#you're kinda supposed to be stupid as a kid/young adult. i'm kinda stupid still and i'll be 20 in a little less than a year.
r0achlezbian · 1 year
i'm sorry but i refuse to view kids being weird about sex as an actual societal issue. like the whole "puriteen" bit i've seen around here, i really don't think it's that big of a problem or that deep, teenagers are gonna have weird opinions about sex and sexuality because on the whole it's new and intimidating and complicated to them. + teenagers really do not hold that much societal power and it's batshit to imply or outright state that the recent wave of conservative outcry and legislation against lgbt folks and sexual expression is like, the fault of teenagers who don't like bdsm or think puppy play is weird.
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
If people aren't going to bother understanding what attachments actually are in Jedi culture or try understanding the Asian religions they are inspired by and instead dismiss it? Then they need to just refrain from writing Jedi at all instead of spreading more misinformation. Like how are fans going to even properly analyze and critique the Jedi Order if they don't even know WHAT they're actually critiquing and base their opinions off this fandom playing a long game of telephone? I'm getting really tired of seeing the same discourse of how Jedi discourages emotions like love or sever cultural ties or prevent cultural expression when that's not supported in the original six movies. Also, imagine being that dense to think Grogu's or Reva's trauma was caused by the Jedi order instead of the Empire that genocided their culture or the traffickers that sold Force sensitive people. Clown behavior.
A+ rant, I definitely sympathize. People really do overemphasize the no emotion things when like, it's VERY explicit it's about regulating your emotions. Right in ANH, Luke is missing his Death Star shots until he calms himself down and focuses. My personal favorite is Obi-Wan vs. Maul. Obi-Wan is consumed by grief and anger when Qui-Gon is killed, and almost gets himself killed - until he controls his emotions and is able to kill* Maul. We see him attending a funeral later where he (and other Jedi) are shown mourning Qui-Gon, so it's not like he can't have those feelings. He just isn't allowed to be ruled by those feelings, which, when you have superpowers it's a good thing you're not blindly ruled by emotion. Anakin goes apeshit because he's so ruled by his fear of losing Padme and look how many people die.
*Side note I feel like Maul living is stupid (he was cut in half!) and invalidates this incredibly important moment in Obi-Wan's character development and I will never acknowledge that Maul lived past TPM.
Lol when watching Kenobi, where Anakin is shown murdering children on-screen so explicitly they had to put a content warning (and personally as a teacher I even found it a little triggering/anxiety-inducing) my first thought was still "and Those Certain Fans will still blame the Jedi for this/defend Anakin." Sigh.
I usually just scroll past those discourse posts because well, they're just... irrelevant to me. Sure, I can see why people wanna critique them, because realistically the Jedi could have a lot of issues. But this isn't our world, this is a galaxy far, far away, and George Lucas approached it as mythology/fantasy more than anything. The good guys are good because they're good and are nice and help people. Narratively, that's really all there is to the Jedi. Some people like to go deeper than that, or flip the narrative. Me, it's enough. To each their own.
Plus Star Wars has a very unique approach to children being portrayed as being just as capable as adults. Does it work in the real world? No of course not! It's there because it's what makes Star Wars truly for all ages and enjoyable to all. 11-year-old me wrote fanfiction about my Very Mature 14-year-old Jedi OC being a Super Amazing Awesome Smart Jedi Commander in the Clone Wars because I was 11, 30+-year-old me obviously knows I was an idiot at that age and a 14-year-old kid has no business being in a war but 11-year-old me just enjoyed living vicariously through a story/media that didn't treat me like a dumb kid just for being young. I think adult fans kinda forget that aspect and get hung up in "omg the Jedi treat kids awful" when it's a story that supposed to appeal to kids, that's why you get young heroes and heroines. I loved it as a kid. I saw you got a laser sword and never had to get married, sign me the fuck up, and I've been a diehard Jedi fan ever since.
If someone doesn't like the Jedi, cool, us Jedi fans don't mind that... but please stop ganging up on us and telling us we're terrible. Just let us enjoy the Jedi in peace and we'll let you write your discourse posts in peace. Simple.
