banamine-bananime · 9 months
reds and blues as employees on a dairy because it brings me joy
red team all work in the dairy and blue team work in the calf ranch and heifer barn. they hate each other because the reds will blame absolutely any problems on blue team fucking up their replacement heifers and blue team will blame any and all calf illness on the maternity pen. 42 day old calf breaking with diarrhea that is abos-fucking-lutely obviously coccidia? nah that's obviously because of poor colostrum hygiene, and even if it isn't, it's because reds're somehow fucking up the colostrum protocols - yes sarge we know the serum total proteins on new calves SEEM to show good passive transfer but we just KNOW there's something going on in that pen because you idiots cannot be trusted not to, like, start dipping navels with strawberry-flavoured vodka or something
carolina is 50/50 owner with church after inheriting it from their father. it was a couple hundred cow tie-stall barn used for research - both dr. church's own research and renting to other researchers. when he retired they decided they wanted to start nearly fresh, hopping markets from research to commercial production, expanding and converting to a much larger free-stall (they're around 900 head now) and robot milkers, and greatly expanding and upgrading the youngstock facilities to keep up with the replacement heifer need of the larger herd. it was a rough first few years, especially with *ahem* the quality of labour they were able to hire, but they figured it out and things are going shockingly well now
carolina: counts as red for these purposes because she's the manager of the dairy. she has a very love/hate relationship with management because god does she like getting to do things Her Way and research and analyze and work to make them perfect and tell people exactly what to do, but unfortunately, people. People are absolute pests and will not just do what you tell them because you said so, and learning this has been IMMENSELY frustrating for her, but she's gradually learning people skills and that respecting your employees, hearing them out and actually explaining Why you want things a certain way, will get you sooooo much farther. She also hates how much time she has to spend behind a desk and will take absolutely any excuse to strap on some coveralls and help with breeding or drying off or covering silage or really anything physical. thank god, because she is an absolute machine and will sprint in her steel-toe rubber boots and coveralls with the giant fucking heavy-ass tarp up the pile all on her own. she would not be on her own if she slowed down to a normal human speed, but there is absolutely no way she's gonna do that.
sarge: head herdsman and cannot be convinced not to spend an ungodly amount of time at work. worked on then owned a teeny family dairy his whole life until it was not economically feasible and had to sell a few years ago, coincidentally right when church and carolina were doing their overhaul and looking for someone experienced they could trust to deal with all the inexperienced chucklefucks they were able to hire. It seemed like the perfect serendipitous coincidence, until they realized they hated each other and sarge has... some Interesting beliefs and methods that he absolutely cannot be persuaded out of. getting him to stop putting red kote on EVERYTHING was carolina's greatest Sarge Achievement. he's also the hoof-trimmer alongside lopez and getting sarge to, for the love of god, stop putting wraps on every therapeutic trim SERIOUSLY NO ONE CAN SEE THEM AS SOON AS THEY GET DIRTY AND THEY'RE JUST STAYING ON WAY TOO LONG AND MAKING THINGS WORSE SARGE PLEASE GOD is her white whale. he does most of the repairs on vehicles and equipment and she has to beat him off with a stick from making very-not-OSHA-approved "improvements". nevertheless, over the years they've grown an incredibly weird friendship that absolutely terrifies and deeply confuses church
grif: does the ration mixing and drives the ration truck and feed pushup and alley scraper, and, most importantly, the skid steer. other people can (and do, on days he's not working) step in for the other things, but the skid steer? carolina has OUTLAWED anyone but grif from driving it after donut had an oopsy daisy and completely fucked up a water line (she was sooooooo mad they had one HELL of a frosty meeting. she is very careful to Not Yell because she knows that is a Bad Manager thing to do but carolina has no ability whatsoever to disguise how mad she is, like in her face and body language, and and does not realize it or how terrified people are of her LMAO). he would actually be a really shitty feeder without simmons neurotically messaging him where he's supposed to be every 15 minutes in the morning because feeding would NOT be on schedule and he might even forget a pen tbh (this is very bad. think of a lactating dairy cow as an elite ultrarunner who is in a constant fight between her limited capacity to take in food and her absurd energy expenditure. any disruption restricting feed intake is the root of pretty much all evil for lactating cows). between the two of them they make one functional person. because why not establish deep co-dependency with your co-worker for no reason <3
simmons: kinda jack-of-all-trades herdsman. huge snitch to carolina or sarge whenever people are slacking or fuck up, which she appreciates because usually it's really hard to have eyes on the ground to see whether the protocols you put so much effort into perfecting are actually being followed, and what you need to do that make them easier to follow/people want to follow. it's much easier when you have an obsessive suck-up, thankfully. when she saw him looking over her 1000 spreadsheets and reports and making his own, reorganized-for-maximum-efficiency versions for fun she realized, holy shit, this is my out from some of the most tedious, mindless, repetitive administrative management work, THANK YOU GOD. she only trusts him with stuff that does not involve making decisions and she still briefly checks over his work, of course, but oh my god, he is SO thrilled and smug to have Responsibility and to be Entrusted with anything even remotely management-y. also does a lot of routine preventative maintenance on equipment because sarge isn't as interested in maintaining things as making new, better (/more terrifying) ones, and no one else is so anal about maintenance schedules.
