#you're doing this to PISS ME OFF personally arent you? you know how to play on strings of my soul to fucking piss me off in minor ways.
pmpwbrrs · 4 months
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couldnt find a template i like so i made my own . also rushed
#i dislike rag mega so much i hate how it silently makes these stupid purple beams i HATE how it's INVINCIBLE WHEN IT SHOWES YOU YOUR BACK AN#D DOES THIS SHIT WITH ITS RAGS . WHY does it makes you invincible huh? it's not only ANNOYING as FUCK but you also do it for no reason.#you're doing this to PISS ME OFF personally arent you? you know how to play on strings of my soul to fucking piss me off in minor ways.#and how it spawns it's fucking INVINCIBLE balls and not just 1 THREE YOU SPAWN THREE BALLS#AND THEN HEAL YOURSELF AND THEN YOU PLAY WITH YOUR RAGS WHILE TURNING YOUR BACK TO MY FACE AGAIN#WHAT IS SO INTERESTING ABOUT YOUR DIRTY ASS RAGS AND WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MAKE YOU INVINCIBLE i hate you#и почемууу он так выглядит я не могу . Я НЕ МОГУ ЕБУЧИЙ ШАР Я НЕНАВИЖУ ТЕБЯ!!!! Я НЕНАВИЖУ ТЕБЯ!!!!! Я НАДЕЮСЬ ЧТО РЭГМЭН ПОМЕНЬШЕ РОДСТВЕН#О С ТОБОЙ СВЯЗАН И ЕМУ СТЫДНО ЗА ТЕБЯ И ЗА ТВОЙ ЧМОШНЫЙ ВИД ТВОИ ОБОССААНЫЕ АТАКИ ТВОЮ ХИЛ АЬИЛИТИ И ТВОЕ ЕБАНОЕ!!!!!!#ПЕРЕОДЕВАНИЕ С БИНТАМИ!!!!!#ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ БЛЯТЬ МЫ ПО СЕРЕДИНЕ БИТВЫ И ТЫ СУКА ПОВОРАЧИВАЕШЬ СПИНУ НА МЕНЯ БЛЯТЬ И ДЕЛАЕШЬ НЕПОНЯТНУЮ ХЕРНЮ С ТВОИМ UGLY ASS ХЛЕБ#ЛОМ!!!!!!!!! НИКТО ИЗ БОССОВ ТАК НЕ ДЕЛАЕТ БЛЯТЬ ОДИН ТЫ!!!! ТЫ ЕБУЧИЙ КОЛОБОК!!! ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ#ЕСЛИ БЫ МЫ СРАЖАЛАСЬ ИРЛ И ОН БЫ СДЕЛАЛ ЭТУ ХУЙНЮ Я БЫ БЛЯТЬ ВПАЛА БЫ В ЕБУЧИЙ БЕРСЕРК ПОТОМУ ЧТО В ЭТОМ НЕТ НИКАКОГО СМЫСЛА ПОЧЕМУ ТЕБЕ Д#Т ЭТО УЯЗВИМОСТЬ ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ ПОЧЕМУ ТЫ В ТИШИНЕ ПУСКАШЬ ЭТИ ЕБУЧИЕ ФИОЛЕТОВЫЕ СВЕТЫ ПОЧЕМУ ТВОИ 3 ШАРА ДОЛЖНЫ ПРЕСЛЕДОВАТЬ МЕНЯ ПОКА#ЛЕВИТИРУЕШЬ И БЛЯТЬ ДЕЛАЕШЬ ЭТУ ХЕРНЮ С БИНТАМИ И ТЫ ПОКА ДЕЛДАЕШЬ ИХ ТЫ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! СУКА!!!!!!!! НЕУЯЗВИМЫЙ!!!!!!!!!!!#ОЧЕРЕДНОЙ УРОДЛИВЫЙ ГОВНОЕДСКИЙ СКУЧНЫЙ БОСС ИЗ AFTERBIRTH+ СРАВНИТЕ ЕГО С ХИМЕРОЙ У КОТОРОЙ АКШУАЛИ БЫЛА ВЛОЖЕНА МЫСЛЬ И ДУША И ЛЮБО#ВЬ!!! В РАГ МЕГУ БЫЛО ВЛОЖЕНО ПРОКЛЯТЬЕ ЧТО ВЫЗЫВАЕТ У 1 ЕДИНСТВЕННОГО ЧЕЛОВЕКА НА СВЕТЕ ВЗРЫВАНИЕ ПУКАН#ЕСТЕСТВЕННО ОН БУДЕТ РОДОМ ИЗ САМОГО ЛЕНИВОГО ДЛС ссаааааааааааааааааааа#ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ#и знатее что самое тупое? что мне есть столько сказать об этом говнаре#Мне нет столько сказать о финальном боссе который объективно куда более нечестен и плох и от которого зависит акшуали прхождение ибо#на нём висит 34 анлока где-то нежели чем никому не сдавшийся рагмега который байтит меня на ярость пхлеще чем смерть от тлпорта в хитбокс#есть ли в этом мире хоть одна душа которая ненавидит мега рэгмэна из хит инди рогалика The binding of Isaac также как я? Здесь так хол#одно и темно#кто-нибудьㅤㅤㅤㅤ#blood#tboi#i cant put any more tags. ill write my nickname+arttag here. pmpwbrrs
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
tbh people who hate on botw zelda are ignoring the message(? idk how to explain but like. the whole plot is link trying to save the world and her. how do you finish the game thinking that zelda is the worst person in hyrule or that she abused link bc some ppl say she did how do you even decide to save her ik it would be like basic human decency but do you really think link would do this just because? he needs to see her again- idk i’m so confused idek if i’ve worded this properly lmao
idk how many of you know this about me but i deliberately avoid almost all zelda fan content for this specific reason. because if i ever encountered a take like "botw zelda abused link" in the wild i would get so angry i'd embarrass myself
anyway you're correct. there's a general trend in fandom where people like to ignore all but surface-level characterization and/or latch on to one specific character and consider everything else only through the lens of THAT character, and that's the only way i think you can come up with a take like "zelda is abusive"--by latching onto link and refusing to analyze anyone except him beyond surface level. because to come up with this means that you have to understand link on some level--you need to realize that he is traumatized and forced into a role he doesn't necessarily want to play and that a lot of zelda's early actions towards him only fuel his self-isolating tendencies. but you also have to deliberately ignore the (arguably MORE OBVIOUS IN CANON) trauma that ZELDA is going through at the exact same time. to call zelda abusive for her lack of insight into link's feelings is to refuse to view her for what she is--a traumatized, manipulated, hurting CHILD. she's sixteen years old. and i think it is also a somewhat revisionist take in that it completely ignores that link's issues with communication were HIS problem. they were inflicted upon him by the destiny he was forced into, yes, and i'm by no means trying to suggest that he was wrong or bad for being mute, but it's unfair to shift ALL the blame to zelda in this situation. they were BOTH unwilling to communicate with each other. they BOTH misunderstood each other at first and they both had to work to find the common ground they eventually do. i think that because link is the player character, it's easier to ignore the mistakes that HE made and shift all the blame for the tense relationship pre-calamity to zelda, but link's self-isolation, self-sacrifice, etc. are explicitly negative aspects of his character that caused just as much tension as zelda's inferiority complex. this was not a one-sided situation and it pisses me off when people want to paint it that way because they think women arent people they're just bitches
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laboflove · 3 years
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Megumi x FR
•Megumi aged up•
Megumi X Cheerleader
❗Warnings❗{Smut, degradation, hard dom, dacryphilia, spanking, drinking}
A/N: Megumi thinks you're pretty much an airhead since you're a cheerleader so he tries to take advantage of that but ends up falling for you
Your body drops letting him see those tight safety shorts all the cheerleaders wore, it's like you were all made for slutty clothes. It was pretty hot but for some reason he never looked at the other girls, only at you. It was probably because you werent like the others, you were so naive, so innocent and such an airhead. It was fun teasing you, making fun of you for getting simple answers wrong and tugging at your skirt even though you hated it.
"Megumi" he looks up seeing your bright eyes and large smile, "Hey" he says with a nod as you sit down in front of him, "so whatre you doing here?" You ask while opening a bottle of water. "You left this at class" he shows you a white book covered in stickers making you blush beet red. "G-give it!" You rush to grab it but he pulls it back, wrapping his arm around your waist.
So close! Megumi was super good looking! One of the hottest guys at the campus in fact but this wasnt important. "Give it Megumi" you say but he doesnt, only holding you down with a smirk. "I was being nice but now I'm kinda curious" and worry fills your mind. "D-dont" you say but he opens it and looks through the pages.
"What's this?" He asks as he looks through the pages filled with notes and drawings of buildings with measurements, but arent you in arts? He notices you looking away, you gave up? That's weird, you never gave up. "Dont worry about it, its nothing" you say while taking the book back and grabbing your stuff. "See you later" you leave making him shocked, so personal things like that make you pissed? How fun.
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"C'mon" his fingers graze against your thigh making you curl up, "Leave me alone" you whisper, your hand pressing against his chest. "Why? You're always flirting with Megumi so why cant I?", "I-I dont flirt with him" you mutter feeling your blood boil. You talked to Megumi yeah, but it was because he was always being a dick or when you needed help with assignments but that was it. "Hey" both of your heads turn and the guy is sent flying across the hall.
"M-megumi" he looks at you with a look hes never given before, worry, "Are you okay?" He asks in a softer voice too. Is he okay? "I'm fine" you whisper, fixing your bag and taking your sweater out of it to wrap around your waist. "What the fuck Megumi" he hears from on the ground, "I may be a douchebag but I'd never touch a girl if she didnt want it" he says then grabs your wrist, pulling you down the hallway. Uh oh.
"You're so fucking stupid" he says as he pushes you into an empty classroom, "So fucking naive and you cant even stick up for yourself" you look down at the floor but he tilts your face up, grabbing your cheeks hard to make you look into his eyes. "When something like that happens do anything to stop it, because if you dont, bad shit will happen and I'm not alw-" he stops but you both know the end of that sentence making you blush a soft pink.
"I'm sorry" you whisper and as your phone buzzes you pull away, "Thank you, if you're still here by six maybe I can take you to eat somewhere" you leave in a rush as he looks at his hand. Hes getting too close, way too close.
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You dance to the blaring music, holding a plastic red cup in your hand filled with who knows what. He watches your body move, holding a bottle of beer and listening to Yuji ramble about girls and which ones hed like to sleep with but it was Yuji, he never got any girls unless Sukuna was taking over his body.
"But my first one would have to be Y/N, I mean just look at her, shes got an amazing body and I'd love to hear her scream my name" he clenches the bottle tight feeling his anger build up, almost overflowing but he calms himself down. "Eh, shes not that special, total airhead" he says then leaves to a different room, Yuji could do whatever he wanted, it didn't matter because he didnt like you that way and never would.
He watches as he walks up to you and suddenly hes walking towards you as well. Your eyes glance back slightly shocked as arms slowly wrap around you but your widened eyes soften. "Megumi" he smiles hearing his name come out of your mouth, "Hey Beautiful" and you blush, you've been told it often but the way he said it sounded so meaningful and honestly it was the first time you've ever liked being told it.
Time passes as you both dance and talk, giggles filling whatever silence there is and soon enough you and him are drunk, muttering things into each others ears, sitting on his lap, his hands holding your skirt down to make sure no one sees anything and your arms wrapped around his neck. "Why're you so pretty?" He whispers as he leans into your lips, barely touching them making you slightly mad. You wanted to kiss him but he wouldnt get close enough, wouldnt let you get close enough too and you could feel your need building up.
"You want to kiss me?" he whispers into your ear and you drunkenly nod with a small giggle. "So drunk arent you" you lean into his lips but he stops you, "Gimme a kiss" you mumble but he shakes his head.
"Sorry Princess but you're incredibly drunk and I cant just do that to you" he says, trying to make you feel better but all you do is grumble and whine. You were worked up, he had a massive boner and it got you horny too and all you wanted was to please him.
"Your place or mine?" He asks after some time of walking but finds you asleep, "I guess mine" he says then heads to his.
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You nuzzle into his chest as his arms wrap around your body, "Megumi" he looks down but you're still asleep making him smile. You looked so peaceful but the shared smell of liquor was making it less comforting. Maybe he should wake you, it wouldnt be good to sleep like this. But then again you didnt have any clothes and you needed to sleep.
You turn around and his slightly intoxicated self heightens the feeling of you pressed right up against him. He whispers your name into your ear, making your eyes open slightly, "Hm" you hum out, you start sobering up and he whispers something into your ear making you turn red.
"P-pervert" he chuckles as his hand rub your side, you were soft but goosebumps were forming which was cute. So shy and so innocent now that you're sobering up. His eyes close again feeling sleep take over him but your grinding against his crotch keeps him from it. "Stop it" he says but you dont, "Play with me" you mumble and as his hand runs up your body you expect him to tilt your face to kiss you but instead his hand wraps around your neck, grabbing it with a bit of force eliciting a gasp from you.
"Take your clothes off, say Red to stop" he mutters in a lower tone and you nod fast, he sounded irritated and you didnt want to make him angry. Once your clothes are off you look back, turning red, seeing him naked as well with only his hipbone and down covered. He smirks seeing your eyes take in the sight, you knew he worked out but you didnt know he was this strong.
"Want a kiss now?" You nod fast as your eyes shine and he smiles, "Take it then" you rush to kiss him making him chuckle at your eagerness, he pulls you onto his lap, looking up at you slightly as his hands rest on your backside, grinding you against him slowly. Tiny, soft moans escape your mouth feeling his hardness rub between your folds, "Megumi" you whine out into his neck.
"I have con-", "No, want you" his mouth goes dry and he lifts you slightly, "You want me?" He asks earning fast nods. "Like this?" A gasp fills the room as he pushes in a single finger, "N-no, want you" he chuckles against your neck thinking of endless ways to tease you but the main thing he wants is for you to beg so, he doesnt remove his finger, he pushes it in and out slowly, not doing anything only making you angry.
"Please" he leans into your ear and bites it slightly, "What do you want?" You shake your head earning a spank. "Tell me" he says but you shake your head again earning another one making you hiss and whine. "Please Megu- ah!" You cover your mouth as he delivers another spank but it's harder this time.
The process goes on, him asking to barely receive an answer and none are what he wants, he sighs then pulls your hair back as you softly cry, "One last chance" he growls out slightly, "Y-your cock, please" he pulls you down onto him making you whine and sob into his neck.
"Such a naughty girl arent you?" He asks as he guides you on him, you felt like actual Heaven, your insides were nice and tight, warm and you were sucking him in so nicely. You nod as tears fall down your face making him twitch, "Fuck me, you're so perfect" he growls into your ear, insults coming after of him telling you how needy you were, that you were just a hole to him, a cumdump, something to use making more tears fall down your face but you loved it, something about being put down like this made it feel so good.
You move your hips to his movements feeling yourself about to break and as it's about to crash he keeps you still. "Try to come without me again and I wont be very nice", "Sorry" you whisper, leaning into him more, feeling soft, mushy and needy.
You both go again and the insults slowly turn into compliments, he moans as you clench around him and you whimper, "Come" he says and your body shakes, immediately at his demand. He thrusts up into you hard making you sob out into the room, "Shh Baby, I've got you" he whispers, hands rubbing your back, pulling you as close as possible and leaving soft kisses on your head.
"So perfect for me, such a good girl. Everything I said isnt true, okay?" You nod with soft cries and he kisses you softly, too rough for the first time and definitely not the right time but you were both definitely sober by now. "I love you" he suddenly says making you stop crying, "I love you too" and he stands. He always said hed never date, especially with someone like you but here he is, confessing his love for you and needing you more than ever.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Soulmate Au
Before you meet your soulmate you have to deal with a chibi version of them before actually meeting them. So can he handle it?
Dabi's point of view
Reader's view.
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He grew up hearing that soulmates were a waste. Not everyone got together with the suppose love of your life, he was warned of that before his father discovered that... his quirk was almost perfect, almost... after this, he had to deal until the day he escaped from home a abusive and toxic family...
Reaching his 18 years old he was living on shelters and streets, during these times due to fighting for his own survival, his scars had marked half of his face and almost all of his body... damn the universe for giving him such a self destructive quirk...
