Nellie who we hope would reach her dreams and would heal from her past with her parents. 
To Ester, we hope engineering exams are treating you well and who has brought in such detail and fun with Kaden into Sam’s life and making him so flustered. 
To Emi, who continues to pull off such rich and beautiful characters with fics to match in Andreia, and keeps Archie’s life just as colorful and grounded. 
To Anna, who never fails to bring characters out with such elaborate details that are fun to always look back on with Meredith. 
To Elise, who keeps RPs always spicy and fun and for collectively making all of us 🔪🔪🔪 against the character of Illinois Jones with Ramona and bringing in the live ape cam and being our trusty song blogger and tagger.  
Most especially, I’d want to thank Chris, beautiful and wonderful and ever patient Chris who listened to my own crack theories about everyone and for grounding me when things in the OC became overwhelming. I couldn’t have asked for a better co-host who brought to life half of the cast of characters we had, bringing in our steadfast Sam and our lovable Archie into the side romance team and making Sam and Archie her own characters which are better than any way I could have played them. It’s been an honor to be your co-host and you’re always one of my reasons for going at it. Here’s to retirement? HAHA
Lastly, Elise and Anna: who have made it literally phYSICALLY AND MATHEMATICALLY difficult to choose a winner between Ramona and Meredith, you’ve done both great jobs throughout this whole OC. Thank you for giving this so much of your effort and energy and making this such a difficult decision. 
Alright so this is it! This is Anya, OC-veteran signing off for OC 8. 
Love, Anya 
[ Chris’ message ]
HELLO! for the last time from this account, I suppose, which is sad but refreshing at the same time... I have been feeling a bit emotional lately so I’m sorry if this gets... weird or like “what are you even talking about, Chris.” 
First of all you must remember how terrified I was to host an OC before I begged Anya to join the ride and I want to thank for all the encouraging and supportive words back then. It wasn’t so hard to convince me, but it was certainly hard to calm my nerves. You all did great at that! I’m glad you did because otherwise I really wouldn’t have done it and I would miss the opportunity to finally host with Anya. Many of you maybe don’t know but she and I had tried to host before a few times and... we are here now! at the end of this OC! All because she took well to accept me, and share with me all these characters she already had created. I’m still thinking Anya was incredibly kind to share Archie, Alessandra, Samuel and Bellamy for me to make them part mine to mess with hehe I certainly hope still I didn’t ruin the image she had of them. 
It was as challenging as incredible to host this OC along side with Anya. She always being ahead, anticipating things, using her magical and amazingly useful documents, sheets, CODE!! I was in awe! During this process we stressed, we work hard, we... get conflicted sometimes haha but not more than we enjoyed and scream with every epic moment you all help us create in rps and for that I’m beyond thankful. 
THANK YOU, really thank you for letting us meet these special ladies. Not only special as character but also as ideas that came out of your creative minds. I know how much energy, research and love it’s behind a character and having that in mind I am still excited about the fact I had the opportunity to interact with almost everyone of them!! I wish everyone could get someone but unfortunately, there’s a limit of voices I can keep inside my head before it explodes! But your characters were unique in their own ways and getting to know their goals, their motivations and their vulnerabilities was a BIG deal for me! Thank you everyone again for let them apply to this selection and making each rp this thing full of emotions!! jdfkjhgbfg Thank you also for bear with us! 
I still remember how HARD was to make decisions when it was my turn to make them and I really don’t miss those times but I still mean what I say on those posts. Thanks for going for the sides and show them so much love. I really enjoyed the fact they were able not only to find ~true love~ but also to develop nice and meaningful friendships.
I don’t address you individually because Anya already do that and I can’t do it better.
As I said we cried, we SCREAM (in a good and in a bad way sometimes), we get  🥺🥺🥺 but most of all I had and I’m still having FUN!!! My men got their good share of gorgeous, talented, and extremely wonderful girls courtesy of two excellent friends Emi and Ester who have been the most comprehensive and now have to deal with my ideas and my random babbling about future plans, etc... I really hope they have the nerve to shut me up when it’s needed hahaha. I know Archie and Samuel LOVE their girls SO SO SO MUCH no matter what they are saying or doing because you know men are dumb. 
In resume, recognition to everyone for the effort, for the creativeness, for being here despite how hard real life can get with school, work, thesis, family, holidays... In the end, the idea is to get some fun and nice distraction from all that, in this game. Hope you, after all enjoyed it as much as I did /do <333 
Recognition and standing ovation for Anya. I’m a witness of how hard he worked and how every decision she took was thoughtful and taken with the best intentions (including this last one. Believe me it took a while! We analyzed EVERYTHING! ) and even most of the times putting everything before her own health (tsk tsk) but I love this team we made!! <333
So see you at group chats and rps! 
Retirement? ... Look, I really need to get into searching my rl true love, okay?! 
Did you read all that?? kjdsngg then thanks again hahaha 
Bye OC8  with my sentimental heart...  - Chris
To Lady Illéa, Song Blog, SOC8 Memes, and Swendway, Chris and Anya would also like to thank all the extra pages in the OC who made some of the funniest content in making the OC World more real, funny, and spicy!
Without further ado, Chris and Anya present to you: The Final Fic.
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rrxnjun · 2 years
OML OKAY i like john green too <3 i love looking for alaska. i recently read turtles all the way down and oof it hit really hard. next on my tbr is papertowns and then i’ll be done with all of his books (hi i’m obsessed with his writing style hkjg) and ooh i haven’t read any from j.d. salinger. the catcher in the rye is the only book of his i’ve heard of </3 i’ll check him out soon. YUSSSUH i love dystopian books too. dkfjg this just made me realise that they made up almost 60% of my life as a bookworm. the maze runner is my favourite out of all i’ve read !! the adrenaline rush it gave was unparalleled. i’ve also read hunger games, divergent, ready player one and a few more from the dystopian genre but i don’t remember them rn. also unless my physics books count for smth, no i’m not reading anything 😭😭 i was reading war storm by victoria aveyard (the red queen series.) and it’s going good but i’m taking a break bc exams </3
AHHH you play the guitar :0 ? THAT’S SO COOL and no idk how to play any instruments. i have literally no knowledge about instruments so sheet music is just, so weird for me even after a friend tried explaining it gdfgdf i learn classical music tho so i can sing to some extent 
OMG YESSS OVERDOSE IS JUST SO HGFKGF it just activates this part in my brain and makes me go grrr. YESS the playlist was literally me putting in my fave of fave songs so i’m glad you like it and kdjfhd i love going crazy too it was in my spotify wrapped’s top 10 last year. OKAYYY since exo is kind of sort of completely dormant rn there’s literally just crumbs and older content left for the fans </3. you can check out this channel and this video. warning: exo-l territory = crackzone NOT EVEN KIDDING this place is wild lmao. expect what you will from neocity’s sunbaenims <3 also lmk your bias so that we can collectively lose it all together <3
gosh i listened to all of fandom’s songs but i felt younger when we met still stays the fave (i said i loved you to death so i must be dead 🙇🏾‍♀️) easy to hate might be a second kjfgd it’s so. good. i’ve been playing it on loop too dfjhdjh 
oml pls i really needed to see that 🤧 tysm bar !! i really can’t wait to get into uni ngl i am excited for that. but it’s also slightly weird bc the last year of high school sentiments have finally started hitting and they’re hitting hard </3 it’s funny how we spend sm time with friends we’ve known like, forever, and don’t really treat every moment as smth special till it all comes to an end. ahh i was really planning on making the most of my hs years but pandemic decided to be a pain in the ass. nvm tho. 17 is weird and it feels like time’s running fast i do plan on making sm good memories 💪🏾
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THIS AGENDA IS GOING SO STRONG hfjgkdafgdja also oml i did notice that yn doesn't smoke around yangyang after that scene but thought that it was just me being delusional hhh i think ab that fic sm and yangyang just amplified that brainrot by doing this
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HEAD EMPTY NO THOUGHTS JUST HE KDJFHGDKF HGD laptop's dying from all the ss i took lol
also the dreamies concert 👀 .. hyuck... renj-?? ... cue my brain giving up
p.s. hihii this took me so long 😭 it’s exam season for like the next 2 weeks so the pressure is finally catching up w me also your words really meant a lot to me tysm for them <3 have a segci day/night and stay safe ily
I MISSED YOU !!!!!!!! im glad youre back 🥺🥺 looking for alaska and turtles all the way down are my most fav from john green!! paper towns was really beautiful and its my friends favorite,, however id say that amongst john green books, id put it somewhere in the bottom tbh. hope you enjoy it tho!! i had to read the catcher in the rye for my exams last year but i surprisingly enjoyed it so much its one of my most fav books now! also the fact that i read and loved all the dystopian books you mentioned 😩😩 taste.
