#young baji x reader
zerokurokawa · 4 months
hello! your one shot about young baji was amazing and i like it a lot, could you write please one shot how young baji confessed his love and how they kissed for the first time
Confessions | Young!Baji x Reader
Baji and you were sitting on the apartment roof of his complex one night - stargazing as you both normally did on Friday nights. Tonight was especially different, since Baji had been extra clingy and careful with you the entire night.
"What's up with you?" You decided to randomly ask, as he was acting really strange since the evening began. He just stared at you with what seems like pure bliss on his face. He was planning something and you had a gut feeling about it.
"Come on," you pestered into him further, "just tell me what's on your mind? You've been acting strange since we got up here…" You trailed off as he looked away, staring at the stars.
"Y/n?" He said, calling your name as if he wanted to say something.
"How do you feel about me?" He asked. You sat for a second and pondered the question. Of course, you liked Baji. You thought he was cute, funny, and wild- spirited which made things interesting when it came to him. You never had a boring day with Baji and that was for one thing certain in your life.
"I like you…" You began to say, slightly blushing as you weren't sure what he had meant by how one feels towards another.
"I mean like, do you like me, like that?" He asked, grinning ear to ear as he could see the blush creeping upon your cheeks. You looked away, trying to hide your affection and true feelings towards him out of slight embarrassment.
"I do… honestly." You finally answered after a few moments of silence.
"Good, cause I had a feeling for a minute that you didn't like me back." He smiled, leaning in closer and nudging your shoulder. He was teasing you at this point.
You both looked back at the stars and within a moment of brief silence, Baji spoke up again.
"Have you had your first kiss?" He asked, a small hint of curiosity in his eyes.
"No… Why? Have you?" He shook his head no at your question.
"Say, y/n, since we like each other," he leaned in closer to whisper, "Why don't we give each other our first kisses?"
You blushed and turned away out of instinct. You wanted to kiss Baji, but you wanted your first kiss to be something important, something meaningful. You shrugged away those thoughts of doubt when it came to the clarity of him, though. Turning back towards him, you give him a small nod.
Baji leans in, slowly at first, keeping in mind that this was both of your first kisses and he wanted to make it special.
Slowly, and cautiously, he cupped your chin and brought your face closer to his, tilting his head. Your faces were now only inches apart, and Baji closed the gap.
You two kissed for what seemed like eternity under the stars as he slowly begins to pull away.
"Y/n, I'm glad you feel this way about me because I've wanted to tell you for a long time that I liked you…" He trailed off, his face still close enough to your to where you could feel his breath upon your lips.
"I like you too, Kei." He smiled at his little nickname that you gave him.
Soon, the night was over and your mother was calling you home. Baji walked you home and held your hand every step of the way. Once you got to your door, he quickly pecked you once more on the lips and said his goodbyes.
You couldn't stop thinking about Baji that entire night and now, with your new boyfriend, you were exploding with happiness.
(A/N: I hope you like it! I wrote it after working all night so I'm a little tired <3 all the loves to you!!)
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metranart · 5 months
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Mikey/Draken/Baji/Mitsuya/Shinichiro x Reader (Shameless Gangbang Tease)
𖦹 Warning tags: Gang members x Reader, smut, rough sex, shameless smut, five x one, glorious orgasms, creampie, cumplay, breeding, explicit sexual consent, sexual tension, obsession, possessive behavior, five boyfriends to eat, shameless flirting, unprotected sex, breeding kink, breast feeding kink, deepthroat kink, friends to lovers, blowjobs, hair pulling, scratching, consensual fivesome, boys sickly in love with reader (must of this tags belong to the complete story) -
Your dreams were getting worse every day and you knew when it all started. Somehow, these boys just made you awfully and embarrassingly, nervous.
"Some close friends of my brother are going to start working here with us for a while, (Y/N), is that okey with ya?” 
Shinichiro had asked you with a soft and friendly smile on his lips. "They are all gang members like I was when I was young,” the black-haired scratched nervously at his nape, “but now that everyone is going to university, they maintain the gang more so as not to lose contact with all the members than other thing—I mean… they no longer break the law….”
You shrugged without turning to look at him, focused on finishing screwing the piece together. 
"This is your workshop, Shinichiro; I have no say in that." 
It still makes your cheeks burn to remember how uncomfortable your crotch felt when your boss's warm and strong hand suddenly took you by the face so that you had to look him in the eye.
"But of course you have a say in this, (Y/N)!" 
The eldest Sano gaze shone with so much intention you could swear your heart skip a beat, his thumb absentmindedly caressing the side of your chin, as he was so used to invade your personal space since both had been working together for over three years by now. 
"You are my most valuable employee, you have never taken a day off, you have never been sick, you are never late, you are outstandingly kind and polite to the clients and you always have a smile for me...-" somehow the air entering your lungs wasn’t enough right then, "...that is very valuable to me, and making you comfortable has become one of my priorities." Shinichiro assured you, and you felt like hitting yourself for stuttering when replying.
"I-I don't mind, Shini, really." You did your best to put yourself together quickly, clearing your throat to disguise the gentle pull to free yourself from his greedy grip. "I mean, I already know Mikey and Izana, I get along with both of them just fine,” you reminded him, “I'm sure I'll get along with the rest just as well."
Shinichiro stared at you with that look that indicated he was analyzing you, trying to guess if you were lying to him to please him or if you really didn't mind, after a minute of scrutiny he decided that you were telling the truth.
His smile was almost blinding and the hug he wrapped you in felt even more asphyxiating that it usually did, and although it made you extremely happy to be able to please him in this small thing, how you regretted not having put up more resistance.
You and Mikey's friends started working side by side and you're not sure when it started, but once it did it didn't stop...your dreams became relentless.
At first, it was one dream a week, then one every other day and then daily. Your dreams were innocent and even funny. The next day you came pumped into the workshop to tell them about the comical situation in which you dreamed them. 
Draken and Baji used to be the ones who bothered you the most about it, mocking good-heartedly and making everyone share a healthy laugh that lasted till the end of a hard labored day… but one morning you stopped sharing and even when they noticed it, didn’t say anything about it. 
Sooner, your cute dreams turned to the dark side, or rather, towards the most obscene and lewdest side. Now full of naked bodies and slap of flesh against flesh, you could even hear the sound with your eyes open, as if it were a cacophony that followed you around.
PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! — sounded every time your thighs collided with theirs, tangled and stuck in so, so, SO many sexual positions, making you wonder when you acquired so much knowledge of the variety of ways your body could twist while taking cock.
“Ya feeling okay, hun?" Mitsuya had asked you, out of the blue, wearing a worried grimace, as if he had been watching you instead of watching the motorcycle he was fixing, "… your cheeks are awfully red, perhaps you have a fever..." the lilac-haired commented with some concern. 
"It’s not a fever,” Draken was the one who answered him since his large, cool palm had landed on your forehead without your permission, “but she's certainly especially flushed today, maybe you’re overworking yourself, princess?”
The owner of the dragon tattoo wondered using that petname that made you weak on the knees and before you could start searching for an acceptable answer outside of 'my crotch is on fire, I need professional help and I don't mean a psychiatrist', Mikey stole your hand in his and cheekily placed it on top of his cheek.
"Her hand is also hot," the young Sano accused, using your limp palm to caress his face as if it were a soft cloth. 
"Her cheeks have been that color for months now," Baji interjected slowly stepping closer, wiping the grease from his hands before even dare to grace your skin, and even when you thought about dodging his palm which headed straight for your cheek, you couldn’t move. "I think, the one who can best tell us if this is normal is Shinichiro—"
Agreeing on the subject, that for some unknown reason to you was messing up their peace of mind, your boss was called out by the young Sano who didn't care that his older brother was dealing with a client at the time.
“I’m busy,” mouthed the older Sano to his younger version, and Mikey barely had to motion his chin towards you to have Shinichiro apologizing to the client. Shinichiro's features were creased but as soon as he noticed your heated face and tight posture, all scolding evaporated.
"Is it normal for (Y/N)’s face to be that beat-red, Oni-san?" asked Mikey who refused to stop using your hand as a comfort blanket, "I mean, you know her better than us, should we be worried?"
The Elder Sano's attention fell without distraction on you and soon that of the others followed, the anxiety in your head shot like a champagne cork at feeling of their scorching and piercing gazes set on you, and shaking them almost violently away from you, you stated in the least high-pitched voice you could conjure.
"I'm fine! God!" you failed miserable, your voice didn't sound right, "...you all can return to your activities… or-r leave, since it’s past six."
And with that poorly disguised outburst, you turned on your heels, ignoring the worried cries and calls for your attention, took your things and almost ran out of there. Thankfully, it had already been half an hour since the closing time but without a doubt your strange attitude would not pass ignored by that quintet of meddlers. That night your dreams morphed into something offensively, feral.
This time more than one at a time. Draken holding you against the workshop table while took turns with Baji to stuff your pussy— 
“She’s sucking me in-” the tall blonde groaned, it sounded more like a wounded animal than a human, “I can’t get enough of this pussy.” 
The worst of the dreams was that evoked a thirst in you. A doubt that ate you from the inside out: would they stretch you as well as they did in your dreams? Would they synchronize as precisely as your mind accommodated them? Mikey riding your esophagus while his older brother used your tits as the personal loofah of his cock, Draken greedily filling your wet pussy while Baji stuffed your tight ass, and Mitsuya's long fingers tangled in yours as he guided you over his erect cock, milking himself for cum—And worst of all, you loved every damn second of them using you as their concubine, like a whore who couldn’t have enough. 
In your dreams you did the things you wanted to do in real life, in your dreams you weren’t a shy, awkward girl… you spread your legs for Shinichiro's little brother friend’s, letting them use you as their personal cocksleeve, their glorified cumdump…. You hated it and loved it, all at the same time. 
And without realizing it or being able to control it, the wet dreams became more graphic and aggressive. 
You woke up gasping and scratching the sheets, your body bathed in transpiration and other fluids that left your thighs sticky and forced you to take a daily bath. You hated how flashbacks of your unholy dreams played in front of you, every time they said good morning to you in the workshop, or when they asked you for advice about some repair, or when their hands accidentally graced your skin ... it had turned into the most sublime torture, because even though everyone was already an adult and probably sexually active.... they just made you feel like a schoolgirl again. Out of control and ready to burst by a mere touch.
And, were those devilish dreams that soon made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, forcing you to distance yourself, forcing you to take cold shower before sleep, and even, forcing you to consider the option of quitting your job...
Not even an entire day had passed, when you had Shinichiro ringing the doorbell of your apartment. You opened the door with some strangeness.
"-I told you to tell me if it bothered you to work among gang members, (Y/N)," Shinichiro began without even letting you explain why you hadn't gone to work, "...or is it that I'm not a good boss anymore?" He wondered, half-worried, half-offended.
"Did I disrespect you without realizing it—because if that's the case, I’m SO sorry, it wasn't my intention…" the black-haired man's ramblings were so fast and desperate that you had a hard time finding a space to talk, "... I know you-I thought we were friends, that is to say—I consider you my friend, one of my best friends, I even told you how preciousyou are to-to… to my shop-p...” he didn’t mean to say shop but became a coward when all he could think about was not losing you, “and I'm sure that the others thing the same-"
The tips of your fingers resting on his lips was what finally made his voice fade away. 
“—Why is your first assumption that I quit my job?”
Without a doubt, you were astonished by how well this man in front could read you.
Shinichiro sighed tightly against your fingertips, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine, forcing you to lower your hand and involuntarily take one step away, almost as if his mere presence burned you.
It didn’t pass unnoticed, making him sigh again.
"...As I said, I know you well and although most of the time I seem distracted, I have noticed that you look…. shaken."
You stood quiet, trying to convey to him confidence but failing miserably since your fidgeting hands were proof enough and if he needed more evidence, your foot rapidly tapping against the floor was there to support his statement.
“…… Shaken?” You repeated, trying to make sense of the word. Well, you were shaken but maybe not in the way he thought.
"I'm fine, it doesn't bother me in the least to work among gang members and yes! I also consider you one of my best friends-"
"Then why do you want to leave?" Shinichiro asked without being able to contain himself, ".... I’m really trying here, (Y/N). We're ALL trying hard in the workshop," he said without thinking, "everyone has their own internal fight to not disrespect you, not to cross that thin line," he continued without realizing that his tongue may be revealing secrets that were not his to share, "... you have no idea how difficult it is for us as well. If I told you what I have heard, what I have been told...—" he continued and suddenly you noticed that it wasn't his words that came out of his mouth:
"I feel like I'm on fire, brother" Mikey..., "my mind no longer belongs to me, boss..." Baji..., "you should force us to wear uniforms, those skirts are going to make me cross-eyed," Draken..., "is it perfume or it’s her natural scent? Cause is drivin’ me insane either way," Mitsuya...
"-God! You're so gullible," Shinichiro growled sternly before ruffling his hair between his hands violently, "...just-just…. Just don't leave us, okey? —we'd go crazy." Your boss admitted shame forgotten. 
“The city of Tokyo can’t stand five heartbroken gang members, there would be anarchy..." The eldest Sano joked to lower the tension, to try to save his loose tongue. 
He knew… he had fucked up. He said it all, he couldn't contain himself, he felt it was the only way to keep you, even if he only had one a fifth of you, he accepted it, he would covet that fifth... it would be enough, and suddenly, his huge, deep black eyes pierced your very soul with such seriousness that you almost didn't recognize him.
"-So, what do you think?" He asked and somehow you sensed that wasn't referring to work.
You raised an eyebrow and your mouth prepare to part, but he interrupted you again, "-It's what you think... I'm not talking about work anymore." 
Shinichiro Sano confirmed, and the oxygen got stuck in your chest. Were you hearing correctly or was this another one of your wet dreams?! because without a doubt Shinichiro had not only declared his feelings to you but also those of four other, extremely close people...
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "I know it's sudden but-..." he gathered his courage, "these guys are not only Mikey's family- they are also mine... and none of them could stand to see the other destroyed, so-..."
You waited for him to finish because you still couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"So, we got together to talk, and many truths were told... and we all agreed..." Shinichiro nodded his head, "we wouldn't even feel jealous, I mean, I don't know how this could work but... we just know it can work," he suddenly stopped his speech to scratch his head uncomfortably, "...am I making myself clear or am I just looking like an idiot?"
You grimaced lightly, and he tensed. 
"You're making yourself look like an idiot..." you said after a long silence, that without realizing it was consuming Shinichiro’s mental sanity, ".... but the answer is... yes."
He blinked a few times, and his lips mouthed ‘yes’ without sound, he shook his head and this time he did find his voice. "...Are you sure? We don't want you to feel uncomfortable-"
"I don't feel uncomfortable."
He nodded, and just to prove a point to himself, he dared to do what had wanted to do for almost three years. So, slowly searching your hand with his, those long, elegant fingers played with yours for a moment before tangling like a vine around a trunk.
".... I’m just gonna-” he gulped, “… just don’t move, ‘key?"
Your cheeks heated up and without knowing why you were sharing this uncanny telepathy- you already knew what he wanted. You stood still as ordered, and without wasting a single second he leant towards you without letting go of your hand, his nose bumped yours first and there he waited, giving you one last chance to change your mind….. time's up... feeding time.