During these times, he also saw many of people getting scared at the sudden appearance of the said chibis or carrying the little things around with eachother... their love was real? Could he really believe that?
His mother always encourage him and his younger sibling thhat they were getting their soulmates despite his father's harsh words.... But how coul someone like him have a soulmate? It was better this way... alone. He was better off alone and with no one with him.
Now, being part of the league of the villain came the said topic about chibis which always leaved him a little pissed off. Toga was rambling about that green haired kid from the USJ again, and he was so tired and annoyed that he got off from the couch and went to his quarters, merely flipping Spinner and Compress off when they asked him where he was going.
Closing the door, he let himself drop on what was suppose to be his bed with a sigh before he heard a sound. He tried to ignore it, but the constant squeaking was getting him crazy...
"Wanna play cat and mouse fucking rat? Let's make a barbecue then." He lighten his hand on fire before getting up with a gruff and looking at the corner of his small room to see a little person there, looking up at him.
"The hell?" He muttered as he tried to burn the thing but they squeaked and ran off to jump on his bed.
Looking at them with boredoom, he sighed and tried to aproach again, no more with his quirk activated in a attempt to not scare the poor thing again... Narrowing his eyes at its it only blinked at him before opening a open smile... Letting him know how much he was fucked and how those mom's stories were indeed true...
There in front of him was his chibi.
Despite trying to hidding it from everyone in the league, eventually they spotted him trying to get away from the chibi whose was trailing behind him. A sense of anger and jealousy burned inside him as Twice and Spinner talked and tried to at least poke at the chibi's cheeks, whose always squeaked in protest and ran towards him.
"Dammit Dabi! Your chibi is really clingy!" Spinner whined as Dabi only stared nonchantly at the chibi on his ankle.
"You can have it." He mumbled in annoyance before he walked out with the damn chibi on him.
The chibi suddenly squeaked and ran after something before coming back with a note of money... He hadn't notice it before and coincidentally he had complained to himself a bit yesterday that he was out of money... and there it was his chibi always glued to him with a smile offering it to him.
"Thanks.." he said with a smirk while kneeling down and grabbing as he widened his eyes at the kiss they blew at him... "Oh fucking god you're cute." He muttered whiel trying not to chuckle at it.
Weeks had passed and he tried to find his soulmate even on the day time as he walked with his chibi chilling on his shoulder... yet all in vain. It had been almost months already yet he hadn't found the actual version of doll.
"Neee Dabi???" Toga cooed behind him as he toon another gulp of his drink with his chibi swinging their legs up and down on his shoulder "Let me see that chibi of yours real quickly?"
"You psyco dont touch my doll." He muttered nonchantly as he finsihed his alcohol as Toga squealed.
"awww you call it doll! That's even cuter-" in one quick montion she snatched the chibi on his shoulder and aimed the knife to their little throat "I'm just curious about how it looks their blood after all!"
"Give them back right now you brat-" Dabi grunted while standing up before Shigaraki appeared out of no where and holded the chibi by their arm as they emmited a sound of pain.
"Such a bothering little thing. Tell me again why you're keeping this?" He showed the chibi with more emphasis as flames surrounded the indigo haired man's shoulders, arms and hands.
"Give. Them. Back." He growled the worlds as shigaraki only looked at Kurogiri before sighing at the way the golden orbs squinted abjt before throwing the chibi at Dabi.
"If you like playing with dolls whatever, as long as it doesn't bother us anymore." Dabi scowled at his boss before walking quickly to his room and placing the chibi carefully down.
"Fucking hell.. does it hurt?" The chibi only looked up at him with teary eyes but shocked their head while waving the arm.
"But does it hurt my soulmate?" He asked and felt a pain of guilt surround him as the chibi nodded sadly and hugged his scarred hand when he seemed down.
"... well." He smirked while cupping the chibi and already putting on his disguise "At least now I will finally know my real dollface." The chibi squeaked in glee before jumping out of his hand and grabbing his sunglasses and offering to him.
He walked carefully on the street and occasionally scoffed at some heroes doing patrols on the day light. The chibi grabbed on his ear suddenly and squeaked loudly as he groaned.
"What now?" He grunted while rubbing hjs now sore ear as the chibi squeaked more and more before he blinked and cursed out loud when they simply jumped away from him and ran towards teb entrance of the hospital.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-!" Just about when he went to call out for them, he accidentally bumped into someone, somehow hard enough to make both of him and the other person to fall straight to the floor.
He went to curse them out before he gasped at seeing his vision clear, he was without his sunglasses and went immediately to take them before he felt another warm touch on his hand to make joist of electricity roll over all his body from hand to head and toe.
The first thing he notice when he looked up was his own little shit of a chibi hugging a squirt version of himself... then he saw his soulmate... By God, no offense to the chibi version... hit you were way more prettier and beautiful than them.
He wished the moment could have last longer before he noticed a few people staring as he cursed under his breath, ignoring your attempts to apologize as he spoke:
"Here." He offered his hand to help you up, lifting your body up and trying not to wince and furrow his eyebrows at seing that you had actually an injury arm because of him not protecting your chibi enough "We wouldn't want any other person to see us."
"I-I sure." You nodded following him to a more secluded place, your chibis trailing after you both.
On a dark alley, he prepared himself mentally to show you his face... surely you weren't idiot enough to not know who he was and what he did... and he surely wasn't the best candidate to be someone's else soulmate... after all, he was a broken soul... not enough to anyone.
"You arent dumb. You know already who I am and what do I look like-" he turned to you, shoving his hood down to show you his face "Right? Dollface?"
He expected everything... you to flinch, scream or cringe at his appearance. Despite you seing how he was as a chibi, he knew that the real deal was horrible... yet, he felt your soft and gentle hands cup his face as while he could see the sincerity and love behind those beautiful (E/c) orbs.
"You're the most beautiful man I ever saw... You know how much I've been waiting to see you?"
Those words made him smile... right there, on the middle of alley that could hide you both, chibis on the ground staring up at you two... he knew. He knew that the person he was holding their wrist and looking lovingly at them...
Was his soulmate.
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!minho as your boyfriend
pairing — fem!reader x minho
genre — fluffish angst-ish ? bullet scenario but mostly not, enemies to lovers
word count — 2k
happy birthday to our precious cat boy! 🐈
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happy birthday lino!
you’re one of the best dancers in your school
competitions arent complete without you
i guess the popularity with dancing got over your head a little bit
to you, you were just proud
but others took it the wrong way, as per usual
“alright we’re going to have a new member in our crew, please give him a warm welcome!” your dance instructor clapped
you wiped off your sweat and sat down on the floor to listen further
“come in, lino!” she urged
the young man came in wearing gray sweats and a plain black shirt with a poker face on
you didnt really care nor felt a bond forming between you two
“hi, lee minho, nice to meet you” he smiled half heartedly
you heard the other girls in the room swoon at the sight of him
you were about to nudge your friend who was obviously squealing when the instructor interrupted
“[y/n]! stand over here, please” she pointed beside minho
so you complied
his scent was manly with a hint of softness
he was taller than you and had a lean body structure
your instructor was eyeing the both of you from head to toe and proceeded to call over another instructor
“see, they would be perfect for it!” she whisper shouted at her fellow instructor, still eyeing the both of us
“i do agree with you but dont you think minho is still new? he just came in” the other replied
“minho if you don’t mind? can i show him your audition video?” she asked
minho gave her a nod while he looked around the place with his arms crossed, while you looked like an idiot just standing there like 🧍🏻‍♀️
“wow! his body is flexible, you made the right choice with these two" the male instructor commended
"alright, you two would be assigned to create a new choreography for the up coming dance competition. it should be hip hop styled, music of choice is yours." she instructed
your fellow dancers already went home since it was getting late, so you did too after the discussion
you didnt really talk to minho
you felt like you didnt need to, yet
unless it was about the dance
practices were always held after classes. you and the crew decided to brainstorm possible songs that you guys could dance to. all of the songs they were suggesting was boring and at this point you were frustrated and threw a fit. "god, think!" you sighed at your fellow dancers as you ruffled your hair in anger. "do you have any better ideas?" minho asked, nonchalant. "i evaluate whether or not the songs can be used. do you have any ideas?" you rolled your eyes, copying his tone.
he shook head and let out a light smirk, a rather amused one. he suggested songs and remixes that were actually good, but you can never say that. for the first time, someone actually had the courage to speak back to you during your angry state. it did hurt your ego a bit.
"no, i dont want that, it's ear-bleeding" you lied, just for the sake of your reputation in front of your fellow members. "im not asking for your permission, im showing this to noona," he said getting up from the floor with the computer and walked out to find our older instructor.
whispers and held back laughter was heard in the room while their eyes are focused to either you, or minho's back who just disappeared
being a little brat, you stomped over to minho ( who you found in the hallway, just outside your instructor's office ) "you!" you stormed over until youre close enough. without looking, he let out a sigh, "what?"
"what the hell was that about!" you half-shouted, eyebrows furrowed. "what? did i hurt your ego?" he raised an eyebrow, giving you a smirk. you were taken aback by his choice of words. no body has ever came this close to you. all he did was say the truth, because he really did hurt your ego. you hate being told what to do and you hate getting embarrassed in front of people.
your face turned red, "you know what? fuck you" you turned around and left. leaving him with this annoying smug look on his pretty face.
it became a routine
to argue with him during practice
you guys were partners in the said dance
being close with his body gives you the chance to take revenge
by making yourself heavy every time he has to carry you
but you learned that he's not the one to hold back
by letting go of you, causing you to fall off ass first
after a month straight of practice, it went like that
safe to say you hated each other's guts
he hated your bratty and egotistic attitude, and you hated him for pointing it out in front of every one
there's 3 more days until the performance
and somehow, nervousness was getting ahead of you.
"one last practice for today! let me see what you guys got." your instructor said as you guys were positioning yourselves in place. during the dance, you knew you made so many mistakes but you were still hoping it would go unnoticed. making the ending pose, every one clapped as well as the instructor.
"over all, it's a winning dance for me!" every one cheered for the mentor's compliment while you were feeling unsteady. "[y/n], work on the dance a little more okay? you seem a bit on edge" she gave you a small smile. embarrassment was written all over your face. improve? me? christ! it's much worse when minho, who is right beside you, heard that.
the instructor left and every one proceeded to pack their things. as you were about to close yours, "work on the dance a little more okay?" little shit minho repeated your instructors words, with a smug look on his face that you badly want to wipe off with a punch
"okay" you replied dryly, not wanting to engage with crap because of your rising nervousness. "looks like im about to take your place, brat" he added. you knew he was just messing around since both of you had been fighting like this almost every day. you gave him a nod because you just wanted to escape at this point. you placed your bag over your shoulder and opened the door, "don't you think maybe it's because you're not that good-"
"can we not do this right now? alright? i get it. if you really are so fucking great, congrats! now leave me alone." you spat, walking past him and left the studio. the sun was setting when you got out and it was a rather chill weather. it was fine, we're in the middle of october any way.
you sighed as you hugged yourself for comfort due to the strong wind. walking home, you decided to stop by a vending machine.
great! your money just had to be stuck in the vent. just when you thought your day could get worse, this happens. you placed your head on the glass of the machine in front of you while mindlessly playing with the buttons.
you regret losing your cool in front of minho like that, because you know he was just messing around. at some point during practice, you were slowly learning that being a brat is horrible and not everything will go my way.
you noticed that you were starting to change too.
you let out another sigh and kicked a foreign rock to express your frustration. you eyes went back to the stuck money and tried to get it out again. a random finger from behind pressed a red button on top of the machine, which immediately retrieved your money.
you turned back around to thank the person, "thank you-" your smile faded when you realized who it was. he had a small cat eye smile on, "hi" he said in a low tone, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"hi" you said rather awkwardly. "what drink do you want?" he said as he brought out his wallet, positioning himself in front of the machine. "no you don't have to" you protested. "please, let me do this, it's the least i can do for pissing you off"
"banana milk, and im sorry too" you replied, playing with your fingers. he gave you this 'why are you saying sorry' look. "im sorry for all the mean stuff i said back there, i dont know what has gotten into me, im just so nervous about the performance"
he nodded, implying that he's listening while typing and inserting the money on the machine. "im just sorry for being a brat in general," you smiled apologetically as you accepted the banana milk from him. both of you sat down beside the vending machine.
"you dont have to apologize you know? im the one who took it too far" he said, guilt plastered all over his face. "it's fine, i deserve it. besides if it wasnt for you, i wouldnt have notice how much of a bitch i am." you admitted with a light chuckle.
"i didnt mean what i said earlier by the way," he spoke, finishing up his own banana milk. "which one?" you asked. "when i said you were not that good, i didnt mean it. in fact, youre one of the best." he admitted, placing his empty banana milk beside him.
"you think so?" you asked with a smile. "i know so" he smiled back, removing his hairband and placing it back again. "maybe that's why im falling for you." he mumbled.
competition day came
you were feeling energetic today
bratiness level lowered down by 70%
the performance went really great
every one at your school was rooting for your team
which made you even more giddy
"and the grand champion for this year is..."
you heard your school's name and immediately hugged minho unintentionally out of joy
your legs were wrapped up in his waist and he was swinging you around, happy to win as well.
he let go of you gently, trying not to make things awkward
youve already touched his body due to the dance steps but it felt awkward after he confessed
after the celebration, your crew was in the back stage, preparing for the surprise
today is october 25, meaning it's his special day
you got out the cake you personally baked for him and motioned everyone to gather around before minho comes in
"surprise!" every one cheered and threw random pieces of paper towards him when he came in the back stage
"happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear minho, happy birthday to you" you sang along with the crew and faced him his cake
"make a wish, lino" you said as you waited for him to blow.
"i wish to be with you" he said out loud, not even minding the people around us and blew the candle out. a lot of ooos and cheers were heard, making you blush. you gathered frosting all over your finger and proceeded to wipe it on his face
he let out a fake shocked face as he did the same to you. by now, every one around you has frosting in your faces. musting up all the courage left in you. you made your way to minho once more and placed a frosting on his lips. he smirked at your sudden action as he lifted you up.
you pressed your lips against his, licking the frosting clean off of him. he gladly accepted the kiss, ignoring everyone around the both of you. pulling away, "maybe i am falling for you too, lino" you confessed. making him kiss you once more.
bf minho is very tsundere
as usual, dance practices together
vending machine dates after practice
lots and lots of i love yous while dancing
would let you meet his cats bcs "you are now worthy"
helping each other out with missed assignments
your best friend
kisses are wild but soft
dance covers together
will literally break the vending machine to give you your banana milk
would buy you breakfast
holds your hand during break
cuddling with his cats!!!!!!
forehead kisses with reassurance
people dont get your inside jokes
a tease !!!!!
"baby, there is no one else like you"
author's note —
i tried to make this gender neutral but i dont know much about mxm dancing together! sorry about that, i tried to lessen the female details though.
im open for constructive criticism! i made this a birthday special for our lee know <3
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angeloncewas · 3 years
dont wanna make this ask long bc i am tired and dont have the energy to be a well spoken (?) person rn but it probably will be long anyways, so sorry!! but like. as somebody who has hyperfixated on both idubbbz and schlatt (along with a plethora of other problematic content creators, i really know how to fuckn pick em!!) they absolutely foster a dogshit community, at least outside of platforms like tumblr, where like. you cant really avoid fandom culture like you can on twitter or ig, if that makes sense. on here, if you wanna post about your favorite youtuber, whether you tag it or not, other fans will likely see and if you say some bad shit, you will likely get called on it, whereas on ig basically only your followers will see it even if you use a hashtag and on twitter its like if you arent in a subtwt/fandom then you basically dont interact with any subtwt at all unless its an accident, ya know?
so like. i think what im trying to say here is that while ive met a lot of fans of both these creators, especially schlatt, who are great people as far as i can tell, i am also specifically on the fandom side of things and as soon as i step out of that space i realize that a lot of people who watch them are not actually minorities like me and my mutuals who can catch on to satire or who watch their more behind the scenes stuff where you can see them act like a decent person or even call out people for the things they usually joke about which just. fucking sucks. it sucks that, as much as i do believe schlatt is actually a good person (and sort of idubbbz, although i dont really watch him much anymore for a plethora of reasons, mostly related to the fact that i cant stand his jokes anymore even if he is playing a character as he's said before), he also keeps doing terrible fucking things and im really glad his actual friends have been calling him on it recently, especially after that jackbox video (which is a whole other thing on its own bc it literally seemed like nobody wanted to be there basically the entire video?? like as somebody who watched all the jackbox videos before that one, it was really fucking off in that call and the jokes were next level fucking upsetting), but sometimes it's just kinda like. exhausting. bc his community is already fucking bad now, you cant undo accidentally fostering a community of fucking racist homophobes who dont get that you're playing a character, unless you kinda drop off and build a whole new community from that, which would be stupid to do at this point in his career. not really sure where i was going with this tbh, but i thought i would chime in on this discussion as a viewer of mainly schlatt, but also a past idubbbz viewer who is basically a seasoned fucking vet at dealing with shitty fanbases because of him and many other dumb youtube white boys
(also, note on that anisa thing: ian's main fanbase was definitely pissed just bc she does sex work and a lot of them are too fucking young or just too fucking dense i guess to clock the fact that he's putting on an act bc, like i said before, they either dont watch his behind the scenes content, or they do and they kinda just miss those moments between still trying to entertain where he gets genuine. that being said, a lot of people outside of his fanbase were also pissy bc anisa is a less than spectacular lady if you really do your research on her, kind of a bad person but it's not something a lot of people know about, especially since one of the few videos made on it was by fucking creepshow art)
sorry for the rant again, i feel like i do this every other week now and i apologize, you just seem to have the best discourse and i enjoy partaking <3 hope you have a good rest of your day/night/whatever time you're reading this!