i do play the guitar! not very well tho, i only know the basic chords hhhh so the yy fic was kind of self indulgent in a way LMAO but you can sing?? 😯😯 thats impressive. could never be me i absolutely suck AJJAJA
i will never skip overdose or monster when they come on shuffle theyre just THAT good. i listen to exo a lot recently bc of you😭😭 i watched the videos and WHY ARE THEY SO CHAOTIC i am in love w them SJJS feel free to send more content my way!!! i think my biases are baekhyun (expected) and chanyeol (also expected) 👀👀 literally tell me everything abt them im ready to listen. baek is very funny and chaotic and theres just something abt chanyeol that pulls me to him. i also like sehun tho! idk what this tells abt me feel free to psychoanalyze AHAHHA also kyungsoo is so funny i completely get why you ult him
17 went by so fast for me as well bro and the last year of hs even faster... to think that i didnt have prom bc of corona but i had exams that were cancelled 2 years in a row the previous years 💀 i hope you make the best out of your last year!! i start uni in a week and im shitting my pants its so scARY I DONT KNOW THE CITY OR THE PPL AND THIS GUY I MET ON A PARTY THAT I LOWKEY AVOIDED LIVES THERE AND HE KEEPS REACHING OUT TO ME THROUGH MY FRIEND AND HE ASKED IF I WANNA COME OVER AND NOW IM PANICKING EVEN MORE 😭😭😭😭
yangyang and me are soulmates. its confirmed. also youre not delusional at all it was intended!!! sjsj im honored to hear that you think abt my fic a lot but also YANGYANG UGH that sc !!! instant brainrot. i dont actually think he can play that guitar but its okay 😩😩😩😩
have a good day stay safe!! good luck with your exams i love u xx
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poptod · 3 years
Congrats for finishing ur exams! Hope u have time for relaxing in summer :) if u take ficreqs & this is topic ur comfortable writing for I'll have an ask: Kenny having/going thru some body image issues (it came to my mind when in season 2 he was going out w/Dylan he was fussing w/his shirt & being like is it too tight etc.)
Notes: thank u!! honestly its kinda nice to b able to project my own eating disorders on a fictional character lmao. thats twisted as fuck of me. warnings: eating disorders, homophobia, the whole rundown lmao. the reader in this is kind of dumb as fuck but well-informed so do with that what you will WC: 1.4k
It happened over the summer.
No one else noticed, but you did. He stopped wearing his big shirts, and the smaller ones now hung over his frame in wrinkles too big for his body. His jaw strengthened, his eyes steely, and his words remained sweet, if not awkward, as ever.
You've talked to him a couple times, but never for long, and his interactions with teenagers as popular as you are are limited and uncomfortable. On his part, he doesn't really know you personally––only as a sort of monarch to a high school. This image of you leaves him stuttering as you trap him against the lockers, surrounded by the silence of a vacant school.
"Wh - what are you –"
"Quiet," you say, glancing up to meet his frantic gaze.
The heat of his stomach moving with rough breaths warms your hands, sliding up his shirt to pull away the fabric and reveal the bare skin. His ribs are showing. From experience you know they didn't use to, but you can't deny the excitement that rushes through you at the sight of his thin waist unobstructed by clothing.
"How'd you lose weight?" You ask, withdrawing your hands from his midsection while keeping him stuck between lockers and you. You had never claimed to be anything but straightforward, almost violently so.
He shifts his weight on his feet, shoulders tensing till they reach his ears.
"Why do you care? You don't even know me," he says with a glare focused on the floor beside you.
"Your name is Khaleel but everyone calls you Kenny because people are dickbags, and you're always hanging out with that Larry kid. And I know for a fact you weren't this skinny," you say, tugging the belt of his loose pants to peer down.
"Don't," he grits out, and he writhes in your grasp, attempting to escape.
Seeing his discomfort, you withdraw your hand once more, and look him in the eye.
"I've seen things like this before," you say, boring into the soul behind his own eyes. "I've been this thing before. Tell me how you did it."
"I..." he pauses, searching your expression for any give in your request, before he gives up with a sigh. "I stopped eating meals for a week."
"Why?" You ask in a much softer tone than your previous, your fingers brushing over his unsteady hands.
"I hate how I look," he admits in a broken voice, eyes tinted red as tears form on the edges. "I'm sick of being unattractive and unwanted. I just wanted to be appealing to someone, for once."
"You're wanted," you say, beginning with a much-needed assurance. "High school is absolute ass and everything that happens in it has nearly no affect on your life. You're going to grow up, and you're going to find cities full of people who want to kiss you. The effects of purposeful starvation on your body and mind are not worth this temporary conformity to the American beauty standard."
Now he just looks confused. You sigh, exasperated by kids who don't seem to get your line of thinking pertaining to society and its expectations of adults and teenagers.
"This is such a small part of your life that can be so deeply enjoyed if you do it right. Don't ruin it with this," you say, and your own voice cracks, strained by the tension stuck in your throat. "You're never going to be skinny enough for this disease. Not even if you're ten pounds."
These words––they're all birthed by what you wish someone had told you. What would've stopped you from doing this to yourself.
The tears long building round his eyes fall at last, creating streams down his cheeks that he covers up by hiding his face in his hands. He falls into you, leaning his weight on your body, and hiding his face (which is still hidden in his hands) in the crook of your neck. Knuckles of his fingers dig into the sensitive skin there, but it is no hard task to ignore it.
You wrap your arms around the boy, holding him tight to you and running your fingers through his hair. Chest to chest, hips to hips, legs nearly stepping over one another. Muffled sobs wrack his weakened shoulders.
"I know," you whisper. It's all the sound you can manage. "It's alright. I know."
"I just wanna be wanted," he chokes out, shifting to hide himself deeper in your touch.
"You already are," you say in a hum, turning to kiss his temple.
"No," he says, shaking his head. "No, no, my parents don't even want me. No one does."
"What do you mean your parents don't want you?" You ask as a deep concern settles itself within you.
He won't pull away, and as much as you want to see his expressions, you know he needs your touch more than anything in this moment.
"I haven't seen them in weeks, they won't let me back into the house. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't..." he trails off as a new burst of tears shivers throughout his body, weakening his already frail limbs.
"They kicked you out?" You ask.
"... yeah," he says, sniffing.
His hands finally leave his tear-covered face, and he wraps them around you as tight and close as he can, shifting his head to the side to truly lie on your shoulder, with his nose nudging your neck. His hands cling to the back of your shirt, nails almost digging into your back as his tears soak your shoulder.
"Adults aren't infallible," you say, your own words now muffled as your chin rests on the crest of his head. "One day they'll realize their mistake, and they'll want you more than anything."
He goes quiet for a while, still sniffling, before he says in a trembling voice, "but I want to be desired now. I don't understand why no one wants me."
"I actually know for a fact that someone in the school very much wants you," you say without hesitation. You can't be the only one who sees how sweet this guy is.
"Really?" He sniffs and pulls away, but his hands linger on your waist. "Who?"
Your mind pulls a blank before it hits you like a trainwreck––it's you. You're the one that wants him. Maybe you are the only one to see him at all, and that realization leaves you stumped. Could you so plainly tell him? Would that be taking advantage of him in his state?
Whatever, you think, still staring blankly ahead as Kenny awaits your answer. This guy needs a pick-me-up.
"It's... me," you say in your most awkward voice since middle school. You cringe inwardly. It's like you're giving him bad news.
His mouth falls open, and he stares at you like you're the only thing to look at in the whole world.
"With..." he jabs himself in the chest with his own finger as he points to himself, ".. me?"
"That is what I just said, yes," you say, nodding.
He tries to stutter out a sentence, something along the lines of why, and you hardly want to hear what he has to say. None of it is going to be true. It's all muck about him not being worth it, and as he grows more frantic, you know you have to calm him down yourself.
Your eyes shut and you lean in blindly, having memorized his face from lunches spent staring at him from a table across the room. Lips mould to his and the words fizzle out, devolving into soft whines as the tail end of his sobbing dies out, suffocated by his first kiss.
He leans into you once more, resting his unsure hands gingerly upon your shoulders. You take his wrists, never parting from his lips as you pull him nearer, till his elbows rest on your shoulders and he holds you closer than before. When his hands tangle into your hair unprompted, you hum, fall, and pin him back against the lockers.
Someone is shouting at you from down the hallway. You sigh and part from him, turning with a blasé look to meet one of the teachers.
"No making out in the hallway," she scolds but says nothing more, continuing to walk into the next room.
You turn back to Kenny and he's bright red, looking horrified with himself.
"Oh my God," he whispers out as his hands shake ever so slightly.
"It's alright," you murmur, too close to him to stand anything else. You kiss his forehead before you continue, "it's not a big deal. It's alright."
You pull away, looking him in the eye as you say, "come to my house?"
He hesitates.
"I'll make you something to eat. You don't have to eat a lot," you offer.
"... yeah," he says, and nods, looking up to meet your eye. "Yeah, that sounds nice."
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honeypirate · 3 years
Hi!! Congrats on 420 i think we should celebrate with baking while baked, friends to lovers, first kiss with oikawa? Stoner oikawa is so funny to me i can just imagine his hooded eyes and cackles of laughter and the stupidest jokes 🥰
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I think this is the only one weed related lmao but thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it ❤️
Event Masterlist
Oikawa friends to lovers baking while baked first kiss. Post time skip.
Oikawa has been your best friend since the beginning of your first semester when you met him at one of his away games in your city. He wasn’t around often then, your friendship consisting of 80% texts and calls, but when he was around his personality was so infectious you couldn’t imagine not having him in your life.
So you stuck with him, made an effort to keep the friendship strong when you were apart, so on those rare occasions when you could get together, ones like tonight, it would be even more amazing.
The joint passes easily between your fingers as you sit on your fire escape with him. You were talking about your exams coming up and the way his teammate is being a complete pain in the ass.
