#you’ve gotta be joking
should I use this god forsaken app more often?
I keep using Twitter how I feel like I would use Tumblr
Idk man
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xeemaee · 1 month
Just saw someone call dungeon meshi “a show about women” as a way to complain about mlm shipping in the fandom and girl… if this is a show about women to you? you simply need to watch more shows, like stand up! You deserve better female representation than a show where there are two main female characters and one of them is missing for 80-90% of the series! Stand up! You deserve better than this! Go read the locked tomb! Please you deserve better than to see DUNGEON MESHI as a show about women
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sallytwo · 5 months
fire alarm. went off. midnight
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
Hi so I just realized something
So in Cartman finds love, Cartman tells Nichole he and Kyle are a couple, who tells others Kyman is a thing, which reaches Kyle and ofc gets mad and accusing Cartman, but ONLY Kyle is questioning Kyman (not stan, not butters, or kenny, they’re barely watching in the bg, but don’t approach them otherwise. Keep that in mind), the episode concludes with Cartman’s gay ass romcom 3rd act reconciliation song and how does Kyle rectify this confusion? He doesn’t. Simply tells Nichole “that fat turd up there set you up with tolkien ‘cause he believes black people belong together”.
Jump forward to s20, and, of course, Kyle is seen crying over Cartman during the mass school breakup. Everyone’s in shambles, but there are indeed witnesses. Jump further to Kyle being shocked Cartman has a girlfriend, starts fixating on their relationship— stan has to tell kyle “dude, we should stay out of this.”, kyle says “You’re wrong! In a way… we’re all going out with Cartman right now.”, and the boys just. look at each other. silent conversation happenin w/ out Kyle realizing what he meant.
All of this rambling to say, I think the average outsider may have been misinterpreting Kyle and Cartman’s whole… Thing. I think it’s fair to say some students have been assuming Kyman were dating between s16 to s19, and Kyle’s behavior during heiman was just, weird Ex Behavior. :|
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ginalinettiofficial · 7 months
ok i’m actually mad abt how little continuity dndads has rn like why are we doing memory stuff if we haven’t checked to make it consistent w what we’ve already said has happened ????
and also why are they seemingly determined to character assassinate ALL of the characters from s1???? up to and including the already dead ones?????
and ALSO what is even the plot anymore i feel like the world building has been so inconsistent and loosey-goosey and like that’s okay when it isn’t relevant to the plot but in this season where it IS relevant to the plot like. what are we doing???? who can or can’t travel between dimensions???? what are the limitations????
i’m just confused and annoyed i want it to be a fun show with a story that you can follow again but lately it’s been just a mess. still fun ofc because all five of them are just fun to listen to but like. i have not been able to make any sense of what the fuck is going on for like a solid 4 episodes now and i’m just disheartened about it. it’s gone off the rails but not in a hehehaha funny fun way.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
lowkey this movie blows. 😒
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mvshortcut · 1 year
My dude, you got any advice for writing action/escape scenes? Brain is empty right now. Absolutely dry; no creative juices (well, some creative juices; it’s really just this one specific part of the plot that I’m wrestling with)
Hooo boy I am by no means an expert of any sort and I'm still pretty new to this whole writing thing! Plus I've definitely been winging it on every action/fight scene I've written before. But I'm delighted to ramble about it - hopefully you might find something helpful in here!
My favorite solution to "brain is empty" is to take a shower. Literally it's a free chance to daydream about your plot (and get ideas!) while you shampoo your hair. Alternatively I like to put on fun music and move around, possibly act out the action/escape scene.
Or alternatively, the good ol' [Character Escapes] in brackets, keep writing, and come back to it another day.
Also if you have one really specific detail that you want to write but are drawing a blank on what comes before/after it - just write that one bit, really spend time with it, and have fun! Leave the rest for another day.
I've always felt the build-up is the most important part! It can help you increase the tension as well as bring in key details that will come back later during the action scene.
Setting! Even though action scenes are generally pretty fast-paced, it really helps ground it if you can describe a few memorable details sensory about your setting, and then have your characters interact with/use the setting during the action.
One thing I like to do is chunking (there might be a technical term for this but idk what it is lol). So basically I find that dividing the action scene up into chunks helps me tackle it better. It might help to think of each "chunk" as its own individual mini-scene. Like maybe the location changes, and that's a new "chunk," or maybe it's just the next "step" of the action scene. Either way, I like to go back and really tighten up each chunk - like, did I really ground this in the setting? Does this help me get to the next part? etc
Also related - pacing! This can be done with the events of the scene itself (how fast are they happening? how much time do you spend describing something?) and also your writing itself (do you use really choppy words and kinda harsh syllables to speed it up? what about punctuation - em dash my beloved). If the whole thing is too fast it can get confusing - it's good to vary slow and fast-paced bits. This is where the "chunking" can become helpful!
I find that reading it aloud (or even just in my head) helps me to understand the pacing and see where I might need to speed it up/slow it down
The last one that I find helpful is looking at power dynamics. So, let's say you have an escape scene. If the person escaping is waaaay overpowered by the people they're being tracked down by, it's gonna be pretty difficult to write an action scene that doesn't end in like 5 seconds with the person being caught! (This goes for like. person vs environment/nature/etc as well.) Basically I just look at the strengths/weaknesses of everyone involved and say, is this generally balanced enough so that the audience is scared for our protagonist, but it's reasonable to hope that they might escape? If someone is overpowered, is there an obstacle I could use that knocks them down a peg? Is there some hidden ability our protagonist might have that allows them to gain an advantage or outsmart their opponent?
Anyways this got super long; my apologies! Again I'm still new to this whole thing so try some stuff out and see what clicks for you!!
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techs-cyarika · 1 year
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This guys Is disgusting and doesn’t deserve privacy so I’m not covering his face or user… also if you’re going to call me a cow I prefer “Heifer”
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m0rsart · 2 years
I am a stressed because of guy being weird and incelly.
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trollbreak · 2 years
Doctor crimes has to unplug the 3d printer or sweets will spend weeks printing out silly little things to fill up counterspace around the lab. This doesn’t stop him from making a list of fun models to print as soon as she plugs it back in bc she wants something printed
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thiagodasilva · 1 year
being a chelsea fan A.T. (After Tuchel) and watching Brighton succeed and move in the table above us is so. how do I put it.
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plainemmanem · 2 years
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this is my formal proposition to ask you if you want to be mutuals <3 hope this pic is convincing enough!
we aren’t mutuals what
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I agree that 13 year olds shouldn’t be saying stupid shit like “yeah I have a daddy kink” but then there is also the polar opposite which is even worse is when kids who are 17 won’t say words like “cock” or “cum” or anything like that. Ask them to say anything like that of the sort and I bet they will piss their pants. They don’t say the word “piss” either.
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nazumichi · 2 years
miles prower….. miles per hour…
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humofbumblebees · 2 months
how are you, as the yankees, going to sit there and lose to toronto
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queertemporality · 8 months
things I’ve had to tell my teachers this term:
I can’t complete the full assignment because I injured myself falling off a seesaw
I can’t complete the full assignment because I am traveling internationally and my brand new computer died
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