#young luke and leia
bon-sides-sw · 6 months
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Mommy 💖💖💖
[Uni Au]
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silvereddaye · 1 year
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anghraine · 9 months
Sometimes I think about looking for SW content and then the first thing I see is "Padmé isn't really Leia's mother because of Breha" which is just ?????? in terms of the Lucas films.
Like, Padmé did nothing that would lead Leia to reject her. Dying is not a renunciation of her motherhood. When Leia is asked by Luke (who invariably identifies their birth parents as his parents) about her "real mother," Leia doesn't correct him but simply responds with a description of Padmé that, contextually, could only come from impressions via the Force that she mistakes as vague memories. Luke does not share these impressions; there is a special tie between Leia and Padmé. There's nothing wrong or improbable about Leia having feelings about that.
Breha is also Leia's mother, but this does not require Leia to reject Padmé nor make it probable for her to do so. And the conversation about Padmé in ROTJ just does not suggest a rejection from Leia at all.
I suspect that Padmé is basically being packaged in with Anakin, whom Leia has very good reasons to reject. But Padmé is not Anakin. Leia does not have to relate to them in the same ways and it doesn't seem at all likely from ROTJ that she does.
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ilovemarkhamill · 10 months
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Mark has a robe on and is playing her a song with his “harmonica” 😉 😆! This is behind the scenes of “Return of the Jedi”. His little hat and his robe! He is just so cute! 🥰🥹
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movietimegirl · 5 months
So many characters to see!!!
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tennessoui · 11 months
Fishook!Obi-Wan looking at Leia with proud tears in his eyes after she successfully manipulates Luke and Ahsoka for the first time. His clever, clever child. Maybe she'd like a planet for her birthday? Just a small one, a tiny moon the perfect size for the perfect 2 year old. (Anakin makes him get 3 moons; a romance novel featuring a widowed parent taught him it's important not to play favorites)
obi-wan: a moon is a perfect starter planet for a young megalomaniac, therefore for leia's birthday i am going to give her a moon :)
anakin: i agree - but also luke has a birthday soon. imagine that.
obi-wan: i'm offended you think i don't know when my son is born. he will be getting a paint set and a star wars easy bake oven.
anakin: and leia gets a moon???
obi-wan: do you think it's unfair that luke is getting two things and leia only gets one? maybe we could get her something else too....
anakin: nO
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lucyskywalker · 6 days
My favorite Luke Skywalker headcanon:
His favorite and most used lighsaber form is Ataru (Form IV)
I have a few reasons for that as well.
1st and most important: he was Yoda's Padawan.
2nd: I headcanon Luke being a little.... um-hum, short. Around 5'5, and in my mind, if you are short Ataru just seems to fit? It kinda compensates your lack of muscular strength and height in a duel, with fast and calculated moves. (My opinion)
3rd, but no less important: I just love to imagine him jumping and spinning in a deathly dance no one can get too close without the chance of loosing an arm.
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ave09 · 1 year
han solo x reader
note; i have so many lil han fics in my notes app bc i love him so much, along with two current requests, if y’all would like to read ‘em, let me know! my next post SHOULD be a james marshall fic, and if the person who requested that is reading this, I’M SO SORRY ITS TAKEN SO LONG! i know literally nothing about politics bc i hate them so i’ve ben trying to research and failing 😭 anyways, hope y’all enjoy this lil fic 🫶🏻
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“where are you taking him!” you thrashed against the grip of the stormtroopers holding you back. 
you glanced back at han, who was being pulled away, “stop! they’ll take you too!” he exclaimed, fearing that you’d receive the same fate as him. but you couldn’t just let him be taken. 
“quiet.” vader’s voice was intimidating as he stalked toward you, his tall frame causing him to tower over you. you cowered slightly, refusing to meet the villain’s gaze. you feared the man, knowing exactly what he was capable of. 
“would you like us to transport her to the cell?” a stormtrooper asked. that’s where they’d taken chewie and leia. 
vader remained silent, the only sound being the metallic hissing of his mask.
