#you're not obligated to watch it ofc none of you are
thelightthatruins · 6 months
Have you been getting into Good Omens while I wasn't looking? 👀
I can't help but notice a slight influx in GO content in my dash ahihih
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(I say as if I didn't just reblog something Good Omens related today)
But yeah, I have!! I was going to tell you but it appears I have forgotten AGDJDG (I thought I already did but. I don't think so–). I finally caught up with the series on January and boy it was a personal rollercoaster for me /pos
Some of my friends may or may not have uh, witnessed how slightly emotional I got after the last episode of Season 2.
(I wasn't even sad, I just felt betrayed and broke into tears /lh /notneg)
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BUT !!!
Do not let this fool you for these are Tears of Joy (well. not exactly occurring because of joy but they're not negative!)
Overall, I quite enjoyed the Good Omens experience. I thought it was a very fun show with solid writing;
The storyline wasn't too hard to follow and despite the Lore it has, it's not too heavy and honestly easy to digest. Light yet juicy.
It's labelled as a comedy television series and honestly I can see it. I enjoyed the humor the series has, I giggled and smiled a lot whilst watching it.
I found the characters to be very enjoyable and it was real fun to see how everyone interacted with each other. The dynamics everyone had felt natural and not forced to me.
By extension, the dialogues too! Flowed nicely imo, the actors did a great job in bringing their characters to life. Everyone was so entertaining lol (especially a certain Inspector in S2... iykyk)
ARGH SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS, AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY LIVES UP TO THEIR DYNAMIC DUDE... I love them as a duo and I love them as respective individuals!! They absolutely carried the show and did well as the two main leads, they are so so enjoyable and I loved every single screentime they had. Their bond is like?? so goddamn good??? so goddamn tasty?!?! Like you can simply feel the amount of care they have for each other even at times where it is not stated in front of you and how much they just. work so well with each other and I AM SO SICK OF THOSE TWO!!!! (/aff)
Also the Ineffable Husbands are such queerplatonic fruits to me and I absolutely fucking love that along with the fact that I am not alone on this train. They are literally qpr soulmates guys, it takes one to know one so listen to me listen to me—
But that is a discussion for another day ☝🏼💡
Ahem. anyways. THE INTERPRETATIONS!!! Heaven and Hell, the angel and the demons, The Four Horsemen— you name it dude. I just love how this show interpreted some of these things? I'm not going to spoil it for you just in case, but for example, The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse... I liked how the show portrayed them, Pollution was my personal favorite.
But simple TLDR: Good Omens is a good show!
Or at least in my opinion, to each their own! I personally found it rather charming and would definitely rewatch till I get bored of it. Would I recommend it to other people? Yes, actually! I'd tell you to give this silly little series a chance. I can't promise that you'd enjoy it 100% since, well, everyone has their own tastes. But I sure do hope it will at least entertain you positively.
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svltzmans · 1 year
jealousy, jealousy - h.m.
a/n: this was a request but i switched it up a little to be even more gay i hope anon doesn't mind 😙 enjoy pals
warnings: smut (18+), possessive language, dominant! hope, dirty talk (this is kinda short but so filthy i apologize), hope and reader aren't in an established relationship (but they are in a casual one ofc)
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y/n throws a punch, focusing on the bag in front of her being held by none other than penelope park.
"c'mon, y/n, harder," penelope chants, smirking at the implications of those words.
y/n and penelope had been friendly for some time, even though it had always been clear penelope had more explicit intentions.
it wasn't until the two had started boxing together that their interactions started getting a lot more intimate. penelope's "encouragement" was only a small part of it.
y/n would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the attention. penelope was hot, and she was single. it worked for her.
when her and penelope switch so the dark haired girl can take a few swings, she notices someone standing in the doorway out of the corner of her eye.
it's hope mikaelson, and she looks almost irate.
pausing her workout, penelope returns the energy hope radiates.
"what, you need the bag, mikaelson?" she sneers, continuing to jab with her gloved hands.
"don't need the bag when you're standing right there."
