#young saeran mysmes
sheepsdreamworld · 1 year
Rika...are you sure this looks good on me...? It seems too fancy and...and colourful...
But - if you say so...then, okay.
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anas-tasiaa · 1 year
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Tomato boys as kids! ❤️
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thefunniestguy · 3 months
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i think there's definitely other characters in mysmes who could fit the judas' betrayal thing but . i'm normal over saeran , and i honestly think this still works . inspo + inspo notes below the cut <3
i based this off of "bacio di giuda / kiss of judas" by ludovico carracci !!
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i just. think. about saeran <3 i'm too tired to write out Why or How they parallel Jesus and Judas in their own way , but maybe another day . i also just like religious imagery / metaphors or whatever the word is . i am so sleepy
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dropob · 2 years
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mother’s love
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i’ve had such terrible experiences with relationships in the past, even tho i was really young in a lot of them. i’m 18 now and currently recovering from an abusive relationship with my ex boyfriend.
most guys i know aren’t interested in dating a girl with relationship trauma and if they are, it’s usually for the wrong reasons.
do you think any of the mysmes guys would be okay dating a girl with relationship trauma? or would they just steer clear of girls like that altogether?
I sincerely don't think you need to be afraid of any of the characters in Mystic Messenger ever thinking less of you for having gone through a difficult romantic relationship in the past with an ex-partner, whether it was toxic, abusive, or anything else. To think less of someone who's a victim is disgusting, and even in real life, if someone makes you feel less than because you survived an abusive relationship and whatever they say makes you think you're "damaged goods", kick them. Kick it out of your life. Kick every single person who makes you feel horrible because that victim blaming mentality has got to go!
The only way to make a healthy relationship is to learn how to speak with your partner and communicate your needs. The two goes both ways and it's important to discuss what matters to you and them. It matters because in a relationship, you and your partner(s) work to be together because you want to be together, and if you want to make it work with someone, you find compromise and work towards shared goals. You want to be better together, but not just together.
You want to exist within your relationship as two people with their own lives and as you spend more time together, you blend this or that until things feel just right. You don't have be with your partner all the time, and you don't have to do everything with your partner, it's okay to have different hobbies and passions. But, being with your partner is meant to be fun, so when you do share experiences and things you love, it should feel good and never like a chore.
Great example, say you're a Yoosung MC. You don't enjoy MMORPG games, or video games at all, but you do love Yoosung. So, you listen to him talk about his exploits in LOLOL because it makes him happy to share it with you. You do that because you love seeing him happy. He knows you don't like video games, and he loves that you met him in the middle and share that with him.
On the opposite end, say you're someone who is the light of the party and you're a Jaehee MC. Jaehee isn't huge on the party scene, she's a stay in and enjoy her evening kind of gal, she appreciates that you don't expect her to go to every party with you. You don't ask her to go to every party you attend, but you make sure to MAKE TIME for her because you love being with her, too. That's compromise, and it's the best way to enjoy YOUR INTERESTS and to be RESPECTFUL to your partner.
There are ways to make a healthy relationship and as long as you're willing to put the work in, it will get there. It's harder when you're a bit younger and you don't have the experience in communication under your belt, but it's one of those things you learn as you get older, and for some of us, unfortunately, we learn the hard way. I know I did and while it's still hard to use my voice, I feel better for it, so I hope that it is easier for you to find your voice and someone who wants to be with you for the right reasons.
Remember your worth because you matter and you deserve someone who helps you remember that.
All of these characters have their own personal trauma outside of a relationship, and they're also paranoid you may not want to be with them because of that. Like, for example, Saeyoung and Saeran have a lot of complex trauma they're working on throughout the series and they both have made a point of saying that they're afraid of hurting or disappointing the player because of their mental health. They take accountability and do their best to treat the player right if they make a mistake or hurt you, but it doesn't excuse the hurt.
You're allowed to be hurt and to communicate how you were hurt. Because the only way to make things better is to talk. Don't push shit under the rug and pretend to be okay with it. It breeds resentment in a relationship and that's not going to make anything healthy for you or your partner. Talk about what's bothering you. Be honest and say what you mean.
Tell Saeyoung that he hurt your feelings by lying to you and trying to push you away. Tell Saeran that you're still upset about what he did in Mint Eye to you by insulting you. Make them understand that you do not want to be treated like that ever again, and that you want to be by their side in the future, but you also don't want them to hurt you or by proxy, end up hurting themselves because you know they don't want to hurt people intentionally.
Communicate these issues and work on them together if you want the relationship to work. The same goes for you if you make a huge mistake and hurt them. Talk. it. out.
Same thing with Jumin Han. Don't mince words with him after the time he trapped you in the penthouse. You don't have to insult him or shout at him, but explain why that hurt and why it made you feel bad. Explain why he should've known it was wrong and that you want to be with him but you won't hesitate to find boundaries if something like that happens again.