“keep her outside. she can listen.” 
you furrowed your brows. listen? what did he mean by listen? you watched as han was dragged into a room quickly, vader following close behind. 
the stormtroopers tightened their grip on you. they weren’t letting you go anywhere. you stood in silence, waiting for something, anything to happen.
then you heard the screams.
his screams.
your heart clenched at such a horrid sound. they grew louder, the cries echoing throughout your mind. 
“what are you doing to him?!” you exclaimed, shoving the stormtroopers beside you, but they would not let go.
“stop or you will be just like him.” one said.
“i don’t give a damn what you do to me but stop! just leave him be! leave him alone-“
you jolted awake, sweat caked your body as your chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. you glanced around at your surroundings, relieved to find yourself in your room. 
you weren’t in that place. you were safe.
“sweetheart?” you turned, catching a glimpse of han. “sorry.. i didn’t mean to wake you.” you muttered, lying back down. “you alright?” he asked. 
you chuckled dryly, rolling over to face him. his large hand brushed a stray strand of hair away from your eyes, “nightmare?” slowly, you nodded. 
han hesitated for a moment before asking, “wanna talk about it?” you never usually did, but he always asked regardless. 
“it was that night again.” you whispered. the man nodded slowly in understanding. “the freezing?”
“before that.” 
now he knew precisely what you had dreamt about. he then wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling your body closer to his. “you never have to worry about that again, princess. the empire’s gone. nothing can hurt us now.” he assured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
you smiled softly, “i love you.” 
“i know.” he said softly, resting his head upon yours as you nuzzled yourself against his chest, “get some rest.” 
it wasn’t long before you slipped into a deep slumber, dreaming only sweet dreams of the scoundrel who had captured your heart. 
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gildeddlily · 1 year
honestly I love how Mark Hamill came back and gave us more content ab our sweetheart, or how Hayden Christenses did the same and was just majestic, but I think they should start searching for new actors. Instead of paying a (n absolutely beautiful) 42ys man to play a 19ys boy why can't they find a young actor who resembles Hayden enough to look like Anakin?
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elijahmiles · 2 months
you literally described sequels luke skywalker. cold and distant but still nice.
there’s a difference between luke being cold and distant bc he’s afraid of his own power and feels inhuman versus abandoning the people he loves most and being cruel to the hopes of another person
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hellothere-war · 1 year
[Luke & leia find a holo of Obi-wan]
Luke: and finished let see-
Holo satine: ohhh~ Ben
Leia: I think am gonna barf
Like:[traumatized tear down his face]
Han:AHHHHHHHHHH!! [Fants from shock]
Mando: this guy is good!
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nicolos · 2 years
help!!! i have just discovered that wookieepedia lists day-lengths and year-lengths for a bunch of planets and that alderaan and tatooine are, of course, included. and that these day lengths and year lengths vary rather wildly from the galactic standard (aka 24 hrs / 365 days).
tatooine has a really long day - 34 hours. they have 2 suns. nights are short. it sounds like pure hell, but it makes sense. it’s also close to its suns and makes a full revolution every 304 days. checks out.
so. alderaan has a rly short day, only 18 hours. sure, i buy it. it’s got a standard year - 364 days. fine.
except the thing is that because of the way years are measured on those planets, despite luke and leia having been born literal minutes apart and being 19 standard years of age... leia is considered 25 years old on alderaan... and luke is... on tatooine... 16..................
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silvereddaye · 1 year
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Decided to redo the first Tinies.
– . – . – . – . –
Read The Entire Series on AO3.
En Espanol.
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Silverdaye’s [instagram] -  [AO3] - [SW Creative’s Discord]
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i have recently been made aware that it’s not normal to feel discomfort and disgust when people use your given name? like that’s not what everyone who doesn’t like their name means when they say they don’t like their name?? hearing mine makes me cringe and sometimes even makes my skin crawl or my stomach drop and you’re telling me most people don’t experience this????
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ilovemarkhamill · 8 months
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The kiddos from Star Wars being funny 😆 😜
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exonerin · 2 months
14 and 29! For I am nosy. >]
Thank you so much!! Any nosiness is greatly appreciated here.
14: If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Now, call me vain, but I considered this question before (before it was featured in the list and subsequently asked). Because there're some snippets, which I would love to see rather than read.