“How long are you here for?” You ask, expecting a week or less but smiling when he said
“a few months actually. It’s the off season and I’m taking some time to get my priorities in order”
you laugh “my pro volleyball player has priorities other than volleyball huh? Like what?” You ask then take a long hit and pass it to him
“like this” he says and smiles with his eyes as he takes a hit, winking at you and making you roll your eyes with a smile.
You feel your cheeks warm as you look over the edge, your heart fluttered when he said that, the feelings for him you kept hidden seeming to rush straight back to the surface.
By the end of the joint you’re giggling and leaning against him, no cares in the world, your previous worry about him knowing your feelings were out the window, replaced by a calm mellow joyful feeling between you both.
“God it’s so cold” you say “let’s go inside, my roommate moved out yesterday and I haven’t found anyone to take their place yet”
“Oh finally!” He’s saying as he throws his legs across the window “she was horrendous!” You laugh as you watch him struggle, his legs feeling like melted butter.
“Do you need some help?” You ask giggling and he starts to laugh with you “get over here!” he says between laughs and you move to stand next to him and put your arm around him, helping him hop into your apartment.
His arms wrap around you as he gets his footing, he buries his face in your neck and you squeal as his cold nose pushes into your neck.
“stop you’re so cold!” You laugh and he chuckles into your neck “and you’re so warm” he mumbles and hugs you closer. You couldnt resist how good it felt to be standing holding him, like your tingling skin felt soothed by his warmth.
You eventually give in and hug him back, taking his warmth as you shiver “you smell so good” you mumble into his neck and he chuckles “glad you think so” he says and his breath tickles your skin.
The way he spoke sounded so soft, your heart fluttered and you gasp, taking a step back and looking up at him through heavy bloodshot eyes.
“We should make brownies” he says suddenly, smiling wider as he runs to your kitchen. “They’ll warm us up!” He’s calling back.
You stand there for just a few more moments, calming your stupid racing heart, before you join him in your kitchen.
Making brownies high was an experience that just got harder and harder as it went along.
As he gets down your kitchenaid mixer from above your fridge and for a second you thought he was going to fall over backwards, so you stranded behind him ready to catch him at any moment.
You start some chill music and that was the easiest part of the evening. Your chuckling as you reread the ingredients list for the third time since he wasn’t listening, naming them out and he pulls them from the shelves and fridge.
Reading was a struggle when your eyes felt like couldn’t see and your mouth kept forgetting the words you were trying to say leading to Oikawa yelling “spit it out!” Making both of you have a giggle fit
When he goes to crack an egg he just drops the whole thing in the batter which starts you both on a second giggle fit that can only be quelled when you start clearing your throat, suddenly feeling thirsty with a dry mouth.
The brownies and egg in the batter was forgotten about while you make iced lemonade together.
Once you got back to the batter, you struggled through until they got into the oven. Making sure to set an alarm because you would not remember like you could sober.
Somehow you ended up sitting on the floor watching the brownies bake as you shared some of the extra batter you left in the bowl. “Brownies was a good call” you say softly and he gives you his signature cocky smile “I’m full of good ideas as you know” he says, chin covered in brownie batter.
You laugh at the state he’s in, mussed hair, hooded bloodshot eyes, and brownie chin. He looked so high it was so funny to you, he started joining in your laughing, not understanding what was funny but unable to stop.
You reach up and cup his cheek, brushing your thumb against his soft skin before bringing up your other hand, spoon forgotten in the bowl between you, and brush the batter from beneath his bottom lip and chin.
He gasps softly, his hands reaching for you, needing to hold you and make sure you were real and solid.
“Y/n” he whispers and grabs your knee with one hand, the other resting against your neck.
You gasp softly and look up from his lips to his eyes and feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment.
“Oikawa, I.. I” he smiles at you softly, brushing your hair with his fingers “I think we’re too high” you whisper, but you don’t move away, you keep your hold on him and that gives him hope.
“I don’t think this is because of the drugs. I’ve felt like this long before we ever smoked together” he says and you chuckle softly, your skin tingling where he touched, your brain felt light but clear, you felt like you were as melty as the brownies looked, half baked in the oven.
“You have?” You ask and bump your nose into his “you don’t know the half of it” he admits and you gaze adoringly through glazed eyes up at him. He cups your cheek and runs his thumb across your bottom lip “can I kiss you?” You ask and he chuckles “I might die if you don’t” he whispers you smile and press your lips to his for just a moment before pulling back and saying “you’re so dramatic Tooru”
the small chuckle that leaves his lips morphed into a happy laughter that had you placing your head against his shoulder as your sounds of laughter fill your small kitchen
“Tooru I just, I always thought you’d only see me as your best friend I never thought” you say and look back into his eyes.
he laughs “you never thought I’d be smart enough to get my head out of my ass and know what’s right in front of me? Y/n we’ve been through thick and thin and you’ve been my forever constant. Give me some credit, I’m not as dumb as Iwa thinks” you chuckle again and lean forward, the ability to resist the urge gone because of the weed, and press your lips softly to his neck.
You kiss up his neck slowly, feeling him swallow hard as he sighs, a sound that had your head spinning as you kiss across his jaw, until you finally press your lips against his and his world explodes.
Your lips move together slowly, feeling extra sensitive against his, aware of every nerve ending in your body. Your hands bury in his hair, you taste brownies on his tongue and you feel fireworks across your skin as you hum in approval and lick his bottom lip.
He chuckles and meets your tongue with his own before you both tried to lead the kiss, ending up making your head spin from how good it felt.
The brownie timer goes off and you gasp, jumping back and then laughing as Oikawa turns off the timer.
“Let’s get the brownies out and then we’ll get back to business” he says with a lopsided grin as you stand making you roll your eyes again, even tho your lips were turned up in a grin and your cheeks were warmer than ever.
After he places the brownies on the cooling rack he shakes off the oven mits to the counter and raises his hands towards you wiggling his fingers.
“let’s get back to business” he says and you start to chuckle before backing away slowly “hey hey wait where are you going?” He asks and you just wink with a giggle and turn, bolting from the room, his laughter following after you just before you hear him say “oh yeah” and start to actually run after you.
He’s on your heels as you reach the living room and his hands are on you by the couch, grabbing your waist and dragging you to the floor with him as he tickles your sides.
Your giggles fill the room as you try and swat him away “okay okay! I yield!” You’re saying and he stops his movements, pulling you back into his arms as he leans his back against the the couch.
“Back to business?” You ask and he laughs, his half hooded eyes looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and if you asked he would tell you honestly that yes, you are the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen.
“Yes please” he says and cups your cheeks as you lean in, pressing your lips to his once more.
Later that evening, with your head on his chest as you watched a movie cuddled up with him and stealing kisses whenever the boring parts came up, he leaned down to your ear and whispered, his voice soft and full of hope for the future
“I know we havent talked about what this is yet, that it’s day one and I’m definitely getting ahead of myself” he kisses your temple then sighs in contentment and says
“but maybe it’s a good thing your roommate moved out. Maybe it’s a good thing there’s a place for me here.”
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
hi i just found your blog today and i really liked reading the posts in your masterlist! if requests are open and it's not too much trouble could we get jumin, zen, and jaehee with a MC who's a few years younger than them/college age? thank you so much!
Hi anon! Wow, thank you so much for reading my stuff and for saying that, I really appreciate it and I’m so glad you enjoyed them😊 Here ya go!
Jumin, Zen and Jaehee with an MC who’s college age
♚ honestly he’s a little cautious at first
♚ “Does this make me a...cradle robber?” “Oh God Mr Han has been on urban dictionary again”
♚ there is a bit of an age gap between you so he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable
♚ but when you actually met it was fine!!! you both got on amazingly and completely forgot about the age difference
♚ and you’re both adults so as long as you’re both okay with it then there’s no prob
♚ if you’re at college, he lets you use his office to study if the libraries are super busy, especially around exam season
♚ he says it’s because it’s quieter and you’ll be able to focus more easily but really he just wants to sit with you while he works lol
♚ you ain’t complaining though hehehe
♚ you get super embarrassed when he decides to pick you up from places when you’re with your friends
♚ they didn’t know about your relationship at first and were like okay why is there a swanky car pulling up with the literal director of C&R wAIT MC WHAT THE HELL WHERE ARE YOU GOING ARE YOU AN INTERN OR SOMETHING
♚ you’re lowkey thrilled by it though like actually this is my super hot and super caring boyfriend yes he has a driver and yes he happens to be very rich and successful WHAT ABOUT IT
♚ the age gap does become very obvious though when you make a reference and he just doesn’t understand what you’re saying
♚ *stubs toe* “mother TRUCKER that hurt like a butt CHEEK on a STICK” “I’m sorry MC but what was that” “a vine” “grape vine? is it a wine joke? i know loads of them...”
♚ ok boomer
❤︎ “Zen I’m only a few years younger than you and Yoosung is literally the same age” “okay we have two babies in the chat” “HEY”
❤︎ but quickly comes to realise that you are in fact not a child and then you start to really hit it off
❤︎ if you’re at college then he really respects your work ethic and dedication, he never went to college but seeing the amount of work you get left him speechless
❤︎ “you have ANOTHER essay??” “Zen that’s kinda the point”
❤︎  even though he doesn’t treat you like a baby anymore (mostly) he’s still a little more protective than he would have been had you been older
❤︎ it’s honestly just instinct like he doesn’t even realise he’s doing half the time
❤︎ he’s all for you going out and having fun with your friends but he INSISTS that you call him once your done so he can pick you up
❤︎ he trusts you, he just wants to see with his own eyes that your safe and bring you home himself
❤︎ will not, and i mean will not stop making fun of the fact that you’re younger
❤︎ “oh sorry MC are you allowed to do that aT yOuR aGe???”
