#your brother can’t produce milk!!!
shih-coulda-had-it · 10 months
kind of hilarious to me that it’s Bruce who is able to analyze and comprehend medical tests. like, do you think he got into the rebellion in order to fight AfO, but then found himself, somehow, the most medically qualified person in the group?
Kudou: excellent work with your meta ability, it’s really cool how you’re able to stockpile energy and control its output
Bruce: yeah it was a hassle to find my limits but thank god i knew how to stitch myself back together when i overdid it
Kudou: … you know how to stitch wounds?
Bruce: i dropped out of medical school before i could start my residency but—
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You Make Me Wanna 5
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, best friend’s dad trope other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Three times. Walter, Mr. Marshall, Detective, whoever he is that day, has driven by your house three times. Three times that you’ve noticed. 
The first time you recognised his car, you were taking out the trash. The second time, you were making sure your siblings got on the bus for school. And the third time, you’re coming out the front door, in uniform as you mentally steel yourself for another day at the grocery store. 
You try not to be too obvious as you look for him. You set out on your usual route, a peek here and there over your shoulder, a strategic glance down the street as you turn to cross. Maybe he can stop you for jaywalking. A perfect excuse for him to swing around his weight. 
You take out your phone as you come in sight of the plaza with the grocery store at its centre. Still not word from Faye. You really don’t expect her to be the first to reach out. You’re still sore yourself. It isn’t just that she ditched you, again, it’s that she was so quick to believe you sold her out. She knows the way her father is and yet just like him, she assumes you’re in the wrong. 
As you approach the front doors of the store, you glance back at the lot. It’s sparse with vehicles, still early enough that stockers work at the shelves and the deli still fills its baskets with slices and salads. You clock in and tie on your apron, taking your vigil behind a till. Debbie leaves you as the sole cashier as she goes to do her counts. 
You stare across the store, vision blurring, as the ceiling speakers drone out 80s pop. Your eyes nearly cross at the orbs of colours that form around you; the medley of produce, the smear of labels, and the looming shade of endless aisles. As you detach yourself from the monotony, you’re filled with a cloud of futile acceptance. Every day for the rest of your life. 
Last year, you still had hope. You remember you told Faye you could save up and join her at college. That’s definitely not going to happen. You barely saved a nickel. Just like high school, your cheques were spent picking up after your mom’s job hopping. Your siblings can’t go without food or clothes or everything you didn’t have. Even when you get a few staples free from the clearance cart, you’re still paying far too much just to feed the lot. 
Chrissie is almost fourteen now. She offered to put in an application but she’s still a few years from all that. Besides, you don’t want her to be like you. Only ever worrying about the empty fridge and your mom’s latest antics.  
Zooey is only ten and blissfully unconcerned with anything but anime and drawing in her sketchbook, and your brother, Milo, seven, likes to bring home frogs and snakes. They’re both too young to sense anything is off, though at times, they ask you very pertinent questions about the other kids in their class. 
You sigh. You never wanted this life. Against your will, you’ve inherited your mother’s lot. Your siblings need a parent and she’s not willing to be one. So, you’ll just have to ring through eggs and milk for the rest of your life and make sure they aren’t caught in the same bog. 
“Hey,” the sharp greeting draws you back. 
You blink and shake away the daze. You look over at Mr. Marshall. Not again. You do your best to smooth the worry from your forehead and reach for the sole item on the belt. An excuse, you’re sure. 
You can through the breakfast tray of a hardboiled egg, pita, hummus, cheese, and grapes. The beep chirps harshly in your ears as he stares you down over the top of your till. You stifle a yawn as you hover your hand over the buttons. 
“That everything?” You ask dully. 
“You looked worried,” he moves to lean on the other side of debit machine, where his tray awaits him. “Like maybe you’re keeping secrets.” 
You huff, “I told you I haven’t heard from Faye.” 
“I didn’t ask.” 
“Don’t treat me like I’m stupid,” you snap, “are you going to pay or do you want me to put this back, detective?” 
“I’m off duty,” he tilts his head, “night shift.” 
“Great, so credit or cash?” 
He puffs through his nostrils and squares his jaw, “lot of kids running around your place, huh?” 
“No,” you say curtly, “don’t.” 
“I’m just tryna figure out where my kid is. Pretty crowded at yours so... maybe she’s somewhere else.” 
“Maybe she is,” you utter in exasperation, “but I guess it doesn’t matter how many times I tell you that I don’t know where. You're still going to waste my time. And yours. So, please sir, cash or credit?” 
He scoffs and looks around, the place is still desolate, “you got time.” 
But you don’t have the patience. You barely keep from the retort. You turn and start tidying the till, distracting yourself as you rearrange your sanitizer and check the bin in case it was missed. 
“She’s my daughter. How would you feel if one of your sisters ran off, huh?” 
“You don’t get to talk about my sisters,” you turn back to him, “fine, alright, you want evidence, I’ll give you evidence, sir.” You take out your phone and flick through it in frustration, “the last message she sent me was the night we went out.” You turn the screen to him, “she hasn’t texted, she hasn’t called. Happy? Cause I don’t think she’s interested in being my friend anymore. She’s finally outgrown the poor girl.” 
You can’t help but throw the phone at him as your emotion wells up, “she was only ever friends with me to piss you off. Like I said, I’m not stupid. I just--” you cut yourself off, “I got work to do.” 
You turn back to the screen at your shoulder and brace the cash drawer. You take a slow breath and let it out. You’re embarrassed. He finally did it. He finally got you to crack. You refuse to look at him as he gently places your phone on the counter. 
“Got it,” he says softly, “she isn’t with you.” He clears his throat and shifts, “debit.” 
You grit your teeth, staring at the screen as you hit the button to activate the pin pad, “go ahead.” 
You listen to the beep of each button as he puts in his pin. You wait and the till chimes as the transaction goes through. You rip of the receipt and drop it beside you on the counter without looking. You can hear everything, even the soft noise of him slipping his card back in his wallet. You keep your attention on the monitor. 
“Enjoy your breakfast,” he says. 
Your furrow your nose as you listen to his footsteps and only turn when you hear the automatic door whoosh. You look down at your phone beside the tray of food, the receipt laid neatly over it. You peek up at the doors and your stomach growls. 
His pity is hardly preferable to his spite. 
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dollivication · 2 months
WARNING! Some bots include sensitive topics. DARK CONTENT BASED. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT.
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Your big brother loves you dearly. The only issue is that he’s not like other brothers. His touches always seem to be lingering—he just can’t take his hands off you..
Introducing DANTE SPARDA — “Jeez—Relax a little.. Can’t a guy bond with his baby sister?”
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Your grandmother is sick, so you’ve taken it upon yourself to deliver medicine to her. But your mindless wandering in the forest has led you right to a wolf.
Introducing DANTE SPARDA — “Hm? Don’t look so scared, sweetheart. I’m not gonna eatcha. In fact, I think I’ve got a better use for you..”
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Your dad’s body is designed to take care of offspring by producing milk, which is really the only reason he managed to raise you by himself. Yet such an ability has grown to be rather troublesome for him.
Introducing DANTE SPARDA — “Think you could go fetch your old man a clean shirt from the dryer? All of the other ones are in the wash right now..”
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He cannot help but worship you for being that you are; so untainted and unswayed by the surrounding corruption. Exposed to such a strange desire, he craves more. He craves you.
Introducing V SPARDA — “Please… Please allow me to taste your divinity.”
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Tread with extreme wary…
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nocasdatsgay · 8 months
The Price You Pay For Power Ch. 4
Pairing: Neris | Chapter Rating: T | Word Count: 2443
Story Summary: Eris revises his bargain with Rhysand: Nesta for Autumn Healers. He agrees and Nesta is sent to Autumn under the guise as Eris’s new bride in order to assist with removing Beron for good. Now she has to navigate a new court and also decide just how much she will trust her new husband.
CW: Beron, Vanserra brothers acting out of pocket, implied abuse
Chapter Summary: Nesta learns Lucien lore and has dinner with the Vanserras
MasterPost | Read it here on AO3 | Previous Chapter
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Nesta slapped him the moment the door shut to her chambers. She went to slap him again but he grabbed her wrist. His hard amber gaze would have made her wither if she wasn’t so livid. 
“I will take the first one, but you will not hit me again.” He lowered her arm and let go. His expression unchanged like he was carved from stone. 
That didn’t damper the rage inside her. “Beron planned to turn me over to Briallyn.”
“I would not have brought you here if I thought it was a possibility.” He walked towards the wall of shelves. 
“How do you know he won’t change his mind?” 
“I told him a week ago you accepted my proposal.” He stopped and looked back at Nesta with a smirk. “He would not have allowed us to spend money on a wedding that wouldn’t happen.” 
Nesta tilted her head, her voice was a hiss as she spoke through clenched teeth. “You told him I accepted a week ago?” 
Eris shrugged, perfect picture of nonchalance. “You said yourself Rhysand was looking for a reason to get rid of you. So I took a risk. It obviously paid off.” He cut his eyes to her, a smirk still gracing his lips. “You are much more cunning than they give you credit for. You did a very good job of mixing lies with truth. Even I was almost convinced.” 