"wow, i'm wounded. what did i ever do to you?" penelope's sarcasm gets under hope's skin, as much as she tries to ignore it.
y/n just watches as the two witches argue, debating whether to intervene or not.
penelope had somehow found out that hope and y/n had been hooking up, and ever since she had been making it her mission to make hope seethe with jealousy.
it seemed that she had accomplished her mission, walking out of the room seemingly unbothered, leaving hope angrily standing in the middle of the gym.
"what was that all about?" y/n tries to break the ice, dissolving the awkward silence that had fallen between them.
"sometimes i feel like she's trying to piss me off."
"why's that?"
"because she doesn't like that you're mine, y/n."
"hope, i can train with whoever i wan-"
hope interrupts y/n's sentence by pushing her against the wall of the gym, kissing her roughly and grabbing any part of y/n she can reach.
when hope pulls away, she's already lifted y/n off her feet and started carrying her in the direction of her room.
"lay down, y/n," hope commands, and y/n is quick to oblige. despite the unofficial status of her and hope's relationship, she likes the feeling of belonging to someone. especially when that someone is as intoxicating as hope mikaelson.
hope practically rips y/n's training shorts off, leaving her in her boxers and sports bra.
"such a beautiful girl. and all mine, yeah?" hope teases, running a finger down y/n's bare stomach.
"you'll have to prove that last part," she responds, wanting to push hope to her limit.
"you're just asking for it now," hope whispers, moving her finger from y/n's stomach to the hem of her boxers.
hope is quick to dip her hand underneath, ever so lightly touching y/n.
"more," y/n manages to mewl, pushing her hips upwards in hopes of more contact.
hope withdraws her hand completely.
"if you want me to fuck you, you have to listen. by the time i'm done with you you'll know exactly who you belong to, and it's sure as hell not penelope park. do i make myself clear?" hope snaps, practically growling as she speaks.
y/n simply nods, preparing herself for the desperation she's about to feel.
"good," hope simply replies before continuing, gradually picking up speed and adding pressure.
y/n's a mess, grabbing hold of the sheets and trying to keep herself quiet.
it's then that hope plunges her ring and middle finger into y/n, and all hopes of quiet are quickly abandoned.
"god, fuck," is all she can manage, hope rapidly bringing her to the brink of orgasm.
"h-hope, gonna cum," y/n manages, losing her breath as she speaks.
hope slows down, making eye contact with the writhing girl below her.
"who do you belong to, y/n?"
"you heard me. who do you belong to?"
"who gets to touch you like this? make you feel good like this?"
"you, hope. always you. please just-"
hope picks up the pace again, and it's not long before y/n falls over the edge, holding back a scream.
coming down from her high, she looks at hope with lovestruck eyes.
"am i really yours? like, your girlfriend?"
hope laughs, running her fingers through y/n's hair.
"i thought i would have to yell at you for you to pick up on how much i like you."
"just wait until penelope hears about this," y/n giggles, earning an affectionate push on the arm from her newly official girlfriend.
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bill-skarsgalactic · 1 year
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A/N: So, it's been a while since I've written anything, but I've had this concept rattling around in my brain for a few years and figured there's no time like the present to jump back into writing and posting regularly. If you've been tagged in this it's because a couple of you expressed interest in a previous post of mine - you're not obligated to read it (obviously) but if you do, your feedback would be appreciated. As I said before, it's been a while since I've written anything, so keep in mind I'm a little rusty. Apologies if the first part is a bit bland, I'm mainly just setting up the world and the characters.
P.S: If you interacted with my last post but weren't tagged, its simply because Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you :(
Description: Searching for a fresh start in the small beach town of Hemlock Cove, a young nurse takes a job caring for the recently paralyzed and exceptionally bitter Roman Godfrey.
(This takes place after the events of Hemlock Grove season 3, except Roman did not die and was instead paralyzed after his altercation with Peter. I'm not going to touch on much of the Hemlock Grove storyline and will instead be focusing on making this a standalone story)
Pairing: Roman Godfrey x OFC
Warnings: None for this part, but will update as the story progresses.
Hemlock Cove was meant to be a fresh start, a new life in a quaint sea-side town seemed like the perfect remedy to an aching head and a bitter heart.
I naively hoped the saline sea air would cleanse my hidden wounds, disinfect them until the scars healed pink and became nothing more than memories wrapped in scar tissue.
