thejnlc · 2 years
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"The #AfCFTA focuses on addressing the challenges that have hindered youth participation in intra-African trade. It offers Africa the opportunity to confront significant trade & economic challenges" - Hon Nyirabashitsi Sarah Mateke, the Minister of Youth, Government of#AfCFTAYouthDay Today is the AfCFTA Youth Day & YOULEAD Summit 2022 Launch Theme: Young People as Stimulants for a Sustainable and Prosperous Continent, Through Trade and Industrialization #HappeningNow #AfCFTAYouthDay #YouLead22 Launch at Kampala Serena Hotel, Katonga Hall #TheJNLC #YouLead (by AfCFTA Youth Advisory Council) (at Kampala Serena International hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvrWLyqPEs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catatanbumi · 2 years
Senaning, 23 Oktober 2022
Setelah menghabiskan waktu berkutat dengan kesibukan kami masing-masing dari pagi hingga sore hari, barulah saat malam hari kami dapat membuat waktu keluarga sendiri dengan menonton sinetron kesukaan kami di ruang tengah. Malam hari benar-benar menjadi waktu bagi kami untuk menjadi keluarga yang utuh. Karena saat siang, bahkan kami tidak saling bertegur sapa dan saling memandang. Yah, begitulah uniknya keluarga kami.
Kemarin seperti biasa aku mengunjungi salah satu desa awasanku dalam kegiatan Regsosek 2022. Nama desanya adalah Desa Sepiluk. Desa itu merupakan desa dimana aku tumbuh sedari kecil. Karena mamak ku dulu tugas di sana selama 14 tahun, makanya aku sering sekali pulang dan pergi dari desa itu dan bahkan menganggap desa itu menjadi rumah ke dua ku.
Petugas pencacah di sana adalah 2 orang yang juga sudah ku kenal dari kecil. Namanya adalah Om Hel dan Om Dono. Kedua orang itu telah mewarnai kehidupanku dari kecil. Mulai dari teman bermain hingga yang setia menyediakan jasa ojek kala kami butuh motor lebih dalam berkendara. Maklum, bapak ku dulu tidak mahir mengendarai motor. Jadinya kami dulu sering menggunakan jasa ojek guna berpergian kesana kemari.
Menjadi PML atau pengawas atas kinerja PPL atau petugas pencacah menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagiku. Bagaimana tidak. Sosok yang aku awasi adalah orang yang aku menaruh hormat kepadanya. Secara usia dan pengalaman, seharusnya aku yang di awasi oleh mereka. Oleh sebab itu, ada rasa tidak enakan dan canggung kala aku harus memberi deadline dan arahan kepada mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, aku diamanahkan untuk mengawasi kinerja mereka agar target pendataan dapat tercapai dan sukses.
Selain dari ke 2 sosok tersebut, desa lainnya yang juga aku awasi di jalankan oleh 2 orang yang juga termasuk orang penting di desanya. Desa itu bernama Desa Sungai Seria. Salah satu petugas pencacahnya adalah perangkat desa yang sementara ini diamanahkan untuk memegang 2 jabatan. Satu orang lagi dapat dikatakan merupakan remaja desa yang aku yakin juga telah memiliki pengalaman yang lebih dari ku dalam bekerja. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka adalah orang yang telah memiliki rekam jejak dan jam terbang yang tinggi dalam membangun karir pekerjaan.
Situasi ini kadang membuat aku canggung dan sekaligus bingung tentang bagaimana cara pendekatan yang efektif dengan mereka. Karena aku sadar, bahwa jika salah dalam cara pendekatan maka akan berdampak buruk bagi kinerja kami bersama. Akhirnya pendekatan yang coba aku pilih adalah sebagaimana saat aku memimpin sebuah program bernama YOULEAD. Tentu disini banyak sekali penyesuaian dan juga perubahan hasil dari evaluasi saat aku memimpin dahulu. Namun prinsip utama kepemimpinan yang selalu menemani orang yang dipimpinnya tetap aku jaga dan pertahankan. Penguatan hubungan dengan konsep kekeluargaan juga aku terapkan. Pada intinya aku ingin mereka merasa nyaman saat aku memimpin mereka. Aku juga kerap bertanya masalah dam hambatan yang tentunya mereka alami di lapangan. Walaupun mereka tidak sepenuhnya terbuka, aku yakin setidaknya cara ini cukup aman dalam hubungan profesional kami sebagai rekan kerja.