donut: main breeder and maternity pen herdsman. good lord, the fisting jokes. no one knows if they're on purpose. boy howdy is that boy good with an ai gun, though! so they all just have to endure some of the most awkward turns of phrase they've ever heard. he cries dramatically every time there's a stillbirth or a weak neonate that dies, and then immediately is like okay i'm normal now! (he is never normal.) has an EXCELLENT appreciation for the importance of LUBE, MORE LUBE ("NO I MEAN IT MISTER THAT POOR GIRL DESERVES BETTER FROM YOU!! I WANT YOUR ARM DRIPPING") whenever checking labour progress and especially in dystocias, and does not tolerate anyone helping not treating his gals with the utmost tenderness and respect. also deeply fucking weird and LOVES finding bovimanes or abortuses because eeeeeewwwwww so weird so cool doc look!! look at it hehehe YUCK!!!!
lopez: professional hoof-trimmer who comes in biweekly. hates working with sarge SO much. blasts regional mexican music as loud as he can by the chute so he doesn't have to hear him.
doc: obviously the hospital herdsman. god bless him, he tries, but he is so susceptible to "oh i heard from bob down the road that oregano oil and yeast will prevent subclinical ketosis and you HAVE to give today [this is a popular cefapirin intramammary tube for treating mastitis, but only works on susceptible bugs, and god people are. very bad at choosing which cases to use it for and what duration to use. especially because it takes 5 days for inflammation to go down and milk to return to normal even if the infection is cured sooner] for 5 days for it to work". dr. grey is their herd vet, comes by weekly for herd check, and god, she both HATES and LOVES doc. hates because good god man, please stop all this nonsense and just!! listen to her advice!!!!! she put effort into these treatment protocols JUST LISTEN TO THEM. loves because wow, fascinating how this man's mind works, and what a CHALLENGE trying to mentally wrestle him into compliance.
church: manager of the youngstock barns. constantly bitching to carolina about a) how terrible the reds are and how they're obviously fucking up all the calves at maternity, SERIOUSLY carolina how are they supposed to work with this!! and b) how terrible and annoying the blues are, really, carolina, he means it this isn't a joke stop laughing, not a day goes by that he doesn't fantasize about firing everyone, selling, and retiring to a cabin in the middle of nowhere where he'll never have to fucking speak to anyone again. at least while alpha is fronting. epsilon doesn't need to do the performative "i hate everyone and i'm killing myself the next time caboose leaves a gate open and we have to spend an hour collecting naughty heifers" bitching quite as constantly, he's more comfortable expressing actually liking his coworkers. but he does occasionally fly off the handle and get way more actually mean than alpha, which is obviously Suboptimal for workplace toxicity, because he feels like the one in the system that has to take on everything the others can't or won't and so he internalizes all the real work-related stresses until he blows up about them. theta really really loves the calves and fronts semi-frequently when things at work are calm and they're handling the calves. they all try not to let omega front at work because JESUS CHRIST, but tbh there's a couple times in stupid petty arguments with tucker and caboose he does and it's literally just like the stupidest cheesiest gimmick villain WITH MY CALF ARMY I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND SUBJUGATE THE PUNY BIPEDS!!! tucker's like lol sure man. caboose is supportive because fuck human babies fr calves are so superior.