However, as I stood at the edge of the beach watching the black waves roll violently beneath the murky clouds, pregnant with the promise of rain, nothing about the briny ocean breeze felt healing. The air felt thick, weighed down and tasted acrid on my tongue as I inhaled deeply. I swallowed against the offending taste and cleared my throat, willing away the nausea that had accompanied it, before turning my back on the mercurial sea.
Weeks prior when I had conjured up images of what I imagined my new home to look like, I'd expected something vastly different to the gloomy wasteland that greeted me now. A quick Google search had described Hemlock Cove as a small, sea-side town, its cobbled main road dotted with colorful ice cream shops, humble beachwear boutiques and charming vintage stores, however, as I quietly surveyed my surroundings, it was not quite the fairytale beach town I had been promised. As it stood, Hemlock Cove was merely a carcass of what it must have once been, a ghost town filtered in gray-scale with an underlying tone of despair on its breath. If the vibrant ice cream shops and vintage stores filled to the brim with the nick-knacks of yesteryear had ever existed, they were replaced now with drab, sun-faded replicas of their former selves, their contents barely visible behind foggy, glass storefronts. Looking at it now, it was a wonder how the town managed to stay afloat.
A low rumble of distant thunder suddenly pulled me from my thoughts, and I cast a wary look over my shoulder at the looming, gray clouds on the horizon.
Time to go. A storm was approaching and I had no intention of being caught in it.
With my mood as damp as the impending weather, I adjusted the strap of my duffel bag on my shoulder and began the trek up the cobbled street towards number eighty-one Foxglove Lane.
As I trudged up the hill towards my destination, the town of Hemlock Cove appeared to be seeking my forgiveness. As though ashamed of its first impression, the formerly dreary facade of the town below began to slowly give way to lush greenery and between the beach cottages and holiday homes, tufts of brightly colored wildflowers sprung up, their stems waving gently in the breeze. The distant crash of the ocean was muffled now, obscured by evergreens and the ocean itself was now only visible in gaps between the branches and leaves that lined the road. Further up the hill, the more modest cottages became few and far between, suddenly replaced by more modern, stately homes that looked like they'd be better suited to the upper suburb of neighboring Hemlock Grove, here they just looked out of place.
Stopping to stare at one particular monstrosity, my brow creased as I took in the frankly odd design choices. While most of the houses in Hemlock Cove opted for more classic earth-tones and rustic stone walls, this one was painted a deep shade of charcoal. Everything about it was a grotesque display of modern hubris, all harsh lines and sharp angles, not even the kiss of natural, black walnut finishes were enough to save the home from looking alien amongst its counterparts. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, chuckling at the thought of the field day a psychologist might have with the eyesore before me, but my chuckle was cut short as my eyes landed on the metallic, black numbers fixed to the wall beside the front door: eighty-one. Eighty-one Foxglove Lane to be exact, my new home for the foreseeable future.
When I'd first scoped out nursing jobs in Hemlock Cove, the owner of eighty-one Foxglove Lane was the only one that came up, and while details of his condition were vague at best, the job listing described the client as a 27-year-old male, who had been paralyzed six months prior. The position itself required someone with nursing experience, who could stay on the property and see to the client's needs, as well as handle day-to-day chores - a relatively simple task considering food and accommodation came tacked onto a relatively decent salary. However, other than what had been detailed in the job listing, I knew little to nothing about my client... other than his inclination to have his home scream of its own spectacular opulence.
As if only to impress on me the wealth of my new employer, a large, black Mercedes Benz minivan say at the end of the stone driveway, which I skirted around gingerly, careful not to mar the pristine paint job as I made my way towards the path leading to the front door.
Swallowing a new set of nerves that had made their home in my throat, I gripped the strap of my duffel with one hand and rapped succinctly on the door with my other hand, hoping my knock would sound more confident than I felt.
Silence followed for what felt like an eternity, there was no jingle of keys in the lock of shuffling from beyond the threshold, just the crash of waves beyond the tree line and the occasional chirp of a sandpiper. Just as I was considering knocking again, a voice from inside stopped me before I could even raise my hand.