Thank you for the input (don't mind the rant !) and I hope you have a good rest of your day too <3 For post length, I'll answer under the cut :)
Yeah, I get what you mean (I think ahdsufsd). Fandom as a concept is pretty... I don't even know how to describe it, but it's the kind of thing that I feel like white male Redditors would think of as pussy shit, y'know? Like the Ricegum gang isn't a fucking "fandom" they're a... well, a fandom, but they're not gonna admit to that. So when you step outside of a community like Tumblr (the queerest place on the internet TM) you come into contact with the faces of the fandom you're dealing with and oftentimes they're a lot less like you than you might've thought from the similar interest. It's like going to a Weezer concert and realizing you're surrounded by incels (this is a JOKE).
Satire's a rough topic because some people don't think it should exist at all. Like any words that can be directly interpreted as bigoted or problematic should not be uttered. I disagree with that, I think it's one of the most interesting forms of both social commentary and comedy, but I do see the problem. There are people who watched Filthy Frank (to take an example from that other anon) and didn't know or care what the point of his actions were (I don't know what they were tbh - I never watched him, but it sounds like he's a pretty decent dude) and instead read his jokes as-is. There are thousands upon thousands of people who aren't gonna get satire and that's a problem because if they're already bigoted they're gonna see people like Schlatt and iDubbz and whoever else as truly validating.
(Largely unrelated but yo, is iDubbz still going? Are the views alright? Is the adsense popping? Has he just kept going with Content Cops? I haven't heard about him since the girlfriend thing dropped.)
"you cant undo accidentally fostering a community of fucking racist homophobes who dont get that you're playing a character, unless you kinda drop off and build a whole new community from that"
I think this is what's pertinent when it comes to discussing Schlatt. After the Jackbox video (for me at least, he might've been there before) he put himself at a crossroads. If he'd apologized, said "sorry, I took it too far, that was a mistake" - yeah, plenty of people wouldn't have forgiven him and plenty of bigoted fans of his would've said that the apology was just to placate the snowflakes on Twitter, but to the sort of in-between people it would've shown that he's able to recognize and reconcile his mistakes. He could've transitioned into content that's A) actually good (when I say that the video was bad I don't just mean in terms of racism, I mean it straight up was not entertaining) and B) less "edgy" for the sake of. I wouldn't expect him to go uwu squeaky clean, but he's already reeled in the bad people, so if he really wanted to foster a good, progressive audience, he has to do something significant to show that.
But he didn't.
Maybe for the sake of his career, maybe because he likes those bigoted fans, maybe because he just doesn't get it - I don't know. I don't think we'll ever know. I spoke earlier about doing what is right over what is easy and in the case of Schlatt it just feels like he really did take the easy way out. Whoever he is in his personal life doesn't change how he's perceived online and the kinds of people that are idolizing him for it.
(And yeah I saw the video on Anisa when I Googled her to check if they were still dating, but then I saw who it was made by and I was like oh well whatever avhfdfkj)
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: pick me up Joe: rude you clearly did without me Joe: but I'll be able to do a twofer, yeah 👌 Joe: send your distress signal so I know where to point Ronnie: [wherever she's been working for a hot sec, I dread to think lol] Joe: you making a complaint about their cold-calls in person? Joe: tick off initiative on your CV Ronnie: my sides have split & it aint fuck all to the piss poor stitching Joe: see how far we can stretch your guts either side of you, fun Joe: did you self-sew or see one of your gun-wielding pals? different principle tats and triage Ronnie: then you can play a round of guess how much of this blood is mine, get yourself proper going Joe: too kind, stop me from charging the going rate for a while yet 🚖 Joe: what office supply did you use though Joe: if you were too cliche, you are going to have to sit up front and talk to me, proper cabbie punishment Ronnie: everything got nicked day 1 baby they werent about to waste any staples keeping shit on desks Ronnie: phone & a script is your lot Joe: there any drug we can act like anyone's calling it oscar on the street? Joe: you fully Joe Pesci'd someone with the phone, yeah? 👏 Ronnie: any gear that should go straight in the bin Ronnie: call it oscar Joe: you are wasted on 0 hour contracts, my dear Ronnie: not wasted enough for em Joe: join me at your local overpriced shit coffee dealer Joe: our bathrooms couldn't pass a piss test but they all only want the ⬆pers Joe: 💔 Ronnie: ill have an escort if you dont get a fucking move on Ronnie: you got enough student spends to feed coffee & doughnuts to the full force yeah Joe: say lucky you but security guards got as many hairs on their head as they got IQ points Joe: lot down Soho are decent conversationalists, unlike Daz and Gaz Joe: I did just get this terms though so hold on and you can help me 🔥 through it Ronnie: i dont get turned on by einstein & his pals mckenna thats your wank fuel Ronnie: easiest way to get a cunt off my back is to put him on his Joe: he only banged his cousin, that's nothing to waste energy on Ronnie: 💔 none of your cousins look enough like your mam for you Joe: why do you think i was searching Joe: daring to dream Ronnie: give a fuck about your nancy drew fantasies Ronnie: that schoolgirl shit is tapped Joe: the catholic schoolgirl uniforms have been overstated Joe: not all that in person, be the review Joe: nuns though, yeah Joe: enough mild peril to manage Ronnie: charlie will be gutted youve switched from homos to dykes Joe: you're the only one who's guts I wanna play around Joe: I'll break it to him nicely Joe: doughnuts, yeah Ronnie: consolation hole Ronnie: youve had shitter ideas Joe: it was yours, in fairness Joe: dunno about offering up my hole to every bloke at the met but if I put my foot down shouldn't be an issue Ronnie: i dont reckon a consolation footjob is gonna cut it Ronnie: not my first offence Joe: giving away how highly you think of my 🍑 Joe: what happened then, beyond telemarketing being worse than shitting out razorblades Ronnie: you wish you had 1 whitey Joe: says you Ronnie: if i had any curves theyd be cut off by now Joe: junkie chic before the habit Joe: some girls have all the luck Ronnie: lucky i need your bullshit heroics for this or id send you on a fools errand to sleuth the pieces out of landfill Joe: white knight > jester Joe: not my usual style, but for you I'll make an exception Ronnie: unless youre gonna say your horse fucking girlfriend dressed you the other night ive already seen it like Joe: you think her thing is budget kurt cobain? Joe: or that she's blind Ronnie: be blind by now if you catholics arent full of shit about touching yourself too much Ronnie: homesick for the horse & rejected by you Joe: what do you think its called Joe: my bets are on some boy band member she fancied when she was 11 and daddy was gutted Ronnie: or the 1st lad she wanted to meet round the back of the bike sheds Joe: you're such a romantic Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: im thinking like a basic white bitch from kent or wherever the fuck you said Joe: you do it well Joe: no way her school had anything common like bikesheds though so knocking a point off Joe: getting fingered on the hellipad is more voyeuristic but has less of a charm about it Ronnie: write a song about it Ronnie: shes gonna be charmed by the namedrop Joe: return the favour Joe: she's making me help her with her coursework Ronnie: plaster cast of your cock and then what Ronnie: tell her you aint no hendrix & its been done Joe: charlie wishes, whitey Joe: I'll cc 'em both in about my disappointing dick Ronnie: ill pass on gaz & daz numbers Joe: god I hope the plaster ain't dried Ronnie: god aint listening to you nancy Joe: adds up Joe: that kind of dad, technically always keep an eye but going in one ear and out the other Joe: 💔 woe is me Ronnie: irish catholics aint got fuck all going on between the ears she werent in it for that Joe: fucked me up with her shit genetics then Joe: you manage to get a pen? Joe: shove it in my ear and dig it out Ronnie: pull it out of my neck & you can stick it where you like Joe: we'll let the blood piss out 'til it feels right Ronnie: im the romantic Ronnie: shut up Joe: alright, you need to be conscious to woo me Ronnie: couldve fooled me Joe: dead girls pale in comparison Joe: 💘 Ronnie: the boners you lot have got for open caskets over there i dont reckon youve ever seen a dead girl the proper colour Joe: just said you were #1 but you've got to be 1 and only, yeah? Ronnie: in your fever dreams mckenna Ronnie: i aint looking that much like your ma however much slap i put on Joe: you're prettier than her Ronnie: now you want me to drink bleach instead of having a bath in it Ronnie: make up your fucking mind like Joe: just knew that would wind you up Joe: gotta bring out some cliches Joe: you're perfect just the way you are, you know Ronnie: drop dead Joe: god willing Joe: he's being fucking slow about it, despite my best efforts Ronnie: ill give it my best shot if you keep on Joe: another one for the cv Ronnie: find it written in my blood shit & bile on this wall Ronnie: thats your girlfriends coursework aced for her Joe: beats the lecture I'm skipping out on by miles Ronnie: no shit none of em are dressed like nuns Joe: none of 'em hate me like you either Joe: so damn likeable, its a curse Ronnie: i dont wanna hear about all your teachers trying to pet you Ronnie: childhoods over golden boy Joe: and all without me getting molested once Joe: by any nuns or teachers anyway Ronnie: 💔 Ronnie: why youre such an annoying cunt Joe: abuse really humbles you, does it Joe: builds character Ronnie: gives you something to properly cry about Joe: got nothing on the shit my brain can make up Joe: idle hands and all that Ronnie: yeah youre so special baby Joe: it's just being mental or not Joe: if you ain't, you can go through whatever fucked up shit and be alright still Joe: if you're mental nothing even needs to happen and you'll be worse off Joe: some of us ain't got a chance from conception Ronnie: tell me something i dont know Ronnie: poster child for not having a fucking chance & any mental problems they wanna attach Joe: you better pay for more ad space Joe: call it karma, or dodgy genetics Joe: but I make a great case for abortion Ronnie: like i said before not one that needs to be put to me Ronnie: had more of em than youve had misery boners Joe: won't make you tell me about 'em Joe: no way you'd be as descriptive as the furious pro-lifers who act like the baby is fit to crawl out when you kill it Ronnie: hot Ronnie: shouldve called 1 of em to pick me up instead Joe: condemnation and loathing is meant to be my thing Ronnie: sharings meant to be your thing too yeah? Joe: only when it's inadvisable Ronnie: only when you wanna Joe: if you got to play oldest you'd know that's sadly untrue Ronnie: stuck being the cliche middle kid between fitz & the other one Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: seeking attention and approval because you're overlooked and under-appreciated? Joe: it's why 3 is a good number, any more and you've got multiple middle kids Joe: maybe I don't wanna fuck my mum, just missing all 3 of my own so much 🙄 Ronnie: they wish anyone could overlook me Ronnie: & you deffo do wanna fuck her so thats shit on your thesis Joe: yeah, sounds just like them Joe: suits you Joe: like the basic white bitch thing Ronnie: go fuck your mam Ronnie: im too tired for this Joe: you won't have no early start tomorrow sound of Ronnie: didnt have an early start today Ronnie: thats what kicked off this bullshit Joe: fair enough Joe: who wants a cold call at 7am Ronnie: the cunt who runs the place will be getting 1 off me til he pays me Joe: lucky him Joe: might wanna stay in your debt longer, romantic that you are Joe: attention very flattering Ronnie: what im hearing is i should tell his missus some fucking fairytale about the attention he was giving me Ronnie: everyonell be made up with the lie Joe: could do Joe: like your flair Joe: or I could come in, tell him you're mental and that he didn't make adequate allowances for you but now you're too traumatized to come back so he should just pay and we won't have to sue Joe: might get damages on top Ronnie: who are you my fucking school age carer like Joe: i'm believable, and more palatable than you outwardly Joe: anyway i look older Ronnie: than what 12 Joe: you have a baby face Joe: i look like i've not slept in as many years Joe: which is pretty accurate, as it goes Ronnie: do i fuck Ronnie: i look like ive shaken a baby to death Joe: child on child crime Joe: shocking headlines there, like that scottish girl who was fucked then got out and was someone's gran like she didn't kill a toddler Ronnie: see how palatable you are when I kick your teeth in Joe: it's a curse Joe: if you wanna lift it and be my hero instead of it being this way 'round Joe: love you forever, like Ronnie: ill lift your wallet fuck the rest Joe: already offered you my money Joe: not even a challenge, soft touch Ronnie: like youve ever been challenged soft lad Joe: go on Ronnie: youre already going on loads Joe: bet you've never heard about the traffic in this city, have ya Ronnie: fuck it ill go lay in it Joe: 😍 Ronnie: save the pillow talk for when youre offering me somewhere else to sleep Ronnie: would let you fuck me for entry to horse girls en suite if theres a bath in it Joe: where's your bed gone Ronnie: its got a hysterical homo in it whos only gonna get himself in more of a fanny flap cause ive been sacked Ronnie: ill take the wreckage of a 4 car pile up or whatever Joe: gotcha Joe: how long 'fore he calms it Ronnie: how long are you offering to spend buying him drinks & cupping his balls Joe: i get it Joe: you wanna wifeswap Joe: not just her art assignment you're interested in Joe: but you can just take my bed, I'm always falling asleep on the sofa or up the table and she'll relish at more chance to watch me sleeping Ronnie: your room got a 🔒 Joe: yeah but you're alright, it's on the inside Joe: not going to get fritzl about it Ronnie: youd need more than that to keep me in Ronnie: which youd know if you were earning off dealing with my mental problems Joe: not giving you a challenge either, don't get hysterical yourself like Ronnie: you couldnt like Ronnie: bigger pussy than your basic white girlfriend Joe: oh god stop talking about it Joe: i'll be sick Ronnie: no stomach for any kind of challenge Joe: you crack on Joe: i'll stick to 🍩 Ronnie: not so needy for some clean piss that ill be licking her out for it Joe: you should write this song for me Ronnie: whats in it for me Ronnie: got all your spends on a promise as is Joe: the fame and full writing credits, obviously Ronnie: fuck off obviously Joe: that's how we know you're not really a middle kid Ronnie: more shit you can come at your ma with Joe: I'll save it for the next holiday Ronnie: 💘 Joe: what about your dad Ronnie: i dont reckon hes up for another go on her if youre there watching Joe: 💔 Joe: i meant do you know what happened to him Joe: you might have more interesting half brothers out there, what I'm thinking Ronnie: got no interest in little fucking kids Joe: so you do know Joe: did he come find you or what Ronnie: dont get jealous nance Ronnie: did it myself like Joe: he meet your expectations Ronnie: what kind of fucking soft shit is that Ronnie: get a grip mckenna he aint rich Joe: a no would suffice Joe: though it's adorable you really kicked it like Annie over it Joe: you could've said you had none, or you expected him to be dead or worse, a useless cunt Ronnie: why would i say fuck all to you about it Joe: too painful too private Joe: gotcha Ronnie: wank over your own parents when i aint waiting Joe: the fact you've not implied I'd prematurely cum in my pants Joe: you're so full of hope it's equal parts inspiring and worrying Ronnie: get out of my face before i kick yours in Ronnie: everyone who aint gone blind can see youre a virgin Joe: don't be jealous, sid Ronnie: you cant tell your older sister what to do baby Ronnie: that aint how this works Joe: it wasn't good ever Ronnie: course youre crying about that too Ronnie: fucking hell Joe: just trying to ease your jealousy Joe: anyway, you'll be pleased to know the lacklustre results were down to my lack of trying, not theirs Ronnie: 1 less dose of the clap & i might still be fertile now thats fucking worrying Ronnie: keep your status choir boy Joe: bit cliche far as fantasies go but alright Ronnie: you started it Ronnie: trying to make me feel special Joe: no need to try is there Ronnie: not now my gag reflex has been triggered Joe: like that ain't been decimated by now too Ronnie: youre learning Ronnie: your teachersll be made up Joe: hope for the molestation yet? Joe: nice Ronnie: ease your 💔 & limp dick Joe: calm down Joe: might get attached Ronnie: do your grades the world of good Joe: you wanna help me with my homework? Ronnie: youre that shit in the sack you still