caboose: mostly works with the older heifers because no one gets these hormonal naughty teenage gals like him. keeps picking different favourite heifers and naming them sheila. tex works with the post-weaning girlies too and they're a dreamteam honestly. together they can and will deadlift a yearling if she gets herself stuck in a stupid spot. frequently causes gate-related chaos. tucker is starting to get suspicious he does it on purpose because he likes seeing the heifers get to go exploring.
tex: unrelated to church and carolina, but is the only one that actually worked at the farm when owned by their dad. their dad wanted her to have 1/3 ownership but she turned him down. carolina is still hurt by how much mentorship/approval he gave tex compared to his actual kids. tries not to take it out on tex but tex's general abrasiveness and her messy relationship with church don't help matters. doesn't actually work full-time at the farm anymore, has her own beef operation (texas longhorn ofc) now but still drops by to have fun with caboose and the heifers and to bother church. are they dating? exes? about to kill each other? about to elope? no one knows! she'll bring her ropes or her dartgun just to make people freak out about YOU CAN'T DART THE DAIRY COWS TEXAS (obviously she wouldn't. whether she should be darting her own cows is another question but they are wild gals and she is a wildly good shot so, hey, if it works and she knows the risks and is using them with a veterinary prescription)... but she is serious about roping the naughty heifers when they escape. she believes in the power of a good rope and bowline knot like nothing else.
tucker: works with the pre-weaning calves. in a constant battle over the calf barn radio with church and kai and is NOT above hiding it so they can't change it. always trying to get out of doing any cleaning tasks and slacking off and talks a big game about what little asshole shits the calves are but who's in there babying any pneumonia calves with extra bedding and perfecting ventilation and giving SO many oral electrolytes so gently to scours calves? who's bullying church into buying dummy nipples and making PVC pipe hay slowfeeders (well, blue team all make them together. team craft day!! mostly spent with tucker certain caboose is going to take off tucker's and/or his own fingers with the saw) for enrichment? who's paying unannounced recon visits to the maternity pen to make sure they're treating the neonates right and have all the colostrum equipment and calf pens pristine (he and donut have a weird frenemyship)? he wasn't like this until he had junior and now he can't stop thinking how he would want someone taking care of his baby to treat him... god. now he has to actually try. fucking annoying Feelings and wanting to do the right thing ugh!!
kai: oh man she loves the calves they're her CREW her GIRLS her SQUAD!! so many selfies with them. sometimes she "breaks into" (she has a key) the barn after hours with her besties (randos she met at a party) for fun. church has told her a hundred times that there are fucking CAMERAS and he's going to fire her next offense he swears to god. but he knows she at least won't let anyone fuck with the calves or the barn (and, in fact, has gotten into some spectacular fights with some of those drunk people who have tried vandalism).
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suspiciousmammal · 2 years
As it turns out, importing quality horses for your cavalry is quite expensive. And so it was probably frugality and not some equestrian passion that inspired Friedrich Wilhelm I, king of Prussia, to have a stud farm built in the boggy eastern region of his country.
In 1731, the Crown Stud Farm Trakehnen ( “Königliches Stutsamt Trakehnen”) was established. Some decades later it was renamed to Prussian Main State Stud Farm Trakehnen ( “Preußisches Hauptgestüt Trakehnen”). They started off with around 1100 horses, more than 500 of which were broodmares.
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The house of the stable master in Trakehnen
While Friedrich Wilhelm I’s successor Friedrich II still preferred to import his cavalry mounts from eastern Europe, the stud farm persisted. Very few horses were imported to improve the breed during his reign. Mainly because Friedrich did not actually give the stud farm in Trakehnen the money to do so, instead demanding that Trakehnen be profitable on its own.
Nevertheless, some Thoroughbred stallions (like the stallions Admiral, Hake and Pitt) and some Turkish and Persian stallions found their way to Prussia. These were notable foundational stallions that helped refine the breed in its early years.
In 1779 Trakehnen’s stable master Domhardt coined the idea of keeping state stallions (so-called “Landbeschaler”) to be used by local private breeders, both for financial gains and to directly improve the overall quality of the horses bred in and around Trakehnen. Initially, 11 state stallions were kept in Trakehnen. This number was increased to 21 once the success of the state stallions became apparent.