"Come around the side. Sliding door's unlocked."
The voice was that of a young man, I assumed my client, but it was neither friendly nor welcoming, in fact "irritated" was the first word that sprung to mind, and the misanthropic timbre of his voice turned my stomach to knots in its wake.
Unsure of the appropriate response, I settled for a shaky "Uh, th-thank you!", as my eyes wandered up the side of the house, my irises mapping a mental path to where I assumed the sliding door might be. After only a short amount of bush-whacking my calculations turned out to be correct, as I emerged from the foliage and found myself at the foot of a small set of steps leading to a wooden deck that overlooked the beach.
The view from the deck was magnificent and the house stood no further than 50 feet from the beach itself. Standing on that deck overlooking the vast expanse of ocean, the water churning beneath the ever darkening sky, it was hard not to feel like Poseidon himself at the helm of his war ship.
I could have stood on that deck for hours watching the waves crash and churn, but I was hesitant to annoy my client any more than he already seemed to be, so I turned and made my way over to the sliding door, easing it open gently as I reached it.
The curtains were drawn across four of the six glass doors, leaving only a small gap for me to enter through, and as I did, I stepped through into what appeared to be an open-plan living room.
Although I could not fathom why anyone would be inclined to rob themselves of the spectacular view just beyond the glass doors, I couldn't deny the living room was cozy. A small banker's lamp in the corner of the room enveloped the stony, suede couches and raw wood furnishings in a warm, orange glow, giving the room a homely feel. Most modern homes felt cold and unlived-in, but not this one. After a five-hour-long bus journey and an uphill climb, my aching body longed to curl up amongst the scatter cushions and thick, woolen throws that adorned the couch, and fall into a sleep as deep as the murky waters of Hemlock Cove.
A soft, electrical whirring suddenly disturbed the silence of the living room, and I looked up just in time to see a figure appear in the doorway to my right.
Despite the half-light cast from the lamp in the living room, the man in the doorway was somewhat visible to me. In fact, the shadows cast by the small banker's lamp only aided in highlighting his perfectly straight nose and high cheekbones. His thick, brown hair had been pushed back from his brow in a way that looked effortless, as though he'd haphazardly run his hands through it, only for it to settle perfectly. I'd have dared to call him handsome were it not for the look of absolute disdain on his face as he regarded me.
I shuffled uncomfortably before speaking.
"Uh- hi, I'm Faryn Freeman, we-"
"I know who you are," he cut in harshly.
His wheelchair whirred to life again and he backed out of the doorway, leaving me alone in the living room once more.
I guess he wanted me to follow him, so I did just that. Weaving between the couch and the coffee table, I cut across the lounge and towards the room he had disappeared into.
When I stepped inside, I realized we were in what appeared to be his study, and my client was now sitting behind a large, ornate desk, pouring over a pile of official looking papers, a thick silver pen clutched between his slender fingers.
I lingered awkwardly in the threshold, the strap of my duffel bag growing teeth and biting into my shoulder, as I waited for him to acknowledge me. When he finally did, he didn't bother to look up, his long dark lashes fluttered only slightly as he jerked his pen towards a manila folder perched on the corner of his desk.
"Everything you need to know is in the file, your room is upstairs to the left," he remarked clinically, as he scribbled something indiscernable in the margins of the document in front of him.
I charged forward to retrieve the folder, stumbling slightly as my foot caught the upturned corner of the Persian rug. I cursed myself internally, embarrassed by my behavior. I was no longer the shrinking violet I had been growing up, and even in college, I was a professional, a nurse, over-qualified for the job I'd just undertaken, with years of experience working with men who thought they new more than I did, so why in God's name was I allowing this man and his bad attitude to throw me like this?
The feminist in me begged to put him in his place, but more than that I wanted to be done with this awkward interaction and retreat to my quarters where I could unpack and decompress. A lot had happened in a short space of time and I needed a moment to process it all, so if my new boss had no intention of getting acquainted, then I was more than happy to take the high road and seize a few moments of alone time.
"Well, thanks for this," I smiled politely, pressing the manila folder to my chest, "I'll make sure to familiarize myself with all of this," I assured him, giving the folder an emphatic tap with my index finger.