Zen, for example, he doesn't hesitate to flirt with you from the very beginning because he knows you're charming and trustworthy. He feels that in his gut, but sometimes, his gut can land him into some trouble if he trusts the wrong person. Something he has to work on, not even just in romantic pursuits, is thinking about boundaries and not giving people the benefit of the doubt all the time. People could walk over him and that's not healthy.
And maybe you're the one who brings that up with him when you tell him about your past and what you've gone through. It sparks the way forward, and you focus on ways to not nudge him down. Since, after all, he has an ending where you make him quit acting by telling him to give up his dream. I can easily see, even in a healthy dynamic, where Zen does way to much to please you and how quickly that could turn into a problem if he doesn't work to curb it and you realize how little he's asking for himself.
Jihyun Kim is just as bad when it comes to people pleasing, but he has a sense of awareness about that bad habit of his, he just has to accept it and that's a part of his route. So, it's not as hard narratively to point that out and how it hurts him and any relationship he wants to go into.
Communication is the key. That's how things work out for the best in any relationship. Either you work on what's wrong 100% and stay to be together or you leave them because it wasn't healthy and you've decided to move on.
I can promise you that the characters aren't going to tell you to leave because you have "baggage". If someone loves you and they want to be with you, they'll work with you—circumstance barring something making your dynamic toxic or abusive of course—to make sure you feel just as comfortable as you help them feel.
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anarchysmut · 1 year
MysMe sexualities/gender identities heads
Saw other mysme blogs do that, wanted to share my heads on the matter
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Romance: bi-romantic who easily falls in love with people
Sexuality: demisexual, needs a lot of time spent with his lover and deep connection before he does something even remotely sexual, despite his "beast" he claim to have inside
Gender: cis male, he/him
Yoosung Kim
Romance: pan-romantic, he's very young and open to new experiences so he doesn't limit himself
Sexuality: pansexual
Gender: transgender FtM, he/him
Jaehee Kang
Romance: demi-romantic, even though she has some dating experience it's hard for her to date someone without have a connection to them
Sexuality: bisexual leaning towards women
Gender: non-binary, uses she/her (is cool with they/them too) but doesn't feel like completely cis female, probably bc she was forced to be more manly which created a conflict inside her head
Jumin Han
Romance: demi-romantic, basically canon, cannot date someone he doesn't share a bond with (probs has a crush on V but denies it for... obvious reasons)
Sexuality: queer, open to new experiences, doesn't limit himself
Gender: non-binary he/him and they/them
707/Saeyoung Choi
Romance: demi-romantic, also kinda canon, bc of trauma and lack of someone he could trust fully he cannot enter a relationship with someone he doesn't trust
Sexuality: pansexual, probably a virgin/has very little experience so he tries to be open to everyone and everything
Gender: genderfluid, he/him, she/her or they/them depending
V/Jihyun Kim
Romance: demi-romantic
Sexuality: demisexual
Gender: cis male, he/him
Unknown/Ray/Saeran Choi
Romance: demi-romantic, same as his brother
Sexuality: demisexual, only gets intimate once he's comfortable enough with his lover
Gender: non-binary, he/him and they/them
Rika Kim
Romance: either bi-romantic with a broken sense of love or aromantic
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender: cis female, she/her
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anon-drabble · 2 years
musical mysme
so because musical theater has always been my one, true love, of course i associate many songs with fandoms.
so these are the lyrics from musicals that just remind me so strongly of the mysme characters. obviously this is all in fun and i do this out of love of all the guys, lol. and some of these are not from muscial theater but musical episodes or movies.
also... i definitely didn't intend for half of these to be from the same musical but it's mostly because i wanted to do saeran/unknown/ray and well the same character works for all three of them lol.
ao3 | ko-fi | twitter | masterpost
Some over muscled, chauvinistic, self-indulgent, egotistic, stingy, prissy, narcississy jackass in a can! Oh, my god. That's me!
Game with me, it's the ultimate spice! I promise you, it won't ever be dull. In our world, you're all powerful. I'll buff you, don’t be afraid. It's Tuesday night, let's do this raid!
I spend my life accounting with figures and such. (Unhappy) To what is my life amounting? It figures, not much. (Unhappy)
I was alone. I was a frozen lake. But then you melted me awake. See? Now I'm crying, too. 
You are young and beautiful, sweet as the breath of May. Earnestly I speak to you—weigh every word I say: If you want to have a rosy future and be happy as a honey bee, with a husband who will always love you, baby, don’t marry me!
I float in a boat, on a raging black ocean, low in the water with nowhere to go. The tiniest lifeboat, full of people I know. Cold, clammy, and crowded; the people smell desperate. We’ll sink any minute. …Everyone’s pushing, everyone’s fighting. Storms are approaching, there’s nowhere to hide. …I’m hugging my knees and the captain is pointing - well, who made her captain?! Still, the weakest must go…
I worship you. I'd trade my life for yours. We’ll make them disappear, we'll plant our garden here.
