ellynneversweet · 2 years
Mercy Thompson books: magic is leeching out of the world and the various supernatural creatures have lost a lot of power. Ariana is one of the last surviving great fae.
Silver (set in something like 300CE?, featuring Bran’s horrible mother/Samuel’s horrible grandmother and Ariana’s awful father making a brief, unholy alliance):
“What it holds someone can take,” the hobgoblin agreed. “Can you stop that?”
“No.” She was powerful but not as powerful as some. To lay such locks on the artifact that no one could break it open was beyond her. And it would be unwise, even if she could. If it did nothing but sit in the cottage and steal magic from the fae that passed near it—eventually it would eat all magic and concentrate it in the lump of silver that fit into her hand. She didn’t know how much the metal could hold—but an explosive release more would be destructive on a scale she could almost not comprehend. Not as horrible as what would happen if it was able to hold all of the magic indefinitely—without magic, all life would cease.
“But I can make it so the magic it collects dissipates back to the Heart of Magic.” The Heart of Magic was the center of the world. Magic held in the Heart did not come readily to anyone’s hand but caused the wind to blow and the rain to fall. Ariana smiled fiercely at her little friend.
…that seems to me like Ariana was the person what did it (the magic fading). No wonder the [REDACTED] in Wild Sign is a big deal.
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ilovecats100 · 2 months
Bran stark is my baby. Litterly hate everyone that told me they didn't like him and that he was boring and whatever else. He's SEVEN. HE LOVES TO CLIMB, HE LOVES HIS MOM AND DAD AND THEY BOTH LOVE HIM SO MUCH, AND HE LOVES THE KINGSGAURD, AND HE WANT TO BE A KNIGHT. And now he can't.
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
GRRM Loves Convoluted Succession
Stark Succesion
Bran is technically heir to Winterfell except he is believed to be dead and cannot father children/heirs.
Which would make Rickkon heir to Winterfell, but he is also believed to be dead.
So Sansa is heir to the North, but she has been disinherited due to marrying into the Lannister family. However, if Tyrion is believed to be dead then she could potentially be restored to succession as the Northerners know her Lannister marriage is the only reason she was removed from the line of succession.
Though if that never comes to pass, then Arya is heir, but she is also believed to be dead.
Ah, and Jon has been legitimized by Robb, which makes Jon heir to the North, but only if the Northmen come out of the war victorious with a Stark monarch. Because only a King can legitimize a bastard (and whether or not Robb was a proper King is debatable and depends on if the North successfully achieves independence). Not to mention how Jon’s Targaryen blood could further complicate things.
Targaeryan Succession
If Young Griff can actually prove he is Aegon son of Rhaegar, then he would be heir to the iron throne (never mind the Targaryen’s were usurped). However, Rhaegar and his children were taken out of the line of succession and Viserys was made Aerys heir (whether or not this is valid who knows).
If it is valid, then that means Daenerys’ claim is the best. Plus, she can actually prove she’s who she says she is, and more importantly she has dragons and possibly lots of powerful backers in the near future.
Jon would have a solid claim if Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, except even if they were no one would see that marriage as valid (the show was so dumb for that). Because Rhaegar had consummated his marriage to Elia and produced heirs with her. Ah, but if Young Griff is a Blackfyre then Jon’s claim would potentially still be better than his. Also, regardless of his bastardly, if Jon were to become consort to Daenerys that could strengthen both their claims and Young Griff would be in a very poor position politically if they did so.
Lannister Succession
Jaime would be heir to Casterly Rock, except that he is a member of King’s Guard and cannot hold lands or titles. However, he could potentially be released from his King’s Guard vows (due to the precedent set by releasing Barristen Selmy), and in that case he would be heir to Casterly Rock.
Tyrion would be next in line in Lannister succession, except that he is a kinslayer and for all intents and purposes an exile with no real claim. Unless of course the throne was usurped again, and the new monarch restored Tyrion as heir to Casterly Rock.
As it stands right now, Cersei is the rightful Lady of Casterly Rock. However, as stated above, that is likely subject to change once she no longer possesses the Iron Throne. Plus, if Jaime were released from his vows he could challenge her claim (he probably wouldn’t, but who knows).