Again, he didn't look up, it was as if I hadn't spoken, and for a moment, I wondered if he had even heard me. Pursing my lips, I began to slowly back out of the room.
"Okay... well, I'll just head upstairs then," I explained, a little louder this time in case he was hard of hearing, "If you need anything-"
"I'll call," he interrupted, punctuating his statement with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Resisting the urge to bolt from the room, away from my new housemate and the dour energy that hung over him like a storm cloud, I turned fully and exited the study at a leisurely pace until I was out of his line of sight.
The stairs were directly to the right of the study and I took them two at a time, my duffel swinging precariously behind me until I reached the landing.
Unlike the lower level of the house the second floor was lighter, the walls were painted a soft, dove gray and the floor was covered in plush, cream carpeting. Despite the gloomy weather brewing outside, a large skylight above my head illuminated the landing giving it an airy feel that wasn't present downstairs.
I drew what felt like the first real breath of air I'd taken in hours and my lungs filled with the scent of wood polish and carpet shampoo.
At the top of the landing to my right was a dark, wooden door and directly across from where I stood was a small, guest bathroom and from there the hallway snaked to the left. Surely my bedroom was down there.
As I walked, I noticed there were no photos on the walls, no family portraits to liven up the stark landing, only grim, moody artwork. A large floor-to-ceiling oil painting of a snake arched in an almost perfect sphere, its mouth agape as though readying itself to consume its own tail, sat opposite the only other door on the landing: my bedroom.
I shivered involuntarily, my lip curled in distaste and turned away from the offending art piece, opening the door to my bedroom.
Upon stepping inside, I was pleased to see that my client's peculiar art choices did not extend to his guest bedroom. The walls were blank aside from a large mirror, and the room itself consisted of a vanity, a double bed and a sage green armchair in the corner of the room. Ultimately, the room seemed as though it had never been touched.
Grateful to be rid of my luggage, I unceremoniously dumped my duffel at the foot of the bed and flopped down atop the covers, the manila folder still clutched to my chest. Now that I had a few moments to myself, I figured it was about time I found out a little more about my client.
Tag list: @alphabetbill @dani-is-a-princess @rumanceksghost @marvelnatural4life @ambeauty @rosesandthorns @exo-kai15 @angryhippie @perfectlilwitch @4sta @madlilafromwonderland @winterrrsun @manicpixiedreamguurl @spice-honey @batesaccomplice @naturalblondekiller88 @jj-lynn21 @narcobarbiesims @mountainousdinosaur @morbiditty @princehattric @kallikvolturisblog @nutinanutshell @brown-eyedblues @myheartwillgoon2022 @livingonthehems @temporarilylivin @culpers @sophieskarsgard @scuba-seamus @bbyskars
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ihatebnha · 3 years
hi catie, i hope you’re doing well ☺️ no obligation to answer this, but which of the boys do you think have a particular liking for simple intimacy (intertwining your fingers together, long hugs, gentle kisses, etc.)? my bet goes to shouto bb (who needs a hug real bad ☹️) and to shinsou (who is very huggable)…! wdyt?
pthtptpththtpjejh you're so sweet!!!!!!!! i'm actually having an issue with my foot rn that's been really painful, but other than that, i'm good! Same to you, ofc<333
also tho, thank u for asking me this!!! i'm just gonna dive right in before i start crying LOL, hope u don't mind hehe...
(warning: none but this is a little weirdly written, idk???)
But I think you're right!!! Shoto is so delicate, a real simple guy... and out of everyone, the most... prone to just being gentle and sweet in his affections. I can see him being attached to hand holding in any form, including just linking single fingers together and swinging them back and fourth... as well as those kisses where he like, holds your face, looks into your eyes, and just barely presses his lips to yours.
I also agree with Shinso, tho! He 100% gives the best hugs, and for some reason, I think, is really great to lean on. I imagine he does that thing, where, if you're standing around looking at something, he'll just come up beside you and wrap his arms around you so he can look, too. You know those couples you sometimes see, who aren't even gross but they'll just be standing really close together and/or holding each other? Like that!!! He really likes it when your faces are close together, too, so cheek/nose kisses type stuff is included, as well.