wont get an a after giving your teachers a going over Ronnie: unlucky like Joe: so you can help me Joe: what else you gonna do whilst you're hiding from charlie Ronnie: use your imagination Joe: no need Joe: you'll be sharing Ronnie: cant stop you kicking the door in Ronnie: its yours Joe: just the needle, not the bed, like Joe: you're fine Ronnie: yeah youll be between horse girls sheets Joe: don't reckon she's strong enough to carry me Ronnie: only has to strap a saddle on Joe: 😂 Ronnie: fuck knows what she would fill your nose bag with Joe: the surprise is the fun part Ronnie: dont come crying to me when its oscar Joe: if she was half as interesting as you're making out, might stand a chance of working Joe: as it goes, probably be granola Ronnie: stick her thatll make her more your type Joe: come on Joe: she don't look a thing like my mother Ronnie: fucks sake when shes under get a 🔪 Ronnie: do your best like Joe: i keep telling you i'm not one for trying Ronnie: trying not to cry is as far as it goes yeah Joe: even my kiddy medicine cuts that shit off Joe: ain't been able to since I was 12 Joe: not that there was much call for it, my perfect life with mummy dearest Ronnie: the other week before you met me then Ronnie: gutted i broke your streak Joe: you sure you ain't interested in little fucking kids Joe: rearrange that sentence and Freud is having a field day Ronnie: make the effort to get here before i start to rot Ronnie: not trying to make that cunts day or yours Joe: you'd have liked him Ronnie: he rich off peddling that bullshit to the masses Joe: yeah and he reckoned cocaine was the cure for heroin addiction so he really knew a good time Ronnie: sounds like my not boyfriend Joe: oh yeah? Joe: well his grandson was cooler Joe: he fucked kate moss when he was like 70 Ronnie: anyone written a song about that Joe: maybe pete did Joe: he was a painter though so he painted her with her kit off, obviously Joe: reckon it's free for us to give it a crack Ronnie: your girlfriend painted you yet or what Joe: she wants to Ronnie: no shit mckenna Ronnie: every cunt there nearly fucking went arse over tit in the puddle she was sat in at that gig Joe: so that's what that sticky feeling was Ronnie: her juices or charlies Joe: that's called mixed media Joe: potential bio-hazard for her profs though Ronnie: worst theyre gonna get off her is thrush Ronnie: never met a bitch so clean Joe: yeah Joe: boring Ronnie: i told you to kill her last time you started being a baby about it Joe: you can have homicidal, sis Joe: boring but harmless Ronnie: cocaines harmless after heroin you & freud are still pussy enough to call it a party Joe: why it's a cure Joe: get you from comatose to semi-functioning Ronnie: she could be a cure too Ronnie: cold turkey Joe: weren't searching for a cure Joe: am i coming in or are you coming out Joe: can't see you Ronnie: cause youre comatose Ronnie: gutted this ex boss aint a cokehead Joe: not far off Joe: he your not boyfriend or is that just what we're telling the wife Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: he couldnt fund your baby habit nevermind mine Joe: we going there first then Ronnie: yeah Joe: if we get your wages, we don't have to Joe: [come in boy] Ronnie: [a look like go on impress me by getting these wages boy] Joe: [when you can give it social worker chat 'cos what Tess does and the whole beeline of it all like you can be convincing enough that he's breaking some kind of equality law by sacking her without pay lol] Ronnie: [love that for you Joseph even if she won't let you know she's impressed and also lowkey triggered by that social worker energy] Joe: [honestly, lbr this man surely just wants you gone, won't take too much persuading] Ronnie: [literally and he's clearly in some way shady if he's 1. employed her and also 2. not called the police on her rn] Joe: [no leg to stand on sir, love this shakedown for you] Ronnie: [I bet they're all illegals and people being exploited] Joe: [its a mood, as in happens all the time esp. in cities, least you can hit him up again lads, long as he don't get y'all beaten up or something lol] Ronnie: [tbf if you do get beaten up that's a mood too] Joe: [yeah, when they find out you are not social and just taking their money lol] Ronnie: [love a scam] Joe: [the kind of nonsense have your mother rolling in her grave she's not in, love that we're starting that now] Ronnie: [I approve of the vibe, start as you mean to go on lads, all before you've made his poor flatmate wanna die lol] Joe: [poor gal did not ask for you as a flatmate let alone all this lol] Ronnie: [do you wanna skip to like when she's back and Ronnie's in his room or whatever because easy way to keep the convo going without needing it to be face to face] Joe: [works for me henny] Ronnie: [your turn to start boo] Joe: doubt she'll leave her room any time soon now Ronnie: 💔 Joe: yeah poor girl Joe: saying you got free reign, if you need anything Ronnie: i had it before Ronnie: not scared of her like Joe: nah Joe: what about charlie then Joe: or you just don't wanna upset him Ronnie: yeah terrified Ronnie: well sleuthed nancy Joe: that he'll get sick of you, maybe Ronnie: i fucking told you we aint the kind of family who get rid Joe: yeah Ronnie: dont project onto me Ronnie: we aint nothing alike Joe: i'm the one sick of them Joe: if anything Ronnie: yeah & he aint fuck all like you either Joe: I can see that Ronnie: youve seen him once dont flatter yourself Joe: and it's that obvious Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: what? Joe: i only need to know one half the equation to know we're not the same Joe: it's a compliment to him if fuck all else Ronnie: give it to him then Ronnie: hell lap it up Joe: i told you it's nice Joe: what you lot got Joe: but i'm not looking to get in on it if that's what you reckon Ronnie: take what you want pussy Joe: that's not your thing? Ronnie: what we cant both do it Joe: potentially Ronnie: dont remember you having any hesitation to share a needle Ronnie: grow a pair when youre not getting shot up Ronnie: maybe the dayll come when i dont have to spoon feed you the gear like a fucking kid Joe: i'd have to work out if i want anything but first Ronnie: yeah Joe: is it all you want Joe: the heroin Ronnie: mind your fucking business Joe: alright Joe: do you want to do my next tattoo or what Ronnie: i said take what you fucking want Joe: [come through with ink you've undoubtedly stole from your flatmate, also being more spacey/twitchy than normal like distract me gal] Ronnie: [love how old school & gross we're kicking this tattoo situation unlike when Ali does it] Joe: [which is absolutely the point, how your arms and legs don't fall off lol] Ronnie: [their other ones probably wouldn't have even healed yet cos lbr it's gonna be no time in between these interactions] Joe: [just loads of lowkey open wounds, like that isn't life anyway] Ronnie: [mhmm they'd be fucked already too cos they are so itchy when they are healing and y'all don't have chill] Joe: [all the reason for constant touch ups/ messing with so it casually never heals #mood] Ronnie: [I didn't think of that but I stan] Joe: [casual metaphor for your everything lads] Ronnie: [you know you can do anything to her tattoowise yourself Joseph she don't care] Joe: [probably doing some weird repitition moment you'd usually do on yourself which will be painful af excuse you] Ronnie: [she do love the pain you're fine] Joe: [good thing too, we're just here fucking each other up like this ain't gonna go anywhere else lolllllll] Ronnie: [way more #into it than I should be considering I don't  even like when people shout lol] Joe: [you babby, they are not, obviously we're getting and taking drugs even if she's too naive to know why they're in such a state, maybe they can make a dealer come to them when they're feeling fancy/have already had loads lol] Ronnie: [take a moment to appreciate how few clothes she is wearing rn and how much that means this poor gal can and would see like we've got track marks and self harm scars for days even before you start on the tattoos lol, you're gonna get clued in before she leaves hen] Joe: [honestly props for not running home screaming tbh babe] Ronnie: [especially when this dealer comes because he ain't Drew like he should be scary af] Joe: [lowkey makes you work for it even when you're paying 'cos hates junkies] Ronnie: [at least she can basically fuck him in full view for Joe's benefit because the vibe is already there haha] Joe: [i truly love thinking about what the hell you're telling the flatmate when she leaves, she's not that stupid, also must fancy you if she doesn't report you immediately lol] Ronnie: [she definitely does that's not just Ronnie's bpd jealousy shining through like did you tell her you were related after the gig or what even Joseph what's the narrative] Joe: [also, entirely unrelated, when you bleaching your hair 'cos it looks so much better lol, anyways, he's probably had to go with a troubled sister narrative 'cos she's the type to be sympathetic and it makes sense why he'd deal from her pov] Ronnie: [that's gonna make the obvious sexual tension awkward but yeah I vote they definitely do it while she's staying because same vibe as the tattoo sesh so] Joe: [ikr, when you're blatantly fucking this will be very confusing, you should deffo only be about 1st year lol] Ronnie: [are you gonna give him another different flatmate in year 2 or like none?] Joe: [maybe for year 2  on you can still have some like a house share moment but he's the one you never see and has nothing to do with you] Ronnie: [that works definitely cos like I was just thinking how could he afford somewhere on his own] Joe: [yeah, even if we're technically employed whilst in uni by the orchestra, it's not gonna be loads, and that's how London be even if you're not a student] Ronnie: [how long do we think she should stay for this time because obvs she's coming back again and again but] Joe: [hmm, like he isn't gonna tell her to go so it's on her for how long she can deal lol] Ronnie: [just cos I'm thinking she should leave because something happens/almost does and it freaks her out because she's meant to hate him and there's only so much you can play off as doing for shock value when you're blatantly into it] Joe: [that makes sense, clearly it ain't gonna take long for that to transpire] Ronnie: [yeah a few days is what I'm imagining, but like enough that she probably thinks nothing will happen because it hasn't so far, if that makes sense] Joe: [i'm with it] Ronnie: [how far do we wanna go is always the question] Ronnie: [okay idea time, hear me out hun, what if it's like an unexpectedly pure/cute moment by their standards that happens in the day to day because the obvious would be to have them go all in when they are fucked up but like think about it] Joe: [that's what I thought too though 'cos it's more impactful 'cos it isn't as if it's gonna start with a kiss when it does for real like it's all extra and them to cover that it's about anything but being fucked up, so that would shake you both] Ronnie: [so glad we're on the same page here, like I can't think of a good example of what I mean/think should happen but] Joe: [we know the vibe, doing something vaguely domestic before realizing what you're doing] Ronnie: [so she gotta run away and nobody is gonna know where she is or what she's doing for a bit soz Charlie & Bronson] Joe: [you wanna skip to that time period now, this hasn't been excessively long or anything[ Ronnie: [we totally can because we can always skip back/add it if we think of anything else we wanna do while she's there etc] Ronnie: [I've had a potential idea how to start this so neither of them technically has to bite the bullet and go first like if you give me a rough idea what kind of thing Charlie would say e.g where are you/are you dead bitch and I'll reply here like she's in the wrong convo lol] Joe: [that's a good idea boo, probably something like you can stop hiding now and an update about whatever the fuck he's up to in his life which you can make up you know the vibe lol] Ronnie: [I was just like realistically if they were both shook by what happened neither of them are gonna be like oh hey] Joe: [yeah like it'd take him a while even if he would 'cos not just gonna let this go that easy, so it's a solid way to do it] Ronnie: a real scouse ma's meant to shout down the street when its time to stop playing about Ronnie: lazy cunt Joe: I'm only half if I'm anything, and you probably won't give me that any rate Ronnie: 🖕 not talking to you Ronnie: got the wrong gaylord Joe: easy mistake Joe: you not got his number saved? Ronnie: if this was my phone yeah Joe: newly acquired then Ronnie: mine broke Joe: my condolences Joe: wall or pavement? Ronnie: what the fuck does it matter Joe: just making conversation whilst you're here Ronnie: if youve got something to say go ed Ronnie: but if youre gonna pussy out as per it got waterlogged Joe: you dying for the uni update like my ma is a top performance, cheers, like Joe: rice didn't work or you didn't fancy eating toilet water rice after Ronnie: loads in common me & her aint just a pretty face like Ronnie: dont know what kind of fucking 12 year old in a k hole at a festival you take me for mckenna Joe: yeah, it's a shame Joe: soph says save some for the 🐎s Ronnie: cold showers work better for misery boners than they do a suspected od but these fucking amateurs aint know jack shit obviously Ronnie: shame & shameful that is Joe: I'm a better sesh companion Ronnie: ill take the 🐴 Ronnie: whole or in bits Joe: seems the possessive type Ronnie: thats your bitch Joe: who I meant but I ain't claiming her Ronnie: bet shed be made up over a uni update Joe: bold of you to assume we haven't had many delightful lunch dates whilst you've been having cold showers Ronnie: give a fuck if youve been eating her out at any time of day Joe: yeah well I'm pretty gutted you've replaced me with another newbie Ronnie: stop fucking crying Ronnie: i aint running a nursery Joe: ain't the only one sounds of your reply Ronnie: fuck off Joe: reckon he's over you getting the sack now Ronnie: not everythings about that mary Ronnie: & he aint my keeper Joe: just your mum, I got the message Ronnie: he reckons he can baby me it aint the same thing Joe: he's older than you yeah Ronnie: youve got a sister other than me dont act like you cant get your head round it Joe: not really my M.O. Ronnie: special yeah Joe: she's got a dad and another brother happy enough to oblige Ronnie: i dont need to puke up my good time Joe: thought your stomach and nerve were meant to be stronger than that Ronnie: whatever you think about me is bullshit baby Joe: just what you've put out there Ronnie: & yours is heroics just warning you this aint no od like Ronnie: aint gotta press eject Joe: you're typing Joe: don't think anyone knows you well enough to commit to the impression here Ronnie: talking Ronnie: everyone knows idle hands are dangerous Ronnie: but that dont mean i gotta keep em busy typing Joe: yeah Joe: know the feeling Ronnie: its used to my accent & everything Ronnie: more than i can say for the live cunts here Joe: you in 💘 with your phone that's dead cute Joe: its worse when you're angry Ronnie: not in 💘 with kent Ronnie: your girlfriend proper missold it Joe: fuck off are you in kent 😂 Ronnie: fucked you over if you were gonna come carry me out again Joe: acting like you didn't ask Joe: if you're going to now, do it, like Ronnie: if you dump her back home who the fucks keeping the leccy on Joe: only got a baby habit ain't I Ronnie: what so youre carrying me out & dumping me where Ronnie: anywhere near & im taking your money shithead Joe: we don't need electric Ronnie: how will you get off on me wearing your mams face in the dark Joe: would hate to waste your hard work, obviously Ronnie: what hard work Joe: liberating my mums face from her skull Ronnie: be my pleasure Ronnie: all play Joe: alright then Joe: i'll be able to keep up Ronnie: big talk for a 12 year old virgin Joe: hiding it kent you can't talk or type about it Ronnie: im not fucking hiding Joe: yeah right Ronnie: plain sight baby Joe: 40 miles Ronnie: & Joe: if you wanna play, you're gonna have to give me another clue Joe: know if i'm getting warm Ronnie: [a blurry picture clue] Ronnie: 💘 Joe: they new friends or old Ronnie: waste of a question Joe: how many do i have left Ronnie: 39 but if you need that many dont fucking bother Joe: you don't wanna disappointed so bad Ronnie: you disappoint me by coming out the same hole Joe: that don't have to matter Joe: plenty have Ronnie: yeah but i aint met the rest of your happy family Joe: you wanna Ronnie: 38 now Joe: it could've been a statement Ronnie: was it Joe: 39 for you Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: you wanted to go to the beach Ronnie: that a question or what soft lad Joe: ?