Greyjoy Succession
So technically Theon is the heir to the Iron Isles, except that he is believed to be dead, was presumably passed over in favour of Asha, and cannot produce heirs himself.
Which leaves Asha with the best claim. Except that a Kingsmoot was called (fuck you very much for that Aeron) and Euron was declared King of the Iron Isles.
Except, that due to the fact that Theon is actually alive (and has the best-ish claim) but was not allowed to press his claim at the Kingsmoot, that makes the Kingsmoot, well, moot. Seeing as Theon is alive and was not allowed to be “voted for” so to speak. Making Euron’s claim via the Kingsmoot invalid. Also, it’s already tricky enough for a brother to press a claim against a daughter, but for a brother to press a claim against a daughter and a son is a hell of a lot harder. Especially when your whole claim relied on, A) a man having more rights than a woman, and B) a one night popularity contest. Still, he’s a King as of now and will be hard-pressed to give it up.
Victarion… lmfao
Aeron. This is even more pathetic somehow.
Martell Succession
Arrianne was heir to Dorne, but then (presumably) she was betrothed to Viserys with the intent being for her to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But Viserys died, which means she is again first in line for Dorne.
Quentyn was (presumably) meant to rule Dorne until Viserys died and he was pushed back in succession.
Tully Succession
Edmure is now Lord of Riverrun, except that he has no heir. So if for some reason he and his wife Roslin Frey die before they have children, then one of Catelyn’s kids would be heir to Riverrun (as she is the next in line due to seniority, but dead herself).
Arryn Succession
Robert Arryn of course, has the best claim, but if he doesn’t make it to the end of the series then Harry the Heir is next up. And who knows who would be next after him.
Baratheon Succession
As Robert and Renly are dead, Stannis is definitively Lord of Storm’s End. However, he only has one heir, Shireen. Who GRRM has confirmed will die, likely quite soon. Which leaves Stannis without an heir.
As such, Stannis could legitimize one of Robert’s bastard, probably Edric Storm. Since he has two high born parents, that like Shireen, are a Baratheon father and a Florent mother respectively.
However, that hinges on Edric Storm making it out of the series alive, because if he doesn’t, then the claim to Storm End’s is going to be a bloody free-for-all between all of Robert’s bastards, cousins and other relatives. And at this point the realm can’t survive too much more in-fighting.
The Tyrells are the only ones who have their shit together. For now.
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lady-green-sleeves · 1 year
Maybe the real azor azai was the friends we made along the way💕
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direwolfrules · 10 months
The Weirwood Queen Memes Part 7: I’m running out of quippy titles, much like how the Eyrie ran out of food
Spoilers for The Weirwood Queen series by @redwolf17. Go check it out, if I’ve made seven meme posts about a fanfic then it’s probably good. Unless you like show-based bashing fics. This is a book-based fic with no bashing (the Cersei stuff isn’t bashing, it’s just in character).
Part 6
Part 5 - has links to all previous parts, I’m too lazy to link all of them again.
Master Post
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hellgram · 9 months
also with all the damage the show did to jon's reputation as a good northern lad and wildling i hope germ comes out with like. yeah he's rhaegar and lyanna's son and the name she gave him while bleeding out on the birthing bed alone but for her big brother holding her hand in a tower with no way to know that baby aegon had been murdered leaving the title of Egg 6 up for grabs was like. howland.
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wholelottawidows · 1 year
"he is my son! my first son!" </3
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springs-hurts · 2 months
They are not strong, she told herself, so I must be their strength. I must show no fear, no weakness, no doubt. However frightened my heart, when they look upon my face they must see only Drogo’s queen. She felt older than her fourteen years. If ever she had truly been a girl, that time was done.
A clash of kings, George R.R.Martin.
Aw man this line hurts! She was just a kid.
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asoiafreadthru · 4 months
A Game of Thrones, Tyrion III
“You might send young Snow. He would be glad for a chance to see his brothers.”
Mormont frowned through his thick grey beard. “Snow? Oh, the Stark bastard.
“I think not. The young ones need to forget the lives they left behind them, the brothers and mothers and all that. A visit home would only stir up feelings best left alone.
“I know these things. My own blood kin…my sister Maege rules Bear Island now, since my son’s dishonor. I have nieces I have never seen.” He took a swallow.