Weirdly though, I think... Dabi also belongs on this list, too. Obviously, it's less inherent than some other characters, but I think this is really how his intimacy manifests. He won't like, grab you or anything... but I think he'll put an arm behind you if you're sitting together, and/or his hand on the small of your back or wast if you're doing something close by to him. I mostly just see him as being someone who likes to keep a hand on you at all times... as well as likes when you wrap your arms around his neck. Gives temple/hair kisses :(
And similarly, even though this is less about intimacy, Bakugo... because I think a lot about how he probably really enjoys doing really mundane stuff with you, like laying in bed together, or watching a show/the computer with you. Little things that can be separate, but are just better with someone🥺
(...I also think he does the hand-on-you-thigh-squeeze in the car skldufjasjd)
Some honorable mentions, though: Kiri, who I think is a back rubber and a cheek kisser... and idk, Twice, too... because he just can't think of being anything other but gentle with you. Crying.
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Thinking about the Avatar!Ty Lee AU because it has taken over my mind:
Have you figured out how "The Kyoshi Warriors" would go differently?
Okay here's what I have in my notes which is a LOT:
They still stop at Kyoshi Island because Aang wants to ride the big fish. They also learn that you can convince Azula to do dumb shit by saying some variation of ‘bet you can’t!’ or ‘Are you scared?’. Because as soon as she’s challenged she’s like ‘Fuck you I’m going to ride the giant fish!’. Much to everyone else’s exasperation. 
THey end up ambushed and brought to the main village and get the whole 'Oh hey we have the Avatar.... Avatars? It's complicated.' thing. Like, they've figured out the Split thing but they don't know entirely how it works yet but they're just saying 'yeah we have two Avatars it's fine'.
Both Aang and Ty Lee get mobbed by the fangirls. But they have different reactions. Aang gets his more Canon 'it goes to his head a bit' thing.
Ty Lee just... doesn't like it. She ends up hunkering down in their guest house with Mai. Eventually Mai questions her because Ty Lee usually loves attention on her. But..... Ty Lee confesses that it's not so much them loving 'her'. They don't know her, she hasn't done anything to get that attention. She's just being compared to someone else entirely. 'Ty Lee' doesn't matter to them. Mai is like 'Understandable reaction. Feel free to hide as long as you like."
I mentioned in a different ask about how Katara is allowed to relax in the first two Books. Because they have Iroh here as the responsible adult. So while she voices her worry of them staying here too long, it's not her main focus as Iroh assures her it's fine to take the break. In reality, he's more like 'I'm going to let you kids enjoy this because you won't have a lot of time for joy along the road and it's best to have that break when you can get it."
And now for Suki my beloved!
Sokka still gets to meet Suki and she makes him chug Respect Women Juice. Though we do get Zuko and Azula watching them for different reasons. Zuko’s is ‘for some reason I am very interested in watching these two spar against each other’, while Azula is just here to watch Sokka get his ass kicked after the sexist comments earlier. If Suki didn’t kick his ass she would’ve and it's a miracle none of the girls have decked him yet.
But we get parallel conversations. First the Sokka and Suki one:
Suki: "Your friend seems to have a crush."
Sokka: "Which friend and who?"
Suki: "The guy watching us spar? I've seen that look from many of the new recruits watching the older girls practice. I'm not sure if he's crushing on you or me though."
Sokka: *realizes he's not sure whether to be jealous over Zuko having a crush on /Suki/ or /Zuko/ having a crush on Suki.*
Sokka: *Bi panic as he realizes that he has a crush on both of them*!!!
Meanwhile the Zuko and Azula conversation.
Azula: "So… You're watching rather intently…. And as your bratty little sister it's my obligation to tease you about your obvious crush!"
Zuko: "Idk what you're talking about I don't have a crush I just like watching them spar! You're watching too!"
Azula: "I'm here to watch Sokka get his ass kicked. But you seem much more… appreciative of Suki's tactics."
Zuko: "I'm appreciating both their skills? I'm not 'watching' Suki any differently than I watch Sokka!"
Azula: "......"
Azula: "So don't panic but do you have a crush on both of them?"