Kemarin aku membantu PPL di Desa Sepiluk dalam menulis berkas pendataan. Aku bawa berkas itu pulang ke rumah agar bisa aku tulis dengan nyaman dan tadi siang aku antar lagi ke sana. Dari awal malam hingga jam 2 dini hari aku berkutat dengan tumpukan berkas itu di atas meja sembari TV menontonku dengan seksama. Data yang perlu ditulis cukup banyak, karena yang di data adalah seluruh anggota keluarga dalam 1 KK di 1 Desa yang terbagi atas RT dan Dusun. Seharusnya ini bukan merupakan pekerjaanku. Bahkan aku tak yakin ada PML yang mengambil sikap yang sama seperti ku. Mereka cenderung hanya menerima kabar dan datang ke desa saat semua data sudah siap.
Waktu kerja kami berlahan akan segera habis. Bahkan pekerjaan PPL Desa harus sudah selesai pada tanggal 5 November mendatang untuk aku sebagai PML periksa. Setelahnya tanggal 10 maksimal, harus aku serahkan kepada Koseka, dan akhirnya pada tanggal 15 November, tugas kami selesai.
Bismillah, semoga kegiatan ini Allah lancarkan dan diberi hikmah dibalik pelik dan dramanya.
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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khalidalqoud · 1 year
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Dear Parents and Family of Youlead,
We are thrilled to announce that the ILC Youth Leadership Program is now open for registration! This dynamic workshop is designed to empower young minds kinds aged 7 to 11 and youth age 12 to 18 with essential life skills and leadership qualities. With three levels tailored to different age groups, our program aims to nurture effective communication, self-confidence, teamwork, and more.
Program Highlights:
* Effective Communication Tools and Habits.
* Self-reliance and Self-confidence.
* Time Management and Teamwork.
* Decision-Making and Building Trust.
* Positive Thinking and Positive Language.
* Physical Presence and Body Language.
* Anti-Bullying.
* Public Speaking.
Workshop Schedule:
Level 1 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 1 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 14 to 17 October 2023
Level 2 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 2 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 21 to 24 October 2023
Level 3 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 3 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 28 to 31 October 2023
Workshop Location:
Mohammad Abdulmohsen Al kharafi Center - Dasma
Don't miss this opportunity to equip your child with the skills they need to thrive in today's world. Secure your child's spot today!
To register or for more information, please contact:
Call or WhatsApp: +965-99306665
Invest in your child's future. Join the ILC Youth Leadership Program and watch them grow into confident, capable leaders.
Best regards,
Youlead team
* #YouthLeadership #LeadershipSkills #YouthEmpowerment #LeadersOfTomorrow #LeadershipDevelopment #YouthEmpower #FutureLeaders #YouthPotential #Empowerment #YouthImpact #LeadershipProgram #YouthDevelopment #SkillsForLife #YouthInspiration #EmpowerYouth #LeadershipJourney #YouthAchievement #PersonalGrowth #LeadershipTraining #YouthSuccess #kuwait #khalidalqoud #ILCYouthLeadership #ILCYouthProgram #ILCYL #YouthWorkshop #YouthSeminar #YouthTraining #YouthEmpowermentWorkshop
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mozaikharapan · 1 year
Hidup hanya sekali
Saat ikut kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Dompet Dhuafa beberapa tahun silam. Saya bersama beberapa penerima manfaat Youlead (Young Leader) mengikuti beberapa rangkaian kegiatan di Bogor-Jakarta.
Kami mengikuti banyak materi kepemimpinan saat itu, salah satunya dari Gubernur Anies Baswedan.
Selain itu ada banyak pemateri lain dengan beragam kepakarannya. Namun ada satu saat itu yg berprofesi sebagai penulis, kebetulan dia masih menjadi mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Menariknya dia sudah banyak menerbitkan buku. Itu yg berkesan bagi saya dan menjadi inspirasi utk melakukan hal yg sama.
Dan sampai sekarang ada satu kutipan yang masih saya ingat dan selalu saya gunakan di setiap kali mengisi materi di beberapa organisasi kampus.
"Hidup hanya sekali, jangan biarkan pergi tanpa memberi arti."
Kutipan itu begitu bermakna bagi saya, tapi kutipan aslinya bukan "hidup hanya sekali, tapi muda hanya sekali..."
Meskipun begitu sebenarnya sama saja, muda ataupun hidup kita di dunia ini hanya sekali. Kalaupun nanti dihidupkan kembali, kita sudah berbeda alam.
Apapun bentuk kontribusi kita, sekecil apapun itu, tidak akan sia-sia, pasti punya arti. Jadi, jangan pernah menyia-nyiakan masa muda kita, hidup kita, berikanlah arti.
