top100k · 10 months
Prezzo delle fragole Miracle berry homebred ⏩ https://kahgo.ru/SATG11I
- VARIETÀ INNOVATIVA con resistenza aumentata.
- Adattata per la crescita CASALINGA.
- Comodo, semplice, accessibile e NON COMPORTA GRANDI SPESE.
- PIÙ DI $20 000 000 investiti nello sviluppo della nuova varietà e negli studi sulla stessa.
Il "Home Berry Box" contiene il più richiesto e il più resistente tipo di semi di fragola.:
- Frutti più grandi di una volta e mezzo.
- gustosità migliorata fino a 7 volte, allergia ridotta al minimo.
- Danno frutti circa 2-3 volte l’anno.
- Misura media della piantina - fino a 0,7 kg di fragole per cespuglietto.
- La varietà può essere stata modificata geneticamente, c’è alto rischio di malattia.
- Raccolto abbondante garantito fino a 10 volte l’anno..
- Forma molte piantine che crescono in maniera compatta.
- Non si ammala con i malesseri «tipici» delle fragole che solitamente rovinano i raccolti.
- Necessita di poche cure molto semplici.
"Home Berry Box" La prima scelta assoluta in ogni fiera agricola ed agraria.
- Vincitrice del V festival del giardinaggio di Anagni - 2023.
Perché i coltivatori scelgono DI COLTIVARE A CASA?
- Il raccolto è protetto dalle condizioni dell'ambiente. Fragole sul telaio della finestra tutto l anno. Richiede decisamente meno spazio per la coltivazione e per il terriccio. Fragole di casa in inverno.
- Si guadagna già con il primo raccolto. Home coltivazione di fragole in inverno recensioni.
- Si guadagna molto di più di quanto si spende. Come piantare le fragole in casa da una piantina.
Il parere dello specialista:
Si ritiene che le fragole siano difficili e molto particolari da coltivare. Comprare le fragole.
Noi, coltivatori, ci siamo ritrovati di fronte ad un compito serio: creare una varietà di fragole che sarà la PIÙ PROFICUA per la vendita e allo stesso tempo facile da coltivare senza cure particolari. Come coltivare le fragole a casa youtube.
E abbiamo affrontato questo compito creando la Home Berry Box. Come piantare le fragole in casa da una piantina.
Questa varietà è adattata per crescere fragole dentro casa. Coltivare fragole in casa in tubi.
"Home Berry Box" non richiede una cura complicata, garantisce il primo raccolto in 1 mese e continua tutto l'anno. Home berryberry recensioni.
MIRCO SAPIA, PROFESSORE, BIOLOGO, ESPERTO IN SELEZIONE. Fragole in vaso su un davanzale in inverno.
Prezzo delle fragole Miracle berry homebred #Prezzo #delle #fragole #Miracle #berry #homebred
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grey2bay · 2 years
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The party doesn’t start til I walk in
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frigownystud · 2 years
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Delighted with Magdalene’s hip & elbow scoring results. Magda is a Third Generation homebred Labrador 🥰 We are always aiming to breed the best possible puppies 😍 x x x #labrador #labradorretriever #labrador_lovers #homebred #puppy #puppylove #licensed #dogbreeder #profesional #dogmom #dogmomlife #lifestyle #lovedogs #lovemylife https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIf5KwtdoO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fienduredraws · 4 months
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You ever see those "fake game screenshots?" Yeah I tried it its very fun
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Ketchup&Mustard lady hit 50k exp >:)
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incalyscent · 2 years
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eldritchaspect · 10 months
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Gossip Girlfriends
Instagram || TikTok || Youtube (Coming Soon) For commission info, please dm me anywhere My ORIGINAL artwork. Please do not steal, repost, or omit credit.
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before-you-are-gone · 2 years
my shrimp EXPLODED
*walking into different rooms and poking my head inside each room* would anyone like some shrimp? would anyone like some shrimp?
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greenhollowrpg · 2 years
Inspirations pt. 1
Hey, hey, Matt here! Me and my good buddy Ryan are working on Heroes of Green Hollow, a 5e adventure coming this February! You can learn more about our upcoming release at green-hollow.com 
Previously I talked about how our campaign's story works - now I want to give my personal take on some of my biggest influences. 
The biggest and most immediate reference for our campaign is Seven Samurai.
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Our initial premise is almost identical, but there are a few other takeaways. The biggest probably being the story’s meditations on violence. Despite being a classic good guys vs. bad guys tale, I always treasured this film's nuance. For the samurai specifically - they constantly question "what is the cost of this bloody battle? Are the villagers as innocent and helpless as they claim? Is this unga bunga he-man warrior life all it’s cracked up to be?" 