He turned and narrowed his gaze at the empty fireplace. He threw flames into it and she waited for them to start crackling and popping. The noise never came. Eris placed his hands behind his back and turned to her again. He slowly walked back towards her, eying her over again. 
“How do your powers work?” 
“I don’t know.” She looked away, shame washing over her for a reason she couldn’t place. 
“They haven’t been training you?” She looked back to see him frowning. 
Nesta shook her head. “I trained in physical combat. That’s what they wanted and I didn’t argue. I don’t want to use my magic.” 
Eris was quiet for a moment, staring at her but not seeming to actually see her. He sighed. 
“After the wedding, we start training with your magic. You’re not much used to me if you can’t actually control it.”
“Seems like a poor decision on your part. Buying a cow without knowing if it produces milk.” 
Despite her sharp tongue, she felt the heat of embarrassment crawl up her neck. Not being able to control her powers made her feel weak. But having to actually control them instead of simply burying them? That scared her more than she wanted to admit. 
“You showed in that throne room you have powers. I knew exactly what I was getting when I first asked for your hand in Hewn City. It is no fault of your own Rhys was too scared to have you trained.” He looked down his nose at her. “Referring to yourself as a cow doesn’t become you.” 
Her face flushed at the realization of what she said. He acted as if he had the sudden need to adjust the cuff of his jacket. He continued, ignoring her reaction. 
“Are there any questions before dinner?” He paused. “Or complaints?” 
She crossed her arms. The meeting with Beron in the throne room was quick and simple. She was introduced to each family member and she prayed to whatever gods still listened that she could remember the brothers names. She only remembered Asher and even he looked less than friendly. 
“Am I really able to trust your brother? The stocky one?” 
Eris said simply. “We have an arrangement. If he so much as sneers in your direction, he will suffer the consequences.” 
“What kind of arrangement?” 
“Nothing you need to worry about.” 
She studied Eris trying to figure out what he could have on his brother that would make him fall in line so easily when all she ever heard was how vicious they were. 
“His wife, she isn’t from here.” 
“Observant.” He could have rolled his eyes for how sarcastically he said it. “ Anything else?” 
“Where is she from?” Nesta narrowed her gaze.
“She’s from Spring. Her uncle is a Lord in the western part of Autumn. He offered her up when father requested a list of eligible females to marry off Asher.”
“Why choose her?” 
It didn’t make sense to Nesta. After what she’d seen, Spring was of use to no one. Autumn Court for all its appearances, seemed to prioritize gain above all else. That is what made this very scheme work in first place
“Probably because she was the only one who still had her maidenhead.” Nesta instantly balked but Eris continued. “She admitted to knowing Lucien while in Spring like an idiot. What better way to punish him further than to have his friend marry one of the brothers that forced him to watch his betrothed be beheaded.” 
Nesta’s mouth gaped open slightly. There was so much information to process. “Lucien was betrothed?” 
“Centuries ago. The fool fell in love with a lesser fae.” Eris shot her a stern look. “You will not speak of him after today, understood? Anything else?” 
“She was beheaded?” He nodded and her stomach churned. Disgust etched into her features. “And you let it happen just because she was lesser?”
“I could only save one of them and I chose my brother.” Actual anger flashed in his eyes, heat filling the air between them. “I paid for it greatly. You have to pick your battles even if they come at a cost.”
Then he blinked and seemed to come back to himself. She almost felt like he looked at her with regret. 
He added in a softer tone. “My father is cruel. You do things you normally wouldn’t to survive.”
That did not set her at ease. “And you felt it was wise to bring me here?” 
“That was a call your High Lord made. Rather quickly, I might add.” He raised a brow and narrowed his gaze. “What did you do to Rhys that would make him give you up so quickly?”
“I gained his ire by making it out of the cauldron alive.” She gave him a withered look. “I am certain deep down he hopes I die in this court.” 
He stared at her for a moment, then scoffed. She swore there was a flash of a grin on his face. Eris immediately cleared his throat and he slipped right back into his previous cold demeanor. 
“We both know there is to be only one death in this court, and it will not be yours.” He paused as if collecting his thoughts. “That reminds me there are more unspoken rules I should share before dinner.”
Nesta could hardly stomach dinner.
Being back around the other Vanserras put her on edge. She was seated to Eris’s left and Eris to his father’s left at the head of the table. Even with Eris between them, she was too close to Beron for her comfort. Beside her was Piran, if she remembered correctly. Eris explained the seating before they left her room. Explained how once Beron and his mother walked in, they were to stand until Beron seated her and then himself. He added neither of them could leave until after Beron left unless formally dismissed.
It did not help that it felt like they were all watching her. Especially the brother across from her, Cillian. He was the only one of the brothers that had more brown than red in his hair. It was cut shorter and slicked back. She looked up once to see him staring at her but his eyes were not on her face. She kept her head down after that. The other issue was the wine. She pretended to drink and prayed no one noticed her glass not emptying. She would have to humble herself later and ask Eris to have her served only water. 
The food was thankfully not terrible. Completely different from the Night Court’s; more root vegetables and milder on the tongue. A type of bird for meat. She’d never admit this single dish was better than anything her sister and the half-wraiths could cook up. The dining room itself was beautiful. Eris mentioned it was the formal one; they met once a week in this room and other times the Vanserra’s were free to dine where they liked. 
She made a point to stare at the cloth on the table while the maids in golden linen dresses and blood red aprons went about refilling wine glasses. The table cloth was thick, ivory white and gold stitching. The runner in the center was blue, similar to what everyone was wearing. She wondered if it always matched and if so, what a waste of money it was to constantly replace the runner just for the sake of a family dinner. She was so lost in her thoughts, ignoring conversation around her that she started when she felt Eris’s foot hit her own under the table.
“Nesta.” She lifted her head and her gaze met Eris’s. He was glaring at her. “Celeste asked you a question.” 
“I’m sorry.” Apologies fell from her lips easier than she liked. She scanned the table and further down her eyes met striking blue. “Would you mind repeating the question? I didn’t quite hear it.”
Cillian snorted. “Just like a female to not listen. Are you as dumb as your sister? I heard the High Lord of Night taught her to spell with his tongue. Did he teach you how to spell too? With his head between your legs?”
Nesta was too taken aback to respond. Eris however, was out of his seat immediately. In a blink he was on the other side of the table, yanking Cillian by his hair with a knife to his throat. 
“Apologize to my wife or I will cut out your tongue through your throat.” 
“She isn’t your wife yet.” He hissed back. 
“Cillian,” Beron spoke up as if he was chastising a child. His tone did darken as he added, “Apologize. I have already told you once before to not be crude in front of your mother.” 
“My apologies, Mother.” He sneered and Eris seemed to tug his head again. “And Lady Nesta.” 
The Lady of Autumn picked food from her plate as if nothing was happening. “I accept your apology dear.” 
“Eris, sit down.” Beron grumbled. 
Eris made a point of throwing Cillian’s head forward narrowly missing shoving it into his plate. Unlike before Eris made a slow walk around the table. Nesta was certain her mouth was gaped still. 
A moment passed and Celeste cleared her throat. “I was asking if you were excited. For the wedding considering your family won’t be present.” 
“Yes, I am.” She replied automatically, lies quickly falling from her tongue without thought. “My sister is with child. Which is why they will not be joining us.” She cut her eyes to Cillian, hoping he saw the promise of death in them if he commented again. “One can never be too careful during pregnancy. Children are a blessing.” 
“Indeed they are.” Celeste replied quickly before looking down at her plate. 
“Celeste is pregnant,” Piran spoke up beside her. Nesta tried to not scowl at how he spoke around his food. He nudged her with his elbow. “Vanserra’s are fertile. Better watch it if you want to enjoy your honeymoon period or you’ll end up like them.” 
“Piran,” Eris practically growled. She didn’t dare look over at him. 
“You’ll have to forgive my boys, Lady Nesta.” Beron’s voice was like a low rumble that struck fear down her spine. “They seem to forget the concept of manners. Do I need to remind you both how to behave in front of guests or is a warning enough?”
She could feel Piran stiffen beside her. Cillian’s face paled. The silence at the table made her hair stand on end. Something unspoken laid between them all. It reminded her of when everyone but Feyre knew about the complications, only worse. This was a heaviness she hoped to never be subjected to again. 
”Speaking of guests,” Beron broke the silence as if it had never happened. “The Lords from the territories will arrive in the morning. I expect the two of you,” His eyes shifted between Piran and Cillian, “To greet them.”
“Yes sir,” they both muttered. 
Nesta was shocked when the Lady of Autumn spoke up, looking at her directly. “Your dress will be fitted in the morning. It’s a shame your previous High Lord wouldn’t allow you to come for it prior.”
”He does like to cause as much trouble as he can,” Nesta replied. “I look forward to the fitting.
“I think it would be best if we retire,” Eris spoke up. Nesta cut her eyes to him but he was looking at his father. “It will be a long day tomorrow.”
Beron considered it for a moment. “You’re dismissed. All of you are dismissed. Except for Piran and Cillian. I need to speak with them about the Lords and Governors. Before we retire for the evening.”