Sebab dalam hadist, rasul pernah bilang, sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, "Khairunnas anfa'uhum linnas."
Dwiki Sandy
Penulis ebook BBIJKIMMLU! yang akan segera rilis di akun ini bulan Mei nanti.
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momojaftha · 3 years
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and I couldn't hold back the tears🥺 #youlead https://www.instagram.com/p/CWdpb2cKQrfkSap_s_Wy4WyFW-X3xARSIPs4tY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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easycups · 3 years
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We bet you agree! Switch to Menstural Cups for periods free of rashes❤ #EasyCups #celebratingwomanhood #menstrualcupskaafieasyhai #menstrualcups #menstrualcup #sustainable #happyperiods #environmentallyfriendly #youleadgirls #youlead #makethechange #sport #periods #periodcare #rashfree #swimming #beach #celebratingwomanhood #womenpower #menstrualcup #sustainablefashion #lifestyle #follow #followforfollowback #instagood #photooftheday #igdaily #igers #instapic #instagood #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ0AuEeM3lF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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asonflower · 6 years
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Fixing to be at the feet of Jesus y'all! #youlead #lutz #idlewildbaptistchurch
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impactng · 5 years
NGO trains 10,000 youths in $15m agric project
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Cuso, an international development organisation has trained over 10,000 Nigerian youths in its 15 million Canadian dollar Youth Leadership Entrepreneurship Access and Development (YOULEAD) Project. Cuso Country Representative, Ebrima Sonko, made this known at its YOULEAD Learning and Sharing Forum in Abuja on Wednesday. YOULEAD is a five year project, implemented by Cuso, in partnership with Cross River State Government and other partners, and funded by the Canadian Government through Global Affairs Canada. Sonko said that of the 10,000 youths that had been trained, the organisation had assisted 3,500 to be gainfully engaged. He said that the project, which was being implemented in Cross River, was meant to create a supportive platform for young people to have access to information on value chains, training opportunities and employment information. He said that while the project was streamlined to Cross River, it accommodated all eligible youths from different parts of the country, residing in Cross River. “The project value is 15 million Canadian dollars and it is funded by the Canadian government through Global Affairs Canada. “Our interventions are at different levels, the technical training on entrepreneurship and more than 10,000 youths have been trained and out of that, 3500 have been put on jobs to ensure they started something. “I am sure you are wondering what happens to the gap. “We do not have the financing means to put everybody in business and not all the people that you train are actually  meant for entrepreneurship but the good thing is that once they have that orientation, they go ahead to start their own business,” he said. The country representative disclosed that the project, which was due to wrap up in December, had impacted tremendously on the lives of the youths from surveys carried out so far. “The programme started some five years back to respond to the key issues we found in our analysis in Cross River, including high level of unemployment. “That was the bad part, the better part is that Cross River is naturally endowed with vegetation and we thought that was an advantage. “So we thought that a programme that will look at youth employment within the natural resource sector will be a good way to approach the challenges in the state.” On getting youths to key into the project in view of supposed youths’ apathy to agriculture, Sonko said it was true that young people did not like agriculture. He, however, noted that the problem was more of lack of orientation on potential and opportunities that abound in the agriculture value chain. According to him, agriculture is not limited to farming but encompasses processing, marketing and distribution among others. “We know clearly that young people are not lazy people, they want to do something. “When we called for young people to apply to work with us, we received good response. “The only problem is that they do not know exactly what they want to do. They do not know how to do it, the opportunity is not there and all of that. “That is why our first training was not straight into business. To change their mindset, we started off by letting them know that they have to start and pull through gradually. “We also told them they have to be dedicated to know the principles of entrepreneurship. “Then we put them through in technical training in the area they want to work and attached them to the right people and financing institutions so that they can get some funding. “This programme will be ending in December. It was meant to end in March but then the donor extended it by six months so that we can responsibly close this project.” Sonko said the project was meant to focus on the natural resource sector while narrowing to the agricultural sector. According to him, youths have been trained in the various value chains in poultry, cassava, palm fruit and other agricultural areas. On the Learning and Sharing Forum, Sonko said it was meant to share lessons from the project, stimulate discussions on sustainable and inclusive youth employment and entrepreneurship. Ms Sophie Price, the Canadian High Commission First Secretary and Senior Development Officer, Development and Corporation