A few years later in 1787, breeding practices in the farm were changed quite drastically: Carl Heinrich August Graf von Lindenau, who’d been tasked with managing the state stud farms in Prussia, inspected the breeding stock in Trakehnen. He deemed 25 of the 38 stallions and 144 of the 356 broodmares to be unsuitable for breeding purposes. During this time the broodmares were sorted into different herds based on type and color. They were divided into carriage/heavy herds, riding herds and a light herd.
As far as I’ve read, the heavy herd was divided into a chestnut, bay and black herd, with the riding herd only being further split by color some years later when their numbers grew.
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The black herd out on pasture (x)
1787 was also the year when the elk antlers were introduced as the brand for Trakehner horses.
During the Neapolitan wars, the breeding stock had to be evacuated twice to flee from the French troops: once in 1806, and then again in 1812.
This, and the fact that Prussia had lost more than 90 000 horses during the wars, decimated the breeding stock to a point where only around 600 horses suitable for breeding returned to Trakehnen in 1813.
But with patience and persistence the Trakehner horses recovered from the wars. In 1831, the Prussian cavalry finally managed to entirely rely on Prussian-bred horses, instead of importing their mounts. That had been the initial goal when the farm was established one century ago. 
In the 1800s we once again realise that you can’t read about any horse-related history without stumbling over some Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Stallions like Artald, Meteor or the Arabian Nedjed ox were used to refine the breed during this century. 
Thoroughbred stallions like Perfectionist xx continuted to have an impact well into the 1900s.
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Nedjed ox (x)
The Trakehners became larger in frame towards the end of the 19th century. Vorwärts (1859) is a nice representative of the Trakehners of this time. In the 1880s, some experimental crossings of Trakehner mares with Hanoverian stallions were done, but the resulting horses weren’t exactly what their breeders had hoped for. So instead, Trakehnen stuck to using English Thoroughbreds.
Apart from the main farm Trakehnen, the state stud farm was expanded upon to include several smaller (that’s relatively speaking.) external farms. There, youngstock was raised, horses were quarantined and certain broodmare herds were kept.
Trakehners became less popular as actual agricultural work horses in the early 1900s. Mainly because, by this time, the breed had a high amount of “blood”, which made them spirited and energetic, and not particularly suitable for the plough.
However, they did become known as exceptional military horses. The methods of selection also tended to favour the athletic, high-energy horses over the quieter, heavy ones.
Unfortunately, war struck once again.
In 1914, Trakehnen had to be evacuated for the third time in its history, this time to flee from the approaching Russians. Lots of mares lost their foals and the youngstock suffered under the stress.
In 1918 they returned to Trakehnen. Several buildings had to be rebuilt, and the wartime crops were small and runty, but the breed survived.
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The stallions’ stabling compex, partially destroyed (x)
The Great War is over but the cavalry has proven to be useless in modern warfare. And so the breeding goal for the Trakehner shifts again, from military to agriculture and sports. They moved away from the Arabian-influenced square frame to a more rectangular build with a wider ribcage and a longer back.
This was actually accomplished without much outcrossing. Instead, breeders relied on heavier lines that were already present within the Trakehner population. The stallion Dampfroß is a product of this time.
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The Trakehner stallion Dampfroß (x)
Trakehners from this time won the Pardubice Steeplechase, the Derby in Hamburg or dressage and eventing medals in the Olympics.
In 1926, a stallion inspection facility was established in Zwion. Here, the three year old Trakehner stallions could be tested in their ability and quality in direct comparison to one another.
The facility in Zwion was the first of its kind. Breeders liked having formal judgings on the studs available to them, so soon they called for “a Zwion for every studbook”.
We’re approaching the 1930s. The Trakehners are an established, now modernised breed. 350 broodmares in Trakehnen produced around 40 to 50 young studs every year, which, once they’d reached maturity, either remained in Trakehnen or got sent out to various other stud farms.
Thoroughbred and Arabian blood was still used in small doses, now that a heavier type had been established. This time even saw the introduction of a small (less than 20 mares) broodmare herd of Arabians in one of the external farms. Fetysz ox is one of the more well-known Arabian influences of this period.