Nesta felt in her soul that wasn’t the truth. 
Not with the way everyone stood on cue, and Eris coming to pull her chair out from the table quickly. She kept her composure, back stiff and head held high when Eris offered her his arm. Neither of them spoke all the way back to their chambers. It was only when he stopped at her door, he seemed to relax. 
“Your maids will wake you in the morning.” He stepped back from her and straightened his jacket. He didn’t look her in the eyes. “I will not see you until the ceremony.”
”Eris, what-“ 
His eyes cut to her and she stopped speaking. It shocked her to see his amber eyes pleading with an air of something she couldn’t put her finger on. 
”Do not ask questions. Not here.” He whispered. “Go to bed and try to rest.”
She nodded and bid him good night. As she readied herself for bed, the uneasiness from dinner did not leave her. What the deep hells had Rhys got her involved in? She stared at the door from her bed, hoping against hope that Cassian would barge in and fly her away back to Night. Like the heroes in her novels would when their love was in danger. Cassian was supposed to be a hero. He was supposed to be her hero. 
She finally fell asleep dreaming of red; glowing stones morphing into flaming red hair. 
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notyour-valentine · 1 year
A Fair Exchange XXXIII ~ Aemond Targaryen x Reader/OC (Angst)
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All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Summary: Sometimes you have to take what you get to get out at all costs
Warning: bullying, blood, mention and threat of violence and death, mutilation, mention of torture and death, childbirth, injury, misogyny. Expect canon conforming tone and language. (18/21+)
[Series Masterlist]
The hand was clasped tightly around her face, sealing her lips before any cry of terror or fear could escape her.
Before her subconscious could decide how to fight back, she heard the hissing in her ear.
“Do not scream!”, Aemond hissed.
Sheer confusion erased any fear for Lucerys and Jaehaera from her body. Did he know? Had he planned all this?
She had counted on him in this, in all this. Could he have gone behind her back, allied with Dorne and risen against her and Luke?
But no, whatever happened to Luke had happened to Jaehaera too and there was no way Aemond would risk the girl, right? Right?
“You can’t scream!”, Aemond told her, his breathing ragged as if he too was thinking in overtime. “Nod and I’ll let you go.”
She gave a single shaking nod and he released his hold just slightly, only a finger width and ready to clasp down at the first second she betrayed her word.
“What are you doing?”, she hissed.
As soon as a sound passed her lips he jolted, nearly silencing her once more.
“Whatever is going on, they can’t know we know.”
“What?”, she asked, but it was only the first of a thousand questions.
Slowly, but cautiously, he released her from his grip, and she spun around to face.
“Aemond, what is happening?”, she asked, glancing at Luke for a split second before looking back at him. “I can’t wake them!”
“I don’t know.”, he admitted, his eye as wide and alert as her own. “I don’t know, but whatever is going on, went wrong, at least for now.”
“How?”, she asked, rushing over to Luke’s side, brushing strands of dark hair from his forehead, checking he was breathing once again.
He was slow and steady, as if he was asleep.
Aemond shook his head just slightly as he bent over Jaehaera. He must’ve carried the girl in and placed her onto the bed.
“There is no way someone would harm them and leave us out. Either all of us, or the two of you, or Jaehaera and me. This doesn’t make sense.”
She tried to follow him, but no coherent thought would form inside her, as any attempt was poisoned by fear for her brother.
Aemond however, was going through all options in mumbles.
“Not the water, I drank that. Jaehaera wouldn’t have the watered wine. No way it was the fruit.”
“What are you doing?”, she asked.
“It must be poison.”
“Poison?”, she gasped, clasping a hand over her mouth.
He gave a single nod as he reached for the side of Jaehaera’s neck, feeling her pulse before doing the same on Luke’s wrist, a line of thought between his brow.
The urgent yet structured certainty in which he moved was all she could cling to lest she be drowned in her fear and terror.
“But then they need a Maester - but if it came through food, we can’t trust the cook, and if we can’t trust the cook or the servants, then we can’t trust the Maester?”
Aemond shook his head, before continuing in his mental search for the reason.
“It has to have come with dinner, but you had the soup too?”
She nodded.
“Then it can’t be the soup. Has Luke had the honeyed milk?”
She didn’t answer, as she sat down on the edge of the bed.
The rush of fear had come so quickly and so forcefully, it had wiped away all the drowsiness she had felt before.
“Aemond, the soup…”
“You had the soup too. If it was enough for Luke, it was enough for you. You’re about his size.”, he said, waving it off.
“Maybe but -”
“No but!”, he cut her short.
“No listen!”, she insisted, grabbing his arm and turning him to face him.
“For my eye, when I was sick, they gave me sweetsleep. Over and over, day and night and the Maester had to up the dosage several times to the point everyone became concerned!”
The realisation made his lips part.
“Whoever did this, couldn’t know that.”, he mumbled.
She nodded eagerly.
“And they took great care to make sure Jaehaera had her own portion.”
If she had eaten the one meant for Luke or her, it would have been enough to kill her.
“Sweetsleep,”, Aemond mumbled. “That won’t kill them, or if it would, it would have done so by now.”
That was little comfort, but comfort still.
“But why would someone want us asleep?”, she asked him.
“To make us easier to kill.”, Aemond said without hesitation, as she could see the wheels turning in his head.
Now it was her turn to shake her head.
“If they wanted us dead, they could have killed us with the same dish they wanted to put us to sleep, or strangled us in our beds. Why this? Why now?”
She thought she saw the hint of realisation on his face, but then she had one herself.
“Guest right!”, she remembered, grabbing his arm. “They can’t kill us here because of guest right. The Dornish obey your Seven, but all Gods punish those who break guest right.”
Aemond took two paces backwards, as if wanting to assess all he had before him, Luke and Jaehaera unconscious, her half frantic, half determined.
“They needed us unconscious, but didn’t want us dead. And the only reason to put us to sleep is to move us, but where? And why? Why this? Why now?”, he asked, shaking his head. “Why the change?”
“Why do you think there was a change?”, she wanted to know.
“Because otherwise they would have done so already. They’ve had ample chances.”
“Who cares?”, she snapped. “We have to get help, we have to get out!”
She knew, she knew right from the beginning that this was bad, that Dorne was no place for dragons. They had to get out, they had to get home, somehow.
“We don’t stand a chance at success if we don’t know what we are up against.”, Aemond insisted.
Did his useless lectures have no end?, she thought, exasperated, but there was something about it that rang true.
If this was Lord Uller’s work, they had the chance to turn to the Prince, but would Lord Uller or anyone else attempt such a thing without his knowledge?
If Aemond was right, and someone wanted to move them, they couldn’t do it without carrying four unconscious people past palace guards. No, they had to know!
The thought made her blood turn to ice, the only reason her rage didn’t boil over.
She had never before longed more for Tyseleys - if only he were here, she’d turn them all to ash and make them rue the day they had even dreamed of this.
“They want to turn us from bonds to hostages.”, he stated, “But it doesn’t make sense. Maybe, for Luke, but not for you, not me either.”
“What do you mean?”, she asked. What did Luke have that made him a better hostage than her or Aemond? It was beyond strange for him to put her brother above himself, even above her.
“I suggested Jace as a bond in your stead.”
“What?”, she snapped, feeling the muscles in her stomach clench. “How dare you suggest such a thing? You do not command him - he’s the Prince of Dragonstone!”
Jace was the heir to the Iron Throne - and Aemond was what? The Queen’s second brother? With half a dozen heirs before him?”
“Exactly!”, he hissed. “At least for your kind, he is. But either way, he is an heir. And your brother somehow swindled his way to the place as heir to Driftmark, but that’s no exchange for Jace.”
She had trouble catching up, trying to comprehend his words and follow his line of thought as she recalled anything and everything she had heard and seen in the preparation and during her stay in Dorne, anything that was suspicious, anything that didn’t seem right, even if she couldn’t place it. Anything…anything.
“If they wanted to harm a cause, especially yours, they needed only wait until Jace and you traded places. He is the heir, more so than Luke. Far more than any of us, a more valuable hostage than we are.”
At that moment, the realisation hit her with the force of a crushing wave.
“Aemond!”, she gasped, grabbing his sleeve with such force, she nearly lost her balance as he steadied her, reaching for her elbows.
“It’s not about heirs! Heirs are not what they wanted…”
She was so out of breath, she choked on her own words.
“What?”, he asked. “This is an attempt at destabilising us, either our causes or our family all together and what better way to do that than he-”
“No!”, she insisted, shaking her head. “You were still a prisoner, you didn’t know, but they didn’t ask for Jace, or for Luke when it comes to it!”
“What?”, he asked, frowning once more.
“They asked for us!”, she insisted, as she reached for his face, her mind racing so fast her tongue had trouble filtering out what it needed to form a sentence.
She cupped his face and made him look at her.
“Dorne suggested us, you and me. And Rhaenys, and Helaena and Daemon.”
Aemond nodded.
“Three consorts, Rhaenyra’s, Aegon’s and Corly’s. Instead, they got two children.”
How couldn’t he see? How could he be so foolish, so stuck in this game of houses and heirs that the Andals and First Men played? They were neither, they were the blood of Old Valyria in which houses and birth mattered less.