* Ronnie: didnt know there was 1 Joe: it's a county you know Ronnie: how the fuck would i know that Ronnie: shut up Joe: do you wanna go to the beach Ronnie: i can drown you in the sink Joe: i didn't put you in the shower Joe: or your phone Ronnie: youd have been made up by how blue i went though Ronnie: well like a dead girl Joe: yeah? Joe: what's it feel like Ronnie: youll get your own go Ronnie: aint holding your hand forever like Joe: gutted Ronnie: you wont reckon so when you outgrow that baby habit Joe: i'd mind if you died Ronnie: give you something to cry about Ronnie: youd be fucking into it Joe: nah Joe: people who've got shit to mope on usually don't Joe: enjoy it too much don't I, can't be having it validated, takes the fun out Ronnie: most dont reckon a happy end would be cumming inside their ma Ronnie: youd enjoy having a reason to celebrate or trauma bond depending on her fucking take Joe: our mate freud would disagree Joe: she'd wear black for the rest of her life, if that's what you wanna hear Joe: but counting it as a question, 38 Ronnie: why the fuck would i wanna hear that Ronnie: be boss for her if she never shifted her bastard baby weight like Joe: 37 unless it's rhetorical Joe: i dunno what will make you feel better Ronnie: 38 wasn't a question in the first place you just counted it cause youre a cheating lil bitch Joe: what's the prize and why do you want it so much Ronnie: use your imagination fucks sake Ronnie: why do you always want your hand held Joe: waste of a question Joe: 'cos I'm such a mummy's boy duh Ronnie: if shed let you walk into the road i wouldnt be answering any of your pussy questions Ronnie: 💔 Joe: be a lot easier for all of us Joe: i'll throw myself in front of the tube, fuck up everyone's day Ronnie: ill pick myself up from kent then yeah Joe: oh so you've claimed selfish have you Ronnie: no shit nancy drew Ronnie: fitz is still crying that i 💉 you up Joe: bless Joe: you're not claiming what got me there Ronnie: cant i wasnt fucking there Joe: then don't feel guilty Ronnie: dont fucking flatter yourself Ronnie: could care less Joe: you who's trying Ronnie: taking away a question if youre gonna lie Joe: not 12, not a virgin, don't need you to hold my hand Joe: i wanted to and want to Ronnie: made up horse girl took it while i was away Joe: yeah Ronnie: get yourself checked for 🐴 aids or whatever Joe: could care less is right Ronnie: bullshit youll be gutted if you dick falls off before you put it in your ma Joe: talking about how much you do Ronnie: what are big sisters for Ronnie: ask the other one & hell stutter round how much i dont too Joe: it's not the same Ronnie: you aint special mckenna how many times Ronnie: let your ma feed you that bullshit Ronnie: & fuck knows what youve already caught from my blood Joe: bit late for warnings Ronnie: you had one first time we met like Ronnie: got eyes Joe: exactly Joe: i'm not gonna take the hint Ronnie: too subtle for you yeah Joe: if you think you could be any more blatant Joe: have fun trying Ronnie: i am Ronnie: kent dont know what hit it Joe: i bet Joe: where have you been but some strangers doss house then Joe: and that is a question Ronnie: fuck knows Ronnie: been a blur Joe: you know its about 1,500 square miles yeah Joe: remember one landmark Ronnie: you know youre only getting any fucking answers cause im coming down Joe: we don't have to play this game Joe: if you tell me where you are, you'll be picked up quicker and then you can get whatever you need Ronnie: [a location, lord only knows] Joe: alright Ronnie: for you getting high of your bullshit heroics Joe: if it makes you feel better that you need rescuing Ronnie: do i fuck Joe: then you just wanna see me Joe: either way Ronnie: shut up Joe: what's better for you? Ronnie: your money then your life Joe: very adam ant Joe: and can be arranged Joe: even though you don't have a horse or a car so I'm more of a highwayman than you Ronnie: i aint getting on your gilfriends horse i know where its been Joe: 😏 Joe: you can just admit she's more up for it than you Ronnie: admit youre fucking brain damaged Ronnie: let her be up for hand holding & playing house Joe: what are big sisters for Ronnie: beating the shit out of you Joe: look forward to it Ronnie: yeah youve missed me Joe: not afraid to say it Ronnie: write a song about it Ronnie: no names & you can play it for any bitch Joe: thanks for the hot tip Joe: kill some time on this drive Ronnie: shouldve stuck your judy in the boot Ronnie: be eye spy & red car the whole fucking way Joe: haven't put the plastic sheet down Joe: 💔 short notice Ronnie: so torch it Ronnie: i know youve always got a lighter on you Joe: what gave it away Ronnie: ive got eyes baby Joe: try not to wear it on my sleeve though Ronnie: done a shit job there Joe: why do you show yours off Ronnie: whats the point of only feeling it on the inside Joe: doing it is feeling it on the outside Ronnie: im what they fucking made me they can look at it Joe: that makes sense Joe: yeah Ronnie: what the hell are you scared of Joe: I dunno Joe: doesn't feel like fear Joe: blending in or disappearing has always been preferable Ronnie: & you have the balls to reckon im hiding here Joe: it ain't hiding if no fucker's looking Joe: easier for them and me, like Ronnie: if you gave a shit about easier you wouldnt have looked for me Joe: it was last-ditch attempt Joe: see if you were the same, like all of them too Joe: or not Joe: and you're not Ronnie: cause she ditched me Joe: maybe Ronnie: i didnt have the luxury of blending in Joe: it's not a luxury Ronnie: not when you have it Ronnie: care kids dont Joe: not at all Joe: it was a necessity to not blow my brains out and all i ended up was cracked and wishing i had Joe: you didn't have a family to not belong in Ronnie: & you did em such a massive fucking favour by not ending it all yeah Ronnie: i dont know you or fucking care & i can tell youre desperate to Joe: if she can't get over you, and she never stuck around to know you Joe: it's fuck all to do with the person and everything to do with the label Joe: son, brother Joe: you're meant to care even if life is better or basically the same without Ronnie: good fucking thing i like downers Ronnie: youd ruin an e Joe: cheers Ronnie: get over her for fucks sake Ronnie: keep saying youre not 12 Joe: didn't have that luxury Ronnie: loads more cunts willing to fuck you over Ronnie: live a little like Joe: yeah that'll make it worth it Joe: dead inspirational Ronnie: try your other sister Joe: i'm sure she'd have even more helpful advice Ronnie: take it then Ronnie: ill kill you before i give you a reason to live Joe: you know i ain't fucking looking for one Ronnie: yeah Joe: you need anything Ronnie: i didnt tell you were to get fuck all out of it Joe: apart from a lift Ronnie: what do you reckon Joe: kk Ronnie: 💘 Joe: still not healed Joe: also looks like jobn now Ronnie: anything to make you feel special baby Joe: what I reckon Ronnie: i didnt reckon ocd made you that delusional Ronnie: but when you change it to say jobs youll blend right in Joe: not quite as fitting as when johnny did it Ronnie: whats your girlfriends name Joe: i'll find one to make it fit Joe: josie or jody maybe Ronnie: 💔 no decent gear has a girls name Joe: girls like to party not nod out Joe: gutted Ronnie: ive got a lads name i get why youre confused Joe: you didn't wanna change it Ronnie: you offering up the cash Joe: bit of a waste Joe: just for the paperwork Ronnie: yeah it is Joe: you dunno what to pick Ronnie: swear words aint allowed Joe: don't matter if you're just doing it, telling new people it's your name like Ronnie: not an underage tranny Joe: right Ronnie: bit fucking late now Joe: youre attached Ronnie: i dont care Joe: yeah Ronnie: not what i hate her for Joe: it's a lesser sin Joe: and not the worst name Ronnie: if thats your way of trying to namedrop the others, dont Joe: why would I Ronnie: i dont know you cant really answer why youd do fuck all Joe: i don't need to ask if you want to know them Ronnie: like their names are gonna tell me who they are Joe: like you care Ronnie: like thats ever stopped you Joe: I can't un-find you Joe: but I'm not going to force you to meet any of them or know any more than what's been said Ronnie: no fixed address remember Ronnie: cant make it much fucking easier for you Joe: no, you can't Ronnie: stop crying then Ronnie: you can do better than a car crash Joe: do better Ronnie: yeah like washing up on the beach Ronnie: keep every cunt guessing how you died Joe: see how many beaches I can end up on Ronnie: dead romantic Joe: you can have fun with the hacksaw anyway Joe: least I could do Ronnie: you dont owe me Joe: i do Ronnie: for what Joe: for finding you when you didn't want finding Ronnie: you got the wrong bastard Ronnie: loads of others would be made up Joe: would they? Joe: regardless, I did it for me Ronnie: fuck off trying to take selfish off me Joe: 😏 Ronnie: been a few days since ive used a phone as a weapon Ronnie: keep on if you want it chucked at you Joe: you've promised better than that Ronnie: course you cant last through the foreplay Joe: alright, romantic Ronnie: you fucking wish soft lad Joe: you wish i wished Ronnie: i fucking dont Joe: alright Ronnie: keep the 🕯🌹 for your girlfriend like Ronnie: fuck all i can do with soft Joe: lighters and poppies suit me better as well Ronnie: next tattoos then Ronnie: dont know if itll look like a poppy but fuck it Ronnie: ill cut it out if you dont like it Joe: even if we avoid the sleeve, still a lot of skin to ruin Joe: are you just going over now Ronnie: waste of a question Ronnie: theres fuck all you can do Joe: what, my scribbles weren't a masterpiece compared to your boyfriends Ronnie: told you get what you pay for mckenna Ronnie: & that i dont get hard for mozart & the like Joe: weren't gonna score a symphony on you but alright Joe: no touching Ronnie: 💔 Ronnie: you & your baby habit dont score Joe: just pays Ronnie: dead comforting when i get robbed & left in a kent ditch Joe: it'll be the nicest ditch you've ever been in Ronnie: squatters rights Joe: my bed ain't comfy enough Ronnie: its the fact that its yours making me wanna hang myself with a sheet Ronnie: should say its too soft like you though shouldnt i Ronnie: gutted i fucked that up like Ronnie: we were playing so nice Joe: yeah, goldilocks suits Ronnie: unless your hair has fallen out Joe: I've not pulled it out either Joe: or soph, like Ronnie: not enough like a mane for her Joe: 💔 Joe: if only she'd have known me a few years ago Ronnie: get the family album out shell be made up Joe: shed a tear over our lack of horse Joe: sympathy fuck is better than none yeah Ronnie: the lack of me will really get her going Ronnie: had the pity eye fuck soon as i showed up Joe: she's an empath, babe, why she's so good at art Joe: lack of you might be an issue for me though Ronnie: another word for nosy cunt Joe: undoubtedly Joe: if i could sum up what was wrong with me for her I would Joe: but guess she likes the guessing Ronnie: if she was scouse shed just fucking come out with it Joe: gobshites, yeah Ronnie: what you get for having girlfriends who aint even wool Ronnie: self hatred making you go posh about it Joe: my last actual girlfriend was Ronnie: & youre claiming her Joe: not still writing songs about her Joe: well, never was Ronnie: shell still be 💔 Joe: nah Ronnie: you keep her waiting this long or am i that special Joe: you don't even know how far you've gone from london Joe: you're nearly 2 hours away Ronnie: if youre sticking to the speed limit Ronnie: stop being a pussy Joe: meet me and the car in the next ditch over Ronnie: more hand holding for fucks sake Joe: more than that if you want that lift Joe: have to drag the car out and hotwire it Joe: scrape me off the windshield Ronnie: i told you to stop getting me & what im into Joe: maybe i'm trying really hard Ronnie: far as hurting yourself goes thats the shittest way to have a go Joe: 💔 too weak Ronnie: keep your limp wrists on the steering wheel Ronnie: i wanna get out of here Joe: 😏 Joe: in a bit then Joe: got speeding to do and if you won't shut up Ronnie: youd have to try harder to make me Ronnie: that aint fucking likely Joe: only have to ask Joe: not nice or nothing Ronnie: i dont ask for handouts theyre given to me on account of all those mental problems ive got Joe: wouldn't it be nice to be the one doing the charity work for once Ronnie: if thats the only high youre offering me turn the fuck around Joe: not that daft Ronnie: your ma tell you that Joe: loads Ronnie: her judgements for shit not getting rid of us both with a hanger Joe: agreed Ronnie: dont put a kid in her shed only keep that one too Joe: still raising the last one Ronnie: like thatd stop her Ronnie: no fucking time wasted Joe: she did stop Joe: hence the 9 year gap oopsie baby Ronnie: reckon shed know what causes it by then Joe: Ireland got to her I guess Ronnie: dead keen for my invite now Joe: put it across as a valid form of contraception Joe: chlamydia Joe: they'd go for it Ronnie: worked for me Joe: postergirl Ronnie: 💔 there was no need to sew myself up Ronnie: be more fun than whichever fuck gave me it Joe: god willing Ronnie: your catholic one would be dead willing Joe: you're thinking of the wrong over-zealous christian country Ronnie: not on the right drugs for that kind of bullshit thinking Joe: 🍄 Joe: look out for cowshit whilst you're waiting Ronnie: that determined for me to see the sights yeah Joe: can't waste such an opportunity Ronnie: 🖕 watch me Joe: kent only comes calling so many times, like Joe: your choice Ronnie: shell be taking you every time uni gives you time off Joe: i'm good for it Ronnie: its well cute that you reckon youve got any say Ronnie: possessive type i heard Joe: 😏 Ronnie: she changed the 🔒 on your room yet Joe: keep you in or out? Ronnie: reckon it ended at the pity eye fuck for me & her Joe: 💔 Ronnie: yeah Joe: i'll talk her 'round for you Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: i dont need you to translate for me Ronnie: we got the money your carer role is over Joe: it's all in the eyes, I heard you Joe: not patronizing on your deep relationship Ronnie: shut up Joe: 🤐 Ronnie: & drive faster Joe: 👌 Ronnie: fucking hell i can see why shes fucking obsessed with you Joe: if you want chat Joe: definitely in the wrong place Joe: she don't need to know my ears aren't listening to hers Ronnie: she already knows you do what youre told without talking back Ronnie: like a battered wife Joe: anything for an easy 💀 Ronnie: youre coming to the right place for that Ronnie: but i wont tell her Joe: it's not a reportable crime Ronnie: im not a snitch & i can wear shades if she tries to eye fuck her way to finding fuck all out Joe: dunno if that's enough of a disguise but I don't care Joe: a habit, she could say something about that Joe: but the rest Ronnie: what rest Ronnie: you only want a habit Joe: speak for yourself Ronnie: im echoing you Ronnie: you fucking said it Joe: you know it's not true though Ronnie: youre full of shit yeah Joe: yeah Joe: you too if you wanna pretend about it Ronnie: i dont play pretend im not a fucking kid Joe: good Joe: then you know what's happening here Ronnie: [a picture or video of whatever is happening where she is, lord knows] Joe: you don't have to reciprocate, dickhead Joe: no need to try and make me crash Ronnie: thought youd grown a set of balls & had em drop while ive been here Ronnie: what it sounded like Joe: how olds the other one Joe: he looks younger than me Ronnie: didnt do a survey Joe: I mean your mate, I don't know his name Joe: not Charlie Ronnie: 17 Joe: he must've been a baby when you met, like Ronnie: whats your point Joe: ain't got one Joe: just wondering Ronnie: youre not his type Joe: he's not mine Ronnie: stop wondering then Joe: why? Ronnie: hes fuck all to do with you Ronnie: your mam didnt push him out Joe: not trying to get to know him over you Ronnie: then why do you care Joe: same age as my brother Joe: and the girl my parents took in, one of Joe: that's it Ronnie: here we fucking go Ronnie: you said you werent gonna do that Joe: you kept asking Ronnie: cause i dont want you fucking nonce my brother Ronnie: give a fuck about yours Joe: 'cos you think I would, alright Joe: don't be stupid Ronnie: i dont know what youd do Ronnie: dont fucking know you Joe: well I'm straight and entirely uninterested Ronnie: youre also full of shit Joe: why do you give a fuck Joe: I'm only a year older, if I wanted to, I would Ronnie: why do i give a fuck that you lied to me or about him Ronnie: go ed & wonder about it Joe: it weren't a lie Joe: shit changes Ronnie: i dont wanna hear about them that aint gonna change Joe: fine Ronnie: fuck you Joe: also fine Joe: sorry, alright Joe: it means fuck all Ronnie: its not fine Ronnie: & it means im gonna be running comparisons in my head Joe: just forget about it Joe: of course they're all around my age ish, it don't mean you know any more about them Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: it don't matter Ronnie: cause you get to tell me what matters too yeah Joe: come on Ronnie: you dont or what to fucking do either Joe: then what Joe: I said it, I said sorry Joe: you do what you must Ronnie: go home & give horse girl your sorry Joe: fuck that Joe: you still need to get back to London and I'm nearly there Ronnie: i got here i can leave here Joe: bullshit Ronnie: you wish Joe: well I'm still coming Ronnie: i dont care Ronnie: youve been going on about how big it is Ronnie: stay the fuck away from me Joe: Jesus fucking christ don't be such a pussy Ronnie: you fucking wish Joe: whatever Joe: this is going nowhere right now Joe: you know where to find me when you wanna actually do something about it Ronnie: your half arsed self destruction is going nowhere Ronnie: do something about that your fucking self instead of trying to bait me Joe: I'm still on my way Ronnie: kents full of real pussys you can save Ronnie: youll 💘 it Joe: I don't give a fuck, Ronnie Ronnie: why are you crying Ronnie: you fucked me over Joe: because this is a waste of time Ronnie: youre a junkie now get used to it Joe: at least I've got that Ronnie: youre welcome baby Joe: good luck finding decent shit in kent Ronnie: not