#you're preaching to the choir
troonwolf · 2 years
Happy for him and he was definitely exploited but his actions were also instrumental in fuelling the antagonism and laws against trans people in the UK. I’d like to see him take responsibility for that and work towards correcting the misinformation he spread throughout his time as a TERF. Irreparable damage was done to trans rights in the UK and that doesn’t just go away.
You walk into the house, destroy all the furniture, leave, then you come back with “sorry my friends peer pressured me to destroy all the furniture :)” and then sit down in the wreckage not bothering to clean it up.
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mortalfortaxpurposes · 6 months
sometimes i'm so deep in my beautiful foblr bubble that the mania haters start to feel like a myth but no some of you will literally get on your keyboards and say that shit with your whole chests
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wuntrum · 3 months
that post about digital art brushes has breached containment and i can tell because people in the tags are like but what about texture brushes :( have you tried color jitter :( like brother you dont even know who you're talkin to...respectfully
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epiphainie · 23 days
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water-weaving · 2 months
i just think it's useless to debate and guilt-trip Tumblr Users, On Tumblr, about the american elections. i understand the fear of trump winning the election, and generally i think if applicable you should vote against him, but like. this is tumblr. 70% the people who rightfully complain and make light-hearted satire and jokes about how sanctimonious and insufferable and unhinged you sound are, like, 1) not usamericans and 2) more politically savvy than you. go bother your republican uncle instead, that's where your fight is! or else the next time you start talking about kamala harris at me i'll talk you down and bully and order you to vote for jean-luc mélenchon in the fall and then accuse you of being the reason the far-right won the european elections. okay. let's have a little bit of strategy skills around here I Beg Of You
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ask-sebastian · 6 days
Mr. Sir Daddy (Sebastian) Sallow,
If thou doth not make the lad's and lasses legs shake, thou doth not deserve the sacred cake!
Your sincere friend,
Papa Preach
Gloria Patri
Tumblr media
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thewingedwolf · 3 months
The outrage for the gender swapping by the black community is justified in my opinion. Using a monoracial darkskin black woman as the gender swapped version of a white man is downright malicious. We have been facing constant racism if we're given some role that is desired especially on netflix. And there has been an ongoing trend (a pattern mainly us black women have noticed) to use the darkskin black woman as the queer character that's also masculine (or the sassy best friend, the mammy type, oversexualised). The actress will not only be a subject to homophobes but the not so quiet racists that plague most fandoms these days. It's quite funny when a white man is seen chasing after a 'black' woman, she is a light skinned biracial (Ruby Barker in season 1 who was still subjected to racism and was given a storyline was quickly written off the show).
i mean sure and i'm not trying to be rude here but have you actually looked at who is complaining the loudest about this? it's almost exclusively white women (mostly straight at that) who are specifically really mad because "the best guy" was taken away for "diversity." i'm not discounting that the racial politics of this show are wild and god awful but
they've been like that since season one and got significantly worse with it by treating the sharmas and young danbury Like That, this casting doesn't really change that or make it more obvious, it's just more of the same weird tone deaf shit
michael doesn't do anything particularly heinous but he is a dime a dozen rogue with a heart of gold in an incredibly typical regency romance, and i understand why they've decided to change that a bit when their whole schtick is diversity and stunt casting. the complaints are all about how michael is the best and it's silly because he literally makes several comments about baby trapping francesca, he's not any better than benedict or anthony or simon (he IS better than colin and phillip tho but that's not a high bar to clear).
i don't think fandoms being racist or queerphobic is a good enough reason to never include queer black women in these stories? it's about whether the production team and the cast stick up for her as the harassment inevitably ramps up. i do understand feeling like this poor actress is being thrown to the wolves (especially because shonda doesn't have a particularly great track record with this and ruby barker has talked about how upsetting it was to do the show) but i think if the cast and production make a good faith effort to defend her and warned her to like, turn off her comments on social media, there's no reason to bend to the complaints of racists and queerphobes if you want to tell a regency romp story with a black queer main.
cannot stress enough that the bulk of the criticism is bad faith nonsense using the word "diversity" like a slur against black women and queer women because the white women that watch this show don't want to see two women kissing and That was the backlash i was talking about. i'm sure there Are people talking about the colorist and generally annoying way they like to racebend the characters, but i also feel that acting like the bulk of the criticism is good faith when it so clearly is just straight white women having a breakdown is silly.
also.....can we not use square quotes around the word black when talking about a black biracial actress, it's weird. just say black and biracial, or black and light skinned.
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thewatercolours · 7 months
Podfic: "Captive Crown" by GerbilofTriumph
A shabby narration of GerbilofTriumph's excellent King's Quest fanfiction, "Captive Crown," complete with outrageous attempts at accents and enough bloopers to start a drinking game (with um, raisin juice. There are too many goofs for the real stuff.) This wonderful fiction, full of courage, nightmares, and healing, is gratefully recorded and shared with permission of the author, @gerbiloftriumph. Go check out her awesome creative blog.
All seven chapters are available at the link above, but if you just feel like listening to the first chapter while you scroll, voila:
Original text here:
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unforth · 1 year
Y'all (general) really really need to exercise the block buttons more.