Those were all questions that are apparent within Heroes of Green Hollow’s campaign, questions I wanted players to ask throughout the campaign, that I drew from this archetypal action film.
In addition, I take a lot from the  A Song of Ice and Fire novels, though explicitly A Feast For Crows.
This novel zooms the camera in on the commoners of Westeros and how the grandiose Game of Thrones impacts them directly. It inspired me to flip the script a bit on what would be a typical D&D adventure. Players aren't just saving a village on behalf of a king. They're helping a group of people who lack the means to help themselves, and players must truly think about how their choices will affect their way of life beyond "not getting killed by an enemy army". 
The last big inspiration for me was funny enough Knights of the Old Republic II.
No, Jemu has nothing to do with Kreia and I don't think he'd like her. But at it's best moments that game really pushes that same long-game mentality ASOIAF and Seven Samurai do. How do player actions shape the world around them? How do you resolve the tension between choosing to fight for others vs. teaching them to stand for themselves?
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KOTOR 2 can be almost acidic in how it constantly critiques players choices and while we did our best to avoid being naggy, we wanted to make our adventure one where players couldn't take their actions for granted.
In any case, those are my story inspirations. You can find out if I did a good job of copying my faves when Heroes of Green Hollow releases this February. Learn more at green-hollow.com
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the sibling reader stuff is mad dope good job bro, could you do sum like when theyre in middle school and they come home after school all upset and like wont talk to anyone and it turns out, oh no not cool man theyre being bullied. its totally cool if not bro, love your stuff homebre keep it up
I love writing sibling reader, these requests are making me happy!
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The minute you walked into the Lair, they knew something was up.
You were still wearing your jacket for one,
You always, always took it off before you got home,
No matter how cold outside it was.
The second thing was your expression.
You just looked so...
Leo and Raph were the first to notice,
They shared a look with eachother, they both knew something had happened,
But figuring that out was the easy part,
Gettting you to talk wasn't going to be a cake walk...
"(Name)'s home!" Mikey shouted, jumping up from his spot on the couch, rushing to give you a hug.
The hug that you dodged with a weak smile.
The hug you had looked forward to getting everyday since you were 6.
That's when Mikey knew something wasn't right.
"How was school?" Donnie asked as he walked in, patting your shoulder as he passed.
You winced when his hand came in contact with your skin, laughing nervously.
Now Donnie knew too.
And you knew they knew.
"It was fine." you mumbled, before starting towards your room.
"Where ya' goin', Shorty?"
You sighed lowly, "To do homework."
"You just got home," Leo said, "Why don't you come watch TV with us for a little bit."
You shook your head, your breathing becoming uneven when you felt the tears prick your eyes, "Nope! I'm fine! You know how History is." You laughed nervously, reaching your room and closing the door as quickly as possible.
You tossed your backpack on your bed, shedding off your jacket, wincing.
You went to run your hand over the bruises that ran along your bare arms, pulling away quickly when the touch caused you to whimper.
The tears fell slowly, rolling down your cheeks almost taunting you.
'Some ninja.'
It was back.
That little voice that you hadn't heard in so long.
The one you had tried so damn hard to get rid of.
You slid down to the floor with your back against the door, head between your knees while you tried your hardest not to cry.
A soft knock sounded from behind you, and you held your breath, "(Name)..?" the worried voice of Mikey came from the otherside.
"Uh- Yeah?" you put some false chipper in your voice.
"You ok?"
"Peachy keen, Michel!"
You heard Raph grunt on the otherside of the door, "Dammit (Name), we're not stupid. We know you're lyin'."
You felt a sob build up in the back of your throat, you tried to respond but it felt like something was holding your voice hostage.
"Please just let us in." Donnie begged, and that did it.
You stood up slowly, doing your best to calm yourself.
Your eyes never left your feet as you opened that door,
You felt ashamed.
When you heard nothing from your brothers, you looked up to face them, and you felt the tears begin to fall again.
They weren't dissapointed in you,
They were upset.
They were angry.
For you.
You sniffled quietly and instantly Mikey pulled you in for a hug,
The second his arms wrapped around you the silent tears turned into to full on sobs.
And Mikey held you.
Just like he had when you were younger.
Mikey was doing his best to calm you out of your tears.
Just like he had in that alley oh so long ago.
You felt like you were just a toddler again,
Helpless and scared.
You were shaking, but despite the gut wrenching sobs you let out, an overwhelming sense of relief washed through your body.
You didn't have to keep the secret anymore.
Eventually your crying had reduced itself to sniffles, and you pulled away from Mikey, wiping your eyes while Donnie gently took your arms to examine the bruises.