For Obikin, I work on a time-travel wip in which Darth Vader ends up back on Tatooine during the Phantom Menace after fighting Obi-Wan in the finale of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
And Padawan Obi-Wan practices some Jedi compassion on him while Qui-Gon is frolicking in Mos Espa with the Queen. Either way, in this fic, Darth Vader meets young Anakin Skywalker, who looks at his damaged limbs (courtesy of Obi-Wan Kenobi series Obi-Wan), and tells Darth Vader that "I can fix you."
And there's something about that scene with Darth Vader looking down at young Ani that would be pretty breathtaking to see (for me personally).
For a complete work, I'll say Unconditional Surrender (because I love the parallel about how Ren's and Hux's relationship progresses and how it's punctuated by how they end up pointing weapons at each other's throat over the course of the fic). It reads like a dance (spaced over 60k, so I'm not surprised no one caught it.
First, Ren raises his lightsaber to Hux's throat.
~20k later, Hux goes for Ren's throat with his dagger.
And another ~10k later, Ren lifts a hand to the hollow of Hux's throat.
It's a minor thing, but I love it, and I think seeing these scenes in close succession would be amazing.
29: Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
I shared the great fic of death before. And a significant chunk of it too, so that one is no longer a correct response to the question.
I tried to bestow upon you the honor of the first Obikin fanfic I started writing (a 20k behemoth) but I took a look at it and had to close the file. Some things are better off not shared ever.
So, I present an alternative version of what could have been my Obikin Big Bang (but ended in the trash, the entire idea scrapped when I remembered children frighten me. I would call it phobia, but I don't think it's an ungrounded fear). Excuse the grammar, I only did some light cleaning here and I'm not a native speaker.
Apologetically, he shrugged, the movement jostling Luke on his hip.
"I believe she has an appointment with Senator Chuchi," he told the handmaiden. He wasn't entirely sure. There were many things he wasn't sure about these days. Sometimes he believed he had never known anything, at all.
Sometimes, it felt like he was back in the middle of an active war zone, transported to the heights of the Clone Wars when he wouldn't know either.
When he had slept a full night for the last time, for example. Or when his last shower had been. And wasn't that a horrible question to ask oneself? He didn't know where Leia's stuffed tooka had gone, and she was unlikely to appear from the closet she had locked herself into until he found the stuffed animal for her.
Maybe it was in a towering pile of laundry blocking the hallway.
"Can you call her?" the handmaiden asked him.
Maneuvring around heaps of laundry he had started sorting in the hallway because the kitchen table was covered in the kids' handicrafts, he moved to the living room. He hadn't had an opportunity to upgrade his commlink, so it was still the scratched and scuffed one he had worn as a Jedi general.
Padmé's number was still encrypted on the device. The handmaiden followed him gingerly, grimacing at the mess. And Anakin swallowed around the lump in his throat that had taken up permanent residence there. Instead, he focused on the commlink in his hand, calling Padmé without any guarantee she would pick up the phone.
Padmé picked up on the seventh ring, barely intercepting the call before it would move to voicemail.
"Chancellor Amidala," Padmé greeted, sounding harried.
Anakin fumbled for words, sleep deprivation and the stupid lump in his throat making speech impossible.
"Uh… one of your handmaidens is here," he explained.
The handmaiden gestured to pass the comm over. Though loath to hand his comm over to a stranger, he complied. As soon as she pressed the comm close to her face, the handmaiden started rattling, falling back into a Nabooian dialect after a glance at Anakin. From the other end, Anakin could hear the muted sound of Padmé's voice.
He wasn't welcome here.
Feeling like an intruder in his own living room, Anakin returned to the hallway, relieved that Luke continued to sleep on his hip. He would need many washes to catch up with the laundry stacked high. If he didn't catch up, the damp towels would begin rotting, and all his laundry would smell musty no matter how often he washed it.
It was difficult to muster the energy to get started on this Sisyphean task. Laundry collected faster than he could sort through it and required more washing cycles than fit in a day.
Anakin Skywalker didn't resent his station in life.