His mouth pressed to yours and your heart fluttered inside your chest like a thousand butterflies, his lips were soft but firm in their advance, a clash of nerve endings like fuses lighting up to be consumed by desire and lust accumulated by three years of abstinence. His kiss felt like cold water in an arid desert, his tongue briefly asked for permission and as soon as he got it, danced its way inside like a snake sliding into a rabbit hole, devouring and feeding, leaving only destruction in its wake. 
Panting and overwhelmed, you stared at each other for a long minute. Your knees shook, and Shinichiro had the quickness of mind to wrap his arm around your waist before you fell.
"God! Three years, (Y/N). You're a sadist." He chuckled against your feeble lips, pecking your heaving mouth as if he couldn’t stand to stay away from you for even a second, it warmed your heart, and both stayed there enjoying the closeness.
".... When?" You were the first to speak.
He grinned, mischievously.
“Are you free tomorrow?” He scoffed, kissing the tip of your nose.
"I work at the store tomorrow," you teased, and his smile turned wolfish. "That boss of yours is an ass." 
You agreed and he burst out laughing. "But seriously, Tomorrow is a good day to start."
“…. Start?”
He quirked a raven eyebrow. “Sure, get used to each other, and that kind of stuff. You didn't think we were a bunch of brutes, did you?” you shrugged embarrassed being caught and he snickered, “well, I’m a little offended..." he deadpanned, pretending to be hurt yet that sinful smirk gave him away, "...we want to spoil you first and then,” he held your stare, “then… we’ll stuff you good and eat you for Christmas."
That smirk on his face should have been warning enough....
READ THE WHOLE (8000 word) GANGBANG WITH FEELINGS IN MY PATREON (here you will also find NSFW art of this story) .... Plus, more stories of tokyo revengers and other anime, each with a NSFW illustration from a scene of the story, PLUS! 'Spicy Foreplay tier reward' like: voting poll privilege for future stories, couple pairing selection for the stories and artworks, exclusive smut fanfiction and animation like THIS ONE and my eternal gratitude for your support!!!
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sinfulpanda16 · 8 months
Tokyo Rev Boys on Valentines Day
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Mikey, Takemitchi, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji x fem reader
Takemitchi 💛
Usually you'd be the one spoiling him with hugs, kisses, and gifts. You both love each other so much but Takemitchi feels like he loves you more than you love him so he decided today he was gonna show you how much he loves you.
So that morning he showed up to your door holding your favorite flowers, some snacks, a huge teddy bear, and lots of candy.
"Hey love. Happy Valentines Day." he says with a gummy smile. His cheeks were red, he's never done anything like this before, so he was a little nervous about your reaction.
For you though was the other way around. No one has ever done this for you, so you were really shocked but nevertheless you loved it.
"Taki, you got this all for me?" you ask. You're blushing quite a bit. This really does mean a lot to you and because no one has ever shown you this amount of love, you worried it might not actually be for you.
Takemitchi grunts, "Yes babe but can we go inside? It's all so heavy." You chuckle and let him in. You take him to your room where he puts all your gifts on your bed and before anything else can happen, you pounce into him attacking him with kisses.
You guys land on the bed and he's laughing from feeling ticklish. A playful moment between the two of you and then he goes to kiss your head, "I love you (Y/n). More than words can express." he says with a soft smile.
You return him a soft smile, "I love you too." and for the rest of the day you guys hung out in your room eating all the snacks and candy.
Mikey 💓
He would buy you a ring. He was never much about showing affection but today is an exception. You make him incredibly happy, it's a feeling he hasn't experienced since he was a young boy and meeting you made him realize that life isn't all trash.
You two come home from a date night at a restaurant. You really liked it but that wasn't Mikeys gift for you. As soon as he closed the front door behind him he picks you bridal style. Surprised you squeal and your lips meet his. He takes you upstairs were he sits you on the bed.
"Baby what's up with you?" you giggle.
He smiles softly "I got you something. It's really important."
You watch him pull out a ring, you admire it. It's beautiful and you can see an engraving in it that reads 'Yours Always'. He begins talking, "My love, this entire time you've been with me you've shown me that there can be light in my world. Before you my life has been full of darkness and negativity and I genuinely thought that there was no such thing as good." he smirks, "At least until I've met you. You're the only one that makes me truly happy and I'm so glad I fell in love with you."
You watch him get on his knee and grab your hand, "So know that I belong to you because if it were anyone else, I would still be living in full violence." He puts the ring on you and then kisses it "I love you sweetheart. Thank you."
A few tears escaped but they were happy tears. Thats all you wanted, to make your boyfriend happy. You wrap your arms around him and pull him onto you on the bed.
Draken ❤️‍🔥
He's been teaching how to ride on a motorcycle and now that you've gotten good he bought your very own bike. He couldn't have been prouder of his baby.
After spending a whole day together and gifting you chocolates and a teddy you say your gonna turn in for bed but he holds your hand to keep you from leaving.
"I have one more gift for you." he says smiling softly.
He takes you outside where you find a (f/c) motorcycle with a red ribbon on it. You gasp and ask him, "Baby is that mine?" and when he tells you yes you jump into his arms, peppering him with kisses everywhere.
You tease him, "You didn't steal it did you?"
"No I didn't steal it. I'm not that kind of guy." he says a bit irked.
You laugh and kiss his cheek, "Alright I believe you for now."
He chuckles, "So, wanna take it for a ride?" he asks with a smirk.
You nod your head eagerly and that's how you spent the last minutes of Valentines Day. Speeding down the empty highway with your lover under the starry sky.
Mitsuya 💜
He's always liked Valentine's day. Even when he was single he liked the love in the air, but now he has you to spoil on this day.
Ofc the first thing you wake up to is breakfast in bed where you'll both eat together. He will occasionally feed you and he will ask you want to do today. If you say you want to walk at the park, go to the beach, get a puppy, or go to the moon he will do it. He doesn't care he's at your service today. Even if you don't want to do anything he will still let you know how much you mean to him. If you don't to do any of the chores he will do them himself.
You decided you want to go to a cat cafe so you both get ready and head to the cat cafe.
He opens the door for you to go inside and tells you to sit at a table while he orders his and your drink for you. When he came back with your drink he got you some heart shaped cookies. You swear he can be so cute sometimes. You chat and laugh with him while playing with the cute cats.
This date has been so cute and fluffy you wanted to never forget it so you two asked a kind barista to take a picture of you guys and since then you both had that picture as your wallpaper.
Baji ❤️‍🩹
He never gave a fuck about this holiday, for the longest time he thought it was stupid. However now he has you and there something he wants to get you.
It was 3 am and he dragged you along with him to commit a back alleyway. "Baji what the hell are we doing here?" you ask clearly displeased with him.
He puts a finger on your lips and tells, "Hush baby we don't want to get caught now." Had this been during the day you would've just left, but this alleyway in the dark looks so dangerous.
He manages to unlock the door to the store he's trying to break and heads inside pulling you close to him. You both go deeper and thats when you realize you broke into a pet store.
A few days back you saw this really cute kitten with Baji and you really wanted to adopt her. However you learned just how expensive she is and had to leave her. Those past few days you've been sulking over her and Baji was getting tired of it so he decided he would help you steal it lol.
With his ski mask he grabs the kitten and hands her to you. "Alright baby lets go." he says heading straight towards the back door to his bike, you following behind him and then speed off.
When you two make it back home you lecture him saying he shouldn't steal and what not but you also love him for going that far for you. You kiss him on his cheek and he smirks, "Yeah yeah I love you too."
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
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South Terano☆
Sweet Tyranny
South bf headcanons
Your Instagram while dating South Terano
Kokonoi Hajime☆
Bf headcanons
Your Instagram while dating Kokonoi Hajime
Random idea for @narcjsistx
Haitani Brothers☆
Haitanis little sister
Bf Ran headcanons
Rindou trying to make you jealous
Lover boy Rindou
Ran headcanons
Your Instagram while dating Ran Haitani
Gamer Rindou x needy reader
Rindou with a guitarist gf
Have you ever thought how easy it would be for us to end the other one?
Your Instagram while dating Rindou Haitani
Ryusei Sato☆
RyuseixBaji's cousin
Reader gives Ryusei her scarf
Kazutora Hanemiya☆
Brother Kazutora headcanons
Husband Kazutora headcanons
Kazutora and gangster reader
Your Instagram while dating Kazutora Hanemiya
Kazutora & platonic!reader angst
Chifuyu Matsuno☆
Bf Chifuyu headcanons
Foreign reader
German reader
Takashi Mitsuya☆
Bf Mitsuya headcanons
Foreign reader
Auntie reader?
German reader
Mitsuya and Dancer Reader
Baji Keisuke☆
Big Brother Baji headcanons
Big Bro Baji headcanons 2
Baji oneshot:confession
Bf Baji headcanons
Baji x Venezuelan Japanese reader
Foreign reader
Baji in love
Your Instagram while dating Baji Keisuke
"Get close to Baji's gf" he said...
Baji with Argentinian girl who plays guitar
Baji x rock guitarist reader
German reader
Izana Kurokawa☆
Bf Izana headcanons
Izana x bratty sick reader
Living together with Izana
Izana x Tenjiku Reader angst
Your Instagram while dating Izana Kurokawa
Manjiro Sano☆
Foreign reader
Mikey x female Bengali reader
Too busy
Your Instagram while dating Manjiro Sano
Mikey x ADHD reader
Have you ever thought how easy it would be for us to end the other one?
The Fall Of Icarus
Taiju Shiba☆
Bf headcanons
Dark intimating x sunshine
Taiju with a reader who gives him long nicknames
Taiju x Yuzuha's bsf reader
Shinichiro Sano☆
Pathetic bf x cool gf
Shuji Hanma☆
Hanma bf headcanons
Your Instagram while dating Hanma Shuji
Sanzu Haruchiyo☆
Sanzu oneshot
Draken bf headcanons
Draken x Misa Reader angst
Takemichi Hanagaki☆
Takemichi as a big brother to hyperfem!reader
Kawata twins☆
Your Instagram while dating Nahoya/Souya Kawata
Wakasa Imaushi☆
Young!Wakasa boyfriend headcanons
Have you ever thought how easy it would be for us to end the other one?
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Tenjiku on the beach with Reader
Bonten and y/n at casino
Tokyo rev boys at the early stage of relationship
Foreign Reader, Hanma & Kisaki
Korean reader x TR boys
Fanfic Recommendations
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alicegokugirl · 5 months
Idiot (one shot drable)
pairing - pah-chin x AFAB!reader
warnings - nsfw // minors dni // fatphobic insults //squirting // mentions of milfs // mentions of stepcest in pornography
author's note - my beautiful, underrated pah-chin loves you so much he can't help talking about you all the time. ♡
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Everyone knows that Pah doesn't shut the fuck up about his girlfriend.
No, because it should actually be scientifically studied the way he can turn every single topic of conversation into something about you.
"Man, these pancakes are the best!"
- "My baby's taste way better."
"Fuck, I just know today is going to rain."
- "Better not, girlfriend's got a hair appointment at 2."
"Your bike needs some work, dude."
- "Whatever man, just make the handle pink so it matches m'lady's nails."
The girls love it, thinking it's adorable the way Pah is head over heels with you and wishing their own boyfriends talked about them like that when they weren't around.
On the other hand, the boys had already started developing eye problems from how many times they rolled them.
It might seem contradictory, but no one, not even the dumb ones, ever entertained the thought of telling Pah to shut up for one second.
Because between the ridiculous amount of useless information shared by the loose-lipped blond about your food allergies, your haircare routine and your favourite brand of toothpaste there were some precious gems.
Pah is not dumb at all... but he's definitely stupid.
And it only took someone slightly smarter than him to get him spilling out all the dirty details about your sex life (usually Kazutora).
So when there's nothing else to steal, destroy or graffiti, when the boys are bored out of their minds, Mikey signals to Kazutora to bring out the porn mag they stole from Shinichiro sometime ago.
And with a loud, exaggerated sigh and a purposeful slam of the magazine against a nearby low table, story time begins and the all the young men gather around.
"Shit- This one is hot." Kazutora points at the wrinkled page that illustrated an older woman getting pounded from behind by a younger man.
"Stop with the fucking milfs nobody likes them except you." Smiley slapped Kazutora's hand away and turned the page. "Nah. This shit is way hotter."
"Hell no, man! Stepcest again? You're so fucking weird." Draken shoves the two men aside and opens the magazine on a random page.
"Fuuuuuuuck yeah..."
"Finally, some good fucking food."
"Shit! I'm getting horny."
Groans of approval were heard throughout the hideout as the boys contemplated the picture of a blond woman, laying down on a white bed with white, fluffy sheets, legs open and hand between them, shoving two fingers inside what had to be the wettest pussy they have ever seen.
"Bet it squirts." Mitsuya says looking above Draken's shoulder.
"Big brain Mitsuya." Baji commented.
"Bet it leaves the whole bed soaking after you feed her a bit of this!" Mikey gets up and grabs his crotch.
"Gross dude."
"My babe does it better."
And just like that, the ruckus was happily quieted down by Pah-chin's comment.
"Really, Pah? We don't believe it..." Sanzu teases, a shit eating grin on his face.
"Yo- Pah might be a jackass but he ain't no liar." Peh-yan jumps to defend his friend.
"Damn right. If I tell ya'll my girl can squirt buckets, you better believe my dick gets fucking wet everytime we fuck." He says, punching the table hard.
"Jesus, calm down bro. We believe you." Mitsuya awnsers.
"Yeah, it's just hard to believe you can make your girl squirt." Kazutora intervenes, hoping to get Pah to share a bit more about his hot girlfriend.
"Well, yeah it's not hard when you have a canon like mine and a pretty pussy like hers."
"Really? Who would have thought?" Kazutora faked innocence.
"Yeah, you virgin fucks have no idea what's like having a pair of fat tits bouncing on your face while a girl like my babe is making a mess on your cock." Pah crosses his arms and leans back, a proud smile adorned his face.
"Fuck yeah, we don't. Tell us more." Mikey provokes.
"Imagine this, virgins. My good girl, her tight pussy, and the biggest fucking mess. Nah, cause when I tell ya'll there's not one time when I fuck her that she doesn't squirt you better believe me. Last time- and hear me out- I was tongue deep in her. The thickest fucking thighs almost suffocating me. Can you imagine? A hot girl like my darling riding your face?"
"Not really, something more detailed might help." Kisaki said, pushing his glasses up his nose in a way that hid the blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Then listen to me, four-eyes. She is so fucking thick my hands could barely take hold of her ass. Not like I really could anyways. My baby is a freak and everytime she sits down she rides. And call me a fucking fatass but when I have a meal, I feast. Man, I had been eating her out for an hour when her legs just started shaking. She started telling me she had to pee or something but I had the best earmuffs and could hear jack shit. Next thing I know, I had my pretty pussy squirting all over my face."
"Damn..." Mikey whispers.
"Hell yeah. If my girl doesn't end up passing out on me after we fuck than I don't want it. Damn... just thinking about her cute clit swollen and lips all puffy is making me hungry again. Nothin' beats that view, virgins."
"Doubt. You could show us." Hanma says, optimistically.
"Damn, fatty. Just askin'."
"Whatever, bean pole. I'm outta of here. Gonna let my Queen sit on her throne today." He says, getting up and walking out the hide out, closing the door with a loud bang.
Immediately everyone looked at Hanma.