"Who did it." Leo asked you lowly,
You looked down once again, the shame of being bullied filling you once again, "This clique of jerks. Ya know, the 'popular kids'. They've been picking on me since, like, 2nd grade for not having my bio parents around."
"How the hell do they even know that?" Raph growled out.
You shrugged, wincing when Donnie pressed on one of your bruises, "Some of their parents works in the office, so they knows April isn't my real mom."
Leo sighed, "Is this the first time the bullying has been physical?"
You nodded, "I told 'em to fuck off. They... didn't like that and jumped me after school."
"Have you tried getting staff involved?" Donnie question,
"Yup, but like I said, some of their parents work in the office, so they never get in trouble. I'm just told to stop lying trying to cause drama."
Leo hummed, and you looked up from the floor, "I'm sorry." you said, sniffling, tears welling up once again.
"I'm sorry... I tried to stand up for myself, but I'm just not s-strong like you guys.."
Leo shook his head and pulled you in for a hug, "Don't you dare say you're sorry, (Name), because you have nothing you should be sorry for. We'll deal with those kids, just meet us in the nearest alley after school, ok?"
You nodded, "Can we watch Smurfs?"
Raph chuckled and patted you on the head when Leo pulled away, "Sure thing, Shorty."
The next day at school, you were nervous.
Leo hadn't told you his plan, just to meet them in the nearest alley to the school.
The bell rung, and you rushed out of the classroom, you reached your locker quickly and emptied it for the day.
After that, you rushed out the front door as fast as you could.
You were almost off school property when they caught up to you.
"Going somewhere, bitch?"
You looked behind you, seeing Brad and his possy of prep kids glaring snarkily at you.
"Fuck off, Brad." you said, continuing towards that alley.
You felt someone yank on the back of your hoodie, and you whipped around and socked the guy who held it in the face.
After that you took off running, with Brad shouting behind you, "Get back here you fucking bitch!"
You ran breathless into the alley, debating pulling up the manhole cover and escaping, but then the clique walked into the alley way.
Brad grabbed the front of your shirt, lifting you up slightly, "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh, fucker?"
"Our baby sibling."
Brad dropped you and began to frantically search the alley for whomever had spoke.
You felt a hand on you shoulder and turned to see a very angry Raphael.
"The baby sibling you just put your hands on."
One of the girls spotted your brothers, gasped quietly, and then promptly fainted.
You let out a pft-
Before backing up to stand next to Donnie, who wrapped his arm around your shoulder while glaring at the kids.
The prep kids looked just about ready to either faint, or book it out of the alley, but just as they began to run, Leo popped out of nowhere and wrapped his arm tightly around Brad's shoulder.
"Hey, you must be Brad. So a little birdy told me that you've been causing some issues for sweet old (Name) here. For your information, we're their big brothers, and we don't take too kindly to people picking on family."
He shoved Brad forward, with Brad in the other kids looking around in terror.
Raph spoke up, twirling one of his sais around menacingly, "You got one option here, so pay attention. I'm gonna give you all 10 seconds to get down on your knees and beg (Name) for the forgivness you don't deserve, or I'll show ya' what it's like to get beat up by someone bigger than ya', got it punk?"
Brad and his possy immediatly dropped to their knees infront of you, and it took everything in your power to not laugh out loud as they all frantically begged you for mercy and forgiveness and they were so sorry, etc. etc.
"Shut up you blubbering idiots." you said, they immediatly stopped talking, and you turned to face Leo "I wanna go home, do we still have poptarts?"
Leo nodded, and Raph picked Brad up off the ground, "You leave (Name) alone from now on."
Mikey nodded poking him in the side, "Yeah, you don't talk to them, you don't look at them, don't even breath in their direction, got it?"
Brad nodded frantically, and Raph dropped him, and Leo sent him one last glare "Don't say a word of what happened here to anyone, got it? We'll know, and we will find you. Now go."
Without another word, the clique left, scampering down the sidewalk like some terrified rabbits.
"Now let's get you that poptart, Shorty."
And voilà! I hope you guys enjoy this one since I really liked writing it! 💕
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igotanidea · 2 years
So easy: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Summary: 4 times Jason felt the love for y/n and one time he actuallly expressed it.
Warning: kissing, a bit of angsts, swearing
„Y/N….” he groaned in pain stumbling into her apartment.
“Ok, all right, I got it, come here and try not to move”
She knew the drill. He came home, bruised and scared and she was immediately reaching for the first aid kit playing the nurse. At least for as long as it was within her reach, after all she was homebred in this area, not an expert. When something went terribly wrong she never hesitated to call upon the bats to check on him. However, such situations were rare. After all, Jason Todd was the Red Hood.  The fright of the entire Crime Alley. Powerful, fierce, strong and well trained. It took a lot to leave more than a bruise or a little cut. He was simply better.