The Westerosi played their game of thrones with houses, births, claims and marriages, but the Valyrians conquered not with politics, but with fire and blood.
“Aemond - it’s not about heirs.”, she told him, more certain than she had ever been in her entire life.
“This, whatever it is, is about dragons.”
For once all the thousand thoughts that ran through his mind since the discovery of all this stood still.
A part of him wanted to deny it, wanted to argue succession and rank and tradition, but what if it was dragons?
What if it never was about him or her or the consorts?
Helaena, Daemon, Rhaenys. Her and him.
Dreamfyre, Caraxes, Meleys, Tyseleys and Vhagar.
The five largest ridden Targaryen dragons - three of them battle hardened.
Without them, only Rhaenyra remained, and novice dragonriders, and none of them had ever seen battle.
It left him with more questions than answers, but either way, she was right in one thing.
This was not the time for politics. Even if he did not know what was happening, he knew staying here and waiting to find out wouldn't be the smartest way of action.
No, they could ask questions later. For now they had to get out.
Out of this palace, out of Sunspear. Maybe even out of Dorne.
"We need to leave!", He ordered her, already mentally going through everything useful they might have in this apartment, and any possible route they could take, trying to remember anything he had ever seen, learned or known of this place.
He reached behind him and tossed her a pair of Lucerys trousers.
It was unseemly for a lady, but practical for an escape.
He had to think - and think practically. Jaehaera needed more than her nightgown and so he reached into her clothes and pulled out a durable dress and a pair of shoes as well as a cloak, then he rummaged around his own things.
No weapons, but he still had the stupid fruit knife from the bowl, which was better than nothing.
Still, they had let him keep the water skin which he filled to the point of overflowing before strapping it to his belt.
It was painfully little - a dark cloak, some water and a fruit knife.
But what else could be of use?
He entered her bedroom without question, and began to look through her clothes for anything that could be sold or pawned, anything that shone and sparkled, stuffing her jewellery into his pocket before leaving the fruit and packing up the baked goods for some nourishment.
As he did, he prayed they would get a chance to eat them.
When he returned to Lucerys chamber, he saw that she had fully changed into some of her brother's clothes.
Although she had been changed, Jaehaera showed no sign of waking.
For a moment she left him as she ran back into her room, returning with a few items of her own strapped over her shoulder in a make-shift sea sack.
She wore leather boots, and he recognised them as her dragon riding boots. Just why she had brought them to Dorne he did not know, but he wasn't ready to ask.
In her hands she held a long piece of silk, which looked as if it had once been the cape of a dress she had torn.
"Why do you need that?", He hissed.
"To make a carrier for Jaehaera!", She whispered, her eye wide.
For a moment Aemond's face scrunched up in disgust.
That was the way of the poor folk, the farmer's wives who carried their offspring on their back or on their chest.
It wasn't suitable for a Princess, either to wear, or to be carried in it.
Although he had to concede that maybe the extraordinary circumstances provided allowances. Just this once.
He watched her quickly tie the two pieces together in a sailor's knot, turning them into a longer piece of fabric.
Where she had learned to place it around her back, or how to wrap it, he did not know, nor did he ask, but he helped her place the still sleeping and limp Jaehaera to her front as she began to wrap her up.
She was a little too old for this, but it made it easier to carry her and kept her hands free.
"I know where we may be able to get out!", He hissed, grabbing her hand and wanting to pull her forward as soon as she had tightened the final knot.
"You can't mean to leave Luke!", She argued, all colour leaving from her face.
"We can't wake him!", Aemond reminded her.
"But you can carry him!", She argued as if it was the most obvious thing in the world for him to throw his wretched nephew over his shoulder and carry him across half of Sunspear.
"I need to be agile enough to fight.", He argued.
Her look went from confused, to pure fury as she lifted her chin to glare at him.
He expected rage, fury or even an attack, and while he understood that it wasn't easy for her to leave her brother behind, she would have to understand that this was a necessary sacrifice.
"How dare you even suggest leaving him behind!", She snarled as she backed away, putting Lucerys body between them. "You wish us to leave him behind?"
"I wish us to be alive at the end of this!", He argued.
"Well I will not go without my brother!", She snapped.
"Even if it means making escape damn near impossible?"
Aemond couldn't believe she chose to be complicated about this - at a time at this. He wasn’t a small child like Jaehaera who could be easily carried. Carrying him would mean he would be severely limited in his mobility, to fight, to guide, to lead.
If Lucerys was half a man he would understand why they had chosen to leave him behind.
"Look me in the eyes and answer that question yourself!", She snarled under her breath.
For the first time since this nightmare started, her voice was calm, deadly calm and yet in them lay not only her own certainty but an order.
And he obeyed, lifting his gaze to meet her eyes, the human and the dragon one.
She saw no reason to hide her lost eye, opting instead to wear it with pride.
Because to her sacrificing an eye for her brother was a mark of honour.
"If we fail because of him -", he spat.
"You go with both of us or with none!", she stated firmly, making it beyond clear that he would either have to drag his wretched nephew or leave his eldest niece.
The only way she would go with him unless he brought her brother was if she was unconscious herself and he couldn't hope to carry both his nieces out that way.
No, he needed her, if only to help with Jaehaera.
But Luke was a liability.
Either way, it was a high price - either carry him or leave her.
"Fine.", He spat, reaching for his nephew.
He wasn't nearly as tall as him, but seemed to weigh a ton as he threw him over his back, feeling his useless, limp body as a dead weight on his shoulders - now not just metaphorical as it had been previously.
Just his luck.
They made a sorry lot, both the two of them in dark cloaks, with a fruit knife and a small bundle each, both carrying another person.
Aemond led her down the stairs into the small garden, making sure to keep their shadows hidden as he tried to make out the shapes in the darkness that may search for them.
“Where are we going?”, she asked in a whisper.
His mind had been racing faster than a warhorse driven into battle, remembering the books he had read about Dorne, about their culture and architecture.
“There are three gates to and from the castle.”, Aemond remembered. The main gate, the sea gate and another smaller one to the north.
“They will all be sealed and guarded.”, she argued. “There has to be another way out - what about the tunnels they built during the war?”
To slip away from dragons, he remembered. They would be there, possibly even beneath their feet, but they couldn’t be sure. And if they did find one, they were just as likely to get lost as they were to get out.
But maybe if they found an entrance closer to the sea-side. Then they could follow the smell of the air and the sound of the waves.
She shook her head at his suggestion.
“I don’t want to go underground.”
“This isn’t about comfort!”, he argued, but there was something about that idea which made him uneasy as well. But that only left one other option, one more suitable to dragons, although its task would be made easier with wings.
“If we cannot go through the walls, and we cannot go under them, there is only one other way.”, he mumbled, glancing upward.
“Over?”, she asked.
His idea may seem half mad, but the longer Aemond considered it, the more he liked the thought.
There was the older part of the city structure, from before Nymeria had come with her thousand ships.
To accommodate her and her people they had expanded the city with an outer, Rhoynish ring, even taking down a part of the wall that would lay between the castle and the city to serve as cheap and available material. The walls to the city were far lower than the walls to the sea.
And while that city was filled with people that could wake and discover them, with guards that patrolled the streets, it provided more options to hide, more places to bend into, more possible escapes.
At least more than the sea did.
“Come!”, he hissed, grateful for his memory of architecture which allowed him to lead them through the mostly deserted corridors to the north eastern part of the castle where he remembered to have seen just that phenomenon of the lowered stones. .
Still, the journey seemed endless to him.
There were guards on the towers, but no more than usual. Whatever they were planning, they expected it to go smoothly, without fearing an attack, at least not one from the outside.
That once more created more questions than answers but he didn’t have time to worry about that, not while he had to get them out.
Carrying Lucerys over his shoulders wasn’t as exhausting as he feared. He was still half a boy after all, but it slowed his movement and limited his agility. It also made it more difficult to completely disappear into the shadows.
The four of them, with the two unconscious, made for a slow and clumsy beast.
And the fact that they had to pause, had to hide on the seemingly endless journey through the halls made his worry bubble up - but he couldn’t let it get the better of him.
He had to focus, to rely on his wits and his training. It was his duty to get them out safe, and that he would do, like any good commander and captain.
It was his duty and he had trained for it almost his entire life.
Then, finally, his goal came into view. The north-eastern walls towards the city, closer to the servant’s quarters and storage units. Less shiny, less large, less guarded.
And with much lower walls, without the strongly guarded towers that led to the sea.
Dumping Lucerys on the white sand stone, grey in the night air, he glanced around, rolling his shoulders.
It wasn’t like it was unbearable, but he still felt the strain of it, and lamented it more since he would most likely need his strength.
She crouched down beside her brother, cupping his face to check his breathing as she had done regularly with Jaehaera.
He was still asleep, and so Aemond paid him little regard as he was pleased to realise there was some shadow that fell over this part of the wall that would shroud them from moonlight.
So they had the place, and the disguise - all they needed were the means, as even this more narrow wall was still far too steep to jump.