"Stupid fuck."
"You had to ruin it, dumbass."
"Kill yourself, bro."
"You sleep outside today, idiot."
"Whatever. I'm one free popsicle coupon away from getting those videos and I'm not going to share."
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i take requests from multiple fandoms. ♡
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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mikey sano, baji keisuke, mitsuya takashi, nahoya kawata x fem!reader - fluff (1.6k+)
request: so i was wondering if i could request headcanons of mikey, baii, mitsuya and nahoya dating their best friend's sister? how their rs is like, how they act around their best friend TBH U CAN WRITE IT HOWEVER U WANT i just really like this trope
nana's note: yes yes ofc!! i had a lot of fun writing this and proud of how it came out (been a while since i've felt that tbh)! i was sort of conflicted on who to choose as mitsuya and nahoya's best friend but i went for hakkai and mucho respectively LMAO I HOPE THAT'S OKAY, please enjoy!
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this is so cute because the thought of mikey dating you—draken’s sister—and draken having a crush on dating emma—mikey’s sister—??? everyone is intermingled !!! 
mikey is always mentioning it too; “oh my god aren’t we the cutest? me and y/n, and you and emma! hehehe.”
draken: MIKEY SHUT UP (while profusely blushing)
draken had almost no objection to you and mikey getting together, he really could tell all along that you had feelings for him and vice versa
the only thing that bothered your brother was how childish mikey could be at times, but with considerable thought—maybe he’s the boy you fell for because you knew you could handle it
draken’s sister ain’t no little bitch!! he didn’t raise you like that nuh uh
mikey feels no different with draken after officially labelling you his girlfriend, seriously, it’s like nothing changed
you all knew one another at a young age and practically grew up together
everyone hung out the same, even when you or emma weren’t there
draken and mikey’s bond never faltered, if anything it strengthened—the two of them now had a common goal: to make sure you were as happy as you could be
draken was happy to see you so happy with mikey, and his best friend always gushed about you to him
he tells him to stop talking about his sister all the time but finds it endearing that mikey truly loves you so much
“and then yesterday, she came to my class to give me snacks, ken-chin! your sister is the sweetest, hm?”
draken just absentmindedly hums along to his endless chatter, “alright, i’ll just tell y/n you won’t shut the hell up about her.”
mikey sometimes comes over to the brothel to hang out with you, and draken always finds it just a little bit irking to find you two in bed together
draken: MIKEY !!!!!!!!!
mikey and you: HELP ME !!!!!!!
he settles down after a bit though, patting you on the head and punching mikey in the gut for good measure
how cute of you guys <3
ohohoho chifuyu has got himself a handful juggling his best friend baji whose now dating his sister
you first met baji when your brother brought him over to your guy’s house after school; you recall him vaguely say that he was gonna invite a friend over so you needed to give them “boy time space”
you didn’t want to mingle yourself with your brother and his friends anyways and only came out of your room to grab a refill of your water
how lucky you ran into baji the minute he’s also in the kitchen, rummaging the cupboards for snacks
“i suppose you’re baji?” you speak up from behind him in an amused tone, smile growing at the shock on his face
he drops a chip bag at the sudden sound of your voice, spinning around to look you before taking a moment to really look at you—‘fuck, she’s pretty.’ he ponders to himself
“fuck, sorry,” he bends down to pick up the snack, “y-yeah, yeah—name’s baji, and you must be chifuyu’s sister?”
you fake a curtsy bow, making him laugh before telling him your name
he tests the syllables on his tongue, before giving a satisfied nod: “pretty name, say.. you wanna join your brother and me for some games? i’ll go on easy on you,” baji gives you a fanged grin
AND THAT’S HOW BAJI MADE A LAAASTING IMPRESSION ON YOU—mf got you hooked so quick, and you’re like.. chifuyu has attractive friends???? my ugly ass brother???? (sorry chifuyu ur so cute ily)
the two of you started dating months after you two met, and it was smooth sailing from then on out (minus the occasional verbal beating you gave baji because of his reckless actions—but honestly, he needed more people who could scold him)
chifuyu always gets embarrassed whenever you two show any sort of affection with him in the same room
big bro: could you like not get so touchy with ur bf im right here
gangsta chifuyu: can you guys get a different room or something 
IM SOBBING HES SO DRAMATIC—for someone who reads a lot of shoujo manga, he does not like seeing it in his best friend and sister LMAOOO
it’s all in good heart and games though, chifuyu really means no harm
why would he? you’re so happy with baji, someone he looks up to a lot and seeing you two interact can sometimes ignite a warmth in him
baji treats you as good as chifuyu would’ve expected from his captain, and if baji needed any help—chifuyu would be ready to help him whenever <3
probably the most responsible and respectful out of the whole list when dating his best friend’s (hakkai) sister
you have a big family of siblings, there’s your two brothers and yuzuha—who all have no issue of you dating toman’s third division captain
there is definitely no complaint from hakkai holy fuck 😭😭😭 he is OVER THE MOON, fucking ECSTATIC that his sister is dating THE mitsuya takashi
taiju (post-black dragons arc bc him before was horrible and embarrassing help) and yuzuha know mitsuya will treat their dear sister well, and basically saw it coming at one point
taiju noticed the way mitsuya paid extra attention to you, and looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world—he definitely had a talk with him before mitsuya confessed to you, and was happily met with mutual feelings !!
like mikey, not too much changes between hakkai and mitsuya’s relationship once you and him become a thing
possibly hakkai is… more loud? LMAO
“TAKA!!!! HOW ARE YOU??! WOW—YOU LOOK EXTREMELY HANDSOME TODAY!!” he yells from behind you, dropping you off at the mall to hang out with mitsuya
please he’s getting looks from strangers as mothers drag their kids away from the loud teen
mitsuya is SO embarrassed, and can feel your humiliation radiate off of you from afar
the two of you laugh over it every now and then during your time together, and spend a a great day away from your brother’s loud mouth
girl to girl moment, yuzuha finds it so cute when you gush to her about the things you and mitsuya did together, or the little romantic ministrations he does for you
she smiles fondly as you giggle your fucking head off LMAO
as for taiju … UH you don’t normally find yourself going to him to talk about mitsuya, it’s just not a natural impulse you have + you don’t really know how he’d react to that kind of conversation
he’s glad of it too LOL but sometimes he’ll walk past you on the couch texting someone, and realize it’s mitsuya
your big brother’ll give you a head pat, and ask if everything is going alright with you two, or just in general as a check up—he vowed not to let anyone, including himself harm his siblings (WOO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT !!!!)
you five + mitsuya’s siblings have a really cute relationship together, everyone in toman views it as one big happy family
luna and mana love you, they’re always so so thrilled when mitsuya invites you over; they particularly love playing princess with you, and of course you’re the princess in their eyes
“y/n’s so pretty in that dress! let’s get her some tea!” mana says as she brings you an empty plastic cup with imaginary tea inside—when you play along with their games and fun, it makes a flutter in mitsuya’s heart soar <3
when you told mucho that you and nahoya were officially dating, your brother honestly saw no harm in it—only that by being his best friend, mucho knew that nahoya could be a bit of a trouble maker
he can’t find any reason to object the relationship though, he knows nahoya is a good guy and would take care of you well
that doesn’t stop the stoic, big, protective front he gives when nahoya might get a bit too flirtatious with you
“hey babe,” nahoya hums, walking up to you before slithering an arm behind you to rest against your bum
he even gives it a few taps 
your brother is always so serious but you swore you saw an eyebrow twitch and a vein pop out
just as nahoya’s about to lean in and kiss your cheek, he can see that from his peripheral vision, that the one and only mucho is approaching you two—at an alarmingly fast pace too
help nahoya’s face is like ¿( ̄O ̄)? when he sees him coming towards y'all
“what are you doing?” you fight a smile as you look up at your brother, stone face and all
“um, i was gonna to kiss my girlfriend buddy.” nahoya grins, teasing his friend
“that’s my sister.” 
“and she’s also my girlfriend.”
“but, that’s my sister.”
IT’S A GAME OF TAG BETWEEN THEM LMAO—nahoya’s like “what—does it expect me not to kiss you??”
“maybe not in front of him babe?”
“oh.” (-o-)
nahoya takes your advice to not make out with you 24/7 and mucho greatly appreciates it
especially when he comes over, mucho does not wanna walk into that LMAO
other than that, the two go strong—and since nahoya comes over more often, the two of them get to spend more time together outside of toman
it’s really sweet, until they start beating each other up over who won in mario kart <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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firstdivisiongirl · 7 months
Tokyo Revengers Masterlist:
Rindou Haitani w/ a Good Girl Girlfriend (Rindou)
Izana Kurokawa w/ a Good Girl Girlfriend (Izana)
Fem Reader Trying to Flirt with Ran and Rindou Headcanons (Ran, Rindou)
Day with Mikey Headcanons (Mikey)
Tenjiku's Views on Women (Tenjiku)
Izana, Chifuyu, Haitani Brothers, and Kazutora Reacting Getting a Kiss on Their Cheek and Leaving a Lipstick Stain on Them (Izana, Chifuyu, Ran, Rindou, Kazutora)
Taiju, South, Muto & Keizo w/ a Strong, Fem! Reader Who Can Carry Them (Taiju, South, Muto, Keizo)
Oldest Siblings Club (Oldest Siblings)
Izana, Kakucho, Ran, and Rindou x Reader: Do the Huapango Dance (Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou)
Rindou and Ran Haitani withS/O Who Spends Less Time with Them (Rindou, Ran)
Izana Kurokawa, Kakucho Hitto, and Shuji Hanma's Ideal Types (Izana, Kakucho, Hanma)
Izana, Ran, and Rindou w/ a Fem Reader Who They See Dance for the First Time (Izana, Ran, Rindou)
Pet Store Trio Falling for a Fem Reader Who Works Near Them (Chifuyu, Kazutora, Baji)
Mikey and Chifuyu Relationship Headcanons (Mikey, Chifuyu)
Young Baji in Love (Baji)
Ran Haitani and Izana Kurokawa with a Video Game Loving Girlfriend (Ran, Izana)
Baji with a Reader Who Takes Care of Her Siblings (Baji)
Mikey with a S/O Who is Good at Mechanical Stuff (Mikey)
Jealous Mikey Headcanons (Mikey)
Ran and Rindou Haitani Dealing with a Crazy Fan (Ran, Rindou)
Baji, Draken, and Mikey as Vampires (Baji, Draken, Mikey)
Baji, Mitsuya and Draken Helping Out a Female Reader When They Feel Uncomfortable (Baji, Mitsuya, Draken)
Chifuyu Matsuno Turning into a Dog (Chifuyu)
Chifuyu, Draken, and Baji with a S/O Who is Obsessed with “Love and Deepspace” (Chifuyu, Draken, Baji)
Trust in Some (Mitsuya)
Don’t Worry (Chifuyu)
Save You (Kazutora)
I’d Do Anything Just to Be Able to Hold Your Hand (Emma x Draken)
Gang Girl (Rindou)
Nothing to Worry About (Mikey)
All You Wanted (Mikey)
The Only Thing That Mattered (Chifuyu)
No More Monopoly (Baji, Platonic Chifuyu, Platonic Ryusei)
Your Own Little Shōjo (Baji)
Fifteen Minutes (Baji)
Never Hurt You (Hanma)
I'll Find You (Mikey)
At Least They Liked You (Mikey)
Bang (Kazutora)
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reallyromealone · 2 years
hi!!!! I'm back with re-reading your works since I caught a flu and can't do anything really. sooo, idk if it has been asked already, but can I request for Izana being adopted by the reader? will things be different? how would he react? oh, and of course please don't forget Kaku. I can't imagine the two of them being separated. thank you! you can ignore this if you want 🫶🏼
This is so cute.
(Name) was absolutely taken by the two young boys before him, Izana and Kakucho were their names.
"So...you adopted us both?"
"Of course, you can't seperate best friends right?"
Izana and Kakucho were very attached to (name), the man kind and caring.
"So this is your room, I didn't know if you two wanted to share or have seperate rooms but if you guys decide you want seperate rooms we can always turn the spare into one of your rooms" (name) said softly and the two boys looked at the room in awe "there's plenty of space for your clothes and anything you guys want"
Izana wasn't crying.
Kakucho wasn't crying.
No proof.
(Name) saw the two set down photos beside their beds and had an idea.
When the two went to school (name) took the photos to the closest photo store and made copies slightly bigger.
He made sure everything was in place when they got home, the boys tired as they walked down the hall only to pause "since this is the family wall, I thought you guys should have your family there as well"
(Name) managed to get ahold of Izana other family, the Sanos and got into regular contact with the boys grandfather.
The two parties met regularly and at some point the boys went to sleep overs with Mikey and Emma, their half and step siblings and vice versa.
It was nice seeing them so happy.
(Name) was happy that his sons and sort of step kids got along, apparently Mikey invited other friends as well to the sleep over.
The trio went to the grocery store to get some snacks for the sleep over, the two excited as apparently Mikey was starting some form of group and wanted them and their friends to be apart of it.
The two kept the whole gang activities away from their dad.
He was a worry wort to begin with.
"Ok I think this is good, you two think you need anything else?"
"No dad"
"This is fine dad"
That was another development, they regularly called him dad.
He totally didn't cry when they said it.
(Name) drove them to the Sano dojo, also dropping off dinners to give Emma and Grandpa Sano a break "hello again Mr.Sano" (name) said as the three bowed to their elder, the old man letting them in "why don't you boys bring this into the kitchen, yeah?"
"(Name)?" Emma called out as she poked her head from the hall to see her sort of step dad "ah, hello Emma!" (Name) said to the girl "the boys are putting the food away, I made sure to pack your favorite" (name) said kindly and Emma beamed "thank you!" She bounced to the kitchen to get her beloved food before Mikey snagged it.
(Name) chatted with Mr. Sano for a bit, enjoying some tea as the doorbell rang.
Mikey had joined them at this point and answered the door, letting a handful of teens inside.
"Well I guess I best be off, have a good night Mr. Sano" (name) said and got up to leave only to see a bunch of teenagers staring at him wide eyed "oh hello! I'm Izana and Kakuchos dad" he greeted the teens who looked at him like he was a god.
Draken sighed, having met (name) before and he wouldn't deny that Izana and Kakuchos dad was a total dilf but come on.
Have some class.
"Well you kids have fun, behave and remember I love you" (name) said to his kids and step kids, grandpa Sano going to go watch his shows before bed.
"Kakucho, Izana" Baji said slowly and the two knew he was gonna say some dumb shit "your dad's a total dilf"
"Shut the fuck up" Kakucho seethed and then came the argument of if they would have a chance with the twos dad amongst the non Sano/(lastname)s.
Except Sanzu.
Because Sanzu knew that his brother was seeing (name).
Because he totally went through his phone once and knew that (name) was also making plans for the boys to meet each other and such.
For now though? He just watched the group fight like idiots.