“How bad is it this time?” she asked making him sit up on her bed, frowning as she removed his helmet and his domino mask meeting his eyes.
“Not at all, just some usual…. Auch! That hurt!” he hissed when Y/N pressed a gauze to his ribs.
“Of course it did. Apparently we have different definition of not bad at all. “
“No, not buts, Jace. Just stay quiet.  You know I can only do so much of patching you up.”
“I know and…. Auch!”
“Oh, don’t be a baby. If you can take beating from criminals you can sustain some alcohol on your wounds. Don’t whine.”
“I’m not whining” he flinched a bit “but it’s different. I’m not afraid to be vulnerable with you….” he tried to grab her hands but she wriggled out of his reach, now putting dressing over his chest and arms. Those strong arms that always made her feel so safe whenever he was around
“Mhm. Should I be proud about it?”
“You should” he smirked and his eyes flashed a bit
“Well then, thank you for this distinction, Red Hood” she rolled her eyes “can I remise this honor to the benefit of not having to see you bruised and beaten up? Cause that would be something worth my mental health.”
“Sweetheart……” when she finished her job he finally got a chance to grab her hips and pull her closer towards him, opening his legs a bit so she could stand between them.
“Don’t you dare playing dirty on me.” She warned as his hand traveled up from her hip to waist and he slowly stood up, his eyes never leaving her.
“I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about” he leaned in so that his lips brushed over hers, his breath hot on her skin. Much to her annoyance, her body betrayed her and shook at this gesture.
“No idea, huh? Well then good for you, Red, you need rest after all. So you can stay here, in the bed”  it took all her strength to remove his warm hands from her body, missing the contact instantly “and I will take the couch.”
“You can…..”
“No. No I can’t stay. You need to relax. And by relax I mean rest, Jason. Nothing more. No activity.”
“Can I at least get a kiss to make it better?” he pouted
“I thought it wasn’t bad at all” she laughed but gave in to his pleading “Just that” she bend over him and lovingly kissed the top of his head, ruffling his hair a bit.
“It’s not enough…” he whined
“One more than you needy boy” she smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth, her lips lingering there for a bit longer then needed. “rest” the girl softly caressed his cheek and he obediently closed his eyes.  
“Thank you” he whispered.
“Mhm, that’s a good word, you’re a menace, Jace.”
“But I’m your menace.” he smiled at her and there was nothing but love and admiration in his eyes.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“What does it look like?” she groaned kicking and throwing punches at the dummy in the corner “I’m training”
“Why?” he leaned on the doorframe, watching her every move and fighting the urge to correct her posture before she got hurt because of the bad technique
“Why?” she stopped her actions and eyed him carefully “what do you mean why?”
“I mean exactly this. Why?”
“Um, I don’t know” she mocked “maybe because I want to be able to fight? Because I want to know how to protect myself? Because I….”
“Because I want to go on patrol with you. One day.”
“No.” his jaw clenched and tone turned harsh at the simple thought of her joining him.
“I wasn’t really asking for permission. “
“Good. Cause you will never get it.”
“Well I couldn’t care less. I can always just follow you around. Or become a vigilante on my own. There are enough trouble makers in Gotham to find one for myself.”
“Don’t you dare.” He hissed taking a few steps towards her, stopping inches apart.
“Is it because I’m a girl?”
“Y/n….” he groaned, but she did not let him say another word
“You let Artemis join you.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it letting her.
“aha! Got you! She never asked for your opinion, did she?”
“It’s different.”
“Why? Because she’s an Amazon? Or because she’s  powerful, beautiful and takes no shit from anyone? Especially from men. Or is it because you two have an affair and you don’t want me to find out about…..
This time he did not let her finish, cutting her off with a kiss. Strong, passionate and heated due to all the emotions inside him, but soon slowing down and turning it into long, soft expression of his love for this unruly girl. With gentle touches and with every move of his lips brushing against hers he was trying to convey everything the words could not.
“This is unfair” she whined when his mouth moved to her neck “Jace….”
“Mhm….” He muttered with zero intention to stop.
“Oh, come on…… you can’t just….fuck…..” she hissed when he bit on her soft spot
“I can’t what?” he smirked knowing and seeing well enough how her body reacted on him.
Oh, that was enough. In any other circumstance she would probably give in to him, after all she always wanted him, but this? He was trying to play her like a toy and make her change her mind.
“Just let go off me Jason.” she wriggled impatiently trying to get free
“Is that what you want?” his hands sneaked under her shirt and if she didn’t stop it now, she would never do it.