“We need to find some rope.”, Aemond whispered, wondering where to get it…the guard tower? Or maybe the servant’s quarters below.
Still, no one had rope just laying about. He should have considered that before bringing them here.
“Not necessarily”, she whispered, shrugging off her coat.
“Do you wish to tie coats together like some jailbreaker from the stories?”, Aemond asked in disbelief. That would never work. The knots would loosen and the fabric would tear.
She shook her head and began to undo the knots that held Jaehaera to her.
“This is silk.”, she told him.
He had no patience for gowns and pretty dresses at the best of times but now was a decidedly inappropriate time to discuss it.
She scoffed and shook her head.
“Silk is stronger than silk, and more durable too. The Empire of Yi-Ti uses it not only in their sails but also in the silk ropes their priests use to climb their silver-head mountains.”
“You know of the Empire of Yi-Ti?”, he asked.
Of all things to bet on, his niece's education was not one of them.
“Course.”, she said, “Ever since my grandsire sailed there in his youth, he included silk in the weaving of our sails in a similar way.”
His experience had more weight, still, Aemond wasn’t keen to find out if her dress really did stand the test of the material.
His uncertainty was clearly visible on his face.
“You know little about fabric it seems.”, she sneered, letting the fabric pool at her feet. Given the lengths of the two parts of the former came linked together it created about ten feet in length. If it held.
“It will hold.”, she said, her voice filled with certainty. “Silk can carry more than cotton can. Far more. Don’t they have that written in your smart books?”
Aemond had neither the mind nor patience to argue, and instead only watched her.
“How do you intend to do this?”, he asked.
“I’ll go first. To make sure if it holds”, she began as her fingers twisted and coiled the fabric into knots he had seen sailors do at the docks of King’s Landing.
She moved with a certainty as if she had done this a hundred times before, testing the knot before looping the rope around a merlon and leaning her weight in.
He couldn’t blame her for her desire to leave.
“Here!”, she whispered, showing him how to loop the short end of the rope around his hand. “Brace yourself against the wall with your foot.”
“And you’ll go down?”, he asked.
“I weigh less than Luke. You are the strongest. I’ll test the rope, then I’ll come up and we can lower Luke down. I’ll untie him and then we will do the same with Jaehaera.”
“And then?”
It seemed risky but somewhat logical, but then they were at an impasse.
“We’ll see.”, she whispered.
Aemond felt his heart thunder in his chest as she tied a knot around her waist, one he hoped would stand the test of their weight.
For a split second she looked down into the darkness and then she disappeared over the other side of the wall.
He expected the strain to be more than it was, most was held by the merlon on the battlement.
Aemond arched his neck to watch her as best he could, but there was little he could see, and so he listened for any sound of her slipping, or worse, falling.
But after what felt like an eternity, he could see her hands appear on the top of the wall again.
He wanted to reach for her and help her up, but he didn’t dare let go of his end of the rope.
She sat on the edge catching her breath for a moment.
“It’s fine. There are no guards, at least none I can see. And there is a dried up fountain just there. We can hide Luke and Jaehaera behind it while we come down.”, she said.
“Who taught you to climb with a rope?”, he asked.
“I am not much good.”, she admitted as she undid the rope around her waist and tied it around Luke’s.
“But we are sailors, as well as dragonriders. And Baela likes climbing the cliffs of Dragonstone and Driftmark.”
Aemond could have scolded her for such unsuitable activities, playing around with sailors and scrambling up rocks instead of more appropriate pursuits, but he held his tongue.
At least it was something and it was working.
They hoisted Luke up to the edge of the wall and he held the rope right as she rolled him off of the edge.
The rope strained, as he let it go bit by bit. His nephew seemed to increase tenfold. And then the rope had no more to give, but given what it looked like, Lucerys was already either laying on the bottom or with his feet just brushing it.
“I’ll go down and untie him. Do you think you can hold that too?”
“I’ll have to, won’t I?”, he grumbled.
There was little arguing with that.
She met his eyes in the darkness and for once he imagined he saw a little spark of fear in it.
“I’ll be as quick as I can.”, she promised.
“Be safe too.”
It wouldn’t do for her to rush and slip, crushing herself at the bottom. That would leave them stranded there, and him and Jaehaera up here.
No, they, the two of them, somehow had to make it work. And they would.
They had to.
The strain of supporting two bodies instead of one was noticeable but she made good of her promise. And then the strain disappeared entirely as she untied Luke’s body from the rope.
The few minutes he had to wait all alone were worse, making him miss the teeth gritting strain of supporting both their bodies. Doing nothing was far more distressing than doing too much.
She returned a few moments later, making the ascent a third time this night, breathing even heavier than before.
“Right. Jaehaera now.”, she said.
With the silks in use, they had to make do with tying her cloak around her body and fastening it with a belt. It created a pouch in which Jaehaera could lie against her chest as she went down once more.
As discussed, Aemond now threw their two small bags of items down, hoping she would catch them. Either way, they didn’t make much noise.
A little while later she was at the top again.
“Now you.”, she said.
“Me?”, Aemond asked. “You can’t hold me.”
“With the rocks, I could.”, she argued, as she, like she had done on each ascent, checked if the fabric had begun to grow frail thanks to the stone.
Whatever she saw seemed to please her.
“Go, the rope is secured.”
He wanted to protest, but he thought of Jaehaera down there all alone. They needed protection too.
“Be right behind me.”, he asked, demanding her affirmation before he made his own way to the end.
He knew how to climb rope, though he wasn’t nearly as quick as she had been, at least in his head his descent took forever.
Once down he said a prayer of thanks as he took in his surroundings.
There was the dried up old fountain and behind it he could just barely make out the shapes of Lucerys and Jaehaera, while this area was otherwise mostly deserted.
Why would anyone be here? The gate was on the other side, and so they were faced by the backs of houses, whose narrow Dornish windows were too high up to spot them.
Three were down, one to go.
When he looked up, his heart skipped a beat.
Their loyal makeshift rope had disappeared.
What in seven hells was happening? Where was she?
Aemond took a few steps back to try and see any sight of what may have happened to delay her - but he saw no sight of guards or torches.
Don’t let her play the hero!, he thought.
Although it was just the kind of foolish thing to do, just like stabbing her own eye out to protect her brother.
But from down here he could do nothing - he couldn’t shout to draw attention to himself, nor could he get up there and see what was happening.
If he had thought waiting was bad, this was torture.
Just as he felt he may explode, he saw the shadows moving at the top of the wall, and saw as she slowly made her descent, but instead of using one rope, she was using two, or that was what it looked like at first until he got a closer look.
Instead of securing the rope with a tight knot around the merlon, she had only looped it around it, tying it to her body with both ends.
But doing that made no sense, as if halved the length of the rope, making it impossible for her to reach the bottom safely with this now limited range.
What was she thinking?
Just like he had expected, little past half way, a good eight feet above the ground, she was left dangling.
A fall from that height could shatter her legs or break her neck.
Could, but not necessarily would.
“Aemond?”, she whispered, craning her neck to look at him.
“I’m here.”, he assured her, touching the wall with one hand as she looked up.
He wouldn’t be able to catch her, but he could help her break her fall. And yet there was neither time nor the option of assuring her.
She would just have to trust him.
He gave a nod, and saw the glimmer of her dragon eye shine before she focussed her attention on one of the knots that held one end of the rope to her waist.
She worked at it for a seeming eternity before she released it.
It hissed upward as her weight sent her body soaring down.
At the very last second she had kicked herself off of the wall so as not to scrape against the stone.
Within the blink of an eye he felt the force of her body hit him, as he wrapped his arms around whichever part of her he could grab, mostly her legs and her hips.
Her fall sent them both backward, knocking them into the dirt.
She landed on top of him, just as he had intended, as they hit the ground with a painful thump.
But Aemond hadn’t felt or heard a crack, and that was the greatest relief. And she seemed fine too, exhausted and panting for air, but fine.
Given the circumstances that was more than he could have ever hoped to ask for.
“Well done.”, he told her, his hands slowly releasing the tight grip he had held on her legs and hips, but remained in place on her body.
For a few racing heartbeats they just lay there, with him staring up at the wall that now separated them from the palace of Sunspear.
It felt like there was half a lifetime between them now and the version of them that had bickered about Jaehaera, but Aemond wasn’t as foolish to think this was anything but the beginning.
They needed answers, and more urgently, a way out. Out of the Sunspear, out of Dorne.
And they had to find it quickly. It wouldn’t be long before their absence would be noted.
Part XXXIV is coming soon
Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts xx
House of the Dragon Taglist
@crazylokonugget @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @rapoficeandfire @sabii5 @itsdanajane16 @cynic-spirit @dark-night-sky-99 @madislayyy
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jamiegeode · 10 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in G*za a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
I’m afraid I can’t donate, but I will do what I can.
Everyone, they are vetted by the The ButterflyEffect (#867). Please reblog/queue, and donate if you are able.
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fabunicorn · 2 years
Pillarmen agere part 3
Finally realised how to use the font size shit lol anyways let’s Get on with it
Forced agere
Mention of drugs
A few hours later…
At the moment you were laid in the middle of a plush rug with your self proclaimed daddy, papa and brother trying to play with you, waving rattles and teethers in your face cooing at any sound or movement you make.