Section, said the Canadian Government was graciously funding the project in view of its expected impact. She said while the challenge of unemployment among the youth and particularly the women was real, it was not insurmountable. According to her, with the right environment and necessary support, Nigerian youths will surpass expectations, adding that “Nigerian youths have creativity and ingenuity”. She called for women mainstreaming, saying “women are disproportionately affected by poverty. There should be inclusiveness for women and children.” Mrs Ibironke Olubamise, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), National Coordinator for the Global Environment Facility Programme said it was time youth entrepreneurship was taken seriously. She encouraged youths to embrace entrepreneurship, saying, “this is where the world is going”. “The advantages of green economy are enormous and the first thing is the desire to make a change and to live a meaningful life. “If any youth is ready to live a meaningful life and not wait for white collar job, that gives such a person an open mind to explore opportunities.” On youths not finding agriculture interesting because it is perceived dirty, the coordinator said, “there is no job that does not have its good and ugly side. “As it stands agriculture is our future as a country. If you get your hands dirty, you can also get it clean and then smile to the bank. “Waiting for white collar jobs will get you frustrated and when it comes, if it comes at all, they cannot pay you what you are worth. “Farming for instance has even gone beyond getting hands dirty. You can go into mechanised farming, partnerships, processing, sale and marketing and all that. The opportunities abound.” While commending the Federal Government for its interventions in youth empowerment, she called for a national plan on youth entrepreneurship with emphasis on environmental management. She urged government to do more in the area of power, road and all the needed infrastructure to boost agriculture and encourage entrepreneurship. Olubamise said with proper plan and the political will, Nigeria would be able to make the needed change and provide the needed support, particularly to the youths. Read the full article
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bbdesigncosplay · 5 years
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I hope you ask yourself this more than just today, but it’s a start! Let’s hear them in the comments! . #cosplayselfcare #cosplaymotivation #cosplayquestion #instagrammotivation #selfcare #tkdgirl #martialartist #youlead (at Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwITIbjbZP/?igshid=1np48bkya8ghu
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thejnlc · 2 years
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The outcomes of the AfCFTA Youth Day will inform the discussions of the Africa Industrialization Week, especially issues to do with barriers that hinder youth from fully participating in the trade and industrialization agenda of Africa. It shall also help formulate an outcome document with five key action areas from the youth, meant to be shared during the African Industrialization Week 2022 in Niamey, Niger. Today is the AfCFTA Youth Day & YOULEAD Summit 2022 Launch Theme: Young People as Stimulants for a Sustainable and Prosperous Continent, Through Trade and Industrialization #HappeningNow #AfCFTAYouthDay #YouLead22 Launch at Kampala Serena Hotel, Katonga Hall #TheJNLC #YouLead (by AfCFTA Youth Advisory Council) (at Kampala Serena International hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckvqzpwq9L6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kasiitamark · 3 years
By Muganga Mark Kasiita (Twitter @Kasiitamark) Power to You(th), She Leads, and We Lead are Dutch funded programmes that are currently being implemented in Uganda. These programmes aim at; promoting and upholding the rights of young people in all their diversities; creating awareness on the harmful practices including Female Genital Mutilation, Child marriage, teenage pregnancies, and SGBV;…
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khalidalqoud · 1 year
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Dear Parents and Family of Youlead,
We are thrilled to announce that the ILC Youth Leadership Program is now open for registration! This dynamic workshop is designed to empower young minds kinds aged 7 to 11 and youth age 12 to 18 with essential life skills and leadership qualities. With three levels tailored to different age groups, our program aims to nurture effective communication, self-confidence, teamwork, and more.
Program Highlights:
* Effective Communication Tools and Habits.
* Self-reliance and Self-confidence.
* Time Management and Teamwork.
* Decision-Making and Building Trust.
* Positive Thinking and Positive Language.
* Physical Presence and Body Language.
* Anti-Bullying.
* Public Speaking.
Workshop Schedule:
Level 1 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 1 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 14 to 17 October 2023
Level 2 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 2 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 21 to 24 October 2023
Level 3 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 3 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 28 to 31 October 2023
Workshop Location:
Mohammad Abdulmohsen Al kharafi Center - Dasma
Don't miss this opportunity to equip your child with the skills they need to thrive in today's world. Secure your child's spot today!
To register or for more information, please contact:
Call or WhatsApp: +965-99306665
Invest in your child's future. Join the ILC Youth Leadership Program and watch them grow into confident, capable leaders.