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i only watched one episode tonight because it's late, hoping to get up earlier tomorrow and watch two before my parents get up. tonight's episode was 2x11, "playthings". HYEEYTHDT the little girls saying "son of a bitch" i love them already. oh great, freaky dolls. lovely, bodies with their heads on backwards like the freaky dolls! holy shit they've been looking for ava for a month now? holy shit those kids almost took sam out lmaooo. gofjodooj the old guy insisting on dragging their bag along. DEAN IN HENLEY? DEAN IN HENLEY? silly boy nearly falling back on the bed. HELLO THE "YOU LOOK KINDA BUTCH" BIT JFHJDFJ. dean saying sam has the huge doll collection and sam's just >:| okay so the dolls in the dollhouse replicating the real people's deaths is not creepy at all (sarcasm). silly stupid of me assuming the drunk sam scene came in s3, where did i even come up with that conclusion??? anyway. dean please call sam "sasquatch" more often please please please. fucking hell you know dean's never actually gonna kill sam no matter what. except for his attempt during moc shit i suppose but i'm not there yet so. "every hotel has its spilled blood" do they?? do they really?? great i never want to stay in a hotel again. "what do you want to do, poke her with a stick? ...dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!" rejngerjgjk. dude the kids look pretty young, i think they can still have imaginary friends. hell i still have smth similar to imaginary friends and i'm an adult (ofc that's only because i've had no one to talk to for so long that i just talk to myself and i just respond with varying pieces of my personality. or whatever idfk how to explain that shit). WAIT THAT'S NOT HER SISTER??? I THOUGHT MAGGIE WAS HER SISTER BUT APPARENTLY THAT'S THE GIRL'S IMAGINARY FRIEND??? love sherwin's truck. AHA SO SAM AND DEAN THOUGHT SHE WAS A DAUGHTER TOO. so glad it wasn't just me. noooo no no you little piece of shit don't you go fucking getting the baby to kill herself. sam and dean need to burn that damn doll that looks like her, i bet this is like in "provenance" when the doll had the girl's real hair and that's why her spirit was still around. COME ON DO CPR YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. that's unrealistic as hell they should've at least done some chest compressions. whatever at least she's not dead, that's what i was worried about. "think you could have hooked up some milf action there, bud" HELLO???? HELLO?????? boys put your fucking seat belts on.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
A bit of an odd ask but I wanted to send this in anyway just to hear your opinion on it. Is it just me or is there just a surprising lack of adult magical adventures in tv, books anime etc. I love fiction but something I've noticed is that there's usually not much of a focus on college kids as the main characters. Their usually relegated to being side characters. Where are my adult age magical savior's? Where's the 21+ year olds that are trying to balance adult life and are both absolutely excited that their a hero now and can learn magic but are also kinda pissed off because "really MORE schooling when I haven't finished paying off my normal tuition yet".
I wanna see a character in a book outright beg for a quest because they really don't wanna do the homework for their least favorite college level class or have them jokingly question if they should do nothing about the apocalypse because then at least there's no student loans etc.
This is one of the reasons I loved Once upon a time and SYFY's The Magicians since adults were a focus.
But what are your thoughts on this? Do you think there's a lack of magical adult adventures content? If not do you have any recommendations for books or media? I feel like there could be a lack of content or it's just hard to find.
If kids can get away with flat out disappearing to different realms without getting in trouble because time functions differently so their only gone for a few minutes then why aren't their more stories like that for adults where they can escape their crappy jobs, go save a world or stop their dimension from collapsing and then come back and still have to finish their tasks for their job. Better yet having to multitask on a business/conference trip as you have both a magical quest/item hunt to do but you also have to maintain appearances for your job but you show up half on fire or with something still hunting you and you have to hope your coworkers don't care enough to ask questions.
One last thing I wanna note is that in most media they tend to make characters experience the college life without them actually being college age. Harry Potter etc all have the typical magic schools or magic castles but to be honest they always felt more like magic colleges to me especially with them having dorms etc which then feels odd since no one is actually college age. I suppose the vibe could be private schools? I get that these places being big helps with the wonderous aspect but after a certain bit it feels kinda odd. Though it could be argued that magic just takes so long to learn that the kids in those types of universes literally have to start out so young or that it takes so much intelligence that they have to basically be taking college level classes even though their like 12.
Anyway I know this is a bit of an odd ask since it isn't really tied into a fandom but I'm curious of your opinion.
I don't know. College-aged protags might be rare indeed but I don't feel qualified to say anything definitive because I've read mostly YA and haven't set out specifically to search for NA fantasy where the main characters would be college-aged. I have to say that I think that there is actually quite a bit of fantasy with adult characters but it's high fantasy instead of urban fantasy which would be along the lines of what you're describing - characters that have normal studies/day jobs but also go on fantasy adventures. NA urban fantasy might be lacking but, again, I wouldn't know since I haven't really looked into it. I, personally, don't care about adding everyday elements to fantasy. I prefer high fantasy where the characters just live in a fantasy world and don't have stupid "real life" responsibilities to deal with. That is the full escapist experience for me since I get to forget that university/jobs even exist. If I had to save the world, I sure as hell wouldn't have the energy to go to work on top of that and I don't think it's fair to anyone to force them to juggle two lives like that. Honestly, YA is kinda full of shit by implying teenagers should be capable and expected to literally carry the world on their shoulders while also taking care of their regular responsibilities.
I don't find the dorm thing weird at all. In the not so distant past it wasn't unusual of high schools (at least where I live) to have dorms for students that might come from other towns/villages. And I do think that that was the case internationally because I've read some of the books left from my parents' teen years and several of them feature not only high schools that have dorms (aka are the boarding school type) but also middle schools that have dorms as well and the students live there during the terms aka those are boarding schools again. Magical schools located on specific planets would have to be boarding schools if they're supposed to be attended by people from all over the universe.
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