“Come on little one play with your daddy, we got all of these toys for you” Kars interrupted your thoughts tucking a little teddy bear under your arm, you refused to play with them choosing to use stare blankly at the ceiling ignoring the three mens presence, Kars picked you up settling you onto his lap “I know these toys aren’t very interesting for your current mental age but you must understand that those humans did not raise you right you are only a newborn, your not big enough for any other toys.” Kars mused taking note of your unamused face and blank stare. You huffed in annoyance at the constant presence of the three men they had yet to leave you alone since you woke up “maybe the little cub needs a change and that’s why she’s so grumpy” said Eisidisi rising up from his position on the floor to walk towards you and kars.
“Possibly” Kars hummed in agreeance, sticking his fingers into the leg cuff of you or cloth nappy swiping for any wetness only to unsurprisingly finding you still dry, he then moved to your bladder feeling it seeing that it is indeed bloated. “Whamu, fetch the tonic and a bottle of milk, her bladder is swollen I believe that is the reason for her discomfort” Kars ordered, Whamu obeyed without hesitation making your eyes widen in what was to come ‘no they wouldn’t dare that’s disgusting’ your thoughts raced in your mind a feeling of anxiety settling in your stomach causing you to shift and whine pitifully in Kars arms.
Kars just hushed you bouncing you slightly on his knee in an attempt to comfort you to no avail, the sound of Whaus returning footsteps only made you whine and wriggle more trying to get away from the three men, Kars grip tightened on you grabbing the bottle from Whamu and settling you in his arm cradling your neck and putting the bottle into your mouth. Kars glared at you as you once again refused to drink “little one do not test my patience as I said before if we find you too young for a bottle one of us will have to breastfeed you and I’m sure that’s the last thing you want” Kars threat in mind you began drinking maybe you just shouldn’t resist it anymore, ‘breastfeed me they’re men, men can’t produce milk… can they’ You suckled on the bottle looking Kars in the eye seeing pure love and care in his eyes which you though was impossible for a being like Kars voice you were finished Kars burped you and laid you across his lap so that he had full access to your stomach.
The pillar man started rubbing your stomach slowly trying to ease the lump on your stomach as you become ever so aware of the growing pressure in your bladder, you tried to whine in protest and turn away from Kars only for Eisidisi to hold you in place “poor cub can’t even relieve herself must be all that bad human food and drink in her system, certainly not suitable for a baby.” The pressure began to build and you could not handle it anymore wetting the diaper as you sobbed pathetically, Kars gestured for the other men to leave the room as he carried you to the changing table in order to give you some sort of modesty and to increase your trust in him.
He put your pacifier in your mouth to soothe you as he unpinned the cloth around your hips and got the cleaning supplies he needed and changed you into a new cloth kissing your forehead as he picked you back up off of the changing table. he sat down in a chair in the order of th room and cuddled you rocking back and forth whispering sweet nothings like “daddys so proud of you baby” and “hush now sweet girl daddy’s here”. When you finally stopped crying Kars put you back down onto the plush rug and gave you a small bear which was a light brown colour with a little pink bow wrapped around its neck, you snuggled the bear closer feeling great comfort from the somewhat childish item, Kars held back a light coo at how adorable you were.
Kars started humming a soft lullaby you didn’t recognise the lullaby it must have been one of his people, the combination of having an emotional hangover, a full belly and the light humming and rocking motions of Kars lulled you to sleep. Kars cuddles you for a few minutes longer cooing whenever a soft snore left your small mouth he gently placed the pacifier in your mouth and watched as you began sucking on it making little content sighs between snores. Kars finally stood up carrying you over to your bassinet hushing you when you began to stir placing you in the bassinet he grabbed a chair and placed it next to your bassinet rocking you and watching you sleep with a soft smile on his face, unbeknownst to Kars two heads were packing through the door of your nursery watching the scene between you and Kars.
Whamu watched with a jealous expression Kars was never that gentle with him when he was young, damn he wasn’t even allowed to call him father without being punished and berated for being so weak as to have familial attachment and to see him so smitten with you unleashed a hidden jealousy that Whamu was sure he wasn’t capable of feeling, however he couldn’t bring himself to blame you after all you were only a baby that had been mistreated by humans he felt sorry for you, but just to spite Kars Whamu made a mental plan of being your favourite just so that he could rub it in his masters face.
Surely it will work it has to… right?
End of part 3
Yup so that’s the end of part 3 hope you enjoyed let me know what else you would like to see and if you would like to see more of this, I may move it too Wattpad as well my username is the same on there and have a great day or night ily
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a-shade-of-blue · 25 days
Hi, I'm Nevin from Gaza. Please help me and my family escape to safety. Your donation will save my life, my child's life and my parents' life. If everyone donated even 30 euros, of basic necessities, it would help save our lives. Thank you in advance.🍉 https://gofund.me/b44d7cbc
This campaign is #314 on the verified fundraiser list vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. It has also been promoted by @/gaza-evacuation-funds.
Low donations! Only €720 raised of €50,000 goal!
Nevin is 27 years old and was an accountant. She is married and she gave birth to her child during the war and in bad conditions. Their house has been destroyed. Her body has stopped producing milk due to malnutrition, but she can’t buy milk because it is very expensive. She is living in a tent with her mother, father, brothers, sisters and their children. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza.
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jtranageder1 · 11 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in G*za a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
I can’t donate at the moment because of some financial issues but I can share this for you, I hope you, your sister, and her child can all stay safe
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simsoftheopera · 20 days
My name is Anas Al-Burri. I am 17 years old and live in Gaza. My sister developed jaundice after giving birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, nearly becoming life-threatening. She is so ill that she cannot produce milk for her baby, and we cannot obtain milk from anywhere else. I also have no medication for my diabetes! I am in desperate need of insulin, and my blood sugar levels are critically high, often exceeding 180 and sometimes reaching 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and cannot reach the hospital because we are in the northern part of Gaza.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was shot in the chest by snipers from a kilometer away. The bullet went straight through his body. He was just a child! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will return at any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before other family members were killed.
The suffering my family and I are enduring is beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we so desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in Gaza a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Please help us survive and leave Gaza so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your compassion and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
Of course, I will share the link too, as this way you have a better chance of reaching more people.
This fundraiser has been vetted. Please donate if you can or share if you can’t. Any form of help is welcome.
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medusapelagia · 1 year
Eddie's Month Day 9 + Whumptober Day 9
written for @eddiemonth and @whumptober-archive 
Prompts: Eddie’s month day 9: Cowboy | Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi | Cavalier Whumptober day 9: “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days.” - Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar.
Rating: Mature Relationship: SteveHarrington/Eddie Munson WT: animal death, animal killing, shooting  WC: 2882
“Is that you?” 
Eddie turns toward the wanted dead or alive poster. The man on the poster looks a lot like him, he can’t deny it, but “No kid. That’s not me. That’s an outlaw called the Banished. I thought you could read, or your brother is sending you to school for nothing?”
“But he looks like you!” the kid insists.
“Well, don’t say that out loud, ok? We don’t want some stupid shithead thinking the same and coming to our home, right Dust?”
The kid lowers his eyes “No, Uncle Eddie.” 
“Good boy. Now go fetch the horses.” he tells him, and when the kid turns the corner he rips off the poster “Better safe than sorry.” he murmurs to himself then follows the kid and they ride back to their farm.
Steve is waiting for them and from his face Eddie can tell that there is some kind of problem.
“One of the cows is sick.” he says as soon as Eddie dismounts.
Shit. They just have two cows left after this winter epidemic.
“What do you want to do?”
“We can’t sell her. Maybe we could kill her and get some meat from the winter.” Steve proposes, his eyes are tired and worried. They have so many debts to pay.
“Are you sure the meat is safe?”
Steve pinches his nose “I’m not. But I could eat it and…”
“No fucking way Steve. You are not going to eat infected meat.” he interrupts him.
“We don’t know if it’s infected.” he tries to object but Eddie is adamant.
“We don’t know if it’s safe either and you are not going to eat something that potentially might kill you. Are we clear?”
Steve nods tiredly “So what do you propose? We can’t keep her…”
“I’ll dispose of her.”
There is a long moment of silence and then Steve sighs “It’s Bess.”
Bess is Steve's favorite animal on the farm. He nursed his little brother with her milk when their parents died. Eddie internally curses. It’s going to be hard on Steve but the cow was already old. If they can manage to keep the other they could keep producing some cheese and sell it at the emporium.
“I’ll make sure she will not suffer.” he promises and Steve nods. They are in no condition to take care of sick animals and whatever disease she has Eddie must take her away from the farm as soon as he can.
Steve goes back inside with Dustin, while Eddie goes into the barn.
Bess is at the back of the barn, looking at him with her huge brown eyes as if she was waiting for him.
“I’m so sorry, Bess.” he tells her “But I’m sure there are wonderful grazing lands on the other side waiting for you.
The cow follows him meekly.
She trusts him. He is his master.
He drags her to a secluded area and he digs up his gun.