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atarathegreat · 2 months
hi, could you write headcanons with Baji x fem reader where the reader is a guitarist from a rock band (she and Baji are 15 years old) and her band is popular like Tokio Hotel, they suddenly and quickly became popular and they were also very young when they became popular. reader the band goes on tour and they have a lot of fans
Baji enjoys sitting in your room while you practice your guitar
It's mostly about hearing the way you curse when you accidently mess up
He loves that you can play and loves the way you rock out on stage
When you go on tour, he's always calling and texting
Favorite past time is video calling you
Has tons of photos from when your band just started and constantly looks through them
Tells his friends all about your tours and concerts
I know this man forces Chifuyu to buy tickets and merch
Chifuyu doesn't complain much since he gets to say he knows the guitarist
(Side note: Bonten! Mikey buys hundreds of tickets and forces Sanzu to make strangers go)
As kids, Baji wasn't really sure that your band would take off, but he supported you regardless
He's got a secret blog about your band. He's obsessed
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shinycrybaby · 1 year
Hi Mati! I have a request :)
Could you do a tokyo rev x reader(any of the guys is fine) related to ballet? My hc is that out of all the guys mikey or rindou can do ballet (just a random one since I think those 2 are pretty flexible) Maybe some fluff with them fooling around in the studio with y/n or angst related to the dark side of ballet (eating disorders, body image issues, injuries etc)
TR Boys who ballet
Characters: Manjiro Sano, Haitani Rindou, Imaushi Wakasa, Inui Seishu
Genre/Tags: Fluff, A bit angsty on Rindou, Established relationship, Kinda no-gangs AU
Warnings: There might be some typos since I wrote this when I was sleepy, implied or referenced bullying on Rindou's part, (let me know if I missed something!)
A/N: I didn't actually expect to receive a request 😭 what I had in mind was something like headcanons but ig this is fine too.
Also, dear anon, I hope you don't mind. Since I'm not really that knowledgeable with ballet, I kind of just went over the general things or from what I know. I can't write or come up with something angsty for your suggestion like the body image one ajdjfjsksbc I really do hope you don't mind 🥹 and I hope you enjoy reading too!
Sano Manjiro / Mikey
He’s absolutely giving me vibes that he enrolled to a ballet class just for shits and giggles back when he was young, because you and Keisuke would tease him about being so good at the dojo that maybe he should start looking for other things to do.
But then Mikey actually took interest in it. And he actually slayed it.
You, Keisuke and Haruchiyo, along with the Sano family would watch him when he’s got recitals or performances. (Baji would cheer as if he’s watching a fight or something).
When you eventually got into a relationship with Mikey. Oh lawd. He would use his flexibility to his advantage.
You know that one meme where the person would kabedon someone but with their legs. IT’S MIKEY 😭
Mans legit would trap you in a corner with his perfect split, you don’t even know if you’d die of embarrassment or feel butterflies from it.
But when it’s serious time, he’d actually reserve a dance room for at least a few hours. He’d invite you to watch him practice, or give you a private performance that actually makes you smile at him with pride.
If you’re both in the mood for it, he’d even teach you a thing or two. Inviting you to stretch with him and then he’d be all up your personal space trying to teach you.
When you get some basics down, he’d lead you to dance with him, guiding you and then whispering to be careful with your feet because he knows how much it would hurt especially if you’re not a ballet dancer.
If you are, then it just makes things easier. It’s dance after dance with him. It’s kind of like your thing with Mikey. There’s nothing more intimate for the two of you than dancing closely to each other. Feeling each other’s movements and soul to the sound playing on the speakers
Haitani Rindou
I actually think that Rin would be the kind to do both gymnastics and ballet. (Of course, he’d still be doing some martial arts.)
We already know how flexible he is. Back then his teachers would actually be surprised, thinking he’s a natural at what he does. (He is)
Among the Haitani brothers, Rin is actually much quieter, or rather, reserved.
He’s confident, of course, but definitely quiet about it.
And since he’s quiet about some things, it took you quite some time to figure out that something was bothering your boyfriend, Rindou.
You’d soon find out his insecurities about being a male ballet dancer. All of which stemmed from his classmates at school.
Rindou would of course have fought back, but he’d promised you then to not get into any trouble, because he knows how worried you will be for him, not knowing that the situation now has made you double your worries for him, along with some anger thrown at the guys who even dared of saying bad things to him.
Your priority however will always be Rin, so after finding out about his insecurities and the stigma that he was facing at school, time with him were either spent with you reassuring him, or validating his feelings, or giving your all to make him feel loved and appreciated.
Rindou would never find out, but you and Ran had plotted and tracked down the guys who’d called him names and even dared of speaking bad about him. They learned a thing or two about ballet too.
Rindou of course started to feel light about your constant reassurance, and he was even surprised when you took some classes with him. Now there’s more time spent together with him, and he’s very happy to teach you about ballet.
He'd even use that time to impress you more. But you're already impressed with him, and absolutely in love from the very start.
Imaushi Wakasa
Another flexible boy. (We’ve all seen how this man literally turns into a fidget spinner with his perfect splits and spinning kicks wigjsjdhsjgi)
Oh, he’s proud. He doesn’t flaunt, but you’ll see it in his eyes how proud he is to be a ballet dancer.
He’d take you shopping for shoes or tights when he needs to replace the worn-out ones.
This man will legit lecture you about the best kind of shoes to wear for ballet. If you have no idea about this kind of stuff, you just give your all to listen to him, because you might pick a thing or two when picking out a gift for him in the future.
When he’s being mocked for being a male ballerina, he won’t hesitate knocking the person down their high horse. If the person doesn’t stop, he might even kick them straight to the face (with grace) — if this happens, please stop him, because we don’t want him potentially going to jail.
Like Mikey and Rindou, Waka would teach you if you’re down to learning at least some basic. He absolutely loves being close to you, so even if you don’t want to learn, he doesn’t mind. He’d instead waltz with you, because again, he loves being close to you.
And on that note, when he has to practice, either for a performance or not, he’d ask you to help him with his stretching.
When he’s got shows, he reserves tickets for you and you don’t miss one of his performances. Of course, you love every second of it, just to watch him in his element. All grace and beauty, that pride wells in your heart whenever you see him on stage.
Inui Seishu
Another beauty and grace.
Please he’s so perfect. 😭 if he rocked and slayed those heels, he wears then he'd be slaying ballet as well. I just know it.
He doesn’t care about other’s opinion with regards to his choice of hobbies. In fact, he'd rub it in their face nonchalantly that he’d achieved more than they ever could.
You, alongside Koko, would also rub it in the haters faces that Inupi is so much more better than them. In the most derogatory way that had others looking down in shame because you guys are right.
Inupi, like Mikey, uses his skills to his advantage when it comes to you. Let’s not ignore the fact that Inupi can be very cheeky if he so pleases.
Those times definitely surface when it’s just you two.
When he’s practicing or just stretching and warming up, he’ll shamelessly look at you through the mirror while you’re on the other side of the room. He’ll give you “that” look that had you melting into a puddle, all the while he’d grin lazily while doing his splits.
If ever Inupi feels some kind of insecurity with himself, you’d quickly notice from how his dancing becomes different. It’s either stiff, or there’s a distant look on his face.
When this happens, you’d ask him to take a break from dancing, and just listen to him speak all about how he feels.
These slumps usually happen when he’s got a big performance ahead of him, so in times like these, you do nothing but be there for him, until he’s ready and he’s back to his old self. All grace and beauty and that hint of cheekiness he shows around you.
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maliciouslove · 1 year
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NSFW, aged up characters (21+)
pairing // ghost!Baji Keisuke x medium!reader x Chifuyu Matsuno
summary // after his death Baji finds himself stuck in the realm of the living. he’s firmly decided to cockblock his best friend Chifuyu, that is until he decides to seek the help of a medium to figure out what the heck is happening.
alternatively: a threesome with a ghost????
word count // 7k 
tags // supernatural, inaccurate representation of a medium, light swearing, angst?, questionably happy ending?, threesome, oral (both m! and f! receiving), spitroasting, anal, double penetration, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, spit, praise, multiple pet names (princess, kitten, good girl, pretty girl, etc.), not choking but gentle throat holding (idk), throat fucking, there is some baji x fuyu action, feelings
AN // hello people of the internet, I'm finally reposting my fics! hence why, if this fic seems familiar—do not be alarmed, it was first posted on my old blog :] posting this one first because it is the first one that I was actually really proud of, and because I'm still feral for baji. you can also find it here on ao3. cute mdni banner by @/cafekitsune
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What’s a spirit stuck in the realm of the living to do with all their free time? 
Take care of their friends, obviously. 
Baji Keisuke left the world of the living far too young. He wasn’t ready to leave, nor was he ready for the realization that he never really left. One moment there was darkness, and the next… he could see his own body, pale and bloodied, cradled by a crying Chifuyu. 
Dying was painful, but seeing this hurt more. 
Baji’s never been one to dwell too long on things; he kind of just accepted his new reality—he was a ghost. Stuck with his appearance as a 19 year old, he existed outside of everybody’s field of perception. Outside of anyone’s knowledge. 
So the best that he could do was to at least stay close to the ones he loved. To watch them from afar despite the fact that he was sitting right next to them. 
He’d watch over his mom: observe as she always left his favorite food by the altar each night. Watch as she flipped through old albums, smiling at his baby pictures. He’d listen to her talk to herself, sometimes even to him. He always found that rather funny, that she’d just randomly start talking to him, telling him all about her day, and finish off with a little “you’re not even here, are you?” as she smiles fondly at another old picture. 
He wished he could tell her, let her know. Hey mom, I’m right here! He’s tried many times, and each attempt ended with failure as his hands simply passed through her. 
Aside from keeping an eye out for his mother, he also took the time to check in on his friends. While his mother was more active during the day, his friends were more lively at night. He always felt relieved that, while a lot of things changed after his death, at least they didn’t spiral out of control. At least nobody left. At least nobody else got hurt. 
The two people he’d check on the most were Mikey, the leader of Toman and his childhood friend, and Chifuyu, his ex vice-captain and best friend. 
He followed Mikey around for a year, concerned about his mental state and the people he surrounded himself with, but luckily the rest of the gang were still there to take care of it. It was kind of nice to see Mikey finally admit he needs help, to admit he isn’t as invincible as everybody believed he was. So on that end, Baji was satisfied—he no longer felt the need to follow his every move. Mikey was in safe hands. And so were the rest of the gang—they’d all stick together through thick and thin and he loved that about them. 
But then there was the issue of Chifuyu. While his mental state was a tad more stable than Mikey’s (even though he did cry his eyes out for three months straight) and his physical strength and fighting ability were reassuring, Fuyu was always a little… lost. 
Having never been able to read people well, except for maybe Baji, Chifuyu was sometimes taken advantage of. While he may act tough, Baji knew he was kind and helpful, always giving too much of himself to others.
It was about 2 years after Baji’s death that Fuyu got into dating again, if you could even call it that. The green eyed boy was no longer blonde—instead his hair was now black (like Baji’s) and slicked back. He was a little taller, a little more muscle than before. He looked like a child no more, yet he still acted like a child sometimes, so how could Keisuke not worry about him?
The first girl Chifuyu ever decided to go out with was bad news, and Baji knew it at first glance. A stuck up, shallow, arrogant little girl that lived off of daddy’s money. Baji never wrapped his head around why she was interested in Fuyu, nor why he gave her the time of day, but the fact of the matter was that Baji didn’t like it. 
Oh, he hated her with a burning passion. Every time Chifuyu's phone would light up with her name on the caller ID, Baji would get so pissed that the room temperature would drop by five degrees. Every time she wraps her hands around Chifuyu’s neck Baji would glare at her so hard it would make the lights in the room flicker. 
His dissatisfaction with this girl grew more and more over time, and with each passing day he could notice the little things his anger caused. So he experimented with it, he focused his anger on objects, rather than dispersing it all around him, and it worked! He could move objects, little by little, and he could fuck with the lights and heating if he wanted to. 
So at some point, Baji became obsessed with chasing off girls he didn’t approve of. Under the pretense that his friend deserves better of course. He later dropped that pretense and faced the hard cold truth—if I can’t get my dick wet, neither can Fuyu. 
He’d scare off girl after girl by making objects rattle every time his best friend has his arm draped around a girl’s shoulder, swinging doors open left and right if they’re about to kiss, turning the lights on and off whenever things get spicier. It was all fun and games for the bored ghost boy, but Chifuyu was getting desperate. 
It’d been too long since he’d had a nice warm cunt wrapped around his cock. Too fucking long. And what the fuck was up with his house? He’d never been one to believe in ghosts or anything supernatural, but the weird shit was starting to get to him. 
So, incredibly desperate now, Chifuyu decided to seek help. What kind of help he wasn’t really sure, but he was angrily typing away at his laptop, trying to find exorcists or mediums or anyone who could fucking explain what the hell was happening under his roof.
The first two he had invited over were complete fakes: telling him they sensed a presence of some sort, chanting shit in a different language that Chifuyu could only presume to be Latin. They both said his house was “cleansed” now, but alas not even a week later when he had another girl ever in his apartment, the exact same things happened. 
He was losing hope until he got a ping on his phone, a reply from someone under one of his posts asking for help.
“Hey, I saw your post online that you’re experiencing some... Supernatural occurrences at home. I was wondering if I could maybe take a look myself? Free of charge if I find nothing and am unable to help you, of course.” 
He stared at his phone long and hard. Most people who answered his plea for help online started their conversation with their payment rate first, explicitly saying “no refunds,” but this person was offering help free of charge provided they are unable to help? That was new. Refreshing. Plus the idea of not paying was very appealing to him so he had nothing to lose—he immediately typed up a response, making an appointment with this medium and giving them his home address. 
And without a doubt, the following day at 6pm there’s a timid knock on his front door. He saunters over and opens the door to be greeted by the most blinding smile he’s ever laid eyes upon. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N, we spoke over text about your problem with possible supernatural activity in your home.” 
You extend your hand to him, and, nervously, he slots his hand in yours, shaking it lightly while introducing himself. He invites you in and awkwardly offers to take your coat. He wasn’t expecting a cute girl around his age, but he wasn’t complaining. 
Leading you down the hall into the living room, Chifuyu rambles on and on about the weird stuff that’s been happening, explaining how he’s already called multiple maintenance people to examine his pipes, heating, electrical wiring and so on and found absolutely nothing. 
Continuing his little rant, the green-eyed man didn't even notice that you had stopped by the door frame, staring right at the empty space on his couch. Well, to Chifuyu it looked empty, to you… it looked occupied by a slightly younger yet taller man with long dark hair and golden eyes that seemed to pierce through you. 
Without a doubt, there were all the telltale signs that he was, in fact, an apparition. He looked pale, almost translucent in the afternoon light flowing through the window behind him, a faint glow to him that made him look like a fallen angel. You could feel his aura all around you, too—the same skin prickling feeling you always had when in contact with a spirit. 
The long-haired man lazily yawns and scratches his butt, looking particularly bored as if this happens on a daily basis. He shifts on the couch, folding his hands in front of his chest and looking you up and down, as if evaluating you and deciding what course of action to take. 
“Hey, are you okay?” the Chifuyu’s voice brings you back to reality, and you tear your gaze away from the apparition across from you. 
“Um, hey, so… did you know anyone with, um, long, dark hair and bright yellow eyes? Kinda mean looking?” 
At this, Baji makes a face, half surprised she described him so well, half offended at the last part of her statement. 
Chifuyu’s eyes turn comically large. 
“How... How did you..?” 
He can’t even fully form the sentence, quickly glancing around the room to see if there are any pictures of his dead friend laying around. She can’t know about him, she’s a stranger, and he’s been gone for a few years now. So how? 