Zuko: *immediately panics while Azula nearly dies laughing*
Eventually we'd get to the end of the episode with the Fire Nation showing up to burn shit down. Ofc since Zuko is a protagonist now he's not part of that, but it's just a matter of time before rumor spreads of 'the Avatar is on Kyoshi Island' and someone else shows up. We miiiiiiight get a first glimpse of Zhao in this scene but it doesn't matter because none of them really interact until later so whatever.
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theash0 · 3 years
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(Special thanks to Cas for description) [ID: Murderbot wakes up with the text 'recharge complete' and immediately goes "oh no... ART, what's going on?" and looks out a door, terrified. The next panel shows a lot of people, badly hiding as if trying to surprise it. Murderbot says "I don't want to." ART responds with exclamation marks. MB continues "I know, I still don't want to," to which ART responds with exclamation marks and an unamused emoji. A drone eventually kicks MB through the door and everyone jumps out, revealing a banner that says "Happy Birthday!" MB stand stock still with a horrified expression. Someone comes up next to it and says "If you're surprised now, Murderbot, hold on! We're doing all classic birthday rituals: cake, singing, presents! I cannot wait to see your face when you see what I got you. But let's start by blowing out all the candles." MB looks dramatically at the candles, thinking "why so many...?" while an arrow pointing at it informs us that it "has minuscule lungs." MB: Art, why do I have to...? I mean I can't even eat it? ART: you will taste it. MB: But I don't eat. I can't. ART: Just lick it or something. The humans worked really hard. MB: That's disgusting, but fine. It tries to blow out the candles and none of them go out. MB looks terrified. A human says "that's okay, just do one at a time, no rush!" and we see MB try again multiple times with no success, before getting frustrated and aiming at the candles with its guns, only to then worry that it scared the humans. The humans seem unperturbed, though, saying "Don't worry about it, Murderbot! We're supposed to do the singing first anyway." It zooms in on Murderbot, looking absolutely terrified. "Why don't you get up on a chair, so everyone can see you? Oh, and Ratthi says he knows this really interesting drinking game, involving a noose and a sharp stick..."
Then Murderbot wakes up, for real this time. As with the start, it says "oh no... ART, what's going on?" and looks out a door, terrified. ART replies "Happy anniversary, SecUnit. You received some gifts by mail. They are outside if you were interested." Murderbot says, "Any humans out there? ART: No, no humans closeby. MB: Are you sure? ART: Of course I'm... MB: Absolutely sure? ART: ...If you want, I can ask one to come by? MB: Oh, no! Please don't. ART: There's an event to celebrate in the feed. We're watching some shows. You could join? No obligations. MB: Not right now, thanks. I think I'd like to go on patrol. ART: I see. Outside? We cut to a view of Murderbot in a space suit, looking at a planet. MB: Yes. Outside. It pans out to show MB standing on ARTs hull, the planet silhouetting both of them. Over the scene are chat boxes representing the feed, reading: ...SU_# has joined channel. All: hi SecUnit. SU: Hi. Pin-Lee: hi, we can't talk right now, episodes finale! but great that you're here. SU: .... ok :) End of Comic]
(your reblogs are greatly appriciated!! ofc reposts are not :) )
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alukaforyou · 4 years
I know you've mentioned this before but you're not close with your parents. I just had an awful experience with my mom where I realized that she has a very low opinion of me and doesn't actually care about me as her child. How do you cope with you parents, if you don't mind me asking?