His gaze drifted to the large balcony and landing platform visible through the opened door to the living room. Dully, he noted that either Luke or Leia had stuffed the fountain, which spewed pathetic streams of water intermittently. Later, he would have to fix it if his right hand decided to cooperate. Beyond the handmaiden and the potted plants, which had wilted since Anakin couldn't figure out how much water they needed, he could see the spires of the Jedi Temple.
The lump pressed harder on his sternum.
In his hold, Luke stirred.
Anakin Skywalker didn't regret his choices.
He just didn't know… anything anymore.
Once he had calmed down, all those years ago, he had felt too much shame to contact the Jedi again. No one had contacted him either. He inhaled shakily, his throat spasming around a pathetic sigh. He would never find closure, waking up in the dead of night from nightmares. However, these nightmares were no longer prophecies since his Force signature was as torn as ever.
"Thank you, Mister Amidala," the handmaiden said on her way out. "The Jedi will arrive in a few hours."
"What Jedi?" Anakin demanded, following her through the hallway back to the door. Suddenly, his heart pounded in his chest.
"Additional security detail," the handmaiden explained. "We cannot share this confidential information with a civilian."
Then, the door slammed shut behind her, rousing Luke.
"I'm not Mister Amidala," Anakin told the closed door. On his hip, Luke began crying, with loud sobs and wails. Only children could express their emotions so clearly, but Anakin contemplated joining Luke for a split second. Then, he straightened his back and bounced Luke on his hip.
"Hey, little guy, what's wrong?" he asked. The words were sandpaper in his throat. Luke needed his attention, whatever comfort Anakin could offer, or his son would lash out with the Force, and Anakin wouldn't realize until the lights shattered.
Thickly, he swallowed, past the point of trying to make sense of Luke's warbling. Anakin had led sieges on Outer Rim planets, had faced battalions of battle droids, led his men into bloody battles, and fought Sith Lords.
One apartment and two kids had him on his knees. Literally. Slowly, Anakin collapsed on his knees, careful to keep Luke balanced on his hip. If he cried, the twins would grow more upset, so he couldn't show his tears.
"Daddy?" Luke asked.
A shaky exhale fell from Anakin's lips.
"I'm here, Luke."
He wasn't. Not really. Physically, he was present, but his mind was lightyears away.
"I don't feel well," Luke whined.
Alarmed, Anakin jerked his head in Luke's direction, finally noticing the sugar smeared around Luke's mouth, his fingers and hair sticky and colorful from the artificial food coloring.
Hurriedly, Anakin scrambled to his feet, putting Luke down on the floor to check the kitchen. He stopped on the threshold, surveying the mess. A glass pot had toppled from a high shelf, its shards scattered over the floor. The gummy worms inside the pot -- a gift from a Senator who didn't have two hyperactive kids -- had all disappeared.
Luke waddled past him, trying to enter the hazard zone the kitchen had turned into.
"No," Anakin warned him, reaching out with a hand to stop Luke from entering the kitchen. "The glass is very sharp. If you cut yourself, it will hurt."
Luke lurched back, his big blue eyes watery, taking the cautioning very seriously. Even without his connection to the Force, Anakin could feel static build in the air. He could only brace himself for more destruction. Instead of a tantrum, however, Luke hiccuped suspiciously.
"I don't feel well," Luke repeated in a pathetic sniffle, and Anakin knew. Oh, he knew, but he could react in time. Luke threw up on the kitchen floor, covering the floor, the cupboards, and both their clothes.
Anakin stared at Luke, who stared back with wide eyes, unable to comprehend the weariness sweeping over Anakin.
"Okay," he sighed. "Okay," he repeated, needing to hear his own voice to ground himself.
"Okay," he said a third time, trying to channel resolve but only finding exhaustion.
"Oops," Luke responded.
Anakin just wanted to collapse on the floor and ignore his life. Unfortunately, Luke was covered in puke, so he couldn't tune out and pretend he was elsewhere if only for a handful of seconds.
Unbidden, his gaze returned to the spires of the Jedi Temple, barely visible from the kitchen.
"We will talk about this," he told Luke before sweeping his son into his arms to carry him to the bathroom.
Finally, Leia peeked from his closet. "What happened?" she asked.