“Well, uh, he’s kind of chilling on your couch right now? Right, okay, I know this is weird, and you probably don’t believe me, I don’t blame you, most people don’t.” Your voice goes a little quieter at the end, a kind of sadness looming over you, but you shake it off quickly. “I’ve been able to see spirits since I was a child, I know, bonkers, I can’t explain how or why, but I do, and this guy is currently looking as surprised as you are.”
Chifuyu looks at the couch again, eyes glistening and full of longing, hands balled into fists at his side. But he couldn’t, so then why is he so intent on believing? Why is he so hopeful?
You don’t miss the little glint of wistfulness in his eyes, the desperation clinging onto his lips as he struggles to choose his next words. 
“Can you… talk to spirits?” 
“Yeah.. I can, provided they want to talk to me too.” 
You look at the man across from you again and smile weakly. You can’t always know if they’re malicious spirits or not; sometimes they could get real bad, but this one, despite looking feral, didn’t give off the impression he was malicious. 
“S’what, ya can see me? Hear me?” Baji spoke and the gruffness in his voice almost made you forget how to breathe. 
You don’t meet good-looking spirits often. You meet the ghosts of elderly men and women who want to look after their children and grandchildren a little longer, you meet young, fragile kids, still confused and not understanding what happened to them. But never before had you met a handsome young ghost that smirked at you as if he knew all your secrets. 
“Yea, I can see and hear you.” You smile at him, big and bright, and he feels blinded by it. Yet also so drawn to it, like some sort of heavenly light, a beacon calling him home. “Can I ask you for your name?”
“Why? Does my name give you, like, powers over me? Are ya gonna exorcise me or some shit?” 
He grins and stalks forward, closing the distance between you by simply walking through whatever objects stand in his way. Unconsciously you take a step back, not even noticing the bewildered look on Chifuyu’s face. 
“I can’t exorcise you, I’m not ordained. I can just… perceive you and talk to you.” 
You gulp and your visible nervousness makes something in Baji shift. He grins down at you, his larger frame towering over your much smaller one, and you feel so exposed under his gaze. Chifuyu’s voice is what drags you back down to Earth again.
“Wait, are you for real right now? What is happening?” He’s confused and concerned and so, so hopeful. You look at him and smile reassuringly. 
“Yeah, he just got a little closer than I expected, but I can hear and see him, hasn’t told me his name yet though. Kinda rude.” 
You arch a brow in the direction of the pale ghost again, and he fucking laughs. A whole-hearted, loud roar of a laugh, as if this is the most amusing thing that has happened to him in years. It probably is. 
“Baji Keisuke, what’s yer name sweetheart?” 
You repeat his name slowly, liking the way it rolls off your tongue and you give him your name. Meanwhile, Chifuyu is going crazy next to you, barely containing himself. 
“Baji? Did you say… Baji? Oh God, please tell me you’re not fucking with me, I swear to God..” 
You cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder. You ask him to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and he obeys. He looks shaken: arms stiffly sitting by his sides. There’s a visible tremble in his hands, and you notice he’s not even daring to take a breath. 
The sight of him like this tugs at your heart, and your chest feels impossibly tight. Your fingers itch to touch him, to hold him close and soothe him, but the rational side of you tells you otherwise. Whatever his relationship to the other man is, he really, really misses him. The least you could do is try and give him a little glimpse. As tiring as it may be to maintain. 
You take a firm hold of his hand which feels icy compared to yours and you give him a light squeeze as you tell him to open his eyes again. And when he does… tears brim at the corner of his eyes at the sigh of his best friend. 
It’s a half whisper, half sob, and you have to hold his hand tighter so he doesn’t leap forward in an attempt to hug the spirit. 
“Can he… see me?” The spirit looks equally as hopeful as his friend, and you nod in confirmation, reveling in the fact that you were able to bring this small happiness to them.
“He should be able to hear you too.” 
And before you know it, they’re both crying. Sadness, relief, bewilderment or pure nostalgia—you don’t know, but you’re determined to give them all the time you can to catch up. 
They talk happily for hours, Baji goes on and on about how he just can’t seem to leave. Chifuyu just apologizes over and over about being too weak and unable to save him. The long-haired man just shrugs it off and offers a big fanged smile in return. They talk about so many things, and finally Chifuyu asks the question that actually led to this situation unfurling. 
“So… all the lights flickering and the noises were all… from you? Why?”
“Ah.. heh, okay don’t be mad.” 
Baji speaks in between little chuckles, amused with himself and happy that as a ghost he can’t be touched. His eyes crinkle into little crescent moons as he chirps away his clumsy explanation, elaborating that at some point he just got pissy and decided that if he can’t fuck, his friend can’t eiether. 
“You’re… joking right?” 
Chifuyu looks like he’s about to rampage and yell, but he notices your head wobbling, eyes lidded and tired. You looked exhausted and pale so he shook you a little, worry painted on his face. 
“Hey? Are you okay?” 
“Yeah it’s just.. A little tiring. It’s fine though, please continue!” 
Baji shakes his head and speaks before Chifuyu can. “Ya need to rest, dollface. Breaks m’heart seeing you like this. It’ll be fine, I got to talk to my friend today, maybe this is what helps me cross over to the other side or whatever.” 
His smile is reassuring, but a part of you wants to give them more time. Unfortunately, your body disagrees with your heart, and you start feeling very faint. 
“Hey, why don’t you lay down for a bit, I don’t want to send you off like this. It’s fine, just rest your head a little until you feel better.” 
Chifuyu had let go of your hand, losing the ability to see his friend, and gently nudged you down on the couch, placing a soft pillow under your head. You shouldn’t be falling asleep like this at a stranger’s house, but your body gives out before you could argue with yourself. 
You stir and slowly blink the tiredness from your eyes. Rising a little, you take in the room and in pieces it all comes back to you. The job, the green-eyed cutie, his hot ghost friend: the entire ordeal. 
“Finally awake, princess?” 
Baji’s voice comes right behind you, and you almost fall off the couch in surprise. In absolute reflex Baji reaches over to grab you by the waist and prevent you from toppling over and it takes him a minute to realize.
He is, in fact, holding you right now. He squeezes at your waist a little, and you look equally as dumbfounded. 
“Am I?”
“You are.”
“Holy shit.” Chifuyu’s voice gets you both out of your daze as he stares wide-eyed at the both of you. Suddenly, he can see. Without even having to hold your hand.
After some thinking, you explain to them that this has never happened before, but it’s most likely some sort of side effect for keeping them able to see and talk to each other for so long, combined with the intensity of the feelings they all shared. You have no idea how long this will last, but you’re willing to stay over for the entire duration of it. 
It’s been established that Baji can touch you and you can feel him, the question is does the same apply to his friend? They both look nervous as they approach each other, holding out a single finger and they gasp when they feel the pads of their fingers collide. 
Before you know it, Chifuyu is being hurled into a tight bear hug and nearly spun around in the room. It’s cute to see how much they still care for each other. You spend the rest of the evening asking about their friendship, learning how they became friends, how they were both in a gang, how close they used to be. How devastating it was to lose each other. 
All the while you notice you’re not getting tired at all. Which is an unusual yet welcomed change. You really like these two, you like that they’re probably some of the first people to genuinely believe you when you say you can see ghosts and not just kick you to the curb because of it. You like how cheerful they are. You enjoy their refreshing energy, and you better not be lying to yourself by saying you don’t enjoy the little pet names Baji seems so intent on giving you. 
When two o’clock rolls around, the effect is still in full force, but Chifuyu feels awful for making you stay, so he offers to drive you home instead. You try to argue that you can drive yourself, but he insists. Quite frankly, he’s just hoping you have a reason to come by again, even if it’s just to pick up your car. But you exchange numbers and promise to talk again and hang out soon. 
“Hopefully Baji won’t chase me away like all the other girls.”
“Mm, don’t ya worry about it angel, I’ve taken quite the liking to you.” 
He smiles from the back seat of the car, and you all laugh. 
As you lay in bed that night, you really hope you could spend more time with them. 
As if your prayers have been heard, you do get to spend more time with them. Surprisingly and with no explanation at all, the side effects are still in full force, and you’re both still able to see and touch the handsome spirit. 
The longer the effects are in place, the closer the three of you seem to get. Seductive jokes are thrown around, and Chifuyu picks up his friend's habit of referring to you with cute little names. He’s particularly fond of kitten, and you’re particularly fond of the butterflies the title gives you. 
With all this flirting and teasing, it’s no surprise really when you end up on Chifuyu’s lap with your back pressed to his chest, Baji towering over you, his voice a few octaves lower than it usually is when he speaks to you.
“Aw, are we makin’ ya flustered, princess?” 
His index finger traces your jaw as his eyes are practically glued to your lips and the idea alone makes your thighs press together. Chifuyu’s hands boldly roam your lower half, one hand sliding on the inner side of your thigh.
“You know, all you have to do is say stop and we will.” 
Chifuyu’s breath ghosts over the side of your neck and honestly, you don’t want them to stop. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about this, imagined how their hands would feel on your skin while laying in bed late at night. Burying your fingers in your pussy until your thighs are shaking, wishing it was their cocks instead. 
So, when you feel Chifuyu’s hands softly squeeze your breasts and glide up to gently wrap around your throat, not squeezing but just holding you there, you can’t help the little whimper that escapes. 
All Baji can manage in response is a feral growl, and he’s sinking to his knees between your legs spread over his best friend’s. Chifuyu’s hand never leaves your throat, but his other free hand takes your chin ever so gently, turning you to face him. He’s looking at you with those big green eyes, silently asking permission to kiss you, but you’re impatient. You crash your lips onto his in a messy kiss, nipping at his bottom lip when he doesn’t give you access to his mouth fast enough. Eventually, though, he obliges, tongue meeting yours in a battle for dominance that you’re currently winning. That is, until you feel Baji lifting your skirt and pressing two fingers to your clothed slit, and you lose all your composure, moaning into Chifuyu’s mouth. 
Baji is holding your legs open, his icy hands gripping your plush thighs as he feasts at the sight of your panties dampening from his ministrations. All the while Chifuyu is holding your arms in place, kissing you like you’re all the oxygen he needs, like you’re life-saving water to a man lost in an endless desert. Stuck between these two men, any other thoughts have long since left you. All you know is you want more. 
Your neediness seeps out in the form of moans and your hips wiggling against Baji’s every touch, so he happily obliges and gives you exactly what you want. Hooking a finger over your panties, he rips them off of you in one swift motion, reveling in the beauty of the little squeal you give him in response. And your pussy is as pretty as he imagined it, all puffy and pink, so wet and needy for his touch. He licks his lips and gives you another look, waiting for permission to have his way with you and all you can manage is a weak nod. 
Wasting no more time he delves in, mouth latching on your sensitive clit, tongue flicking over it in a well practiced motion. Every lick sends a shiver down your spine and coaxes wanton moans out of you. Chifiyu doesn’t stay behind either, his much warmed hands sliding under your shirt and groping at your breasts, toying with the supple flesh, tweaking and tugging on your pert nipples. His mouth was now busy sucking purple bruises into the soft skin on your neck, and every little motion from the boys was driving you mad. 
The dedication and effort they give you, the affectionate praises they shower you in, combined with the pleasure they’re giving you it drives you closer and closer to your high. And they know. The way your body tenses, the uneven heave of your breasts, and your wimpers getting louder and louder: you’re so close. 
One of Chifuyu’s hands is wrapped around your throat, gently applying the tiniest of pressure, while his other hand slides down your stomach to rub thigh circles over your clit while Baji finally replaces his tongue with two thick fingers. He pushes them past your entrance, and your eyes roll to the back of your skull in ecstasy as he pumps them in and out of your cunt. Building faster and faster, your orgasm takes you by surprise when it finally comes. It washes over you in tidal waves, drowning you in pleasure and the two men in complete madness. In the need to have you. 
You don’t have time to come down from your high as you’re being placed on all fours, Chifuyu taking his place behind you, and Baji to your front tangling his hands in your hair. There’s no need for him to tell you what he wants; you’re already running your shaky hands over his hard length, gently squeezing through the fabric. You briefly struggle with the buttons on his pants, but finally you manage to pull the jeans down and free his cock. God, his dick is gorgeous. Thick and veiny, his tip now angry red from neglect with pearly beads of precum sliding down the shaft. 
Behind you Chifuyu is sliding his cock up and down your slit, taking his sweet time before slotting himself where you really need him. His cock is not as thick, but it’s long and slightly curved, pretty pink and eager to feel your walls clenching around it. Baji’s grip on your hair thightens when he notices you’re paying attention only to his friend. A little jealous and possessive, he taps the head of his cock against your plump lips. 
“Don’t forget m’here too angel, or I’ll assume the effects wore off, and I can’t have that now that I’ve had a taste of you.” 
You look up at him, begging him to stuff your mouth full with your eyes alone. You stick out your tongue for him, as if to show you haven’t forgotten about him at all. Simultaneously, Chifuyu finally sheathes his cock in you—all the way to the hilt, hips flush against your ass—and you moan, eyes crossing from the pleasure. You look obscene, and Baji takes the opportunity to fill your pretty mouth with his cock. 
Oh, and you can’t take all of him in, he’s so thick and heavy against your tongue. You moan around his length, and drool dribbles down your chin. They take you like that, Chifuyu thrusting his hips into your heat, marveling at the warmth and tightness of your cunt, praise dripping from his lips like honey. So good for me baby, just like that. God you take me so well, fuck. 
Baji lets you pick your pace on his length, and you make a mental note of the way his cock twitches every time you take him in deeper, the head of his cock bumping the back of your throat. You enjoy the way he looks like he’s about to crumble under the pleasure, so you do it again and again, taking him down your throat, the walls constricting around his length. Baji’s head falls back, eyes shut in pleasure as you coax him to the edge. 
“Fuck, princess you better fucking swallow, don’t let a drop fall out of your pretty lips, ‘kay?” 
He looks down at you almost lovingly: his pale near-translucent skin slightly flushed, cheeks dusted with pink, his pretty golden eyes now darkened by the lust clouding his mind. You want to confirm you understand him, but his large hands cup the back of your head and you’re no longer in control of the pace. Now he’s fucking into your pliant mouth, every thrust making you gag a little around his girth, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. It hurts, but it also feels so fucking good—the pleasant sting causing pleasure to course through your veins like a drug. And you’re addicted to the feeling. 
Then you feel him twitch against your tongue, his eyes closing and muscles going rigid as he finally reaches his climax. Thick ropes of sticky sweet cum slide down your throat and you do your best to swallow it all. You don’t even bother thinking about how this is possible considering he’s a ghost, you don’t question it, you just greedily take everything he has to give you. His hand caresses your cheek and he whispers a quiet that’s my good girl before slumping down on the couch in front of you, simply observing as his friend rams his cock into you. 
Chifuyu had gone a little slower while Baji was fucking your throat but now that you mouth was free, he was hoping to hear your pretty little moans again. Now his hands cradle through your hair, and he pulls you up, angling you impossibly close to him, pistoning his hips just the right way so his long cock hits that spot that makes you see white. 
His pace picks up and the praise is replaced with curses. He’s so lost in the feeling of you he almost doesn't notice Baji closing the distance between them and slotting his lips against his. His hips falter for a second, his brain processing what’s happening but his lips respond before his brain can. One hand is holding your hip, as his hips slow down their movement, his other hand cupping his friend's cheek as he kisses him back with so much love, so many unsaid words finally making their way to Baji. 