❤︎ yes Zen i can buy alcohol yes Zen i have a driver’s license yes Zen i can DO ALL THE THINGS YOU CAN DO OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE
❤︎ you called him old once and he cried
❤︎ who’s the baby now huh
☞ when she found out your age she chilled out on the whole “i don’t trust you” thing hahah
☞ like she still didn’t trust you, but she was more subtle about it lmao
☞ once everything was all sorted out though you got along super well!
☞ Jaehee kinda missed out on her ‘younger’ years because she was working so hard, so she enjoys getting to know you and listening to your stories and living vicariously through you
☞ big hugs for Baehee :(
☞ at college? she scolds you for working so much and so late and excuse me ma’am SAYS YOU
☞ but she’s also super encouraging bc she knows how tough it can be so she’s cheering you on the whole way <3333
☞ when you stood up for her in the chatroom she was like damn
☞ you are so young but here you are having a go at the director of one of the biggest companies in the country who is literally like a decade older than you and you are showing no sign of fear what
☞ Jaehee is turned on impressed
☞ you love taking her out with your friends that are also your age and she just finally gets to be young and a bit reckless and just enjoy herself
☞ she’s not “assistant kang” or some work machine, she’s one of the gals and she gets to go on nights out and have girly nights in LIKE SHE DESERVES OK FIGHT ME
Thank you for the request, anon! I hope this was you were looking for :) have a wonderful day!!💛
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drunkoncartoons · 4 years
hi! 1, 2, 12, 13, 24, and 30!! :)
Hey Pluto:)) ahsgahs this is my first time responding an ask, also I get REALLY rambly, so bare with me x))
1. I've got plenty actually
-Thnks fr th mmrs by Fall Out Boy
It takes me back to those good times back in middle school with my friends. I had this burst of discoveries of a bunch of things that I still like today (big fob fan here). Basically the birth of the actual me:')) also as time passes by the title does justice to its meaning.
-Season 2 Episode 3 by Glass Animals
I just really vibe with this song, this is my theme song in some other universe I know it.
-Cool with you by Her's
Again, the vibe is i👏mma👏cu👏late👏 def a song to just lay down/cuddle while listening to. Also, I still can't believe both of them (her's) died in an accident, it broke my heart bc they were new artists:(( may they rest in peace.
-4ever After by Kero One and Ace Hashimoto
It's funny how I used to like a lot of edgy and angsty music (I still do lmao) but my favs rn are really vibey ones. This one makes me sp chill and happy~ I do my silly little dances around my silly little house✨
-Being Human from Steven Universe
Man this one has many feels to it. It takes me back to my friends and I watching SU in middle school, to last year watching SU's finale, the first months of quarantine, chill and happy times, and being alive in general:') I love SU and this song to death.
-Glued by Melanie Martinez
I love all of Mel's songs, this woman literally can't make a bad song, pls😭✨✨ but this song, omg this song just hits different. I can relate so much, the vibe, the rythm, the lyrics, her soothing voice?? Ma'am🛐🛐 Take my soul~
-Rosas by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Spanish is my first language, this song played on the radio 24/7 when I was a child. I rediscovered it back in middle school and I still listen to it today. The lyrics are so beautiful, actually, I love every song from this band too🥺💞💞
2. Many...but I'll do top 5
-Big Hero 6
-The Breakfast Club
-Every Star Wars movie lmao
Do you ever feel like reinventing yourself after watching a film? Yeah, same.
12. Kinda anxious bc I've exams this week but rather fine, thanks for asking🥺💞
13. Anything sweet (not much of a surprise huh?)
24. It depends, I actually have a hard time trying to relax when I get stressed, but something that I really need in order for me to calm down is to be alone. I'm dead meat if I can't get away from a crowded place or even if there's just one person in the room while being stressed💀💀
30. I don't think I've find it yet. I mean, I could say my room but that's more like my comfort place. I've been dreaming of what or who could feel like home since quarantine started. Home is rather something, someplace, someone I going to find sooner or later, I know it:'))
Thanks for the asks bæ🥺🥺 this was fun~💞
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alanncs · 4 years
hello my loves , it’s dani aka the ari mascot on the main ! if u don’t already know me , i’m 21 , i’m from toronto which puts me in the est tz , & i have a unhealthy obsession w/ mgk 🥰 hehe , that’s me ! let’s b friends pls !! anyway , i’m so so excited to be back in wealthy with all u angels , i seriously missed everyone so much ! okay , so i’m gonna put some info bout my girl alanna under the cut ... i switched her up quite a bit so i’m xcited 2 be bringing her back ! pls give this a like if u wanna plot with me & i’ll come bother u !!  also pls feel free to msg me on discord for anything 🥰 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to hailey bieber !  you may know them as @alanna or hitting the front page of tmz as youngest d’alessio heiress alanna caught trashing nyc four seasons hotel room . according to tmz , you just had your twenty - first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also charming . things that would paint a better picture of you would be the lingering smell of smoke , anything pink  &  gold  jewelry  . ( cisfemale + she/her  ) * vc/career claim : lennon stella .
                   *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  : scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c )  ,  hanna  marin  ( pretty  little  liars ) .
                  *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  (  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs , ptsd  )
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created .
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . 
a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone . she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone 
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it ( possible connections ? hehe )
                                        *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!  (  tw : drugs )
ok here comes the fun part hehe where i changed her up a bit !
alanna’s def still wild ! i’ve decided to tone it up a few notches this time around
so she’s completely intertwined in the nyc party scene , like , you’ll see her at any big club or party every weekend and tbh probably on a wednesday you’ll see her there too
she kinda acts like nicole & paris on the  simple life lmao like she’s always doing dumb shit 
she’s always under some kind of influence whether it be cocaine , weed , alcohol , shrooms , percs , she’s always gotta be on something 
after dropping out of school , she knew she wanted to pursue a career in the industry , growing up she was a child actress &  did some dancing 
she always had a knack for singing & songwriter , got her first guitar at the age of six & just never stopped
it was always like an escape from reality for her , just to have music playing and let her voice go free
so after making some money through instagram modelling & some professional 
she decided to pursue her music career this past year 
her vc is lennon stella cus i just feel like the songs fit alanna perfectly and lennon’s voice is magical so yah
she can be very selfish at times , to a fault . like u can call  her out for treating u like shit and she’s gonna be like , yeah sorry . don’t cry 2 much bout it . she really doesn’t care 
it takes her a LONG time to get close to people , so like if ur  someone she actually cares about and loves , ur gonna know it . and if ur not , ur gonna know that too lo l
she does not hide how she feels about things or ppl , she’ll tell u straight up like
istg this girl prob doesn’t have a filter she just says what pops into her head first
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !!!
if u read all this i seriously love u sorry its so long ohp
i have tons of IDEAS here @alannaisms​  !  so pls look thru that & lemme kno if any would fit with  alanna & ur muse !  heh ok im done ily  guys pls come plot with me <3
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charmspoint · 4 years
fr tho hmmm, ok since ur bingeing alot of anime lately, top 5 anime youve watched recently (u can include ongoing stuff if u want ily)
For this ask meme
I havent binged that much anime recently ;;; Just a few, a lil few.
Long list with pictures ahead, this is not list by quality but by joy factor
5. Jujutsu Kaisen
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It’s weird that the anime I’ve been talking about the most is so low on the list but that’s mainly because I’m mostly hyperfocused on the manga rn. The arc the anime is in rn is where I got really invested when I was reading the manga and it only got better since then, would probs rank very high in my fav manga list rn. I’m feral for the next season and I would like to know when it’s coming out hehe~
4. My Next Life as a Villainess 
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Catarina vs my exam slump, who will win? The answer may surprise you.
This show brought so much happiness in my life when I needed it the most, I just enjoyed it a whole lot and on a few occasions it even made me laugh at loud. Catarina is a fucking dumbass but in a way that makes her lovable instead of frustrating...or at least lovably frustrating lmao! And I’ve already said my peace on the rest of the cast. The only way it could be better is if it went gay all the way 
3. Skate the infinity 
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Can you imagine that I almost didn’t watch this anime? The only reason I started it because I looked at the op cuz ‘skating anime is bound to have some good tunes’ (it has), but truth to be told from the amount of it I see on my dash I would have probably got into it anime. I love these characters (except Adam but Adam falls straight into the sort of villain trope I dislike the most so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) But honestly has some of the best and most lovable characters these season and Reki’s arc is goddamn heartbreaking to watch. This is the kind of show with a beating heart you know, I love it.