Best regards,
Youlead team
* #YouthLeadership #LeadershipSkills #YouthEmpowerment #LeadersOfTomorrow #LeadershipDevelopment #YouthEmpower #FutureLeaders #YouthPotential #Empowerment #YouthImpact #LeadershipProgram #YouthDevelopment #SkillsForLife #YouthInspiration #EmpowerYouth #LeadershipJourney #YouthAchievement #PersonalGrowth #LeadershipTraining #YouthSuccess #kuwait #khalidalqoud #ILCYouthLeadership #ILCYouthProgram #ILCYL #YouthWorkshop #YouthSeminar #YouthTraining #YouthEmpowermentWorkshop
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bran-ridire · 3 years
Or... How, how in pluperfect hell is there not a good TRANSFORMERS CRPG? Okay so actually I just pitched an outline at a friend and now you have to read it, too, because it’s needs to leave my head now... I’m typing this out in a hurry, so, if you can’t take shit grammar and typos, scroll on by. So, prologue, you’re an autobot, out in the middle of nowhere, I don’t know, you crashed, you were left for dead by Decepticons, it doesn’t really matter, we just need a vehicle, if you will, to start the story with you on the outs. So you are in podunk nowhere and the only form to copy is an old jalopy, up on blocks and hardly worthy of a hero, but, what can you do? You get into a fight with some Decepticons, and when you eventually win, GIJOE! (so Hasbro can remind you it has other intellectual properties to exploit) rescue you, take you in and patch you up, in exchange for your help, stopping oddly increasing Decepticon and COBRA attacks.  As an Autobot you can’t hurt humans but the joes help hook you up with non lethal solutions (that you have to balance with your Decepticon busting gear). Eventually you meet Bumblebee, who’s leading some Autobots who are also trying to protect Earth, but trying to not get too tangled up with the GI Joes. Anyway this half the of the game is mostly open world, as you work on leveling up and unlocking new talent trees as well as building up your standing with the Autobots or GI Joes to get better gear, not to mention exploring the world looking for new forms to take, from exciting racing bikes to corgo helicopters, eventually to prototype military gear for the end game. No matter who you do more work for, the Autobots or the Joes, you eventually uncover the truth, COBRA and the Decepticons aren’t just using the others activity as a smokescreen, no... STARSCREAM has sided with COBRA, Starscream feeling MEgatron is taking too long to drag the Decepticons to glory.  Sure, it’s clear they are using each other, but what the hell, for now it’s convenient. WELL you have to get the Autobots and the Joes to work together and youlead them against this threat, but victory is denied you, when you reach starscream, Megatron ions you in the back, and makes you watch him brutally murder Starscream.  but he spares your life and even leaves you with an upgrade, for leading him to uncover this plot by his second in command. (the close of this half of the game also unlocks decepticon skins for you to wear if you so choose) The Second half of the game drops open exploration and questing, as you race to stop Megatron on Cyberton.  As you race through the stars to return to Cybertron and restore order this has more Michael Bay, metal grinding action than plot, but... It’s unavoidable these days. When Megatron is destoyed you can return to free exploration but now you have more planets to see! Not to mention you have three Perfect DLCs First, since Beast Wars is a love it or hate it side of the property, there’d be a Beast Wars related DLC, that adds some animal forms, and eventually animal fusions to the world for you to find / create.  new talent trees more suited to animal forms, AND adds predacons to Starscreams forces. DLC2 would be more for the Borderlands crowd, slapstick and tongue n cheek humour abound as you try to stop a strange new threat arises on Junkion and it’s up to you to not only save the day, but help the scrap bots make something more than an ass of themselves on the galactic stage. Maybe there’d be a a way to either impress or upset the Junkbots, giving you zaney upgrades and junky appearances if you impress them, but cross them and they join the random encounter table. DLC 3?  Well this is more for the lovecraftian crowd.  you have to stop UNICRON cultist from awakening the planet eater, but you’ll have to make hard choices as you try to prevent the return of the Lord of Chaos. If you end up breaking your vow to protect life as you slay the sentient cultist, maybe Optimus will forgive you, but Autobot Purist are added to the random encounter table. OR if you find a better way to save the universe. cultist join the RET, either way, these forces would be powerful foes.
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easycups · 3 years
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We emphasize this always, you should know your body well. Keep following @easy_cups_ for many more such facts and informative posts. #EasyCups #menstrualcupskaafieasyhai #celebratingwomanhood #menstrualcups . . . . . . . . . . #sustainable #happyperiods #environmentallyfriendly #youleadgirls #youlead #makethechange #sport #periods #periodcare #rashfree #swimming #beach #celebratingwomanhood #womenpower #menstrualcup #sustainablefashion #lifestyle #follow #followforfollowback #instagood #photooftheday #igdaily #igers #instapic #instagood #menstralcup https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlRgfrgkRX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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asonflower · 5 years
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#thecostofgrace #youlead #worthit https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VTy00gPqzCGsMKemoa3UJFZNjAdIwk_MZVdk0/?igshid=319occi8otax
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