“Besides, Jon Snow is only a boy.”
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daenerysoftarth · 1 year
It would be kinda cool if Jon was a bastard, ie Rhaegar and Lyanna were never married and Rhaegar for some reason never *acknowledged* Jon as a potential heir, because then the next gen of Targaryens would end up mirroring the Blackfyre rebellions with the two most likely candidates being the supposedly trueborn heir Aegon and Daenerys who’s another trueborn vs the supposedly bastard son Jon
at least for Dany vs Jon, I don’t ever see them as being truly antagonistic towards each other because their stories parallel so much. but I wonder if there will ever be a battle between Aegon and (resurrected) Jon future books
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rosaluxembae · 2 years
I think Young Griff is going to have difficulties convincing people who he says he is and it's going to set up Bran having the same difficulties. If he can convince the general opinion then it gives precedent for Bran, if he can't then people are more likely to consider him as just another pretender magically coming back from the dead. Bran still might be able to convince them with better people to vouch for him but I guess they'd be extra resistance.
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volfoss · 2 months
Like genuinely Catelyn is making me lose my mind. Women who are in such a precarious position and I love them forever
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Its just me or this guy is a Canon Ensemble Dark Horse?
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doverstar · 1 year
suffered through a rewatch of Power of Three and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship last night and I wanted to scream the entire time. I am nobody and have never run a 60-year-old television show. but. Chris Chibnall does not know how to write. he is bad at it. he is bad at it. who gave him control of the entirety of Doctor Who? why? he had Amy narrate the first and last scenes of Power of Three like she's in some kind of early-2000's romcom because he doesn't know how to write dialogue or how to show-not-tell. the last line of Power of Three sounds like a preteen who has no idea how to end her oneshot fanfic and I know this because I have been one and I would never have let 12-year-old me write a single episode of an actual show on tv. the Silurians are a crutch. the Doctor got sucked into a Wii game? Kate Lethbridge-Stewart has zero personality outside of the Brigadier. Brian is an empty, emotional-exposition robot. who let this man run the entire show for years, I want names and addresses-
#I don't CARE if rtd or moffat genuinely think he did a good job#they've been wrong before#I don't CARE that I am nobody#I have been a bad writer before#I am still in many ways a bad writer#I can SPOT a bad writer. his episodes REEK#and I can't imagine his work as the showrunner was suddenly magically better#go back and watch those drippy interviews with him as a young member of the official DW fanclub back in the day#it's PAINFUL#he is SO pompous and SO critical and CLEARLY thinks only he really knows the good Doctor Who or how to write it and what it's LACKING#and then he goes and tries to force it in every chance he gets to write for the real thing#but it's like he has no idea how to write for an individual character or how to be subtle or how to transition from emotion to action?#the dialogue alone is torture#Amy and the Doctor could literally be ANYONE in their conversations he writes#the only good part of Po3 is the “before they flare and fade” and truthfully I'd be surprised if that piece wasn't Moffat's because it's-#-too much sentimental poetry not to be. doesn't sound like chibnall at all#and hi - dinosaurs on a spaceship can be FUN if you were a good writer but you are not. you make everything bland#you're kix cereal sir. you are the plain oatmeal of doctor who writers#you're worse than that. you're the bran muffin of doctor who writing#how can anyone have fun with Doctor Who if they're unable to relate to or care about the CHARACTERS?#GARBAGE.#chibnall#chris chibnall#anti chibnall#doctor who#dw#bbc#the doctor#eleventh doctor#eleven
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ellynneversweet · 1 year
Me, dangling a fic carrot in front of my brain so I might (might) daydream it into fruition: what if Adam and Wellesley, hanging out in the early 70s shooting the shit re: PTSD management techniques and also the best way to blow up the side of a mountain.*
*Bran has to repeatedly stress that these are two seperate and entirely distinct categories of activity, please, do not blow up my territory.
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theredquill · 10 months
the different vibes of my asoiaf fics
of being reckless and young ( how damage gets done ) : a song of love triangles and ghosts
we’re in love : a song of pretending to be dead and love songs
i will never die : a song of blood sacrifices and lore
passarine : a song of prophecy and bisexuality
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