2. Dr Stone
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Funny how I watched this after you complained endlessly about it and then ended up enjoying it so much. I’m not much of a science buff and there are times I just zone out when Senku is explaining shit but as I’ve said countless times before it’s the characters that make or break the show for me and I love every single one. I just like how full of passion it is and how obvious it is that this is the author just nerding out. Senku is very interesting protagonist because he wasn’t supposed to be the protagonist at all and it’s great how passionate he can be while completely avoiding the passionate shonen youth trope. Also I ranted to you constantly about how nice is to see a character with who has such a prominent way of showing love exclusively by his actions. Also the emotional moments hit so hard despite it being a nerd out show. Also just Gen, as a concept. This show feels like someone is constantly ranting to you about the thing they are passionate about and as someone who loves to listen to ppl rant about things they love, it’s just great. Also I get to share in with something you really like and that always makes it better <3
1. Talentless Nana
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Didn’t we calculate that I finished the entire anime and then the manga start to finish in two days flat?
Yeah I think that says it all.
Nana turned out to be such a niche show and it really deserves more. I’ve seen people compare it to Death Note but it’s really not like Death Note when you get past the cat and mouse game that isn’t even it’s core more like a bait to lure you in to the real thing. Like this isn’t a show that is going to vow you with it’s mindgames but I do like it better than Death Note just because it has infinently more interesting and lovable characters and Nana could kick Lights ass any day. Nana has bits of BNHA in it and bits of Death Note in it but what it’s really about for me is abuse and how it can break and remold a person and how hard it’s to get out of it and start acting against what you’ve been conditioned to believe is the right thing, no matter how much you want to do better. That message is more thoroughly explored in the manga though and since it ended up so niche I doubt we’ll be getting second season ;-; But damn don’t I love Nana’s arc. She makes for an amazing protagonist that you just love despite everything she does and then you start to understand her better and how she ended up like this and you just really want to root for her to figure out what happened. And when she does it’s not an instant switch, she doesn’t immediately go ‘oh ok i know what teh good is now ill do that’. It’s a struggle to go against what she’s been taught to believe, it’s a struggle to turn her back on the only safe person she knows in her life (who is very very abusive but abusers can still be safe places that’s why abuse is so hard to leave) and try to join in with people who are very likely to refuse her just because she knows that’s the right thing to do. Watching Nana go from mindless drone to a girl struggling to leave an abusive situation and make up for all the wrongs she did is just amazing. One day I wanna go through the manga and detailly document Nana’s journey. I hope she finds stability soon my girl ;-; 
This has turned into a Talentless Nana rant but I just love how seriously the story takes the topic of abuse, how much it can impact you, your actions and your view of the world and how hard it is to leave. How much easier it would be for Nana to just stay where she is and ignore everything despite knowing leaving would be the best choice. Recently the manga updated with a chapter on Moe and it showed so well how much abuse can impact and persist even when a child is in a safe situation and ;-; MOE I’M SORRY I SAID I DONT LIKE YOU AAAA. 
Anyway if anyone aside from Peter made it to the end of the list uhhh read Talentless Nana, it’s really good and I would like more please
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
So, I read a lot of your personal posts and I'm just really curious about you. You seem very stressed out and tired all the time. Are you a college student? Are you just in a financial situation that necessitates that you work all the time? I just feel bad because It seems that you do not absorb joy very much. Like, I have seen that you recently started watching that show The 100. You seem very pissed off about it and yet keep watching it? You confuse and intrigue me. Explain?
"it seems that you do not absorb joy very much" has been playing on my mind ever since i read this. It hit something close to my heart.
I know i’m not obligated to explain anything and i don’t tend to put my life online (i don’t have any social media, so that should give you an idea of how secretive i usually am) but i literally stayed awake for 30 hours straight before sleeping for 15 hours straight and of course i don’t feel very well after that lol. I feel like i need to talk through some things that i’ve been keeping to myself for a long time. Get it out of my head, stop carrying it around, maybe gain some control over it.
I never intend to make anyone feel bad though, but i don’t have anyone to talk to so i guess i sometimes make those posts as a substitute for someone listening. Or for me being pissed about the 100, i think that’s my mood translating into what i end up posting in general.
Anyways this is A Lot. I obviously don’t mind if you read it. Advice would be nice, if anyone has any.
I’m a 2nd year university student. Due to severe mental illness (often making me physically sick and exhausted) these last 2 years have been extremely difficult so that's left me in a very intense situation essentially just trying to ensure i pass the year. That means handing in all the assignments i deferred basically all at the same time, after not attending the year at all. Like no lectures, no workshops, no lessons, nothing past the first month of semester 1. It's really not an ideal situation and my condition isn't improving the way i thought it would (you know when you think ‘this is the worst it can possibly get’ and then it gets worse?), and i can't focus. I’m resourceful and naturally decently smart, so i’m able to still pass a year of uni without...going. I’ve become less capable over time but because of other life experience i don’t place value on academic excellence anymore and because of covid there is a benchmark anyway, where my grade can’t drop below a 2:2, so basically i’m good as long as i don’t recieve a fail grade on anything. But that being said it’s still really hard to get things done anyway despite this? especially with depression and concentration issues, because uni in general just makes me really unhappy and disrupts my entire life, and i’d rather do literally anything else.
I can’t function whenever thinking about school in general. If im stressed about something i can’t think about anything else and it ends up seeping into other things im doing.
I have a really clear idea of what i want for the next step in my life and university is the only route available to get to so that’s why i’m still going through all of this when i could technically just ‘stop’. I’ve explored other ideas already and it appears even more stressful and complicated to make a huge change now. Even though i know 3rd year will be harder (which is also a source of stress, anxiety over what’s to come when im already struggling...).
I've been talking to my uni the whole time and while they've been understanding and accommodating (psychology department...like...they Know lol), there's only so much they can do to help me. Everyone i’ve spoken to is genuienly amazed i am where i am, but imo my resilience is bourne out of pure spite not to let my life fall apart along with myself LMAO. I have one assignment deadline left which is tomorrow. It’s the hardest one yet, i haven’t started and i’m filled with dread, and i’m so burned out i have no idea how i’m going to get it done.
To give some context about the whole ‘i can’t help myself when i’m under stress’ thing: I’m a really feminine girl. I have health and beauty routines that i like to stick to, but i can’t stick to them right now so i don’t feel like myself. There is nothing more to my life than stress and depression. I’m pretty sure i experienced dissociation for a few days last week. It was like i didn’t exist.
Just so happens that when i thought i could finally have a break from the extreme stress there are exams coming up on the 11th, which my uni has for some reason decided to make harder!?!? And i need to tell you that because it’s been bugging me ever since i recieved the email. They've completely changed the exams from being 1 hour long multiple choice tests (multiple choice is so easy smh) to basically a group of short answer questions we have 24 hours (each!) to write and submit and it’s seeming like i’ve got another 5 assignments to do after already writing 7 in the past month. It’s open book while the January exams were closed but it still seems to me like the students who didn’t defer (who did the exams back in January) got an unfair advantage over those of us taking them now due to our own circumstances. So I’m confused and upset about that, and about the thought that i probably won’t even get a break before 3rd year begins.
My living situation doesn’t make it better. It’s a really negative and emotionally draining space for me to be in. Just adding to my being drawn to negativity, and my own sensitivity. And covid has made everything that much more complicated, with everything changing and being closed etc. I’m completely alone btw, there is no one i can lean on.
As for the 100, that’s really tricky. I actually stopped “watching” it last year and now mostly consume it through fandom tumblr. I'm just not in the right headspace to sit alone and watch such a heavy show (clearly LMAO). But I’m so comfortable in this circle of fandom & love my mutuals, so i stay. I am actually liking a lot about the final season, like they’re delivering everything i wanted them to lol, but it’s so flawed and easy to complain about when you have a predisposition to be a Negative Nancy all the time so here we are.
I think i don’t really talk so extensively about shows I really love because i feel like i don’t have anything substancial to say about them besides ‘i love it’? Like i just sit there and happily watch and the farthest i go is commenting gibberish love confessions in the tags of a gifset i reblog. So most of my posts end up being me being petty or something. I do want to focus more on shows i love but like i said...it’s so hard for me sometimes to be all-positive and pretend i’m not completely crushed?
I really just want to not be so stressed and exhausted all the time. I want to do something besides worry about and/or do work. I’d love to clean my space & take a shower & read a book without a nagging anxiety in the back of my head. But i have to wait it out, and then wait it out, and continue waiting it out because it feels like things are going to be this way forever or get even worse.
I’ve had a lot of good luck lately though, and i don’t know what your beliefs are but i think someone is watching over me.
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Between The Pipes [Chapter 7]
Rating: M Words: 2060 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: hopefully kristoff is a bit more sympathetic in this one lmao. He was a massive dick in the last chapter, but he just is dumb and doesn’t know how to handle himself. Sooooo anyway. :^) 
Why couldn’t he stop doing that?
Kristoff sat for almost two hours, wondering if she would come back, and not wanting to be the dick who left her stranded if she did. He figured it was the least he could do, considering how he spoke to her. 
Why couldn’t he stop doing that?
It wasn’t like she had done anything, and he had genuinely gone into this lunch with the mindset to be nice . But he didn’t expect her to start trying to get to know him or put him on the spot. He felt his whole body tense with the desire to stay hidden, stay secretive, to make sure that she knew as little about him as possible. Something deep inside of him was wailing to get out and open up. He let something slip. He mentioned his father . The only person who knew about his father was Sven. 
Sven and his real parents. The ones who took him in when his father was too busy playing hockey to care about his young son.
He wasn’t ready for her to know about it. He wasn’t ready for the media to know about it.