You can’t see them, but you can hear Chifuyu moan into the taller man’s mouth. It’s shaky, and breathy, almost as if he’s tearing up. Baji’s name is like a mantra on his lips, a plea, a promise. You crave to turn your head and catch even just a glimpse, but you decide against it, not wanting to intrude on the raw and intimate moment between them. 
“I know. Me too.” 
That’s all the response Keisuke gives as he steals another kiss from his friend and gently nudges his hips in a hint to keep fucking you. So he does, hips gaining back their speed in no time, and you mewl under him, completely dazed from the pleasure. Warm hands sneak down your sides, and his deft fingers find your clit to once more rub tight circles against the sensitive nub, sending waves of pleasure over you. 
“Fuck I can’t move if you clamp around my dick like that, kitten, f-fuck… are you gonna cream all over my cock?” 
He’s bent forward, whispering in your ear each word punctuated with a grunt or a pant. He’s also close but he needs to make you cum first. He needs to feel you cream on him even if it’s the last thing he does. So he staves off his own orgasm in favor of yours, nibbling on your earlobe and whispering filth into your ear, practically begging you to let him feel you come undone for him. 
It doesn’t take long for the coil in your stomach to finally snap, a second orgasm crashing over you and bringing you to high heaven. He doesn’t stop moving, fucking you through your high and the sheer tightness of your cunt as your walls spasm around him is what pushed him over the finish line. With a loud groan his hips lose their rhythm and he paints your insides white with his hot seed, staying sheathed deep inside you in order to keep all of his cum in you. 
Fuck, you feel like you’re on cloud nine, basking in the glory of your orgasm but not for long. As soon as Chifuyu pulls out of you, Baji’s mouth is on your pussy again, lapping away at your folds. You squirm but he holds you tightly in place, dragging the cum from your pussy to your ass, tongue teasingly circling around your puckered hole. 
“B-Baji, no.. you can’t, not the—” 
You’re cut off by Chifuyu crouching down next to the couch and kissing you again. You don’t have time to protest, honestly maybe you don’t even want to protest because Baji’s tongue feels sinfully good against your ass. The green-eyed man barely gives you time to breathe, lips moving hungrily against yours. It’s sloppy, a mess of teeth clashing and tongues moving against each other. He swallows every sweet moan you have to offer while his fingers tweak and twist your nipples. Baji on the other hand is slowly working your ass open, first only with his tongue, the slick muscle pushing past the thigh hole, coating you with spit and cum mixed together. 
His tongue is now replaced by two thick fingers slowly pumping in and out of your ass, making your toes curl and your head spin. You can barely remember how to breathe but you manage to beg for more. To beg for him to go faster, to add more fingers. And he is fascinated by how wicked you are, how pliant and needy, how can he refuse you? He gives you more until you’re sufficiently prepped. 
With a slap to your ass Baji announces his work is done, and they once again switch with the other man. Chifuyu pulls you onto his lap, your back flush against his chest, and his cock, once again hard and ready for you, is prodding at your ass. Baji runs a finger through your folds, gathering your slick and cum and using it to lube Fuyu’s cock, stroking his length slowly, teasingly. Suddenly he spits into your cunt, and the obscenity of it all makes you clench around nothing. You want them, you want them so bad. 
His spit dribbles down your ass, and Fuyu spreads it against your tighter hole, slowly pushing past the muscle. All the prep you received wasn’t enough though, the stretch is burning and bringing tears to your eyes but you know it’ll feel good, you know they’ll make you feel so good, so you bear with it. Baji takes pity on you and bends down to give soft kitten licks to your puffy clit, teasing you and coaxing you to relax, and you do. 
Soon Chifuyu is fully sheathed inside your ass, his fingers leaving bruises on your hips from the tight grip he has on you. Now it was Baji’s turn and you already feel so full you have no idea how you’re going to fit Baji’s thick cock inside you too. As if he can read your mind, he speaks to you softly. 
“Don’t you worry pretty girl, you can take us both, I know you can.” 
He kisses you so fucking gently as his thick cockhead pushes past your entrance, you could just cry. His soft kisses distract you from the burn of the stretch, Chifuyu’s gentle voice in your ear reminding you how good you’re doing, how well you’re taking them.
Finally, finally they’re both inside you and you feel complete. They give you a little time to properly adjust before they both move in and out of you, somehow completely synchronized and in rhythm. God, it feels so fucking good. Your whole body is on fire and you can’t stop the loud moans coming from you, mixing in with theirs. Every time they move inside of you they can feel their cocks rub against each other between your fluttering walls. 
You’re spread open and speared down on both their cocks, now moving fast and hard out of you, and you feel like you’ll explode. Your orgasm approaches, but it feels different, more powerful. You barely have time to warn them, but they keep drilling their hips inside you, battering your insides and hitting all those good spots that make you forget your own name. It builds so fast inside you, the feeling consuming you, and you don’t remember how to breathe. 
Then it hits you. You cum so hard, spasming around their hard cocks and there’s liquid squirting out of your pretty cunt. They’re both stunned, the sight rendering them speechless and motionless. When the initial shock is over it turns them fucking feral. Both are now brutally fucking you, Baji’s practically fucking into your cervix, narrowing down on that spot that makes your eyes roll back, and Chifuyu is biting and marking you again, cock sliding in and out of your ass with no resistance. 
They both know what they want, they want to make you come undone like that one more fucking time. You’re so fucked out; if they weren’t holding you so tightly you would topple over them. You babble incoherently against their skin, begging without knowing what for, but they don’t disappoint, they give you everything. 
The two men kiss once again, hips not faltering once as they bring you to yet another Earth-shattering orgasm, and you squirt again. 
They both know you’re at your limit, so they chase their own orgasms, both cumming almost simultaneously and filling your holes with their seeds. When they pull out, a  copious amount of cum leaks out of your abused holes. Their eyes rake over your body, as if memorizing every curve and dip of your body, the way their cum is leaking down your thighs and soiling the cushions on the couch. 
You’re so spent and tired, you don’t even realize they’ve picked you up and brought you to the bathroom. You vaguely hear water running and assume they’re running a warm bath for you. You’re still in a daze when they wash you, gentle hands caressing your skin and massaging the sore muscles. You just let them take care of you, it’s not like you have the strength to protest anyway. 
They wrap you in blankets and kiss you every chance they get, on your cheeks, nose, lips, temples, everywhere. Someone’s hands are on you at all times, even as they struggle to get you dressed in some warm soft clothes, clumsily pulling the oversized sweater over your head. Then you’re carried back to the bed, where you find yourself between the two of them, tightly wrapped in a warm embrace and you finally allow yourself to really sleep as they quietly watch over you.
You stir in your sleep and feel a hand stroking your cheek. You blink slowly at Baji, who is slightly hunched over you, smiling lovingly. 
“Hey, what’s up? Where are you going?” you whisper.
“I think I’m ready…” 
The sentence knocks the air out of your lungs and suddenly you feel cold. You look up at him, pleading even though you know you don’t have the right to. 
“But, Ba-”
“Keisuke. Call me Keisuke. Plus, I already said my goodbye to him.” He looks over at Chifuyu’s sleeping frame and smiles, but there is a tinge of sadness behind his smile. “Take good care of him for me, yea? I trust you.” 
You’re graced by another one of his fanged smiles, but that doesn’t stop the tears from streaming down your face. His gentle voice doesn’t help with the feeling that’s piercing your chest, sitting in your heart like broken glass. 
“I can’t say goodbye to him again. So, I’m burdening you to tell him. Tell him I’ll be thinking of him wherever I end up. I’ll be thinking of you, too.” 
Another peck to your lips. Another tear rolling down your cheeks. 
You should be happy for him, that he’s able to go on. That he doesn’t have to be stuck here anymore, being nothing more than an observer as life passes by and his friends grow old. 
“Don’t cry sweetheart… You gave me such a precious gift, allowing me to say goodbye, to hug him one more time. To feel you, taste you. I’m the luckiest man alive... Or, wait. Luckiest ghost stuck in this plane of existence?” 
His little joke makes you give a watery laugh. You don’t dare speak because your voice will give out. 
“Don’t cry angel, no point in spilling tears over the dead.” 
As he speaks you notice he’s starting to fade away. You reach up to him, but you can’t touch him anymore, and the realization brings even more tears to your eyes. Your lips tremble, but no words come out as he reaches for you. 
All your life you’ve been in contact with lost spirits, and each time they passed through you it would feel devastatingly cold. But now it feels warm. 
The last thing you see is his smile.
Your crying is enough to wake Chifuyu. His arms quickly wrap around you and pull you close. You can hear the worry in his voice as he asks what happened, but you can’t reply. 
You can’t speak the words.
But he knows. He sighs deeply and kisses your temple, reassuring you that it’s okay. That he knew this was coming.
“He loves you.”
“I know.” 
He holds you close, fingers intertwined with yours. You listen to his heartbeat. He pets your hair and places butterfly kisses down your shoulder. 
“I’m glad I met you. I hope you’ll stay.” 
Every ending is a new beginning. 
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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zerokurokawa · 4 months
hi, i love your works, they are amazing! i don't know if you accept any requests, but if you don't mind could you write a one shot with Baji x reader, where they are 12-13(maybe before boys formed toman or just formed), she can be his friend, classmate, tutor, neighbour, Emma's friend, whatever your prefer, and Baji is so in love with her that everybody can see it and reader also and his friends tease him
Young Love | Baji x Reader
You were twelve and he was thirteen when he first saw you at Mikey's family dojo. From then, you swore he couldn't keep his eyes off you while you were hanging with Emma, his best friend's little sister.
"Why do you keep staring at y/n?" Mikey asked, as he drew his foot up for another kick.
"I don't know, really." Baji said, kind of irritated that Mikey caught him staring at you.
You all decided that once the session was over for the day, to go get something to eat. Emma invited you to tag along and so you did. The only issue was, who were you going to ride with?
"You can ride with me, y/n," Baji spoke up as he handed you his only helmet, "but holding on to the strap isn't safe so you should hold on to me instead." He smiled with his bright eyes and fangs showing.
You didn't say much, as you were nervous to be riding with him to begin with. You got on the back of his bike and he took off, trying not to scare you but to impress you at the same time.
Weeks had passed and Baji and had felt every need to keep hanging around you. He would constantly find excuses for Emma to invite you over and have you tag along with all of the guys.
"Emma, Draken is just going to ignore you, so why don't you invite y/n to come along so you won't be alone?" He would say, hoping Emma would pull out her phone and put you on speaker so he could talk to you.
"Are you sure you're not wanting me to invite her solely because YOU want to hangout with her?" Mikey would tease him, ruffling his hair. Baji would blush and shove him off, saying he just thought you were cool and wanted you to be apart of the group.
"Yeah, rightttttttt." Draken would let out a husky laugh as Baji continued to blush at his antics. Soon enough, you arrived and Baji was overwhelmed with excitement; it was surely showing through his toothy grin.
You all hung out for the entire day with Baji clinging to your side like a lost puppy. Even while at the arcade, he insisted that you two play games together, even the one armed arm wrestling one. He tried to win a big stuffed animal for you, but soon ran out of money.
At the end of the day, he finally got the nerve to ask for your phone number, but not though you, he asked for it through Emma. Emma reluctantly gave him your number so that way he could call and text you to hangout on his own time.
"Come on Emma, stop. I just like her cause she's cool!" He beckoned at Emma's teasing gestures as she would giggle and call him a love sick puppy.
"Yeah Emma, don't discourage our poor Baji from being in loveeeee." Mikey would perk up and join in the teasing.
Baji's face was completely red after this incident, but you still received a call from an unknown number later that night. Of course, you decided to answer it.
"Uh, Hi, this is Baji… I uh, got your number from Emma and was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow after school?" He finally mustered up the courage to ask.
"Sure! I'd love to!" You smiled through the phone.
Hanging out with him after school and on the weekends was always the best times. He would take you to eat, to the arcade, to the beach, and on random bike rides around the city. He really tried his best to behave in order not to scare you. Of course, you knew that Baji liked you, yet you decided to keep the teasing at a minimum since you liked him too.
Thus, beginning your relationship with a young, bashful Baji Keisuke.
(A/N: I hope you enjoy!!! :))
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linkemon · 5 months
Vivi (Baji Keisuke x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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[ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄʟᴜꜱɪᴏɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ꜰᴇʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙᴀᴊɪ ᴋᴇɪꜱᴜᴋᴇ. ꜱʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪᴍ, ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ᴀꜱ ꜱʜᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ.
[Reader] looked around the library. Dust particles danced in the bright light streaming from the huge windows. Some students fought over access to computers. The teacher on duty tried to calm them down. Most people, however, sat quietly, with their noses in books. They were cramming for exams. Two people glanced her way quickly from time to time. That's why she always hid in that corner, away from watchful eyes. The rumors about meeting Baji outside of class didn't do her any good. No one close to her approved of this. They heard various things about him, often untrue. They were afraid and rightly so.  
She looked at her notebook again that afternoon. She did all her homework. She also managed to study for all the tests. She had nothing left. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the table. She was dying of boredom. How long can you do one exercise? Keisuke has proven to her many times that there are people in the world who are not suitable for mathematics. No matter how much she tutored him, he was hopeless. Many times she wanted to give up but then she remembered his mother. Mrs. Baji fell into despair after her son had to repeat a grade. She didn't want it to happen again, so she actually begged her young neighbour to do something about his hopeless state of knowledge. She didn't have much money but she often cooked her favourite dishes and invited her to dinner. To this day, the girl still doesn't know how she managed to make up for all the gaps in the boy's education. The worst thing was that he really tried. She supervised him at every opportunity. Sometimes, late at night, she saw the lamp on in his room. And yet, he simply couldn't stick certain things in his mind forever.  
— What strategy did you use? — [Reader] asked, wanting to break the silence. She couldn't sit like this forever.  
— None — Keisuke coughed. — I don't know how to start this task.  
— Why didn't you say anything?! — The girl ran her hand over her face resignedly.  
— You seemed deep in thought — he replied calmly.  
— Take off those glasses. Right now.
She couldn't look at the pair of glasses on his nose anymore. Not only did he not look like himself but his eyesight was also ruined. The guys in the gang told him that if he put them on, he would become smarter. It didn't really work. And certainly not when it comes to school.  
— What for? — he asked.  
She reached towards him. He had more beautiful hair than herself. She admitted it reluctantly. He wore his long black locks in a ponytail. She pulled the elastic band off, letting them fall freely. He looked very handsome. If he walked like this every day, many students would surely send him love letters. Maybe it was better that only she had the privilege of seeing him like this...  
— Standard tactics don't work on you — she said. — When you're getting ready for a fight, you look like you do now. Imagine that these exercises are enemies and you're about to kick their ass.  
— How do you know what I look like when I fight? — Baji grinned. — Someone is watching me...  
— First of all, I'd be a fool not to look at you. — The boy's reaction was priceless. For a moment he was completely confused. He wasn't used to anyone responding to him like that. Certainly not apart from the people of Tokyo Manji. — And secondly, focus. — She pointed to the notebook.  