going with you dont mean im staying here Joe: but I've got mine already Ronnie: you can have selfish Joe: I told you I was bringing more for you Joe: if you can get over it you can have your share Ronnie: ill take it over it not Ronnie: *or Ronnie: you cant fucking stop me Joe: say you want me to come then Joe: i know where you are, not the other way 'round Ronnie: youre the liar mckenna Ronnie: i dont want you to be anywhere Joe: then why should I come and share Joe: that's a question Ronnie: you love heroics Joe: [show up at this point] Ronnie: [what a fun little reunion that'll be] Joe: [so, we know the vibes but also do we wanna pitch it out] Ronnie: [we totally can for our own amusement/in case a moment or something happens again] Joe: [so obviously he gets there and she's gonna be fuming hens, yeah?] Ronnie: [she gonna fight him lol enjoy that random peeps] Ronnie: [but that works cos like if someone takes that seriously instead of realising we just flirting with each other then they gotta go] Joe: [go away for some alone time to take your drugs somewhere, we voting beach] Ronnie: [yeah because realistically nobody will be there at this o clock unless they are likewise up for shady shit so it works for them as well as being romantic for us because has she been to the beach before probably not] Joe: [so unintentionallly wholesome] Ronnie: [try not to freak out immediately about that this time lads] Joe: [or OD again] Ronnie: [or freeze to death because when are you ever dressed for the weather gal] Joe: [have to stay close purely for warmth whoops] Ronnie: [can't pretend you're angry enough to be at the other end of the beach its not that deep] Joe: [shame it'll be too late to get fish n chips or something beach related but you can skim stones] Ronnie: [I wonder if there's anywhere you could break into because always a mood] Joe: [on a lot of seafronts they have those shelter moments that are boarded up you know what I mean] Ronnie: [yeah that was what I had in mind] Joe: [was that tracy beaker when jess and that girl were snuggled in there and tracy thought it was a lad lollol] Ronnie: [I loved that bit] Joe: [soz i've forgotten your name but that whole character and vibe was a mood, buzzing for the show/movie whatever they're doing] Ronnie: [a child Tess mood 100%] Joe: [fosho fosho, you're gonna have to sleep on this beach/his car 'cos not letting you drive in that state for that long yet tah] Ronnie: [we all know you're gonna be snuggling and I'm here for it, maybe you can get fish and chips in the am/when you wake up] Joe: [for breakfast lol, get all the sugary snacks as well like candy floss doughnuts, casual binge here like neither of you clearly eats much day to day] Ronnie: [healthwise you've both got bigger problems so we can allow it] Joe: [sugar high, living for unintentional wholesomeness lol] Ronnie: [love the childlike vibe always] Joe: [when I go the hunstanton with the gals, which is like, scummy seaside vibes you know, there's always rides there, but also there was like a tattoo hut where you could get actual tattoos for like a fiver and it looks so dubious lol] Ronnie: [omg that is amazing and we must] Joe: [you could get piercings too which might have him do just to mess with it] Ronnie: [we know she already has so likewise not gonna resist getting another, the more extra the better though placement wise cos we do love to shock joseph with our endeavours] Ronnie: [whack a tit out casually or whatever like] Joe: [lmao, dreading these infections hens] Ronnie: [I went to margate and all I got was this lousy tat and a persistent infection, put that on a t-shirt] Joe: [shame they only do flashes gals] Ronnie: [get some DIYing happening lads, we know that kind of thing is flirting for you] Joe: [the tension at this point like you've actually shown loads of restraint even though the opposite seems true lol] Ronnie: [lowkey not what anyone would expect of you which is why I like it] Joe: [mhmm not actually all doom and gloom even if we say and pretend it or what would be the point] Ronnie: [they'd actually be having such a lovely time and when was the last time either of them did, I'm fine about it yep] Joe: [truly, it ain't just about the drugs or any of the 'fucked up ness' from the off and that's the tea no one else be seeing] Ronnie: [mhmm and it wouldn't last how it does if it was] Joe: [connection huns] Ronnie: [the TENSION on this car journey back like don't crash tbh] Joe: [at least you can play really loud music and pretend that's distraction enough] Ronnie: [and play with your new injuries] Ronnie: [lowkey bonding even more about your love of music though we see you] Joe: [mhmm, when it's not all classical obvs 'cos you aren't Rosaline] Ronnie: [probably drop her at Charlie's hun cos otherwise something is gonna happen] Joe: [hope you brought him some rock but i know you did not lol, go make friends again, you go think 'bout your life joseph] Ronnie: [probably stole him a postcard that you've written some bants on to slide under his door] Joe: [that's cute, hilarious over-sexual postcard as they always are] Ronnie: [yeah exactly and then he knows you're back so you can talk or whatever you're gonna do to clear the air] Joe: [that's this era in general we know the vibe]
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mapleshmaple · 6 years
1, 8, 10 if you're up for it
i can would and will die for oyu
im gonna do oso and jyushi for theSE GHJK--
1: What was your first impression of your F/O? What was their first impression of you?
Oso: ok so fuckign. do you remember the scene in episode two where karamatsu was brooding on the bridge and osomatsu calls out to him and then makes a face/scares kara right off of the bridge and into the water?? i ended up laughing so hard i ended up falling off my bed and ive!! never laughed that hard before? so it was a ‘oh no im gonna fall in love with him arent i’ kind of moment ghjkhm-- 
so i guess i’d just happen to have been walking by when he did that and end up busting out laughing and holding onto the side of the bridge and my stomach/giggle snorting really loudly?? maybe??
For his first impression of me... going off of the whole ‘i was walking by and he scared the potential literal piss out of karamatsu’ i think that he’d be kind of surprised? for starters that he got someone to laugh that hard and that it’s not in a cruel kind of way/tone and jsut a really genuine laugh?? so maybe he’d think it/i was kinda cute and we’d end up helping karamatsu out of the water together or somethin’ and introduce ourselves n’shit
Jyushi: For him!!! for jyushi i’d think that he’s really loud at first, like some kind of screaming endearing enigma. I’d try to play baseball n’other sports with him cuz i was on a couple of softball teams growing up, and so maybe he’d have a lot of fun with me with that? but his energy would just give me something to bounce off of so we’d end up hanging out a lot, i think!! or more of me following him around and vice versa.
He’d think that I’m really quiet and stand-offish at first, and initially remind him of ichimatsu, in a way...but after awhile of hanging around him and kind of gently scolding him on being more careful and covering him up in an endless supply of cute band-aids he realizes that im a big fuckin sap and almost as big a goober as he is, just with less energy and smaller- but that just makes me all the easier to pick up and carry around!!
8. What song fits your relationship with your F/O the most? Or, choose multiple songs if you’d like!
I made a playlist for me andn oso actually but im a weenie and kind of shy abotu it buT HERES A FEW!
From oso’s pov: Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
from my pov: Make Me Like You - Gwen Stefani
and for Jyushi and me... i think Rhythm of Love by Plain White T’s fits us pretty well!!
10. How often does your F/O text you? Are they the type who leaves you on read/prefers to talk in person? Or do they very active and send you “good morning/evening/etc” texts.
Oso: he’s more of a ‘im gonna text you memes i found’ kind of guy as apposed to texting someone for conversations?? like he prefers to talk face to face cuz he can only steal tottys phone for so long before he gets his shit kicked in.
Jyushi: Jyushi’s also a in person kind of dude!! He’s always on the move so he’s more likely than not gonna seek you out if you’re not at work and hang out with you for awhile before dragging you off to do something more fun.
I’m gonna throw Blue in here for this one real fast- but i feel like he’s a frequent texter!! he sends good morning texts, did you remember to eat/do this one thing texts, and jsut wants to talk whenever he’s got a minute and its sof uckgimn good cuz i can never really think on how to start off, but he always knows how to keep the ball rolling!
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oleanderblume · 2 years
So, my sister was over the yesterday and I was telling her about how it was neat that Heartstopper had a Canon, confirmed, positive representation of a Bisexual character cause you don't see that often.
And my fucking mother. Christ..
Goes off on the wildly misinterpreted rant about how it's somehow bad to want actual bisexual actors playing bisexual characters (keep in mind, this was not actually the topic we were on. It was the face value of simply having a bisexual character and she misunderstood the assignment)
So me and my sister are trying to explain to her this misunderstanding, which she is not getting at all. And the way we tried to make it slightly easier is by comparing it to poc preferring poc actors in poc stories and how that can better round out the story, especially in regards to writing.
Apparently she didn't get that either cause she starts going off about this one white guy who did blackface for a year as a "social experiment" in the 60s and then wrote a book about it and how that sOmEhOw means he fully understands what it's like being black.
I'm like. No. That's not how that works. Black folks can't just stop being black after a year. His experience is incredibly limited because he is NOT A BLACK MAN.
so I'm trying to explain this to her, that pretending for a year in no fucking molecule of a way is equivalent to the lived experience of being a black person and to write a book about it like you've suddenly understood the entire social scale of racism is inherently 1. Racist as fuck, and 2. LIMITED BECAUSE TOU ARENT A FUCKING BLACK PERSON.
And she says to me. "Then you shouldn't be allowed to write about trans people because you've only just recently decided to change."
What. The. Fuck.
Like. I know she doesn't respect me, doesn't understand me. And likely never will.
(^^^^ this is why my sister and I were using race as an example because I *didn't* want to bring my identity into it^^^^)
I briefly try to explain to her that just because I've only been in *transition* for a year, does not mean my entire life up to this point has not been the experience and life of a trans person.
Of course, she's not having it because she is incapable of thinking outside of herself and her skewed perception of me. So to her, me being trans is this scary new thing that had no warning whatsoever. (Doesn't help that she is and was actively neglectful and abusive to me throughout my entire childhood)
But BITCH. I fucking asked you at TWELVE if I could get my titties lopped off cause I DID NOT WANT THEM. How is that not a trans experience????
She can't comprehend that I am not the thing she thinks she sees. Because she has no idea who I am as a person and she cannot extend enough empathy to understand that I have had a vastly different personal experience than her.
And the thing that pisses me off so much is that she expects me to lay down and be nice and explain everything while also putting aside how fucking hurtful the things she says are in order to "educate" her.
When she won't even use my fucking name. Unless my sister is over cause she's afraid she won't see her grandson.
I can't say "that was transphobic" without her doing mental gymnastics to find a way to be hurt by me pointing out something she said was fucking rude and bigoted.
I can barely even talk to her about my own ficking life or troubles I deal with without her going "oh it's because you're a woman"
No. I got threatened by a man twice my age because HE KNEW I WAS TRANS. not because I'm afab.
In fact. The entire time I've been a truck driver, a Cis male dominated profession, I have never once been threatened AS A WOMAN. But I damn sure was as a visibly fucking trans person.
But she refuses to acknowledge it. Refuses to understand WHY I'm afraid of the roe v wade shit because I ficking KNOW that my medical information, like my prescriptions and my surgeries will immediately make it clear to ANYONE interested, that I am trans. Regardless of if I pass.
That I exist in a demographic at a significantly higher risk of sexual assault than Cis women.
She cannot comprehend in even the slightest modicum that I deal with constant risk that she will never have to deal with. And that when I talk about it, I shouldn't be ficking obligated to debate my fucking existence WITH MY OWN MOTHER.
Also. Just. To fucking put the icing on the cake, she tried to use the fact that I disengaged and walked out on the conversation to say I just want to live in my own delusions and get pissy when they dont play into them. and expected my sister, the only person who actually accepts me and uses my name and pronouns...to defend HER.
As if my sis and I don't constantly talk shit and bitch about our parents horrific attitudes toward every fucking minority.
Also the fucking excuse of using a WHITE MAN USING BLACKFACE to make her point. Like what the fuck is wrong with you???
In what world is that even remotely close to someone's lived experience???????
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707csy · 7 years
RFA as Retail Workers
works in a clothing shop like gucci or something
he fits in so well
sometimes he doesn’t even look like an employee, he looks like a customer 
so whenever he approaches customers they're confused for 2 seconds because why is this man asking me about what i want oh wait he’s an employee 
he’ll glance at you and would already know what your taste is like 
he’s always serious but super helpful to the customers because he knows what he’s doing
would say things like “a lighter shade would fit you better rather than that one. you should take this”
“the cloth is of good quality and will prevent you from feeling hot in a sunny weather.”
customers love him
works in a music store (let’s just forget about her cafe now lol)
knows so much about music and is super helpful
she always ends up being the last one to close the store because the person in charge doesn't trust anybody else but her
reliable employee
loves changing the music in the store into her favorite songs
talks to the customer while assisting them with such interest
"what kind of music do you like?"
"ballad? that's great. it's one my favorite genres too. the section over there has all the newly released ballad music. i'm sure you'll find the one you're looking for."
and it works
the manager loves her
she can finally talk about zen's great musical abilities without being judged 
she loves her job
cosmetics store lmao
his looks play a gIANT role in convincing the customers
“do you want to know how my skin stays soft and fair? i use this cream over here and it works so well”
customers are always curious about him
the ones he assisted always end up actually buying something even if they didn't even intend to just because what zen said was so convincing 
his female co-workers hate him lol
but at the same time they love him
i mean who can resist that face 
and thats why he works as a retail worker 
the store is so lucky to have him
one time his manager asked him why he isnt a model of one of the brands yet
and he just smiles and laughs and stays humble
but around his friends lmao you cant ever escape his narcissism lol
works at a hardware store because it makes sense
he knows about everything in that store but he likes to play around and act like he doesnt just to piss them off (he knows you arent supposed to do that but he cant help it)
“oh youre looking for a lightbulb?”
he hands the customer a screwdriver
on good days he'll actually work hard 
he makes jokes in the back room when his co workers are taking a break and everyone in there loves him because he lightens up the mood 
he knows the job is hectic so he helps them out by making some jokes and having fun
when he encounters rude customers with his coworkers he comes to the rescue and saves them from this rude ol lady
his coworkers like “maam we cant give you a refund if u dont have the receipt.”
the rude customer just says “wheres your manager id like to speak with him”
and saeyoung just butts in like “maam the manager isnt what youre supposed to be looking for, its the exit and its over there”
and he just winks at the customer before she leaves and saeyoung just gives his coworker a pat on the back and moves on
all in all we all love saeyoung 
a barista in a coffee shop (i love this concept kill me)
makes great lattes
he’ll make latte art even if it fails 
“its a heart”
it doesnt really look like a heart
it looks like a bean
but hes super sweet to the customers
if theyre having a bad day he'll try to strike up a conversation to make them feel better
“how was your day?”
“michael was just an absolute asshole today”
he just gasps and covers his mouth in shame while shaking his head, “michael? did that? !! omg he needs to just time out !!”