He wasn’t ready for the media to know that he was the son of Leif Sørensen, a powerful defenseman in the Super League who was more focused on making it to the NHL than caring about his family. Leif Sørensen, who wanted nothing more than to be the best player in the world and didn’t care when his wife left him and his newborn baby. Leif Sørensen, who would leave his son alone for weeks on end and didn’t even seem to mind when his child got taken away and was sent to live with a new family.
Leif Sørensen, who died young from a heart attack, who never made it where he wanted to, who practically sighed with relief when his son was adopted officially and moved to America.
Kristoff wished every day that his father could see him now - wished that his father knew that his son accomplished what he couldn’t.
But he didn’t want anyone else to know about it.
So when he slipped, mentioned the tiniest little thing about it, he panicked. He threw on the worst attitude he could muster and shut her down. 
But she kept poking at him, wiggling her way into the tiniest crack he had shown, getting deeper and deeper under his skin. That was when he had to shut it down. He had learned from the best how to drive people away. As much as it panicked him, it helped that she did what he suspected she would and threatened to tell her father about it.
Spoiled little rich girl.
He sighed and finally stood, checking how much Anna had left and decided it was only right to try and give it back to her. It wasn’t her fault that this went to shit.
Sven was going to have his head.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?”
Kristoff tried his best not to wince when Sven actually punched him in the arm. He deserved it, he knew, and just let Sven continue on his rampage. His cheeks were red, brows low and eyes narrowed as he practically bared his teeth, ready to attack. “She was just trying to get to know you, was just trying to be nice and what did you do? You’re a complete asshole .” 
Sven leaned back, arms crossed over his chest as Kristoff tensed under his glare. He mumbled out something that he knew his captain wouldn’t hear, and grimaced when he felt Sven’s fist collide with his shoulder again. “I’m sorry!”
“No use in telling me that.”
“Look! She…” Kristoff threw his arms above his head with a groan and slumped further. “Something about her makes my stupid head want to open up and I can’t , okay? I’m not…”
Sven softened for just a moment. Kristoff struggled to find his words, mumbling a few non-starts before he finally came up with something he knew would convey all that Sven needed to know.
“She got me to mention my dad. No one knows about my dad.”
“ Dude ,” Sven whined, clapping his hands on top of the slightly taller man’s shoulders. “Isn’t that a sign, though? Your subconscious is literally screaming at you to let her in.”
“I don’t know her… I don’t trust her.”
A scoff, a quiet “you’re an idiot,” and then his hand was practically cupping Kristoff’s cheek, an action he wasn’t sure he was so comfortable with. Then he patted it hard enough to almost be classified as a smack, and Kristoff felt himself relax.
“You can’t get to know her if you keep treating her like this.”
Why was Sven always right?
He swore that he’d apologize the next time he saw her. Sven nodded as if it were good enough, and left him alone. 
Unfortunately, Anna hadn’t shown up to the rink in a few days, and Kristoff could feel the panic rising in his chest like acid with every passing moment. Had he been bad enough that she quit? Or, worse, was she going back to see her father and make him do something about the disrespectful goalie? She had threatened it… but was she really that kind of person?
It would be easier, he thought, if she were. 
He went through the practices, jumping at every person or sound that he thought could possibly be her, frowning when she didn’t come around the corner. He wanted to apologize, genuinely, but her not showing up was making that rather difficult .
But it was a Monday and it was still early, and he hoped that maybe there was a chance of her still showing today. He jumped at the puck that hit the glass behind him, and looked up just in time to see Mattias stalking towards the ice. 
“Bjorgman, my office, please.”
Oh god damn it fucking shit no.
Coach wasn’t patient today, so Kristoff just stripped off his padding and jersey before heading to the office. Walking around in compression shorts and a tee-shirt weren’t out of the ordinary, so he hurried onward and hoped it was good enough. He had gotten a low chorus of Oooo ’s as he skated off the ice, and when Coach silenced them with a loud bark of a shut up and practice , Kristoff knew it was serious. 
So he moved quickly, padding down the halls, and frowned when he heard multiple voices coming through the closed door. Knocking tentatively, Kristoff pushed open the door and felt his heart start beating faster when he saw a familiar head of red hair, neatly arranged into two braids, her cheeks red and expression shameful.
She fucking didn’t.
“Kristoff,” another voice said, pulling his attention away from her. Gerda, he thought he remembered her name being, the head of Public Relationships and Media, was standing in front of him, her hand extended. When he shook it, she gestured at the empty chair beside Anna and smiled. “Please, sit.”
He felt like a school kid again, getting scolded for cheating off an exam. 
Kristoff forgot his size for a moment and frowned when Anna’s arm retreated to her lap after his own brushed against it. Was she really that repulsed by him? Was he really that terrible of a person that just his arm brushing against hers made her recoil like that? 
There was an unfamiliar itch on the back of his neck, one he rolled his head to try and get rid of, frustration growing as it just got worse and worse . “What’s going on?” He started, lifting a hand to scratch at the back of his head. It didn’t help.
Mattias sat at his desk as Gerda lowered herself to perch on the edge, arms crossing over her chest. 
Now he really felt like a school kid again. Come on.
“I’m sorry, did…” her voice was meek as her eyes glanced to him for just a second before focusing on the gray carpet beneath their feet. “Is something wrong?”
Gerda smiled and shook her head, and Kristoff almost laughed as he and Anna breathed out a simultaneous sigh of relief. This still didn’t make sense, though. He leaned forward, bracing one hand on his knee as he did, elbow popping out to the side. “So what’s going on, then?”
“Well.” Mattias’ voice was powerful as ever, as he leaned forward on his arms and sighed. “Kristoff… It’s come to my attention that… you haven’t been doing so well with the media side of things over these last couple of seasons.”
What ?
“We’d really like it if you could make an effort to stick around for interviews, and show up to all of the charity events…” He shrugged. “And the fan events.”
Kristoff stiffened, frowning deeply. “I’m here to play hockey , coach.”
Mattias gave him a nod, but shrugged. “Well, unfortunately… part of being in the NHL is giving back, and part of being on this team , is participating in these events.”
He was balking now, his eyes wide and his hands gripping the edge of the desk as he leaned forward. “Come on .”
“This is non-negotiable, Bjorgman.”
He threw himself back into the chair with a groan, arms crossing tightly over his chest. He was too busy pouting to notice Anna sit further forward in her own seat, hand meekly raised in the air. 
“So… why am I here?”
Gerda dropped her hands into her lap with a nod. “We’d like you to be the primary reporter in charge of covering and interviewing him. 
And, in sync, “ What ?”
She let out a soft laugh and sat up straighter. “Anna, I’ve been impressed with how much effort you’ve put into just your first two weeks, and I’d like for you to have a chance to make a name for yourself. Richard quit, and we need an on-the-ice interviewer… so I would like for you to give it a try.” 
Kristoff tried not to be distracted by the movement of her throat as she swallowed, and turned his attention back to the two sitting in front of them. “There’s no wiggle room here?”
Mattias shook his head. “None. You do this, or you’re benched.”
Anna still seemed to be processing the information when they were excused, and Kristoff had to slow down his steps to stay in stride with her. “Hey,” he started, trying not to laugh when she jumped as if she hadn’t even noticed he was walking beside her. “I…”
She stopped, looking up at him with those pretty blue eyes, and Kristoff felt his face flush. “I wanted to apologize for the other day.”
He saw a change in her, when she stopped being overwhelmed by the news and was back to hating his guts. Anna crossed her arms and looked up and down his body, her hip cocking to the side. “Go ahead.”
Kristoff’s eyebrows furrowed, his shoulders rising with confusion as he continued to stare her down. “I did .”
“No,” she dragged out, her lips forming a perfect o as she leaned slightly forward. “You said you wanted to apologize.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“No!” Her arms dropped to her sides, tense and frustrated as she turned and continued to walk off. “You’re unbelievable!”
He was genuinely confused, tripping over his feet as he spun quickly to keep up with her long, angry strides. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” She stopped suddenly and he almost ran her over as he did his best to halt his steps. Kristoff took in a deep breath, blowing it out in one slow sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“All right.” Her voice was softer now, as if that was all he had to do to make her give him another chance. She looked down at her feet, suddenly bashful as he towered over her, arms braced on his hips. “Well,” she risked a glance up at him and scrunched her lips to one side. “If we’re going to have to work together, we… should probably figure out how to be civil.”
Kristoff felt a weight lift from his chest as he nodded. 
“I can be civil.”
She laughed, and he flushed again. Even her laugh was pretty. 
“I doubt it, but I guess we should give it a try.”
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maraudingforflesh · 5 years
guess who’s hype about season 4!!!!!