He cracked his neck and clenched his fist. For a moment, he looked like he was really about to go and kick the young students a few shelves away. Eventually, however, he began to read the text eagerly. He used two large sheets of paper. He drew and scribbled furiously. After a few minutes of scribbling, he gave girl the exercise. It's true that he calculated the delta incorrectly but it was a start. Especially compared to what was before.  
— If I do the next task, will you give me a kiss? — His low, gravelly voice sounded somewhere close to her ear.  
She knew he was teasing her but it still felt nice. He didn't joke like that with everyone. Keisuke didn't allow women near him at all. Outside of her. And she was very flattered to be the exception.  
— We both know you won't do it — She leaned towards him.  
The academic level of difficulty was clearly marked with the exercise. While she would have had a chance against it, he would almost certainly have failed at the very start.  
— I was hoping you'd care enough to help me. — He laughed. — It's time for me — he announced, getting up from the table.  
Toman was probably going to the meeting again. He'll put on a black jacket, get on his bike and go give someone a good beating. It never really scared her. Yes, he could be brutal but he never attacked people who didn't know what they were getting into. She had seen him deal with guys who harassed girls at school more than once. He often saved his younger colleagues from being attacked by nasty bullies. He didn't brag about it at all. He did it after class. Usually, no one recognized him afterward anyway because he looked very different at school and outside of it.  
It was no exaggeration to say that she had fallen in love with Baji. He showed her his other, softer side. Like when he held her hair to keep it from falling into the bowl of ramen. Or when he helped her get to class on time because she overslept. And he once even said that if he had to choose one girl and go on a date, it would be [Reader]. The latter was an overheard conversation between him and Chifuyu. Somehow it turned out that she was just returning to her apartment. The boys sometimes liked to sit on the playground near the estate. It was then that the truth dawned on her. It wasn't flirting anymore, it was something else. Some kind of bond that they will probably develop into something more soon. She enjoyed it.  
She didn't even notice how much time she spent in the library.  
— [Reader]-chan, have you been sitting here all afternoon? — Her friend touched her arm gently.  
— Almost — the girl nodded.  
Sashimi had been very worried about her lately. She insisted on walking her home. She also often asked them to go out together. She didn't mind, although the frequency with which they did it was starting to tire her a little. In the end, though, [Reader] let her be dragged and they had a good time.  
— I thought you were just talking to someone... — Her friend looked worried.  
She probably guessed she spent time with Baji. She didn't want to upset her because Sashimi never liked the boy. She had formed an opinion about him a long time ago. Gangs were bad, dangerous and that's it. She would go even crazier knowing that this famous legend goes to the same school.  
— You must've misheard. — [Reader] waved her hand carelessly and put her things into her bag. — Let's go.  
Something banged hard on the window. [Reader] took off her headphones, trying to figure out if she had misheard. The autumn wind sometimes blew a lot of garbage towards her house. Especially on days like this, where the sky looked like it was going to rain any moment.  
And yet the sound repeated itself. So she went to the window. She didn't expect to see Keisuke on the other side of the glass at all. A fat black tomcat trotted next to him. He wagged his tail impatiently and mewed loudly. He certainly didn't like this weather.  
— How did you get here, Baji-kun? — The girl glanced at him and then down.  
She let him inside, feeling the cool breeze of the approaching storm.  
— I climbed the tree. — He dusted the small brown leaves off his jacket.  
— Where did you leave the motorbike? — She glanced out the window again. There was no sign of his beloved vehicle anywhere.  
— One street away. Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. I know your folks don't like me.  
She breathed a sigh of relief. Her parents didn't like the boy. They certainly wouldn't be happy to see him. Recently, they clearly reminded their daughter that it was not a good idea to associate with such people. She protested for a long time and eventually they reached a compromise. However, she decided to stay out of their sight for now when the two of them are together. A sudden meeting certainly wouldn't improve the situation now.  
— You mentioned you weren't feeling well, so I came. — Keisuke sat down on the soft, plush carpet. He lazily stretched his legs and turned his head towards the ceiling.  
[Reader] widened her eyes. She had indeed written him a message but the last time she checked, he had not read it or replied. She thought he wouldn't really care. After all, everyone can have a bad day sometimes. Meanwhile, he escaped from the meeting with the gang. In addition, he made this strange but impressive entrance. She felt stupid. She was wearing unsophisticated, crumpled clothes and funny, old-fashioned slippers. She furtively brushed her hair as he admired the photos in her room, just to look a little more put together.  
— Cool slippies. Do you feel like a grandma already? — Her friend grinned.  
He seemed genuinely amused by the concept of stuffed cats on her feet.  
— Says the guy who wore glasses and thought they would make him smarter... — [Reader] showed him the middle finger.  
She felt embarrassed. Not that she didn't like wearing those slippers but now her neighbour certainly wouldn't let her live. He definitely won't miss the opportunity to remind her about it during some tutoring.  
— I thought if I brought him back it would make you feel better — Baji nodded at the animal hanging out in the middle of the room.  
The fat cat put his head under the girl's hand. She took him onto her lap. She stroked the fluffy ball steadily. The black fur was extremely soft. Baji certainly brushed it. She knew that the boy dealt with stray cats. He devoted what little time he had left from the day to taking care of them. His mother complained about how much fur they left in his room. And also what part of the monthly budget they consume. But she could always be placated. All it took was the pleading looks of a few animals and the promise that her son would start studying. Everything had been going on this way for several years. There were no signs of change.  
There was something nice about sitting here with Keisuke in the warmth when it was starting to rain outside. Talking about trivial matters brought peace of mind. Even if they didn't cover any specific topics. His mere presence helped cheer her up.  
— Why exactly did you feel bad today? — Baji asked at one point. — Do I need to beat someone up?  
She saw in his eyes that he was asking seriously. If someone actually hurt her, he would be ready to go and hit whoever she pointed out. He probably wouldn't even ask what, how or why.  
— You don't have to hit anyone. She laughed. After a while, however, she sighed heavily. — I've just had a terrible headache lately and I'm not in a good mood. There is no specific reason.  
The boy looked at her carefully, then put his hand to her forehead and immediately took it away.  
— What are you doing? — [Reader] looked at him, amused.
— I'm checking for a fever — he said.
She put her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. Still, she snorted quietly. She couldn't help herself.  
— You wouldn't be able to check anything by swatting your hand like that! Have you watched some kind of romantic movies?
His face confirmed that yes, he had watched the them. As silly as it was, it was also a bit romantic. Therefore, she spared him further suffering and changed the topic of conversation.  
A black kitten was circling the room. At first he acted normal but then he became a bit uncomfortable. He walked around in circles, unable to find a place.  
— What is it about? — The girl scratched him behind the ears.  
— He probably misses me — Keisuke said.  
As if on cue, the animal began to meow. A long wail echoed through the room.  
— [Reader], is that a cat? I thought you were talking to someone. — Her mother's voice came from the living room.  
She was probably watching TV and the sound only now reached her ears.  
— It's just a new ringtone on your phone! — the daughter shouted. — I talked to Sashimi!  
She looked pointedly at her guest. They should have been in bed long ago. Tomorrow was another day at school.  
— I think it's time for me to go — Baji said, straightening his jacket.  
She opened the window. The cat jumped out first, even though it was already starting to rain outside. He meowed goodbye and jumped straight into the tree. Keisuke followed him.  
[Reader] was walking along a quiet street with Baji. The area was desolate. Few people were out this late in the evening. And certainly not in November. However, the starry sky encouraged them to continue walking. So she pulled her jacket tighter around her, trailing after the boy.  
At one point, she saw a familiar, blond hair. It stood out in the grey-brown landscape. The light from the lamps reflected from it from a distance.  
— Matsuno-kouhai! — she exclaimed.  
The younger colleague turned towards her. Keiji gave her a scolding look. It was supposed to be just the two of them. And now they will have company.  
— Good evening, [Reader]-san… — Chifuyu's face showed concern. He stood still for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say. — How do you feel?  
He had always been formal with her but probably not that formal. She suspected that he had a crush on her some time ago. However, he felt respect for Baji and that was probably why he tried to suppress his feelings. Since she realized this, she saw him less often. She didn't want to break his heart even more.
— All right. Thanks for asking, although it's a rather strange question. — The older friend smiled slightly.  
— You took it the worst of all of us and it seemed to me that… — The unfinished sentence hung in the air.  
She noticed with horror that tears were dancing in the corners of kouhai's eyes. He lowered his head and quickly wiped them away.  
— What are you talking about? — asked the girl. She felt like she was missing something. As if it was something she should know.  
She looked at Keiji. However, he shrugged. Apparently he had no idea what was going on either.  
— I don't think we understand what you're talking about.  
— We don't? — The boy looked at her with surprise. He seemed genuinely shocked.  
— Something's wrong? We have no idea. We were here all evening. — She gave him a worried look.  
— [Reader]-senpai, what what kind of we are you talking about? — he asked with a serious expression.  
— Me and Baji-kun. Who else do you see here?  
Chifuyu's eyes widened for a moment. Like he really couldn't believe something. She didn't understand at all why he had this reaction. He grabbed her shoulders tightly and shook her.  
— [Reader]-senpai, Baji-san is dead…  
She felt as if someone had hit her. She grabbed her head. Excruciating pain ripped through her skull. As if something was trying to come to the surface. Everything inside her was turning over. She felt like vomiting.  
— But... he's here...  
She wanted to say that he was still here but when she looked back, she saw no one. Only an empty sidewalk and a few rustling leaves.  
— He was here just a moment ago! — she shouted desperately, looking around.  
She looked fat the boy in disbelief, feeling something bursting in her head. Some fragments of memories seemed to deform and blur. Was he in the library with her? Did he come to her room? Was she walking with him just now? 
— He committed suicide. Less than a week ago. On Bloody Halloween — Chifuyu said in a quiet, pained voice. — You were with me at his funeral. You are standing in front of a cemetery. — Matsuno hugged her tightly.  
She looked uncertainly to her right. He was right. Her legs brought her here. There was a gate in front of her. And beyond, there were rows of tombstones, decorated with flowers and incense sticks. Slowly everything came back to her. The sight of his cold, lifeless body. A gentle smile on his face as she said her final goodbyes to the corpse. His mother's despair as he was cremated. These senseless condolences from all my loved ones. As if they were going to bring him back to life.  
— It's not true! — she protested.  
She sobbed. His black jacket was darkened by the tears that dripped profusely down her face. She felt snotty. She sniffled again and again. The lights of the lamps were blurring more and more. The boy pulled her towards him. He held her very tightly and she knew he was crying too, although more quietly. She howled with shock and anger. To the world for being so damn unfair. At herself for not noticing anything. At Baji for leaving and not thinking about how she and his mother would feel. At Hanemiya because he was the one who pushed him to do this. And also on Tokyo Manji because they were shitty friends. Everyone was guilty. And now there was nothing that could be done about it because there was no way to turn back time.  
She blinked hard. She thought she saw Keiji for a brief moment. With his cheeky smile, on a motorbike and a black cat next to him.  
— Don't go — she sobbed.
[Reader] took out Peyoung Yakisoba from the bag and handed Chifuyu the chopsticks. They ate in silence. This became their ritual. Ever since their friend left, they kept their promise. They left him his favourite dish according to his last wish. They emptied the package halfway and then placed it on the monument. They hoped he would like it. 
The woman extended her hand towards Matsuno. He grabbed her and squeezed it tightly. They didn't give up. Even though everyone around seemed to have come to terms with Baji's death. They were still working. With each passing day they were getting closer to getting rid of Kisaki. Revenge became, as it were, their driving force. And yet, somewhere in these negative feelings, there was also room for love. 
For a long time, they wondered what Keiji would say if he saw their relationship. He would probably laugh and say he was jealous. But then he would wish them luck. She knew it. If it weren't for this feeling, they certainly wouldn't have decided to do all this.  
She had support in the man walking by her side. He understood her better than anyone else.  
— So where are we going for dinner today? — [Reader] asked.  
— I have no idea. There will probably be a lot of food at the board meeting but I wouldn't want to eat at the same table with them. We'll figure something out when I get back. — Matsuno wrapped his arms around her waist and they moved towards the tall building towering over the entire city.  
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x F!Reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, lil angst
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: Canon divergent, OOC, profanity, tattooing
You were born rotten, but he had a chance.
pt. 1 | previous | playlist
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“Y/n, this young man came to find you.” The receptionist appeared at the door of your room, grinning, his hand resting on Kazutora’s shoulder.
You nodded, not even looking up from your sketch, adding a final few touches to the design for your next client.
It was a large back piece, one that will take weeks to complete, depicting a rather intricate dragon in a traditional Japanese style, surrounded by sakura broom and spider lilies, and it was a design you were immensely proud of.
What a shame this beauty will have to end up on Imaushi.
Finally looking up, your eyes hardened as you saw Kazutora’s new haircut.
“So? Whatcha think?” He was grinning ear to ear, looking at you much like an over-excited puppy.
You took a deep, long sigh.
“Tora, how offended would you be if I started laughing?”
His face fell into a frown.
Nodding, you allowed only a smile to crack through, beckoning him to sit down so you could show him the designs.
“I won’t laugh then. Here are some of the designs of the tiger tattoo you asked for.”
“Y/n, these are so cool!” Amazed, Kazutora flipped through the pages, carefully observing each and every one, finally landing on a tiger tattoo in a similar style to the one you had on your own back.
“How was school?” Placing the stencil on his neck, you carefully removed the paper, handing Tora a mirror so he could see if he liked the placement.
“It was fine, I’ll go meet Baji’s friends tomorrow too… This placement looks great!”
“Alright. Let me know if you’ll need money, okay?” Putting on gloves and picking up the tattoo machine, you send him a warning look, “This will hurt, you know? The neck is a sensitive area. And if you move too much, I will fuck up the tattoo, so you gotta be still.”
Kazutora nodded, as if fully prepared for the world of misery he just threw himself in.
He had no idea.
Shrugging, you got to work.
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Shinichiro sulked the entire way to the studio, letting some of his sibling’s teasing get to him as he lit up another cigarette as soon as the previous one burned out, thinking over the previous date.
You seemed to have fun, and you told him as much, but still, you never got back to him again, and as much as he told himself you’re just busy, with work or your brother starting middle school - he himself went through a hellish time with Mikey - he couldn’t deny it any longer.
Maybe you just decided he wasn’t worth it, and that sent his heart plummeting to rock bottom.
“If anything,” Takeomi shrugged, probably trying to sound comforting, “At least you got a kiss out of the ordeal.”
Shinichiro’s eyes narrowed as he glared at his friend.
He and Benkei came to wish Wakasa luck, and to cause Shinichiro grief.
“First off, she kissed my cheek. Secondly, who the fuck told you she kissed me?“
“Haruchiyo did.” Benkei was the one to respond, shrugging, and Shinichiro gasped in betrayal.
“You sent your little brother to spy on me?”
“He wanted to come to play with Mikey and Izana anyway.”
“You’re unbelievable.” Shinichiro shook his head, frowning.
“Good riddance, if you ask me. She’s a bitch.” Wakasa huffed, stretching as he checked his watch.
“Don’t call her that!”
“To be fair to her, I’d have beaten your ass too.“ Takeomi shrugged, grinning when Wakasa swung at him, a sour frown on his face.
“Either way, it’s 4:15, and it’s respectful to arrive at a tattoo session early. Get your ass in, Shin.” Opening the doors to the studio, Wakasa almost ran into a kid who was rushing to get out.