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Fetysz ox (x)
During the 2nd World War, Prussian civilians were prohibited from evacuating even when the impending loss of the Germans had become obvious. Any form of evacuation would’ve gone against the promise of certain victory.
With that, evacuation orders were eventually given in 1944 once the Russian army was only mere kilometers away. Trakehnen was abandoned in a matter of hours.
Of the roughly 15 000 registered Trakehners, only around 700 were still around after the war. I’ll talk about the details of these losses in a separate post. This has gotten a bit lengthier than expected.
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Sad to follow up on animals I saw earlier in the week that died. Momma goat from Wednesday now struggling. The car sickness is sneaking back in but also STILL i have some kind of GI situation so who tf knows. Hate to see very sick babies. Please do not buy youngstock or really any animal from auction. Unfortunately engaged in a compulsion i was trying not to but I'm learning? about why this is my compulsion and why it offers relief and why my attempts to redirect havent been working? Idk man I'm doing armchair exposure response therapy to myself over here.
Anyway overall im feeling like this got me pretty far in "get comfortable doing things on live animals" i gave shots, scrubbed into surgeries, fumbled things, got better at palpating, delivered some babies. People were very kind and i didn't throw up and i got a bar of soap and a goose egg
Next rotation is also ruminant focused but more sheep n goats (yay!) and other fun creatures (camels???) but also A LOT OF DRIVING (BOOO) unless i find some housing in Delaware
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featherypoppy · 5 years
Tail wash time! It's not going to be sparkling white, I'll do what I can.
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sljuniques · 2 years
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Stop growing 🥴 . . . . #homebred #tgca #traditionalgypsycobassociation #traditionalgypsycob #theaceofkings #youngstock #equine #equestrianlife #sjequestriansuppliesltd #feather #solid #seib #hoys #love #growing #horse #poniesofinstagram #cobsofinstagram #homeproduced #horseygirls (at SJ Equestrian Supplies LTD) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdupnW9ohtk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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track2hack · 4 years
I say I love standardbreds a lot but honestly my dream horse is a fjord and I would 100% sell out for one. absolute dreamboats
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brygarth · 5 years
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Hadn't actually posted this on tumblr yet!
This is Isaac after winning overall champion at the youngstock show this year 😁🎉🥇
Hopefully 2020 will be just as successful!
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jefaisducso · 4 years
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Reasons to love shelving units? The ability to organise feed additives neatly and cleanly.
From left to right:
-Devils Claw for Sana (or occasionally Vigo) to help with inflammation after hard work or small injuries.
-Slim, a feed balancer for when Vigo is on restricted food + grazing due to weight gain.
-Linseed (Flax) oil to bolster Horsie + Sana (+ then Hermes & Freyja when they come home) over the winter months as it gives extra energy alongside Omega 3, 6 & 9.
I’m not a fan of stupid amounts of supplements but anti-inflammatories as needed, balancers during hard times and oils are fine, especially as I know my hard feed is imperfect (it’s designed for youngstock and broodmares rather than being a competition or leisure blend, as this doesn’t aim to give them tons of excess energy to burn off, so ideal for poor-doers and growing youngsters who don’t need to be hyped on oats).
Added to these, they have a small quantity of alfalfa pellets (high protein, builds topline on Sana better than anything else) and copious amounts of soaked sugarbeet.
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trahendian · 4 years
Breed Profile: Steam Freighters
The largest breed by far, Steam Freighters are the true titans of the rails.
BASICS Population Rank (USA): 8th out of 12 Average Height: 90-102 in (m); 90-98 in (f) Average Weight: 250-475 lbs (m); 325-450 lbs (f) Region of Origin: North America
Developed in the new world to meet the growing demands for long-distance cargo transport, the Steam Freighter is a breed built to work.  The largest Trahendian breed by far, his massive size and calm, watchful demeanor make him the ideal leader for a train of rowdy trucks.   Although his numbers are decreasing, he still enjoys the admiration of human and spirit fans alike in heritage yards and on tour.