“Yes. Yes, fuck Jason, just get back!” she finally yelled taking him by surprise and making him back off.
“You do this every fucking time! You treat me like a play toy whenever I’m trying to move out of my comfort zone!”
“Cut it! Don’t you dare trying to sweet talk me! I know I’m not good enough to join you on patrol! I fucking now that! But how the hell am I supposed to get better if you don’t give me any tips!”
“Can’t you see I’m just trying to keep you safe!?” oh, the anger issues were now in the house
“Oh, here we go again!’ she threw her hands up in frustration “you know what, I won’t fight you. I know it’s what you want. So I’m going out!”
“I don’t know! And frankly, I don’t care. I might as well ask Dick to train me if you don’t want!”
“You won’t do such thing!” he grabbed her wrist with more force than intended and she winced in the pain “Shit. Fuck. Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…..”
“I know. I know, Jace.” She said, her eyes full of sadness and hurt. “You know, sometimes I wish there were more Jason Todd in this relationship and less Red Hood. But I know. And I think we both need to cool down and …. talk later?”
“All right.”
She just nodded and without another word left the apartment not really sure where to go. But despite everything Jason knew how to take care of her when he picked the phone and dialed the number
“Dickhead? You need to do something for me …….”
He was tired.
No. He was exhausted.
It was 3 am and he was just wrapping his patrol up and getting back home. To her. To the only person in the world who saw the good in him even if most of the times he himself could not and lapsed into self-hatred. The only person who could both mock him and soothe him at the same time. The only person who was both harsh and rough, always ready to smack his head for doing something batshit crazy and caring, loving and delicate.
He loved her like crazy.
She was the reason every night he was struggling in the fight to get back to her.
Even if sometimes it felt easier to just give up on everything.
He was not like Dick. The hero. The handsome one. The little ray of sunshine one. He was violent, had a lot of unresolved trauma from the past and tended to push her away to protect her. Fuck, he was getting on her nerves on purpose so she would just leave him for good, but he could never discourage her.
She always stayed.
And the simple thought of getting back to her, taking her into his arms and just holding her for whatever rest of the night was left, safe and soft and warm and peaceful was doing something to him.
In the most quiet way it was possible to not wake her up he climbed up to the flat. And yes, of course he could have just used the door which at this hour would probably catch less attention but old habits die hard. Even for someone who died quite literally. As he removed his shoes, holsters and helmet his eyes were already peeking through the slightly opened bedroom door.
Fuck, she was so beautiful.
Sleeping so peacefully, her breath even and it was quite a change from all the sleepless night he caused her for the last two weeks. She refused to lay down until he was back safe. Which obviously soon started taking toll on her health and he forced her to promise she would not stay up this late. After a lot of convincing she had to give up. It was good to know she actually did keep her word.
Jason sighed deeply and the sound made the girl squirm but she did not wake.
As fast as he could he removed his clothes and sneaked under the blanket next to her, immediately feeling calmness and peace stemming from her presence. Just looking at her and feeling like a freaking creep. He wanted her closer to him, impossibly closer, but at the same time it was never his intention to wake her so he decided to just stick to keeping the distance. She was a light sleeper after all. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, his hands aching to touch her.
“Jace….” She whispered shifting her positon and moving closer herself.
“Did I wake you?” he whispered back
“You did not.”
“I’m sorry baby…..”
“Are you even listening to me?” she huffed “you did not wake me. And even if you did I wouldn’t be mad about it. I’m mad about something else though.”
“What is it, baby?”
“Could you please tell me what the hell do you think you are doing?” her gaze fixed on his fists
“I…. I wanted to hold you, but was afraid you would wake…” he confessed not able to look her in the eyes
“Idiot” she muttered, grabbing his hands. “Do you know you are an idiot?” wrapping them around her waist and moving even closer to hide her face in his chest. “I need to know you are back safe the second you get here. And believe it or not I can feel you next to me even in my sleep. And I need that. Do you understand me?”
“I do, baby, I do.” He kissed the top of head
“Good. I need you next to me. I need you in my arms. So don’t you ever, ever distance yourself from me.”
Fuck. He loved her so much. He loved how she felt safe with him, how she was falling asleep on him, he loved how she made him feel.  Her soft hands around his torso, her head on his chest, her slowing breath tickling the skin. His heart was just swelling thanks to this girl. He was the luckiest motherfucker in the whole Gotham.
“Jason!” her echoed from another room and it only took him a second to bust there reading to fight whatever enemy of Red hood might be attacking. Luckily, there was only his girlfriend sitting in front of the computer, grinning in a smile so wide even Joker would be jealous.
“Is everything all right, babe?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe it. This is not happening!”
“Honey, you are not making any sense now.”