Bleeding out (5,220 words); todoroki has a panic attack in the kitchen and bakugou helps him out of it and sits with him after. The whole thing is just very sweet and this is the kind of interaction they both deserve
Defend your rival (871 words); bakugou stands up for todoroki after they’ve both failed the license exam and inasa tries to start shit again
Crush? More like crush me. (8,588 words); bakugou has a crush and he’s not handling it well, todoroki has a girlfriend but they both might be a little bit gay
Getting Along (2,634 words); todoroki insists on bonding more with bakugou after overhearing midorya talk about his mom
The Simple Things With You (3,213 words); bakugou being casually affectionate with todoroki is so goddamn soft
in my headspace (8,961 words); bakugou is forced to go to a party and thanks to hallucinations and villains it manages to be even worse than he expected
playing for keeps (6,204 words); todoroki wins bakugou at a hero auction
chicken coop (2,201 words); kissing is a bit of a learning curve for them but they’re working on it
in sickness and in health (3,993 words); todoroki lowkey likes when bakugou is sick bc it gives him a chance to dote on his boyfriend (series now also contains a really cute engagement fic)
I Wanna Wake Up Where Your Love Is (1,529 words); todoroki and midoriya have a heart to heart but deku never really wanted to know THAT much about todoroki and bakugou having sex
Beethoven’s Romance (1,270 words); todoroki and bakugou perform a quick duet in the morning before class
Until Death Do Us Part (2,118 words); some kids have them get fake married and todoroki insists they keep wearing the rings
Of Bats And Cats (2,551 words); todoroki brings home a cat and of course his boyfriend and his cat end up conspiring against him
who would've thought i'd get you (2,164 words); todoroki has a secret admirer who’s trying to take care of him
Senbazuru (21,533 words); bakugou is in a coma and todoroki isn’t taking care of himself in his boyfriend’s absence
Hallow Fate (5,104 words); fem!todobaku, they’re the elite students at a school training murderers
why are you so pretty (23,117 words); todoroki is the beautiful customer at the coffee shop where bakugou works and maybe they fall into one another over time
2:41 AM (2,720 words); todoroki is flirting with bakugou over text and memes and it might be working
Ground Zero: Behind the Explosions & the Explosive Career So Far (1,312 words); bakugou does a magazine interview
of explosions (4,243 words); everything involving bakugou also involves explosions apparently even his reactions to todoroki confessing
It's A Work In Progress (20,465 words); college!au in which quirks/heroes are still a thing. Bakugou is pining and todoroki is oblivious and neither of them are great at maturely handling their feelings
Eyeliner (1,541 words); people start to notice that bakugou wears eyeliner and he’s insecure about the attention
Thirteen Hour Sunrise (14,011 words); Rey end up seated next to each other on a thirteen hour flight and they fuck in an airplane bathroom
Good Boy For A Day (10,347 words); bakugou gets hit with a quirk that puts him in Good Boy Mode and todoroki kinda likes it
better late than never (12,777 words); BODY. SWAP. QUIRK. and holding hands fixes it lmao
loss tinged with hope (20,812 words); todoroki and bakugou are in love until todoroki gets amnesia and doesn’t remember this and bakugou has to retire from being a pro hero. (personal note: hey, dude! Don’t reread this one maybe. It was really hard for you to get through bc it made your chest hurt and not necessarily in the good way. Really well written tho.)
It’s Better to Love And Blow Shit Up Than To Never Blow Up Anything At All (10,742 words); they’re dating and it’s a secret and neither of them are good at handling their feelings, especially with an audience
what love is (i think) (20,209 words); they’re working a case and bakugou wants todoroki and he is relentless in his pursuit and maybe todoroki needs someone like bakugou to keep him from being a total hermit
Direct Would Be the Best Approach (8,652 words); bakugou is flirting with todoroki over text on a burner phone
lover I don’t have to love (70,723 words); bakugou and todoroki hooked up a lot in high school and now they’re working a case together so maybe it’s time to start fooling around again or maybe it’s time for some commitment
damn, if these walls could talk (37,162 words); todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya are snowed in at a haunted hotel and somehow ghosts aren’t as weird to midoriya as the idea of his two friends being into each other
Just Add Sugar (7,074 words); todoroki just really likes to buy things for bakugou and maybe that makes him a sugar daddy even though he has trouble realizing it
First love isn't always the charm (33,399 words); they’re best friends at UA until bakugou catches feelings and todoroki has a crush on midorya and then years later they somehow just pick it right back up almost like they’re meant to be together
cicadas (22,103 words); todoroki brings bakugou home to meet his family for the first time. this fic is just incredibly sweet and they’re so good for each other.
once more, with feeling (25,458 words); todoroki is caught in a time loop and it takes a few tries but he and his boyfriend finally get things back to normal
Half-Assed (10,710 words); bakugou is still a little mad at todoroki and todoroki wants more than anything for bakugou to give him positive attention
I love you, Be Safe (1,844 words); todoroki is most certainly dying and his last wish is to call bakugou and have a normal conversation
Katsuki's Gay Predicament (1,884 words); bakugou wants to take his boyfriend on a date and jirou is lowkey his disaster gay counterpart
wanna put my tender heart in a blender (15,791 words); bakugou and todoroki are totally just friends bc it’s convenient to hang out and maybe they nap together and sleep over constantly and maybe they’re in love but it’s fine - also it’s traumatic to watch someone you love die even if it’s not real so
Safe haven (4,836 words); bakugou should see a therapist after a tough mission but instead he shows up at todoroki’s apartment bc that’s where he feels safe
On the Sofa (2,276 words); class 1A just has to deal with the fact that they take a whole couch for themselves
A Blessing and A Curse (5,000 words); bakugou sleep walks and ends up crashing in todoroki’s room and furiously cuddling him
believe in me, believe in you (4,694 words); bakugou sees the results of endeavor’s abuse and says something to todoroki. Now they’re in this together for better or worse.
I’m tired (1,571 words); todoroki is a prince. Bakugou is his personal bodyguard. They’re both soft. Good content.
a todobaku one-shot collection: as billed this is a collection of todobaku oneshots that I dig. Especially enjoyed:
- Chapter 7: scars and all
- Chapter 8: secret
- Chapter 15: home
- Chapter 17: force of habit
- Chapter 22: stargazing
- Chapter 29: feverish
- Chapter 72: wake me up (or don’t)
- Chapter 73: pro-shipping
- Chapter 76: engagements and insecurities
- Chapter 78: strengths and weaknesses
- Chapter 85: fuck you (i love you)
- Chapter 87: 3 times Bakugou and Todoroki almost kisses & the 1 time they did
- Chapter 88: better than pretend
- Chapter 92: love is... not patient. or kind at all, really
- Chapter 96: mountains of trouble
- Chapter 100: i don’t mind complicated
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delineative · 6 years
writing year in review: 2018
total number of completed stories: 9
total word count:
ao3: 43 879
(+ ~5k on socks)
fandoms written in:
we both chose each other - noi/shin
houseki no kuni
growing without rest - phos/phos
idol producer / nine percent
counting flower petals all day long - xukun/zhengting
leaving nothing behind - xukun/zhengting
when we see each other again - jun/zhengting, ziyi/zhengting, yanjun/zhangjing/zhengting, xukun/zhengting, justin/chengcheng/zhengting
take one step closer - xukun/yanjun/zhengting
from first principles - 00line
produce 101 china / rocket girls
coincidence makes sense - yamy/meiqi/xuanyi
the earth in its turning stopped (last 2 chapters) - seungcheol/jeonghan/joshua
reaching for you from the endless dream - wonwoo/jun
out of the wips i’m currently working on:
dirtmix assignment (will be revealed very shortly!)
nahyuck pacific rim au
markrenmin enemies to lovers fantasy au
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
around what i expected... i was aiming for 1 fic a month and didn’t quite manage to hit that but i feel like each fic was longer than usual (i’m a terminal shortfic writer so anything over 3k is long for me). like i kept going 1-4k over my projected wordcount which was extremely panic-inducing when i was trying to write to deadlines lmao so overall i’m okay with the quantity of words i produced this year!
what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
fandom-wise probably the survival show spiral and moving into ncity... if 2017 was the year of yugioh then 2018 was the year of rpf. some of the stuff i posted to socks was very uncharacteristic of my usual m.o but i think everything i put on main was very true to brand i.e ambiguous relationships + vague pining + emo conversations in the dark
did you take any writing risks this year? what did you learn from them?
i signed up for svtbb and had to drop out due to exam pressure, which was sad bc it’s the first exchange/fest i’ve ever defaulted on, but then i went and did lordeventeen and yuletide even though they partly ran through exam seasons too so i guess i learned nothing?!?
actually i think i probably could have afforded to take a few more risks genre-wise, i feel like everything i wrote in 2018 recycled the exact same themes but also at the same time those themes are the only thing i can write. terrible taste i will never change i will never improve that is a promise etc etc
what’s your own favorite story of the year?
reaching for you from the endless dream had me tearing my hair out while i was writing it but ultimately i feel like it paid off! i’ve always wanted to try canon compliant + magic and this ended up with some of the best writing i’ve ever done, plus i’m happy i was finally able to write something for one of my favourite svt ships <3 honourable mention to the concept behind when we see each other again, my post-disbandment allzzt ship manifesto titled after csc_uri_dasi_bol_ttae.mp3 
best story of the year?
also reaching for you from the endless dream! i’m really proud of how this one turned out both in terms of technical quality (.... *repeats the same phrase 300 times* Is This Thematic Consistency?) and emotional beats, and it got so many lovely comments. i think this is probably one of my best fics ever, and i’m glad it struck a chord with other people too!
most popular story of the year?
not counting teiits since most of that was posted in 2017, it’s counting flower petals all day long, which really surprised me when i checked my ao3 stats? i must have hit the sweet spot of fandom growth + burgeoning ship popularity bc literally nothing happens in the fic other than one (1) kiss, but thank you for giving it so much love 💖
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
omg i think everything i wrote this year was WAY over-appreciated but coincidence makes sense, which features a f/f/f rarepair (raretrio?) in a fandom with very little western fan presence, so i’m not surprised by its stats but i’m still pretty fond of this one and consider it one of the better fics i wrote in 2018, and one of the best idolverse fics i’ve ever written
most fun story to write:
from first principles, the debate au fic i’ve wanted to write for like 6 years, my beloved pet project through the month of august, and i think it shows? i tripled my projected word count and in the process of writing fully converted to dreamyism(/renjunism), so a lot of love went into it, even though there are places you can tell i definitely rushed the execution. one day i’ll do justice to a proper nct sports anime fic... 
story with the single sexiest moment:
all the rated content i wrote this year was posted to socks other than the brief dance studio 3some scene in take one step closer, but i genuinely have no idea if that was even sxc since i wrote it on my phone in a feverish last-minute sprint on a plane while blasting twice bdz and haven’t reread it at all jhfgdfjdfh
most sweet story:
the general tone of everything i wrote in 2018 was much less depressing than 2017 but i guess the sweetest story was we both chose each other... what’s more romantic than dismembering a bunch of thugs with your beloved partner and then jumping off a cliff together!!