“yeah i know, right?”
but hes also the type of worker that just goes in the back and just starts crying in bad days because he doesnt want to work or he’s upset
or if theres a rude customer he'll absolutely take it to his grave and wont ever let it slip 
“chill yoosung he just said that your coffee was bad”
“no !! thats not it!! i put so much love and effort on his coffee and he just trashed it!! was i not good enough? tell me !!!!!”
and his coworker is just so done
sometimes people from his college come in often and he's kinda embarrassed so he just hides and refuses to serve them 
this cutie makes really good coffee and he loves to look at couples in the cafe just having fun and being all lovey dovey while hes spacing out thinking of his future girlfriend or something
but hes really dedicated and hardworking its amazing
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Watch "EXCLUSIVE: Ex Girlfriend of Paul Pelosi Jr Discusses Abuse, Fraud Allegations" on YouTube
So this guy in the interview is a Ben Clan Human Trafficker
Paul Paleosi Jr is only 20 years old.
The Paul she is talking about WAS Paul then he was killed in 1987 and taken over by aliens.
PPJ hasn't tried to contact her due to his old body being taken over by a Zulu alien.
Because they study intently, the Zulululu would mimic the good and romantic parts of the true person. But the rest of the time be taken down to the evil soul status.
So unfortunately her stories are 100% true and thusly sad
But the person soul is incorrect.
This is why we crested dna4u after 1991 when I blockaded the ability to overtake souls due to my daughters being kidnapped and one being overtaken by Zulululu and the other murdered for refusing.
So dna4u is decades into the making with Galaxies and planets helping as much as possible.
Check out the Google photos of this "51 year old man"
He told me "by the time you find me, I'll only be 20, shes makingbme lie about my age" she being Nancy Pelosi.
She in a long story Tree will post from that I wrote in a private email. With his information included, also abducted me. She's a real bitch
The minute men brought her to the aavuatuin studios and i was supposed to be picked up but I was blocked in traffic, so she was to sit in the lot and wait, she rolled under the plane for shade and was ran over by two planes when they thought they would have that chance to get me in a small window..
Still i haven't been able to be picked up.
Nancy has plenty of clones, tho. So I'm sure some hank ktch will be running her mouth soon.
But she was the worst 'clone' in the baby selling an human marketing trade.
She was mpst often in my Google with a sunk in face... Because she had plates of steel around her skull. Denise does, too as well as Billy and Nathaniel. Nathaniel in the back of his skull, Billy in the front.
She's photographed in my Google as the State Rep but ain't the one that goes to the Chairman Floor.
She's my father's soul mate but not my mother of birth..
In 2003 we banned the ability to get pregnant by anyone but our soul mates.
So Nancy's metal face was her backup. She gave her body to a Saturn good soul, so in thought she would be able to return to it in such times when she is attacked
Not only was and is that not possible but now we have destroyed the shell body. So her Saturn that tricked her to letting a guy her body is now free to work as ghost. And get much more done!.
And Paul and Karina are extra protected by those that waited to kill Nancy and with great and extreme force shoved the Saturn Soul Filled body into a sedan and dropped her to the lot, while invisible
Dino that she killed long ago.
They are extremely violent and more quickly than me with blinders to any other existence to stop them from destroying
So you will immediately die if you mess with my brother or my sister in law and any of my siblings and their children and soulmate.
We have the location of the people who kidnapped my niece and nephew. And so killing them and recapturing my family will continue
They were not reported as stolen. And time is up in order for them to do so.
We have earned experience due to Clayton Millicant, Clay Millican's evil twin.
Thusly we know exactly how to handle this
And I'm quite sure since Donald Trump hates her, that we will earn a monthly stipend instead of a one time payment if he continues to trust in our work
It just takes time
I had Clay and Aubrina murdered yesterday morning and had time to bring them back to life. So these Bastards that kept getting in my way to prevent my appearing at my own property and not being a POW still remain to be tedious. Just so you know, they killed a 12 year old girl last week in order to rape her so they arent made fun of how they can't perform quality sex. Since 2003, sex with a non soulmate is dull, boring and ugh gross. But these idiots don't realize that.
So they killed a 31 year old virgin and a 6 year old crippled child whom could barely walk. Its true she was on the Plane ladder because I taught her due to her disability and crippleness her super skill is to climb ladders because its less pain for her compared to our flat foot selves
She had been locked in a cage and starved and beaten and abused. And her way of sitting in that small space crippled her back and legs and feet and especially ankles.
She had been exercising in my personal bathtub and swimming pool to maximize her strength and ability to move distances greater than 4 feet without pain.
She worked diligently and as much as possible and was able to walk 16 feet on flat foot then walk 24 feet on tip toe and rest then walk 6 to 7 feet flat foot then stop. With minimal pain.
Due to her happiness and flexing her ankles ih the water for 3 to 6 or 8 hours per day.
She worked hard and got ecperiabce to gain health. And she was climbing that ladder of the plane to kill the people up there as they were the same type of people whom abused her. And were friends with them.
And they grabbed her by her neck and threw her 75 feet to the ground.
And so Clay climbed up, not in order to kill but just ask why they were there. He knew i would need to know in order to handle the situation.
And they just threw him down and broke his wrist in a way it was crumbled bones. Then not realizing it was broke. It was unhealed after he was back to life.
And it was extra painful. So don't think they both won't kill now.
He was in 7 to 8 hours of extreme pain and he was of harmless intent, trying to find the solution.
I gave a 6 year old child a revolver in order to protect herself. And she did. We were able to heal her better than the other healing methods we used due to her death.
That doesn't make it fine that they had the nerve to do that shit.
Im just better than they are. I keep warning you ass holes you need to be good in ACTION not by acting.
You don't you'll die.
Again as I said if you're not invited to my personal property including what APPEARS to be a business, you will be a trespasser with violent offence and die.
Im not playing. So Bobby and Edward were murdered for murdering both a pissed off child and a concerned man.
So y'all need to fuck off. Jesse and Alex are presumed to be still looking for Annabelle.
As they kidnapped Annabelle as an infant due ti my having twins. I do have my other daughter, Annabelle's twin safe.
Josie is still in an unknown location and Jesse, Alex and several others are attempting to find her And Annabelle.
Snoop was also a hostile take over but he was my friend. However he was killed by Bobby. And so yes i have friends that are illegal alien. But there is a REAL SNOOP. Out there. That looks like young snoop and less bug eyed.
Smooth, sweet skin and a smooth grace. Still tiny though like his old body. But not old. He was sent to Saturn from TSJ.
We became quality friends before we moved. He went to Venus to help the transition of the rescue pods but they beat him and so i had to go. Because i don't put up with that shit. And so then i took him in as well, not recognizing him due to his swollen facial features from bruising. And he became our Venus representative while sending Data to Saturn from me in order to help Save Saturn. They finished their exponents in 1989, they last was begun and completed in early 1990 due to an experience with Michael Jackson.
Then Jupiter finished.
But also we willingly took the opposite of their good to see the bad in small controlled experiments in order to help. Small traditional studies in the 1960's, and our research allowed them to succeed faster...
Unfortunately this lazy bitch from Uranus kept sending her ass holes here. And so we are in year 81 of trying to fix all supreme galaxies and planets with life.
So we will.
This bitch died by severe torture from the Galaxy Council and Echinecea took over with my life model. And so upon completion we get a ring and a moon. So Uranus has a ring, 4 of them. And i have a tatto of it and irs rings. It is the only planet i have a tattoo of
Its because i fixed it, with my heart and my life experiences, and so with only mine alone its saved 54 galaxies from incompletion.
Now they ain't got that swirl like Jupiter or Saturn because its simply my model and not a combo of theirs and ours. Like Saturn and Jupiter.
Our rings will be a figure 8 around our moon and Earth and then we will gain a moon as i posted yesterday that is being shielded and held by Jupiter inside their ring set and it is the color of my eyes from TSJ.
Mostly i have brown because i just want to kill people and bury them in the dirt, otherwise they're green because id rather bury them in the sea aka good things. Drown them in the spirit of love.
So adding pink is the sunset and sunrise... Truly i do want to live another day.
It hasn't been pink in a long time, so. Sont think I sont think y'all suicidal. If i want to play dumb.
Alright snot heads..
I sent Alex a series of maps. There is new information for them.
Trump get on that monthly stipend..
We need it to keep your people alive.
0 notes
nowandgenpad · 6 years
Texting || Gened
Gen: Are you busy?
Jared: Not right this second. What's up?
Gen: I was wondering if you, me and Chris could sit down and talk face to face about the schedule
Jared: Gen, I am not talking to your new husband about MY kids. He doesn't get a say. What happens with them is between you and me.
Gen: I allowed Lucy to have a say in things.
Gen: I always have done my best to include our children in the lives of their step and half sister and all I'm asking is that you have the same courtesy
Jared: That never once included moving halfway around the world for 4 fucking months a year!
Gen: But if you had I would have worked with you to find a schedule that works for everyone so you could have them wherever you were going. You're being stubborn. They wont be there the full 4 months. That's why I think we need to sit down as adults and deal with everything. Chris is part of our lives now, we should be a team.
Jared: I would never even consider moving them that far away from you. EVER! No, Chris is part of YOUR life, not mine! I will NOT have him included in ANY decision about my kids! Out of respect for you, I never once forced you to include Lucy, and I don't force you to include Katie.
Gen: Lucy was your wife, she became our children's step mother and I expected them to treat her with the same respect as they do me. I would have continued to treat Lucy as part of the team because when the kids were with you guys she was acting as their mother. If you and Katie got married I'd do the same thing. Nobody is trying to replace you or take your kids away from you. All I'm asking is to change the schedule around. Maybe you take them for 2 whole months while I'm in Australia and then they can spend 2 whole months with me there. I'm trying to find a compromise.
Gen: Why do you hate Chris so much?
WED 4:29 PM
Jared: And I never once tried to change our arrangement with the kids just to make Lucy's life easier. You want to take them to Australia for a week or two when they are on break? Fine, I'll agree to that. But I will not agree to you moving them around the world every 3-4 months just because of HIM.
Jared: I don't have to explain myself to you.
Gen: It's not because of Chris. I WANT to experience new places. I want my children to get to know their new family. Chris and I are planning on having kids, I dont want Tom, Shep, or Odette feeling left out because they can't be with all of us.
Gen: I thought you had more respect for me than what you show. I don't know who you are anymore.
Jared: Since when? You refused to come to Vancouver with me because you didn't want to be that far away from Texas, but you're willing to go to LA and Australia just because Chris asks you to? That's bullshit!
Jared: Respect? Like you running off and getting married to someone you've known five minutes shows me respect?
Gen: He didnt ask me to. I wanted to. Well, now being in Texas reminds me of a life I don't have anymore. I put roots in Austin so you could be around your family. I'm from California, I'll always want to be in LA and since I moved to Austin for you I dont see a difference with spending a few months in Australia for him. It's not like I'm moving permanently and giving up Austin.
Gen: Again, from the time you started dating Lucy to when you married her you were only together 4 months. Why are you making such a big deal? You're the one who ended our marriage and got remarried already. I'm finally happy again why cant you be happy for me? It's like you want me sitting here pining for you and taking care of the kids exactly how you want. When did you become so controlling? I'm allowed to move on with my life.
Jared: do whatever the fuck you want Gen. You always do. But for the record, I consulted you every fucking step of the way with Lucy. You're the one who convinced me to make it official, and assured me it wasn't too early to get engaged. So don't fucking get pissed at me now because you didn't open your fucking mouth back then. I'm happy you're happy. What I don't like is trying to take my kids and replace me as their dad. And don't try to tell me you're not doing that. That's exactly what you're fucking doing. I barely get time with them now and here you are, wanting to ensure I get even less time. That's crap and I will NEVER agree to it!
Gen: Exactly, I assured you it wasn't too early so I don't understand why you're getting upset that Chris and I got married when we did. We didn't tell anyone we were getting married. It was a spur of the moment decision to go elope. He didn't even tell his ex wife. The only person who knew was Danneel because it was her idea. I always do what I want? Really? I'm sorry, where do you get that? From the moment we got serious everything I've done was to please you and then when we had the kids I've done what I'm supposed to and put them first. Everything I do is for them. This is the first time since we got together that I'm trying to do something for me and you're making me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm NOT trying to give you less time or take them away from you or replace you and that's exactly the reason why I want to sit down and figure out a better schedule and get you MORE time.
WED 11:46 PM
Jared: Text read
THU 11:26 AM
Gen: I'm giving you an opportunity to work with me as rational adults. We've always been civil and fair with each other and I'm not looking to change that but if you're not willing to sit down with us and figure out a schedule that works for everyone involved I'll have no choice but to have the lawyers do it and make it a court order and I dont want to do that. I want us to be able to do this ourselves.
Jared: I’ll sit down with you. But if he shows up, I’m out of there.
Gen: Please tell me what your problem with him is? I'd really love to understand
Jared: I don’t have to tell you what my problem with him is.
Gen: Yes you do. He's our children's step father.
Jared: I don’t care. He is not their father, I AM!
Gen: Lucy was a bonus mom, Chris is a bonus dad, I dont know why its okay for you to move on and remarry and move someone else into your house after you get divorced but it's a problem that I remarried.
Jared: I never said it was a problem. I said I don’t want him involved in decisions about the kids and I don’t want them being moved around from place to place all fucking year. There is a difference.
Gen: How do you figure?
Gen: He's my husband, he and I have to make decisions for OUR family's best interest while making sure you and Elsa still get your time with the kids too. She doesnt have a problem with her kids coming to live in America sometimes. You're being stubborn
Jared: Shep doesn’t even want to talk to me anymore when I call. He’s too busy with his new daddy.
Jared: MY kids are NOT his family! He does not get a say in how they are raised! Good for Elsa. I’m not her and I am NOT okay with my kids being moved around the world just to please your new husband.
Gen: That's not true at all! Shep loves you! Chris is here less than you are. And you just had the boys to yourself and they both keep talking about how much fun they had with you at the convention.
Gen: Legally they are. Legally he is their step father. Its not to please him it's to please me
Jared: It IS true! Shep didn’t even want to be at the convention. He spent the whole time watching those stupid Thor movies telling everyone that Thor is his new daddy!
Jared: You’re only doing this to make him happy. You finally get laid and suddenly you’re willing to uproot everything just to please him. Who are you?
Gen: Then why does he keep talking about how much fun he had with you?
Gen: I'm happy and in love and trying to move on with my life. If you wanted me to stay put in one place where you could control me you shouldn't have left me
Gen: Shep is still young and before Chris came into the picture he was already starting to go through a superhero phase. He's excited to get to be around "thor" its not even Chris he likes it's the character he plays. You're being jealous and insecure and you have no reason to be. You're his father and that's a bond that will never be broken.
Jared: I’m sure that’s Tom and not Shep who is saying that. Nice try.
Jared: You always said that no matter what, you weren’t going to uproot the kids. You wanted them to have a stable and solid life in one place. It’s why you wouldn’t come to Vancouver with me even when they were babies. But now that they are in school you suddenly want to disrupt their entire lives? That’s crap Gen!
Jared: [read]
Gen: IT'S KILLING ME TO BE IN AUSTIN TO BE IN THIS HOUSE! why can't you understand that? This has NOTHING to do with Chris. I NEED to get out of this environment, I'm not happy.
Jared: Then buy a new fucking house!
Gen: I dont want to be in Austin anymore Jared. This was supposed to be the place you and I made a life and then you tossed me aside. I tried to keep going, for the sake of the kids, but i can't do it anymore.
Jared: You wanted to be in Austin. When we were deciding between LA and Austin, you chose Austin because the kids would have a more normal childhood than the one you had growing up in LA.
Jared: You want to move back to LA? Fine! But your not taking them to fucking Australia!
Gen: I am for 2 months. You can have them the other 2
Jared: No you are not!
Gen: Yes I am.
Jared: Over my dead body are you taking my kids to another country for 2 fucking months!
Gen: my children are NOT going to feel left out because their father has a complex.
Gen: Youd be having them in Vancouver, that's another country. Should I throw a fit and say you can only have them on American soil?
Jared: Go fuck yourself Gen! I will NOT let you take my kids from me!
Jared: I don’t ever have them in Vancouver unless you choose to bring them here. I always go to Austin to be with them.