“That’s because I’m feeling a lot of contradictory things right now” she turned to look at him, her eyes glistening, her face lighted up and happy in a way he never saw her before. That was new experience and if he could he would just stay in this moment forever. However, it was not given when she jumped from the chair and pulled him toward the PC. “come on, look at this” she pointed at an e-mail on the screen. Please, tell me you see it too. Tell me I did not imagine this. Please, tell me it’s real…..” she crossed her fingers and closed her eyes as he started reading out loud.
Dear Miss Y/L/N,
It is our greatest pleasure to inform you, we have reviewed the draft of the story you send to us.
“You send them your book?” he asked tearing the gaze away from the computer to care
“I did, I did…. Now just keep reading.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I did not want to test my luck. Now, just go on…..”
Regardless of the fact that there are some typos and a lot of punctuation mistakes….
Yeah, right, she was never good with that
 We would like to publish your book. Please, fill in the attached form and get back in touch with us as soon as possible. We would like to discuss the matters of printing numbers and your salary.
With best regards….
“J.A. Black!” she screamed the name of the sender “J.A.Black, Jace! Black Publishing is going to publish my book!!” she lunged at him and he was more than happy to embrace her.
“I’m so proud of you, baby” he kissed her temple repeatedly “you worked so hard for this, you definitely deserve it.”
“You think?” she pulled away from him, her voice now serious, her eyes scanning his face “you really think so? After all they mentioned my bad punctuation and typos. Maybe I;m not good enough for Black? What if this is a joke to humiliate me?”
“Y/N.” Jason grabbed her shoulders gently “baby, please, look at me” she listened meeting his orbs and shutting up “calm down. Stop spinning, all right? It’s not a joke. It’s not a mistake. You are talented and hard-working and really, really good with words. I would know, I’ve read enough in my life.”
“Can’t really argue with that” her beautiful smile showing again
“You know I’m your number one fan, right? And believe me, everyone who would get hands on your work will love it too.”
“You know what? I don’t even care anymore. It’s enough to satisfy my number one fan.”
“Really?” he crossed his arms over chest and smirked “I’m gonna wait until it comes out in a couple weeks. I wonder if you would claim the same then.”
A month later, the book saw the light of the day and Y/N had to do some PR actions like meeting with the readers and hundreds of fans, because Jason was right in that part. She became popular pretty fast and soon people started asking about part 2 of the story. And now she was scared. She was never good with people and public speaking and that was exactly why she choose to hide behind the screen and just write. It would be helpful if Jace could come with her at least to one of this meeting but because of his red-hooding it was impossible and since she knew that she would never ask him to. So she dealt with it.
There were only one meeting left and after that she was hoping to get back into her kind-of peaceful life. Just her, the Gotham vigilante and a bunch of criminals ready to attack, kidnap or kill her. And it might be about to turn even worse now that she was popular, but both her and Jason were pushing the thought away, deciding to just celebrate the moment for as long as they could.
Y/n was in the middle of the conversation when Jason imperceptibly sneaked into the audience, shielding himself from her view and just observing how she was doing.
She was glowing.
To say the least.
All of her excitement, all of her beauty showing off. And she was wearing almost no makeup. The way she was talking about the literature, the book, her ideas and inspirations. The shy girl he knew was completely gone, instead he was looking at confident and astonishing young woman sharing her passion. Her cheeks were lightly flushed, her lips parted, her eyes sparkling. It was like he fell in love with her all over again and there was nothing more he wanted than to steal her away from the guy reporter, get her back to the apartment and just have her all to herself. Nothing explicit, just having her. And he just couldn’t wait.
“It seems like we have another question coming from the audience” the reported said and motioned for someone on the side of the room to pass the microphone to the person who was willing to ask.
Y/N’s eyes searched through the crowd, as she squinted, her eyes adjusting to the darkness in the auditorium being contrast to the ablazed main floor. When her gaze rest on a familiar face she could not stop the smile on her face. He came.
“I got a question for Y/N. How about we ditch this theatrics and get back home? I got some better ideas how to use the time….”
Jason fucking Todd was a pain in the ass when he wanted to. But he also knew she would forgive him for that. After all, he only got eyes for her.
“Y/N? Baby, what happened?”
“Nothing. Please, go away.”
She was laying on the bed, back to the door so he could not see her face. However, judging by her muffled voice and a bit panting breath he could tell she was probably crying.
“Come on, sweetie. Don’t do this. Don’t push me away.”
“I don’t really want you to see me this way.” She muttered turning to the other side when he circled the bed to face her.
“Oh, come on” he grabbed her hip and with zero effort made her  face him “you know you can tell me anything.”
“I don’t want to be a burden. Besides, you don’t really like when I get like this….”