An opinion you don't agree with? Someone makes you uncomfortable? Something you don't like? Even just a person whose way of presenting information makes you uncomfortable (even if you agree with them)?
Look, I get it. I used to think seeing opinions I didn't agree with was important, that exposing myself was a way of staying informed. But finally, I hit a breaking point - I already knew the viewpoints I disagreed with, and seeing them every day was making me miserable.
I've blocked liberally since then.
And the most remarkable thing happened: I routinely see posts where lots of people are disagreeing with the same person...and I already have that person blocked.
Because the most insidious thing about letting myself see the negativity and things that made me unhappy all the time is that leaving it all there gave me the impression that there were a LOT of vocally awful people saying things that hurt me.
But there aren't.
There's actually a surprisingly small number of people who get off on trolling or are so marinated in hate that they have to spew it all around them, and when you block those people, the world gets much more peaceful.
You're not growing as a person by exposing yourself to rhetoric that hurts you. You're just hurting, which is exactly how those people want you to feel: they want you to be in as much agony as they are.
Don't give them the satisfaction.
(tbh I've hit the point that I think people who willfully, deliberately, loudly, intentionally don't block are engaging in a form of self-harm. seriously, you're not taking a noble stand, no one cares if you don't block except the people hurting you.)
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eliounora · 1 year
Oh do you want to cry harder? Because this is one of my favorite tidbits about Robbie that just makes me want to WAIL.
Oscar was buried in a pauper's tomb, since not only did he have no money, he was in debt. Robbie, who had been too preoccupied with caring for him before then, set himself in motion.
It took him eight years, but he paid off every single creditor of the Wilde estate AND purchased the rights to Wilde's work, which had also been taken when he went bankrupt, and put it into publication anywhere that would allow it. (De Profundis was published out of his own pocket because nobody would touch it, iirc). He also kept putting together money to move Oscar into Père-Lachaise, the cemetery of great artists and, according to him, the only place worthy of Oscar. In 1909, Oscar was finally given a proper funeral at said cemetery. But the famous sculpture atop it was not finished until 1912, and then we got the whole fight as the Catholic authority refused to allow a nude male body to stand atop the mausoleum of a man convicted of gross indecency. Robbie, along with the sculptor, fought them trying to find a solution, because the entire tomb had been covered by a black tarpaulin and there was a goddamn gendarme standing there. (Apparently even Aleister Crowley got involved in the mess, but that's a doozy of a story for another time).
The row didn't stop until the French authority gave up because they now had considerably bigger problems: it was 1914 and WWI was raging, the Germans advancing on them.
Robbie stayed.
And in 1918, when the war was over and he made sure the tomb was still intact; once he had paid off all the creditors, ensured his work stayed in publication (we literally would not have Oscar's work today without Robbie!!!), had him properly buried at the most prestigious place on Earth, won the fight for his monument, and made sure said monument and mausoleum were not damaged by the war? An otherwise healthy man in his 40s suddenly died of what the coroner reported as an unexplained heart attack. There was no clogging of the arteries or underlying condition. His heart just stopped.
Nowadays we know of a medical condition called broken heart syndrome. I will believe until the day I myself die that that's what happened. Robbie loved him in life, stood by him during the trial, cared for him in sickness, fought for him in death; and once he believed he had done everything and anything he could to honor and preserve Oscar, he died of his own broken heart.
Excuse me while I- (wordless agonized wail)
for those interested in the Oscar Wilde Saga!
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moralintern · 3 days
its so easy to default back to trying to present a sexless unhorny version of your sexuality bc of how ingrained the whole predatory lesbian/fear of people finding your desire disgusting things is but I'm actively stopping myself from doing that. Because 1. we're only so hard on ourselves because unlike men we care about and resist objectification and 2. Who cares it's literally true. I can sanitise my attraction to cutesy uwu she's so pretty.. 😍 but it isn't me and it's a bit infantilizing tbh. I'm 26 years old and I want to fuck women, theres nothing inherently predatorial about being honest with that fact
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zekedms · 2 months
Okay, why is there suddenly so much Christianity invading Splatoon lately?
I've seen more cross and Bible verse splat tags and Jesus plaza posts in the last month than the entire lifetime of the game. Did a youth missionary group find out about the gay squid game? Did the "as a straight person i feel uncomfortable" chud rally the most annoying people? Am i just having a run of weird matchmaking?
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sisterdivinium · 9 months
I did some gushing over WN on Dreamwidth for the Snowflake Challenge if anyone is interested.
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 10 months
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doom-dreaming · 9 months
if a conversation about the environment goes too far in my family it turns ecofashy and i just heard "thanos was right" so i need to go outside and play cornhole with my cousins
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a-froger-epic · 1 year
I love Roger (amazingly talented musician and wicked smart) but the coolest thing about him is that he got to call Freddie Mercury his best friend for close to two decades. Legit, those two were twin flames. And everyone acknowledges it.Roger didn’t give a f*** what people said/thought about Freddie. He never conformed, never paid attention to the bigoted idiots. He realized Freddie was one of a kind from the very beginning.
Soulmates 😤🥹❤️
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