Jared: If its MY time with them YOU arent losing your kids.
Gen: And now I'm saying you can. I'm trying to make everything easier for everyone. I'm trying to give you MORE time
Jared: Bullshit! You know damn well I won’t take them away from school so you’re trying to screw me out of what little time I do get to spend with them.
Gen: I'd like to homeschool them
Jared: No way! I want them to have a normal childhood with normal kids.
Gen: Tom hates going to school, he's having a hard time making friends this year. I'm tired of seeing him cry every day when he gets home. If they're homeschooled it wont matter where they are because they can do their school work whenever and wherever and do extracurricular activities in the community
Jared: He told me he loves school. You’re not homeschooling them Gen. They will grow up as normal kids going to an actual school. You know homeschooled kids have a higher rate of dropping out of college because they don’t know how to really be in a classroom environment. I won’t put that on them.
Gen: Tom wants to please you. You're his idol. He wants to live with you full time actually.
Jared: Since when does he want to live with me full time?
Gen: since earlier this year...the beginning of the summer maybe
Jared: Since you started seeing muscles for brains?
Gen: I was seeing Chris way before he started talking about it. He feels like he doesnt see you enough and it's hard on him. That's why I'm trying to figure out how to get you more time not take time away. Chris is a very intelligent man, dont do that. You're muscular too.
Gen: I think Tom saw how much time Chris spends with his three kids and it made Tom a little jealous
Jared: Hmmm...so you start seeing douche bag and suddenly Tom wants to come live with me full time so he doesn’t have to be around him? Makes me wonder what happened.
Jared: That’s crap. Tom and so talk every single day.
Gen: You're hearing what you want to hear and it's getting annoying.
Jared: No I’m not. Why else would he suddenly want to live with me full time?
Gen: I just told you. Chris is constantly taking India, Sasha, and Tristan around the world with him. They go on location with him and when it's his time with them wherever he is they are too. Tom wants more physical time with you. He wants to travel with you and be where you are. You're his best friend. He misses you.
Jared: His kids must not be in school then. I wanted to bring the kids when they were younger. You wouldn’t let me.
Gen: India is homeschooled
Jared: Well Tom is going to be a normal child.
Gen: Even if he's the one asking not to go to school anymore?
Jared: You ask any kid if they would rather go to school or stay home every day, they will always ask to stay home.
Gen: Jared, he's miserable. Will you at least talk to him and find out how HE really feels?
Jared: Of course I will. If he’s that miserable then maybe it’s time for a meeting with the damn school.
Gen: Its not the schools fault hes not making friends
Jared: He’s making friends Gen. He was telling me just the other day about his friend Matt in his class.
Gen: He cries to me every day I'm not making that up
Jared: Maybe he’s just trying to get some of YOUR attention
Gen: He has a lot of my attention
Jared: Does he? Or are you too busy with your new husband to notice what’s really going on with him?
Gen: Chris is hardly here Jared. His been filming in India since a few days after we got married. I'm alone most of the time.
Jared: And I bet you’re constantly on your phone or the computer trying to talk to him. Am I right?
Gen: No. I'm working when hes at school and taking care of Odette and shep when he gets home from preschool and then I'm doing activities with the kids until we all cook dinner. Most of the time I dont even talk to Chris until the kids are sleeping
Jared: If you say so
Gen: I have a theory that you're so pissed off and bitter that things with Lucy didnt work out that you're trying to make everyone else as miserable as you are
Jared: You’re insane
Gen: No I'm not and thats mean to say.
Jared: If you think for one minute that I’m trying to make you miserable, then you’re insane. You know me better than that.
Gen: That's how it's coming off to me. I did everything I could to support you and Lucy and it hurts you cant do the same for me and Chris. It's not like I'm the one who married someone with a drug problem
Jared: Screw you Gen!
Gen: Could you please act like a grown up instead of telling me to go fuck myself or screw myself? That's not very productive.
Jared: Fine. I’ll just ignore you then. You’re pissing me off and I no longer wish to have this conversation with you.
Gen: What are we doing about Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Jared: What we always do
Gen: Things are different this year. Chris and his kids will be here for Thanksgiving and then we're planning on doing Christmas in Australia. I asked you the other day if you wanted them for Thanksgiving so I could take them for Christmas
Jared:You’re not taking my kids away from me for Christmas. We always each take them for half a day on those holidays. I’m not changing that. Not this year.
Gen: you're so fucking stubborn
Jared: You used to love that about me
Gen: I used to love a lot of things about you but then you broke my heart and I got over you.
Jared: Good for you
Gen: all you're doing is preventing them from being able to get to know their new family
Jared: And all you’re doing is trying to keep them away from the family they know and love.
Gen: no I'm not
Jared: Yes you are
Gen: No I'm not. I'm sure Lucy's family wanted to spend time with the kids when you two were together, how is this any different?
Jared: Lucy’s mom would come to us.
Gen: and you never took them to Tennessee?
Jared: No. I never took the boys to Tennessee
Gen: well you could have. I don't care about stuff like that. The more people who want to love my children the better.
Jared: Taking them would have been taking them away from you and I won’t do that
Gen: Not if you did it during your time. That's the problem that I'm having. If it's your time with them you can do whatever you want with them, take them wherever you want, I'm allowed the same when they're with me. If it's not interfering with each others times i dont see what the problem is
Jared: I only have them for a fucking weekend here or there. You have them all the time and I’m not okay with you just doing whatever the hell you want with them. They’re my god damn kids too!
Gen: IM TRYING TO GIVE YOU MORE TIME WITH THEM thats why this whole conversation has been about. I WANT you to have them more than a weekend here or there thats why I'm trying to change things around but you're being stubborn.
Jared: No you’re not! You’re trying to take them away and move to Australia!
Gen: Omg I'm trying to give you MONTHS at a time with them
Jared: Two months on Ten months off will not work for me! That’s not giving me more time!
Gen: I'm trying to do 6 and 6
Gen: Just not consecutive
Jared: Sure you are
Gen: I am. We have 50/50 custody Jared I'm trying to live where I want to during my 50%
Jared: I won’t agree to you moving them around all the time. Like I said, if you want to be in LA that’s fine. But I want them in 1 spot for the school year. I won’t have you disrupting their lives to follow meat head around.
THU 7:17 PM
Jared: Then allow me to take them to Australia during the summer, even for one month. I'm trying to find a compromise here Jared. Please. Stop insulting my husband. You're acting like a child.
Jared: Summer is the only time I get to see them every day, even if it's just for a few hours. Why would I let you take that away from me?
Gen: You're so fucking ridiculous. I'm contacting my lawyer in the morning. We'll have the court figure it out
Jared: Fine.
0 notes
Drew & Carly
Drew: Carly Drew: I need to come over now Drew: On train Carly: k Carly: how long? Drew: idk does it fucking matter Drew: 40 mins ish Carly: i gotta clear out so yea Drew: alright Drew: do it then Carly: i am Carly: whats wrong with you? Drew: got some bad news Drew: need to get fucked up you may as well be there Carly: k Carly: ill make you feel better Drew: ha Carly: trust me boy Drew: no Drew: trust no bitch Carly: everyones out Carly: see im good to trust Carly: keeping my word Drew: tah Drew: don't invite anyone else round Drew: i don't want to fuck Carly: i wont Carly: this about her? Drew: You're jealous of Ro? Lmao, you have NO idea Carly: im not Carly: im asking for you Carly: you dont wanna fuck what else we gonna do cept talk Drew: i said Drew: get wrecked Drew: don't act like that's not what you want too Carly: k Carly: forget i said it Drew: least of my worries Drew: forget about it too Drew: doesn't mean anything Carly: yea Carly: getting that from you Drew: don't be weird Drew: don't need it today Carly: youre gonna get what you need soon Drew: i might need to hide for a bit Drew: cool? Carly: yea Carly: whenever you know Drew: good Drew: can't go back to my flat for a bit Drew: might need to move on Drew: not sure yet Carly: k Carly: for good? Drew: Yeah Drew: bridges burned, nothing here for me now Carly: they gonna come here? Carly: what you want me to say if theyre looking? Drew: Nah, nah Drew: not that Drew: Christ, I'd already be dead, that's where I've been past few days Drew: you're fine, you don't have anything to worry about Carly: Good Carly: can I come there? Carly: ill miss you Drew: I'll come back Drew: My sister will still be here Drew: we can hook up Drew: better get a new dealer for day to day tho Carly: yea Carly: fuck Drew: soz Drew: might not come to that Drew: idk what's going on Carly: what can i do? Drew: Idk, you know a good contract killer? Carly: all my contacts talk and talk Carly: whos fucking with you? Drew: no one Drew: but that's about to change Drew: you want a list? Carly: no Carly: i want you to feel better Drew: why do you care Carly: you make me feel good Carly: who does that for you? Drew: no one Carly: let me Drew: leave off Drew: i'm not in the mood Carly: anything you want Carly: when you are Drew: you're all the same, even the ones of you that front otherwise, makes me laugh Drew: tell you to have some self-respect but doesn't make a difference in the end Carly: im not hurting over this Carly: laugh it up Drew: oh, i am Drew: you're all jokes Carly: if youre trying to fight with me ill go there Carly: idc Drew: go on then 😂 Drew: what could you possibly say to make my day any worse Drew: I'd LOVE to know Carly: why do you want me to? Carly: none of your beef is with me Carly: hit up whoever else Drew: 'cos the last thing i want is that lovey dovey bullshit from you rn Drew: you said I could come to hide Drew: if you've changed your mind say Drew: don't waste my time Carly: its not Carly: you're good to me im trying to do the same Carly: if thats a waste of time its of mine Drew: no, i'm not, Carly Drew: that isn't what this is, or has ever been Drew: we use each other for personal gain, that's it Carly: yea you give me what i need Carly: let me do it for you Carly: stay here Drew: alright Drew: but that's all I need Drew: just the caravan Carly: k Drew: i only need a few days, alright, get my head fucked, then straight again Drew: i'll be out your hair asap Drew: and i'll stay on the sofa, just ignore me best you can Drew: you can keep people away for that long, yeah? Carly: yea Carly: ill put the word out now Carly: itll be sorted when you get here Drew: cheers Drew: i'm sorry okay Drew: know its not ideal Drew: got nowhere else Carly: youre welcome here whenever Drew: i don't get you Drew: none of you Carly: you know whats up Carly: personal gain Carly: i need some bad Carly: the good shit Drew: why not pay for it Drew: you have enough money Drew: what you saving for? new shoes? Carly: i got the sack Carly: whats it matter Drew: 'course Drew: nothing, nothing Drew: i wouldn't want to be anyone's bitch, that's all Carly: k Drew: 'bout 10 mins away Drew: im gonna take some in toilet Drew: can't wait Carly: dont be too greedy Drew: you'll get yours Drew: i'll do what i like Drew: my fucking drugs Carly: dont cry Drew: don't take the fucking piss Drew: you ain't paying Carly: i know Drew: had enough dealing with fucking junkies Carly: dont call me that Drew: what, grown a backbone? Drew: its what you are, darling Carly: if you wanna stay then don't Drew: might take my chances tbh Drew: doing my head in Drew: women Drew: know your bff had her baby? Carly: no Carly: she isnt my bff Drew: now, now, you're not exactly surrounded by offers Drew: though you will be taking back the flowers when you find out Carly: why would I care? Carly: nothing to do with me Drew: is with me Drew: still apathetic? Carly: fuck who you like Carly: youve wanted her for years Drew: well i got her now Drew: 25 to life Carly: thats why youre hiding Carly: she doesnt wanna play happy families Drew: yeah Drew: doubt caleb does either Drew: or her brothers and dad Drew: like i said, list is long Carly: she'll change her mind when she can't do it alone Carly: open arms for you Drew: no she won't Drew: she's not like you Carly: im not like her Carly: never having kids Drew: you shouldn't Drew: state of Drew: the way you go though you won't have choice in the matter Carly: piss off Drew: i'm serious Drew: never make me use protection Drew: doubt you do any other punter Drew: you need to take better care of yourself Carly: its none of your business Carly: im not gonna drop another kid on you Drew: yeah that's what I reckoned with Ali too Drew: like I said, don't trust any of you Drew: especially you Drew: my business when its mine Carly: its not happening Carly: you can go back to not caring Drew: No, I can't Drew: don't you get it? This has changed my entire life Drew: I've gotta leave my home and everyone I've known because Drew: even if I don't step up, she's still my kid Drew: she's not going away Drew: I've not got my head stuck in the sand or up my arse like you Drew: you'll get this rude awakening one day too, mark my words Carly: stay and be a dad Carly: theres no-one in your way Carly: and she's going to uni it'll be a part time thing Drew: Oh yeah, what a dad I'll be Drew: drug dealer with nowt else to offer but gear and a bit of dirty cash Drew: whatever she says, she won't want a kid 'round that, i fucking wouldn't Drew: and Caleb will always be in the way Drew: fuck that Carly: she cant stop you Carly: neither can he Carly: and she will want the kid to have a dad Carly: nobodys is decent Carly: be around Drew: Can if I'm a criminal Drew: they'll just dob me in when they're sick of having me hanging about Drew: it'll have a dad, she knows she's got him Drew: don't need or want me Drew: can't hack it Carly: go straight Drew: now why would you tell me to do a thing like that Drew: no more drugs for you if I'm stuck stacking shelves for a kid that calls him dad and not me Carly: youre not the only dealer, goldie Drew: i repeat, what's in it for you Drew: why you care if i'm around if i'm not funding you Carly: i wanna help you Drew: what about yourself Drew: who helps you Carly: whoever deals in your place Drew: you'll get hurt Drew: shouldn't mess around with people like that Drew: like me Carly: i can handle it Carly: nothing to matter to you Drew: s'not true Drew: you might be stoned enough to pretend you don't give a fuck about anything Drew: but i'm not a monster you know Drew: christ Carly: im not saying you are Carly: but don't pretend you care Drew: shut up Drew: of course i do Drew: i don't want you to get killed or beaten up every day 'and numbed out by the hardest stuff Drew: i only starting dealing to you so you wouldn't go to someone else Carly: its not gonna be that Drew: what's it gonna be? you'll knuckle down, get a job, get some friends, only do a bit for fun on weekends? Drew: that's not what you're doing, not where you're headed Carly: i can stop whenever i want Drew: you can't Drew: if you think you can then you're more gone than i know you are Drew: can't bullshit me on this, i have your tab, remember? Carly: fuck off Carly: im not a junkie Drew: yes you are Drew: and on the off-chance you aren't Drew: you certainly act like one Drew: do you think all girls fuck me for drugs? maybe once for a club drug but this is years now, as often as I'll let it happen Drew: and I shouldn't have but Drew: yeah Carly: don't drew Carly: dont come here either Drew: Carly Drew: I'm sorry Drew: I won't Carly: keep your sorry Carly: i wanted you ok Drew: i know Drew: i've known for a while, longer than i'd ever admit Drew: what else can i say? Carly: nothing Carly: dont talk to me Carly: stay away Drew: but Drew: i want you too Drew: i do Carly: no you dont Drew: i fucking do Drew: i just want to stop Drew: stop helping you kill yourself Carly: im not going anywhere Drew: you will Drew: everyone leaves me Carly: ive got nowhere to go Carly: this caravan is it Carly: and i cant leave you im not with you Drew: but you are Drew: you're constant Drew: you'll either get better and realise you're better than me like Ro and Ali and my own sister Drew: or you'll fuck off to be fucked up somewhere else like my mum Drew: or worse Carly: im not them Carly: im not trying to be better than you i know im not Carly: youre so good, drew Carly: i dont wanna be anywhere you arent with anyone else Drew: i'm not Drew: i'm bad but i can't stop Drew: i don't know how Carly: not to me, you've always been good Carly: looked after me Carly: you said yourself you wanted to protect me Drew: but Drew: i still gave you drugs and i call you horrible things and Drew: only see you when i wanted to, when Ro wasn't around or whatever else dirt I was pulling Carly: i ask ill stop Carly: im not scared Carly: i want you more Drew: its not your fault Drew: do you mean it Drew: will you try Carly: yea Carly: ill be better Carly: treat you better Carly: let me and youll see Drew: how do you want me Drew: i'll do whatever you want Carly: I just want you Carly: I love you Drew: I love you too Carly: be here now Drew: 🏃
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