"Your bother ate all the gummy worms and made himself sick," Anakin responded.
"That's unfair," Leia complained. "I wanted to eat them, too."
"I know, Leia," Anakin sighed, "I know."
Leia's bottom lip wobbled, and Anakin just didn't know. He had no quick fix for this situation.
"Later, okay?" he asked.
Leia frowned at him. "It's always later," she asserted. Anakin's heart shattered. He tried so hard, but he was failing both the twins and himself. "I want gummy worms," Leia grumbled before locking herself in the closet again.
"I do, too," Luke chimed in from his arms.
"Oh, no," Anakin assured him. "You've already eaten enough, Luke."
Luke disagreed, but Anakin wrangled him into the bath. As Luke came down from his sugar high and discovered his tummy ached, Anakin managed to get him in bed. Meanwhile, Leia had left her hiding spot, trailing after him as he gathered Luke's dirty clothes in his arms, grimacing at his soaked sleeves.
It was at this stage that the doorbell rang.
For a split second, Anakin considered ignoring the door, but Leia had already raced to the door, waiting there like an eager puppy until Anakin would open. So, he redistributed Luke's clothes in his arms and followed her.
When the door swung open, Anakin's gaze rested on cherry-leather boots, so familiar that his heart seized. Terror gripped his throat as he lifted his gaze over tan tunics until he met sky-blue eyes.
Obi-Wan's expression was neutral, giving Anakin nothing to work with.
"I��" Anakin swallowed thickly. "Why are you here?" he asked. Realizing how rude he sounded, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, welcome?"
He shuffled aside, almost tripping over Leia, who regarded Obi-Wan from behind Anakin's legs.
"You should-- I mean… if you want to, you can come inside. I mean."
Anakin glanced over his shoulder at the dirty laundry piled high in the hallway.
"Thank you, Anakin," Obi-Wan responded warmly, and Anakin's shoulder relaxed fractionally.
"It's not usually so messy," he mumbled when Obi-Wan brushed past him. Anakin couldn't help inhaling deeply, relishing the scent of the Temple issues laundry detergent, leather, and Obi-Wan.
"Who are you?" Leia demanded, still clinging to Anakin's left leg.
Obi-Wan crouched, offering her a hand, which Leia watched suspiciously. "Hello there," he greeted her. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, and your father and I… we know each other."
We know each other.
Anakin's heart clenched in his chest. Suddenly, his deep embarrassment about the state his apartment was in didn't matter anymore. All that was left was misery.
"Do you know him, daddy?" Leia asked him for confirmation.
Anakin closed his eyes briefly. Five years had granted him a new perspective and a deep remorse. He preferred to avoid remembering, staying away from both his best and worst memories. Shame clung to him, and Anakin suspected he would never be free from the guilt that overwhelmed him on bad days.
On good days, he would spend rare free minutes staring through the window, following the shuttles descending to the Jedi temple with greedy eyes.
He dropped his gaze, accidentally meeting Obi-Wan, and unable to tear his gaze away.
"Obi-Wan is my best friend," Anakin answered. He gently pushed between Leia's shoulder blades, guiding her closer to Obi-Wan who shucked the sleeve of his cloak back to offer Leia his hand. Leia nodded primly before accepting Obi-Wan's hand, shaking it with vigor. Obi-Wan's expression quirked funnily before he dropped his gaze to Leia, treating her to his attention.
Anakin remembered meeting Obi-Wan for the first time, deeply impressed by the Padawan braid and lightsaber clipped to Obi-Wan's belt. He could no longer hear the soft hum of Obi-Wan's kyber crystal, forever deaf to the crystal's song. He was so homesick, but he didn't deserve to go back. Furthermore, there was nothing to return to.
Yet, he didn't feel so forlorn when Obi-Wan smiled at his daughter, visibly amused by Leia. Suddenly, it was vital that Obi-Wan liked his children.
"Introduce yourself, Leia," Anakin urged, praying she would behave.
"I'm Leia," Leia told Obi-Wan. "Nice to meet you."
"Hello Leia," Obi-Wan greeted her with a smile. "I'm Obi-Wan."
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