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
kind of a weird question to apply to rpf... characterisation perceptions are constantly shifting based on current meta and au role needs, though i feel like i’m always struggling to play catchup and by the time i publish anything the general image has shifted ;__; 
most unintentionally telling story:
from first principles draws heavily on my own experiences with high school debating... lots of 3rd speaker related anxieties and hangups projection all over the place in there lmao
hardest story to write:
every time i’m working on something, especially when i’m close to finishing, it is the hardest thing i have ever written... i can’t remember if writing has always been this difficult for me or if it’s an rpf thing. probably i struggled the most with reaching for you from the endless dream bc i’m deeply intimidated by writing jun (light of my life) due to the fear of not doing him justice, and also the deadline pressure nearly killed me. also at one point i called writing from first principles the worst experience of my life but looking back it wasn’t even that bad... mostly it was just that it kept getting longer and longer and eventually i was like Please God Let It End Already
biggest disappointment:
not finishing my svtbb fic... i am literally twitter user juncheolsoo i owe them SOMETHING!! not writing more fic. mediocre execution of decent concepts bc i got too impatient and rushed to finish things before i got bored of them
biggest surprise:
all of my fics about idol boys except one have over 100 kudos, which is just a ridiculous amount?! idol rpf fandoms have been so kind to me... i will work hard to become a better content creator in 2019!!
favourite opening line(s):
from leaving nothing behind:
“Are you looking for Justin?”
Xukun rears back, knuckles still poised to knock on the doorframe. “I—what?”
“Are you looking for Justin?” Zhengting repeats. He’s sprawled across the bottom bunk, leg dangling inelegantly off the edge. The phone in his hand casts an unsteady ellipse of light over his collarbone.
favourite closing line(s):
from growing without rest:
Beyond the arches the world is silent. The gem Phosphophyllite will become returns their gaze steadily, evenly. The shadows lengthen. In the distance behind them, a flicker of white, like light needling off somebody’s back, or the gleam of a pearl eye.
favourite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
from first principles:
“If only Mark-hyung was still here,” Renjun said, only half-jokingly. There was a brief moment of solemn silence as the three of them paused to consider their ex-captain, who had passed on last year to the realm of university debating.
when we see each other again:
So maybe they weren’t friends, but they were something. You couldn’t inhabit the same space for two years and come out the other side as strangers. Sometimes Zhengting thought that might have been easier than whatever this intimacy limbo was supposed to be, knowing somebody in the minutest details, what they looked like at the height of their intensity or the moments before they fell asleep, without really knowing them at all. Looking, and not having the gesture returned, or at least not equally.
coincidence makes sense:
The song ends, starts over. Meiqi doesn’t, though, pivoting to face them, and that’s all the invitation Xuanyi needs to unfold from her position beside Guo Ying and cross the floor. Like two halves of a single movement Meiqi reaches out to Xuanyi and Xuanyi presses their palms together, interlacing their fingers. The tilt of their heads towards each other like it’s something irresistible.
reaching for you from the endless dream:
Junhui was practically raised by the industry. The stage lying close enough to the bone it would be indistinguishable from it. He leaves his intensity on the stage but glimpses of it show through in odd moments, seamlessness without ease. It’s hard for Wonwoo to understand, but most things about Junhui are.
take one step closer:
You want to look into somebody, of course you have to let them look back. This is why he kept away in the first place, the terror of vulnerability when it could be staved off indefinitely instead, though he’d wanted to be seen, hoped for it, even, despite himself, something in the marrow singing out to be known.
It’s like an infection, a second heart in his ribs. A kind of longing that bites right through his hand. Strikes down to the quick. Severs the whole thing clean off. He ran so far from himself he landed in somebody else’s body, and here he is, still trying to escape.
top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
jun lifting zzt up and spinning him around, from when we see each other again (;___; #junting_agenda_seeding)
wonwoo and jun in the kitchen with nectarines spilling out of the open fridge, from reaching for you from the endless dream
cxkzzt conversation in the dark while zzt is wearing a facemask, from leaving nothing behind
00z sports shounen hug, from from first principles
phos getting crushed by their future self’s gold arms, from growing without rest
honourable mention to noishin leaping off a cliff from we both chose each other, which actually did get illustrated in dorohedorozine <3
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?
cut down my wip list... please i have 25+ wips on my spreadsheet i just want to FINISH something for once in my life instead of constantly starting new wips and letting them rot in the graveyard of my gdocs
practise writing actual shipfic and not poorly disguised gen. i WILL get better at writing kiss scenes
try to write something over 10k again
relearn what figurative language is and how to use it. rpf boosted my productivity stats but at what cost...
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hyunjinsgiggle · 6 years
questions tag~
tagged: @nanavevo​ thank you angel <3
rules: after answering the questions, write your own set of questions to ask your mutuals (or anyone else who wants to do it)
what are three morals you live by?
- kindness: sharing kindness isn’t hard, so just do it??? even if it’s just a smile you can make the world a better place. so go ahead and sprinkle some kindness!
- change is good: sometimes even for the better, and adopt that. don’t be scared of change, embrace it and flow with it to a better life.
- if it doesn’t make you happy, then why bother?: because well, i’m tired of being dragged down by things that don’t add to my life. so this is a pretty important moral for me to adopt.
worst moment/period in your life?
 - :// from march this year until now-ish. toxic friendships, too much drama, and i’m not dealing with it all lmao.
best moment/period in your life?
- monsta x concert?
- finally doing that darn ukcat exam and proving to myself that i can do these things
your best and worst teacher
- best: my psychology teacher, shout out to mr h who keeps me sane when all i want to do is cry into a blanket
- worst: my chemistry teacher last year, mrs b you have never made me feel so shit about myself :))
favourite artists outside of kpop?
- halsey, twenty one pilots, fall out boy, green day
favourite kpop artists? choose one.
- stray kids; do i need to explain? they kind of keep me alive some nights and i don’t know if i need to elaborate :)
favourite book/movie/comic genres?
- fantasy
if you wrote a letter to your bias knowing he/she would read it, what would you say?
- thank you for existing, and never giving up. thank you for showing me that sometimes you just have to push past people and obstacles, because you reached your goal in life and showed me that eventually, i might be able to reach mine. i love you hyunjin <3
do you have the strength to email that letter? i encourage you to.
- i would but i feel like jyp’s email firewall would bounce it back at me lmao
the bravest you’ve ever been?
- sitting my ukcat for the second time
if you could change the world, what would you do?
- give every single person a reason to smile and keep fighting
which idol would you want as a brother or sister?
- i want to be the twin sister of haechan; that would be iconic ngl
whats your favourite thing about yourself?
- ,,,,,my ambition
what year would you travel back to? what year in the future?
- 1990s
- 2025 (did i get my medicine degree oof)
what food have you never eaten but wanted to try?
- proper spanish food from a spanish market
what the worst thing you have bought?
- lmao i bought this lip balm when i was younger that cost me like seven pounds just to fit in and well,,,, lol i was a stupid kid
if you could be any super natural, what would you be and why?
- a witch because that’s some cool spooky shizz
whats your favourite song at the moment?
- regular, nct 127 / i am you, stray kids / siren, sunmi
what group/song got you into kpop? do you still stan them?
- bts, not today - i do but no where near as much :// i still love their music and listen to their albums but i just don’t follow them as much as i used to, ygm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- canada
which idol would be your best friend and who would be your girlfriend/boyfriend?
- best friend: haechan, jeno, hwall
- boyfriend: hyunjin augsfgbskfgbsdf
what songs hit your  nostalgia every time you hear it?
- green day :’)
what is your dream job?
- doctor
if you could travel to any planet or galaxy, where would you go?
- jupiter, i used to be obsessed with it as a kid
what other languages would you like to learn?
- i’d love to learn spanish or italian properly!
what is your favourite kpop song and non kpop song?
- grow up, stray kids
- heaven in hiding, halsey
my questions to you:
who is your ultimate bias in kpop, and why?
what is your favourite season?
what kind of date would you take your ultimate bias on?
if you could live inside any tv show or book for a day, where would you live?
tagging: @milkteandhan, @curlybangchan, @curlydonghyun, @sayracha, @fullsunenthusiast, @almostinlove, @squirrelix, @blushing-sungshine, @uwusoftuwu and @visualgiggles <3
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