As the Steam Passenger rose to immense popularity in North America, the concept of using engines to haul freight long-distance was becoming increasingly popular.  But the Passengers were not physically suited to heavy loads this task entailed, being better suited to handling human passengers and light cargo.  Thus, the largest and strongest among them were selected as the forebearers to a new breed: the Steam Freighter.  Outcrosses to earth elementals proved effective in producing enormous, powerful spirits capable of handling the titanic engines being built.  Freighters quickly proved themselves indispensable to the infrastructure of North America, and even now remain a symbol of economic fortitude.
Dieselification, however, did not leave the Steam Freighters unscathed.  Steam locomotives were very high-maintenance and required whole crews to keep them running at full potential; meanwhile, the more efficient diesels proved a boon to many railroad companies looking to save money and time.  Thus, the Steam Freighters began to be phased out.  By the end of the 20th century, they were all but relegated to heritage yards and museums.  That said, their fall from superstardom has not dampened their wide appeal--many humans and spirits alike still flock to admire their majesty and truly astounding size.
Steam Freighters are, of course, most easily recognized for their size.  With the largest males standing at over seven feet tall, they are impressive both in stature and build.  They have broad shoulders, wide chests, and long, powerful limbs.  They tend to be very well-muscled and have more fat deposits than their Passenger cousins, speaking to the fact that they hauled heavier loads over immense distances.  They have large hands and feet and are noted for their impeccable balance over even the most treacherous terrain.  Their plating is among the heaviest and most elaborate in the Trahendian world, providing them protection from the elements, hostile spirits, and even their unpredictable charges. The coloration of Steam Freighters tends to be neutral to dark, with metallic tones predominating.  Some display patterns on their body and limbs, but in most cases they are solid-colored and not particularly eye-catching.
A breed known more for their ability to keep a consist in check than their social skills, Freighters have become somewhat infamous for their taciturn and phlegmatic dispositions.  Most are unaccustomed to interactions with humans save the crews that worked aboard their consists--to whom they grew fiercely attached.  While they are remote, they are experts at keeping a rowdy freight consist under control.  Few care to challenge a Steam Freighter, not only due to their size but also to their infamous hard stare, which can convince even the most rambunctious of freighters and cargo to think twice. At home, Steam Freighters are intensely loyal to their fleet and family.  They make strong alphas and are known for their fondness for youngstock.  They coexist well with Carriages and Trucks, and have been historically friendly with electric breeds.  Many have long-standing rivalries with diesels, who in many cases took jobs and fleet territory from their steam predecessors.
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scarlettjane22 · 5 years
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Nawarrah Park Lady's Man x Bendigo Precious Gem Champion Welsh Youngstock
Dawn Hollybank Elliott
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banamine-bananime · 11 months
I’m Vis, mid-twenties vet student. I only think about dairy med and space marines please talk to me about them ✌️
He/she cis lesbian btw
Some things I love:
- CATTLE. COWS. everything about em. dairy production med. youngstock, replacement heifer development, naughty little calves in general. livestock welfare and sustainable production.
- other ruminants and camelids and horses and pigs and poultry and bees are also very very good i love their medicine too
- media: rvb (most of what will be posted here), homestuck (yes. still.), dungeon meshi, svsss, mdzs, hxh, mha, the southern reach, drv3, helluva boss, star trek ds9, discworld, warrior cats, lost, hhgttg, dc comics, many others
- amphibians, arthropods, and other weird little dudes
- botany, ecology, biology in general
I’ve got an rvb aesthetics sideblog
sometimes I write rvb fic
my catchall tag for running my mouth or making stuff
also i'm trying to archive transcripts of all rvb scenes by characters and interactions wish me luck
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southfarmequest · 6 years
New field day for three generations of my girlies ❤️ what a place to live ❤️#youngstock #fillies #homebred #hali #dashandslip #zoomyfilly #zoomtothemoon #dashtothemoon #bornunderthemoon #halucination #mygirls #beautifulplaces #horsesofinstagram (at Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire, United Kingdom)
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astressedvetstudent · 5 years
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Diseases of cattle youngstock - operation study for finals starts today!
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featherypoppy · 5 years
Updates are sparse because I'm very busy, but progress is good and I'm adoring working with both my girls.
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lusitanostud · 5 years
Best Practices for Selling Lusitano Youngstock
Getting the Lusitanos I breed into good homes is a responsibility I don’t take lightly.