{MC} I wish your dad was good, I wish grownups understood! I wish we'd met before they convinced you life is war! I wish you'd come with me… 
{Unknown} I wish I had more TNT!
I am damaged. But you’re…different. You’re the one we ought to spare. … Please stand back, now… LIttle further… Don’t know what this thing will do. Hope you miss me. Wish you’d kiss me. Then you’d know I worship you. I’ll trade my life for yours and once I disappear, clean up the mess down here.
I'm the prettiest poison you've ever seen
Blame your childhood ... Blame the life you never had. But hurting people? That’s your choice, my friend. (honorable mention, i couldn’t decide between these two)
Hey, could you hold my hand? And could you carry me through no man's land? It's fine if you don't agree but I would fight for you if you would fight for me. Let them drive us underground; I don't care how far. You can set my broken bones and I know CPR
So tell me 'bout your sins and shock me with their luridness. Let me be your pupil; let me choke on your cocksuredness. (another honorable mention, i couldn’t not include it lol)
also honorable mentions for jumin and v: songs that don’t have any lyrics that outwardly fit them but just the ~vibes~ of the song always makes me think of them!
jumin: sorry/grateful
v: there won’t be trumpets
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riverpancakes · 1 year
My MysMe Kids ! (Oldest to Youngest)
Chaewon Choi
Daughter of Saeran and Xxxx, 29 years old
Transwoman, Straight
she/her, err/error/error/errors/errorself
'missingno' in the RFA messenger
Dae-Seong Han
Son of Jumin and MC5 (Young-Mi), 28
Cisman, Straight?
'Dae-Seong Han' in RFA messenger
Dating Gyeol-Wool Ryu
Ye-Jun Kim
Oldest child of Yoosung and MC2 (Eun-Young), 25
Nonbinary Watercoaesic, Queer
he/him, it/its, they/them
'ye-jun' in RFA messenger
Dating Dal Choi
Ha-Yun Choi
Oldest child/twin of Seven and MC4 (Dan-Bi), 24
Transmasc Genderfluid Roserenotte, Sapphic
she/her, ve/venus/venus/ves/venuself
'ha-yun' in RFA messenger
Dal Choi
Youngest child/twin of Seven and MC4 (Dan-bi), 24
Genderqueer, Queer
he/him, .exe/.exe/.exe/.exes/.exeself (pronounced "dot exe"), vi/virus/virus/vis/viruself
'418' in RFA messenger
Dating Ye-Jun Kim
Byeol Ryu
Oldest child/only son of Zen and MC1 (Mi-Cha), 24
Bigender, Neptunic
'byeol♛' in RFA messenger
Dating Ae-Cha Kang
Seo-Yeon Kim
Daughter of V and Rika, 24
Ciswoman, Lesbian
she/her, 🚬/🚬, 🥀/🥀
'seo' in RFA messenger
Kyong Kim
Youngest son og Yoosung and MC2 (Eun-Young), 23
Cisman, Biromantic Asexual
'Kyong Kim' in RFA messenger
Ae-Cha Kang
Daughter of Jaehee and MC3 (Iseul), 23
Cisnonbinary Velician Anlometlic, Queer
she/her, rib/ribbon/bon/bons/ribbonself, clas/classic/sic/sics/classicself, let/letter/lets/lets/letterself, ad/adore/adore/adores/adoreself
'ae-cha✿' in the RFA messenger
Dating Byeol Ryu
Gyeo-Wool Ryu
Youngest child/only daughter of Zen and MC1 (Mi-Cha), 19
Ciswoman, Straight
'Gyeo-Wool Ryu' in RFA messenger
Dating Dae-Seong Han
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dailysaeran · 3 years
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He is just sitting there!! What is he thinking⁉️⁉️
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 2 years
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taatoruchan · 4 years
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“We will be eternally happy. Eternally in love.”
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hiaden · 4 years
Ghost Saeran?? 🤔
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agardenofblueroses · 3 years
Today’s post is gonna be something special~~ (Kinda lol 💀✌️)
So… I decided to take a “Which Mystic Messenger Character are You” Quiz and draw the character I got!
So… I took the test.
I never tried to get anyone-
But I got Unknown!- (a.k.a. Saeran)
(Quiz result shown at end! ⭐️)
Here’s the art!!~~
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(I know I can’t colour well~ 💀🤫)
Here is The Quiz Result~
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Ahem.. The results speaks true facts though~~⭐️
Thank you for looking at my blog!..
(Ps: Those random things in between are my attempt on spacers lolol~⭐️)
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violet-olav · 4 years
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I love him so much
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dropob · 2 years
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once upon a time, there was a boy who lived amongst flowers...
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fishsticksloser · 4 years
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