“What?” he was dumbfounded “I don’t like when….. God, y/n” he run his fingers through his hair “did I ever give you an impression like I don’t care how you feel? Tell me” he lifted her chin lightly and their eyes met “did I?”
“Well that’s a relief” he smiled “now, make space for me and tell me what’s the problem. I bet either Jason or Red can solve this. Do I need to hurt someone or do you just need a hug?”
“I…. I don’t really know…” she covered her hands with the sleeves of her sweater, her hair a mess and it all made her look so small, fragile and innocent. Once again, Jason felt his heart swelling. If someone, anyone, caused his baby any pain, he was not only going to hurt them, but eliminate them. “I don’t even know how to start. I feel so pathetic. You are ….you know” she waved her hand around since the rule to not mention Jason’s alter ego name in the house was forever actual “you’ve been through so much worse shit than me, it feels like I have no right to complain.”
“You’re right. I've been through a hell lot of shit. But from what I know, you’ve been through it with me. Always there even at my lowest. So don’t feel like your feelings are not important. Let me be there for you in the way you were for me.”
“It’s hard to say how I feel.”
“Don’t think about it. Just say it.” he held her hands, his thumbs circling soothing patterns on her palms.
“I think I’m broken. I feel like I push you too much and I’m a challenge to you. I feel like…. It’s hard to be with me.”
He just stared at her, eyes wide open. Was what she was saying real? Did she even hear the words coming out of her mouth? Maybe he was hearing something else? Was he high or drunk or was it a dream, or rather nightmare? Was his baby, his love, his sunshine, his only source of happiness and the most adorable person on the planet, shit, in the entire universe confessing to feeling like a liability?
“Jace?” she sobbed. Oh, apparently while he was spacing out, she was still talking and now was awaiting his reaction
“I’m sorry. I don’t understand a single word coming out of your mouth.”
“I said…..”
“No, no, I heard you, I just don’t understand it. You feel like you weight me down? Y/N……” his voice broke.
“Am I not? Come on. You are…. You know. You have a lot going on. And as if that wasn’t enough you worry about me, about my safety, my health. I’m a threat to your well-being, Jace. What if you get distracted on the field because of me? What if you get hurt because I’m pathetic piece of shit and anyone can hurt me and you would want to take revenge? And we both know you would. I’m a burden. Besides, I can be cold, I am stubborn, workaholic, tend to withdraw and manipulate people and always have to do things my own way. My sense of humor is wicked, I act like a child sometimes and I can be messy. How does that not push you away?”
“Babe…. I can’t believe it. We’ve been together for….” He hesitated looking at the calendar on the wall and then at the watch “5 years, 2 months, 23 days and 3 hours…..”
“You remember it so precisely?” she frowned
“How can I not? But after all this time you still have doubts about yourself? If anything, I am a burden in this relationship, not you. Y/N, babe, I love you.”
“I love you too, but….”
 “And all the things you mentioned?” he shook his head in disapproval and wrapped his arms around her pulling her towards his chest “You’re missing the most important thing about yourself.”
“That I’m hateable?”
“That you are just so easy to love……” he kissed the top of her head, holding her tighter when she held her breath upon hearing those words.
And for the first time in a while, he knew, that at this exact moment she was the one who was melting in the love he had for her not the other way round. That it was finally him who gave her the affection and attention she so desperately needed.
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craigslisthorses · 8 months
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I would like to submit Crickett for Magnificent Monday!
My little homebred Haflinger, who's not at all little actually because he ended up taking the width of his mom and the width of his dad, combining them, and growing about a hand taller than either of them. He's chonky and paddles but he takes such good care of my mom out foxhunting or in long distance rides, and I love him so so much
Also the last pic is him encountering a drone for the first time and he was very confused
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kullabergs · 1 year
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| CWT CALIFORNIA 2023 | Don’t lose contact. Don’t lose contact. Bentoz was normally a very hot horse, but taking him to his first international show didn’t make him any cooler, so to speak. She had been terrified the entire time they had been here, that he would eject her out of her seat at any given moment, like a pilot being ejected from a fighter jet in turmoil. He was as springy as a bouncing ball, so much so that it wouldn’t surprise her if he bounced through the stratosphere, if only she’d let him. All it would take would be to lose the contact she had with him in the rein for a split second and he’d jump the dressage fence enclosing them. Yesterday’s class had been a disaster. Today things were going much better, but her nerves were electrifying when they turned up on the diagonal for the extended trot, one of Bentoz’ favorite moves. She knew he could hear how her breath had changed, his ears flipped around towards her. He was still attentive to her minuscule aids and when she gave him the nerve-wrecking green light; his hooves almost hovered over the ground as he stretched his legs out to the rhythms of Vivaldi, and let his hind end power their way across the diagonal, in what resulted in one of the most compelling and connected moments Iris had ever shared with the dark red stallion. This was a horse that would take them far, and then some.