“Kids these days.” Frowning, Wakasa stepped in, Shinichiro waving Takeomi and Benkei goodbye as he followed the blond inside.
Wakasa managed to find his aunt, who greeted him with multiple kisses to his face, ruffling his hair, exclaiming how big he’s gotten.
Shinichiro snickered while Wakasa looked miserable, waiting on his aunt to lead him to the artist.
“She’s new, but trust me, her line work and shading are immaculate! She was my apprentice, smart and hardworking girl, you’ll love her, I’m sure!” Rambling, his aunt led them to an empty, secluded room, “She’ll be here any minute, she as far as I know finished the design you two agreed on over the phone.”
Nodding, Wakasa politely thanked her, shaking his leg in anticipation.
“I was serious about you holding my hand.” Glaring, Wakasa sounded as confident as ever, looking up at Shinichiro who raised his arms up in defence.
“I’ll hold your hand, no worries.”
“You better. Or I’ll kill you.”
“Okay, I made some variations on what we agreed on, you’ll only have to pick and then we will see how it moves with the ba-“ A female voice called out as the artist entered the room, not even looking up as she flipped through the designs, stopping on the doorway to look at something closely.
Wakasa and Shinichiro stared, mouth agape.
You were wearing a tank top, arms and collarbones bare, revealing full sleeves of intricate tattoos depicting skeletons, animals and flowers swirling up your skin, disappearing to be hidden by the fabric of your shirt.
Shinichiro felt his cheeks burning.
You were truly your own piece of art, a dark painting with a couple of splotches of red paint and how glad Shinichiro was to be able to even dare claim you were his.
You were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and he looked at you as if he’s seen God.
“YOU?!” Wakasa jumped, an accusatory finger pointed.
You utterly ignored him.
“Yes Imaushi, I’ll be the one to do your tattoo.” Spitting his name out like a curse, you looked up briefly to meet his eye, “And if you piss me off, I just may hide a dick in the design.”
Wakasa paled.
Shinichiro awkwardly waved, and you smiled, taking a couple of steps to plant a chaste peck on his lips.
“Sorry for not calling, I was super busy.” Smiling into the kiss, you pulled back, cutely tilting your head in apology.
Shin threw Wakasa a victorious look.
“It’s okay.” Shinichiro grinned, making a mental note to tell his siblings where to stick it.
“I do not want to get a tattoo done by you.” Almost snarling, Wakasa got into your face.
“Yeah? Tough fucking shit, unless you want to lose the deposit.” Shrugging, you pointed to the couch and a small coffee table in the corner of the room.
You all but passively aggressively threw the designs into Wakasa’s face, arms crossed and fingers tapping your elbow impatiently as you waited on him to flip through the designs and pick.
Shinichiro stared at the drawings in awe, looking at you with his eyes wide.
“You drew that? Y/n, this is amazing!”
A small smile formed on your face.
Finally, Wakasa picked a design, and as you left to get the stencil ready, Wakasa sent Shin a dark look.
“Your bitch is pissing me off.”
“Stop calling her a bitch, Waka.”
“Fuck off.”
Shinichiro went to open his mouth and bite back a reply just as you appeared, holding the full stencil.
“We won’t be able to do the whole tattoo today, it will take six to eight 5 hour sessions but I will put the stencil as a whole, just so we can see how it’d move and if you’ll like it. Strip.”
Wakasa did as told, frowning as he took off his shirt.
Upon deciding on the placement, amount of sessions and price, you told Wakasa to lie down on the table as you prepared the machine.
Shinichiro dragged a chair to the table, softly taking Wakasa’s hand into his as the man shivered in anticipation.
You merely raised an eyebrow at the display of affection, but said nothing.
“This will hurt, we’re starting over your shoulder blade, bones hurt quite a bit. If you need a break, even just for a couple of seconds, let me know.” Staring pointedly at Wakasa, you waited until he nodded, his grip on Shinichiro’s hand tightening.
And if he let out a small scream when you first put the needle to his skin, who will have to know?
Everyone because Shinichiro will make sure to tell them that Wakasa Imaushi is a little bitch.
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. . . next
🔖Taglist (open):
@1818cigarettes @nana-phobia @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @levistiddies @graythecoffeebean @yukihime-mikeys-girl @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @galactict3a @bontensbabygirl @somniari-94 @astropheia @rgtgt @bubble-dream-inc @princesshaitani @luvjiro @inurmom00 @secretanimesimp @sweeneyblue1 @ameliabs-world @levii-s
a/n: deadass posting this in middle of my seminar class, i’ve been in uni since 8 a.m. and now it’s 5 p.m., my phone is on 6%, send help 🥲
also, for context
tora before the haircut:
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beautiful baby boy
tora after the haircut:
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a vaguely cute clown
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
hi, could you write headcanons with Baji x fem reader where the reader is a guitarist from a rock band (she and Baji are 15 years old) and her band is popular like Tokio Hotel, they suddenly and quickly became popular and they were also very young when they became popular. reader the band goes on tour and they have a lot of fans
HELL YEAH! I'm sorry this took so long omg and thank you for requesting<333
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I'm sure I've said this before but still will say that Baji likes music. He'd love rock in general and I don't think it'd be much of a surprise if he fell in love with you, rock guitarist.
When you would play guitar in your/his room for practice, I swear he'd just drop whatever he's doing and listen to you playing. He always loves it and stares you in complete awe.
Sometimes, you'd teach him how to play a guitar and surprisingly enough, he learned fast and well. (I believe that Baji has musical intelligence, idc what others say).
He always try to get the tickets whenever you're performing because he must be on your concert. Though, it'll be a big struggle sometimes because of money, he still would try. But you're giving him free tickets and even take him with you on the tour.
Baji would be extremely supportive and I mean it but also very protective because you know how crazy some fans are? Yeah exactly why. He turned into your personal bodyguard.
If you're playing songs for him on your guitar, he'd as well be happiest boy in the world.
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creamyychann · 2 years
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⟬DILF!Tokyo Revengers x Baker!Reader⟭
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Chapter 1: Moving in
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Warning: None.
Character: You, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji, Kazutora, Takemichi.
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Buy me some Ko-fi?
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It was a breeze morning. The sound of moving trucks could be heard across the small neighborhood. You look at your surroundings, it's a fresh yet a mysterious place, it's 3:30 AM of course, no one really awake at this point (EXCEPT ME, THE AUTHOR). You step in to your small yet cozy new house, wonder around, looking at each corner & sides of the interior of the house "Hmmm... It's quite dusty but some cleaning would do". After wondering about, you walk out of the house, walking to your next destination in only a few steps, you look up at the cottage, your bakery. It's a part of your house, your kitchen is connected to the back of the bakery so you can freely go in & out the bakery. A smile formed on your face, feeling proud for yourself "finally.. I can have my own bakery..." It has been your dream since a toddler to have a bakery & be a good baker, looking up at both of your parents who are a professional baker. You always make cakes & learn recipes from them, they're the best parents you'll ever get. "Mom, dad... I hope you're proud of me" a warm smile appear in your beautiful face.
You opens the glass door of your bakery & look inside. Everything seems fine, some dust but it wouldn't be much of a hassle to clean. It's definitely a big amount of money to bought the house, bakery, items & furniture that are necessary for both buildings but it was worth it, you can finally reach your dream. "Okay, enough of observing, let's clean up all these places" you took out your feather duster, mop, bucket full with water & floor cleaning soap & a broom. You tie your hair up into a bun, looking at your new cottages with a proud grin "let's get started!"
It's 6 AM, you've finished cleaning the whole house & the bakery, it's really a hard work, but since the places aren't that dirty, it doesn't take that long to clean a whole house & a bakery. You smile out of happiness but then you remember something "ah fuck.... I forgot placing the furnitures here" your smile understandably dropped, not to mention the heavy stuff... Couch, bed, shelves..... You let out a grunt.
Move forward to 9 AM, almost all the furnitures are in place, including the items & furniture for the bakery. You walk towards your couch, sighing heavily, after all of that. Some of the furnitures, especially the big & heavy ones are still haven't be in place but you definitely deserved a break. "Aaah.... So tired.... I'm gonna take a shower..." Picking up your toiletry, you walk towards the bathroom, taking a good hot bath.
As you dry your hair, you hear a doorbell ring. You put down your hair dryer & walk towards the front door curiously 'who's visiting me? Perhaps the neighbors?'. You look through your peephole & see several people. You open your door curiously but then your breath hitched.
In front of you is 7 hot & kind looking older mens who's around their late-mid 30s or early 40s. All of them has bits of graying hair, not to mention blonde streaks & hairs that are slowly fading away or replaced by their real black hair color. Their wrinkles are subtle but you can clearly see them when up close. Silence... You're in awe, seeing how masking hot the older mens are. The said mens are not so different either....
As you open the door, they weren't expecting such a gorgeous, young woman to appear in front of them. Your tangled hair that are still a bit wet from the shower. Strands of hair covering some parts of your beautiful features, giving them the urge to just tuck em away to admire more of your beautiful face. They were speechless honestly, they're expecting some kind, sweet old women to open the door, seeing the new empty bakery besides the house & the kinds of people living in this neighborhood. Yes. OLD PEOPLE. (Not too old ofc)
All of you stare at each other before you clear your throat "hi! How can I help you?" You smile warmly at the kind gentlemens in front of you. They went back into their track & smile back "hello young lady.... We're your neighbor, we were hoping we can give you some welcome gifts for moving here" a purple with a barely noticeable greying hair spoke softly with such gentle voice. The older gentlemens hold up their gifts, offering you them. "Oh my! There's no need for this!" You smile bashfully, seeing such many gifts "No no, we insist. Besides, it has been a long time since the last time someone new comes here, please take these" a tall black haired gentlemen with long hair that's braided spoke gently with his deep voice.
"T-thank you so much for these, would you all like to come inside & have some tea?" You offer, smiling softly as you step aside for their entrance. "Thank you dear, we'll gladly take your offer" the purple haired men smile gently as he nods a bit, meanwhile your face gone beet red from what he said... "dear".... Entering your house, there's of course still some boxes of furnitures but they don't seem to mind. You sit on a spare chair as the older mens sat on the couch. "Let me introduce myself, I am Manjiro Sano, but you can call me Mikey. This is Ken Ryuguji or Draken. This is Mitsuya Takashi, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora Hanemiya, Chifuyu Matsuno & lastly Takemitchy Hanagaki" the shorter black haired men with a few strands of grey hair spoke as he gesture to each person he introduced.
"Nice to meet you.. My name is Y/N L/N, I hope we can be a good neighbor" you bow a little to show respect as they nod "that's such a pretty name for a pretty lady..." Chifuyu said, not realizing the impact on you. You blushes madly but quickly shrugs it off, just thinking that as a kind gesture to you "T-thank you Mr. Matsuno" "There's no need for such formality, you can just call us by our first name, we don't mind" Kazutora said as he wave his fingers to reassure you "R-right... Alright then K-Kazutora" you spoke bashfully.
After some chitchat, Draken is eyeing the big boxes full of heavy & big furnitures in the room before offering you something "It seems like there's still some boxes here, would you like us to help you?" He smiles gently as the others nod in agreement "oh! I would be delighted! Thank you so much for wanting to help me! I hope it wouldn't bother you all..." They shook their head "we'll be more than happy to help you, you can ask for help to us anytime you want" said Takemitchy. You nodded happily as they start to unboxes stuff with you in the background watch them do so.
Your eyes widen when Draken easily lift up your shelf, you did notice all of them have some good biceps but you did not know they're this strong "where would you like this to go Y/N?" Draken said which startled you from your awe "y-you can move it there Draken!" You point at somewhere & he nodded. He easily moving the shelf over where you point at with no trouble at all. You're in awe the entire time, watching the guys lift all the heavy stuff so easily & move around while carrying it with little to no trouble.
"Okay, this is the big one. Where is your bedroom Y/N?" Said Baji as he, Draken, Kazutora & Mitsuya prepare to move the bed "right there..." They all nodded before lifting your bed & quickly move it to where your bedroom is so easily. You're so amazed by their strength... if they're that strong in this age, imagine how strong they're when they're younger.
"Huff! That was quite heavy! But I'm sure we're not done! There's still your bakery right? What should we move there?" Kazutora gleefully say as he crack his back, along with some others "A-ah! Yes! There's some stuff to move there, but no worries! Almost everything has been in place! It's just a couple more stuff to move & it's all done! Sorry to bother all of you" You answered, feeling bad for making them lifting such heavy stuff but they reassured "it's okay sweetie! Even if we're now oldies, we still got the strength like when we were younger!" Kazutora said as he flexed his biceps to you, Chifuyu & Takemitchy sweat dropped while you're blushing like crazy from the nickname.... You think you should start to get used to the nicknames.
After moving all of your stuff, the guys came back & sit on your couch "I'm really sorry for bothering all of you... I'm really grateful for the help" you scratch your neck as you look down in guilty-ness "no no sweetie, like we said, it's no problem, we'd be happy to help you again!" Chifuyu reassure you again which you only nodded at. Since they're probably tired from all the lifting & moving, you decide to give them some spare baked goods from yesterday. "Hey, I still have some spare baked goods I made yesterday, would you all like some?" They all seems to be interested & nodded. You stand up from your chair quickly go to the kitchen.
As you search for the baked goods, the older mens seems to have some tensions between them. They did notice how each of them eyeing you so..... Lustfully.... They look at each other, signalling they're thinking of the same thing. Takemitchy who notice the tension only sighed & rub the bridge of his eyebrows.
You came back with a plate of dorayakis on your hands "I'm back!" The guys notice & smile at your arrivals, Mikey in particular seems to be really excited & eyeing your dorayakis. "I baked these yesterday, I've warm them up but I don't think it'll be as good as yesterday..." You said pitifully as you place down the plate on the table. "No worries, I'm sure it'll still be fine!" Takemitchy smiles at you, as he reach to grab one, but someone beat him to it, who is it? Mikey of course. He quickly takes one & stuff it inside his mouth. As he eats the dorayaki, you watch intently, nervous on how it tastes. Mikey swallow the dorayaki & looks at you with stars in his eyes "wow!! Y/N! This is the best dorayaki I've ever had!! I couldn't imagine the fresh baked dorayaki taste like if this from yesterday!" Mikey compliments as he eats more of his dorayaki.
You blushes at his remarks but smile happily, when someone compliments your baking, especially the one you called not good, you couldn't help but blush & smiles a lot, even after days from the compliments, it's one of your favorite thing about baking, people appreciating your baking. You watch as the guys eats the dorayaki you gave & hear the compliments of how good it is, especially Mikey, he ate almost all of the dorayaki on the plate.
"Thank you so much for helping me today... When I finally opens my bakery, I'll be sure to give you all free dorayakis!" You smile happily as the older mens stand outside your house "Really?! Oh! I'll be sure to---" Mikey was cut off by Draken who slam his hands on Mikey's mouth "There's no need for you to do that.. We're always happy to help you, have a great day sweetie" him & the others bow as they all wave you good byes, you wave back & gets inside the house. You look at the gifts they gave you & remembers the compliments earlier.... It's a great idea to move here....
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My Tablet broke, elp
𓆩ꕥ⟬Have ideas or scenario you wanna add for the story? Give them away to the ask box!⟭ꕥ𓆪
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