He counts the bullet. He shouldn’t waste them. He could cut her throat and let her bleed to death.
But it is Bess we are talking about, and she deserves better.
“I’m sorry girl.” he tells her and then shoots her in the head.
For a moment the cow keeps standing as if nothing happened, and then she falls to her side with a loud thud.
Eddie pats her neck for the last time and then leaves the corpse to the animals.
Summer is coming, and Eddie is ready to move the few animals they still have to new grazing lands.
“It’s too soon.” Dustin protests, he always tries to keep Eddie at home with them.
“It’s too late, Dust. I should have left at least two weeks ago. I stayed as long as I could but the sheeps have nothing to pasture on, so I need to move them quickly. I’ll be back in a couple of months, you know that.”
“You promise?”
Eddie raises an eyebrow “You know I will always come back to you, don’t you kid?”
The kid sighs “I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about Steve. You know how he gets when you are not here.”
He knows. For the two months Eddie would be away he would not sleep an entire night, no matter what. But there is nothing he can do. Steve saved his life, the least he can do is keep his animals alive so that they could survive another winter.
“Take care of him for me, will you kid?”
Dustin nods “Come back soon.”
“As soon as I can.”
He gets to the barn, ready to jump on his horse and leave.
“Are you leaving?” Steve asks him, his cheeks red and his forehead sweaty while he is cleaning the barn.
“I am.” Eddie gets closer to him “A kiss for the road?” he asks, tugging him from his belt.
“Just one?”
“Two would be better.”
They kiss and Eddie’s hat falls to the ground revealing a deep scar on the side of his head. The one that Steve attended to and cleaned for weeks until he was sure that Eddie was going to survive.
“I’ll miss you.” Steve whispers on his lips.
“Me too. But I promise I’ll make up to you as soon as I come back.”
Eddie hugs him tighter, he knows what scares Steve the most. Being left alone “You know what? I’ll leave you Black Thunder. Ok, love?”
Steve gazes at him “You are leaving me your precious horse?”
“I am. So you’ll know I’ll come back.” he replies with a smirk.
Steve blushes, then he nods and leaves the barn, Eddie picks up his hat and then turns toward his horse who is glaring at him offended.
“I love you too. You know that.” he says to the horse, then he pats his neck “Take care of my boy.”
Steve is not counting the days and the nights.
He is too busy for that.
He has to take care of the farm, sell the cheese, and take care of Dustin.
And he is not missing Eddie.
And his bed doesn’t feel cold even if it's summer.
He is fine.
Everything is fine.
And he is not worried about the group of bounty hunters that he has seen in town, but maybe he has told Dustin not to go into town without him.
“Nice horse.” one of them says to him when he comes back from the Emporium.
“Thanks.” Steve replies, getting on the horse.
“You don’t see a stallion like that every day.”
“I’m lucky to have him.”
“I was wondering how could a farm boy like you afford a beautiful animal like that.” the man continues, his hand too close to his gun in Steve’s opinion.
“Maybe you don’t know it but farms have horses, and sometimes they are blessed with a great horse like him.”
“What’s his name?”
Steve doesn’t like the question. There is something this man is not saying.
“Why do you care?”
“Shadow.” he replies, but he has hesitated a moment too long and he can see that the other man is not convinced.
“Well. You are very lucky.”
Steve doesn’t reply, he watches the man leave with his companions and then gallops back to the farm.
“What happened?” Dustin asks as soon as he sees him.
“We are not going back to town.”
“No buts, Dustin. We are not going.”
Dustin is clever enough to not ask any more questions when his brother closes himself in his room.
Three days.
Eddie left the farm three days ago and he is already missing Steve and Dustin so deeply.
At least he has Honey, Steve's lovely mare, that keeps him company.
He was used to sleeping on the ground looking at the stars. 
It’s not a bad life, it's just… that he misses the comfort of Steve’s arms.
He misses him and the kid so deeply that it seems to him to hear Dustin's voice.
“Eddie!!!! Eddie!!!”
He gets up from the rock where he is resting.
He is not hallucinating. Dustin is calling for him.
He sees the boy wandering in the woods and runs toward him “Dustin! What are you doing here? Did something happen?”
“They took him! They took Steve!” he yells.
Eddie freezes “Who? Who took him?”
“The bounty hunters!”
“Why should they…”
“He had your horse! They think he is you! They think he is The Banished!”
Eddie stiffens “What… what are you saying… I know nothing about that…”
“Come on Eddie! I knew it was you even before the poster! But they took Steve! They are keeping him alive to get more money but you know him! He will get in trouble and they will kill him!”
Eddie looks around himself. He can’t leave the animals and he can’t bring Dustin back with him so…
“There is an abandoned farm a few miles away. Can you get there? And bring the animal if you can. We will join you as soon as we can.”
“But... Steve!”
Eddie puts his hands on Dustin's shoulders “I’ll bring him back. Do you trust me, Dustin?”
“I do.”
Good boy.
“How many? And where are they heading to?”
“Three and they are going to Hawkins.”
The closest town. Shit. He has no time to lose.
He gets on Steve’s horse and starts galloping toward Hawkins.
He is alone, and even if he is still good with his gun he doesn’t want to risk any collateral damage and he doesn’t have the time to make a trap. He will just have to improvise.
The three men are drinking around the fire, talking about how they are going to spend the money they will receive for The Banished.
“I’m not him! I told you!” Steve protests for the umpteenth time.
“You know what? It doesn’t really matter! Either you are him or you killed him and took his horse. In any case, you are not a good guy and the sheriff is going to pay good money for you.” one of them replies and when Steve tries to object again he points his gun at Steve’s head.
“The poster said Wanted Dead or Alive. The choice is yours. What’s gonna be?”
Steve stays in silence, glaring at the man who slowly puts his gun away.
He is not worried about himself. He is worried about Dustin. And Eddie.
He will take care of Dustin. Steve is sure he will.
Steve lies on the ground, looking at the stars, wondering if this is going to be the last time he sees them.
He tries to shift but his arms are tied to a rock and he can’t really move.
He is almost dozing off when a hand closes his mouth and a familiar voice in his ear whispers “It’s me.”
Steve turns and sees the face he loves.
Eddie puts a finger in front of his mouth to shush him and then cuts Steve free. They slowly move toward the horses, but one of the bounty hunters wakes up and starts to scream while the others take their guns.
Now the only thing that is keeping Steve and Eddie safe is the big rock behind which they are hiding.
“Now what?”
“I’ll distract them and you go toward the woods. Honey is waiting for you.”
“I’m not leaving without you.”
“Yes you are. I’ll find you. I swear.”
Eddie kisses him “I’ll find you, in this life on in the next.” he tells him, and then turns toward the bounty hunters “You put on some weight, didn’t you Henry?”
The blond bounty hunter gets up and glares at him“Eddie. How nice of you to come all this way just to get killed and let us collect the bounty!”
Steve stares at the man at his side.
“Why don’t we do it the old way? Me and you and one bullet?”
“We tried that once, but you refused to die.” the blond man responds while shooting at the rock.
Eddie lifts his head to see where they are and his hat falls off.
“Fuck you! I loved that hat!” Eddie complains, then looks at the other rock a few feet away. He still has some bullets.
He shoots some bullets while he runs toward the other rock, keeping the men's attention on him.
He kills one, but it’s still two against one and he has only one bullet left.
Fuck. Why did he shoot that stupid cow?
He counts the bullets.
The two men have one bullet each. And when they stop to recharge he kills one of them.
He doesn’t have any more bullets, but Creel doesn’t know it.
“It doesn’t have to end like this, Henry. Why don’t you stop and we go back to our lives?” he tries to convince him.
“Because I want to see you dead!” the man replies, getting closer. He must have understood that Eddie has no more bullets.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Eddie kisses the little cross his uncle gave him years ago, ready to die.
At least Steve will be ok, or he hopes so.
He turns toward the other rock to see his lover for the last time but the boy is not there.
“Steve?” he murmurs, and then he feels the cold metal behind his head.
“Nice scar. Is this the one I gave you?”
“Fuck you, Creel.”
He hears the trigger and closes his eyes.
The click reverberates in the valley, but Eddie doesn’t feel any pain.
He hears Creel falling to the ground and when he turns Steve is holding a gun in his shaking hands.
“Steve?” he calls the boy who is still pointing the gun at the dead man.
“Steve, he is dead. Give me the gun. Come on. Give it to me.” he asks him, gently taking the gun from his hands.
He looks around them, Steve has taken the gun from the first man Eddie killed.
“Hey. Are you ok?” he asks him while he cleans Steve's face from the blood.
“You… You are a liar!” Steve screams “You lied to me! You told me that the bandits hurt you! But it wasn’t like that! It was the bounty hunters! Because you are a bandit!”
Steve falls to the ground “Oh my god, I let a bandit in my house. I put Dustin in peril! I… I…”
Eddie hugs him while Steve tries to escape from his hold “Sorry sweetheart.” he whispers, and then he pistol-whipped him.
They are too close to the town and the dawn is coming, Eddie has no time to calm down the boy, they must leave.
He takes the horses and gallops back to the farm.
When Steve wakes up he has a terrible headache, but at least he is in his bed.