I turned down a buyer for our colt Pendragon yesterday, someone involved in the dancing horse industry in California. Not surprising, they pretended that they wanted him for dressage but the photos of their Facebook page told a different story. Just the fact that I was lied to - well, that was enough to stop me from selling a horse to anyone. This is why Facebook and social is such a powerful tool for selling horses. Someone's history on social media speaks much louder than words... How do I screen buyers? I use google satellite images to check out their facilities and where they live. Linked-in to check out their work status and I look at their photos and posts on Facebook, as well as Intagram - to learn about their best practices and beliefs about animals. I view who their "friends” are. I also ask the hard questions about their equine discipline, number of horses, amount of time they have had horses etc. and I just talk to them. In the end, intuition plays a big role in our decision not to sell. Which, only happens rarely. But recently, the uptick in the dancing horse market has me vigilant. We have had bad experiences with buyers. Most common is flipping or not realizing the financial burden that horse ownership is. But also people with no common sense, no ability to train. Once, we had a horse that we bred and then sold - get resold. Then he was starved by the second owner. It was a horrific learning experience and one I don’t care to repeat. When I sell a horse that I have bred and raised, that is an animal i LOVE. Sometimes, I don’t think people realize how much heart and soul goes into those little foals. These experiences have taught me that being a bit proactive in finding good buyers in important. I would rather undervalue a foal, that I have invested resources, time, love into -and find a perfect home, than get top dollar. That said due to the wonderful type of person that is drawn to the Lusitano, most times it is apparent immediately that due diligence isn’t necessary, that the person is legit, a good person and horse owner. But it is uncomfortable for me to screen like this. It does feel like I am poking my nose where it doesn't belong sometimes. Uncomfortable to turn someone down. And painful - I try to do it lightly or dissuade them but in the end, sometimes you have to just say no. Just to write it, I am sure that not all Charro Horse Dancing trainers abuse their horses. But enough do, that for me, selling into that market is a non starter. For a good discussion on dancing horses, click on the button below, which will take you away from this page.
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cieloazure · 5 years
Best Practices for Selling Lusitano Youngstock
Getting the Lusitanos I breed into good homes is a responsibility I don’t take lightly.
I turned down a buyer for our colt Pendragon yesterday, someone involved in the dancing horse industry in California. Not surprising, they pretended that they wanted him for dressage but the photos of their Facebook page told a different story. Just the fact that I was lied to - well, that was enough to stop me from selling a horse to anyone. This is why Facebook and social is such a powerful tool for selling horses. Someone's history on social media speaks much louder than words... How do I screen buyers? I use google satellite images to check out their facilities and where they live. Linked-in to check out their work status and I look at their photos and posts on Facebook, as well as Intagram - to learn about their best practices and beliefs about animals. I view who their "friends” are. I also ask the hard questions about their equine discipline, number of horses, amount of time they have had horses etc. and I just talk to them. In the end, intuition plays a big role in our decision not to sell. Which, only happens rarely. But recently, the uptick in the dancing horse market has me vigilant. We have had bad experiences with buyers. Most common is flipping or not realizing the financial burden that horse ownership is. But also people with no common sense, no ability to train. Once, we had a horse that we bred and then sold - get resold. Then he was starved by the second owner. It was a horrific learning experience and one I don’t care to repeat. When I sell a horse that I have bred and raised, that is an animal i LOVE. Sometimes, I don’t think people realize how much heart and soul goes into those little foals. These experiences have taught me that being a bit proactive in finding good buyers in important. I would rather undervalue a foal, that I have invested resources, time, love into -and find a perfect home, than get top dollar. That said due to the wonderful type of person that is drawn to the Lusitano, most times it is apparent immediately that due diligence isn’t necessary, that the person is legit, a good person and horse owner. But it is uncomfortable for me to screen like this. It does feel like I am poking my nose where it doesn't belong sometimes. Uncomfortable to turn someone down. And painful - I try to do it lightly or dissuade them but in the end, sometimes you have to just say no. Just to write it, I am sure that not all Charro Horse Dancing trainers abuse their horses. But enough do, that for me, selling into that market is a non starter. For a good discussion on dancing horses, click on the button below, which will take you away from this page.
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