First international show, first Grand Prix and first win for Bentoz and Iris! We're so happy to see this stallion develop under Iris and truly blossom into this amazing dressage horse. Bentoz will soon be replacing his grand-sire Buzz in the upcoming months and we couldn't be happier about finally having reached GP-level with another homebred horse.
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rosakajo · 2 months
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New Icelandic babe Sigyn (middle) has arrived to Stall Teitur! She has a lot of both temper and energy, and is already trying to take the boss's place in the filly herd.
From left: Katla fra Ísdalur (bred by Samantha Strasser), Sigyn frá Upkeep (bred by @theevilqueenreadstoo), and homebred Dekkja frá Teitur💕
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horseracingweekly · 13 days
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Calumet homebred TIZ HAPPY switches back to the turf in today's Grade 3 Del Mar Juvenile Turf Stakes for trainer Doug O'Neill.
📸 @richsteele_sports on IG
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coffeeangelinabox · 6 months
Whumpril #8: Bloodshot
David glares up at Darrow through bloodshot eyes and hates that even more. He’s taller than the other man, how is it that Darrow always manages to be at his most unreasonable when David is too tired even to stand. 
Darrow always claims that all he wants is a peaceful asteroid and a quiet life, to be free of the Domain and never to think about them again. Yet, it is Darrow who always propels them head first into danger, as though the only way of achieving such peace is to bring down the monolithic space power. And when people are wounded - broken bones and cuts and concussions; exposure to the Domain’s homebred pathogens; severed limbs; wounds left from prolonged and sustained torture; mind rape - and they always are, it is David he expects to put them back together, to hone shattered bodies into bladed tools for his endless pointless crusade. 
“You can’t keep doing this,” he snarls, a tired refrain. He’s said this how often over the years?
“I don’t have a choice!” the matching half of their duet. 
“Of course you do! You think the Domain can check every citizen on every frontier planet? Ferrium is looking for miners. Again. Huge turn over. I bet they’re not even checking papers any more. Hesta is practically uninhabited, you could stake a plot and build a ranch and your grandchildren would have grandchildren before anyone thought to take a census. Or-”
Darrow turns away. “You always do this. Can you fix him or not?”
Tears prick David’s eyes, reddening them further. “It can be done, the wound isn’t fatal. But I need supplies, and it’s a thirty hour operation, frankly I need a relief surgeon.”
Darrow spins back and his eyes rake over him, making David feel like a microbe on a specimen slide. A microbe that is found wanting. Almost despite himself, he straightens his back and shoulders, meets that cool gaze defiantly. 
Darrow doesn’t, if he is honest, look any less tired than he does. He supposes pitched space battles take a toll from the combat end too. 
“Supplies…I can get you. But you’ll have to operate. There’s no personnel aboard the station.”
None left living, he means, and the cold tonelessness of his voice horrifies David even more. Those stations carry upward of a 1000 men, often their families too. What had Darrow done?
He nods, and then, despite his exhaustion…”Are there any other casualties. Any…prisoners?”
Darrow shakes his head, a short abortive jerk and at the sick horror that must be blooming in David’s eyes, snaps out, “I don’t have space for prisoners, and I wouldn’t be wasting supplies on them if I did.”
All David ever wanted to be was a medtech. Not a mere doctor, but someone able to treat physical and mechanical ailments across the dozen domain species all across their frontier. This is not what he signed up for. He sits here and follows orders and is complicit in these hundreds of thousands of deaths. 
Darrow watches him for another moment and his smile turns sardonic. “They wouldn’t feel half so bad about killing you. Slowly most like.”
Probably not. But they have not taken the same oaths that he has. 
Darrow is still staring. 
David passes a hand over leaking eyes - could be tears: guilt or tiredness; could be blood for all he knows, his eyes feel raw enough after all this time. “I-”
“I’ll get you your supplies. Treat him or leave, but I don’t have time to nurse you through an existential crisis this week.”
An ultimatum he’s given before. And they both know David can’t leave. No one else aboard this wreck has a fraction of his skill. It would be the same as killing them himself. 
He turns back to Jay on the bed behind him. Still and pale, wounds, both inside and out, healed, but still in need of surgery to replace the silicon joints in his knees that David had implanted some years ago and have now been melted and twisted by whatever blast hit them. He would be in agony if David wasn’t keeping him unconscious. 
“One day that threat won’t work,” he says lowly. 
He doesn’t turn to see Darrow’s expression. “No.”
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