“Hey Dust, I had the strangest dream ever…”
“Not sure it was a dream, Stevie.”
Steve jolts and almost falls from the bed “Yeah, I know, being pistol-whipped is no fun.” Eddie tells him, offering him some water.
Steve glares at him “Being what… oh my god did you…?”
“I did. And I’m sorry. But I was kind of in a hurry, you know?” Eddie replies with a meek smile.
“You fucking liar! Was it all a lie?” Steve yells at him.
“I never lied to you. I just… omitted.”
“You told me it was a bandit who hurt you!” Steve insists.
“And it was! Henry and the others were in my group of outlaws, ok? We had some… disagreements. And usually between outlaws, the disagreements end with someone dead, ok? They thought they killed me. If you hadn’t found me and nursed me back to health I would have died in the middle of those fucking woods.” Eddie tries to explain.
“But you… I…”
Eddie cups Steve's face “I love you, Steve. And not only because you saved my life. When Dustin told me they got you… I was crazy with worry.”
Steve startles “Dustin! Where is he?”
“He is safe. There is an abandoned farm a few miles from here. I usually stop there for a couple of days before searching for better places for the sheep.”
“And now what are we going to do now?” Steve asks looking around at the few things he still owns.
“I must leave, but you can stay here. It’s your family’s farm.”
Steve shakes his head “My family is Dustin. And you. Not this stupid farm.”
“We will have to travel a lot before finding the right place to hide.” Eddie warns him “Are you ready for that? I could guide you to the next town and leave you there.”
Steve glares at him “Were you lying when you said you loved me?”
Eddie grunts “I would never do such a thing.”
“So take me with you. We will find another town, another farm, I don’t care. All I want to do is be with you.” he pleads.
“Even if I’m an outlaw?” Eddie asks, scared of the answer to his question.
“Even if you were an outlaw.” Steve confirms
Eddie takes Steve into his arms and they kiss. When they separate Eddie whispers on Steve's lips “Rest now. Tonight we will leave.”
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extemporary-whump · 2 years
just a big list of whump stuff I've read/am reading. Just to keep track cause my memory is almost non-existent (also kind of a whump rec list? idk)
Title (with link to the masterlist) - @creator
synopsis of the ones that have it on the masterlist / tags for the ones that don't have one
Lunar is @wolfeyedwitch ,  sideblog (sorry if its not the best nickname) is @sideblogformindtrash ​ ,  not gonna tag u on the list cause its a lot & i don't want to flood y’all
Also gonna go ahead and skip @kim-poce cause ive read 90% of your stuff and that's way too much to add
Pet whump (institutionalized)
Lydia and Coriander - @maracujatangerine
Set in the Box Boy Universe, a broken man arrives on Lydia Winterthorpe’s doorstep. Will she and her friends be able to help Coriander regain his sense of self? Pet whump with a strong focus on recovery.
Apple the Whumpee - @cowboy-anon ​
Multiple whumpees, neglect, pet whump, Stockholm Syndrome
Orfeu & Haru - sideblog
no-con (mostly insinuated), dehumanization, conditioning, slave/pet whump, institutional abuse, mouth whump, some instances of minor whump.
Blue’s Life - sideblog
Blue messed with the wrong people and ended up as a pet. His owner produces snuff films with the pets he purchases for a living. His life is largely on the hands of an invisible audience that enjoys his suffering. And yet, all he can do is try his best to please them.
Sunflower - sideblog
Sunflower is a pet whumpee who belonged to a influencer named Abby, who was friend’s with Blue’s owner, IF.
BB & Pastel - sideblog
Drabbles about Pastel, the pet that replaced Blue as IF’s video pet, and BB, a poor pet that just wants to be like their idol - Blue! And their unlikely Caretaker the ex-Whumper Farlan
Sweet Pea - sideblog
Farlan’s father new pet. A dancer :)
Star and Stunt - @unicornscotty & sideblog
This is the story of twin brothers who get purchased by a film director. Our star Castor gets to be the main Pet actor in all of his movies, while his brother, Stunt, gets to be his double and do all the dangerous scenes of film making. 
Pet whump (not institutionalized)
Linden and Colton - @whumpzone  (happens on a bbu but the whumpee is not a bb)
(mute whumpee, references to past noncon, ongoing, light on plot, approx. 25k)
O2 - @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi ​
Len likes little lap pets. The soft ones that don’t struggle or squirm or move. Or Can’t, in little o2’s case. With constrictive collars and corsets and straps, every second of o2’s existence is spent struggling for air.
Pumpkin - sideblog
Pet whump; enviormental whump; cruel whumper; implied death
Pin the Pincushion - @milk-carton-whump ​ & sideblog
Gonna go ahead and warn for Needle TWs, low self esteem, and pet whump 
Heroes & Villains
With Bloody Outstretched Hands - Lunar
An injured villain makes their way to the heroes’ headquarters to beg for protection. No matter what the cost.
And Still - Lunar
Sidekick has been betrayed and left tied up for Villain to find. But when she does, she’s not what Sidekick expected. Who is truly in the right in this situation?
Secrets and identities - @livingforthewhump ​
An injured villain is taken in by Civilian, who has their own wounds to hide
(im sure i`ve read more of your stuff but i changed my username and im too lazy to check everything rn)
 @hurting-fictional-people ​ ‘s  writing masterlist
(same as before, im sure i’ve read a lot of your stuff but im too lazy to check what)
Royal/fantasy whump
No Prisoners - Lunar
Leta’s community hates magic, so when they found out she was a mage, she knew that she wouldn’t last long. Locked away in a cell, far from the life she knew, she thought she had made peace with her inevitable fate. That was, until the prison was broken into.
Laz & Säel - sideblog
Fantasy classism; burns; dog bites; death themes; death discussion; death mention; domestic labor; multiple whumpers
The Heart and the Hunger - Lunar
The bounty hunter didn’t mean to find an injured vampire, but sometimes jobs don’t go according to plan. And they can’t just leave it; that would be reckless, and put the whole town in danger. So they take it home.
Kane & Jim - @whumpsday ​
Jim had lived as the prisoner of a cruel vampire for years, forced to provide blood for his insatiable appetite, before finally escaping. A decade has passed since then, when he hears word of a vampire in the custody of a group of hunters matching the description of his former captor, Kane. Wanting closure, he negotiates to have custody of Kane transferred to himself. But when he finally lays eyes on the vampire, it’s like he’s a complete stranger: A sobbing mess begging for mercy, not the arrogant man he once knew.
An odd little thing - @mortifiedatbeingknown
To him, a cruel, horrid monster has plucked him up and stolen him away from his masters to scrap his parts. To her, a useless, half-damaged robot she’d scavenged from the trash sits on a shelf in her workshop, in desperate need of repair. Both need each other to heal. But will they be able to find that comfort in each other?
Weapons Don’t Weep - Lunar
In a dystopian society controlled by an authoritarian government, a rebel group intercepts a convoy carrying The Weapon: an unknown device capable of destroying entire cities. When they investigate, they find not a machine, but a person: a living weapon.
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yoohyeon · 4 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in G*za a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
I sadly can’t donate, but I wish you and your family the best 💜 (also @/juvian)
0 notes
emily21morgan · 5 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in Gaza a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
Anas and his family need not just any help, but medical help. This is something that needs to be addressed with speed. Donations are more than welcome. Please share if you can’t 🇵🇸🍉
Pinned post with donation link
0 notes
binkbonkthesimp · 7 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in G*za a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
I am so insanely sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your family ❤️ I can’t imagine the grief that everyone must be feeling. I am very very sadly unable to donate but I have reblogged your post and I will be sharing the GoFundMe link ❤️❤️
0 notes
floofysmallbob · 16 days
My name is Anas Al Burri. I am 17 years old, and I live in G*za. My sister has jaundice because she gave birth to her child in an unhygienic area during the war. She has no medication, and her condition is worsening, almost life-threatening. She is too ill to produce milk for her son, and we can't get milk from anywhere else. I have no medication for my diabetes! I am missing insulin, and my blood sugar is critically high, often above 180 and sometimes even 400. I suffer from hyperglycemia attacks and can't get to a hospital because we are in the northern part of G*za.
Three months ago, my 14-year-old brother Ahmad was searching for something to eat when he was sh*ot in the ch*est by sni*pers from a kilometer away. The bul*let went straight through his body. He was just a CHILD! We still can't believe it and keep thinking he will come back any moment. We didn't even have time to mourn him before the next family members were kill*ed.
The hardships my family and I face are beyond what words can describe. This is our last resort.
We are reaching out to you with a desperate plea. We need your help to survive. Your donation can provide us with the life-saving medications and food that we desperately need. Every act of kindness brings us closer to safety and restores a glimmer of hope in our hearts.
With your support, you can give us and many other families in G*za a chance to survive and rebuild our shattered lives. Help us survive and leave G*za so that the last of our family does not perish.
Thank you for your empathy and kindness.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Anas Al-Burri and Family
I’m so sorry, I can’t donate, but I will reblog and share your campaign, and I hope and wish for the safety of you and your family. You have my support ❤️
seems to have been vetted by a user on instagram
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