ya in my case i dont doubt they love me and have made lots of sacrifices for me, but ultimately, you are the arbiter of the love people give you, and i reject on some fundamental level the love my parents have for me - its not real love b.c they dont love ME, they love the idea they have of me. my parents rly kno jack shit abt me and i never rly talk to them abt anything meaningful to myself cuz i dont trust them - i hear the hurtful things they say abt other people which is 1. disturbing and 2. jokes on them cuz little do they kno they are insulting me too (like every time they shit on lgbt ppl or mentally ill ppl like bruh... i am that... lmfao..) and not just the whole fundamentally rejecting parts of me / my experience (aka... gaslighting... getting mad at me that One time i tried to open up abt depression / being suicidal and telling me "stfu no u arent, dont even say that shit" lmfao thx), they rly just dont listen to me Constantly, like Every time i try to educate them on race matters and whatnot theyre like loool silly girl u dont kno wat ur talking abt, actualy :3c and its so irritating not being taken seriously, ever so basically yea, im super done w. this "fam" and while i am grateful that they raised me p well and didnt do sketchy behavior like check my phone / comp, etc or physically abuse me.... like.... am i rly supposed to be grateful for that LMFAO if anything the fam gives me the lower most, maybe the lower 2 levels of the maslow's hierachy of needs (all the emotional support & unconditional love, i get from my friends, aka my found / real family) so i am super estranged from them & i dont rly seek their approval or w.e. in my case, my parents provide me / has provided for me housing and some degree of financial support (like... free housing.. free food... etc..) so thats p much the extent of how i see our relationship. like.. open ur purse ig? LOOOOOL and when i move out, im totally prepared to slowly drift out of their life like... y would i wanna spend time w. racists and terfs when... i could be seeing friends??? its a lil weird cuz on some level i am... attached to them cuz the whole ~family! blood relations~ concept but tbh in the very real future possibility that my fam disowns me / never sees me again for some dumbass reason, ig i wont miss them much. like nothing irritates me more than the expectation of having unconditional love / respect for ur family / elders (esp in asian / collectivist culture) because family is gacha and toxic people r toxic whether or not they happen to be ur relatives or w.e. ik its hard cuz ~its my mom!~ and ya sure maybe u have some good memories with her, or shes not toxic / hurtful / whatever *all* of the time, but none of us have to be begging for scraps. im sorry you didnt get the love & support & understanding we all deserve from our parents but.... family is gacha lol. id say, try to accept the good times and the shitty times and kno u dont rly have any obligation to stay in their lives as their child, and any reconciliation plans or the degree of "presence" you will have in their life is toootally up to you. also try to communicate first if you u r comfy with that, like really clearly let them know how they hurt you and see if you can salvage the relationship if you so desire. see my parents wont ever freakin listen to me so all avenues for communication are closed. i cite irreconciliable differences and choose to just shut them out of my personal life lol.
if you have the means at all to move out... that would b good.... but if not, just try ro hang in there and make ur home experience the most bearable as possible. see, my job is to have the most peaceful existance i can. so while i wanna fight w my parents and whatever, i just dont to save my own energy like im not here to educate or change ppl that wont listen. so i try to minimize my interaction w them and stay in my room most of the time. i also focus on my own hobbies like art or exercise or watch films or play / talk w my sister instead. having great friends that lov & support & uplift u is key. surround urself w ppl that appreciate you and value you b.c we are all precious and important and ofc. we'll make our own mistakes so we all rly need ppl who bring out the best in us! online friends are super valid as well, if u need more friends def try to join some online communities around ur own interests and meet wonderful ppl! hope that helped a lil.... sry for wat happened again.. i hope things get better for u!!
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evil-beatles · 3 years
If you don't mind me asking Evie, what country do you live in? (you are not obligated to answer ofc!) This Santa doesn't utilize the traditional "watch you will you're sleeping" techniques.
I want to hear more about this comic you're making! What inspired you to do that and whats the theme?
As Santa, I am a haver of hobbies but a master of none of them. Apart from overseeing the elves at the North Pole, I like to skate! (roller not ice). I just learned how to go backwards today (psyched!) I also am slowly over the course of a long time learning the guitar but alas I am only a novice
Yoo i also love roller skating! But i got into it through ice skating when the rink was closed over summer haha. Do you have those back to back-wheel ones or the 4-in-a-square ones (sheesh are there actual names for that??) And keep practicing that guitar Santa!!!
I live in the netherlands :) also explains the ice skating i guess.
Ah yes, my comic… explained the plot to my brother and bf using a 37-slide powerpoint and it took about 1.5 hours 🥴 it’s a sci-fi story set about 250 years from now, kinda blade-runner / ghost in the shell type themes but not as “dark and gritty” and… i got a bunch of girl characters with actual agency :-)
But right now im mainly focussing on getting my panelling skills on par and making a habit of drawing in my spare time because shits laborious 💀
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